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Perutusan Pengetua

Sekolah Ugama Arab Menengah Perempuan Raja Isteri Pengiran

Anak Damit

Ustazah Hajah Haryati Binti Hj Ahmad, Pengetua

Sekolah Ugama Arab Menengah Perempuan Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Damit

Perutusan Penyelaras Mata Pelajaran BAT Tahun 2012

Sekolah Ugama Arab Menengah Perempuan Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Damit

Bismillahir Rahman Nir Rahim. Peace be Upon Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallahu Alaihi Wassalam, His families and loyal companions till the end of time. First of all, I sincerely would like to congratulate the Members of the Business, Art & Technology for their hard work, commitment and diligent to for the implementation of this BAT Subject. With this opportunities, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to our Principal Ustazah Hajah Haryati Binti Haji Ahmad for her support in terms of finance, moral and materials for the smooth implementation of this new subject. All our difficulties in its implementation can be overcome. Allhamdullillah. We would like to thank to Mr Khairol Hj Metussin and other officers from the Curriculum Development Department for their continuious guidance in bat implementation of our school Congratulation to all students who have done excellence achievements in this subject throughout the years. Thanks to all teachers for their hard work, sacrifices in terms of time, moneys, motivational skills and for being very supportive in every activity or event that has been taken place throughout the year. I also would like to thank parents and guardians for their continuous supports in many forms for example moral and materials to enable this subject to be taught successfully. For instance during gardening activity, we are proud to have a students who really hard working without complaint despite many difficulties and situations faced during the process of gardening. I pray to Allah and wish all students to be the very success in whatever undertakings, Amin. Lastly, may more successful progress be with the school in years to come, Amin. Wabillahi Taufik Walhidayah, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarrakatuh. Hajah Rosnah bte Hj Matamit, Penyelaras Mata Pelajaran Business, Art & Technology

Perutusan Penolong Penyelaras Mata Pelajaran BAT Tahun 2012

Sekolah Ugama Arab Menengah Perempuan Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Damit

Bismillahir Rahman Nir Rahim.

Assalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh,

Allhamdullillah , with this opportunities, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to our Principal Ustazah Hajah Haryati Binti Haji Ahmad for her support in terms of moral and materials for the smooth implementation of this subject. We would like to thank to Mr Khairol Hj Metussin and other officers from the Curriculum Development Department for their continuious guidance in bat implementation of our school We would like to extend our appreciation and thanks to all departments envolved in the BAT implementation particularly with the Head of department of Mawad Addiniyyah II Ustazah Hajah Mariani for her strong cooperation in the implementation of this subject based on Islamic teaching, values and cultures. So far, we have been attending the sharing session regarding the implementation of this subject in our School as a facilitator organised by The Curriculum Development Department, Ministry of Education of this subject in early February 2013. Other community service we have done were like giving briefing of this subjects to the new intake Year 7 / 2013 students. Their parents were also been briefed to introduced them and to explain details of its curriculum and activities included in this subject.. Moreover, the school’s expectations in their implementation and support from teachers, students and particularly on parental co-operation are always high. We hope and pray to Allah Subahanahu Wataala that this subject will achieve its objectives successfully from time to time. Amin. Wabillahi Taufik Walhidayah, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarrakatuh. Yusri Bin Haji Raman, Penolong Penyelaras Mata Pelajaran Business, Art & Technology

Perutusan Penuntut Mata Pelajaran BAT Tahun 7 / 2012

Sekolah Ugama Arab Menengah Perempuan Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Damit

Bismillahir rahmannir rahim

Assalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh,

Pada pendapat saya, subjek B.A.T ialah mengenai mengasah bakat murid-murid di SUAMPRIPAD

dalam apa jua jenis bidang yang berkaitan dengan B.A.T. Subjek ini juga mengajar murid-murid untuk lebih berdikari dan bertanggungjawab. Antara tugasan yang telah saya laksanakan dalam pembelajaran B.A.T ialah

menjahit, memasak, berjualan dan berkebun. Saya sangat menyukai subjek ini kerana ianya menyeronokkan

dan mengajar saya untuk berdikari. Segala hasil tugasan yang telah diberikan, saya berpuas hati dan ikhlas

saya lakukannya kerana Allah Ta’ala.

B.A.T juga mengeratkan tali persaudaraan antara guru dan murid, dari segi bekerjasama, bantu-

membantu, hormat-menghormati dan kita mesti menghargai semua hasil tugasan yang telah disiapkan.

Kesan dari pengalaman saya menjadi salah satu murid yang mempelajari subjek ini ialah saya menjadi mahir

dalam apa saja bidang yang berkaitan dengan aktiviti seharian saya. Antara kemahiran yang saya perolehi

sepanjang tahun 2012-2013 ialah bagaimana menjahit baju jika ianya koyak, membuat kuih muih seperti

Puteri Mandi dan menggoreng ubi kentang dengan menggunakan alat yang khas. Kami juga berkesempatan

menjual bunga tulip yang khas kami buat untuk penuntut-penuntut khatam Al-Quran bagi Sanah 10 dan Sanah 11 Tahun Masehi 2012 dan 2013. Ini bukan sahaja sebagai pengalaman menjadi seorang pengusaha-

wanan tetapi kami merasa berpuashati dengan keiklasan kami memberikan sumbangan kepada Sekolah kami

apatah lagi untuk kegunaan Majlis Ilmu yang diadakan setiap tahun ini. Kami telahpun berjaya menyiapkan

1400 tangkai bunga tulip dalam masa yang ditetapkan. Selain daripada itu juga kami juga mempelajari cara-

cara berkebun dan menghias taman bunga di kawasan bangunan B.A.T.

B.A.T juga menganjurkan beberapa Majlis-Majlis Ilmu Dan Lawatan-Lawatan sambil belajar yang

bersangkutpaut dengan mata pelajaran B.A.T . Jualan Amal juga sering dilakukan pada setiap prnghujung

penggal persekolahan. Jualan ini juga bertujuan untuk mengumpul dana mata pelajaran B.A.T untuk aktiviti-

aktiviti sepanjang tahun. Kami juga berpeluang melawat ke Pusat Kesenian dan Pertukangan Tangan di

Jalan Kota Batu.

Sebelum mengakhiri perutusan ini, saya ingin memberikan pandangan bahawa subjek ini akan menjadikan

anak-anak remaja masa kini lebih mendiri; tidak terlalu manja kepada ibu-bapa. Kita seharusnya bersifat rajin serta menolong meringankan beban ibu bapa kita.

Terima Kasih,


Laila Batrisyia Binti Lockhman, Tahun 8 Sahlabiyyah / 2013

Perutusan Penuntut Mata Pelajaran BAT Tahun 7 / 2012

Sekolah Ugama Arab Menengah Perempuan Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Damit

Bismillahir rahmannir rahim

Assalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh,

B.A.T is a subject that stands for business, art and technology. There are a lot of things we did in

B.A.T; those are designing our portfolio, making a photo frame, making a pencil holder, making tulip

(origami), learn the basic way to sew, cooking, gardening and selling. This is the only subject that can

enhance us in entrepreneur, gardening and sewing skill and also teach us how to be independent in doing

certain tasks and projects.

I’ve help the B.A.T’s teacher in every activities example; “Buy and donate” done by the

Department of B.A.T 2012 in order to get asset. I’m very satisfied for what I’d done. I help these teachers

with intention because of Allah (Lillahi Ta’ala) and without expecting or wanting a reward from them. We

learn so many things such as sewing by hand and communicate with each other. We did some gardening as

well. Maybe for now it’s just a study for me but in the future I’ll realize that I’m going to thanks my teacher

for teaching me all these skills.

As a student we need to cooperate with the teacher in submitting homework, doing what they ask for and always pay attention in class. What I’ve got so far? Helping each other, learn to be friendly, learn a

new thing and most all of the time I learn about patience. This subject also pushes me to do the things that

are supposed to be adopted in Islam for example; helping each other, cooperate with each other, respect

everyone, appreciate things especially time and making teacher happy or satisfy with our work.

From my experience this is a great subject because it taught me to be independence and I like this

subject because it taught me so many skills such as ICT skill, Drawing skill, Business skill, Presenting skill

and Communication skill.

Lastly but not least, I am very satisfied and happy to take this subject where it had taught me a lot

of lessons. I am also very thankful to all B.A.T teachers in giving me the oppotunity to jot down a few words

in this magazine.

Thank you,


Ummi Hani Nabilah Binti H Noruddin, Tahun 8 Sahlabiyyah / 2013