2012 october - asa newsletter

A Publication of the Armenian Sisters Academy October 2012

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2012 October - ASA Newsletter


Page 1: 2012 October - ASA Newsletter

A Publication of the Armenian Sisters Academy October 2012

Page 2: 2012 October - ASA Newsletter

A Publication of the Armenian Sisters Academy October 2012


Hogdympyr amisu novirova/ e Ha 3 M ,a g o 3 ; i n 1 M,ago3;u ha3abahbanman amynagaryvor aztagnyren min e1 Ha3 azcu harovsd

e pazmar=ek ir m,ago3;ow` ir my/askan[ mysrobada- ha3ox lyzovow5 ir 8:acovhi :arcman[ax9 asdova/a,ovn[ow5 ir ‘a-avor asdova/amyr2 dajarnyrow ov qa[karyrow5 asdova/a,ovn[ ir 2y-a6 cirnyrow1

Azca3in yv gr0nagan jana[ovm gu qorana3 m,agov;a3in cidagxov;yamp1 Hydyvapar5 Ha3 Ko3ryrov War=aranu srpazan barda6 ganov;ivnu sda2na/ e sorwyxnylov yv ‘oqanxylov ir a,agyrdnyrovn m,ago3;i gary6 vorov;ivnu yv cidagxov;ivnu1

2012 darin novirova/ e ha3 cirkin yv hu-6 [agova/` ipryv 8Ha3 Cirki Dari91 A3s badyh a-i;u badja- gu ta-na3 or mynk ar=yvorynk ha3 cirku1 Ovsdi a-i;nyren 0cdovink yv ha3yren cirk gam lracir gar6 tank5 orbeszi myr gyanku avyli harsdana31

Ovrymn5 ipryv ha3 a,agyrdnyr yv manavant S7 Mysrob Ma,doxi havadarim zinovornyr5 myzi gu mna3 o[ mia3n ha3yren cirku siryl yv anor wra3 covrcovral5 a3l qosdanal cna6 hadyl za3n1


Ha3gagan M,ago3;i


Page 3: 2012 October - ASA Newsletter

October 2012

Ha3 Ko3ryrov War=arani


Ha3 Ko3ryrov War=aranu5 avantagan ;ovaganin` Sybdympyr 5 2012in paxav ir trnyru5 soworagan =amovn dy.i ovnyxav a-av0dyan ba,d0nagan araro.ov;ivnu5 aba a-av0dyan a.0;knyru5 orovn 3a]ortyxin tr0,agi araro.ov;ivnu yv ka3lyrcny6 rov ba,d0nagan yrcyxo.ov;ivnu5 aba Dn0renovhi` Ko3r Lovsia pari calovsdi q0sk ov..yx polor a,agyrdnyrovn5 yv pari wyratar2i ma.;anknyrow sgsav dary,r]a6 nu1 ?no.nyru qantawa- yv ovraq hydyvyxan irynx zavagnyrovn5 ‘or2ylow irynx hocyhadornyrov ivrakan[ivr ,ar=ovmu ar2anacryl yv badmov;yan wyra/yl1

Qantawa- er tbroxi a-a]in 0ru5 ovr o[ mia3n a,agyrdnyr gar0dow irar g\o.]ov6 nein a3l nayv /no.nyr ovsovxi[nyr5 parygamnyr5 wyr]abes yrgov amsovan paxa6 ga3ov;yne wyr] Ha3 Ko3ryrov War=arani undaniku tar2yal irar hyd er ovnynalow meg wsym nbadag` ]ampyl ha3 manovgin yv badaniin ha3yxi a-o.] tas6 diaragov;ivn5 Krisdoneagan qa.a. yv hamyra,q m;nolordi me]1

A-a]in 0ren isg War=aranu ir ganonavor un;axkin me] er5 yv sgsav my.ova’y;agu ir larova/ yv hyvkod a,qadankin5 orovn naqorto. 0ru ovnyxav Mangabardezi yv naqamangabardezi /no.nyrov hantibovmu1


Page 4: 2012 October - ASA Newsletter


Sybdympyr 20 2012i yrygo3yan dy.i ovnyxav naqagr;arani yv mi]nagarci /u6 no.agan hantibovmu5 ovr Dn0renovhi Ko3r Lovsia` pari calovsdi q0sken ydk hanca6 man0ren paxadryx nor dary,ar]ani bahan]knyrn ov bardavorov;ivnnyru5 agngaov;ivnnyru5 War=a6 rani unthanovr 0renknyru yv darygan /rac6 irnyru5 aba q0sk a-in Cardov.a6 rov;yan5 ?no.a0=antag marmni yv qnamagal marminnyrov nyrga3axovxi[nyru yv o[ darrragan a-arganyr tasavanto. ovsovxi[nyr5 oronxme ydk hamagarci[i ovsovxi[u srahu dy.atrova/

8Smart Board96i wra3 cor/nagan0ren nyrga3axovx nor tasavantman 2yvyru1 Ba,d0nagan havaken ydk /no.nyru pa=novyxan irynx za6 vagnyrov tasarannyru yv tasdiaragnyrov yv darragan niv;yr tasavanto. ovsovxi[nyrov hyd ovnyxan irynx hantibovmnyru1

#a]o.ov;ivn gu ma.;ynk Ha3 Ko3ryrov War=arani 2012-2013 ovsovmnagan dary,r]a6 nin5 qntrylow Asdov/o3 a-a]nortov;ivnn ov pari garcatrov;ivnnyru tebi lavaco3nu a-a]nortylov a3s ha3gagan ovsovmnagan hasdadov;ivnu1

Linda Candilyan

October 2012

Wyramovdi paryma.;ov;ivnnyr

Wyramovdu gar/ys masnavor y.a/ e Sybdympyr amsovan me]5 A,nan y.anagin hyd orbeszi a,agyrdnyru yramnyrov nman wyrata-nan irynx war=arannyru yv /i/y-nagnyrov nman hivsyn irynx nor po3nu` ovsovmnagan nor dary,r]anu1

Ahavasig meg amis anxav yv hamacor/agxov;yan a-a]in ka3lu a-novyxav /no.aovsovx[agan hanti6 bovmow5 ovr ovsovxi[nyru irynx darygan /raciru ‘oqanxyxin /no.knyrovn yv qosdaxan hama6 cor/agxov;yamp polorin 3a]o. anwdanc dari mu1 Ovsdi pari wyramovd gu ma.;ym poloris1

)r7Mari :iv;ylyan

Page 5: 2012 October - ASA Newsletter

October 2012 ASA



Student Council Elections

They came in, heads high, proud, and prepared. They sat, side by side, awaiting the name calling, when their final arguments would be put to the test. The grades 1-8 sat, awaiting the speeches. All the candidates would stand in back of the podium, recite their speeches and sit, and the next one would come up, and so on so forth. Upon the first candidate’s speech, the kids who were listening were jumping in joy. The excitement and smell of freedom loomed in the air. The promises, the movie nights, the car washes, ice cream, and the continuous promise- a better school year. The children in the audience were beyond overjoyed. When the last candidate took her seat, the teachers in charge of The Student Council stepped up, and explained how you vote, and what you can and can’t do during the vote. #1. If you do not vote for one person each from 6th, 7th, and 8th grade, your vote does not count. Thus, the very next day, it was announced that 10 out of the 15 candidates were elected into student council. Aleen and Aleek from 6th, Stephanie and Garen from 7th, and Christianna, Christa, Hrag, Talar, Lauren, and Taleena from 8th made it. The following are the students and their job descriptions:

Aleen & Aleek- 6th grade class reps.

Stephanie & Garen -7th grade class reps.

Lauren & Taleena- 8th grade reps.

Talar- Treasurer

Christianna- Secretary

Hrag- Vice President

Christa: President

By Christianna Bethel

Page 6: 2012 October - ASA Newsletter

What a great feeling to be back teaching a wonderful group of students in such a great school. My name is Mrs. Sossi Shanlian, and I have been substituting for Mrs. Lernik in second grade. The students have had a wonderful and successful first month of school. They have been busy learning new procedures and rising to the de-mands of working independently in all content areas. I am so proud of them for their dedication and enthusiasm for learning. Our classroom is a busy place where aspiring students are fast becoming self-reliant and independent. English- The students have started the first theme in their reading anthologies, which is “Silly Stories” with a focus on “Poetry.” They are learning about sentence and paragraph structure through a great deal of writing. Math- The focus in math has been learning different strategies to solve sums and differences. Social Studies- The students have been learning about the different neighborhoods and communities in urban and suburban areas. Science- Our young scientists have been studying about the cycle of plants. “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 Mrs. Sossi Shanlian

ASA October 2012

Page 7: 2012 October - ASA Newsletter

I would like to welcome my new students to the First Grade!!!! Every month, in our class we, will have a student chosen as the Student of the Month. This honor is given to the child that shows academic excellence and great behavior! The student chosen for the month of Septem-ber is Kirk Ghazarian! You can read all about Kirk on our classroom bulletin board right out-side of our class! I would like to congratulate Kirk and his parents for receiving this award! Love, Mrs. Narineh 1A


To Mr. & Mrs. Karlos Melkon (Mrs. Lernik 2A homeroom teacher) on the birth or their daughter.

Mr. & Mrs. Avo & Houri Boynerian and big sister Lorinarr in BA on the birth of a baby girl.

May the Lord bless the new babies.

ASA October 2012

Page 8: 2012 October - ASA Newsletter


October 20112

Reaching out to Aleppo Armenians

Total amount collected from the lottery $1560, plus student council collection of $120 from “Crazy Hat Day” and the contribution of $320 from the Sisters made the total $2000. This amount is now available to help out needy families in Aleppo.

Sincere thanks to all our ASA families for participating in this worthy cause.

Unta-a]ylow La Crasynta3i Ha3 gytroni War[ov;yan hraverin` Ha3 Ko3ryrov War=arani a,agyrdnyren qovmp mu masnagxyxav Ha3gagan Koriagan a-a]in ‘a-ad0nin5 or dy.i ovnyxav Sybdympyr 14 2012in Crasynta3 zp0sa3ciin me]1

Ksan a,agyrd a,agyrdovhinyr5 ungyragxov;yamp irynx ha3yren lyzovi tasadov Dig7 Linda Candilyani5 nyrga3axovxin azca3in daraznyr5 pnoro,ylow ha3ga6 gan [ors ;acavorov;ivnnyru5 ha3gagan dara/a,r]annyrov daraznyr5 hasnylow min[yv myr0rya3 azadacryal Arxaqin` nyrga3analow fyda3inyrn ov azadamar6 dignyru daraznyrow yv tr0,agnyrow1

<Norhagalov;ivn polor masnagxo. A,agyrdnyrovn5 /no.nyrovn5 Dig7Cov3ovmjyanin yv masnavorapar Dig7Hovri >ovgasyanin or ansagarg ir 0cnov;ivnu dramatryx daraznyrov garcavorman1

Linda Candilyan

Page 9: 2012 October - ASA Newsletter

ASA October 2012

The Great California Shakeout

The Great California Shake-out is an annual opportunity to practice safety in the event of earthquakes.

The shakeout has also been organized to encourage schools to review and update emergency preparedness plans and supplies we also work on procedures to minimize our school injuries.

After months of preparation and training our school along with more than 14.5 million people participate in the Great California Shakeout on Thursday, October 18, 2012.

We practiced our drill with members of our staff taking on responsibilities in assigned teams such as Tri-age, Search and Rescue, Security and Reunification Gate supervising.

Great emphasis was put the Emergency Student Release process. Students were released to parents or guardians by having the parents/guardians to identify themselves and signing a release form.

I would like to thank all parents/guardians for their cooperation with the staff at the reunification gate. This was not an easy task but we did manage to dismissed 265 students in 45 minutes.

Congratulations teachers, staff, students and parents of the Armenian Sisters Academy for doing, once again, a great job!

Mrs. Armine Sherikian

Page 10: 2012 October - ASA Newsletter

Ha3 cirki dbacrov;yan 500 amyagi a-i;ow &rt tasarani a,agyrdnyru mas6 nagxyxan S7>yvontyanx Ygy.yxvo3 me] dy.i ovnyxa/ a,agyrdagan 2y-nargin5 Hogdympyr 12 2012in1

A,agyrdnyru ardasanyxin 8Im Cirks9 ardasanov;ivnu yv yrcyxin` 8Ha3ox Da6 -yr91 A,agyrdnyrovn g\ungyragxein Dig7Linda Candilyan yv Dig7Wartovhi Ba.dasaryan1

Ha3 cirki dbacrov;yan 500 amyagi a-i;ow ^6rt tasarani a,agyrdnyru mas6 nagxyxan Glende3li S7Cricor Lovsavori[ Ga;o.ige Ygy.yxvo3 gazmagyrbov;yamp dy.i ovnyxa/ tasaq0sagan 2y-nargi mu5 Hogdympyr 12 2012i yrygo3yan1 A,agyrdnyru ardasanyxin 8Im Cirks9 ardasanov;ivnu yv yrcyxin` 8Ha3ox Da6 -yr9 yrcu1 A,agyrdnyrovn g\ungyragxein Dig7Linda Candilyan yv Dig7Wartovhi Ba.dasaryan1

Linda Candilyan

ASA October 2012

Page 11: 2012 October - ASA Newsletter


ASA 6th, 7th and 8th graders will participate in the John Hopkins university talent search that con-ducts national and international talent searchers to recognize academic talent. Students who achieve at the 95th percentile or higher on one or more areas ( Math, Language, Composite score) on the nationally normed IOWA test are eligible to participate. Eligible students for the 2012-2013 search are:

6th Grade- Sevag Avedissian

Aleek Derbedrossian

Suzanna Funjian

Talin Ghazarian

Shirag Istanboulian

Michelle Kurkjian

Aleek Malakian

Arlen Nassir

7th Grade- Garen Kejejian

Naira Marootian

8th Grade- Talar Galoustian

Raquel Ghougassian

Chantal Kasbarian

Maya Malekian

Congratulations to our students and their families. Good luck…


Our sincere thanks to Mr.& Mrs.Armen Markarian for their generous donation of four brand new basketball boards for the enjoyment of our students .

May the Lord reward your kindness hundredfold. 

ASA October 2012