2012 actewagl royal canberra show...

2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results 1 1 Local Hack or Hunter - over 15 hands and not exceeding 16 hands 1st Benton Deanne Michelle Nightlife 2nd Debaecker Stephanie Millenium City 3rd Truong Jennifer Academy Of Arts 2 Local Hack or Hunter - over 16 hands 1st Harrogate Hill Emmaville Contiki 2nd Pustavrh Jamie Jaybee Adoro 3rd Stuart Anna Architect Best Local Hack or Hunter Harrogate Hill Emmaville Contiki 3 Novice Hack - over 15 hands and not exceeding 15.2 hands 1st Kenzig Mark & Louise Barton Mascara 2nd Jamieson Nici Hallmark Attitude 3rd GC Equestrian & Mardi Neilsen Astoria All Star 4th Haynes Carol SLM Mastermind 5th Ellis, Firth & Godwin Families CP Renaissance 6th Corrigan Miss Sarah SLM Icon 4 Novice Hack - over 15.2 hands and not exceeding 16 hands 1st Smith Jacinda Inception 2nd Bailey & Christie Smashing 3rd Kenzig Mark & K and R Woodland Northwood Confidential 4th Wessel Mr Scott & Mrs Rachel DQ Lumiere 5th Gorst SM & VJK Rock Stardom 6th Povey Indya Jimmy Choo

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Page 1: 2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Resultscontent.horsezone.com.au/ampse/pdfs/2012RoyalCanberraShowResu…2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results 3 8 Ridden Mare (Hack) - Showing

2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


1 Local Hack or Hunter - over 15 hands and not exceeding 16 hands

1st Benton Deanne Michelle Nightlife

2nd Debaecker Stephanie Millenium City

3rd Truong Jennifer Academy Of Arts

2 Local Hack or Hunter - over 16 hands

1st Harrogate Hill Emmaville Contiki

2nd Pustavrh Jamie Jaybee Adoro

3rd Stuart Anna Architect

Best Local Hack or Hunter

Harrogate Hill Emmaville Contiki

3 Novice Hack - over 15 hands and not exceeding 15.2 hands

1st Kenzig Mark & Louise Barton Mascara

2nd Jamieson Nici Hallmark Attitude

3rd GC Equestrian & Mardi Neilsen Astoria All Star

4th Haynes Carol SLM Mastermind

5th Ellis, Firth & Godwin Families CP Renaissance

6th Corrigan Miss Sarah SLM Icon

4 Novice Hack - over 15.2 hands and not exceeding 16 hands

1st Smith Jacinda Inception

2nd Bailey & Christie Smashing

3rd Kenzig Mark & K and R Woodland Northwood Confidential

4th Wessel Mr Scott & Mrs Rachel DQ Lumiere

5th Gorst SM & VJK Rock Stardom

6th Povey Indya Jimmy Choo

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


5 Novice Hack - over 16 hands and not exceeding 16.2 hands

1st GC Equestrian Oliver & Elliott High Fashion

2nd Slater Sallie Wicked Red 3rd O'Connor Sarah SLM Mercedes

4th Treneman Family That’s Delight

5th Noble Cheryl Congratulations

6th Montgomery Gina & Amanda Jakins Tao

6 Novice Hack - over 16.2 hands

1st GC Equestrian & Janice Elliott SLM Heights

2nd Kenzig Mark & Leith Doran Zhivago

3rd Burgh Katrina Jane KW Liaison

4th Govier Danielle BP Nobility

5th Neill Catherine French Cuff

6th Argyl Stud & AR & CJ Hunt Belvedere

Best Novice Hack

Kenzig Mark & Louise Barton Mascara

7 Ridden Gelding (Hack) - Showing Thoroughbred Qualities - over 15 hands

1st Plumb Dale DP Amazing

2nd Christie Francesca Mindgames

3rd Mulready Annabel DP Mayfair

4th Notman R & T MP Galveston

5th Pedersen Susanne WS Coast

6th Smith Jacinda Inception

7th Slater Sallie Wicked Red

8th Govier Danielle BP Nobility

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


8 Ridden Mare (Hack) - Showing Thoroughbred Qualities - over 15 hands

1st GC Equestrian Oliver & Elliott High Fashion

2nd Jamieson Nici Hallmark Attitude

3rd Wessel Mr Scott & Mrs Rachel DQ Lumiere 4th James Callie & R Parker Naaman Flaunt It

5th Walker & Hollows Families Breezy Street

9 Open Gentlemans’ Hack - over 15 hands - rider to be a gentleman 17 years and over

1st Christie F & Christine Frost SLM Prestige

2nd Scott James &William Peter SLM Signature

3rd Ryan Jason & KEA Training Stables Famous

4th Pope Brent As-I-Am

5th M&M Performance Horses Zambesi

10 Open Hack - over 15 hands and not exceeding 15.2 hands

1st Kenzig Mark & Louise Barton Mascara

2nd Hunter C Crewe

3rd GC Equestrian & Mardi Neilsen Astoria All Star

4th Thompson Sue Concerto

5th Ellis, Firth & Godwin Families CP Renaissance

6th Haynes Carol SLM Mastermind

11 Open Hack - over 15.2 hands and not exceeding 16 hands

1st Christie Francesca Magnifique

2nd Mulready Annabel DP Mayfair

3rd Morelli E.C & J Prestwidge Angel Wood Bells

4th Pedersen Susanne WS Coast

5th Smith Jacinda Inception

6th Wessel Mr Scott & Mrs Rachel DQ Lumiere

7th Gorst SM & VJK Rock Stardom

8th Kenzig Mark & K and R Woodland Northwood Confidential

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


12 Open Hack - over 16 hands and not exceeding 16.2 hands

1st Plumb Dale DP Amazing

2nd GC Equestrian Oliver & Elliott High Fashion

3rd Christie Francesca & Stephanie L.A.

4th Notman R & T MP Galveston

5th Slater Sallie Wicked Red

6th O'Connor Sarah SLM Mercedes

13 Open Hack - over 16.2 hands

1st Farrow & Lipp Kholo

2nd GC Equestrian & Janice Elliott SLM Heights

3rd Kenzig Mark & Leith Doran Zhivago

4th Christie F & Christine Frost SLM Prestige

5th Govier Danielle BP Nobility

6th Neill Catherine French Cuff

14 Open Ladys Hack - over 15 hands - rider to be a lady 17 years and over

1st Christie & Barrington L.A.

2nd Mulready Annabel DP Mayfair

3rd Pedersen Susanne WS Coast

4th Notman R & T MP Galveston

5th Wessel Mr Scott & Mrs Rachel DQ Lumiere

6th Slater Sallie Wicked Red

7th O'Connor Sarah SLM Mercedes

8th Ellis, Firth & Godwin Families CP Renaissance

Champion Hack

Plumb Dale DP Amazing

Reserve Champion Hack

Christie Francesca Mindgames

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


15 Local Galloway Hack or Hunter - over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands

1st Archer Nicolette Beckworth Good Brandy

16 Local Galloway Hack or Hunter - over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands

1st Robinson Sarah Harrington Park Envy

2nd Kennedy Teneille Leumeah Laren

3rd Harnas Rebecca Rathowen Criterion

4th Lambert Family Headley Park Acrobat

5th Benton-Hall Tanya Sanlirra Prince Charming

Best Local Galloway Hack or Hunter

Robinson Sarah Harrington Park Envy

17 Novice Galloway Hack - Lightweight - over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands

1st Fraser Family Willowcroft Coco Chanel

2nd Romsey Park & Zoe Griffett Buckwell Park Delusion

3rd Hobson Jessica & Linda Regalbrook Serenity

4th Plumb Dale Yindarla Park Picture

5th Sambrooks Melissa Euston Dancestar

6th Montgomery Gina & Amanda Jakins Lady's Man

7th Matthews Dean Ascot Party Music

8th Wilson Troy & Tayla Lawlington Park Rendition

18 Novice Galloway Hack - Heavyweight - over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands

1st Walker Kevin & Tonia Jackson Clemson Sienna

2nd Frost Brianna Cheraton Bossa Nova

3rd Richards Paige Victoria Yarradene Rhapsody

4th Mills Catherine & Lillian Westlake Peter Pan

5th Wall Mrs Leanne & Miss Tori Lee Lydena Realm

6th McClelland D Highlands Spring Harmony

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


19 Novice Galloway Hack - Lightweight - over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands

1st Shaw Sally Royalwood Concerto

2nd Oven Melissa Laser Encore

3rd Bennett Rebekah & Trish Royalwood Pop Rock

4th Charlesworth Anne & Cameron Oakvale Rock Star

5th Harris Ashley & Tyler Daisy Patch Choir Boy

6th Mountney Anthony & Kim Glover Naaman Uptown Girl

7th Kempe Sarah Willowcroft Safari

8th Harrison E & Kerslake, A Willowcroft Regal Delight

20 Novice Galloway Hack - Heavyweight - over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands

1st Payne & Klante Wesswoods Magic Caste

2nd Petrie & Monaghan Romanesque

3rd Ralph Melinda Grand Prize

4th Robinson Elizabeth Mirinda Monet

5th Kirk Tara Ke-annbree Da Ja Vu

6th Phillips Miss Annalisa Balledor Encore

Best Novice Galloway

Shaw Sally Royalwood Concerto

21 Open Ladys Galloway Hack - over 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands - Rider to be a Lady 17 years and over

1st Clarke Brynn & Passeri Twins Willowcroft Regal Winter

2nd Bond Kelly Confusions of Rathowen

3rd Nossiter Carlene Janevelyn Moment Of Truth

4th Wells Family & L Cleary Wellan Special Edition

5th Fraser Family Willowcroft Coco Chanel

6th Romsey Park & Zoe Griffett Buckwell Park Delusion 7th Sambrooks Melissa Euston Dancestar

8th Jaeschke Sabrina Double TT Evita

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


22 Open Gentlemans Galloway Hack - over 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands - Rider to be a Gentleman 17 years and over

1st Kenzig Mark & Jamie Carson Willowcroft Chance Encounter

2nd Christie F & Christine Frost Elmdale Park Ambiants

3rd Asimus Nadine & Catherine Hughes Cascade Royal

4th Walker Kevin & Tonia Jackson Clemson Sienna

5th Mountney Anthony & Kim Glover Naaman Uptown Girl

6th Parker Family Bramley Royalty

7th GC Equestrian & Janice Elliott Willowcroft Miss Money Penny

23 Open Lightweight Galloway Hack - over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands

1st Walsh Leah & Terrie Lamey AP Wizardry

2nd Fraser Family Willowcroft Coco Chanel

3rd Clarke Brynn & Passeri Twins Willowcroft Regal Winter

4th Christie F & Christine Frost Elmdale Park Ambiants

5th Bond Kelly Confusions of Rathowen

6th Romsey Park & Zoe Griffett Buckwell Park Delusion

7th McEvoy Jane Gordon Park Masquerade

8th Payne & Uchtman Sanlirra Talk Of The Town

24 Open Heavyweight Galloway Hack - over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands

1st Reid Ashley Wesswood Royal Caste

2nd Morelli E.C & J Prestwidge Janevelyn Jazzman

3rd Walker & Hooke Families Sandown Musical Notes

4th Kennedy Georgia Roseagle Sea Rover

5th Walker Kevin & Tonia Jackson Clemson Sienna 6th Johnson-McNeil Family Lunar Invasion

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


25 Open Lightweight Galloway Hack - over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands

1st Shaw Sally Royalwood Concerto

2nd Kenzig Mark & Laura Ryn Calvin Park Dark Knight

3rd Oven Melissa Laser Encore

4th Bennett Rebekah & Trish Royalwood Pop Rock

4th Harris Ashley & Tyler Daisy Patch Choir Boy

5th Nossiter Carlene Janevelyn Moment Of Truth

6th Jaeschke Sabrina Double TT Evita

7th Mountney Anthony & Kim Glover Naaman Uptown Girl

26 Open Heavyweight Galloway Hack - over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands

1st Payne & Klante Wesswoods Magic Caste

2nd Kenzig Mark & Jamie Carson Willowcroft Chance Encounter

3rd Wells Family & L Cleary Wellan Special Edition

4th Townsend Karen KT Fine Fashion

5th J & R Equestrian Glendon Brae Oscar

6th Ralph Melinda Grand Prize

7th Hayes Lynda & P Lay Debanlay Madam Butterfly

8th Kirk Tara Ke-annbree Da Ja Vu

27 Childs Galloway Hack - over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands - Rider under 17 years

1st McEvoy Jane Gordon Park Masquerade

2nd Johnson-McNeil Family Lunar Invasion

3rd Hobson Jessica & Linda Regalbrook Serenity

4th McAuliffe Family Weston Magician

5th Farncomb Emma Caitlin Springmead Lewis

6th Wilson Troy & Tayla Lawlington Park Rendition

7th Durham Fiona Whitewood Distant Magic

8th Sambrooks Melissa Euston Dancestar

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


28 Childs Galloway Hack - over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands - Rider under 17 years

1st Oven Melissa Laser Encore

2nd Morelli E.C & J Prestwidge Royal Wood County Squire

3rd Kirk Tara Ke-annbree Da Ja Vu

4th Hill family Kirreway Democracy

5th O'Neill Kaitlin Dunelm Royal Salute

6th Robinson Sarah Harrington Park Envy

7th Lambert Family Headley Park Acrobat

8th Townsend Karen KT Fine Fashion

Champion Galloway Hack

Shaw Sally Royalwood Concerto

Reserve Champion Galloway Hack

Walsh Leah & Terrie Lamey AP Wizardry

29 Led Galloway Mare - over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands

1st Prestwidge J Royalwood Chorus Of Love

2nd Sambrooks Melissa Euston Dancestar

3rd Bond Kelly Confusions of Rathowen

4th Romsey Park & Zoe Griffett Buckwell Park Delusion

5th Fraser Family Willowcroft Coco Chanel

6th Walker & Hooke Families Sandown Musical Notes

30 Led Galloway Mare - over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands

1st Harper-Purcell Family Kolbeach Venetian

2nd Mountney Anthony & Kim Glover Naaman Uptown Girl

3rd Nossiter Carlene Janevelyn Moment Of Truth

4th Townsend Karen KT Fine Fashion

5th King Anna Anisley Stella Rose

6th Seabreeze Show Ponies Saravale In Focus

Champion Led Galloway Mare

Prestwidge J Royalwood Chorus Of Love

Reserve Champion Led Galloway Mare

Harper-Purcell Family Kolbeach Venetian

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


31 Galloway Gelding - over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands

1st Matthews Dean Ascot Party Music

2nd McGregor Thomas Jacqui Warranwood Nasa

3rd Durham Fiona Whitewood Distant Magic

4th Mills Catherine & Lillian Westlake Peter Pan

5th Kennedy Georgia Roseagle Sea Rover

32 Galloway Gelding - over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands

1st Shaw Sally Royalwood Concerto

2nd Bailey & Christie & Cullen Royalwood Opening Night

3rd Kenzig Mark & Laura Ryn Calvin Park Dark Knight

4th Love Sara Manorvale Blue & Royal

5th Oven Melissa Laser Encore

6th Charlesworth Anne & Cameron Oakvale Rock Star

7th Petrie & Monaghan Romanesque

8th Heffer Laura And Abby Leanda Chances Are

Champion Led Galloway Gelding

Shaw Sally Royalwood Concerto

Reserve Champion Led Galloway Gelding

Bailey & Christie & Cullen Royalwood Opening Night

33 Local Pony Hack or Hunter - not exceeding 13 hands

1st Harrogate Hill Allengreen Cool Jazz

2nd Fallon Family Cherrington Strauss

3rd Cody Jerri Glynyarra Park Cavalier

34 Local Pony Hack or Hunter - over 13 hands and not exceeding 14 hands

1st Benton-Hall Tanya Little Paddocks Allegro

2nd Fallon Family Cherrington Mikhado

3rd Tutt-Lyons Sharon Halley

Best Local Pony Hack or Hunter

Harrogate Hill Allengreen Cool Jazz

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


35 Novice Pony Hack - not exceeding 12 hands

1st Riemer Danyel & Stuart Ryan Kooyong Alexandria

2nd Gillespie Charlotte & Sharon & Julie Ascot Mahogany

3rd Ryan Family Dunelm Last Dance

4th Gibson Penny Bamborough Prunella

5th Walker Kevin & Tonia Jackson Brampton Royal Whispers

6th Wells Family & L Cleary Wellan Snap Dragon

36 Novice Pony Hack - over 12 hands and not exceeding 12.2 hands

1st Argyl Stud & AR & CJ Hunt Argyl Royal Flush

2nd Dalley Family Artsworth Magenta

3rd GC Equestrian & Riley Kent Kista Park Camelot

4th Ryan Family Rosebrook Mentor

5th Fair Holly Melody Park Dancing Queen

6th Hughes C & Family Denhue Royal Design

7th Petrie & Bradley Birchwood Pantomime

Best Novice Small Pony Hack

Argyl Stud & AR & CJ Hunt Argyl Royal Flush

37 Novice Pony Hack - over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 13 hands

1st Hunter C & L Warburton Rosedale Songster

2nd Langley Jan Langtree French Lace

3rd McGuire-Muller Mrs Melanie Ascot Elizabeth Arden

4th Ellis & Firth Families Silkwood Dejavu

5th Carter Angela Leanda Hello Darling

6th Corumbene Stud Rathowen Free Spirit

7th Mcintyre Fiona Silkwood As In Heaven

8th Langthorne Veronica Barclay Just A Doll

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


38 Novice Pony Hack - over 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands

1st Hazzard Donna Showpiece Of Potter Park

2nd Richardson, Withers & Devrome Hibrie Spring Chatter

3rd Cheney Kim Bamborough Bijou

4th C & B Hall Candlewood Masterpiece

5th Harrison, Kerslake & Probert Sanlirra Stage Light

6th Clarke Brynn & Passeri Twins Bellevale Kaydence

7th Ellis & Firth Families Harrington Park Dream Chaser

8th Christie F & S Barrington & J Lornie Solar Power Of Sefton

39 Novice Pony Hack - over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands

1st Romsey Park & Michelle Kelcey Melody Park Kings Command

2nd Lambeth Lynette Regalbrook Show Off

3rd Langley Jan Scarlett Ribbons

4th Fowler Renae Leanda Hello There

5th Bailey & Christie Helden Park Petite

6th Hammet Bobby Hamlot Park Royal Quest

7th Spinks Family & Dale Plumb DP Signature 8th Jenkins AR & VD & ACM Training Dirigeree Park Missy Higgins

Best Novice Large Pony Hack

Hunter C & L Warburton Rosedale Songster

40 Open Pony Hack - not exceeding 11.2 hands

1st Riemer Danyel & Stuart Ryan Kooyong Alexandria

2nd Hughes C & Family Thorpeville Shilo

3rd Walker Family Marena Amber Wish

4th Clarke Brynn & Passeri Twins Levens First Wish

5th McGregor Thomas Jacqui Powys Heavenly Bliss

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


41 Open Pony Hack - over 11.2 hands and not exceeding 12 hands

1st Riemer Nicole & Danyel Radford Lodge Candy Cane

2nd McMahon & McCormick Families Silkwood Angel Wings

3rd Corumbene Stud Silkwood Nutkin

4th Searle R and G & Bonnie Cox Bordershow Boy Scout

5th Clarke Brynn & Passeri Twins Mondiso Park Jetset

6th Walker Kevin & Tonia Jackson Brampton Royal Whispers

42 Open Pony Hack - over 12 hands and not exceeding 12.2 hands

1st Argyl Stud & AR & CJ Hunt Argyl Royal Flush

2nd Plumb Dale Royal Secret

3rd GC Equestrian & Jordan McDowall Rothwell Song Sung Blue

4th Dalley Family Artsworth Magenta

5th Sams Broni Owendale Honeycomb

6th Harper-Purcell Family Tundra Park Distinction

7th Corumbene Stud Falconhurst Reflection

8th Haynes Carol Myscal Kestral

Champion Small Pony Hack not exceeding 12.2 hands

Argyl Stud & AR & CJ Hunt Argyl Royal Flush

Reserve Champion Small Pony Hack not exceeding 12.2 hands

Riemer Nicole & Danyel Radford Lodge Candy Cane

43 Open Pony Hack - over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 13 hands

1st Petrie B & C Comley Rosedale Simone

2nd Fraser Family Willowcroft Miss Saigon

3rd Langley Jan Langtree French Lace

4th Henry Alan & Sandra & Gordon Park Gordon Park Hot Gossip

5th Ellis & Firth Families Silkwood Dejavu

6th Langthorne Veronica Barclay Just A Doll

7th Carter Angela Leanda Hello Darling

8th Mcintyre Fiona Silkwood As In Heaven

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


44 Open Pony Hack - over 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands

1st Godfrey Mrs D & Mrs M Skinner Robbanie Mister Squiggle

2nd Hazzard Donna Showpiece Of Potter Park

3rd Hayes Lynda & Bragg Family Kolbeach Promise

4th Paulston Nicole Belrose Park Topcat

5th Jones A & B Bellevale In The Moment

6th Haynes Carol Rothwell Performing Arts

7th Cheney Kim Bamborough Bijou

8th Ellis & Firth Families Harrington Park Dream Chaser

45 Open Pony Hack - over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands

1st Dalley Family Rathowen Quantum

2nd Harris Ashley & Tyler Manorvale Diamond Diva

3rd Crisp Mrs Julie Hollys Work Of Art

4th Cobbold Penelope & J & R Kolbeach Chanting

5th Romsey Park & Michelle Kelcey Melody Park Kings Command

6th Fowler Renae Leanda Hello There

7th Jenkins AR & VD & ACM Training Dirigeree Park Missy Higgins

8th McMahon & McCormick Families Willowcroft Cottage Rose

Champion Large Pony Hack over 12.2 hands & not exceeding 14 hands

Petrie B & C Comley Rosedale Simone

Reserve Champion Large Pony Hack over 12.2 hands & not exceeding 14 hands

Fraser Family Willowcroft Miss Saigon

46 Childs Pony Hack - over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands - rider under 17 years

1st Fraser Family Willowcroft Miss Saigon

2nd Romsey Park & Michelle Kelcey Melody Park Kings Command

3rd Cobbold Penelope & J & R Kolbeach Chanting

4th Jenkins AR & VD & ACM Training Dirigeree Park Missy Higgins

5th Fowler Renae Leanda Hello There

6th Harris Ashley & Tyler Manorvale Diamond Diva

7th Mcintyre Fiona Silkwood As In Heaven

8th Hammet Bobby Hamlot Park Royal Quest

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


47 Leading Rein Pony - not exceeding 12 hands - rider 3 years and under 8 years

1st Riemer Nicole & Danyel Radford Lodge Candy Cane

2nd McMahon & McCormick Families Silkwood Angel Wings

3rd Plumb Dale & Bamborough Stud Bamborough Special Girl

4th Riemer Danyel & Stuart Ryan Kooyong Alexandria

6th Gibson Penny Bamborough Prunella

7th Searle R and G & Bonnie Cox Bordershow Boy Scout

8th Ryan Family Dunelm Last Dance

Best Attired Handler in Leading Rein Class

Searle R and G & Bonnie Cox Bordershow Boy Scout

48 Childs Pony Hack or Hunter - not exceeding 11 hands - rider under 11 years

1st McGregor Thomas Jacqui Powys Heavenly Bliss

2nd Tonkin Julie & Becky Roberson Pilinta Park Kimba

3rd Brooks L & C & G Appleton Glengwin Material Boy

4th Clough Courtney & Jordyn & Charlotte Cefn-on-parc Lavender Posey

49 Childs Pony Hack or Hunter - over 11 hands and not exceeding 12 hands - rider under 13 years

1st Corumbene Stud Silkwood Nutkin

2nd Plumb Dale & Bamborough Stud Bamborough Special Girl

3rd Nordic Park & Medhurst Family Koorana Pizazz

4th Lumsden E & M Tjuringa Digby

5th Searle R and G & Bonnie Cox Bordershow Boy Scout

6th Sams Broni Sanelling Park All That Jazz

7th Riemer Danyel & Stuart Ryan Kooyong Alexandria

8th Lee Family Lykanarro Ladysmith

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


50 Childs Pony Hack or Hunter - over 12 hands and not exceeding 13 hands - rider under 15 years

1st Plumb Dale Royal Secret

2nd Fair Holly Melody Park Dancing Queen

3rd Fraser Family Willowcroft Miss Saigon

4th Corumbene Stud Falconhurst Reflection

5th Dalley Family Honeydew Mickey J

6th Harper-Purcell Family Tundra Park Distinction

7th J & R Equestrian Harrington Park Icon

8th Mcintyre Fiona Silkwood As In Heaven

51 Childs Pony Hack or Hunter - over 13 hands and not exceeding 14 hands - rider under 17 years

1st Cobbold Penelope & J & R Kolbeach Chanting 2nd Dalley Family Rathowen Quantum

4th Paulston Nicole Belrose Park Topcat

5th Harris Ashley & Tyler Manorvale Diamond Diva

6th Haynes Carol Rothwell Performing Arts

7th Tabak Madeleine Storybook Coco Chanel

Champion Childs Pony Hack or Hunter

Cobbold Penelope & J & R Kolbeach Chanting

Reserve Champion Childs Pony Hack or Hunter

Dalley Family Rathowen Quantum

52 Novice Show Hunter Horse - over 15 hands and not exceeding 16 hands

1st Stevenson A & Mrs C & Miss Brooke Marbuck Tuqiri

2nd Truong Jennifer Academy Of Arts

3rd Maunder Jo Magical Ice

4th Scott Jason Insecurieties

5th Bussell Therese Dalmally Park Weltfire

6th Lord Family Kirreway Hickstead

7th Fernbrook Stud Lone Pine Mckenzie

8th Bertie Family So Courtly

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


53 Novice Show Hunter Horse - over 16 hands

1st Harrogate Hill Emmaville Contiki

2nd Adams Emma EBL Juliett

3rd Watterson Tiffany Lee Cobradah Quizzmaster

4th Wilson Troy & Tayla True Calling

5th Mills & Richardson Colhaven Donnerlight

6th Cooper Debra Take a Hint

7th Weston Audrey Belcam Capers

8th Gillies Melissa Legal Eagle

Best Novice Show Hunter Horse

Stevenson A & Mrs C & Miss Brooke Marbuck Tuqiri

54 Novice Show Hunter Galloway - over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands

1st Hay Tenille Ibn Abdul

2nd Cassilles Samantha Bamborough Memphis

3rd Hocking Family Nawarrah Park King Arthur

4th Haber Michelle & Raymond Haber Saravale Focused

5th Smith Dana Halcyon High Society

6th Senescall Samantha Farleigh Kittyhawk

55 Novice Show Hunter Galloway - over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands

1st Gambold Rachelle Dunwood Brilliance

2nd Finemore Maryanne Grand View

3rd Carnigie Matilda Diamond

4th Cedarwood Stockhorses Coolidowns Satin

5th Hurley A & L Bloch Periscope

6th Howard Elizabeth Hunterview Radiance

7th Sykes Cathie Coolidowns Dove

8th Parker Bronwyn Midwave Resistance

Best Novice Show Hunter Galloway

Hay Tenille Ibn Abdul

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


56 Novice Show Hunter Large Pony - over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands

1st Brown Alison Tundra Park Primrose

2nd Page Susan & Kaitlin Bryce Millise High Society

4th Borgelt Emerald Bamborough Mystical

5th Deligny S Westlake Honour Roll

6th Reeve-Singles Miss J L Loriot Royal Doulton

57 Novice Show Hunter Large Pony - over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands

1st J & R Equestrian Queen Gwinhwyfar Of Caerleon

2nd Sviderskas Phoebe Joemoor Arizona

3rd Arnold Jess & JEA Photography Langtree Royal Blue

4th Samsa P & S Farleigh Samuel Whiskers

5th Jones Alexandra Corvan Park Latte

6th Fallon Family Cherrington Mikhado

58 Novice Show Hunter Small Pony - not exceeding 12 hands

1st Fernbrook Stud NSJ Ponies & B & K Woranora Cherokee

2nd Smart Family Avlon Erian

3rd McMahon & McCormick Families Leanda Hanky Panky

4th Mountney Anthony & Kim Glover Armanii Park Peter Pan

5th Barnes Chris & Anne Avlon Simeron

59 Novice Show Hunter Small Pony - over 12 hands and not exceeding 12.2 hands

1st O'Connor Stephanie & Tess Fencourt Just A Rascal

2nd Jones Alexandra Corvan Park Soda Pop

3rd Kelly Family Elvonara Park Georgie Porgie

4th Edwards Janice Palm Park Elegance

5th Hill Allirah Carisma Park Nicholas

Best Novice Show Hunter Pony

Brown Alison Tundra Park Primrose

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


60 Working Hunter Horse - over 15 hands

1st Love Sara Tulloch Ard

2nd Searle Alicia ESB Irish Moment 3rd Mills & Richardson Colhaven Donnerlight

4th Gillies Melissa Legal Eagle

5th Poulos Alexandra Undergraduate

6th Wells Tracie-Lee Daydream Believer

7th Rocca Eloise Robali Royal Salute

8th White Kristin & Mayfield Farm Mayfield Noble

61 Working Hunter Galloway - 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands

1st Hay Tenille Ibn Abdul

2nd Mower Family Hyrola Chequers

3rd Fernbrook Stud NSJ Ponies & B & K NSJ Nicholas Nickleby

4th Finemore Maryanne Grand View

5th Gray Family Willandra Royal Warrior

62 Working Hunter Pony - not exceeding 14 hands

1st O'Connor Stephanie & Tess Fencourt Just A Rascal

2nd Babazogli Eliza Tambaroora Millenium Max

3rd Roberts Sarah Woranora Parade

4th Hollibone N & V Smith Barina Endeavour

5th Page Susan & Kaitlin Bryce Millise High Society

6th Mcintyre Fiona Yatala Quest

7th Cheney Kim Birrali Honest Request

8th Lee Family Lykanarro Ladysmith

63 Open Show Hunter Pony - not exceeding 11.2 hands

1st Hardy Karen Wyann Cock Robin

2nd Lee Family Lykanarro Ladysmith

3rd Barnes Chris & Anne Avlon Simeron

4th Lumsden E & M Tjuringa Digby

5th Mountney Anthony & Kim Glover Armanii Park Peter Pan

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


64 Open Show Hunter Pony - over 11.2 hands and not exceeding 12 hands

1st Fernbrook Stud NSJ Ponies & B & K Woranora Cherokee

2nd Sams Broni Sanelling Park All That Jazz

3rd Smart Family Avlon Erian

4th Dalley Family Glenlynton Winter Lily

5th Teys & Plucknett Families Arielen Elvis

65 Open Show Hunter Pony - over 12 hands and not exceeding 12.2 hands

1st Symmons Chris Ashtan Park Rumours

2nd Bamborough Pony Stud & Bamborough September Song

3rd Brooks L & C & G Appleton Bannon Park Governor

4th Riemer Nicole & Danyel Brandyhollow Candyman

5th Kelly Family Elvonara Park Georgie Porgie

6th Hill Allirah Carisma Park Nicholas

Champion Small Show Hunter Pony

Fernbrook Stud NSJ Ponies & B & K Woranora Cherokee

Reserve Champion Small Show Hunter Pony

Symmons Chris Ashtan Park Rumours

66 Open Show Hunter Pony - over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 13 hands

1st Babazogli Eliza Tambaroora Millenium Max

2nd Roberts Sarah Woranora Parade

3rd Hardy Karen Cheraton Royal Scandal

4th Moroney & Schulz Boronia Scion

5th Teys & Plucknett Families Cherrington King Demetrius

6th Howe Family Owendale Barley Sugar

7th Dalley Family Honeydew Mickey J

8th Hall Kathryn Emerald Lane First Marque

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


67 Open Show Hunter Pony - over 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands

1st Borgelt Emerald Bamborough Mystical

2nd Howe Family Weston Park Vivaldi

3rd Faets Alysha Patria Chocolate Ripple

4th Rands Jannine Kamilaroi Warrior

5th Thew Imogen Madison Park Nonsense

6th Walker Family Marena Twilights

7th Page Susan & Kaitlin Bryce Millise High Society

68 Open Show Hunter Pony - over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands

1st Hull B & J & K Ascot Sheer Delight

2nd J & R Equestrian Queen Gwinhwyfar Of Caerleon

3rd Tabak Madeleine Bimbadeen Secret Dancer

4th Arnold Jess & JEA Photography Langtree Royal Blue

5th Riemer Nicole & Danyel Braefoot Park Hillsong

6th Samsa P & S Farleigh Samuel Whiskers

7th Irvin Joanne SP Exclusive Footage

Champion Large Show Hunter Pony

Borgelt Emerald Bamborough Mystical

Reserve Champion Large Show Hunter Pony

Babazogli Eliza Tambaroora Millenium Max

69 Open Show Hunter Horse - over 15 hands and not exceeding 15.2 hands

1st Scott Jason Insecurieties

2nd Bussell Therese Dalmally Park Weltfire

4th Johnson-McNeil Family Marena Gala Chief 5th ACM Training Stables Anthony Harmony Hill Dream On

5th Lord Family Kirreway Hickstead

6th GC Equestrian & Janice Elliott Cheraton Country Road

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


70 Open Show Hunter Horse - over 15.2 hands and not exceeding 16 hands

1st Orford Brianna W.e.s. Merlin

2nd Stevenson A & Mrs C & Miss Brooke Marbuck Tuqiri

3rd Pell Danielle Vancouver Park My Amour

4th Mcintyre Fiona Crown Street

5th Williams Taelar Rae Rimini Park Ty Tooshka

6th Maunder Jo Magical Ice

7th Truong Jennifer Academy Of Arts

8th Crea Karen Bannerman Bronson

71 Open Show Hunter Horse - over 16 hands

1st Rodham Angela Skyview Trilogy

2nd Love Sara Tulloch Ard

3rd White Kristin & Mayfield Farm Mayfield Be Brave

3rd Harrogate Hill Emmaville Contiki

5th Lipp Ros Absolut Royalty

6th Treneman Family Oakridge Centennial

7th Stuart Anna Architect

8th Duddy E & C Risborough

Champion Show Hunter Horse

Orford Brianna W.e.s. Merlin

Reserve Champion Show Hunter Horse

Rodham Angela Skyview Trilogy

72 Open Show Hunter Galloway - over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands 1st Hocking Family Nawarrah Park King Arthur

2nd Nelson Jane & Catherine Hughes Theresa Park Oliver Twist

3rd Smith Dana Halcyon High Society

4th De Rooy Miss M & Mrs J Saradale Crusades

5th Glass Kerry Thorwood Sweet Briar

6th Senescall Samantha Farleigh Kittyhawk

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


73 Open Show Hunter Galloway - over 14.2 hands and not exceeding 15 hands

1st Kelly-O'Connor Shonagh Urubula Regal Holiday

2nd Donnelly Emma Wadbilliga Major Impact

3rd Gambold Rachelle Dunwood Brilliance

4th ACM Training Stables & Lisa Ford Wesswood Gypsy Jazz

5th Finemore Maryanne Grand View

6th Lane-Weate Belinda Encounter

7th Mort Crystal DP XTC

8th Wessel Mr Scott & Mrs Rachel Moranjee Grey Ghost

Champion Show Hunter Galloway

Hocking Family Nawarrah Park King Arthur

Reserve Champion Show Hunter Galloway

Nelson Jane & Catherine Hughes Theresa Park Oliver Twist

74 Open Side Saddle Hack - over 15 hands - Rider to be 15 years and over

1st Treneman Family That’s Delight

2nd Maunder Jo Magical Ice

3rd Finemore Maryanne Grand Image

4th Cram Linley Mocha McOhl

75 Open Side Saddle Galloway Hack - over 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands 1st Gambold Rachelle Dunwood Brilliance

2nd Marz Ms Petra Bonsai Razee Aka Robinhill Mirage

3rd Finemore Maryanne Grand View

76 Open Side Saddle Pony Hack - not exceeding 14 hands - entries under 12.2 hands to be ridden by a child under 17 years

1st Lumsden E & M Tjuringa Digby

Best Side Saddle Exhibit

Lumsden E & M Tjuringa Digby

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


105 Led ANSA Stallion - over 14 hands - 4 years and over

1st Mills & Richardson Vancouver Park Cardeau

2nd Ivery Park Stud & Jackie Long Heza Star

3rd Tuma-Webb Melise Win D Fortitude

4th Miss S. McKell & Mr M. Tarrant Jarendan Just Is

5th Davidson Paul Ozi Ozi Ozi Bodacious Luke

106 Led ANSA Colt - under 4 years

1st Green Tiffany & Mick Allen Silverthorn Spiderwick

Champion Led ANSA Stallion or Colt

Mills & Richardson Vancouver Park Cardeau

Reserve Champion Led ANSA Stallion or Colt

Ivery Park Stud & Jackie Long Heza Star

107 Led ANSA Mare - over 14 hands and not exceeding 15.2 hands - 4 years and over

1st Harper-Purcell Family Kolbeach Venetian

2nd Bond Kelly Confusions of Rathowen

3rd Jamieson Nici Hallmark Attitude

4th Green Tiffany & Mick Allen Celadon Alibi

5th Sambrooks Melissa Euston Dancestar

6th Richards Vaughan & Family Richlands Elegant Ell 7th Walker & Hooke Families Sandown Musical Notes

8th Henry Alan & Sandra Gordon Park Winter Song

108 Led ANSA Mare - over 15.2 hands - 4 years and over

1st James Callie & R Parker Naaman Flaunt It

2nd Walker & Hollows Families Breezy Street

3rd Ritchie Michelle Gemmarena

4th Schliebs Rachael Nerrigundah Flirt

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


109 Led ANSA Filly - under 4 years

1st Ivery Park Stud Kirala Stud & The Kallenia Jessica II

2nd Dundee ASH Stud Mjay Swift

3rd Benton Deanne Michelle Essence Of Justice

4th Chester Jo Jindallapark Amazing Grace

Champion Led ANSA Mare or Filly

Harper-Purcell Family Kolbeach Venetian

Reserve Champion Led ANSA Mare or Filly

James Callie & R Parker Naaman Flaunt It

110 Led ANSA Gelding - over 14 hands and not exceeding 15.2 hands

1st Harris Ashley & Tyler Daisy Patch Choir Boy

2nd Strathford Park & Kirste Strath Strathford Davinchy

3rd Oven Melissa Laser Encore

4th Tuma-Webb Melise M-Jay Fortune

5th Kempe Sarah Willowcroft Safari

6th Phillips Miss Annalisa Balledor Encore

7th Johnson-McNeil Family Marena Gala Chief

8th Hurley A Touched By An Angel

111 Led ANSA Gelding - over 15.2 hands

1st Noble Cheryl Congratulations 2nd Levin Aiyana Wentworth

3rd C & B Hall Conneticut

4th Slater Sallie Wicked Red

5th Luscombe Scarlett Supremacy

6th Goodyer Family & Frank Goodyer Valeview Asio

Champion Led ANSA Gelding

Noble Cheryl Congratulations

Reserve Champion Led ANSA Gelding

Levin Aiyana Wentworth

Supreme Led ANSA Exhibit

Noble Cheryl Congratulations

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


112 Best Presented ANSA Horse and Rider

1st Maunder Jo Magical Ice

2nd Levin Aiyana Wentworth

3rd O'Neill Kaitlin Dunelm Royal Salute

4th Hutton-Potts Jane & Edwina Charming

5th Tuma-Webb Melise Win D Fortitude

6th Bond Kelly Confusions of Rathowen

7th Truong Jennifer Academy Of Arts

8th Ivery Park Stud & Jackie Long Heza Star

Best Presented ANSA Horse and Rider

Maunder Jo Magical Ice

113 ANSA Stallion Under Saddle - rider to be 17 years and over

1st Ivery Park Stud & Jackie Long Heza Star

2nd Davidson Paul Ozi Ozi Ozi Bodacious Luke

3rd Tuma-Webb Melise Win D Fortitude

4th Miss S. McKell & Mr M. Tarrant Jarendan Just Is

5th Mills & Richardson Vancouver Park Cardeau

6th Senescall Samantha Sanlirra Groom

7th Green Tiffany & Mick Allen Silverthorn Spiderwick

114 ANSA Mare or Gelding Under Saddle - over 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands

1st Howe Family Doongara Will Power

2nd Oven Melissa Laser Encore

3rd Phillips Miss Annalisa Balledor Encore

4th Henry Alan & Sandra Gordon Park Winter Song

5th O'Connor Stephanie & Tess Valentinos Embrace

6th O'Neill Kaitlin Dunelm Royal Salute

7th Harper-Purcell Family Kolbeach Venetian

8th Strathford Park & Kirste Strath Strathford Davinchy

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


115 ANSA Mare or Gelding Under Saddle - over 15 hands and not exceeding 16 hands

1st Maunder Jo Magical Ice

4th Meiklejohn G & E Rialto

6th Walsh Taryn & Alyssa Country Belle

7th Scanlon Belinda Alkyra Elegance

7th Mcintyre Fiona Crown Street

8th Smith Jacinda Inception

8th Schliebs Rachael Nerrigundah Flirt

116 ANSA Mare or Gelding Under Saddle - over 16 hands

1st Noble Cheryl Congratulations

2nd Wells Tracie-Lee Daydream Believer

3rd Slater Sallie Wicked Red

4th Levin Aiyana Wentworth

5th Luscombe Scarlett Supremacy

6th Montgomery Gina & Amanda Jakins Tao

7th Lipp Ros Absolut Royalty

Champion ANSA Ridden Horse

Maunder Jo Magical Ice

Reserve Champion ANSA Ridden Horse

Noble Cheryl Congratulations

117 Australian Pony Led Filly - under 4 years

1st Olney Sandra Lakevale Toy Fantasy

2nd Olney Sandra Lakevale Toy Kerry

118 Australian Pony Led Mare - not exceeding 12.2 hands - 4 years and over

1st Ryan S D Kooyong Amethyst

2nd Ayrton Family Bamborough Cilento

3rd Edwards Janice Palm Park Elegance

5th Bamborough Pony Stud & Bamborough September Song

6th Coelho Mia & Talbert Family Kooyong Julliett

7th Place Kylie My Haven Bobbi Sox

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


119 Australian Pony Led Mare - over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands - 4 years and over

1st Walker Family Marena Twilights

2nd White Miss Katherine & Mrs Helen Toolleen Becky

3rd Dunn Kerrie & Blue Denim Pony Stud Blue Denim Gracesea

Champion Led Australian Pony Mare or Filly

Ryan S D Kooyong Amethyst

Reserve Champion Led Australian Pony Mare or Filly

Ayrton Family Bamborough Cilento

121 Australian Pony Led Stallion - 4 years and over

1st Ryan S D Kooyong Topaz

2nd Kerr Bree Bimbadeen Brigadier

3rd Gundarimbah Pony Stud Koora Lyn Majestic

Champion Led Australian Pony Stallion or Colt

Ryan S D Kooyong Topaz

Reserve Champion Led Australian Pony Stallion or Colt

Kerr Bree Bimbadeen Brigadier

122 Australian Pony Led Gelding - any age - not exceeding 12.2 hands

1st Mills Cherie Palm Park Royal Acclaim

2nd Turgeon Family Kyabra Park Master Zephyr

3rd Nordic Park & Medhurst Family Koorana Pizazz

4th McNamara Alice Robarie Laurence

5th Brooks L & C & G Appleton Bannon Park Governor

123 Australian Pony Led Gelding - any age - over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands

1st Hollibone N & V Smith Barina Endeavour

2nd White Miss Katherine & Mrs Helen Toolleen Darcy

3rd Hughes Grant & Heather Bamborough Domino

4th Nordic Park & Medhurst Family Koorana Ultimate Edition

5th Lynch Zoe Corvan Park Ash

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


Champion Led Australian Pony Gelding

Hollibone N & V Smith Barina Endeavour

Reserve Champion Led Australian Pony Gelding

White Miss Katherine & Mrs Helen Toolleen Darcy

Supreme Champion Led Australian Pony

Ryan S D Kooyong Topaz

124 Ridden Australian Pony Stallion - rider to be 17 years and over

1st Kerr Bree Bimbadeen Brigadier

125 Ridden Australian Pony Mare or Gelding not exceeding 12.2 hands 1st Fry Marilyn & Blackwood Ponies Blackwood Liliput

2nd Bamborough Pony Stud & Stevenson Bamborough September Song

3rd Edwards Janice Palm Park Elegance

4th Riemer Danyel & Stuart Ryan Kooyong Alexandria

5th McNamara Alice Robarie Laurence

126 Ridden Australian Pony Mare or Gelding over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands

1st Hughes Grant & Heather Bamborough Domino

2nd Babazogli Eliza Tambaroora Millenium Max

3rd Hamblin Kelly Toolleen Amity Jane

4th Walker Family Marena Twilights

5th Lynch Zoe Corvan Park Ash

Champion Ridden Australian Pony

Hughes Grant & Heather Bamborough Domino

Reserve Champion Ridden Australian Pony

Babazogli Eliza Tambaroora Millenium Max

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


127 APSB Part Bred Led Mare or Filly - not exceeding 13 hands

1st Bensley B J & G R Bensley Stillbrook Queen Of Hearts

2nd Olney Sandra Taradale Quandary

3rd Carter Angela Leanda Hello Darling

4th Drysdale L & Merrindale Stud Merrindale Sweetamus Pyface

5th Hughes C & Family Denhue Royal Design

128 APSB Part Bred Led Mare or Filly - over 13 hands

1st Drysdale L & Merrindale Stud Merrindale Royal Bluebell

2nd Walker Kevin & Tonia Jackson Clemson Sienna

3rd Brookman Park Whiterose Mona Lisa

4th McClelland D Highlands Spring Harmony 5th Cheney Kim Bamborough Bijou

129 APSB Part Bred Led Gelding - not exceeding 13 hands

1st Riemer Nicole & Danyel Deeplake Rock N Robin

2nd O'Connor Stephanie & Tess Fencourt Just A Rascal

3rd Mills Cherie Thorwood Meerkat

4th Cheney Kim Bamborough Bolero

5th C & B Hall Northamptondale Storybook

130 APSB Part Bred Led Gelding - over 13 hands

1st Stevenson A & Mrs C & Miss Brooke Bamborough Memorize

2nd Sibley Belinda Koorana Neverland

3rd Duddy E & C Clemson Call Me George

4th Corvan Park M Baldock & R Patterson Warriewood Cruz

5th Rands Jannine Kamilaroi Warrior

131 Led APSB Riding Pony Stallion or Colt

1st Uhavta Stud Helen Burns & Maryjane Uhavta Kensington

Champion Led APSB Part Bred & APSB Riding Pony

Riemer Nicole & Danyel Deeplake Rock N Robin

Reserve Champion Led APSB Part Bred & APSB Riding Pony

O'Connor Stephanie & Tess Fencourt Just A Rascal

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


132 APSB Part Bred Ridden Mare or Gelding not exceeding 12 hands

1st Drysdale L & Merrindale Stud Merrindale Sweetamus Pyface

2nd Strathford Park & Kirste Strath Wynara Just A Doll

3rd Dalley Family Glenlynton Winter Lily

133 APSB Part Bred Ridden Mare or Gelding over 12 hands and not exceeding 13 hands

1st C & B Hall Northamptondale Storybook

2nd Carter Angela Leanda Hello Darling 3rd Mills Cherie Thorwood Meerkat

4th Corvan Park Stud & M & S McMaster Sheffield Park La Boheme

5th Hughes C & Family Denhue Royal Design

6th Riemer Nicole & Danyel Deeplake Rock N Robin

134 APSB Part Bred Ridden Mare or Gelding over 13 hands

1st Hamblin Kelly Kelham Puss N Boots

2nd Christie F & S Barrington & J Lornie Solar Power Of Sefton

3rd Corvan Park M Baldock & R Patterson Warriewood Cruz

4th Rands Jannine Kamilaroi Warrior

5th Stevenson A & Mrs C & Miss Brooke Bamborough Memorize

Champion Ridden APSB Part Bred & APSB Riding Pony

C & B Hall Northamptondale Storybook

Reserve Champion Ridden APSB Part Bred & APSB Riding Pony

Carter Angela Leanda Hello Darling

135 Led Pure Arabian Stallion or Colt

1st Geyteman Anthony & Tanya Halimas Romeo

2nd Pullen Karen Paro Kai Shaklan

3rd Allen Kim Monarch Lodge Encore

136 Led Pure Arabian Mare or Filly

1st Chatillon B Sienna Makin Luv Not Warr

2nd Hanson Jane Sahibi Kalila

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


137 Led Pure Arabian Gelding

1st Motbey Viv River Oak Prominence

2nd Hurley A & Harmony Hill & Romac Romac Valentino

3rd Medveczky Family Havana Bey

4th Gebbie Sandra Orabanda First Edition

Champion Led Pure Arabian

Geyteman Anthony & Tanya Halimas Romeo

Reserve Champion Led Pure Arabian

Chatillon B Sienna Makin Luv Not Warr

138 Led Arabian Derivative Stallion or Colt not exceeding 14 hands

1st Corvan Park Stud & J Walker Uhatva Giovirni

2nd Hurley A & K Nichols Arabesque Sheykh 'N' Not Stirred

3rd Stroslla Park Stroslla Park Yogi Bear

4th O'Donnell Vanessa Marconi Matrix

5th Kaluda Park & D Murray Kaluda Park Comrade

139 Led Arabian Derivative Stallion or Colt over 14 hands

1st Hurley A & Harmony Hill & Romac Harmony Hill Anakin

2nd Walker Kevin & Tonia Jackson Braefoot Park Innuendo

Champion Led Arabian Derivative Stallion or Colt

Hurley A & Harmony Hill & Romac Harmony Hill Anakin

Reserve Champion Led Arabian Derivative Stallion or Colt

Corvan Park Stud & Coddington Mikani Midnight Magic

140 Led Arabian Derivative Gelding - any age - not exceeding 14 hands

1st Dalley Family Rathowen Quantum

2nd Lee Melissa Weston Park Mahogany

3rd Sibley Belinda Koorana Neverland

4th Cooke Mrs Catherine Langtree Fair Play

5th Benton-Hall Tanya Little Paddocks Allegro

6th Corvan Park Stud & D & T Roberts Mondiso Park Blueprint

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


141 Led Arabian Derivative Gelding - any age - over 14 hands

1st Harris Ashley & Tyler Daisy Patch Choir Boy

2nd Love Sara Manorvale Blue & Royal

3rd James S & C & K Pennie Kolbeach Flame

4th ACM Training Stables Anthony Harmony Hill Dream On

5th ACM Training Stables & Lisa Ford Wesswood Gypsy Jazz

6th Hurley A & L Bloch Periscope

Champion Arabian Derivative Gelding

Harris Ashley & Tyler Daisy Patch Choir Boy

Reserve Champion Arabian Derivative Gelding

Love Sara Manorvale Blue & Royal

142 Led Arabian Derivative Filly - 3 years and under

1st Richards Paige Victoria Meridian Portrait In Motion

2nd Geyteman Anthony & Tanya Bellah Khepri

3rd McGuire-Muller Mrs Melanie Ascot Sarah Marie

4th Edwards Janice Manorvale Swan Song

5th De Rooy Miss M & Mrs J Saradale Secret Romance

6th O'Donnell Vanessa Cherrington Rose Bouquet

143 Led Arabian Derivative Mare - 4 years and over - not exceeding 14 hands

1st McGuire-Muller Mrs Melanie Ascot Elizabeth Arden

2nd Strathford Park & Kirste Strath Strathford Bel Canto

3rd Harris Ashley & Tyler Manorvale Diamond Diva

4th Nordic Park & Medhurst Family Willowcroft Silk

5th Rivett Julie & Nicole Pearl Of Marconi

6th Hazzard Donna Showpiece Of Potter Park

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


144 Led Arabian Derivative Mare - 4 years and over - over 14 hands

1st James Callie & R Parker Naaman Flaunt It

2nd Sambrooks Melissa Euston Dancestar

3rd Richards Paige Victoria Yarradene Rhapsody

4th Green Tiffany & Mick Allen Celadon Alibi 5th Bathgate Maddie Acacia Park Evening Rose

Champion Led Arabian Derivative Mare or Filly

McGuire-Muller Mrs Melanie Ascot Elizabeth Arden

Reserve Champion Led Arabian Derivative Mare or Filly

James Callie & R Parker Naaman Flaunt It

Supreme Champion Led Arabian Derivative

McGuire-Muller Mrs Melanie Ascot Elizabeth Arden

145 Ridden Purebred Arabian - Stallions and Colts eligible - rider to be 17 years and over

1st Hurley A & Harmony Hill & Romac Romac Valentino

2nd Medveczky Family Havana Bey

3rd Gebbie Sandra Orabanda First Edition

4th Chatillon B Sienna Makin Luv Not Warr

5th Motbey Viv River Oak Prominence

146 Ridden Derivative Stallion or Colt - rider to be 17 years and over

1st Hurley A & Harmony Hill & Romac Harmony Hill Anakin

2nd O'Donnell Vanessa Marconi Matrix

3rd Hurley A & K Nichols Arabesque Sheykh 'N' Not Stirred

4th Kaluda Park & D Murray Kaluda Park Comrade

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


147 Ridden Derivative Mare or Gelding - not exceeding 13 hands

1st Sams Broni Owendale Honeycomb

2nd Strathford Park & Kirste Strath Strathford Bel Canto

3rd Lavelle Family Westlake Star Appeal

4th Brooks L & C & G Appleton Daly Downs Toy Boy

5th Corvan Park Stud & M & S McMaster Sheffield Park La Boheme

6th Corvan Park Stud & D & T Roberts Mondiso Park Blueprint

148 Ridden Derivative Mare or Gelding - over 13 hands and not exceeding 14 hands

1st Cobbold Penelope & J & R Kolbeach Chanting

2nd Dalley Family Rathowen Quantum

3rd Lee Melissa Weston Park Mahogany

4th Cooke Mrs Catherine Langtree Fair Play

5th Harris Ashley & Tyler Manorvale Diamond Diva

6th Tabak Madeleine Storybook Coco Chanel

149 Ridden Derivative Mare or Gelding - over 14 hands and not exceeding 15 hands

1st ACM Training Stables & Taylah Wesswood The Boyfriend

2nd ACM Training Stables & Lisa Ford Wesswood Gypsy Jazz

3rd Lane-Weate Belinda Terra-Way Park Jessie's Boy

4th Harris Ashley & Tyler Daisy Patch Choir Boy

5th Sambrooks Melissa Euston Dancestar

6th Bathgate Maddie Acacia Park Evening Rose

150 Ridden Derivative Mare or Gelding - over 15 hands

2nd McClintock Melinda Glitterati

3rd James Callie & R Parker Naaman Flaunt It

4th ACM Training Stables Anthony Harmony Hill Dream On

5th Harris Ashley & Tyler Dunelm Royal Obsession

6th Karizmah Performance Palominos & Karizmah Infinity

Champion Ridden Arabian

Connor Holly & Kirsten Strath Longborne Esquire

Reserve Champion Ridden Arabian

Sams Broni Owendale Honeycomb

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151 Led ASH Colt - 3 years and under

1st Neale A & J Runaroo Abstract

2nd Bandy Paul Rayma Regards 3rd Schliebs Family & Kim Dent Condover Boss

152 Led ASH Stallion - 4 years and over

1st Peadon WC & JA Kydras Obediah

2nd Clarke Mathew & Blackwater ASH Glen Lee Mosses Mercury

3rd Peadon WC & JA Bibbenluke Booshang

4th Tuma-Webb Melise Win D Fortitude

5th Davidson Paul Luckenough Baseline

Champion Led ASH Stallion or Colt

Peadon WC & JA Kydras Obediah

Reserve Champion Led ASH Stallion or Colt

Clarke Mathew & Blackwater ASH Glen Lee Mosses Mercury

153 Led ASH Mare - not exceeding 15 hands - 4 years and over

1st Ivery Park Stud Kirala Stud & The Kirala First Impressions

2nd Miles Karen & Teena Bridge Cee Dee Bracelette

3rd Scheibel Shenae Rainwood Park Tally

4th Peadon WC & JA Bibbenluke Emily

5th King Anna Anisley Stella Rose

6th Allstars Australian Performance Falconhurst Fame

154 Led ASH Mare - over 15 hands - 4 years and over

1st Beer JR & FE Parra Design

2nd Moxey Bruce Rainwood Park Casey

3rd Richards Vaughan & Family Richlands Elegant Ell

4th Green Tiffany & Mick Allen Celadon Alibi

5th Dundee ASH Stud Waylon J Fashion

6th Schliebs Rachael Nerrigundah Flirt

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155 Led ASH Filly - 2 years and under

1st Weule Jenny Nethaway Miss Bow

2nd Ivery Park Stud Kirala Stud & Emery Kallenia Jessica II

3rd Scheibel Shenae Rainwood Park Beyonce

4th Wilton Cowley Partnership Taronga Annabelle

5th Dundee ASH Stud Mjay Swift

156 Led ASH Filly - 3 years

1st Pederick family Glen Lee Limerick

2nd Bandy Paul Rayma China Girl

3rd Werombi Pines Stud & J Jones-Ryan Werombi Pines Breezing

Champion Led ASH Mare or Filly

Ivery Park Stud Kirala Stud & Emery Kirala First Impressions

Reserve Champion Led ASH Mare or Filly

Weule Jenny Nethaway Miss Bow

157 Led ASH Gelding - 2 years and under

1st Crow Robyn & Graham Celadon Arbitrator

2nd Davidson Paul Camelot Bolaro

3rd Nixon S & A Silverthorn Son Of A Gun

4th Neale A & J Runaroo Abracadabra

5th King Anna Anisley Mr Darcy

158 Led ASH Gelding - 3 years

1st Weule Jenny Nethaway Fredrick

2nd Ivery Park Stud J Long & Tizard Wirracoo Bandit

3rd Howe Family Warringah Nickelback

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159 Led ASH Gelding - not exceeding 15 hands - 4 years and over

1st Wilton Cowley Partnership Taronga Billabong Bruce

2nd Jones Family Springs Pepsi Coala

3rd Jones A & B Falconhurst Formidable

4th Beer JR & FE Waymere Oaks Legend 5th Werombi Pines Stud & J Jones-Ryan Moreland Park Ozzie

6th Adams Livestock Coxon Sundowner

160 Led Gelding - over 15 hands - 4 years and over

1st Fernbrook Stud Lone Pine Mckenzie

2nd Ivery Park & TJ Moore Lazy D So Rock Me

3rd Ivery Park & D Pritchard Kirala Spellbound

4th Hope Simone & Georgia Hope Pemberton Major Contender

5th Schliebs Rachael Pemberton Premonition

6th King Anna Anisley Mystic Jewel

Champion Led ASH Gelding

Wilton Cowley Partnership Taronga Billabong Bruce

Reserve Champion Led ASH Gelding

Fernbrook Stud Lone Pine Mckenzie

Supreme Champion Led Australian Stock Horse

Ivery Park Stud Kirala Stud & Emery Kirala First Impressions

161 ASH Junior Judging Competition - persons aged 13 years and under 21

1st Adams Livestock Coxon Sundowner

2nd Armour Family Simpark Mini Image

3rd Yanco Agricultural High School Clearchoice Blue Larue

4th Timmins Family Brooklyn Timmins

5th Yanco Agricultural High School Rayma Simplicity

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162 A S H L A

1st Tuma-Webb Melise Win D Fortitude

2nd Miles Karen & Teena Bridge Cee Dee Bracelette

3rd Jones A & B Falconhurst Formidable

4th Longbottom Carly Riverdale Russler 5th Peadon WC & JA Bibbenluke Booshang

6th Ivery Park & D Pritchard Kirala Spellbound

Best Junior

Longbottom Carly Riverdale Russler

Best Novice

Wilson Amy Falconhurst Rivoli Repartee

163 ASH Hack any sex - under 4 years - to be ridden in snaffle bit

1st Howe Family Warringah Nickelback

2nd Snowy Mountains Stock Horses Ellie May

3rd Pederick family Glen Lee Rivoli Miss Tech

4th Weule Jenny Nethaway Fredrick

5th Ivery Park Stud J Long & Kathy Tizard Wirracoo Bandit

6th Pederick family Glen Lee Limerick

164 ASH Hack mare or gelding only - to be ridden in snaffle bit - rider to be under 17

1st Jones A & B Falconhurst Formidable

2nd Jones Family Springs Pepsi Coala

3rd Mannix Family Gooderah Aussie Gem

4th Longbottom Carly Riverdale Russler

5th Howe Family Doongara Will Power

6th Parker Bronwyn Midwave Resistance

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165 Stallion Hack - 4 years and over - to be ridden in snaffle bit - rider to be 17 years and over

1st Davidson Paul Ozi Ozi Ozi Bodacious Luke

2nd Clarke Mathew & Blackwater ASH Glen Lee Mosses Mercury

3rd Tuma-Webb Melise Win D Fortitude

4th Davidson Paul Luckenough Baseline

5th Gay Henry Hydeout Jack

166 Mare Hack - 4 years and over - to be ridden in snaffle bit

1st Peadon WC & JA Bibbenluke Emily

2nd Miles Karen & Teena Bridge Cee Dee Bracelette

3rd Scheibel Shenae Rainwood Park Tally

4th Wilson Amy Falconhurst Rivoli Repartee

5th Ivery Park Stud Kirala Stud & Emery Kirala First Impressions

6th Hope Simone & Georgia Hope Jindalee Matisse

7th Green Tiffany & Mick Allen Celadon Alibi

8th King Anna Anisley Stella Rose

167 Gelding Hack - 4 years and over - to be ridden in snaffle bit

1st Wilton Cowley Partnership Taronga Billabong Bruce

2nd Hope Simone & Georgia Hope Pemberton Major Contender

3rd Beer JR & FE Waymere Oaks Legend

4th Watterson Tiffany Lee Cobradah Quizzmaster

5th Jones Family Springs Pepsi Coala

6th Lock Rebecca Camelot Ozi Firelight

7th Tuma-Webb Melise & Clayton Webb Andisa Rivoli Xray

8th Adams Livestock Coxon Sundowner

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168 Hack - not exceeding 15 hands - to be ridden in a curb bit

1st Howe Family Doongara Will Power

2nd Wilton Cowley Partnership Taronga Billabong Bruce

3rd Tuma-Webb Melise M-Jay Fortune

4th Ivery Park Stud & Jackie Long Heza Star

5th King Anna Anisley Stella Rose

6th Jones Family Springs Pepsi Coala

7th Hope Simone & Georgia Hope Jindalee Matisse

8th Donnelly Emma Wadbilliga Major Impact

169 Hack - over 15 hands - to be ridden in a curb bit

1st Mannix Family Gooderah Aussie Gem

2nd Peadon WC & JA Bibbenluke Booshang

3rd McIntosh Ms Stacey Frosty Bo 4th Hope Simone & Georgia Hope Pemberton Major Contender

5th Tuma-Webb Melise Win D Fortitude

6th Ivery Park & D Pritchard Kirala Spellbound

7th Green Tiffany & Mick Allen Celadon Alibi

8th Davidson Paul Ozi Ozi Ozi Bodacious Luke

Champion Ridden Australian Stock Horse

Wilton Cowley Partnership Taronga Billabong Bruce

Reserve Champion Ridden Australian Stock Horse

Howe Family Doongara Will Power

170 Working Stallion - to be ridden in snaffle bit - (use of whip may be required) - rider to be 17 years and over

1st Clarke Mathew & Blackwater ASH Glen Lee Mosses Mercury

2nd Tuma-Webb Melise Win D Fortitude

3rd Peadon WC & JA Bibbenluke Booshang

4th Peadon WC & JA Kydras Obediah

5th Davidson Paul Luckenough Baseline

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171 Working Mare - to be ridden in snaffle bit - (use of whip may be required)

1st Peadon WC & JA Bibbenluke Selena

2nd Wilson Amy Falconhurst Rivoli Repartee

3rd Peadon WC & JA Bibbenluke Emily

4th Miles Karen & Teena Bridge Cee Dee Bracelette

5th Schliebs Rachael Nerrigundah Flirt

172 Working Gelding - to be ridden in snaffle bit - (use of whip may be required)

1st Wilton Cowley Partnership Taronga Billabong Bruce

2nd Jones A & B Falconhurst Formidable

3rd Beer JR & FE Waymere Oaks Legend 4th Schliebs Rachael Cedervale Classic

5th Fernbrook Stud Lone Pine Mckenzie

6th Tuma-Webb Melise & Clayton Webb Andisa Rivoli Xray

173 Working ASH - to be ridden in snaffle bit - (use of whip may be required) - rider to be under 17 years - stallions ineligible

1st Jones A & B Falconhurst Formidable

2nd Schliebs Rachael Cedervale Classic

3rd Snowy Mountains Stock Horses Doongara Power Play

4th Mannix Family Melbranch Aussie Dollar

5th Mower Family Hyrola Chequers

Champion Australian Stock Horse Working Horse

Clarke Mathew & Blackwater ASH Glen Lee Mosses Mercury

Supreme Champion Australian Stock Horse Under Saddle

Wilton Cowley Partnership Taronga Billabong Bruce

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174 ASPA Led Stallion - 4 years and over - not exceeding 14.2 hands

1st Hurley A & Harmony Hill & Romac Harmony Hill Anakin

2nd Corvan Park Stud & J Walker Uhatva Giovirni

3rd Hurley A & K Nichols Arabesque Sheykh 'N' Not Stirred

4th O'Donnell Vanessa Marconi Matrix

5th Lee Family Tamrie Park Xcells Reflections

6th Kaluda Park & D Murray Kaluda Park Comrade

175 ASPA Led Mare - 4 years and over - not exceeding 13 hands

1st Bamborough Pony Stud & Stevenson Bamborough September Song

2nd Rivett Julie & Nicole Pearl Of Marconi

3rd Corvan Park Stud & M & S McMaster Sheffield Park La Boheme

4th Gundarimbah Pony Stud Koora Lyn Viva

5th Henry Alan & Sandra & Gordon Park Gordon Park Hot Gossip 6th Ayrton Family Bamborough Cilento

176 ASPA Led Mare - 4 years and over - over 13 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands

1st Bond Kelly Confusions of Rathowen

2nd Harris Ashley & Tyler Manorvale Diamond Diva

3rd Richards Paige Victoria Yarradene Rhapsody

4th Walker & Hooke Families Sandown Musical Notes

5th Hazzard Donna Showpiece Of Potter Park

6th McClelland D Highlands Spring Harmony

177 ASPA Led Gelding - 4 years and over - not exceeding 13 hands

1st Corvan Park Stud & D & T Roberts Mondiso Park Blueprint

2nd Ryan Family Rosebrook Mentor

3rd C & B Hall Northamptondale Storybook

4th Moroney & Schulz Boronia Scion

5th Nordic Park & Medhurst Family Koorana Pizazz

6th Kelly Family Elvonara Park Georgie Porgie

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178 ASPA Led Gelding - 4 years and over - over 13 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands

1st Fowler Renae Leanda Hello There

2nd Lee Melissa Weston Park Mahogany

3rd Uhavta Stud H Burns & M Mitton Uhavta Getaway

4th C & B Hall Candlewood Masterpiece

5th Hammet Bobby Hamlot Park Royal Quest

6th Corvi V & T Cowan & S Lyons Kolbeach Flight

7th Haber Michelle & Raymond Haber Saravale Focused

8th Stevenson A & Mrs C & Miss Brooke Bamborough Memorize

179 ASPA Led Colt or Gelding - 3 years and under

1st Uhavta Stud H Burns & M Mitton Uhavta Kensington 2nd Sibley Belinda Koorana Neverland

3rd Place Kylie Brampton Jordayne

4th Cheney Kim Bamborough Bolero

180 ASPA Led Filly - 3 years and under

1st Lynch Zoe Whitmere Charade

2nd De Rooy Miss M & Mrs J Saradale Secret Romance

3rd Strathford Park & Kirste Strath Wynara Just A Doll

3rd Osbourne Clair And Michael Wynara Melody

5th Robinson Dannielle Fernbrook Dee Light

Champion Led Australian Saddle Pony

Bond Kelly Confusions of Rathowen

Reserve Champion Led Australian Saddle Pony

Uhavta Stud H Burns & M Mitton Uhavta Kensington

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181 ASPA Ridden Stallion - not exceeding 14.2 hands - rider to be 17 years and over

1st Hurley A & Harmony Hill & Romac Harmony Hill Anakin

2nd Hurley A & K Nichols Arabesque Sheykh 'N' Not Stirred

3rd O'Donnell Vanessa Marconi Matrix

4th Steadman-Towell Trish & Iona Park Rathowen Toy Soldier

5th Kaluda Park & D Murray Kaluda Park Comrade

6th Lee Family Tamrie Park Xcells Reflections

182 ASPA Ridden Mare/Gelding - not exceeding 12 hands

1st Gibson Penny Bamborough Prunella

2nd Walker Family Marena Amber Wish

3rd Strathford Park & Kirste Strath Wynara Just A Doll

4th Nordic Park & Medhurst Family Koorana Pizazz

5th Corvan Park Stud & Coddington Mikani Midnight Magic 6th Sams Broni Haddon Park Domino

183 ASPA Ridden Mare/Gelding - over 12 hands not exceeding 13

1st Sams Broni Owendale Honeycomb

2nd Henry Alan & Sandra & Gordon Park Gordon Park Hot Gossip

3rd C & B Hall Northamptondale Storybook

4th Morelli E.C & J Prestwidge Raleigh Picture Perfect

5th Harper-Purcell Family Tundra Park Distinction

6th J & R Equestrian Harrington Park Icon

7th Dalley Family Honeydew Mickey J

8th Bamborough Pony Stud & Stevenson Bamborough September Song

184 ASPA Ridden Mare/Gelding - over 13 hands not exceeding 14

1st Fowler Renae Leanda Hello There

3rd Harris Ashley & Tyler Manorvale Diamond Diva

4th Merygold Tori King Lodge Camelot

5th C & B Hall Candlewood Masterpiece

7th Stevenson A & Mrs C & Miss Brooke Bamborough Memorize

7th Lee Melissa Weston Park Mahogany

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185 ASPA Ridden Mare/Gelding - over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands

1st Walsh Leah & Terrie Lamey AP Wizardry

2nd Bond Kelly Confusions of Rathowen

3rd Richards Paige Victoria Yarradene Rhapsody

4th De Rooy Miss M & Mrs J Saradale Crusades

5th Wilson Troy & Tayla Lawlington Park Rendition

6th Johnson-McNeil Family Wynara Lyric

7th Johnson-McNeil Family Lunar Invasion

8th Haber Michelle & Raymond Haber Saravale Focused

Champion Ridden Australian Saddle Pony

Walsh Leah & Terrie Lamey AP Wizardry

Reserve Champion Ridden Australian Saddle Pony

Sams Broni Owendale Honeycomb

188 Led Buckskin Gelding - 14 hands and over

1st Nelson Jane & Catherine Hughes Theresa Park Oliver Twist

2nd Stevens Heidi Rockfire Cardi

3rd Arnold D M & P Scorse Monarch Lodge Tequila

189 Led Buckskin Gelding - not exceeding 14 hands

1st Place Kylie Brampton Jordayne

2nd Hill Allirah Carisma Park Nicholas

3rd Mills Cherie Thorwood Meerkat

4th Ellis Gaye Yvette Mindarie Mystro

5th Lynch Zoe Corvan Park Ash

Champion Buckskin Gelding

Place Kylie Brampton Jordayne

Reserve Champion Buckskin Gelding

Hill Allirah Carisma Park Nicholas

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190 Led Buckskin Mare - 4 years and over - 14 hands and over

1st Welch Robert & Kaleigh Pretty Unique Touch

191 Led Buckskin Mare - 4 years and over - not exceeding 14 hands

1st Rivett Julie & Nicole Pearl Of Marconi

2nd Langfield Jacqui & S & D Smith Birdwood Bush Blossom

3rd Place Kylie My Haven Bobbi Sox

4th Jorgenson Stacey & Kimberley Langtree Firebird

Champion Buckskin Mare / Filly

Rivett Julie & Nicole Pearl Of Marconi

Reserve Champion Buckskin Mare / Filly

Langfield Jacqui & S & D Smith Birdwood Bush Blossom

193 Buckskin Under Saddle - not exceeding 14 hands (Stallions and Colts eligible - rider to be 17 years and over)

1st Rivett Julie & Nicole Pearl Of Marconi

2nd Langfield Jacqui & S & D Smith Birdwood Bush Blossom

3rd Mills Cherie Thorwood Meerkat

4th Sviderskas Phoebe Joemoor Arizona

5th Hill Allirah Carisma Park Nicholas

6th Brooks L & C & G Appleton Bannon Park Governor

7th Lynch Zoe Corvan Park Ash

194 Buckskin Under Saddle - over 14 hands (Stallions and Colts eligible - rider to be 17 years and over)

1st Stevens Heidi Rockfire Cardi

2nd Gray Family Willandra Royal Warrior

3rd Nelson Jane & Catherine Hughes Theresa Park Oliver Twist

4th Arnold D M & P Scorse Monarch Lodge Tequila

195 Led Clydesdale Colt - under 4 years

1st Macleod Bruce Fernilea Ronnie

2nd Moloney Shaun & Yvette Samarah Park Regalia

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196 Led Clydesdale Stallion - 4 years and over

1st Moloney Shaun & Yvette Tullymore William

2nd Brazier Bianca Warrawong Jaxson

3rd Stone Ms Fiona Jeanal Lester

197 Led Clydesdale Gelding

1st Elizabeth Park Clydesdales Alexburne Lancaster

2nd Elizabeth Park Clydesdales Elizabeth Park Kanobi

3rd Alexburne Clydesdale Stud Annaburne Flash Alec

Champion Clydesdale Led Stallion / Colt / Gelding

Moloney Shaun & Yvette Tullymore William

Reserve Champion Clydesdale Led Stallion / Colt / Gelding

Macleod Bruce Fernilea Ronnie

198 Led Clydesdale Filly - under 4 years

1st Brazier Bianca Warrawong Patch Of Violet

2nd Macleod Bruce Fernilea Jessie

3rd Stone Ms Fiona Kiandra Gayle

Champion Clydesdale Led Mare / Filly

Brazier Bianca Warrawong Patch Of Violet

Reserve Champion Clydesdale Led Mare / Filly

Macleod Bruce Fernilea Jessie

Supreme Champion Clydesdale

Moloney Shaun & Yvette Tullymore William

200 Led Shire Colt - under 4 years

1st Wilson Lisa Cedars Jock

201 Led Shire Stallion - 4 years and over

1st May Tony Beandema Samson

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Champion Led Shire Stallion / Colt / Gelding

May Tony Beandema Samson

Reserve Champion Led Shire Stallion / Colt / Gelding

Wilson Lisa Cedars Jock

203 Led Shire Filly - under 4 years

1st Post Daryn & Tania Mingara Alexandria

2nd Post Daryn & Tania Mingara Lady Elizabeth

204 Led Shire Mare - 4 years and over

1st Post Daryn & Tania Mingara Isabella

Champion Led Shire Mare / Filly

Post Daryn & Tania Mingara Isabella

Reserve Champion Led Shire Mare / Filly

Post Daryn & Tania Mingara Alexandria

Supreme Champion Shire

May Tony Beandema Samson

208 Led Percheron Filly - under 4 years

1st Boyer Merrin Little Rock Destiny

Champion Led Percheron Mare / Filly

Boyer Merrin Little Rock Destiny

Supreme Champion Percheron

Boyer Merrin Little Rock Destiny

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210 Single Horse Driven in Long Reins - any sex

1st Stone Ms Fiona Jeanal Lester

2nd Brazier Bianca Warrawong Jaxson

3rd Elizabeth Park Clydesdales Elizabeth Park Kanobi

4th Pearson Carmen Volo Bonnie

5th Elizabeth Park Clydesdales Alexburne Lancaster

211 Open Business Turnout - any sex

1st Keir Family & Paterson Family Canberra Park Stepalong Crown St

2nd Keir Family & Canberra Park Canberra Park Stepalong Generald

3rd Keir Family & Canberra Park Canberra Park Stepalong Molly

212 Light Delivery Horse - any sex

1st Keir Family & Paterson Family Canberra Park Stepalong Crown St

2nd Keir Family & Canberra Park Canberra Park Stepalong Molly

213 Medium Delivery Horse - any sex

1st Keir Family & Canberra Park Canberra Park Stepalong Generald

214 Heavy Delivery Horse - any sex

1st Stone Ms Fiona Jeanal Lester

2nd Alexburne Clydesdale Stud Annaburne Flash Alec

3rd Pearson Carmen Volo Bonnie

Champion Delivery Horse

Keir Family & Paterson Family Canberra Park Stepalong Crown St

Reserve Champion Delivery Horse

Keir Family & Canberra Park Canberra Park Stepalong Generald

216 Led Paint Mare / Filly

1st Mills Cherie Vancouver Park Celebrity Girl

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217 Led Paint Gelding

1st McEnallay Chanelle Wizzs Hunch

2nd Peters Scott & Angela Peters Wakoda Xtreme Affect

3rd Gray Family Willandra Heart Hitter

Champion Led Paint Exhibit

Mills Cherie Vancouver Park Celebrity Girl

Reserve Champion Led Paint Exhibit

McEnallay Chanelle Wizzs Hunch

218 Paint Under Saddle - Stallions and Colts eligible - rider to be 17 years and over

1st Gray Family Willandra Heart Hitter

2nd McEnallay Chanelle Wizzs Hunch

3rd Peters Scott & Angela Peters Wakoda Xtreme Affect

4th Mills Cherie Vancouver Park Celebrity Girl

219 Led Palomino Stallion / Colt

1st Braidwood Anne Chambron Tullamore Dew

2nd Turgeon Family Panama Aureo Fuego

220 Led Palomino Gelding - 14 hands and over 1st Mills Catherine & Lillian Westlake Peter Pan

2nd Tutt-Lyons Sharon Bobby White Socks

3rd White Tiffany Tapu Fromage Frais

221 Led Palomino Gelding - not exceeding 14 hands

1st Arnold D M & P Scorse Aratahnes Graphic

2nd Walker Kevin & Tonia Jackson Brampton Royal Whispers

3rd Reeve-Singles Miss J L Loriot Royal Doulton

Champion Led Palomino Stallion / Colt / Gelding

Arnold D M & P Scorse Aratahnes Graphic

Reserve Champion Led Palomino Stallion / Colt / Gelding

Braidwood Anne Chambron Tullamore Dew

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222 Led Palomino Mare - 4 years and over - 14 hands and over

1st Bathgate Maddie Acacia Park Evening Rose

2nd George Sharon Murraydale Park White Diamonds

3rd Wende Julie Invic Knowing

4th Karizmah Performance Palominos Karizmah Infinity

5th Regal Gold Palominos Streamville Park Haleema

223 Led Palomino Mare - 4 years and over - not exceeding 14 hands

1st Jones Alexandra Corvan Park Latte

2nd Agnew Rosemary Suekerbru Fiesta Rose

3rd White Tiffany Kowhai Pirouette

224 Led Palomino Filly - under 4 years

1st Robinson Dannielle Fernbrook Dee Light

Champion Led Palomino Mare / Filly

Robinson Dannielle Fernbrook Dee Light

Reserve Champion Led Palomino Mare / Filly

Bathgate Maddie Acacia Park Evening Rose

Supreme Led Palomino Exhibit

Braidwood Anne Chambron Tullamore Dew

225 Palomino under Saddle - not exceeding 14 hands - Stallions and Colts eligible - rider to be 17 years and over

1st Jones Alexandra Corvan Park Latte

2nd Walker Kevin & Tonia Jackson Brampton Royal Whispers

3rd Reeve-Singles Miss J L Loriot Royal Doulton

4th Arnold D M & P Scorse Aratahnes Graphic

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


226 Palomino under Saddle - over 14 hands - Stallions and Colts eligible - rider to be 17 years and over

1st Bathgate Maddie Acacia Park Evening Rose

2nd Karizmah Performance Palominos Karizmah Infinity

3rd Braidwood Anne Chambron Tullamore Dew

4th George Sharon Murraydale Park White Diamonds

5th Mills Catherine & Lillian Westlake Peter Pan

6th Regal Gold Palominos Streamville Park Haleema

227 Led Pinto Stallion / Colt

1st Mills & Richardson Vancouver Park Cardeau

2nd Stroslla Park Stroslla Park Yogi Bear

3rd Empire Stud Zeus ZW

228 Led Pinto Mare / Filly

1st Murra Pastoral Co Murrabong Touch Of Colour

2nd Mills Cherie Vancouver Park Celebrity Girl

3rd Hall Kathryn Emerald Lane First Marque

229 Led Pinto Gelding

1st McEnallay Chanelle Wizzs Hunch

2nd Demmler Maddison WP Kiss

3rd Gray Family Willandra Heart Hitter

4th Peters Scott & Angela Peters Wakoda Xtreme Affect

5th Lake Vicki & Tayla Lake Storming Casper

6th Keates Wendy Tradewinds Corsair

Champion Led Pinto

Mills & Richardson Vancouver Park Cardeau

Reserve Champion Led Pinto

Stroslla Park Stroslla Park Yogi Bear

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


230 Best Marked Pinto - Any sex

1st Mills Cherie Vancouver Park Celebrity Girl

2nd Murra Pastoral Co Murrabong Touch Of Colour

3rd Gray Family Willandra Heart Hitter

4th Keates Wendy Tradewinds Corsair

5th Peters Scott & Angela Peters Wakoda Xtreme Affect

231 Pinto Under Saddle - Stallions and Colts elibigle to compete - riders to be 17 years and over

1st Mills & Richardson Vancouver Park Cardeau

2nd McEnallay Chanelle Wizzs Hunch

3rd Gray Family Willandra Heart Hitter

4th Peters Scott & Angela Peters Wakoda Xtreme Affect

5th Lake Vicki & Tayla Lake Storming Casper

6th Hall Kathryn Emerald Lane First Marque

232 RPSB Gelding - over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands

1st Spinks Family Kiabe Obsidian

2nd Dalley Family Rathowen Quantum

3rd Hammet Bobby Hamlot Park Royal Quest

4th Manorvale Stables Manorvale Lost Boy

5th Lambeth Lynette Regalbrook Show Off 6th Corvi V & T Cowan & S Lyons Kolbeach Flight

233 RPSB Gelding - over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands

1st Godfrey Mrs D & Mrs M Skinner Robbanie Mister Squiggle

2nd Richardson, Withers & Devrome Hibrie Spring Chatter

3rd Ellis & Firth Families Harrington Park Dream Chaser

4th C & B Hall Candlewood Masterpiece

5th Mills Cherie Thorwood Meerkat

6th Brooks L & C & G Appleton Daly Downs Toy Boy

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


234 RPSB Gelding - not exceeding 12.2 hands

1st Searle R and G & Bonnie Cox Bordershow Boy Scout

2nd Kelly Family Elvonara Park Georgie Porgie

3rd Mills Catherine & Lillian Beckworth Royal Appointment

4th Ryan Family Rosebrook Mentor

5th O'Connor Stephanie & Tess Fencourt Just A Rascal

6th McManus Kallistia Woollamia Shakespeare

235 RPSB Stallion - 4 years and over - not exceeding 14.2 hands

1st Lee Family Tamrie Park Xcells Reflections

2nd Hurley A & Harmony Hill & Romac Harmony Hill Anakin

3rd Corvan Park Stud & J Walker Uhatva Giovirni

4th Drysdale L & Merrindale Stud Merrindale Fleet Street

5th Senescall Samantha Sanlirra Groom

236 RPSB Mare - over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands

1st Harris Ashley & Tyler Manorvale Diamond Diva

2nd Romsey Park & Zoe Griffett Buckwell Park Delusion

3rd Jenkins AR & VD & ACM Training Dirigeree Park Missy Higgins

4th Sambrooks Melissa Euston Dancestar

5th Hobson Jessica & Linda Regalbrook Serenity

6th Henry Alan & Sandra Gordon Park Winter Song

237 RPSB Mare - over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands

1st Petrie B & C Comley Rosedale Simone

2nd Langley Jan Langtree French Lace

3rd McGuire-Muller Mrs Melanie Ascot Elizabeth Arden

4th Strathford Park & Kirste Strath Strathford Bel Canto

5th Hazzard Donna Showpiece Of Potter Park

6th Corvi V & T Cowan & S Lyons Rathowen The Diva

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


238 RPSB Mare - not exceeding 12.2 hands

1st Dalley Family Artsworth Magenta

2nd Sams Broni Owendale Honeycomb

3rd C & B Hall & Teys Family DP Honours

4th Hughes C & Family Denhue Royal Design

5th Newley Leanne & Christine Liverpool Ballarina

6th Ryan Family Dunelm Last Dance

Champion Senior Exhibit

Petrie B & C Comley Rosedale Simone

Reserve Champion Senior Exhibit

Godfrey Mrs D & Mrs M Skinner Robbanie Mister Squiggle

239 RPSB Yearling - not exceeding 13.3 hands

1st Godfrey Mrs D & Mrs M Skinner Robbanie Chart Topper

2nd Langley Jan Langtree Diamontina

3rd Uhavta Stud H Burns & M Mitton Uhavta Kensington

4th McGuire-Muller Mrs Melanie Ascot Sarah Marie

5th Everingham Genevieve & Cheval Keiron Little Drummer Boy

6th Ryan Family Gem Park China Doll

240 RPSB Colt Filly or Gelding - 2 and 3 years - not exceeding 12.3

1st Hunter C & L Warburton Rosedale Songster

2nd Edwards Janice Manorvale Swan Song

3rd Fair Holly Melody Park Dancing Queen

241 RPSB Colt Filly or Gelding - 2 and 3 years - over 12.3 hands and not exceeding 14.1 hands

1st Prestwidge J Royalwood Chorus Of Love

2nd Adams Emma Rosworth Magician

3rd Osbourne Clair And Michael Wynara Melody

4th De Rooy Miss M & Mrs J Saradale Secret Romance

5th Cheney Kim Bamborough Bolero

6th Place Kylie Brampton Jordayne

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


Champion RPSB Youngstock

Hunter C & L Warburton Rosedale Songster

Reserve Champion RPSB Youngstock

Prestwidge J Royalwood Chorus Of Love

Supreme Champion Led Riding Pony Exhibit

Petrie B & C Comley Rosedale Simone

242 Stallion or Colt - not exceeding 14.2 hands - rider to be 17 years and over

1st KC Stables Gem Park Orlando

2nd Lee Family Tamrie Park Xcells Reflections

3rd Steadman-Towell Trish & Iona Park Rathowen Toy Soldier

243 Mare or Gelding - not exceeding 12.2 hands

1st Dalley Family Artsworth Magenta

2nd Jamieson Miss Stephanie Kamilaroi Kismet

3rd Sams Broni Owendale Honeycomb

4th Ryan Family Rosebrook Mentor

5th Searle R and G & Bonnie Cox Bordershow Boy Scout

6th GC Equestrian & Jordan McDowall Rothwell Song Sung Blue

7th Riemer Nicole & Danyel Radford Lodge Candy Cane

8th Harper-Purcell Family Tundra Park Distinction

244 Mare or Gelding - over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 13 hands

1st Petrie B & C Comley Rosedale Simone

2nd Fraser Family Willowcroft Miss Saigon

3rd Ellis & Firth Families Silkwood Dejavu

4th Strathford Park & Kirste Strath Strathford Bel Canto

5th Parish Family Bevanlee Encore

6th Argyl Stud & AR & CJ Hunt Kolbeach Pin Up

7th McGuire-Muller Mrs Melanie Ascot Elizabeth Arden

8th Morelli E.C & J Prestwidge Raleigh Picture Perfect

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


245 Mare or Gelding - over 13 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands

1st Hayes Lynda & Bragg Family Kolbeach Promise

2nd Godfrey Mrs D & Mrs M Skinner Robbanie Mister Squiggle

3rd Hazzard Donna Showpiece Of Potter Park

4th Ellis & Firth Families Harrington Park Dream Chaser

5th Richardson, Withers & Devrome Hibrie Spring Chatter

6th C & B Hall Candlewood Masterpiece

7th Paulston Nicole Belrose Park Topcat

8th Jones A & B Bellevale In The Moment

246 Mare or Gelding - over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands

1st Bailey & Christie Helden Park Petite

2nd Harris Ashley & Tyler Manorvale Diamond Diva

3rd Fowler Renae Leanda Hello There

4th Richardson, Withers & Devrome Willowcroft Emblems Delight

5th Langley Jan Scarlett Ribbons 6th Dalley Family Rathowen Quantum

7th Jenkins AR & VD & ACM Training Dirigeree Park Missy Higgins

8th Crisp Mrs Julie Hollys Work Of Art

247 Mare or Gelding - over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands

1st Walsh Leah & Terrie Lamey AP Wizardry

2nd Fraser Family Willowcroft Coco Chanel

3rd Payne & Uchtman Sanlirra Talk Of The Town

4th Romsey Park & Zoe Griffett Buckwell Park Delusion

5th Fowler Renae Helden Park Honky Tonk

6th Bond Kelly Confusions of Rathowen

7th McEvoy Jane Gordon Park Masquerade

8th Hayes Lynda & D MacDonald & T Kolbeach Rosewood

Champion Ridden RPSB Show Pony

Petrie B & C Comley Rosedale Simone

Reserve Champion Ridden RPSB Show Pony

Bailey & Christie Helden Park Petite

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


248 Stallion or Colt - not exceeding 14.2 hands - rider to be 17 years and over

1st Drysdale L & Merrindale Stud Merrindale Fleet Street

2nd Senescall Samantha Sanlirra Groom

3rd Hurley A & Harmony Hill & Romac Harmony Hill Anakin

249 Mare or Gelding - not exceeding 12.2 hands

1st Riemer Nicole & Danyel Brandyhollow Candyman

2nd Bamborough Pony Stud & Bamborough September Song

3rd Edwards Janice Palm Park Elegance

4th Brooks L & C & G Appleton Bannon Park Governor

5th Mills Cherie Palm Park Royal Acclaim

250 Mare or Gelding - over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands

1st Christie F & S Barrington & J Lornie Solar Power Of Sefton

2nd Lee Family Newington Rumours

3rd Brookman Park Courtalia Park Sarnau

4th Dalley Family Honeydew Mickey J

5th Reeve-Singles Miss J L Loriot Royal Doulton

6th C & B Hall Northamptondale Storybook

251 Mare or Gelding - over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14 hands

1st Langley Jan Langtree Opium

2nd Christie Francesca & Stephanie Barrington Park Broadway

3rd Lord Family Westlake Grand Affair

4th Arnold Jess & JEA Photography Langtree Royal Blue

5th Samsa P & S Farleigh Samuel Whiskers

6th McEvoy Family Hidden Park Etchings

252 Mare or Gelding - over 14 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands

1st Johnson-McNeil Family Lunar Invasion

2nd Lavelle Family Regalbrook Fire And Ice

3rd Manorvale Stables Manorvale Lost Boy

4th Kennedy Georgia Roseagle Sea Rover

5th C & B Hall & K Patchett LJS Freedom

6th Frost Brianna Cheraton Bossa Nova

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


Champion Ridden Show Hunter Pony

Langley Jan Langtree Opium

Reserve Champion Ridden Show Hunter Pony

Christie Francesca & Stephanie Barrington Park Broadway

253 RPSB Mare or Gelding - not exceeding 12.2 hands - rider 12 years and under

1st Riemer Nicole & Danyel Radford Lodge Candy Cane

2nd Fair Holly Melody Park Dancing Queen

3rd Corumbene Stud Falconhurst Reflection

4th Jamieson Miss Stephanie Kamilaroi Kismet

5th Searle R and G & Bonnie Cox Bordershow Boy Scout

6th Sams Broni Owendale Honeycomb

7th Corumbene Stud Silkwood Nutkin

8th Mills Catherine & Lillian Beckworth Royal Appointment

254 RPSB Mare or Gelding - over 12.2 hands and not exceeding 13.2 hands - rider 14 years and under

1st Fraser Family Willowcroft Miss Saigon

2nd Corumbene Stud Braefoot Park Spring Temptress

3rd Lee Family Newington Rumours

4th Richardson, Withers & Devrome Hibrie Spring Chatter

5th Morelli E.C & J Prestwidge Raleigh Picture Perfect

6th Richards Beverley Ariston Dream Song

7th Paulston Nicole Belrose Park Topcat

8th Pomroy Yvette Artsworth Park Matisse

255 RPSB Mare or Gelding - over 13.2 hands and not exceeding 14.2 hands - rider 16 years and under

1st McEvoy Jane Gordon Park Masquerade

2nd Hammet Bobby Hamlot Park Royal Quest

3rd Fowler Renae Leanda Hello There

4th Morelli E.C & J Prestwidge Janevelyn Jazzman

5th Lambeth Lynette Regalbrook Show Off

6th Dalley Family Rathowen Quantum

7th Harris Ashley & Tyler Manorvale Diamond Diva

8th GC Equestrian & Riley Kent Langtree Dignify

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


Champion Riding Pony Ridden By a Child

McEvoy Jane Gordon Park Masquerade

Reserve Champion Riding Pony Ridden By a Child

Hammet Bobby Hamlot Park Royal Quest

256 Led Shetland Colt - under 4 years

1st Hogg Irene & Narelle Pilinta Park Showman

257 Led Shetland Stallion - 4 years and over

1st Kevelle Lee Shetland Stud Kevelle Lee Kintore

2nd Shambala Park Stud & Johnson Shambala Park Matrix

3rd Hogg Irene & Narelle Lentara Media

Champion Led Shetland Stallion / Colt

Hogg Irene & Narelle Pilinta Park Showman

Reserve Champion Led Shetland Stallion / Colt

Kevelle Lee Shetland Stud Kevelle Lee Kintore

258 Led Shetland Filly - under 4 years

1st Hogg Irene & Narelle Lentara Madonna

2nd Biggar CD & PT McCormick Redacres Inde

259 Led Shetland Mare - 4 years and over

1st Fry Marilyn & Blackwood Ponies Blackwood Tudor Rose

2nd Shambala Park Stud & Johnson Thorpeville Geena

3rd Biggar CD & PT McCormick Redacres Paula

260 Led Shetland Brood Mare

1st Hogg Irene & Narelle Lentara Peppercorn

2nd Kevelle Lee Shetland Stud Kevelle Lee Persephony

3rd Mackie P Red Acres Victoria

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


Champion Led Shetland Mare / Filly

Fry Marilyn & Blackwood Ponies Blackwood Tudor Rose

Reserve Champion Led Shetland Mare / Filly

Shambala Park Stud & Johnson Thorpeville Geena

261 Led Shetland Gelding - under 4 years

1st Kevelle Lee Shetland Stud Kevelle Lee Shadow

2nd Shambala Park Stud & Johnson Shambala Park Zuma

262 Led Shetland Gelding - 4 years and over

1st James A & CA Collins Kimba Krisp

2nd Shambala Park Stud & Johnson Shambala Park Midas

3rd Biggar CD & PT McCormick Redacres Mario

4th King Simone Redacres Ikey

Champion Led Shetland Gelding

James A & CA Collins Kimba Krisp

Reserve Champion Led Shetland Gelding

Shambala Park Stud & Johnson Shambala Park Zuma

Supreme Shetland of the Show

Fry Marilyn & Blackwood Ponies Blackwood Tudor Rose

263 Shetland Under Saddle (Stallions eligible)

1st Shambala Park Stud & Johnson Thorpeville Geena

2nd Hogg Irene & Narelle Lentara Media

3rd Fry Marilyn & Blackwood Ponies Blackwood Tudor Rose

4th Tonkin Julie & Becky Roberson Pilinta Park Kimba

264 Shetland in Harness (Stallions eligible)

1st James A & CA Collins Kimba Krisp

2nd Biggar CD & PT McCormick Redacres Bronson

3rd Shambala Park Stud & Johnson Shambala Park Midas

4th Keir Family & Canberra Park Cloon Neptune

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


269 Led Thoroughbred Mare - 4 years and over - not exceeding 16 1st Kenzig Mark & Louise Barton Mascara

2nd Jamieson Nici Hallmark Attitude

3rd Walker & Hollows Families Breezy Street

4th Pratley Warren Winter

5th Scanlon Belinda Alkyra Elegance

6th Walker & Hooke Families Majestic

7th Frew Sharon M Laula Cover Girl

270 Led Thoroughbred Mare - 4 years and over - over 16 hands

1st Ritchie Michelle Gemmarena

Champion Led Thoroughbred Mare / Filly

Kenzig Mark & Louise Barton Mascara

Reserve Champion Thoroughbred Mare or Filly

Jamieson Nici Hallmark Attitude

272 Led Thoroughbred Gelding - not exceeding 16 hands

1st Kenzig Mark & K and R Woodland Northwood Confidential

2nd Thompson Sue Concerto

3rd Walsh Shaelyn Sausalito

4th Treneman Family Lemracs Eclipse

5th Bertie Family So Courtly

6th Gorst SM & VJK Ice Sphere

7th Couling Brittany Hurricaine Colray

273 Led Thoroughbred Gelding - over 16 hands

1st Plumb Dale DP Amazing

2nd Farrow & Lipp Kholo

3rd Treneman Family That’s Delight

4th Berwick Alexandra DP Prayer

5th C & B Hall Conneticut 6th Christie F & Christine Frost SLM Prestige

7th Mcintyre Fiona Studio

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


Champion Led Thoroughbred Gelding

Plumb Dale DP Amazing

Reserve Champion Led Thoroughbred Gelding

Kenzig Mark & K and R Woodland Northwood Confidential

Supreme Champion Led Thoroughbred

Plumb Dale DP Amazing

Best Attired Female Handler in Thoroughbred Classes

Thompson Sue

Best Attired Male Handler in Thoroughbred Classes

Ryan Duncan

274 Led Warmblood Sport Horse Stallion / Colt

1st Walker Sue & Suellen Saals Noble Monarch

2nd Mills & Richardson Vancouver Park Cardeau

3rd Empire Stud Zeus ZW

275 Led Warmblood Sport Horse Mare / Filly

1st Adams Emma EBL Juliett

2nd Richards Paige Victoria Meridian Portrait In Motion

3rd Clohesy Peter Kalbrook Park Eloise

4th Colvin ES & Strath K Allessandra Park Padame

5th Karizmah Performance Palominos Karizmah Infinity

276 Led Warmblood Sport Horse Gelding

1st White Kristin & Mayfield Farm Mayfield Noble

2nd White Kristin & Mayfield Farm Mayfield Be Brave

3rd Lucas Tyron & Coldstream Park Coldstream Showtime

4th Lipp Ros Absolut Royalty

5th Wells Tracie-Lee Daydream Believer

6th Harrogate Hill Emmaville Contiki

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


Champion Led Warmblood Sport Horse

Adams Emma EBL Juliett

Reserve Champion Led Warmblood Sport Horse

White Kristin & Mayfield Farm Mayfield Noble

277 Ridden Warmblood Sport Horse - Stallions and Colts eligible - rider to be 17 years and over

1st Walker Sue & Suellen Saals Noble Monarch

2nd Barnes Holly Absolute Passion

3rd Burgh Katrina Jane KW Liaison

4th Karizmah Performance Palominos Karizmah Infinity

5th Wells Tracie-Lee Daydream Believer

6th Harrogate Hill Emmaville Contiki

7th Orford Brianna W.e.s. Merlin

8th White Kristin & Mayfield Farm Mayfield Be Brave

279 Led Welsh Mountain Pony Section A Filly - 3 years and under

1st Lyons Susan Barnhill Party Time

2nd King Nicole Osory Serenity

3rd Edwards Catherine Woranora Phoebe

4th Hamdden Pony Stud Avlon Dew Drop

280 Led Welsh Mountain Pony Section A Mare - 4 years and over

1st Dunn Kerrie & BL & CD Hardy Oakville Mystique

2nd Gibson Penny Bamborough Prunella

Champion Welsh Mountain Pony - Section A

Lyons Susan Barnhill Party Time

Reserve Champion Welsh Mountain Pony - Section A

King Nicole Osory Serenity

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


281 Led Welsh Pony Section B Stallion or Colt 1st Mark G & A Woods Weston Park Chamberlain

2nd O'Donnell Vanessa Marconi Matrix

3rd Rae Sharon & Rae Park Stud Glenmore First Agent

282 Led Welsh Pony Section B Filly - 3 years and under

1st Murphy Chris & Janet Keyi Chasca

2nd Cherrington Pony Stud & M Gates Cherrington Royal Picture

3rd O'Donnell Vanessa Cherrington Rose Bouquet

4th Caddy Family Owendale Sunburst

283 Led Welsh Pony Section B Mare - 4 years and over

1st Paris Stephen Keyi Chelewa

2nd Edwards Catherine Woranora Sapphire

3rd Hamdden Pony Stud Amaranda Helwyn

4th Rowan Nicolin Owendale Delta

Champion Welsh Pony - Section B

Mark G & A Woods Weston Park Chamberlain

Reserve Champion Welsh Pony - Section B

Murphy Chris & Janet Keyi Chasca

284 Led Welsh Pony of Cob Type / Welsh Cob Stallion or Colt

1st Stubbs Michelle Taraco Figaro { Imp Uk }

2nd Helmgens Sabina Grenwood Shakespeare

285 Led Welsh Pony of Cob Type / Welsh Cob Mare or Filly

1st Helmgens Sabina Arawa Rosina (imp Nz)

Champion Welsh Pony of Cob Type / Welsh Cob

Stubbs Michelle Taraco Figaro { Imp Uk }

Reserve Champion Welsh Pony of Cob Type / Welsh Cob

Helmgens Sabina Arawa Rosina (imp Nz)

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


286 Led Gelding of Section A Breeding 1st Mansell Rebecca Eagle Park Starburst

2nd Chenery A & S Kingfisher Park Zac

3rd Jammal Leesa Eagle Park Wannabee

4th Barnes Chris & Anne Avlon Simeron

5th Lee Family Lykanarro Ladysmith

287 Led Gelding of Section B Breeding

1st Place Kylie Brampton Jordayne

2nd Moroney & Schulz Boronia Scion

3rd Crow Robyn & Graham Atchina Shakespeare's Salute

4th Walker Kevin & Tonia Jackson Brampton Royal Whispers

5th Kelly Family Elvonara Park Georgie Porgie

6th Brookman Park Dalpura Kolarta

288 Led Gelding of Section C or Section D Breeding

1st Hocking Family Nawarrah Park King Arthur

2nd Stevens Heidi Rockfire Cardi

3rd Sewell J Kenda Park Fancy That

Champion Welsh Gelding

Mansell Rebecca Eagle Park Starburst

Reserve Champion Welsh Gelding

Place Kylie Brampton Jordayne

Supreme Welsh Exhibit In Hand

Lyons Susan Barnhill Party Time

289 Led Part Welsh Colt 3 years and under

1st Uhavta Stud H Burns & M Mitton Uhavta Kensington

2nd KC Stables Gem Park Orlando

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


290 Led Part Welsh Stallion 4 years and over

1st Hurley A & K Nichols Arabesque Sheykh 'N' Not Stirred

2nd Lee Family Tamrie Park Xcells Reflections

3rd Corvan Park Stud & J Walker Uhatva Giovirni

4th Drysdale L & Merrindale Stud Merrindale Fleet Street

5th Kaluda Park & D Murray Kaluda Park Comrade

Champion Part Welsh Stallion or Colt

Uhavta Stud H Burns & M Mitton Uhavta Kensington

Reserve Champion Part Welsh Stallion or Colt

KC Stables Gem Park Orlando

291 Led Part Welsh Filly - 3 years and under

1st Osbourne Clair And Michael Wynara Melody

2nd Robinson Dannielle Fernbrook Dee Light

3rd Strathford Park & Kirste Strath Wynara Just A Doll

292 Led Part Welsh Mare - 4 years and over - not exceeding 13 hands

1st McGuire-Muller Mrs Melanie Ascot Elizabeth Arden

2nd Bamborough Pony Stud & Stevenson Bamborough September Song

3rd Newley Leanne & Christine Liverpool Ballarina

4th Strathford Park & Kirste Strath Strathford Bel Canto

5th Sams Broni Owendale Honeycomb

6th Rivett Julie & Nicole Pearl Of Marconi

293 Led Part Welsh Mare - 4 years and over - over 13 hands

1st Nordic Park & Medhurst Family Willowcroft Silk

2nd C & B Hall Willowcroft Cover Girl

3rd McClelland D Highlands Spring Harmony

4th Walker Kevin & Tonia Jackson Loriot Talk Of The Town

5th Cheney Kim Bamborough Bijou

6th Corvi V & T Cowan & S Lyons Rathowen The Diva

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


Champion Part Welsh Mare or Filly

McGuire-Muller Mrs Melanie Ascot Elizabeth Arden

Reserve Champion Part Welsh Mare or Filly

Bamborough Pony Stud & Stevenson Bamborough September Song

294 Led Part Welsh Gelding - not exceeding 13 hands

1st Mills Cherie Thorwood Meerkat

2nd Cheney Kim Bamborough Bolero

3rd Brooks L & C & G Appleton Daly Downs Toy Boy

4th Cheney Kim Birrali Honest Request

5th Petrie & Bradley Birchwood Pantomime

6th Harper-Purcell Family Tundra Park Distinction

295 Led Part Welsh Gelding - over 13 hands

1st ACM Training Stables & Lisa Ford Wesswood Gypsy Jazz

2nd Hammet Bobby Hamlot Park Royal Quest

3rd Corvi V & T Cowan & S Lyons Kolbeach Flight

4th Sibley Belinda Koorana Neverland

5th Uhavta Stud H Burns & M Mitton Uhavta Getaway

6th Stevenson A & Mrs C & Miss Brooke Bamborough Memorize

7th Lee Melissa Weston Park Mahogany

Champion Part Welsh Gelding

ACM Training Stables & Lisa Ford Wesswood Gypsy Jazz

Reserve Champion Part Welsh Gelding

Mills Cherie Thorwood Meerkat

Supreme Part Bred Welsh Exhibit In Hand

McGuire-Muller Mrs Melanie Ascot Elizabeth Arden

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


296 Ridden Welsh Stallion A B C or D - rider to be 17 years and over

1st O'Donnell Vanessa Marconi Matrix

2nd Rae Sharon & Rae Park Stud Glenmore First Agent 3rd Helmgens Sabina Grenwood Shakespeare

297 Ridden Welsh Mountain Pony mare/filly or gelding of Section A breeding

1st Gibson Penny Bamborough Prunella

2nd Dunn Kerrie & BL & CD Hardy Oakville Mystique

3rd Teys & Plucknett Families Arielen Elvis

4th Hughes C & Family Thorpeville Shilo

5th Lee Family Lykanarro Ladysmith

6th Chenery A & S Kingfisher Park Zac

298 Ridden Welsh Pony mare/filly or gelding of Section B breeding

1st Chenery A & S Kingswood Rover

2nd Fallon Family Cherrington Strauss

3rd Kelly Family Elvonara Park Georgie Porgie

4th Moroney & Schulz Boronia Scion

5th Sams Broni Haddon Park Domino

6th Walker Kevin & Tonia Jackson Brampton Royal Whispers

299 Ridden Welsh Pony of Cob Type or Welsh Cob mare/filly or gelding of Section C or Section D breeding

1st Hocking Family Nawarrah Park King Arthur

2nd Stevens Heidi Rockfire Cardi

Champion Ridden Welsh Pony

Hocking Family Nawarrah Park King Arthur

Reserve Champion Ridden Welsh Pony

Gibson Penny Bamborough Prunella

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300 Ridden Part Welsh Stallion - rider to be 17 years and over

1st KC Stables Gem Park Orlando

2nd Lee Family Tamrie Park Xcells Reflections

3rd Hurley A & K Nichols Arabesque Sheykh 'N' Not Stirred

4th Drysdale L & Merrindale Stud Merrindale Fleet Street

5th Kaluda Park & D Murray Kaluda Park Comrade

301 Ridden Part Welsh Mare or Gelding not exceeding 13 hands

1st Sams Broni Owendale Honeycomb

2nd Corumbene Stud Rathowen Free Spirit

3rd Bamborough Pony Stud & Stevenson Bamborough September Song

4th Carter Angela Leanda Hello Darling

5th Mills Cherie Palm Park Royal Acclaim

6th Brooks L & C & G Appleton Daly Downs Toy Boy

7th Lee Family Newington Rumours

302 Ridden Part Welsh Mare or Gelding over 13 hands and not exceeding 14 hands

1st Hammet Bobby Hamlot Park Royal Quest

2nd Corvi V & T Cowan & S Lyons Kolbeach Flight

3rd Fowler Renae Leanda Hello There

4th Cheney Kim Bamborough Bijou

5th Christie F & S Barrington & J Lornie Solar Power Of Sefton

6th Stevenson A & Mrs C & Miss Brooke Bamborough Memorize

7th C & B Hall Candlewood Masterpiece

8th C & B Hall Willowcroft Cover Girl

303 Ridden Part Welsh Mare or Gelding over 14 hands

1st ACM Training Stables & Lisa Ford Wesswood Gypsy Jazz

2nd Matthews Dean Ascot Party Music

3rd Wilson Troy & Tayla Lawlington Park Rendition

4th Kennedy Georgia Roseagle Sea Rover

5th Kelly-O'Connor Shonagh Urubula Regal Holiday

6th Johnson-McNeil Family Wynara Lyric

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


Champion Ridden Part Welsh Pony

Sams Broni Owendale Honeycomb

Reserve Champion Ridden Part Welsh Pony

Hammet Bobby Hamlot Park Royal Quest

305 Show Vehicle Turnout - not exceeding 14 hands

1st Keir Family & Canberra Park Canberra Park Manhatton

2nd Keir Family & Canberra Park Canberra Park Gaiety

3rd Corvi V & C Collins Riverlodge Light Magic

307 Open Pony - not exceeding 12.2 hands

1st Barlow Mr R & Mr W & Miss K Nagero Grasshopper

2nd Keir Family & Canberra Park Canberra Park Gaiety

308 Open Pony - over 12.2 hands not exceeding 14 hands

1st Keir Family & Canberra Park Canberra Park Manhatton

2nd Corvi V & C Collins Riverlodge Light Magic

3rd Barlow Mr R & Mr W & Miss K Riverlodge Vanity's Star

Champion Non Hackney Pony

Keir Family & Canberra Park Canberra Park Manhatton

Reserve Champion Non Hackney Pony

Corvi V & C Collins Riverlodge Light Magic

310 Led Hackney Pony Mare - not exceeding 14 hands

1st Corvi V & T Cowan Ashwood Celeste

Champion Led Hackney Pony

Corvi V & T Cowan Ashwood Celeste

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312 Show Vehicle Turnout - not exceeding 14 hands

1st Corvi V & T Cowan Ashwood Celeste

2nd Synnot Lady Anne & B J Bensley Eskdale Masquerade

3rd Barlow Mr R & Mr W & Miss K Dunolly Nicoli

314 Open Pony - not exceeding 12.2 hands

1st Corvi V & T Cowan Ashwood Celeste

315 Open Pony - over 12.2 hands not exceeding 14 hands

1st Synnot Lady Anne & B J Bensley Eskdale Masquerade

2nd Corvi V & R and E Duddy Hudson Sideshow

3rd Barlow Mr R & Mr W & Miss K Dunolly Nicoli

Champion Hackney Pony

Corvi V & C Collins Riverlodge Light Magic

Reserve Champion Hackney Pony

Synnot Lady Anne & B J Bensley Eskdale Masquerade

316 Driven Non-Hackney Stallion

1st Keir Family & Paterson Family Canberra Park Stepalong Crown St

317 Driven Hackney Stallion

1st Keir Family & Canberra Park Chessons Prince William

Champion Driven Stallion

Keir Family & Canberra Park Chessons Prince William

Reserve Champion Driven Stallion

Keir Family & Paterson Family Canberra Park Stepalong Crown St

318 Sulky or Buggy Turnout - over 14 hands

1st Bensley B J & G R Bensley Stillbrook Tabitha

319 Show Vehicle Turnout - over 14 hands

1st Keir Family & Canberra Park Canberra Park Stepalong Velvet Queen

2nd Bensley B J & G R Bensley Stillbrook Tabitha

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


321 Open Horse - over 14 hands not exceeding 15 hands

1st Keir Family & Canberra Park Canberra Park Stepalong Velvet Queen

2nd Bensley B J & G R Bensley Stillbrook Tabitha

Champion Non Hackney Horse

Keir Family & Canberra Park Canberra Park Stepalong Velvet Queen

Reserve Champion Non Hackney Horse

Bensley B J & G R Bensley Stillbrook Tabitha

324 Led Hackney Mare - over 14 hands

1st Corvi V M Beggs & T Cowan Hudson Valentina

2nd Stevens Ms H & Ms K Price Ellmore Black Velvet

3rd Corvi V & R and E Duddy Hudson Vamp

Champion Led Hackney Horse

Corvi V M Beggs & T Cowan Hudson Valentina

Reserve Champion Led Hackney Horses

Stevens Ms H & Ms K Price Ellmore Black Velvet

326 Show Vehicle Turnout - over 14 hands

1st Corvi V M Beggs & T Cowan Hudson Valentina

2nd Corvi V & R and E Duddy Hudson Vamp

3rd Bensley B J & G R Bensley Dunolly Victory

328 Open Horse - over 14 hands not exceeding 15 hands

1st Corvi V M Beggs & T Cowan Hudson Valentina

2nd Bensley B J & G R Bensley Dunolly Victory

3rd Keir Family & Canberra Park Canberra Park Stepalong Mazera

329 Open Horse - over 15 hands

1st Corvi V & T Cowan Hudson Vamoose

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2012 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show Results


Champion Hackney Horse over 14 hands

Corvi V M Beggs & T Cowan Hudson Valentina

Reserve Champion Hackney Horse over 14 hands

Corvi V & T Cowan Hudson Vamoose

332 PC Boy Rider - 7 years and under 9 years

1st Scone Pony Club Tyler Kelly

2nd Tumbarumba Pony Club Wesley McAuliffe

3rd Berrima District Pony Club Rupert Douglass

333 PC Boy Rider - 9 years and under 11 years

1st Scone Pony Club Brendan Kelly

2nd Geary's Gap Pony Club James Smith

3rd Canberra Riding Club Pony Club Archie McGrath

334 PC Boy Rider - 11 years and under 13 years

1st Kambah Pony Club Kristian Leslie-Fallon

2nd Geary's Gap Pony Club Jordan Fobister

3rd Forest Hills Pony Club Tom Grove

Champion Pony Club Boy Rider Under 13 Years

Scone Pony Club Brendan Kelly

Reserve Champion Pony Club Boy Rider Under 13 Years

Kambah Pony Club Kristian Leslie-Fallon

335 PC Boy Rider - 13 years and under 15 years

1st Dubbo Pony Club Ryan Johnson-McNeil

2nd Scone Pony Club Campbell Jones

Champion Pony Club Boy Rider 13 Years and Under 17 Years

Dubbo Pony Club Ryan Johnson-McNeil

Reserve Champion Pony Club Boy Rider 13 Years and Under 17 Years

Scone Pony Club Campbell Jones

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337 PC Girl Rider - 7 years and under 9 years

1st Bega Pony Club Madison Wheatley

2nd Bendigo Pony Club Montanna Maud

3rd Berrima District Pony Club Anneliese Wansey

338 PC Girl Rider - 9 years and under 11 years

1st Berrima District Pony Club Phoebe O'Connell 2nd Scone Pony Club Matilda Jones

3rd Loop Line Pony Club Amelia O'Sullivan

4th Cobbitty Pony Club Allirah Hill

5th Cobargo & Districts Pony Club Ella Cowgill

6th Cobbitty Pony Club Taryn Poidevin

339 PC Girl Rider - 11 years and under 13 years

1st Tumbarumba Pony Club Brianna McAuliffe

2nd Bendigo Pony Club Indi Shepheard

3rd Vines Pony Club Broni Sams

4th Yass Pony Club Mikaela Doggett

5th Bega Pony Club Tayla Wilson

6th Londonderry Pony Club Megan Baldock

7th Matcham Valley Pony Club Emma Farncomb

8th Young Pony Club Tori Wall

Champion Pony Club Girl Rider Under 13 Years

Tumbarumba Pony Club Brianna McAuliffe

Reserve Champion Pony Club Girl Rider Under 13 Years

Bendigo Pony Club Indi Shepheard

340 Girl Rider - 13 years

1st Stoney Range Pony Club Alissia Vescio

2nd Young Pony Club Jessica Crea

3rd Forest Hills Pony Club Tess O'Connor

4th Goulburn Pony Club Abby Kay

5th Bungendore Pony Club Ellen Winters

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341 Girl Rider - 14 years

1st Young Pony Club Tahlia Wells

2nd Forest Hills Pony Club Lucy Dodd 3rd Bendigo Pony Club Morgan-Rose Maud

4th Forest Hills Pony Club Rachael Temm

5th Stoney Range Pony Club Brittney Hudson

6th Forest Hills Pony Club Phoebe Sviderskas

342 Girl Rider - 15 years

1st Forest Hills Pony Club Niamh Lennon

2nd Wongarbon Pony Club Shea Pope

3rd Londonderry Pony Club Chelsea Light

343 Girl Rider - 16 years

1st Loop Line Pony Club Audrey Weston

2nd Murrumbateman Pony Club Chloe Cartwright

3rd Stoney Range Pony Club Brodie Howe

4th Bungendore Pony Club Tilly Cave

5th Stoney Range Pony Club Abbey Hudson

Champion Pony Club Girl Rider 13 Years and Under 17 Years

Young Pony Club Tahlia Wells

Reserve Champion Pony Club Girl Rider 13 Years and Under 17 Years

Loop Line Pony Club Audrey Weston

344 Girl Rider - 17 years and under 25 years

1st Cooma Horse And Pony Club Taelar Williams

2nd Berry Pony Club Brianna Orford

3rd Mollymook Pony Club Tiffany Watterson

4th Forest Hills Pony Club Stephanie O'Connor

5th Murrumbateman Pony Club Abby Cartwright

6th Forest Hills Pony Club Catherine Syme

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345 Boy Rider - 17 years and under 25 years 1st Wongarbon Pony Club Brent Pope

Champion Pony Club Rider 17 and Under 25 Years

Cooma Horse And Pony Club Taelar Williams

Reserve Champion Pony Club Rider 17 and Under 25 Years

Wongarbon Pony Club Brent Pope

Supreme Champion Pony Club Rider Under 25 Years

Young Pony Club Tahlia Wells

346 Pony Club Pairs - under 13 years

1st Berrima District Pony Club Sasha Lavender

1st Berrima District Pony Club Amelia Douglass

2nd Tumbarumba Pony Club Brianna McAuliffe

2nd Tumbarumba Pony Club Wesley McAuliffe

3rd Berrima District Pony Club Anneliese Wansey

3rd Berrima District Pony Club Rupert Douglass

4th Forest Hills Pony Club Samantha Picello

4th Forest Hills Pony Club Anika Clarke D'Aprile

5th Geary's Gap Pony Club James Smith

5th Geary's Gap Pony Club Brianna Smith

6th Kambah Pony Club Shannen Carter

6th Kambah Pony Club Kali Maunder

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347 Pony Club Pairs - 13 years and under 15 years

1st Stoney Range Pony Club Alissia Vescio

1st Stoney Range Pony Club Brittney Hudson

2nd Forest Hills Pony Club Phoebe Sviderskas

2nd Forest Hills Pony Club Lucy Dodd

3rd Bungendore Pony Club Ellen Winters

3rd Bungendore Pony Club Hannah Coffee 4th Goulburn Pony Club Tess Shepherd

4th Goulburn Pony Club Stephanie Stamatellis

5th Goulburn Pony Club Abby Kay

5th Goulburn Pony Club Jenna Picker-Wales

349 Pony Club Pairs - 17 years and under 25 years

1st Goulburn Pony Club Tamara Simon

1st Goulburn Pony Club Emily Waugh

2nd Forest Hills Pony Club Nicole Barnes

2nd Forest Hills Pony Club Stephanie O'Connor

3rd Murrumbateman Pony Club Rachael Warden

3rd Murrumbateman Pony Club Alicia Searle

4th Forest Hills Pony Club Catherine Syme

4th Forest Hills Pony Club Laura Holdstock

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350 Pony Club Team of Fours - under 13 years

1st Berrima District Pony Club Amelia Douglass

1st Berrima District Pony Club Anneliese Wansey

1st Berrima District Pony Club Rupert Douglass

1st Berrima District Pony Club Sasha Lavender

2nd Geary's Gap Pony Club Billie Miles

2nd Geary's Gap Pony Club Jasmine King

2nd Geary's Gap Pony Club Andie Biondic

2nd Geary's Gap Pony Club Grace Ross

3rd Kambah Pony Club Olivia Wilde

3rd Kambah Pony Club Kristian Leslie-Fallon

3rd Kambah Pony Club Kali Maunder

3rd Kambah Pony Club Shannen Carter

4th Forest Hills Pony Club Samantha Picello 4th Forest Hills Pony Club Tom Grove

4th Forest Hills Pony Club Phoebe Barnes

4th Forest Hills Pony Club Anika Clarke D'Aprile

5th Geary's Gap Pony Club Phoebe Doohan

5th Geary's Gap Pony Club Brianna Smith

5th Geary's Gap Pony Club Jordan Fobister

5th Geary's Gap Pony Club James Smith

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351 Pony Club Team of Fours - 13 years and under 17 years

1st Forest Hills Pony Club Tess O'Connor

1st Forest Hills Pony Club Rachael Temm

1st Forest Hills Pony Club Lucy Dodd

1st Forest Hills Pony Club Niamh Lennon

2nd Bungendore Pony Club Hannah Coffee

2nd Goulburn Pony Club Tess Shepherd

2nd Goulburn Pony Club Abby Kay

2nd Goulburn Pony Club Stephanie Stamatellis

2nd Goulburn Pony Club Jenna Picker-Wales

3rd Bungendore Pony Club Tilly Cave

3rd Bungendore Pony Club Alice Wenn

3rd Bungendore Pony Club Ellen Winters

352 Pony Club Team of Fours - 17 years and under 25 years

1st Forest Hills Pony Club Stephanie O'Connor

1st Forest Hills Pony Club Nicole Barnes

1st Forest Hills Pony Club Laura Holdstock

1st Forest Hills Pony Club Catherine Syme

353 Local Adult Rider - 17 years and over

1st Hewitt Megan & Paul Keir Megan Hewitt 2nd Harrogate Hill Emily Hill

3rd Debaecker Stephanie Stephanie Debaecker

4th Stuart Anna

5th Harnas Rebecca Rebecaa Harnas

354 Local Junior Rider - under 17 years

1st Lambert Family Diana Lambert

2nd Robinson Sarah Sarah Robinson

3rd Cave Matilda Matilda Cave

Best Local Rider

Hewitt Megan & Paul Keir Megan Hewitt

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355 Junior Lady Rider - 17 years and under 21 years

1st Christie Francesca & Stephanie Stephanie Barrington

2nd Reid Amanda Amanda Reid

3rd Harrogate Hill Emily Hill

4th Mulready Annabel Annabel Mulready

5th Orford Brianna Brianna Orford

6th Williams Taelar Rae Taelar Rae Williams

7th O'Connor Stephanie & Tess Stephanie O'Connor

8th Bennett Rebekah & Trish Rebekah Bennett

356 Junior Gentleman Rider - 17 years and under 21 years

1st Kenzig Mark & Matthew Snell Matthew Snell

2nd Wilson Troy & Tayla Troy Wilson

3rd Pope Brent Brent Pope

4th Scott James &William Peter James Scott And William Peter

357 Lady Rider - 21 years and under 40 years

1st Rodham Angela Angela Rodham

2nd Payne B Briony Payne 3rd Burgh Katrina Jane Katrina Jane Burgh

4th Treneman Family Kate Treneman

5th Meiklejohn G & E Eliza Meiklejohn

358 Lady Rider - over 40 years

1st Gardner Jane Jane Gardner

2nd Sell Bridget Bridget Sell

3rd Pedersen Susanne Susanne Pederdsen

4th Treneman Family Francene Treneman

5th Farrow Rebecca Rebecca Farrow

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359 Gentleman Rider - 21 years and over

1st M&M Performance Horses Mark Malcolm Macrae

2nd Salway Patrick Patrick James Salway

3rd Lucas Tyron & Coldstream Park Tyron Lucas

4th Lawson Reece Reece Lawson

5th Ryan Jason & KEA Training Stables Jason Ryan

360 Parent & Child Rider - Must be a parent and their child under 17 (not eligible for Champion)

1st Mills Catherine & Lillian

2nd Brookman Park Jaimee Bruggemann

3rd Finemore Maryanne Maryanne Finemore

4th McGregor Thomas Jacqui J. Mcgregor Thomas

5th Jones A & B Matilda Jones

Champion Lady Rider

Rodham Angela

Reserve Champion Lady Rider

Barrington Stephanie

Champion Gentleman Rider

Malcolm Macrae

Reserve Champion Gentleman Rider

Matthew Snell

361 Lady Rider - Side Saddle - 17 years and over

1st Rodham Angela Angela Rodham

2nd Treneman Family Kate Treneman

3rd Marz Ms Petra Petra Marz

362 Girl Rider - Side Saddle - under 17 years

1st Lumsden E & M Edwina Lumsden

2nd Finemore Maryanne Emma Finemore

3rd Pot-Pourri Stud Chelsea Light

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Best Side Saddle Rider

Rodham Angela

363 Childs Fancy Dress

1st Turgeon Family

2nd Turgeon Family

3rd Kell Susan Eleanor Austin

4th Cowgill Kylie Libby Cowgill

5th Cowgill Kylie Ella Cowgill

6th Smith-Kinnane Georgia Aravale Classic

364 Girl or Boy Rider - under 7 years - no handler on arena

1st Ryan Family Ashlea Ryan

2nd Sutton Kouros Phoebe Phoebe Sutton Kouros

3rd Walker Family Keeley Walker Johnson

5th Tonkin Julie & Becky Roberson

5th Corvan Park Stud & M & S McMaster Makaylah McMaster

6th BRS & Slade Family

7th Gibson Penny Bridey Gibson

365 Girl or Boy Rider - under 7 years - must be led

1st Plumb Dale Poppi Plumb

2nd Gillespie Charlotte & Sharon & Julie Charlotte Gillespie

3rd Guenther M & T & C Guenther Coco Guenther

4th Lumsden E & M Mietta Lumsden

5th Smart Family

6th Hughes C & Family Montana Breen (Hughes)

7th Orford Brianna Sophie Orford

8th Kell Susan Eleanor Austin

366 Girl Rider - 7 years and under 9 years

1st Plumb Dale Daizi Plumb

2nd Teys & Plucknett Families Megan Plucknett

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3rd Fouracre Family Charlotte Fouracre

367 Girl Rider - 9 years and under 11 years

1st Harper-Purcell Family Isabella Cross-Winston

2nd Dalley Family Georgia Dalley

3rd Corumbene Stud Victoria Fricker

368 Girl Rider - 11 years and under 13 years

1st Shaw Sally Sally Shaw

2nd Clarke Brynn & Passeri Twins Brynn Clarke

3rd Lee Family Brynie Lee

Champion Girl Rider Under 13 years

Shaw Sally

Reserve Champion Girl Rider Under 13 years

Isabella Cross-Winston

369 Boy Rider - 7 years and under 9 years 1st Kelly Family

2nd Hardy Karen

3rd McAuliffe Family Midnight Ice Reflections

370 Boy Rider - 9 years and under 11 years

1st Kelly Family

2nd Hardy Karen

3rd Taylor Hunter

4th Cheney Kim Luke Cheney

371 Boy Rider - 11 years and under 13 years

1st GC Equestrian & Riley Kent Riley Kent

2nd Lennie & McLaughlin Heath Lachlan Lennie

3rd Fallon Family

4th Mower Family Oscar Mower

5th Clough Courtney & Jordyn & Charlotte

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Champion Boy Rider Under 13 years

Riley Kent

Reserve Champion Boy Rider Under 13 years

Heath Lachlan Lennie

372 Girl Rider - 13 years and under 15 years

2nd McEvoy Family Billie McEvoy

3rd Mitchell Emma Emma Mitchell

4th O'Connor Stephanie & Tess Tess O'Connor

373 Girl Rider - 15 years and under 17 years

1st McEvoy Jane Lillian McEvoy

2nd Povey Indya Indya Povey

3rd Heffer Laura And Abby Abby Heffer

4th Walsh Shaelyn Shaelyn Walsh 5th Morelli E.C & J Prestwidge Chelsea Morelli

6th Wheeler Lauren Lauren Wheeler

7th Lambert Family Diana Lambert

Champion Girl Rider 13 years and Under 17 years

Lillian McEvoy

Reserve Champion Girl Rider 13 years and Under 17 years

Povey Indya

374 Boy Rider - 13 years and under 15 years

1st Johnson-McNeil Family

2nd Jones A & B Campbell Jones

3rd Paulston Nicole

4th Arnold D M & P Scorse Patrick Scorse

375 Boy Rider - 15 years and under 17 years

1st Johnson-McNeil Family

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Champion Boy Rider 13 years and Under 17 years

Ryan Johnson-McNeil

Reserve Champion Boy Rider 13 years and Under 17 years

Campbell Jones

Supreme Champion Rider Under 17 years

Lillian McEvoy