2011 your guide to caveat

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  • 7/29/2019 2011 Your Guide to Caveat



    Land Registration ServicesLand VictoriaLevel 9, 570 Bourke Street

    Melbourne VIC 3000Oice Hours 8:30 am4:00 pm

    T: (03) 8636 2010W: www.dse.vic.gov.au/property

    Your guide to


  • 7/29/2019 2011 Your Guide to Caveat


  • 7/29/2019 2011 Your Guide to Caveat


    When to use the C form

    The C caveat orm is or entry o a caveator's interest in land* under Section 89 o the Transfer of Land Act 1958.The C orm is available online as an interactive PDF at www.dse.vic.gov.au/property > land titles > orms, guidesand ees or can be obtained over the counter at:

    Land VictoriaLevel 9

    570 Bourke StreetMelbourne 3000Phone (03) 8636 2010

    I completing this orm manually, the caveat should be typed or legibly written in ink. The use o correction fuid isnot permitted. The back o the orm must not be used, the approved Annexure Page (Form A1) must be used orany additional pages. This is also available online.

    * land includes vacant land, house and land, strata units etc.

    What does it cost?Land Victoria ees or lodging your caveat are set out in the current Transer o Land (Fees) Regulations. Feesguides are available online. Note, additional ees are payable i you lodge your caveat by post.

    Documents to be lodged at Land VictoriaA completed C transer orm.

    Supporting documentation is not required to be produced at Land Victoria to substantiate the claim in the caveat.

    When the caveat is recorded the Registrar o Titles noties the registered proprietor.

    The Registrar o Titles will notiy the caveator (at the address or service o notices set out in the caveat) o anydealing lodged or registration where the dealing:

    - does not satisy the interest o the caveator;- is not allowed or in the caveat; or

    - is excepted under Section 90(1) o the Transfer of Land Act 1958.

    The caveator then has 30 days to either:

    - consent to registration o the dealing; or- legally restrain the Registrar o Titles rom registering the dealing.

    Further informationwww.dse.vic.gov.au > Property, Titles and Maps > Land Titles > Forms, guides and ees

    The State o Victoria Department o Sustainability and Environment, November 2011

    This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions o the Copyright Act 1968.

    Authorised by the Victorian Government, 570 Bourke Street, Melbourne.

    Disclaimer: This publication may be o assistance to you but the State o Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without law o any kind or is whollyappropriate or your particular purposes and thereore disclaims all liability or any error, loss or other consequence which may arise rom you relying on any inormation in thispublication.

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