2011 september ripples pdf

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  • 8/4/2019 2011 September Ripples PDF


    ! ! The Body Praise Ministry is 15 years old! ...and indeed this special issue for September is intribute to those 15 years of wonderful worship andservice. Congratulations to the Body Praise Ministry!!! The ongoing joke that I share with the BodyPraise Ministry every year that they celebrate their

    anniversary is that I always write down Body PraiseMinistry as my first ministry of choice everyRecommitment Recollection come January... and thatevery year the Council always deems me fit for someother ministry other than the Body Praise Ministry.And so last Saturday, I did not fail to again tell themthat I would do the same thing come RecommitmentDay. Sis Yna, in a grand (or joking?) gestureconsidered me as one of her newbies as the wholeministry gathered in Fellowship and in celebration.! David danced with full abandon clad only inloincloth in worship to our God; and so I am not at all

    surprised that the BP ministers give everything ofthemselves during our Praise & Worship, as if under aspell but which I believe is the Holy Spirits; leadingour community in joyful and meaningful prayer... for

    theirs are not mere dance routines but each step andeach tap of their tambourines having a specialmeaning of its own.! 15 years is a long time, and the BP Ministryhas seen its share of members come and go, but onething has remained constant: its prayerfulness and itsdedication to its service. What I admire most is its

    constant reminder to itself to always give its best...and there has never been an attitude of mediocrity, apwede na yan mien but rather an acceptance ofmission to fulfill, an understanding that its ministryforms part of a community whole, knowing that itsrole is just as important as the other ministries ofRivers.! This ministry does not discriminate! For it isthis ministry where I have seen acceptance given noton the merit of ones talent of dance or physique... forin the end, it does not matter how much one weighedor if one had two left feet. What matters is that ones

    heart is willing to work hard and give of everything inservice to God; without seeking applause becauseGods ovation is the only thing that matters.

    -Bro Henry Villar

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    Choose to Forgive

    What we say to each other in anger alone,

    Can eat away at the heart of our homes

    The enemy searches for that

    Which in time will destroyThe blessed union

    Our Lord God has joined.

    So we must choose, choose to forgive

    Placing all pride aside

    And with His love decide, to forgive

    Choose to forgive

    Life and blessing will reign

    When we choose in His name to forgive

    Choose to forgive

    O, in moments of misunderstanding and pain

    When awkward silence keeps us apart

    If well only open the door

    His love will restoreAll the brokenness there in our hearts

    So we must choose, choose to forgive

    Placing all pride aside

    And with His love decide, to forgive

    Choose to forgive

    Life and blessing will reign

    When we choose in His name to forgive

    Choose to forgive

    Forgive, forgive!

    Peace and healing will flow

    When forgiveness we show

    So we must choose, choose to forgivePlacing all pride aside

    And with His love decide, to forgive

    Choose to forgive

    Life and blessing will reign

    When we choose in His name to forgive

    Choose to forgive

    To forgive, choose to forgive.

    ! Id always play this song (by Rick & Cathy Riso)every chance that I could but most specially when I would be driving to different places with my very close friends inthe community... more on purpose as to point out what I

    believed was quite essential at the moment.! Its no secret that the past months have been verydifficult ones for the Rivers Community, finding the need forthe Council of Founders to take a Sabbatical leave; and theformation of a Council of Servants to take overadministering the community affairs while that leave wasindefinitely in effect. While indeed, there was a semblance oforder in our existence in the community, it was not lost onmost members that something was amiss. Invisibledemarcation lines had been drawn and members either weredrawn to one side of that line or the other. Others did notcare the least and some others had no clue at all. But manyof those whose hearts remember the Rivers that wascertainly felt and knew that all was not well. Because the

    Rivers then was a solid and united community, borne out ofits love and charism for worship and service to the Lord;where genuine love for God was the same love freely givento each other, with no pretensions at all.

    ! Again, Id like to think that when everything worksfor the good of God, the devil conspires and sets out to doeverything in its power to destroy it... the human in us areonly too accepting of the candies that it offers us that wesometimes forget that what may be sweet is not all too good

    for our bodies. Thus, we had slowly deviated from all thegood that we started in the community, forgetting thatsoaking prayers is what bound us tightly together from thestart; letting our personal pride get the better of us;forgetting that we had agreed on a Mission and a Vision forthe community... each one loosely interpreting and includingdifferent biases to be newly founded purposes; evensubconsciously diverting sense and purpose on newermembers of the community. Maybe it was only too well thatthe Lord did not allow a bigger quantity of new membersduring those months in limbo, but rather as only a means forthis trial that He purposely laid out on our community toplay itself out until finally we will find ourselves again.!

    Being so close to the principal players of thisscenario did not exempt me at the least from being sostrongly affected. One does not like to choose sides... and ifhe does, he prays that he chooses the right side. But ours isso much different in that either side of that invisibledemarcation line was neither right nor wrong. Rather, it wasthe pervading influences that buffeted both sides thatstrongly etched that line deeper and deeper as time went on.Satan mustve been sneering in delight as the dayscontinued. Thankfully, God does not allow evil to overcomewhat is good.! In announcing that they are now back from theirself-imposed Sabbatical leave, Sister Pempe related thatthey, the founders had set aside their personal pride and

    hurt feelings, have gone back to their roots and the elementsthat were present when the Rivers community had beenfounded almost 20 years ago, and have embraced each otherwith their renewed love for God and the original sense andpurpose from which Rivers had been created.! Last Wednesday was special... not only did SisPempe lead us in her last community worship (before sheleft for a 6-month vacation in the US) but also because shefocused her prayers on the one element that was lackingduring all those months. In Colossians 1:13-14, "For he hasrescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into thekingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, theforgiveness of sins." And in Acts 3:19, Repent, then, and turn to

    God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshingmay come from the Lord.! Indeed, now is the time of refreshing... ofremembering what was good; of casting away of the bad. Ifever the following ovation after Sis Pempes announcementof the return of the Founders to active status were anyindication, I believe that to most, if not all, it was ananswered prayer. We must thank the Council of Servants forhaving been there during all these times. But the MoralResponsibility and the Moral Leadership for this RiversCommunity will forever be on the shoulders of the Councilof Founders alone. We continue to pray for them as theylead this community from what has been and what it alwayswill be, a community whose charism is simply, TO

    WORSHIP! Only to God be the Glory!

    -Bro Henry Villar

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    Yes, I am very close to all of them, the BodyPraise Ministry, and consider myself a second parentto most of the younger ones and as an older brother tothe rest. This is one benefit that was derived fromhaving them hold their regular practices for almost 2 years in my house in New Manila. And even now, Ihave always considered myself as an extended memberof their ministry, though while not dancing with themphysically, I have always felt that I were with themduring their dances.

    God has always been gracious to me and Ibelieve that he put me in a very unique situation. Whilethe Body Praise Ministry members may think that Iwas being of great help to them then, having providedthem with the facilities for their practices, I have cometo realize that the benefit of that situation haveredounded to me as well. Joining them in their mini worships before their practices has practically

    strengthened my prayer life and they have taught methat there is joy when prayers are shared with peopleclose to your heart; there is strength when one liftsones problems to the Lord with people you know carefor you, and there is genuine happiness when ones blessings is shared with people who are equally asthankful as you. There is a certain kind of bonding thatoccurs when it blossoms out from prayers, because onecannot help but be open-hearted and truthful whenpraying. Fears, hurts, sadness, joy, thankfulness, evenlaughter has always been staple for these prayersessions with the Body Praise members. I have joinedthem and felt with them their apprehensions abouttheir service to our Lord, always wanting to be perfect

    in their dance routines, always wanting to give the bestthey can in a particular dance, but always knowing thatperfect is measured by the kind of heart they put inthat dance. There is always that secret smile inside ofme every time they finish a dance wonderfully becauseof my knowing of all the difficulties that they had justgone through the previous day in practice. Trying to bethat good person for them whenever they have theirpersonal problems (just like everybody else) has alsomade me a better person. Their respect for me is one ofmy biggest treasures and I will not jeopardize it withirresponsible actions or examples.

    Yes, we in the community watch them dance,resplendent in their costumes, admiring them for theirbeautiful choreography, even maybe thanking them formaking our own worship more meaningful in the eyesof our God. We hear the music coming from the MusicMinistry and we watch the dance develop and in itsown unique way, feel the essence of the harmony of thesong and the steps of the dance merge into onecomplete union. I believe that in most cases, we all justclose our eyes and listen to the words of the worshipleader, hear and sing along with the choir, and actuallyfeel (even with our eyes closed) their dance of worship.

    (This is a reprint of an article that I shared in the Ripples

    Newsletter of February 2009 but which I feel is still veryrelevant to me and how close my roots are with the Body

    Praise Ministry... I wish only the best of Gods blessings tothe BP in their 15th anniversary. Keep dancing, keepworshipping, keep praising! - Bro Daddy Henry)

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    I have always thought I had a very ordinary life born in a simple family, had a common name, raised in theprovince, studied in the nearby city, rents a place since Imaway from home, found a job but for some reason keepslooking for better opportunities, fell in love and loving every

    minute of it, spends a lot of time in the mall, enjoys travelingaround the country, taking life one day at a time andenjoying what I have and what I can do. Everything is justso simple and common. If my life would be made into amovie, it would be a flop because theres nothing interestingin it. My life story is just the same with other ladies outthere.!! But sometimes, I feel a little different. Being amember of the Body Praise Ministry changed everything.

    ! Tuesday night is never an ordinary night anymoresince the Divine Choreographer invited me to join His

    ministry and I decided to accept this very uniqueopportunity to serve Him. No matter how tired I am from anunpredictable day at work, my feet would always want totake steps towards the Rivers Center. It is easier to go homeand watch TV or stay longer in the office and work thanspend two to three hours or more with the other ministersand practice for the service the following night. The BPministers believe that the moment we pack our tambourines,shirts, jogging pants and socks, our service has begun.During practice, it gives the BP precious time to bond as weshare the stories of how our days went by, our problems,dreams and prayers. Most of the time, we dont really endthe practice at 9pm as scheduled and I often reach homearound 11pm or 12 midnight. Its exhausting yet I would go

    to sleep happy and wake up the next day excited andlooking forward to the blessings that await me when Iattend the prayer meeting.! Wednesday night is the most challenging night forme. I have to hurry in the middle of the rush hour and try toreach Megamall before 7pm. Riding the MRT or bus withmy oversized and heavy bag is definitely not my favoritepart of the day. Theres nothing that I can do but to pray thatI can make it to Megamall with enough time to put on mycostume, fix my hair and join the BP for the prayer beforethe joyful song begins. To save a little time, I have masteredfixing my hair inside a moving vehicle with no mirror infront of me. But I can only do this when Im seated. Most of

    the time, I have no choice but ride the bus or MRT standingalong the aisle. Cabs are rarely available during this timeand broomsticks dont really fly.

    ! Ironically, Wednesday night is also the most specialnight for me. God is so generous with His miracles on thisnight. It can be as simple as a comfortable and free ride andas grand as feeling Gods divine presence and embraceduring worship. We may be standing in front of the

    congregation but we pray that may the congregation wouldsee not our faces but Gods love for them. We may be seen by others as just dancers but in our hearts we are dancingwith our Father God as He sings to us, as we worship Himand offer Him every step of our feet, every wave of ourhands, every tap and shake of our tambourines, every smileon our faces and every tear from our eyes.! We spend another few hours on Friday night orSaturday to prepare for the Sunday mass. The feeling is thesame every practice. The opportunity of attending BPpractice as part of my weekly routine is a blessing that whenmissed, I would be deeply saddened.! Sunday is another date with the Lord. Going to theplace of worship is a lot easier and comfortable thanWednesday night yet I feel that we are given a heavierresponsibility. With the mass being televised not only in thelocal channel but all over the world through the internet, weare reaching to a bigger congregation to minister. Each timewe pray for Gods anointing that may we disappear in theeyes of the people who are watching but may the face ofJesus be seen in us.! With God as my Heavenly Father, Jesus as mybrother, Mary as my mother, my family as my strength andinspiration, Rivers Community as provider of my muchneeded spiritual nourishment and Body Praise Ministry asmy partner in worship, my life is never dull. He has calledme by my name to worship him in His special ministry. Not

    every day that someone is given such an opportunity. Noteveryone is called to dance before this amazing and holyGod. My life may not be grand or spectacular but it is neveran ordinary one. Every waking moment, loving person inmy life and the opportunity to worship Him throughdancing are gifts from God. I must be SOMEONE in Hiseyes for I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm139:14). I must be SPECIAL in His heart for God plans mylife giving me hope and future (Jeremiah 29:11).! These make my life an extraordinary one to live.And Im going to live it with a zest. Im going to love asmuch as I can, sing praises as spiritedly as I can and dancein worship as passionately as I can because this

    extraordinary life is never meant for anything ordinary. It ismeant to worship its Divine Maker.

    -Sis Janice Aldana

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    I thought that being sent away on an expatriate position is the best

    that could ever happen to me. I was wrong. It is not the best

    because I feel lonely being away from family and friends. Do not

    get me wrong, this is a great opportunity for my career but when I

    look at the other aspects, it is not easy. Being an OFW is not easy.

    I am currently experiencing spiritual drought because of this

    assignment. Being away from family and community and the

    thought of not being able to dance makes me feel empty.

    You see, the Body Praise Ministry has been a second family to me.

    Through the years, this ministry has helped me go through lifes

    ups and downs. It has guided me in my faith. It has helped me to

    remember that God is alive and moves through me in body and

    soul. When I dance, I feel great joy and peace. It is as if, I am

    doing what God wants me to do. I consider dancing as one form of

    prayer. There is this yearning to convey through my body all my

    spiritual longing and thoughts. Using my body and my talent as aninstrument to spread Gods love to others gives me unsurpassed


    It is not only dancing for the Body Praise ministry members. Prayer

    binds us also. They said that when a family prays together, they

    stay together. That is so true for us. We start and end our practices

    and services with a prayer. If there is one thing I miss most, it is

    praying with my BP family.

    A few weeks ago, upon learning that I am having difficulty in

    settling here in the US, former Body Praise members living in

    Florida thought of spending their long weekend with me. There

    was a storm then and a tornado warning. But despite that, they still

    came and drove for eight hours. I was really touched. We went

    around and sampled Southern food. We talked about our faith and

    our life here in the US. On their last night, we prayed and

    worshipped like the way we usually do before and after practice in

    the Philippines. Each of us chose our favorite song and prayed

    around that song. We glorified and praised God with our voices

    and hearts. We prayed for our struggles and desires. Most of all

    we prayed for each member of our ministry at home. I know that

    Body Praise always include members from outside the country in

    their prayers. But that night, we started praying for them also. That

    night we felt connected with our family. There were no dry eyeswhen we ended our mini praise and worship. All of us felt better

    after that. To top it off, the next day before they left, we logged on

    in Skype and called all those we can contact. It was very heart


    There will come a time that one will experience spiritual drought.

    But what matters is, God uses people and situations to lift us out of

    that drought. When we pray unceasingly, God hears our cry.

    When I do not even know what to say in my prayers, I just kneel in

    front of Him and bawl my eyes out. He heard and he sent me

    angels to remove the loneliness in my heart. I may not be in the

    Philippines, but there are no oceans or interstates that canseparate the BP family.

    (Sis Abi Francisco)

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    ! Ever since, I will honestly say (as most people wouldagree) that one of the joys in ones life has been the opportunities to

    travel, may it be field trips when I was still studying, for pleasure, orto see and experience nature and other tourist spots as well. I have

    gone through major places all over the Philippines & have been to

    different Countries too! Different tripsbusiness trips, vacation

    trips, family trips etchI enjoy experiencing other cultures but

    one thing for sure these trips has two things in common. It has a

    purpose and destination.

    ! Every one of us is in a journey. But not all takes the journey to GOD at the same time. Journey to God supposedly

    begins at the moment we were baptized and it continues till the day

    we die. This journey unlike my previous trips has no Earthly

    destination, we reach this journeys destination after our death.

    ! I may have taken a different path from my younger years.I am grateful knowing that it is never too late for me to take the

    right path to this journey. Oh well, Abraham and Moses took their journey with GOD when they were 75 and 80 years old. Better late

    than never.

    ! Taking one step at a timeit is not easy. I am Ms.Matanong (as I frequently ask about everything, to help me

    increase my faith, since before, I thought, I couldnt believe in

    something I didnt know in full details). As much as I wanted to

    offer my whole being on my journey - faith, worship, service,

    surrendering, there comes never ending distractions which attack

    my weaknesses. Yes, I am struggling broken relationships,

    professional trials and all the mysteries of attacking my FAITH

    that is eagerly pulling me from the path Im taking towards my

    journey I know Im making somebody mad kaya patuloy niya ko

    binibigyan ng mga bagay na alam nyang makapagpapahina ng loob ko. Butthe more I shouldnt let go of my GOD. He brought me here and

    only HE can move me wherever HE wanted too.

    ! From being Ms. Matanong, with a smile in my heart, I cansay that the Rivers of Living Water Catholic Community played the

    biggest part in my growth and maturing. Now, Im slowly starting

    to serve thru the Fellowship Ministry and Body Praise Ministry.

    Never did it occur before in my mind that I would be serving thru

    these ministries, especially the Body Praise mainly because I have

    terrible scoliosis which hurt and held me back from moving freely

    for years. Aside from the fact that I last danced when I was in high

    school during our intramurals (I know myself, I dont really dance

    well at ALL!) Im an avid fan of VIDEOKE which made me think I

    would see myself better suited with Music Ministry. But then, its

    not my will. ! My immersion and journey with the BodyPraise Ministry not just teaches me the routines but learning and

    doing these routines has been my means of conversing with HIM -

    and hopefully I can eventually inspire and bring people closer to


    ! Unexplainable! Seeing myself body praisingwhichalways brings me peace and for this, let me then offer my curved

    spine surrender the pain and praise HIM by dancing.! I may have been able to serve before by trying to be HISinstrument in sharing blessings to our hopeless elders in Anawim

    but serving thru the Ministry is another booster in the ripening

    process or as a fertilizer for my growth in this journey.

    ! I still ask from our God but never to doubt and hesitatebut rather to equip me in this journey that I am taking. He wouldnt

    just take away all the problems laid upon me BUT He enables me to

    face and get through it all. ! This journey we make with God haslittle to do with where we live on this earth or where we physically

    travel. It has everything to do with who we are it is a journey that

    involves the body, but it is primarily a journey of the mind and the

    heart. No matter the condition of our body, no matter what our age

    is, the journey of the mind and heart continues Because it is a

    journey, our minds, our hearts and our lives always are changing,always growing, always spiritually developing.

    Kasama mo sa iyong paglalakbay,

    Sis. Jen

    St. Bartholomew

    Body Praise Ministry!

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    Janice 2008

    BP....- taught me to pray for others... theone thing that i don't often dobefore i joined the ministry...- made me beautiful, or at leastmade me think that i am beautiful,as inspired by the song 'praise looksgood on you'- made me realize that i don't haveto be in perfect health to offer my

    body in worship because He knowswhat's in my heart & He will takecare of whatever that needs fixingin me...

    Liezl, 2003B a s t a P a g k a i n u b o snilahehehe1. It made me realize how

    Blessed and Passionate weare. Blessed to be in thegroup and Passionate inpleasing God.2. I now have an extendedfamily in BPkasi halosbawat isa inaanak ang mgaanak nila=P3. I have someone to talkwi th in Skypeparamaibasan naman angkalungkutan naming mgawala sa Pinas=) mga prayer warriors naminkayong lahat!

    Happy anniversary BPsayaw lang ng sayawkahit magkarayuma patyomwah!!!

    Jimboy, 2001

    I am so honored to receiveGods calling and answerto it through the BodyPraise. This Ministry hasguided me through thickand thin, ups and downsof my spiritual life, andhas made my fa i thstronger. I am so happydancing for my Father, myB r o t h e r , J e s u s R.T.S.T.L - Ready ToServe The Lord.

    Lally, 1997

    Of the many blessings in my life, thegift of this Ministry is one of mygreatest treasures. I thank God for thisgift that I can serve Him throughdancing. Lord, may I continue to dancefor YOU, forever =).

    Yna, 1996

    BP is my second family. Igrew up in the Ministry withmy 2nd parents and countless brothers and sisters. From being an insecure, fearful and proud idealist, the Lordsgrace, through the BodyPraise Ministry, changed me.I am now secure in Gods loveand in the BP family. I am

    humbled by my nothingnesswithout my God who is theLord of my dance. I am profoundly grateful to theLord for bringing me to thiscommunity and to the BodyPraise. I do not know whatwouldve become of mewithout this Ministry.

    Rose, 2008

    Life in the ministry is full ofblessings. It helps me deepenmy relationship with God. Theministry helped to mold me on

    how to praise and worship Himthrough dance. I became moreprayerful and committed toserve. I am more patient aswell. I have deeper faith inGod and I continue to hold onand entrusting everything toHim.

    Gaye, 2008

    "Because of BP I know humility,humor, friendship and faith."basta yun na yon ;) di ko ma

    explain pero yun yon ;) hehehe

    Happy 15th anniversary to us! ;)

    Deanna, 2001

    BP has affected my whole being! Physically, it hastaught us to keep our bodies in "shape" (we have somany) for the service that we do for the Lord.Emotionally, it has made us balanced because welearned to accept that each unique personalitymakes the whole group. And, spiritually, of course,because in the Body Praise Ministry we have madeit a commitment to serve the Lord with all our

    hearts, minds and souls.

    Chat, 1997

    Through it all, God remains faithful. He sees me throughall seasons; season of failure, season of sickness, season offinancial crisis, season of spiritual dryness, season ofstress, season of difficulties at home, work, ministry andcommunity, season of heartaches/broken relationship withfamilies, relatives, friends and enemies, season of pride andmisunderstanding, season of stubbornness and so on.Through all these seasons, God never fails to let me feelthe love He has for me and He leads me to see lifemeaningfully. I thank God for all the seasons thathappened in my life and for helping me live to the fullest.He made me a better person and made me glad.

    Cel, 2000

    Body Praise Ministry will forever havea place in my heart. Being able to sharethe gift of dance is an expression of mygratitude and faith to GOD. BodyPraise is my family who walks hand-in-hand (pa-sway-sway pa) with me in the journey of LIFE, accepts me for who Iam and what I have, in good times andespecially in my weak times. Salamat!God bless, tsup! tsup!

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    Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. (James 4:8)

    W as in WORSHIP, so the title above should read: Worship a

    minute, which is certainly a gazillion times better than merely

    waiting for a minute. I am 100% sure that all of us have free

    minutes in between our work, chores, and other activities that

    we do. Take for example queuing or waiting in line (FX, LRT/

    MRT, grocery, theater, ATM, bills payment counter etc.), one

    survey says that an average person waits at least 1 hour a day

    or 60 minutes! Imagine 60 minutes doing nothing but just

    wating, we can do a lot in 60 minutes! Well, waiting has

    found an ally on digital gadgets like the cellular phones - - in

    a minute we can text, play games, listen to music, avail of wi-fi service, if any. But why not Worship a minute?

    Btw, this discussion is not intended to reduce our personal

    worship into a formula neither shorten it to a minute.

    Certainly, we do not want to make worship a quick fix or

    something we do in a rush. Still, we all believe that the more

    we spend time in prayers and worshipping is always the


    What I mean here is when you have a few moments to spare,

    it is possible to spend 60 seconds in worshipping our Lord.


    First, read again the verse above. Drawing near to God in

    worship is one of the most powerful things we can do.

    Ofering praises takes the focus of of ourselves, our

    situations, our problems and puts our attention entirely to

    Him. The second part of the verse is that He will draw near,

    too. We all know that our Lord is sooo in-love with us, He

    wants to be near and there is so much more He wants to give

    us. When we ofer our love, gratitude, worship and praise to

    God - - great things happen! He reveals Himself to us, far

    more than we can realize!

    Second, simply recall one definition of what worship is.

    (Heres a quick review from our past talks & inputs) It is

    opening our hearts to God. It is inviting the presence of God

    to dwell with us. Praising Him for who He is in our life (God,

    Heavenly Father, Creator, Friend, Healer, Provider, Sanctifier,

    Ever Present Help etc ). It is exalting Him as the God of love.

    Honoring and thanking Him for all He has done, all He will do.

    Acknowledging God as almighty and all powerful, nothing is

    impossible to Him.

    Worship is getting up close, personal. Feeling His nearness

    and touching Him. Coming in contact with all that God is.

    Preparing to encounter Him. Allowing Gods presence and

    holiness to touch us.

    Ofering ourselves to Him (as a living sacrifice, Rom 12:1),showing how much we love Him, arming our loyalty. Lifting

    our hearts and minds.

    Worship is letting why we need go, everything, all else

    embracing only Him!

    Third, there is a good reason to praise God:

    From Stormie Omartian, my favorite author, consider the

    reasons why we need to praise our Lord:

    We praise God because He is worthy of our praise.We praise God because it brings us into His Presence.We praise God because He hears our prayers.We praise God because it brings pleasure to our soul.We praise God because He does so much for us.We praise God because He guides us in all things.

    We praise God because He delivers us and sets us free.We praise God because He saves us in every way possible.We praise God because He protects us in times of trouble.We praise God because He heals and gives life.

    Fourth, call upon the name of the Lord. The Bible provides

    many names and identifications that tell who He is and His

    attributes. The more we know about God and declare His

    name, His ability, the more we put our trust on Him. First

    name to call is Father, then the second name to remember is

    Jesus, and the third is the Holy Spirit! Remember, John 14:14,

    if you ask anything in My name, I will do it. There is power

    in the name of our Lord!

    Just to expand the first step (above). Proclaim who He is and

    what Has he done in your life. It would help to write them all

    occasionally and perhaps arrange in alphabetical order.

    Example: Almighty, Amazing, Awesome, Beautiful, Boundless

    love, Builder, Caring, Comforter, Compassionate, Counsellor,

    Defender, Deliver, Dependable, Encourager, Eternal, Exalted,

    Faithful, Forgiving, Friend, Generous, Gentle, Good,

    Gracious (suggest to write who God is after your regular

    reading of bible passages).

    Fifth, put them all together. Ready?

    Heavenly Father we come to You at this moment withthanksgiving in our hearts. We worship You today as the

    almighty God, Creator of heaven and earth, and nothing is

    impossible for You. We ofer our praises to You because You

    alone is worthy to be praised. We thank You that are the God

    of love, peace and joy. We thank You for all that You are and

    for all You have done in our lives.

    Thank You for _____________ and for _________. Thank You

    for the guidance, comfort and strength. We praise You Lord

    for Your love is amazing, for the boundless love, for the

    comfort, for being dependable, forgiving, gracious and kind.

    We praise You Lord, for Your goodness, grace and mercy that

    endures forever.

    There you go: 60 seconds. Try adding more seconds and


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    Mabisang Dalangin

    Higit na mabisa and ating dalanginPag hindi sa bibig lamang nanggalingBagkus bumubukal sa diwat damdamin

    Atas ng Relihiyon

    Tahasang paglabag sa ting konstitusyonAng ipagpilitan ng puno ng nasyonNa gawin nino man ang ano mang aksyonNa labag sa atas ng kanyang relihiyon

    Takot Mamatay

    Waring gumagaan ang bigat ng buhayPag nababawasan ang takot mamatay

    Poong Lumikha

    Hindi pagtataksil sa mahal kong bansaAng mas mahalin ko ang Poong Lumikha

    Kristiyano Nga Ba?

    Kristiyano umano, sa paniniwala...Ngunit antikristo, sa kilos at gawa

    Si Sis Pempe Rodrigo ay patuloy na magpapadala ng kangyang mga bilinbagamat siya ay kasalukyang nagbabakasyon at bumibisita sa kanyang mgaanak sa Amerika. Isama natin siya sa ating mga panalangin. Salamat po.

    Why Bother to Pray for Others?

    Every intercessory prayer you offer adds that much more

    love and healing energy to the consciousness of the

    individual you are praying for. In Healing Words,

    Reinventing Medicine, and other books, Dr. Larry

    Dossey, who has spent years researching the relationship

    between prayer and healing, cites numerous scientific

    studies that strongly support the power of prayer.

    Indeed, an intercessory prayer, when uttered with loving

    intention and unbroken attention, may mean the

    difference between life and death. Yet there are so many

    factors in playthe recipients karmic debts, sacred

    contracts, and will to live, to name a fewthat yourprayer may not appear to affect the ultimate outcome.

    So why bother to pray? No matter what the outcome, the

    loving energy you transmit may ease the recipients pain,

    comfort their soul, and bolster their strength and

    resolve. In the end, every prayer you offer up serves thehigher good of the person you are praying for.

    The time may be delayed, the manner may be unexpected, but the

    answer is sure to come. Not a tear of sorrow, not a breath of holy

    desire, poured out to God will ever be lost, but in Gods own timeand way will be wafted back again in clouds of mercy, and fall in

    showers of blessings on you, and on those for whom you pray.

    Saint Therese

    People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle

    and shine when the sun is out, but when the darknesssets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is alight from within. (Elizabeth Kubler-Ross)

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    Schedule of ActivitiesSep21 Prayer Mtg & High Praise 7-9pm MegachapelSep24 Formation on Belongingness 1-3pm Rivers CenterSep28 Prayer Mtg & Worship Input 7-9pm MegachapelSep30 Fr. Mario Sobrejuanites Birthday!Oct01 Property Management Ministry Recollection with Bro Chito Jongco 8am-5pm Rivers Center PostGSS#3 St. Ignatius 1-3pm Rivers Center PostMSS#6 St. Jude Thaddeus 3-5pm Rivers CenterOct05 1st Wednesday Healing Mass 7-9 pm MegachapelOct08 PostMSS#2 St. Cecilia 3-5pm Rivers CenterOct12

    Prayer Mtg & Worship 7-9 pm MegachapelOct14 Ingress/Empowerment Mass 7pm St. Paul Pasig

    Oct15-16 Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) for the Class of St. Margaret Mary St. Paul College, Pasig CityOct19 Prayer Mtg & High Praise 7-9pm MegachapelOct22 PostLSS#1 St. Margaret Mary 1-3pm Rivers CenterOct26 Prayer Mtg & Worship 7-9pm MegachapelOct29 Equipping for Ministry Recollection (EMR) Class of St. Jude Thaddeus 8am-5pm Rivers CenterSchedules may be subject to change. Please listen to the regularannouncements during the prayer meetings for confirmation.

    Facebook has taken over the social

    network world and we are taking

    advantage of it. Most of our dear members

    now have facebook acocunts all over the

    world. With this, we have created a new

    page specific for our site, with the same

    capabilities for our members (i.e. to be

    able to post messages, share photos,videos, events, etc).

    Please visit us at:


    (inside facebook, you may easily search

    for ROLWCC page)

    All you have to do to join us is to click on

    the "LIKE" button located at the topmost

    page next to our page name "RIVERS OFLIVING WATER CATHOLIC

    COMMUNITY (ROLWCC)".If you would like to share an article or send in your comments,

    please e-mail them to [email protected]

    http://www.facebook.com/ROLWCChttp://www.facebook.com/ROLWCCmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.facebook.com/ROLWCChttp://www.facebook.com/ROLWCC