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    doing their sales pitches on the phone calls at same time as popping

    papers all over the room with the applause going wild.

    It was as if we had a nightclub and a party was going on every

    single day in this phone room. This was also the reason why the

    company owner made millions and lived in Malibu. I am convinced that

    this technique alone is what helped drive his company past the amateur

    hour and the just getting by car warranty business to become one of

    the largest and most successful car warranty places at the time in the

    area. This procedure was done methodically every day as standard

    normal operating procedure at this company. Even the new cleaning

    lady commented to me that she had never seen anything like it before.

    You wanted to open the doors and go inside the phone room, unlike

    most other call centers where I have worked. The upbeat atmosphere

    pulled people in to take a look that were just walking down the hall.

    Those people who made sales in this place helped build up

    everyones confidence that they, too had a deal coming soon. Never

    have I seen such a positive, team-like, dancing atmosphere when

    working sales in any phone room since that experience. I kind of miss

    that place for its unusual approach in helping people develop their team

    skills and team mindset. And make no mistake about it. The successful

    people in that phone room became like family very quickly. The closers

    were some of the most enthusiastic, eager people Ive ever met. If you

    ever got stuck in the middle of a pitch or in your


  • 8/6/2019 2011 Scribd Grow


    Chapter 10

    Closing Thoughts

    The Two Types of Busy Bees Who Build Your Business

    his book was born as an idea while working in another phone

    room for a large corporation, another Titanic. It was clear

    that after being laid off from two previous companies during

    the economic crisis of 2008 and 2009, that this company already hit an

    iceberg. Once again, my research from within the companys ranks led

    me all the way up the corporate food chain of incompetence and

    totally bad management decisions which were costing this business

    enormous amounts of money, time and resources in keeping itself in



    I never intended to write a book regarding my years of work in

    call centers, but due to my experiences and attempts at trying to turn

    these companies around, I never gave up. And so this book was born

    out of a dire need to see real professionalism in phone rooms and call

    centers from everyone working there whether an employee, manager

    or owner of the company


  • 8/6/2019 2011 Scribd Grow


    being made by the customer, then you might as well kiss not only that

    sale goodbye but consider closing your doors. This is incompetent

    leadership and probably why the Los Angeles Times is on the verge of

    total collapse financially after a third round of lay offs.

    Every employee in that place dreaded coming into work. Even

    the one lady who was able to consistently reach the daily minimum goal.

    She came in extra early every day before her mandated shift started

    and was already on the phone when the other employees arrived. That

    was her secret as to why only she was able to reach the minimum daily

    goal on numerous days.

    This top-producing employee also asked me about other phone

    rooms where I previously worked because she wanted to find another

    job in another phone room. This lady told me that she was ready to

    leave and work in a better environment. This was a gold employee

    with one open ear, actively looking for other phone room jobs and ready

    to leave at a moments notice! A huge no-no for any successful phone

    room manager and successful business!

    This lady was their top producer and let every new employee in

    the place know she was looking for a better job. I watched her question

    the other new employees about every phone room they worked - openly

    on the floor and in front of the management! This lady was so openly

    honest in begging for a better job and she was their # 1!


  • 8/6/2019 2011 Scribd Grow


    the consequences to themselves and to their customers. Ive observed

    this appalling and sometimes very overt and blatant behavior in various

    types of call centers throughout the years.

    This behavior is exactly why a poorly managed phone room is

    a company going to collapse eventually. People today do not take this

    type of abusive behavior that I described laying down any more. They

    just either lower their performance (become demoralized) or find

    another place (hopefully better) to work. And as the word spreads

    between telemarketers and phone room employees who are looking

    to change jobs within the call center industry, your image further

    deteriorates as an abusive workplace in the behind-the-scenes chatter

    of past, present and future employees.

    This is one reason why there is such a high turnover of

    employees in such call centers today. It is because mismanagement

    leads to employees getting burned financially or unfairly in business

    transactions. Therefore, a violation of trust in the company happens,

    the employee leaves for better work elsewhere and then the cycle starts

    all over again with someone new.

    Want to stop hemorrhaging good people? Do you really want

    as a company owner or manager to take your company and business to

    the next level and make more money? Do you really care about your

    entire companys bottom line? Or are you on this kind of dead-end,

    one-way merry-go-round with the old school thinking that your


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    Even the biggest companies depend on mundane, everyday

    transactions and business conversations that take place on the

    telephone. Without the telephone skills necessary to succeed, whether

    you are a lowly employee or a company owner, you put your company

    and your hard work in jeopardy. Forget what youve learned in school.

    Forget the mounds of paperwork that is generated by a deal done on

    the phone. Paperwork is not generated first without the customer and

    without the phone call. Remember that a company is built one phone

    call at a time.

    Understand the secrets contained in this book and learn from

    my mistakes. I have not acquired this knowledge easily. It has taken

    me many years working in various types of companies on the telephone

    in different call centers to understand the key similarities and

    differences between what drives a companys phenomenal growth

    during a recession and what makes a company close its doors.

    This is your bottom line: Everything you or your company

    representatives, your employees do or not do on every telephone call

    with a customer counts. What is said and what is not said on every call

    represents your company in the listeners mind.

    Never underestimate the power of your foundation and what

    goes on inside that phone room hidden deep in the bottom recesses of

    your companys foundation. Much like the mailroom, these phone jobs

    are not glamorous. The people who work inside of these phone jobs


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  • 8/6/2019 2011 Scribd Grow


    out the door with your best customers to your competition, taking with

    him or her all of your hard work, inside company secrets and efforts?

    And most importantly, how do you spot who your best managers are

    and reward them? How and what is really behind all of these questions

    and why am I asking so many upfront?

    If you are in any type of business with a telephone line then

    you need this book. Written for anyone who owns a business whether

    a one-man operation or a huge corporation and written also for the

    employees of any business from beginner to the professional, this book

    will show you exactly how to grow your phone room and recession proof

    your company in good times and in bad.

    Whether you hire telephone workers to either take incoming

    phone calls or to dial out to your customers, no matter what kind of

    product or service your company sells or type of service your company

    provides, then this is the book for you. I guarantee that with over

    eighteen years of experience in many different phone centers and

    working the telephones that this insiders advice is something your

    business will need if you want to improve your ability to not only stay in

    business but get more business than your company can actually handle.

    The simple name of the game is to make money. If you are an

    employee or if you are in upper management, if you are not making

    Table of Contents


  • 8/6/2019 2011 Scribd Grow


    Title Page

    Dedication 3

    Acknowledgments 4

    Legal Disclaimer 5

    Introduction A Letter from the Author,

    The Super Phone Woman 11

    Chapter 1 Hygiene 101 Common Sense Rules

    Especially for Managers and Owners

    Who Run a Phone Room or Call Center of

    Any Kind 21

    Chapter 2 Intoxicated Employees in the Phone

    Room: When Managers and Owners

    Lack Good Judgment, Everyone Suffers 35

    Chapter 3 When Papers, Clients or Leads Grow Legs:

    Whether It is the Unwritten Company Policy,

    Management or Another Employee 43

    Chapter 4 When Are You Hiring? 51

    Chapter 5 Atmosphere The Call Center Itself and

    Professional Conduct in the Room 61


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    Title Page


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    Chapter 6 The 50 Most Important Questions to Ask:

    A Very Important Chapter for Owners and

    Managers of Any Phone Room, Regardless

    What Business You Do 79

    Chapter 7 A Word to the Call Center Employee:

    So Youre Having a Bad Week Ask

    Rosie About Hers! 105

    Chapter 8 Your Voice, Maintenance and How You

    Sound on Every Phone Call 9 Critical

    Factors 125

    Chapter 9 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Public What to Do When

    the Communication Line is Cut by the

    Management or Owners 163

    Chapter 10 Closing Thoughts The Two Types of

    Busy Bees Who Build Your Business 177

    About the Author 195

    About the Author


  • 8/6/2019 2011 Scribd Grow


    Finding your twin heart which leads to your vision in life is like

    having a compass and without your twin heart - you are lost. When the

    Twin Heart is Present, It Bears Fruit. -- Nicole

    y the time Nicole was 13 years old, she played seven

    instruments piano, guitar, violin, clarinet, accordion, drums

    and xylophone. Nicole performed in the Childrens

    Orchestra at Cal State Los Angeles as the first, second violinist and

    clarinetist as well as in Malibus Annual Keep Christ in Christmas events

    as a child with her family and their guitars. Nicole played various

    musical instruments throughout her childhood in numerous different

    venues and winning various awards for her music, including performing

    at Disneyland as a child musician on the violin. Nicole also performed

    piano on the Leeza Shows Days of Our Lives Christmas special as a

    young adult.



  • 8/6/2019 2011 Scribd Grow


    Alcohol plays both a recurring theme in Nicoles life and in her

    familys life. Little over a month after our national 9/11 tragedy in 2001,

    her family experienced their own personal 9/11. At the young age of 21

    and in a new marriage to her brother, Nicoles Sister-in-Law, a beautiful

    girl named Tina was tragically killed by a drunk driver, devastating her

    family and her sister-in-laws family as well. In addition to this tragedy

    from a drunk driver which still has profound implications for her family,

    Nicole continues to witness first-hand as a child the damage alcohol

    causes when a close family member suffers from addiction left

    untreated. Due to the genetic disposition of alcoholism within her

    family, Nicole remains one of the few surviving members today who

    refrains from drinking alcohol within her family.

    On her 21st birthday, October 24 1990, Nicole stopped drinking

    alcohol after nearly dying of alcohol poisoning with a .24 BAC (blood

    alcohol count) level and almost crashing her car the day before. This

    was her second near death experience, having nearly died of an

    accidental alcohol overdose from an anaphylactic seizure (allergic

    reaction leading to a heart attack) at the young age of eighteen. Today

    in 2011, Nicole maintains her sobriety and recovery from alcoholism for

    over twenty years.

    Nicoles early experiences with music contributed to her

    sensitive, sharp phone skills and uncanny business acumen in working

    with people from all walks of life, especially on the telephone. Nicoles


  • 8/6/2019 2011 Scribd Grow


    Grandmother, a daughter of a Lord in the House of Commons, was

    a highly sought after psychic in Londons high society at the turn of the

    century. Nicoles Grandmother studied the psychic arts and learned

    from the local gypsies how to do tea leaf readings which were quite

    popular at the time. Nicole inherited her Grandmothers psychic gifts.

    Due to her own early experiences and uncanny psychic gifts,

    Nicole cultivated neighbors while growing up in Malibu, California in the

    1970s and 80s on which to practice her psychic talents. In the late

    eighties and early 1990s, Nicole became one of the earliest pioneers

    to operate one of the First 24 Hour Live 900 Psychic Lines, Twin Vision

    (America) at the young age of 21. Yes, Nicole answered her own

    psychic telephone line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for many years


    Nicoles Original Vision and Inspiration for Twin Vision

    Americas Psychic Hotline came from an old family treasure, and belief

    that When you find your twin heart, it bears fruit. Discovering your twin

    heart in life and thus, your vision is what made Nicoles psychic

    readings very unique for each client and why Nicole was so in demand

    for her unusual style of psychic readings, having her cards physically

    born in her hands. Nicole never took the easy way out of doing

    psychic readings by using Tarot cards And Nicole always maintained

    that by creating her own cards they were truly organic gifts that kept her

    clientele base growing and they connected Nicole to an authentic


  • 8/6/2019 2011 Scribd Grow


    psychic energy in helping people during the recession of the early


    Getting sober at the young age of 21 at the same time as this

    new adventure with Twin Vision America, Nicole experienced incredible

    growth, opportunity and life changing experiences which would later

    strongly influence her decision to keep her sobriety and work on her

    recovery from alcoholism. Fresh out of school with a degree in

    Computer Operations and Management in 1990, with the help of

    a business partner, Nicole was instrumental as a background consultant

    with the development of telephone training for Herbalife Internationals

    Cellular Wealth Builders University. The Twelve Step telephone

    training program which Nicole modeled from her sobriety program at

    that time, helped the re-birth and re-launch of Herbalife International in

    the United States, Australia and Canada with the revolutionary

    telephone training concept she helped her business partner build. This

    time period was also the early years and a crucial time for Nicole in

    her sobriety and recovery program in addition to her business

    responsibilities. Because of Nicoles life changing experiences with the

    Live 900 Psychic Line and being instrumental in the background

    development of the telephone training program, historic at the time for

    her then business partner, she decided to maintain her sobriety and

    recovery while going back to school to study Psychology.


  • 8/6/2019 2011 Scribd Grow


    After quickly earning her place on the Deans List and her

    Honors in Humanities at Pierce College in Woodland Hills, California,

    Nicole transferred to the University of Southern California (USC) and

    graduated this prestigious research university with a Bachelors degree

    in Psychology. After earning her BA in Psychology and passing

    Californias CBEST Exam, Nicole returned to Pierce College in

    Woodland Hills, California after discovering a new department called

    Addiction Studies in her tenth year of sobriety which started at the

    school after Nicole left.

    Under the leadership of world-renown James Crossen, R.N.,

    M.F.T. and Ph.D., Nicole is now more than half way through the

    Addiction Studies program as an Honors Student in addition to

    maintaining her place on the Deans List at Pierce College in Woodland

    Hills. Dr. Crossens cutting-edge research and program on the study of

    trauma (especially relating to PTSD) and addiction influenced Nicoles

    decision to return to complete her studies in addiction at this school.

    Recently Nicole was invited to become a Lifetime Member of the

    prestigious International Honors Society, Phi Theta Kappa at Pierce

    College. And Nicole was recently named as a member of the schools

    Presidents List.

    During the early years of the 2000s, Nicole was invited to

    perform the role of Denise Brown for the IDEA Japanese Television

    Networks story of Nicole Brown Simpsons and Ron Goldmans


  • 8/6/2019 2011 Scribd Grow


    murders to be broadcast in Japan. Denise Brown is the sister and

    Founder of the Nicole Brown Simpson Foundation, an organization

    dedicated to speaking out against domestic violence. Nicole found it

    prophetic on several levels that she played the role of an advocate

    against domestic violence through her performance of Nicole Brown

    Simpsons sister, Denise Brown for a television audience. The irony of

    this story would not be lost on Nicole on multiple levels. A few years

    later during her own personal crisis of domestic violence, the reminder

    of her acting role as Denise Brown, advocate against domestic violence

    gave Nicole strength to find her own voice and leave that situation

    behind as a single mother with a newborn baby.

    During her anti-war years at the start of the Iraq war in 2003,

    Nicole managed to start and maintain a peace vigil, then a newsletter

    for the peace and progressive community which found its way all around

    the world to an audience of thousands by standing out and vigiling

    every week against the Iraq war for 2 years on the street corner from

    2003 2005. From 2006 through the end of 2007, Nicole also had her

    own weekly radio show on 89.5 FM KTEC on the OIT Campus in

    Klamath Falls, Oregon devoted to peace and progressive issues. As

    a tireless advocate for life and humanitarian causes, Nicole participated

    during crucial moments in our nations history as an outspoken

    advocate for the human condition.


  • 8/6/2019 2011 Scribd Grow


    Currently Nicole is working on writing several different books.

    For a current and complete list of books by Nicole, please go to her

    publishers website: http://stores.lulu.com/alspublications

    Some of Nicoles other recent books are: Whats Your

    Addiction Temperature? A Road Map to Healing from Pain of Addiction

    Using TEL Therapy (that is the Workbook that accompanies this Main

    Text), Roommate Revolution: Save Money by Winning at Finding the

    Perfect Roommate, Psychic Secrets! What Is Your Psychic Gift and

    How to Use It Properly. and Grow Your Phone Room or Go Bust:

    Make Money on the Telephone and Avoid the Phone Room from Hell

    an Insiders Essential Guide,

    Nicole teaches others from her accumulated experiences as

    a guest speaker, teacher, author, psychic, phone room manager and

    most dear to her heart, continues her advocacy work in speaking out for

    social justice issues. Nicole plans to continue her tireless work in

    teaching others to find their own voice, advocating for the voiceless and

    helping others find their own unique voice and twin heart in life.

    Join us in your journey to finding your twin heart See Nicoles

    daughter, Angelinas Daily Blog at:


    Nicole makes occasional Guest Appearances on this Daily Blog to

    share insightful tips on how you can find your own twin heart.


  • 8/6/2019 2011 Scribd Grow


    Remember that together no matter what our differences, we can

    help save lives! Thank You so much for caring to help make this world

    a better place! LChaim! To Life!


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