2011 forkids summer newsletter

FAMILY matters 1 ForKids 4200 Colley Avenue Suite A PO Box 6044 Norfolk VA 23508 (757) 622-6400 www.homesforkids.org SPRING 2011 OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER Just over two years ago, before coming to ForKids, 5-year-old Sammy and his mom endured horrific physical and mental abuse by Sammy’s father. In fact, theirs was perhaps the worst case of domestic violence in ForKids’ history. Sammy had seen and endured more in his young life than anyone should face in a lifetime. He lost his big brother, who was sent to live with another family member, and Sammy missed so many days of school that he barely passed kindergarten and was far behind other students his age. Sammy’s young life was a nightmare. Sammy and his mom came to ForKids and entered Haven House Emergency Shelter. That’s where the healing began. When Sammy first arrived, he was terrified to go to sleep at night because of the horribly vivid nightmares he was having as a result of his trauma. But working with the ForKids Children’s Therapist, he devised a plan. Sammy created a special sign to hang on his door every night before bed that read, “NO MONSTERS ALLOWED.” Gradually, with regular therapy for both Sammy and his mom and lots of structure and care, the scared and sometimes aggressive little boy developed confidence, self-esteem and a sense of safety. Meanwhile, Sammy’s case manager got him enrolled in school and made sure he No Monsters Allowed LOOK AT THAT GRIN. It’s hard to imagine anyone wanting to hurt Sammy, much less his own dad. Yet, that’s how his young life began. What Can You Do To Help Homeless Families and Children? FAMILY matters “I wouldn’t want your job,” someone said, hearing about our budget cuts and the exploding need for services. But today my job is unquestionably the best job in the world. Antonio came to visit. Antonio is one of “my” kids but I hadn’t seen him in years. We met when he was five, and I saw him almost daily for six years. He’s 20 now and his mother asked me to meet with him because he dropped out of TCC. Antonio’s working at a fast food job he hates and she’s worried he’s losing hope and losing ground. (Continued on pg. 2) (Continued on pg. 2) Thaler's Thoughts

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No Monsters Allowed ForKids Family Thrift Volunteer Highlights & More


Page 1: 2011 ForKids Summer Newsletter

FAMILY matters 1


4200 Colley Avenue Suite A

PO Box 6044

Norfolk VA 23508

(757) 622-6400


4200 Colley Avenue Suite A

PO Box 6044

Norfolk VA 23508

TEL: (757) 622-6400 | FAX: (757) 622-3837

TAX ID 54-1477799


Just over two years ago, before coming to ForKids, 5-year-old Sammy and his mom endured horrific physical and mental abuse by Sammy’s father. In fact, theirs was perhaps the worst case of domestic violence in ForKids’ history. Sammy had seen and endured more in his young life than anyone should face in a lifetime. He lost his big brother, who was sent to live with another family member, and Sammy missed so many days of school that he barely passed kindergarten and was far behind other students his age. Sammy’s young life was a nightmare.

Sammy and his mom came to ForKids and entered Haven House Emergency Shelter.

That’s where the healing began. When Sammy first arrived, he was terrified to go to sleep at night because of the horribly vivid nightmares he was having as a result of his trauma. But working with the ForKids Children’s Therapist, he devised a plan. Sammy created a special sign to hang on his door every night before bed that read,

“NO MONSTERS ALLOWED.” Gradually, with regular therapy for both Sammy and his mom and lots of structure and care, the scared and sometimes aggressive little boy developed confidence, self-esteem and a sense of safety.

Meanwhile, Sammy’s case manager got him enrolled in school and made sure he

No Monsters AllowedLOOK AT THAT GRIN. It’s hard to imagine anyone wanting to hurt

Sammy, much less his own dad. Yet, that’s how his young life began.

What Can You Do To Help

Homeless Families

and Children?


“I wouldn’t want your job,” someone said, hearing about our budget cuts and the exploding need for services. But today my job is unquestionably the best job in the world. Antonio came to visit.

Antonio is one of “my” kids but I hadn’t seen him in years. We met when he was five, and I saw him almost daily for six years. He’s 20 now and his mother asked me to meet with him because he dropped out of TCC. Antonio’s working at a fast food job he hates and she’s worried he’s losing hope and losing ground.

(Continued on pg. 2) (Continued on pg. 2)

Thaler's Thoughts




Remember that feeling?How you were going to change the world?

Make your gift TODAY! Join the campaign to end family homelessness.


You still can!

Page 2: 2011 ForKids Summer Newsletter

FAMILY matters 3

When ForKids took on Suffolk House over two years ago, we immediately realized that things are different when your goal is to shelter families in a service area that is 1,400 square miles.

Transportation is different (there isn’t any in most parts of the region), job searches are different (there are few employment centers), and housing is widely dispersed and usually single-family. We implemented the proven ForKids model with mental health, educational and children’s services and saw outcomes improve dramatically at the shelter. But despite significant need in the region, Western Tidewater families weren’t making it to our shelter in downtown Suffolk due to transportation barriers and the fear of losing their employment, support networks and changing schools. This, coupled with a dramatic decline in government funding, led us to look for a better way to provide services for families. To that end, Suffolk House will transition from an emergency shelter to an innovative Emergency Service, Rapid Re-housing and Prevention Center for homeless families beginning July 1. Our new approach will offer:

• A hotel voucher program to provide homeless families with up to 30 days of shelter throughout the region; families will no longer have to relocate out of their communities

• Direct assistance with utilities, rent and security deposits to prevent homelessness and rapidly re-house families who have slipped into homelessness

• Intensive in-home case management for at-risk and homeless families that will be linked to any cash assistance

• High-quality mental health services and ForKids’ signature children’s services delivered throughout the region

• Families will connect to the services through the ForKids regional call center

For the first time, a family located in Smithfield can remain in Smithfield and still receive the vital ForKids services necessary to stabilize in the community without relocating. Explaining the motivation behind the program change, ForKids CEO, Thaler McCormick, said, “This will be a big improvement in services for Western Tidewater. There are many more families who are in need of services right now who aren’t receiving them because of geographic limitations. They can’t move to Suffolk House because it takes parents away from their jobs and children away from their schools. Just last week a social worker in Isle of Wight reported 10 families in this situation that we weren’t equipped to assist. This is unacceptable. Through this new plan, we’ll be able to better serve more families within their own communities.”

The ForKids Emergency Services and Prevention Team will operate from Suffolk House and residential services there will be temporarily closed off to reduce costs. The ForKids Board and management team will spend the upcoming months considering the best use of the residential wing and will likely consider a conversion to Permanent Supportive Housing or Transitional Housing -- two services currently unavailable and badly needed for families in Suffolk and Western Tidewater.

was participating in afterschool tutoring. While Sammy’s mom worked on finding a job and saving her money so the family could leave the shelter, Sammy read all the books he could get his hands on when REACH* came each week and learned new life skills and character traits in the ForKids’ SuperKids program. The consistent care, counseling and structure Sammy was receiving revealed an

incredibly smart, strong and healthy little boy. Sammy’s wonderful traits that have been uncovered have been well documented through not one, but several “SuperKid of the Month” awards. Tutoring has paid off too – Sammy proudly boasts of being on the A/B Honor Roll. His case manager describes him as a “little package of courage, spirit and resilience.” Sammy and his mom are now reunited with his older brother in a stable home, within walking distance of Sammy’s school.

He enthusiastically participates weekly in ForKids’ Hot Meals and Homework tutoring program and, according to his case manager, “picks up on things quickly and approaches everything with eagerness and a positive attitude.” At a recent session, when Stacey Gardner, Senior Manager of Children’s Services popped in to the computer lab to say hello, Sammy gave her one of his famous smiles and said, “I’m just knockin’ out my homework for the week, while I’m here.”

And with that, we glimpse Sammy’s future, and it is bright and full of hope.

*Reading Enriches All Children (REACH) is a terrific non-profit organization that provides literacy programs at our shelters and transitional housing programs each week. They provide us with books, volunteers and activities that promote literacy! Check out REACH at www.reachreads.org.

I couldn’t wait to see him, but was unsure what to expect. I’d heard about troubles in high school, yet the boy I remembered was sweet, serious and polite. What would the 20-year-old Antonio be like?

The same, just all grown up.

The hour I spent with Antonio was a gift. Antonio told me about his difficulties in high school, accepting responsibility for foolish behavior that left him far behind. I was proud and amazed when he told me he decided to go to school from 7:30 a.m. till 9:00 p.m. his entire senior year to graduate on time.

Then Antonio shared his ForKids memories and he remembers everything: making clothespin reindeers; snack time after school; his tutor; forgetting his trunks that first day of swimming lessons when I raced him to my house to pin my soccer shorts on him (he remembers the cone on my dog’s head that day, I remember the dejected look on his face when he thought he wouldn’t be able to swim). He remembers “all the holidays” and going to “shop” for

gifts for his mother; his mother going to school and getting her first good job. He remembers joining Cub Scouts and taking karate. He remembers things I’d forgotten but things that became the fabric of his childhood.

He remembers sleeping in a car.

Antonio will intern with our Children Services Team this summer, and he WILL return to college this fall. I asked what, if anything, he’d share of his experiences with the children at our shelters. Antonio said firmly, with the strength of his 20 years, “I am not ashamed of being homeless. I would tell them everything. ForKids was my family. I don’t know where we would be without you.”

I love my job.

(Continued from front page)

Thaler’s Thoughts

(Continued from front page)

No Monsters Allowed

ForKids Implements New Service Model for Western TidewaterBattling the “Tyranny of Distance” to Serve Families Across a Broad Geographic Area

Page 3: 2011 ForKids Summer Newsletter

FAMILY matters 3

When ForKids took on Suffolk House over two years ago, we immediately realized that things are different when your goal is to shelter families in a service area that is 1,400 square miles.

Transportation is different (there isn’t any in most parts of the region), job searches are different (there are few employment centers), and housing is widely dispersed and usually single-family. We implemented the proven ForKids model with mental health, educational and children’s services and saw outcomes improve dramatically at the shelter. But despite significant need in the region, Western Tidewater families weren’t making it to our shelter in downtown Suffolk due to transportation barriers and the fear of losing their employment, support networks and changing schools. This, coupled with a dramatic decline in government funding, led us to look for a better way to provide services for families. To that end, Suffolk House will transition from an emergency shelter to an innovative Emergency Service, Rapid Re-housing and Prevention Center for homeless families beginning July 1. Our new approach will offer:

• A hotel voucher program to provide homeless families with up to 30 days of shelter throughout the region; families will no longer have to relocate out of their communities

• Direct assistance with utilities, rent and security deposits to prevent homelessness and rapidly re-house families who have slipped into homelessness

• Intensive in-home case management for at-risk and homeless families that will be linked to any cash assistance

• High-quality mental health services and ForKids’ signature children’s services delivered throughout the region

• Families will connect to the services through the ForKids regional call center

For the first time, a family located in Smithfield can remain in Smithfield and still receive the vital ForKids services necessary to stabilize in the community without relocating. Explaining the motivation behind the program change, ForKids CEO, Thaler McCormick, said, “This will be a big improvement in services for Western Tidewater. There are many more families who are in need of services right now who aren’t receiving them because of geographic limitations. They can’t move to Suffolk House because it takes parents away from their jobs and children away from their schools. Just last week a social worker in Isle of Wight reported 10 families in this situation that we weren’t equipped to assist. This is unacceptable. Through this new plan, we’ll be able to better serve more families within their own communities.”

The ForKids Emergency Services and Prevention Team will operate from Suffolk House and residential services there will be temporarily closed off to reduce costs. The ForKids Board and management team will spend the upcoming months considering the best use of the residential wing and will likely consider a conversion to Permanent Supportive Housing or Transitional Housing -- two services currently unavailable and badly needed for families in Suffolk and Western Tidewater.

was participating in afterschool tutoring. While Sammy’s mom worked on finding a job and saving her money so the family could leave the shelter, Sammy read all the books he could get his hands on when REACH* came each week and learned new life skills and character traits in the ForKids’ SuperKids program. The consistent care, counseling and structure Sammy was receiving revealed an

incredibly smart, strong and healthy little boy. Sammy’s wonderful traits that have been uncovered have been well documented through not one, but several “SuperKid of the Month” awards. Tutoring has paid off too – Sammy proudly boasts of being on the A/B Honor Roll. His case manager describes him as a “little package of courage, spirit and resilience.” Sammy and his mom are now reunited with his older brother in a stable home, within walking distance of Sammy’s school.

He enthusiastically participates weekly in ForKids’ Hot Meals and Homework tutoring program and, according to his case manager, “picks up on things quickly and approaches everything with eagerness and a positive attitude.” At a recent session, when Stacey Gardner, Senior Manager of Children’s Services popped in to the computer lab to say hello, Sammy gave her one of his famous smiles and said, “I’m just knockin’ out my homework for the week, while I’m here.”

And with that, we glimpse Sammy’s future, and it is bright and full of hope.

*Reading Enriches All Children (REACH) is a terrific non-profit organization that provides literacy programs at our shelters and transitional housing programs each week. They provide us with books, volunteers and activities that promote literacy! Check out REACH at www.reachreads.org.

I couldn’t wait to see him, but was unsure what to expect. I’d heard about troubles in high school, yet the boy I remembered was sweet, serious and polite. What would the 20-year-old Antonio be like?

The same, just all grown up.

The hour I spent with Antonio was a gift. Antonio told me about his difficulties in high school, accepting responsibility for foolish behavior that left him far behind. I was proud and amazed when he told me he decided to go to school from 7:30 a.m. till 9:00 p.m. his entire senior year to graduate on time.

Then Antonio shared his ForKids memories and he remembers everything: making clothespin reindeers; snack time after school; his tutor; forgetting his trunks that first day of swimming lessons when I raced him to my house to pin my soccer shorts on him (he remembers the cone on my dog’s head that day, I remember the dejected look on his face when he thought he wouldn’t be able to swim). He remembers “all the holidays” and going to “shop” for

gifts for his mother; his mother going to school and getting her first good job. He remembers joining Cub Scouts and taking karate. He remembers things I’d forgotten but things that became the fabric of his childhood.

He remembers sleeping in a car.

Antonio will intern with our Children Services Team this summer, and he WILL return to college this fall. I asked what, if anything, he’d share of his experiences with the children at our shelters. Antonio said firmly, with the strength of his 20 years, “I am not ashamed of being homeless. I would tell them everything. ForKids was my family. I don’t know where we would be without you.”

I love my job.

(Continued from front page)

Thaler’s Thoughts

(Continued from front page)

No Monsters Allowed

ForKids Implements New Service Model for Western TidewaterBattling the “Tyranny of Distance” to Serve Families Across a Broad Geographic Area

Page 4: 2011 ForKids Summer Newsletter

FAMILY matters4 FAMILY matters 5

A heartfelt ForKids “Thank

You!” to the groups, businesses

and organizations that put

their talents to work to help

homeless families in Hampton


“Art with a Heart” Raises Money and Awareness for ForKids

Local artist and teacher, Brandon Thompson, hosted, “Art with a Heart,” at the Jewish Mother Backstage on Granby Street in Norfolk to benefit ForKids. The event featured the work of eight Hampton Roads artists in a fun festive environment, complete with a DJ! Brandon donated all proceeds from the event to ForKids, and also helped spread the word about ForKids to all in attendance.

Cooking (and eating!) “Lotsa Pasta” to Break the Cycle

Long-time ForKids supporter, Bayview United Church of Christ in Norfolk, recently hosted a Spaghetti Dinner to benefit ForKids. The evening was a huge success and the pasta, molto buona!

“Partying Like its 1929!” at the NorVA 20s Party

The flapper dresses and Zoot suits were out in full force, and the Party Angels completely transformed the NorVA back to the way it was 90 years ago for the Roaring 20s Party they held to benefit ForKids.

Elbert Watson Dances to End Homelessness

Renowned dancer and choreographer, Elbert Watson, along with the Elbert Watson Dance Company performed a Benefit Concert at Norfolk Academy’s Samuel C. Johnson Theater to help raise money and awareness for

ForKids. The repertoire featured an eclectic mix of classical ballet, tap, modern dance and jazz, and also included an original choreography inspired by the children of ForKids.

Old Dominion University Students Run to End Homelessness

More than 200 ODU students, faculty and members of the surrounding community laced up their running shoes for the Monarch 5K & Adventure Race, held by ODU’s Department of Recreation and Wellness to benefit ForKids.

What Can YOU Do to Help Homeless Families and Children?

TrANSFOrMINg OUr HOUSe INTO A HOMeClark Nexsen Adopts the First Room at Haven House

Several Clark Nexsen employees arrived at Haven House on a recent warm spring day ready to take on the challenge before them. As the first group to “Adopt-A-Room,” they were eager to transform one of the rooms at the emergency shelter from drab and plain to colorful and cheery.

The team arrived with bags and bags of pillows, colorful linens and bedspreads, artwork, window treatments and more. They hauled the load to the second floor and opened the door to room B5, where they were initially shocked by the starkness of the room, but soon began to perform their magic.

They excitedly got right to work hanging curtains, making beds and giving the room a happier, warmer feel with their makeover. While white mattresses were covered with polka-dotted sheets and striped blankets, these Clark Nexsen employees realized the difference that they were making for the homeless family that would soon be living in that room.

While the makeover took place, a little girl walked down the hallway and peeked around the door with wide eyes and quietly asked if we would be doing this to all the rooms in the shelter. How could our answer be anything but yes?!

But we need your help. We still have more rooms to adopt and we need more people like the Clark Nexsen staff to help us turn our houses into homes. The seemingly simple gesture gives great comfort and security to a homeless child.

To learn more, please contact Kaitlin Robb at [email protected].

The ForKids Family Thrift is coming this summer to 25th and Granby St. in Norfolk

By the time you read this story we hope that we have an opening date for the ForKids Family Thrift. We will take over the space on June 15th and open this summer after some renovations. Stay tuned through Facebook or check our web site at www.homesforkids.org for breaking news.

Why the ForKids Family Thrift makes a difference. While there are many thrift stores in Hampton Roads, few have the direct impact that the ForKids Family Thrift will. In addition to selling goods to the public, our clients can earn vouchers to buy their very own move-in kit of household items to help with their transition from a ForKids emergency shelter into an apartment in the community. This opportunity removes another barrier to stable housing and provides a powerful incentive for our families to achieve their goals in the ForKids programs.

We need you!Donate your time: Sort household items, put out stock, work in the store and get a first look at the great stuff that’s coming in every day. Email [email protected] with your interest. We especially need folks who can work a regular volunteer shift on a weekly basis. Do good and get the first look at new inventory.

Donate your stuff: We will need lots of stuff to get to our clients and to stock the store. Clean out your attic and garage and bring your gently used items over to ForKids. Details, including pick up and drop off options to follow.

Shop ‘til you drop: Every purchase at ForKids Family Thrift will help fund the life-changing programs at ForKids. So come to the ForKids Family Thrift and tell your friends. Shopping will never feel so good!

ForKids Family Thrift Opening This Summer



The Adopt-a-Room program gives you the opportunity to be a year-long sponsor of a ForKids emergency shelter room. Then you, your family, your co-workers or your friends get to decorate and help transform our house into a home.

For the latest news and happenings at ForKids, make sure you’re getting our monthly E-Newsletter. Please visit www.homesforkids.org to sign up.

Sign up and receive our newsletter and updates

Page 5: 2011 ForKids Summer Newsletter

FAMILY matters4 FAMILY matters 5

A heartfelt ForKids “Thank

You!” to the groups, businesses

and organizations that put

their talents to work to help

homeless families in Hampton


“Art with a Heart” Raises Money and Awareness for ForKids

Local artist and teacher, Brandon Thompson, hosted, “Art with a Heart,” at the Jewish Mother Backstage on Granby Street in Norfolk to benefit ForKids. The event featured the work of eight Hampton Roads artists in a fun festive environment, complete with a DJ! Brandon donated all proceeds from the event to ForKids, and also helped spread the word about ForKids to all in attendance.

Cooking (and eating!) “Lotsa Pasta” to Break the Cycle

Long-time ForKids supporter, Bayview United Church of Christ in Norfolk, recently hosted a Spaghetti Dinner to benefit ForKids. The evening was a huge success and the pasta, molto buona!

“Partying Like its 1929!” at the NorVA 20s Party

The flapper dresses and Zoot suits were out in full force, and the Party Angels completely transformed the NorVA back to the way it was 90 years ago for the Roaring 20s Party they held to benefit ForKids.

Elbert Watson Dances to End Homelessness

Renowned dancer and choreographer, Elbert Watson, along with the Elbert Watson Dance Company performed a Benefit Concert at Norfolk Academy’s Samuel C. Johnson Theater to help raise money and awareness for

ForKids. The repertoire featured an eclectic mix of classical ballet, tap, modern dance and jazz, and also included an original choreography inspired by the children of ForKids.

Old Dominion University Students Run to End Homelessness

More than 200 ODU students, faculty and members of the surrounding community laced up their running shoes for the Monarch 5K & Adventure Race, held by ODU’s Department of Recreation and Wellness to benefit ForKids.

What Can YOU Do to Help Homeless Families and Children?

TrANSFOrMINg OUr HOUSe INTO A HOMeClark Nexsen Adopts the First Room at Haven House

Several Clark Nexsen employees arrived at Haven House on a recent warm spring day ready to take on the challenge before them. As the first group to “Adopt-A-Room,” they were eager to transform one of the rooms at the emergency shelter from drab and plain to colorful and cheery.

The team arrived with bags and bags of pillows, colorful linens and bedspreads, artwork, window treatments and more. They hauled the load to the second floor and opened the door to room B5, where they were initially shocked by the starkness of the room, but soon began to perform their magic.

They excitedly got right to work hanging curtains, making beds and giving the room a happier, warmer feel with their makeover. While white mattresses were covered with polka-dotted sheets and striped blankets, these Clark Nexsen employees realized the difference that they were making for the homeless family that would soon be living in that room.

While the makeover took place, a little girl walked down the hallway and peeked around the door with wide eyes and quietly asked if we would be doing this to all the rooms in the shelter. How could our answer be anything but yes?!

But we need your help. We still have more rooms to adopt and we need more people like the Clark Nexsen staff to help us turn our houses into homes. The seemingly simple gesture gives great comfort and security to a homeless child.

To learn more, please contact Kaitlin Robb at [email protected].

The ForKids Family Thrift is coming this summer to 25th and Granby St. in Norfolk

By the time you read this story we hope that we have an opening date for the ForKids Family Thrift. We will take over the space on June 15th and open this summer after some renovations. Stay tuned through Facebook or check our web site at www.homesforkids.org for breaking news.

Why the ForKids Family Thrift makes a difference. While there are many thrift stores in Hampton Roads, few have the direct impact that the ForKids Family Thrift will. In addition to selling goods to the public, our clients can earn vouchers to buy their very own move-in kit of household items to help with their transition from a ForKids emergency shelter into an apartment in the community. This opportunity removes another barrier to stable housing and provides a powerful incentive for our families to achieve their goals in the ForKids programs.

We need you!Donate your time: Sort household items, put out stock, work in the store and get a first look at the great stuff that’s coming in every day. Email [email protected] with your interest. We especially need folks who can work a regular volunteer shift on a weekly basis. Do good and get the first look at new inventory.

Donate your stuff: We will need lots of stuff to get to our clients and to stock the store. Clean out your attic and garage and bring your gently used items over to ForKids. Details, including pick up and drop off options to follow.

Shop ‘til you drop: Every purchase at ForKids Family Thrift will help fund the life-changing programs at ForKids. So come to the ForKids Family Thrift and tell your friends. Shopping will never feel so good!

ForKids Family Thrift Opening This Summer



The Adopt-a-Room program gives you the opportunity to be a year-long sponsor of a ForKids emergency shelter room. Then you, your family, your co-workers or your friends get to decorate and help transform our house into a home.

For the latest news and happenings at ForKids, make sure you’re getting our monthly E-Newsletter. Please visit www.homesforkids.org to sign up.

Sign up and receive our newsletter and updates

Page 6: 2011 ForKids Summer Newsletter

FAMILY matters6 FAMILY matters 7

Become a ForKids G.E.M.

By Giving Every Month, you help

kids who depend on ForKids. You

guarantee that they have shelter,

counseling, tutoring and support.

For more information, please contact Kaitlin Robb at (757) 622-6400

x112 or at [email protected].

One of the families to recently move into Haven House was quite unlike any family ForKids has ever helped before -– this mom and her three babies were furry and wore masks! Yes, a family of raccoons decided to nest within the walls of the emergency shelter. Thankfully, we were able to safely relocate them to appropriate housing at Evelyn’s Wildlife Refuge in Virginia Beach.

It’s Extreme Makeover, ForKids Style! The new mural in the SuperKids room at 133 D View Avenue is a big hit with all the kids living in Haven House.

Suffolk House’s new shed. Photograph courtesy of Suffolk News Herald.

ForKids Helps ALL KINDS of Families!

Cynthia Amaro

Jill and Patrick Baker

Michelle Barger

Stuart Birkel and Nathalie Cassis

James Corbin

Lauren D’Amico

Charles and Juanita Dowdy

Robert and Vicky Doxey

Dean Everton

Michelle Ferber

Robert and Alice Frady

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gromelski

Judge and Mindi Haugen

Vikki Henderson

Doris and Buck Higginbotham

Sarah Johnson

Jennifer Keirle

Michaela Kubicek

LaShonda Lane

Jane B. Lego

Ryan Livingston

Thaler and Nat McCormick

Sharon McGlone

LaRhonda McLean

Janelle Parsons

Leila Rice

Melanie Rivera

Brenda Robinson

Shereka Spencer

Sybil and Rob Spurgeon

Janet Stokley

Lauren Varboncoeur

Alessandra Venee

Neil and Pat Walsh

Suffolk House ImprovementsForKids g.e.M.s

Rotary members were joined by students and faculty from the Pruden Center who came out to help with construction. Suffolk House now has a new, much-larger shed to store donated items and equipment.

And, to help make the rain showers more bearable, thanks to Construction Technologies for the new guttering on Suffolk House – they make a big difference!

grand Furniture Comes Through in grAND Fashion to Help Homeless FamiliesThe children in our Haven House and Suffolk House shelters can now sleep a little more comfortably, thanks to Grand Furniture’s generous donation of 19 sets of bunk beds!

each month, ForKids has to turn away hundreds of families who need our services. Homelessness happens 12 months a year, BUT YOU CAN HeLP.

Would you like to be a ForKids Volunteer? Please contact Kirstyn Lazar at (757) 622-6400 x137 or [email protected]

Stay updated on the latest

ForKids happenings! Be sure

to “Like” us on Facebook,


and follow us on Twitter,


Page 7: 2011 ForKids Summer Newsletter

FAMILY matters6 FAMILY matters 7

Become a ForKids G.E.M.

By Giving Every Month, you help

kids who depend on ForKids. You

guarantee that they have shelter,

counseling, tutoring and support.

For more information, please contact Kaitlin Robb at (757) 622-6400

x112 or at [email protected].

One of the families to recently move into Haven House was quite unlike any family ForKids has ever helped before -– this mom and her three babies were furry and wore masks! Yes, a family of raccoons decided to nest within the walls of the emergency shelter. Thankfully, we were able to safely relocate them to appropriate housing at Evelyn’s Wildlife Refuge in Virginia Beach.

It’s Extreme Makeover, ForKids Style! The new mural in the SuperKids room at 133 D View Avenue is a big hit with all the kids living in Haven House.

Suffolk House’s new shed. Photograph courtesy of Suffolk News Herald.

ForKids Helps ALL KINDS of Families!

Cynthia Amaro

Jill and Patrick Baker

Michelle Barger

Stuart Birkel and Nathalie Cassis

James Corbin

Lauren D’Amico

Charles and Juanita Dowdy

Robert and Vicky Doxey

Dean Everton

Michelle Ferber

Robert and Alice Frady

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gromelski

Judge and Mindi Haugen

Vikki Henderson

Doris and Buck Higginbotham

Sarah Johnson

Jennifer Keirle

Michaela Kubicek

LaShonda Lane

Jane B. Lego

Ryan Livingston

Thaler and Nat McCormick

Sharon McGlone

LaRhonda McLean

Janelle Parsons

Leila Rice

Melanie Rivera

Brenda Robinson

Shereka Spencer

Sybil and Rob Spurgeon

Janet Stokley

Lauren Varboncoeur

Alessandra Venee

Neil and Pat Walsh

Suffolk House ImprovementsForKids g.e.M.s

Rotary members were joined by students and faculty from the Pruden Center who came out to help with construction. Suffolk House now has a new, much-larger shed to store donated items and equipment.

And, to help make the rain showers more bearable, thanks to Construction Technologies for the new guttering on Suffolk House – they make a big difference!

grand Furniture Comes Through in grAND Fashion to Help Homeless FamiliesThe children in our Haven House and Suffolk House shelters can now sleep a little more comfortably, thanks to Grand Furniture’s generous donation of 19 sets of bunk beds!

each month, ForKids has to turn away hundreds of families who need our services. Homelessness happens 12 months a year, BUT YOU CAN HeLP.

Would you like to be a ForKids Volunteer? Please contact Kirstyn Lazar at (757) 622-6400 x137 or [email protected]

Stay updated on the latest

ForKids happenings! Be sure

to “Like” us on Facebook,


and follow us on Twitter,


Page 8: 2011 ForKids Summer Newsletter

FAMILY matters8 9FAMILY matters

Chris Perry President Suburban Asset Management

ForKids Welcomes New Board Member


Norfolk Academy Students,grades 1-12

Thank you to the nursing students of the Old Dominion University Community Health: Injury Prevention Group for their hard work and tireless efforts to help organize and run the 2010 ForKids Holiday Shop. Their support and volunteer service to ForKids earned them the 2011 Hampton Roads Volunteer Achievement Award. We extend our deepest thanks and congratulations!

Members of The Junior League of Norfolk-Virginia Beach helped dedicate Suffolk House’s new playground with a Spring Playground Party, complete with snacks, bubbles, sidewalk chalk and hula hoops! Everyone had a great time – adults and kids alike!

Prestonwood Christian Academy spent the day at Haven House and Elizabeth Place landscaping, cleaning and painting.

Volunteer Snapshots

How lucky ForKids is to have the support of Norfolk Academy students! (Clearly they take to heart our mission of helping our community of families.) In the fall, lower school students raised money for United Way and ForKids; they also held a very successful jeans day—for the privilege of wearing jeans each student contributed $1 to ForKids!

But volunteering to help ForKids is not just a lower school undertaking. In the weeks prior to our 10th Anniversary Children’s Art Auction, NA middle and upper school students became “crafters extraordinaire.” As in previous years, they painted hundreds of handles for the bid paddles. Like last year, these teenagers completed our nametags, gluing and decorating hundreds of lions, tigers, bears, and hearts!

Under the leadership of Norfolk Academy’s Sean Wetmore and with the assistance of Ken and Zach Lampert, the 2nd annual Independent Schools ForKids Cup 5k race will be held this spring. The purpose of the race is to benefit ForKids and at the same time raise awareness among the other Independent Schools in the area. The entire NA student body gets an A+ from ForKids! We thank you!

Spring Playground Party

To request a ForKids speaker for your service organization, church, or other community group, please contact Leila at [email protected] or (757) 622-6400 x135.

Neal P. Brodsky LeClair Ryan Norfolk, VA

Amy Pesesky Amy G. Pesesky, PLC Norfolk, VA

Arthur R. Robb Jr. Frank Sheffer & Co. Suffolk, VA

J. Howard Rodman, Jr. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Virginia Beach, VA

Charles T. Saunders Saunders & Matthews, PLLC Norfolk, VA

Jane Short UBS Norfolk, VA

Jeffrey T. Talbert Shuttleworth, Ruloff, Swain, Haddad, & Morecock Virginia Beach, VA

Mark R. Warden Wilbanks, Smith & Thomas Asset Management Norfolk, VA

G. Randolph Webb, Jr. Signature Financial Management Norfolk, VA

Planned giving Advisory Council

Leave a Bequest, Include ForKids in Your Will to Create Your Lasting Legacy

WHrO recognizes our very own Domonique godette

Domonique Godette

Of course, we’ve ALWAYS known that our own Chesapeake Hot Meals and Homework Specialist, Domonique Godette, makes a tremendous difference in the lives of our kids, but it was great to find out that the Hampton Roads community realizes it too!

Domonique has been awarded the 2011 WHRO Community Impact Award for Education! The award honors people or organizations that work at the grassroots level to make a significant difference in the community. In addition to the recognition, Domonique was also honored at a luncheon and she received $1,000 for the charity of her choice. Congratulations, Domonique! We’re incredibly proud of you and all that you do to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty!

Students from St. Patrick’s Catholic School in Norfolk, delivering the wagonloads of snacks they collected through a recent Snack Drive for Hot Meals & Homework.

Page 9: 2011 ForKids Summer Newsletter

FAMILY matters8 9FAMILY matters

Chris Perry President Suburban Asset Management

ForKids Welcomes New Board Member


Norfolk Academy Students,grades 1-12

Thank you to the nursing students of the Old Dominion University Community Health: Injury Prevention Group for their hard work and tireless efforts to help organize and run the 2010 ForKids Holiday Shop. Their support and volunteer service to ForKids earned them the 2011 Hampton Roads Volunteer Achievement Award. We extend our deepest thanks and congratulations!

Members of The Junior League of Norfolk-Virginia Beach helped dedicate Suffolk House’s new playground with a Spring Playground Party, complete with snacks, bubbles, sidewalk chalk and hula hoops! Everyone had a great time – adults and kids alike!

Prestonwood Christian Academy spent the day at Haven House and Elizabeth Place landscaping, cleaning and painting.

Volunteer Snapshots

How lucky ForKids is to have the support of Norfolk Academy students! (Clearly they take to heart our mission of helping our community of families.) In the fall, lower school students raised money for United Way and ForKids; they also held a very successful jeans day—for the privilege of wearing jeans each student contributed $1 to ForKids!

But volunteering to help ForKids is not just a lower school undertaking. In the weeks prior to our 10th Anniversary Children’s Art Auction, NA middle and upper school students became “crafters extraordinaire.” As in previous years, they painted hundreds of handles for the bid paddles. Like last year, these teenagers completed our nametags, gluing and decorating hundreds of lions, tigers, bears, and hearts!

Under the leadership of Norfolk Academy’s Sean Wetmore and with the assistance of Ken and Zach Lampert, the 2nd annual Independent Schools ForKids Cup 5k race will be held this spring. The purpose of the race is to benefit ForKids and at the same time raise awareness among the other Independent Schools in the area. The entire NA student body gets an A+ from ForKids! We thank you!

Spring Playground Party

To request a ForKids speaker for your service organization, church, or other community group, please contact Leila at [email protected] or (757) 622-6400 x135.

Neal P. Brodsky LeClair Ryan Norfolk, VA

Amy Pesesky Amy G. Pesesky, PLC Norfolk, VA

Arthur R. Robb Jr. Frank Sheffer & Co. Suffolk, VA

J. Howard Rodman, Jr. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Virginia Beach, VA

Charles T. Saunders Saunders & Matthews, PLLC Norfolk, VA

Jane Short UBS Norfolk, VA

Jeffrey T. Talbert Shuttleworth, Ruloff, Swain, Haddad, & Morecock Virginia Beach, VA

Mark R. Warden Wilbanks, Smith & Thomas Asset Management Norfolk, VA

G. Randolph Webb, Jr. Signature Financial Management Norfolk, VA

Planned giving Advisory Council

Leave a Bequest, Include ForKids in Your Will to Create Your Lasting Legacy

WHrO recognizes our very own Domonique godette

Domonique Godette

Of course, we’ve ALWAYS known that our own Chesapeake Hot Meals and Homework Specialist, Domonique Godette, makes a tremendous difference in the lives of our kids, but it was great to find out that the Hampton Roads community realizes it too!

Domonique has been awarded the 2011 WHRO Community Impact Award for Education! The award honors people or organizations that work at the grassroots level to make a significant difference in the community. In addition to the recognition, Domonique was also honored at a luncheon and she received $1,000 for the charity of her choice. Congratulations, Domonique! We’re incredibly proud of you and all that you do to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty!

Students from St. Patrick’s Catholic School in Norfolk, delivering the wagonloads of snacks they collected through a recent Snack Drive for Hot Meals & Homework.

Page 10: 2011 ForKids Summer Newsletter

FAMILY matters10 FAMILY matters 11

For Mark and Julie, the Annual ForKids Children’s Art Auction is one event they never miss – a fact made evident by the many pieces of our children’s artwork that line the walls of their Virginia Beach sign company, “Any and All Graphics.” They love the chance to dress up and spend a fun evening supporting ForKids. But buying art isn’t the only way Mark and Julie support ForKids. They also donate tirelessly of their time and energy to support the ForKids mission.

This year, Mark and Julie shared with ForKids another way that they have decided to help provide for the future of ForKids. They have generously designated the organization in their will. And this is not just any designation. Mark and Julie have bequeathed their amazing motorcycle collection to ForKids. There is one string attached, though – Mark requests that once we receive this gift ForKids should host a biker-themed Art Auction!

Expressing their belief in the ForKids mission, Mark and Julie use the skills and resources that they have available to help us help homeless families, even ensuring the future of our organization by including ForKids in their estate.

Your support makes a difference, whether big or small, immediate or future.

FrIeNDS OF ForKids

Berea Womens Fellowship

Drs. Alexander & Alexandria Berger

Sally Berger

Rosemary & Benyam Berhane

Joan & Bruce Berlin

Lisa Ehrich & Rob Bernstein

Joseph & Mildred Berryman

Bertini, O’Donnell & Hammer

Beta Sigma Phi, VA Alpha Gamma Master Chapter

Peter & Angela Bialobrzewski

Maria Biel

Bike & Build

Birdsong Corporation

Stuart Birkel & Nathalie Cassis

Kristie Bissell

Alan & Eve Blachman

Michael & Paula Blachman

Gayle C. Blackstone

Blackwater Art League

Jonathan Blackwell & Lisa Clay

Jeff & Laurie Bleh

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church

Alma R. Blythe

Nancy Blythe

Body of Christ Community Church

Jim & Joy Bolander

Bon Vivant At Governor’s Point, L.C.

Richard & Frances Bouey

Joe & Melanie Boyd

James & Dana Boykin

Beth Braden

Elizabeth Brickhouse

Jim Brinkman

Gary Broome

Rebecca Bump

William C. Bunch

John & Joann Burnham

Catherine Buski

Alice Buxbaum

James & Tobi Byrd

Tory Byrd

Joseph & Deniece Byrne

John & Julia Calder

Xavier Calderon

John & Diane Caldwell

Tony Calogrides

Christopher M. Calvert

Kat Calzini

Marianne & Bill Campbell

Michael Campbell

Todd & Debbie Campbell

Paul Campsen & Carrie White

Rob & Shannon Candler

Capital Concrete

Barbara Caretta

Joel & Martha Carp

Chelsy Carter

Lynda & Ted Carter

Cash Converters United, LLC

Christi A. Cassel

Debra Cathell

Kevin Cendella

Ellie Cesario & Kevin Keltz

Checkered Flag

Cherry, Bekaert & Holland

Annette & Mike Cherwa

Chesapeake United Soccer Club, West Ham United U-1

Billy & Lauren Chorey

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Chorey

Christ Sanctified Holy Church

Christ United Methodist Church

Neal & Linda Christopher

Church of the Advent

Eileen Churchill

Cinema Cafe-Greenbrier

Pete & Pam Ciula

Civitan Club of Norfolk

Evan Clark

Helen & Allen Clark

Jack & Marian Clark

Clark Nexsen

Rick & Connie Clarke

Ann Cleland

Claremont & Cynthia Clifton

Peter D. Coe

Sidika Colakoglu

Cathy Coleman

Christina & Bernard Coleman

Samantha Coleman

Gino & Grace Colombara

Colonial Place Riverview Civic League

Daniel Coogan

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cooper

Finley Cooperwood & John Miller

Maurice & Faye Copeland

James Corbin

Donna Counts

Mary Covell

Theresa Cowan

Stephen Cox & Jean Webster

360 IT


A. Dodson’s Art of Living Well

Mike & Sondra Abbott

Carolyn Abron-McCadden

John & Heather Adams

Ron & Sharon Agresta

Richard & Christine Alexander

Bernice Allen

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority-Zeta Epsilon Omega Chapter

Alpha Delta Kappa

Cynthia Amaro

American Legion Auxiliary

American Systems Corporation


Amerigroup Charitable Foundation

Amy Pesesky, P.L.C.

Anders Williams & Company

Katherine Ange

Jill & Scott Anglin

Antioch United Church of Christ

Kay & Joe Antle

Clarke & Carey Armentrout

The Art Institutes International

Arviso, Inc.

Ashman Distributing Company

Charles & Marcia Atherton

Kristen Atterbury & Alfred Applewhaite

Yvonne E. Aucoin

Frank & Wendy Auerbach

AvalonBay Communities, Inc.

Clark & Kelly Avery

John & Mary Azud

Betty J. Backus

Larry & Nancy Bagranoff

Stacey & Johnny Bailey

Jill & Patrick Baker

Joshua Baker

Sabrina & Paul Balesi

Keith Bangel

Bank of America Charitable Foundation

Bank of America United Way Campaign

Sherry & Pat Banks

Michelle Barger

Sandra E. Barkley

Wesley & Diana Barnes

Joan Louise Barry

Richard F. Barry III

Marlene Bass

Charles & Janet Bassford

Tom Batchelder

Mavis & Rich Bates

Bay Area Electrical Service

Bayview United Church of Christ

Charles & Ruth Bazzell

BBG, Incorporated

David & Christine Beatty


John & Joanne Benedict

Lindsay & Ed Bennett


Mark and Julie “rev Up” Their Support in a Big Way

On April 2nd, more than 500 ForKids supporters came

together in their red-shoe finery for a magical night of

food, fun and fantastic children’s art for this year’s 10th

Anniversary ForKids Children’s Art Auction and Casino

Night. The Wizard of Oz themed event, “There’s No Place

Like Home,” proved to be the most successful art auction in

ForKids history! Thanks to your generous support, 20% of

our budget was raised on that one amazing night!

There really is NO PLACe LIKe HOMe!

Join the ForKids Legacy Society by making a planned gift. For more information, please contact Kaitlin Robb at (757) 622-6400 x112 or [email protected].

Page 11: 2011 ForKids Summer Newsletter

FAMILY matters10 FAMILY matters 11

For Mark and Julie, the Annual ForKids Children’s Art Auction is one event they never miss – a fact made evident by the many pieces of our children’s artwork that line the walls of their Virginia Beach sign company, “Any and All Graphics.” They love the chance to dress up and spend a fun evening supporting ForKids. But buying art isn’t the only way Mark and Julie support ForKids. They also donate tirelessly of their time and energy to support the ForKids mission.

This year, Mark and Julie shared with ForKids another way that they have decided to help provide for the future of ForKids. They have generously designated the organization in their will. And this is not just any designation. Mark and Julie have bequeathed their amazing motorcycle collection to ForKids. There is one string attached, though – Mark requests that once we receive this gift ForKids should host a biker-themed Art Auction!

Expressing their belief in the ForKids mission, Mark and Julie use the skills and resources that they have available to help us help homeless families, even ensuring the future of our organization by including ForKids in their estate.

Your support makes a difference, whether big or small, immediate or future.

FrIeNDS OF ForKids

Berea Womens Fellowship

Drs. Alexander & Alexandria Berger

Sally Berger

Rosemary & Benyam Berhane

Joan & Bruce Berlin

Lisa Ehrich & Rob Bernstein

Joseph & Mildred Berryman

Bertini, O’Donnell & Hammer

Beta Sigma Phi, VA Alpha Gamma Master Chapter

Peter & Angela Bialobrzewski

Maria Biel

Bike & Build

Birdsong Corporation

Stuart Birkel & Nathalie Cassis

Kristie Bissell

Alan & Eve Blachman

Michael & Paula Blachman

Gayle C. Blackstone

Blackwater Art League

Jonathan Blackwell & Lisa Clay

Jeff & Laurie Bleh

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church

Alma R. Blythe

Nancy Blythe

Body of Christ Community Church

Jim & Joy Bolander

Bon Vivant At Governor’s Point, L.C.

Richard & Frances Bouey

Joe & Melanie Boyd

James & Dana Boykin

Beth Braden

Elizabeth Brickhouse

Jim Brinkman

Gary Broome

Rebecca Bump

William C. Bunch

John & Joann Burnham

Catherine Buski

Alice Buxbaum

James & Tobi Byrd

Tory Byrd

Joseph & Deniece Byrne

John & Julia Calder

Xavier Calderon

John & Diane Caldwell

Tony Calogrides

Christopher M. Calvert

Kat Calzini

Marianne & Bill Campbell

Michael Campbell

Todd & Debbie Campbell

Paul Campsen & Carrie White

Rob & Shannon Candler

Capital Concrete

Barbara Caretta

Joel & Martha Carp

Chelsy Carter

Lynda & Ted Carter

Cash Converters United, LLC

Christi A. Cassel

Debra Cathell

Kevin Cendella

Ellie Cesario & Kevin Keltz

Checkered Flag

Cherry, Bekaert & Holland

Annette & Mike Cherwa

Chesapeake United Soccer Club, West Ham United U-1

Billy & Lauren Chorey

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Chorey

Christ Sanctified Holy Church

Christ United Methodist Church

Neal & Linda Christopher

Church of the Advent

Eileen Churchill

Cinema Cafe-Greenbrier

Pete & Pam Ciula

Civitan Club of Norfolk

Evan Clark

Helen & Allen Clark

Jack & Marian Clark

Clark Nexsen

Rick & Connie Clarke

Ann Cleland

Claremont & Cynthia Clifton

Peter D. Coe

Sidika Colakoglu

Cathy Coleman

Christina & Bernard Coleman

Samantha Coleman

Gino & Grace Colombara

Colonial Place Riverview Civic League

Daniel Coogan

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cooper

Finley Cooperwood & John Miller

Maurice & Faye Copeland

James Corbin

Donna Counts

Mary Covell

Theresa Cowan

Stephen Cox & Jean Webster

360 IT


A. Dodson’s Art of Living Well

Mike & Sondra Abbott

Carolyn Abron-McCadden

John & Heather Adams

Ron & Sharon Agresta

Richard & Christine Alexander

Bernice Allen

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority-Zeta Epsilon Omega Chapter

Alpha Delta Kappa

Cynthia Amaro

American Legion Auxiliary

American Systems Corporation


Amerigroup Charitable Foundation

Amy Pesesky, P.L.C.

Anders Williams & Company

Katherine Ange

Jill & Scott Anglin

Antioch United Church of Christ

Kay & Joe Antle

Clarke & Carey Armentrout

The Art Institutes International

Arviso, Inc.

Ashman Distributing Company

Charles & Marcia Atherton

Kristen Atterbury & Alfred Applewhaite

Yvonne E. Aucoin

Frank & Wendy Auerbach

AvalonBay Communities, Inc.

Clark & Kelly Avery

John & Mary Azud

Betty J. Backus

Larry & Nancy Bagranoff

Stacey & Johnny Bailey

Jill & Patrick Baker

Joshua Baker

Sabrina & Paul Balesi

Keith Bangel

Bank of America Charitable Foundation

Bank of America United Way Campaign

Sherry & Pat Banks

Michelle Barger

Sandra E. Barkley

Wesley & Diana Barnes

Joan Louise Barry

Richard F. Barry III

Marlene Bass

Charles & Janet Bassford

Tom Batchelder

Mavis & Rich Bates

Bay Area Electrical Service

Bayview United Church of Christ

Charles & Ruth Bazzell

BBG, Incorporated

David & Christine Beatty


John & Joanne Benedict

Lindsay & Ed Bennett


Mark and Julie “rev Up” Their Support in a Big Way

On April 2nd, more than 500 ForKids supporters came

together in their red-shoe finery for a magical night of

food, fun and fantastic children’s art for this year’s 10th

Anniversary ForKids Children’s Art Auction and Casino

Night. The Wizard of Oz themed event, “There’s No Place

Like Home,” proved to be the most successful art auction in

ForKids history! Thanks to your generous support, 20% of

our budget was raised on that one amazing night!

There really is NO PLACe LIKe HOMe!

Join the ForKids Legacy Society by making a planned gift. For more information, please contact Kaitlin Robb at (757) 622-6400 x112 or [email protected].

Page 12: 2011 ForKids Summer Newsletter

FAMILY matters12 FAMILY matters 13

Jeff Craig

Marti Craver

Mary & Jeff Creekmore

Stan & Nancy Crockett

Richard Cromwell

Harry & Alice Cross

Kate & Lee Cross

Samuel & Laverne Crown

Cub Scout Pack #73

Judy Cullifer

Juan Keith Cunningham

Thom & Becky Curtis

Customer Magnetism

Cypress Chapel Christian Church

Diana & Matt Dalton

Lauren D’Amico

Paul & Laura Danks

Patti Davidson

Ann Davies

Constance & Stuart Davis

Neal Davis

Wayne DeAtley & Connie Ciccolella

Donna DeChant

Marie & Robert Deegan

Lena B. DeLelys

James Dellaripa

Delta Kappa Gamma

Delta Sigma Lambda Alumni Sorority

Tina Desir

John & Sally DeVan

William & Alicia Devine

Cindy Dillon


DOMA Technologies, LLC

Dominion Employee Giving Program

Norma Dorey

Charles & Juanita Dowdy

Naomi Downey

Robert & Vicky Doxey

Dr. Charles O’Dea

Joyce Drew

Mark & Rebecca Dreyfus

Driver Elementary School

Barbara Ferrell Dryer

Jacqueline W. Dudley

Terrence & Margaret Duffey

Mr. Brian Dunning

E S Webster Foundation

Ebenezer United Methodist Church

Dan & Susan Edwards

David & Shelly Edwards

Rob & Jen Edwards

Gretchen Edwards-Bodmer

Elizabeth River Lawn & Landscape, Inc.

Dawna Ellis

Cheryl & Mike Erbach

Karl & Mary Erickson

Elizabeth Etheridge

Robert & Elizabeth Evans

Dean Everton

Faith Wesleyan Church

Family & Children’s Trust Fund of Virginia

Farm Fresh Pharmacy

Karen Farquer

Paul & Jean Farrell

Joanna Felts

Craig & Michelle Ferber

Mary Ferguson

Pamela A. Ferguson

Julianne R. Fetterly

Paul & Marie Finch

Therese Finch

Kim & Andrew Fink

Robert & Dana Fink

First Baptist Church

First Potomac Realty Trust

Jeff Fisher

Paul & Maureen Flannagan

Anne & Lawrence Fleder

Vernon & Amy Flora

Lashawn Fortes

Scott Fowler & Amy Gelfand

Robert & Alice Frady

Paul & Lynn Francois

Franklin Area AARP

Franklin-Southampton Area United Way

Lisa Fraser

Andy & Barbara Friedman

John & Mary Froehler

Rowena & Peter Fullinwider

John H. Furr

Kyle & Billy Furr

Gannett Foundation

Ron & Paula Garrison

Capt. Carlisle Gatje USN (Ret)

The Geekettes Club

Ghent Chiropractic

Lucy & Paul Gibney

Jessica & Peter Gilden

Myron & Nanci Glassman

Global Supply Solutions, LLC

Frances Glover

Golden Girls, LLC

Jane Goldman & Ron Dyer

Gay V. Goldsmith

Mark Gonsenhauser

David & Susan Goode

Peter Goode

Howard & Sandra Gordon

Winston & Eleanor Gouldin

Dick & Elizabeth Gray

Paul & Dee Dee Gregoire

Bill Griswold

Ray & Deb Gromelski

Gromelski & Associates

Ann & Bob Gurnee

Conrad & Marie Haas

Debbi Haddaway

Priscilla S. Haley

Barbara Hall

Scott Halsey

Kenneth & Kathleen Halstead

Michael Hamar

Pamela Y. Hampton

John & Patricia Hanawalt

Hansen Foundation

Eric & Yvonne Hanson

Harbor Front Kiwanis Club Civic Action

Bob & Pearl Harrell

Jennifer Harrell

Amy Harrington

Henry U. & Eleanor Harris

Peebles & Avery Harrison

Edward & Joan Hart

Julie Hart

Kimberlee & James Harvey

Harvey Lindsay Commercial Real Estate

Mindi & Judge Haugen

Charlie & Donna Henderson

Vikki Henderson

Harland Hendricks & Jonida Shtrepi-Hendricks

Leslie & William Hennessey

Thomas J. & Donna M. Henninger

John Hensley

Doris & Buck Higginbotham

Dr. Robert & Dorothy Hill

Martha Hillegas

M.L. Hinds

Paul & Susan Hirschbiel

George & Betsi Hnath

Chris Holloway

Holy Neck Christian Church

Mike & Liz Hopkins

Chuck & MaryBeth Horton

Nicole & Michael Hostutler

June J. Hoye

Dr. Michael & Beverly Huckman

Larry & Sally Hull

Bruce W. Husselbee

Hustead’s Canvas Creations

Melissa Hutchings

IssueTrak, Inc.

ITA International LLC

David & Gail Iwans

J & A Racing

Leroy & Caroline Jackson

Charlotta Jacobson-Allen

James L. Mclemore Bible Class

David & Kendra Jarrell

Angela M. Jenkins

The Jewish Mother

Jeffrey & Sherry Johnson

Sarah Johnson

Dianne Johnston

Sam & Anne Jones

Martin & Rebecca Joseph

Joshua P. & Elizabeth D. Darden Foundation

John & Susan Judd

Edward & Betsy Karotkin

Katec, Inc.

Gertrude Y. Kearns

Debra & Don Keeling

Jennifer Keirle

Sharri Keller

George & Dotty Kello

Loraine Kelly

John & Betsy Kennedy

Tom & Lisa Kennedy

Helen & Graham Kessler

Debra Keyser

Diane S. Kiger

Susan & Colin Kilrain

Ki Sung Kim & Hye Chin Kim

Edward & Anne Kimple

Gail & Kendall King

Beatrice S. Kinlaw

Bill & Ida Kittner

Jay & Jodi Klebanoff

Barbara C. Kledzik

John & Roz Klein

Evelyn Knight

Lynn Knight

Isabelle & Rick Krupnick

Michaela Kubicek

Lee & Janet LaMonica

Neil & Aline Landy

Patricia Lans

Larchmont United Methodist Church Youth Group

The Lawson Companies

Robert Layton & Betty Beryl Schenk

Page Lea & Anne Meredith Lea

Tommy & Meg Leeman

Jane B. Lego

Mary Louis LeHew

Tyler & Sunshine Leinbach

Barbara Lester

Kenneth & Johnna Levins

Carolee Lewandowski

Penelope & Donald Lewis

Ava Rose Libby

Rhonda Liberto

Pamela Lichtenstein

LifeNet Health

JoAnne Lillis

Frances & Harvey Lindsay, Jr.

Pamela A. Lipkins

Little Neck Circle of the Kings Daughters

David & Barbara Livingston

Ryan Livingston

Amber Logan

London & Norfolk, LTD

Long & Foster

Duane & Randy Lougee

Blake Lugenbeal

Hank Luhring

Edward Lynch

Lynnhaven Middle School - Ms. Weigl’s Class

Denise Mabry

Arthur & Jane MacConochie

Margaret & Gary Mackey

Mahoney Family Management Inc.

Sarah Rebecca Maier-Robinson

Main St. United Methodist Church, United Methodist Women

Nancy Maloy

Man Tech

Management Consulting Inc.

James & Barbara Mandley

Jeff Mania

Mark & Ellen Manion

Carol & Kenneth Marinak

Arthur Marks

Marks Discount Office Furniture

Lisa & Simon Marle

Eleanor Marshall

Loli & Bjorn Marshall

Everett & Nancy Martin

Tom & Laurie Martin

Janet Marvel

Mary C. Henninger & Louis S. Haddad Foundation

Mary Ludlow Home

Holly & Joe Maslanka

Mary Mason

Cynthia Massey

Michael & Susan Matchett

Tom & Robyn Mathas

Brian & Rebecca Matthews

Cecil Mays

Philip T. Mazzara

Joanne McCaffrey-Albero & Frank Albero

Diane McCann

Mike & Caroline McCartney

Susan McClain

Mike & Andria McClellan

Peter McCormick

Thaler & Nat McCormick

Victoria McCoy

Frances McCraw

Amy P. McDonough

Christy McGinnity

Sharon McGlone

Wendy McGrady

LaRhonda McLean

Marjorie R. McLemore

Phil McPhail

Joan M. McQuade

Debbie Meadows

Mechdyne Corporation

Mark & Julie Medley

Manny Michaels

David & Nancy Milburn

John & Emily Miles

Miles Memorial United Methodist Church

Miles Memorial United Methodist Women

Betty Miller

Brian & Tammy Milliken

Luther Milteer Jr.

Ralph & Judith Miner

Andrew & Nancy Minton

Edwin & Patricia Mitchell

Monarch Charities, Inc.

Nancy Morgan

Ronald & Penny Morgan

Jennifer L. Morris

Terri Morris

James & Josephine Mossman

Donald & Judy Musacchio

Darren Myers

Dawn & Albert Myers

Katherine Myles

Barbara Mytych


Naval Station Norfolk Religious Offering Fund

Sarah & Tom Neal

New York Life Insurance

New York Times Shared Services Center

Kelvin Newsome

Newsome United Methodist Women

Fatemeh & Timothy Nicholson

Richard & Chris Nickel

Norfolk Academy

Norfolk Sertoma Club

Norfolk Southern Foundation

North Suffolk Rotary Club

Eleanor Northover

John Nunnery

Robert Nusbaum

Oakland Christian Church United Church of Christ

Oast & Hook, P.C.

Obici Healthcare Foundation

Anne & Kevin O’Brien

Ocean View Baptist Church

Susan & Fred O’Connell

Jack & Marilyn O’Donnell

ODU Institute for Learning in Retirement

Old Donation Episcopal Day School

Barbara Older

Steven Olson

Optimist Club of Norfolk VA, Inc.

W. R. & Phyllis O’Quinn

Carol Ormond

David & Lisa Orton

Pete Owen

LaTisha S. Owens

Ruth W. Owens

Oxford United Methodist Church-United Methodist Women

Michael & Megan Padden

Jim & Bobbi Palacio

David & Joy Parker

Glendola A. Mills Parker

Kelly Parker

Charles & Kim Parr

John & Darlene Parr

Parr Funeral Home & Crematory

Party Angels

Patti G. Kiger Living Trust

Susan & John Paxton

Cornell & Jackie Payne

Geoffrey & Stella Payne

Sharon Payne

Kathleen Pearce & Cynthia Schmid

Harrie & Carolyn Pearson

B. J. Perkinsons

Chris & Cathryn Perry

Virginia Perry

Amy & Scott Pesesky

Kevin & Amy Petersen

Nicholas & Kathleen Petrillo

Jennifer & Travis Pfitzner

Roger & Andrea Phelps

Vince & Susan Pilato

Pilato & Counts Interior Design

Pilot Club of Suffolk

Georgia Pitrone

Matthew Plante

Kevin & Carolyn Pleiss

Rene & Myles Pocta

Steve & Amy Pollari

Lisa & Tony Porten

Kathy B. Potts

Marc & Allyson Poutasse

Kim Powis

Jennifer & Jonathan Priest

Project Hope

The Pruden Foundation


Allison Rachels

Adam & Sara Rafal

Jennifer Rafferty

Rashkind Family Foundation

Anne M. Ray

Capt. Joseph & Clare Reagan

Ian Reagan

William W. Reed, MD

Kelly Reidenbaugh

John & Mary Reinhart

Leila Rice

Susan Rice

Phil Richard

Donna & Scott Richards

Anne Richardson

John & MaryBeth Rickman

Page 13: 2011 ForKids Summer Newsletter

FAMILY matters12 FAMILY matters 13

Jeff Craig

Marti Craver

Mary & Jeff Creekmore

Stan & Nancy Crockett

Richard Cromwell

Harry & Alice Cross

Kate & Lee Cross

Samuel & Laverne Crown

Cub Scout Pack #73

Judy Cullifer

Juan Keith Cunningham

Thom & Becky Curtis

Customer Magnetism

Cypress Chapel Christian Church

Diana & Matt Dalton

Lauren D’Amico

Paul & Laura Danks

Patti Davidson

Ann Davies

Constance & Stuart Davis

Neal Davis

Wayne DeAtley & Connie Ciccolella

Donna DeChant

Marie & Robert Deegan

Lena B. DeLelys

James Dellaripa

Delta Kappa Gamma

Delta Sigma Lambda Alumni Sorority

Tina Desir

John & Sally DeVan

William & Alicia Devine

Cindy Dillon


DOMA Technologies, LLC

Dominion Employee Giving Program

Norma Dorey

Charles & Juanita Dowdy

Naomi Downey

Robert & Vicky Doxey

Dr. Charles O’Dea

Joyce Drew

Mark & Rebecca Dreyfus

Driver Elementary School

Barbara Ferrell Dryer

Jacqueline W. Dudley

Terrence & Margaret Duffey

Mr. Brian Dunning

E S Webster Foundation

Ebenezer United Methodist Church

Dan & Susan Edwards

David & Shelly Edwards

Rob & Jen Edwards

Gretchen Edwards-Bodmer

Elizabeth River Lawn & Landscape, Inc.

Dawna Ellis

Cheryl & Mike Erbach

Karl & Mary Erickson

Elizabeth Etheridge

Robert & Elizabeth Evans

Dean Everton

Faith Wesleyan Church

Family & Children’s Trust Fund of Virginia

Farm Fresh Pharmacy

Karen Farquer

Paul & Jean Farrell

Joanna Felts

Craig & Michelle Ferber

Mary Ferguson

Pamela A. Ferguson

Julianne R. Fetterly

Paul & Marie Finch

Therese Finch

Kim & Andrew Fink

Robert & Dana Fink

First Baptist Church

First Potomac Realty Trust

Jeff Fisher

Paul & Maureen Flannagan

Anne & Lawrence Fleder

Vernon & Amy Flora

Lashawn Fortes

Scott Fowler & Amy Gelfand

Robert & Alice Frady

Paul & Lynn Francois

Franklin Area AARP

Franklin-Southampton Area United Way

Lisa Fraser

Andy & Barbara Friedman

John & Mary Froehler

Rowena & Peter Fullinwider

John H. Furr

Kyle & Billy Furr

Gannett Foundation

Ron & Paula Garrison

Capt. Carlisle Gatje USN (Ret)

The Geekettes Club

Ghent Chiropractic

Lucy & Paul Gibney

Jessica & Peter Gilden

Myron & Nanci Glassman

Global Supply Solutions, LLC

Frances Glover

Golden Girls, LLC

Jane Goldman & Ron Dyer

Gay V. Goldsmith

Mark Gonsenhauser

David & Susan Goode

Peter Goode

Howard & Sandra Gordon

Winston & Eleanor Gouldin

Dick & Elizabeth Gray

Paul & Dee Dee Gregoire

Bill Griswold

Ray & Deb Gromelski

Gromelski & Associates

Ann & Bob Gurnee

Conrad & Marie Haas

Debbi Haddaway

Priscilla S. Haley

Barbara Hall

Scott Halsey

Kenneth & Kathleen Halstead

Michael Hamar

Pamela Y. Hampton

John & Patricia Hanawalt

Hansen Foundation

Eric & Yvonne Hanson

Harbor Front Kiwanis Club Civic Action

Bob & Pearl Harrell

Jennifer Harrell

Amy Harrington

Henry U. & Eleanor Harris

Peebles & Avery Harrison

Edward & Joan Hart

Julie Hart

Kimberlee & James Harvey

Harvey Lindsay Commercial Real Estate

Mindi & Judge Haugen

Charlie & Donna Henderson

Vikki Henderson

Harland Hendricks & Jonida Shtrepi-Hendricks

Leslie & William Hennessey

Thomas J. & Donna M. Henninger

John Hensley

Doris & Buck Higginbotham

Dr. Robert & Dorothy Hill

Martha Hillegas

M.L. Hinds

Paul & Susan Hirschbiel

George & Betsi Hnath

Chris Holloway

Holy Neck Christian Church

Mike & Liz Hopkins

Chuck & MaryBeth Horton

Nicole & Michael Hostutler

June J. Hoye

Dr. Michael & Beverly Huckman

Larry & Sally Hull

Bruce W. Husselbee

Hustead’s Canvas Creations

Melissa Hutchings

IssueTrak, Inc.

ITA International LLC

David & Gail Iwans

J & A Racing

Leroy & Caroline Jackson

Charlotta Jacobson-Allen

James L. Mclemore Bible Class

David & Kendra Jarrell

Angela M. Jenkins

The Jewish Mother

Jeffrey & Sherry Johnson

Sarah Johnson

Dianne Johnston

Sam & Anne Jones

Martin & Rebecca Joseph

Joshua P. & Elizabeth D. Darden Foundation

John & Susan Judd

Edward & Betsy Karotkin

Katec, Inc.

Gertrude Y. Kearns

Debra & Don Keeling

Jennifer Keirle

Sharri Keller

George & Dotty Kello

Loraine Kelly

John & Betsy Kennedy

Tom & Lisa Kennedy

Helen & Graham Kessler

Debra Keyser

Diane S. Kiger

Susan & Colin Kilrain

Ki Sung Kim & Hye Chin Kim

Edward & Anne Kimple

Gail & Kendall King

Beatrice S. Kinlaw

Bill & Ida Kittner

Jay & Jodi Klebanoff

Barbara C. Kledzik

John & Roz Klein

Evelyn Knight

Lynn Knight

Isabelle & Rick Krupnick

Michaela Kubicek

Lee & Janet LaMonica

Neil & Aline Landy

Patricia Lans

Larchmont United Methodist Church Youth Group

The Lawson Companies

Robert Layton & Betty Beryl Schenk

Page Lea & Anne Meredith Lea

Tommy & Meg Leeman

Jane B. Lego

Mary Louis LeHew

Tyler & Sunshine Leinbach

Barbara Lester

Kenneth & Johnna Levins

Carolee Lewandowski

Penelope & Donald Lewis

Ava Rose Libby

Rhonda Liberto

Pamela Lichtenstein

LifeNet Health

JoAnne Lillis

Frances & Harvey Lindsay, Jr.

Pamela A. Lipkins

Little Neck Circle of the Kings Daughters

David & Barbara Livingston

Ryan Livingston

Amber Logan

London & Norfolk, LTD

Long & Foster

Duane & Randy Lougee

Blake Lugenbeal

Hank Luhring

Edward Lynch

Lynnhaven Middle School - Ms. Weigl’s Class

Denise Mabry

Arthur & Jane MacConochie

Margaret & Gary Mackey

Mahoney Family Management Inc.

Sarah Rebecca Maier-Robinson

Main St. United Methodist Church, United Methodist Women

Nancy Maloy

Man Tech

Management Consulting Inc.

James & Barbara Mandley

Jeff Mania

Mark & Ellen Manion

Carol & Kenneth Marinak

Arthur Marks

Marks Discount Office Furniture

Lisa & Simon Marle

Eleanor Marshall

Loli & Bjorn Marshall

Everett & Nancy Martin

Tom & Laurie Martin

Janet Marvel

Mary C. Henninger & Louis S. Haddad Foundation

Mary Ludlow Home

Holly & Joe Maslanka

Mary Mason

Cynthia Massey

Michael & Susan Matchett

Tom & Robyn Mathas

Brian & Rebecca Matthews

Cecil Mays

Philip T. Mazzara

Joanne McCaffrey-Albero & Frank Albero

Diane McCann

Mike & Caroline McCartney

Susan McClain

Mike & Andria McClellan

Peter McCormick

Thaler & Nat McCormick

Victoria McCoy

Frances McCraw

Amy P. McDonough

Christy McGinnity

Sharon McGlone

Wendy McGrady

LaRhonda McLean

Marjorie R. McLemore

Phil McPhail

Joan M. McQuade

Debbie Meadows

Mechdyne Corporation

Mark & Julie Medley

Manny Michaels

David & Nancy Milburn

John & Emily Miles

Miles Memorial United Methodist Church

Miles Memorial United Methodist Women

Betty Miller

Brian & Tammy Milliken

Luther Milteer Jr.

Ralph & Judith Miner

Andrew & Nancy Minton

Edwin & Patricia Mitchell

Monarch Charities, Inc.

Nancy Morgan

Ronald & Penny Morgan

Jennifer L. Morris

Terri Morris

James & Josephine Mossman

Donald & Judy Musacchio

Darren Myers

Dawn & Albert Myers

Katherine Myles

Barbara Mytych


Naval Station Norfolk Religious Offering Fund

Sarah & Tom Neal

New York Life Insurance

New York Times Shared Services Center

Kelvin Newsome

Newsome United Methodist Women

Fatemeh & Timothy Nicholson

Richard & Chris Nickel

Norfolk Academy

Norfolk Sertoma Club

Norfolk Southern Foundation

North Suffolk Rotary Club

Eleanor Northover

John Nunnery

Robert Nusbaum

Oakland Christian Church United Church of Christ

Oast & Hook, P.C.

Obici Healthcare Foundation

Anne & Kevin O’Brien

Ocean View Baptist Church

Susan & Fred O’Connell

Jack & Marilyn O’Donnell

ODU Institute for Learning in Retirement

Old Donation Episcopal Day School

Barbara Older

Steven Olson

Optimist Club of Norfolk VA, Inc.

W. R. & Phyllis O’Quinn

Carol Ormond

David & Lisa Orton

Pete Owen

LaTisha S. Owens

Ruth W. Owens

Oxford United Methodist Church-United Methodist Women

Michael & Megan Padden

Jim & Bobbi Palacio

David & Joy Parker

Glendola A. Mills Parker

Kelly Parker

Charles & Kim Parr

John & Darlene Parr

Parr Funeral Home & Crematory

Party Angels

Patti G. Kiger Living Trust

Susan & John Paxton

Cornell & Jackie Payne

Geoffrey & Stella Payne

Sharon Payne

Kathleen Pearce & Cynthia Schmid

Harrie & Carolyn Pearson

B. J. Perkinsons

Chris & Cathryn Perry

Virginia Perry

Amy & Scott Pesesky

Kevin & Amy Petersen

Nicholas & Kathleen Petrillo

Jennifer & Travis Pfitzner

Roger & Andrea Phelps

Vince & Susan Pilato

Pilato & Counts Interior Design

Pilot Club of Suffolk

Georgia Pitrone

Matthew Plante

Kevin & Carolyn Pleiss

Rene & Myles Pocta

Steve & Amy Pollari

Lisa & Tony Porten

Kathy B. Potts

Marc & Allyson Poutasse

Kim Powis

Jennifer & Jonathan Priest

Project Hope

The Pruden Foundation


Allison Rachels

Adam & Sara Rafal

Jennifer Rafferty

Rashkind Family Foundation

Anne M. Ray

Capt. Joseph & Clare Reagan

Ian Reagan

William W. Reed, MD

Kelly Reidenbaugh

John & Mary Reinhart

Leila Rice

Susan Rice

Phil Richard

Donna & Scott Richards

Anne Richardson

John & MaryBeth Rickman

Page 14: 2011 ForKids Summer Newsletter

FAMILY matters14 15

iN HONOR OF THE ABBOTT FAMiLy Mike & Sondra Abbott

iN HONOR OF LyNN ADAMS Patti and Davis Kiger


iN HONOR OF NAN & STEVE BALAS Sidika Colakoglu




iN HONOR OF ANN FALLON Andrea & Chuck Wistar

iN HONOR OF MARiE FiNCH Gino & Grace Colombara Anne M. Ray

iN HONOR OF ANDREW FiNK Edward & Betsy Karotkin Alice & Eric Werner

iN HONOR OF GRACE HADDAD Thomas & Donna Henniger


Thelma Anne Starke

iN HONOR OF THE HANLEy FAMiLy Jessica & Peter Gilden


Bob & Pearl Harrell







Whitney & Ellen Saunders


iN HONOR OF DOROTHy PARR John & Darlene Parr

iN HONOR OF CANCER PATiENTS Stuart Birkel & Nathalie Cassis


Pilato & Counts Interior Design





iN HONOR OF MANDy & JENNy SHOEMAKER David & Daphne Wolfe




iN HONOR OF PAT WALSH Scott Walsh Stephanie Walsh

iN HONOR OF DREW & AVA WiNTERSTEiN Gretchen Winterstein


iN HONOR OF BiLL & SABRA yOUNG Jim & Joy Bolander Jack & Paula Young




iN MEMORy OF DENiSE RODRiqUES Dawn & Albert Myers


iN MEMORy OF VERONiCA WARD Kathleen Pearce & Cynthia Schmid

iN MEMORy OF JULiA WOLF Charles & Janet Bassford Todd & Debbie Campbell Billy & Lauren Chorey Mr. & Mrs. William L. Chorey Maurice & Faye Copeland Jacqueline W. Dudley Marjorie R. McLemore Susan & Fred O'Connell Geoffrey & Stella Payne Christopher & Penny Sherard Jane Van Landingham

Honors and Memorials

FAMILY matters

Vaughn Rinner

Melanie & Reginald Rivera

Richard Rivia

Ray & Kaitlin Robb

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Robb Jr.

Laura Robb

Robert W. Hayes Company, Inc.

Jason Robertson & Aften Van Hoozen

Thomas, Wilma & Evelyn Robinson

Howard & Laurel Rodman

Jae Roe

Kevin & Margaret Roomsberg

Terry Rose

Jennifer Rosenberg

Carol B. Rosenblatt

Jeanne P. Ross

Martha & Ray Rountree

Marcia Royal

Royster Memorial Presbyterian Church

Margaret Rudesheim

Crystal & Gerald Ruggles

Richard & Mary Rumble

David & Debbie Russell

Rick & Pat Russell

Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Whitney & Ellen Saunders

Saunders & Matthews, PLLC

Jennifer Saunders Pfitzner

John & Elisabeth Sawyer

John & Angie Say

Brian & Jacqueline Schaefgen

David & Michelle Schinderle

Kathy Bailey & Paul Schleier

Jim & Kim Schmidt

Lynn Schoenbaum

John Schonk

Jean & Bob Schonk Charitable Trust

Donald & Kimberly Schultz

Schwab Charitable Fund

William & Martha Schwegler

Kenneth A. Scruggs

Margaret W. Scurlock

Second Presbyterian Church

Second Presbyterian Church, Youth Group

Sentara Health Foundation

Sentara Healthcare Materials Management Department

Gene & Linda Shannon

Philip & Phyllis Shannon

Grant & Carolyn Shaw

Kyla & Nick Shawyer

Carolyn Shedrick

Christopher & Penny Sherard

Karen & Norman Shields

Stuart H. Shippey

Joan Shoemaker

Mandy & Jennifer Shoemaker

Jeremy & Dianne Shulman

Signature Printing & Graphics

Silverchair Science & Communications, Inc.

Britt & Shelly Simon

Carol Simpson

Del & Brenda Slaughter

Beverly Smith

Brian A. Smith

Cleteus & Catherine Smith

David & Elaine Smith

Eleanor Smith

Lisa Smith & Maurice Jones

Tod & Kenya Smith

Emilie Smoke

Kevin & Brenda Snashall

Lisa Metton & Philip Snider

Daniel & Pam Snyder

Barbara Sobaski

Felicia Solomon

Alan Sonner

Sons of American Legion Post 327

Southeastern Virginia Chapter CAI

Shereka Spencer

Bruce & Sandy Spiro

Randi Spivey

Rob & Sybil Spurgeon

James Squires & Karen Jones Squires

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church - Suffolk

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church - Norfolk

Tracy Stafford

Thelma Anne Starke

Lee & Earlene Starkey

Kelly Stefanko

Tom & Ellie Steffens

Mark Steiner

Gail S. Stenberg

Neil Stevens & Karen Duncan

Stihl, Inc

Janet Stokley

Jonathon R. H. Storm

Stephen & Ann Story

Style Shop

Alonda Suber

Suffolk 60 Care

Suffolk Christian Church

The Suffolk Foundation

Marie Sullivan

Suntrust United Way Campaign

Charles & Barbara Sutelan

Corinne Christine Sykes

Tabernacle United Methodist Church

Jeffrey & Suzanne Talbert

Jonelle Tate

George & Nancy Tatterson

Taylor Johnson Group, Towne Insurance

Kurt & Kathlyn Taylor-Gaubatz

Sandra TeWalt

Janice M. Thaler

Cushman & Wakefield | Thalhimer

Theta Chi Alumni Association

Theta Chi Fraternity

Sulpicio & Eli Ticar

Thomas & Carolyn Tiller

Brian Scott Tilley

Dale & Sandra Tingley

Dan & MaryAnn Toboz

Nan Toppin

Angelo & Elaine Torre

Hernani Tosoc

Guy & Winship Tower

Amanda Trent

Joe & Melia Trost

Troy Williams Construction, LLC

Tina Truman

Robert Tuleya

Karen Twiddy

Jeanne & John Ullian

Unilever United States Foundation, Inc.

United Methodist Women of Community Meth. Church

United Way of South Hampton Roads

John Upton

Lynn Upton-Sykes

Anne & Joseph Urbi

The USAA Foundation

Veronique & Rey Valencia

Barbara Van Buren

Jane Van Landingham

Richard & Julie Marie Vander Burg

Alicia Vanderspiegel

Alesandra Venee

Mike Veraldi

Virginia Chapter of NATP

Virginia Housing Development Authority

Virginia Natural Gas

The Virginian-Pilot

Jan & Heather Von Dobeneck

Alan & Jody Wagner

Edwin & Kathy Waitzer

Neil & Pat Walsh

Scott Walsh

Stephanie A. Walsh

Susan & Craig

Tony Warburton

Helen Ward

Roy & Nancy Ward

Wardell Orthopedics, P.C.

Warden Family Foundation

Wards Corner Chiropractic

Glenda Warner

Darlene Jader Waters

James & Miriam Watrous

Michael & Rachael Watson

Capt. Thomas Weaver, USN, RET

Audrey P. Webb

Caroline P. Webb

Robert Weeks

Ruth Weinberg

Jan Weintraub

Edward & Janis Weisberg

Braden & Krystal Weldy

Robert & Janice Wells

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

Alice & Eric Werner

Westminster Reformed Presbyterian Church

Linda Wetherington

Nicholas Wheeler III

Glen & Cindy White

Andy & Tracy Whited

Walter & Betty Whitehurst

Alaine & Mark Whitford

Wicked Wenches

Wayne & Ashlin Wilbanks

Meredith Wilkins

Terri & Steve Wilkins

Wilks, Alper & Harwood

Lucy & Lang Williams

Shelton & Phalissa Williams

Ruby Williams

Williams Mullen

Williams Mullen Foundation

Dave Willman & Tammy Deane

Willoughby Civic League

Ken & Melanie Wills

Blair & Jane Wimbush

Nancy & Thomas Winborne

Windsor Congregational Christian Church

Windward Fund

Janet & Barclay Winn

Winn Nursery

Jean Winslow

Karen Winters

Gretchen Winterstein

Ryan Winz

Wanda Wise

Andrea & Chuck Wistar

Cherry & Hans Wittelsberger

David & Daphne Wolfe

Jeff & Lynn Wolfe

Women of Third Presbyterian Church

Lee & Robert Woodard

Whitney & Jeremy Woodring

Mary M. Woodruff

Stephen & Lynn Woods

John Woodward

Rhonda Woody

Word & Spirit Worship Center

John & Marilyn Worstell

Carlisle M. Wroton

Deborah & John Wyld

Fredrick & Edna Yost

Bill & Sabra Young

Jack & Paula Young

Sharon Youngue

Bob & Mary Zellman

Wayne Zinn

Zonta Club of Hampton Roads


Page 15: 2011 ForKids Summer Newsletter

FAMILY matters14 15

iN HONOR OF THE ABBOTT FAMiLy Mike & Sondra Abbott

iN HONOR OF LyNN ADAMS Patti and Davis Kiger


iN HONOR OF NAN & STEVE BALAS Sidika Colakoglu




iN HONOR OF ANN FALLON Andrea & Chuck Wistar

iN HONOR OF MARiE FiNCH Gino & Grace Colombara Anne M. Ray

iN HONOR OF ANDREW FiNK Edward & Betsy Karotkin Alice & Eric Werner

iN HONOR OF GRACE HADDAD Thomas & Donna Henniger


Thelma Anne Starke

iN HONOR OF THE HANLEy FAMiLy Jessica & Peter Gilden


Bob & Pearl Harrell







Whitney & Ellen Saunders


iN HONOR OF DOROTHy PARR John & Darlene Parr

iN HONOR OF CANCER PATiENTS Stuart Birkel & Nathalie Cassis


Pilato & Counts Interior Design





iN HONOR OF MANDy & JENNy SHOEMAKER David & Daphne Wolfe




iN HONOR OF PAT WALSH Scott Walsh Stephanie Walsh

iN HONOR OF DREW & AVA WiNTERSTEiN Gretchen Winterstein


iN HONOR OF BiLL & SABRA yOUNG Jim & Joy Bolander Jack & Paula Young




iN MEMORy OF DENiSE RODRiqUES Dawn & Albert Myers


iN MEMORy OF VERONiCA WARD Kathleen Pearce & Cynthia Schmid

iN MEMORy OF JULiA WOLF Charles & Janet Bassford Todd & Debbie Campbell Billy & Lauren Chorey Mr. & Mrs. William L. Chorey Maurice & Faye Copeland Jacqueline W. Dudley Marjorie R. McLemore Susan & Fred O'Connell Geoffrey & Stella Payne Christopher & Penny Sherard Jane Van Landingham

Honors and Memorials

FAMILY matters

Vaughn Rinner

Melanie & Reginald Rivera

Richard Rivia

Ray & Kaitlin Robb

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Robb Jr.

Laura Robb

Robert W. Hayes Company, Inc.

Jason Robertson & Aften Van Hoozen

Thomas, Wilma & Evelyn Robinson

Howard & Laurel Rodman

Jae Roe

Kevin & Margaret Roomsberg

Terry Rose

Jennifer Rosenberg

Carol B. Rosenblatt

Jeanne P. Ross

Martha & Ray Rountree

Marcia Royal

Royster Memorial Presbyterian Church

Margaret Rudesheim

Crystal & Gerald Ruggles

Richard & Mary Rumble

David & Debbie Russell

Rick & Pat Russell

Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Whitney & Ellen Saunders

Saunders & Matthews, PLLC

Jennifer Saunders Pfitzner

John & Elisabeth Sawyer

John & Angie Say

Brian & Jacqueline Schaefgen

David & Michelle Schinderle

Kathy Bailey & Paul Schleier

Jim & Kim Schmidt

Lynn Schoenbaum

John Schonk

Jean & Bob Schonk Charitable Trust

Donald & Kimberly Schultz

Schwab Charitable Fund

William & Martha Schwegler

Kenneth A. Scruggs

Margaret W. Scurlock

Second Presbyterian Church

Second Presbyterian Church, Youth Group

Sentara Health Foundation

Sentara Healthcare Materials Management Department

Gene & Linda Shannon

Philip & Phyllis Shannon

Grant & Carolyn Shaw

Kyla & Nick Shawyer

Carolyn Shedrick

Christopher & Penny Sherard

Karen & Norman Shields

Stuart H. Shippey

Joan Shoemaker

Mandy & Jennifer Shoemaker

Jeremy & Dianne Shulman

Signature Printing & Graphics

Silverchair Science & Communications, Inc.

Britt & Shelly Simon

Carol Simpson

Del & Brenda Slaughter

Beverly Smith

Brian A. Smith

Cleteus & Catherine Smith

David & Elaine Smith

Eleanor Smith

Lisa Smith & Maurice Jones

Tod & Kenya Smith

Emilie Smoke

Kevin & Brenda Snashall

Lisa Metton & Philip Snider

Daniel & Pam Snyder

Barbara Sobaski

Felicia Solomon

Alan Sonner

Sons of American Legion Post 327

Southeastern Virginia Chapter CAI

Shereka Spencer

Bruce & Sandy Spiro

Randi Spivey

Rob & Sybil Spurgeon

James Squires & Karen Jones Squires

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church - Suffolk

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church - Norfolk

Tracy Stafford

Thelma Anne Starke

Lee & Earlene Starkey

Kelly Stefanko

Tom & Ellie Steffens

Mark Steiner

Gail S. Stenberg

Neil Stevens & Karen Duncan

Stihl, Inc

Janet Stokley

Jonathon R. H. Storm

Stephen & Ann Story

Style Shop

Alonda Suber

Suffolk 60 Care

Suffolk Christian Church

The Suffolk Foundation

Marie Sullivan

Suntrust United Way Campaign

Charles & Barbara Sutelan

Corinne Christine Sykes

Tabernacle United Methodist Church

Jeffrey & Suzanne Talbert

Jonelle Tate

George & Nancy Tatterson

Taylor Johnson Group, Towne Insurance

Kurt & Kathlyn Taylor-Gaubatz

Sandra TeWalt

Janice M. Thaler

Cushman & Wakefield | Thalhimer

Theta Chi Alumni Association

Theta Chi Fraternity

Sulpicio & Eli Ticar

Thomas & Carolyn Tiller

Brian Scott Tilley

Dale & Sandra Tingley

Dan & MaryAnn Toboz

Nan Toppin

Angelo & Elaine Torre

Hernani Tosoc

Guy & Winship Tower

Amanda Trent

Joe & Melia Trost

Troy Williams Construction, LLC

Tina Truman

Robert Tuleya

Karen Twiddy

Jeanne & John Ullian

Unilever United States Foundation, Inc.

United Methodist Women of Community Meth. Church

United Way of South Hampton Roads

John Upton

Lynn Upton-Sykes

Anne & Joseph Urbi

The USAA Foundation

Veronique & Rey Valencia

Barbara Van Buren

Jane Van Landingham

Richard & Julie Marie Vander Burg

Alicia Vanderspiegel

Alesandra Venee

Mike Veraldi

Virginia Chapter of NATP

Virginia Housing Development Authority

Virginia Natural Gas

The Virginian-Pilot

Jan & Heather Von Dobeneck

Alan & Jody Wagner

Edwin & Kathy Waitzer

Neil & Pat Walsh

Scott Walsh

Stephanie A. Walsh

Susan & Craig

Tony Warburton

Helen Ward

Roy & Nancy Ward

Wardell Orthopedics, P.C.

Warden Family Foundation

Wards Corner Chiropractic

Glenda Warner

Darlene Jader Waters

James & Miriam Watrous

Michael & Rachael Watson

Capt. Thomas Weaver, USN, RET

Audrey P. Webb

Caroline P. Webb

Robert Weeks

Ruth Weinberg

Jan Weintraub

Edward & Janis Weisberg

Braden & Krystal Weldy

Robert & Janice Wells

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

Alice & Eric Werner

Westminster Reformed Presbyterian Church

Linda Wetherington

Nicholas Wheeler III

Glen & Cindy White

Andy & Tracy Whited

Walter & Betty Whitehurst

Alaine & Mark Whitford

Wicked Wenches

Wayne & Ashlin Wilbanks

Meredith Wilkins

Terri & Steve Wilkins

Wilks, Alper & Harwood

Lucy & Lang Williams

Shelton & Phalissa Williams

Ruby Williams

Williams Mullen

Williams Mullen Foundation

Dave Willman & Tammy Deane

Willoughby Civic League

Ken & Melanie Wills

Blair & Jane Wimbush

Nancy & Thomas Winborne

Windsor Congregational Christian Church

Windward Fund

Janet & Barclay Winn

Winn Nursery

Jean Winslow

Karen Winters

Gretchen Winterstein

Ryan Winz

Wanda Wise

Andrea & Chuck Wistar

Cherry & Hans Wittelsberger

David & Daphne Wolfe

Jeff & Lynn Wolfe

Women of Third Presbyterian Church

Lee & Robert Woodard

Whitney & Jeremy Woodring

Mary M. Woodruff

Stephen & Lynn Woods

John Woodward

Rhonda Woody

Word & Spirit Worship Center

John & Marilyn Worstell

Carlisle M. Wroton

Deborah & John Wyld

Fredrick & Edna Yost

Bill & Sabra Young

Jack & Paula Young

Sharon Youngue

Bob & Mary Zellman

Wayne Zinn

Zonta Club of Hampton Roads


Page 16: 2011 ForKids Summer Newsletter

FAMILY matters 1


4200 Colley Avenue Suite A

PO Box 6044

Norfolk VA 23508

(757) 622-6400


4200 Colley Avenue Suite A

PO Box 6044

Norfolk VA 23508

TEL: (757) 622-6400 | FAX: (757) 622-3837

TAX ID 54-1477799


Just over two years ago, before coming to ForKids, 5-year-old Sammy and his mom endured horrific physical and mental abuse by Sammy’s father. In fact, theirs was perhaps the worst case of domestic violence in ForKids’ history. Sammy had seen and endured more in his young life than anyone should face in a lifetime. He lost his big brother, who was sent to live with another family member, and Sammy missed so many days of school that he barely passed kindergarten and was far behind other students his age. Sammy’s young life was a nightmare.

Sammy and his mom came to ForKids and entered Haven House Emergency Shelter.

That’s where the healing began. When Sammy first arrived, he was terrified to go to sleep at night because of the horribly vivid nightmares he was having as a result of his trauma. But working with the ForKids Children’s Therapist, he devised a plan. Sammy created a special sign to hang on his door every night before bed that read,

“NO MONSTERS ALLOWED.” Gradually, with regular therapy for both Sammy and his mom and lots of structure and care, the scared and sometimes aggressive little boy developed confidence, self-esteem and a sense of safety.

Meanwhile, Sammy’s case manager got him enrolled in school and made sure he

No Monsters AllowedLOOK AT THAT GRIN. It’s hard to imagine anyone wanting to hurt

Sammy, much less his own dad. Yet, that’s how his young life began.

What Can You Do To Help

Homeless Families

and Children?


“I wouldn’t want your job,” someone said, hearing about our budget cuts and the exploding need for services. But today my job is unquestionably the best job in the world. Antonio came to visit.

Antonio is one of “my” kids but I hadn’t seen him in years. We met when he was five, and I saw him almost daily for six years. He’s 20 now and his mother asked me to meet with him because he dropped out of TCC. Antonio’s working at a fast food job he hates and she’s worried he’s losing hope and losing ground.

(Continued on pg. 2) (Continued on pg. 2)

Thaler's Thoughts




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