2010 kgnu healthy eating study report ~october, 2010~ prepared for:

2010 KGNU HEALTHY EATING STUDY Report ~October, 2010~ Prepared for:

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Page 1: 2010 KGNU HEALTHY EATING STUDY Report ~October, 2010~ Prepared for:


Report ~October, 2010~

Prepared for:

Page 2: 2010 KGNU HEALTHY EATING STUDY Report ~October, 2010~ Prepared for:

77% of Donors, and 79% of Voters, say they typically listen to KGNU programming in

the morning.

Healthy Eating Study

86% of Donors who tune in to KGNU in the mornings listen two or three times a week or more, compared to “just”

61% of Voters. That said, having 61% of Voters tuning in that frequently is a number to be

proud of.

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For those who are tuning into “Eat Your Radio,” the programming is having a sizable impact: 55%

of Donors, and 59% of Voters who have listened to healthy eating

programming on KGNU say that they have actually changed their eating habits as a result of what they heard and learned. This represents 19% of all Donors. Far more impressive, however, is that it represents 11% of all Voters who listen to KGNU’s

morning programming.

Healthy Eating Study

74% of Donors, and 73% of Voters, who have listened to the programming agree that they have become more aware of nutritional issues in the schools and in the

community after listening to KGNU’s nutrition programming.

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Healthy Eating Study








KGNU Donors Voters






[n=358] [n=358]


“Thinking back over the past several months, do recall hearing any programs on KGNU about healthy eating for kids”

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. . . the message is not only getting through, but is also changing the way people eat.

. . . More than half of Donors (55%) and Voters (59%) who tuned in to the healthy eating programming say

they actually changed their eating habits in some way

as a result. That is an incredibly high percentage.

Healthy Eating Study

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Have You Changed Your Eating Habits?

“After hearing programs on healthier eating . . . . Have you actually changed to healthier eating habits, or have you tried to change your

personal eating habits, but without much success?”

- Results shown are for Listeners of “Eat Your Radio” -

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Impact of KGNU’s Healthy Eating Impact of KGNU’s Healthy Eating ProgrammingProgramming

More than 10% of all Voters, and almost 20% of all Donors, who listen to KGNU in the morning have changed their eating habits—an impressive figure for a program that was on air for just five months. The challenge, of

course, is to increase the percent of people who hear the

programming, because for every two people that hear it, one ends up changing

their eating habits in some way as a result.

Healthy Eating Study

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Impact of KGNU’s Healthy Eating Impact of KGNU’s Healthy Eating ProgrammingProgrammingBoth Donors and Voters were asked a series of

agree/disagree statements to further probe different ways listening to KGNU’s healthy eating programming

has changed their lives—and eating healthier is just part of the good news. Between 35% and 40% strongly

agree with the statement that they are now more aware of nutritional issues than they

were before listening to KGNU programming, and another 27 to 28% strongly agree with the statement that the programming makes them

want to learn more about healthy eating.

The two charts show the separate results of this exercise for Donors and Voters, which further reinforces the

impact the program “Eat Your Radio” had after its stint on the air between February and June, 2010.

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It makes me want to learn more about healthy eating [n=124]

I have become more aware of nutritional issues in the schools &

community [n=124]

60%80%100% 40% 20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

What Effect Has Listening to KGNU Nutrition Programming Had On You?

My family & I eat healthier [Asked if had kids] [n=31]

Agree Somewhat/Agree StronglyDisagree

I’ve thought more about the importance of the personal eating habits for myself/

myself, my friends and family [n=124]

I eat healthier than I used to [Asked if had no kids] [n=93]

- Results for KGNU Donors who have listened to “Eat Your Radio” -






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60%80%100% 40% 20% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

What Effect Has Listening to KGNU Nutrition Programming Had On You?

Agree Somewhat/Agree StronglyDisagree

It makes me want to learn more about healthy eating [n=68]

I have become more aware of nutritional issues in the schools &

community [n=68]73%




40%I eat healthier than I used to [Asked if had no kids] [n=48]

My family & I eat healthier [Asked if had kids] [n=20]

I’ve thought more about the importance of the personal eating habits for myself/

myself, my friends and family [n=68]

- Results for Voters who have listened to “Eat Your Radio” -

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eatyourradio features Candid Kids

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eatyourradio features Candid Kids

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eatyourradio features Candid Kids

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eatyourradio features INEP Lessons

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eatyourradio features INEP Lessons

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eatyourradio features


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eatyourradio features INEP Recipes

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eatyourradio features Dr. Carrot

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eatyourradio: Dr. Carrot ANSWERS!

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eatyourradio features Spanish

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