2010-10-18 -- the lord, enthroned in zion (kab to josiah r. fornof)

Kimberly A. Blevins, 18060 Owen Drive, Hudson, Florida 34667-6659 1 October 18, 2010 Josiah R. Fornof, 1418961 SD-2F-POD10-01-003 Pinellas County Jail 14400 49 th Street, North Clearwater, FL 33762-2877 Subject: The LORD, Enthroned in Zion Dear Mr. Fornof: In the Bible, the devil working in powers is known as the dragon. By virtue of the way powers work, the dragon is, hence, a global entity that operates through a variety of machinations: Main Entry: mach·i·na·tion Pronunciation Guide Pronunciation: n sh n Function: noun Inflected Form(s): -s Etymology: Latin machination-, machinatio, from machinatus + -ion-, -io -ion 1 : an act or instance of machinating 2 : a scheming or crafty action, subtle maneuver, or artful design intended to accomplish some end; especially : one regarded as evil or reprehensible -- usually used in plural <thwart the vast insidiousmachinations of some baffled fiend -- George Santayana> 3 obsolete : use or construction of machinery ; also : a mechanical appliance synonym see PLOT Some have identified the heart and head of the dragon (even if they dont call it that) as the Illuminati, and they also reference the Bohemian Grove (and what goes on there), the Trilateral Commission (some of the members of which I used to have on my email list, and thus peppered them with truth), and more recently it seems, the Bilderburg Group. On an individual level, it all comes down to a question of whether one is serving Jehovah, who is One Lord, or satan (under whatever nefarious false-god guise, including the false cult of law-of-attraction, with self, or man at the center). The dragons machinations are are carried out largely through its propaganda machine, which includes the captive medias 24-7 spinning (twisting) of truth. We are not ignorant of satans devices (2 Cor. 2:11). These evildoers have contended with Jehovah, and He has laid a snare for them (Jer. 50:23- 25). Jeremiah 50:23-25 (Darby Translation) 23 How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! How is Babylon become an astonishment among the nations! 24 I have laid a snare for thee, and thou, Babylon, art also taken, and thou wast not aware; thou art found, and also caught, for thou hast contended with Jehovah.

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Page 1: 2010-10-18 -- The LORD, Enthroned in Zion (KAB to Josiah R. Fornof)

Kimberly A. Blevins, 18060 Owen Drive, Hudson, Florida 34667-6659


October 18, 2010

Josiah R. Fornof, 1418961


Pinellas County Jail

14400 49th Street, North

Clearwater, FL 33762-2877

Subject: The LORD, Enthroned in Zion

Dear Mr. Fornof:

In the Bible, the devil working in powers is known as the dragon. By virtue of the way powers work, the

dragon is, hence, a global entity that operates through a variety of machinations:

Main Entry: mach·i·na·tion Pronunciation Guide

Pronunciation: n sh n

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): -s

Etymology: Latin machination-, machinatio, from machinatus + -ion-, -io -ion

1 : an act or instance of machinating

2 : a scheming or crafty action, subtle maneuver, or artful design intended to accomplish some

end; especially : one regarded as evil or reprehensible -- usually used in plural <thwart the vast

insidiousmachinations of some baffled fiend -- George Santayana>

3 obsolete : use or construction of machinery ; also : a mechanical appliance

synonym see PLOT

Some have identified the heart and head of the dragon (even if they don’t call it that) as the Illuminati,

and they also reference the Bohemian Grove (and what goes on there), the Trilateral Commission

(some of the members of which I used to have on my email list, and thus peppered them with truth),

and more recently it seems, the Bilderburg Group. On an individual level, it all comes down to a

question of whether one is serving Jehovah, who is One Lord, or satan (under whatever nefarious

false-god guise, including the false cult of law-of-attraction, with self, or man at the center).

The dragon’s machinations are are carried out largely through its propaganda machine, which includes

the captive media’s 24-7 spinning (twisting) of truth. We are not ignorant of satan’s devices (2 Cor.

2:11). These evildoers have contended with Jehovah, and He has laid a snare for them (Jer. 50:23-


Jeremiah 50:23-25 (Darby Translation)


How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! How is Babylon become an astonishment among the nations!


I have laid a snare for thee, and thou, Babylon, art also taken, and thou wast not aware; thou art found, and also caught, for thou hast contended with Jehovah.

Page 2: 2010-10-18 -- The LORD, Enthroned in Zion (KAB to Josiah R. Fornof)

Kimberly A. Blevins, 18060 Owen Drive, Hudson, Florida 34667-6659



Jehovah hath opened his armoury, and hath brought forth the weapons of his indignation; for this is a work for the Lord, Jehovah of hosts, in the land of the Chaldeans.

While writing of that, at 11:54 AM EDT (5:54 PM Jerusalem Time) I received a word from the LORD

that the snare He has laid is delineated in my TERRORIST EVENT THEORY (Formerly: Apparent

Surrogate Victim Theory), February 10, 2005 Report prepared for President George W. Bush whereby

satan has left his fingerprints all over the place. Jehovah is about to spring the trap, and He is about to

do so as one with the Bride (12:06 PM EDT, 6:06 PM Jerusalem Time).

Earlier this morning, the Holy Spirit had already given me a word concerning my aforementioned

TERRORIST EVENT THEORY: These people (victims) have been human sacrifices to fuel the

dragon’s propaganda machine.

In relation to the Bohemian Grove and human sacrifice, yesterday, Zion Oholiab led me to a blog I

wrote and posted on October 1, 2008 entitled THE GLORY OF THE LORD: THE GLORY OF THE

LORD HAS BEEN REVEALED, which includes:

Day Out of Time, with its roots in the Druidic worship including human sacrifice, is connected with

the Bohemian Grove, likewise connected with the Illuminati.

Day Out of Time, July 25, 2008, was the day I was allowed to announce that Pastor Johnson’s new

name was Shiloh, which is why I was discussed that at that time. On May 3, 2010, he received another

new name: Zion; and on October 1, 2010, a title to be worn as a name, Zion Oholiab, even as I was

given the same title to be worn as a name, Bezaleel Oholiab. Zion is as our family name in this House

the LORD is building.

Starting around 1995, Mimi and Nemo recognized and began saying in writing that they were being

murdered. In April 2002 we realized it was worse than that: genocide is being committed on us. Now,

we have the understanding that it is even worse than that: the dragon (devil working in powers) is

demanding human sacrifice, and his hunger and thirst for such is insatiable, absolutely insatiable.

The aforesaid mention of the Bohemian Grove and human sacrifice is not new, because human

sacrifice to the dragon is not new. That’s what William R. Webb and his countless aiders and abettors

have done to your elderly grandmother “Mimi” (Ruth Elvada Denniston Blevins 1923-1997) a critically ill

heart patient with apparently limited time to live (0-5 years prognosis, as of September 11, 1986) and

that is what they are doing to your elderly grandfather “Nemo” (Robert Frank Blevins 1925- ) also a

heart patient, diagnosed with heart arrhythmia on September 11, 1986, and certain other of Mimi’s

survivors, including you.

The Tampa F.B.I. (Agent McPherson, in particular) and the captive media is attempting to make you a

human sacrifice to the dragon’s propaganda machine; and that is what is behind all media coverage

concerning you, including most recently the torture-of-the-truth Fox News story.

In regard to all of the aforesaid, Sheriff Lee Cannon’s attempted-murder, terrorist trespass raid on Mimi

and Nemo on October 18, 1994, sixteen years ago today, simply brought into focus what had been in

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Kimberly A. Blevins, 18060 Owen Drive, Hudson, Florida 34667-6659


effect against your grandparents and theirs since at least as far back as September 11, 1986; namely:

man-of-sin lawlessness that Jehovah hates. (Reference: R.F. Blevins’ letter dated December 7, 1997

to the United States Department of Justice; Transcript of February 3, 1995 meeting with Sheriff Lee

Cannon). Remember, it was very soon after our February 3, 1995 meeting with Sheriff Lee Cannon

that Kathy Struckhoff was murdered, her body dumped a short distance from the sheriff’s office, and

that murder remains an unsolved homicide, as many if not most of such cases do; she was certainly a

human sacrifice to the dragon, the devil working in powers.

In regard to my letter dated October 17, 2010, entitled “Operation Pink Bubblegum” to you: as you

know, Nemo frequently tells about the song that the servicemen (and others) used to sing during World

War II:

Der Fuehrer’s Face

When der fuehrer says we is de master race

We heil heil right in der fueher's face

Not to love der fuehrer is a great disgrace

So we heil heil right in der fuehrer's face

When Herr Goebbels says we own the world and space

We heil heil right in Herr Goebbels' face

When Herr Goring says they'll never bomb dis place

We heil heil right in Herr Goring's face

Are we not he supermen Aryan pure supermen

Ja we are the supermen (super duper supermen)

Is this Nutsy land so good

Would you leave it if you could

Ja this Nutsy land is good

We would leave it if we could

We bring the world to order

Heil Hitler's world to order

Everyone of foreign race

Will love der fuehrer's face

When we bring to the world dis order


What Hitler was doing was evil, his evil was spreading far and wide, as anyone could plainly see, and

such anti-Nazi propaganda served a purpose that seems to us good. Hitler recognized that and is said

to have expressed that what he feared most was America’s propaganda machine. To say “propaganda

machine” to me seems redundant. Propaganda is a machine. The process can be used for good or

evil, but it is a process that is often exploited for evil design, and that is done through machinations.

The dragon’s machinations include elaborate sets of expectations placed upon those in servitude to

that system. I saw a clear example of the aforesaid during a hearing on March 15, 2000 in the

chambers of Pasco-Pinellas Judge Gerard O’Brien, in preparation for which I had expressed mailed a

letter dated March 13, 2000 to Judge O’Brien. Said letter includes:

March 13, 2000

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Kimberly A. Blevins, 18060 Owen Drive, Hudson, Florida 34667-6659


CERTIFIED MAIL NO.: Z 400 865 954 The Honorable Gerard O’Brien Judge, Sixth Judicial Circuit West Pasco Judicial Center 7530 Little Road New Port Richey, FL 34654 Dear Judge O’Brien:

RE: AmSouth Bank, etc., vs. Robert F. Blevins, et al. Case No. 99-8294CA / J3

I, Kimberly A. Blevins, am a daughter of Robert F. Blevins (March 13, 1925 - ) and Ruth E. Blevins (August 31, 1923 – January 11, 1997) and am an interested party in the above-referenced case. The following is an update and further elaboration of my father’s letter to you, dated January 19, 2000 (Certified Mail No. Z 400 865 942). In Item No. 1, page 1, my father stated:

AmSouth Bank joined the State of Florida, Colonial Penn Insurance Company, and all others who have, by their unlawfulness, progressively murdered my wife, and who are attempting to progressively murder me, myself. Both of us heart patients, stress, strain and mental anguish was lethal to my wife and is lethal to myself.”

Even with this strong warning, Plaintiff AmSouth Bank did not back off, and the Court offered no relief. On January 26, 2000, just one week after the Defendant, my father, mailed his January 19, 2000, letter to you, my father was admitted to the hospital and was treated for congestive heart failure – his first hospitalization for his heart problem since September, 1986. Just last week, his medication had to be doubled, having already been doubled since the initial dosage. Having attempted to murder my father simultaneously with attempting to murder my mother, they continue attempting to murder my father: the logical, medical and legal criteria are there.


Judge O’Brien and William R. Webb sit on the same judicial bench, the latter by fraud and felony, and

whether by my correspondence or other means, Judge O’Brien certainly knew that our claims of murder

are also against his crony Webb. During the aforesaid hearing, in the presence of your Aunt Connie,

Judge O’Brien ridiculed my claim of murder in a menacing way, and went on to state that my claim of

murder somehow constitutes a threat (to William R. Webb and others).

The truth is a threat? To whom? And where are you going to go with that, Judge O’Brien? Those are

all responses that I should have thought to give, but was too intimidated in that situation at that time to

do so. You see, evildoers are cut from the same cloth, so to speak, and have a common modus

operandi. To catch one off guard with the extent and expanse of their lack of lawfulness, their being so

void of reason, is part of that. While one is reeling from the impact, is when they move in to further

exploit, treasonously so, lethally so, genocidally so, as Judge O’Brien did on that day.

Where Judge O’Brien went with the unlawful advantage he acquired through that gut-punch to me was

to, in the same session, ask where I worked (the answer being the University of South Florida) and

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Kimberly A. Blevins, 18060 Owen Drive, Hudson, Florida 34667-6659


whether I was tenured, neither question relevant to what was to be addressed in that hearing, and

therefore none of his business. Nevertheless, I answered: so much the worse for him. He figures to

have known the answers before he asked. I was on faculty at the University of South Florida (still am,

lawfully) and as administrative faculty, was not tenure-track.

After the hearing, I called my functional supervisor and expressed my concern about Judge O’Brien’s

implied threat to me and asked that she relay my concerns to my other superiors at the university. As I

recall, she did so at once, via email. A little more than a year later, May 22, 2001, USF unlawfully cut

off my pay and benefits. In contrast, William R. Webb’s wife Dr. Mary Webb, with whom I served on at

least one university-wide council, is still employed at USF, paid with public dollars, as is Judge Gerard

O’Brien, who decided to give a trans-sexual “man” custody of children (Judge Gives Transsexual

Father Custody of Children in Florida, Published February 22, 2003). In such ways as the aforesaid

machinations, the dragon becomes more and more filthy, more and more evil.

The devil sifts out the wheat: Jehovah burns the chaff, and is coming in with a vengeance now to do so

fully. That’s the crux of our family’s witness against the dragon (2:16 PM EDT, 8:16 PM Jerusalem

Time insight).

I encountered another clear example of such elaborate rules of decorum a couple of years ago, during

the time that you and I were independently led to look at the Illuminati. At that time, I watched a video

interview of a high-ranking government official concerning the Bohemian Grove and what sort of

ritualistic practices go on there. To nearly every question, the man being interviewed responded with, “I

disrespect you for that.” The man was constrained by the protocol to act like a gentleman, but that was

an act, a mask behind which he was hiding.

We have been graced with the obligation to pull off the masks, no matter how many layers of masks we

find, and expose the devils behind, that many might be saved. Much of that is accomplished by the

simple fact that the Good Lord keeps us alive to praise Him another day. Jehovah is enthroned on our

praises, enthroned in Zion, in our family: always remember that.

Psalm 9:11 (New International Version)


Sing praises to the LORD, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations what he has done.

Arisen a mother in Israel, in Zion,

Bezaleel Oholiab, Prophet of the Ages

(Kimberly A. Blevins, CPS, BIS, MPH, PhD)