
NEW YORK DISTRICT KEY CLUB 61st Annual Brought to you by Stuyvesant High School Key Club Stuyvesant High School Key Club Stuyvesant High School Key Club Stuyvesant High School Key Club Division 11 At the Nevele Grande Resort Ellenville, New York March 27-29, 2009 Leadership Training Conference

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61st Annual

Brought to you by Stuyvesant High School Key ClubStuyvesant High School Key ClubStuyvesant High School Key ClubStuyvesant High School Key Club Division 11

At the Nevele Grande Resort

Ellenville, New York

March 27-29, 2009

Leadership Training


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On Friday, the 27th of April, nearly a thousand

Key Clubbers carrying all kinds of boxes and suitcases from across our District walked through the threshold of the Nevele Grande Resort in Ellenville to a rising chorus of “Beaver one, beaver all!”. Those who have not been to Convention before stood in the doorway with their mouths wide open while those old-timers enthusiastically joined in the Beaver Cheer. Throughout the entire weekend, everyone walked around the hotel busily attending many workshops and seminars and meeting new Key Clubbers from all over the state. While

everyone was having loads of fun, I was vigorously going through my speeches over and over again, while drinking 10 bottles of water a day so I wouldn’t lose my voice. Campaigning was tough, and answering those difficult caucus questions didn’t make the process any more fun! However, that wasn’t all that I was occupied with over the weekend. I had the opportunity to meet and talk with some amazing people, and I even got to hear some really cool stories of great service projects that people did. The Conference went by so fast, and before I knew it, it was the Governor’s Farewell Session on Sunday morning. It seemed as if it were only yesterday that the 2008-2009 Key Club year began, and now, it finally hit all of us sitting on the stage that our term is just about to end. After watching the District Slideshow, we all realized just how much we have accomplished in just one year, and I am so proud of all of you Key Clubbers for a great finish to a spectacular year. Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Allen Yu, and it is my honor to serve as

your 2009-2010 New York District Governor. I have every confidence that with all

of Stuyvesant’s hard work, this year will be even better than the year before. Let

me know if there’s

anything I can help you with, and have a smashing time!


A Word From:

“After watching

the District

Slideshow, we all

realized just how

much we have

accomplished in

just one year.”

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“You can’t help

but experience

some interesting

adventures at

your stay.”

Going back to the Ellenville, NY for out 61st annual Lead-

ership Training Conference was both highly anticipatory and

frightening for me. Sitting on the district board this year i had the

opportunity of working with my fellow District Board members in

helping plan the Key Club weekend. It

was great to see how our activities

panned out. Some were traditions from

previous years and some were new

events, such as the new Meet and Greet, the Charity Walk,

and the Blood Drive. Overall, I would say they were success-

ful events. Although I spent a good portion of the weekend as

a nervous wreck, worried about my endorsement for

international trustee, I managed to meet a ton of new Key

Clubbers, getting the chance to share my ideas with them,

and vice versa. It is always a privilege to me meeting peers who are just as, if not more

dedicated to service. It brings about all of my Key Club pride.

Imagine over 1,000 VERY different people from everywhere in New York all

joined together at a 3-day conference! You can’t but experience

some interesting adventures at your stay. LTC was awesome.

Everyone on our floor (8th floor)

was amazing. Everyone on the floor

would get together and have some-

one play their guitar to a song eve-

ryone knew and could sing to. It

was so much fun. I can’t forget

when a couple of my friends and I

just rode the

elevator for fun. We would all have our backs facing the

entrance of the elevator and when someone came in, we

would sing “Row Row, Row Your Boat” to them. We re-

ceived some strange stares but we also had some totally

cool people who sang along.

“It brings

about all of

my Key Club


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xxxMitsukanaxx Jennifer Kuo flawlessly timed Fannie Law Midnightzrul3z Jacqueline Yeung Truelight7277 Shirley Lu Lilaznangel10922 Angie Koo BlossomOfMay166 Linda Li ghcharliebrown Gavin Huang xxxHawkDancerxxx Iris LIn CloudLeoPardPawSz Shelley Li flyingblujensen Jensen Cheong XperPlexii Victoria Tsang rainymood Bette Ha blademastmonkey Sarah Zhao johnny628s Johnny Szeto Issawwutudidthere Jeshipio Yoon Illicit Fun Owns Sharif Mahfouz Ultimatefail933 Justin Yang

Buddies 17/21

Chat room: “Friday, March 27, 2009” File Actions

xxMitsukanaxx (9:36:34 PM): hey flawlessly timed (9:36:59 PM): ? xxxMitsukanaxx (9:37:33 PM): do you wanna write an article about ltc...? flawlessly timed (9:39:27 PM): well flawlessly timed (9:39:55 PM): i’m not really sure what i should write about xxxMitsukanaxx (9:40:05 PM): hm... xxMitsukanaxx (9:40:13 PM): then let's write one together then! flawlessly timed (9:54:36 PM): ok so do you want to start? xxxMitsukanaxx (9:57:00 PM): kk! xxxMitsukanaxx (10:02:38 PM): It had been around 3 hours since we had gotten on the bus...? flawlessly timed (10:04:31 PM): It was very tir-ing, there seemed to be a shortage in our food supply, and the HSMSE scrapbook kept falling over. xxxMitsukanaxx (10:05:39 PM): By the time we had gotten there, most people were overjoyed at the prospect of being able to get some fresh air... flawlessly timed (10:06:39 PM): However, we had the task of lugging our scrapbook out of the bus. xxxMitsukanaxx (10:09:40 PM): It was around three feet tall and bits and pieces were already threatening to fall offG flawlessly timed (10:11:10 PM): As we walked in through the doors, people cheered for us. xxxMitsukanaxx (10:14:05 PM): We also heard someone say "that is definitely not traditional" on our way up the stairs. flawlessly timed (10:16:56 PM): It took three re-peats of the New York District Song before we finally made it to the top of the stairs.

A B I U Arial 10


Day One


Offline 4/21


flawlessly timed


Katherine Chen amazongrl93 Michelle Chen

Lil mizza mista azn

Amy Guan Kuzalxpp

Ai �a Liu Yomastermaverick

Keith Yeung

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Chat room: “Friday, March 27, 2009” File Actions

flawlessly timed (10:19:10 PM): After taking about ten of these with various angles and lighting, we brought it to the registration room. xxxMitsukanaxx (10:20:10 PM): We put it down on the table, adjusted the branches a little, and hoped for the best. xxxMitsukanaxx (10:41:12 PM): Afterwards, we found our way back to the lobby. flawlessly timed (10:42:19 PM): Someone waved enthusiastically to us and Sarah**** waved back. xxxMitsukanaxx (10:43:21 PM): It wasn't until later that Gavin informed us that he was the International President. flawlessly timed (10:45:08 PM): It was our first encounter with the higher lev-els of Key Club. xxxMitsukanaxx (10:47:31 PM): Afterwards, we needed to attend an informa-tion session which officially welcomed us to LTC and "taught" us the bea-ver dance, District cheer...etc. flawlessly timed (10:50:02 PM): Even so, it was amazing seeing so many other clubs doing it.

xperPLEXii (12:26:25 AM): We met a lot of new people from other Key

Clubs in the New York District. xxxMitsukanaxx (10:52:09 PM): LTC had just begun and everyone seemed hyped up to join in the festivities. flawlessly timed (10:54:37 PM): After this first workshop, we went to eat din-ner. xxxMitsukanaxx (10:55:18 PM): There was a wide assortment of food and the line for food stretched across the room. flawlessly timed (10:56:41 PM): 'Unlike the lunch line at Stuy, we didn t try and skip anyone. Well, on the first day, anyway. xxxMitsukanaxx (10:58:07 PM): When we all got back to the table, Immedi-ate Past President Gavin told us the hand signal to look for any clubs that would ask us the question "Hey Stuyvesant! How do you feel?." flawlessly timed (10:59:31 PM): And sure enough, we were called out by HSMSE

xxxMitsukanaxx (11:01:35 PM): We shouted back "WE FEEL GOOD OH WE FEEL SO GOOD OHHH."

midnightzrul3z (11:01:40 PM): lol yea We were LOUD!!! haha flawlessly timed (11:02:27 PM): We heard and made a lot of unique replies over the next three days. flawlessly timed (11:02:32 PM): the people there were so cool and it was a great experience overall midnightzrul3z (11:11:59 PM): hmmGI thought LTC was pretty fun ><. Bobby Petrocelli made a really moving speech.

truelight7277 (11:12:10 PM): He made a great speech with many

stories that put me on the verge of tears. =].



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flawlessly timed



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Chat room: “Friday, March 27, 2009” File Actions

xxxMitsukanaxx (11:12:35 PM): During the dinner, we listened to a speech made by Governor Amy. flawlessly timed (11:12:38PM): We also listened to other speeches made by the now past district board.

xxxMitsukanaxx (11:12:56 PM): At the meet and greet there was a variety of ice cream to choose from midnightzrul3z (11:13:36 PM): We were one of the first one there, we got a whole bowl of ice cream ><!!!!! flawlessly timed (11:13:42PM): But, some over-eager person decided to leave us with a broken ice cream scooper. midnightzrul3z (11:13:59 PM): Other than that, Jensen and Sarah had these standing-out outfits. flawlessly timed (11:14:36PM): Sarah and I went around approaching people who had pretty cool outfits flawlessly timed (11:15:35PM): We met a lot of people from other divisions and ended up talking to them about how LTC was going so far etc. midnightzrul3z (11:15:59 PM): um... i remembered.... that there's a cur-few... after flawlessly timed (11:15:36PM): lols flawlessly timed (11:16:36PM): i remember the curfew Midnightzrul3z (11:16:38PM): haha flawlessly timed (11:16:41PM): it was at 12:00 right? midnightzrul3z (11:16:59 PM): yeapppppp flawlessly timed (11:17:36PM): and Gavin kept counting down midnightzrul3z (11:17:39 PM): yea flawlessly timed (11:17:42PM): lols midnightzrul3z (11:18:02 PM): it was funny midnightzrul3z (11:18:59 PM): He was like everyone stay out until mid-night :10, 9, 8, .... 3, 2, 1, 0!!!! Everyone ran off to their room right after. Haha

Lilaznangel10922 (10:19:19 PM): "Invention of the word "Purpling" = xD. Shar-

ing a room with 5 other people turned out to be fun! I made so many awesome

memories, I want to go back... midnightzrul3z (11:18:59 PM): At the time, the sergeants-at-arms didn’t know that we were all still awake. BlossomOfMay166 (11:19:02 PM): They should give us more time to hang out in the halls <3 ^^ midnightzrul3z (11:19:05 PM): TT^TT If only they did. xxxMitsukanaxx (11:19:32 PM): haha... STUY KC is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back


STUY KC signed off at 11:20:09 PM.



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Day Two

A Arial B I U a a Send

A Arial B I U a a Send

rainymood(9:37:20 PM): LTC was an amazing experience, which moti-vated me even more to do my best in Key Club. Seeing members from Key Clubs from all over the state was amazing, and it showed what an impact we, as regular high school students, can make if we simply combine our efforts. rainymood (9:38:56 PM): On a side note, the clogged toilet x2 was an amusing experience that I hope will not recur at next year's confer-ence (OR DO I?!). That being said, everyone should go next year (and you won't need to pack so much ramen; the hotel fed us pretty decently). flawlessly timed (10:59:31 PM): LOLS apparently a lot of inside jokes were made at ltc

BlAdeMastMonkEy (9:37:30 PM): At LTC, there was a monster of a speaker who told us his life story as an example of how the world is filled with such amazing and beautiful people. At LTC, there was a man who kept reminding us that we're beautiful, that everyone who is a part of Key Club really makes an amazing difference for their communities and for the world. At LTC, there was inspiration: Bobby Petrocelli. BlAdeMastMonkEy (9:37:52 PM): it's corny but it's so true! So don't laugh at me. flawlessly timed(9:38:15 PM): :D

IM with rainymood from flawlessly timed

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Chat room: “Saturday, March 28, 2009” File Actions

flawlessly timed (10:00:47 PM): The next day, we all woke up bright and early.

midnightzrul3z (10:01:29 PM): SOME PEOPLE were KNOCKING on

the door, >< killing the door with pleasure. flawlessly timed (10:01:54 PM): ><yeah sorry about that

midnightzrul3z (10:02:07 PM): lol

midnightzrul3z (10:02:15 PM): it's okay.. it was funny haha flawlessly timed (10:02:25 PM): um

midnightzrul3z (10:02:26 PM): ^^ flawlessly timed (10:02:52 PM): I tried out for the talent show. But, I sort of messed up.

midnightzrul3z (10:03:12 PM): nahh.. I’ll bet you did your best. ^^

flawlessly timed (10:03:19 PM): It was fun though xD. flawlessly timed (10:03:46 PM): We listened to a follow-up of Bobby Petro-

'celli s speech. flawlessly timed (10:04:04 PM): It was really amazing. flawlessly timed (10:04:51 PM): Especially when he started singing Natasha Bedingfield. CLouDLeoParDPawSz (10:05:03 PM): The seminars later were okay. CLouDLeoParDPawSz (10:05:20 PM): The interrelationship session told us about being nice to people could make all the difference and making the right friends, too. CLouDLeoParDPawSz (10:05:22 PM): LOL midnightzrul3z (10:05:40 PM): hahah sounds very informing

midnightzrul3z (10:06:09 PM): O right!!!!

midnightzrul3z (10:06:40 PM): Jen, Jensen, and I went to the editor's

and webmaster meeting. flawlessly timed (10: 07: 21 PM): Sarah and I went to the secretary/treasurer one. flawlessly timed (10:07:35 PM): And I think Sharif ended up going to the President one with Bette. flawlessly timed (10:07:59 PM): There was a lot of inter-division cab bond-ing. Not to mention, bonding with the rest of the district xD was fun. And of course, bonding with our own club was great. Illicit Fun Owns (5:03:10 PM): it was great to see all the clubs of new york

come together. you could really feel the spirit emanating from ny district.

flawlessly timed (10:08:11 PM): We had a walk, which was…around the ho-tel. lols midnightzrul3z (10:08:34 PM): This walk was the shortest walk for 5 dol-lars, but it was worth it. We all got a chance to see the surroundings of the hotel.



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flawlessly timed



Illicit Fun Owns

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Chat room: “Saturday, March 28, 2009” File Actions

flawlessly timed (10:08:58 PM): So after we circled the hotel a few times, we went back to our rooms to get ready for dinner.

midnightzrul3z (10:09:09 PM): eh... what did we ... do after?

midnightzrul3z (10:09:11 PM): o.O?...i forget …hehe;;; flawlessly timed (10:09:33 PM): We hung out in our rooms for a couple of hours.

midnightzrul3z (10:10:08 PM): lol… o yea.. …. just hung out o.o

Auto Response from flyingblujensen (10:10:09 PM): We clog toilets! - Badass Association of Greater Stuyvesant Community

flawlessly timed (10:10:14 PM): um okay.

midnightzrul3z (10:10:21 PM): lol….

midnightzrul3z (10:10:33 PM): …so Victoria, did you have fun??

midnightzrul3z (10:10:42 PM): trying for district secretary on Saturday?

xperPLEXii (10:11:09 PM): hmm It was a great experience even though I


truelight7277 (10:11:23 PM): The best memory was the first lunch

and the assembly before the governor's ball where they announced the

winners of the awards ^^.

midnightzrul3z (10:11:31 PM): really?

midnightzrul3z (10:11:43 PM): lol and we... got dressed for awards,

right? flawlessly timed (10:11:52 PM): yeah, everyone was dressed up flawlessly timed (10:12:10 PM): well there was the talent show first flawlessly timed (10:12:17 PM): There was this amazing piano player, from… Ithaca, right?

xxxMitsukanaxx (10: 12:35 PM): The songs sounded nice. ^^

midnightzrul3z (10:12:24 PM): �obody wanna see us togetherrrr… but

it don’t matter.. cause I got you woah woah woah

midnightzrul3z (10:12:31 PM): Don’t matter - Akon sounded soooo

good ^^

Away Message from STUY KC (10:12:37 PM): and later at the gov-

ernor’s ball

xxxMitsukanaxx (10:12:45): How was it...?

BlossomOfMay166 (10:12:48 PM): They didn’t give us enough time to party. xD



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flawlessly timed






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Chat room: “Saturday, March 28, 2009” File Actions

midnightzrul3z (10:12:51 PM): the room was so crowded ><. Half the

room was empty. Everyone screamed and yelled for the people to turn

off the lights.

midnightzrul3z (10:13:01 PM): i just contradicted.. myself... but it’s true


midnightzrul3z (10:13:12 PM): lol flawlessly timed (10:13: 23 PM): lmao flawlessly timed (10:13: 34 PM): we took some traditional photos like the cab ones. flawlessly timed (10:13:42 PM): there was a lot of dancing flawlessly timed (10:13: 51 PM): oh right. Victoria carried Gavin down the hall. xD

midnightzrul3z (10:13:56 PM): lol IP President Gavin Huang declined to comment. xxxMitsukanaxx (10:14: 05 PM): awwG I missed itG TT_TT BlossomOfMay166 (10:12:50 PM): Where were you? O_O midnightzrul3z (10:14:02 PM): lol That was so funny!! ROFL!!! Stuy

really has cool traditions. xxxMitsukanaxx (10:14: 05 PM): oh, I was exploringG hahaG ^^ xperPLEXii (12:30:37 AM): It was actually fun running around the ho-

tel Saturday night finding Allen's poster in the girl's bathroom.

STUY KC is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.

STUY KC signed off at 10:14:12 PM.

ultimatefail933(1:22:47 PM): The meet and greet event was not as suc-cessful ultimatefail933 (1:22:50 PM): as it should have been ultimatefail933 (1:23:14 PM): the original purpose of the event was to help members of KC from different school get to know each other ultimatefail933 (1:23:41 PM): However, throughout this event, most of the people stayed within their own school groups and hung out w/ the people that they already knew. ultimatefail933 (1:24:07 PM): Thus, the event was not as successful as in-tended by the event creators @ LTC ultimatefail933 (1:24:10 PM): yeah ultimatefail933 (1:24:12 PM): sumthing like that ultimatefail933 (1:24:35 PM): HELLO???

STUY KC is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in. ultimatefail933 (1:24:37 PM): -.-



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Day Three Chat room: “Sunday, March 29, 2009” File Actions

xxxMitsukanaxx (10:33:20 AM): hey midnightzrul3z (11:19:29 AM): hiii midnightzrul3z (11:31:58 AM): so... how do we start? midnightzrul3z (11:33:05 AM): The morning was one to reminisce. We were all so hyped up to eat the last breakfast in this hotel. xxxMitsukanaxx (11:33:32 AM): It was also kinda nerve-racking... xxxMitsukanaxx (11:33:40 AM): We were all wondering how the elections went... xxxMitsukanaxx (11:34:07 AM): All of the delegates and the people running had to wake up extra early. midnightzrul3z (11:35:35 AM): Candidate Victoria had to wake up extra early to prepare for her final speech. midnightzrul3z (11:35:43 AM): then midnightzrul3z (11:35:45 AM): it's breakfast midnightzrul3z (11:35:47 AM): right? xxxMitsukanaxx (11:36:32 AM): breakfast was... interesting... midnightzrul3z (11:38:02 AM): lol midnightzrul3z (11:38:12 AM): we were all wearing pjs midnightzrul3z (11:38:23 AM): until other students came in dressed formally xxxMitsukanaxx (11:38:32 AM): We just sat there like... O.o midnightzrul3z (11:38:34 AM): lol xxxMitsukanaxx (11:41:56 AM): how did the awards go? midnightzrul3z (11:42:08 AM): There were lots of awards handed out while some key clubbers relaxed in their dorms. xxhawkdancerxx (11:42:31 AM): the organization of the rooms was nothing short of chaotic xxhawkdancerxx (11:42:36AM): and we had fun with friends, for the most part xxxMitsukanaxx (11:42:41 AM): The new 2009-2010 district board was an-nounced later. midnightzrul3z (11:44:28 AM): We heard a very fervor speech from our Imme-diate Past Governor Amy Lorenc. xxxMitsukanaxx (11:44:49 AM): is that how you use fervor...? midnightzrul3z (11:45:55 AM): isn't it an adj? midnightzrul3z (11:46:40 AM): um... midnightzrul3z (11:48:08 AM): Immediate Past Governor Amy Lorenc told a speech with much fervor. The whole room's attention was captured by her voice. Issawwutudidthere (11:48:52 PM): "LTC was all good. The speakers motivational, the attendees emotional. xxxMitsukanaxx (11:51:49 AM): LTC was almost over but everyone thought that it had been too short.



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Chat room: “Sunday, March 29, 2009” File Actions



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Away Message from johnny628s (11:52:37 PM): "A Poem About LTC LTC you've enlightened me, with clean rooms and unused toiletries. Two days away at Ellenville, I've felt joy, pain, anguish and thrill, Waiting to meet more Key Club members, And itching to get more people's numbers. At the lunch line is where I stood, For an hour each day to see what was good. Seminars with others were plenty of fun, As well as all of the awards we have won. In a bus filled with laughter and anger combined, There still existed open parenthesis equal sign. With the foods in our bags that never went stale, The trip LTC was anything but fail." STUY KC (11:59:59 PM): =)

STUY KC is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.

STUY KC signed off at 12:00:00 PM.

Disclaimer: For those who wish to IM anyone these lists, please do so. I would advise those who try: be warned that the screen names are fabricated to this article's needs. However, if it would be fun for you, then figure out which screen names are real or altered. Bravo! That is, if you do figure it out. Hahaha. Good luck. :P

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