2008 7 a finding god

7A Finding God 2007-2008 •Pictures & Words

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7A Finding God ppt for Mr. Chang :)


Page 1: 2008 7 A  Finding  God

7A Finding God7A Finding God


•Pictures & Words•Pictures & Words

Page 2: 2008 7 A  Finding  God

God’s power of giving new life is like rain. Rain is like God’s life giving power to all plants on Earth. Just as rain and sunlight tend and nourish to all plants’ needs, God is like a gardener to the earth, a gardener who makes all the plants healthy. Rain is also soft and gentle which displays God’s happiness or as some say God’s tears of joy. This happens when a baby is born or a believer is gained.Savanah Sabatini7A

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God’s affection is like a pillow. A pillow provides me comfort when I sleep. His affection provides me comfort because when I need someone to look up to and ask for help, He is always there. If I didn’t have a pillow then sleeping at night or any other time would be sore and uncomfortable. When I have a pillow it prevents me from developing knots in my neck, which keeps me from enjoying the next day. If I didn’t have God’s affection I would be lost and uncomfortable because He helps me calm down and makes me feel relaxed when I am stressed. I can always turn to him for advice and love. God’s affection helps me through the day to enjoy life and to enjoy all that God gives me. A pillow holds all of my dreams. That is because when I dream about something it comes from my head, and then it sinks right into the pillow. The affection that God gives me is like that because He holds all of my dreams. When He holds all of my dreams I know that He will try to make them come true. Sleeping on a pillow is a pleasure just like holding God in my head and in my heart. God’s love and care is a pleasure to have because knowing someone who loves me makes me feel worth it. God’s affection is never ending because He will love me for who I am and will do the same for everyone else. God is affectionate! – Alyson Shoji

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God’s power is life- giving like water because God gave us all life. Without water all life would die. Water helps us grow plants, it helps us live, and it helps animals live. God gives us all life and without Him, we would stop living. God’s power in creation keeps us alive. God’s power is also gentle like a small wave in the ocean. His power can be gentle because it saves people by telling them how to live good lives. God is helpful like water because He helps all people in the world do things to grow closer to Himself. God’s power can also be destructive like a huge tidal wave. God can destroy all things if He wanted to, but God doesn’t because He as big as He is, God is gentle like a small wave in the ocean.

- Brinton Mahoney 

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God’s firmness resembles a pagoda, because both are immovable and stable. God will never allow us to be alongside the devil or anything harmful because of our choices or anything else, God will always shield us from Satan’s evil ways. The Pagoda is a building which has many meanings, but the one that represents God the most is being a small shelter, and again God himself will always be our sanctuary for any reason. Perhaps you had a bad day, or you are asking for forgiveness because of sins or for making poor choices. Last but not least, a pagoda is also beautiful, graceful and elegant. Without God’s firmness there wouldn’t be any earth or His beautiful creations. - Chris Chow

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God is like water because He provides us with water as a sign of protection. By providing us with water He allows us to live and function. With the sun to keep us warm and help farmers to grow different types of crops, such as fruits and vegetables, the rain is a big factor. It allows man to survive with clean drinking water, and rivers and oceans where many different sea creatures live. God looks down and protects us with enough water to keep us healthy and alive.

-Connor Donohue 7-A

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God’s Love God’s love in me has some of the same characteristics as the ocean. God is sometimes like a rough, choppy ocean. Waves can crash on top of you, just like God being angry for all the sins being committed. On the other side of that, God can be like a gentle and caressing ocean: when I follow all God’s rules and commandments, and I live in peace with others around me. Following the rules just keeps everything more orderly in my life. The ocean’s tide also reminds me of God. When I turn to God, the tide is high in my life, meaning everything is running smoothly thanks to God. When I turn away from God, the tide of my life becomes low. Then nobody is happy! If I stick with God everything will be okay!!! - David Grupen 7A

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God is like my dog. Both are forever understanding and are there when I need them. When I whistle for my dog, she’s there in a flash. When I pray to God I know He’s always listening. God comforts me, just like when I hug my dog and I instantly feel better. God cheers me up, just like when my dog does something cute or funny that makes me laugh, even when I’m sad. God is always there for me during my hard times. Both of them love me and I love them. Elizabeth Mueller 7A

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God’s heart is like a feather. Just like the brim of a feather, God’s heart is soft; He is merciful. God is truly gentle and kindhearted. When a feather touches me, it is like God’s touch. I feel warm and comforted in side, as if my heart has been cleansed. For example, when I am down in the dumps, God comforts me and makes everything alright. God touches my heart, feels my agony, and nullifies the pain.

Feathers are everywhere and so is God. He watches everything thing I do from above in His kingdom. So although He is not literally around me, He still knows everything that I have done. Feathers are from birds, the symbol of purity, and they descend into my life.

No one knows God’s appearance, but I do know His inner complexion. He is brilliant, tender, merciful, sympathetic, and passionate. This is why God’s heart is like a feather. - Gloria Miao

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God’s guidance reminds me of a pair of glasses because He helps me to see the good and bad in life. He keeps me focused on the good. Sometimes He has to pull me towards the right path and block me from seeing the evil. He clears my thoughts when I’m in doubt. He guides me through life.  

Eyeglasses help me see better by correcting my vision. When I wear glasses, the prescription of the lens bends the light before it enters my eyes. The glasses focuses on the picture at the back of my eye. The retina then sends a clear message to the brain. This is similar to the way God keeps me focused on doing good in life. - Nicole Aviles

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 God’s power is like a skyscraper. It towers over other buildings like God who towers above all the human beings He created. A skyscraper shelters people from the elements like water and wind. God also shelters us from many dangers. A skyscraper is massive, so it is sturdy against damage from other objects. It is made with quality materials so it doesn’t fall apart. It is strong to withstand the weight on it, like people. God is strong to withstand almost anything and can change what happens in an area. So a skyscraper relates to God in many ways.

- Jase Sasaki

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 God’s actions are like words in a book. Every word in a book has a meaning like how everything God does is meaningful. An example is His son died on the cross for a reason and that reason was so He could forgive everyone for all of their sins. Also words in a book can be a guide. God too guides us through life. Words in a book guide you to the end of the story. They are powerful because a few words can influence the reader or change the story around completely. God is powerful too because He can influence us to alter our lives for the better  By: Jason Calabrese 7A  

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