2007 survivability & health

2007 Survivability & Health Center for Missional Research

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2007 Survivability & Health . Center for Missional Research. 12 Denominations/Networks. Southern Baptist Sovereign Grace Ministries Baptist General Conference Leadership Network General Baptists Wesleyan New Thing Network Assemblies of God Evangelical Free Foursquare Christian Church - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


2007 Survivability & Health Center for Missional Research

12 Denominations/NetworksSouthern Baptist

Sovereign Grace MinistriesBaptist General Conference

Leadership NetworkGeneral Baptists

WesleyanNew Thing NetworkAssemblies of GodEvangelical Free

FoursquareChristian Church

Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

METHODOLOGY Sample: A sample of 2266 church plants were selected among 12

denominations or church planting networks of which 2080 were determined to still exist or not.

500 Plants: Over 1000 church plants were contacted by phone to determine their survival, of which 500 completed the telephone survey

100 Factors: Over 100 factors were tested for higher attendance and baptisms as well as church plant survivability.

EFCA: Round 1: 20 Planters, Round 2: 46 additional, Total: 66

Researchers: Ed Stetzer, Phillip Connor. www.namb.net/cmr

Worship StylesWorship Style All EFCA

Traditional 8% 2%

Contemporary 62% 80%

Postmodern/Emerging 4% 7%

Blended 19% 11%

Seeker 1% 7%

Fellowship/Relational 1%

No Identified Style 2%

Church Planting ModelsChurch Planting Model All EFCA

Identified with a model 19% 41%

Purpose Driven 35% 22%

Ethnic 11%

Relational 10%

Ministry Based 7%

Seeker Targeted 6% 7%

Team 24% 31%

We are emerging, organic, slightly seeker, purpose influenced, Acts 30- because 29 is already taken, Hispanic, house church that meets in a movie theatre and is on an Incarnational mission.

Denominational AssistanceAll EFCA

Coach 74% 88%CP Peer Network 60% 67%

Training 79% 73%Bootcamp 52% 93%Internship 9%

Demographic Information 49% 34%College Degree 61% 81%

Seminary Degree 56% 75%

Networks are the buzz (54 affinity networks), but denominations are planting many more networks.

Sponsoring ChurchesFactor All EFCA

Had Sponsoring Church 61% 67%

Provided Funding 80% 92%

Loaned Lay People 37% 53%

Provided Mentorship 63%

Loaned Pastor To Preach 28%

Loaned Church Building 39%

Three Major Questions

1. Survivability: How many plants survived?

2. Growth: Did they grow?

3. Conversion: What was their evangelistic effectiveness?

100 FactorsSurvivability: 4 Growth: 10 Evangelism: 5

1. Expectations Factor 1. Expectations Factor

2. Leadership Development 2. Leadership Development

3. Training Factor 1. Training Factor

4. Membership Expectations

4. Financial Factor 5. Financial Factor 2. Financial Factor

6. Promotion Factor 3. Promotion Factor

7. Ministry Factor 4. Ministry Factor

8. Reproduction Factor 5. Reproduction

9. Location Factor

10. Team Factor: EFCA

3. Planter Network

1. SurvivabilityDo 80% of church plants fail?

Survivability: 68%, EFCA: 87%

Good News The vast majority of church plants survive!

EFCA: Did very well in this area.

There is probably less risk planting a church than taking a first pastorate.

There has been a major change in the survival rate of church plants in the last decade due to reproducible systems.

Church Plant SurvivabilityFour Critical Factors

1. Expectations FactorWhen the church planter’s expectations

meet the reality of the church planting experience, the chance of survivability increases by over 400 percent.

– Realized expectations: 87% survivability – Unrealized expectations: 61% survivability

2. Leadership Development If the church planter provides

leadership development training for new church members, the odds of survivability increase by over 250 percent.

– Training: 79% survivability– No Training: 59% survivability

3. Planter Network FactorThe church planter who meets with a group

of church planting peers at least monthly increases the odds of survivability by 135 percent.

– CP Network: 83% survivability – No Network: 67% survivability

4. Financial FactorChurch plants that have a proactive

stewardship development plan enable the church to become financially self-sufficient. They also increase the odds of survivability by over 178 percent.

– Stewardship plan: 81% survivability– No Stewardship plan: 68% survivability– Only factor to show up all three areas.

Survivability Summary Since late 1990’s

most church planting groups are using a systems approach to church planting.


EFCA Corrections

1. Expectations Factor– Assessments too high, Proposals too optimistic,

Coaching & Bootcamp too soft

2. Leadership Development– Beef up leadership development: BC, Coaching

3. Planter Networks– Emphasis Intentional CP Networks

4. Financial Factor– Realistic Financial Projections

2. GrowthWhat is the growth rate of church plants?

Church Growth: Attendance

Growth Rate

EFCA Corrections: 2007 ThemeSurvivability: 4 Growth: 10 Evangelism: 5

1. Expectations Factor 1. Expectations Factor

2. Leadership Development 2. Leadership Development

3. Training Factor 1. Training Factor

4. Membership Expectations

4. Financial Factor 5. Financial Factor 2. Financial Factor

6. Promotion Factor 3. Promotion Factor

7. Ministry Factor 4. Ministry Factor

8. Reproduction Factor 5. Reproduction

9. Location Factor

10. Team Factor: EFCA

3. Planter Network

Ten Growth Factors

1. Expectations FactorThe church planters’ expectations are

realized to a large degree.

The church planter has a vision of what God wants to do, and they don’t get distracted from the accomplishment of that vision.

Because of this focus, they achieve greater results and find greater satisfaction.

2. Leadership Development Leadership is taken seriously in higher attendance

church plants.

Church plants that experience higher attendance conduct leadership training, build their leadership base, and delegate leadership roles to church members.

This is an ongoing process from the time of the plant throughout its lifetime. It's not left to chance or to personal initiative

3. Training Factor Bootcamp: Training for planter prior to launch

Class 101: Church plants that experience the best attendance results provide training for new members and communicate clearly the expectation that they participate.

CLASS System: Training is used to help new members better understand the Christian faith, know the organization and culture of the church, and learn how they can identify and use their gifts and find a place to serve.

4. High Expectations Membership These church plants also

require new members to sign a church covenant.

They know that it’s imperative for new members to take their commitment to the church seriously as soon as they’ve committed their lives to Christ.

5. Financial Factor Those who attract more people see financial stewardship

as an integral part of the Christian life and necessary for personal growth.

As these churches develop stewards, they also develop their church and become self-sufficient.

The planters in churches with higher attendance receive financial compensation, allowing them to focus on the church's growth, not their own basic needs.

They also receive health insurance and most of the premiums are paid for by the church plant, the sponsoring church, or the denomination.

All: Budget & Attendance

6. Promotion Factor High attendance church plants mail

invitations to services, programs, and events.

Though this is important for any church, it's critical for church plants. It helps establish your presence and purpose from the start.

These church plants keep awareness high, which keeps their visitors, attendees, and members involved and informed.

Promotion & PublicityAll EFCA

Word of Mouth 45% 60%

Mailers 24% 26%

Internet, Web 9% 14%

Newspaper Ads 23% 38%

Road Signs 8% 8%

Television Ads 10% 10%

Mailers- New Movers 3% 2%

Door Hangers 12% 12%

Telephone Campaigns 2% 0%

7. Ministry Factor Children: Special children’s events such as a fall

festival or Easter egg hunt help church plants gain and sustain attendance.

Block Parties: These church plants also conduct block parties as an evangelistic outreach.

Holidays: They use holidays or other opportunities to attract people and to be attractive to those who are already attending.

8. Reproduction Factor Higher

attendance church plants look for missional opportunities and start at least one church within three years of their own plant.

9. Location Factor Where the church plant began has an impact on its

ability to grow.

Church plants that begin in school facilities have some obvious benefits, such as visibility, access, parking, and classroom -worship space.

After the first year—church plants meeting in both schools and movie theaters exhibit higher attendance.

This is basic church growth 101.


All EFCASchool 12% 20%

Theater 2% 3%

Church 20% 17%

Homes 9% 14%

Business 14% 17%

Hotel 2% 7%

Community Hall 8% 14%

10. Team Factor Planters have been

assessed for suitability.

They also have multiple staff, facilitating steady and more sustainable growth.

Their planters are full-time, not part- or half-time. The indication is—limiting staff limits potential for numeric growth.

Growth Summary EFCA: Our plant growth is slightly higher.

Big Picture: Growth much lower than we anticipated.

Rocket ship planters are not the norm.– Planters doing conferences, writing books– Rocket ship planters: Probably about 20%– Associate pastors in large healthy churches.

Don’t have to settle for low numbers.– EFCA: 100, 200, Reproducing are realistic– Need to have realistic growth expectations.

3. Conversion GrowthAre church plants growing by conversions?

Conversions Per Year

Conversion Growth Rate

EFCA CorrectionsConversion Growth Rate: Move from

13% to 20% Prayer Goal

Evangelism Best Practices (Large Churches)

Reproduction Best Practices (House Church)

Five Evangelism Factors

1. Training Factor Training is high on the list of priorities.

Development of members and staff is a constant process.

They provide leadership training to help support the requirements of their expanding ministries.

They delegate leadership roles to church members. They believe in a team approach to ministry.

2. Financial FactorSelf Supporting: Having a proactive

stewardship development plan enabling the church to be financially self-sufficient

Full time planter: working full-time over part-time as the church planter.

EFCA: Major factor in EFCA plants.

Stewardship & Conversion

3. Promotion Factor Sending out mailers to invite people to services

and church events is part of a strategy they use to reach their communities for Christ.

The church plants with higher baptisms would not consider "hiding their lamp under a basket" (Matt. 5:15).

They promote and publicize. They use various means to tell their story, so that ultimately they can tell His story.

4. Ministry FactorBlock party: conducting a block party as

an outreach activity

Children’s programs: Conducting a mid-week children’s program.

Special events: Conducting a children’s special event (i.e., Fall Festival)

5. Reproduction Factor

Evangelism: Church plants with higher baptism counts engage in ministry evangelism—food banks, emergency shelters, drug and alcohol recovery programs, and other ministries.

Needs: They recognize that the community will not connect with their church unless they connect with their community. They look for needs, and find ways to meet those needs.

Planting: Starting at least one daughter church within three years of the church plant.

Reproduction & Conversion

Conversion Summary EFCA: This a growth area for us. We did worse than other plants.

Church plants that evidenced consistently higher baptisms over a four-year period were intentional about their ministries and involved in their communities.

They practiced what they proclaimed—evangelism, church planting, stewardship, and training for leaders and new members. They used promotion effectively.

They help us understand that higher baptisms are not an accident. Neither are they a work that we accomplish. But they are a work that God does through us as we focus on the things that matter most.


Financial OverviewEFCA Funding Offerings Total

Year 1 32,395 31,182 63,577

Year 2 26,514 45,558 72,072

Year 3 7,890 44,470 52,620

Year 4 5,901 68,046 73,947

Total 72,700

All Denominations Funding Offerings TotalYear 1 34,002 38,058 72,060

Year 2 27,051 53,502 80,553

Year 3 19,785 74,550 94,335

Year 4 19,344 90,655 109,999

Total 100,182

Funding: Outside Sources

Receipts: Offerings

Total Budget: All

Total Budget: EFCA

Total Budget: EFCA vs. All

Financial Self-Sufficiency

EFCA: Budget & Attendance