digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/.../gpreview/1945-49/48/1948-01-15.pdf · 2006. 3....

HH,n 0\ J.RHE\D • PHONE VA 2-1162 I , I ~,th('l Dot\' ma1"a"cr (), tl10 \\ "I- :0'1 P,,'rco ,lo'h,.,,, qt()re 'It l-'~:lO K, rch"vll I' nort. rl t., (" t\ 1'<,1Cl' 'iltur iit\ 'l"t,,' ..., .... in ~"" 1\ 1 off' \. t- ~ a. ,,(\mar So hat ",a' ..... t'd at 1$:;8,)\1. a M-O-R-E f LOCAL ADVEltiiSI Ne 1 LOCAL CIRCULATION LOCAL NEWSMATTER a~----------- BY CARRIER 10<: A MONTH Get to Gro.se Pointe'. FIRST New.paper :------------~-~----~-~~=~-------~~~:':=:_::':'7_=~' CIRCULATION PAID MONTHLY GROSSE POINTE 30, MICHIGAN - THURSDAY, JANUARY 15,1948 ceT PICSKIN PREVIEW ITE--I AGRAPHS The Pointer --- -NO. 24 COMPLETE Iy the REVIEW Gives l'oa verage of ALL 8omes! Groue Potute & Gratiot brpe. those present was Dr es, Grosse Pomte Health nero -!"er p .hn\\'l1 of watprfront I and outlying caus!;s of s are warned to note the L" Ing regulatiOn:" m the v - Lakep0lnte - Mar) land I < f :!J to thl' sewage construc- rway, Park police have I'd to curb parking pC!- I 4' , POint" ~ Dr John C por-I ed at the Paul Bunyan I 's Club s speCIal meeting "Waterfront PollutIOn," ~the Harmome Club last , ,~. :J b 7\1.- h ~Eppichs Unaerway Fe ruary lYlnt Wins 1948 Plan Wide (J CROSSE POINTE'S FIRST BABY OF THE YEAR Stork Race C - ..-.;' -;1~t ~ 1- r~ J" Though Randa,1l Joseph EpPIch am pa I 9 n " lS only 16 days old he hu earned '\" an array of valuable gifts ror hIm- ?/ "~ ,elf and hlS parents by being A - t TB * named Grosse POinte s ":FIrst gal n S Baby of 1948" I Proclaimed WInner of the GroSM On Monda)', Feb 9, Grosse i.. Pomtp ReVlew's Annual First Pomte Will Inaugurate a dnve to I ,>17" Baby of the Year" contest, the m- Chest-X-Ray every person over Hi I fant Will receIve a host of useful ,years of age In the Commumty's and handsome gIfts from leadIng I tight against tuberculosIs ~ Grosse POint .. merchants I Begmmng on the aforesaid date I EARLY ARRIVAL I and continuing for four weeks. the "You rp the father of & 1 pound I Health MobJle X-Ray Umt Will be baby boy," Dr John MacKenzie. at central locations In the com- attending phYSICian. told Mr. Imumty Time and places Will be (J.lchard EPPiCh, Jr, shortly after I announced. 4 a m. on New Year's Day at Cottage HOSpItal cn IC LEADERS The infant made his debut in~ Ml'anwhlle CIVIC leaders have \ the world very aUllpiclOusly as he Jomed forces WIth the Grosse took top-stork honors wallunr POinte and the Wayne County away. No other early 1lH8 Health Dppartments and Tubercu- I arrIVals were reported.- losls and Health socIety to mark He IS the t1.rst child of Mr. and ~le9 stated that though Getting a preview of the pigskin that bears the I the program With t'"mplete suc-I Mrs. Eppich who relllde at 1010 JOMlPS were taking steps f 1 f t cess Vernier road WIth the baby'.' Pollution the problem auto~phs of the Michigan eleven are rom e t 0 Ge EI th" NeIghborhood t>.- orge wor ~.. grandmother, MrII. Joseph Fume- .ever be ellmmated until nght Mr, F. Raymond Jeff, vice--president of the Club dIrector, and a sta1I of vol- takes actIon against the Grosse Pointe U of M Club; Jim Flom and Bill Webb, j uftteer workers WIll comb the ga~,! offiCial winner is a member lamped mto our lakes and members of Grosse Pointe's High School's varsity foot- TownshIp WIth a house to house of one of Grosse Pomte's olden 'by mdustry. ball 'n be t I k canvas urglOg perllOns to take the familIes He Is the --'enth '"""-t- ;, ball team. The WI gIven 0 so_meuc y person R t =_ 0-- ", Chest - X - &y; an examma Ion I grandchild of Mu. Edmund C. r.4 W1!ek CIty police reported in the audience at the Rose Bowl movies at the Pierce that rl'qUlres less than five ¥ Vernier who also resides with the 1l1lMft of a Silver fox fur coat auditorium, Monday evening. mInutes of one's time, W'... th _ Gros"e POlllle BU.'ll"5il men' ~"plchll. She IS e widow of ... NIt!L.. Edrn:.)' G~m;,an, of Dc- ------------------------------ ~ IX ... , late E C Vernier t fonner Groue Iiti • told pohce that the gar- ISh have promised to see that all theIr L~ Pomte supervisor and pioneer set- ~ taken from her car while Laca I Rose' Bow ow employees take the examination. HoldIng Randall Joseph Eppich, Grosse Pointe's First Baby of the Year is his tIer, In whose honor Vernier Road ~ >8lt,ending a New Year's Health o1Ilculis saId that busI- mother, Mrs. Richard Eppich, Jr., of 1010 Vernier Road. The other two admirers W&!l named 8 -- at the Alger Club, ne!l8 pla.ces haVIng a complete dCV ' (1 ft) d l.:_ d th The proud father ill 24 yeal'll of ..:rr- I I .C ItS II0 t II lu ld t 1 are his great-grandmother, Mrs. Edmun . ermer, e an UUI gran mo er, ~ German mIght have been a e u turnout WI receive s I' sop ace age and i!I In the egg busmesB lQ 'E ssed whpn pohce 10' S0 mpee - m thelr "'indows stating "loo,/" Mrs. Joseph Finnegan. It IS reported that at the tune this picture was taken the DetroIt and Grosse P01Ote. Mrs. revealed that thp fur X-Ray" proud father was st1l1out passmg Clg&rl! .. Eppich is 22 and il the fotmer taken at all Mrs Ger- TIckets for the Rose Bowl I The Umverslty of MIchIgan PI~s are bemg made by local - ....... 'MU1lII Mary Finnegan. Just placed It In the football film sho'o\omg at the: Club of Grosst' Pointe, sponsors of i sen'lce clUbs such as the Rotary, Auto K-Ills U if M Al · S b. A.'\i,"NUAL OO~"TI:ST ,. PIerce School allditonum on }Olon- the event, regret thl'lr Ina.tllll.t.y to Lions, Klwams, OptimISts, and ~ 0 Umnl u mIls Dr. Mackenzie, the attendin. f ,. day, Jan 19. at 8 pm were sold supply the demand for tickets others to travel to the Mobile Unit pbysician furnished this newspa. IIII' "'*g of furs Grosse Pomte Ilke the proverbl&! 'hot cakes" They are hoping to schedule a 10 body for the X-Ray, M 'C. ar (1 h 1 h_ per a Signed letter acknOWledging -..-01 studpnts found a npck Orlgmally the mOVIe was sched- second showmg but as yet no MOTHEJjlS HELP Pdt. ames L'& ~c atars. IVS the exact tune and place of the !Cle III front of the doorway uled to be presented at Grosse I defImte plans have been made Mrs Charll's E Lord, preSIdent e esri an :c . young heIr's birth in accord WIth ~ mormng It was turnedj Pomte High School s aUdltonum One club OffICial reported that lof the Grosse Pomte HIgh School the contest MIler. In' ~ .ms pollce. which can accomodate 600 but I even members have been unable Mother s Club promlse~ strong Park pohce reported that Emory The Grosse Pointe UnIversIty I widow of the late.John Lynch, The •• ~rst Baby of the _Yea: , due to the tremendous demand I to obtam ~Ickets support from the club \\luch has Jodts, 60. of 1342 Wayburn, died 1 10 , MIchigan Alumru CiuD has Seftt I former regent at Mlclugan; Dr I comest IS sponsored annwuly D]II' ~ down thc ncxt b.ock I for tlckets the change was made I \\ ally \\ eber, U of M assIstant more than 700 members Monday In Bon Secours hospItal as 15 apphcatlons to U of M's Re-j John Cobane, Dr, J, C Porter, Mr. thiS newspaper in co-operatlon 11 be ~ locatIOn of the new to PIHce lludltonum whIch seats football coach IS expected to at- Churches have agreed to spread I a result of lnJunes sustained when gent Scholarslup comuuttee for Arthur Stock and Mrs. Bert spur-] WIth the local merchants Though acieUI lliadquarters of H Buck- 900. However, despIte the change tend the local presentation ot the thl' word to theIr congrpgatlOnq I he was struck by a car while conSIderatIon I rler. It cloes not matter where the baby ~ ~t" plu,"l1<-. Th".l' h.. v" all spats have been sold and no moVlP as narrator, Mrs James McEvoy, Jr, has crossmg Mack near Somerset last The applications were submltted 19 born, ItS parents must be ea. IlIl ftpatnng local pipes standmg room WIll be permltted. FollOWing the fIlm a football volunteered her serVIces to contactj Fnday evenlllg. after careful study of scholastic tablJshed reSIdents of Grosse lDl'lda place at 15108 Kercheval ~------------- autographed by Bob ChapPlus, Detrolt radIO statIOns. \VaYne County Prosecutor James records of all Grosse Pointe Hlgh W D POI~te or GratIot Townslup. _ r&~ofyt'ars, 1S Mlchlgans All-AmerIcan half. The three Pomte Theatres'lN, McNally questIoned the dnverlschool semors, loman river When a ReVIew reporter m. A nnea aves back and the entIre champlonsillp Punch and JUdy, Aloma and Es- Iof the car Hennan A Degnorl', of ScholarshIps &re ott'ered an- formed the parents of the good 1"- lIWe shanty on Lake st Tr. team \o:hlle thpy were m CalLfor- qUlrp. promlqe thl'lr support Fight IDetrOIt. who IS reported to have' nually by the college for qual1- 5 h B news, the young father said • ...... the Farms Pier IS own- ma \\,11 be gIven to a luck) per. I TB films v.'1.l1be shown dunng the I said that thp Vlctlm stepped mto I tied students graduating from the I mas es US' have a cigar:" Mrs Epp~h eA. ~ .rated by Sgt Andrpw Youth's Li Ie son In the audll'nce. drive the path of the car from m be- accredIted I11gh llChools of Mlchl- , claImed, • Oh, It's Wonderful!" ., the Farnls pohce He !oj I; , Volunteers WIll address groups I twppn twn nAl"lcpn ant,.,. Th.. D'!H! F But the htt.!c "g-..lY" whc w:s -6at tnI.' Ice fisnmg ousI- 1 I The plOgr...... ",n open "LL.i1 at Yl./\ ana otner local meetlngS'j drlvE'r was r;leased 1 0 Successful applicants WIll bE' II nlure S OU r !responSIble for it all did not have far thIS season IS not JlK arv LJ1~DLe'u ~hchl.e;an mUSIC by the flft)-fl\e Art Conlan preSident of the lIofe'l There were no v.,tnesses announced next Apnl by the um-I any comment to make. He waa lY.ll ;,I' v.n. "0 pu"ce HIgh school band, who WII! tropolItan Club said that members I The death marks the thIrd fatal' versltv. A woman driver who IS alleged sound asleep, 1I!lP.'.. Ibe .e;uests of the Club ~Iembprs of thiS organization would co-op- I accldpnt to occur on Mack avenue i Last year four local 'students to have falled to observe a stop I Mr. and Mrs, Eppich WIll reo Hebert L Hl'!<er Rrrl\'ed Staibey Brys, 17, who wa~ ac- of the football tl'ams of Gro~se I erate compll'tely. : recent!\- Durmg last month two I received the scholarslups whIch i ~treet crashed mto a bus at Char- ceIVe a lettl'r of credIt from the I.' on Farmbrook road cldentally shot last week While POinte Hlgh, Dr S, and St Pauls The forerunnpr of all thiS aC-1 other pedestrians .... ere kIlled while pa~: the semester fees for the IlevolX and CadIeux sending four Revlew whIch \\,11 entItle them to ,tlught hp had good news Ihunting n..ar hIS home at 21150 I WIll also be .e;uest~ of th .. club I tl\'lty \\ as a meetmg of the Pub- i attemptmg to cross ~fack I freshman year. Wlth prO\'SlOn for persons to Bon Secours Hospital the fol!o""nl\' gift.!!' _tie \\'oman It conslstl'd I Marter road, may lose hIS ll'ft leg, The film I~ bEIng brought to hc EducatIon CommItteI' held at I --------------- renewal through the sophomore, Mrs Augusta "W. Stuemke, 3M GIFTS USTED from $3,850 to $4200 It was rE'ported bv the youth:;; thIS community U1rough thp ef- the Board of EducatIon last Thurs- .---------------.: JunIOr and spmor years If scholas' Umverslty, drlvpr of the auto, re- Bottle of Paul Masson Cal1~or- blllldLng supermtendent parents Mr and Mrs Henry A Ifo_rts of the program commIttee, I da\', , P('ZZLE COSTE!ilT bc performance warrants I celved a shattered elbow and minor I ma Champagne _ Village \\' 1J18 POlllt Park The coun. IBryg who stated that thanks to \\ arren Henry Jones and ~Irs "Ith Forrest Gear~ pre~ldmg .-\..,,",SOrXCED The ~cho[arshlps are deSigned to I brUIses Su1Il'nng shght mJurles I Shop I'd the salary hIke at al the many gl'nerous donors \\bo Bert Spurrier Others \\ho havl' the follm\,ng members attended tO I contnbute to the development of were Mrs OIO'a Holmberg 805 1 Flrqt dmner out for the pArents onday afternoon. rl'sponded to their appeal for Stall.j bN'n actwe In commIttee work I plan the extpnSl\'p campaign' I A SPl'Clal • Puzzle FE'ature" IE'adershlp and productnre C1tlzen-1 Xotrp Dame ~[rs Barbara ~{a- -Lakl'pomte Inn Il'y s rare type blood, hIS hfe was are \\ alter E Ppar Club Presl' I (Contmued on Pagt' 2) bpgms In thiS \\ eek s Re\,ew of. shIp In all parts of Mlchlgan b~,1 darasz, 243 Kem'ood and ~[rs Flr~t paIr of baby shoes--Kne- rl~an Johnnv LU1ack sawd I dent T Ra) mond Jeffs, JO'K'ph j ------.- fenng cash przes to rl'aders I makmg thE' t:'mver!llt\"s educa.1 Ma~' Orr 8&5 Xotre Dame ger S Shoeq , R'f F dJ FI "0 PRO" LER The conte~t "Ill continue for ',' IT •• II ~ - thp Sports Cavalcade Thl'lr apD('al appeared In the P-'I H Parsons ., rs re om, " ., tlol"'al resou.cell morp WIdely Police saId the three women he fir;:t cRn 0, lormula _pre- H Th C t I t t 13 \\epk~ pre~('ntln.e: dL1ferent d b h h ",,' t ~sorpd by thl' St Clar .. !\'P\\ last \\eek. Dr John C Porter al"'d om p - j 1 y po .ce ~n~l's Iga mg a 'a\8Jlablp to promlsmg \oung men WE're passengt'rs In the Lakeshore scnbp v te p ySlclan-,.o re ~er Gro~~e Pomtt' Park Spe The Brys askpd thl' Revll'w to I son Stock, prowler r('port at ,4/ RIvard Blvd 1 pUZZles and cash awards each and women of the qtate bus \\ hlch \\ as dnven b) Ed\\ ard Dame Pharmacy l, T~.story on the sports IextE'nd theIr lllncerp appreciatIOn I Procped~ \\"111go to the club s found no trace of an llltruder In I \\ eek. I They are also planned to help J ~[aJchlzah of St ClaIr Shore.s A bouquet of fio\\ ers for the .; ! I to thl' man) per~ons who ha\ p b!'pn I SchollU'~hlp Fund thp \'Clnlty .tudents of ability who ,nthout I Both vphldes \\ ere conslderably mother--Harlow J Lmgeman ~' •. rokl~Md~ns~~te~th~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~p ~uld ~d It fu~run dama~d I &t~ Warmu-Gro~e Pmn~ O~ at t'l(, Punch ano Jud\'1 Includmg' the neIghb 0 r S and Ex .. r'o'lJDrnor if r' . 'T'o Slfeak £J etoD or lmpo~~lble to secure a unlver-I Pollce ~a,d that :\[r. Stupmke Home A Dphance Co r: ~n < \ Olce "A notNj au- Gro~e Pomt;> \\ ood~ b II sIn t' ~ • Ul ,.~ 0 ueOrfTla .L 4 fl. ,~ <.tv I'ducatlQn or \ m~ on ('adIP\lX fallpd to stop , FrPp ('lea'1 nl' of a bathrobe for 1lritJ:.,-.y~ 1\ gIrl q chancp~ of mpn who ga\p $154 "blch the) 0 \ Follo\\,ng arl' the general e-on- for Charl"'olx Shl' IS cnarged .hl' father or mother-Impenal ttiD(~I'I"d a~e gr('at If .he I collected m the nelghborhood l On H1IThoseCountrv Is Thi's. Anvwav?" rtltlOns the Alumm e-on!lldered In \\,th reckles~ dmmg ICl,'a",prq COIIIeI&achool teacher But pn-I --- -- YY j ",/ -'",/",/' selectmg the applicants I Ca-e of allorted Beechnut te IlI!Cfttam, have a bettE'r Fritsch To File I ,I I <tra 1"pd bab)- food-Slire Bros., IDee," At thlq pomt h('r !'scort. I "\\'hMI' Country Iq Thl', An\,. 'Ion for r"fOMl! of Gporg' it" an- \nth carl'ful fiscal 0pl'ratl('n~ en-I a) A good ~cholaro;hlp record R l. 'T". k t I Succe~o;or< to :\tcllo!lllan s ienUpted her \\ Ith •But If \OU IFor Village Pres. I" a\ ~ \\ III be the SUbject of for- l tlqulltcd pt"nal '\ ,'.'n and pro- abll'd GeorgJa to bee-orne solwnt bl An acceptablE' numbH of 0 lee .L Ie e I " -\ five dollar bank aCCOU1"tfor lilt tlIe fastest re~ult~ USl' want I Homer C FrItsch Park comml'- mcr G(nernor Elh~ G Arnall s lec-: vlden a <) ~tem of ab,,' ,:. , \ otl'1g tlnanclally for the first tIme In ItS u:uts for, adnus.slon to the I I th" bab\-- Grn<sl' Pomte Bank • III t1Ie Gro ...... ' Pomte- Rp..,cw ' Slc.n('r, m<ll<ated that hl' \\ III b('- ture on TIIPsday e\pmng January I I history I l.:mvE'rslt\ : R k'D. I A red leathpr gol<l embossed --------------1 come a canthdatl' for Villai:'l' r"e~I' i 20th 8 30 pm at thp John D: An ardl'nt ad\ ocatl' of '!1('a<ure< I c1 Good hl'alth r<>latlvl' m&tlll" ee leSS rl ver ['hot" album-Judy q Gift Shop d('nt at thp pnrnarv el... ctlOn m P,erc ... Audltorlllm undpr thE' au<-, to !'ltmmatl' thp lr('l1tht rate d, •• I Ih', and unque!tloned mtl'g-j I A ~("\ Dohb < hat. 'or the father -1-============1 ~farch He ...xp('cts to tile <hortl) p)('e~ of Gro«e Pomnte commu'l I cnmJn"t,()nq that »a\'e r",tnct ..<l nt\ -\\-. \\ St ...r,r;: 0' 11115 Kon. -Prnp ...r ~ '\[1'1"' , \\ ear • -m"mh"r? 'Pr!"lo('nt HO\\llr<l P Pllr.ha:1 n':\ r..... tur('. thl' I'rm\'th 0' Smlth ...r" ,nou<tn dl 4, Tl'al de',rp to acqUlrt' a ~ n~t(\r f)lld \\ a, ~<.J,'1 a' " ..t -\ haln <" m;: - AI ~ BIcycle .,. ~ ~. ,tlltl'd that he \\ll! not se('k re- F:lhs Arnall nf G<'or;:la a lJ. GO\ 4, '1" all J" 'u'NI ,\I,' ''1 'h.' umver<lt\ I'd~C8tInn • for rerh.,'''' ir' l"_ );'. (", r '\' I Sa'" ;lnrl :-"r\ r" electIon I bora I author and \'Olln~e.t .2'n\'- In lh .. name ()f 'he .ta:" nf \,por;:'a e) A CarRClt\' .nt.• 'll'Tl1t1can, Pnl ~~ <a <l that 'f" Ster' 'l; Bah\ Bathml'.t" _ t'n to'; Out- ---==========0 I ------- I t'M1nr of all' stat ... 1<rt'coJ<"T11zt'd R~ a;:llm.t th" ma or railrMHI c,'m, partiCIpation In comrnumt) ca'el •• 1\ hat ".01 J", a I1arh"rl tit! ng- C' 2ft \t:\R~ -\CTO ,th. Snuth~ gr ..ate!lt l'<lue-atlo'1al , IPS" ..... char;:,-" 111,'rnT>0h,tICnrllC- l.fp .a' o,,.,ed h\ J P K .... " of 1007 -\ ~10 '1"rtnL <ti'r:1l7"r-Roulo ~ C \ e r l1l('r all i Stanli) Tmrpulse Leads lanrl poltt.cal 1l'aoer <!ncc thl' CI\,II I t,e-'" and o'~CrlmlnatlOn, it;:" nqt fI Fmancllll,"l'pd Har\ ard . ')81 Hard\\ are --- t fr .l.l . \\ ar Ge)rg',a port. Th., ~lIlt \\ll< Ill, rl ~[.'mber~ 0, th" loe-a] alolmm Th d'[ I Bab\ ba«'1""ll" _ Jacob!l('ln! ~vln \\t r{" op't"W'!1l"'nllll 0; ~ ~ a( 1... h"'1t. Olcurrf' :'f'sr .. "r ~ 111 the Town.hlp elec. 1 HI' ha~ <ervpd a~ a membE'r and m thf' Supr"m~ (",)lIrt of th(' l"nlt ..d board .'"hlch .... Joct...d thE' apnl.- Kt'anf' q hon.. \\ om('n < Anparel ia ~I' DemocratIc t\ckt't "'outh A ~ttoilV sp('aker pro-t('rm of th ... HOlls... ofl Statt" and .. thl' tlr~t Judle-,al test II l'antq Includl" M~ John Lynch &th car~ ~u1I"red sl~,ht dam- Bathro,)n\ ru,;:-Rob ...rt E Har- ~ P 0 Connor was un, ~ 4 .II , H",/ Rl'prpqentatl\'t'~ or GPorl'la and as of It~ kInd In natIOnal hI<tor" ag('. n<on ("0 for f!',('I ... ctlOn a~ prl'sl' Attnrnpv <knpral In 1942 hI' de- Form('r Gowrnnr Arnl\ll svm' Two Fracture Arms _ __ _ __ ~\'\l'r bah\ lllo-A J F"r<t"r. th(' Vllla!(e of Gro<se A ,hot In the aIr ~toPPf'd II 14- feated El11i!"t'nl' Talmlldt:"1' for G<lv- OO1l7e<:l. 11"\\ l(eneratlOn of ~Ol1th- lice Sends Aged H ch "ha'r Randllll q Hrn.o;c of Iwar-old Groqqp POint" bo\ from ('rnor In th.' n... moe-ratlc Part\' i I'm 1l'l\d"r'hlp lIn<l '1," II ('ptan,1' At Waterfront Park Q ,,,,Ilt. rill''! t.Jr" H~ n'~ \\:I~ thr'l1ln" m~h,",;: an "<C:lp" aft"r attpmptlD';: pnm:ln anc1 \\ a~ elpetl'd m the I I dl'mon~! rllle~ that th(' i"'"nll' arl' I Cent To Hospital Re -'"~ -\lh.l~ _ Elc, tr(\7' -, Ap- 1(\110\\er. In Smllrt In .t",,1 Chn<tm". h;:ht~ on tho ;:onl'rlll ...]('(IJO'1 I Pllo::"r fnr h. -orl of Ipao.".h., PlI~k .... nj]( I" l"'port"d that t\\() ~ 1I" C ('~6 .;:ti(rart l)n pr"'n~rt\ ~f 6Q '1'\1"'0:)..01-.." An :.'1 co ,pr. rfl' l('~I'-::jA'I'f' pr...,.! H(\ "'t~'1ic:: (HI' ~c; on'" or P1(> prrq,n,...", \\("rp l1'lrt At thf' \'flIt~r.. 'r r:: l"l" "n '1'" ':;7 ...,r ~-1 F"r' ri h "'1 ~r' "'l .. 1'''' _ I Th,... ~h()' \"fIle: ftt,po h\ H Y.. ~1 ::Inl \'A1c; ;H'Pl()\ ...... rl h\ 'hf' G('(\r~ tl $:f"'tll'r q ~ )jt"l;;" ;=I j. 0( ~t('c;; a lrf 0n tr")nt P",..'I< 111(,;' \\~Pfl'k Th,..\ ,Arf' K "'h. -)11 \ilo;; '~h .., t) r "..l." C;' "' .. ('10 PA ..... '" r....... z rr) ""'\ ,0" -)'t.\R" \(.n O\I~l'e\ .... r\lIte l'<'l.c" Ot'flcr r \."'orhl\'\\ lh\r lh'N \ee,<aft('~ nf (hi'" ,,' i\ "', ... nrr, '1a1,\ e< Fc1\'a"rl S,,,llo- 41 nf 1311) :'-;nt. H",,.,'~' \\'h br\l,~~, to ho h",,1 ,n,"< of Th' G'<' .... Pnl.," Re- ~ n' "e\'horn ~"I'j 'fro \\ho hr o l1"h' tho \nuth to the hi< ~au;:ll'~' "11 I~c1I,rle,j - th"op ,In thf' I I ,.'i ~'"o< tolll\ ~llh"m 1\'10 G Ib..rt ~[plrov. 17 ard l ." \ ,"" , 1 ' h \£"h' ,\01''' "cl ,0 n ,""I'm' "O'HO ,t,,:,(\n mr,,_ure< \\CU 1I con-t,'lldOna I EX-eO\. AR~-\r.'., I It" l\ he a rar(' pr\ 'cil," to n~2 Blllh,r£"ha'l1 rllm,,' ,c~" i trl h' " f th(' \\(\l11 o n' Ori:lIn,za- Thl' hm \\ho \\1\< hom" fnr thl' I anlP,.,dmp'lt pl'nrltt,nli!" (' jO;htl'en- I h('ar th ~ br \1 ant .p,'ahor and :\(r Scallon sutJl'rl'd a rraetur('d I ~d on D1,' H t' at 18710 \fa K N"',nl'lI! Prnh,h,t,nn RI'-Ihn}rrl"yq from a &.Ion ~ch()01 tnld 1 Y P llrnic1 c,t'7"n< to \ot" an amt'nn-If'or mon and \\nol'1l'n In th ... afn'rrl l!:r~at ~tatO<"1'!l.n ,-'10'" holr! l"r"- l"n arm v.h.-r: he supP'''.:! un th.' ng' for II l!:t'npral el('ctton pohee that hE' W8~ taking a walk I ment p<tabl, ~hmg II t...acherq re-I ~t'1'VIC!" ThE' poll talC wa-~ t'hm.1 i:'re~~lvl ~m has won hIm national board \\ alk and young ScaUnn llU'-1 8RI': -\Ks "" DO\\ o<tlnn of tho' Rl'peal of ", hpn hI' l::ot a 'l1Ic1dt'nImp\ll~e to tlr ... mE'nt qy~tt'm Rmendm!'Tltq rl"! Inatpd anc1 a n('w statl' con~tltll-I aCrl:l.lm taml'd a frRcturl'd nlil'ht arm whpn ("It\ ;'>01 r, ,'" ,d Inl\t ~ l" PrnhTh,tlOn Am"nd- qhal 'lnmdhlni: mn\lDg th" llnJVCrII,l\ ~v~tl'm an<l tlon ad"pt"d On the ...dmml~tra" For r, ,'nal,o.,. \')11 mH "all he <katNI mto th(' qCII Wll~ 'no\\ hall h' '"e ~ '\ n 1, \ ,,' t" The lad \\a~ r<'l'8-.'U to h.~ par the cnmmo' Q"hool_fwmll'!\ f,'rm tl\,- ,,<It \'m' \1',.,,,11 pr")"t,rl,, th' (;\'« 1'0'" H'ud ,'I JodI" The\ \\('1,' bo,'h llIkl'n to Bon lInn, or A !..>,r," 0: l:>.>l::-;.,tr, :ellts. lof polltlcal conlrol, made provl- 1 reVISIon of the state budget \\ tuch t!On. ~ :l..':ara 2000, Ext. n"on 2~ ~p('nllr!lo hM!,J! "I by Park pnlLcE' D9.:"~.

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Post on 15-Feb-2021




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  • HH,n 0\ J.RHE\D

    • PHONE VA 2-1162

    I,I ~,th('l Dot\' ma1"a"cr (), tl10 \\ "I-:0'1 P,,'rco ,lo'h,.,,, qt()re 'It l-'~:lOK, rch"vll I' nort. rl t., (" t\ 1'17" Baby of the Year" contest, the m-Chest-X-Ray every person over Hi I fant Will receIve a host of useful

    ,years of age In the Commumty's and handsome gIfts from leadIngI tight against tuberculosIs ~ Grosse POint .. merchantsI Begmmng on the aforesaid date • I EARLY ARRIVALI and continuing for four weeks. the "You rp the father of & 1 poundI Health MobJle X-Ray Umt Will be baby boy," Dr John MacKenzie.at central locations In the com- attending phYSICian. told Mr.

    Imumty Time and places Will be (J.lchard EPPiCh, Jr, shortly after

    Iannounced. 4 a m. on New Year's Day at

    Cottage HOSpItalcn IC LEADERS The infant made his debut in~Ml'anwhlle CIVIC leaders have\ the world very aUllpiclOusly as heJomed forces WIth the Grosse took top-stork honors wallunr

    POinte and the Wayne County away. No other early 1lH8Health Dppartments and Tubercu- I arrIVals were reported.-losls and Health socIety to mark He IS the t1.rst child of Mr. and

    ~le9 stated that though Getting a preview of the pigskin that bears the I the program With t'"mplete suc-I Mrs. Eppich who relllde at 1010JOMlPS were taking steps f 1 f t cess • Vernier road WIth the baby'.'Pollution the problem auto~phs of the Michigan eleven are rom e t 0 Ge EI th" NeIghborhoodt>.- orge wor ~.. grandmother, MrII. Joseph Fume-.ever be ellmmated until nght Mr, F. Raymond Jeff, vice--president of the Club dIrector, and a sta1I of vol-

    takes actIon against the Grosse Pointe U of M Club; Jim Flom and Bill Webb, j uftteer workers WIll comb the ga~,! offiCial winner is a memberlamped mto our lakes and members of Grosse Pointe's High School's varsity foot- TownshIp WIth a house to house of one of Grosse Pomte's olden

    'by mdustry. ball 'n be t I k canvas urglOg perllOns to take the familIes He Is the --'enth '"""-t-; , ball team. The WI gIven 0 so_meuc y person R t =_ 0--", • Chest - X - &y; an examma Ion Igrandchild of Mu. Edmund C.r.4 W1!ek CIty police reported in the audience at the Rose Bowl movies at the Pierce that rl'qUlres less than five ¥ Vernier who also resides with the

    1l1lMft of a Silver fox fur coat auditorium, Monday evening. mInutes of one's time, W'... th _• Gros"e POlllle BU.'ll"5il men' ~"plchll. She IS e widow of ...NIt!L.. Edrn:.)' G~m;,an, of Dc- ------------------------------ ~ IX ... , late E C Vernier


    fonner GroueIiti • told pohce that the gar- ISh have promised to see that all theIr L ~ Pomte supervisor and pioneer set-~ taken from her car while Laca I Rose' Bow ow employees take the examination. HoldIng Randall Joseph Eppich, Grosse Pointe's First Baby of the Year is his tIer, In whose honor Vernier Road~ >8lt,ending a New Year's Health o1Ilculis saId that busI- mother, Mrs. Richard Eppich, Jr., of 1010 Vernier Road. The other two admirers W&!l named8 -- at the Alger Club, ne!l8 pla.ces haVIng a complete d C V ' (1 ft) d l.:_ d th The proud father ill 24 yeal'll of..:rr-I I .C ItS II 0 t II lu ld t 1 are his great-grandmother, Mrs. Edmun . ermer, e an UUI gran mo er,~ German mIght have been a e u turnout WI receive s I' sop ace age and i!I In the egg busmesB lQ'Essed whpn pohce 10' S 0 mpee - m thelr "'indows stating "loo,/" Mrs. Joseph Finnegan. It IS reported that at the tune this picture was taken the DetroIt and Grosse P01Ote. Mrs.

    revealed that thp fur X-Ray" proud father was st1l1out passmg Clg&rl! .. Eppich is 22 and il the fotmertaken at all Mrs Ger- TIckets for the Rose Bowl I The Umverslty of MIchIgan PI~s are bemg made by local - ....... 'MU1lII Mary Finnegan.

    Just placed It In the football film sho'o\omg at the: Club of Grosst' Pointe, sponsors of i sen'lce clUbs such as the Rotary, Auto K-Ills U if M Al · S b. A.'\i,"NUAL OO~"TI:ST,. PIerce School allditonum on }Olon- the event, regret thl'lr Ina.tllll.t.y to Lions, Klwams, OptimISts, and ~ 0 Umnl u mIls Dr. Mackenzie, the attendin.

    f ,. day, Jan 19. at 8 pm were sold supply the demand for tickets others to travel to the Mobile Unit pbysician furnished this newspa.IIII' "'*g of furs Grosse Pomte Ilke the proverbl&! 'hot cakes" They are hoping to schedule a 10 body for the X-Ray, M 'C.

    ar(1 h 1 h _ per a Signed letter acknOWledging

    -..-01 studpnts found a npck Orlgmally the mOVIe was sched- second showmg but as yet no MOTHEJjlS HELP Pdt. ames L'& ~c atars. IVS the exact tune and place of the!Cle III front of the doorway uled to be presented at Grosse I defImte plans have been made Mrs Charll's E Lord, preSIdent e esri an :c . young heIr's birth in accord WIth~ mormng It was turnedj Pomte High School s aUdltonum One club OffICial reported that lof the Grosse Pomte HIgh School the contest MIler.In' ~ .ms pollce. which can accomodate 600 but I even members have been unable Mother s Club promlse~ strong Park pohce reported that Emory The Grosse Pointe UnIversIty I widow of the late.John Lynch, The ••~rst Baby of the _Yea:

    • , due to the tremendous demand I to obtam ~Ickets support from the club \\luch has Jodts, 60. of 1342 Wayburn, died 110

    , MIchigan Alumru CiuD has Seftt I former regent at Mlclugan; Dr I comest IS sponsored annwuly D]II'~ down thc ncxt b.ock Ifor tlckets the change was made I \\ ally \\ eber, U of M assIstant more than 700 members Monday In Bon Secours hospItal as 15 apphcatlons to U of M's Re-j John Cobane, Dr, J, C Porter, Mr. thiS newspaper in co-operatlon11 be ~ locatIOn of the new to PIHce lludltonum whIch seats football coach IS expected to at- Churches have agreed to spread Ia result of lnJunes sustained when gent Scholarslup comuuttee for Arthur Stock and Mrs. Bert spur-] WIth the local merchants ThoughacieUI lliadquarters of H Buck- 900. However, despIte the change tend the local presentation ot the thl' word to theIr congrpgatlOnq I he was struck by a car while conSIderatIon I rler. It cloes not matter where the baby~ ~t" plu,"l1

    , 1 'h \£"h' ,\01''' "cl ,0 n ,""I'm' "O'HO ,t,,:,(\n mr,,_ure< \\CU 1I con-t,'lldOna I EX-eO\. AR~-\r.'., I It" l\ he a rar(' pr\ 'cil," to n~2 Blllh,r£"ha'l1 rllm,,' ,c~" i trl h' "f th(' \\(\l11on' Ori:lIn,za- Thl' hm \\ho \\1\< hom" fnr thl' I anlP,.,dmp'lt pl'nrltt,nli!" (' jO;htl'en- I h('ar th ~ br \1 ant .p,'ahor and :\(r Scallon sutJl'rl'd a rraetur('d I ~d on D1,' H t' at 18710 \fa KN"',nl'lI! Prnh,h,t,nn RI'-Ihn}rrl"yq from a &.Ion ~ch()01 tnld1YPllrnic1 c,t'7"n< to \ot" an amt'nn-If'or mon and \\nol'1l'n In th ... afn'rrl l!:r~at ~tatO

  • o


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    SI"; 679 148 84


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    MeA'. aad LadiM' Suit. Tailored 10 OrdeA1teranoDl, ReliniD.. C1e&aia. aU P,....

    14931 E. JEFFERSON, at Gty LimitsFred M. Schum... Eat. 1925 Op.. E-. Till ,.00 LE. 3041

    ~ ) J. alJd there's nluch more thall

    just a beautiful budJins ~Ther .. are many traJ,holls Ilue al VerberJen'. • •• '.ome of them .. old a. the establi.hmeDt >t.~1t •~ # ~ traditiolU that haYe meant so much to '0 lI1&!lrpeople. for ill it. 39 year. VetheIJeu's lias gro"" II tobe ol1e of the largest and best knowu eJta1Ii.hmelll. IDAmerica. It serves both Grosse Pointe and Delroll

    11649 E JEFFERSON AVE.'n:E



    ~~~~~ Inot mcludmg suoorama.ted obllga" 517.037024 19

    TOTAL ASSE'Il3 ••••


    WILLL-\ .."f R DeBAEKE(.r,rr,"(" A \fes'

    TOSEPH B g' HI.OT\L\'\D m\ KTHl [XlLGL

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    Repaired, Replaced andCleaned-

    Metal Decks-Parches-FlatRoofing




    SO"lRE'S BirmiDrbam Store-Pbone :slIl.


    Pioneer Boofing ami Sheel r.tel.a14708 EASTLAWN VAlley 2-8548


    Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat., Jan. 15, 16, 17


    I-LB. BOX 19c

    TEXSUNGrapefruit Juice46. oz. 19CTIN

    HUNT'S NO. 21h SID29c FRENCH KETTLE 3APRIOOTS________ TIN 01101 soUP TISS 57c-------


    TOIATO JUICE 46 27c GL~COAT _________ ~: GAL. S1.59OZ.CHIFFON OR

    36c LARGI SIZE 19cPERI __________ . LG. SAil-FLUSH TP.iB()X --------

    ~nRE'S Detroit Store-88t W. McNiebolsRd.-UN. 1-67"


    16822 KERCHEVAL PHONE Nt. 3200

    TIN 29c

    2 8-OZ. 35cPKGS.2 NO,2'l 97cTINS

    Don9t Miss



    4-H CLUBOUPRIZE _!U_.yYB_p~-ym~-u'!-2-0Au~-::-~-9-lli.BEEF and LAMB Rock Stewing CHICKEN


    A Deli,iDUS Stellk WAFER THIN 59FIN£~:R:'N£D Sliced Dried Beef I.. •Hown Smoked Tongue 49l

    A T TEN T ION! F~~~~iR Ciiitage Cheese 2...35-By all the latest reports, high quality meat Is going to be OSHER BRISKETscarce this Spring. Boy a Side or Quarter of Prize 4-B Steers KI ~B~ Prim< or Cho~ .......... younolf • supply of CDrned Beef


    ~IRI~;s ~

    6 Pkgs.2.9C

    SPARE RIBS F=~~R:~~~EFresh Pork Tenderloin LB. Sge


    Kraft's Velveeta Cheese 2L~F99cea.HILLS BROS.

    COFFEE 51lli.SFlRE'S COLUIBlA, lARA I 10CHA COmE &Ie I•.




    PeachesGARDEN FRESHFruits & Vegetables


    ORANCES4 Doz. S1.00

    Celery Hearts19' Bunch


    G. E.Westing-


    Cold SpotFri~daireKf'hinator

    Cro CondItIOnsecor 0 em.ce.L , ." ea mg" pm. In the village mumclpal of- fore the GrOSBe POinte Camera In thp photographic world, his talk SCientific Methods-Positivelice. Also schedUled to meet next Club by Mr. Rolland Ransom, out. Will bc well worth attending. Results

    Mr. Albert Henry Clark, em- I . Members of the Kiwanis Club week ill the Woods CounCIl which standmg newspaper photographer, The pUbhc has been inVited toployee of the Board of EducatIon Loca DrIve ot Grosse Pomte Will observe the wllI be called to ord,er Tuesday CLICKED OLYMPICS attend both lectures. Many Years of Experiencefor 26 years, died at hls home at 33rd anmversary of Kiwanis In. evenmg In the Woods ofl1ce Mr Ransom Is an expelrenced ------ in the Treatment of All8241 West Philadelphia, Detroit, ternatlonal during the wel'k of The Farms Counul meeting set k d h t lk !II b b d H01' STUFF Types of Skin Infectionsduring the night of December 26, The Education EdItor of the Janua.ry 18.24, with a program for t Mon:ay, t ~:~ /~' has ~een I~~~~e~l:n ac~~at ex;erienece:s~n Mr F R. PIcone, ot DetrOIt, NO CHARGE FOR1947. Mr. Clark retired from &C- New York Herald Tribune will based on the servIce orgamzatlOn'lI :s ~ne ~: I e 0 owmg on. new spa per photographic work Informed Park pohce that some- EXAMINATIONlive service With the Grosse Pomte make a Bpeclal trip to Grosbe 19i8 I1.dm.'w:lrlltlvc theme, "Cltl- y, an . while eanung his IIv"'lIhc,r,


    pERSONALIZED SEIVICESquIrt Dell o-wtI tIkt I pencnallnterest In

    MI'Y pnY*lt ••ac. npctlOn --..res bett .. cleaning.

    Lamp ShadesBearJ/u11; Cleam:d......... ..,..,....... -- ..-...... JeIJ _ rou,

    ....... PiCkup 5tl~~


    SIll.1wa~ ~~ Oyen15226 Ch.rIevoix VA. 2-422S


    • an EIIY

    BUDGE1,PLAN! :~ \ I //

    OLDSMOB'U: COMPANYIUU L .Ieff.-¥a. 1.....

    , " J



    TIle re,war 1DODth!y meet1zl.6 ofthe Graue Pointe WoocU CUb Pack290 win be he14 at Kuon 8clIoolon J'riday, JaWll'1 111, promptlyat T :30 pm.

    AU 'Jlu'enta are urpS to be

    pneent as "r'11mportallt m&ttenare to N 1lI'oaPt up at UdI -..t-IJII.

    ne Wom&n'. RepubUean Clubof Groae Pointe will hold theirAmlU&1 meetin, &Dd LWlcbeon atthe Gro- Pointe Club, 8 Berk-ah1re PI, Grosse pointe rums,on wedneaday, J&n1W)' 21, 1M8.Luaetleon reaenatiOM must bem&da to MrL Jamel :E. AtkinIOn.1011 Buc:JdnP&II1 Ro!l.l1, li.otoreJ&DuarJ' 19th.

    '1'11. Honorable )[Uea N Cule-hall, C\rCU1t Judre, WlU be theSpeaker tor this oeeuioJ1.

    Officen for the en.suinr yeuwUl lie' elected.

    . .


    Spending a honeymoon in Palm Beach, Florida areMr. and MnJ. Clinton Robert Scharff. Jr., who weremarried Saturday at Christ Church, Grosse Pu.i..u.te. 1:[.1'8.'Scharff, Jr.. Is the former Barbara Anne Moesta,daughter of the Arthur W. Moesta of Cadieux road.Mr. SCharff, Jr., is the son of Mr. and.lIrs. C. R.Scharffs of E. Jefferson avenue.

    College WomenPlan Discussion


    •VISIT '["8 D( 0(". NEW STliDIO .&'1'

    16726 East Warren ~f~1e~=




    HOUJ.S: '00 A. M. TO ,.00 P. K.

    .... FoUl'

    F~IH"ghDelfsL -oc=>ckBy PAULA BEAUPBE~~ Elected Head

    Thia is the aeaaon when your happily aware of thbrisk weather and the ice and snow. 1t'8 the month w~n 0'Men's Club)"aU weigh the advantages of moving int? the be&~ 'J/OUt-of-doors and spending Just as much time as po881b1e The Men'. aub at The Gronethere, just having fun v,'lth your crowd What to do? w.eU, Pointe MeUtod1.stChurch will holdcae tb.ing for sure-something you've probably been d~mg it. recuW' mont.b1y meetinl ..t thefor quite sometime and while you've still got the time home of lit, ~~A I.. MJUNIOn,

    d3M2 Courville, ... OlNaY, &nu&1'Y

    .noma eontlnue to o. ,Hl ,,~ IH\O P Y.No doubt you've already guessed what that would be, --, _. .

    with the eold weather and aU i~ ice and snow ~ght in the to:t::y~ :::et1ne~ee~off~:;middle of everyone's conversation, wh~ wo~dn t ,,!,ant to are, Mr. Hurh DeU., 419 Touraine, •be an avid ice-skating fan? Especially SlDce lee-skating ha.s prealdent; Mr. Thom... I.. MWUIOn, tf• lot to offer besides grand fun! 3U2 eol1n'ille, vice premdent &nd" A lusty afternoon of skat- pl'O(!'&Jll eba1rm&n; Mr. C1&NneeI < • S!oeum, :IOll1 Laneuter, wU1 &l-I ing can be a perfect ending ot IUt In the prorram pl&1Ul1ng; Mr. Ii a day in the out-doors, and v, L Balley, 31$ Hillcrest is aee- t

    '--~ th reta.ry.treuurer. 'a fresher-upper ~ore e The meeti~ WIU be held at Ute •evenings dating and dancing, ur.\wl&l1y 1a.te hour th1I monUt illwhich happens to be the ex- order to allow tholle who wish to

    . • do 10 to see Ute moving plctlU'P..act SJtuation that JANE ot Ute Rolle Bowl game.GOODWELL enrountered -----when planning her ice-part)'last Saturday. Jane invited

    . ~ her gal friends to 8harpeDtheir skates and bundle up intheir warmest duds before

    rAtJ.. meeting for and afternoon of '1'I1e Engllah Loan Sterling BlockfaD at the Groae Pointe Park Rink at the foot of Altar ane! ''Balance ot Trade" 1ri1l be

    cli8eUaed this Thursday eveniDl' •roed. A.ftenrard8 the gir1&--Joan Buerner, Graee Wil. at the home OIl Hr. George True,...... Jayce Randall, Carol Stein, Allce Revere and Jm 132 Koran. roal1 when the Inter- IIIawIdu- hurried beck to Jane's home where they were national Relatiol18 Stud,. Group ofpeeted by their dates for the evening-Ted BawtiDI. Joe the Graue PoInte--Amel1c:als ~Adams, Roy Clarke, Ben Kildow, Bill Fulton a.nd Vince ~ of Ulllftrsity Women meet.Wade, Pierre Thiebo1Ilt escorted the ho8teIL DYcualon J,eaders will be Krs.

    W. R. Korse, Xur8 Leon .. WeierMOVIE FOlLOWS aDd Mra. D. H. Brickell MrI.

    After a moT..e a.t tha P".mch and J'cdy, the ~_;:p hur- P--=! !!!l-"wl..!! !.."'.! ?of .... 1teIlDeUllied back to the park just in time to watch the I8katen for Bear4Ilee wiD uast XrI. True as• _ minutes before the gates were cloeed. at 10 o'clock, ~eeDlent Ls atao maeSe ofthe plaee wu erowded because the other three part :rinb a exeeutin 1lo&rd meeUDg at theIII the IChool yardB and at 3 Mile and Cbarlewiz, were not boIDe ot Kn. Ben Beyer, 16923III 11880 Crawford lADe on 'l'b.1IrlIdq, Jan.

    We RW -BE-'-n-'y- KELVIN and GLORIA JOBNS'1t)N 22" 10:30 a.m.:::.::e~e)'~:~ti:nOleg:~:"of~::: Woodrow Wilson -s Daughtertbey're at tlIe SHORES Rink. GIRL PIlGGY LIZ -

    ADd from 9:30 a.m. 'til 10:00 a.m. on tile week.... Is Detroit Town Hall Guest ~~lt~ur Wedd\DI.'IiJOIl'U Jmow ja8t where to find these two with uIDUIY of ~~01JT 10 STAftIORD -

    . their frieudII .. they can persuade to join them. We've . ~ Ele&nO!' Wl1Ion IlcAl!oo, 1OUIIC-r 'l'be c1I.Itl.nguiahe writer IlDd r&- serenade of the BeDldto Mud ten that there is a place for aD )'O1l fe11as who ~WS ut d&u&'hter of the late Prmdent

    I'A.BMB PIER In the B'1sher 'l'be&tre. W~y Actnnee 1"Uel"l&bonll for i.he I In&.. .• - ••• •• • . . . • .• .'75'l'be teeD.. has been weD repIeeented at the FAJUIS Old Scoutll w111 try to 8end monung, J&nuary 21, at eleven lecture are available at Grinnell' .. SPIKB JONES-

    PDI:Il at the foot of lloross Road these last few days too. a1mMd 100,000 cJotbbll' kllll for o'clock. Ra. 1m. &amDOLORlI:S SHAW was another party minded mill who yOUDg people bJ Deceml:Ier 1, 1H8. ---~- PaM '!'he Biae'lIlts, KJlaDd1 .13

    _ .. d ~....:.._.:ti f' The endeawr ta.Jlation-w1de, ud ALUMNI GROUP mDm BOWAR!)-~ mu .... ODS or a huge skating session. After the the lugeR dothlDg project ever SOCIAL MY Blue Beaveneokl outiD& the girlB were refreshed with hot chocolate undertakeIl1l7 U. It GIrl Bcoata. PLAN MEETING A T\me for BlImmtnr •.. 'lDIoIJped with marBhma11owB, and hamburgers. The HoDorable Herbert BlIcmr, The 1Iome of KrI. J. R. Ken- Onter YlMIr CboIee., ftOlle

    A fffff of tho8e spills and then hurrying inside to ~r at the National G1r! ITEMS neely of LIncoln road will be the "I. ,..WInD up In front of the heater before chaDging their ~ ~:~g~;:::::e~ f~ ofS~:~:;~~~u ~m::: E. tro,-.. were Sue Johnlon. Franny Killer, Eddie CarraJl, tJaat w111 aUe'ri&te lUlfering &nd The SOutheuterD Woman'. Club luncheon 011 Tue8C1&y,Jan. 20. .tee .ODe.ADD GMt. Betty Lou Ferguson, and Lenore GritfiD. wiD help bUild Intel'n&t1ona1 triend- WIll meet Monday, J&nuary 19 at Comnuttee memben in charge ApplIance

    '!"be reeent storm did much damage to the rinD and Iblp ad UDdentaDdlng. ''T1Iere &re 1:30 p.m. &t 8t. K&rk'. CbUrda. of the arrangements include Mrs.IIOW that the milder weather has 'Set in, a few rinks are no enema. .mong ehildreII. or Mr. They will be&!' :£dward D. O'Con- Arthur 1.. Everly, Jlrs. A.l&xaDder z0016 HACK. AVE.Dat a'P...!!able at an. but M l!JOOnas the next cold wave Bocwer aid. nor speak on "Look At Your RWer- P. ~te, ud Hrs. Herbert D. BOmtS.'f:~ TbanI.

    I • Ifront." Sc1enut.z. ".:rrJ. u4 Sat.-. 7OU'D find all your frieDd8 at the previoaaly mea- Troop 139 elIJoyed a Ilk&ting The group will lIeW for thetioDed riDb and also at the City rink acroea from Univer- party December 29. Hot cocoa &nd • American Friends Service Commit-at,. road from 9 til 9 and also at several places throughout eooktu were Ie!"Ved atterwaI'lUl at MrlI. S E. McCaughey, preai~eiit te.; during ~ al't" .....x.n.the Wood&. No hoekey is allowed at the City rink so you'd Paula Mathewson's home on Lake- of :MarUlac Guild, will pruide atIaett.- bead for one of the others if hockey is your sport' laD4. More outdoor actIvltlu are JlUlua!y lI1eetuli of the Guild to

    • plazmed for this troop • _ • aL. 41ft- be held In the lounre of the St.ALL YOU PARTY.PlANNERSl DiJII' llka.ting party m Ute near Mary's Nurses' Home. Tuesday,

    Before getting aD set for that extra-special party tuture ••• Troop Camping, al- Jan. 20 at 2 p.IIL This meetlng~'d better ccmsult the weatherman first. .After you ha~ ~ ar::~y f:~:gJt':e.fWl :Ulil'~':=::~t~:: =~JUa promfae of Iota of cold weather, go nght ahead and iD store, the girls &re working on Inwnellll of the day there WJ1l beplan an appropriate party, you've certainly got all the clothes pin doU. for the Children's 9. short program with tea. Mrs.faciJities! Hospital H. McPhee and Mra. Be.stte Eo

    Valete for aow. "All Babe. &Dd the Forty Thives" Hoff will pour.is commg JlUlU&.ry 31. Get yourtickets from a Girl 8cout, or G1r1

    8cOCIt leader. • WeddingReceptionHeldSally Snowday, Troop 377, has r n Yorkshire Residence

    ~~1 &:;~~:!~p s~~7~ ,;;:~ I In 9. ceremony held at Ute First Ithe SWimmer Badge Presbyterian Chureh Miu Carol

    Mrs. S. C. Turner IS new Neigh- Jean Watt, daughter of the Rob-borllood ChaIrman for Rlchard ert F. Watt. of Yorkshire roadSchool Fonner ehamnan. Mrs. bec9.m.e the bride of Alan S.Henry Lampman, g&Verenerously Tr&ugott:, son of Mrs. Louis Trau-of tune and etlort for three years. gott, son of Mrs. LoU1l Traugott

    and Ute late .Mr. Traugott of III.GENERAL TAX & BUSINESS SER.VICE, INC. • dJanapolJs. (Troop .301, Ute Wood!, will be-

    14841 IO!I.CHEVAl AVENUE DE"rROlT 1', MlCHIGAM Jill work on the DramatiCi Badge FoUowlng the service W!lieh1111 •.. -.-.- •..•.•. ,.•.. ., I~~;"~f~~~ .;;;::':ne~;to~ol~ -: ;:ce~~n:'~~~;d~i

    toward campmg next summer. Ute home ot the bride'. parents.




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    .00 lhip and I'taUon newlpapers Aved by th .. Navy during the ft,.that ani printed for the bendt of c&lyear 1947 all a r(>~lit or Its em'Nan1 pereonnel ....ho are I80lated ployee benellclal suggc~tlOn pro-from rerwar I1eWI H1"rieea. gram.


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    In the WOOdI for 10 Yeanuoza IIadl TIT. loU01G..... PoiDte Woeds

    Volunteer CorpsTo Hear JudgeOf War Crimes

    Tbe MetIopolltaa Club of aro-PoiDte and IaI &WtJJJNy will boldaD lnatIl1&Uon of Gmcen putyat aub JlacIe, OratJot at • KJJeftoe4 OIl 1'rld&1 eYeDlnI.

    .Art CoaJoa, or the P&dc Pollee,wUI aacceecl LGuIII IIaJdwbI, of theB1Ioru Police, .. prelideDt of theclUb, wII1dl .. compNed ~ GftIMIPointe poUce, and tlremeL JIrLPearl Zeeb IUcceec1I Mr.. IreneSuttOl1 .. preal4ent of the AUld!-lary.

    HvoJd J'1eclI.Ilc, Barolet zeeb.and KatJ!leen J'1echalJ', II&Uoaaloft'icia1l, will uaiJIt: in the inItalla-tlon cenmonlel,

    other omeer. wbo wID be III.ItaUed lDclUded: MarUn Net1IeI!o1a Ylce-prw.; _ene IIoJ'IaA,2b4 'rice-pre .. : Robert J. Hyde,recontiJIB fle(fy: HArold Gre~r)",Inucl&l HC'y; Jama cannon andBob Smith. treuw'en; J'ndDaem11Ja&'. Sat. of A.rIna; .A.rtha'Charrier, Jam.. lI'urtoJI, J&me*~an,auditon.

    IADII'.lI' Atl'XItoJAUPearl Zeeb, pruldGt.: LDeI1Jw

    Flannigan, 1st 'rice-prea.; JeanWakely, recontiD&' Mll!1; ~Gregory. ftJwIctal eee'y; 8ett)'Jane Prietz, treuurer; PhoebeMOffat, Srt. ot Arms; PriIcUlaDeraedt, Germaine VlietJnek, andH.-Ien Duro ... , auditors.

    I t MetropolitanClub InstallsNew Of/kers.,

    IOc ea.




    20788 JIaek TIT. 1-9199

    SALE2.5% OFF

    Student Association's ElectionTHE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW



    KOTCHER OLDSMOBILE CO.153M E. WarreD. at Somerset TU. Z-S848

    Pointe's Unique ToolLibrary Receives Gift

    This week the Groue Pointe Rotary Club' presented avariety of new toola to the local Public Libnry to be addedto the tool collection at the Main library, 15430 KerchevalLooking over the tools, which are available for public uage,are from left to right, Kiss Florence Severs, director ofGroue Pointe Libraries; Mr. David Burnett, Rotary Clubpresident; and Jack Sturm, of 76 Lochmoor Blvd, who vi-sited the library to borrow a ff!fW tools to build a bird house.


    erest !1uns /fighBy

    Kleehammel' ad But1ua ()ttA)

    semester at GROSSE POINTE HIGH there areiation elections. The kilU who compete in

    n, the winner and 1oeenJ, are usually the best,tent bunch in the school This year there are

    finals-they're all good students and thoughit couldn't happen, we wish that they a 11But you fellows and girls must make a choiceT BECK and JOE FROMM, who are runningt, TOM DEWEY and TOM ANTON who arevice-president, MARY GRATZER and FLOR-Y who are candidates for secretary, and BOB

    d KEN- VENDERBUSH who are competing fore hope that the best man &nd woman may win!

    Scout TroopsFeature TromblyPTA Meeting

    'l'Il.e Trombl1 BeMol r.T.A. wwbegin the new year activities bypresenUng their Boy &DCl GirlSCOUt Troo~ Oil We4neldaynight. J&nU&l'Y :11, in sCov,Ung .coUvltie .. We ani proud. to .. theyouthtUl entbualum for more de-mocratic living -th&t fa typIC&!in Seout1Dg. Their lUece,,'!a due tothe good le&4erlb1p wbIch iJI "r)"appvent in III the trooPL•Kn. J'recl PrIee hu UIlJtedher group of mothen in organtz..ing an exceUent proF&ll1 for thegirlL MN. J&01. Cooper andMI'II. I:dward Andrews ba.,echarge of the Junior Brownieswho will preaent "The BrownieStory... Mn. George BMr'. poup

    .eems to be a lull after the storm of parties of Brownles are dramatlstngGrosse Poin~ during vacation. However, this Brownie IOngL The GlrlJl Seouudb'eeteel by Mra. Carl W, swan.possible for ~ost of the kids to see the Grosse IOn haYe planned a putomlmeordsoD baaketball game. VICKY CONWAY. for their part of the prorram-

    WN, and FLORENCE BARnY chartered a bus AI an aud1ence you will baveof their friends to Bee the game at Fordson. the opportunity of 1H!ng thee to the game by bus, ear. or otherwise ~ere =;:fw'tu:.ee;;: ::,::. ~

    Joanie Rollings, Harry Mack, Art Fahl, Pat be presented and the eubl w1ll beAnton, Jean Rich.ards, Norma Neeb, Randy promoted into Beouta. Mr. KIlea

    Smith, Merry Bauman, Jerry Webster. Nan Do- McKee 18 in ehatge of W. groupHobson, Doug Turnbull. Diane Fruehauf, Alice ::a=:.~::I~~Uln-

    Spunier. George Kipros. Gloria James, Shirley •r Knope. Bob Essert, Suzie Johnson, Marilyn The Boy Scout group UDder the

    k, Marion Rennie, 'fed 0111111,and Lee Walker. dli"ct1un v~ SCuut Mas"..er, Mr.Berule Falk will cJemonstrate the Hr. David S. Burnett, presldlli1t fines which controls book c1ml-

    AND boy. who cheered the team on were cIolinI' of a Boy SCout Meeting. of Grosse PoInte Rot&r1 eN!), on laUon. Since xU incepUon the Olen, June Koffat, RoIemary Graham, Ca- The Bo1 SCOut committee con- tIebalf of the organisaUOD thia of the tool collecUon h&II inere-..-

    n, and Bob Peten, Oh-we almost forgot- lliatll of Dr. Albert lAw. Hr. An. week prellented to the Groue eel as the public beeame u.ed toTom .. -ton- Burt Sp_.....:_. and Don Duncan drew Larkin and :Mr. B&z'014Pointe Public Library • varlety the Idea of ~tng to the libraryAA& ... 'LU-A_ Mar" of new toola to be added to the for their IUl&I1 tool&. •

    • cheer. The meeUnr will IJt&rt with tool conectlon at the Kal.n Ubrar1, At ~ time Ul. colleet1011WU I


    game, FORD SLATER gave an open house. classroomv1a1taUon at 7:U P.II. 1M3O KerchevaLd. ""'-d.o... Ski Do The Scout program ",m follow first: begun, It wu believed to beanCJDg were -yma '.u~ ppy wney, at 8:30 P.K. in the auditori Started in th~ fan of 1943 IW!J the only cin:u1atin&' tool coDectlot1

    , IA.rry BriedeD, Sub Bethel, Spike Quirk, Don.t mlaB th1a evening or infoI'. 1D a. public library througbout theRUBSe1 VoJz, Gerry Goyette, Bill Turrill. maUon about scouUng and the a projectr 0:..theGBoYs' Wporkt CoRom- country. Interest in the coUecUon"ee. th t 'th mittee 0 WJe rosse Oln e - ha.!J been expressed by va.rious United States Judge Robert II.

    _ fun and IIW"pnses a come WI ta.ry ClUb the naors of the 1'Ima, who presided at tile WUBoy and Gul Scouts on parade. '. llpO other orgallizatioll!l in the count.."Y. Crimes Court 1D Nurem"--, Ger-afternoon BARBARA HASSELBL.A.D and tool collectIOnhoped to encounlge The Rotarian MaglllWle printed a ~.

    to th . class P manU&!.dexterity in the younger picture and a brief aummary of many. wUI addreu memllerll ofgave a tea r II lIeDlor • eggy Wakeleys Announce generat.lon. and to make available Grosse Pointe's unique tool 11. the Volunteer Viaitonl CorplI. of

    res Guimond usisted the girls. Some of the D ht I T th to III Cltizenl or Groue Pointe bra.ry 1D Marcb 19H. An article Metropolitan Detroit, thia ThUnt-there were Baffy Wicklng. 'Betty Pfleiderer. aug er s ro tools which would enable them to by MlsBFIchnce Sevel'l, Director day at ~ p.m. at 2431 East GnmdNancy BowIe.!., Shirley Davis, Loraine Hewitt, Mr. and MI'II. Earl Wakeley of make mlnor repalfl at home of the Grosse Pointe Public Li- Boulevard.

    Loraine Summers. Marilyn Hirt, Nancy ;::~~~~~y~";~;: ': :,thc;o;':. exP-~ n~tn..: tra.-y, iLbJ.lt tll;l ceUret!on-~ we~~e;~~ ~~K J Ann Broo Isabell S' ..,~ ~.7 publillhed In the Deeember 1M3olley, 0 m, e muner- announce the engagement of their acan:ity of t001ll during the war Michigan Librarian. A requelt for Ford and M1'S. WUUam R. Br,aat,

    _E:11iot, Nancy Gregory, Pauline Laquere, Jackie daughter Dora Jean to Richard period the Rotary Club'. gift mformation about the .. loan tools chairmaD &DCl 8ecretal7 at theBowman. Erma Hocking, and Sue Wilson. Richard Stevena, Sr., of Anita made available to the pubhc was recelved by the librulan COrps respeeUftly. TIley .... M-

    Ave. tools which might otherwiJIe bave this past week from the Michigan Idated", JIra. Ben 0. Shepbard,• who has returned to military school, No ddnite date hu been IIet been unobtainable. Municipal Review which plans to publicity c:ha1rman.

    par:ty Saturday night. Having a good time for the wedding. Displayed in a (1aaIed CLse, es- wnte.up Grosse POinte's tool lJo Tea and toffee w;lU be 8erVedY woOd 'n Bill Hester, Carol KraUBe 'n GOB ----- pecially bullt by the Board of brary In • tuture Issue of the abortly betOr'l! the a4drea.~_ ....l1'e 'n Rev "'Jrartin, Dave Droege 'n Doria Musical Program For Education, the tool borrower can magazine. I I_mvUl - • • ucertaln at a glance w'bether the

    Winters. 'n John Wood. Mike Buhl, Murray UnIVersity Women Set tool he wiahea 11avall&ble for clr- The planes :aws and Sw.onthy Droege, who W&B Bill's date. The EaIt Side area of the Ameri- culaUon. The new tools will be wrenches ha~e been the most

    • caD Auodatlon 0 f t1DJvenlty houaed lD • lIimilsr cue lOOn widely used tools during the tourT'ZER gave a dinner party for some ~f her Women will meet tl1uI TburBdayat to be constructed. rears of the conecUou'. eld.atenee.

    IIaY evening. Some of the girls there enJOying 11 :15 p.m. at the home of Mr& Eo • _ IAmong the tools in the reeent I II.. salmon and hot giDgerbread with delicious 0 W&r'l"eIlo801 Lincoln road. TIle toola are borrowed for a gift are: an electric 80ldertnc


    and pineappie sauce were Barb Mann, Shaa.-on Ml'IL Harry A.. Lleter. mllBlea1 period of two weeks upon pre5en- ,mn' .. 24" ~tA.nl ..y lPVA]' lip,,....). IPlath Fell Th M Ann Mann Gery director of the J. 1.. Hudaon Co., taUon of the patron's library card ra.chet screw dnven; IS cabinet I

    , ce Orpe, ~Jr k 'd S will lecture 011 "~iers, Singing and their use 1a governed by the clamps of .various mzes; an .... IVan ZaDen. Sue CnILshaD_, aD ue and Song." am. syltem of renewals and sorted set of 11 boX wrench .. ;

    ----- and a Cueo Electr-o-Tool kit

    FAIRLESS gave a gab-fest ~turday night. Millers Return Police Censor ::m~:~e:~:m~rgrinding,and discussing the latest news were Ginny After Bermuda Trip T Speak H

    Y8 Osterman. Gail Wright, Florence Barely, The H. B. Millers of North Olr;. 0 ere, Jean Webb, and Pat Perrone. ford roa4 and their son Richard

    , have returned to GrolBe Pomte The JanuarY meeting of theETROIT BOAT CLUB was the scene of a sleigh after spending the holidays at the (JrolNlll Pointe Motion Picture

    ting party Saturday night. After the kids 8t. George Hotel in Bermuda. Counci1 Will be .. luncheon at the Ig, they went into the club hous&to dance. SUe Their trip to and from the Ialand Village Manor, 17150 Kerchevalwas made by plaDe. Ave., at 1:30 p.m. Monday, Jan-

    hn Wagley. Sara Weed 'n Noel Melville, Gloria -----th

    uary 19.Dave Mitchell, Bev Martin 'n Post Fordon, Ru ,JOINS SELDON Ir ,JOHNSON

    iiarson were among those having 8. wOuder- Of par"J.cn-l:.r!:ter=::rt. to Gro~ I I"~tf)r t.:'h!,,... .. ~ Rnydpr. forPointe'. host of real realtol'll is the lIl&lly yael'll censor of the Detroitannouncement that Bertram J. Pollee Department, wUI addressSchulte, hu CODIOlldated his real the group on "Motion Pictureestate office formerly m the M:&- Censofllh1p," it wu announeed byjellt1cbwlding WIth Seldon &: John- Hrs. Daniel Hembel, president of

    II£'A. '1'1 POSTURE OLllie lIOn, 300 PenoblCOt building, e:- Uke CotmelL....... fectlve Jan. 1. It wu revealed lly

    H. X. Seldon, prell1dent. . In addttion to the regular mem-SATURDAY, IAN. 1'7,19481 to 4 P.JI. bers of the Coaneil, the manag-

    t INTMEN'r CALL CBILD'S CLINIO era of nine theaters in the GrosseFOB APPO Dr. M. Simich will eonduct .. PoUlte area, past presidents of..... • • Ill. "'" ..'\0..... ,... ... ~ .......... 1 __ A _ ............, .................') I U. I-TOI6. III child bealth posture clllUC on :sat- -~ ~-- _.- - ..-- -----11

    urday afternoon from 1 to i P m. have been invited to attend the

    DR M SIMICH !!1 h!! !!1!lee! st 20233 Mack ave-- IllllCbeoll. Among the honor• •• IIInUl in the Broedell building. gueatl who, for a number of II CHIROPRACTIC CURIC yean ban ~ in the work ofOK AVE. G~ PobIte WoodlI IJAD SNOWBALL the Council, an: )[Iu Florence, .A. IIIOWball broke a windo .... in 81ewel'S aDd Mra. Helen Feuter.the lIome of the McKenzies of of the GnlRI Pointe Public Ll-

    -, Serkllllre road. It was reported brary, and lira. Frank Banach, ot.. WAITUS lilT mnn IL 2.012 ~ Park pollee on Thursday, Jan. :'~o~rosae Pointe Board of Edu.~ ,

    fJhere~uality is 2aramount{ .


    ERIAL CLEANERS a DIDS~I"I to Regal III At the Old FamlHar Col'llf:l'Ave. - last W. of JlaryIalHl Mack AYe"ue. comer Nottingunt


    2.7055 -For Promp' Pide.Up and Deli"ny- TU. 2.3010

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    GrolM Poi Ford Deel.,

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    • AU rout wheels baIaocedWithout telnOTiog from cu.Absolutely DO guesswork-every job IS petfea.

    TIre, rube, wheel. hub ap,brake drum, all balaoced ..• Single UOIt.

    Ralaoced ~hed, don'tpou nd pnement. They g>'t'ea smOOther rIde, 'aYe tinsand many otber mOTlng pans

    ~ ..:~; ar. $495 Pel .:>dJl rOUrROY O'BRI.£NMOTORS, INC.Y:m, 1..IX'A1 FOT':J 0 ... 1".,

    9 -"':11. Itt ",,.!!:S FAST -- • ~ - • ~

    \l""ij _ at All Times 0 Broce Wigle ••••••••••••••• 1010 !erence of a VIctOry or defeat for I J O'Conner, of 12250 Grayton, • ~ ~ • - - -----I TOM" JERRY'S EVERY DAY n Oak Cleane;~. n;~"'" 969 el~~ t= clock been properly ~~~~:: ~::::: ~g~S:~:~ ~e: AT" TOM BOY D ' 5 =:.... ;' V Jan,.'s Lunch ••••••••••••• 2671 managed, the game would have Ihe returned & short tune later he~~

    ... 0 Ro),. "10" ••••. ,.......... 2639 ended &!fording the Blue DeVlIs called pollce and reported th&t ......

    NI~~8 20515 M k t B f't ~ Team 200 thelI' fourth VlCtory of the season. someone stole three hub ca s from jJj. • ~ _ ae _~ __eau al__ Royal "10" •.•.•..•..•••••••• 17 But, about ten seconds had lapsed IhiS auto. II •

    ~_ _ _ _ _ .-.~ IDdhidual Single before anyone had rewed the -------- _. I --------- ;;

    ~R-=-Ol.tz~R.-=:>cee"---'reuatO~I.oOn~(= l~e~I~~::,~~I:~~::::;~I:=£:;f~~~~~:~f::~~:~~~:~I.-..W....a..8...u..'m...;.s...•.! NEW BONUS BU ILT ~.:,Pety 6331 Fordson guard grabbed the ball -

    BARPEB AT NINE MILE ROAD DeSchynck .••..••••.••••••• 6261and Wlth two remalnmg seconds FORD TRUCKS f '48 -.lodh1dual 200 showmg on the clock, he racked Good Food You'll Remember or17 New Brunswick Lanes Louvers-G P. Pnntmg ...... 9 up what proved to be the wlllnmg "-OPEN 80WUNGDA'LY- tally, 1564 Broadway ,

    10 A.M. to 7 P.M. and After 11 P.M. MARCH OF DDIES POInte Coach Ed Wernet stated at Grana CircUs Park Here is real news for men who use trucks. The new Ford "DonusSatunlays-Sundays 10 A.M. to 2 A..M. Volunteer workers from wom- last Tuesday that he may file a ---- .-

    l-r;;-:7---;;~.- ....-;;---;'--:::-:-----.. en's. veteran's and unIon organ- protest m attemptmg to get a re- built" trucks have arrived! They are now on d'isplay .Inour show.

    I Chicken, Steak and Frog Leg Dinners I lzabons v.,U staff booU1s and play of that contest. 'When asked Restaurant and Sea Foodtables for March ot DImes col. If he thought that the game would Bouse C • d f If h. Fine Liquors, Beer and Wine lectlons durmg the dnve whlch or could be re.played he saId, "We Beers - Wines ;- ~aors rooms. ome In an see or yourse w y Ford trucks are built toopens January 15 and continues don't know l! we'd get very far ut I st d rf_oseyille 549_ thr;>ugh Ja.'luary 30. even though the student time- 0 ClosedTuesdays 0 ",a • an out pe orm anything in their low price range. See

    keeper adnlltted hiS mlstake. But pen All Other DaY' .ti1 1 .. m'lSHUMWAY

    'S .T~WART.WARNE. there's not much chance of It bemg Sunday. end HolidaY' OpeD the Million Dollar Cabs with three way air control-new massive.-- ---, ~"V\'" ~ ~ '" '" 'T ; ,. t of ';'$ played over" frOID 1:00 p.m. ... .1I . I~EL~..CT. D••ONIC:; hl~~~=m~~~;:~~so~~:~~~:~I ---- •."ing and a host of features any truck man will appreciate.* .,: _ raCKea up ten pollll:> iur LUp ""ul- ;M ;ff.....d 7"11 ,=A••~;n!,,, 72"n

    Fine . - Ch:ce I -f ~ ~W" ~Ht,"'E~E\.\.L"'.."" "'-",'fo- mg honors of the Blue DeVIls, and I !IFoods Liquors



    Window Shades

    PARK,n"' ..' l-r~IUII'jI~

    SerlJiq Your NeiilaboraFor Thirty YeaT.

    Frank W. Leamon.Window Shade Co.

    Wm. G. STAMMAN

    Steam Crean Challis 0 •••••••Wish e,r .UndercOlI. but he lI,at J()welt}

    4 on PM-All three I,uther LealrUea to the SpIrit shan of the Spirit reap"1lI aU.nd tho lntrult Dlltrlet Luther IItp "prlaatlnlf"H.61ly at AUl:lburg I,uth'rn Chureh t\\ee' i\l -. "< ~d , < 5~ ,-,.' q,:::a~ r t~{=l VII,age~ '-J 0~~,,- Po r .E ~c ~, ... ~ '"""'... ~7 "'-...J :=. v. :r' S"'"'d': em-brace all i~'rntory norl' r' - '( ccn-er ',.'- "\e'C"'2\r3 A,enue forIts entire length In tre Village of C'c-:::e Po nte Park.

    You are hereby notified that the Board of Registration for the Pri-mary Election to be held In the Village of Grosse POinte Park, onMonday, February 9, 1948 will be In session on Saturday, January17, 1948, and Saturday, January 24, 1948 ben.veen the hours of 8'00o'clock in the forenoon, and 8 00 o'clock In the evening, PrevailingLocal Time, at the office of the Village C Ie r k In the MunicipalBuilding situated on E Jefferson Avenue ben.veen Marylal'd Avenueand Lakepolnte Avenue In the Village of Grosse POinte Park

    You are further notified that If you have not already registered, youmay do so by appearing before the Board of Registration upon theabove mentioned days or by registration With the Village Clerk anyday other than Sunday or a legal holiday, or the day of ~o:dlng anyelectIon, up to and InClUding Saturday, january 31. 1748. uelvvcerlthe hours of 8 30 o'clock in the brenoon and S o'clock In me after-noon, Prevailing Local Time.You are further notified that tne purpose of said Prtmary E!ectlon ISto nominate candidates for the foilov.lng offices'


    (,HUB(,HMenuI' NlW I. Knb,. Sell.. l

    Kerto:r Ilehreea Ke",""val roa. Gro ••Pm" BollJevar.

    liite, ....... 1 Ne .... il.e..,bnal.~ &ev. Hal'll C. Wllite, PllOt.r,

    TV. l-1I1eBet. *9 \ .. Aatwerp .....

    SU~DAY.J~~CARY1810 Uo-Momin.c Worship and Sermoll

    by ths PlUItor10 45.12 ~Lell8on and play pertod

    for NuJ'HrY and Klnderrllten XrsFrancis H Bro ....n, 1007 Yorklhlre Roa,

    for "lr rt. capable gIrl NI 4011uPlh'AIR8 mlJd white, ""perl.nced.

    ulld~r 40 P.'lllaJoenl LIIiC In oc-raslonal care or s~hool ,.go chlldrenRereren 7


    88M4JW1iG I VENETIAN BLINDS IWINDOW SlUDl!lS~1SIIt 1Il4 atter. Alteta. .pertly cleaned, l'llpalred, rellewed

    ~ _to. dreBllllS. FlDm -... ~ ~1I_-, ",b,. ezpert. Furl alter- ~.. v ~P- ....-_.ery_ ..... palra. Necl[Jl1ec.. made It!tlmate.s Without Obllptlon~ old fun. m 2367. FRANK. W. LEAMON..-wNS, Dmsma1dllC and WINDOW SHADE CO.~ Beuonable lira. Ribble. 18912 CRARLlllVOIX

    riiiiiiO~B on women' I IUld chll- bet. LakeTlew I: Eaalla'll'll V.A. 2-0239..... 'Clothea Also cUrtalnl and PAINTING & DBCOB.lTING...... NI. 6281• WING, A1terattons. or any.... done In ;your bome. can......

    COLLEGE GRADU£TlI:. {.teran, 9rireand 7 monthll old ,>aby urgently

    need turnllhed OJ' unturmsbed llat or WILL Pa, cllllh tor amaJl lire il1llUl-apartment. MU. ll186 anee 8I'ency Call TU :l-OMS.WANTll:D=8maU houle for 3 Idults.

    near at .o\mbl'Olle ParLlh )(U 7315.W ANTIC!5=2 or 8 be:lroom bouae or

    flat in Gro.... Pomte. by rellne.EW car b' leadll g manutacturer

    at lIet No strmgs Ittaehed In ex-rhange tor house or lIat 3 adults Infamily. now GroY< POlnterl Refer-encee Rehable uecytlve. VA. 4.7a:i2or LO 7-9140BANKER and ,..Ite deelre 2 bedroom

    house or flat with garage GrossppOInte.. CA. 8647 or TO. :l-5664. atter7 P !IITWO REFINED Girls dealre board

    and room or 8mall furnished apart-ment. Ref"rencea fumLlbed. call MU7m e~enlnl:sHOUSE Being IOld Teacher m Groase

    Pointe 6chooll needs apartment orfiat tor famIly Exc.lIent rererencesPlease all '\0'1: &-11610\\ ~"'TED n"me III Grosse POinte

    ~llllmum 4 bedrooms :I batll1!l Tel

    ;:~~T;~'i AT ONCE-Furnished apart. I ALL CAS Hment or Income b)' rerlned respon-

    SIble couple No children or peUl Ro~'O'Brien MotorsPlea-c rail VA 1785' 1PHYSICIAN. anxious to be near Ea1lt h.. "

    Side practice needs 3 bedroom hou.e Vo... Local Ford Dea1Inor rlat. Gros"e POlllte or \'1clmty Ref- 9 Mile at KaclcerenCal TO 6-4O I1442'7 Kerchenl at Chalmere Open Lat M d Id'llly 11-8 VA. 2-6300. e a e sFOR A BETTER !:1'.de of used fUr- ••

    nUure .• ee Isaacs Neat ......y Fun!l- Highest Prices Paidture .t J3930 Kerclle,al We al ....a) st,a'l"e the things you re lookIng forVA ~• .l1152350 ALL' TY"PESOt i'l~ ~-iOorderIKarv-ArtI VEnice 9.3044

    :,EWING SCPPliIES Buttonholel, I Ft-n"'ITURE f I call "'-I 1'-I Button Co v e r I n 1'. HemeutchJng, I n-, ,or sa e ., 003Gravy Se....ing :.rarhlne Co., 15'11 PEDIGREED Colhe AKC re81stered.Mack Ave Tt:xedo 2-1555 6 months old Wln sacrlllce Rose-Ai:.L GAS SERVICE '.llle S781.:URella". ancl SerVicing- on all makes :-.tAHOG~~Y nail lo'eeeat. antlQue

    of CU burner. NI~ra ~ $1;; glrl. SUllS 12-14 boy s tan~"DY:MA." we do general home re- flngertlp wat 12-14 XI 9435

    pair and mamtenance. cement work DETROIT .Tewel table top sto'e GoodII&lntlnl'. ete Cldl Jack Schneider. at condition NI. 3787.VA 2-4382 12 GAt:GE BrownIng automatk ....lthLYCA.STE poh,hlni :llId Buft/Ill' All • pol\rbok. New used tllnce 59500

    typea of metal artlclel pllshed and ,,~4 St Cl&lr TL" 2-09~7bUffed 2b39 L' ,.ute VA. 2-~G14 GE:'ool:IXE KoEhel(\ cvat. 10-1:: PaIr

    blue lou"ge cha"". broken set oflohnsons old BrItain Caatle dlsres.antIque glass Bults size 12 :1''' 2816WASHING Machlnel, need minor re-

    pa rs Rta.sonable GEne .... SSllSQt: ARE Grand plMO Call TI: 2-6.'1;,06 FT SkIS. elamp. and polea. $1000

    560 Xotre Dame TU. 2-7961SOFA GOod condltlon eheap $2loo

    ll~ Bearon.fleld YA 4-'1688GARLA.!."'D Wood~O&1-gas ....,. •• Vic-

    torian bed drellller YAlley 2-Oll9OWAA~ fOR Resal .. en tlllda of ALMOST Ntw blue b&rrel chair, slnrle

    ch1IcInIIa c1othiA.. KoatheriJl.'. Re- boaIe, 141U Kerchev", t_ doon .. et maple ed complete. mahogany cot-


    of Ubnl'J', bet_ N_rt and Eaat. tee table; 2 Jl6nel doon with moldln.,la ..... VA 2.8176. ....hlte wicker porch MUee .• blp clock

    ,.,th chrome IIJLI TU 1.2771


    4j~ FURNITURE Wanted. If you hive GEXTLEM~ ...-S Diamond nng. !&Tireanytb1Jla' In the line or householdI-

    fUrnIture and rug. call 1_ Neat- stone 1 4 carat solid gold mountinl'.• S oman d,anJOllds Value $1 200 Pn-

    • ., ~ , , .. way Furniture. 13930 Kercheval. V.A. '\"ate sale. $7$0. Jewele", opinion 0 K

    I \,.."",-i.t t - -m 12-2115 "'''''~M'~.I\.~

    WANTED I HCDSO:O; Hand .... ruutll. 510; anUque3rosse POinte Ptg Co J.pholstered ehetr\-wood ebalr. ~j

    OLD CLOTHING mah::gllny mag:lzl.'1e net $.5 blae1l:tl. h t . "'~'d for men's IncedlepOlnte Persian trimmed coat. lI1%e~g es pnces yreL.h•• d AKC Re-rts,:pr'd WE:>-i, :\;0 fit. Rr~ n."'nn.p!l B. x"'., P0ul'! 1 I IdIw. 151:1 hfr-f'! f\al ... !"')C1H..--t~r Pncn(' R" l"€'''t'''r S7S:; I

    tvlEN' 'partiCular DlS1.Jnctlve E11PtOYMElII"T AGEXCIES IPr"A TAbl- Tr'MI r..,11o p" "I'"",p' I "II amtinll eeorahDg I ...alr'll f\~,'" 1047 model l,ke n.... 4ro.lII/t ;Dot'nt.~ A1, -,I- I

    ~CCLr.cal Cnntl'8ctor PAINTING- AT1' I' 'II ~-;, I PO\lERA";'YAX Or.~".' " n'Q1llho,-.a DECORATING l'Tr;'I;O(;l Al'llt' " ,. ••• rx;>n-Ion ,r r>.m!' ~ A j 'r.to, Llltle i../ L1C('ln~pd t'n('"t" t ...r n~ c: r.' .errl \ ("AI\h~ fit ,. 'IIlh'T ~ "Or" 1\. rf' \ A 2-""7},'"'

  • ...


    SolutionTo This


    WEEK'S .~

    PUZZLE ~..Ll

    Will Appear 1°HERE

    NEXT WEEK:i!

    ~ .....'l.'..

    Thursday, Janua~ 1~ 1

    I, Plumb)nc & HeatinI!, 20229 Mack TU. 2.37,I I --II, I

    ! I


    MACK at NonlNOMAM

    Grosse PointeVALET ,,

    Cleaners&Dyers I WIlESL7854 Mack.'1 59311 I CHAMPABNES

    _ • S!fS I IllES

    ::iISILVA'S il!:' :.::II 10TOR SALES :173Z0 Mack ' tii. 2G.iO1 YOUR II, KAISER-FRAZER II 25-Veh1~ on runners II

    1 2'7-Whlrlwu1d oft the e..-oe !I Isla.nds &'.... I

    DealeT in GTOl'IlIe PointeI I »-N~th~,I I 31-Engllsh abbr., When You Have Won 34--Pnnce Edward, This Croanrord Contest Ii 3S-At 17320 Mack Ave.

    Come to Our SHOW I I 36-To hlre agam37-M1serlv

    ROOM for ENTRY 38-Rtm out wlthout ootieeBLANK for the 39-Yes '8p)

    $1'JaS,OOO i ~~apa.nese com~ 4S- 'ITeiNl of a footI 47-Glrl

    KAISER FRAZER ,I 48-Bleatmlt of a sheepI CONTEST II 49-TIuck (abbr)

    I 51-ArtIficial Langua,ge,I 24 Sew Cars for PriIe1I I 52-00lf mound2_0139Mack NI."30 II


    I 54-Teutonic Ctty-= 56-Rallr08d abbr





    WA. 1..41858

    Ready MadeBy The Yard

    Made To Order


    .. Our Staff I.. Onr of thrJ m~t Group of ContaC't l.A'Dlil

    Tey and Bob GraUl Bob Bel-I I' t b th Paul CYO, FrancOIS. and Defer 1 d h t

    15 spomonng II bndgp luncheol' 12 L Reno 11 7-8 mcht's ,i:'reatE'rd

    wldl &lIThwed as prt'z J'a~k Ho\\ ard and Jack In. 1 genera d' dPrffonUSCt0 the somte t mg cagers, each have suffered one that the root of t/le trouble (the agam p a) e os \I h " th \

    30 l'lcre.s~d hpa room e oor nl'w an I eren III I' en er am- tre~) '''a- VIllage properly on "11-1 and defl'8tl'd Royal (Irl, S",

    or. Thursda' Jan 22 at 12 pm !l P Ruprlch 31 1\-6 I G C f d' see act as subs on the lea gut' So I t I loss In one game played. ' n n aaal 't th P sh house '[an land at • opt'mng has b!'en mO\'ed orl\'ar ,men m... lagi' property I Dob Jenks " n I; !a (' art ". 6 J Junl' 31 3.4 I'three mches provldmg gri'ater I far. a hIgh ganlt' of 184 was boy, It'd The mmor league which 18 for Th ' I I t ord ThiS time It \18'

    Hampton 1 L B ht 29 13.14 ' b T .~. l?\ ' t be' 16 f d d I' counci In comp e I' ivm. 1.1

    _ rec ~ c!E'arance for E'ntermg and leavlng y on~ •• azzo a .• 0 one, as ) I' , ~s years 0 age an un er. th wlth the tax a I'r Dut fl'ar. mdlVldual mediI')' re,' •)'frs John L MItchI'll 16 chaIr 3 R ~mlth -28 ,.8 has hit the 300 mark but we don't IS topped by Appachees Wlth two pa y P Y 1943 J k d

    man Shl' ",,11 bt' a.sSIStl'd by the, 8 A \'anBE'celaere 27 1-2 the cab. doubt that It 11 happ;n eventuall)' Audience To Hear wms and no setbacks. ' I Illg of settmg any precedence 111 ~Illce, r k e~k s, dMesdam ..s A\I'n London PhIl- 4 P Allard 27 1\.6 I the VIllage demed hIS requt'st wo } ea 5 noe I'd < , "hps, Hl'llman. Chlckonoskl, Teske. ill 0 '{('Carron 26 11.12 • John Mason Brown In a he for mecond place are The dental wa~ basl'd on the re- ten~s Ta:conds off tf IMoran, ChamplnE' Lawrence, Mar- 16 0 Tromble\' 26 3-4 Boston U. Alumni Preparations are In full swmg Huns and Sl, Paul indian. Wlth,quest of Pierre Heftier. Park at- mar I' new relOlri 1 '--'?1ftm, Buckndgl'. Clancy Hood Pa-, 7 M Smith . 25 9.10 for the commg operetta to be pr... The popular and well known one and one, I torn e)'. who said the VIllage IS reo 171 sl'conds I'nthum. Kummer, a 0 :!>tartm, Hi F Dan"bur\' 24 11.12 Plans Detroit Club sented bv the high school glee club author, lecturer and dramlltlc sponslble only for the mam sewer On Fnda\' tlLE' Bll. I) i;.Vlsmara Shock Hartw&v De. k 22 13 14 S . critiC John Mason Brown. Will S"'lsh.-rs m last place \l'lth two I I be out for their tll l'1I' • rWorkl'n' carp~ter. KIl~o'r.one,l: ~ ~~~l('rr:.ac er 8:10 Boston Umvl'rslty graduates ~f t. Am~ro~. ThIS yea~ It \\ II~I give hIS annual "ReVIew of Cur. defeats m as many starts. Other lmkmg sewers are the I when they meet :'lO'lro '.tand -GriffIn 1 a t~r 22 110m Grosse Pomte were among I' given Wlce, one on anuar~ rl'ht Pla\'s and Books' at the De. 1 property of the private reSident local pool

    those who attended a Alumm 29th, to cel ..brat .. thE' feast of our trOit To~n Hall In The Cass Thea. T\\o other entries listed as 8t and must be mstalled mamtamedGOOD ESTf\fATE meE'lmg }ronday at thl' Central Pastor, Father FranCIS Van An'

    ltrt'. on l;'rlda)' mormng, Januar;,'1 ClaIr ?\o 1 and 81. Clair No. 2 and repaHed at hiS e~pense. '

    CHE-\P TR:\\EL In pre-flight estlmatps of the Methodist Church, Woodward' at twerp; and agam the followmg 23rd at 11 o'clock. have not see~ Rl~,LOnye!. R{;:\fOR 01,' 1"t. \\lHXa\'al Air Tran~port SE'n'lce of- i llllle I e\juu ,,1 for tht flIght fro'1' 1 East Au..... ". nlKht, at PiercE' AuditorIUm. Prac- l\1:\JOR Sl KEDt: LE :llr Herrman left the meeting I Rumor of thl \Vel h ha'

    ftClalS estimate that XATS trans., San FranCISco to HonolulU, an tiCI' every mght for the cast Isl TIckets at the Cass ThesLro:--