2 worksheet society and sport discussion board

SOCIETY, SPORT AND ITS CONTRADICTIONS: “THE PARADOXES OF CURRENT SPORT” NAME AND SURNAMES : MARÍA TERESA GONZÁLEZ CORTÉS GROUP:4ºA TOPIC TO WORK : Performance and sport. CONCRETE TOPIC CHOSEN : Doping, salaries and high performance. Newspaper or website: It is an article that I do with the information of http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anexo:Casos_de_dopaje_en_España and http://www.tusalario.es/main/salario/vip/deportistas . It is publish in http://4amaitegonzalezcortes.blogspot.com.es/ Publication date: It was created 25/05/2014 and published 29/05/2014. HEADLINE: The doping knocks down myths. ABSTRACT: The present article analyzes the use of substances of doping in high performance sport in Spain since 1970. ARTICLE: The doping is related to the promotion or consumption of any method or forbidden substance by athletes. This substances can be very dangerous for the health of the athlete and it improvement the performance of them. The doping has existed in Spain since decade of 1970. Famous athletes such as the cyclists: Jaime Huelamo, Pedro Delgado, José Manuel Fuentes, Txema Del Olmo, Igor González, Alberto Contador…, the football players Ramón Calderél, Sanchez Lorenzo…, the swimmer David Meca, runners: Marta Dominguez, Ángel Arroyo, Sergio Sánchez…and other important athletes haven’t pass the antidoping control for the consumption of drug as amphetamines… Thank to the consumption of this substances they have a great performance and they are contracted by the most rich team so they earn for year between 510.000€ (2.040€ per day) to 47.426.471€ (189.706€ per day) CONCLUSION: Almost all the athletes that have a great performance have used in a moment of his life some drug to improve their mark or to be contract for a better team. PERSONAL OPINION : I'm going to give my opinion about an article that show that in the Spain the mostly of the important athletes have consumption drug such as amphetamines etc, which thank to it obtain a high performance, so they are contracted by rich teams and earn a great quantity of money. In my opinion this is an unfair situation because they don't get their marks but they obtained the help of substances that improvement their skills and more over it is dangerous for their health. Also I think that the people that use it don't cheat on as but themselves because they never

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TOPIC TO WORK: Performance and sport.

CONCRETE TOPIC CHOSEN : Doping, salaries and high performance.Newspaper or website: It is an article that I do with the information of http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anexo:Casos_de_dopaje_en_España and http://www.tusalario.es/main/salario/vip/deportistas . It is publish in http://4amaitegonzalezcortes.blogspot.com.es/ Publication date: It was created 25/05/2014 and published 29/05/2014.HEADLINE: The doping knocks down myths.

ABSTRACT: The present article analyzes the use of substances of doping in high performance sport in Spain since 1970.

ARTICLE: The doping is related to the promotion or consumption of any method or forbidden substance by athletes. This substances can be very dangerous for the health of the athlete and it improvement the performance of them.

The doping has existed in Spain since decade of 1970.

Famous athletes such as the cyclists: Jaime Huelamo, Pedro Delgado, José Manuel Fuentes, Txema Del Olmo, Igor González, Alberto Contador…, the football players Ramón Calderél, Sanchez Lorenzo…, the swimmer David Meca, runners: Marta Dominguez, Ángel Arroyo, Sergio Sánchez…and other important athletes haven’t pass the antidoping control for the consumption of drug as amphetamines…

Thank to the consumption of this substances they have a great performance and they are contracted by the most rich team so they earn for year between 510.000€ (2.040€ per day) to 47.426.471€ (189.706€ per day)

CONCLUSION: Almost all the athletes that have a great performance have used in a moment of his life some drug to improve their mark or to be contract for a better team.

PERSONAL OPINION: I'm going to give my opinion about an article that show that in the Spain the mostly of the important athletes have consumption drug such as amphetamines etc, which thank to it obtain a high performance, so they are contracted by rich teams and earn a great quantity of money.

In my opinion this is an unfair situation because they don't get their marks but they obtained the help of substances that improvement their skills and more over it is dangerous for their health. Also I think that the people that use it don't cheat on as but themselves because they never know if they are capacited to get their goals. Also they must to reflect about their salary because it isn't fear that they earn in a day more money than a normal people earn in a month.

I know that many people don't use this substances and maybe they don't get to became very important athlete or have high performance but they are honest, also know that a lot of athletes don't earn a lot of quantities of money for example the sportswomen have to have other work to maintenance their family that of course it is unfair because all the athletes have to earn the same quantity of money.

But really the majority of the athletes use drug to get high performance in a moment of their life because there is a moment in which the body can't more and to continue with the level or to improve they use it moreover their trainers or family aim them to it because think that it is good to their future and for end I think if I am an athlete I will never use drug and I will renounce to a part of my high salary because with a normal salary I can live and also I can life with smaller goals in which I don't need drugs.

Page 2: 2 worksheet society and sport discussion board

Society and Sport. Physical Education Department