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Post on 25-May-2018




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L.A. County set to build its first new freeway in 25 years, despite many misgivings

http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-high-desert-freeway-20180210-htmlstory.html[2/12/2018 7:40:21 AM]


The California Department of Transportation, in cooperation with a joint powers authority, will in June begin buying land to build a 63-mile-long high desert freeway connecting Palmdale and Lancaster with Victorville, Apple Valley and Adelanto.

hen the Century Freeway opened in 1993, officials said it would almostcertainly be the last of the great Southern California freeways, the finalchapter in a romance with fast lanes that began just before World WarII.

It offered a good example of why the ardor faded. The 105 violated environmentallaws, displaced more than 25,000 people and left behind a legacy of noise andpollution in some of Los Angeles County’s poorest neighborhoods. After decades ofdelays and bitter litigation, its price tag rose to $2.2 billion, making it the mostexpensive roadway ever built in the United States.

But now, with little fanfare, officials are again laying the groundwork for theconstruction of a new freeway.

The California Department of Transportation, in cooperation with a joint powersauthority, will in June begin buying land to build a 63-mile high desert freewayconnecting the Los Angeles County communities of Palmdale and Lancaster with theSan Bernardino County communities of Victorville, Apple Valley and Adelanto.

L.A. County set to build its first new freeway in 25 years, despite many misgivings

http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-high-desert-freeway-20180210-htmlstory.html[2/12/2018 7:40:21 AM]

Officials say the $8-billion project north of the San Gabriel and San Bernardinomountains would relieve anticipated traffic congestion in the fast-growing region bycreating a link between State Route 14 and Interstate 15, and reduce gridlock on LosAngeles-area roads including the 210, 10 and 60 freeways.

But like its predecessor, it’s already raising questions about its environmental toll,impact on communities and funding.

The county’s first new freeway in a quarter-century is something of a throwback, asregional planners have shifted their focus in recent years toward mass transit andinfill development to combat snarled traffic and housing shortages. Yet it serves as areminder that even as Los Angeles moves to encourage more density in its urbanneighborhoods, development continues to push into the scrublands on the county’sfringes.

Since the completion of the 105, Palmdale and Lancaster have seen their populationssurge — even landing among the nation’s 10 fastest-growing cities in 2007, accordingto the U.S. Census Bureau. Though the Great Recession slowed their boom, theexpanse of desert has “the most space and long-run growth potential in the county,”said Robert Kleinhenz, executive director of research at Beacon Economics, aconsulting firm whose clients include UC Riverside.

A motorist drives along 50th St., north of Palmdale Blvd in Palmdale, where Caltrans is preparing to build an eight-lanefreeway in the undeveloped Mojave Desert. (Mel Melcon / Los Angeles Times)

L.A. County set to build its first new freeway in 25 years, despite many misgivings

http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-high-desert-freeway-20180210-htmlstory.html[2/12/2018 7:40:21 AM]

The freeway would be part of a HighDesert Corridor with a rapid-transit rail,linking to a proposed high-speed rail toLas Vegas, and a bikeway. Funded withpublic-private partnerships, it could be inoperation within 20 years, RyanMcEachron, coordinator of the jointpowers authority, said.

“This is an exciting, high-priority project,”McEachron said. “Some would argue weneed it immediately, given the trafficcongestion on existing freeways, which is only going to get worse.”

The environmental impact report has already been approved, paving the way forright of way agents to begin acquiring land this spring with $274 million generatedby Measure M, a sales tax increase approved by Los Angeles County voters in 2016 tobuild transportation projects over the next 40 years.

How much of the Mojave Desert terrain in the vicinity of the project would survive asit is today — fragile ecosystems interspersed with ranches and isolated communitiesfar removed from the confines of city life — is an open question. Critics argue theproject would induce sprawl, traffic congestion and air pollution. Developers, theysay, want to build up the area for profit and not necessarily to reduce commute time.


L.A. County set to build its first new freeway in 25 years, despite many misgivings

http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-high-desert-freeway-20180210-htmlstory.html[2/12/2018 7:40:21 AM]

On a trail wending under canopies of angular Joshua tree branches a few miles eastof Palmdale, Bryn Lindblad, associate director of the nonprofit Climate Resolve,lamented the ecological destruction that would come with freeway construction.

The area is part of an arid empire of Joshua trees, cactus, bobcats, tortoises andkangaroo rats hemmed by steep slopes, dry lakes and arroyos fringed with creosotebush.

It is also within proposed right of way for the freeway’s six to eight lanes.

“You’re looking at the proposed site of a freeway off-ramp,” Lindblad said, noddingfurther up the trail. “It would be one of several that would overnight become hives ofgas stations, fast-food restaurants and motels.”

“It would destroy some of our last open space to create more suburban sprawl,undermining efforts to reduce congestion and making climate goals a farce.”

A lawsuit filed by Climate Resolve in Los Angeles Superior Court challenging thevalidity of corridor’s environmental impact report is expected to go to trial later thisyear.

However, the most serious obstacles in the path of the project seem to be financial.

How or when San Bernardino County would be able to pay for its stretch of right ofway, which must be 500 feet wide in order to accommodate the freeway and rail,hasn’t been settled.

Bryn Lindblad, associate director of the nonprofit environmental group Climate Resolve, in the Mojave Desert in Palmdale,where Caltrans is preparing to build a freeway between Palmdale and Victorville. (Mel Melcon / Los Angeles Times)

L.A. County set to build its first new freeway in 25 years, despite many misgivings

http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-high-desert-freeway-20180210-htmlstory.html[2/12/2018 7:40:21 AM]

State and county officials say they may decide to build in phases as funding becomesavailable. Proposals to make certain stretches of the freeway, or its entire length, atoll road are also under discussion, officials say.

Whether or not the freeway gets built at all, they say, may hinge on the pork-barrellargesse and private investment spurred by the Trump administration’s highly toutedplan to renovate the nation’s crumbling roads, airports, bridges and railways.

“Private investors probably won’t want to put their money into the corridor withoutassurances of significant federal support,” McEachron said.

In a letter to Trump in April, Robert Lovingood, a San Bernardino County supervisorand chairman of the joint powers authority, was more blunt: The corridor will notsucceed, he said, without credit assistance from Department of Transportation loanprograms.

The administration has yet to respond. But Brian Taylor, director of UCLA's Instituteof Transportation Studies, described the situation as “the freeway builder’s dilemma:Construction in advance of anticipated demand is a risky proposition, and investorswant to see immediate returns.”

Still, Taylor said he was surprised “that things have progressed so quickly on this

Pearblossom resident Christopher Minsal has mixed feelings about Caltrans' plan to build the 63-mile freeway. (Mel Melcon/ Los Angeles Times)

L.A. County set to build its first new freeway in 25 years, despite many misgivings

http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-high-desert-freeway-20180210-htmlstory.html[2/12/2018 7:40:21 AM]

project up to this point.”

Now, high desert cities are jockeying for control of adjacent land where off-rampsand rail stations could produce lucrative income streams.

In unincorporated, low-income areas with little clout in the speculative maneuvering,residents worry their proximity to the corridor will make them attractive todevelopers, leading to the displacement of neighbors. Others look forward to newdevelopment and jobs fanning out across an arid landscape they say has been largelyignored for decades by county agencies.

The route would run roughly parallel to State Route 18 and State Highway 138, alsoknown as Pearblossom Highway. Congestion is a problem on Highway 138 thanks tobig rigs, commuters and travelers to Las Vegas.

These tensions converge in El Mirage, a solitary enclave of 1,000 surrounded bybarren hills, about 10 miles west of Adelanto. Its convenient desolation has made it aplace where city dwellers come to run wild, myriad movies and commercials arefilmed and experimental military drones soar in the sky.

But that’s not what Jessie Flores, economic development director for Adelanto, sawthrough the windshield during a tour in November.

The town of El Mirage as seen from the intersection of El Mirage and Mt View Road. (Mel Melcon / Los Angeles Times)

L.A. County set to build its first new freeway in 25 years, despite many misgivings

http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-high-desert-freeway-20180210-htmlstory.html[2/12/2018 7:40:21 AM]

“El Mirage is a land of opportunity for Adelanto,” he said.

Adelanto wants to annex El Mirage and 62 square miles surrounding it because itmay eventually provide new economic opportunities, including millions of dollars incorridor-related development surrounding as many as three offramps, Flores said.

In El Mirage, where the median price of a home is $120,000, compared with$200,000 in Adelanto, community activists are “fighting for the best deal we canmake,” said Debra Hill, a spokeswoman for the El Mirage Improvement Assn.

“Suddenly, we’re seen as a cash cow for Adelanto — and that’s our leverage,” Hillsaid. “This could be our chance to land some local development and jobs, and maybeeven make enough money on rising property values to move someplace else.”

However, preliminary annexation discussions came to an abrupt halt in Novemberafter Adelanto Mayor Pro Tem Jermaine Wright was arrested for allegedly acceptinga bribe from an undercover FBI agent and plotting to burn down a local restaurant.Wright, 41, pleaded not guilty to the federal charges and is awaiting trial.

In the meantime, “We’re cooling our jets on annexation until we figure out whetherthe FBI has completed its investigation at Adelanto City Hall,” she said. “But overall,I’d say things are finally looking up a bit for El Mirage.”

Flores would not argue with any of that. He’s seen what a new freeway can deliver.Though transportation experts caution that adding automotive lanes doesn’t alwayslive up to its traffic-taming promise, he is a believer in the allure of an open road.

“Let me tell you a story,” he said. “On a spring day 25 years ago, I was in my first car— a blue 1964 Volkswagen — and at the head of a line of vehicles waiting for theCentury Freeway’s grand opening ceremony to end.”

“Moments after officials cut the red ribbon,” he recalled with a smile, “I put my car ingear and rolled onto the new freeway thinking, ‘Thank God, I’ll get home on time.”

[email protected]


L.A. County set to build its first new freeway in 25 years, despite many misgivings

http://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-high-desert-freeway-20180210-htmlstory.html[2/12/2018 7:40:21 AM]


For the record:

11:54 a.m. An earlier version of this article said Bryn Lindblad was a resident AppleValley. She lives in Los Angeles.

Louis Sahagun


Louis Sahagun is a staff writer at the Los Angeles Times. He covers issues ranging

from religion, culture and the environment to crime, politics and water. He was on

the team of L.A. Times writers that earned the Pulitzer Prize in public service for a

series on Latinos in Southern California and the team that was a finalist in 2015

for the Pulitzer Prize in breaking news. He is a CCNMA: Latino Journalists of

California board member, and author of the book, “Master of the Mysteries: the

Life of Manly Palmer Hall.”




Las familias militares refuerzan el caso de que laobesidad es contagiosa



L.A. considers cutting through red tape to get homeless people housed faster

http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-homeless-housing-motel-20180212-story.html[2/12/2018 7:35:07 AM]

Tod Lipka, president of Step Up on Second, has been converting motels like this one in Hollywood into supportive housing for homeless people. (Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times)

L.A. considers cutting through red tape to get homeless people housed faster

http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-homeless-housing-motel-20180212-story.html[2/12/2018 7:35:07 AM]

As Los Angeles politicians face mounting pressure to combat the homelessness crisis, the City Council is weighing twomeasures aimed at clearing obstacles to getting more people into housing.

But the proposed laws have stirred up concerns among critics who fear they will muzzle neighbors or concentrate homelesshousing into specific neighborhoods.

One measure would allow permanent supportive housing projects to avoid a review process that can drag out a year or moreand expose the projects to public battles with opponents.

The proposed law would slash parking requirements and allow homeless housing projects of up to 120 units in much of thecity — and as large as 200 in downtown and some other areas — to avoid environmental review and public hearings as long asthe projects meet certain requirements. Under current law, housing projects with 50 units or more have to go through a moreexhaustive process.

Housing advocates say the measure would give a crucial boost to the city's goal of building 10,000 new units for homelessresidents in a decade, by easing the approval process and encouraging the construction of bigger buildings.

Council members are also considering a measure that could make it easier to temporarily convert motels into homelesshousing, which has been touted as a more immediate way to get people off the streets. City officials hope that by removingzoning restrictions, they will encourage struggling motels to contract with county-funded programs to get people housed.

"It's an existing source of housing. It's available right now," City Atty. Mike Feuer said. "We need to just do it already."


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L.A. considers cutting through red tape to get homeless people housed faster

http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-homeless-housing-motel-20180212-story.html[2/12/2018 7:35:07 AM]

A row of tents in a homeless encampment line South Beaudry Avenue in downtown Los Angeles. (Francine Orr / Los Angeles Times)

Public grows impatient

L.A. considers cutting through red tape to get homeless people housed faster

http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-homeless-housing-motel-20180212-story.html[2/12/2018 7:35:07 AM]

Both measures are being vetted by a City Council committee Tuesday. As tents pop up from San Pedro to Winnetka,politicians face growing impatience from Angelenos who approved a $1.2-billion bond for homeless housing construction, aswell as a countywide tax for homeless services.

"A lot of people have asked, and rightly so, why isn't homelessness gone — I voted for those new measures," Mayor EricGarcetti said before the annual homeless count last month, pledging to "double the pace" of building affordable housing inthe city.

But if Garcetti is worried about backlash from voters who see little change on L.A. streets, he also faces critics who believe thecity is going too far, depriving residents of a chance to voice their concerns about housing projects.

Reams of letters have been sent to city planners over the proposed rules to ease the way for permanent supportive housing,many of them from Venice residents alarmed about homeless housing being considered for city sites.

Christian Wrede, a founding member of the community group Venice Vision, called it an "anti-democratic measure" thatwould allow powerful politicians and developers to disenfranchise working families and get around the requirements of theCalifornia Environmental Quality Act.

Wrede said Venice residents are willing to help house the homeless, but "it's just not right for us to have all these protectionsstripped away."

Planning officials helped craft the proposed laws to carry out a citywide plan to address homelessness, which calls for L.A. torelax some of its rules to facilitate housing construction for homeless people.

Between 2008 and 2016, fewer than 2,400 permanent supportive housing units were built in Los Angeles. Nearly two-thirdsof those projects had to undergo city vetting that can extend the process, according to a city report.

In August, lawmakers sided with opponents of a Boyle Heights project that would house dozens of mentally ill homelesspeople after the owners of a neighboring shopping center challenged its environmental clearance.

"Our politicized planning system currently allows a few opponents to delay or halt badly needed homes even when largemajorities of voters support new housing," Mark Vallianatos and Ezra Gale of the advocacy group Abundant Housing LAwrote in a letter to city planners.

L.A. considers cutting through red tape to get homeless people housed faster

http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-homeless-housing-motel-20180212-story.html[2/12/2018 7:35:07 AM]

Many builders have tried to avoid delays by making their housing projects small enough to avoid a process called site planreview, which requires an environmental review and can also trigger a public hearing. Tommy Newman, public affairsdirector for the United Way of Greater Los Angeles, estimated that process can delay construction as much as a year and ahalf.

Under one of the proposed laws, builders could steer clear of that process if they meet certain standards for how homelesshousing is designed, constructed and operated.

All of the units must be affordable. At least half must be provided to homeless tenants. They must be located in zones wheredwellings with multiple units are allowed — and generally must be in designated areas where public transit is frequent orreadily accessed. And they cannot eliminate more units than they create.

The city would also allow such homeless housing projects to be built higher or denser than otherwise allowed. And somezoning rules would be loosened. For instance, developers would not need to build parking spots for apartments set aside forhomeless tenants, who are less likely to own cars.

"Every parking space costs between $20,000 to $40,000," said Ann Sewill, vice president of health and housing for theCalifornia Community Foundation, a major funder of the bond to pay for homeless housing. "If we get rid of 100 spaces, thatsaves us millions of dollars."

Attorney Jamie T. Hall, who represents Venice Vision and another group concerned about the ordinance, complained that thenew law would impose a "one-size-fits-all approach" on communities with different needs. Parking, for instance, might stillbe needed for formerly homeless tenants in some areas, he argued.

"That is really poor planning," he said. "You need customization of projects to meet the needs of particular communities."

The City Council would still have leverage over housing projects because developers would need a letter of acknowledgmentfrom the local council member before getting funds from the housing department. And homeless housing projects could stillface additional review at City Hall if they sit in the coastal zone or other designated areas with their own requirements, cityplanners point out.

L.A. considers cutting through red tape to get homeless people housed faster

http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-homeless-housing-motel-20180212-story.html[2/12/2018 7:35:07 AM]

Even if the law passes, many other barriers, such as high costs for land and labor, would remain for groups trying to buildhomeless housing, said Laura Lake, co-president of the nonprofit Coalition for Veterans' Land, which is trying to developpermanent supportive housing for female homeless veterans and their children.

"All of these regulatory changes don't change those facts," Lake said. "Those are the true barriers."

Housing developers can also run into obstacles when they want to turn aging motels into homes, city officials say.

Trying to change how a building is used can spur the city to check whether it is in line with current zoning rules, which mayhave changed since the building was constructed. That, in turn, could require the building to undergo a lengthy process tochange the rules.

Under one of the proposed ordinances, motels that are being temporarily converted into homeless housing would not have tobe brought into line with the current zoning rules.

It would also allow the buildings to avoid any zoning problems if they are turned back into motels in the future. And theproposed law also allows refrigerators and other cooking facilities to be installed in guest rooms, which is now barred forbuildings built after 1963.

To participate, motel owners have to agree to lease out their building for homeless tenants. City officials say the proposedrules are aimed at making it easier for motels to partner with nonprofits that are tapping an existing pool of county funds forrent subsidies.

As long as a contract is in place, former motels could continue to provide housing for homeless people, whether for shorter orlonger stays.

So far, the proposed ordinance has not stirred up the same debate as the other law, but some residents in areas with clustersof motels, such as Sylmar, have raised concerns that their neighborhoods could end up with a disproportionate amount ofhomeless housing.

L.A. considers cutting through red tape to get homeless people housed faster

http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-homeless-housing-motel-20180212-story.html[2/12/2018 7:35:07 AM]

It is unclear how many motels may be converted if the proposed rules are approved. There are nearly 400 motels with morethan 10,000 guest rooms across the city, according to a city analysis of assessor data.

At one meeting in South Los Angeles, more than 100 people showed up to learn about motel conversions, city officials said.

Motel owners are sometimes reluctant to sell the buildings that have been their livelihoods, but leasing them to a nonprofitallows them to hold on to the property and get regular income, said Joe Patel, a motel owner and former president of theApartment Assn. of Greater Los Angeles.

Even better, he said, "there are so many happy souls."

A few years ago, Patel made an agreement with the nonprofit First to Serve to lease one of his buildings in South Los Angeles.

The onetime motel on Figueroa Street houses dozens of formerly homeless women and children, who sleep in simple roomsfurnished with dressers and televisions and eat dinners of chicken enchiladas and chili downstairs.

The program, which includes case managers and other staff on site, is funded by the Los Angeles County Department ofMental Health, said the Rev. Richard Reed, the executive director of First to Serve. Women stay for a few weeks or a fewyears, paying nothing for their rooms.

The goal is to help them save enough money to move in somewhere else, said Christina Verjan, program manager at the site.

Natalie Purnell said she was "out and about," bouncing between family and motels, before she landed a shared room at Patel'sformer motel a year ago.

"I've had my share of shelters and transitional living," she said. "This is a palace compared to the other ones."

Audio: New fellowship aims to address shortage of LA workers on homelessness | 89.3 KPCC

http://www.scpr.org/news/2018/02/12/80642/shortage-of-la-workers-leaders-on-homelessness/[2/12/2018 7:32:58 AM]

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New fellowship aims toaddress shortage of LAworkers on homelessness

Antonio Garcia, 27, has been homeless in Van Nuys for about two years. "I'm trying to hang in here," Garcia says. He'sfocused on teaching and helping homeless youth struggling with addiction. MAYA SUGARMAN/KPCC

Rina Palta | February 12, 2018

As Los Angeles County massively ramps up its systems forcombatting homelessness, over a thousand related jobs have yetto be filled.

The jobs range widely and include housekeepers, accountants, social workers,

shelter staff, and outreach workers. Though the jobs will be paid for at least in

part with funds from Measure H, a 1/4 cent sales tax approved last year, the

positions are largely with contractors that provide social services around the


Molly Rysman, homelessness deputy for L.A. County Supervisor Shiela Kuehl,

said it's a challenge to fill so many positions.

"Particularly because it takes a certain level of skill, and compassion and

interest in the issue to be effective," she said. "The good news is there's a lot of

opportunity for people who want to work on homelessness. But it's a big burden

for the agencies to try to fill so many vacancies."

Government agencies, too, are struggling to handle the new workload of

overseeing contracts, ensuring contractors hit their goals, and making policy


"There's a lot of work to be done," said Maria Funk, district chief of countywide

housing for L.A.'s Department of Mental Health.

The United Way of Greater Los Angeles is launching a fellowship program to

help fill the gap. Fellows, mostly with Masters Degrees, will be placed in three

county departments, as well as the City of Pasadena and L.A. City Council

Member Marqueece Harris Dawson's office for a year to work on homelessness.

Their salaries will be funded through philanthropic dollars.

"We're looking to bring in the next generation of leaders," said Elise Buik, CEO

of the United Way of Greater L.A. "We absolutely have to think of it as a ten-

year horizon."

There hasn't been much of a natural pipeline into homelessness work,

particularly in governments, she said.

Funk said she came into her position almost by happenstance after working as a

clinical psychologist and then in a series of other administrative positions.

"I can tell you for certain, when I was in graduate school in the '90s, we didn't

learn about homelessness," she said.

The program's intended to start as a pilot, with potential expansion on the

horizon. Fellows will start in their respective offices July 1. The deadline to apply

is April 1.

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State lawmakers want to restore an urban renewal and affordable housing program. But it's complicated

http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-urban-renewal-program-returns-20180212-story.html[2/12/2018 8:05:14 AM]

Downtown Los Angeles' Grand Hope Park is in one of the areas improved by funding from the city's former redevelopment agency. (Wally Skalij / Los Angeles Times)

State lawmakers want to restore an urban renewal and affordable housing program. But it's complicated

http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-urban-renewal-program-returns-20180212-story.html[2/12/2018 8:05:14 AM]

Seven years ago, at the depth of the state's budget crisis, Gov. Jerry Brown eliminated an urban renewal program thatprovided billions of dollars annually for economic development and low-income housing. Ever since, lawmakers have triedand failed to bring it back.

Now, with Brown on his way out of office next January, legislators are gearing up for another attempt. This time will bedifferent, they say, not only because state government finances have improved, but also because they could have the supportof Brown's would-be successor. Leading Democratic gubernatorial candidates Gavin Newsom, Antonio Villaraigosa and JohnChiang have all endorsed the program's resurrection.

"We would love to work with this governor on it," said Assemblyman David Chiu (D-San Francisco), who plans to introducelegislation this year. "But if it's not meant to be by the time we're able to get something to the governor's desk, we want to beable for the next governor to move quickly."

Even with the backing of a new governor, bringing back the urban renewal program, known formally as redevelopment, facesmajor questions: How much is it going to cost, and how will the money be divided?

Starting in 1945, the redevelopment program allowed California's local governments to declare downtrodden neighborhoodsblighted and in need of economic investment. Under the system, cities and counties sequestered most new property taxdollars generated in those neighborhoods — money that would have otherwise gone to the day-to-day budgets of cities,counties, special districts and schools. Redevelopment revenue could be spent on road, park and transit upgrades amongother efforts to spur growth, and at least 20% of the funds had to be set aside to help build low-income housing.

Supporters have credited redevelopment with revitalizing Old Pasadena, San Diego's Gaslamp Quarter and other areas. But


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State lawmakers want to restore an urban renewal and affordable housing program. But it's complicated

http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-urban-renewal-program-returns-20180212-story.html[2/12/2018 8:05:14 AM]

Brown successfully argued in 2011 that the state no longer could afford it and that the system was rife with abuses.

There were multimillion-dollar oceanfront homes in a redevelopment area that the tony San Diego suburb of Coronado haddeclared blighted. Palm Desert spent $16.7 million in redevelopment funds to maintain a luxury public golf course. The city ofSacramento spent millions financing the construction of a downtown bar featuring women dressed as mermaids swimming inan aquarium. A 2010 Times investigation found dozens of cities spent hundreds of millions of dollars reserved for affordablehousing on employee salaries, planning documents and developer subsidies, among other payments, without building asingle new home.

Since the program's dissolution, more than $15 billion that would have gone to redevelopment agencies instead has flowed toschool districts and local governments, according to the state Department of Finance. Almost $9 billion of that went toschools, allowing state government to fund other programs with money that it otherwise would have been obligated to spendon education.

Since 2011, the Brown administration has supported othereconomic development programs, such as tax credits forbusinesses relocating or remaining in the state, that itbelieves are better at job creation than redevelopment was,said H.D. Palmer, spokesman for the Department ofFinance.

"There is not an appetite to reconstruct redevelopment as itwas before 2011 by this administration," Palmer said.

Chiu says any new program will look much different fromthe old one. His legislation will involve more state oversightand redefine how neighborhoods would be eligible for theprogram. A redevelopment replacement, he said, shouldemphasize housing and job growth near transit to helpachieve the state's climate change goals.

"We need to think about what it means to revitalize ourcommunities in the 21st century," Chiu said.

State lawmakers want to restore an urban renewal and affordable housing program. But it's complicated

http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-urban-renewal-program-returns-20180212-story.html[2/12/2018 8:05:14 AM]

The new version of redevelopment will cost the statemoney, he said, though likely less than it once did. But thestate's budget won't be the only one affected.

Under the old system, counties and special districts hadlittle say when neighborhoods became redevelopmentareas, even though these programs took a chunk of their taxdollars. Any new version of the program, said DorothyJohnson, a legislative representative at the California StateAssn. of Counties, should give counties veto power over the

diversion of their revenues.

"Proposals that would sweep county resources into a project that was not approved by the local government body runscounter to the goals of building a stronger, more resilient California," Johnson said in a statement.

State lawmakers want to restore an urban renewal and affordable housing program. But it's complicated

http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-urban-renewal-program-returns-20180212-story.html[2/12/2018 8:05:14 AM]

Cities also aren't ready to embrace a redevelopment replacement. They are facing pressures from rising pension costs andother expenses and would want a firm contribution from the state before agreeing to divert property tax dollars, said DanCarrigg, legislative director for the League of California Cities.

Hard feelings also remain from the dissolution of redevelopment seven years ago, Carrigg said. The state had clawed backredevelopment dollars multiple times prior to 2011, and the League of California Cities sued that year over a legislative dealthat would have deeply cut redevelopment agency budgets, but allowed them to continue operating. The lawsuit backfiredwhen a California Supreme Court ruling in the case resulted instead in the program's elimination.

Local governments don't want to commit to a new version of redevelopment only to have the state renege a few years later,Carrigg said.

"The state is going to have to be a reliable partner," he said.

Still, the loss of redevelopment has left funding holes that haven't been filled, particularly for low-income housing. Sinceredevelopment's dissolution, the state has approved spending from its cap-and-trade environmental program andimplemented a new real estate transaction fee to subsidize the development of low-income housing. Those efforts, however,are generating less money than the $1-billion-a-year redevelopment for housing when it was eliminated.

The nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office has estimated that providing subsidized homes just for the 1.7 million low-income California renters who spend more than half their income on housing would cost at least $15 billion a year. The stateneeds to find new sources of revenue, said Chiu, who is the chairman of the Assembly Housing and Community DevelopmentCommittee.

"We haven't come close to replacing the affordable housing funding we used to receive from redevelopment," he said.

Even if a revamped version of redevelopment were to pass under Brown or the next governor, it probably won't provide animmediate infusion of cash. The system generates money through increases in property tax revenues over time. So if aneighborhood became a redevelopment area tomorrow, it could take years for enough money to build up to fund newprojects.

[email protected]



Gov. Brown just signed 15 housing bills. Here's how they're supposed to help the affordability crisis

California high court puts redevelopment agencies out of business

California's budget crisis a chance to rethink redevelopment funds

Updates on California politics

Liam Dillon covers California state politics and policy for the Los Angeles Times and is based in Sacramento. Prior to joining The Times in 2016, Dillon covered local politics in San Diego

and Southwest Florida.

Analysis and breaking news from our award-winning journalists in Sacramento and Washington, D.C.

Comments (7)


Californians voted to spend billions on more water storage. But state government keeps sitting on the cash

http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-skelton-california-water-bond-money-20180212-story.html[2/12/2018 8:06:05 AM]

We could be headed into another drought. There’s little Sierra snow and valleys are dry. Is California ready this time? Not really. (Joseph Serna / Los Angeles Times)

We could be headed into another drought. There's little Sierra snow and valleys are dry. Is California readythis time?

Not really.

Californians voted to spend billions on more water storage. But state government keeps sitting on the cash

http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-skelton-california-water-bond-money-20180212-story.html[2/12/2018 8:06:05 AM]

Good signs: There's still a lot of water stashed in reservoirs from last year's abnormally wet winter. Andwe've become better at using less water in our homes and yards.

One very bad sign: We haven't increased our water storage capacity.

Government at all levels moves at a glacial pace, especially when it's trying to deal with the complex andcontentious issue of water.

Four years ago in the midst of a scary, five-year drought — one of the state's driest periods in recordedhistory — voters eagerly approved a $7.5-billion water bond proposal, Proposition 1. The vote was alopsided 67% to 33%.

A key selling point was $2.7 billion set aside for additional water storage. Most voters probably envisionednew dams, although projects to replenish groundwater basins also were eligible for the money.

The remaining $4.8 billion was earmarked for myriad things: regional projects, recycling, desalination,watershed restoration, environmental protection, groundwater cleanup, wastewater treatment, floodcontrol. Roughly 86% of that money has been appropriated by the Legislature, although only 14% has beenspent.

In writing the ballot measure, legislators handed the $2.7-billion storage pot to the California WaterCommission to safeguard it from legislative politics. How much of the money has the commissionallocated? Zilch. In fact, no projects have even been approved.

Tempers flared in the water world recently when 11 proposals scored badly in the first round ofcompetition for the bond bucks.

"It's causing lots of people to scratch their heads," says Tim Quinn, executive director of the Assn. ofCalifornia Water Agencies.

Water is wonky and the laws are convoluted.

Basically, water projects for agriculture and domestic use are funded by consumers. That means irrigationand water districts finance the projects and bill the ratepayers.

More from George Skelton »

But under Proposition 1, the state general fund — paid into by all taxpayers — will kick in for bonds tofund a project's "public benefits." These benefits include such things as recreation, flood control andenvironmental protection. The $2.7 billion can only be spent on public benefits and cannot exceed 50% ofa project's cost.

There seems no danger, however, of state money coming anywhere close to paying for half of mostprojects.

"We've got applications asking for a total of $5.8 billion and we have $2.7 billion," commission ChairmanArmando Quintero says. "This is a competitive process."

Californians voted to spend billions on more water storage. But state government keeps sitting on the cash

http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-skelton-california-water-bond-money-20180212-story.html[2/12/2018 8:06:05 AM]

Just what the competition rules are, however, is baffling local water officials. So Quintero and his staffhave been meeting with project honchos to help them tweak their money requests. A final decision onwhat each project will get is slated for July.

So far, the commission staff has found little or no public benefit to most of the projects.

Scoring highest were two "conjunctive use" projects that would bank reservoir water underground for usein dry years. One is in Sacramento County. The other is in the Chino Basin water district in SanBernardino County.

But the commission staff wasn't very enthusiastic about two big dam projects.

One is Sites, 14 miles west of the Sacramento River near Colusa. It leads virtually everyone's A-list for newreservoir proposals. It could hold 1.8 million acre-feet of water and become California's seventh largestreservoir. Total cost: $5.2 billion. Local leaders asked the state for nearly $1.7 billion. The commissionstaff found the project eligible for only $662 million.

"It's disappointing," says Jim Watson, general manager of the Sites project, which involves 33 wateragencies and local governments. "This reservoir is long overdue and needed."

Coverage of California politics »

But Sites fared much better than the proposed $3-billion Temperance Flat dam on the San Joaquin Rivernear Fresno. Its storage capacity would be nearly 1.3 million acre-feet. Backers asked for $1 billion. Thestaff judged it eligible for zero.

"Four years later [after the bond vote] and no storage money has been spent," complains state Sen. JimNielsen (R-Gerber). Sites would be built in his district. "That's the disgusting and frustrating waygovernment works."

There's a suspicion among many Republicans and dam advocates that the Democratic-controlled stategovernment, influenced by environmentalists, is looking for any excuse not to build more reservoirs.

"That's the furthest from the truth," says Chris Orrock, spokesman for the Water Commission. "We justwant to make sure the benefits are real and they're realized. This is an investment program, not a grantprogram."

Quintero, the commission chairman, says: "Every single commissioner is interested in seeing that all themoney goes out for water storage."

Most people would probably say that California needs several more dams. But, in fact, there are more than1,400 dams in the state. At least 1,000 are major, and 55 can hold more than 100,000 acre-feet of water.The largest 200 have a combined capacity of 41 million acre-feet.

There's at least one dam on every river running off the west slope of the Sierra, except the Cosumnes,which doesn't have enough water to bother.

Dam builders need to be leery of earthquake faults. They're all over California.

Refilled aquifers, recycled water and desalination are the future — not several more humongous, expensivedams.

But there's no reason to keep sitting on $2.7 billion the voters want spent on new water storage.

[email protected]

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Political columnist George Skelton has covered government and politics for more than 50 years and for The Times since 1974. He has been a Times political

writer and editor in Los Angeles, Sacramento bureau chief and White House correspondent. He has written a column on California politics, “Capitol Journal,”

since 1993. Skelton is a Santa Barbara native, grew up in Ojai and received a journalism degree at San Jose State.

Analysis and breaking news from our award-winning journalists in Sacramento and Washington, D.C.

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