1what is homeopathy

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  • 8/11/2019 1What is Homeopathy


    1What is homeopathy ?

    Every science has certain fundamental principles which guide

    the whole system. Homeopathy as a science of medicaltreatment has a philosophy of its own and its therapeutics is

    based on certain fundamental principles. These are:

    Law of imiliaLaw of imple!

    Law of "inimum

    #octrine of #rug $rovingTheory of %hronic #isease

    Theory of &ital 'orce

    #octrine of #rug(#ynamisation

    These fundamental principles are elaborated in the followingsections.

    Law of imilia

    Homeopathy is a system of medicine founded on a definite law

    )imilia imilibus %urantur) which means )li*e cures li*e). Theword Homeopathy is a +ree* derivation where )homeos) means

    )similar and pathos means )suffering). o Homeopathy may bedefined as the therapeutic method of symptom(similarity. The

    recognition of this law was there even before Hahnemann.

    $aracelus, Hippocrates, and ancient ayurvedic te!ts have on- Emergency Homeopathic Treatment

    occasions mentioned this law. ut it was Hahnemann who

    recogni/ed the universality of this law and lifted it from

    oblivion to ma*e it the basis of a complete system of medicine.0ccording to this system, the choice of the medicine is

    fundamentally based on the principle that the medicine musthave the capability of producing most similar symptoms of thedisease to be cured in healthy persons. n aphorism -2 of

    )3rganon of "edicine), Hahnemann states this law: 40 wea*er

    dynamic affection is permanently e!tinguished in the livingorganism by a stronger one, if the latter 5whilst differing in

    *ind6 is very similar to the former in its manifestations.4

    Law of imple! ( The ingle 7emedy

    Hahnemann in aphorisms -8-(-89 of ) 3rganon of "edicine)states that only one single, simple medicinal substance is to be

    administered in a given case of time. This is due to the

    following reasons:The homeopathic remedies were proved singly, and the

    "ateria "edica was built up on the observed effects of drugs

    given singly, either in planned provings or in accidentalprovings.

    3nly one remedy can be the most similar at any given time to

    the condition of any given patient.

    "oreover, if more than one remedy is used the doctor will

  • 8/11/2019 1What is Homeopathy


    never *now which element was curative and our source of

    future guidance is obscured.

    f more than one drug is given in one prescription thepossibility of synergistic action cannot be ruled out, but it

    cannot be argued that the effect will be the sum total of the

    effects of the separate drugs. The ingredient drugs may evenresult in interactions that may have adverse effects in the body.

    0 mi!ture of more than one remedy in a single dose would

    constitute a new remedy which would reuire to be proved assuch for a proper estimate of its probable effects.

    Law of "inimum

    The suitableness of a medicine for any given case does not

    depend on its accurate homeopathic selection alone, butEmergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT

    li*ewise on the proper si/e of dose too. ;nder this principle we

    give medicine to the patients in very minute doses. The minute

    dose means that uantity of a medicine which is thoughsmallest in uantity produces the least possible e!citation of

    the vital force and yet sufficient to effect the necessary changein it5< -926. The uantity is minimum, yet appropriate, for a

    gentle remedial effect. This concept of minimum dose lead to

    the discovery of a practical process called potentisation.0dministration of the minimum dose has the following


    To avoid unwanted aggravation

    The specific dynamic action which produces the uncommon,characteristic, distinguished symptoms of the drug, is produced

    by the minimum uantity of drug.

    The smallness of the dose does not allow the drug to do anyorganic damage nor there is any ris* of drug addiction and drug


    The concept of minimum dose can be verified by 0rndt(chult/ law that small doses stimulate, medium doses paraly/e

    and large doses *ill. other words, the action of small and very

    large doses of the same substance on living matter is opposite.

    The Law of Least 0ction, formulated by "aupertius, the'rench mathematician, states : 4The uantity of action

    necessary to affect any change in nature is the least possible,

    the decisive amount is always a minimum, an infinitesimal.4Health is a matter of perfect euilibrium, perfect balance,

    trifling circumstances may sway it, and so may it be balanced

    by the least possible in medication.#octrine of #rug $roving

    n Homeopathy we prescribe only those medicines whose

    medicinal properties are *nown through )drug proving). #rug

    proving is a systematic investigation of pathogenic 5diseaseproducing

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    6 power of medicine on healthy human being of

    different ages, both se!es and of various constitutions. These

    recordings of drug proving give the only reliable *nowledge ofmedicines which is very essential to cure disease

    9 Emergency Homeopathic Treatment

    homeopathically. #ifferent medicines must be provedthoroughly in order to obtain full details of their curative

    properties. The drug must be proved on human beings because:

    0nimals do not give sub=ective or mental symptoms.Effects of the same drug on animals and on human beings are


    We do not get the modalities and finer symptoms in animal

    provings.The drug must be proved on the healthy human being because:

    The symptoms of the drug and the disease will be mi!ed


    "oreover, the action of the drug on the sic* person is differentfrom normal person.

    Theory of %hronic #isease#uring the early age of homeopathic practice Hahnemann

    observed that in spite of best homeopathic treatment some

    cases would return with a recurrence of symptoms at intervals.This failure led him to investigate thoroughly a large number of

    chronic cases and after 1- years of observations he reached the

    conclusion that the chronic diseases are caused by chronic

    miasms. The miasms are $sora, yphilis and ycosis.$sora is the real fundamental cause and producer of

    innumerable forms of disease. t is the mother of all diseases

    and at least 8>th of all the chronic maladies spring from itwhile the remaining eighth spring from yphilis and ycosis.

    %ure is only possible by proper anti(miasmatic treatment.

    Theory of &ital 'orcet is Homeopathy which stresses the e!istence and operation

    of the vital force in a living organism. The human organism is

    a triune entity consisting of body, mind, and spirit. This spirit

    which is responsible for different manifestations of life wastermed by #r. Hahnemann as )&ital 'orce). Hahnemann spea*s

    of the vital force in 0phorism 1@ of his 3rganon of "edicine

    as : 4The material organism without the vital force is capable ofno sensation, no function, no self preservationA it derives all

    sensations, and performs all functions of life solely by means

    Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHTof the immaterial being 5the vital force6 which animates the

    material organism in health and disease.4

    n the healthy condition, it is the vital force which maintains

    normal functions and sensations of the organism. ut when the

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    vital force is primarily dynamically deranged by morbific

    influence, it causes abnormal sensations and functions which

    are manifested outwardly through the material body asabnormal signs and symptoms, the totality of which constitutes

    the disease.

    0gain if a cure is to be established it is the vital force that mustarouse itself or be abided to arise for the recovery. f the vital

    force is too debilitated and e!hausted then no medicinal aid is

    of help.#octrine of #rug(#ynamisation

    Homeopathic dynamisation is a process by which the medicinal

    properties which are latent in natural substances while in their

    crude state, become awa*ened and developed into activity to anincredible degree.

    0ccording to #r. tuart %lose, 4Homeopathic potentisation is a

    mathematico(mechanical process for the reduction, according

    to scale, of crude, inert or poisonous medicinal substances to astate of physical solubility, physiological assimilability and

    therapeutic activity and harmless, for use as homeopathichealing remedies.4

    #rugs are potentised by two methods:

    Trituration ( in case of insoluble substances.uccussion ( in case of soluble substances.

    The ob=ectives of potentisation in Homeopathy are:

    To reduce the medicinal substance which helps to avoid

    unwanted medicinal aggravations and side effects.Homeopathy believes that vital force is dynamic in nature and

    that is affected by disease, can only be cured by the dynamic

    power of serviceable medicine, not by its material uantity.y this process the most virulent and deadly poisons are not

    only rendered harmless, but are transformed into beneficial

    healing remedies.2 Emergency Homeopathic Treatment

    ubstances which are medicinally inert in their crude natural

    state are thus rendered active and effective for healing the sic*.

    The medicinal ualities of other drugs which are more or lessactive in their natural state are enhanced and their sphere of

    action is broadened by this process.

    The action of potentised medicines is deeper, longer and morewide(spread.

    Homeopathy is a system of natural health care in which

    e!treme dilutions of substances from nature are used tostimulate a healing response. The basic principle of

    homeopathy is that substances that elicit a particular symptom

    picture in their physical form 5for e!ample onion causing itchy

    watery eyes and a runny nose with discharge that burns6 can be

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    used in a diluted form to stimulate the healing of the same set

    of symptoms.

    ;sing this principle, a homeopath wor*ing with an individualthat suffers from allergies 5with the specific symptoms of

    watery itchy eyes and a runny nose with discharge that burns6

    might select homeopathic onion.Homeopathic pharmaceutical companies prepare homeopathic

    dilutions according to '#0 guidelines. 3nce completed, the

    diluted substances are called BremediesC."ost remedies are derived from plants 5such as elladonna or

    $ulsatilla6, and minerals 5such as $hosphorous and ilica6. 0

    smaller portion are derived from animal substances 5such as

    dogDs mil* or dolphinDs mil*6. 7emedy symptom pictures arederived from research studies called BprovingsC. 3nce

    completed, proving information is recorded in homeopathic

    materia medicas 5large reference boo*s6, and homeopathic

    material medica software.The role of a professional homeopath is to understand the

    symptom pictures of a large number of remedies, and then tobe able to select the remedy that most closely matches the

    symptom picture of the patient. 5This is called the similimum.6

    When this match is achieved that is, the symptom picture ofEmergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT

    the remedy matches the symptom picture of the individual

    suffering from a disease pattern the individualDs innate

    healing ability is activated and healing occurs.0re there research studies in homeopathy ?

    Fes, there are a significant number of studies completed in the

    ; and Europe on various aspects of homeopathy. The websitefor the Gational %enter for Homeopathy gives an e!cellent

    overview of a sampling of these studies. 'or details, see

    www.homeopathic.org>research.htm.How does a homeopathic remedy stimulate healing ?

    There is a lot of research directed at answering this uestion

    from a technical perspective. The boo* Homeopathy, 'rontiers

    in "edical cience gives a wonderful overview of theories thatare being considered and investigated. t includes a discussion

    of research on the ability of water molecules to hold memory,

    and an overview of principles in uantum physics, informationsystems theory and chaos theory and how these areas apply to

    the energy medicine paradigm.

    Homeopathic professionals generally answer this uestion bye!plaining that homeopathic remedies cause an action(reaction

    response within the immune system. The remedy pushes the

    disease process in one direction and the immune system

    rebounds bac* in the opposite direction, stimulating the healing

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    n my practice, my e!perience has been that well selected

    homeopathic remedies assist the body wisdom of the individualin focusing on the root cause of the disease pattern. 3ften this

    means a retrace to the original insult 5mental, emotional, and>or

    physical6 which caused the individual to loc* into astress>defense pattern. When this happens, we often see the

    individual reconnect with old thoughts, emotions and physical

    symptoms that were somehow related to the origin of thechronic symptoms. This may ta*e the form of strong memories

    and emotions coming out during the dream state or wa*ing

    state, a rethin*ing of long held beliefs about the individualDs

    Emergency Homeopathic Treatmentlife, and>or acute physical symptoms such as the flaring up of a

    chronic rash or digestive upset.

    Holistic health professionals call this phase of the healing

    process a Bhealing crisesC or a BretraceC. Homeopaths call thistype of response an BaggravationC of the disease pattern.

    There are different viewpoints in the homeopathic communityabout the necessity of patients going through an aggravation.

    "any homeopathic professionals believe this is a necessary

    step in the resolution of any chronic illness and e!pect it as partof the remedy response. When these homeopaths see an

    aggravation, they are rest assured that the individualDs body

    wisdom has responded to the remedy and is doing the

    necessary restructuring to bring about a permanent resolutionof the symptoms.

    3thers might argue that aggravations are not necessary but

    that instead theyDre a sign that the incorrect remedy wasselected, or that it was selected in the wrong potency and>or


    "y own practice e!perience has been that both viewpointshave merit. When the similimum 5remedy that best matches the

    symptom picture of the patient6 is selected, the patient is able

    to get in touch with and process long suppressed memories and

    emotions with a greater sense of acceptance and grace. Thephysical symptom aggravation is moderate and temporary 5e.g.

    often =ust an hour or two6.

    When a remedy is selected that is close to the similimum 5butnot the optimal match6, or, when the dosage and potency is not

    optimal, the patient tends to BgripC more that is, they have

    greater resistance to the release of to!ic thoughts and emotions,feel more threatened by the process, and correspondingly have

    a more difficult time with the retrace of acute physical

    symptoms. The physical symptom aggravation is more vivid

    and lasts longer.

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    Gevertheless, 5in my e!perience6 in cases of deep pathology

    5such as cancer6, most patients have a profound level of

    resistance to feeling their feelings. ;sually this is because of aEmergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT

    built(in survival mechanism which protects them from feeling

    feelings which could destabli/e them and>or be moredestructive than the disease itself 5e.g. suicidal feelings6. 0s a

    result, patients with deep pathology will tend to either have

    very moderate reactions to homeopathic remedies 5because ofthe built in protective mechanism6, or the remedies will release

    thoughts, emotions, and memories which are e!tremely to!ic

    and destabili/ing. n either case, there is strong initial

    resistance to the release process.When patients are able to release suppressed to!ic emotions

    5via homeopathy or other means6, the optimal scenario is for

    the patient to wor* with accompanying practitioners

    5psychotherapists, counselors, healers, etc6. ome homeopathicpractitioners will provide some support, but often other

    professionals are needed.Typically the fact that the patient is even able to surface the

    emotions is a sign of mental>emotional>spiritual strength it

    provides evidence that their body wisdom is convinced that theindividual can handle the memories and emotions and still

    remain safe. n other words, desomati/ation occurs when the

    memories and emotions somati/ed in the body are less lifethreatening

    to the individual than the disease itself.What are Homeopathic "edicines made of ?

    Homeopathic medicines are prepared largely from naturally

    occurring substances, vegetable, animal or mineral. omesubstances are uite poisonous in their original, natural state.

    ut when diluted as per homeopathic guidelines, they lose their

    to!icity. "ainly plants and minerals are used as basesubstances.

    How are Homeopathic medicines tested ?

    "ost countries where Homeopathy is well established have a

    central regulating authority. n the ;nited tates, for instance,there is the Homeopathic $harmacopoeia %onvention of the

    ;nited tates 5H$%;6.

    1@ Emergency Homeopathic TreatmentThe profile of a medicine is determined by a process called

    B$rovingC. Homeopaths in the past have formulated rules

    for the conduct of provings. ut there are variations in themethodologies.

    ;sually during a BprovingC a team of healthy people 5twenty or

    more6 are given the remedy and observed for a month or two.

    They are as*ed to record their symptoms individually and then

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    their observations are reviewed by a master prover. ome

    individuals of the team may be given placebos. ometimes the

    dosage varies among the sub=ects. n others, depending on thesensitivity of the sub=ect, another round of trials may be


    The reactions are well documented. ;sually, the monitoringagency demands detailed descriptions, statistical analysis,

    some form of verification.

    Fet in a time and society where allopathic drugs and %linicalTrials are the accepted norm, homeopathic provings are viewed

    with circumspection. 0s often the main prover is aware that he

    has ta*en the drug, it cannot be as impersonal as a double

    blinded trial.Homeopathy is the only medical science where medicines are

    proved on healthy human beings and it is used for managing

    diseased human beings.

    "edicines 7egisterHomeopathic doctors refer bac* to comprehensive drug and

    symptom databases called B"ateria "edica.C The first of thesewas compiled by Hahnemann and is called B"ateria "edica

    $uraC. "ateria "edica runs into several volumes detailing all

    symptoms, medical substances and dosages.To access information homeopaths also use a uic*

    reference *nown as a repertory. This is li*e an inde! of

    symptoms citing references to a materia medica.

    Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT0part from wor*ing on their own *nowledge and intuition,

    homeopaths chec* with one or more repertories and "ateria

    "edica before diagnosing and treating ailments.$reparation of homeopathic prescriptions.

    Homeopathic medicines are prepared from miniscule uantities

    of plant, animal, mineral or diseased substances. 0 smallportion is dissolved in water or ethyl alcohol and sha*en,

    diluted again and sha*en. 7epeated dilution leaves hardly a

    trace of the original substance. y doing this process of

    potenti/ation the energy is released in a form of a force. Theletter refers to the scale on which dilution has been carried out.

    There are several different scales of which the decimal 51:1@6

    and centesimal scales 51:1@@6, are the most widely used. Thethe letter # before the number or ! after the number 5e.g. #2 or

    2!6 denotes the decimal method i.e. 1 part of liuid is added to

    I parts of purified water, ethanol, glycerol or lactose. Theletter5s6 %, c or cH 5e.g. %2, 2c or 2cH6 indicate the centesimal

    method i.e. 1 part of liuid is added to II parts of diluent.

    ometimes with centesimal medicines only figures 5e.g. 2 or

    J@6 are used.

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    7epetition of the dose

    H0HGE"0GG counsel regarding the repetition of the dose

    should be closely adhered to in treating children and those whoare readily affected by remedies, more particularly in

    paro!ysmal affections. t should be our incurable rule never to

    repeat the first dose so long as the amelioration obtains. nintermittent affections only give the dose between the

    paro!ysmsA never during the attac*(preferably immediately

    after. The same applies to diarrhoea. f after the first dosewhichshould be given immediately after an evacuation(there

    be an improvement, give no more medicine so long as the

    1- Emergency Homeopathic Treatment

    improvement continues. %onvulsions, spasmodic affections,and all maladies of a remittent character come under this rule.

    %leave to this. Watch the results. The, if you have not been

    practicing with this constantly before you, compare your

    success with your previous practice. +.H. %L07KE, ".#.,;..0.

    This agrees well with the Homeopathic dictum, medicationshould be in the minimum dose possible.

    TodayDs scientific thin*ing uestions this as often the level of

    dilutions leaves such a minimal part of the original substancewhich is well below the 0vogadroDs number, meaning that the

    original form of the substance is not present in such a mi!ture.

    There are a range of oral dose forms:

    Tablets are made of impregnated mil* sugar 5lactose6. +lobuli 5pillules or granules6 may be of mil* sugar or


    Liuid preparations are solutions of the medication in waterwith some amount of alcohol added as a preservative.

    0re Homeopathic "edicines afe ?

    Homeopathic scientists claim that the medication is safebecause the original substance is present in minimal uantities.

    3ne of homeopathyDs tenets is to do no harm. ometimes

    homeopathic medication is *nown to produce BaggravationsC

    or increase in the symptoms. This homeopath believes is theinitial reaction to the medication as the body starts reacting.

    $recaution in #iet during the Treatment

    0s medicines get absorbed through the tongue the patient isadvised to minimise or avoid raw onion, raw garlic, coffee,

    Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT

    menthol, camphor or any strong smelling substances. Thesemay sometimes act as antidotes to the homeopathic medicines.

    0fter observing the action of the


    7eassess the case through careful observation again.

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    Loo* at what has changed after a remedy you gave that has

    caused an effect. The disappearance of symptoms, the increase

    or aggravation of symptoms, the amelioration of symptoms,and the order of the symptoms are all changes to be studied.

    The patient doesn)t always *now if he is better or worse. Loo*

    at the symptoms. "a*e sure that match what the patient issaying.

    #eep(seated disease can be palliated. Loo* at the depth of

    action on the symptoms. The direction of cure is a sufficientobservation to ma*e a =udgment if cure is progressing. ( Kent

    What are Homoeopathic

    "edicines ?

    19 Emergency Homeopathic TreatmentHaving s*etched the origin of homoeopathy and described

    many of its salient features, it seems to me that it might be well

    to devote a few chapters more particularly to certain practical

    details. 'or, as before remar*ed, there is no e!cuse for any oneto either believe or disbelieve in homoeopathy : the proof lies

    within the reach of any person of intelligence, if he li*es tota*e the trouble to put the principle to the test.

    ut before one can ma*e the trial, it is necessary to *now

    something of the agents that are to be made use of and tested.This brings us to the uery that have put at the head of this

    chapter( 4What are Homoeopathic "edicines ?4 $ossibly my

    readers will say, 40conite, ryonia, elladonna, %hamomilla,

    Hepar sulphuris, "ercurius, Gu! &omica, and ulphur ( theseare homoeopathic remedies4 may be defined for ordinary

    purposes as 4"edicines used by homoeopaths4 A and every one

    of the remedies named above comes under this definition. uta number of these remedies are also used by allopaths A and,

    therefore, by the same process of reasoning it would be correct

    to describe these as allopathic remedies also.Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT

    trictly spea*ing, a medicine is neither allopathic nor

    homoeopathic in itself, but only in its use(the same remedy is

    either one or the other according as it is prescribed in a case ofdisease. 'or e!ample, it is =ust as true to say that 3pium is an

    allopathic medicine as it is to say that is a homoeopathic

    medicine. 3ne of the well(*nown effects of 3pium 5whenta*en, for instance, to deaden the

    sufferings of neuralgia6 is that, among

    other effects, it causes constipation Awhen, therefore, it is given to cure a

    patient of constipation it is a

    homoeopathic remedy. 3n the other

    hand, when it is given to a patient

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    suffering from diarrhoea, to chec* the

    diarrhoea, it is an allopathic remedy, or,

    rather, to be perfectly accurate, anantipathic remedy.

    There is a sense in which some

    remedies are peculiar to homoeopathy,having been introduced to medicine

    through the homoeopathic providings,

    and having been used almoste!clusively by homoeopaths. $ulsatilla,

    epia, ilica, and Thu=a may be named

    as e!amples of these. ut homoeopathy

    claims the whole realm of drug actionas its rightful property, awaiting its service for homoeopathic

    use. t is only necessary that the positive effects or a drug shall

    be *nown, for homoeopaths to be able to ma*e their own

    peculiar use of it. The constipation(causing action of 3pium isa positive effect, which a homoeopath may ma*e use of for

    curing cases of constipation. This is the homoeopathic ornegative effect, as it has been called.

    ut we have not even yet e!hausted the reply to our uery (

    What are homoeopathic medicines ? We have arrived at thisanswer ( 4Homoeopathic medicines are medicines which can be

    12 Emergency Homeopathic Treatment

    used homoeopathically.4 ut then comes this further

    consideration(0re there not special homoeopathic chemists ?0nd if the uestion whether a medicine is homoeopathic or not

    is only one of use, why cannot any chemists supply the same

    remedies for both schools ?The answer to this very proper uery is, that remedies need

    to be differently prepared when used in different ways. +oing

    bac* to our e!ample of 3pium, the homoeopath who wished tocure a case of constipation would not give it in the same way,

    or in the same form, as an allopath would, who gave it to

    relieve pain. Hahnemann soon found out that patients were

    infinitely more sensitive to the remedies which werehomoeopathically related to their cases than they were to other

    remedies. Therefore he was compelled to reduce the uantities

    very much below the ordinary dosage current in his day. Hegave single drops or half drops of the original mother tincture

    56s, where the dosage in the boo*s was set down as

    teaspoonfuls. Then he found that even these apparently minutedoses were too great in many cases, and thus he was led to

    invent this method of attenuating remedies, which have

    described in another chapter, and to discover the powers of

    infinitesimal uantities.

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    Hence arises a new definition for the term 4Homoeopathic

    medicines4 (Homoeopathic medicines are medicines that have

    been specially prepared for homoeopathic use. Theirpreparation needs special s*ill, and herein lies the necessity for

    a separate class or trained chemists to supply the wants of

    homoeopathic doctors.The full reply to our uery, therefore, must be(

    Homoeopathic medicines are medicines which, having been

    tested on the healthy body, can be used homoeopathically, andwhich have been specially prepared for homoeopathic use.

    Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT

    When not to use

    homeopathyHomeopaths have many reasons to not follow the allopathic

    doctor in methods of practice. ut we should always see*

    appropriate medical care and not ever delude ourselves li*e the

    traditional medical professional in thin*ing that we have theonly system that will benefit the patient. 0ppropriate does not

    always mean homeopathic. This sort of provincial and selfservingattitude eliminates the possibility of better treatment

    and lac*s a true humanitarian heart.

    0 number of situations call for competent medical help outsidethe boundaries of homeopathic care. Knowing the perimeter

    will allow you to *eep out of legal trouble. ometimes having a

    support group and gaining satisfaction from having

    appointments and assurances of any *ind of medicalprofessional, alternative or traditional, is not as effective as

    getting *nowledgeable care.

    #on)t try to ta*e care of these things by yourself withoutbeing e!tremely well trained :(

    Gec* and bac* in=uries if a person is not getting up on their

    own%hest and abdominal wounds

    $rotruding or bro*en bones that create unusual contours

    urns greater than the area of the palm of the victim

    ncreasing cyanosis 5turning blue6%rushing chest pain


    evere head in=ury or with loss of consciousness, sei/ures,change of pulse, slower breathing, pale s*in, increasing shoc*

    for more than half an hour.

    1 Emergency Homeopathic Treatment%lassification of homeopathic

    medicines :(


    %ommon themes to the animals are sna*es and creatures of the

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    sea. 0mongst the sna*es or 3phidians, the similarities of

    symptoms ma*e it hard to distinguish Lachesis, Elaps and

    %rotalus.Typically, violence and intensity of action characteri/e

    symptoms of animal poisons. This is associated with diseases

    of destructive nature, disturbed nervous conditions,inflammations and fevers. They produce mental symptoms of

    high emotional state tending to produce the description of

    animal intensity."inerals

    "inerals havenDt ta*en off as much as other groupings. "aybe

    itDs because of the previous popularity of chusslerDs cell salts

    during the first part of the century with the related interest inmineral water spas and sanatoriums.

    #ividing the mineral *ingdom up into two electrically charged

    parts as 'arrington did produces some insights about the action

    of the mineral remedies. 3ne grouping considered morepositive chemically are conductors of heat while the negatively

    charged ones are conductors of light. The positive remedies actdownwards on the body throughout the day while the negative

    ones start say in the bowels in the morning and wor* their way

    up the body to the chest in the afternoon. ulph might have amorning diarrhea and increasing asthma in the afternoon while

    many of the salts 5Kali6 have worse chest symptoms in the late

    morning and bowel problems in the afternoon.

    $lant families$eople group remedies into plant families to use a successful

    model of analysis that hopefully will return a deeper

    Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHTunderstanding of the remedies. otanically, those remedies that

    have medicinal value are found in similar groups. That can lead

    to the use and better understanding of a smaller remedy orpossibly a new remedy.

    The study of the vegetable *ingdom also involves to some

    e!tent the study of the mineral *ingdom because many of the

    medicinal properties of plants owe their e!istence to substancederived from the minerals in the soil in which they grow. The

    principal effects of some of the grasses are the result of the

    large uantity of ilica they contain. IIM of the effects ofLaurocerasus come from hydrocyanic acid.

    t is interesting that substances found in the plant *ingdom as

    well as the animal *ingdom are more powerful in the animal*ingdom. The %olorado potato bug has more powerful

    olanine than does the potato. 0nd it is also true that minerals

    are more potent when they are ta*en up into the plant *ingdom

    such as with Laur.

  • 8/11/2019 1What is Homeopathy


    Ta*ing plant family study to a new level, e!(hippie #avid

    War*entin and 0sa Hershoff also believe that plant family

    study can increase the accuracy of your view of disease andyou can gain a deeper understanding of the spiritual human

    =ourney. t is with this evangelical /eal that #avid has included

    botanical families into "ac7epertory, his computeri/edrepertory program.

    Thought uestion: %hec* and see if Laurocerasus and

    Hydrocynanicum acidum do have the same symptom picture.What are the differences? %ould they be attributed to lac* of a

    thorough proving?

    $lant classification of 0pium graveolens 5%elery6

    0piaceae 5;mbelliferae6 familyThis botanical family was recently reclassified but most

    homeopaths still use ;mbelliferae as the family name. t is

    present with JJ members in our materia medica and is probably

    the one family with the most homeopathic remedies after the7anunculaceae 5with 9J members6. The family got its name

    -@ Emergency Homeopathic Treatmentfrom the umbrella shaped flowering stand, which is common to

    all its members.

    There is a surprisingly large number of plants in this familywhich are used as foods or spice such as carrots, parsley,

    parsnip, celery, and fennel. tDs probably the family with the

    largest number of food plants and spices in homeopathy.

    WeDve heard of the big ones li*e %icuta and %onium but therest could be =ust as valuable.

    n physiological terms, these plants have a strong action on the

    nervous system sometimes producing hysteria. They also affectthe glands producing engorgement or atrophy. 0ll of them act

    on the mucous membranes producing cold(li*e symptoms and

    some of them act upon the s*in to develop pustular eruptions.0ccording to "assimo "angialavori who has done seminars

    recently on this family, superstition is a common theme to all

    ;mbelliferae. 0ccording to Hershoff and War*entin, the

    themes are stimulation, withdrawal and conflict.Thought uestion: %an you select a remedy from the materia

    medica that does not involve one of the mental themes

    mentioned for the ;mbelliferae family 5superstition,stimulation, withdrawal or conflict6 ?

    The bad boys nosodes and

    sarcodesGosodes are produced from diseased tissue or discharges,

    many of which have been demonstrated to possess medicinal

    properties. ome nosodes are derived from the diseases of

    animals and others from plants. 3f course, these remedies are

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    not given in low potencies. Gor are the nosodes given as an

    isopathic remedy e.g. yphilinum to the syphilitic. 3ther

    common nosodes are $yrogenium and $sorinum.#uring the middle of the century, a group of nosodes called

    bowel nosodes gained some popularity and still is used by a

    small group of people. owel nosodes are made from culturesof the bowel intestinal flora as found in human fecal material.

    #r. Edward ach, a bacteriologist who also created the ach

    Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT'lower 7emedies, #r. Nohn and Eli/abeth $atterson, and #r.

    '.N. Wheeler introduced the bowel nosodes into homeopathic

    practice in the 1IJ@s.

    arcodes are remedies made from healthy glandular or tissuee!tract and are not popularly accepted since they are assumed

    to act to restore the normal functioning of the respective tissue

    or organ. $harmacies carrying sarcodes advertise

    organotherapy. Hering advocated the use of sarcodes in 1J9but %.E. rown(euard conducted the first important

    research.Thought uestion: How do vaccines differ from nosodes?


    There are those remedies that donDt fit into any category aboveand generally donDt get tal*ed about much. ut if you loo* you

    can find sunlight, magnetism both north and south poles

    and O(rays. The one Dm waiting for is cell phone radio waves.

    TesteDs Twentyn 1PJ, 0dolph Teste created a systematic ordering of the

    materia medica as was *nown then according to the similarities

    he saw in their symptom picture. 'or instance, his +roup wasbased on 0rnica and included Ledum, %roton tiglium, 'errum

    magnet., 7hus to!, and pigelia. This provided a foundation

    for drug relationships later on. 0ccording to %lar*e, 0rnica issimilar to 0con, 0m(c, %rot, 0rs, apt, ell, ry, %ham, %hi,

    Eup, %alend, Hep, Hyper, Ham, pec, Led, "erc, $uls, 7an(s,

    7ho, 7uta, taph, il, ymph, ul, ul(ac, and &er.

    What Fou %an E!pect 0fterTa*ing a "edicine :( )m writing this for all

    of you who use homeopathic remedies, but mainly for

    beginners because )ve noticed that orthodo! medicine hasspoiled us and given the impression that a medicine can cure a

    4part4 to the e!clusion of the rest of the organismA and so when

    this doesn)t happen after ta*ing a homeopathic remedy, even-- Emergency Homeopathic Treatment

    though the person may feel better 4on the inside4, many a user

    of homeopathy laments, 4Homeopathy doesn)t wor*Q4

    We lose a lot of cases to ignorance of The Law of %ure, and so

  • 8/11/2019 1What is Homeopathy


    if can have your attention please, ladies and gentlemen, )d

    li*e to e!plain it to you, because without this *nowledge, we

    can scarcely manage even a single caseQThe Law of %ure, also *nown as Hering)s Law, observes that

    true healing ta*es place:

    1. from the inside, outA-. from the center to the peripheryA

    J. from the most important organs to the least important

    organsA9. from the top, down and

    P. in reverse order of occurrence.

    What this means is, you cannot go to the homeopath and say,

    4%an you give me something for my nails? )m a model and need to have beautiful nailsQ4 The homeopath *nows, because

    of Hering)s Law, that the nails will be one of the last symptoms

    of the case to resolve due to their superficiality.

    The homeopath ta*es a detailed case of the whole person((mentally, emotionally and physically((and finds a remedy with

    a similar profile. This remedy((in the form of little sugar pillsby the time it leaves the pharmacy((acts as a catalyst, =umpstarting

    the immune system into forward motion, after which,

    it)s: Hands 3ffQ Watch and Wait((an oft(repeated phrase inhomeopathy((and observe Hering)s Law in actionQ

    Thin* of the remedy as the ignition *ey that starts up your car:

    once started, the car *nows what to do and we should not

    interfere but rather trust that the car will change gears when itshould, regulate the flow of e!haust as it should, in=ect the fuel

    into the cylinders in a timely manner without us imposing an

    agenda on the car that is not compatible with its wor*ingsA andsimilarly, we shouldn)t *eep starting a car over and over again

    that)s already movingA we should have faith that once the car is

    started, it will go through the proper motions in a logical order.Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT

    When we give a remedy, we are starting up our own internal

    engines and trusting that our bodies will move to ma*e

    corrections in the appropriate order.Fou might as*, 4f the immune system is so great, why do we

    have dysfunctions at all? Why doesn)t this fabulous immune

    system =ust cure everything?40 lot of illness((viruses, bacteria, etc.((are in disguise, cleverly

    cloa*ed in the material of our own tissues, or hiding inside our

    own cells, the immune system sometimes really does not *nowwhat)s going onA but, once made aware of the situation, than*s

    to the presence of the homeopathic remedy((which is a %LE07

    $%T;7E of the illness, the immune system acts swiftly and

    decisivelyA but, it will cure according to Hering)s Law, the law

  • 8/11/2019 1What is Homeopathy


    of natural healing, and you must learn to wait and watch and

    appreciate the direction of cure, appreciate that while the

    mentals and emotionals return to normal, a simultaneousaggravation at the physical level may temporarily occurA this

    doesn)t mean you)re getting worse, on the contrary, this is a

    good sign. had a client with psoriasis who only wanted her psoriasis to

    end, and eventhough her energy came up after the remedy, and

    her sleep improved, and she felt more calm, she was dismayedbecause the psoriasis was only partially better in some spots,

    and worse in othersQ tried to tell her that this worsening was

    only temporaryA the disturbance was moving outward, to the

    periphery, in accordance with Hering)s Law. This 5e!6 client isnow ta*ing %HE"3THE70$F for her psoriasis, because it)s

    all she cares about 5her appearance6Q 5 Fou may have seen this

    psoriasis drug advertised on T&.6 he didn)t have faith that her

    body would get to the psoriasis in due time, or that theaggravation of the psoriasis was the result of the improvement

    at a deeper, more significant level and that the disturbancefrom the deeper level was now showing up on the s*in. 'or her,

    it was seen as proof that homeopathy could not cure psoriasis.

    have another client whose child has facial twitches. The clientwants this to be fi!ed and has told me that it)s the only thing he

    -9 Emergency Homeopathic Treatment

    cares about. The child is e!tremely constipated and has

    emotional issues such as freuent crying. The remedy has madethis child very happy and contented and the constipation is

    getting better, but the client is not happy because the face is not

    1@@MA plus, it fluctuates, sometimes better, sometimes worse. always as* the same uestion, 4How is the child emotionally?4

    43h he)s very happyQ4 )ve tried to e!plain the Law of %ure and

    that the child)s body finds the face to be not a priority, but amconstantly as*ed, 4When will the face be better?4 These people,

    li*e most who come to homeopathy, have been trained by the

    modern medical paradigm to view symptoms as treatable in

    isolation and so =eapordi/e their treatment by demanding morerepetitions of the remedy 5li*e starting a car that)s already

    moving6 or reuesting that a 4better4 remedy be found.

    Here)s a case in point. have a client whose digestive problemsare bac* after receiving the correct remedyA so naturally he

    thin*s it)s the wrong remedy 5eventhough he ac*nowledges

    that, 4...for the first time in my life, have composure whenspea*ing in public.46 What a shame if he changes his remedy

    because he)s not aware that the body values the

    mental>emotional sphere more than the digestion. The mental

    disturbance has moved out to the digestive organs((a less

  • 8/11/2019 1What is Homeopathy


    threatening locationA it will ultimately move out even further,

    but if he)s impatient and ta*es the old remedy he used to use to

    control his digestive problems, he may put the bra*es on hiscase.

    #r. amuel Hahnemann, founder of homeopathy, said in his

    37+0G3G 3' "E#%GE, paragraph R-PJ, 4The verybeginning of improvement is indicated by a sense of greater

    ease, composure, mental freedom, higher spirits, and, a return

    to naturalness.4 When see this after giving a remedy, don)tcare what happens ne!tA and no one can *now, no one can

    predict. The body *nows, and the body should be left to heal.

    f you)ve been given a remedy by your homeopath, and you

    e!perience the all(important transformation on the mentalemotionalplane, then pleaseA sit bac* and rela! and watch the

    Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT

    fluctuations, watch the odd occurrences come and go and =ust

    say, 4Hmm...that was interesting....4 The body has a plan, aroad map that may ma*e no sense to you, but if you e!perience

    that improvement on the inside, if your energy comes up, ifyour appetite improves, if your sleep improves, if your

    disposition improves, rela! in the *nowledge that you)re going

    to be fine. f you see a relapse in this all(important area((themental>emotional>energetic plane, then yes, the homeopath

    must actA otherwise, let your case alone and be happy that the

    remedy was well(chosen and acting in accordance with

    Hering)s Law.What indicates the

    medicine ?

    Hahnemann distinctly says that the sum of the symptoms asstressed by their peculiarities, constitutes the sole indication for

    the curative remedyA one(sided cases being due to the

    suppressive power of psora. The way a single dose of ulphuroften develops and defines such cases ma*es his statement very

    plausible. 0 highly particulari/ed disease syndrome is either

    really essential or is made to loo* so by a poor e!amination.

    ;nhappily both phases tend to encourage prescribing fordisease names instead of individualsA the specialists are

    especially guilty of this vile practice in that they only chase

    symptoms about to the great detriment of the sufferer. the polypharmacyagainst which Hahnemann inveighed never was any

    more pernicious.

    0 very partial e!hibit of nature)s distress necessitates ma*ingthe most minute e!amination of all of the antecedent as well as

    the present symptoms, along with their modifications and

    connections in order that an accurate and complete picture

    thereof may be available before the search for a similar among

  • 8/11/2019 1What is Homeopathy


    our drug provings is underta*en. n this connection let me

    stress the necessity of being adeuately euipped with

    -2 Emergency Homeopathic Treatmentreference wor*s and of *nowing how to use them if the

    prescriber wishes to do the most for his patients. Let it also be

    remembered that piecemeal prescribing, done carefully enoughto actually advance the cure, is more difficult than finding the

    simillimum, and yet this muddling sort of wor* has been much

    more successful than the usual allopathic prescriptionA if itwere not true, homoeopathy would have died out long ago.

    'ortunately Gature responds so *indly to even a crude similar

    that our face is often saved in spite of mediocre wor*.

    This is the day of diagnosis so refined that they have thrownconfusion into the camp of their own therapists who cannot

    *eep pace with them. f we are wise enough to use these

    pointers after instead of before generali/ing they may be of the

    greatest help. $ure diagnosis are made from the concurrence offairly constant factors, hence ma*e little note of those

    individual divergencies, so precious to the real homoeopath.His outstanding results believe the importance ordinarily

    accredited to disease types as indicators for therapeutic

    measures which at best show but a crude conception of whatsic*ness really means. Truly the action of some drugs

    resembles the corporeal reaction to some disease, hence they

    have earned the evil reputation of being specifies, yet no one

    will claim them to be infallible, even when so indicated. ndeedthere can be no such thing as a specific because the very

    statement avoids the personal element present in every

    sic*ness. pecificity applies to the resemble of all thesymptoms present and that one drug is indicated more

    freuently than another is largely incidental as well as sub=ect

    to sudden changes, according as the genus epidemicus changefrom time to time.

    $articular symptoms which are peculiar, strange or bi/arre may

    appear in any sphere whatsoever. We need not loo* especially

    to location, sensation, modalities, connections or the mind, etc.,for them but rather to the features which ma*e them prominent

    as individual morbid e!pressions. These are the real *eynotes

    and find their greatest usefulness in ma*ing differentiations.Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT

    The temptation to us them as inerrant guide boards pointing the

    direction which our search should ta*e is the greatest as well ascommonest of mista*es in homoeopathic practice, and has

    done us much harm.

    The careful and e!perienced prescriber learns to associate

    certain drugs with particular individualities, by his insight into

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    their life histories, activities, etc. The touch of the

    constitutional remedy has revealed a whole world of

    information to him, by its reactions, which are almost certain tosweep any form of disease whatsoever right out by euali/ing

    and synchroni/ing the e!penditure of vital energy in the

    sufferer. &iewed from this stand(point Homoeopathy can onlylive through the death of what most of us *now by that name.

    e not deceived, the allopath fully reali/es the ban*ruptcy of

    his own therapy but is not attracted in the least to a system thatis not sure of itself and we so(called homoeopaths can never be

    sure of ourselves individually until we can fully grasp the

    underlying philosophy of our method. Everyone unable to do

    this necessarily lac*s the solid basis which underlies all realcuring, hence must always be of an uncertain mind, the very

    greatest of all handicaps.

    Every symptom of Hahnemann)s "ateria "edica $ura and

    %hronic #iseases is pure gold to the good prescriber and meritsyour most careful scrutiny. Where two or three symptoms are

    gathered together in the sic* there the lead to a possible curee!ists and if you will carefully search out all of their

    ramifications and connections the counterpart thereto will

    appear in some pathogenesis. The method yields resultsgratifying enough to put many a pathological dictum to shame.

    Go one can fore*now the possibilities inherent in the vital

    reserve when once aroused by being contacted by a similarly

    acting force. Every little while the e!perienced physicianobtains results surprising enough to ma*e him wonder how

    they came about, not always reali/ing that it all depends upon

    the degree of symptom similarity which in turn is measured byhis own proficiency.

    - Emergency Homeopathic Treatment

    $rescribing inHomeopathy :( #octor, my daughter had

    swine fluQ wish could write it up for you but wasn)t able to

    help her much. tried maybe different remedies during the

    course of the illness but nothing really helped.Why didn)t you call me ? can come up with wrong

    remedies too Q

    Fou)re probably right. "y sister had the same symptoms whenshe stayed with me the month before. $oor thing was sooo

    sic*( she)s still tal*ing about itQ tried many remedies to no

    avail.0fter she left, bought - remedies that thought would have

    helped her 5that didn)t have6 =ust in case one of us came down

    with it. ut, none of them helped my daughter.

    wondered what others have found helpful for this flu because:

  • 8/11/2019 1What is Homeopathy





    eupatorium perfoliatum.

    and a bunch of others did nothing.The symptoms were 5in order6 sore throat, high 51@9 '.6 fever,

    severe body aches, severe chilliness, pounding headache.

    Well, it sounds plooty, as my daughter hana would say. GowKelly, as you *now, none of the symptoms you =ust mentioned

    mean anything to the homeopathQ

    s that so?

    Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT0nd why do say that? ecause the 7epertory rubrics for these

    designations 5fever, sore throat, etc.6 are so large, so huge, so

    generic that virtually every homeopathic remedy in the "ateria

    "edica covers themQQQ Homeopathy is a system of 4peculiars4.What)s peculiar about your fever? What)s strange about your

    sore throat? That)s what we have to *nowQ This is the only waywe can find a remedy. Towards that endS.


    S.always rememberSFes?

    The ig 9Q

    The ig 9?

    Fes, the ig 9:ensation, Location, "odalities, %oncomitants

    What are modalities?

    "odalities are anything that ma*e the complaint better orworse. 'or e!ample, the sore throat you mentioned, it might be

    better for hot drin*s, worse for outside air, better warm rooms,

    worse for the slightest draftS.Why do we care? Why should anyone care?

    Four symptom of 4sore throat4 is a lot more than those two

    words if you stop to thin* about it. #o you have a 4sore

    throat4? 3r do you have a certain KG# of sore throat?Q recently had a client whose sore throat was actually better for

    tal*ingQ This symptom is so rare, so peculiar, so strange, that

    only three remedies covered it, ma*ing the remedy selectionrather easy since only had to ta*e one other characteristic

    symptom 54desires oranges46 and pic* a remedy that covered

    bothQ 53nly one remedy did.6 Fou)ll never get this level ofconfirmation if the rubrics you choose are so common, so

    general that they contain hundreds of remediesQ

    0nd what about concomitants?

    J@ Emergency Homeopathic Treatment

  • 8/11/2019 1What is Homeopathy


    %oncomitants are the ad=unctive symptoms in the case. They

    are highly valued because they are often the stri*ing, strange,

    rare or peculiar ones which Hahnemann says the remedysimply must match or the li*elihood of cure

    is rather slimA symptoms li*e restlessness, bad breath,

    salivation, food or drin* cravings, unusual mental symptomsli*e not being able to answer uestions, or screaming or

    rudeness and so onA symptoms that seem to have no relation to

    the chief complaint, occurring for seemingly 4no reason4, theyare =ust 4there4Q Ta*e for e!ample, menstrual cramps with

    burping. What does burping have to do with menstrual

    cramps? urping, then, is the concomitantA meaning, to us, we

    need to find a burping remedy, never mind the crampsQ 3r, ifwe can find a cramps remedy that also burps, fineA but,

    suddenly the burping =umps out at us as being the *ey to

    unloc*ing the case Q

    3bserving the patient is very important and can often give youthe concomitant. 3bserve what the patient is doing and saying.

    ometimes body language tells us what we need to *now.ryonia patients are lying perfectly still and won)t answer your

    uestions 5because the slightest movement aggravates6.

    %olocynth and "ag(phos patients are bent over double.+elsemium patients answer every uestion with 4HuhS?4

    because they)re in a semi(stupor. Gu! vomica patients are

    rudely ma*ing demands 54)m still waiting for the glass

    of water as*ed you for two seconds agoQ46. 0rsenicumpatients are begging you not to leaveQ 54%an)t you =ust stay one

    minute longer?46 )m reminded of how 0ndre aine solved the

    case of a comatose girl by observing that a fan was blowingdirectly on her. 4Why is that fan on?4 he as*ed. 4ecause if

    you turn the fan off she becomes unsettled and restless,4 the

    nurse said. 0ndre *new from that he was going to need a 4hot4remedy li*e ulphur or $ulsatillaA in fact, the remedy was


    #o you need to *now anything else besides the ig 9?

    Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHTWhich, again, are?

    ensation, Location, "odalities, and %oncomitantsQ

    &ery goodQ Fes, yes it would help to *now moreA three morethings:

    1. s there a time issue? s the patient worse in the evening?

    Worse at I p.m.? Worse at midnight, etc.? Thin* of this as theTime "odality.

    -. #id the complaint come on suddenly or gradually?

    %omplaints that come on suddenly are often covered by =ust

    two remediesQ 0conite and elladonnaQ

  • 8/11/2019 1What is Homeopathy



    ometimes aptisia, if the case is septic.

    0nd what does that mean?epsis is characteri/ed by bad odors, li*e bad breath. f a septic

    condition comes on suddenly, thin* of aptisia. aptisia is

    thought of as a 4worse4 +elsemium. tuporous presentation,apathy, inclination to sleepA but, thirsty while +els. is thirstless.

    Gow for R J. )m leaving the best for last.

    What)s that?J. EtiologyQ

    The causeQ 0m right?

    Fes. Fou have to *now thisQ The remedy must cover itQ ;nless

    the etiology is something vague, li*e, 4germs4, it alone couldbe so valuable as to solve the case for youQ How often has this

    happened? Fou)ve ta*en the case, it loo*s really good for

    elladonna, the patient is red, full of heat, burningA you)re =ust

    about to give elladonna when you as*, 4When did it start,after what?4 0nd the patient says, 43hQ 0llergy to peanutsQ4

    0llergic???? That)s not elladonna, that)s 0pisQ ee, when youJ- Emergency Homeopathic Treatment

    *now the cause, it changes everythingQ Ladies and +entlemen,

    ta*e note:Etiology 3ver(rules ymptomatologyQ

    %onsider the following:

    0ilments from cold>dry winds0conite

    0ilments from acute griefgnatia0ilments from over(eating heavy, rich foods$ulsatilla

    0ilments from e!citement and too much =oy%offea

    0ilments from cold>damp weather7hus to!.0ilments from blunt trauma0rnica

    We scarcely need to *now any details, such is the importance

    of etiology.o, getting bac* to your daughter)s flu, when you say 4sore

    throat4, would say:

    What was the sensation?

    What ma*es it better or worse?Where in the throat is it, right side? left side? whole thing?

    We need to do this for every symptom. 0 properly delivered

    symptom sounds li*e this: have constipation with no urging which is chronic and causes

    much abdominal pain which causes me to bend over double

    and rub as hard as canA it)s a sharp pain that shoots downwardAa hot water bottle helpsA plus, also have burping with this and

    my stomach ma*es a gurgling noise.

    This is a 4complete4 symptom. 4 have constipation4, as a

    statement to the homeopath, is completely worthlessQ The

  • 8/11/2019 1What is Homeopathy


    4constipation4 rubric contains over -@@ remedies, which means

    practically every remedy has constipation, how)s that going to

    help you?#oes that mean almost any remedy will solve the case?

    Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT

    G3QQQQQ didn)t thin* so.

    t means you have no hope of finding the remedy unless you

    learn to tal* in complete symptomsQQQQQQ7ight: sensation, location, modalities, concomitants. What else

    does the homeopath need to *now?

    What ma*es the patient better or worse in generalQ We need to

    as* about the 4generals4. 'or instance, better or worse forcompany, hot bath or shower, cold drin*s? 'resh air? etter in

    the daytime? etter at night? What affects the patient in

    general? The 4generals4 are more significant than the


    Kelly, thin* about it. f you)re sic* 4in general4 or feeling bad4in general4, you)re a lot worse off than if you =ust have a

    sprained an*le or even a bro*en leg or some other complaint

    that)s locali/ed. o that means if you had to ma*e a choicebetween the remedy that covered the 4generals4 and the one

    that covered the 4particulars4, the one that covered the

    4generals4 would be more important. 4+eneral4 symptoms start

    with the word 44. 4$articular4 or 4local4 symptoms start withthe word 4my4. E!ample of 4+enerals4:

    4)m nauseous.4

    4 want the heat turned up.44)m scared, need someone with me at all timesQ4

    4f can =ust get out of this warm stuffy room and into the fresh

    air, )ll be fineQ4Gow, let)s say you)ve done all this fancy uestionning, you)ve

    ta*en a proper case, and no remedy covers the flu picture really

    J9 Emergency Homeopathic Treatment

    wellA or, you tried every remedy *nown to man and nothingseems to wor*, then go to a nosodeQ nfluen/inum or

    oscillococcinum would be appropriate in the flu. Gosodes

    represent sopathy which means curing using the thing that)swrong against itself, there may be some bodily fluid that you

    can ma*e a remedy out of if all else fails. 'or e!ample, if the

    saliva is thic* and disordered, would use that. )ve written anarticle called 4How To "a*e Four 3wn 7emedy4 which is on

    my website, scroll down to the 4articles4 section.

    0nything else you need to *now in ta*ing an acute case ?

    ince you mention it, you should *now what you haveQ mean,

  • 8/11/2019 1What is Homeopathy


    is it the flu or is it food poisoning? Knowing the diagnosis

    gives you some direction. Which chapter of the 7epertory are

    you supposed to loo* in if you don)t *now what)s wrong withyou? f it)s ailments from bad water, )m not going to give

    +elsemium, even if the patient does loo* stuporous, )m going

    to give ingiber, homeopathic ginger, an e!cellent remedy forailments from bad water. Ta*e it to "e!ico with youQ

    hould we recap before succumbing to information(overload?

    +ood ideaQ Fou)ve got a sic* patient. The first thing you wantto *now isS.

    WH0T) W73G+?

    'ollowed byS

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    #3 F3; KG3W WH0T %0;E# T?

    Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT5#on)t forget to observe the patientA what)s he doing, what)s he

    saying, what does he loo* li*e?6thenS

    WH0T "0KE F3; ETTE7 37 W37E G +EGE70L?

    5this includes time of day when person is better or worse6followed byS

    THE L3%0L F"$T3" with THE + 9:

    sensation, location, modalities, concomitants

    5Fou need to *now this for each local symptom that)s part ofthe case.6

    7emember that %oncomitants are any symptoms that are

    une!pected, une!plainable or =ust curious. They may be4normal4 but out of place, or in e!cess, or less than what you)d

    e!pect li*e lac* of thirst during fever. ut let me clarify that if

    there are numerous complaints in a case, you won)t e!pect eachone to have a concomitant, that would be cumbersome and

    anyway there would be no way of discerning what was a

    concomitant to whatQ Ta*e the flu with fever, sore throat, body

    aches and headacheA is the fever concomitant to the sorethroat? s the headache concomitant to the fever? t gets

    messy. Nust remember to *eep as*ing, 4What else? What

    else? 0nything else? What)s different?4 and so on.7emember to do: ensation, Location, "odalities for each of

    the complaints 5e.g., pounding headache, left side, better

    consolation and hand(holdingif all the complaints turn out tobe better consolation and hand(holding, this, then, becomes a

    4general4, and remedies li*e 0rsenicum, which need company

    and hand(holding, come to the fore6.

    s there a hierarchy of symptoms?

  • 8/11/2019 1What is Homeopathy


    )m glad you as*ed that uestion, KellyQ t so happens there isQ

    We)ve already said that etiology overrules symptomatology,

    and that +enerals are more valuable than $articulars in terms ofremedy selection. o, here it goes:

    J2 Emergency Homeopathic Treatment

    #iagnosis>name of the conditionalso *nown as 4The %hief%omplaint4 5as* patient to describe in his own words6

    3nsetsudden or gradual

    Etiology 5what caused the complaint, and when6The 0ppearancewhat does the patient 4say4 and 4do4? 5He

    may say things li*e, 4)m doomedQ4 or 4ring me some iceQ4 all

    clues to the remedyA he may be tossing and turningA or,

    conversely, lying perfectly stillA all important information.6+enerals

    $articulars 5the big 9, which are, again?6

    0re you as*in) me? 0re you tal*in) to me?

    Who are you, 7obert #eGiro? Go, don)t answer thatQ Let)smove on to discharges. f there are discharges, you)ll want to

    *now their color, odor and consistency. Fou)ll also want to*now if they create a sensationli*e burning, irritation or

    itching, etc.

    $lus, for heaven)s sa*e, don)t mi! up acute and chronicsymptomsQ #on)t tell the homeopath you)re thirsty if you)re

    0LW0F thirstyQ #on)t tell him you)re irritable if you)re

    0LW0F irritableQ

    3h my +od, more informationQ "y head is starting to spinQ3K, this would be a good place to stop. would welcome the

    hpathy readers to write in and as* whatever uestions they

    have regarding acute prescribing. #id you *now, Kelly, that0cute $rescribing and Emergency $rescribing are the highest

    levels of homoepathy?

    did not *now that.Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT

    y *nowing how to solve acutes, you can stop a complaint

    from going chronicQ Fou can save a lifeQ Fou can stop a

    person)s sufferingQ Even people with chronic disease developacutes of one *ind or another, and the practitioner can)t ignore

    these flare(ups with, 4We can)t interfere with your chronic

    remedy. Here, have a Tylenol.4 EgadsQ Well, don)t get mestarted. That)s another topic for later.

    Every month we have a ui/ in the ui/ section of the e/ine.

    Every month we submit an acute caseA but, very few of youreaders actually participateQ


    o, how about it? Will see all of you in the ui/ section from

    now on? How about you, Kelly? Kelly?

  • 8/11/2019 1What is Homeopathy


    "om, Kelly =ust left to get her nails done. he said something

    about her head e!ploding.

    hate it when that happens.http:>>hpathy.com>homeopathy(papers>acute(prescribing(inhomeopathy(


    "edicine selection as an art :("any years ago a child of five or si! lay at deaths door with an

    influen/al pneumonia which had failed to respond to the

    combined efforts of two conscientious homoeopathicprescribersA such remedies as $hosphorus, ulphur and

    Lycopodium had been given in vain and when finally seen the

    picture was grave indeed, showing a pronounced cyanotic

    mottling of the body surface, a failing heart and a generalsomnolence which bodied impending dissolutionA obviously

    J Emergency Homeopathic Treatment

    the prescribing had to be ob=ective entirely, though the

    pronounced physical signs of the disease itself were of no usein the search for the remedy. Lac* of reaction, as evidenced by

    the appearance of the child, was the motive in the case and, ofcourse, spelled but one remedy, and that one 0mmonium

    carbonicumA a few doses of the -@@th saved the patients life

    and started the child on the road to recovery, to the ever(lastingglory of homoeopathy. t reuires no imagination to predict

    what the outcome would have been under orthodo! measures,

    such as camphor, digitalis and the coal(tars.

    7ecently, an acute case presented itself, with fever,drawing pains in the limbs, lumbar bac*ache, sore throat,

    headache and restlessnessA the patient is of a highly nervous

    temperament and was depressed to the point of tearfulnessA shecomplained of the heat of the bed and *ept moving her limbs to

    the cooler spots. 0n e!amination of the throat showed an

    inflammatory redness, but nothing more, the tonsils were notenlarged. $ulsatilla J@th, in three(hourly doses was, of course,

    given, and found the patient on the following morning free

    from the drawing pains and bac*ache, but with a higher

    temperature and a more painful throatA evidently thesimillimum had not been foundA the throat now showed

    irregular patches of porcelain whiteness on the left tonsil,

    slightly so on the right oneA from the crypts pro=ected whitedepositsA the pain was confined to the left side entirely and

    upon swallowing darted to the earA a drin* of cold water

    relieved the pain momentarily. Lac caninum J@th, in water, adose every three hours, was now given and within twenty(four

    hours had largely cleared the throat, with decided general relief

    to the patientA within another twenty(four hours the throat was

    entirely clear, the temperature normal and the patient uite

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    comfortable, although wea*. Go local applications were usedA

    the diagnosis was obviously 4cryptic tonsillitis.4 %omment

    upon this case is interesting and of profitA Lac caninum is aremedy of animal origin, the mil* of the dogA in the past, at

    Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT

    least, its proving has been viciously criticised and evenridiculed, its employment, e!cept by a few Hahnemannians,

    has been relegated to the limbo of forgotten things, yet it fills a

    place which no other remedy can fill. 0s a remedy ininflammatory diseases of the throat it is easily of the first

    importance and should be compared with Lachesis and

    $hytolacca, especiallyA both these remedies also possess the

    modality of amelioration of the throat symptoms by colddrin*sA Lachesis and Lac caninum symptoms e!tend from left

    to rightA Lachesis and $hytolacca have throats which loo*

    bluish( red, but the throat of Lac caninum is bright red and

    shows pseudo(membranous deposits which are of a porcelainli*ewhiteness. Lac caninum has the curious characteristic that

    its symptoms repeatedly change sides and any disease whichshows a similar tendency should call attention to this remedy.

    $ulsatilla resembles it in some respects, more especially in the

    modality, relief from coldA these two remedies should also beremembered in nursing mothers, where it is desirable to dry up

    the mil* supplyA Lac caninum is of paramount importance in

    mastitis and in troubles which habitually manifest themselves

    =ust before or shortly after the menses, it is uite li*ely to bethe needful remedy. 0llen, in the Handboo* of "ateria

    "edica, does not mention Lac caninum, nor does he spea* of it

    in the EncyclopaediaA tauffer gives its pathogenesis in hisKlinische homoeopathische 0r/neimittellehre and mentions its

    use in the treatment of post(diphtheritic paralysis. Herings

    +uiding ymptoms and %lar*es #ictionary of "ateria "edicaboth contain the pathogenesis of his remedy. Gash writes of the

    medicine in his Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics. The

    remedy is, therefore, deserving of earnest study, wider

    acuaintanceship and greater use.0 woman of P-, about a year ago, had her right breast

    removed on account of alleged carcinomaA the wisdom of this

    procedure need not be discussed here, e!cept to say that the lastword has by no means been spo*en concerning surgical

    9@ Emergency Homeopathic Treatment

    interference in this diseaseA following the operation there was along period of tedious healing, mar*ed by a brawny infiltration

    and thic*ening of the right arm and hand, together with a

    malignant(loo*ing, reddish(purple ecchymosis of the upper

    arm and chest wall, on either side of the gnarled incision. n

  • 8/11/2019 1What is Homeopathy


    spite of treatment, this state of affairs did not improve until

    ufo cinereus J@th, in freuently repeated doses, was givenA

    this little(used toad poison has reduced the swelling and causedthe erythema to become considerably paler, at the same time

    softening a suspicious, hard, metastatic lump in the remaining

    breast. The patient has numerous other complaints and isundoubtedly incurable: too much should not, therefore, be

    e!pected of this or of any other remedyA the best that can be

    hoped for is homoeopathic palliation. t is, however,remar*able that the poison of the much despised toad, when

    given internally and in potentised form, can do so much to

    relieve in the face of insuperable odds. 0mong other things,

    ufo produces lymphatic inflammation and infiltration, henceits selection in this case.

    The ta*ing of the case in a proper manner has been taught

    in the 3rganon and by numerous distinguished followers of

    Hahnemann since his time, yet nevertheless many of us do not*now how to ta*e the case from the homoeopathic standpoint

    and fail therefore, when we should succeed in curing our cases.Here, indeed, is an art which few of us seem to master, for

    most of us rely upon a few *eynote symptoms in the ma*ing of

    a prescription, symptoms which may or may not lead us to thecorrect remedy, but which more often serve to mislead us

    entirely. When we spea* of the constitution of the patient, we

    should have in mind his type and temperament, his mental

    symptoms, his li*es and disli*es, his reactions to weather orseasonal changes, his sensitiveness to heat and cold, the sides

    of the body affected or first affected, in short, to all the things

    which affect him as an individualA what 7oyal calls the ma*eupof the patient is of the greatest importance in the selection of

    Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT

    the remedy. The constitution of the patients envelopes, so tospea*, his pathology, and if the latter has not progressed too

    far, we may with a reasonable hope of success e!pect to cure itA

    on the other hand, if we begin by attempting to remove the

    pathology regardless of the patient , we are certain to fail ofcure. Hence the proper ta*ing of the case is the ma=or part of

    the art of remedy selectionA the case well ta*en, the recognition

    of the right remedy is comparatively easy, provided, of course,that we *now our materia medica as every homoeopathic

    physician should *now it. To *now it means wide reading as

    well as repeated reading of such wor*s as 'arrington, #unham,Gash, Kent, %lar*e, etc.

    "any years ago one of our homoeopathic physicians had

    swallowed household ammonia in mista*e for aromatic spirits

    of ammonia, with the result that his mouth and oesophagus

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    were horribly burned, leading to a complete stricture of the

    gulletA of course, an emergency gastrostomy had to be done,

    and through the opening thus provided he was fedA hiscondition became desperate, in spite of all the scientific

    surgical treatment with which he was overwhelmed. Tacit

    admission of defeat now induced the surgeon to consign thevictim to the tender mercies of Hahnemannian homoeopathy,

    which loo*ed upon the sufferer as a human to be rescued and

    not in the light of a pathologico(surgical specimen. The picturewas that of a terrified man in horrible anguish, fearing death,

    clamouring repeatedly for cold water which he was only able to

    sip, but not to swallow. 0s he writhed about the bed in his

    agony of despair and wea*ness, 0rsenicum album fairlyscreamed for recognitionA its administration in repeated doses

    of the -@@h uic*ly modified the picture and saved a lifeA the

    doctor is living today, thought obliged to feed himself through

    a tube.Here, then, surgical science had done its utmostA it

    remained for the art of homoeopathy to complete the tas*,9- Emergency Homeopathic Treatment

    forgetting for its purpose pathology altogether.

    This, then, is the art of prescribing homoeopathically an artbased upon the recognition of the patient primarily his peculiar

    individuality, his reactions to e!ternal things, ad evidenced by

    temperamental characteristicsA this art ta*es into account

    anything and everything, nothing is too insignificant for itsconsideration, thought it reserves the right of discrimination

    and selection. t is an art which can be cultivated and learned, if

    we will only thin*ing terms of human euations, rememberingthat we are dealing with that priceless possession, life and that

    we are here to prolong it, to save it if we canA that the study of

    life, controlled by natural laws, and that one of these laws is theof similars, a law bound to wor* out correctly, if correctly

    applied, for the law of homoeopathy is immutable and


    ifting of drugsymptoms :( n &ienna and in $rague,

    according to Heyne 5$. J26, the cUsarling, 0garicus cUsareus

    5The agaricus muscarius or 4ug 0garic4 is used as a flypoison.6is not allowed to be brought to mar*et A it is forbidden

    by an order of the police. Why forbidden, because the

    cUsarling has a red hat, and so also has the 0garicusmuscarius, and because the former might be confounded wish

    he latter Q The ordinance is certainly a well meaning, paternal

    one, and li*ewise =udicious. n the first place, by means of it

    the ignorant are protected from in=ury A in the second place, by

  • 8/11/2019 1What is Homeopathy


    means of it this noble fungus is protected and preserved for

    him who alone deserves to en=oy it. The solitary connoisseur

    *nows that the sparthous na*ed pileus, the yellow flesh on theouter circumference of the stripes distinguish the prince of the

    fungi. ut above alt, he is made certain, by the pure yellow

    Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHTcolor of the lamellU, that there stands before him the most

    complete of all the agarics (the noblest, the fairest, the one in

    favor ail others surpassing, the one highly renowned since theearliest ages of which even $liny spea*s as that to be preferred

    5Hist. Gat c. --6 (that the imperial agaric stands before his

    eyes, and is in his hands, and is thus worthy to reward him who

    *nows it, and to pass over into his =uices and blood.ut few may have had the good fortune to hold both in their

    hands at the same time (in the light the cUsar, in the left the

    fly(*iller. 5The agaricus muscarius or 4ug 0garic4 is used as a

    fly(poison.6 ut whoever is so fortunate as to be able to =oybefore himself Harper)s wor* on the fungi, let him compare the

    first plate with the last.0s nobility of sentiment displays itself in every word, and

    imprints itself on every stage of development so here nobility is

    to be seen in every line, even down to the burgeoning egg( onthe other hand, in every line of the fly(agaric, the malignant,

    the adder(li*e, the toad li*e, ever in the very egg. There is

    healthy laughing red gold, li*e apples A here a sinister, livid

    aspect, by reason of its sic*ly warts.Nust so it is in the Hahnemannian "ateria "edica. What in

    0ustria is called the police, is called, in relation to the "ateria

    "edica, criticism. 3ur police reuires that we should ratherleave patients uncured than cure them by means of symptoms

    along which there are perhaps false 3nes, because these

    symptoms come from provers whom it pleases as to regardwith suspicion, or because they were observed on patients.

    The police allows no mushroom with red hat A scientific

    criticism allows no symptoms from patients, no symptoms

    from timid dosers, no symptoms which appeared after thepotencies, etc. The police say : they have red caps A they may

    be potencies A away with them A we are no connoisseurs Q 3ur

    criticism gees still farther, for it not only says : they may befalse, but it says : they are false Q urely this criticism might

    learn so much as this from the police, as to say : they may, they

    might, they could be Q 'or precaution)s sa*e let everything that99 Emergency Homeopathic Treatment

    resembles them be called out. "any of our critics go still one

    step farther. They not only say : these symptoms are altogether

    good for nothing A no, they regard them as a *ind of scabby

  • 8/11/2019 1What is Homeopathy


    sheep A they thin* that even the good symptoms may be

    poisoned by these bad symptoms : t reminds one of the booth

    puller of the last century, who taught the people that the blac*teeth must come out, because otherwise they would infect the

    rest. n li*e manner they would tear out the carious symptoms,

    so that the rest might then stand so much the firmer A but that,in conseuence, the entire row of teeth becomes loose, can only

    be shown by the result on many thousands of maltreated

    persons.That this horrible delusion has fi!ed itself in the best heads

    li*e a mold upon the brain, and disseminates itself probably

    after the manner of such yeast sporules floating in the air, let an

    e!ample show.n a uarto(volume begun in 1P-, en honored commentator

    of the provings of Kali bichrom. says 5p. 9, note6 : 4 have,

    sub=ected narratives of the provers to what may appear

    somewhat rigid criticism A and in the fear of incorporating anyuseless or doubtful symptoms, may have left out many that

    really belong to the drug, and which may turn out to bevaluable. ut hold that it is better to re=ect many real

    symptoms than admit one false one, as one false symptom

    tends to vitiate the whole by destroying our confidence in therest.4

    Truly we must be than*ful for this, that a man has the

    courage boldly to write and send out into the world such

    horrible nonsense as this. Thereby we learn things which,otherwise, we should not have understood how to regard as


    There are then really men, physicians, Homoeopathicians,who have confidence in the collection of drug symptoms : 0nd

    what sort of confidence ? 0 confidence in the hundreds of

    symptoms of the various remedies (a confidence more tenderEmergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT

    than the sugar mani*in upon a macaroon( one =oit and down it

    goes Q

    43ne false symptom tends to vitiate the whole.4 What)s afalse symptom ? Geither is there a single one, among many

    thousands and thousands, which positively is a false one, nor

    has it ever been, in a strictly scientific manner, demonstrated ofany single one. We have hitherto only suspected, we have

    sought to ma*e it probable A but all this is no proof Q

    There are many 4false symptoms4 in all probability(it couldatreasonably be e!pected to be otherwise A and, for this reason

    the old school too *new nothing better to say in opposition to is

    greatest product of the century, than to throw suspicion on the

    whole of it. Gow come along such imitators of our opponents,

  • 8/11/2019 1What is Homeopathy


    and thin* if they throw suspicion on single symptoms (for

    proof that the suspicion is welt grounded has never yet

    succeeded even in one single case(then not only must thesesymptoms thrown out, but even the good, the true ones along

    with them f, among the servants of a house, one falls under

    suspicion, was hang them all A for the 4sugar mani*in4 of ourconfidence has come to grief n this way have they thought to

    rescue science and to build the highways of truth Q

    ut by what means do we find out that any symptomswhatever, of any drug, really and truly belong to that drug

    There must be ways and means, for even the most

    conscientious most careful prover, the most attentive observer,

    may possibly err(for he remains a man, and 4to err is human.4That such a thing is possible, and is to be ta*en for granted,

    follows from the very words of the same critic A for not without

    emotion do we read his confession that he may, in his /eal for

    the rescue of our science, 4have left out many that reallybelong to the drug A4 and he is willing to admit that these

    4may4 perhaps, later in the course of time, 4turn out to bevaluable.4 ut how shall these unluc*y symptoms begin to

    4turn out to be valuable4 if, in the collection of symptoms in

    the symptoms(code they have been already thrown overboard?

    92 Emergency Homeopathic Treatment

    There is but one way in which we can, from time to time,

    render single symptoms more probable A in this way manysymptoms may gradually turn out to be valuable A but this is

    only possible on condition that we do not throw them

    overboard into the =aws of the revenues shar*s of criticism.ut this way is that of the strictest method, the method of

    Hahnemann, who, a full half century before 0pplet wrote his

    theory of induction, solved the great problem practically in thevery same manner. n the same way we must continue to

    travel A we must develop after the manner of all sound growth,

    and we shall attain what Hahnemann had in view(mathematical

    certainty.To this may belong :

    1. $rovings on the healthy, with or without poisonings.

    -. 3bservations on the sic*.J. %ures of groups of symptoms.

    9. %ollocation of all these symptoms in all their relations.

    P. %omparison among themselves of the symptoms of eachremedy.

    This last, the great essential, the estimation of the value of

    single symptoms, the sifting, the separating, the valuing and

    everything else that is based on this estimate of the value of

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    single symptoms(in the region of the art A determination in the

    choice of the remedy A in the region of the science A columns

    and arches to be erected(all this, however, is most plainlyimpossible unless we first have collections of all the

    symptoms(collections of the completes possible These, too,

    must be in the hands of everyone, in order that a few prominentones may not, through their preconceived opinions, confuse

    and throw dust into the eyes of the many who ought to see for

    themselves, whether by means of clouds of learned dust fromthe uartos and folios which they flap open and shut, or

    through the whirlwinds of sand which they raise.

    We must have our "ateria "edica before us accessible to

    all, and =ust as it was proposed in this =ournal 50lleg. How.eit., 2I, 1-, I and 0merican Homoeopathic. 7eview, p. I@6 A

    Emergency Homeopathic Treatment EHT

    on the other hand the pure symptomatology in the encyclopedic

    form as the foundation of the art. 0ll of our contentions bringus not a step forward, and they tend, in spite of our thirty years)

    war, at the very best, only to a peace of Westphalia, that is, to astill greater distraction. The three editions of the 3rganon will

    certainly not unite us, but these two collections of the "ateria

    "edica might at least render a sound and healthy criticismpossible.

    n the lottery to raise money for the completion of the tower

    of %ologne %athedral, every tic*et costs one dollar, and it is

    hoped that the two towers will be built simultaneously. n theenterprise for the building up of our two towers, each share is

    to cost five dollars. That is a difference to be sure A but on the

    other hand, there a building only is to be completed A here oneis to be begun. 0nd whereas there it may chance that one gets

    something A here every one is sure of getting his portion. ut to

    contribute to our enterprise is by no means to come over to ourp