1w wanted poster

WANTED! DEAD OR ALIVE Description Date of Birth: January 25, 1997 Hair: Blonde/Brown Place of Birth: San Bernardino, CA Eyes: Brown Height: 5” 4 Sex: Female Weight: 130 lbs. Race: White Occupation: Baby Sitting Aliases: Crissy The state of Missouri is offering a $1,000,000 REWARD For information leading to the arrest of Crystal Carter Last seen walking down King Hill late last night, with a “Double Barrel Shot Gun”

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Post on 04-Mar-2016




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Crystal Carter Description Date of Birth: January 25, 1997 Hair: Blonde/Brown Place of Birth: San Bernardino, CA Eyes: Brown Height: 5” 4 Sex: Female Weight: 130 lbs. Race: White Occupation: Baby Sitting Aliases: Crissy DEAD OR ALIVE Last seen walking down King Hill late last night, with a “Double Barrel Shot Gun” For information leading to the arrest of The state of Missouri is offering a


Page 1: 1W Wanted Poster


Description Date of Birth: January 25, 1997 Hair: Blonde/Brown Place of Birth: San Bernardino, CA Eyes: Brown Height: 5” 4 Sex: Female Weight: 130 lbs. Race: White Occupation: Baby Sitting Aliases: Crissy

The state of Missouri is offering a

$1,000,000 REWARD

For information leading to the arrest of

Crystal Carter Last seen walking down King Hill late last night, with a

“Double Barrel Shot Gun”