1st marine regiment - 3rd battalion - command diary - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/wjr/jfm a12 ·....

1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - JULY 1953 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-1385 CD: 19 United States Marine Corps History Division Quantico, Virginia Records: United States Marine Corps Unit Name: 1st Marine Division Records Group: RG 127 Depository: National Archives and Records Administration Location: College Park, Maryland Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org

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Page 1: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027


Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-1385

CD: 19

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: United States Marine Corps

Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

Records Group: RG 127

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


Page 2: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401810DECLASSIFIED


1/WJR/jfm A12

·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953

FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027 of 1 August 1953

FroDU Commanding Officer, lst Marines To: Collima.ndant d! the Marine dorps Via: (1) Coounanding General, lst Marine Division (Reinf), FMP

(2) Commanding General, Fiest Marine Forcei Pacific

Subj: Command Diary for July 1953, sul:mission of

1. Forwarded.

Copy to: CO, Jrdlh, lstMar


n .. , ..

. ~liDli:~~·~·.,~>.:~_;. :_.· __ ~-



Page 3: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401811DECLASSIFIED

-- . ---··---·-· ·--- ---- - ·--· ·----,-------~-.,---_....,..,.--_~-~~

lA- ~a~'

SECOND ENDoRSEMENT on CO 3dBn 1stMar lstKarDiv ltr ser 0027 ot 1 Jug 1953

From: '!'o:

Commanding General, lBt Marine Division Co~~andant or the Karine Corps Commanding General, Fleet lllarlne Force, Pacit1o Via:

Subj: Command Diary tor July 1953, submission o!

1. Forwarded.

2. The security classification o:r: th1.s endorsement is removed when detached !rom the basic document.

~Y to:


&Ill SHAPLEY :By dire o~on

FMF Pac (1) 2d MarDi v (1) 3d MarDi v (1) Pac1t1c Fleet Eval uat1on Chooup ( ClnCPao) (1) BIB, C~ Pendleton (1) let Prov H~ine Air-Ground Task Force (1) S&C Files (1)


Page 4: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401812DECLASSIFIED

., .[

0805/165 Al2 Ser : ..


THIRD ENDORSEMENT on CO 3dBn lstMar ltr ser 0027 of l Aug 1953

From: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pac1f1 c To: Commandant o! the Marine Corps

SubJ: Command Diary for July 1953

l. Forwarded,

2. This endorsement is downgraded to nnclass1f1ed upon detachment from the basic document.

Copy to: eG ls.tRarD1v

~~(}_~~<"'?" IDWABD A. WILCOX B7 direction


Page 5: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401813DECLASSIFIED

. ·.-- --~'Y};;;~ :;~-'

.!!!i!QU: suazn nmw•noll ·--·- - ... ____ ,_ ____ ·-·-· --

:BDM.qUIU"ter a JL'd Jr:t,ttAlion, let lm'inoa

bt Na1'J. ZIO Di vi non (aoill£) , :M' c.fo JPO, l!bZI. J'ftl.nci.oo, Calif'or.nio.

a, Ope:rat1on O:rderlll

18-53 19-53 .A..n110x llc)tor

14..53 15-53 16-53

2}.53 2li-53

-- ---- --~

J.l>PINDIX 1 lli:roc.tbea Relo1ve4 l at )br ina Regiment


05).200 July 1953 071200 July 1953 221200 .ruly 1953

2l+l,:t01 July 1953 July 1953

2815001 July 1953

1S July 1953 2218001 July 1953

2116001 July 19 53 222ooot Jul:r 1953 221.2001 Jul:r 1953 2Sl6ool ~ 1953

3 Jul;r 1953 12 J'Q].y 1953 14 J'QJ.y 1953

2 July 1953 6 July 1953

-_,.--,, ..... _.__.__

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Korean War Project USMC-04401814

,.... [ J,- .


~r~t.~ ~~~!PION _l.Uif\~~}G~--~,:::_;::0'l!U Ulhi.0


Jleadquarter a 3L"d llatte.lion, 1st lt!.rine s

ls t Mar ire Di vi sio n (Rein:f') , FMF cfo liPO, san Fra.ncisc!', California.

Directives Issued

1. Jlatta.lion Q_pera.tions Orders: 15-53 l.6..53

22ltioai Ju4 1953 290900I .Tuly 1953

2. :Battalion lt!.rch PlAIJ¢

3. Jlattalion Q_perations p laJ:l&

4. :Battalion General Ord.ers1

5. Co-nd.i~ Officers letter

b. J!a.ttalion Trainin,: Orders: Cbg #1 to Tr lJ€ Order Cbg fe. to Tr "'€ Order

C~ fl. to Trno; Order Chg fe to Tr!J€ Order





lOlZOOI Jll4 1953

12li.!OOI Jll4 1953

10 JuJ.;r 1953

10 Jul:r 1953

4 J~ 1953 g Jul;r 1953 2 Jul;r 1953

10 Jul:f 1953 13 Jul7 1953 6 July 1953 3 ju4' 1953 9 Jul;r 1953

15 July 1953

Page 7: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401815DECLASSIFIED

Jr Ollis C-lldiac Otticer :l!o: Oomllllllllant of tlle MlrillB Corps

ilfiJ/pp& A9-K ser, 0027 1 Au,.u.st 19 53

V'las ( 1) Commalldillg 01tioer1 lst Jrlll'hea (2) Oollll!all4.ing GeiiiiZ'&l, 1st Mm'illll Division (Reint), :no' ( 3) . CM1JD!Ln4i DC Genel'al, lleet lrN"ine !rol-ce, Pacific ·

SllbJs COM!<.\ND DWiT, IIVLY 1953

.aet: (a) legimental Gelllll'al Order bber 20


(b) Clla,pter S, Divillion Qe1181'a1 Order bber 101 (c) m ;p&q Genel'al Order bber 21 (.aev) of ll Mar 1953 (d) :PN't E, Chagter 11 (C:ball&9 4) Marine Corps Ma!Dla1

1. 8lniMA.a y :ft"oa 1 Jul;y to 8 ilu1y, this :aa ttalion was in I Corps resel'VS

at CS 226g118, During thia period an intensive trainill{; achedul,e, streaai~~g company alld platoon ld. zed tactic a, was C&l'l'ied out, 7or tlle training BChedule see Ap:pe.tldix u. .

:n-0111 S to 9 Jul;r, this :Battalion moved from CS 22691S to a C11aJi! located at CS 122982 llhers 1 t assumed the mission of a battalion of the reserve :regiment, the dividon ha'91.~~g moved up to the Main I411B of Belli. sta:nce,

J\'0111 9 to 21 :Ul;r thh llattalion conducted a shak&down of the ~»w cam,p alld contilli.W4 an inteiUiive t:raini 11g eched.ule, stressillg pliltoon and com;pa~ Q.efsnsive tactios as well as Pollatsa. basic aub­Jecte. Si~e the campsite had 1:1ot been completely occupied. fo:r sew:ral ~nths, :1. t was neceua:r;r to rebuild most of the il8l!IP•

On 21 Jul.)' thil ba.1:ta11on moved to a~:~other camp in di'Visio%1 reserve for possible immdiate tactical GOiJlPlOyment~ !:he z.w C8li\P ~<~&a located at C8 078995 and a :rear eci!Blon Willi left at CS 122')62 as a eecUl'it:l' &Ill 1111\intoJ~ot,DCe detail tor eCJ.Uipment left in that area.

:r.rom 21 to 26 July this :Battalion relieved the ,3:rd :Batta.lion. 7th J(a:rilljjiS. on the Main LiM of Reaisi\a:nce. !l'he relief wee dela:fSd from beiDg brought to completion as eoheduled because of a maJor e~~emyl:l.mited obJective attack atainst the Main Lille of ltes1s1;ance on the Dif;ht ot 2lj..25 July, rue :Battalion played a priiii/Jl';r role in repulsiDg the onemr from J£1.Us 119 C~ 085077 aDd. lll C'l' OSS094 while uaier tho O}loratio~~~t.l eon~ol of J:rd :Battalion. 7th Marinn,

011 26 .1\ll;,y this :Battalion ~ointorc:ed bf llafJ1 COI11P8.ey, 2Dil. :Battalion, lat Mariz.a; Na. Row and Ite111 Companies ot J:rd llattalio~~o 7th IW'iMB, rel19'9'Gd tbil Jrd :Battalion. 7th Ma:rines of the :right 'battalion sector at the Main tbo ot Rosista.nce of the lat lla.rinu.

:ft"OIII 26 'Go )) July tl:d.s l!t.ttalion wne on the Main I4ne of :ae sietD.IICB of the lflt JIIIIZ'ine e a.~ thougJI. the Armistice A~eoment went into ef:f'ec t on 21 July. '

omm~w. -~~~--- ~ __ · -~----,---------· ~


Page 8: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401816DECLASSIFIED

lYJ.U U\J·< IIJ:;: i-~-:~\··_': l:,["·',l(~;:.:,;fii -.;:;/L..:J,;~,,..:;..-;0~.:! UL~l.0 ~

~p;:· ~:CIJ:i /'.\ -::·:~ ;_:·· •:;;---n;,~': .

---- .. fprJC. A9~ Ser: 0027 l .August 1953

ll'rom ?P Jul.y to 31 July t..lU.s :Battalion ~s in tha process cff

withdrawi~ tactically from the demilitaril!lltion zona to its present

location at CS 034896. ~l'>..e night of 30-31 July was s,pant in.an a­

ambly m-aa at CT OSS037, The main clements of the battalion arrived.

at this camp CS OSl!SgG on 31 July, The follo1dng is a summary of the strength of the battalion

at. the bag.llming and and. of the period.,


··, ---~ .. -~·->· ., ~



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Page 9: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401817DECLASSIFIED

~~li m.f:P..'i "':fr.o::;;; 'fo;;'.,- - -- - - - - -- - -- -- - - - I - - -1-- ...-- • -"~ ,;:,..~~ - ... - _________ ...:...... ____ .Qo_a.t!d. __ _

1 July 195.31 llout1ne Jlll.y, Deceuse of the sir.~ilari.ty in the followill€ days

schedule, a. lXlrnal day Will be l:Elferred to as a routine dAy,

Thi a battalion concluded an overnight OPX at 07J:ll, 'l!he ar:>x

ClJ? \Ja.S located a.t OS 269390, At OSJOI, cPX: cP ~J:IB closed, At

09151 ::lattlllion 00LlJ:13.nd l'ost Exe:rci se Group 8.:\"r:l.ved at base

ca.ttp, vicinity of OS 226948,

2 July 1953: l\Outine :Day,

? July 1953: Routine Day,

July 18631 Rolida.y l?Putine, ~he battalion rGllresentlltive, 2nd Platoon,

George COttpany at the Division drill collpetition placed second,

5 July 1953: F..olida.y lbutine, .A.dve.noe eahlons tron ~~;,. of tb.ts be:tta.lioJl

d~arted to open llei!OW Cll.l!p at cs 122<)€!2, At oeljg!, J:iow Oor.­

;pany d~ted with one (1) officer and fifteen (15) enlisted,

At OS1!91, Gt"O~·gs 0 ompany departed w1 th one (1) officer and

twenty (20) enl:;.sted, At 11251, Item Co14-.s.ey cl.epa.rted with

one (1) officer and aevnteen (17) on1isted. At l2l?,t. Weapons

CotTJ?any departed with one (l).oUieer and twenty ~801 (<!l)


6 July 1953: :Routine .!lay,

1 July 195}1 lloutine Day,

S July 19531 At 0906:1, one (1) officer and fourt~four (ll4) enlisted from

How Compa.n,y depa.:l"ted base oaq> to as!IWlle the mission of 1Jrid(;a

~!ecurity, for Libby ::lridt;e, C~ 097013. At lV55I, Security

detail asaumed the responsibility for Libby :lridge f'rom ele.. .

menta of 14th Infa.nt:ry ll.s..,-:1.oant USo9 At 1920I, a.r.umud tion co!Jooo

'\lOy dvpa.rted old camp, At l957I, convoy of galley equ:l.pnell.t

d.epa.rted, At 2015l, Weapons Contoacy departed, At 20221, a. .

e.tlt1Uli tion convoy arn ved v.t the new co.mp. At 20:01, I ten OOm­

~ departed, At 2125I, Weapons Company arrived in the oow

08ql. At 220;1, convoy of galley equil)ment arrived.at new cam:;::>.

At 22l7l 1 Iten CoJ!lPo.ny ar~d at new C£ll:lP, At 225BI, Dat~on

lion Collll:lB.nd.er arrived oew ca.op. At 2}00I, closed oid zatta­

lion CJi> and opened. now Je.ttlll.i()n CP at CS l21~). At 23Q5I,

l'!ow Com,pa.ny departed old caop leaving tli'O (2) officers and

sixty (to) onli sted. belli~ At 23451, Qeorgv Company departed.

old ClllJ1P leavillf; twenty (20) enlisted behind,

9 July 1953: At OOJ)I, George COll!Pi'I!Y less ttrenty (20) onli sted, arrived

new c~. At 0128+, Row Company, less two (2) offioera and

llixty (60) enlisted arrived. a.t new Clallp. At 01451, remainder

c:f Row 0o¥ny d.Q-_va.:rted. old area. At Ol50I, romainder of :::.UIJOE

~rge Co~ de,pw.-ted old E~.rea, .A.t O}L5I, Head<BlB.l'ters an4

Service Coi!IJ;Ie.ny alld 1Ja.tta.lio1:1SS~lw~ de:Jarted o;Ld camp. At

035llil, remainder o:f _George o.!ld How Co~es arrived a.t new

camp, At 0554!, Xea.dquarters alld Service Conpany and :OO.tte.lion

~IJl.~ivod at new oam,p, Followi!lg reveUletflhe battalion

oollltl8nced shakedown of the now N!JIEI.. 'rile mission of a be.tte­

lion o:f the reserve regi~nt ~· aii&Ul!lGd.

-3 .. 1-1



Page 10: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401818DECLASSIFIED

. '>-~'-1"-"."\!f~..,.~~.·~ '--:i .

eoiiMiND i)IlB.v -,mz,y l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r .~ - -- - ___ --.a. ___ :25.3 __________________ (Qo~t_C\L __

lO July 1953; ll Julq 1953;

l.2 July 195) lJ July 195)

14 July 195) 15 July 19531 16 July 195)

17 July 1953: lZ July 195)

19 July 19531 20 July 19531

21 July 19531

Continue(!, ShAkedown of new e.reo.. ~ntinuQd Shakedown of new e.ree.. At lJJ:)l, the 34th ~~e.i mont J)raf't ~r tb.i s :ilatte.lion e.rrivedo Holiday Routine. Routine ~- lnd.ootriltltion for the 34th ll.fltllaoemant Dl'Bft be(;8n. :&'or ~nill6 Schedule aee Appe!ldix II. :9:! uti ne JJe.y • Routine Day, ll.outi ne llay. Co:cunenoed. CL>X at 2000I • OPX 0Pr::a&1nte.ined. at base OB.IIp. CL>XIAlas on a. nol'tlal situation of a. main line ot resi sta..nce regioant. Roll tine Day. · Sec\ll'ed. Ci'X e.t 07001. Routine Day. lndoctrination period !rtr 34th Re,plaoet~ent DrAft COII!P let e. Holiday Rout1U. At 02J:)l, revielle -s hold.. At 05001, all COI!!pllnies we-e work1Jl6 on posi tiollll and trenches of !Qlnsas Uno,loce.ted be­

tween 0~ 137024 and O'r 165025. At llj)I, e.ll cOI!.llle.nies aecur .. ed wr:trk tor da.y. · The aa.me work p lz!.n a a the previous da.y ,.a a followed. jpproJ&o.

imtely 75~ of the tr9llCh.es were brought to a de;.1,m of six

( 6) feet and &ov..;>ro.:drnl.\llely 7'JI. of the tight1Jl6 ho.l,19 s and crab holes were racondi tionea.. At 19371, the advallC e a.etails from all units of this ba.tta.lton left for Jrd !le.tte.l.ioll, 7th Mlr­ines ill conpllance with Chapter 13 Division SOP ·lb~ :to est£Lb­Ush liaison for relief. Advame deta.Ua were: ··.GeOrge Ooo­pany one (1) officer and fi:t'teon (15) enlisted: ~l!l. Oox;pany, one (l) officer and Bixteau (16) enlisted;aitdm Ootpany, one 61} officer and fifteen (15) enlisted; Weapons O~ny, one (l) officer and seven (7) or.li eted; !iladquN"ters i:t.~~ Service ~npaey, one ( l) officer and one ( 1) enlisted. At 26o6I, tbis Oe.ttalion comnenced to move to a new C8.llJ? located. at OS 07S9:35 for possible imnedili\t& a.ssignnent and e~loyment aa Division reserve. J.t 2006I, Gotre;e Oo~n;:r depa.r.ted.. At 20l6I, Eow Collilany il.epe.rted. At 20271, :Jt.ttalion ~~nd Gl'ollp de.;.:>BJ:'ted. At 203fl, I !!ell conr.pany d.epar te4.. At 20501., George Ooll)?&ny e.rrived at new cal!lp, At 2lOOI, Weapons Ooipany d.epe.rted. old C8.1!!P. .A.t 2l05t, ad'V81l4:8 elements ~rived at Jrd :Jatta.lion, 7th iole.rin!HI CSii\? and cD<~r~ under '.heir operatio!llll control. At 2l06.t, !latt&lion Command Group. arrived at new cal!p. At 2llOI, closed old JJattalion Qp at CS 121903 and opened new Jla.tta.lion Of at OS 073995. A.t 2117%, Item Coopa:ey arrived at new Clllnp, .A.t 21331, 'tllei:Wons 0ol!l)aey e.rrivod at new CSfJ.l?• This battalion left o. 11$U ree.r ec"hel.on e.s a. aecur1ty :force in the old oanp, 'rhe be.ttalion roma.1ned. on a 1;birty minute al,ert w1 th trucks standing by d\ll'ing the night. ·


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Korean War Project USMC-04401819DECLASSIFIED


. ...,.,... __ _

~~~-~~;i----------------------~-----1. ""'*"'t ~5.3- __________________ ~C~nj_1 A) __

22 ~ l95Jt

23 July 195JI

24 July l95Jt


At 08551, thiB be.ttalion ~IElS relea.sed fron the thirty (;p) minute al.erto .A.t 1116t one. (1) reilli'orc!d platoon from

Geo:rge Co¥nri one (1} oi'i'ioe:r anA fo:rt)...nine {18) en1hted,

d~artod to:r )l'd :lle.ttalion, 7th M>.rinea• At 18021, plAtoon

:from George Company palllled to operc.tio!lll-1 con~c>1 of )l'd :lle.tt­

alioll, 7th ltl.rines0 At l9CX>l1 this battalion-s plACell on a

\htrty ())) l:ll.nute alel't. Al 2lJ>l0 platoon from George Com­

~ oocupiell a portion of Hill U9, v.l.citd.ty C!l! 031!013 •. Dur­

ing the night thh platoon llllffe:red one (l) W and two ('2)

wa from ineoming. At M35t, thh battalion lji).B released from the tb1rty (JO) lld.rJU.te ale:rt. At 18!)6I, George Coiip&~ (re1lli'orocm) lesa one

(1) plAtoon on Hill 119 deported i'or the coJmll&nd post of )rd.

:lle.ttalion, 7th Marines. At 19221, 31'd :Battalion, lst MC.rinos.

placed on tbirty (;p) lld.nu.te atand'b7. At 19l!!)I1 George Co•

pe.ny paned to oporatio!t!.l control of )rd :D!l.tte.llon. 7th ~

ines. At 20101, George Conpaey de,pa:r.'ted Jl'd :Battalion. 7th inea I::P for Hill U9o At 2llJ5l 1 Gcol'ge Co~ &ISWIIGd a· tion of t.'le res,pona1b11Uy for the de:tense of Hill 118. rge COllpB!Q" rece1vod bcolld.ng dur11lG the ld.ght but m ellOIIcy'

ground a.ot1v1t;r. At o645X, Weapons 0o¥1l:f dej;Jal"ted #or Jrd ;3attallo~~t 7th MN'-o

inoa. At 07Jlt, tbill batt&lion secured :Q'olll thirt:y (JO) lld.m\o

•te.n4b)t. ,..d ::eatte.llon. lat Marinos C01111118lr:led thoil' relief

of Jl'd :Battalion, 7th lbr1no•1_ which waa to be Collpl.eted by

&l.;rlia!lt 25 Jul:r. At 07~1 weapons Ccmwaey a.rrived 1n th<J

area atdand. passed to o;peratio~l control ·of J1'd :Battalion, 7th lbrinaa. At 12001, thia b&tto.lloncoloeoa. old 01' at OS

07S995 And O~lOIIOd now (l> at C! 10$072 And O')O.l'tl.tod. Ullde:r.'

operational control of jrd :Bo.tte.llon. 7th ~inea. At l4:J>l,

platoon from Klllf Ootqpo.ey vas relieved of Libb:y :Br14ge b7 p~rc

\oon fl'CIIl 7th ltl.rines. At 182!)1, How Oolll)?&ey dopo.rted old camp tor (l> o:f Jrd lltlttalion. 7th lt11'1nefl. At 19151:, :Eov Cotto­

pany an-ived at (l> and pa.ased tooo;pera.tio!t!.l control of Jl'd

:sJatttl.lioll, 7th !mines. At 19501, Item Co~ 4spll.l'ted old

C&llp. At 20251, I tan Cor'!Pa.ny an-1vod a.t CP a.lld p&llaed. to

operational oontrol ot J1'd :sJatta.lion, 7th M!U'inas. A.t a:lJ)t,

&lJellV ••~tod Bill 119 in force of etppl'o:d.mto:b' b&ttalloZt.

aU'~ and 1;llld;Jr be&vy su-J?:;:>ort1ng fire. At the lllll!let timo

\bile Bow Ooll!Pil~ l!ELI 1n procen of relieving Row Col!pllZI1'1

Jrd :Battalion. 7th Mllrines, m.u lll. viCinity of or 96095, vu a.111sa.ultod bT an est:l.nate4 on~ eompe.n;r. At 2102.t• Prov.l.sional Company !liBdo from ~~tars alld Service Co~ey,

WG1!opon8 OollpB~ i!s.pa:l'ted old ca.up, At 21JOI, tho enOJrOI' ti.BBO.Ult-

ed Hill 119 a aecolld time o.nd. ovorro.n portions ot , 1t~jit , ''·' ·., .. . . .. IYJif/iJ(I;JIJJl~~uu- WtiilJ , ___ ,/

• -5-


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Korean War Project USMC-04401820DECLASSIFIED

- ,.,~. ,_~~-~-~: .. ;:--_,_. :-.. . '

---------------------------~---------~-~ :ji4,.1'tl .J!lJ;t ;!.95.3 _______________ 1.C~n.!' ~- ____ _

25 July 195.31

26 J'uly l9 5.31

trench line. At 2139I, Pr<wisioml Con;_)eey arrived at aP and pllssed to operational control of .Jrd Battalion, 7th Mnrines, at tbi s tine the entire- battalion \\fi.S under the oporo.tioMl cont;rol of 3t"d Battalion, 7th ~""-rines, At 22151, Item Ooupaey \\fi.S ordered to reinforce George Co!ll]?ll.ny havi.ng suffered heavy caaut:.lties was in dange:r of being COIJliletely overrun.. During the l!tlvement of I tam Company from the Clf area to Hill 119 they came under heavy enemy harassing and interdiction fire on the roo.d leading to Hill 119 and suffered heavy "c!l.aual tie a. At OOJ)I, Itec COJi\'o.nyo.rrived on Hill 119 and too sitoo.tion ~.s brouGht under control, The onocy hil~o~Gvcr Continued to attenpt to infiltrate into tho :;?OBi tion he hM occu_piod throuGh out the night, At llOOI Ma_;Jor B.. D, TEtlRS'ION, S..J Officor for Jrd Battalion, 1st 1-Prines, assumed com~nd of hill 119 and commenced reorgo.ni iSLtion of Geor{lO a.nd Item Oot~panies, into four (4) platoons. Durill(; the dey lbw Oom.,any~ ):t !JI!.ttalion, lst Marines assisted Eow Oou_pacy-, Jrd ""attnlion, 7th l'~ines in cloe.ring tho enemy from the trenches on llill lll and. eotpleted the relief at llll5.· How CoJDtlany, t3t"d ::Je.ttD.lion, 1st Marines then assumed: the responsibility of the richt coq:.aey sector of the !4a111 Line of Resistance of the Jrd !la.ttnlion, 7th Ma-rines. ~t 19231, Fox Conparey-, 2nd ::JD.ttalion, 7th Marine& and ;!Casy Co~nt. 2nd Jattallon, 1st Marines comoonced. relief of George and I tom Conpanios on Hill 119 with Major THURSTO!< in overall oomme.nd of tree;> il on Rill 119. During tho ni{;ht 25-26 July, l:l1ll lll \>tl.B subjected to heavy incominr; oausi!Ji; casUIJ.ltios to. Eow Oomyaey. Continuous -ll enemy probes were oa.<:i.e against the position on ID.ll lll but each probe >JC.s ropelled before tho enet\1' reached the treach line. At 002ZI, roliof of Georgo alld I tern Companies cor:pleted. At 05:9I, Georp,o and Item Companies left iF area for a camp locatod at CT OSGOJ[ to reG;;fl'O.ni!o mvin,g suffered c_ppro::di:l!l.tol:y 50% casualties during their stay on ilill 119. At 12431, !Jrd :nattalion, lst !wines assumed operationel control of the right battalion soctcr of the ri,~ht .. ree.'imont on the Mllin :Line of Resistance,· Under operational control of Jrd Jattalion, 1st Mari:ces at this time >r~O Easy Company, 2:tld :aattalion, 1st Marines, on F.ill 119; Easy Com2any , yd Dattalion, 7th Marines; I teLl Oom-2acy, Jrd :natte.llon, 7t)l Marines and the tlll'ee ( 3) line COtr.Janies norJ:>ally a part o"i- this battalion. At 14JQI, Ikle; Oom.l?any, 2nd ~ttalion, 7th 1-klrina•, =e under opera.tio !lEI. control of )"d Dattalion, 1st Marines. 4t 20011, llog Ool!pany, 2nd Jatte.lion, 7th llru:-ines, commenced roinforcillb J!)!l.sy



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Korean War Project USMC-04401821

27 July 1953:

23 July 19531

29 July l953t

"$) July 195 3t


ColDpany, 2nd llattalion. 1st Marines on Hill 119. At

2ll!OI, 2151tt, 22021, three (3) successive enem;y platoon

sized pro baa were made e.gainat FJ.ll 119, an:l. vicinity

of C~ 08307<1. All probes ware :zoepul~ed. .

At 0035I, a fout'~la.toon sized probe was J.aunclled in

the aame area, At 00451, Major R. D, TBtlRSTON, was WIA

and Jlajor J, s. CAlimH! assuCl8d the duty of battalion

S..3 officer, Co!lpAny COIJIIIIendBr o( Dog COJ!!Paxcy'l 7th Marines

aslll.lmed comrnan:l. of Hill 119. At 015ll, the e®mt l\'lil.&

repa~led from vicinity CT 003078, At 06151, Fast Coi!IJ?any

2nd. ilattalion. lat Marines retllrned to battalion CP area

and wa• released to its parent unit. At lOOOI, Armistioe

Agreanent l\'lii.B signed. At 13,:>1, Charlie Conpany, lst

llattal1on. lst Marilllla came Ullder epe:zoational control

of )"d Dattalion, lst lhrillllll, At 14301, one (l) platoon

from Charlie Company lst :na.ttallon. lat Marines reinforced

Ibg Oo!Dpany, 2nd :Jnttalion 7th Mari:nea on Hill 119. At

211!51, all frielldly firing ceaasd, At 2200I, armistice

agreE!Illent went into affect. At 2J50I, Item Co!Dpany,

J!'d Dattalion_ 7th Marines l\'lii.S relieved by Item Company,

J!'d nattalion, lst Marines and releaiiSd to its parent unit,

At 05,:>1, George Oonpany, :;rd llo.ttalion, 1st Marines

relieved lllclsy Company, 21ld !atto.lion. 7th Marines whiah

,_u then released to 1 ts parent unit, At l245I, Che.l"lie

Company, let Ilattalion, lst Marines relieved Dog

Co!DpAny, 2nd l3attalion, 7th Marines which was then roleailld

to 1 ts parent unit. ~his batta;J.ion coll!Pliod with tho Armistice agreanent.

At OSl!oi, "'harlie CCI:$1an;v, lst Dattallon, lst Marines

were relieved by Easy Co!Dpaey, 2lld :Bat ta.lion, lst

Marines and epa:zoational control of Hill 119 was passed

to 2nd Datto.lion, l.st Marines, Cha.rlle ColDpAny, lst

Dattalion, 1st Marines returned to parent ulli t.

~hill battalion co~~plied with the Armistice agreement,

At l500I, How COJ:l.Pilny, commenced to w1 thdl"aw tactically

from the demilitarill!ltion 11101111 to an assembly area,~il!>j;Jy

of CT 0<17037, At J.6ooi George Company coOlliOncad w1 th.­

drawing tactically to the assembly area, At 16201, Item

Co1:$18.ny, commenced. w1 tblrawil)l> tactically to t.,.,_a assembly

area, At 17.301, opened new :Battalion al? at CT 087037

and closed olci l3Btta.Uon 01? at CT 100072. At 19001

\'iOS!'ons Com,pan;y departed demili tarill!lotion ZODfil fo:zo

assembly area. At 20)01., J,.aet of battalion from old CP

area cleared dam1lita.ri21ltion 21>ne for asiiSmbly area.

At 211!51, all troOps tbis battalion in aseembly area,

.~. 7 ....



Page 14: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401822

31 J~ 1953#


... , ~I. G.emtge and Item compnnies departed. a.seembly

area for M\1' Ca:'l\J? lcca.ted at C s 00li<i97, At llJOOI,

Row Company departed assembly ~~rea far. new ca.up, At

15031, Geor,~e OollJ?B.llY arrived at the new camp, At 15.30!,

Wet~pons Coupany departed assembly area for new carn,p, .1\.t

l610I, How Coll1Pany arrived. at new oaDp. At 16191,

Weapons Ooll1Pany, arrived at new Oa:'l\J?• At 16401, old

OP j;as closed and new ope®d in vicinity of 0 5 00 4S97,

The new camp was virgin ground w1 th m facilities on

arrival, Engineers had started road and oamp construction

but work \IELB hind.ered 1J:rtsoft ground and rain, At lg0011

u:ove 1\E!.S stopped t6ll1Porarily because of inclement weather.

All troops with exception of police detail and. Battalion

Supply were in new canp,

.lil?P:E:l'!DIX Al'PEWIX J\l>Pl!l1llU: APFENDII .Al'PE !!DI X AJ?PEl!DIX

I a !II nit

IV1 V:


- g -

Directives Received

Directives Issued Overlay of Positions Reports and. Summaries

Photog:raphic Supplement ~ Negative

Comnents and Recomendations- Negative


' r ~. ·--

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Korean W

ar Project U




~I t"' ' >---j rLJ rLJ s t"l. 0

I ' '


Chn.!lt,"'O f1 to ~.ALIOli $W::U]\': OilD;EP,)

·HOo.dqn tor c 3rd ilo.ttolion, lot HarincG

lot llarino Di viGion (Rein!), FIG'

cfa Fl:O, Sen Francisco, California

. : 'rroiniP..g ochctb.llo for ?cried 5-ll J\tlc• 1953

~ •.......... ,~9-53)


~·-··- , ......

lf July 1953

1. In oncloguroo (1)~ {2~ a11e1 (3) to :Battalion Truin.ins o:i:-dor 29-53 tho follo'd'"'-:"; ohoncoo will be nadot

.ADD ~ :tollo,.,.n:c liotcd .instruction to Sund.ny, 5Julc·, 1953, for al1 rifle oonpadcS1

a. EN'CLOSUI:E (l) GID:RGE CG!PANY . . . . _ .

- ::r.:: -- - -- - - - - - - - - - --·- - - - - - ~- - - - - - - - - -a - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - "'"" - . ]Pii.J.~.PJ.io_ ~~- -~,r -~t- -~!:.---..:.-------------.:. !!:".£ :'lr- _!!lsi---- _!!a!-~- .

. Sunaay .J.H;JN .· 11."'11 R:l.flo . · . Im'ILTllATIO'J CtlUl!Slb WITH l'!XE:l ~[,"0 ,13 Co Condr,ol.l ,\Sll 3135--310...1

· 5· ;:ruJ..,- F.l. to only OVEWAD m!G :Fll!E F.l. t Li\rs

OS()() 0(;30 ?il Truolt to rwl(;o

(0730 os:;o Pll ~iaroh to ronco if no tmclto nvailt:lblo)

0830 0345 L · ?roblon axplnnatic111 on.foty roo.tlationa

OS45 1045 FE Conduct J?roblon: one (l) 11qw.d at a tiD~

1045 Ul!? 1'~ iiarch to Ca.':lp


'fu~tc- :r'rotl- -TO"-- uhft---------- ~'ii ac'ti---- ----Place-- Inot---- -:aCt---- .

Simdliir- - 094"5- -lli45 - Rl.no -~ -IilFILTR.\:T! ON sgVPSEt m"TH -IIIXlilD- -~Go -+iT Co -Coridl-; OJ. I is!i 3s§:.. JlO..

5 .July l'l to only OVERlmAD mi~ n RE F.l. t Ldrc 1

0945 1045 n'l Uo.rch to ranee .

lo45 1100 L ?roblcr1 cxploP~tion; ocicty rCGU1atiano

UOO ~200 FE Conduct of :;:>roblcn1 one (l) cqu.ad at a two

..l200 -1~5 Noon uoal in field

~245 ~,345 ·FE Collduct of :;ll">blcu (cant 1d)

J.345 1445 ?\T !!arch to cru:1p

0 t"'l (j t"'

' c > rLJ rLJ

3 -t"l


Page 16: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



~ (")

~] .. t"l.

o I I

; ~ t-..•.

. :·_ ..... _


·, . " ... -----------------------------------------------------ChtuJ.Cp !lo 1 to DA.TTJI.LIOH TT.Am!ifG O!IDER l:10 29-53 • (Con t 1<1)



c. :WCLOSUI'JS (3) IT:!lli COI-!PAl!Y:

"-:::-'n.to- 'Fr<io- -To-- U'nTt- -Ti o------- Su.'bjoct------- P.l.aco-- -Iilst-- -J;iDr--­

~~-- 131l5- -i=roo- 'ftl.no- 'lP_ mn:-rn.~'TYOJi'...,.cou'iis:&z-urm Fmi5 ~- i.hii€0 Ji3 -c-o coil~ -.AmC3~-

5 Ju.ly ?1 to Ol'll:Y ''OVERW!:AD BW} F!llll <tl1. ,Pl. t 310, ·

1.24? 13115 Pl'1 · Milt"ch tq rliJlGO · : • Ldrc·

131t-5 lim L Pro'blcn explanation; 11oi"oty r~atio:1ti

l4oo 1600 l'E 'Coniblct of .,.,robloo: ono (l) sqp.ad o.t o.. ti::IO ·.

1600 1700 Ptl !~ch to c~ ·

~ ..... , --->


4. nom h> L~ R. LEE ill dOBiGI~tod ao .R.Un~i s.u'ETY OFFIC.Ell..

( 2) Lt. !IOGAlJ io doliiGlmtod ns ASS ISTAllT llll....'TG-E ~TY Oli'FICEn, ;u1d lrA.C;p:NE GUIJ. Ol'FICEa.,

(3). ir~s O:>~.will.provido. throe .(3) BMGs with GPnro )larrclst 15,000 rounds()!

;;~¥.. awtmi Uon D!lil lli.lffi.;:i~t crcwoau (.o.w.on). · -

'. :SY .Ont:IXR'"OF L"'liiJ'l.'EiliU!T COL.CllllL MIIJ.EP.


DlSTRIBUTiont ~ocinl

:r._ D. TBUllS'roll Mo.jor, usac

8-3 .. ~ . .,~ .. ' . . ,


··J, T, cyl'IJ.m ija.jor) U, s. )/ru'ino Corps

Exooutivo· Officor


0 ,t"'l -~ (j ; r ;o> . rJ>

3 .. ,, . t"'l


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Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"'l ' ("'l I

r I >~

"' "' ~ 0

Chant,"E> ~:0 2 to Bt\. TT~, LIO U TP..a.Ul NC CliOJl1R)


Jl'd. 1la.1;t&lion, ·1st. Harin<>s

lst l·iB.riM Di'ri.sion (Reinf), 'l'l!F

cJ o :EPO, $n Franci s~o.., Ca.li f :;o: .. "l.~~

: Training Schedule for :period 5-11 July 1953

:rmrnER ........... •••• 29-53)

RilT/rwd 6 July 1953

1. ln enclosures (1), (2), (3) and (l~) to. Battalion Tr<-aing Order 29-53 the fcllo,;ing changes,

for all companies will 'bo n1.do,. DELiJTE thJ listed in&truc'tio:i" fC!r 1/cil.n'osd.<.".y~ .S .JuJ.y 1953. ThU!"s&>.y,

'9 July 1953. ancl, l!'ridt:\y• 10 July 1953. for "11 co~a.lAcs D-nd illlbsti tc .. a the foll.ouing:

a. :ENCLO::.UllE {1) Georg,e Gompan;v;

EN} .IDSIJll:E (2) How Company;

EN:liDSilRE (3) lta•u O.:·ll!PallY; and

____ ~NQLQSQR! _i4}_ _w;~ar.o~9_C£.!l'£"-!!Y _________________________________ _

r$J.:-y -~~- i6-30- -Y:t!- "fuAKillDliWN INNE1v~ii~<>!-------- ~~1~---- ~:~6omar-- ~~-

g Jul '

'Thur~y- -osoo - lb30-.-All- - S!!IlliDOwN I~l-Niii'w-CAMP- - - - -- - - - co-Area -- - - Co-conifr- - "ihue-

1 !!.ll:!.Y_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·-·

Friday 0800 113(1 AU W:EiiPONS IU<i>ECTION Co Area . Co Comdl· None

_!O_J)!q __ lJCQ_ _ !6JO __ A,!:t __ Q.O_CQ?•iQR;_S_~1J.NlS~TI9J:! ,!I~- ____ l!_o_A£,e~ ____ i!_o_C£.~- _.!?!!P._

b. fbe ·nsted schedllle far Saturday, 11 July 1953, 1·ellll.ins in effect.


R·.D~ MaJ<Il', UK



J. ~. IIJtNN ~~jor, t. S, Nal'ine CDrJ;13

Executive Officer



0 t"'l ("'l r 0> "' "' 3 ·~


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Korean War Project USMC-04401826DECLASSIFIED

OPERil.ttOW..L OlUlER) · ·

!JUMB:m • ~ ••• 15-53~ i

j · ' I

l. A• Current PI:as .. -~. ,_.,. , .

,S. (1) lst l*1r C:aol1ei') prior to 26o6oOI J'l1q 1953 rolioji\1# M<:>.r (Rein£) on pen o.ssuno mon right Mia rogt lino J.UIC:STOw:N. Occupy, dot .·~ oontinuo ~ d.ovolopl:lont Mia in. soc tor. .. '· ·

• (2)






l/11 l)S lat Mo.r (:ao1ni')

Ono ( 1) Co 1st Eng :Bn DS lst !i&!.r (Roinf)

Co C (B.oint) lat ~k l!n DS lat Mar (B.oint) '

Ono (1) plt. ~JI~ M~!.t.W lin DS lst Mar (Roinf) ,_. . . ~. ·: .

. ono .~•1) Co ist ·I>!! !n D~}:...~ (ll.oillf) . 't :'·,'}t .. ~.. ·_.

4.,Z•Mort Co GS - .. ~. . . I : -~ > •

" .. ;.~~: ' . . . .

;-,,- t:'·

2. ~ ~d l!n, lst Mar (ll.eint) liurl.ng night 24-25 Julr'#'.9~ roliovo ,:Od. :Sn, 7th l'lo.r (Roinf) on psn asiiUtlo csn right Mia l!n. Coz:ploto ~~~1Ql' 2506901 · July 1953- . . . . •. , ·,·. . .


(2) Collduot patrols $-n aocordAnoo curr 6.iroot1vos.

(3) Occupy, defend and oonti!llll) dovolopoont Hill 119;

l!.• Routes1 dotl'kg ptaa bdr;ys1 IPSt soo annex :BAm. pn ovcrJ!w, . ; :_:- ~- .

3• ~ Goorgo Co (:ao1ri:f') . '•.'";:'.' . ." -~--~.( .. '.":; ··,_-:- .. -~.~-:.-1'"!; ·- i-" ~: '• .,.

)i"d:Bn, (1) Night 23-.23 July 1953 , rol 33 p. or cent (33~ okoa 8 G8 Co (Roini') 7th Mar (Roinf), ~ll 1190 p»ior-2JQ6oot July 1953-

sson::~ SWUU~! I~~ION




--~ ..

• :. r, ' - :J

'· . '

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Korean War Project USMC-04401827DECLASSIFIED

SlCJ.U:T smcuaxn rmm.JA.TION

(4) Cor~4ut pat:roh b &ooo:rl\tUiDe C\11'1' U~.<$C1i .,, ••

Jl.. How Co (Re1nf')

( 1) Ni(!,ht 21!..25 Jul~ 1953 :rel How Co (Re1nf'), 3t'd lln, 7th Nar on pan eommelillei.~ 21l2COOI~ Iteliet' to be completed prior 242J)OI, July 1953.

(2) Occupy, d.efel'Jd. a.l'Jd. cont1 nue c!evelope 11 ne Jamestown in sec tor. '",

(3) Con4uct pat:zoola in a.c C01'ci&11Ce curr directive a,

(4) liltablhh Cllllllmlnico.tiona w1 th o1omonts lst Cl:i"U•"MNll!111on on right. Soclll'o ulld rovort pm-cnto.l control UllDY mQ;l)QIII aoouri t.r ~4

· llholl r•Jlo1'011. bll: .:.."'-cmta Goorgo Oo, )rd. DJ1, 7th Vmboa at 21411ooi July . .,,, . "!'l'!!!"" '

1o Itom co (Rahf) . .>.':

(1) 111i~'t 211..~= :185lfel *I" Co (.."toillt), ):'d. »A, 7th IW on po•ttona COliiOMiftC • l\eliota to be coJIIl'lotod. ;p1'io:r 21j2ljcoi Jal.;y 1953·

(2) Ocaup;y, d.etall4 all4 eornimao d.ovolopo liJI.O Jo.1110at01m in aector,

(3) Coact pat:rola 111 acoorda~~Co current diractivoa,

~ l'rov:ldozal Co

(1) Ni~t 24-25 July 1953 rol1ovo 1 Il" Co (noint), 2nd Dn, 7th 1m' on poati011.a cocmoneil!C 21!2200%, Rollo£ to bo collplotod. prior 250100% Juq 1953-

(2) Occupy, ci.Gfond alld contilluo d.ovolopamollt 11no JamaltOlfJI 1A

(3) Collduet pl).trola 111 aooor4all0o current d.iroctivos,

( 4) Ilato.bli ah H$Ct ~til olomonta 2114 !In, lat ua:r 011 lott.

b Voapo 111 Co

(1) .. lt

~~~ AttaCh lat Soc to 1()11 Co

( ' -~


; '.·

S!X)lm smuun INJORW.T.toN

Page 20: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401828DECLASSIFIED


g>~Tio~ [~~ p.;fi;;~;:;·x~~~=::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::::.:::.: ::::.: :<~o~!)I:: :: • (o) &111\sQh ~4 ~llil (.)•itfflar (4) U!Gs to Provisional Co.

(2) HMG l'lt

(a) Attach lst Sec to UGJI Co

(b) Attach 2nd Sec to Prov Co

(c) Attach .Jrd Sec to "IIt Co

(3) 8lmmPlt1 day 24 July l9'iJ relieve 8l::m l'lt Jl.'d li; 7th Mu- at positions inilicat<Y.l (An.i.l(>J.. Bcl.:c?fl) o<llllJUall(;ing MOOI • .Assume ros_pons:i.b:l.lity and mans prior 24i.BC<;I July 1953·

lito (l) Contact l!. to X.

(2) R~~;>eat CO)mmencement raliet', pro~sa, &SIIUllption_ reaponsibUi ty of sector and com:pl.otion of rolief via lAnd line.

(3) Dis_play marking panels on revorsa slope of :fro11t lines.

(4) Display lliB.l'king panels on all voh:lcl.Ga fonm-d of lln G' only.

(5) Conti~ dovoiopemont of dofenllivo pans wfpr:l WOl'k.

(e.) nolds of firo.

. (b) Construct. rliJllair bunkers for crew eervod WOCJ?ons, capablo w1thstal'lliing_ direct hit 105Jimlt OP, (1' 1 s; reverse slope living bullkors; comm trellehes m111 de:.J th 5 ft. ·

:(c) !rae a.nd protootivo \lire.

·· (&) 0&1110n:f'lago co.ntinut!0-1Y police oontinuou11•

(6) ll.&tirement plan- Annex CHARW!l.

(7) :ala.ck out in e:f'foct entire sector.

(8) ~ndll.Ct relief in accordance with ~e #13 Divillion aoneral Order 103.

<s• Dissomimte on NEED TO xrow :MSIS om.Y. 4. Admi:al. strati ve Ordor J.0..53

~~- -~----·~---- --T DECLASSIFIED


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Korean War Project USMC-04401829DECLASSIFIED

----.-·--- . ~-,..~_ . .,.,._.-~

JlllPJU!r SECt:rain INFORM.\.T!ON .. _ .

• ·, , ... -~l·-· ;, ~~~- ,· .- ·• ,_ ' - ·- ...... -- ·- ·- ~~ -- ~--- .···-- .. --------- --·- - .. - ---- E-- [) .. --CPEHA.TJ ~,l~~J, :)R.I..~~:? 11;fJXJZ.S. ~~.~;~ ··-:·: -~ -Qont• d ---- -~ ~- -- -- -~ ... -- ·- - .... _._ __ - -- -- -- - .u....·----- -- -- .... 5. a, (1) Ctll'l'ont C0I a.r.i :'!CI in efi'EIO.~.

(~) :etldio sileooe c!ul"iDg nuvomont and. relief CXXPeyt for e.tk: of pntrols.

~ Cll 1 .s, IIQe AnruiX l:wa!:at O)!ere.tion ove.rlA1•

' t . 3Y ClaDER 0]' U:EUTENt.N'r COIOmp;t.rMILLJ!ll. .. ~' . ~-- . . : . - . . ...

'-. '·

AmtEXiJS • 'AllL!: - TMk O:t>g :sAKB$- o-p n eve\: lay

· ..

J. T. q)"Il!lll M9.jor 1 U, So l-hrinu Corp a

E:xeoutive O:f':f'ioor

·· C li:A:a.LI:ru - Ret:!. rll!nellt P Jan (to be 1 ssued)


Co, 1st Mar ( 3) Co, lll Co. Z[1 Co,~ 31

71 , , .

Oo, Co, 2 Mort Oo Co, 1fll. x.o. S..l S..2

::a .11\.0 ...

1.;'\..( R. D •. !rlruR~ , Ma..1or, u. ~.~ .. c. ,; ·8\.~


nG1t Oo "H" Co 11~n Co J>rov 'co. Ypns, .Co -"t'Y t.ID TAO!? !rank Lm File Coiid~.Jlia.ry (14) Com:n 0

· Med 0




·-·.: .


. ,

b7ter'..m SJ!l)"Uai~ I~TION

Page 22: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401830DECLASSIFIED

HoadC!Jlflrter a, ,..a :an, let Mc:'iXIB s (ReiD!) 1st Unrino 1l!vi don (ll.einf),- :&Jl' ! N TlB F.J: :ElLD <:J'.6ooi Ju.~ 1953

ANNBlX A:Bli!l TO )

Ci':m:!WriOJW, OlUm!. 15-53) Task Organizations

'' )rd !n (Ro:l. Df')

m.s Co {-) Dot lfU. liaison teo.m Sth Co 2nd l!n l03rd KOO Rogt

George Co (Roinf)

Oear'GO Co Det Oomm Plt SS Co lit Soc j!Ul'l t \'p ns Co lat Sao YMG Plt Wpna co JO Team 1/ll JO Term 4.2 Mort Co, lst • lO TGELIII 8111111 JIU Wpns Co :Bn 11..2 Agent

How Co {Bainf)

ltow 00 Dot Oollllll :U t B&S Co lD !eam 1/ll JO !roam 131 Mort Co, let 1W JQ feam Slmm l'l~ Wpna Co

. :en &.2 Agent

Item Co (RaiD!)

· 'uam eo · :Dot 00111111 Pit 3:\8 Co 3rd SELO llMG Pl t Wpns 00 Jil) 1/lJ. . . ;o 'l'eam 4.2 »rorwOo ht MN­JO !I!CIIIIIII Slm Plt Wpna Co l!n &.2 J.159~ · ·

--- -- -- ---h·-r· DECLASSIFIED

·, <';

LtOol R.D. MtLWl

Lt O.ll.. SWIG::JR~

., -.,

-~- ------...____ -

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Korean War Project USMC-04401831DECLASSIFIED


- -:; A:B- -!!0 Oiow-...fo1iA1 ol1DiR 1 -- -- --- --- - ~c&nt•d:-- - ---~-~--- -- -- - - _- !5::.5.3-- - -- -- -- X-- 2:)_----ProvisioDal Co

21Xl. Soc ATA Plat 'l«>ns Co wf4 IMG

Jrd Soc ATA Pla.t Wpns Co

2nil Sec HMG Plat 'l«>nB Co :Bn Oolll!n P la. t H&S Co



2ndLt R. :lt. iHLSO N


Page 24: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401832

... · .. '

smo:am SECtllll TY I N:FOR!IATI ON


NOMBm,, •• l6-53)

*-Pt Korea l: lO, 000


l •. a. Current :n:a: s and intelligence swnrm.ries.

JL"g, l!att&liell, let •:t.ne• lat Y 'M Division (Rei.n!)

IN '!.'It .. "-::::!w 2909CO! Julr l953

b. (l) 1st liar Div o'.:.tpoats moat favorable ter%0in south of Demilitarized

·· zo-ne: tdthdraws tt1t o.cg--.J.n'tz(!S a.r.~.1 clefal'ld.S ?rJst . ..J...rmia:Olc.e :Ro.tt.l;:; Pvr.J.!;lcns;

p~arcs for res,.l;rptl.·Jn of fu.J.J. QC'o,.le up;:.:rc.t:J.on:::~ cm:""'i.cif' vtd ·9:yy."•.ieable

instructions of .A·!.·m~:..st:!.ce. a~ec~n:t; c:ndncte liC~k: ta:J.kP ii.~lf'~ row.·catl.onc.l

activities to insuto hlgh standi.l.rd.s of disc:l.p:!.ine and uoraJ.o.

. (2) lst l&l.r (Roinf) ~Jithdl:'aw via Ll"olby llt'ide;o t<:> p:Js1tions south of

Im,jin Rivell';. assumes r.d.ssion of Div Res8rv<. Rogino:~.t: o.•,ryc.u' ~as "-ncl defends

. ?cist Armistico Defonah-o 'E'ttsitb:te.. :P•·u::>al"os blcc;c•c,; -~.·.·Cio~~oB .i!blo t:u-ough

Dog for dofenso; occuplGs blocking pcsitior,s rm c,·ii:.cC':· pr:·_Juras to oocu:.v;: mc.in.

Jlo. ttle Position on order; p:t ~c:;.·c" to ccuntcr<:.t'c~>Gk on Cr.· U.a:r.

2~ e., 3t'd;:Bn.'(Roin:f') on ord.o:t' (lll or O.bo1:.t )0 July 1953 c<>ndu.;:t tactic'>l with­

drawal by oompa.nios to o. dosi.gl:l'l.toil asscmL;l.y '"·ua. (Soo Opn Ovm.·lay). Road

vriority a.lo~JG route of nnrch t·) 3rd En :lst l•"""·•nas •

. b. Prqp~j:! on ardor tu mrJVo t~ J??Si tinns to be dasit:nEJ.tod south of Imjin

Ri VOl". . ·

3· a. Ho:w· Collpaey (Ro.J.ief) on ord.cr ccnduct tactica.~ withdrawa.l by foot march

to aasambl;r .a.roa. (Camp :too) • . b. lrilm ·· Company (:a.o;..l"lf) on QrdoL' c.onduct tactical w1 thdl:'a\4l.l following

:a:ow Ooll\)an:y by foot mo.rcl: to ao~on'>ly at·ca"

e. _GoQrgc Oompaey {Roinf) Jn :;rdOI condUPt tactiC)Q.l ~<itl'..dra1-Al followil'.g

·ttolll Compaey b~ foot ro:r:ch to assonhl,v e..·oa •

. d., WOIJ:pons Coll!?an;r mom 1;y not~r =ch on order to assembly area, g:l.mlll

Platoon cover ta.cticv-1 ~Jit.'ld.1:'~W9-l of fl?ont line eoqpanies,

· x. (l~ R~uto of wi t~:;:~·~"""l .• an~ :B~:ta~~n, asa~·~~:Y area on Opn O'vorl.a?

(2( A.~-1 Uni."&s .... 1)[1~-J.- .. <~~~ ~cl... ...... i.n. .... ss fu.a. .~:nrnc ... _ • ...,.,~c cot'lt:et.

(3J Ta~.tico.l >ri~hdm,t•.l c:f:' .:>:..1 ~L'cpD:Lea •ti.I.J. ba s;1eh tllnt one plAtoon

. will roJr£1n in position co·lCr:4.~" th· "'~ r.1J;c•a...,_l of tho remainder of tl1o cot;ta.r.y,

~i'tor which tit>o thM ;>late-en is •·i:.hd:.•e.wn.. ·

~4~ 'K~.<'I.;itain ·~~ r; ~1.:p;;0ns. LiG'.l c!l' ·s~curi ty. 5) Cor,tnct lc:f'·, to ::"~&-1"1;"

6) Lucato o.nd list all valulloblo !ll'. toria:i.s 't.hich abouil.cl bo '"''IPogoCl,

llut oa.nnot bo moved ('.Ul":i.ng t.ho por scribed t1 = p<ir iod.s.

(7) n·cl':J.o:o ·;o COJ:Wlo·~o tao i;i o.o.l wi thdra""-1 South of Imjiln Rivw prior

ti)()J.2200 Al:f,U3t 1953• . · ..

. (8) :Ma-rch tabla f:roo t>.sso~'bly nroa. to ll0\1 ca.tp to be pu.'llUIII:Iool .. l<L._.,~

4. r.. · ~~l? <1-~Ji!:!.~L:t. t.·'l, csscobly aroa. as ausi.gno.;.,

b. Carry :; J C :a~·v~.o;~ a .. tJ.d :Br:.·t-d.ll C!).nry 2/3 0 ~co;!..;:::.s

.c,. llf.~.t .. rr .. , Ca.ntcc':.'lo fiJ..L(.C'., .Oaas1 wa·::;cr fiaod. in c.;.l.ca. vohiele. *'or

tr~s fi.:bd. '1\~.tC>~ callS ';o ·oc ·txoansp.:;rtod by·::on.

Q.. 1/2 Jat1cstown "lns.l.u loc.i.

o. Ulli:foro: UtiliUos with 110l'W arcs, llehl3t, flA.ck Jac:ll:o'll all4 D ~o~. .

,., .


Page 25: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401833DECLASSIFIED


S:El~nR·,: TY !21FOP.MA'C.l. 0::

5. a., MJ.inta.in lbrnn.l v.nd coLa:l\li..)Ub co=nications,

b, Jl'o<l)l.Oncios '-nd. cDll s:'.gna ue liatod. :l,n lst Ullr Div OOI,

c. :Ba.ttDolion Cl' ,;ill move to asacnbly o.roa. on orcl.cr,

Al.'liBX- ~I.E - Opn. Overlay


Oo, lst Mar ( 3) Co, l/l Co, 2/.l . co, 3/l Oo, 4". 2 Mort Oo Co, S..l s..z

t~ SAO


"G" Oo "H° Co •I• Oo i'rov co· wpns Co Arty LEO !I!AQp

\rank LllO l'ilo Col!d Diary ( 14) 0oLD0 Mod.O


J. T, QtJitm Mi:'.jor, U, s. l!ar inc Corps

F.xocu,t:l:vo Cfficor

Page 26: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401834DECLASSIFIED

SECRET ~'l!Y Ul!Oll.VAT!ON' •

101800 July 1953

l·AP.CH ? L!lll ) • t Division Resorve

NUEJER • • • }05 3)

~P: 6527 I

1. !.• See current l'IR' S

:£. 1st Har (Reinf) on 0 11>0ves to :a.ssemblzr area to be desig~ted:

(1) l?rop on 0 catk ani!. sei za obj to be designated.

(l) That en has eff penetration(ll) of MlR in s.n area of the lst

lW' Di v sector, but the penetration( 1!) have been contained by local 1'1Hiervea.

(2) Seventy (70} trka provided. each Battalion for motor iili>l'ch.

2,. :B Co, 1st Eng :an DS 1st ~[arines (Rein!)

:f.. Ar.nox AlliE: operations overlay. 1;9 be islluod. for deeigna.tod area.

2. !_. )rd Battalion on G moves by motor march in one ( 1) col\lll\n to

asacmbly area to be designated:

(l) l'rqp en 0 catk, sqh.o dosi~r,nated ob,i(s). rest.cro Mm in za.

(2) Prep on 0 ma.n desigMted block:l'.lg pl!llS.

(3) Pre-9 on 0 spt tttlt othor olems 1st.~ (Reinf) •

.J?.. :Entl·kg pts, routes, other details, see Anne;x BltKER: March Te.blo.

3. .~. Rifle Cos: on 0 move by motor march to<tl.lleem'bly liJ:'ea to oo deBi&­

l:!'l.tcd, prep on 0 cntk, spt atk other oletna, or- !ltin blocking pans as direCted. •

..ll.• · Wpm• Co: on 0 move by motor march to ~ssombly aroa to be designated,

prqp on 0 spt atk or fire in spt !Wt blocking psn a• ili:tcetcd..

£.• Recoh Gl"p: on 0 movu by motor to assetnbly ar~ to bE~ daaigmted.

provide route qp.idcs, Co assy- a.rea. quid.os, s®t;iro assy a:rea..



Page 27: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401835DECLASSIFIED


Iilli.ci P"wn!iiMiiER-"t..<;_.L_•- .--------""'-----a-.-- T·.,..---

, . , - - - - - - ..~· ·- -- -- - --- --- - -- -w- J.C.2~ ..!±L---

b OrdoJ> c! motor ~ch:


~ (1.) 11ft :for pla.hnl.ng en receipt for execution Oil. order.

(2) Strict convoy diaeipline.

(3) Stri~t bls.crkout discipline.

( 4) En trucked troop a 5l:l. vehie'Q.l.a.r mot!hted MI.

(5) EEl: idll Iln interfer with ~tor m!lt'Oh, if I!IQ hovt

(7) All Rifle Cos a.r~ ~:.n Oo: Provide Ql1) (l) NlO and oh& (l) tttt.n

to :Roccn Gz'OUp, Billeting :party.

4. !..• Uni:forlllj utilities, &"n:orod vests, he~ts- g,L"een side out, inllvi­

dual wpn11 w1 tb. ono (l) basic lo;l.ll. <ltll!O.

b. Troops carry filled canteens.

~· Troops carry one (1) day ttc11 rat.

~· :Bn Supply Pt and. a.id statiol'l to be a.nnouneed.

e. (l) 'packs to oo dropped in fwd assemble area, in Co 8\l;p:ply pte e.s


(2) Clothing, equipment (indivi.dug.l), (tlJd. supplies other tha-n that

desigmted in sub para 4a., lro, a!lll l.;c a.oovo, pl'tek a.:nd lQB.ve in ool1p8-ny

wpply dWips this calli'•

(3} All Rifle Cos and ;.rom& Co: One (l.} lt\0 nnd three (3) men r~b1

With Co SL';Pply and movo wfnn {-) ( Suj;lplar).

5~ !.• Current &ll and GOI

b. (l) (lu;l.rd. :Sn ~ Net

{2) aa.d sil Co nets exi!E!Pt in omcrg&llC)'

(3) -'.Ctiva.to otller t!$tl! aa d.ir~ted



SIJX11U!t' S!OOURt '!"! I NJ'OitM\fiO X

Page 28: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401836DECLASSIFIED

SECRET· SECUR! T"! I N.ro 1'11\. T! OlT

~ -M"- .-FrAN----:---: w -- ~----------- e -·- 7c'On.tld--_!AjlC[ - - -~ J-51..- - - - - -- - -- - ----- - --- ..>: ~ - -'--

~ ( l) :Bn CP to be desigrated

(2) 0 thor s rept

. J. T~ QDI'Nli Wltjel', U. 1:1. Marine Corps

llJJtoouti vo Officer

ANlr.JX!i:S, AB!l!l- Opn Overlay (to be Usued.) llAKEJR - March Tab le CHARLIE - Voh assign Table


CO, lst ~ (2) co. l/1 co; 2/1 co, 3/1 JD s-l s-2 8-3 S-4 Comm 0 Arty UJ1) &\C. TAcP wG• Co 11J'1l1 Oo ttr'1 Co Wpns Co w;,s Co

i-!-L-.Jll Comd Diary (14)


SEQtl~ SEXltmiTt UillOll.MUION'

Page 29: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U







Headquarters, 3I'd :Battalion, 1st Marine' lst Marine Di vi aion (Beinf'), FMF lN THE FIELD 101800 July 1953

: MARCH TAllLE ~i.A.RCH P IAll' • • 3-53)

(l) TAJlE ONE (5 Eerials)


Sm:-J.al Unit Start Time To Open IP Entrk · load El? RJ CamD Rd. - lX

... Recon Grp Day Night Day l'l!q1t Day H1e;bt Daz Niffit H-28 R.-40 5mi n lOmi n H-2 3 H-?P B-20 R-25

t"'l I · 2 lst Rifle Co P 2nd Rifle Co ;.._, H-15 R-25 12min 20min &-3 lt-5 H H

lfJ ' ;!.) 3 lln Cmd Grp

~ - 4 Jrd R1tle co o ~ns Co

H-J R-10

'H/-5 K-5

10m1n l5min Rf7 Hf5

12min 20min H/-17 Hfl5


lJ/-20 Hf-20

'5 :Bn.. (- \ Elm-n1.,. nn ,..AA'P '(2:• T!A'3:iOE TWO (S;_,riaJ.s)

1>"'-i"'l \.....it stiirt Time TO open --vpen Entrk Load E1? IP

P...t Caup Rd. - lX bii;y Niiltit Day Night Di:v lliiht Diy Nigh;---:..::....---

~- Recon Grp &-28 B-40 5J!dn lOnd.n H-23 &-YJ H-20 H-25

2 Rifle Co R-15 H-25 12min 20min B-J R-5 H H

3 Riflo Co H-5 K-15 12min 20min J!f1 Hf5 Hf10 BflO

4 lln Cmd ~ B/-7 H lOmin 15m1n RJ17 B.f-15 J!f20 'Bf20 SECBBT lEctl"I T!' !j':q:>1'" ., ..,. "'f'

0 t"'l (j r

-> lfJ lfJ

3 -t"'l


Page 30: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"'l C"l[ r , >_J "' "'' ~J 0


!1@:! ¥-pg: !<> }•~R[:(}.>~i 3-53::: [~!! ~iii ::: ::: .: ::: :::::: ::: .: ::: ::- ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: Ic~~· iC ::: ::: :

(2) !l!AS:m TW ( S IOl'i&ls) (Conti d)




1 g



Biflc co

Wpns Co

:sn {-) Su_ppl:y


ste.it Entrk

B/-25 Rfl5

On ordor

On order

-"Time To Open-~--·--open

load liP IP

J2nin 20min B/-Jl H/-35 lJj. 40 Hf lJt:J

1 - T:J:kiJi; '10 lOAD Colwunc 1:D'lu4es time :f'actor added for reint el.oms: 21ni~clfl:y, ~ia..night.

2- CI.OSLJ COLlltN at night: st&;r llllt more tbe.n two (2) vehicle loAgtha :f'rom tho vehicle llhead

for evor;r 10 mph of ~~peed.

}- )iaxitlun apeed for vehicles re!f!-ining lost dista:D'es; 20 mph at night: 25 1:1ph &t ae.y.

4 ;.:. li'3.1ntain •a.t..balt• gap of at least two ( 2) vehicle lollgts.

- 2-


0 t"'l ("') r

-> "' "' 3

-t"'l 0

Page 31: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"'l I (j

' r >~

"' "' ...., -.:1 ...., t"'l 0



' ' '

( 3) TA:J!:E THREE (ANNEJ: 3/I.KER CO NT' :D) Area llP Cood DiStai!CO

IP to RP

A--PLY R.T l1l & .H CS OO~fi4 J.l.2oir. Mesx l'l.J' lY l.J 2Z CT 0560 33 6,l!oi;. lhlJIK .RJ 1Y & lY CT 074o24 4.8oi·

out off :B-A.SSY RJ 1 & 2Z CT 0.}4005 7.Ltil11. C--BIK RJ 22: &, lZ CT ~7048 6, 4oi:-. C--li.SSY ~ 4B & 2Z CT l 1.0)8 7.2&:·. E-:illK RJ ~· £, "-o.t CT o6803{ 9o8Di ·

w;t 2Z E-\SSY lUll 22 & lZ CT 097043 6.4ml. . F-$fQ llJ :l.D & 1 CT 026o05 8., O!:li :r~:·,.ssy 11,) lD t.: 1 CT 026co) c.ooi~·. G-;:lli{ RJ' ~ucdon CS Oll954 12,Cmi:

DriC.gc (:C) G-.li.SSY -do·- -do- -~ :Jh;j..J{ 1 11.J 23 6 lY C!!' 0~033 6.4c1 X- .';f'Ji 2. 11£ 1 z & ll'f'( c" 07"a-::o 4,.0-'li ""· ! . . .I ll- I "J..-X-:JL: 3 ~ ~- J.:;) ' ., c • or·Gs l::J ... ' . .,~., . .:.~ CA oL. ~ .i · I ro .:.:J:lJ.. .

X-:ill..Kl}- Fr. co~ on cs 011954 12.0mi Drid.GC' (:C)

Dl STRIIDTI ON_: 1m ch P Jan }-53


;tlJ$~ . .L a.::T~ 'Major, U.S.M.C.


Timo Opon II' to lP Distanoo Routes Close RP (for 1 Coord RPtoW sorio.1}: Day JToin 2};11n 19ol.n

2"(tl1n 2}:lin 27tlin JJoin

2JIII.n 28oin 2l:oin ltomin

4Ccin 23nin l&:Ln ::Eui.n 4onin

Night ~tlin cs 017988 1.9cl. ,. lJC, 1, lB, :l'roodon :S 3lmin CT 052026 ~oZoi lJC, 2JB, :x;...R<>.y,1Y 24oin CT 067036 1,Soi -dO...

}4min CT o4ooo6 o.6m· lJC, Spoonbill, DJ3, lz. l.i-2Z Jlmin CT ).0~53 Oo ltli lX, 2JB, x~Rt'.y, ~ <, !"'~ 34mn c~. nlo65 l.or.t. lJC, 23IJ, x..,aay; 1z; 2z. 4:S 44trl.n CT 06SOJI

& 075044 o.~~td. lJC, 2JB, z,..Ra.y, lY~utoff, z·~

Jlml.n CT 102053 o. 4mi·. :U. 2313, JWta.y,1z 37cin CT 0}2027 l.t!td· Jl;. DIS, lZ, 1, D1 JTmin CT 02l!OlJ 1.8 t:ll.. -dO..' 53oin cs 001955 o;,Jmi llrJJ.l.B

5_3min cs 006955 o. 7c1' -do-}l.cin CT 046o29 1. ):11: lX123Jl,X-Ra.y,lY 21min cs 06J18l 1. Jmi: ~ Spoonbill, DJJ ~n CS 03~2 J.Oci. lX~l 5J:lin cs co 4 l.lmi. l.X,1,lll


J. T. QVIW Major, u. s. ~inc Corps

Executive Officer


0 t"'l (j r

-> "' "' ...., -.:1 ....,



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Korean War Project USMC-04401840


1-nG1 Co 2-"RP Co )..•In Co, iln Supply li-Wpns 0?, Galley 5-Jleoon arp

::B n C IIIIi Grp

- lEGl!)llD -

- - .,_ Route of lll!I.X'Ch to entl'k pta.

. . ,i--. .... _ -.:- , __ ...,_ -


''t.f'eo 0 t:J c 0


Cl c::z 0 0 0 CJ

Hq, Ji'd :Bn, 1st l1.arines ht Mar DiV (:t!einf), FMl'

IN THE FIELD 101800 July 1953

''&."eo t:::J a !::.10 l:::l D c:::)Cl CJ c:::)


QJD ··' ..

DIST1Ulll1TlON: -ch Plan 3-53 II c Mlllal GAT£

~ Ma-jor, u.S,}i.C. S-3


J. T. Q)JINN MaJor, U. s. Marlne Corp a

. :UCut1ve Of!icer

-- ~---,.--.-- ----I


I ~I

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Korean War Project USMC-04401841DECLASSIFIED

Rcadqu<n·ter "• 3I'd. lla.tttJ.llcn. 1st M&rines

1st M<>::i110 Div!. sion (Roinf), FMF

IN M FI3JL lDlSOO July 1953

ANHU C!WI.XZI '!e) :; Vehicle Assiglllll(lnt Table

. JUCR PIAN }-53 )'

Wpns Oo (Roinf)

~ted Rifle coa, and m roinf from Rogt

-2....i'T;<"'i:;:r.4x:.y4:---1'"1,...,.2fii"""4'"'i4*'"""ll,.......i""'j,.....-~A::;s:;,:sump:;:..:;:;ti;.:o;o.n...:::: ( 1) 1 Soc 75RG Plat

(o.thora ATA,(2) less trks whore olcms at-

as dircctod) tachod to rifle Cos as indicated •


-;;R::-eo:-:o:-::n:-G::::rp-:---:}:ii:-r.::r4i4=.----::2~2i~TQr-1,....._.....,5,---~1?::-trkC =-omm-·---::P,-cra, 1 trk !lillcting


:Sn Cmcl. G1'p 11 (Other& as


directed) Aasw:ption:

:an (-HS\lpply) as directed

(1) Ammo

1 ba.aic load 8.tii!IQ to be ca.rri od

(2) Calloy oct, 6 2fr4:z:4 6 7 $4x4 7 (Othore as directed)

::F:;-loa~t~Gl'p--,f,...or______ Assw:ption: 10 trli:s non-org alJ..

asSign by s-4, ocatod this Dn I ncl: trks to bo

(1) Dn Cos 13 aauig!llild extra for co Sup

(2) :an (ROinf) 5 • 1 trk for each ad.Cililon or do1Qtion of l See or 20 men ma.x,

•• lib:lbor of trks ass~ Wpns Go. (Rein!) nonrally sat\0 as w/ c Rcinf, since

olema of Wpns Co. attached to l\1flo cos,, allows 2 Ddditio~l trks for s-4

au sign,

• Compamos sond eno ( l) :NOO to nn S.:.4 as qui do for trks from ·

li>lN·&D So!W'y booth, ·. ~ .....


·A+.~U/.~1 • D. THURSTON

)t!.jor, u. s.M.o, S..J



·,. ·, .•. J.b.Jor, 11. S. M!U'ino Corps

~cutivo Officer


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Korean War Project USMC-04401842DECLASSIFIED

• • ...,£CE£!' SECURITY lNFCR.~,gr ION

H~-;--r~ 1 3:-.·a. En. 1st N;:.rinca lst; l!ia;c• Di v ( Re inf ), Fl'1F IN THE FIELD 121800! July 1953


OPERATIONS ?Li~N) • • Reserve J:iise.l.on

NU~'2L~ •••• 13-63)

l~iap : Korea. 1:25<000. sheets 6528 III BE. 652R II Si<l11nd SR. 5527 IV NE,. 6f<27 :.: NW and UE 6527 I~il SE, 6527 I SVt an~1' SE

Task Org: No changb

1~ .£!.• Current PIR ts

~ (l) 1st Har {Rein-f) on 0 tu.ov_e tp· desir,rnated asse-mbly area, prep on 0 to cat!~: and seize obje<:tlvea to be designated, or execute blking missions as directed.

(2) 1/11 DS 1st l.furines (Rein!')

( 3) One company 1st Tk En :DS 1st Mar (Reinf)

(4) 4. 2mm Mortar Co, l st Mar, (}S as directed

(5) ATCo, 1st lliar, GS as directed

£.• Assumptions.

(l) That en atka have ef:f _pen~:tlr-atio-r(sj or the l>:L~ in the 1st Marine DiYJ.sion sector in one of the designated areas (See annex itlLE: Opn only)/#

( 2) That en penetrations have been contained by local reserves within the approximate areas j,tidicated.

2. .£• 3rd Battalion on o move to<US!!ellibly tu'ea to be designated.

(l) Prep "n 0 Catk 1 s=eiz.e obje:Q:t-ive{ s) to be designated and restore MDR in ZA.

(2) Prep on 0 execute blocking msn as directed.

(3) Prep on 0 spt atk other elems 1st Mar (Reinf ).

( 4) Prep on 0 aasu:ne def of MLR in sec tor on restoration.



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Korean War Project USMC-04401843DECLASSIFIED

SECRET • • OPERATIONS PL,.\£1 NUl·t:'IER 13-,53 (Conttd)

- - - - - - - - - ,....., -~ = .,-=· ="'- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- ...... - -

b. ASsembly areas, blocking positions, objtJctives and direction of atk; ),nnex ABLE: operations overlay.

3. a. (1) Coiupanies move to assembl-Y area( s) to be ·~c ·:i iF:"" '-•t .. :._J

designPted, prep on 0 catlt?spt other elems, or execute blk!ng · msns as directed,

(2) Order of companies! «H61

11G" 1 "I 11 , 1rJ'eapons.

(3) Motor march movement: Refer 3/1 Harch :Plan 3-53 •

.!.• (l) Eff for planning on receipt, execution on o.

(2) Contact R to L

(3j Entrkg pts, routes, detrll.g pts: See Annex CHARLIE, March Table.

(4) Vehicle assignment{ See Annex DOG: veh, assign­

ment table.

(5) En trucked troop$ man ven1cUlar mounted MG.

(6) All vehicles carry camourlage net

4. A• Uniform: utilities, armored \,fests, helmets - green aide out, indiVidual we-apons with one- (1) b-asic lo-ad ammot!'

b. Trrops CfiJ"rY t'illed canteens.

£.• Troops carry one (1) day ilC 11 rat.

d. (l) · Unit distribution 1n effect for all classes or supply.

(2) Bn Supply Pt and Aid S.ttttion to be announced~

v•• (1) Packs to be dropped ln .tWd A __ esy area, in Co

supply pta as directed.

(2) Clothing, eauipment (individual j ll!ld supplies other than that designated in sub para 4a., 4b., 4e. above, pack and leave in Co supply dumps this camp.


2 ~


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Korean War Project USMC-04401844DECLASSIFIED


OPERATIONS PLAN NU:i8ER 13' 53 ---- -· -·- ...... -- , __ -·------ ....... ---- __ ...... --------(3)


(3) All Rif'le Co and men remain with Co supply

a. Current SO I and CO I.

\1pns Co~.·. one (1) tHl) a.nd three and Y!IC:'(r wfBn (- J (Supply).

8~· (2) Rad sil Co net a except in emergency.

(3) l!Ctivate other nets as dh•ected. £.• (l j Bn CP to be de sigfiated.._

(2) Others rpt. £!.• Axis sig oomm: to be designated.


n"'""""·· T-t:- T- a-T.

-;Jjjj:J ~ ~-/.,C.t.b~

R, D. THURSTON Hajor I uS,{;





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Korean War Project USMC-04401845- .,, r5'~. -:-~~~-.

,.,'1- . '

DECLASSIFIED :;:· -<- ..... ~. .,,.

ttead.cparters , 3rd Battalion~ le't Marines,

1st Marine Div1eio.n (Reinf) ,. FMF of• FFO, San Francisco, California


' 10 JUly 1953


BA'l'l'PLION GENERAL ORDER) : Taot1oal Security of Libby Bridge

NUMBER ••••• • •• , • , .43-53)

Ref l (a) Regilllental· Operations Clrder 11-53

E'nol: ~1) Overlay of posts and pa~rol routes ~) Emergenc;r Defense overla;r. v) Special orders, poets and patrols

1. In accordance with reference (~t), effective a JUly 1953, this battalion is respt'naible for the tactical security of Libby Bridge vicinity OT 195el2,

2. Rifle C•~panies will previde the security guard in accordance with the following schedUles:

a. How Company 1100 8 July - 1000 22 July b, Item Company 1006, 22,;,July - 1000 5 August c. George Company 1000, 5 August - 1000, 19 Augu at

3. The security guard is aselgned the following missions:

a. :Provide continuous tactical security of Libby ::lridge to prevent sabetage and/or destruction.


«t!!l i' "

b. Be prepared to execute emergency defense of IJ,'oby Bridge, see enclosure {2 ). ,

c. notice hours.

On order this battalion, be prepared on one {1) hours to BlllOke Libby i3r1dge for period of at least four (4)

d. Execute such other•·OX'de:rs and missions as may be designated by the Battalion Commander.

4. The Security Guard will consist of one {1) reinforced platoon (-)(ol\e (·l) offioeral'ld thirty (30) men, and fourteen (14) machine gu.n personnel).

a. two (2) river. ·

During the hours of 0700 to 1900 the guard will maint<~1n ~;~ne (1) man observation posts, one on each side of the


a.., -·


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Korean War Project USMC-04401846

DECLASSIFIED /; . •,.,j_'·:·. , •• .,_,:. ;<,-__


---------------------------BA'l'TA.ION .GENERiiL ORDER NUMEER 43-53 {Cont•d) -----------------------------

b. During the period 1900 to 0700t the guard w111 maintain tour (4) machi·ng gun posts and four (4J two (2) man patrol posts. For post locations and patrol routes see enclosure (1),

e, A verbal report concerning all activities of the security guard and statue of the eecuri ty will be phoned in to the Battal1on s-3 at oeoo, 1100, 1400, 1700, 2000, 2000, 0200, 0500, hours dally, · ·

d. Report by FLASH mea sage (telephone and/or radio) to the battalion 9-3 any en~my activity in vicinity ot the bridge: ah~lling 1 1nf1ltration, troops ~to.

e. Rtiport immediately by telephone to ·the Battalion s-3:

( 1) All ino iden ts of any type.

visit, (2) All visitors, glv ing name, un1 t, and purpo ee of •

t. Rehearse the l!)Q.ergenoy Defense Plan at leaat once weekly.

g. Special orders tor the guard po ate and patrols IIJ'e ·set forth in enolos~o (3),

5. '!he security guard will be supported by one (1) platoon of aattery •c~, 21 AAA AW Battalion~ vicinity CT 0902121 from positions as shown on enclosure \1).

e. 'lbe seour1 ty guard will estaollsh the platoon command poet vicinity CT 090211.

7. Administrative Instrue tiona:

a. tlliform:

(1) Utilities, rifles, belts, bgyonete, helmets, (greton s1de out),

(2) Armored vests w111 be worn on watch.

b. 'lh1a Headauarters w111 supplY!

(1) one (l) t T Truck and trailer •

(2) Four ( 4) sniper-aaopes with 'batteries.






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Korean War Project USMC-04401847DECLASSIFIED

'' '

SECRET SECURITY INFOtu'li'lriON BATrALlON-GENERAL oRDmN!J•'iBER -4;..53-- .--- -----=-(co~tl'd) --------------------------------

(I) One ( l l.tEEB telephene.

(4) Six (6) aound power telephones, and wire<

(5) one (1) PRC 10 and two (2.) PRC 6 !'adios.

o, Companies concerned will Bl.lPP1Y:

(1) FOur (4) light machine gune.

(2) Logistical support as necessary (Class I, II and special items). . ·

- (3) Engineer tools; Four (4) shovels, tht>ee (3) picks,

(4) Ten (10) 5 gal water cane •

. (5) FOur (4) kerosene lanterns,

(6) !baquito nets as necessary.

( 7) Two ( 2) pa1r 'lXlO b !nco u1 ar s.

d.. (1) Troops carry sleeping bag, ait •llafltre•a, tollet articles, pack-boards.

(2) one (l) basic load of ammunition will be carried,

e. 'lhe following ite•Us will be signee for on position:

(l) Four (4) squad tents.

(2) Fifty-to Ill' (54) oo te.

(3) 83J ~k I s1110ke pots,

(4) 150 5 gal floating smoke pots.

a. Mea sing r ac!litiee will be provided by the 2nd l'latoon, Sattel')' NC"• 21st AAA AW 3attalion, vicinity CT 092011, The battalion &-4 will arrangl!! for the transtet> of rations,

.. . ·~ •



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Korean War Project USMC-04401848DECLASSIFIED

. '

SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION ----------------------- --------BATTALION GENEll:AL ORDER NUM.aER 4:3-53 {ConUd}

--------------------------------t. The guard will carry out all General Orders, and all special orders set forth 1n enclosure (3),



\it, let Ma.r co, l/l co, 2/l co, 1/l &-1 8-2 8-3 8-4

( 2) "G" Co "H" Co nrll Co

. Wpne Co Comd Diary (14) SAC Coilllll o F-I-L-E H&l'•


• D. THUR Sl't"'N Major, U~MC


J, T. Q.UINN MaJor 1 U, s, Mar 1ne Corps

Exec ut1v.e Officer 4'



'. ____ ._;,_,:;,[

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Korean War Project USMC-04401849DECLASSIFIED

. -.. :·-,_-·-· ~"-·,. . - ·' . .



1. ~e tour of duty is twenty-four (24) hours daily, at the platoon CF except when duties reou1re his pres.,nce else~rhere.

2. Notify the l:'latoon S<;rgeant whenever he •l.eaves thi! CP, and where he will be in case of emergeno,y.

3. Insure that the guard is propbrly instructed and posted.

4. Inspect all posttand patrols at le"lst once b,;twet:n 1900

and 2400 hours, and at least orioe betw:tlen 0001 and 0700 hours.

6. Hold a rehearsal of the Emergency Defen~e Plan nt least one~:;~ weekly.

6. Insure that all primary, a1 ternat~::, and supplementary machine gun positlone are lll8.intained for immediate occupancy and use at all t1.n::s.

., •.

7. superv1E<e the construe ticn of a1 ternate pos1 tions, con­necting and communications trenches, sauad fignting holes and POe1t1ons, as ind1cated on enclosure (2). ·

B. Insure that every member of the guard is properly ins true lied

1n the use of and method of lighting·and emplaoing smoke pots. Sufficient l'llloke pots (60 per J)Oe1 tion) will be stored e.t each

machine gun poet to insure proper smoking of the bridge for a minimum period of four (4) hours reg"lrdless of the wind direction,

and riv"r flow.

9. Notify Battalion 9'"'2 im,nediately when any unidentif1oad persons are apprehended, hold persons appr~handed under armed !'lard pending determtnat1on of their disposition by Batt?.l1on e-a.

lOt In the event ot COilllllun1c~tions failure, take Mtion as deemed necesse.ry 1n accordance with the mission assigned, and notify the Batts11on Sr3 promp~ly of incident and action taken as soon as com~un1cat1one are restored.

11. Carry out the provisions of the o ... s1c 'kner.<Jl C'rder, and all sp!>c1a1 orders from the Battalion Commandt)I', Executive Off leer, and s-3.


Post 116. Night

a• Foot Patrol :




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Korean War Project USMC-04401850DECLASSIFIED

·-·.; ,, ••

SECRET SECURITY INFORi{ATION - - - - - - - - -. -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -ENCLOSURE #3 TO BATTALION GENERAL t"RBER # 43-53 (Cont 'd)

-------------------------- -·----(1) This poet is a patrol poet of two (2) men, armed

w111h flel.;;... ae· M1. fl1flt::(l'find.. two (2) clips of a:ununition,

(2} This post will be llltl.nned from 1900 to 0700 dally, and will be relieved every four (4) hours.

(3) Patrol and observe carefUlly along river bank N to bridge,

(4) Challenge all persons friendly or otherwise, Apprehend all unident1tied persona and not1tt ore immediately,

( 5) Periodically check pier on N end of bridge making sure no foreign objects are attached,

(§.) Report all unusual activity 1mmediatt>ly to OIC by phone and/or radio,

(7) Report by phone e~h hour on the hour to platoon CP. Phone: loca.ted at MG pol!ll1.1oa,

b, ... .-

::..J.~~ :'- .,. ·~·) , . ·-::."a. (l) Man • 30 Cal, Llfl with one (1) NOO >md two (2) men

between 1900: ... 0700 hours.. ·

(2) MO. ah~.ll be h'J,lf loaded only.

(3) Observe carefUlly to front, :('lanka, and reer, bo::;1ng especially watchfUl or aPProaches to N end of bridge,

(4) . Fire MG only When authorized by OIC,

(5) One sn1per~cope shall ba empl0yed with one man constantly obeerving1 the sniperscope watch will be reliev~d every three (~) hours. .

(6) Report all ~musual activity to OIC immediately.


Post #£ - Day

a. Observation l?o st.





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Korean War Project USMC-04401851DECLASSIFIED

SEC :RET SECtllti tt lNFORMAi'ION ' - . ' --------------------------------ENCLOSURE II 3 'ltl B.A'l'UL!ON GENERAL ORDER 11'43-53 Cont td) ---------~----------------------

.,._ (l) This post is a onl:l (1) man, stationary observation post. He will be armed with a Cal, ,30 !4l Rifle with two (2) clips of ammuniticn.

( 2) This post will be manned from 0700 to 1900 daily# ln two (2) reliefs of six (6) ho~s each,

(3) Observe w/binoculars Libby 3rictge N, E, and S along banks of river, being especially watohfUl for foreign obj~cts floating in river and unauthorized persons vic bridge.

(4) Notify OIC by phone, location of suspected un­authorized persons. OIC when notified shall dispatch alert group to apprehend thtt individuals concerned,

( 5) Observe carefully all 'oridge piers making eurt; no foreign oojecte are att!iched.

( 6) Report immediate).y to OIC any unusual activity vicinity of bridge, or bridge approscheR.

(7) Report each hour on tht: hour by phone to platoon cP.

Post /P. - Night

a, Foot Patrol.

(1) This post is a patrol post of two (2) men. The

fatrcl personnel will be armed with C!ll. ,30 Ml Rifles and t~JO 2) clips or alllll•uni t ion, .

( 2) 'lhis po at will be manned from 1900 to 0700 daily,

(3) Patrol and observe carefully along ridge line, river bank and fingers leading to ridge lines. --( 4) Challerigtl all persons - t:ltiendly or otherwise during the hours of darkness. ~prebend all- un1dertt_1f led persons and notify 0~ 1-.ediately.

(5) The post will 'oe relieved every four (4)

(6) Report each hour on the hour by phone to platoon CF.

b. o30 Csl, MG Post.





.rh -, ·-:

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Korean War Project USMC-04401852DECLASSIFIED


ENCLOsURE #3-TO BA"TrrA:r..roN 'G:cNiR.i' oRDER #4:3-63---- -<coiltld) ---- --- -------(l) Man .30 Cal MG Poet with one (l) NCO and two (2)

men between 1.900 .,. 0700 hours.

( 2) MG wlll be haJ.f loaded only.

(:3) 'Fire only when authori~ed by ore.

(4) Observe car~fully to front, rear, and flanks, being especially watchful of a.pproacht:~a to N end of bridge.

(5) One Sn1perscope shall be employed with one (1) man constantly observing, the sniperscope watch will be relieved every three (3) hours.

(6) Report all unusual activity to ore immediately.

(?') Report each hour on the hour by phc,me to platoon CP. Phone located at ~ position.


Poet #3- Day

a. Observation Post.

(1) 'lbis post is a one man stationery observation post, armed'IIIIRh a Ce.l •• 30 Ml Rifle with two (2) clips of a.nmuni tion. ·

( 2) 'l'his post will ne manned from 0?00 to 1900 l1e.ltl:y:, 1n two (2) reliefs of six (6) hours each.

( 3) Observe wjbinoculars Libby Bridge, N, w, and S along r~ver banks, being e spt:cially watchful for fore1ep objects floating in river, and unauthori~ed persona vic bridge, and bridge approaches.

('~) Notify 0 rc by phone, location of auapeeted unauthox-1zed persons. ore when notified shall dispatch alert group to apprehend 1ndivi4uale concerned.

(5) Observe carefully 'Ill bridge piers making sure no foreign objects are attached.

{S) Report immediately to OIC any unusual activity vic bridge.



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Korean War Project USMC-04401853DECLASSIFIED

' ·--.. "'·--·'!<•·. -t·~- ..

SEX;RET SECURITY INFORMATION -------------------------------

ENCLOSURE #3 TO BATTALION GENERAL ORDER NU:1BER 4:3--53 (Con t rd) ---- - - - ·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(7) Report each hour on the ·hour by phone to pl!'ltoon CP.

Post #3 - Night .. ~ ,. • r

a. Foot Patrol,

(l) This post is a. patrol, post of two (2) men. The patrol pef\sonnel wUl be armed with Cal.. • 30 'Ml Rines and two (2) clips of aiDllun1t1on •

. (2) 'l'h1e po at will be manned from 1900 to 0700 dally.

(3) Patrol and observe carefully along,xot-..r bank N to bridge. See enclosure (1), · •

(4) Challenge all persons- friendly or otherwise during the hOUX'B of darkness. Apprehend all un1dent1t 1ed persons and not1fy OIC ·1llllllediately.

(5) The post will be relieved every four (4) hours,

(6) Report each hour on the hour by phone to the platoon CP.

b, • 30 Cal MJ. Po at.

(l) Man .30 Cal. LMG with one ( 1) NCO and two { 2) 'lllen between 1900 to 0700 hours.

(2) .MG will be half loaded only,

(3) Observe car.efully to front, rear, and flanks, being especially watchful of epproaches to s and of bridge.

( 4) Fire MG only when authorized by OIC.

(5) · One sn1perscope Shall be e&ployed with one (1) man constantly observing, the sniperscope watch will be relieved every three (3) hours.

fS't' :lte~t't e&:.l ~.Us.\\ ~);i;-iot;y -till ·oG !i1 t~-.ti1J •

. (~~· '~l'l• ·'lil$® hour o,~ ·~~~~· ·~~ ~- ~& J>a;lltfl~~ ~·'!


Post #4 - Night


- -------~


Page 46: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401854DECLASSIFIED

SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION -------------~--~---------------ENCLOSURE If TO BATTALION ~NERAL bRDER ~~53 (Contra) ---- __________________ ...... _

a. Foot Patrol.

(l). This post. is a patrol post of two (2) men armed with cal •• :!IJ MI. R1t'les and two (£) clips of ammunition. .

(2) This post will be manned from 1900 to 0700 and will be ro:lil:lved eVI:lry four (4) hours.

(3) Patrol and observe carefully along river bAnkS to bridge. Sl:l e enclosure ( l) •

(4) Challenge all persons friendly or other1~ise. Apprt:hend all unidentified persons and notify ore i!IIIlediatelyo

(5) Periodinally check pier on BE end of bridge making sure no fort>ign objects are attached.

(6) Report all unusual activity immediately to C1IC by phone.

(7) Repozq; by phone each hour on the hour to platton CF. Phone located at MG position.

b. bn Post.

(1) Man Cal •• 30 LMG with one (1.) NCO and two (2) men betwl:len 1900 - 0700 hours.

( 2) 1-lG shall be half loaded onl;y.

(3) Fire LMG only when authorized by OIC.

(4) observe oarfully to front, flanks, and rear, being especially watchful-of approaches to SE end of bridge.

(5) one snipersoope shall be employed with one man con­stantly observing1 the sniperscope watch will be relieved . every three (."3) hours.

(6) Report all unusual activity to CIC 1mmed1e,tely.




Page 47: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401855



Hea.dquarters 3rd Battalion, let Marines

lst Marine Division (Reinf), FMF c/o FPO, San Francisco, California

From: Cora;aanding Officer To: All Comr,>any Cpmmanders

Subj: Rear area survillance patrols

-Ret: Annex BAKER to Regt Opn ~rder 17-53

Enol: (l) overlay of patrol route (2) PE·.trol schedule

DES/gj s Ser: 0027 10 July !33

l. Day and night motor patrols will be conducted in accordance with reference for the purpose of apprehending possible ene8y agents, indigenous personnel, unauthor1zec1. personnel, and for the ,)reven-

. tion of sabotage .

::.. The motorized patrol will consist of two members of the s-2 Section and will utilize a jeep for transportation and a PRC 10 radio for communication.

3. Patrols will be conducted at indicated by enclosure (2).

4. All patrols will check out with S-2 and will report to &-2 for debriefing upon their return.

5, Patrols will ~nvestigate any unusual activity and will check all abandon villages and dwelling. All ciVilians and suspected enemy agents will be turned over to the s-2 for evacuation.

6. Com!)anies utilizing any of the training areas or ranges will kee-o alert for possible enemy agents, indigenous personnel, e.nd unaathorized ~ersonnel, and will act according to paragraph (5).

-~ 1 -------r DECLASSIFIED

J. T. o&UINN BY direction


Page 48: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401856

SEO:ro:J! SEIJU1l.!2Y Il:ITO •


• &sadqur~.rters

}rd. :&"tto.lion• bt Ma;rilles 1st l"ta.rinA ni'rlRion (Raini') • JlliF ----- .,.- ---~---- ~----- ---- .--------------~ ~ ---

c/o FJ?O, San Franchcc, tlaJ.ifornia

11 JuJ.y 1953

12 .July 19.53

13 J\l.ly 1953

14 July 1953

15 JuJ.y 1953

16 J\lly 1953

17 .Tu17 1953

111 JuJ.y 195)

19 JuJ.y 1953

0800 2100

1000 22)0

0900 ::l"JCQ

OiSOO 2300

1000 2lCC

0900 2000

12.C>O 2CCC

osoc 2300

.t,;;l.l 11atrola wll1 re:pcrt to S..2 office~ 15 minutes :prior to too time of d.a-pe.rture. The :pa.trQls will &onsist o:f tlro ( 2) members o:f the S-2 Section.

Bncl: 2



Page 49: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401857 DECLASSIFIED




C:O Juq 1953

22 July 1953

23 July 1953

2~ July 1953

25 July 1953

26 July 1953

2S July 1953

R ee.d qua:r ·~, ec ,,

3I'd lla.tta.ll.on, :..st M:ul.nee

lst Ma.rine Division ( :e.dnf), FMli'

cfo Jl>O, San Francisco, Onli :,.or ~a

le'OO 2~.00

:.200 21Klo

0800 2:J)O

1000 2300

0900 22CO

1200 20CXl

0800 2Jl0

All paQio1a w:lll l'Gport to S..2 Office, 15 Jrd.mtes prior to the ti;,e

time ot departure. !rho patrols will constat of ho (2) members

of the s.2 Section.


Page 50: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401858DECLASSIFIED

lioaclq:,tttrtors. 1r(~ :'t'1.ttnlirr!. l~t 1-hrl~-o~

lr.t-Unril:C ti~ric:i::-::- (n~.i~}, -:i'i·iJ' cfo r.ro, Snn :Fr.'Jl.!.CiGCC, Cn.lifcrr'.in

J..l.!VT..:U.+OIT T2;Ur:~~r:J-. 0~1:iJE.t1) t TrciniEC~ Sc:1.c~'.t1.lo fr::r J?cl..'i0cl 12 - 13 J~1~;,, 1953

:m.nr:"E.i:.,, ......... , .. 31-53)

ilOfl (a.) Rot;inar ... tl1.1 Tr;:,-; OrCnr ll.:-53 (b) Ro,:;ir:Ol1tnl Trl!G Orclor 20-53

( l ) Tr::dtdJl.,-; sc:: or'Tnl o -(2) TrnininG Sc..i.cclulc,. (~) Trn.in:l:t:~ Sc:1ct1::.lc -

~' 4) T:t;d.uins- sc:1rnlulo-5) Tro.ir~i:·:.c Sc::,_oc1nl o -6)'Tr<\illiJCG N:Jtos

C~Gl~r-~0 Co:::;:n~-:;:~

~.:D w C o r:prt: ;~r I·i>o:·_, OOJ~iJI)..;-.;,o·

11c.r(K-llQ Co c_:_):u:~· Stnff 1?'00 2u1 O:f:":tcors

l, In a.ccr:-,rck\!.100 wit11 rofcrc!:cc (a) '!1!~~- (0), t:·:!.ic ·Jnttr>.lt~-1-~ "r:t.ll cr:::.{'ttct tmi;:i:·,G no set ::crtc: iJ: wclosnrcs (1), (2), {3), (lf), (5), "'"'(G),

J. !?., qunm Uajor, Ut S. Hc.r~d-..c C:o:c:.)o

~oocttivo Of::io.Jl'


Page 51: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



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::::CLOZJ:?L (1) ·::-co:: ·: Cs ::_)::-~~ :;1·::-.i c:2_\:·: SC:cClli'.:lo

3Nh~a!e-:_~)rEo~=2~== :tr~i! =T2?~'=== =: = =: =~lJie~(~ =: = = =~~~c~~-= = =~ic~;~=-: -?.Cf·-----SUU4.!cy- 0300 1630 JJ.l CO C·:!OR1 S .A,'D:I TI~:E Go Area :::1) Go~-~~ -}TQ1,;)----

!_2_~:J.;c- - -- - __ :..,. -" - - - - -· - - - - ~ - -· ~- - - - - - _:_ - - - ::_ - :.."- - ·- - - -- . -Uonc'U?.Y ()gOO J.b30 I';ifl.e a.t 3.Jii'OOl: TIT :r:~ . .A!l'TA.CK: Live_ fire Rai!GU ~.fll 2lt Ldr -:rr""'i T-lo-eS: 5 13 July 0300 0900 m Mlu:<:h tv ra::,-;Q . . .

0900 0930 I. safety .~c:~u.lo:~ion.G & :pl'oblcm O;x:plnnation-0930 1500 :E~ (Livo nrc,) Fiuld probloo:. oac1l plt ro'-

hoo.rso ?robl.au tdth ·ar~r ru.n. I, Crltiq:..to 1500 1530

1530 lb30 l:Y . liar'ch to C arr.D No to: ~old U"rrl.::':.r:r. l':i th holmoto and. arr.1orcra. ·vente.

0300 j~OCD 11-lG i-I:Et:::LU:ICA.tr TP.,A.IlirUTG; lJ'C~!CAL Co Aroa. Sect Lclr 0300 09J0 0900 J.O:JO

I,1D F'v1,'~CTIOlffirG, S~Q::"·:?.A.GES_ &. I . .::.:EDIATE

l~f APl'IOfl' GlJ1;r DRILL :EX.A.:JI1T.A~ION; •Jm:!j::Jr:.s :COOO :IJ.}O LilG J:

:l300 lll!oo -aO:.:. J, t;W· nr ~}·!J&"Et~:E 14oG :c6Jo -<lo- :aJ.!I?A:tAno:; Aml· :EM:il:.Oll>!El!T OF

l40C 1500 J; 2A!'<:E C..l.t-"!IS.

Co A,roa -fu>.,.


· 1500 1630 IJ,?,ll 0~00 :lOOO Go• a Jt Gmr ll!11I.L E!AimlJI.TIO!T: Gw,nors -do-1000 UJO -<1<>- l!E:'l!AlTICAI, T:'J.n;nm: DISMSJ'l..;:ttl' -<\o-

1000 10}0 l' ,D 8 ASSJX!JLY; Sl'EE!:! :::m:ILI 103C · 1130 ;~f

ssc-t Tobin -clo-Sect Ldr

!:350~ J OllC:D


Fll :1}-55 ell l

Flj "3-55 ah 2 FJ. '7-10 ch ~-6 Fl4 113-55 ·ell 6 a.rrx 4. sOl;: 8

ni :13-85 ch 4 .n1 ;?J-35 ch 2

1300 1630 -t:n- :ro:rAiUJ o:ss:n.v:s:: ~"cun::'G·: -do- -do- :m :~3-S5 c:, 5 1;;gg 1400 J;,D.

-- ·- - - - _l_: - _ _l§)Q. - - - - ;;:t•_ - -- ..:. - -- - - - - - - -· - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Tuoml,... OSOO 0900 .All J:'!'T PllClO:P l'"S2'E::TICrr AITIJ DRILL Co Aroo. Co Condr L:i':I ch 2 14 J·cly 0900 :LOOO All ]J RPY COI-i.";?A!:1Y: nc:t1"0{;l"ad.o rrovo- -Cl.o- -do- Til '7-10 ch IJ

1000 :l200 1300 :l630

1515 ·- -:aJoo :~330

2000 2030 2030 2330

:~o sa6 .All ;lJ,D 4.c~• ::ORT .. AI'~ Ilp:JO::Tr.t1:1A2IO;i -do- 4.211 Co town i



.All(-) Gore 1~


00 CO::J)JllS .A.:;l[ TIIJJ -do- Co Coudr Tidnll $hO"\>fQ.rG

FU~001t IIi flGJ!r ATl'-l.CX ?r<:rbla;n Ol'iontnti.on

Sl10wor ?oint ·-do­C S2293L ·-&o-

Uon•o Ji!.i l-10 c:O. 7

0 ,., ·t"l

t" > "' ~ 0

Page 52: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



0 ,., <"l j.. CJJ CJJ

:;:! ,., 0

DJ _.:_ SU'?.3 (1) Georg•~ Vo.:rp -ny ~r: ining Schedule

j,/;iJ_Dt;-~;. -]Lrs:~~ :=i2 ~~=.¥nit=: ~)iP~! =.~~ ~-= =: ].~~J~~l: = :_:. =~ = =---~-_P!:~:e-~_-_-:_r!!.;!-_ -_--; _Rf!~----~--~--Tu6Ga"BY' 2001) C330 o0 1 s _ i'.:.·:C·- 1L GTJl,T )L~!......... CS22~93-""' Co Go:nd.r Ii'H 23-05 ch 3

1 4 July 2~(1) 2l:JO N GlliUlo<S 21 :JO 22 :JO PW Sco u,<l _i;23)_ ~3.:JD _____ P_2 ·- _s_,c_!i?_n __ .• ____

7 _________ -· ______________ _

W~nCSClaY -:JSOO lb':l .1\11 ITIFI:~~'t.ATL,Ji !";OtrRS:ili: \Cbs1ic-clcs, R<lnge <~3 Co Con:dr ;t'J'one

l5 JuJ.y ovcr:h.o~. f:lxed H:tG- f:i.ro)

0300 0'900 -do- P . !brch to rax~;go

0'}00 0930 -do- L Sefoty rogu1 ··t ions, ryrob1om o::ml!Ol11ation

Q930 1500 -do- :!?3 Running cou:rse

1500 1530 -do- L Critique 1.530· 167;0 -c~.c~ 'P~"T M,~rch to camp

Note.: Fidd llrlit'~r·'l · ith helmets ~nd "':rnxn-cd ,rests•

Tbiirs;,;;y- ociio~ -ib•iQ- "bo~".---- -Lrv]: 'OJRE-60mm Yort-;,-(~fJ~&I Got s)- !i-;~ge !is- -Plt-Licrs -li'd ~,:::-s·5 --

16 July 0':"00 0900 -do- p·.; M:<1rch to r·.ngG ·

09()0 093(> -do- "t S"·fcty regul~tiOn"R 1 "l')l"Oblen GXQl:<matfC)U

093(} 1~)00 -dO-· JE tiVti firG

:L500 1630 -n<>- P',1 Mar<1h to c,,mp Note: Field U..""lif"o·r1D- w/hr:.;lT"T'cts .. ,nd ar!OOrs:l· ve-ats.

0800 (;900 .I:U (-) TROOP i:ISl'i;()TJ(HT ;,,·1D "l\l.ILL ~o ,l.rc.c ·:o Co.ralr LPI~ oh 2

6o'. 09~0


1000 1130

Piflc p-· -d·o- p

DAYONEr TR ·il\IrG ~o­

B.AR :?J}·"JTIO~:::::rG, I. ::J~A'I'E N:;~I-:·11 ~o­

.IUW &ro~ A~iES

PJ.•J>iro GBl~ ch 12 ~.,_ :m 23-15 ,.,_ 1

0900 113() J.j(G- FIIl:l DlSPLA~E;_·::rJ:; 229'}-I to S Plt :Cdrs !\i 23-55

Q900 0930 -~o- L Spu.,J. Jrill

09?1) ll;P --do- :·.E ' . -

1;00 16:JO .)l.L (-)P<" c lul1'IOFEH} Jl.'•;H:~'I;flld,.,.-:c~"1. OvorL,y 0> be Co Jom;lr l'ono

bOis p~c:l("~hcti.'M.It 1 &.~~~~1d vutaJ1 issulrl

r'ridr .. Y- -ucoo- ti90"o- -liD .. -- P:r- lROoP r:~SP·~~TIGl:f.tU:u-c:;::.::tr::.---- ---;0 ]~Be--- !Jo-:~O'nilr- :Lr~ -;h-2-·-

17 Ju~y 0500 1130 All ?!i INS?.iCi'I :J !·,:m nJi,'NWRY 0]' I:-t.. -do-- -c1o-­

l~PD 1630 1300 1500

l\00 0500


.811 .rill



.c:· !3Ji\L Cl,ClH!!:G •iiJ 1R,1JIP.:.Cll'

00 .l)l·WR.' S AD1~ Tii{"l -do-· -do-..

3n Supnly :r esne 3n · :::u:pply -do-

ov~;.: ,:;m lJ"/OUi.C:: lnclucli 'h: t,ctic<il f.:Z t;'lJ- -N.t.. m"'rch to · '"e~, pcri.11.otcr defcns·G1 listoning ~at posts "'nd :::ombat :p~trola,. -,/,o-



rl"/ ~-Z4c.., I"M ;tt-7r, ·


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Page 53: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



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j;.. [JJ [JJ

:;:! ,., 0

Ji11:::L.OS1T.HE (l) George Co:np~ny Tr·--ining ScilGCl.Ule

~"ilfi•I•: iir~;: :::T:~ ::: ::: ~~It::: :::Tip~ ::::::::::::-.::: :: :::. !n~f~cl::: :: ~-.::: :::::: :.:PI•~:o:::.:::: In£t::: ::::::: ::: ~I:::::::;:::::: Saturday ll7'-" LcOO li!G Ll\Tl: FIRE;: L:~.gat •.··ocil lllr uun Pl.t Ron~;e {f3 Plt Co··dr "li. 23-5~ 18 Jul.)' 0]00 0730 -clo- p:• ilirouto t•> "';ngo

or;;:; osoo -do- L S-:f6ty rGl:;a.l·.;tio:ns, ,rolllem GXl)l"ln!'ltiC~n 0000 llOO -do- FE LIVE liRE:: Two (,2) sc.;ct:Lons on firing

1100 1130 -do­ll j:l 1200 -do-

O&:lJ 1130 Eifla, Eo• s

position ~t one ·ti~c L Critirue P~'i EnrcutG t1l Cry·""lp l1otG: (1) Tr~ns,oort~,tion to b~~ fllrlli1iliol.

_(2) Fiold. unif'Or'ill ~j_th helmetS e,IJd ,.-,l"m.or()d V(;StS.

BY: "!O'MOR1 :3 I!lS'?E•:":TifJU Co .Arc~ En Com:ir Bn. ~:temo :

_ _ _ _ _ ~,1!1J __ 1§:1_2 _ _,m __ ·- __ O!G~"!Z,!!IJ_ '{£~'!I.QS _____ _ ___ =.d~~- ·- -· £.o_C.9_a:~- _N!:!~.!- __ _

~ ·I")

~ "' "' ' .... ~ 0

Page 54: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U




"' (")

~ "' ;!; Zl "' 0

E:ICLOS"Jn.E (2) How· CorJ.:I;:~.:·:;:- Tra~~il1.c; sc::_._ctl'..lo

~·-;;;;~o= ~~r.1:-_T9..-~-:__ 3I~ft~-~rr-i::)£·:: :--·:-:- ~l.~~C! =·=·=·= .. =::: =~~o:=··:·:r~r.I = :·=-=r~£!=: := = ~.·i:::C.no~da~,. 1300 1330 All L Review .-~.f ::_rrinci:;_Jlos

l5_J~:ie __ !,3.2_0_ 1.§.32. __ _ ?'!_ _ ..(_A~t~ct ~'-.S ~y~s~l!,.c~t~n 2D.:2:f~Vs) __ ~ _ -;:r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

T:mrm'l.a:r OGO:J ib30 bOr41 Ln'E FL::::!: 6C:.l:. ~.O~TA.;:~S \".il1:-:: lfGD" ?an::;o ~:~G Lt ::_-;_r:n,'1..'10 I'~ ~3-G5

1S Jul3~ Al:D n In)

0300 0900 ?li 0900 0930 L

0930 1500 :r:; 1500 1530 L 1530 1530 ?.l

osoo 0900 rif1c C:, ?':I !JiG :?l tG

090J 10)0 -clc- ?.'i 1030 1130 -ito- L

1300 15]C -c'":.o-

1~00 14(;0 L

Barch to r~u~·;o

SD.:fotd· :20,_:,\'.lnti')nc [U:.cl. :JroblcrJ c;c,l.'J.l!l! tisn Livo I'iro critiqu.o Hnrcl1 t;c caro NOTE: FiolC_ nnifnrr.t \rlth hoL:w·ts

ru.1C!. ar:Jorcc~. vosts TnCO:? DTS?ECTIOlJ } .. ill D:::.ILL




:aAYO~lET DRILL SU:?:?J..y DISDI?Lil:-3f Ri!:'fu..\.CE!Xi>'TS

;0PERATIC11TS AGAI:"'S:i: GTJE~LI.A ror<::Es 2394-113

Cq C::::::-.:"~r .1::::: Cl1 2

Lt liosr;o L'R': c:--:: 12 Lt .1"'i:·1iru~ }Tone

Lt Lind_~li nt FE 31-20 C~1 1 C:oj

l!fJ8 1630 Rr . "Prfi!.U:--- OSCo- -o§"oO- Ail- -?.1- TROOP-INSFE'CT!o"N A:::ID li:r-ItL---- 22"§'4--- C') -c0r:1lr-- -LErch 2

17 Ju.l;:r 09CO 1130 -do- 1-iA.P RE.ADUJG IiiT.EnSECTIClT .AlTil 2394-"J3 Lt Lutz GlL.

1000 1130

16~0 -"(.lc_;.-.

L Plf



(900 1000

13(0 19CO 2300 -l"o- ?'J

CO Co:J)P..IS .ADiUJ.·:SITr.ATIVZ COi:i>At"f'l I1! ::TIG~ O?:?:.':IFSE, Al:!D C0l'S0LIDATIO,! :Y~s;J

190C 20'}0 L .Jovim.;- 0 f ptinoi:picc

T:CiE .A!J!~AC:~

2294-05 239li-li3

Cs Ccut:r C G C ~ :·.l{_l' ":: 7-10 Ch 7

Soc 3

Sa.turan~.---oCcg.Q.c_ll~~o~ All- _I;- EN corroBYS TirS?illTrOI-r-- .----- ~~o5 7 -3tl-ccl:lz~~-- -311 ~xJo: lU' Jul:,r: l3CO 1630 n:lflc & ORG:A.1:f.IZED AT!'l.:.l~ICS -Lo- Cu C:~r.J("'c:r lT~n.o

13(0 1700 60nn Il ts Li.G LIVE :7I?.E: LEG'S ( TRAlJS?O:cCATIO:"

TO 3E ]Uili.:USE:ED) :i.ianc;o :ff3 ::1 t LCl.rs 2 23-55


l I I


"' (")

~ "' "' ., "' 0

Page 55: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



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{ E:i1CLOSUi~Z (2) 3:c\f Coo:x·.~~,. Tra:h~t.1C Scl~c:c1.1]l u

1~!c~ fr~,.~: =T~ = ·= ~~~= =T'£_;~. :; = =.:."'= =-~~~~~~-:-=; ~~= f~:~ = = ::ll:i<J~ = = =·=~~= = =·;= Stm.clo;y o~:o:r lo}O All 1.)0 co.d~~'S ..:~·,.L'IST.:.:.--.!:1 11ll ... IL .• ~.. vG .!:..I"Oa Co vO!JClr Non,:;

:t~n~~l: __: ObOe-· -i53C - 'Ill -· - - - I:t&rL:.."f.:; .. Ti5'17-~(5lf.s2 [o13s~:~ffL:~s7 ~~~;P ;f13" -·c; CJ:lc~r - ~1!0i1.0 - - ·-13 July 8~3:amA:D P.LG lii:B) .

OZCO 09(0 P.i :t-:arC:: to rn.r~:;c

090C 093,0 L su:rat~~ ·ru;~nln.t:lon.s, :Jj:"O hl.Ci.l l CJQlat1.ation

09~i0 1500 :rp, Thuu1inc; CoUl·no I 1500 1530 L Critique 15]0 162;0 ::t·r Bare}. to cn.-:r.P :

NOTE! ficJ.c1 uniform u/:-;.UJsJ.otr:. · ar;.cl a:::nol'"cx~. voctc ~-

'iilcod,Y - osoo·- -iooo - ;ur -- I.,ll- lf.2:f: I}IDoCT:tr!iA'FION- - - - -- -Co -,u:-.:;;;: - ""4:-2-TO.Iil - nci ... - -- ·. 14 .Tuly 1000 1130 Iiiil.o .REVIE'CI: CCir:!l\1' ?A'I'JOLS Xir.D 2)9il-,.J3 ?lt LtU's l!'l.i 21-75 ,

?l to Ai-iBJSID!S Ch 10 <, 13 ··j 1000 1130 6om :?\>1 GUll DRI1!. S~J.~J .um ScCTIO!' 2}9ll-t/l Lt :tomuw :m 2}-85 ell. e

1000 ll30 LliG Ro/ SCOJ.:.D AID SIJJTIOlf GA.JIIi11RIU.. 22911--!Q 1t ='roc:tc :r:: 23-55 Ch 2!

1300 1630 .Ul CO COJU::a•s .UJHST4ATIVll rn:E 229ll-!Q Co Coalr None

l:;<:l'J · 15b0 3n SU.::;>;;-l;r Icou.o 31 ~kl~ Co Conill' . . ! :2doo 2300 Ri:O.e & ?A'I':lDLI:lG: CO'::a.>T :?ATRCLS lll'.D 239il-ll} :?lt Ldra F:: 21-75

WG :'ltc .U!:USJ'l':S Ch 10 <. 13 I 20<l0 20]ll L .

2030 23CO l'Z 2000. 2300 60!:!n . 1ITO<l'J' I.IIS::'LfJ;1':m1T & G'JIT :JRU,L; 229}-ItoJ Lt :.oD<UJO :F;; 2}-85 / ..

S .. o?Ei!!.J !fRILL C:!:L 2

20<)0 21.30 ?11 ::;'iol~ cciaplacamont drill Z 1.30 U•OO ?\1 :i:'i o1 c: am drill I

WcdnCsdei 030o·- -o§bQ- Ail-~ -ru- TJ:.OoP llTS®~IO;:J~JUb-DT:rLt- ·-- 22~~c5- --co Collctr- -t:~Ccii 2'" ~~~ 15 .Tul.y C900 1000 . -Cio- L !l01DJTAill O?lli':A2IO!'S · 239·4--".'1} Lt Lutl: ·' :i'H 20-10 Ch 1'

1000 1130 -f:.~ L C 0: lBAT IlT ?Qj;\J"LlTE:J Ail.E.Il.S

1300 1630 -do- COil?JU:!Y IE ~lTS::i~C::

-io-- Lt ~-!onos

-do- Co- Cctilr

Cl' 2 Soc 1 1 5, 6 Ch 3 S<'c l 1'!: 31-50 C]J. 7 & 9 F.i:7-J.O Cll. 1 soc 3


0 t"l t"l

-t"' > "' ~ 0

Page 56: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



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b~CLOStJ?.E (2) ~:::,•r Co-.~-pr..u~- Trnlni::l~-; SC:l..;,::_-,_:J.o J

"f~f!L!o= ~YE~: =~: = ~uit: =T~i~ = = :: = = =~~b~n!_ = = =: := = = = =: ~~~c:£ = = :fu~(~ ~:: =~f=:: Saturda; · 1.300 1.330 Lt-:Gr ?.: 3nr u.tc to rn.."l{;c · 18 Ju.l:~ J.330 J.li,JO :, Safat~r RC·_-_;1-"..latic:c.s .'"'!1.r:'. :pro'blcn

lc400 J.Goo Jc630

J.SOO l.6JC· 170'

OX)lanation li'E Live fire l P-.,


01-1 t:l.quo El~c-u.tc to em.!? NOT:il:: :fiuld tu1.iforn 1.d tl! hclnct G

0nt'~ ar.Y 1~x1 V\~ cts

i '·

0 ,., -t"l

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Page 57: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U




"' t'"l t"" ;,..

"' "' ::l

"' 0


"::lK'LD S'u-::3 (3 ) lt\..!1 c~n:._:E'.l:.:r T:..Y\.iain;:; Sc>eC.1:.l..;

~'1-::;:;_::j_e= ~1~~-C =T: = = lf"~It= =~)£ = = = = = ~:~j:Zc!: = = = = =-:::: = ~l~e~ = = ~~~t= = = =~:.~:= = = = ,:--. 1~-·~·...--..: .. •· OCC-0 1b)CJ 1-J..l GO CC.~JJTI. 1 S lC~~I:.:Isrr:::.fl.~rf.E ~~:CT~ . C: .:: •. ron C~ Concu~ ::::cno

c.::-:-;~l:- QgCo- -cBcJ- Ail- -?J- 7::!f'Y0l::::-~ 7:3:~5 ~Or:~r1s?:C~Yof- Cs22§l!J'- Co -czcC.r- -L?i:-ch 3 Cac9 j_3--.iuly 05()0 10t.IO .:Ul L CE:C: . .::-_"£'1'~~~ CUE>.._\l-'C~ -clc- C:l~::._IlDJr: }-::-;no

1000 llJO .All I2':D~l:-:.:U. .~.}'D ~""'IEhL GU.~T:!l ilOT.JJ:!T }J:?nn :)1:!.1"::~(.0 Co Cc.u1r L.ai ch 5 soc5 1000 1030 L nron 1030 1130 ?:1 .

1300 16JO .All CO co;IDTI 1S AIH TTIG Co .Arcn 1300 ~500 All 3!.1 Su:?:_,ll;;r Isouo :!ll rnl.:_):_;I~- -c:.o-

1300 2400 .All tr/locc COJi?.AliT Il' 'Ttm! ATTACK CS2394-?3, _,'<>--• ;&A, 1 ace cs2293-03

·-Cb-:- };-:;no

:r::T0no Fll 7-lc' ca 7

lSCO 1900 ~:!G, Rn 8-2 .FE Ur:'7CI1C!l.t tO contnct;n:_J:!rouc:l ;:uu-c~ 1900 2015 n~;ant,rm,.icT~ :FE ~T<.r_1nr-L~ion f0r nttncl: 2015 2300 FE l.rir;ht J.ttnck 2}00 2400 FE lli th drnwW. ;:m(t linrch to CN.!lJ

'fu.Cod:a7- Os'Oo- -1."530 - .:Ul-- -- I:·TrLTEI\~lQy-cQ~;~sE "[ob!Jt:~:ClCo:-- Bro~GC ~-13·-c;;- C:::;:-a..r --:_"7-;:-1{0- ---14 Jul.~~ ov-O!';~o~C,. fixccl :g:-;:~-- firo)

OSCO 09)0 _?\-; l:i[l..rcl1- to rn.n..:;c 09(tl 0,30 L Sil.fo-~~' l""Cf·,i."tlw.l;ionn. ::>robloo: PX?lo!.Ulati:m 0930 1500 FE Rtu!ld!l::; C-:-,ur::;;c · 1500 1530 r, Cri tiquc .. '.! ••

1530 1530 ?If Y~ll. to cartp Note: :Ficla. unifo!"u ui ';~ l1clllctn tmil. arnorQI:l vo::;;tG ..

:iodnOodo.Y OSOo- -10oO- Ill- .-L-- 4 .. 2"-tiO~~~-; Il;fuCTRii-MtO:r--- Co-_.\rcU··- -lh,2n-TG;fl·-- ~ -~-15 JuJ.y 10(,{) 1100 .All ;t.,:p. Srii?l2iG-: 'l'!lc mli:;:>er, !llli:;>crp ri:flc,-'W;- Co Condr :m 21-75

1100 1300



ll30 1630



.All m .All

· --- · tcclnti<FO o:f ilni:)inc. <=h 5 ?'d :nA.YOlOO :DRILL Dr~l1 ficlC ?1 t LlT G:R·-l

CO COl~'S -Ci-~ Tii:tE Co Arcn C:J Condr J:T·:no S".no,,ar' s. ,sh.r...wo:i." :.:~::int -r:,o- HC~no 1HGHT T..-'\.OTICAL EA.i.lCH; Cou::xm:~ :;_Jro- Overley to -t ... ~ E-: 7-10 ch 7 bla.1" to incluclo n:_J~:.l"-:;cch .or.rch, bo iosu.cd novo into n.ttnck o.roo., ill.'C"J~r:_~t:i.~~n

:for ntt2e!:::: (titlo COl'..troi .n"t LD, :)roblon otopo nfto,r croscirlt::; LD),

__________________ !C_!,t!£ll_!...~~l1_t~!i~o!_. ______________________ -


\ ' I • ' '


I 0

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"' 0

\ I I i I


Page 58: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



0 i"'l t"'l t"" ;,..

"' "' ::l i"'l 0

3;'GJ,OS\.flU; (3) ltor:, Coa~_;an~r Trninin{; Scl'lOC!.ulo

'5<0(~c"i.o- I'r~~ =2; = = li~'i(~ !:'2o= = = = = = §:~~j~I = = = = = = = ~~9:: =--= 1n~t=: = :R£f:_----fl,;_,.r'Sc1~r- 0800 lo30 bOis LI'VE FI?.E: oOc.a i.{crtn..r<._,1ith ?.ru.J.i;o 7,"'.3 Lt Grey !!-.i 2}-55---16 Jul;;· . -"Git 6 nz• C:;y..;_,;~~ios)

0300 09)0 ?..~ :-Ie.l~C:::>.- to J.~-:11[,'0

0900 0930 L Saf.ot~:- rc:.rula',;ions, :;_1robloo c..-wlo.r'.ation OS30 1500 FE Live ?iro 1500 1530 L Critique 1530 1630 .?W Marc!~ to C::=!J!

roto: E'iclc-:.· 1.1.lli:?orr::. uith :wlr::cts atr1 nr·mrcc1 vc;:;ts • oeoo 0830 .All (-) Ptl CLOSCJ ORIJZi'· :DRILL CS229l:J

Sora C? C::mdr L:0.I ch 2 soc 5

0830 0930 -oo- L ill:TIE COi·UA£:7: Attack of a river line Co Ar:.Jo. 3 t Coudr :nr 7-10 c~ 7 0930 1030 -clo- L UCi!J CS2395":1 Co Com~ ::ru1ual l1C:l·iJ iJ.D30 1130 -C.o- t RI!'L3 co:::.'£-:-! :r:ETROGIL.lJJE ~::ov::;r _ill-~S Co Aroa -eta- SH 7-10 cb. 3 ].JOO 1630 -c'l()o-<o DE3A?l~I01J DRILL: Lnc:~ill(; & lct·f- liock U? -do- LFH 6

13oco 1''~ L. or-l··~-· o""' nm,~--,.1~1+: c1o<'!O•l(,i.J.1{"" '>1'~, ""'"D'~c:-; n-· l..Joo ""t'..JU -·~., ,;, '-'"':!.•· ... .:.~-- '-.i w' · '-' • · ·o '--·'-l. ,__,_..,., -· ·--•-t_,

_____ ,.. :1, _: __ 1§.3£ ___ _ ?·.r_ .E_o:!:_s.._ ________________ r. ______________ _

Fridn;,' u80c 0900 All Ptf CLOSE Olli:UR ::l!liLL CS229'hJ Co Com1r L;';; ch 2 ace 5 17 J"ul:' 0900 1000 .All L :!!STQnY OP US~C -~.o- L t Cox

~000 11}0 -'l:ll L ,D EX.I:IHIATIClif 0:2 l{)lr :?JillS0:1"'1 -do- Cc· '"'e<: I AlllJ :DOC1Ji lllNTS boo 11!00 .Al.l L ll'llFEllSE Oli' m1iliS, -clo- -cD-\l!oo 1500 All L m'ECT OF n:JiDlS, ?RCJ1'.CTI:LS. & -$.o- Co Couc~

ROCKETS 0:.1 FIEL:: :i!OI!TIFIC_\TIO!IS 150::1 1630 All :8.\E: :Unc tior:.:i.uG stc:;_1:;n::.,-cn nntl -do-

1500 1530 L.:D iur.HJdiuto nctiou PltNt'Ot

F!-! 3C>-15 ' . eh 2-3-5 . '• >'!! 31-50 ch 8 l11! 5-15 a;>p-..c 2

----- .. !,.510_ 16:2_0- - ---?\\'- - - - - -- - - -- - - -· - - ·- .. -- -- - -- -- - - - -- - --Saturl.cy u700 1200 JliG LIVE :51I:ilE: Lis;;ht j.Iacll:i.l;e GUll P,:t11bQ if:3 Pl t Cnt.r ~:'II 23-55

Fl'l2ll-l5 Chi

13 Jul;' 0700 0730 . ?:f l'hrcut to rruJi>O 0730 0330 L SD..f'oty rc,-_:tlle'!;i")ns, IJ:i:ablcr.l O:::;_il.ru1J1.tbn Oll}O ·:noc 3'll Live :Fire 1100 1130 L Criti~c 1130 1200 ?ti Enrou~o to CW:.Ij}

J:Toto: (1") Trm~Jortn~i 1m to be fu.r::~ishod... (2) Ficl.d L'..nif:,rn, l"Tit!l :10lncts :-J.').d nn..10rod. YO~tc.

0600 ll30


Riflo ?ltn & 6o•u

T:l:·~ COHDR'S I!TS?:EJ.'::TIOK Co Aro-.:'1.. :ill'. Cn?lllr ill l-lono

1)00 .All O?.G-~ITZED A1ELE~ICS -i'.<>- Co Comlr Nm.,_O


"' t"'l t"" ;,..

' "' 4:!: ::l

"' 0

Page 59: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



"' 0

~~ ~u~ ' .

. 1JT),-....-r 0 :"TTn:::< (4') WeaponiJ CompalJY Trainil;l{; Schedule

I - ~ ------ :_ - -l}.o - -Unit- ~TY:6e·-- ·- . .::.. .._ -- -suo:Je.ct- - -- - ·-- P~~ee- ,.... ~-- ih-~;-~- - 1 ita- - - -

i~~;-!<•- ~fu- -~~3il- :U1_-- ~·- '""oo cO!nx•s Ar:T T'riJ;;-- -- -:-·---co -;,;e,.- ---'Go -,:i;;..dr 1 iio!e- --

l.2J~b~J: _ - - - ---· - ~ - -'- - '- c· - '- ~ --- ;: -· -- - -- - - - --- - -- - - - - - - ·- - --- ·- - ..; ·-- - - -

Hon~ 0~:00 0900 . ..\1.1 P\,r T!()OF I_-;3P'E01 lOll_ AliD DRILL - Co Area Co 1::omdr J' LFM c...'l i?

13 J~ o::oo ll30 Bl.'s P\'1' GUN Dl!U.L Al!D FDC DR~ -d,,.. Lt ',iiezorouski l'J.! 2~

~100 1130 ::illG P~r OONDITIO:JIEG li!::rE - oyerley t(l Oe Lt BOgan None

"' furniabed ,

0900 1130 l!!l!i'~ P\i MEGHAlUJ..U1 TR!IN1::JG; SP:n~ DRILL, IMG Co Naa Lt I)J.nn.

· 0900 :LOoo · L,.D Rs'_r1~"""ikmbl~

1000 :Ll}O ?11 llillo.S!Hilllbly and M8EI11bly

1:300 1630 A:ll . CO COHDR'S ill.-i TIHE

l!M 23-!55

-do- CO Comdr None

1lro -- - Sl:ulWers Sl:LO":ter J?O-int -do- trona

2000 2300 Sl1 s p:fi Nlln!!f ru:L:tEJ!' CF· i.,WK.1l.R. I)OSITICU::rS

;:ooo 2100 L · • Qc, Trng ll.raa llt ta.rs n! 23-'90

2100 23QO FE

2:000 2'300 Et!G Pt! 11II}l!T I?JFU.W..TI(liT -clo- -do- ~ Jill 7-10 o;,7

;!JQO :!)00 J.TA .· . D.E:!'ENS~ OF A FO:(l~'IFD!D .?OiiT!O;I llm;ge ,;;1.~ -li<>- j l!M 1-10 •

2000 2100 1: . . . ' Df 31--·':P

2100 2300 ]E . - . . .



Tua,d,.y 0800 lo30 8J.Is LIVE FIRE:: SJ,nm Hortara !UmQ:a ,i\L Lt Wieze omki · · · ·_--

111- ,Jnl.y 0000 0900 !'1:' March. to range · . l!}! Zf.tj'o··

0900 0930 J. S.ofety rognl.at ions, -p :roblom <>>planation {

0930 1!P() :O'E -L:tr.e Jl'1r"

15(10 1530 ]; Cdti<J.Il9 I

1530 lti30 j,.o Mo>rcll. to CdlJP .

jj,:Jte: F:l6ld wiifom w/hahiatEI and' "'""'rd W•Sta. ~

0000 ·0900 ·artG,.h2A P~f Tlle_aP I:.iS2iilC'.i'IO!r Al1D DRILL - C<> Area Co C""9 0'1XJ 1030 !l!G P:C.,\TOJI:I ,IN]) <lliu'.A:tlY (X)!~ :romA:IOJ:! -do- Lt lJot:

0900 0945. L

m: e:o 2 Jill ?-10 "l?J)X 2

0911-5 1030 P~r .

Lt; !Jen~ Jill 31-15 0900 lOJO l~A L

1030 1.130. :·: ii!G,J,:;:J, L

~~ llloo 1500

--ATA.:!m L -do- i.

O?ill!M'IOL!S l!GAI::;m: G1J:l.?.!LLA. AllCI(l[i! --dG­

Tilil JllY.t~ S'<U..ID m OFJ!'I'l!SI'Ill -:DM:£\A!< -a.o-

l·ln.ritia· c<m!i!lt'!'I .ABll :orsc!PMIIE C:A!lOUFLJi.IB. O.E ~-IVOU~S; Cl' 's .:Jll>

~;t,Jpp:,y l"Otl!r;:s


Lt Hog He.rine -

~S;;;t en !.~6d~:: If ?:Lt L<l. ]!! 5-·200

j Part 2--I!I

ii6 -("l

~ "' "' ' ... ~ 0

Page 60: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



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El1;LOSU::> (lf) :rno.:::m:1G G8rr.~.1D.Jl~' Trcil'.i~·. _ _, Sc:~.or:\:.la

E_Ui/~Io= ~ ~~n= =T·~ = = ~<f~V:: ~):~[;.>~ = = = = ~)~~bi,;£<= = = = ~~ = = = fl~c~ =: = ]1E(:: = = -= =?c~f:= -- -Tu.csd..'\'7 1500 1-J}O .A.'T:A ".i" .. : ~B.APX!~TIOH !fliLL: LAS.>-:GTJ. il .. .'~::O iiock 0-:; .?+t Lt'.J.•:; LP'I'~-~

111- J'Lll:' . . ?.::~G 10~'!1C:IJ:TG 02 E.c:,r_:I:?-rr'.:-:r . VcfulCc~a:-; OGOo- -l;s;~ .. o- ALl- -r;~- Ij:.2 Mo'R~-·-rlDOcT:if:L~:ITiolf--- Co -.Arc(J:- 4-.2 Tear~-----l~; J·J.l:- 1000 1130 -Co- CO:I:?.A.SS: A!!ai:tJT}:. BE..r:i:::.nm, USE -C'.o- S-~;t ~~i11l:r.1mi 7::: 21--25

2l-26 L ?J

:F0:1l:X.:- O?:CE'NT .• TI:C ~:

lOCO 1030 1030 1130

13CO 153') -C&- CCl GO:!!lRis .. UC!:"!''sT::..1.:2IV.:: :O."'::E Bn Su.p-jl.;~ I:l cu.o

-c~.o- C:. Cor.1t' . .r

.1300 1500 20JQ 2330

2000 21IJO 2100 2330

----------~--T:uroc'lc..:- 0800 l·J3:: , 16'.rd;-

O'JYJ ost~ OSll-5 J93D

0930 15C~:

1500 15):; 1530 16)':)

Gt;uo 0900 C')OO lCOO lCOO 1130

100C 1c;l~5 1045 1130

1300 l);.(X)

14cxl 1530 1-5_30. 16)~1

-~-;_,')- ITIG:~ fAID 0::5' A I'Cf:'.TI:'I:'::' ?OSITICi~

L (:&1;;k1D.nizo C':llltro)., :._Jlc.m:~ir!.:.;) ?.~ .

3n SU?.)ly -·'.1)­

~...nc;c ~~12 3. t 2:,::'.rs

}b:G - - ·- - L!1Ti~Ffm::: --E:G-Af:i)-Ill~,;Ts-- - ~:;--~c ~;2- Lt-:.:DcC"..:.l-­Lt ::rn:t LtiG





... -";.; Trti.J:!!=. t;c rn.;.to

L :?l.--s~oloo :;r:lc;n.tutir;n, o,..fet:,r ro;ulation1J

:F:E Li 7·:l fi·ri.."':l.G 1 Criti~w

r:: Tn1.·:k ~o c<:trJ~)

1-T0'2::::: Fiol'l u . .nifd.rn w:i t1l ;lCl:::.ctn ru.:t:. <U'l.:O:rcd. vos1;~

?U TI"tO :JP .!:tiD 1ll=tiLL Co . )..:rca

L,FU .!IJ!J:T.D'TO ·}:A:i.:-".8 00l.:8AT

I,&ll ::1 1,~

3'IRST J\.111: s:: ~.!f.,F. 3.1\J.<j)\o;t:~S,

s?L:r ltiS • C"j,!"Jtm

?I?~ID COH:PJ)L I£73T:ill'"'l :li!:'TS



=vr~· _, __ ~,-:r, o- ·ff···- -n;.T CrRip. -C:.s:.- L,?"J .;. ..•. .J!Jt"•: r:-11 .. .!"'-'" L""' -~· -"- .;..u:-....:.i, l"'tc·TK()Jrur--<:'.o- 1 USI'. 0? S: :o:rn, ILL~Ji:DTA':'I!.·:J. .. ~'1J -t,.o-

T:c::::: :E'I~: ~!1-JTIOi.·" C~ .A.ii::tJ!TI;_

:'3. t Lc.:r -(r.,_

C> Cr~l~)fl!Jnll.

?1 t LC.:-



_____ _;'I~l'~~m_::i!Z~ ________________ _

:;o;: 7-10 Ch 7 3':: 31-5J

- -:;::;T2:F55-

L~~;: Ch 2 !:'0110

~:i 21-11

::':. 23-90 ).::·:c-c 2 :-:~.- 23-9C Ch 5 £>: 23-'JO Ch 5 SGC: g' 10, l"L

~ e "' "' ~ 0

Page 61: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



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c:c;r"v s-vRE ( 4) :.".:.:a.:xms G-:-.:n~)ru.~-- Tl~nil":.ll·~:_; S~c.C:u.lo

.•-: 1.Cnt'c- :fro~- -TO-- :Unit- 1 r7:J0- ·------ -si:Lbjc:Ct---- -·- -::r.,,c~-- --Ills I- ·- -20f---­-.. :.c1iy-- OeOo- -i3)0- XI.l-- ~-y;:?LIE"I.7::0::i-C;OUEt3ETo3sf.ACLBs-·- -}:;;~zo~~;l3-C0 CC!:irir- ------11 Jul.~· OV:::;:~::i.~.;) Eii:G :?EJ~)

DSOO C9':l0 ?:i i.lo..:L·c.h t;; r~:;o IJ9C:•J 0930 :L Sn:fct2· Ro(~'Ltlations ('J:f.. :;;a"') bleD


0930 1500 :~ Jl1.,.LU:lin:j CO\U'S.Q

15CO 15)0 :c. Cr:t ti~o 1530 1&30 2.'! 11.-"JJ:-c:l to c:on';')

int:U~i..::.::--- Osoo- -u)O- ·-~m---- 3:r·-ca.:nn~5 DrS?"fr:Trill'---- -- -cz :~·Oa.- -3..";1 cc;c:r -:£ Eoclv-S:l 1300 1630 -do- Od1'1..:-1IZJ1D A'i':~TICS -(.o- G.--. C':".·::::d:r 1-::-,l~IJ

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Korean W

ar Project U



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Korean War Project USMC-04401871DECLASSIFIED

E)TCLO SlJ:W ( 6)

---------------~Tr)to (1) Tr~:t~J.i!:;-; for t:hio :;orioc: s::t...'1l.l 'Jo.:JrO:';rossivo -:.nc: ~-~ct.1oro a.~ cL,ro:-:::. .... :· as :._::r.:-:.cticu.blo t;:; tilO j_Jroocriboe" rcfcrc:.'l.ccq., :Ju.ri:1::; '.f.·.a co~:C'l:C::t ~.f :fiol(~ o:x:orcisoo, cn:):meia will bo :Jlttccc-:. .;~-~ t~10 trtdLi. -~; of tl.:.o i~l.divicln'"ll n:_dt lcnCtor,. 1'n:on 1::.ccconnnr:r tllc oxorciso o::.c~l".l.:'!. be ::.r~.torn~:_;toc,_ i''Jr co:;.·:roctio;_,_ of cn~rcrs ?r for 'brief Ctir,cusBirm ·;orioc'ta .. •

Tl'r)to (2) A critiqtl.O "li1.L be cc:i'.nc~o:,_ o~: t,:w ~ou.I'!.('L i7~··:o:1it'.tol·· nttor ;•.J,l c:;;;;orc:int;:n t~. o:::-:~.1aoio tto 11 w:-:;,~li m~C. ::·r"'"Y\.blc c.-:·lH3(:qr'..o::ca~ in r.cj.;c.:.':!J. c:nb,,.,t in ro~;rl.l"C~ ~~~o t:::.o ::_p;3aiblo solutions.

HYiio (3) ::;_~i~:.:.; ni;;.-~t tr:1.il:ir'.::; o:;~orc::.nctq c.-:>I!trol; :~-r:-~atio:-.s~ :t:::>l'.J~o:3; sit;J.~"l.lGt co:-.tnl.lliCD.tio:ls; ovaml.<'l.tiNl nf "'.r:rUl\,1.oc~; "'ill Jo ~13rtic111u:..~l;r otl'O!:lsoc~. Si"li"l1.f'l.tioar.; ;~ bo C'XO."Wll whOl•oin kay :._::orco!~ . .nol oi ~:.~o oqu~1• (Sq)_~ncl tof;}.c;:,. Fire To!.'.:-.! LCD.t'l.or) bcc::.~.~o cru:ru.nl tics nccosGi to.tio:-::(; o. l~iflono.:.;-J..:trJ:w..:-1. oJ.;;o. O.tH:n.v.1ir:. _; co:-.trol of t:hc :JD.I""ticuclr t"!.!~it.

Noto (4) Porso:u\cl o"f E&S Oo:.!:_)[ul;y will conr~uct o!:. t::.c jc"i; t::.·ni:'.b.~· i:l mtbjocts rolo.toc~ to tlloil· j;'\u.:ctiol!O t>~1~1 tQOCiQlit~·. Tl~6~·:J o.r:i!. G.dll u1o­!ltu:r1rod .. (100) :_,or cent of i)Ol"Ml~~lill 0730 t~ OG}J t'..nil:.-·.

1Toto ( 5) to rl;.ich

AT.A. :)crnnr~:ol of W'oapo~~s Co~l:.lml:~ will t:..·n:b wit> rifle co:T;?D..~lio~ t:1o:· n.ro :1or:.u:o..ll:;· r~ttnchOC. turin.-.: t>.is t:ru:L.dn:; : .. Jcr:toc1 W~'.OE rc;.. t:1o ri:flo co-.. 1:_xi.n~r cc:r.L.-:u.:-:c\er,

l\l"ote (6) !:cta.ilo :for t>o :llttDJ.i:n Cr::::;rulc1cr'a ir:.s:)cotior'- "Jill l;.J :-._Jroac:d'.::oc"'. il"! o. :Jo.ttnlion J.;o·:.or.o.::.c::ua to be yron.U;-;eto:.1. ..

ll!'otc (7) 1.\u·i::..~-;; :.:)()rio<l o:f l'loo;_JOlltJ inn.tructiCl!:r,. vr~!ct~r l_Ji'OC<=.u'.t~~-:lln fo~~ -~~·.£·,t pro..rticuJ.ru.· WOD.:i:DJ:. \'.rill bo ro·.~iowcd.

Hotu (G) ~.,o1· Dll ocl1cclulod LIVE J?IrJlTG c:xoroioca t>c oo;--clo.n;: c::-:::·r,;:..C..c:..· c~l.{: officer in C:.lo.l·bc ~1 survey tho rrutc;o nroa. concor1:..cx'. at l0£'.Gt t·~oo (.3) do~ts :;rior t;:1o cl.n.ta of t:-,o a.-.:orcisO: ~.C. \dll "bo bl·iafod "l:r.! t:'.O S...) o·~c (l) day· :;_Jrior t~to c1.ato of t:2o exorcise. · .

l!oto (9) All ocllal'll.l.letl. LIVE PI!'J!TG- "\\Till be cor..du.ctoc1 i~l· accol"'C~ .. ~ .. r:cc 'o1:1 t:.1 t.."1c rc:-:; .. 'tln tio:.lc c C~ltu.b.oG. in !b~ ttU io:1 :r-... ·cd..~ti:lo-,' Ol~(~or :To. 23-53.


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Korean War Project USMC-04401872

Change No l to


He~dc:, ua~"'t,c ·1:· ~ 3rc1 Br<+--~;:tJ.:i.cn, lnf. l·1,s;:·.l?l·'~i 1st Hari.ne U.!.vi.:.~icn (RniLl.-:.'}, FUF c/o FPO, San Francisco, Galifornia


.. :.

10 Jd;t• 1953

. NOLBER •.••• , ••• •• e .Jl-53)

Training Schedule for period'l2-lC July 1953

Ref: (a) Regimental-Training Order 24-53 Encl: (1) Training Sch~dule- George Company (2) Training Schedule - How Company (3) 'l'raining .:;chedule - Item' Company (4) Tra~ning Schedule - Heapons Company 1. In accordance vith reference (a), the following changes to Battalion Training Order 31-53 will be ~de: DELETE and cancel enclosures (1), (2), (3), and (4) to Battalion Training Order 31-53 Dnd substitute therefor ,he attached enclosures (1), (2), (3), and (4). 2. Enclosures (5) and (6) to Battalion Training Order 31~53 remDin in ·t effect.


BY CRDE!i OF IT'"lJT'JL1<1T COimncL i':Il LF.R

J. T. QUiiJN ~~jor, U. S. Marine Corps

Executive Officer



Page 65: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



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ENG 10 ~IJR1'l ( 1) George Company Training Schedule

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Problem oriantation ' CTllj932

Exercise:· including reat'gani~tion and

CO Comdr


IPM eh 2

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Korean W

ar Project U



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~TD.W~~::r. ·~:) G-oorge Co~rars Trai.ning Schedule I .< ,-.;. . -

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FH 2}·5~3 ch 6 l:i.l< S\'3

Co C omdl:' f, F' t 7-10 ch g, P l t :1.IJ.~ a ae~: 6

l4l5 1600 ~~ - _ ·- ____ ~Soo_ lf53J __ __ _?>:!_ __ ;:·.<J,r,?b_t;!_ ~~a~~ _______ -· ____ ·- _ -· ____ ·- __ , _____ _ Thursday 080:) 09CO All P'il' '!!RUOP IN.::t:·EC'J'IDN .il][l) :OO.:CLL Co k~ea c., Comdl:' . 1)?1.; ch 2 l6 J'1ll)' 090() 1000 Riflo pW l3A YON8T 'l":lA!llHG . -do- P lt lilrs G:ml c:h 12


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Page 67: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U




p~ > ' rLJ rLJ

~ 0

:mno s;:gp < l) Goor~ Company TI'i'ining Schedule

~i;,)ia}.c: Ll'~= :.):2:: ~n!~ !J'ia::::::: =~l>J_e~\=:::.:::.::::.: }':Y,£e::: :Iia!:::.:: Raf ~ ;;,:::. :

T'<l.J<r sdlil.y 09Q:J. 1000 , oO' s L TECHlU Q,n OF FIRE; . S'l)lll.d co llduct Co Area t'l.t 'l4r Fh 2 ,)'"'<>? c:h 5

16 Jul$ . .. . of fire · -e 5

0900 llJl . UD :FIEill-DI$IACD.J':i\TT: Speed Dr1ll Area 1. -do- Ji'l.i 2J-55

0900 09}) r.,n csll'nso

0930 1130 FE


1000 1130 Rif la & :!3ti.R FtJ:'C ri0}'!1:rG, IMEDL\. '.1$ .AO TIOlT Co Area P lt Idr11 FN 23-15 ell l .

6ot s A:iD STQi?,.G1:S

1000 l.OJJ

lOJJ llJJ l )X> 1630 All

2000 24oo All

L,D -p,•T ...

200? 2100 L, D

2100 . 24oo FE





Area ;t. Oo Candr


Fl4 a..75 ch 2Ji.

----- -"""---- ___ - rl'fo~O,L. _]~,C!d_.ll!:.r.£h!_Dg, J2.8.£lr,._ ~C_!m.!!,t_!._fl£m£1"~ ,YG_!It_!. ____ -- _- __ - _-

Friday 0""'-' 0900 . .li.ll -1 T.lWil£' IN.Ji>ECTION AND DRILL Co .A:rea Co Comdr IP~I ell 2

17 July 6o• s

• 0800 l200 60' 8 LIVE F!RD: 60mm ~lortru- RIJ.nge 9 P1t ldr

osoo 0815 0815 0845

p\f M!I:L' ch to ro.nge •

L Safoty regulations, exercise orientation

0845 11145 1145 1200

OC)OO 1130

FE Ll.ve Fire: Tgts of opJ?ortunity, SO&rch &+tavwse.

.. ii'W · MN: cb to aaii!P .

All {-) A UT$ECTIOF.' A.ND INVEN!rORY fJj' 1111<, Co-Ree.

601 s Dl VIDUAL OlOTHl :00 JUID l!l(piP~!BJri.



1}}0 16)0 A.ll CO COMDR'S ADM TIME

1}:Jl l5Jl All Bn. &lpp1y Issue ...

1900 2400 All P'lf ~ RE0011.USS.1NCE PATRQts a.

....ao... :Sn SUppl;r

.A:ree. :r

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w. 2l-75 ch J[). . .....

li control, • l

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Korean War Project USMC-04401876.. '·· -·;;.-~-~~~,,..,,-_.,.,

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Page 69: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



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.,, 71-Tl.T...:~::c~.r ;,.c._: Row C.-opan., Training Schedule

.. ~''··~~ -: ... :.: -d~-~·1i~ -~-;::2 ~:~L4\~ ~}Qv: -= .-: = :~ ~# ~ ~~.~b;l0~(= = = = = ='}~_~o= = = = !.~t-= -==R~f= ==== .F ... -i.J -_,.::"'

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l;. ~-~~ ·.; :. .> ,rtLi:y

_)~-~-: .. :-:) :·.:,.. }~ ~iJ L 0(, ~:0£-_,·::;a,~ -.i .-\'~tJ.~ T~ !-iEi ~)_\.I i~ 't"eEJ. Go O(Jm~ ~!le

'(.··-,c.~Ci · ('~·c0 - I.:.i-~ - - ·- f-3~.~~)~~- .tl<·~,:~\f.·'ritUli~)_fre··-liirLL- ---co Ar·G3.--- Cu-JOnidx -J.ti_.f-~.~h '?.:--

VS~·e .:tO\:.VJ .A-.U. L .h~.t-l.2 '-·V~'.Ii' ... ""..}.1 f ili!;~?El~SIVE COHBA.T -do- ~- FH T--lO cb g

(:E~t·n~ "Li no Ri flu Co IJ!PELny) sao 2. pp 270...


:ifJ,)O HCO lc:U L D&.,';WS1VE COKJ3AT: Dcfonce •. ·of wide -<to- -do- FM 7-·20 ch 9,

:!.-~.(Y) llJ-) All !.

1jC;.) 16)0 .\.11

~C:i E·})J :nne.& :w .. n.

¥~0(0 20JJ L

2()~0 r-.)00 FE J:Jo -b,ei

200) 2j0:> 6o•s

froi-t. ]}i 7-10 :P:P 3fY'_.-

310 llRE.\.Tim; 0£ T..'\CT.IC1•L SIT1J,\TION ...do- -do-- 5--3

Of r.~·.L V1 Sit! .Ff -& CQRP S

CV U r 1!'!11B.- S Jl..lJl.! 'XI HE

l'·~T..'i.G-::"r;,, Jo~t patrols and

lllll.bu.~lic s {Dcfenfd ve)

-do... Area . j( CS126<j56

Fl i!\:1 -uw.form with helmets, armored. vosts

~- \].\ '-:~-·::<.;:~·LiE m

-do.. l5bne Plt ldrs :El'! 21-75 ch ll.O &


lTVc'n T"l 3:' :CAO~ITJl!T Jl.HD Gllii .ilRI U.: S R.!,r • .;0 1 Lt Romana .Ell 2:;-g5 f!h 2"

~.i'.•<iJ <l~ill CS1.~76

2\l'"XJ 21.3'J PW !'l'·j·"· d;; \"!, l""-<::=out d"i.ll.

2'-' ·-··o w · ·· ri·' · ·

. -:rc.i"o~.r-oiu~-_/-_JcW- ii:OZ!Wt~ -- £:J-~~,~:t~";;~f3iS tiJ~Tf ~ •r"•oo} il~riiO ·f- -P"ft Ia.r-------

T4 J:J..~ (J(<X; Q730 L,P1'i li"-~·.g~ r''fl."-la.'.iona, problem o:xp:W.retion,

OT}O :U50




U5(l l2:JO




F.E pU

mo:r·t:h to. I'"nge Ll. VJ b'lr<; )19.:.• cil. tu Mmp

No to, (l) Field. Uniform with helmats, armored vests.

All (-) PW Rockets -dO.,: L

....a.o.... L

(2) Gutmcr a and. loadl:lrs wear unsks.


msso1qs !E.I.RNED Hr CON:BAT (LEO 'lUI!E -d.o­


REVIEW: Combat patrols and ambullhos -do.-

Co Coil>h-


Plt I.drs

IPM ch 2

Div n'ng :aul

5-53, (contact

5--3) FM 2l-75 ch X> &·13

0 t"'l ("') t"'

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3 -~


Page 70: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



~ I ("l ~· ~ [fJ

~ 0


,:,.:-, ~,.~~;:r~:. ('.?1 Hot• Gorrp"n;v:·.Trr.ini ng Schadu.lc.. ·. ····-· ·~ ·· ·· ·- ---- --.· -,-------- -.-·_="-"'"--t------- """'""c-- -I- r • - -,.,-o..-:- ·...-- ---

-: · . ~· :· ..... _:,_ :... ~Tl "lt. T·,~:;r.J . - ~nuv{;C . r"""-" o ns~ • .n :..;· ~ -·: · •. : - ... :'."l- ·:T 05- ~o· f:- _;;(·· - Ti.:c· DkTLI:-Sque7d-niid-scctio)1-- co~.rca -Lt Roiil.no-F!J 2}:'35 ch_2_-· ": ;. Ji'\ ,._, · '· <() :,·;c Pl'l SC,~i.\,1) '<I'D gsQTIO;< GU1T DR! LL -d.G- Lt Proctox- Fi·. 2}-55 ch. 0?. "' ,, ·,t;,n ·, q G(i C0i:Jltl S llll-l Til;:': -..do.. Co Ooudr ~Tone 'J ~

• • :~ '~J >')00 A:Ll :B,o. :S'-'yJ?lY I SSilO :Bn Supply -~ !Tone C:I'OJ 2i!()) 1Ul rco.t+HT vrsron, NIGHT !:ov::~.:·~l"l' ,\rou 1(, Plt !drs r.. 21-75 ch 2 3 4 2UOO 2J.C<J L D ~.lliJ Dl:l.BCTIO:T . . CSll29f>7 ' ' ~ ; . '' ~ - ..,. ' 2100 ;:4CY.J . ~. . - ' ... ' .. . . . . . · · · · : !Toto, Field unifox-o tdth holoots o.nd D.l'i:!OTod vests. -----------------L-------------------------------\;'01IT1Qsda;)' ('80) 0900 ,i.ll .. L .l19'llTIJ.'.,.nr TIP~TIONS : Co Area 'Lt Lutz lli 20:-10 ch -1,2;3 15 July 0900 lOOO .A.ll p\i ~>Yoll:;:r lllULL (Rlflo.'P.'~sc:\411 -do- Co .C.OI!ldr <31 ch 12 .__ ,. I ~. :• ' \>9 _3,9 , .L'(~). ,RUle

CP )0 ·:~j)O ~.J)o w4s Jc•l+5 1;45 lJ.4:> J2}0 12 '.0 13"" ~. . ,.,...,

PW L ~

~ Pii

• sO<ii!UrO to bo~:,r d trucks c. t ':09 30 5 . • _ I11F'J.:.IT:L•TIOii'gopRSE: with (!.x_;d *':n~ if1J CQ.Coodr~ , OVCl"ho-"-d. l{HG ;fire · .: ·• 1 ·All plt ldrs Trtwk .to r<•.nge · · . ARs 3J5-31<H prc.blom o"planetion c.nd range ao.t"oty rcgu1o.tions O'lnduct prol:Jlcm one (1) squad ~t n timo · Noon oo.:J.l in•.f1<Jld - . . . Gn!.etu.ct :9roblem_ one (i) sqll!id at a time Tl'J: ck to car.!J? : .. . . . . . lToto: (1) :O" .. dd ulliform w/hohncts and armwd·vosts,

(2) r.-c !.co, range safety off1c0r, Lt Hogan asst x-a.ngo SD.fot7

1))0 '14}0

' 1000



llJG lt!G, .: L 60• s

1430 -do- L

1600 Riflo . L . .. :,

1430 lbco 14]0 l.5J.5 1515 l6co

ll•G, 6o_r .s L PW

l6co l6 30 · All

u:ff:tc0r, e.nd tmchinc gun officCl". · F:Wl1T IJ:~G RIFLE C®iillY . (i·ii rsion, Di s_posi tiona, dof.enco ~ •Co .t.l'OC. Plt ldr ordGrs.) · . @::lJRlTY tii SSIONS, R(W) :BIDCXS, -do- -d.o-Il!l."EWSE OF OBS~!i>CIES, D:2'F)!lNSE OF

. R::;;AJ.:i' IlTST:.!,tATlONS ··'' .. ' · . · l.U:llLO(H>.A.NI DElUSIVE Q'~~ 0~. WI-·· IHVER I.lliE .. ~ Il'F.I::JJiiVl:l WEIODS

Co OO!!K'r

RIFlE COfl>.t\.NY: Weapons Ol!PlaC- S ltcn&e 'f Plt I.dr• inonts · c sl21576

Fl-i. 7 .... 10 ch 3 sao 2;'. PP ZT0:-271-273·>

HI 7-30·ch S ~c 5 pp 325. ~6 / -

F="M 'HO, Ch 9, S~clf FJ.I 7-lO, appx 2;. F~- 2:7-g5; Dl 23-55 l';o~ara.tion 'of various j;ypl)a· '".l!ll.]la.FUlG OF ~CTlCAL OOIUTION OF Co .Area Co Comilr f=!o!l9·3 DIVISION .<1ND OOitt'S



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Page 71: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



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] __ ·)-:;,) !.<;c.

}6~o AlJ..

". .,.. . ~ ·_ .t_,r:e-,

1:~:~. ·-, _::_ .) ~- - ... ,_. :!£\_;,.~; - )~~::-:. - -

.3o.:.u.rJ.ay 08 :c: ~lJC· A1.l lil ,T uly l)CXl J.o J) .U1

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l! o~· Company T ra.i nin g Sche dull

------ --·- ----------~-------- ----- ___ o.4""' __ _

SPb · ·c"t ? lace Inst Ref -~ -- --- .... -- .. .::~.--- -- -- --- ----------- ...,._- ---- - -

fl('.Jl'F LNSF-E<C1'J.OI-; <eND 0lllLL Co ~rca Co Comdr LP'i•i ch 2

_RF,'~--,~T~'-r'~ )J.Ji'LF ::OJ:.iPANY -do­SlJ!" -_~-- !'~JC..IPLlNE; SiiLV1~GS _'.ND -do-l·(-:-, 'T.k_,:i2-c'1'TT cv;;' !l'IOHS .G ... .INST GU13:.:ULLA FOHC:&S ilrc'> Ti:1


-do-Lt FimiLill

FN 7-10 cb 8 None

Lt Lindquist FM 31~20 ch 1 & 3

1';~-,2,_.,- :rN'si:>~cT:Iorr·.illo-JitrLI. 11·1.,_.:- r.·.-:t: • .-Jl1>!8-:.: Intersection .::tnd

·--·-co~·- Co-Cemdr- -1..9-Ccii: 2---

r-.:;,-, ;(. L 2_,)!1.

Of,v., . .\;,'; ., N f~':l'ENSE .~,

}.;. 1r. < .. :~... ~~, /.:3!9!!

~'i .'.r.::.~r t.e> C nmn f.N-·t_:.)On•s··rNsPEcTION ORG<lliiC:EJJ "<TH<:T.•>TICS

Area J Lt Ltttz G&'1 CSll5'182

JU>cuK Co ~omdr FM 7-10 ch 8

-· -· - - - - -co "7..roa- - i3n-c<ind:r- - iin -~iomo - - -Co Arcu Co Comdr None



0 t"'l (j

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Korean W

ar Project U



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:.-· __ ;;.~,(J..E (j ~ Item Company Training Schedule

........ , ·- -. - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- ·-- - - - - -- - - .;.. - - ~ ,_ --- ..:.. - - - --.'c,, ...;~<. :, · c.:a ~·o . Unit Type

Sllo-,j~t . l?l<i~e ln:st· . 'Ref ·

.: -~, ~:· · -- Ui,:'iJ- -lb':,o - ;,~.r -- -- ·- co-coi.fl)u.r.s-:ill:T:(fs~F.AT.f.vE'Til>iE- -e.,-.Are&- ~c;;- coiiidr- f. one----' ' .- : .. ~.-- . '_ ~ . . .


·.;:_.~._:;",·-- :::-¥.:::"- ~J9oo- :;;:tr -.-:11~- :rms:5!n1EL' ;;;- w:i,>,;}oi<t>' f:.{sPii:'I:rmt-- C.o-~ea- ~co coma!-: ti'i;\' ch"):-s~ 9

!~- _:",:;_~-~- t\}00 1000 ~d~--~ .t O..:i!t"i:.;i_:~~-S".tl C~_PJ-~~A-~fCE · -do- Cilapl!tin ··N"q_ne '

,,:: ...


· lc:··.) :...:QJ: ...... ao-- P'-i - ·t;l~~---:'l~i.tf:~~ J;7i.:-I:7J

-do- C<1 Oomd.r G-Bl·i

._u,;o 1.130 -:>.·.r· L :A·l~IC~"' J;HU;i~IHe mvrsiON ' -do- -do- :sn S""3

J~"JV . .!6_~0 ;:·ttt-~ . ·· -_~;~.-~··:-·.:::·>":: :C .. •i_·,·:r;_"_S:TR.t\T!V};:_TIEE ~o- .• -do-. Ilfone

. l._JCO 150J :Bll G-1!.1:-'L: ~); '_fi;-l1'J,a ~ , . 13h' S.upplt_.. -~o-: .. No~e · l.::,;.:n.l · <:iJCO -du- JiiTG'c:' v::S.! Jll.- NlG..il' ~1CV:sl.oi]l:j1'0 Area,J. ' -dO"o .FU 21-:{5 c:1 ~,}.

. l.C)C;J ~:{)CO

2000 2hoO.

i:0:.' ;)J.TL~?liJ~ . 4 .

. . •L FE 3xa~~::1:~8a ""bj' . .i_:).(hvidn.al .. fire teams

. . ' . <..•nC~ .~(l:.~.t:d':~· e·:ar-!;..:,r:i~.',j ng dj f~i-plj.ne (:.~en ::.v ~ ., {' .. Jn·!_-.. :r:";;: n.rih d.i.ru~ti on ·-,. .

- :S0-.:;...-:::-+--- t-~ i,,."? ··-;:-;.,-f, ·- ,Y)cY·1J'. Sdfj:;~ "\ 1;r-;;.Tti lrGlr -~-e .. ~ "-''->.'U¥ ~ .j ....... ':'\..~, .... ~ ... - "A:J,j 'U. .. s~~: ,;;\:~Jl \~ Fi Gni.'t '.:ft~l:t'SS) . ' -~ . ·

.. -pn-r&- -:... - - -- - -

. --~~~:~~--:~~~~{ C;·CD- -.12\.JZ\ ; ·~- t' -~: :) .t. l"ii h;·,··ch 'f.o H.,~·~ Jo•ange regul~ fo.ns. ·l~·.:.."Jt' l6.1 e;:C:.l.a.ilo.tion: "' ~~-

\.' ~-:

~:'00 or:;o C75:0: . 1150' ··:t·J;· · · _Li:.:~~-- f:.Lre · . : ~,-

---~ J'ti htu ·.,:;r._ · --~ 0 ~~.P. -~. . : _. . ::lll?..J.j Vi ~iel~. Unfformt~ vHh hemet.,, armored ves~s (2~ c>ll.,nqz·" oh(l l9adera veur masks ;_···; .. _ PW CM;JE OR!)ER ))Rr . .u.L . r ' Co Area l'lt; :Wr '" ~4 Ch2

J...,;:-.J EOU '::" ~) .i ~ -";.,

. ~-_;, , ""'""" <;: AOr\Q . :· . 1 l V.GVf:.l; ._ ·-v7"-' -..A-~ - · T.1csr. ... ~,

•• 090.0' 1130 hoc.!r.:ets:

. -do-· L 1>ESSONS . .f&IDrED IN COMB,a .,illlll DISC'LlSS!oN). ' .. ,

•• ( LJ!J;iTUli'!: -do- Co Oomp,r; · lli.;,"~rXJ« Bul

5-53 ( Oo.ntw:t ·

--.:..a}t'_ ,, 1300 1700 LMG .

• ~QO '•. 13.).5 ... 1315 -·· .. 131!5 . :13115 ·~615 . : ~-·\.:- .,"._,.

;. . ' ·- .

1615 l61J? 1!)45 '1700

1300 1400 . ili~le7 -. '"_t_ 6omm

.... , ..

·-s-3- . ·. Ji'M~:,:·.

; ... ,. :':• t

I.rv:1:]I1-Ul; ~I~ ~~I)t~.-~s. . :§M.i;e ~ • · ;p.l;!; ·W PI{ j(~h to range' c 7' • ' " ' . . . . • L ~e regula.tions.1;·e~ki.a>lin·e'hf~trion FE ·l·he fire: targets of'cQ):)ji(!>.,-tWJt ii:.;';'~· -.. l"!Ulge estimation exel:"~ses'~~·,·>::l\~~~'.. ··. L . - . • ' "'' •.

- Cr.i.ttque · ·- ... -.-~ - . ..: ,,..~ IY _. i-L.'\l'ch to camp · •· '¥'':'·. ·.·' ~~:· ··· ··

' ,-:~T-

,.... ~",; --~t ~r ·--<-·,,·~;· ~~ . ~·.r:~;; -- ',tL~_.

·- ~. ..... . L,D SNIPING-: TIDl SNIPER, SNIPERS llh'LE Oa Aroo. Plt lairs FH 21-75 Ch 5


.. ~;

~ ("') r .> 00

3 '• ~


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Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"'' (j

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~ 0

" .. J.! ._ :J. ~ \3) ._,$npo.ny training Schedule .- '':.l ~-" -;_e= F'r;;m::: :)~ - ::: !!nit:= :::orv~ ::: -""-• sub'j~c! ~ - ::: ::: - - - ::: ~: ::: ::: :::rns! ::: ::: 1C - - - -i -'osday li+~O 150Ci P.i1le L RIF.£$U'.:ii:NY: Tn.CT.I:lr."" iiOV»i.&'!TS,fc l!iioa_ Pit Ldrs -Ri~ :..4 July .• 60rJm !iOV~ TO COr"l'c,CT DlJBilL' DlUllili~~ .

1500 1630 -do- RIF.i4f -~ANY I 1 DEFENSE: FRONT -@- -do- FJ4 7-10 Ch S 1! NE .4.N!i$ RFS3:f!V .!: C Oi IF ANY . S 1 2 J lie'driesdo; OOCio- -~oo- jilT- -Pi- c1csJ ~- iimi.Z-------- fu ... &;ea- -PTt-Idrs -J:ht 2'-

15 July 0<)00 1130 -<lo- RIF.L.. •. ·" AiH trE.!.PONS ~I Go Comdr F '7 O . · EliP-44C~S · 1JS ~979 M -I ~ 09CO 1000 L Prine,1.plifs, types, useB Appx 5" 1000 1130 Pii Cons~on of representative t~ ' ' 1230 1645 Rifle ' ' INFI.itl'i..IION CJURSE: \liTH FIXED [email protected]} Co Gomdr,

Plts Ov:&..~ !lMG J'IBE Plt Lclrs 1230 1330 Trucllt til: range 1330 1345 L Pro1Jem Wlana.tion and safety

regu-t:lif!Jls 1545 F~ ·Cond~t If pr>blem: one (1) sq~

nt a Ulll8!' Truc)f to. •nmp


1545 1645 NOT~ (i Field uniform With helmwlla 1!iJld armored vests; mess gear

( Lt LE: Range Safety Oftie-., ( Lt dOG..N: .AIIst Range Salet31' Officer and MG Officer ( . Hot :10on meal at Range flJ .

COl·"'"'" -·TNING: INDIVIDUAJJ S rtf Range Pl.t J:.drs Fii 2l.-75 Ch2 J,300

lJCO 1400

1500 ~(G 6bmm

1400 1500

-- ,,. 4D f!J.¥76 W Exerbh .. in crawli~ obsening, ·

movUI§, fllbc. l 1500 1630 -do-- L COMB.It IJIT_: ELLIGJilNCEj COLLECTION Co {$>rea D OF I 1J'0JtRATIO N, POll: TREA.Tl'llNT,

Plt Ldra FH 21-75 Ch 6

n,~~- '0000.- -osj)- iii'-_!.--~~A·L StTuATio'N- .. eo 'lie&- -Co Conrlr- in-S-3-16 July DIVIflO~ CORPS ,

~,30 .. 1130 All Ct'lli&Ul~:n:- . · Arlll!llx Co Oomdr JM 7-10 ch 8 0830 084S PW ~ tfi . . . • - I 01t4.!J lll5. . FE • .,.., .1' J ·; . n""'". ..., .... -~ • • • lll5 """""" . ... Ma:tdfl ~ . " " -~· ., , "' • , ..... .• ', ' ... -~ •



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' '

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Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"'l (j r > CL1 CL1

~ 0

·-- :· ( :j)

'-· -- - - - - - -. ~ .~ ~--..: .t?-L·,:.;~rn To • · ,·" :-o..'iy- IJoo- -1630

J .J.~,Y 1900 2400





2030 22..)0 2230 2400

Item CIJmp-'lny Tra{nlilg Scha~·1l~

-'Unit- Ty,Ee---- 5:.};{"~~:-:~?."·---- -:;;;fc.(;~=- --rn;t- -t-R5:~-=-----All- - - CO-COYDllTp_,l-D!( n;·L-·1--'-E- -c--:: ···r"::::.."':- -c~-()7:.,/i.-· ..•. ·.--.;·, ·--

J. - • ..1 ~ - J. ..J -~- ....... - _.~,~_,_.___ ·-- •.).-..,;.~

Rifle, N:~c;Hl' fP.l'HO:LS: TieconeJil·AN3e. )(. -do- Ffii 2-l-75 LlG's b~<!<.e ~· :.;.;abL!tili<es: (D&-- CSl26986 ch 4 11 12

00 1s



;--_- -.-t·-r.=:. .• ) ·r 1 • ' ' __ ...... 1,.c.: .. \: ..., L>YPe ... nc uue rr,;: .. : t" nc; of ch,-ck pc ints, D.t:,t·(·t--e:--5 ore. control _ · . _ H.u;_..r t DI f'PLAC E!iENT SPEED S or Range 7 Pl t LCI.r FM 23-.85 Dl-GLf", Jp:e<l gun d:.·Hl · :03120976

· lih· '.e<r nf tn·lnclplea; shift! ng ~:~ dF·tsLa!,re positions D:LciPJ.a<Hllllent speed drill

PW f3')_n 0rll_l 'FrTday-1'7 July

oecio- -o9oo - -A.Ll- -pw - CL75SE ')pJjv;? DR'ILL - - - rro-Area -co 'C'oiiidr tFR a-z 0900 10;:)·;) All L El!EHY liiNES & BOOBY TRAPS -do- Bn 3-2 3-2 1"1le 1030 1130 All L EF'PECT OF BOMBS PROJECTLES-do- Co Cnmdr FM 5--15


1300 1300 1315


1645 1300.

13Ll0 1330

1430 1530

l?OI!l 1315 1345


17?0 1400

1330 1430

1530 1630

00 I 8



PW Rifle, LMG- 1s L.:&J

PW -C::.o- L -do- L

TICNG .. LiiTE FIRE: 60mm J.icrtars Ra.nge Ma:''~'h to re.ngE. R~nge re~latlona, exe;rcise crient·•tlons


~ive Fir>: tgte or opportunity, ue'ircl:l 8o te.verse I'lftrch I> o camp BA.'ir :!'t.nct1on1ng; stoppages Co dl'ee. i!r Lnmediate action

Pl t Ldr FM 23-86

Plt NC0 1e ; FH 23-15 oh 1

DEFENSE OF 'I'OtlNS Co Area Co Exec FU 31-50 1 CIJ 8 RII'LE COMPANY: Retrograde -do- -do- Fl~ '?-10, movements ch 8 5a1urday- oooo- -1130 --All- -- - BN-COMliRTS-IRS15ECTIOR- 'C'o-Area -Bn fJoiiicr Bn-Memo

18 July 1300 1630 All ORGANIZED A~LETICS Co Area Co Comfr None

0 t"'l (j r

·> CL1 CL1

~ 0

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Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"'l ("') t"' ' ~---j

~ j 0 I


'· Weapons Company Training Schedule

. , . • -,_, _ ~~, .,,,-_-·-r;_-__ -__ u;: t-_'fiP~- ----~-:-._ -_ -_-_-_- _.._ -§.;;_'fiJ~C!:.·~---_-_-_--_-_-·_-_pl;.~_-_ -_ -_yr;;!-_-_-_~r_-_ -_ -::. ·:· OC'.'O 1630· All CO COJIDR 1S AC.Jl [ Tllt: - · Co .!',rea Co Comdr Norte

~- ,. ;_£_l_--- ~- -·-- -~ ·~ ~--- --· -~ . -- ...... - ... __.. -·-- ~- .. ----· ·._ . ;;q OSOO 0900 All :E-W TROOF IN3F:ZC1'IO!I Mill ffiiiL

--·~--- .. - ~----- -·-----------... Co Area Co Condr LPM ch 2

T·~l¥ 0900 1130 81's P:l GUN DRILL JIND FOO DRILL

0900 ll30

. 0900 1130 0900 1000 1000 1130

1300 l_.:;?t)

1900 2t,_(J(J l"')J :•.]:0 l S' -. . ··: 2.C -· \J 20:"'-IJ -2~ ·:o,q 2}3."' £400



All L1 1s




IIEOH.'.NI-C \L TRAP'ING : Speed Drill 1£ lG llevi<m - disassembly Disassembly and assembly CO CJiDI(IS AD;•i Tllili: NIG!-i'J' 57UtF OF :IOR'l'AR POOITIONS

PH Ha""ch t;.J a:.:-ea L P.cv h':.. sre. oJ. ienta tion FE FW

-do- Lt w:aor-01 ski Fl-1 ~-90

Overlay to Lt llogan None be issued Co Area Lt Duim F': ~3-55

~;; J tl:;;l09985

Co COnrl r None P1t Wrs FM ~-90


Cond.,_lct i-n'oblem t'fa.rch to Cc:lD\J

NIGHI' INFIJ.J';,il.TION 1900 2400 · ~ 1900 "!.'~.J5 FW March to 1i:-ea

S &:ngo 7 · Ht L'r ~'!; 7-10 ch7 ·

.. -~·~

.. -.. , ---'~ L Pr'bl .· t ti _,_s,,.j .... :>...:- ~ o em. u.L"J.en a on

l '>:' --2::>.:·o FE Gonr1ctct p-.·611lem . ~ .:-:_7~ 21~00 P\.J March tc _ camp

20T;t_;_ :?}l\J

~(J,..')tJ ~~-~:. J ~~30 2 ~:UQ

PU·A NJ:Ql; BP.&CD GUll DRILL: Ill!"~"~

PW Clu:rJo;. .. s . HI Squa3· .'

·-~ .

llo- .t.r~ -do- • .. .. : '·-

I"M 1.)·»'

- i'u7;sd:a~ ·- osoo- --o9oo __ Not~=- (A;!,1.L Ki~l~ Jall:i;fg_rm !:_ri:l;h_h!!.ll!!e:!;.s_~-~!!,d __ v!!_s:!;s •. _______ ·- • _______ _

All PW TllOOP INSPECTION Ai'lll DRI U. · · Co Area Co Cond r LPJ:.! ch 2

u July 0900 1030

0900 1030 '0900 0945 0945 1030

0900 1030 ~

81 1s L RIFLE COMPANY IN Do!:FEliSE ' -do- P1t Comir l'l'i 7-~0 eh E para 308- 3lf ·

HHG PLATOON ;.ND CO!lf'Al'IY COl-IllAT FORliATIONS -do- Lt Hogan FM 7-10

L . appx2


.. /

0 t"'l ("')

.· .. ~ rJ> rJ>

.j 0

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Korean W

ar Project U



t:;j t"'1 (j

j;: [Jl [Jl

~ t:;j

·._i ·-~-.' J \ ' ~'- i

Weapons Company Trai~iriS Schedi,lle ~

- - - -- ·-- -·--·i -.-,· ------- - - -i- -- ·- - ~ .. ··-- ---- - -· -- -- . 1 .,..t- T -e- - . - §u:QJ~C,_ - __, - --- . -- - -- _l~c~ - - - Inst Ref - -

"'" ___ 1!-o~ ·- _;ve_ ·- :;;,~ J:r>:.iZ ;rjiitiJ m :u.<':l· :E.:mr.:: GOrffi,>T Co Area 1t -&;g;;:n- }ra;-1r;9;-- · .J..'_? . '. ;._;.-... _

'.- .. ""' :...·-_.;-- :ClJO k..l". L . 1Ci46 PD

Tor;t Carpenter GB!1 Pit L._1r Fl1 5-20C

J.ELl'!,, C1. GOUli.T&>Y AND DISCIPLINE -do-\ :~l 1/.lv:' '\.U 1 :·-"";('• .. ~·-.

14•f, 1.-j-CJO .~:Ul

1500 1630 All

ALA i'7;e-;,-,.-eod-,- -=~ r:\1 /-:·c:w ~~. i :-:'-,~~ -. .. , ... :~..:t ..._., • ! __ r.'-"-

:1) Jr•.ly r:""~,.-~ r/i~..'"J J<·' r, cr .. ~-~~ Cie·J r)~~rJC·

l_'_i -~=~-, I" ,i)t\f . U(J'-.-''.~




: .... ~-~_/..i ·· . .?c~c


J;_ O-J


~~-i i 1,_ j


c· '' o.l . t:. ' . ... r.~.o ~P


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l. L



L f:'E Pd e, .. ,i

T " I,



Pc·E!IS L;,:::.:sl"~N:! LI:. JlliED 11\: G- MEAT


-do-Part 2-111

Co Ccmdr ])jJr Trng . Bul 5-·53

- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - _(g,o;_ >.,,c:t. ~-.21 - I:-.'7::;-ii'.n::;; ::o~kets (ATil Plt) RangeS PLt Leader ,:w," 385-JlC l•.v::,_:;.:(•-1-: -r.r.; r ar:ge :f-t-:)~·-,:: "~!11 0Y .. l)}.anation Li·:.::l F·;r8 ~11.-13:. (~h. i_~-o cam.p

and range regulations

~\T{' ;C.') ::I"ISP~·~c-:rrcm fJW D::ILL Co Area

Ji?Y'~:'T \ 01'' BOilBS, L~OJiZCTilES AND ROCJmTS -do­Oi·: Fii':r>o FORTIFICATIONS r;_,Ef"JT tTIDH OF FIRING DATA: Defensive -do-

US; UF 0HOKE, HLillliNA'llNG AND TTIIT!: F:IaE: -do-9Gl_c.J+.ion of ar.nnun:ition and fuzes


. Co' CCJmdr LPH ch 2

Pl t Ldr Fl1 5-15 appx ;!

Lt Hogan Fl-l 23'-5'5 appx 5

Lt Robinso.n FH 23-90 ch 5 secS-10, ll

1100 ·_u_:; ("J AJJ (-) L Bl'~ ~FEfG OF TACTJ.CJ!L SITUAT[ON OF DIVISION -do­ Co COJndr :Bn S-J

{j_J.· H

Jj).) ]_:,:;-:-> .All 13("'11.) :1 5C(>

2GG0 :?.Lt-~>0 All 2000 2100 2100 2400


l~J:~'J CC<RFS

L,D FE Note:

CO CCH.JR 'S AW TliiT: Br, S•lc>PlY issue lliGh"T T":..SIOll, NIGH!' EOVEIE:Nr AJID DIRZCTION

-do-En Supply Area ~-,


Field uniforms w/helmets and armord vests.




FH 21-75 ch 2-J-4

0 t"'1 (j

j;: [Jl

I. [Jl ...., •">~ 'I _, ra

Page 77: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



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fl ~)_-:: '"' ; r -}- .. _,_. !d)~

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I 2-:~c-~1 J/k):_ , -~ ' ~-~ .l.d \_.

..l_i::-.:; I -~ ~_. ' : _, __ . ..., 0 ·-~: 3'-~ ., : .. '·1-": :) . P\·,T

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·" 1 1'"'': .. 5~ ~ I,::: J ~--· -

-, ..:..: 1 - .] { . ~' --~ ?t: ...... ,.-.:._.i

.~60tl lf:J.?~· All L - - -· ·-~ - - - -- -.l?:t j ~j;).J 0800 G;IOO AU

~,'' .T·J 1y 0900 1030 All L

1030 11.30 All L

Pa~.-p~>.23 C0m_7a "'~~' ':..1 ..::•.:i.'1.· n; .3ch8t'id\~

--~ :·.---~------ ::.::; 7': :~- :-~~--- -_ .. ~--- -- --_- ~-:- tl~l~:-~ ·~ L I'--.-- ·T:£c.:-;: _;Jj. ~•.t: •:·!::.i;.:~~:>.n-~- Crt.:. a Ri:l.::lge ; , .... _ • . ·c,..: • G.ng·-. P:_ .. :.-~ ''J' CXC~:...~.'•·-··1;.~ ,-~ ·1nc\ T'3ll~C rc•P"U1at10n8 l_,- ' .. ·:_- ~~~ ro !- ..... - r - - "::> ..

-~k- '-1'l.::,l 1-:t-~\-.. _1-l'i,:-e c- :.;_~-~-~xu 1· .~.:...-.--c •.-C! c ~.-._.-.1) ·~·..., •· J ·_:-r.i-:·\. :::-• __ ;s ·w_;)~eJ.Ir1:Jts and ar'Iilord veats ..

~--~:I j·_,, • ;" .L.'.

·,···-,!;;: ; :j · ,)::m-!-·1·::. bil.nrtages·, ·splints, -~-.....: .

!'i~~-';-;, -.. :: () --:· i\ ~-,) Tl~~ .:•'?DNT

r~·~""-~: · .' 1 •: if~· .-:··,_, - .' ....... ~ T:.:('~T GEI;l J.!E.THGD

·=: 1 _ _; _,-, r...~~~ ~? .Ji''tl-:J c·-?P::J.ng, use for map ··;r ~, ·.r--. :-~:::..o~.

Co 11rea





;'I' _..,i---7" _- •. 1 ~-· -- -..-T ~ :•;.,...e,t·- 1 ay1· ng (F1" -~'"" ·1 ........ _,. 1. .~.-••• _......,_ .... -· J -~"' ....... o-):·.j_, __ l.:;. ,-_:v.:·--.::>.~ .. a."' f1ra, fL"'l.al p:rot8ctj_ve l · ·q·- ·• 1'")0'-·0 ,_• .. •.P"dn) -· ~. . ;, . . . j,:~;.·:._. ·j_,; !.L·t:·J SC:l·1B.AT


E.'UUI:NG 0l' T;,Ul'IClli· ::..l'l'UATiul:: _.D~vi._.l,!o!! !!.ntl Qo!:P!!. ______ _ '1'?00l' INSPSCTIGN ANJJ DHilL RIFL; OO!J,J'ANY IN 13SJ<·~;g;E (Front line Rifle compaey)



Co -,;;:ea --do-


- - -- ---- -- - --· In3t ::'-'f Fit- Ll.- F'•': ~:,. ~ ~ ~- -,

Co Com! r L}); ell 2

Co C<r pm<n F/1 21··11

Plt Ldr FH 7 -J o cz.,e s~:c l+ :Jp30S -do- l'J!t ~::;-9J C~1 6

Sgt Bri.ml:J"I".a~ it: .:?. L ·-25 P'l n-2c

Lt Hogan

Plt ldr

Co Comdr



F' i 23-55 ch6 se~ l0--13


Bn 8-3 ........ -frH oh 2 FM 7-10 ch 8 sec 2 pp 27C' to 276 FM 7-10 ch· 8

' ..

0 t"'l (j

5: lf1 lf1

~ 0

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Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"'l


~1 0 .

Hoad.quru-tcr s 3rd lJD.ttalion, 1st l•im'ines

1st !~inc Division (Roinf'), l'MF c/o JJPO, SO.n Franc! sco, California

•· ~c ~1;;-c Fo 2 to

•' ~: . .iiJN '12i.IFflf ORDITR.; Training Schodulo for p:ll'iod 12-18 July 1953. I ,--· ,,. R ..,53) .,,:1'·.:.~-· ~ ...... ' ... ·l·.C'-..J..J-/


PJY'f/rwd 13 July 1953

c;; ~n~Joouros (1) 1 (2) 1 (3) and {4) to Battalion Training Order lb >L--53. as r:odificd by eba.ngo Nb 1. T-" ( .•:.\u;ri:og changes will bo made.

:1, TJnclr ;.r.-;;oa (1) Goorgo Conpan;y-1 DEIETD tho listed ir.stru~tion for T'.lursdlly; 16 July 1953 for 09CO­::__;.;.) ';'(Jo ?H, B/.'YQN!T TRAnrrm: 09~1000, 60mm, TECHlll~ OF Fli'ill; 0900-lOJ), !MG-, li'rBiic DlSi'IACEHIJliP.l': q·c.•·:· ... ··r'-11; J000-1030, Rifle & 6brnm, Bli.R FUB::TIOl'I!TG, Hl-lnDIATE ACT!Olf MID S'.!'O?.PAGJ::S, and su.bstituto tho :! .... w ~~\·,iJ.l(~.

'0 .•<:-.7~- -p,.;"- -To- unit-¥ -o-------- &,ii'jcct-------- 'PL.,Co---:- fnii'C- ~-Rot-....... ··. ·-· ·- - - - - - - - - -~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ·- - - - - - - --~il~r><i..J.;; 09CO 1030 All HCLICOP'l'DR DEI·!ON3TRJ,TIOI'i (Lecture and L;-,.nding .!ltrip Co Cei:Jdl', Nono -' '.J ,j\t; y 0900 0920 L fli ::P t dOl!lOnstration) by- KSC Area TJ,Cp Officer ______ i!?go_ .~o.J) ___ !?. ___________________________________ -"-·...:... lJ, Lnc.l.oll'.tro (2) Ho1·r Cotpanyt DEIET:S tho listod ins-tzouction fa!" Thursday, 16 July 1953 for 1030-ll.OO A.-:.J~ :lGY~.;llV'~ COl·IIM; ll00-1130; .U.l

1BRIDEI1:G OF 'l'Jl.CTICAL SITUATION, and &ubs~ituto tho following. •

;-:o;j·T;c~.<= l:·£ra:::: y£: ::::j!n!t_:- iYio:::::::::::::::: _:-:::::::::::: ::::s~oic£t:::: ::::;; :::::::: =: =:: yfa£a:::::::::: !ni(":::::::::::: ic:f:::: :r:'""'sJ£..y J.UJ) 1200 <\11 l!ELICOP'l!ElR DEMONSTRJ.TION \Lecture a.lld Ili.llding.strip Co Com<lr, lime ~.r; .July 10):) 1050 L flii#J.t demonstration) by KSC Area · ~cP Q:ffi,cor ------ _1Q5Q- ;!,.2Q:)_-- ~- -- --- - - - -- -:..-- - - -- -- ----- -·- -- - -- - --.:.. o~ Enclosure (3) I tom COJl!lll.Uyt DEIE!!!E tho listed instruction for Thurs&l.y, _16 Jul.¥ 1953, for 1~6):), 4-ll, CO COMll!l.' S J&J)lo! nME, and BUbsti tuto tho following.

:o ;;; t"1"j .ll

·' r ·;.. rJ>

J:!l •j ::l

. ~- t"'l jO

"· ~

l~' • < • .;,

< ' '

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Korean W

ar Project U



t:;) t"'l I

("") I t"' > ' i:il ~ t:;)

-------------TRAINING &EER NuMBEa ,.1-~?.----------------7c; -,-)--------

Qn;l_;lge_:NQ, 5, :l;,o_BEI'lA!.IQN ____ ·- ______ ../~ ,._,. __ - -· ____________ .1. _n:l;, .\) _______ _

"'< .. r; ... ;e- -F,..-om.,.~ -'l'o-- Unit- T..,;::e-------- Subj;;ct- -.-----···-Place--·- -1-n;t--- -Re-f----

t..··:_• -<.J.v ;;.r ~ - - -- - - - ..._.,.,_. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - .~~

\:.;~·_.;;-d.;y- 1500~ 1630 All HELICOPT]R DEHONSTRATION: Lecture and Landing strip Co Coodr~ -N-;;ne- --

'-~ J·,uy 1500 1520 L fli iht demonstration by KSC llrea TJ.CP Officer

J,55,0_l6l0_ - - - !l - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - ·- - - - -- - - - - -

- -d.- Eno10l;lure 14) Weapons Company: DElli'TE the listed instruction for Thursday, 16 July 19537 l300---J4j(f-

. •. 's, TECHNIQUE m FIHE TARGET GRID l>!ETJOD; 1300 - 1430, HMG, CO"'PllSS; And substitute the following: 1

,;,,:;pa~e: Er£m: )s:::::: !!nit: :Die:::::::::: ~~jici:::::::::::::::::: :::Pf.age_-_-_-_--,;.fit_-_-_-:-- -:,z:::---

fil.;·.rsday, 1300 1430 8Jmm, Hln,ICOPTJ:ffi DJCl.[QNS'i'!L~TION: Lecture and landing strip Co Com:ir,-- i:o~e--- -

;0::, )uly 1300 1320 llMG L fli:!ht demonstration '1-y KSC Area TACP OfficEit"

.. ----- J.35,0_ll,.l0_---!!- -- ----- -- ---- ------ ...:. -- - - - - .. ----- ---- --- --

1... The above schedule changes are dependent upon the current tactical situation, in the. event the helicopter

is not available on the date scheduled, the schedule listed in change No 1 t-Iil1 romain in effect. ·

I O;...F-F-I-0-I-A-L

!f;l;}/tZ~~ ~.'D. THUR.':iTON 1 l1a ;j or , USMC {




Major, U. S. Marine Corps

Executive Officer


0 t"'l ("") t"'

-> rJ> rJ>

-~ 0

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Korean War Project USMC-04401888DECLASSIFIED

Readq~ ter 11 -,~d ila ttallon, lst Marines

ls. l~ine Division (Reinf), Fi;F c/o liPO, san Francisco, California


Ff:DT/rWd - July 1953

1 Trainin,g of replacement personnel NUMBER•••••••••••••32-~)

Ref: (a) Regimental Training Order No. 22-53

Encl: (1) Replacement Training Schedule

1, In accordance w1 th reference (a) th1 s battalion will cond.U<lt trd:.:illll: Of replacement personnel separately from the regular weekly trainl.ng ;;chedule, as set forth in ancloeure (1).

2, ~e training m1 sBion is to achieve .. xi mum officiency1 mdrale and combat readiness for tlJo intc&l"ation of the replacements into ti;loir 1:-oi!,!?OCti-vo OOlll-­


3• ~of irst day of training set forth in enclosure (1) will bo tho dtl.y following arrival of ropla!.:omonts, ·

4. Tho battal~ol). Repls.eeroont Training \!nit is hereby formed am will.be respohsible fo'l/ tho cocduct of training as set forth heroin and in o~losure ( 1). .

a, The foll.Qwillg pcrsonriel' are aslligned to tho Battalion Replooomont Tra.iningU!!I.t as·add.itioml dutn .. . ..

lstl& Richard 'll.,. jW!Ii Chief I nstruetor 2ndLt Car 1 li' • Iii :NDQPI ST Jr,, Instructor 2ndLt M, w. COX Jr,, I nstructilr 2ndLt Robert H, DENT, Instructor SSgt Ja.mas J, HABRil~TON, Instruetcr SSgt Robert L. CUll', Instructor SSgt W, L. JONES, I nstruetor

Sgt C. M, :BRICE, Instructor Sgt R, J, CAlLE!-; I nstrue tCll' Sgt Fred M •. LEWIS, Instrilctor ~gt Alton L. CROSS, Instl,"llotor Sgt ru;oha.rd p, CAMPBELL, Insturetor

- . . b• ~e fui'lc;tion of thEt.Battali!ln :aepla~emollt:!l'ra.ining Unit will be

limited to thB ?Onduot of the training, all adlninistraiivo details ~rill bo handlsd. by the respective companies,. _Tho s..:t will provide a list of re.c. . placement person.twl in quadruplicate· to .. the· Ohier I.ns·,_.·;;.etor no later than tho ®y of arri ~1. of the .;-op:W.cGIIlents. '

.· ~ -. .. , ..

e,. ~companies will Jirl.rCh thcir·replaeol!l,)nt dotail to the Battalion P~o.do F.to1:d oach morning dur1~ the· training period Clf. six (6) QD.ys at 0715 and turn, them over to .th'o inatructor( s). ~t this timo the instructor• s


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Korean War Project USMC-04401889DECLASSIFIED

i>iT.irio! jiziJ:iiG:oin!a:~ ~j ::: ::: ::: :: : Ic~nl· i)::: will hold a roll cali.

d. Aey changos in tho scheduled instruction as set forth in enclosure (1) must be approved by the S...3~ . . - ,. ,_ ... _ ·,·, . - ,. ' : ' . _- ... . . .. . t - : . ; • ' o, Instructors' will prepar,o :J,Giisci!:i :P:i,atat f.o.r oach·p~iod ·of instruction, . . :\. -.··,_. --~--,.!·;· >:.·:.-:.~ -·:"\~-;: --~--..... ·'- : ..... · . ~::. ;- ~-~:;_:· .... · .. ' f, Instltuctors ma;y ~iii' ·out norl$.1 company duties a·t such times e.s thay aro not conducting instruction .Ill; ,preparing for instruction, lit the descrotion of· the .Chief- InstructOr-.; · · · ·

. ·_..•

-:·1-....... ~,.-......... - .. ~--· · ...


.. r •. J • •• ~

·,. ~-'

.. ..: .

• • >T"

· J. T. QUIJ:-JN Major, U, S, Marine Cca-pll

Executive Officer



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Korean W

ar Project U



0 i"'l (j I r . >~

"' "' ~ 0

:C l{; IOSURE ( 1) · Replacement Trt>.irJ.ng Schedule

::::~Jiii.ti :::Ji!:o~:::: !o::::::: :::u!!J-I :::TiP~::::=~::::::::~:::: §_u~j£cl::::::: ~ ~:::::: :JI:-"-~o:::::::::: :::r)!si'::: ::::'::: :=;ct~f_!::::: 1st IX>.y 07;1) 0830 AU· P'll p;ro<C o:m:;;R Dll1 LL . . . :Jrill ficl<l .:>Sgt.·Jonos IPH ch 2 ' 08 3D 0930 . All , . WEICO!.;I ID- MiilRESS 3Y llH OOi·:.DR · to be asg:ld Bn Co.\llh" Ilk. n<> .. 09 3D .. 1030 AU L I,:AP_ H'::ADHfG; l-!ili tl'.ry symliol s, eon.. -do.- Lt .. (lt>i<' Ul ~-l-25 . . · . _., .. ..tout· :'d nos, grid coorqilll'tos_ · · · . ch L\1 1030'' 1130 AJ,:l. L J'E.T1BOIJ\.L-H'¥'}IE!J!l: . . . . . . -d(>... .3n 'Sul'&<"cin ·Nona .. ~. 13(0 17CXJ· 411.~·. F.n.HJLIARZATIOF FIRING OF MR, Z&RQ;;. ~lo 1t Guid~rt:L. GBI:, ~ : .. . •. . .. ,U;rG CF INDIVIDUAL W?='IPONS:· rango al.t. msb:v.:} FM 2.}-15 . , " ·,. l}QJ lJJO • L . Runge &.SD.foty rogula1ilo':s tcJrt . ·AS!t-·:S:;-:~·'.':~ . . 1330 ll)Oq-. L Individual l<cnp~ns firing instruction 1 · ( .· .. · .•. l400 1600· .... .. PW, Zeroing of._1~>div:i-dw.l ''e"i!Jons. . ..· . . ______ ,!61Xl_ .!7.QO ___ ;_; ;!'_ll..,:_~!l!":!:~t.l:_o_E .fi£1.!.:-& _:'?:P_~ ~-:..:_ ____ -:-~ _ ..-.-- ____ _ 2Dll, :L)l.y .· .G1JO: 083Q Al~. L ,_.]'ll!E ?:UVENTI.ON ··. , .. · . . To. lie a~gnd_.Lt .uJ.ndquist Bn .Gon 0.·· .Oi>JO 103Q .. AlJ, ' .. C~-!OUFIAGs: Cover.· ric:. co'ncoolment -::O.e- Lt Cox,.LFDc!lt; Fl< ~2!)A. 08JCL. 09'39 L of tho indi vidW.cl· .. · All epli steel. • P t +--2: 09-)0 ~O:JQ. J ... D Demonstration o% methods 1nstrtictors · _ 1030 Hjo,!- ~'-*U L PATROLLING: Goncra.J, pr<'lparation, -do- Lt Lindquist FJ;i 21-75 roconnaisso.nco patrols · · . '• . . pt 2, eh 8, •. .'; ,, . . . ' . . . 9; 10, 1? . . " .. lJOO ;.14oo All L: ENEMY TACTICS . -do.- , ·.,Bn S-2 None . ' 14oo 1500 ·Au. L: &JPFil.c :ooorm:x . -d~>-.-- • .iln'~ ::..'n 01·ders 1500 .i700 ,:·Ali~ _ ; .. .. (CHI:!:F nrsmucTOR's ~· ~IMD) -·do.- Chief !nstr 'll'eno '·• ;·( 'Xii 1530 .... - .. ,1\11 ' · Showers ,. , . ShoWI!f. Pt -do- -do-' •r , .,•;, 2000 2?00 All. . PATROLliNG: *Tight Combat Tra:j.ning, ~o .. lie a"gnd All Instr 1 s _l!'M ~5. r.·;_~I, 2000 · .. · 2100 , •: · · l;'. ni.(#!.t· vi !lion. .... ni.gh:t noiSes · eh 24, · S!'<} '2 rs yu' ...... - 2100- ~ - D .;. . ·. . . · · ch .. ., --------~---------------------------------------Jr.'d Da.y 0730 i 0830 ':All L E&W'E AND EVAS!OlT To be asgnd SSgt Ra;-rington

OS'Jl 093d J A» L MAP R-"'ADDIJ.: arion tat!. on. declination, -dD- ~t S~!x~~-: ~t~ L'<"JO 09 30 ' ;LOJ)., ,,~11

1030 1130 All

aziillllths, JieJ) overlo.ys. • '· .. . . Cul;p, Sgt Cross Sec 5, 8 XACTIC.S• .·~ .s, Platoon combat .. for~ . .;.do- ·: Lt Lindquiat . .nl 7.-~ ' -·' ·-· v '> t . . - • . ' . ~t1Q.n$J- ,arm & lYi,ntL.Bipls . · · .• app~ S.:,.3; .. · ·· •· · ... · · · · .. · · ' •· ·. · · . ~ns ;p t " l· .h


L, D . COMiliN:rOATi:ONS; Field & eoulid power tolephono use, radios & vciice radio procedure, messengers & seeuri ty

-d(>... :sn Coml!l Off~8Eil'

aec.}-2 ~ecfal; FM 21-75 ch7

0 i"'l (j r

·> "' "' ~ 0

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Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"'l ("")

~ "' "' ~ 0

;ere w ~uro; ( l) Ru.J?ill,Com~nt Trc\i ni ng SchoJ.ulo

f!.v~Ic:::: fr~u= =T~:::::::: fin!(: ~Y£0::~ := := := := := :::: =~b:.J:o~t= :=:::::::: := =: ~li\c~ :::: := ::::r~si := ::::::: ::::R£f:=:::: :=--)r.d Day 13(>0 140o All L Sq)J_IID 1.\."C"''CJ: Offcn>rl.vo Combat; To be asgnd. Lt C-uiil.orf\ HRS Pt 4 & -

gonor"l, a:ppro.:1.ch·& v.ttack phase. Fi4 7-10, ch 3

1400 1500 .ell L TF'....1•TRE ORI:J~~ATIOH -do-- Chi-of Inst Rogt & 3n S-3

1500 1700 AU (CHI3F UJSTROOTOB.S :mEE · ~·lJffi) -dO- -<U>- 1-Jom

2000 . 23()0. All· PATROLL:HTG; Nlg>t reconnaissance -do- .b.ll imrtrs FM 2]...,75 ch lJ.,

2000 2100. L :patrols & listor.ir:g lwst 12

lith ruy .:.. 07~}00-oiW-·Aii - rw- -CID!B ORDsJR-5RfiL - - - - ~ .~ - - -To bo-.sgila.-ss,it Jows 'IPiiOb. -2--

. 0830. 0930 i•ll L S(JJ;>D ~-CTIC 3: Offonsi vc combO.t: -do- Lt Guid.o'fa !iRS Part 4

09?1) 1130 •b<J30 1030 1030·1130


13Q:> 14()(). All

reviow of '·· ttack p~.sc; consolid;3.tion. so.c 4, 5. 6

plmse, cxplo LtE.tion phase pl:lase; FM }-10 ch 3

supp or t squM .• COHPASS: usc, ty;os, azimuth, back .:.:do-

L, D ar;Lmuths, night usc otc.

Lt Dont._ Fl-i 21..25 ch 7 SSgt Culp, : FM 21..26 ~o>rri sgt ·camp boll, 25


L CaqA.T INTELLIG:":l:C:El! collection,

captlll:"cd d.ocuronts. POW, reporting

infarnntion otc •.


Sgt :Ill"i QO, '

Sgt CalJ.cn &

Se;t :Lowi s ·

Bn ~; ......


Fl'i 2]...,75, ch 6. ~ ' '

, Fll }l,-.15'

1400 1700 All S~~ TACTICS: Offonsivo'combat; .:WdC.:... ,z.t:. Gui(l.c;'a & ~S pt 4, soc

. l4oo 1430 L atta'ck, assault, consolidatiOn, Ali in~ttruc- 3'"'5, J!l:1 7-10

__ ~ ___ !4JO_ !7~L ___ !$ __ !:_O~rd'-!Ji.!P!i£n... ~X2.~1~!1.Qn; _ :.... _____ ...::~.:! ____ !?_h_J __ -r-

5th Day O"fJ) · · 0830 All L, D S~ '1M TICS: To.nl!;..l~ntry ·, · .. To bo asgnd Lt Lindij;uiBt~ ~IRS pt o,

0830 0930 All L

cooperAtion SSgt Jones. & · ilOe 2

PATROLLlNGi Combat pe.iro1s .:.a.o.-'

SSgt Rarrington Lt Cox. Jn1 2]...,7 5, . 1m 10, soc 3

ch 13, ch 2


0930 1030

1030 1130

All All

L :t.

PIA!OOON TAC~CS: OffonBivc combat -d.o­

S'BJA.D TACTICS: C6abll\o .. b 1!'11111:-up ...do-Lt Guidera :EM 7-10 ch 5 .. Lt Dent MRS P t 6, soc II-

1300 140o All L ~Oil.B

S'BJA.D TACTICS: Attack of fort!. find -do­

areas, .cavos

Lt Dent UiS7p.t 16. sec 3

0 t"'l ("") r

·> "' "' 3

·t"'l 0

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Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"'l· (j

~·· ~,

~ 0


ZllC ID5UR::J (l) Ropl=ctnCnt "Wa1n1ng Schaclulc

:5<;;r::;'"t.;- Fr:z,;- -:o-- urit- ~.;:oo------- -SubJect-------- ?1c:-c-o--- -lnst- -:.-rtoF----



r~t:l I'L"'t 11;0C :L700 All - (JHI.,!;:F I:TI3~"\JGIQR 1 S §~ S.::L .. 3) To be .o:~s-=nd. G~-:_icf -~- ~·bi1G

J ~

- -.


PATROL:::.! :D-· Fi ,.>. t Co nbf, t · '"' tro ln -do-• ft"" ...

20'<0 - 2330 All & li stor.ing ~Josts

20)) 2100 .,ll L ?robLm oriol'!tction; :rovio"

All Instt. s FJ.i 2l-75 ch 4, ll, 1)

bth :Duy -o=/lYdbr~rl32 -,l.ll- -i:::. - -TioTJ:c::>: ;qii.:a: & PlAtOon,-oocuritY to -bC iAagni Lt-Cox- -lvJRS-pt 5.-

OO:fJ 09P 0930 113()

0930 lo45 1045 ll}O

lJOO 1700 1930 2330

l9Jl 2030 2030 2330

"·~.u A.U

.-..ll All

l!li ssions in tho dof onsc, sec 4, »1 7-lC

ch 5. sec 5

PW B1d'}<O'l'!ON: At trOo:;> purcc.<lo :Jrill Fiuld :Bn Comilr Jl>H ch 2

S(JII\.D TlCTICS: D<>fonso <>ombD.t, to bo csgm Lt Liodquist, ~2.3 ?t 5,

L gororal, orgnr:i~tion squad positions, Lt Dent, .iJ.ll. soc l-3

D, ?1·; comcluct enlisted. instr' s

(-1-:IlifdTRUC'L·CRS ;,'BV;J'\ Tli{[) -do- Chief lnst Nom


~U GHT RII.IJJ: l? la toon -do- Lt Guidera FM 7-Ul,

pro1)loil orientation; princi,:?les niJ'!.t l.'l!.id 3.-LL '""""Jectt 7 i;;eo g 't...OrS

I 0 I i"'l

~~ ~ 0

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Korean War Project USMC-04401893DECLASSIFIED

' I

lior.c:qo.\!',l:'toro 31'1 :ilo.t';o.l:l.on, let Hc!'inoo

lot Marino tl:l.·cioio:1 ( Wnt), DG'

(a.) :aoe;t ~~linin€-Ori.P' ll'o 1~3. ,.,~,.8 (b) Gh ), knd17!& ~~ buol, USI' 1950

. "(

Jmi'-'wU 3 Jul;• 1953

~t (l) DiD.:,=• Diepl!W •t clothinG and oqui:rnent en 'bullk

1,· bro·will bo,a. fomel 1uspoetion of this bo.ttnlion b;r tho ltoc:bentol Oot1ma.pior comQillling a.t 0030 on 6 July 1953, Tho :l.nspOCtion conaiot of:

a., Inspection of :porsonnol and. woapona, troo:po at cot1Pa1JY parade, :f'ClUo)IOd ~

b, Inspoetion o:f ClothinG and oquipP.ont on tllo bunko, troops sta.'1d.ine; bf thoir bucll:a.

2. Tho CollPenioo ldll bo h1spootod oopa:ratol.:y h1 the follo\lil~ order ru.-..d. titlOGl

OS}O .. 0915 Boad~ors and Sorvioo Coz.wmT 0915 ... -1000 Goo rgo 00J:JPli11:Y 1000

.. lOll; !lew Co~ ...

1005 - U}O Itom Ool!!p~ ;:;~

1130 - 12l5 Woa;pons Ooz.wen:y

J, Uni:forn: Utilitioo, 'boots. holneto (creon sido out), nomol arne, cart-' r~ll..,"'l bolt. or pistol bol.t with ellll.toon (loft hip) lll1d jwv;lo kit (ric;ht hip).

4. All onl ictod porso:nnol will di!Gif,e,v Clo thip;; and O<J!liJ:nOllt 011 tho 'bullk: in accord.Dllco ~rith enclo suro (1), Hio<Pito nota 1'1111 bo rollod nontl;;• ru.1d t;l.od to t;,.o c en tor 'bar a. t t.'le hood of tho bu.nk.

5• !eroopo will bo fomod in cor:t:pa.l.J;\1' pa:ro.do on c~n:PllllY drill fioldc and. ctru1dinG by for i~:opcction at tho tinea i.r.dicatcd in :Ja:rat:;raph 2 above. Upon tlio conpl otion of tho troop incpootion at po.rado, tho troops 1-rill be diBtl:l.oood ond diroctod. to fall h1 ir:Ioodio.tcl:r at tho foot of thoir bulll:s fer t~10 elot'-rlt1G nnd. O<J!lipnont inopootion. Holnct, eartridco or ];listol · bolt m~d \10Di_JOn 1dll be dioplqod. on tho bunk ao cot forth in onoloau.ro (1). After tho illopoctitJC po.rt.;r lonvos oa.ah tout t..'lc troops will stnnd o.i;.oasc

. until tho i::cpootion lm.rt:· haG dqpa:rtod frou tho con:_;w;r I.U"OO, Clot:llnc and Cq)li:;;t1ant Ifill bo cocttrod !l.ftor tho do::llll'turo o:f t11o incpoctinc l=t:' £rOn the con.._'·l!ll.Y aroa. ·


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Korean War Project USMC-04401894DECLASSIFIED

~!T:¥Jo! ~p~~~G=O~=l\~i~ f£5} :::: :::: :::: ::: :::: ::: :::: :::: :::: :::: :::: ]Qc~d:!:tl::::::

6, Tho s.-1, s-21 s-3, s.J>, S~ll' w..d Oor.l!:'lllllica.tion sootious will bo pro­

l)a.rod for ml ndniniotra.tivo one. of:fico inapoction conducted. cy tho roc:poc­

tivo ro.-,;inontdl. oto.fi ooctiono.

J. T. q;crn::r Ho.jor, U, s. lbr :ino Cor:pa

Exomttivo Oificor



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Korean War Project USMC-04401895DECLASSIFIED





1~ utili t:'" Cc;_J

2~ u Tl .. o·,tscro

3~ Brn.,;c;.4 c 4!' soc~:n 5~ Utilit~· J<<.C:r.ct (. v~ t:r:.t.cl .. c::.irto

7. :?iolc1 Jnc~:ot

9c;- ~>.oon

10. 1'L, 12, Pi, 1lf, 15,

16~ 17~ 13, 19. 20,

:Solt, ucb · :ct:t :c'lc ~oJ.t, cru. .. tric~:;o ?0:1C~:o

Fl o.c~c J o.e :.:ct Tir:;-,-c :.- snc!': t:J

~1C(J 13 ~~C~':


SJ:cl tor :.oJ.f n.:trc:.~c:1:tr._::; Tool CD....Tl, ::!cat It If t CO'\'"'or

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Korean War Project USMC-04401896DECLASSIFIED


.~:r ·, ... 1L'T SBCU3.ITY IKFOi:1··.lb~T' ~.~ ~-;~- _!~c._::u.:J :_~-1:"-(}:rs ' R:C/r·,;ct .7c·j ~Sni -~.c:~.to.:.1, !_'3t :Ja:-inas , lat l ''':".1' 4 Tl~ i"~.J.. v:i;1~!_.:Jil (Re:1.nf), F:. ·!F

c/o FPO, SBn Fran'isco, Galiforn;_a.

9 July 1953

BATTALION TRAINING Oll.Dil\) . NU}ffiER • ••• ' ••••• " •• 34-53)

Training ''r·:ees and Ranges

Ref: {a) Battalion Training or:er No. 22-53 Enol: (1) Overlay of Battalion Tra~n' ng 1\reas and Ranges: Scale 1 :25;000 1, Referenee (a) is herewith cancelled and supersede0 hY this orc~r. 2, This battalion will conduct schc'<luled non-firirg field tr~>i.ning and out door classroom instruction in the immediate company areas and in the battalion areas designatecl as 11 J 11 , "K", "R", and "S" on enclosure (l)• 3, Live firing exercises fer ere~< served ~<eapons snd Sl';all arms will be conducted as schcdul~by the .::i~3 on the battal.ion ranges desigooterl .as 71 8, 9, and 10 · on enclosure (1). · 4, Requests for training areas and ranges other than those designat€'c~ in paragt'aphs 2 and 3 above will be sutlnitted to the .':1-3 at least (2). weeks prior to the preble."! date. The use of training areas 11F'11 , 11G", 11H11 , end "I" will. be coordinated by the S-3 1.'ith the controlling battalion, 5. Companies are particularly cautioned to stay a;~ay from the minerl areas shown on enclosure (1), and at no time will any C:'ield exercise or traihjng be conducted closer tr~n t~o hundred (200) ,yards to mined areas,





J, T. QUINN Major, U. s. Marine Corps

.Executive Officer



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Korean War Project USMC-04401897DECLASSIFIED

:S:cad'l)l<'.I'tor s Jr<1 Bv.tt:cllon,' 1st l>!nrinos

1st 1-!nrino Division (Roin:f), li'MF

c/9 n>o, SO.n Frur>.cl. soo1 cc.liforni'O.

:BAT~LIGN TRi>I:NillG 0.<1DER)

· . · ! Training Schod.ulo for Period '19-25 July 1953

NUMBm ••••••••••••• 35--·53)

il.Oft (fl.) 3oe;iPonta.l Trng Ord.or 1l.j....53 (b) Rogiuontc.1 ~ ng Orclcr 2lj..53

T:ro.i ning Schodu.'lo - George Coqpo.ny

Trai ni ng Schcdu 1o • • How C O!:lJany

Training Sc;.'l.~·l<,• -~ Itou Corpe.ey

Tre.ining Schod'lJ.·J -· WOOpons Corrpa.ny·

T:roinin,; Sch!!lh-'o - Sto.f'f IICO and Offic!ll's

Ovorle.;r: ~uto to Training Area liJrH & •I•

Trni n1 ng .!lotos,

1, In accQl'danoc with roforoncos (a.) o.nd (b) thill ba.tt<'.lion ~11 conduct

training as sot forth in onalosUl'oa (1), (2}, (3) 1 (4), (5) 1 (6) -.m.(7).


J. T. <:amm Mttjor, U. S, 1-tlrino Corps

Executive Officer


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Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"'l p

,. I

>---j CL1 '

:!l I -.:1 ;:;j_l 0

:mlC IOSIJRE (~) Qeorge CoJ:t>acy 'l'r&1D1ng Sclled:ule

----------- ~ ---------------.---------"'iiC- -------------

!Pi/'JP.!.e _ _F_Q.D_ -~- _ JM.t_ T~e-_____ ~.)!J.!:;C,i ______ J _ _ e.:_ __ _I,~s_! __ R~- ___ _

Sw:all.;y 0000 1oJ) All CO COM!lll' S ADM 'l'I!!lll Co Area Co Comar None ..

~~~Z- o&Jo- -J.IJI)- Kn'f-T D -mxmSTBJ:Tfoi:-PATROW A:liDA~ -~.;. 1: ;;r--ist-lin- ru2l 75-&-

20 J~ · • 3~}4Dre.ft llt!liliES BY laT :Bt•'l'TJI.llON Jl personnel JiM 7-10

0800 0900 ' l F.J:RIF .AI:J: SI.IJ!?le Be.$gea, . ·Merl-e Area Co COJ.'llana.n l1! 2Wl

0900 l:J)O


. 3Jl:31Jllraf't splints am ce.rr;ys.

lOOO ..do,.; L CIC Il:C'l'URE -do.. CIC Agent l!one

16)) .LW· IlVJil FIR1: IJ:GHT MMlBI IDl GUliS Range oiiJ I'lt COlndl' JiM 23-55

l3J) L,PW, Narch to :ren,::e, ra.!!ge reglllations,

pro~1om a~lanation

~ 16<D l'S Live fi:ra 16 J) ?W 1-!ll.rch to camp

lJlO 16J) ll.if'le CONSrn.U.C'!JlON & CMDUl!'lAGJ:: OF ~-J

lJ)O 1400 L FIGHT! NG HOI.iCS, JllJl :aul1IG>.S & ~ FM 7-10, FM ~15

»> 5-20, »> ~2QA

l4oo 1630 ?W fi>IDTJR IDD::S, iO'a !lltF....NSI'm ?OSJ:TIOliS

lJ)O l6J) 6()1 s CO:!S'l!RUCTION & CAhOil:E'.li>GJ:: OF -do- ....dAI- -do-

l?: 1400 L WD'!PONS ?OSJ:TIONS: lUR DllFl:::<SIV:iil POSITIO:lf

¥"UEiS&'Y- o~- -o-~- .Ali-~}- mooF fniillT!olf"airnmzi.L--- -o; :Area-- i:it coilar li>li c~2--2l July 0900 ll:J) All . CO COMORts ..:..:ou TIM& ..00.... CO Col:ldr lb!IG.

0900 1100 .All En SUpply :Bn ~ly -do- lime

l~ 16J) AJ.l D llE~lOlrS'm<\.TIO}i: ]la;y l1;1lt Rllid, by ~nge flO 2nd lln l'M 7-10

2m :sa.tta.llon perso!UUill

Note: · 'lllao of ,~~'\Tt._ to bo ~od. I

1900 2J)O All

1900 1920 ?W 1920 2020 L

MGI:! 1'9~ :I'!.'Ont :Lino ?lll.toc.n, ArCSJ. X Co Comd,r lM 7-10 para 2:9)

Dcfonsivo ;,old. tion !llr cb to orca

2020 2240 rr: Conduct of' problom

wcid!W"~ ~-J..ff- Xli r}.ir-- ~v:PFi:_1,~:Q.li?-e.UtO'Ditic-pTstoi iiailg(i T-Co nx_o_ 'imM ----

22 J u1y 0300 0010 • 45 l' w M!l:r'ch to .Aroa

OSlO 0900 L .45 Cal ?istol, pr1nc1p1oa of firo, etc

0900 lll5 FE Livo Fire .

lJ.l5 llJ) ?W March to camp


0 t"'l (j r

·> CL1 CL1

3 .["j


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Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"'l . ("l I


i1 !,., ' I ,

,. I

DN::IOsoa:n (1) ' · GOOI'go Compaey Training Schedule

------------------------------------------------~~--11'!¥1~!0_ E_r.!!_m __ T!! __ !!.n.!\. ~e- _____ -~b.J.O£t _________ J'!a2c ___ !_n_!t ___ aet WOdoosda.y OSOO OS,:> 4-U 1-l L lilU$-Ji7:ID OF T•~CTICii.L Sl~I.'UA'l'IOlf OF Co .1\roo. Co 04rJmo 'iin-&::;2--22 Juq ':r./0 .45 mVISION i•ND COl'lrS ·

OSJ) 1000 ~ Bi•ND TO &.ED COMBA'r. -do- Plt Coii!IU' FM 2l-150 OS Jl 0900 "'P'f'i D ch I-VIII 0900 lOCO py

1000 11}:1 -do-1000 lOJ) 10}:1 UJ)

1300 16J) 4.11 1900 21KX> All

D ?Y

l!AlOD DRILL -do- -do-

CO OOMD.R' S .AllM TIME -do- Co Comdr DilFEHSE: OF Mm POSITIONS, \'lth list- Uell. •H• -do-ing posts, patrols, r:l1f. al.ort, j)lll CT l2.200S

· wiro and radio comm~tiona. (Routo of llltlrCh as ,!lhown

Notoa (~ How Go to provide aggroaaor forces, on *DCl 6) inf'11trat1on and ;probin& patrols

G!M ch 12

lbno l'M 7-10 ~ s para 324 FJ( 2l.-.75

(2) .Field unl.form wfho1oota <>nd. lll'IIIOrd vosta. ( 3) lib_phaai zo: control, chock points, sl.gMle, withdra.,.a.l routes.

lSOO 2000 PY Mu-ch to .A.roo 2000 20)) L IDeturc: Defense Mlll po a1 t1ons 20)) 2100 PW Occupy poal tion, act out Ii>' a and patrols 2100 2~ :r.l!l Conduct probloot · . • ..

ih.U"r8day- (?sW-Joo --.u1 {~-~ f~i~oN-&wY.t-.:.. -- ---c-o-Aro&- -co'&~ n>'M "Cii'2.-. 23 Juq 0900 lOJ) All Hi•llD .;.;.m RIFLE GRENADES ilrO!l J P1t Comdr JM 2}-J)

0900 09)) ~D 09)) lOJ) ?W

10}:> ll)) Rifle L

10J) llJ) D~G&6o• s L

1JCX> 1631) .Ul 1900 2400 AU

1900 2000 P11 2000 alJ) L 2',.., -rt"! ""!" .... r. ....... u ?li

OOl!J'mUCTIOlf & OAMOm'rA/e OJ' lBm'VIII!L\L CO 'J.nQ ~o.,. POSITIONS. COlTlJl!RUCTION .to C.AI-!OUFIACIJ OF Cm::y 5iJRV'ml WP liS & ?0 SI !!!I 0~"5

.,.do- -do-o

CO COMDRI S j.ai TIME -do- Co Col!ll.:-?ROBIID OF MlR POSITIOlit Roeo:n*8eno(\J\r~ X -do­pa.trole, 1nf1ltro.t1on 6oups, Dabusb.os. (11410 ovor-!meh to ArGD. • aasanblo rlc CTU9007 JAy, olicl 6 Racon ot MIR positiona (nl.ej:tt patrols) tor route Or!ont patrols, c.Dbul!bos:sot out. to aroa)

FM~ FM 5-,-15 ell 2 FM~ ~~ 5<-15 ch 2 :NolliJ ]l( 7-10 oh S para J24 FJ( 2J..75

i i

/ t


j I



0 t"'l ("l r > rJ> rJ> ...., ">I ...., -~


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Korean W

ar Project U



~ t"'' (j

;:J (LJ (LJ




EllO IO ruillll ( l) Goelrgo Conpaey Training Schodulo

~i/fl!•ie::: fv~= Y~: ::: !!~t::: fne::::::::::::: =~b:J:e£t:::::::::::::::::::::: i~i:::::: :::xEs!::: :::Rir::::::::::::::

!l'hursday 2100 2)00 All FI:: · · Conduct ~>roblem h:roa H Co Coilldr -do-

23 July 2JXl 211m i FW March to cam., . .

llloto: (1) I tom Co will occupy aud d.afond MLR position!! vic CT 12a:XIS,

Qoor ~ Co will probe I tOll! Co's position.

(2) !told uni:form with holmot und w.'IIX>rod vasts.

{3) Eqplna1zo: silonco, control, stoulth, rocoru:nisen.nco

____ "'" ______________ ·- {.i!!fl!~i.¥_B!O~o.!) w1 thout .£0!!~1 !fi1h_~f~_!iyo_

fzr£o.J!. __

J'riday 0800 0900 All U!&>DCTIOli · Co Arr-$3. CoCOI:Idr ll>M eh .2

24 July QI)OO 1000 All L EJ1l)l.,y pl,~L PA\t'r:cRNS AlTil Tr:C1H'l.;.,JI;S -do- -do- :Bn S...2

to · lOOO UJO :Riflo L REVmY: lloco!l!Vlisaaa~q eombnt, ambush -do... Pl t L:1r liM 2.1.-75 ch 11.

0100 25 patrols.


. lOOO llJO IMG llANG!l: ~ lDS: preparation & uso. -do- -.00- 1M 23-55. oh 6


1030 11 J) Fli

lOOo 1130 6o• 8 FORWAI!D O:SSJ':'tvml. PBOC:~JU'"C S of Rc.ngo Sec L:1r FM 2J-S5 ch 5

+7 lOOO lOJ) lOJ) ll}O 1~ 16,30 1900 olea


1900 2000 22CO



2200 2400


All All

L Plf

CO COMDR AllM TI~Il'! Co h:roo. Co Condr :&'one

N!OH!I.' DE'~lTSD 1,;'!J) !mLI:itF OF Mm "\ron I, -do- FM 7-lO , JI'M 7-

POSl~IOl:i'J: w/listcning posts, roconf«<O" eml 6 20, :p.?.ra 292 to

patrols. for routo J)J inc.

pW Tc.etioal JilM'Clt to Aroa I to nroe.)

nJ Occupy and llGfonil. w.-oa l: conduct problem

rE(l) Roliof (b;r platoon) of position: by How Co.

(2) Conduct probing & pe.troliri;; agc..~nst dofonsiv.:l

?W Note:

position_ oe.eh unit a a rollovod,

V.ru-cb. to Ga!:q! • !

(l) Fiold uniforl!l wfbt>lrnots c.nd a.rm!lrod vosts.

(2} !ll:lphe.ai.OJO: control, siloooo, llPOod on relief'.

(J) ln »Jatoon roliovcd COI!IIllCaiO patrollng ogainllt ng• Co p:roo:1ptly,

Coq>a.ny OCCUI-)"ing part of a :Battalion Static .Dci'onsho position: will sand out rcconneisaanco patrols.

.:..nd listening :;>(;S\8 forward. of the dcfonsivo polll.tions. Kov C~llJ" will ac·t AB aggrosB:lr forces, to

infiltreto tho dofonsivo :~ositions, At 2200, Bow Colilla.llJ" will proceed to roliovo Go!lrgo Collp!ln)"·On

position, ono (1) platoon at a tino. Goorgo C~ aascmb• in a.roa at CT 120005. Tho first pla.toon

of Gcor:;o Oo>-.;<>,..,._roli"v"d. will pricood to oasor..bly ar«1 a.oc com:!Cl'CO :;atrols against How Coq>A.nypos!.-


l:;j t"'' (j r

~> (LJ


3 -~


Page 93: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



0 I


~J .. : ""l ' ... . ~ 1:

0 '


I E~lC:WWRE (1) Goort;'O Co¥ny Training Schedule

'Wifl'.!o:::: rr~n= :)~:::::::: Qn!:t:::: !~o= .. =:::: =-------_"S.!:b.J.Q_£t,_-_-:-_-::::: = J>Ia~o=:::::::::::: in:!(:= ::::.ief =:::: =.:::: El!P IANilTIOH ,Cont1d) tiona fifteen (15) ciwtos aftor nrrival o.t assotJbly area, ~ch ~olatoon Geo:r;:,c Coq.any, as relieved,. con­

duct Bir.11.W probing and p"'-trolling UCtion [email protected] Row Conpnny dofonsivo positions thru roonindcr of

. nroblotJ,. · · . · - ··

J a.t'u"rdi".,- oooo- -iloO- iii---- i:t(""co~mRTf&iiiiftoi--- ----co "Arc;--- in-c;;~ -Bn iio;;,---


25 July lioo l130 All L BRIEFING OF 'l!i.CTICaL SITILi.TION ..do- Co Cor.dr Bn 5-2

DlVI SIOU .\1\10 COli'S

lJJO 1630 All ORGi•Nf:'D) ATHrr:TICS -do- -do- NollQ i I

0 t"'l (j r

-> rJ> rJ>

3 -t"'l


Page 94: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



t:;j t"'1 (j

~ [Jl [Jl

9 t"'j. t:;j


El!DlDSW:E {2) Row Coopll.ey Trnill!.ng Schodulo

~zP-a."j_o:_-~m:_ =:~.:::.::: 1f~t= .f~o.:::.:::.::: .::: :_.::::::::: ~?:J£<:.1.::: .::: :::.:::.:::.:::.::: i~2.::: ::::::.::: fn~t:::: :R.£:C.::::

~y 0000 JJ:J:fJ All HOIZIJil.Y Il.Om'lNll Co Aroo Co Co11c1r :!boo

/£~- 0000- -ujO- m 'f-Y- -m.ro~rBnoN: PD.tr;;i-;; i Anbu~s;ll7 ArC£..-.-..-or jj -let Bn- 'FM21...75.

20 JUly JY.34Draft 1st :SO.ttl!.lion :_><ll'sonnol J1'l.l 7-lD •

0600 0900 33&3imre.ft ?W TROOP & JRILL Co Aroo P1t Ldr IPM ch 2

09JQ lOCO -do- L CIC IrA:Wl!E Uorto l>rcn CIC il,;'Ont None

1,. 16)0 All CO COIIDR1 S JID!oi TIMl!l Co AJ'oo Co Condr l'lolie

19()) 2ltoo AU IOCi..L S'::CURITY DEli'ENSB: Co Art;'P. X -do- FM 7.:..10 ch 2

1900 19)) t.PV 'raotical 1:\ll.l'Ch to eroo. & problEm o:q.lD.no.tion - 5 pnl'll-

- 2a:O Fil ConduDt probl.o!l ~4

2:DJ 2a30 . L Cri tiquo

¥Uosdl.7- o~-.J'f- 'fi.ii}- £W_ -~;j1i;~~~t0~I!!O Ociiia- --- Rv.iig(i 9 - - - :PJ.t 1dr- F!C2.r;5

2l JUly 01300 OS15 PW lf,nrch to ran.,<"O

0815 0845 L Enngo rogulntions nnd lllfotyprovontions

OS45 1100 JE Livo Firez Ta:r,;>ets of opportunity, soc.roh nnd trc.vorso

1100 lll5 L Crt tii!.Uo

1115 UJ) PW Ucrch to oon_;>

0800 0900 All PW !l!ROOP INSI?::JC tlOlT Mlii :nrtiLL Co :.roo


lOCO lloo

(-) IW -do- L -do- L,D

sr !X'.AL MAIm llli.lroE ..;do­

TH>Il' OOlT ~MA.CHill'J!l GUJ....: ~TIO l1I l'G, .-do­

.naB illiD CIIWII m

Co Coodr li'M Oh 2

COOP 0 E'one

Sgt Kblry FM 2J.,l.l()

uoo 1JOO

llJ) 16JO

-<'lo-: L !llUEFim Olt TACTICAL SITilM'ION -do- Co Condr s-2 & s-3

All D lmroNSmA.TIOlT: Daylli'}lt Ra.id by 2nd :Sn Rt:n.,"'(l lO 2lld :Sn Fll7-10

lioto: Tina of 6.o,p:>rturo, lll'oa fc:tr f!r?Mtl!.tcsrs to bo personnel

nnnouneod. . •

iedruis1ii7 osCio- -iijl -'bola-- -Lfvi Fl:RJ:i ~Ti:t-J.!Or~s--- --- --Ri\ti;';..09- -- -Plt-Ldr- -m2}:135

22 Ju4r 0800 0Sl5 PW March to Tllll,!;O .

0815 0645 U:. Ro.ngo rogulati(>ns. ~iso oriontotiona

0845 llOO l!'ll Live Fire: tc.rgots o-f opportunity, soorch nlld tavorso

UOO l.ll5 L Critiquo

1115 U J.) p~! J.brch to caQp

0800 09CO i•ll (-) PW TROoP Imi':l'OT!OF "\liD llU LL

Go•s Co Jl:r C'IJ.· Co Conlr ~M ch 2

t:;j t"'1 (j

. - ~ [Jl [Jl

3 .t"'j


Page 95: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"'l ("') !

t"' ' >~ rLJ rLJ

~j 0


I . I .

El'CIOSU:U: (2) How Conpaey- Tra.inio;:; Schodnlo

-----------------------------------------------------ff-!/!"!o_ ~m- _T£ --!!nit T;7P_O ________ S~b.J_c~t ________ t_~~ ___ _I!;S! __ _Jl..!?.:f __ _

w sl/J.7 0900 1000 Al"! "f-/ L,PW CONSTJ.T.JCTION 1\.ND C.AlDUF!AGEl OF :or..·"·Al-.bn K Lt Lutz :Eli 5-15, ah 2 22 Juq 6ol s JmlSIVE IN.:I:r,l.LL\.TIOliS · Engr Con ?Jan

1000 U.JO -d~ ~YOl:lBT DRILL Co Area ?lt Idr roll! ch 12 1000 lOJ) D l030 1130 Pif

lJlO 1630 .All CO COl,;nat S .\J:N TU!E wdo- Co Condr N>ne ·1900 24oo All l'B.o:B!HG OF TilE MIR POSITIO!Tt Rocoxm-Aroa H( soo -do­

o.issanco p<J.trcls, io:flltration .;ro~s, oncl 6 :for FM 7-10 *>c S para )24 A

1900 2000 20J) 2l.CX)


2000 20J) 2100 23(:0 21100

nobushos. route to a;r()il.) FM 2l.-75 PW Ml.rn.l:L to a;roo, o.aaooble vic Clr ll9007 L :Rccon o:f Mil. positions (night patrols) ?W orient patr<;>ls, nobushos: aet area FE Conduct problou ?W ~)l.r ch to C.."-q>

Note: (1) George Co will occupy aDd defend MD posl. tiona vic CT l2a)08; Row Co will ;;>robe Goor,;c Col s position.

(2) Field uni:form 'lith he:Wot nDd arooroil. vests, . (3) lltlpha.sizo: silence, control, atoolth, roconrv:d str.ncc ( ia:lud.ing ~~-

skotchos) w1 tl;.out contact with dcd'enslu forces. · ihilr~,.- oooo- -uj5- -Ail-T7o-- tr.V'E-FIJ.t'fm~ cal •• 45-AiitonD:'tTc -Piato1 :io.D.fi 7-- co-:ri o -Gi3iC--23 J!ul7 0000 OSlO · PW March to r11n.,"" (:,>istol sec)

0310 0900 L Ccl. ... 45 pistol firing,principles, etc, ran.-;o

0900 1115 lll5 1130

0800 0900

0900 093>

09Jl 10):>

1030 ll.JO

lJl() 16J) 11Joo 1600

FE ?If

All (-) rpfo.45 -do-o L -do- L

-do- L

All All

rugul."-tions, ac.:foty preventions. live nring March to ~ !lROaP Iml'llel.IOlT AND DRILL

CO COHDRI J ADM TI !IE Bn Supply Is1111o

Co Aron

-do-llll Sapply

Co Col!ldr IE' M c~ 2.

-do- S-2 & S-3 Lt Un.dmy .m::o~~

SS0;t Cul;p 1M 2}-30. ch I.llsecl

Co Corxlr Jrono ~ lkm

0 t"'l ("')

~ rLJ rLJ

3 ·~


Page 96: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"'l (j r >~ Cf1 Cf1

l;l ""' ' ~-; 0


EEC:WOua:ll (2) Row Col\)11ey Tro.ining Schodnl.c

?if~o.Io::: !i-£:n::: :::To:::: lfnF: !Y2:c_:::::::::::::::::::::::: =~b:;fc~t::::::::::::::::::::: :J>li'-~c:::::::::::: [n~t:::-- Rof---ThursdD.y 1900 24cQ All . D:U%NS:: OF ;.,;m ?OSITIOF: wfU Stor- t.:r:co. I, (soc Co Com~- _-:r;i;j 7-1o& 2J July illti posts, pt'.trols, 5fYI, alort, full overlay, orol FH 21.-75

wiro & radio cottlllnicntions, 6 for route of

1900 moo 20))

a>OO a:JJ) 21CO

l"'tor (1) Woopons Co to provide agressor oarch ) forces, infiltrction & probing pntrols,.

{2) Field uniform wfholrJ:Jts :tm a=rod vests. ( J) J!lt:l.pho.si zo: control, choc~ points, sigllll.ls,

. ~4th drawl routes. PW M<rch to ar-L IPoturo: Dofonso MrR po si tiona PW Occu:py positions, set out Idstonine; Post• s &

patrols, vic CT llZ002 2100 2~ FE Cond.uct ?roblotl

..;.. --- --13QO_E_ ---- _!:_W_ ~~ ,!O_c~l:£------- ---- -·- ""-- --...;. ------ -~--FridD.y 0000 0900 A]J. TROQt> Il~:S::TlON & DRILL Co •'\.ron Co Condr I?ii ch 2

24 Ju~ 0900 1000 All L EllEI-!Y pJ,TROL p,\TTER1'S & TECHNI\3)ES -r.lo- -dO- Bn S-2

1000 llJ) All n.\DIO & tii:uJ Pll)CZ!JUl'JJS ... do... Pfc Dou[}:lcrty, CO!:ltl 1-falllll.\l

lJJP 1900

163) OlOO

E:;:t> lil.mTIO lf:

19CO 2000 2000 2200

2200 2l.o0

2lJoo 0100

All All

:;Jn ii"iromn, CO!:JO o. CO COJ-IDR' S .AD~i Til-lE -do- Co CO!:ldr :tbm

lll GRT Hlli'I LT.il.i>TION, RELIEF & :l)!;:n:NSE Area I, ( soo -<1.0- W. 7-20 pare> Q1': MlR PO s:r TI ON. over :W.y, oncl 6 . 292 to 303

P"il Taetlco.J. =<ll to =oc. I for route to m-ea) inc.

FE Asoomblc vic ·:lT120004; probe dofc;1.sivo positions occupied oy "G" Co, vic CTllS002

rn ( 1) RoUc-.o ('J:I' !)lt)•G"co, on position & aseune dsf on so of uo <11 tio n (2) Each plt on couploting roUof, sot out IP's &

patrols to roconnitar forward of linos. pw ~h to catp. · ·

:tiltos: (1) Field uniforn v~ots and arr:ord vests. ( 2) Ernp--.zCll control, silonca, SJ:lOod on reUcf, si>,'llQ.ls.

Cor;pnny occu,pying·part of 11 :Enttalion Static Defensive polll.tion: will sond on1; roco!!lill.isS!lllCO patrols,

and listcnl.ll{; posts forwl1.rd of tho dofonlll.ve posit10Jls. Row Cotpney .~1111 I&O't as o.ggroasor forcea, to

infiltrntc the dcfonsivo positions • .l.t 22001 How C~ey Will proceed to rOUevo Goorgo Cotpaey on

0 t"'l (j r ,;.. Cf1 Cf1

3 ·l"'l


Page 97: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"'l (") t"'


:i;I'CI.OSPD (2) liO\·r COrpll.ny ~ai ni n,:; Schedule

~it~.io: ~~!l: ::::!!:£::::: ~4( !~a:::::::: : ::: ~~j:£c.i: ::: :::: :::; : :::::::: f~c.£ ::: :::::::: f~t::::::::::: iio!::::::::: . ID!?L~il'•TIOlT ,Cont.1 d) . position,. ono (1) :;?:k.toon :1t '" tiro, Gcorco COtvnny ll.SSO!l~ in ::ll'Oll. o.t CT l!:'C005 •. !l'hc first pla.toon

ot Goort;c CoG,>D.llY relieved •1111 :i?rocccd to o.sscobly o.rc:: o.nd coo;:Jcnco pa.~·cls C[,c.inst Hm• Cof.IP'lony posi­

tion• fiftoon (15.) oinutos after arrival o.t a.ssoubly o.ron. :rti.Ch platoon Goo.~G'" Cor:wnny, o.s roliovcd con..

) a.uct atnila.r :.;>robiDC and pntrollill{; o.ction n,:.e.inst How Cotpa.ny defensive ::;>oaitions thru rapaindor of

~c~ob~o ---------------------------------------------Sltlll'diiy 0000 llJO All · 1m 001~1 S Ill~;JlTIOlT Co lll"CD. Bn Condr :Bn J.!oro 25 July l"n"l 16}1 .ii.ll OLlG.".l'I z:;D ~.Ti!I~i'ICS -do- Co Condr 11om

0 t"'l (") t"' .> rJ> rJ> :;:; ......

. t"'l 0

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Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"'l p


:&mlOSUID (3) ItOD CO~ TrlliniDg SChc;nlulo

t~*;Ja:r~==;,t~=~~= ~0=fu~~; ~~3~J~! = = ::: = =~~~~ :: ~!Fo~=~t== =

~~z- 01iSo- -i1j)- XU' 1-) i5"- ii:tq,nsm::.Tioli:-ratro'is-aiid-..:.Iibiaiioii Ar0n -:s-or :X T8t ~n-- nt-21..75-20 Ju:Ly 3~31&Dra.tt by 1st J3D.Unl1on J?CriiOI1llCl FM 7-lO

0000 0500 J~J~t ~ & miLL Co~ Plt Ldl' li'tlch 2

0900 lCOO ..a.o.. L CIO lOO'lUall Movio ..l.rOil CIC ·•cant ll'ono

l~ 16}) All CO cotmats ,ill))( TIMlil Cc ArrP- Oc Comr l:Toto

l'JIX) 21;00 AU CO!i'Allt IlT IlEFl:llTSD:· Da!onsivo posi- ArrP- J -ilo- 1i'Ji 7-lO eh S

tions, listonin,; pests, rClCOn & con-CSl~S~

'!lat. pAtzocls vf chock ;:>ointa, siou.lo.tion NUt concli ti ens.

1900 1915 · Ptl !(!a.ct1ca1 I'Al'ch to arrP-

1915 1945 L iroblOD o~bltl.tion o.nd orientation

1945 2JOO J'E Conduct probl.OD

. 2:¥.JO ~ L Crl ti'!l£0


!l'uolldllT OS00-11}) All <:10 .w.VE :mum: Co.l..'l? A.utor:n.tic Fistolll~ 7 Oo Ex 0, G3M

21 Jv.lv t45 tp1stol soc) ·

0000 OSlO :i'lf March to ro.J.'lbo OSlO 0900 L .45 Cn.l. ?istol, princip1oa of firil'lb cto.

0900 lll5 FE LiTo Firin;; lll5 ll:J> ?\1 Hlorch to cnq~

OSOO 0500 All (-) T3COL' IlUI':OOTION All!) Illi LL

0900 1000 'lfO,}flj ..clQ- D,?W lt\.111) TO Hi>.lll) CO~

-ac- W ~Il'lG L PW

Co ..lcroe.

-dO.. -do-

Co Cocilr li'N c1) 2

i'lt nco4r FM 21..150 ch l -dO- . :Di 21.-25 oh l,

7 1000 Uj) 1000 10)') lO:J> ll~

llOO 11)0 ~ L rozmt:NG 0? Ti.CTIO,\L SITUATION -ao- Co CDIIBzo s-2 t. S..J

All D DEK>ltSraATIOlJ: l)D.7:U.Ght raid.,by.248yt :ao.n..,'"O lO 2m :Dn Fl<l 7-10 1)')0 16J>

DDto: Tine of clopN'turc. o.rou. for apoetatw-a to bo personnel

w~.iiin.7 oooo- -og-oo- Iii- -;~r:: 'fN'i>BlTIOlC.-iD-Dit'L:C----,... oo~ii~-:- Co -con'Er- li?ii al2

21 J~ 0900 JO;,> .A.ll L,D SI~L MU~li/JE -do- Coco 0 Jbno

10)> llJ) .A.lJ. ?W :eA.l011DT DBI:r.L -do.- Plt Ldr GJM

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ENCIOsmE. (3} I tcu COtpal:\1' Traillin;; Schedule

fo~J:~ r¥ =-i~~ = ¥~t= f>io: ~0 -C~t-~~S=•~ ~f;l! = = = = = = =c~11~t.= = =~~~~o;~ =~;~ = = = 22 Jul.7 ll100 16oo · l3n Sup:~;ly I ssuc Iln &J:PlJly co Com'.r 1\cnc.

1900 :!'tOO AU DEFBJN1iE OF H!a POSITION: wflistcnin,-; Arcc. I -de... :I:"M 7--10 &

posts, po.tr"ls; 50% alort, full wiro(rou·i;o of rr.roh FM 21...75 o.nd rncuo connulliC£J.tiono. on one l 6)

}!otoa (1) Woo.pcns fio to :.;>X'ovido a.:;vcssor forces, il!f~.J';~·ctt!~n & >Jrob1nc ::;>4trols,

(2) Fiulci. uniforn wfool:Dots al'.<i ar;1orod vostS. . ( 3) Er:r.olw.si m: controlo check )?oint s, sicn:<1fit with aro.,.tll routes.

1900 2000 PY Mo.:;c.~1 t" ""' -s.. 2000 20JO L lee tu:rc: J);fonso of Mia pos1 tions 2030 2100 PW Oacupy :;.-nsi +.ions, sot out ~' s, vic CT 11S002 2100 2300 FE Conduc' ~ p:·oolun

_____ .,3.JlQ. ,_25JQ. ____ !:_W __ ~.ell !?_~ _ c~'!JQ ___ - ____________ :._ _________ _

Thurs~y voOO C900 All TRO,JF J:;,;:·~.\li'1.:JN ... ND miLL Co .>r~ Co Condr IPM

23 July 0900 11)) Rifle ~'CV.:IJ~ :;.i.i)i'.hl mlFENSE Ar()Q. X J?lt Coudr :EM 7-lO ch g 0900 0915 & IMG .PW ltlr ch t0 ar()l;. 0915 09J) L Oricntction £..nd probleo elplantJ.tion 09 30 llOO FE 0 ondac t pro bleD lJOO 1115 L Cri t~ .. 'l'l':i l::i.5 1130 ?W Mt.I;ch w ca.r.p

0900 llJ) f:ot s Mo:l.T<\.ll.S Ui I'H.E DEFENSE: StAtic Mill Co ArCSJ. Oj(X) :1000 L defs.-,se; ~TAO<TRR Oli .:l•;en•a, 1000 11:,> PW

lJlO l6}l All 1900 2l!oo All

lJ ~ 2000 alOO 20J) 20J) 2100 2100 2JXJ


CO COMJlll.' S ADM ~IUE -do-DEF.Il1lr.iE OF Mill POSITION: w/11 atorr- Area H inc posts, conbat :patrols, la:youts. & wl'bullhos. full w1ro "-nd radio collQ11dClltions,

. . . . , .

ltlrch to ..u- C1J.

.. ~. . .. ... . .

Dotonso ot Mia poalt1ons:pa1-~ .. lfr.nol>l Or1ont & sot out IPt s, la:youts & patrols Conduct :pro bloo


Co Oonc!r -do-

l!M 23-S5 & liN 7-10 & Fl1 7-20 No no m 7-lO ch s 1M 21-75

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Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"'"l (j i r ,

ll 0 '

EOOI.OSUlUl ( 3) I tOll Conpny Trl'.inin.:; SChodulo

- =~o- ,...F- t1---- -uili't -T-:,;----- :-- &..,"bj'Oet- - --- - -:Plica;--:- -iii.s't-- -:a-or ---~~~.;,.-- ~~~"li)o -.u:r -pif--~ch-to car.p ___ ------------------------

23 Ju.l.T :Noto: (~) Gcor;:,"C Cor.p~ey j_)rovid.inc tho 0.,7,i;rossor force, infiltro.tion o.nd. pr obi n,:; po. trol s.

. (2) Field. uniforn w/twlrtots o.nd c.roorod. vests. ____________ ._ ______ (.3L.J1UJ~.!!.i2'.:.. .!!.iJ:ol!C.!!....:J£:.t!c.P£~1!i.ch! ;!.i.!!.1£n.... _!i~.!,_CJ!n!t'2.~ _

FridAy OSOO ()900 All PW TilOO? IJ::iSP.:JCTION •d.'ll) DaiU. Co Area. Co C~ndr Ii?i-i ch 2

24 July 0900 1000 All L,Plf "-!mAL P:dO'ID IN!lmlra!!J'])\.TION -do- Plt Ur FM 2:1-25 ch ll

1000 1100 l.l.OO ll}) 1300 1630

1lro lfoo 1900 0100

19CC 20CO 22CO

2000 2200 21Joo

AU All All



PW FE :&£

CHJkl.:..c r:s:.l GU:tn.:..ro:s -do- Cl:".apJD.in

IfJ.IDFING ON Ti•CTICi•L SB!u.lTION -d.o- Co Condr

CO OOli:Jill S ADM TIME -do- ..do-3n S11iJ:)ly I ssw :Bn Suply -do-

mGHT :JEF.ENSI.l .i•ND :aEiii:EF OF Mill Jlroo. H (soc -do-POSlTlONS wjli.stcni.~~« poste. recon ovorlo.y o!llll pn tro,.s · 6 for routo: to o.roo) Taotic:J.l rorch to aroa li Occ~y & d.of::.ld. area R, 'flo CT 122005, eollli.uct J?roblon (1) :aollof (by plt) of J?Osi tion by Wpns Co.

J3n 5.,.2 !bno Dn S,.2 & S...J None. -do-FM 1-10;. ]'M &-201 pt!.rC

292 to JOJ ine

(2) Conc:uct probing & pntrolln.-; o.,:;cdnst dofcnsivo positions,

11'/-{)0 OlOO PW 1'\A c.--.::11 um t cs rcllovod.. Note: (1) F1olrJ"&.r&'rti'wihclJ:lots c.nd arnorod vosts.

(2) Eophllsi zo; control si1ollllc, Bpood on :roliof. ( 3) First P lt relieved como~ l)O.trolillf> a.:;c.inst Wpn• Co pror:i:;>tly •

. l!llP :r..\.11-TIO~ '

Co~~ occup;pyi:nt; part or :Sn sto.tic dofonaa posi Uon~ will aolld out roooi1JlP.isatU~Co patrol• clld l1at9~

in.:; J)O&tlll. for"IICrd of t..'"lo d.cfeneiv(l positions,'W!>ns Co will act as e.grossor forcoa, to infil.tro.to tho

d.ofOnaivo positions., At 2200, "l.'pna Co will :;>rocoed. to roliovo I ton Co on position one (1) rlt o.t o. tino.

UOll 1» asset~b~ !U'eo. Vic C!l' llSOOS. !rho 1st rlt or •I• 0o roliovod will )rOCood to assenbly tU'Cll end

conw!lllo :_1o.trolt o.,1>1nst Wpns Co fi:ftoon (15) Dinutos attor ani val at o.ssQl:lbly croo.. Each Plt "I" Co,

o.a rellovod,. cotduct Birdlo.r probi:nt; nnd. ptttrollinG actions n.:;c.inst "'!ISS Co do:fonsivo llold.tions tbnL

~fJ~ ~J:CJ!ii~·-Xii---- nN-cOMfuls-Ii~EC"noi-------- "Co-Eoo:-- in-Condr- -Dn Me~ 25 July 13)0 163() All O..."<Q,'.JliZ&D A'l'HIRTICS -do- Co Condr Hone

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Korean W

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J!I(CLOSURE ( 4) weapons Company Training Schedule

]ai/:nalie- :E¥t: :T~:: !!nit: !YEe:::::::: :.:: :s~b}e£t::::::: f1~i:::: !ni(:- Ret----Sunday - <BOO 1o 30 All HOLIDAY ROOTINE. Co Area Co Comdr -NOne - -~~~~z- mil- -llJO - All r-r i5 - DEMONSTRATION: -Patrols-and-J.iiibiis'iie'S by-- 7~rea-.Cor 1i- lStBn- -FM 21=75-20 July JJ&J4Draft :tat Battalion personnel persorme1 FM 7-1(: •

0800 0900 33&34Draft P.MERGENCY FI ~T AID Co Area Co Corp3man FM 31-ll

0900 1000 -do- L CIC LECTURE Movie ilrea CIC Agent None 1300 1630 All . CO COi4DR1 S 1liJ.l TIME Co .area Cc Ccmdr Ncne

1 'VY\ :2;3(0 Sl&HMG GUN DRILL & NIGHT DISPk.CEID:m' EXERCISE -do- Plt Ldr _ FM 23-55 ch '

1900 2100 P\1 Gun Dr.'.ll FM 23-9() ch 3 21(() 2309 PW Night. DisplaNlment

_____ Z.~;_ _21"'Q _ .!T! __ E'l_ .!:!IQI~ ]J~.J:.·l!":. . .:;.:CNJ'.;. bi,g~ ~a.rc!J.:i..!le_G.J:n.!! _ .§ ,BaE~ 1 _ _ -9-= ___ FM 23::5.2 _ Tuesday G.OOO 09CO .Ul P',J TROOP u;,-; · ~-.Jc::::cH ,J.m DRILL Co Area Co Comdr U5M eh 2

21 July 0900 1130 All CONSTRF'!'t'!';"' i'.ND CJiMMOUFL""E: MLR defensive Area K -do- FM 5-15 ch 3

0900 0930 L posit:.cLs,tt;:;<.;;.n5t>.sns. 6930 1130 PW .

· 1300 Jl,30 All D mMO!JSTllAP~ON· D2.ylight r-\nt~ bzlui3ti : Range 1C 2nd l!n FM 7-10 &

_________ •. ____ N_!?t!!_:_ ~e __ of .9-~l'dl ':c"':,_"-:-:e.~ fo.r ~c_a!:_crs_t.!: Ee_B!!ll~C!d.!. J>!r.!!.OE.n!il_~ ~:;:7.2 _ Wednesday 0000 0900 All PW TROOP I;IOf.i:t•.O!~ ~TIJD DRILL Co Area Co Candr LPM ch 2

22 July 0900 0930 All L BRIEFING }? THE 'fACTIC;\L SITU.,TION DIVISION -<Jc.,.. -d.Q- !!n S-2 & 3-.3

093e 1130 oq1() l.OOO 1WJ 1130

09.30 1030 1030 ll30 0930 1030

1030 llJG

1,300 1900

1900 2000 .:0030

1630 2400

2000 2030 ')l:lQ






AND COR?il LAYING TH~ MORT .JlS: Night fir:i!.lg




-do- ~o-

-do- Sgt Cole -do- Sect Ldrs -do- Lt Dent

, F.·~~;. between ~ Range S & 9


0 marc

PI~ March to area, assemble vic CT 1.20004 s shown on encl 6} L Recon patrols, probing MLR defensive positions P\1 Orle!:.t patrols, am!lushes: set out

FM 23-90 eh 3

FM 23-55 eh 1 FM 2.3-55 eh .3 Bn 5-2 FM 21-25 & FM 21.-26 Ncne

FM 21-75 & FM 7-10

0 t"'l ("')

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Korean W

ar Project U



0 t"'l '

~l §~

JiliCimURE (4) l'/eapons Company Training Schedule

~1.!e:: Kr:gn:: =T2:: := £n!t:: !Y£e:::::::::::.::::: :s)!bje£(: ~::: ~:: _: fJ.!c£::::: ~t.:::: :)!:t:::: Wedne-sday 2100 2300 HMG,AT;, FE CONllJC'r 1"RJ3L!!M Area I Co Comdr FM 21-75 &

22 July 2300 24.10 P'.J March to camp FM 7-10

Notes: (1) Item 11o will man defensive positions & set out LP•s & patrQls.

(2) Field unifa.nnw/helmets and armored vests. (J) Emphasize: contrel, silence, signals, coordination; recsnider

defensive position without contact or being noticed by defenders.

1800 2400 Sl.Drn NIGHT Liv;; FIRING: MLR POO:ITIOR> "\Vine Sector Co Comdr,

~.'lOO 1900 P'.'l Truck to location Lt Robinson

.1.900 2930 A Set up gun positions & FDC 2030 2230 FE Conduct !i~

______ ~210_ :?f+!F _ ____ P';;! _ ,!!eiurn_t£ £8:!!!1' ______________________________ _

Thurs iay 0800 fi9fXJ All PW TROOP Ii'IS >ECTION diD DlliLL Co Area Co Candr LPM ch 2

23 J•ly 0900 1000 All L SIGNAJ. J~,mlTEN diCE -do- CCIIII 0 None

1000 1100 ATA L RE3ECTI:J~ & INTERSEC'riON: MAP S of Range 7 Lt Dent:. FM 21-26

1000 1100 HMG L TECHNl lUE OF FIRE: INDIRECT LI!.YING Co Area SSgt Camp FM 23-55 Cll B 1000 1100 811 s L SIGET ~' -!;' Nc:nenclature & use -do- Lt Robinscn :FM ~3-'.IOCJ.ll.

1100 11JO All L BRIEF.C.lG Ji' TAC'1'ICilL SITIJ.<TION -do- Co Candr S-2 & S-3

lJOO 1630 All CO C•.:l'!•.'R' S A!M TbiE -do- -do- None

1400 1600 Bn Sua'::.y Issue Bn Supply -de- -a:>-

1900 2400 All PROBli~J OF MLR DEFENSIVE POSITION: Recm- Area I (route-do- "FM 21-75

naissance ;:>atrols, two (2) man infiltratim of march as FM 4!-10

... 900 2000 2030 2100

. 2300

2000 2030 21CO 2300 2400

teams, two man layouts. shown on encl 6) PW March to area L Recon patrols, probing MLR defensive positions PW Ori<mt patrols, ambUshes :set out FE Conduct problem PW March to camp

Note: (l) How Co will man Defensive positions vic cr 118002 at¥!. set out LP• s

and Jatrols. (2) Fiel!. uniform w/helmets and· armored vests. (3) Emphlsize: control1 _s1lence, signals, coordination; reconnoiter

____________________ _2e.fe!!S!.V! J?.O!i!:i2_1l_~·:!t!!.OJ!t_c_2n!:a£t_o_r £.e!zlg ,noli£&.!! EY-Ii!.f!llSe!:S.=. __ _

Fridq 24 July oeoo

0900 t9«l 11~"

All PW AT . .;, p,;


• ' '

Co Area Co CQndr

overlay Ll Dent to bo issuej

LPM ch 2 None

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Korean W

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J)HGLO~'G?.E ( 4) Vlea?ons Com·.!any :t:·rainLv;:; Scllellule

'f!l.iJ'§_af.e:::: !r~a= =~~:::: -unit- 'Jy-""(ie- - - - - - - - suoject - - - - - - -Place - - - !nG"t-- :iier -- --ZIG-?- . .._- So:-:/I>:~- f. 5r.IJC~.:-L..fzi·:J:" .?.:~O:BL~Ts-- Co-Area- -7.-;:;t-ci@i) j_i-45--55 ell 3

Fric1.ay 0900 1130 2~ JUly 0900 1000

1000 1130 1300 1630 1900 0100

E:iPt..UA:_ I o•1:

1900 3)00



2000 2200



Gl1 s ~ C<l-ii.itf.iiCA~~IO~TS: L1stallatio::1. rapair -Cl.o- 5S::;t Eyers Comm Lanu.aJ. "I - ·- -r·-· ·r~·· r······c· .. ·,rr-···-,., · "1 '' ' -, 2'-90 '6 ....;.1 s L ~I .. ~..i .iJ _-;..__;.,_;_: .._, __ ..,._..;._ :: . ....~.,., .-.~ ... uv .... ~~ . .:u.:-..u -co-- v) l.}&lRCl!.i.~ ,.,- c,~.1

All CO ca:D::t'S AJi =L.:: -(l.o- Co Cor1cil" ~ione - ... -- ---""'71-- -.• · --o· ~ -.- ·":"\ ~ D'""' ........... .'t • :..·r ~~ lil' 7 ""' All _ II,;".-:.'.!.- I.· jj J. ..... _·..::~1r. .• .1 __ , .-.· • ......u: Lou. L~ _.;::.._~._ ,::, ...... .n.re,1 ... ~see -uu- ;. - CJ..J pa. ra.. OF : 'LB ?OS I'. I J.' o r gfi?;:r on 252 to 303

?':' Tactical marC:.1 'vo area en ") :r~ AtisemlJl~_r vic C~ 11900C: ·y:.:-obl-;3:-ra cl.ei"aa:JiY~ posi·Cio~ls occupied 1Jy nrn Cc •

w/patrols. r::::


(1) Rel iava (b;r :·>lt) II I" Co on positio:l CC' 122009, dnd assume defense of position.

(2) .Jach :)lt Oil cor:r,>letin:; reJ.iaf, sat o\lt LP 1 s e, patrols to recOilloiter fot".1ard of lines.

l-iarclt to camp ~iote: (1) Fial i', uniform w/i10lmats and am.ored ""'sts.

( 2) Jophasir:e: control~ u1J.ence. upc:ed on· relief, signals.

00111p"ny occupp:rinc :>art of a :Jn Static Dafansa Position, will send out reconnaissanaa ~1atrols, & LP 's :forwa.rci. of the de:fansive positions. \11;)11S Co ·-rill act as a.z:;ressor forces., to in:filtrat e tl~ d.efemive positions. At 2200, ll,>•>s Co tTi.\1 vroceed to ralieve "I" Co on position one (1) plt at a tilae. 8 I 11 Co assemble araa vic CTllGOOZ, t~la 1st plt of "I" Co l"elievec~ \•rill proceed to assen"Jl~ ar<~J. and coEllllenoc. patrols ~ainst ~ipns Co fifteen (15) minutes after ~rriva.l at assembly area. Eacll •>lt "I" Co a.s relieved conduc:t similiar probi!l{; and patrolling actions a,:;ainst \f,?ns Co defensive positim:3thru. remainder of the ;e_r2_0!:l!! .. _____________________________________ _ Satu.r:l.a;y 0000 1130 All Jll7 COliD:E'. 1d !lTS?::C~Ii];i Co .Area - - :Bn -comJr- ~n ITan_o_ 25 July 1300 1630 All OBG..UTIZED .. ~::r;:.:':ICS -do- Co Colll(lr lJo!Q

0 t"'l (j

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Korean W

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J~ liC !..() illiili ( 5) Officors. n.ni S·!;.:'.f'£ 11on-Oonni asioncd Officers Tr·o.inint:; Scl~(.Hlulo

-=r--------------------------------------------------;g_r-.MJ0!c~- [rQr:!_ ~o- ~ ~Lr~t ___ ~~~;:)~ ·- -· ~· ____ -~~b;b~~.t- ~ __ -· __ -·~ _ ... ?~'"1£c __ __, ~J~s.~. ~ ~ 2:lof ·~ _ -~ __ _ l<j(;r!U:t.y 1900 2()('_;() -Sl!Xt J., 'V"OIC:J =~: ... )IC i':~iOCEJ:)U:~DS; $;.1.io r.i'ti::.- Gcn !·less llt.St;~ T~to Cv:r:sL1 1•ID.nu.n.l

20 Jul '' t,m'Cnco T"uo<~~ ·- I9(io- 2ooo- i5if'fc.ora-:L-- -vc;IC'::C:.IJ!o-;pJ.oc:s:i"wJJs; ~O:a.Io-r.ii"in--bf'i'-koss ·-Ms,:ji T"atocor-.r.i M"::r:uiiJ.-21 J'ul""r t(•.~.:.r~r.J.~~c ---~-------------------------------------------------Th·.z· s®y 1~0 2()00 Sl'!JO :t. M0~1J\.iU3 lF SO??O:t~CiliG FI~tE! :Sc:t'\:;nsi \tc Golll•io&a Lt ~obinson .FM 2;1-90

EJ_J-~lz ·- ·- -· - - - - - - -· - - - - - - -· - - - - - - ·- - - - - - - ·- - -· - - - - ·- - - - - - - ·- - -· --D'icl:ly 1900 2000 Offic:ora :L ;,;o:n:.;'.:ts H7 SUi'?C?.'rilw F.l:?.:E: Dcfonsiv-o Off l4oss Lt ::lobinson :WM 2~>··90

£4_;r~lz ·- _ -· ____ ·- _________ .• ______ ·- ______ ·- _ -· ____ ·- __ , ____ , __ -· __

·, . ~-=~~m,;.:l ...... ...-..

c i"l (j

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Korean War Project USMC-04401913DECLASSIFIED

• • --------------------------------------Uoto (l) Training for this period shall be p:t'OgT!>lillive and. adhere as olo:1U3.i'

as pract.ieable to the prosc:·ib')d. references. :Utl.i"i_#g the c-onduct or :fi.sJd

exercises, e11phasis ""il1. ·be p l!'03d on the training of tho in0.iv~.t.l'"-:: ·m:. t

leader. Wnen neoc:es~'7 t~.lB eJ:c;,-;;~_.,j sc st'J-(),,1-n be i"riterrupte4 for- cc:..~:<.'t:Cvion of

errors or for brief cli'sc<H:s.u-·n p3r:l .• ;cl{,l•

l:Cte (2) 4 criti~e wJ.ll be conducted on t.l-te grou.Id im.ee.i.at<>ly,.ftc-.r nll

e,:ercisos to eJrphasi s tllo ii<-Jhy" a:l!i r>robabla oonsequ.eilCOil in act>.~r;.l co.:lfoot

in regard to the pe>Q;siblo s01u·~lc;'J.s,

Note (3) Durillg night trainint; exerci ne.s: control: forl::lfl.tio:Js; rouh:~s;

signals; comJ.m.llliOil.t:ions; eV?.curction of wounded: Will be parti -,u.J:arlr si;ressed.

Situations may bo dr·a.wn wherein ksy personnel of :the :PlatDon u·r: Gon1J;~.llJ "be­

come o.'l:sualtias noccessitat1~5 a riflorna.n.-barman etc, assuming cont:.:ol of the

:par ti.eular 1.1ni t~

Note (4) Personnel cfR&S Coqta.,V' will conduct on thE> job traiuing in subjects

related to their funct:i on& a.r:J '=:yc;:-:.iali ty,. Troo-p and drill ono-h·tlrdrcd ( 100)

per cent Of personnel 0730 t<, f)[;}l a~.,:.Jy.

Note (5) ATA l'orsonne) of i'ienp''h3 0"'1.'"-lly\iill 't;rain ,-dt..'J. rifle compades

to which they arc r..orjrf'~1.1y a·'·t.;:;.~··l~·J~1 ,::.b1r'i_ng this training period whon requir-ed

by the rifle OOllJ?allY ccmmc::s.xlLo~,

l;"t>tO: (6) Details for tho :an.Gtalhn Comma!ldorl s in~oction will bo prescribed

in a !latt<,l:icn Memora!ldllhl to bo pl'<mml.gatod.

lioto (7) During period of woapcll$ instructions sai'cty procautions for that

particular weapot.t. wi.11 be rEr.;ic;:."Cd.

Note (S) For all ooh<:!duleQ. :U.VE FI1UNO exorcises the oonpacy COl1l:l!\.nd.cr and

offioor in charge Will survey the r<J.nge area cone-erne<t at least tl:u:oo ( 3)

d;ll.ys prior tho date of tho oxorcise• and llill. bullriefed by tho S..J ona (l) - - "- t

day prior tho date of tho oxcreiso.

1-b te (9) ;\.11 s:-hodulod. LIVE FIID' ID will 'bo CondM tad. in acccrd.e.rr.cc with

the rcguhctions contn.incd in w·c';e.l:'.on Tr!Jining Order No. a;..,55~


Page 106: 1ST MARINE REGIMENT - 3RD BATTALION - COMMAND DIARY - … · 2012. 1. 29. · 1/WJR/jfm A12 ·. Ser: 00105-53 10 Aug 1953 FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CO 3rdBn lstMar lstMarDiv ltr ser 0027

Korean War Project USMC-04401914DECLASSIFIED


-H-ea.d..q_uat-t era 3rd Bat.tauon1 1st Hal'ines

1st !.farina. :01v1a1ota (Rein:rJ.- FMF c/o FPc, Sat\. FrMciaeo, Cal11'ol:'n1f-'

.nP?ENDLX III: Overlay of Positions



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Korean War Project USMC-04401915DECLASSIFIED


Headquarters 3rd Battalion, lst Marines

let Marine Division (Reinf), FMr c/o FPO, San Fr~noisoo, California

.l+l'.PENDIX IV: Reports and Summaries



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Korean War Project USMC-04401916DECLASSIFIED

SECRET IJE.edqc.arters imCURITY INFORMATION 3rd Bat ·.cl J.• r-. 1~···· l•hrbes

le~ Mcr:i.ne Di nsiun iRainf) 1 FMF o/o FPO, San Francisco, California


Firs~ Call 0555 Reveille 0600 Breakfast C630 Morning Colors OSJO Training 0800-1115 Recall ll.1:5 Dinner 1130 Training 1300-163~ Recall 1630 Supper (general) 1730

(offi~ers) 1800 Evening &olars SuPoet Call to Quarter& ·2100


0555 0600 0630 0800

Church as scheduled ---1130

1730 1800 Sunset 2100

Dight .Training (vhon directed) 2000-2)00 Tattoo 2145 Tops 2200

2145 2200

Details of the training my be found in the 'tfoining schedules (Appendix II),


-~'~-- ----- ~-"--- ,_, --r~-DECLASSIFIED

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Korean War Project USMC-04401917DECLASSIFIED


Headquarters 3rd Battalion, 1st ~arines

lst Marine Division (Reinf), FMF c/o FPO, san Francisco, California


Communications during the month of July were quite varied due to continuous changine~ of camp locations.

Between 1 and 8 July the battalion was encamped at Camp Brittanica where communications were normal continuous. Radio nets and wire installations were maintained With no unusual incidents occurring. On 8 and 9 July the battalion moved to Camp Rock Pile where a new wire installation was required. This ~vas accomplished with no difficulty. On 17 July 1953 the battalion held a Command Post Exercise (CPX). On 21 July 1953 the battalion moved to Camp Rose where gnce again new wire installations were necessary. On the 24th of July the batta.lian commenced relieving the Third Battalion~ Seventh Marines. The Communication Platoon became closely interbraded with their counterparts in the Third Battalion, Seventh Marines. On July 26th, the battalion had completed the relief and the battalion Commanding Officer assumed command of t~e sector,

During the period of relief and the ensuing period of command on the line communications continued quite normal but at highly accelerated pace. Radio communications were hi;hlY satisfactory, as well as continuous. -

Wire communications ~rere lackinJ durin:; the early phase (24-25 July) of the operation du:e to the inability of the personnel to keep wire into the companies, particularly the land lines to Hill 119. such inability is attributed as much to friendly tanks, APCs, and truck traffic as to enem:' shelling. One trunk was finally installed to How Company on the ri~t flank, and lateral lines were kept in to other companies on the line. Thus, wire communications were maintained to all companies on the line. Another trunk was eventually laid to Hill 119 usinz a circuitous route. This line also was maintained and kept in.

On arrival to new area, vicinity OS 084896 there were no organic communica t io~ s, ~ com_J:).,eJ;.e_j__n_ stal!t~~on _!Va_s __ :t't;lg,\J.~I'~d.



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Korean War Project USMC-04401918DECLASSIFIED


Rea<tquar tar a Jrd. :BattaUon, 1st l-ia!-ines

1st Mac-ine D:,.:.s>.on \Rd.rrf), !!1-iF cfo !ii'O, San lrrancisco, California


!ll!.G following is a complete lllMMAill~flOH of all Patients seen and treate<t in the Pattalion Aid station during the l!IOnth of July 1953.

VISI'rS, , • . . . . . . . . , . . . . .. . . . .. . . I e • I • • • • • • • • • • • • •

GEN; Mii:D, , • • • • • • .. . • • I I I I ; . . •

SURQi CAL IlltESSING ROOM. • • • • • • • • e I I • • • •

ENT. • • • • • . . . . . . . . .. . . ,, • • • • • •

ClP Tliii!I!O IOGY, . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . A. EVAO, , • • • • • • • • • ; . • • • • •

II, ID NJ!l'VAO, , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Q, letA. • t • t I t t • t . I t 1 t t • • • • •




The abo~re figures include tl-o se patients handled by the Jrd J)attalion Aid Station -while under the O')Cratbnal control of Jrd llattalion, 7th !Wines during the period of 21.i-26 July, The llattalion Aid station baniled. all casualties from all units under thl;l O".£leratiuns.l control of Jrd :Jattalion , 7th Marines duri !:IS thi e period but w.s su;pplemented by medical porsolllill from t)le 7th Marine a,



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Korean War Project USMC-04401919DECLASSIFIED


Headquarters 3td Battalion, let Marines

let Marine D1v1eion (Reinf) t FMF c/o FPO, san Franoie~o, Calu·arn1a

At'PENDIX V: Photographic SupplelJ",ent - Negative


T----~ -~­


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Korean War Project USMC-04401920DECLASSIFIED

Head q uar:te rs 3rd Battalion 1st Marines

lst Marine DiviSion ~Reint) FMF e/o FPO, San Francisco, California

APPENDIX VI : Comments and Recommendations (Negative~



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