1.slavery was abolished in the us by the a. gettysburg address b. 14 th amendment c. emancipation...

1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

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Page 1: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

1.Slavery was abolished in the US by theA. Gettysburg AddressB. 14th AmendmentC. Emancipation ProclamationD. 13th Amendment

Page 2: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment
Page 3: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

2.Which proclaimed the colonies total separation from England & listed reasons for their rebellion?

A. The Declaration of the Rights of ManB. The Declaration of IndependenceC. The Bill of RightsD. Articles of Confederation

Page 4: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

3. The division of political power between national, state, & local governments is

A. socialismB. federalismC. popular sovereigntyD. judicial review

Page 5: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

4. All EXCEPT whom would be considered patriots?A. William PittB. Samuel AdamsC. Paul RevereD. Thomas Paine

Page 6: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

5.When America gained her independence, she also expanded her boundaries to include

A. lands west of the Appalachians to the Mississippi River

B. parts of northeastern CanadaC. FloridaD. the Louisiana Territory

Page 7: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

6.Which best illustrates the idea of Manifest Destiny? AmericaA. was destined to become an imperialist

powerB. would become the protector of the

Western HemisphereC. was destined by God to expand from sea to

sea D. was destined to become a world power

Page 8: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

7. The US boundaries were established after the Revolution by

A. the Treaty of Paris 1763B. the Treaty of Versailles 1815C. the Treaty of Paris 1783D. the Treaty of Paris 1812

Page 9: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

8. The Trail of Tears is synonymous with the A. removal of Cherokee Indians from the

southeastern USB. mapping of the “Great American Desert”C. plight of runaway slavesD. attempts of Indians to reclaim their land

Page 10: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

9. Which was NOT a factor in the US claiming western landA. Mormons seeking religious freedomB. reports of missionaries of rich fertile land

in OregonC. the discovery of gold in CaliforniaD. Mexico’s desire to sell Texas

Page 11: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

10. A key point of the Monroe Doctrine stated thatA. the US would aid any Latin American

nation in rebelling against its European monarch

B. the US supported French involvement in Spain’s revolution

C. the US opposed further colonization in the Western Hemisphere

D. none of the above

Page 12: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

11.Who was President during the American Revolution?A. Thomas JeffersonB. Benjamin FranklinC. George WashingtonD. None of the above

Page 13: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

12.Who was President when the US bought Louisiana?A. George WashingtonB. John AdamsC. Andrew JacksonD. Thomas Jefferson

Page 14: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

13.The goal of the Lewis & Clark expedition was toA. force Britain to stop attacking US shipsB. make contact with French settlers in the

WestC. establish new power for the Supreme

CourtD. explore the land of the Louisiana Purchase

Page 15: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

14.What river formed the western border of the US before the Louisiana Purchase

A. MississippiB. OhioC. TennesseeD. Rio Grande

Page 16: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

15.President Jackson used the Indian Removal Act toA. clear Indians from the Louisiana TerritoryB. force Indians to leave their homes in the

SE USC. encourage Indians to grow cottonD. return Indians to their homes

Page 17: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

16.Which was a major factor in attracting settlers to Oregon?A. factory jobsB. landC. prosperous citiesD. mild weather

Page 18: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

17. What attracted thousands to California in the 1840s & 1850s?A. timberB. farm landC. goldD. oil

Page 19: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

18.In which did John Marshall state that only the national government controlled interstate commerce?

A. Gibbons v. OgdenB. Tyler v. LewisC. Worcester v. GeorgiaD. Marbury v. Madison

Page 20: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

19. Rousseau’s concept of the ideal government was centered around

A. the general will of the peopleB. strengthened monarchsC. theocracyD. a strong army

Page 21: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

20. What was the Red Scare?

• B. The period right after WWI when America feared communism would spread to the US

• A. A period in the US when Americans were overly suspicious of Native Americans

• C. An epidemic of measles in the early 20th Century that threatened American children

• D. A trend in America characterized by liberalism

Page 22: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

21. Why was the Ku Klux Klan revived after WWI?

A. People felt threatened by changes in American society

B. Klan members resented the few advances made by African-Americans

C. Many Americans feared job competition from foreigners & thought the values America was founded on were threatened

D. All of the above

Page 23: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

22. Which battle was a turning point in WWII in the Pacific?

A. Leyete GulfB. Iwo JimaC. Coral SeaD. Midway

Page 24: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

23. Which battle was a turning point in the Revolutionary War?

A. SaratogaB. Bunker HillC. TrentonD. None of the above

Page 25: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

24. The US purchased the Louisiana Territory fromA. Spain B. EnglandC. FranceD. Germany

Page 26: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

25. White southern Republicans were often considered to be traitors & were called

A. carpetbaggersB. scalawagsC. yankeesD. turncoats

Page 27: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

26. The Populist Party was concerned about problems forA. farmersB. railroad ownersC. factory workersD. native Americans

Page 28: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

27. Journalists & writers who exposed corruption & social problems were called

A. wobbliesB. muckrakersC. mugwumpsD. yellow journalists

Page 29: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

28. After the Spanish American war, the US gained all these territories except?

A. HawaiiB. Puerto RicoC. the PhilippinesD. Cuba

Page 30: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

29. The results of WWI led to the quest for revenge byA. GermanyB. FranceC. ItalyD. Russia

Page 31: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

30. Great Britain entered the WWII when Germany invaded which country?

A. PolandB. BelgiumC. FranceD. Czechoslovakia

Page 32: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

31. Which is the Spanish name for “conqueror”?A. ConquistadorB. Courear de boisC. JesuitD. Presidio

Page 33: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

32. Which Constitutional Amendment provides the basis for citizenship?

A. 12th

B. 14th

C. 16th

D. 18th

Page 34: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

33. The German plan to systematically kill millions of European Jews is the

A. BlitzkriegB. SietzkreigC. the BlitzD. Holocaust

Page 35: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

34. The major battle known as D-Day occurred when the Allies invaded

A. Monte CasinoB. NormandyC. StalingradD. North Africa

Page 36: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

35. In the Civil War, who carried out his famous “March to the Sea” leaving Atlanta in ashes?

A. ChamberlainB. SheridanC. LeeD. Sherman

Page 37: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

37. In which year did Alabama become a state?A. 1860B. 1823C. 1819D. 1812

Page 38: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

38. WWII began on Sept 1, 1939 when Poland was invaded byA. GermanyB. FranceC. EnglandD. Italy

Page 39: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

39. In the Treaty of Paris (1783)

A. Britain gave Florida back to SpainB. divided FL between Spain & EnglandC. gave FL to the Iroquois NationD. had nothing to do with Florida

Page 40: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

40. Who campaigned for prison & mental hospital reforms

A. Sojourner TruthB. Dorothea DixC. Catharine BeecherD. Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Page 41: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

41. Where did the Protestant Revolution begin?A. RussiaB. AmericaC. FranceD. Germany

Page 42: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

41. In which country did the Protestant Reformation attract the fewest followers?

A. EnglandB. The New WorldC. ItalyD. Holland

Page 43: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

42. Which Amendment gave women the right to vote?A. 15th

B. 17th

C. 19th

D. 21st

Page 44: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

43. The main goal of the Missouri Compromise was toA. maintain the same number of free & slave

statesB. expand onto Native American landsC. expand slavery into the NorthD. end the War of 1812

Page 45: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

44. The ReformationA. weakened civil authorityB. prevented the growth of religious

toleranceC. encouraged questioning & educationD. prevented Catholism from spreading

outside of Europe

Page 46: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

45. Who wrote Common Sense?A. George WashingtonB. Thomas PaineC. Patrick HenryD. Thomas Jefferson

Page 47: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

46. In his farewell address Washington A. praised the 2 party systemB. warned against the dangers of permanent

foreign alliancesC. endorsed Adams as his successorD. announced the purchase of Louisiana from


Page 48: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

47. The purpose of the Federalist Papers was toA. explain to the world why the colonies were

breaking away from EnglandB. persuade New York to ratify the

ConstitutionC. insult King GeorgeD. establish the Federalist Party

Page 49: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

48. When Jefferson wrote “ We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal” he borrowed the idea from

A. MontesquieuB. RousseauC. LockeD. Franklin

Page 50: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

49. The First Continental Congress was called to A. discuss colonial reaction to the Intolerable

& Quebec ActsB. declare independence from BritainC. write a constitution for the coloniesD. solve the problem of regulating trade

between the colonies

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50.The ministers of the Great Awakening focused less on the love of God & more onA. the love of Christ for those who

attended the revivalsB. an unforgiving GodC. hopeless conditions of sinnersD. the sinful state of humanity &

everyone’s chance to be saved

Page 52: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

51. The Morrill Act of 1862 provided for theA. sale of public land for homesteadingB. grant of public lands to states for land-

grant collegesC. building of the transcontinental railroadD. government regulation of the railroads

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52. The Kansas-Nebraska Act proved which was not practical?

A. the immediate abolition of slaveryB. the 36-30 line of the Missouri

CompromiseC. the doctrine of popular sovereigntyD. the three fifths Compromise

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53. John Brown led a raid on the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry in an attempt to

A. protest the Dred Scott decisionB. start a slave revoltC. overthrow their anti-slavery

governmentD. gain support for the pro-slavery

movement in Kansas

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54. Why was the capture of Vicksburg vital to the Union?A. it would open up the Eastern frontB. it was key to controlling the Ohio River

ValleyC. it was key to controlling the Mississippi

River areaD. it gave the Union control of a major rail


Page 56: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

55. Laws intended to segregate blacks & whites were known asA. Jim Crow lawsB. Immigration lawsC. Exclusion lawsD. Dred Scott laws

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56. The first state to secede from the Union wasA. AlabamaB. South CarolinaC. VirginiaD. Mississippi

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57. Who established & controlled the Standard Oil Company & 90% of the oil refining business in the US

A. Andrew CarnegieB. John D. RockefellerC. George PullmanD. J.P. Morgan

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58. Which of the following was NOT a muckraker?A. Ida TarbellB. Upton SinclairC. Brett HarteD. Jacob Riis

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59. Who was the educational reformer who urged free public schools, better pay for teachers, & a longer school year?

A. John DeweyB. Horace MannC. W.E.B. DuBoisD. William Howard Taft

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60. Urbanization means the growth ofA. industriesB. governmentsC. citiesD. immigration

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61. A market in which one company has complete control over an industry’s production, quality, wages paid, & prices charged is called a/an

A. monopolyB. mergerC. trustD. holding company

Page 63: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

62. A critical term used to describe industrialists such as Carnegie & Rockefeller was

A. imperialistB. scalawagC. robber baronD. industrial monger

Page 64: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

63. The 19th Amendment allowed forA. suffrage for womenB. federal income taxC. prohibition of liquorD. direct election of senators

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64. Booker T. Washington is known for supporting the idea ofA. maintaining things as they wereB. rapid movement toward integrationC. gradual movement toward integrationD. separating the races but equality of


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65. In the case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the Supreme Court ruled thatA. lynching was a federal crimeB. voting rights could not be tied to any

form of taxC. school segregation was unconstitutionalD. racial segregation in public

accommodations was legal

Page 67: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

66. All of the following led to the US entering WWI except which?A. the sinking of the LusitaniaB. Germany’s use of unrestricted submarine

warfareC. the Zimmerman NoteD. the desire for colonies

Page 68: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

67. Which was NOT a cause of the Spanish-American War?A. the building of the Panama CanalB. Cuba’s desire for independence from

SpainC. yellow journalismD. the sinking of the Maine

Page 69: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

68. Which was the US policy that encouraged equal trade opportunity with China & Africa?

A. Open Door PolicyB. Monroe DoctrineC. New DealD. Treaty of Paris, 1898

Page 70: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

69. Which would be considered the long term causes of WWI?A. the US wanted an empireB. France wanted control of all EuropeC. socialism, communism, & dictatorshipD. imperialism, nationalism, & militarism

Page 71: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

70. Why were consumers able to buy an array of home appliances being produced in the 1920s?

A. new products were cheap & plentifulB. the installment plan was developedC. wages for factory workers decreasedD. few people actually purchased these


Page 72: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

71.Which was an African American literary & artistic movement centered in NYC?

A. the Great SocietyB. the Jazz AgeC. the Harlem RenaissanceD. the Cultural Revolution

Page 73: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

72. Which amendment prohibited the sale, manufacturing, & transportation of alcoholic beverages?

A. 17th amendmentB. 18th amendmentC. 19th amendmentD. 20th amendment

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73. There was a decline in farm income in Alabama in the 1920s due to which?

A. a surplus of produce & grainB. the loss of cotton crops destroyed by

the boll weevilC. the loss of white labor due to Northern

migrationD. an increase in trade with Europe

Page 75: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

74. Who fought for the legal rights of women to obtain birth control & founded the 1st birth control organization?

A. Margaret SangerB. Helen WillisC. Zelda FitzgeraldD. Bessie Smith

Page 76: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

75. The German plan to win WWI was the Von Schlieffen plan where Germany would sweep into France through which neutral country?

A. Poland B. BelgiumC. the NetherlandsD. Switzerland

Page 77: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

76. All the following EXCEPT which were perfected for use in WWI?

A. poison gasB. submarineC. rifleD. land mines

Page 78: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

77. The period from 1914 to 1916 when neither side in WWI could seem to win was called

A. Great StandoffB. Great StalemateC. Siege of StalingradD. none of the above

Page 79: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

78. The only major country who refused to sign the Treaty of Versailles wasA. GermanyB. FranceC. USD. England

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79. A major result of the Treaty of Versailles was that itA. reflected peace without victoryB. humiliated Germany which led to WWIIC. implemented Wilson’s 14 pointsD. made Russia take responsibility for the


Page 81: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

80. WWII began on Sept 1, 1939 when Hitler’s forces invaded A. BelgiumB. PolandC. CzechoslovakiaD. the Netherlands

Page 82: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

81. During the Civil War, Winston County, AL & the western counties of Virginia had which in common?

A. both were sites of slave rebellionsB. they withdrew from their home states

when the states left the UnionC. they were pro secessionD. they were centers of CSA industry

Page 83: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

82.At the 1939 Munich Conference, the British & French appeased Hitler by allowing him to keep part of

A. PolandB. CzechoslovakiaC. BelgiumD. the Netherlands

Page 84: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

83. Which Alabamian is the “Father of the Blues”?A. Lister HillB. Hugo BlackC. David Bibb GravesD. W.C. Handy

Page 85: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

84. Which city is the center of Alabama’s steel industry?A. MobileB. BirminghamC. HuntsvilleD. Montgomery

Page 86: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

85. Where is Alabama’s space industry located?A. BirminghamB. MobileC. HuntsvilleD. Tuscaloosa

Page 87: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

86. Along with Montgomery & St. Stephen’s, these cities have served as Alabama capitals.

A. Birmingham, Mobile, & AuburnB. Tuscaloosa, Cahaba, & HuntsvilleC. Andalusia, Dothan, & Burnt CornD. Monroeville, Selma, & Huntsville

Page 88: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

87. The 4 main tribes who once lived in Alabama wereA. Seminole, Choctaw, Creek, & ApacheB. Navaho, Chickasaw, Iroquois, & CreekC. Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, & CherokeeD. Cheyenne, Comanche, Crow, & Coos

Page 89: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

88. Which tribe, once living in Alabama, had the largest population?

A. CreekB. ChickasawC. ChoctawD. Cherokee

Page 90: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

89. What does the word “ALABAMA” mean?A. old townB. thicket clearersC. big creekD. rumbling water

Page 91: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

90. The 3 main ingredients of steel include coal (carbon), iron & what?

A. waterB. limestoneC. copperD. zinc

Page 92: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

91.Which best demonstrates the lack of free trade imposed on the American colonies?

A. Navigation ActsB. Proclamation of 1763C. Declaratory ActD. Quartering Act

Page 93: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

92. All the following EXCEPT whom authored The Federalist Papers?

A. James MadisonB. John JayC. Patrick HenryD. Alexander Hamilton

Page 94: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

93. When Jefferson wrote “All men are created equal,” he meant all men should

A. have the same amount of moneyB. be equal sociallyC. have the right to a public educationD. have the same rights under the law

Page 95: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

94.John Marshall expanded the power of the Supreme Court establishing the practice of judicial review in which case?

A. Gibbons v. OgdenB. McCullogh v. MarylandC. Marbury v. MadisonD. Dartmouth v. Woodward

Page 96: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

95. The Great Compromise at the Constitutional Convention worked out an acceptable plan for

A. regulating commerceB. levying taxesC. determining congressional representationD. electing a president

Page 97: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

96. When the 1st & 2nd Continental Congress metA. all delegates wanted to declare

independenceB. all wanted to keep peace with BritainC. they unanimously elected Washington as

presidentD. they were divided on the issues of

independence & keeping the peace

Page 98: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

97. As a result of the 2nd Great Awakening, members of some churches divided into

A. believers & non-believersB. male & female congregationsC. traditionalists & evangelicalsD. Christians & non-Christians

Page 99: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

98. The 2nd Great Awakening especially appealed to A. frontiersmenB. slavesC. women, minorities, & the poorD. indentured servants

Page 100: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

99. Which document is the supreme law of the US?A. the ConstitutionB. the Emancipation ProclamationC. the Declaration of IndependenceD. the Bill of Rights

Page 101: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

100. The 14th Amendment provided for

A. former slaves to become citizensB. the right to a trial by juryC. the repeal of federal income taxD. prohibition

Page 102: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

101. The 1st 10 amendments to the Constitution are known as theA. Emancipation ProclamationB. Declaration of the Rights of ManC. Monroe DoctrineD. Bill of Rights

Page 103: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

102.Which is true of the social contract theory?A. Gov’t power can’t be limited by the peopleB. the people have no say in gov’t decisionsC. the state is created by people willing to

give up some powerD. the rights of the people should be denied

by the gov’t

Page 104: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

103. To adequately protect the rights of the people, the framers of the Constitution included which idea?

A. the Reserve ClauseB. Separation of PowersC. the Judicial BranchD. the Elastic Clause

Page 105: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

104.Which had the least effect on the settlement of the Midwest?A. invention of steel plowB. transcontinental railroadC. invention of barbed wireD. invention of electric motor

Page 106: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

105. Which was a problem for Alabama farmers in the late 19th-early 20th centuries?

A. lack of moneyB. lack of educationC. the one crop systemD. all of the above

Page 107: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

106.Which would not be associated with W.E.B. DuBois?A. NAACPB. call for immediate voting rights for blacksC. Atlanta CompromiseD. vigorous protests against Jim Crow Laws

Page 108: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

107. Which school was headed by Booker T. Washington?A. Mount HolyokeB. Tuskegee InstituteC. Georgia Institute of TechnologyD. Auburn

Page 109: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

108.Booker T. Washington urged blacks to follow a policy sometimes called accommodation, also called

A. Niagara MovementB. Atlanta CompromiseC. Seneca Falls ResolutionD. Declaration of the Rights of Man

Page 110: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

109.Upton Sinclair’s book The Jungle influenced A. T. Roosevelt to urge Congress to pass the

Pure Food & Drug ActB. many states to pass minimum wage lawsC. states to pass factory safety laws & new

regulationsD. Wilson to get the Keating-Owen Child

Labor Act

Page 111: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

110. Which term describes Americans who remained on the British’s side during the Revolution?

A. PatriotsB. ScalawagsC. RedcoatsD. Loyalists

Page 112: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

111. A band played “The World Turned Upside Down” when the British surrendered after this final Battle of the Revolution

A. TrentonB. SaratogaC. YorktownD. New York

Page 113: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

112. One of the 2 main causes of the War of 1812 was that theA. British urged Native Americans to resist

expansion of the USB. French attacking American shipsC. Americans wanted Britain to leave the

Louisiana TerritoryD. British were urging slaves to revolt

Page 114: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

113. Andrew Jackson became a national hero after his victorythA. in the election of 1816B. at the Battle of New OrleansC. at the Battle of Horseshoe BendD. in the signing of e Treaty of Ghent

Page 115: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

114. 1 of the major components of Henry Clay’s American System was

A. removal of Indians to the westB. lower tariffs on imported goodsC. ending the charter for the national bankD. spending federal funds on internal


Page 116: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

115. Which of the following was NOT included in the Land Ordinance of 1785?

A. NW territories had to be surveyed & divided into townships

B. a governor would be appointed for each township

C. townships were divided into sectionsD. 1 section in each township was set

aside for education

Page 117: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

116.Which helped bring about an end to the “Era of Good Feelings?”

A. over-speculation of American landsB. availability of easy creditC. renewed divisions within the political

partiesD. all of the above

Page 118: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

117. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787A. added Louisiana Territory to the USB. established the process for Western

territories to become statesC. allowed Native Americans to live in OhioD. all of the above

Page 119: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

118. The Missouri Compromise settled the question of whetherA. Slavery should be allowed in future statesB. slavery should be declared

unconstitutionalC. the territories should pay taxesD. the territories should be represented in


Page 120: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

119. The increase in the US population during the period before 1830 was a result of

A. immigration from EuropeB. immigration from AsiaC. an increase in the African slave trade D. an increase in the birth rate

Page 121: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

120. Which author made major contributions to American literature & culture before the Civil War?

A. Walt WhitmanB. Upton SinclairC. Tennessee WilliamsD. Truman Capote

Page 122: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

121. Which is true of the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812?A. It was fought after the war was overB. It was the turning point of the warC. It led to the US acquiring the port of New

OrleansD. It was a major defeat for the US

Page 123: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

122. Middle-class Americans who pioneered public education reforms

A. wanted girls to get the same education as boys

B. wanted schools to teach character & morals

C. promoted traditional religious beliefsD. focused on vocational education

Page 124: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

123. Which was the leading transcendentalist who started an American Renaissance in literature

A. Daniel WebsterB. Ralph Waldo EmersonC. Edgar Allen PoeD. Washington Irving

Page 125: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

124. Francis Scott Key composed the “Star Spangled Banner” while watching the bombardment of what port?

A. Ft SumterB. Ft. MorganC. Ft. McHenryD. Ft. Ticonderoga

Page 126: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

125. Which decision established the power of Judicial Review?A. Gibbons v. OgdenB. Marbury v. MadisonC. McCullogh v. MarylandD. Gideon v. Wainwright

Page 127: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

126. The difference between the League of Nations & the United Nations was

A. the Senate ratified both, but only funded the UN

B. the Senate ratified both, but only funded the League

C. the Senate only ratified the UND. none of the above

Page 128: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

127. Which WWII leader was not present at the Yalta Conference where plans for post-war Europe were made?

A. Franklin RooseveltB. Joseph StalinC. Winston ChurchillD. Benito Mussolini

Page 129: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

128. Which caused the “nativism” in the US after WWI?

A. decreased immigrationB. the Red Scare & labor unrestC. the rise of organized crimeD. the rise of economic prosperity in


Page 130: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

129. When the US joined WWI, itA. refused to loan money to the AlliesB. sent a huge army to Europe right awayC. had already started a draft as war

preparationsD. needed to begin a draft to build a large


Page 131: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

130.The overall goal of Wilson’s Fourteen Points was to

A. create lasting peaceB. promote imperialismC. force Germany to pay war damagesD. preserve Europe’s system of alliances

Page 132: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

131. The main criticism of the League of Nations in the Senate was it would

A. not be located in the USB. be too expensiveC. draw the US into another warD. accept too many nations as members

Page 133: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

132. Japanese Americans were sent to internment camps in WWII

A. to protect them after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

B. because many refused to take an oath of allegiance

C. because they refused to serve in the military

D. because many thought they may act as spies

Page 134: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

133. In an attempt to end WWII, the US decided to drop atomic bombs onA. Berlin & MunichB. Hiroshima & NagasakiC. Dresden & SarajevoD. Stalingrad & Casablanca

Page 135: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

134. The US financed WWII by all except which?A. foreign loans from England & FranceB. selling war bondsC. borrowing from banks & private investorsD. increasing taxes

Page 136: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

135. When men left their jobs to fight in WWII who took their place?A. Chinese immigrantsB. Black menC. womenD. older men who were too old to fight

Page 137: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

136. When forced to leave the Philippines during WWII, who promised “I shall return”?

A. MacArthurB. PattonC. EisenhowerD. Nimitz

Page 138: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

137. At what conference did England & France appease Hitler & declare “peace in our time”?

A. YaltaB. MunichC. CasablancaD. Stalingrad

Page 139: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

138.1 reason the US distrusted Japan before Pearl Harbor was they had

A. Refused to accept the Open Door Policy B. attacked British forces in the

PhilippinesC. developed an atomic bombD. engaged a policy of expansion in Asia &

the Pacific

Page 140: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

139.The main objective of the Allies in WWI was to

a. Stop German aggressionb. Strip Germany of her coloniesc. Take the Rhineland for

Franced. None of the above

Page 141: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

140. During the 1st 2 years of WWI (1914-16)A. Germany was unable to force France to

surrenderB. the Germans were driven out of BelgiumC. neither side could seem to winD. the Germans fought only on the Eastern


Page 142: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

141. Of all the weapons Germany used in WWI, the Allies feared which the most?

A. the submarineB. land minesC. poison gasD. depth charges

Page 143: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

142. At the end of WWI, the US economy was characterized by which?

A. high interest ratesB. a deep recessionC. a stock market crashD. high unemployment

Page 144: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

143. The Red Scare is a term which denotes fear ofA. Red ChinaB. Mao’s Red ArmyC. emerging East Bloc CountriesD. Communism

Page 145: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

144. Which groups did NOT share in the overall prosperity of the 1920s?

A. farmersB. womenC. business leadersD. writers

Page 146: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

145. Nicola Sacco & Bartolomeo Vanzetti were charged with & convicted of

A. treasonB. anarchyC. receiving bribesD. robbery & murder

Page 147: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

146. The 1st practical peacetime use of airplanes was forA. crop dustingB. carrying mailC. carrying passengersD. weather forecasting

Page 148: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

147. It was difficult to enforce Prohibition laws for all these reasons EXCEPT which?

A. many were determined to break the lawB. not enough money to pay for

enforcementC. many police took bribes D. prohibition banned only alcohol made in

the US

Page 149: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

148. What ended World War I?A. Treaty of VersaillesB. Treaty of ParisC. Treaty of GhentD. Treaty of Dresden

Page 150: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

149. The Great Migration of 1910-20 refers to the movement ofA. European immigrants to AmericaB. people from the country to citiesC. African Americans from the US to AfricaD. African Americans from the South to the


Page 151: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

150.What impact did industrialization have on children?

A. Kids became part of the labor force working long hours at dangerous jobs

B. Kids were not affected & spent their time in school

C. Kids were protected by child labor laws & didn’t work until 16

D. Kids only worked on farms, not factories

Page 152: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

151.Which was the author of popular “rags to riches” stories that reinforced hard work?

A. Andrew CarnegieB. Herbert SpencerC. Charles DarwinD. Horatio Alger

Page 153: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

152. Social Darwinism promoted the idea thatA. society would benefit from elimination of

the weak & survival of the strongB. gov’t should take an active role in shaping

the economyC. all competition should be eliminatedD. it is the responsibility of the gov’t to aid


Page 154: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

153. Muckrakers wereA. workers in the textile industryB. writers who exposed the evils of societyC. jailed because they were critical of the

governmentD. writers who wrote about the Old West

Page 155: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

154. With which cause(s) were women closely associated during the Progressive Era?

A. women’s rightsB. Temperance (anti-liquor)C. Child labor lawsD. all of the above

Page 156: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

155. Many blacks & poor white Alabama citizens lost the right to vote under the Constitution of 1901 because of which?

A. poll taxB. grandfather clauseC. property requirementsD. all of these

Page 157: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

156.Which was NOT an effect of the Crusades?A. increased tradeB. increased explorationC. increased isolationismD. inflation

Page 158: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

157. Which was the site of the 1st representative gov’t in the New World?

A. JamestownB. St. AugustineC. QuebecD. New Orleans

Page 159: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

158. The series of religious revivals that spread throughout colonial America during the early 18th Century was which?

A. the American RenaissanceB. the Great AwakeningC. the Social Gospel MovementD. the Four Square Gospel

Page 160: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

159. The framers of the Constitution provided that in a fight between state & nat’l laws

A. federal law winsB. the Supreme Court decides the caseC. state law winsD. a joint committee of Congress decides

Page 161: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

160. Voting rights are guaranteed by which Amendment?A. 15th

B. 16th

C. 17th D. 21st

Page 162: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

161. Locke, Hobbes, & Rousseau would most likely agree thatA. force was the major factor in the

development of gov’tB. all gov’t should be abolishedC. all states should be ruled by divine rightD. the state exists to serve the will of the


Page 163: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

162. The Constitution gives Congress the power to make laws necessary to carry out its duties & responsibilities. This is called

A. supremacy clauseB. elastic clauseC. 10th AmendmentD. establishment clause

Page 164: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

163. When Texas became independent, many hoped to add it to the US. Which was NOT an issue regarding its annexation?

A. fear of war with MexicoB. abolitionist opposed the spread of

slaveryC. Manifest DestinyD. additional markets for cotton

Page 165: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment
Page 166: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

164. Which best demonstrates US population trends from 1780 to 1830?

A. grew older & got smallerB. high birthrates caused pop. explosionC. Native Americans increased rapidlyD. Mass European immigration caused


Page 167: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

165. Which was NOT an impact of the Columbian Exchange & its impact on native societies?

A. millions died from diseasesB. they grew rich from tradeC. new foods were introduced to EuropeD. they were forcibly baptized

Page 168: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

166. Why was Saratoga a turning point in the Revolutionary war?A. Washington became the commander of the

armyB. the French decided to openly aid the

coloniesC. it was the last battle of the warD. Jefferson surrendered his troops

Page 169: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

167. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Washington Irving, & Emily Dickinson contributed to which?A. political thoughtB. abolitionist movementC. literatureD. the Revolutionary War

Page 170: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

168. Which was a turning point in the Civil War?A. Bull RunB. GettysburgC. AntietamD. Savannah

Page 171: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

169. Which best expresses the message of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address?

A. he freed all slavesB.to announce his resignationC. to announce the terms of surrender for

the SouthD. to say the Union must be preserved

Page 172: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

170. Before the Civil War, most runaway slaves headed where?A. MexicoB. VirginiaC. CanadaD. London

Page 173: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

171. TVA, CCC, & the AAA should be identified with which?A. Era of Good FeelingsB. Monroe DoctrineC. New FrontierD. New Deal

Page 174: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

172. Who would be most correctly associated with the assembly line?A. Ben FranklinB. Andrew JacksonC. Henry FordD. Alexander Graham Bell

Page 175: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

173. Chief Sitting Bull & his warriors were defeated at the Battle of

A. Wounded KneeB. TippecanoeC. Sand CreekD. Horseshoe Bend

Page 176: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

174. Which Alabama native was named to the US Supreme Court by Franklin Roosevelt?

A. George WallaceB. Bibb GravesC. Hugo BlackD. Jeff Davis

Page 177: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

175. Which Alabamian won 3 Gold Medals at the 1936 Olympics, causing Hitler to leave in disgust?

A. Joe LouisB. Jesse OwensC. Hank WilliamsD. Arthur Gaston

Page 178: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

176. Which company built the 1st railroad in Alabama?A. B & OB. Montgomery Railroad CompanyC. Tuscumbia Railroad CompanyD. Selma Railroad Company

Page 179: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

177. During WWII, which state led the nation in per capita purchasing of war bonds?

A. FloridaB. CaliforniaC. GeorgiaD. Alabama

Page 180: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

178. Which battle in the War of 1812, led by Andy Jackson, ended all chances the Creeks (Red Sticks) had to stop white settlers?

A. Battle of Saw Mill CreekB. Battle of GirardC. Battle of Horseshoe BendD. Battle of the Bulge

Page 181: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

179. Which Alabama native worked on finding the causes of & cure for yellow fever?

A. Lister HillB. William GorgasC. Jesse OwensD. W. C. Handy

Page 182: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

180. Problems on what major project led to the cure for yellow fever?

A. Panama CanalB. WWIC. Aswan DamD. TVA

Page 183: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

181. What was Alabama’s liquor policy after the 21st amendment repealed the 18th?

A. Alcohol was illegal everywhereB. Liquor was legal everywhereC. Each county votes on its own liquor

policyD. the State has the right to tax all liquor

Page 184: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

182. Franklin’s cartoon urges the colonies to do what?

A. kill snakesB. work togetherC. join the

militaryD. join the British

Page 185: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

183. Which 3 countries were the “Axis Powers” in WWII?A. US, England, FranceB. Spain, France, ItalyC. Japan, Germany, SpainD. Germany, Italy, Japan

Page 186: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

184. The New Deal established the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) toA. regulate & stop fraud in the stock marketB. insure bank depositsC. license new banksD. regulate foreign trade

Page 187: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

185. During the Great Depression, who lived in Hoovervilles?

A. rich friends of President HooverB. the newly homelessC. farmers who lost their farms because of

the Dust BowlD. Vacuum cleaner workers

Page 188: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

186. What was the Manhattan Project?A. code name for D-DayB. a New Deal program to bring jobs to big

citiesC. US plan to invade JapanD. US program to develop the atomic bomb

Page 189: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

187. Where was the 1st motion picture made?A. ParisB. New YorkC. HollywoodD. Philadelphia

Page 190: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

188. Which US president made the decision to “drop the bomb”?A. FDRB. TrumanC. HooverD. Kennedy

Page 191: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

189. Abolitionists worked to end what?A. child laborB. poor working conditionsC. liquor consumptionD. slavery

Page 192: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

190. Auschwitz, Buchenwald, & Dachau should all be associated with…

A. WWIB. WWIIC. VietnamD. Korea

Page 193: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

191. Which famous radical abolitionist published The Liberator?

A. William Lloyd GarrisonB. Harriet Beecher StoweC. Fredrick DouglasD. Catherine Beecher

Page 194: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

192. Which great abolitionist orator published The North Star?A. William Lloyd GarrisonB. Fredrick DouglasC. Harriet TubmanD. John Brown

Page 195: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

193. Who was the most famous conductor of the Underground RR?

A. Catherine BeecherB. Harriet TubmanC. Jeff DavisD. Robert E. Lee

Page 196: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

194. What was the name of Hitler’s secret police?A. Red GuardB. Red ShirtsC. MI6D. Gestapo

Page 197: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

195. Which Supreme Court Justice strengthened the Court the most?

A. Hugo BlackB. John JayC. John MarshallD. Thurgood Marshall

Page 198: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

196. Who was the 1st Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?A. John MarshallB. Thomas PaineC. John JayD. Jay Leno

Page 199: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

197. Which amendments are nicknamed the “African-American” amendments?

A. 1st 10B. 7, 8, & 9C. 13, 14, & 15D. 21, 22, & 23

Page 200: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

198. Which decade should be associated with Flappers, Jazz, & drinking?

A. Era of Good FeelingsB. Rowdy 40sC. Roaring 20sD. 1960s

Page 201: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

199. Which war included the Rough Riders?A. American RevolutionB. War of 1812C. Cold WarD. Spanish American War

Page 202: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

200. What happened on D-Day?A. England ended the Revolutionary WarB. WWI endedC. allies invaded France in WWIID. America evacuated Vietnam

Page 203: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

201. What did Wm Gorgas discover caused malaria?A. mosquitoesB. rotten meatC. air pollutionD. cold weather

Page 204: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

202. Which best describes “yellow journalism”?A. accurateB. exaggeratedC. biographicalD. statistical

Page 205: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

203.Which Alabama city is named for a British iron town?A. MobileB. BessemerC. Fish EyeD. Birmingham

Page 206: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

204. What was the “shot heard ‘round the world”?A. French RevolutionB. American RevolutionC. bombing of Pearl HarborD. bombing of Hiroshima

Page 207: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

205. The Monroe Doctrine concerns which?

A. income taxesB. tariffsC. interstate tradeD. foreign affairs

Page 208: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

206. Locke, Rousseau, & Hobbes are associated with…A. the Dark AgesB. the RenaissanceC. the EnlightenmentD. the Sp. Civil War

Page 209: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

207. Why was John Hancock’s signature on the Declaration so large ?

A. he wanted King George to be able to read it without glasses

B. he always wrote bigC. he needed new glassesD. he had carpal tunnel

Page 210: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

208. What was the period of rebuilding the South immediately following the Civil War?

A. renaissanceB. the enlightenmentC. Great AwakeningD. reconstruction

Page 211: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

209. During reconstruction, the South was divided into 5 zones, each ruled by …

A. governorsB. politiciansC. generalsD. muckrakers

Page 212: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

210. What ended reconstruction?A. deconstructionB. Harlem RenaissanceC. the Missouri CompromiseD. the Compromise of 1877

Page 213: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

211. Who was named president under the Compromise of 1877?A. M.A. LedbetterB. R.B. HayesC. U.S. GrantD. R.E. Lee

Page 214: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

212. Why did Jackson use the Indian Removal Act?A. oil was discovered on their landB. their land was extremely fertileC. gold was discoveredD. he was trying out his presidential power

Page 215: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

213. What explorer was the 1st European to see the Mississippi River?

A. PizarroB. De SotoC. CoronadoD. Cortez

Page 216: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

214. Seneca Falls is most correctly associated with A. Native AmericansB. AbolitionistsC. Women's Temperance UnionD. Women's Rights

Page 217: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

215. Who started the Reformation?A. Leonardo Da VinciB. Martin LutherC. Christopher ColumbusD. William Shakespeare

Page 218: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

216. Who should most rightfully be considered “Mr. Harlem Renaissance”?

A. ShakespeareB. W.C. HandyC. Louis ArmstrongD. Langston Hughes

Page 219: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

217. Which word can be substituted for “conscription”?A. militaryB. intelligenceC. draftD. ululent

Page 220: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

218. Which 2 “powers” were the Populists Party most concerned about fighting?

A. Jeffersonians & WhigsB. farmers & factory ownersC. banks & railroadsD. Rockefeller & Carnegie

Page 221: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

219. Who is credited with “discovering” the Pacific?A. MagellanB. BalboaC. CortezD. De Soto

Page 222: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

220. Who was the 1st to sail around the tip of Africa?A. MagellanB. de GamaC. Henry the NavigatorD. Quavon Davis

Page 223: 1.Slavery was abolished in the US by the A. Gettysburg Address B. 14 th Amendment C. Emancipation Proclamation D. 13 th Amendment

221. Who was the commander of the American forces in the American Revolution?

A. Nathan HaleB. Sir Walter ScottC. Benedict ArnoldD. George Washington