1rinyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063543/1884-02-29/ed-1/seq-11.pdf · ski n like alat a

A WONDERFUL POWER Curious Manifestations of a Georgia GkL A Refortc-'s Accent of Her Perfo-m- ances, ! the rosy sunsets, as they are v~~- eons, and that they will both take parture together. Tho negroes in Cedar val- ley are afraid of the young lair, and m-eat 1 ft1fir*mHflff tft.k©n possession of HUMIV or i often, wfe*> t h i n k she has power to cause their death atw.ll Some local wiseoores accredit her with ani- mal magnetism, others electricity, and Still others the ''odie influence 1 ' developed. For my own part I have rot male up my verdict | NEWS OF THE WEEK. \ Easter^ ana Middle StateA ; JAMES NVTTL who *bot and killed hi* fath- er's slayer* Luke--. atUniontown, Peon., was acquitted on l^s trial at Pittsburz, to which Senntorj \ oorheo MUSICAL AiND DRAMATIQ Peveral Georgia par«rs having recently ftibliiJieJ Accounts of the alleged strange ixiwers possessed by Miss Luia Hurst, & girl ^iva^ with her parents near Oedartown, Ga., tbt- Atlanta Constitution sent one of its staff to inves'igat? the matter. The Constitution representative saw the young lady at her home, smi sent tn his paper tbe following ex- t.u:a Hurst is one of the most singular- looking girls I ever saw. i^he has th^> strangest look io her dark •brown eyes tliat I ei-er «ncojnter<id. It r.eei-i ro reoo le^»vn of her mys erious j>,wer to c>nf)>!r?e!v awe me whenever those untaihoirMtile orbs throw their weird flroj ift fact. I think I lost five p-anis of fles ; every titr.e 1 caught tha: jrlri looking at me Th.- i^-hbor* ha 1 {old me she was an u'l THIS Hess opera company T&e oldest opera-house States is in yavannah. TWEXTY-THKEE new opei at the various theatres of I-ast year. They all died y THE new Orman thoatn upon its play-bills in lar^« are requested to take off theii J. T. SCLUV>V, Formerly man, and who has been 1-u: a \he stage, is doing good wor port. WILSON BARRETT, tho L from Lond.m t is going to Mex- in the United LJ were produced Italy during the ' Fall R stejis ! in the Xutts' pri Aftek- bein- out ten hours the jury t in a jerdi.-t. of "not guilty, on ac- if insanifcv at the time the act was com- The'vonlct was received with inside and outside the crowded court- •odiu Hulls. HlKjLM RADCLIFFK, who for lived q miserly and isolated life i N. Y.j died tM> other day leavii estimated at $j(K>.a)0. Ho hai r. on tha street hly anybody L any year ot been seen sinal t ••Claud of Am Comrresses, but the plan hat failed to meet the approval of the two houses. THE sub-eommittee of the House oommittee on agriculture agreed to report, with two amend irents, the bui prepared by the Cattle Breeders' convention for the extirpation of diseases among domestic animals- The ap- iti d e t i e d uiion is $250,000, Stat i iation detrmin n i $ of $500,000, and the States a tribute a ?ua3 ejual to mong them by the gen required t app tioned FREDERICK DoraLASs, recorder of deeds for the District of Columbia and formerly United States marshal un ier President Hayes, and well known as a colored politician and speaker, was married 'he other evening to Miss Helen M. Fitts,a white lady about thirty- six yearso'.d, former.y a resid- nt of Avon, N. Y.,"whohasbeenacupyst tor several years in the office of Mr. ]Jouela>=s. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Francis J. Grimke, jastorof the Fifteenth Si re -t Presbyterian church (colored), at bis residence in Wash- ington. There were present, beside the con- tracting jarties, onH w<, witnesses. Mr. l'ouj^la s has b^-en a widower a b u t two years at;d is no* nearly three ^core and t^n. He has four L:rown children, and his m& T riage was a grt-at surprise to them as well a< to the rest ..f tho community. i MM Pi:u has been Away TiuUss- i e nmund m tlie corner* of her eye* t ' lurkin,'just th* strangert fcx'pres- "'£er father told mo *h© always took Id el is ht in mystifying f >KiS. My opinion is that l:er father doesnt understand her any more than the a'legM re: entists understand the rose- tintr«i Bunsois at West End. "fWeruan, of the Cedartown Jdwj-h'ser, *u«n Ponder, of the Rome Ourtrr, have both t.taked th.'it- sacred IBHK* MI Lulu Hursts It taken e i ather galli bout *' S-CE BA: so. New [IRETT s York o cr,: whiii )WdDd t h e G r a n d make' •rdict. Sh< is flftce oW. unu mllv targe for h,. _,., .. wrists«f* as bi;.r a.-> those of a good-sized man. tn-.Pfl*d of a handsome and willowy figum I tot.ti 1 that khe was inclined to beVctaewhat round-should; red, and her frame seemed to b.> remarkable more for its well-developed mus- cles than for anv statue-like beouliei. lu- s-tm-.l of delicately-chiseled feature* and a skin like alat a<ter, «r, tho enthusiastic one had told me she \T& e**d, I found high cheok bono.-- »nd a niCi- with a considerable amount of color iu It Her nut-brown hair, stiff and HTiru'.Y, h u n g lo -seiy from her ncad, its wild freedom checked ouly by a. blue ribbon bow fastened in some way on the top of her head. Yier hair reached slight]}- below her BhoUl- liers, and heightened the awe-intpirinp effect of her eyes *ud high chee!-: hohaa. She was •Iressed plainly a n markabledegree—and, indt«d, she seen-s to h t regardless of her per- •oim! appearance. She is five feet three incl.es in height. Thisfe what Miss Lu!a told me about the j to.gir.ning of tho mystery: "C>na night about two m-nths ago I was ! sleeping with my mother in my room. We had retired about nine, and were just get- ing off t<> sJeep, when Bud icnly the l>ed s-et ad nerer heard before. The 2 n all parts of the bed—all ov My motiwr scoided me for n>aking a n but I vas in«(x-ant I knew nothing The noise, however, ceased, and we we " What WAS th© next manifestation V Th I i h BRET HAitiK has liramatizod his famous story, ''Tne Lu.'i of K arin^ Camp,' and Iho MadLson S<iuaro ii.ara-. m.-nt will i.reuent u after revision by Mr. 1-nvid Uolas o. FKKLKRIC^ WARDE .8 shortly t<> presen in liosion a ti a 't^lv t-ntitlo 1 ** M'MiiDon, written by Henry\iuy « arieto:i. Tins niece is in blan^ vei-se'aii-1 the xv-no of it is laid in LOTTA AND MINNIE I'AI.MEII, both Ameri- cans, aw both playing in ix)ndo:i to crawdei ln.usi's and tins rivalry runs \erv high. Both havo their crowds of'fo'.lowei-s" and together they are doing <iUit<> will. " How beautifully the woman sings' 1 said one lariv to another, who w.i» In gorgeous at- tire ai«f blaa.ug with diniiionds. "IsKhua mezzo-soprano :" '" No, I gU'.;?- not; 1 think sh© is a Swede, implied thv other. - Ibuyar la;ly who I ' LATER ISEW& A FR«BTHOTKXB|5' aaeociatlon was formed at a conventii PETMECKY, the Murderer of Mr«. Froitz heim in Auburn, ^. Y., had been senter.oed to be hanged on Fiiday, Match 31. ILUVESS from a fcidney trouble has led Bi ; Horse, one of th# most promment of the Cheyenne chiefs injthe Indian Territory, to commit suicide bv shooting himself in the head with a pistol.! THE Virginia hcjuse adopted without de- upon g bate the senate's i resolution g United States Senator Mahone to resign. AT Mineral Spikngs. Ark, two judges A MTSTEBT OP THE SEA. ' la the falfof^L., _, Tfce F»te Which OwiooSTthe "Ctty of Bo*, ble. I was swolleb t lonf'-Captaln Murray's Idea, and Ex- I feared my UraW f a:o, tne City ol Boston sailed ferin«8W«r»tefTi» ! _ti proportion* tha* ould burst. I had the tble, and at the harbor crowded "with an expectant : wo j'* 1 sta i% ° r my ilhiesa, when my husband throng of passengers bound for a ^ g n : ^ ^^^^enmeupted^h, examination of my water, and pronounced ! that are alluded to. v^.. . r ^ , ^ . , vii« recent visit to New York, took lunch with Captain George Bid- dons Murray on baard tno Alaska, of tho Guion line, ' Captain Murray is a man of. stalwart build, well-knit fram-' 1 and cheery. nial disposition. He has been nd I was growing weaker daily until this kind physician ordered me to take Hunt's Kemedy. Before taking half of one bottle I commenced to improve, aud after taking six bottles was entirely cured. This was nearly eight years ago, and Ii have had no return of "" I have i rec immended Hi i- I tui . e I Webb i j ossibility | however. aPm: the same noises »«rn repcateil widi even tjrwkter forre. My cousin called my mother into the room, and we took tho bod-elothcs and bedding off the bed. We examined them camfUby, and found nothing the matter as f«r a* we could set-, although wo noticed thut ; thu pieces that I Uok <>ir .-ontinued to crack as I was handling them. My mother said the noises were cau.ed by electricity, but I, of course, koewnoihing of that. Immedi- ately my father and th.- family all de<-id«il , that some odd powers were nt work in me. Mother said, 'Lula, put your hands on this chair.' I did so, and tin- chair began to move , •round. It amused the lictk) children, and 1 kupt it up for half an hour. My father , thought it was a joke we were playing on him, ant took ho'd of the char, but lie could not bold it down although I simply had tho weight of my fingers on it. My father then , began to experiment, and soon decided that ' there was no limit to it, aa five men ooukl not Ii ild a chair upon which I simply laid niv band. **•- " " ^ .--«_* ^- _ un wad t..-e prmcipa it a reception givi n by the New York League lelub. The Pres.dent was at- vigilante and lynched. SAN FBA.NCI.SCO i is to hava a bronze of (Sarfield. r Gen^ral Browster, and spent shakiig hands with members o club, cisitors,! their wivo.s and daughte he dinnjsr there was a d auce. anager, is mak* a profeSr th ch<? r!ay of THREE brothen son county, Ala. »ault«d a negro, interfered in the latte flrod upon, emptied it at Canadja and (1 iht a du-1, but t f I, a id ijhook hands in fTEk of I'ittsbur^ was I|I gr. ut variety of fine ] oultry. ILsh, ljabblts, gu.nwi p.g*, cat.-, find l Liuifactilr.'. ,.folwmai'j!«nul "" XHKH cifemntion has ju>t fjikt-n j.laoy i of peasantry md, birthplac •lavt-r of J. cfk-bration I of O'Donnoll II was held aiu onuell bury tvru nnd great musiral festivuls, mostly i those conducted by Dr. Damronch. PROMINENT PEOPLE twimtv fwt, brt-akni' 1 in ravor or I I wo,,l was ]> , who killed Count I ^ ^ froll| Theo Kiel at Teme->var, [ . unwl to two years' ! praymg for the ' for tl A betition was pre- D. \\loolsey and others, a law to provide statistics Mr. >f the judiciary, ijainy bill .... a of Mr. Mackej f Mr. B.tler the Uttee consisting oi id to x of the t of a lady el toDr. R aukey's rev cohts of tin as the mar ho had beei berg. meetings a •h better than when hffii'lt this country. Kiton—Henry Hergh, jin-Mdcnt of the ttersea, England, werp llui.o SCHENCK, rece enna for murdering indkiton and Hill to attend, insr obtalmil their money under promi marriage, has confessed that he h CAMKHON.—Kx-So>i»U)r Simon (.'amoron ha-sleit Hot 8i>niiss, Ark., for Moxic J. He is in much b tter health thai when he started on hk j.uraey. murders.expo^tin^ through O h ih i p obtain *l^,fO), with which .he in- Borne ItemsT"""" •—" AU your own fault If you remain rick when you can Get hop bitters that never-/™!. —The weakest woman, smallest rhi'd lickast invalid can use hop biUens with . and great good. —Old men tittering around from Hhe n. tism, kidnev trouble or any wcukncM wjnT almost new"by usin^ hop bittern. " v—My wife and daughter were madflh« bv the use of hop bitw-rs and I i them to my people.—Methodist C Ask any go^l doctor if hop Unearth. ' " ^ IM **- —Malarial fever, Ague and BlIlotuL- will leave every neighborhood 1 as soon S ' ' bitters arriTe, ^ •> —" My mother drore the paralraii »_ neural-ia all out of her system with hoi ters."—Ed. Oswego Hun. i —Keep the ki Ineys healthy with hoi 1 : ters and you n.vd not fe *r nckness. •«1 harmless and u.. ig with hop UtUr»i» ,: Ask any go^l Bitters are m>t the b rifre.^hinp ami r Ciiy of B. ». Koth vi-see tige i f life.*" WhVi •Is laboied hml. The ual lury. th t> id of Bost ibtedly went to >r bna"->, litV-prcsei vor-i and ro •cun-ly lashed; and wlun tl-.e v.. •ryihiu went wiihh r, never to ..... ...it'll ihewugivts up it.s dead." What, in vour opinion, cairtnin, was r f the City ot B, s o n : ' •'The City of UuierUk, in almost pr e:f :e same latitude, a few, ays 'ator, found < u-e: ami I havo no doi .Hided with the ice. ; Hunts Rem.ay liavjmg baeii recommended me for kidney and liver complaints, I pur- used wmo at tlie 'Teflfc's Drug Store" and *-.litm injj-ia'nilv, anTfounl it to ba a M-y v a l t a b J e m o J : c i n o , V d 1 gladly rccom- .end it highly to my friends, knowing it to '. J vl J e ^' iai1 ^ loose troubled with kidney or - T h e vigor of yout firrr. in hop biter.-; : —'; At tho rhans,: c —" Th tho greii- —Mo'i aged ami b> \ v ^a receh. ••:. ' i thoCitvof Boston. I sunk m'mifdi-itely." 1 o ClevelanU, Ohio, lost four j Captain Murray lias b^en in command of i-* ,i withm m uitrA>*t- tj,,, n i ,. ' the Alaska ever tire* sho wns \ ut iu coniuiib- r a wthinia short time b> , . d of h - s ^ ^ tl o other day hor fifth ohiUi she carries thousands of pas^nger-i evoiy he I have ustd h Complaint, full, >ly hcaltu by itts us< ho ! l.a-ly Irdcjin Lit ! Trends all of w nd I Etod by its use. mt's Remedy lor tl javii^g been fu ly re , 1 can testify to its value, Qond it to some ono of m j 10m I know have been bene- Grateful! •!i s.ckly. fretful, nnrdw '•""• ' -IndiZ-o-li.,!!^ voak st-Mua Gratefully, GKO. P COX. -il 33, I8d8 u.eL rogUlMj.1 hopb^- theWU COLORADO has a settled population of 800,- 100. of hop Are Dreai6 Prophetic t year, mid has groatiy popu:ari/e; lianw & Guion hue. Fi-uuirkuv . bronzed and healthy apj earance of th , ) „„„_„ tain, the rep rtei^aid that sea life did uofc j Ten days before hB death Lincoln dreamed u to 1)L' a very preat physical trial. ! that " tlie President"^, lay dead in the White No? But ft person's appearance is not Bouse, " killed by tlii hand of an assassin," always a trustworthy indication of h^ physi- IVhen his wife heard of the tragedy she ex- jondition. For seven years 1 have bom Claimed, ''His dreainWas prophetic!" Tha any respects very much out o( sorts with I maority of dreams, however, are never ful- myself. At certain times 1 was so lnme that ] ailed-they are too fantastic, or they art I it was diflicult for me to tuovo arounil. I | solved bv contrary 1 events. Poor.'e are often ! scarcely straighten up. I didnotknow posse>,se I of the idea that they shall | tho troublo was, and though I per- j won die. They find themse.vee the j *1 ull my duties regularly and satisfaa- | tubject of - Strange feelings. They , yet I felt that I might some ; know they are not what they once were, and . j oo overtaken witli some serious prosj- ^ they approach certain ages they are quite I trating disorder. Those tr"" 1 ' 1 '"" <••«---—<* •»> ••• --»•'«•• •«—•->- » "' A timely * + * u Bitter* will keep a whole family Iu robust health a year at a little« —To produce real genuine steep and like repose all night, tab a little Jus fa on rotii ing. —Thr.t indlsestftu! firstomach iting —P< using hop ) bitters. . ervous, tre'nulousokl lAdHta'i perfect'y quiet and sprightly W -h eh she will up; ear charactei-b. Hd- pran lfather was form-rly governor of A'abuma and ju Ige of the supreme c mrt blio i< al-o u neco of Senator King. MRS. LANUTKY hius cleared fo0,<>00 thus far this season over and above a 1 1 outlay, includ- ing her j>ersonal t-xpt-use*. Sho has the sum mentioned lyinj? in cash to her credit in a single bank, ana unless unforcst stances occur before tho winter is over nno will make from $tv.,u HJ to *70,000 out of her present tour. Miss HENIUETTA HKEBE, the soprano of Dr. Howard's rlnnvh m K: .rtv-*oiid street, >'ew York, ranks union;' the finoM; sins>r* in any "ho.r. Her s;»'nry i- t-aid to In-f l,. f .(X), mid IK probably tho largest paid to any la<ly in that city. _ku-s Ik-clie- is epccitvlly a %• od trating disr 1 felt dull :hen, again, sh irouRh my tirrrs and limbs. .. -__*xt day I would feel (lushed and unaccoi._.. ( _,. _. ably uneasy and the day following chilly and : measui rmaaedi. . injj ixiims Possibly the wing cnil until las ire they win not'' bo long of earth. impressions as a rule are tbe result of imagination disordered by disease, but they 1 shaken off by prompt and thorough a b y u n a y a y despondent ThU continued ct'iuber, when I was prostrated so leaving Queenstown, and for the r of the voyage was a hdplcs--, pitiful In January laM, a frien:l who made th voya^o with me, wrote me a letter, urging me to try a mw course ot a treatment. I gladly ai copied bis counsel, d f th l ' ' ' " >y prompt ai tJd that-vei *-liko atteir ii health; isfactio of SJ nd to-duy, I havo the proud sat- ing to you that tha lame ba-It, last De- i eases i-an be prevented; after deaths are said to be preventable! Hence the .aindei* importance, of always acting promptly in ifTei-er, avery personal emergency, c that , Justice William Moul, of Went Sandlake, N. Y., very higldy esteemed in Troy,wa*for vcara p'a^ued by forebodings that he was ' early death. He had dull and in various parts of the body, iplexion was bad, his appetite was ible, he felt weary without known cause, -"-"•V.autly constipated, hL> tongue w" eions, St. Vitus Dance, AleoktHw Opium Eating, Seminal Weakness, I potency, Syphilis, Scrofula, and all Nervous and Blood Disea rough and bu<{- j flitting paii the recovery of my nat- his complei ivo the - - .- . . lying the t»tranij;o feelings, the sciatic rheu which havo so long pursued me, have entirely difajipeared through the blood purifying ia- \ tendeind-s and pain fluence of Warner's Safe Kheuma'tic Cure •-- J "-- J •wh.ch entirely eradicated all rheumatic pois- on from my system. Iud6p<l, to me, it soim thftt it 1ms worked wonders, and I therefore most cordially cornmend it." "And vou havo no trouble now in exposing yourself to the winds of the Atlantic?'' "Not the least. I am as sound as a bul'.ef and I feel socially thankful over the fact because 1 believe rheumatic and kidney dis- Lney d blood of my family. 1 waa drea .fully shocked on my last arrival in Liv- rool to learn tht bth h i •pool to learn that my brother, wh wc-althy China tea merchant, had sue died ot lirifihfs diseasb of the kidneys, a-nd consider myself uxtremely fortunate in i-av- ing taken my trouble in time and before any more s-erious effects were possible." The convei-sation drifted to other topics, and as the wrin r watched the face before him, so strong in all its out:incs and yet $o genial, and thought of the innumerable e?c- co;uresand hardships ti which its owner had been exposed, he instinctively w.shed all wlio are suffering from the terrible rheurcatfc troubles now soc<.mmon might know * y ated, and frequent feverish dis- .ppeared. Then loilowed extreme i=s and pain in the tack, great las- situde, gravelly deposits in water, which was dark, frothy aud odorous, ail indicat- ing livor and kidney disorders. These de- velopments alarmed him, especially sinct physicians did him no good. About gi 1 up in dtspair, tie followed the counse one of the Supreme Court Justices to Dr. I avid Kennedy's Favorite Remedy (oi Rondout N Y ) as an experiment It scat Dr. I aid Kennedys Favorite Remedy (oi Rondout, N. Y.,) as an experiment. It scat- tered h:s ba 1 feelings revived his appetite , and to it ak-nt - .ddenly j his life. - 1 -' ""-"ins and v a the credit of saving md forebodings ol Walnut teat Hair Restorer. It is eutitcly dittei-ent from all others. II is as clear as water, and as its name indicates i is a perfect Vegetable Han-Restorer. ItwiU ! ccipt of price. ITvp Plaster Company, Pi\- prietors, Dontop, ila.-:i. c3y ma . - .... *.. k... J .i.;«finT777T£r-.iTday late in seeing her, tut I turned up at her hotel at Rome to-d*y at aooo, and in comranv with JSrotVr Voafrr, of tlie Courier, hvl a |#ivate aeance for my own benefit. Bhe gives an entertainment at Rome U>oight. There w»s no deception in what! she did (or me, 1 watcbei her with my eagle eye. Her father and mother and Mr. Ponder ; and myself were in the room at tlie time with the young lady. Mr. Hum lai I tn ordinary chair ui*.n The floor on its back. " Lulu, you put yt.ur haml on it," said be. ' Senator \ The young ladv st -0|«yl down, put the ti.-« 'ti tafT of two of her flneors to the back of the ( i llt inJ tl. r as "a slight, girlish, young-faced womau, of great force uf character an.l bril- liant mental ondownifnts. Hht> Ls very popu- lar with the young lady students." VALIRA.—Senor Don Juim de Valera, the new Hnanish minister at Washington, fifty years r.t at;e, with gray hair and mustuehe. Huhas l«en in the dii.lon ati<- service since he was flitein years of «ige. Ho in tiLso dis- tinguislie-l as ai author. Bot-DINOT.— (Lionel Boudinot, tho long- haire! Cherokee ihi-f, si eclator at th« NuLttr:i Senator Voorhees to Ii ui^. WC He' g sted : Meth chair and im a begart ielv P°* ate ; if hl:d « mg by r The I Mr. :ha r was then stood ni> and I w.r^ asked to hold «!ojr. 1'ouder too'.f one bide und I took the other. We put our wholeJtoiie to work to Wp it * till. Mi>s H u r s t filacie<l the pa'nv-, of her hands on the back of tbu chair, and it was soon Tying around tfce room, over- powering Lothuf u#)f:Cfe.ating a bi 3' a'Ar an 1 nearly knocking us'down, iiiss Hurst then to 4c t h e chair aad phwd bv)th bands under the perforated bottom with her palms uptiermost. She took no hold on it, but simply let it re,t on her hands as a servant might Lave carried a waiter of flow- ers Thus the le^s of tbe chair were about three feet from the floor and tho soat about twsr and a hilf. Ton ler and I attempted to put it on the floor, using all our might and fctrength to do so, but the chair would not. down. It continued to r i e andflyaround in the air with the newarper men swinging on at «-ach side. Mr. Hur^t, a man weighing nt-ar two hundred poundi.tbon gut up hito iho chair and sat there as calrnlv as if hdwere a boy%ittin(f <n a g a t e |*»-,t. ' Thus Mifc Hurst Bupj.ortel the cou.b m-d weight of thte three. 1 he tola' weijjht wh.ch -he thus f-uopArtol on tho t alnii! of her hand-, was. neorly ffVe hun- dre I pounds, or n.uch n:ore than the wi-ight of two barrvis of ti, ,„-. j t wni mdoed ^^t<ln- ihhing, espeeialy in view of thu fa«f that not a mu-sclrt twitche I and the slighest flush did not mantle Ler chLt-kj.. " ALLISON.- United State. Senator Allison, who);, called "l.u ky A hhon," ha-.l»ad R long i heihiuL'', "then 1 ' v.L' ek cu-d United States St-nat.jr, and hits u.st bt-«n r<- electe.l a third Mine fur a term expiring in iv.il. Atthattime he will have bivn iw-nty-^ix year, in Con- .IAI'AX'8 RULER.—Mutsohito I., emperor of Japun, who ia now tinny three years of ULC, :s Ihe I'S'A MjVt-r.'ii;ii of tha f <•• uuti-y I H.- ha-s reigned hince thu d.-ath of his lather in is«.7. His is the only dynasty that has ! ruud in Japan, and be;an in^) D. C. There '• is no other monarch in the w..rld who can [ b< ast to unbroken a decent from so ancient I a -tock-. VK-TOKIA.—Queen Victoria wiii hpend ft considerable part of thn huraix on the conti- nent, Hhe goo.1 at fii-st to IJa len-Baden, and afterward to Darmstadt U> attend the wed- i P'** din^ of her granddaughter with I'nnce ; .* I-ouis Uwt.tenbi.rjr. The I'rinct! and 1'rinotfc.s wu of Wales are al*j expected to be there, after 1"?°' making a i<;n< -,tay in the Riviera, whither V" tl ey go shortly I tne I'HELI-K.-Miss Elizabeth Ktuart Fhelps, ! alii •"'•" •-' : - -nd plea-ant manners are , "" ;o o i f l I.IKIO. ,.- HM ladies ii nore, lliehops ^itnp-.<m aiul Andrew '- J iidvo. nc*,- of founding i for tl)i-higher whicaU'i of tlio coiiforoiioi. ; WIIH re oVcted V< the Tnit^ >y lln> Iowa logihlature. t.f an old man lyncl his« hoir.t eplit that by fli. Crest .M" Hlt( akon fr< I e a a ed o.-s if she hafl been summer hat bv a string. " Does it not tire you.' I a-.ked. "N •wirling a Do "No D at all,' she fl " Do you feel any peculiar sensatioi "Nun* whatnrer. 1 ' " Do»n't it strain your " Ii;di<-.|, if tlm «ore a cane-oottom chair, you would njt-seo the sdightest straiu on the " V\ hat do you think about HT " I 'iont know a .ythn,K alx.ut it." I Ux.k a heavy hi Uo-y Wii)K)ti,'-?.tick, and oauffht it m-ar <me<-uri. Mr. J. !?. Brown of Chattanooga, .-auRht lirsid- me ; Mr. J W. Ulnt,u, of Social Crcle, and Mr. B, M. O,r i el), ot Goaht-n, Ind , took the other aid -. E&'h coupie fac«>il th* c.tber. We held on with both hands, the *V.c< firmly pressed a^r ns t*ch man's cht-t Tv. my htt the en 1 of i he •tick projected a f. ot. MLSH Hurst itepixjd up to it, rai»«.i Ur hands, un 1 UJUCUO I the tlu« of her flnjeii to the en i of the g'lc'r. In a moment it moved to <?ne r-uif. Then to th<i ether, th*n up, then down, acr », around, •nd th»s n*xt lrwuint that young girl by smply touching tbe end of the Btfck at.d keei-in* her hands there, hal four men floundering furiously urouud tlie room, and several tim^s I was ten inch«* off the floor. H'»wi«thaf Vivn n.t-ii < ausjht a chair and held it to the floor Htsu jait h r hands on it, and as tho pteusly Rliatttro 1 In trying t/> «et away from : them. Aooth- r HI><\ nt'.ut^r <-imir nhan-d A hk« lau-. A hi-av\ \nvlniMtui was male to run aero* th»; r<^o;ii twice aiinply by the lay- in* on of hands. I tat m a chair. Hhe touched it, and dumrn-d «i». i,n thf- floor six fr«t away. All I tn-* trii'k» ware Ti'\in&U*\ several time4 •-j-i fully O/IIVUK«-<1 in* that, hh« po««»©.i wrttH: rfe!»jirltab'e \>>Y.t'.r tluit I l«-ave for tb« w:itntt>T« to '-xpittin' if they ran. I did not !.*-.« tiino U> ><r. h*r attempt t>, rnore a t**i by Ketting on it. and Mrnply • ororn*n'lirij{ it, a» tb'tt rwjuir«l an hoiir or two more time ihau I Juul at my dufxajtl. Nrtthcr did «kn-nttompt any Hpint rapiiiisc. There lkiiAfl<>ubL i,t oi.« tlnnK) a.ni I m-n- tion it briefly for the tjcnuflt of thotui who nmy ch****: to htudj* tr,e rn«tU;rt aivl that, i-, thin: Whatever inanimaUs object she touch**! appeared to w> rkarK«l with a force that irn- l«U«i it V, moVM, add that. V*,, u,o«>t vi^or- ' wJy, and always from h«T. and with an ir- rf*i^tibl<- fore- Ifcr tow-h ha« no eff<-ct on aolmate object*. Mr. Hur-* r ari^l hi« wife hpvts jfr^^wn vr-ry .-ntsusiaxtic over their daughter'* j^wem, M.d|T. ( "r« to take her on the road if hhe «a liaako a mw&*. Hh« lia« cortainly ere - at/,-1 a l.ix M-n-ntion in IHT w-ctton of Nf.rth auvthinK lKj.,d« th»; wonderful IA >..iiniu»hit>» nif b-j^ririiriK in rloc, •. wi« am! v> wnt>- I), l,,.r lulh<;- atwj :w rnore w >t thirty- ne years. The w.-ll kin.wu writer basilark own ha r, synif«itheti>- blu ) *}•<•«, a rather Ter at rest. rh<« ih in delif ate health, ought about by h'-r lubi its among tho i>oor. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMa 1 fIE rlorifift Mp 'M'fLi 1 * cj(pt> now '\ni'iUMt'3 to Fi-ohii.*'animator l.iint.Th ,-m n «hen sue- ^'lWas^rrsnt-! *>ai h oj ^ -evrnty six \ the I T I for t Wyi ;:at' their loan ; doali MK.1OL-RI fruit grow by the recent cold nn.p THE !a k about divi.l n j (tut -.ri.ia into two : Ktau-« is a^a.n r-.v.v.-d in tie Southern too , n the lurulx-r rrgit •on prulltii: in acci U to the Tnt.RK w<r<; i, ',.,•: iK^kn publmh^l in Great Iirilaiu laht yeur Tlicolo^y headed the lint with '((>» viliiinfH. . - | THE iJoston Cu.ninrrcidl ItuHeAUx corn t'f^.^^ViMTw/'Ko'.r* 1 '^' 1 ''"'" r " ; ard Mi.N.NE-.riTA, where a Kunla. .1. ol was nmeitat.li-.he I U-irty h.;v.,n wi,r s , V o has now 1,14-1 hciioolx, with ',\;tn\\ f,:ii,,!ar,' and 11,(J<JO tein'hi-n. ami olticcru. THE railway lon-ilwun:, in m ; covered f.x^hU-Mi hii«.,, with at-,t«! ,,f | . : ^ „„),,, ,,f track, *l>i,h:i'..i)' o capital *V>< k mil a'.t.i. xi- liwtely *->,!/)•; t»»> l^,,,),, ,U),1 ,l',|, t . ' Vi-iTB»numt«Tof f^thl^-, individual* in Joviaurfcout jium.iiiK I,,, a. tra^.-li.in .l.-nt.ht wri-. pulled our Ihfir U*th in •-, «i,<l o . l l e . ^ d I ul! th- i !•.<•.; ,,t II.rw w;t« whx Ii Ii- forgot bruiK around. * MAiOltridAJI.LE Inn dmi-d tl..= new rait* v r BuS n t'ft,:: v i"'7. w "f.,! v 11 ^^ York winch ha- a ipli'^1 to itw-'f the piovi*. i-,i».s n>w\- by tl,.. SUt rut 'j („• ,-xr»;ri -,., fJf th«Jflrrty.-ar-H.,i«.iutio!i w.n l « , , u.l by th* u'texl in ! near Berlin. South and West. [•xiuehfi train leap© I from a trvj.r,ki ,' feetlhifth near Beaveitown, < Jhio, mi .ail nt Ijerkhart, Texas, a found dead in bed at their uis. Their tv.-a !s had boeu tonil: e-damp, ad Butt Miinni 1,00) Afrii Mm |> amount .-1 n sla n tlie lilwt of February will net has been discovered at South America. recommenced the slave trad <v,a,t of Madagascar, wher B br*n landed, en killed and a great !**>n d o n e to houses Ktorm throughout :i (.Utllioas were turned i.ith nt » tiro which destroys! Ix>rd •y's Ktu.l stal.UM near Oxford, Kngland. iKHAi. GOIIDO.V has been ap].oint*il ROV- of tho Bouilan by the khediveof lij;ypt. •: lx.dy of Ikrr Ijisker, thodistinguLshwl an sUtU-Miinn who died hiiddenlyln New , WILS iTei'ived by a largo uuinber of mei.t tifirii.a uittzea.s up n \U arrival ididot<K, in I'itthbuix, on May 'J!. lilement prevailed at Uadvil-e, he hiwjHM^lon of the K.rst :, of that c:ty. Tho iVpositj Uii» a 'i^l located K Tur.Mar jui, of Hertford, .. Kn-lisli iK.i.le na.*i and a penerai l:r.tish armv, died the other day from ia- .iir o. r.'.'o.vel bv bun; kicke 1 by a horse wlule huwting. '!'• N ..riN has been b'ccka.lod by th- French (111-! . WHILK thirUKiii children wore Bliding on the io at Kolir, 1'oinerania, tho ico broke A coM.isioN in tho Britiuh chaum-l be- m'a an 1 tin City of Luck- of tlw f. inking of t enty-t frmr Df her _.ich otjher. ixt father killed Bron •ii iiskiiiK t'nitt'd States Ken- u n :.i-n | a se 1 the VirK.ni«, and Harry Uronw.n Kioh.'lieu, Ky., und * aKo"lfur.iir n a Welsh colliory, and a r .,ts in Vienna over -tit deteetivo,named declared to be the anarchists,''ftnd the uiation, has l>eeu ar- s have pub'l.shei n whic-h are <iho.^ of and .iournalifiUi) of coudemned by tho e 1 by an explo- of three mine, a^o It .ANOTHER lutions, which f,XfireKing the s the ne,wfi of the beers, and authc; a oommittee to arrangements, nouncod as :ui »»ne, Birb-p, O' wmri, Calkins a then, as a mark the d WINTIR'S D4NGERS. nuing agai MIIH. Tow A death while lyini ... I>a I ^ n g u e , Cam da. *?. W. LOWELI was found wit! to death on the GEOIUJE FH, «L-d. n th Kentucky. IN a d-serted were thinly cia< CHAULES SHI a^dnairuwly , atteniiitiinr to cr Mahanoy Main Charl.sfiayior's skull at Mount V.-ruon, Ind. I robb-ry i>f Ja<i«»i Vina wned. A Miiltnr Washington, Kniflin, iu u lc | cured of a paii I Oil, writes tha ical cure of pai $100 for a bot ld could not get md wLofor thirty : by he: and I). It. ' u writing i 'I lift't' t\,tt*) to Htart life ty-flve yr-ar-i old ar.d hai t\,<x*t to v.tart life , wih, I ha I ralhwri-lf ,,.y .•„,„.-. ».i. AUnnta than any c.ty in the v.-.iKi The fo.ir b«it rui-»in tl.ix f-nut yart-TuhrUj KnfimM <;ity, i; THE AiMrinm (;,;„•>, (S,,,U tl.a' in \H-iii ' ?i,« J 'iuS^ViJu-!"",^ °r ",tni,l!*r kH t l JS I ; do:«n tin'. 'Ih« e x n t ti^iirwi in.' :c*'"• ('•; t <.t th.' pi ,liV-' lit! si'-."' !(!.'rt' J land kno' try. mill J. H. HIM 1 miin,- p.ti dity.s IIK'.. in hjul.|,(-'ii 1 dog ,,t 1'il/ H t/> i'V at. Hi dinner, Io of tt - e'.n]Aov<A "i'n^her ' f ai.'tily"''^' rie wus brought \i\> as a wotiu F II a-culliiity ha.s lnlen.-*ly » sominunity. Payu'i inarrl t M»rtl..sbur«, W Vn. mil l'ajirr comjan'.-. <,f ('lev RIVERS AND HARBORS. tost of liliu: <>.'••« H i . m tl>« PBII The Mif-retury ..f w*,' (ins B«III, to thf HOUBO n detailed statement of the expenditure* of tho tovcrnment for liiiproviiig rivers and l.arb'.rn from March », I i"V.i. t) Juno !|0, IMtt. 'I lie following tlie recapitulation by 1 Sta'e-t: Iron masts large ships i wooden masts Being entirol; care re ml ret "Pleasant Puryi without dibturbi or occupation, tion, imj uro lilo Arkrv! 315,(00 ! J l!!wV|44'J ! 1 ckH, l.ai er, bloa bi J.O|U- wi.lr-'iv- i: plllj) 1 Waihincrton ^ commute .,j, mililHry all.- •lort favr.rably the bill for AliTHiii ha-, j.ia-i^ itn a M>nis of dinners ami W'hito Houw,, Th'-y ii il'i'lT'iiiatiV " rorr«! * 'ml- K. ..-urt and !.. i li« ^<- itativcM.. Jlrs. Me, Iroy, Uip •i-ll.r.o i '."AlT.'i i Jt Housi. 1 eld.-1 ! thef Mt. ...K4 of the Jl',u,vcoinmittrw r.-c..inrii.-i,dt.l V, Hi- full a-e oi ti,n ln,rhbeirnw ' ll.l .M.ir-n.ll,,.-.,! Th,:\,i\\ ! n:i«H IQUIl i win- J-IIM. Tbe (•[.art, ' dca/1 yet: i No disease <-a Heart Hegulatf 1 TIIK Ihreailol ' tiy the eyo or 11: ! iH a bad thing, : lWriirfion" ,1- tain cure for t j wi-akiiri^fs whi I Pl-AY-TONIC to will euro hear , to prove it. "--I LIOHT literati ! If billons, or blood, or weals i (scrofulous dine. Herco's "(iuldei will cure yo .NOT born to b Delta and Klec thirty dayH to i uously adopted, cere regr (t oc the House at r.f it< mem •r to appoint fe cjf th« Butsoriu ing the lit- speakc nmmittjco a, Willjis, Hemp respect rned. Petti- vis of Mi- Tho Hoai-e memory of , N. Y., by n fii if Lake View, 111., hl f t f toville, led ;for f thft sid of the toeleet hours ^)f exposur ving I^andOll, a railw exhaustjton.at Lexingt and mtfiilocked in one _. t a valuable horht caped with his own life in Man JK nd«t Happy. 1). C.-f-Ganeral G. ( ig his wife w it by St. Jaco noting its muf fl cihecrftilly pa acc?bs Oil, "if h ful ailir after v c of St. ; chcajiei vo l'olle ce to tli I, d -tan A r-Th ifroring ings and boys and a gi -an into a ti fractu " tid t ehz put fhc old-! reructaiinn' mo.uli, bil idney, lntoi'- ut stomach, reland has the dek results as i( i ej :-_, i ivorltlNiii ! i'ii' oinjj out b of the Alaskk, ould all othe^ ft !a> n G 1| te-! I JUVH/l . * ^ " **-• bead from all dandruff, I & andpro^ LiTer i oft It health, i^ate oi J change %eauti- — for it. LINE & ual d breath, By h way anil Fon DTH ,U and K learty captain of the Alaskt, CO., Wholesale Agents. Philadelphia. Pa., •' ] ' rtad C. Is T . C'RiTTENTQy, New York. ACaseNotDeyinlHeFp. •Dr. M. H. Hinsdale, Kenawee, DL, ad- vises us of. a remarkable case of consump- tion. He says: " A neighbor's wife -was at- tacked with violent lung disease, and pro- nounced beyond help from quick consump- tipn. As a last resort the family waa per- suaded to try Dr. Win. Hall's Balsam for the Dungs. To the astonishment of all, by the lima she ha 1 usai one half dozen bottles she \\\es about the house doing her own work." THE ladder of success—The steps of the sajv ings bank. i Catarrh —For fifteen years I have befeii greatly annoyed with this disgusting disease, which cauio: st^ere pain in my heaJ, cot.tin- ipi ing int > my throat and unpleau-qni , ky Eonhe of smell was much impaired, mgh u3e for six months ot Ely': _lm I h:ive entirely overcome fh^sf J. B. CAKE, St. Denis Hotel, Bi llthSt.,*N. Y. Not ilitiUiJo m of spir- is forma, Fra/er Axle (.reuse. trreasing ios; s two weeLi; all others tw. •e days. Don rer's,with label on.Si you too. Itncpived nlalandFarisExj-o iposed oi yourdea'.or forFra- :jur hoive labor and itdal ut theCent«n- L fcoldeverj'where. fHI: MARKETS. le Ca V . a 11, Vh ef cattle, t£' on . .gs -Livt Dre;- our—Ex. goodto[rimel w iu to prime veals sed, city St., g ood to fanicy i <;i 4 5 7 J 45 % (<£ (A & _ J>e*t color for butter, i— that that is Wei's, Kichardson & Co.'s Im- proved Butter Color, no candid investi^atoi doubts. It is the best butter color in thi world; fa free from sediment or impurity always ready for instant use, and it imparti to butter that, rich dandelion yellow, withoui a t.u.-e of led, which is the acme of desira biiity iu any butter co or. Tb else of Brackets. Thou little tricksy Puck! With antic toys so funnily bestuck; JUght as the singing bird that winra the air, (Catboline, Carboline restores the hair.) . The life-siving properties of impure blood are restored bv using Samaritan Nervine. From Magnolia, Ark., Mr. T. J. Gunnels writes; Samaritan Nervine cored my 's flte 1RI IncIx.ndonPfc eian eBtabiisbcs Oiacola Nowr ~ lor tUo Cm-oof , EPILEPTIC ri7iv 'FrmaAmJounuilefth "' u n's flte - -.„. _ to choice. A (i; Wheat-No, a, Red 10* No. 2, White Hye-Ktat- I'arlev-Two-rowed State.. C-.rn- Ungrad. West, mixed Yellow H. nithera W'^ (I? Oats-White State ' " " * Mixed Western Hay—Mai. topr. Timothy. (Straw—No. 1, Rye iArd—City Kteam.. 1!utter-State Crear I-'airy \\es- * Factory I hee.-e—State Factory Kkim^ l'.,lat es HlaU) bbl (Steers- (ioort to Choi Mieup- Wi'hton Hog•>—(rood to < hoico Yorka 6 i«) Flour—C'y ground n. process 5 80 Wheat—Mo. 1, Hard Duluth 1 143 Corn-No. S>, Mixed New... ' ~ Oats-No. -2, Mixed Western Unrley—Two-rowed State... HOSTON. lieer—Kx. i.latoiiiid family.. H 5^ Northern Dresseri Pork—Kx. Prime, per bbl., .13 50 Flour- Winter Wheat pat's. 6 25 Corn-High Mixed «9 (lats - Extra White 47 Kyc-tSfate 75 WATERTOWN (MASS.) CATTLE M [Soef-Extra rjuulity 0 75 Hhecr>—Live weight Hogs -Northern, d.' 'w.'.".'.".'.' I'HILADELPHI... iiour—I'enn. ex family, good 4 80 Wheat. -No. 'J, Hod 1 03 Kye-StaU) Com - Hi uto Yellow Data-Mixed Butter Creamery Extra Pa Chea-o-N. Y. Full Crenm.. ili'lions have died with Bright's kidney djisease and rheumatic disease?. Dr< Elmore i$ the first to discos er acure. He has treated thousands with his Rheumatine-Gontaline and never lost a ca?R. It always cures. 1 Fiso's Remedy for Catarrh is convenient to use and to carry when on a journey. GOOD NEw TO LADIES! orders for oar eelebr.ted - ^ d Ban3 or Moss IU*e d D IToiirt rtOKUlator. 'I'hjrty M-arV us. s.t 61 ijer bottla <*ianil tor's journn'. frnipQ impurity ot fear consumption orlhvJgn ARuB«ialhp(t-nam». iVlnl. hall, Mich., will Slcctro- Voltaic i trial foi y, lost vilalily inteying spocdj iKaUhandmaidc " B. -No risk fr Inc. INFOBMATION IN BEGAB0' erce, 01IIOJI«O. &KA1K ft FBOVISION BBO nent Produc Ml Though Salt Rheum ly imiieriUi Titient end iflll. TOIL anoa at Ul tchet. and tho ncalM IOITB unflonnatt) a rnJrion^dnnr- >c<>, th<.diM>»a Imunut dap^tud, anil IL.od'a Mtaik. tn moderate dosas. iliould bs c|ontinuea. Famous Case in Boston & powerful eruption on a uliave her he»d. In ipurilln. tlm wirtm boKap y™«Ficlo«riiBcv«tr. To. iiiN UAUKY. 104 D Btreotl m M l '*i l i^! 1 l*8' t (Vm'-'''i', l r O \?il. teurodhllIli "~ MR T lOOllrnntlfnl Pcrnp Pl««re ? for 8> cent. ! TTr.y\#i'/<< C!n«4M/%wvM««.ll^ *— T—^T . _. .... . c J . BOBfcOl Hood's Sr.rsaparilla '! I T '-'1 ]"

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A WONDERFUL POWERCurious Manifestations of a Georgia


A Refortc-'s Accent of Her Perfo-m-


! the rosy sunsets, as they a re v ~ ~ -eons, and tha t they will both takepar tu re together. Tho negroes in Cedar val-ley are afraid of the young l a i r , and m-eat

1 ft1fir*m Hflff tft.k©n possession of HUMIV or i often,wfe*> think she has power to cause their deathatw.ll

Some local wiseoores accredit her with ani-mal magnetism, others electricity, and Stillothers the ''odie influence1' developed. Formy own part I have rot male up my verdict

| NEWS OF THE WEEK.\ Easter^ ana Middle StateA; JAMES NVTTL who *bot and killed hi* fath-

er's slayer* Luke--. atUniontown, Peon., wasacquitted on l^s trial at Pittsburz, to which

Senntorj \ oorheo

MUSICAL AiND DRAMATIQPeveral Georgia par«rs having recently

ftibliiJieJ Accounts of the alleged strangeixiwers possessed by Miss Luia Hurst, & girl^iva^ with her parents near Oedartown, Ga.,tbt- Atlanta Constitution sent one of its staffto inves'igat? the matter. The Constitutionrepresentative saw the young lady at herhome, smi sent tn his paper tbe following ex-

t.u:a Hurst is one of the most singular-looking girls I ever saw.

i he has th > strangest look io her dark•brown eyes tliat I ei-er «ncojnter<id. Itr.eei-i ro reoo le^»vn of her mys eriousj>,wer to c>nf)>!r?e!v awe me whenever thoseuntaihoirMtile orbs throw their weird flroj

ift fact. I think I lost five p-anis of fles ;every titr.e 1 caught tha: jrlri looking at me

Th.- i^-hbor* ha 1 {old me she was an u'l

THIS Hess opera company

T&e oldest opera-houseStates is in yavannah.

TWEXTY-THKEE new opeiat the various theatres ofI-ast year. They all died y

THE new O r m a n thoatnupon its play-bills in lar^«are requested to take off theii

J. T. S C L U V > V , Formerlyman, and who has been 1-u: a\he stage, is doing good worport.

WILSON BARRETT, tho Lfrom Lond.m t

is going to Mex-

in the United

LJ were producedItaly during the

' Fall Rstejis

! in the

Xutts' priAftek- bein- out ten hours the jury

t in a jerdi.-t. of "not guilty, on ac-if insanifcv at the time the act was com-

The 'vonlct was received withinside and outside the crowded court-


Hulls.HlKjLM RADCLIFFK, who for

lived q miserly and isolated life iN. Y.j died tM> other day leaviiestimated at $j(K>.a)0. Ho hai r.on tha street hly anybody L

any year

ot been seen

sinal t••Claud

of Am

Comrresses, but the plan hat failed to meetthe approval of the two houses.

THE sub-eommittee of the House oommitteeon agriculture agreed to report, with twoamend irents, the bui prepared by the CattleBreeders' convention for the extirpation ofdiseases among domestic animals- The ap-

i t i d e t i e d uiion is $250,000,Stat i

iation de t rmin n i $of $500,000, and the States atribute a ?ua3 ejual to

mong them by the gen

requiredt app


FREDERICK DoraLASs, recorder of deedsfor the District of Columbia and formerlyUnited States marshal un ier President Hayes,and well known as a colored politician andspeaker, was married 'he other evening toMiss Helen M. Fitts,a white lady about thirty-six yearso'.d, former.y a resid- nt of Avon, N.Y.,"whohasbeenacupyst tor several years inthe office of Mr. ]Jouela>=s. The ceremonywas performed by Rev. Francis J. Grimke,jastorof the Fifteenth Si re -t Presbyterianchurch (colored), at bis residence in Wash-ington. There were present, beside the con-tracting jarties, onH w<, witnesses. Mr.l'ouj^la s has b -en a widower a b u t twoyears at;d is no* nearly three^core and t^n. He has fourL:rown children, and his m&Triage was agrt-at surprise to them as well a< to the rest..f tho community. i M M Pi:u has been


• i e

nmund m tlie corner* of her eye* t' lurkin,'just th* strangert fcx'pres-

" ' £ e r father told mo *h© always took Id el is htin mystifying f >KiS. My opinion is that l:erfather doesnt understand her any more thanthe a'legM re: entists understand the rose-tintr«i Bunsois at West End.

"fWeruan, of the Cedartown Jdwj-h'ser,*u«n Ponder, of the Rome O u r t r r , have botht.taked th.'it- sacred IBHK* MI Lulu Hursts

It taken e i ather galli

bout *'S-CE BA:so. New


York •o cr,:whiii

)WdDd the Grand

make' •rdict. Sh< is flftceoW. unu m l l v targe for h , . _ , . , ..wrists«f* as bi;.r a.-> those of a good-sized man.tn-.Pfl*d of a handsome and willowy figum Itot.ti 1 tha t khe was inclined to beVctaewhatround-should; red, and her frame seemed to b.>remarkable more for its well-developed mus-cles than for anv statue-like beouliei. lu-s-tm-.l of delicately-chiseled feature* and askin like alat a<ter, «r, tho enthusiastic onehad told me she \T& e**d, I found high cheokbono.-- »nd a niCi- with a considerable amountof color iu I t Her nut-brown hair, stiff andHTiru'.Y, hung lo -seiy from her ncad, its wildfreedom checked ouly by a. blue ribbon bowfastened in some way on the top of her head.Yier hair reached slight]}- below her BhoUl-liers, and heightened the awe-intpirinp effectof her eyes *ud high chee!-: hohaa. She was•Iressed plainly t» a n markabledegree—and,indt«d, she seen-s to h t regardless of her per-•oim! appearance. She is five feet threeincl.es in height.

Thisfe what Miss Lu!a told me about the jto.gir.ning of tho mystery:

"C>na night about two m-nths ago I was !

sleeping with my mother in my room. Wehad retired about nine, and were just get-ing off t<> sJeep, when Bud icnly the l>ed s-et

ad nerer heard before. The2 n all parts of the bed—all ov

My motiwr scoided me for n>aking a nbut I va s in«(x-ant I knew nothingThe noise, however, ceased, and we we

" What WAS th© next manifestation VTh I i h

B R E T HAitiK has liramatizod his famousstory, ' ' T n e Lu. ' i of K ar in^ Camp, ' andIho MadLson S<iuaro i i .a ra- . m.-nt will i.reuentu after revision by Mr. 1-nvid Uolas o.

F K K L K R I C ^ W A R D E .8 shortly t<> presenin liosion a ti a 't^lv t-ntitlo 1 ** M'MiiDon,writ ten by H e n r y \ i u y « arieto:i. Tins nieceis in blan^ vei-se'aii-1 the xv-no of it is laid in

LOTTA AND M I N N I E I 'AI.MEII, both Ameri-cans, a w both playing in ix)ndo:i to c rawde iln.usi's and tins rivalry runs \e rv high. Bothhavo their crowds of'fo'.lowei-s" and togetherthey are doing <iUit<> will.

" How beautifully the woman sings'1 saidone lariv to another, who w.i» In gorgeous at-tire ai«f blaa.ug with diniiionds. " I s K h u amezzo-soprano :" '" No, I gU'.;?- not; 1 thinksh© is a Swede, implied thv other. -

Ibuyarla;ly whoI • '

LATER ISEW&A FR«BTHOTKXB|5' aaeociatlon was formed

a t a conventiiPETMECKY, the Murderer of Mr«. Froitz

heim in Auburn, ^ . Y., had been senter.oedto be hanged on Fi iday, Match 31.

ILUVESS from a fcidney trouble has led Bi ;Horse, one of th# most promment of theCheyenne chiefs injthe Indian Terr i tory, tocommit suicide bv shooting himself in thehead with a pistol.!

T H E Virginia hcjuse adopted without de-


bate the senate's i resolution gUnited States Senator Mahone to resign.

A T Mineral Spikngs. A r k , two judges

A MTSTEBT OP THE SEA. ' la the falfof^L., _ ,Tfce F» te Which O w i o o S T t h e "Ctty of Bo*, ble. I was swolleb t

lonf ' -Capta ln Mur ray ' s I d e a , and E x - I feared my UraW fa :o , tne City ol Boston sailed

ferin«8W«r»tefTi» !_ti proportion* tha*

ould burst. I had thetble, and at the

harbor crowded "with a n expectant : w o j ' * 1 stai% ° r my ilhiesa, when my husbandthrong of passengers bound for a ^ g n : ^ ^ ^ ^ e n m e u p t e d ^ h ,

examination of my water, and pronounced

! thatare alluded to.

v^.. . r ^ , ^ . , vii« recent visit to NewYork, took lunch with Captain George Bid-dons Murray on baard tno Alaska, of thoGuion line, ' Captain Murray is a man of.stalwart build, well-knit fram-'1 and cheery.

nial disposition. He has been

nd I was growing weaker daily untilthis kind physician ordered me to take Hunt'sKemedy. Before taking half of one bottle Icommenced to improve, aud after taking sixbottles was entirely cured. This was nearlyeight years ago, and Ii have had no return of" " I have i rec immended Hi

i- I tui .e I Webb i j ossibility

| however.

aPm :

the same noises »«rn repcateil widi eventjrwkter forre. My cousin called my motherinto the room, and we took tho bod-elothcsand bedding off the bed. We examined themcamfUby, and found nothing the matter asf«r a* we could set-, although wo noticed thut ;thu pieces that I Uok <>ir .-ontinued to crackas I was handling them. My mother saidthe noises were cau.ed by electricity, but I,of course, koewnoihing of that. Immedi-ately my father and th.- family all de<-id«il ,that some odd powers were nt work in me.Mother said, 'Lula, put your hands on thischair.' I did so, and tin- chair began to move ,•round. It amused the lictk) children, and 1kupt it up for half an hour. My father ,thought it was a joke we were playing onhim, ant took ho'd of the char , but lie couldnot bold it down although I simply had thoweight of my fingers on it. My father then ,began to experiment, and soon decided that 'there was no limit to it, aa five men ooukl notIi ild a chair upon which I simply laid nivband. **•- " " ^ .--«_* ^- _

un wad t..-e prmcipait a reception givi n by the New YorkLeague lelub. The Pres.dent was at-

vigilante and lynched.SAN FBA.NCI.SCO i is to hava a bronze

of (Sarfield.

rGen^ral Browster, and spent

shakiig hands with members oclub, cisitors,! their wivo.s and daughte

he dinnjsr there was a d auce.

anager, ismak* a profeSr

th ch<? r!ay ofTHREE brothen

son county, Ala.»ault«d a negro,interfered in the latteflrod upon,emptied it at

Canadja and (1 iht a du-1, butt f I, a id ijhook hands in

fTEk of I ' i t tsbur^

was I|I gr. ut variety of fine ] oultry.ILsh, ljabblts, gu.nwi p.g*, cat.-, find


Liuifactilr.'. , . fo lwmai ' j !«nul ""XHKH cifemntion has ju>t fjikt-n j.laoy


of peasantrymd, birthplac•lavt-r of J.

cfk-brationI of O'DonnollII was held aiuonuell bury

tv ru nnd great musiral festivuls, mostly ithose conducted by Dr. Damronch.

PROMINENT PEOPLEtwimtv fwt, br t -akni ' 1

in ravor or II wo,,l was ]>

, who killed Count I ^ f r o l l | T h e o

Kiel a t Teme->var, [ .unwl to t w o years ' ! p raymg for the

' for tl

A betition was pre-D. \\loolsey and others,

a law to providestatistics Mr.>f the judiciary,ijainy b i l l . . . .a of Mr. Mackejf Mr. B . t l e r the

Uttee consisting oi

id to xof the

t of a ladyel toDr. Raukey's rev

cohts of tinas the marho had beei

berg.meetings a

•h better than when hffii'lt this count ry .Kiton—Henry Hergh, jin-Mdcnt of the ttersea, England, werp

llui.o SCHENCK, receenna for murdering indkiton and Hill to attend,insr obtalmil their money under promi

marriage, has confessed that he hCAMKHON.—Kx-So>i»U)r Simon (.'amoronha-sleit Hot 8i>niiss, Ark., for Moxic J. Heis in much b tter health tha i when hestarted on hk j .uraey.

murders.expo^tin^ throughO h i h i

pobtain *l^,fO), with which .he in-

Borne I t e m s T " " " "

•—" AU your own faultIf you remain rick when you canGet hop bitters that never-/™!.

—The weakest woman, smallest rhi'dlickast invalid can use hop biUens with .and great good.

—Old men tittering around from Hhe n .tism, kidnev trouble or any wcukncM wjnTalmost new"by usin^ hop bittern. "v—My wife and daughter were madflh«

bv the use of hop bitw-rs and I ithem to my people.—Methodist C

Ask any go^l doctor if hop

Unearth. ' " ^ I M * * -—Malarial fever, Ague and BlIlotuL-

will leave every neighborhood 1 as soon t» S ' 'bitters arriTe, ^ •>

—" My mother d ro re the paralraii » _neural-ia all out of her system with hoi b £ters."—Ed. Oswego Hun.

i —Keep the ki Ineys healthy with hoi 1: ters and you n.vd not fe *r nckness.

•«1 harmless and u . .ig with hop UtUr»i» ,:

Ask any go^lBitters are m>t the b

rifre.^hinp ami r

Ciiy of B.». Koth vi-see

tige i f life.*" WhVi

•Is laboied h m l . The

ual lury.th t> id

of Bostibtedly went to

>r bna"->, litV-prcsei vor-i and ro•cun-ly lashed; and wlun tl-.e v..•ryihiu • went wi ihh r, never to

..... ...it'll i h e w u g i v t s up it.s dead."What , in vour opinion, cairtnin, was

r f the City ot B, s o n : '•'The City of UuierUk, in almost pr e:f

:e same latitude, a few, ays 'ator, found< u-e: ami I havo no doi

.Hided with the ice. ;

H u n t s Rem.ay liavjmg baeii recommended• me for kidney and liver complaints, I pur-used wmo at tlie 'Tef l fc ' s Drug Store" and*- . l i tm injj-ia'nilv, a n T f o u n l it to ba aM-y valtabJe moJ : c ino ,Vd 1 gladly rccom-.end it highly to my friends, knowing it to'. J v l J e ^ ' i a i 1 ^ loose troubled with kidney or

- T h e vigor of youtfirrr. in hop biter.-; :

—'; At tho rhans, : c

—" Th

tho greii-—Mo'i

aged ami b> \

v ^ a receh. ••:.

' i t h o C i t v o f Boston.I sunk m'mifdi-itely."1

o ClevelanU, Ohio, lost four j Captain Murray lias b^en in command ofi-* ,i withm m uitrA>*t- t j , , , n i ,. ' the Alaska ever t i re* sho wns \ ut iu coniuiib-r a w t h i n i a short time b> , . d o f h- s ^ ^tl o other day hor fifth ohiUi she carries thousands of pas^nger-i evoiy

he I have ustd hComplaint, full,

>ly hcaltu by itts us<ho ! l.a-ly I rdc j inLit ! Trends all of wnd I Etod by its use.

mt's Remedy lor tljavii^g been fu ly re, 1 can testify to its value,Qond it to some ono of m j10m I know have been bene-


•!i s.ckly. fretful, n n r d w

'•""• ' -IndiZ-o-li.,!!^ voak st-Mua

Gratefully,GKO. P COX.

-il 33, I8d8


rogUlMj.1h o p b ^ -


COLORADO has a settled population of 800,-100.

of hop

Are Drea i6 Prophetic tyear, mid has groatiy popu:ari /e;lianw & Guion hue. Fi-uuirkuv .bronzed and healthy apj earance of th , ) „ „ „ _ „tain, the rep rtei^aid that sea life did uofc j Ten days before hB death Lincoln dreamed

u to 1)L' a very preat physical trial. ! that " tlie President"^, lay dead in the WhiteNo? But ft person's appearance is not Bouse, " killed by tlii hand of an assassin,"

always a trustworthy indication of h^ physi- IVhen his wife heard of the tragedy she ex-• jondition. For seven years 1 have bom Claimed, ''His dreainWas prophetic!" Tha

any respects very much out o( sorts with I maority of dreams, however, are never ful-myself. At certain times 1 was so lnme that ] ailed-they are too fantastic, or they art Iit was diflicult for me to tuovo arounil. I | solved bv contrary1 events. Poor.'e are often !

scarcely straighten up. I d idno tknow posse>,se I of the idea tha t they shall |tho troublo was, and though I per- j won die. They find themse.vee the j

*1 ull my duties regularly and satisfaa- | tubject of - Strange feelings. They, yet I felt t ha t I might some ; know they a re not what they once were, and

. —j oo overtaken witli some serious prosj- ^ they approach certain ages they are quiteI t ra t ing disorder. Those tr""1 '1 '"" <••«---—<* •»> ••• - - » • ' « • • • « — • - > - » " '

A timely * + * uBitter* will keep a whole familyIu robust health a year at a little«

—To produce real genuine steep andlike repose all night, t a b a little Jus faon rotii ing.

—Thr.t indlsestftu! firstomachiting


using hop

) bitters.. ervous, tre'nulousokl lAdHta'i

perfect'y quiet and sprightly W

-h eh she will up; earcharactei-b. Hd- pran lfather was form-rlygovernor of A'abuma and ju Ige of thesupreme c mr t blio i< al-o u neco of SenatorKing.

MRS. LANUTKY hius cleared fo0,<>00 thus farthis season over and above a11 outlay, includ-ing her j>ersonal t-xpt-use*. Sho has the summentioned lyinj? in cash to her credit in asingle bank, ana unless unforcststances occur before tho winter is over nnowill make from $tv.,u HJ to *70,000 out of herpresent tour.

Miss HENIUETTA HKEBE, the soprano ofDr. Howard's rlnnvh m K :.rtv-*oiid street,>'ew York, ranks union;' the finoM; sins>r* inany "ho.r. Her s;»'nry i- t-aid to In-f l,.f.(X),mid IK probably tho largest paid to any la<lyin that city. _ku-s Ik-clie- is epccitvlly a %• od

tra t ing d i s r1 felt dull :hen, again, sh

irouRh my tirrrs and limbs. ..-__*xt day I would feel (lushed and unaccoi._.. ( _ , . _.ably uneasy and the day following chilly and : measui

rmaaedi.. injj ixiimsPossibly the

wing cniluntil las

ire they win no t ' ' bo long of earth.impressions as a rule are tbe result ofimagination disordered by disease, but they

1 shaken off by prompt and thorougha b y u n a y a ydespondent ThU continuedct'iuber, when I was prostrated soleaving Queenstown, and for the rof the voyage was a hdplcs--, pitifulIn January laM, a frien:l who made thvoya^o with me, wrote me a letter, urgingme to try a mw course ot a treatment. Igladly ai copied bis counsel, d f th l

• ' ' ' "

>y prompt ait J d that-vei

*-liko atteirii health;

isfactio of SJnd to-duy, I havo the proud sat-

ing to you that tha lame ba-It,

last De- i eases i-an be prevented;after deaths are said to be preventable! Hence the

.aindei* importance, of always acting promptly inifTei-er, avery personal emergency,c that , Justice William Moul, of Went Sandlake,

N. Y., very higldy esteemed in Troy,wa*forvcara p'a^ued by forebodings that he was

• ' early death. He had dull andin various parts of the body,

iplexion was bad, his appetite wasible, he felt weary without known cause,-"-"•V.autly constipated, hL> tongue w "

eions, S t . V i t u s D a n c e , AleoktHwOpium Eating, Seminal Weakness, Ipotency, Syphilis, Scrofula, a n d a l l

Nervous and Blood Disea

rough and bu<{- j flitting paiithe recovery of my nat- his complei

ivo the- - .- . . lyingthe t»tranij;o feelings, the sciatic rheuwhich havo so long pursued me, have entirelydifajipeared through the blood purifying ia- \ tendeind-s and painfluence of Warner's Safe Kheuma'tic Cure • - - J "-- J

•wh.ch entirely eradicated all rheumatic pois-on from my system. Iud6p<l, to me, it soimthftt it 1ms worked wonders, and I thereforemost cordially cornmend it."

"And vou havo no trouble now in exposingyourself to the winds of the Atlantic?''

"Not the least. I am as sound as a bul'.efand I feel socially thankful over the factbecause 1 believe rheumatic and kidney dis-Lney d

blood of my family. 1 waadrea .fully shocked on my last arrival in Liv-r o o l to learn t h t b t h h i•pool to learn that my brother, wh

wc-althy China tea merchant, had sue „died ot lirifihfs diseasb of the kidneys, a-ndconsider myself uxtremely fortunate in i-av-ing taken my trouble in time and before anymore s-erious effects were possible."

The convei-sation drifted to other topics,and as the wrin r watched the face beforehim, so strong in all its out:incs and yet $ogenial, and thought of the innumerable e?c-co;uresand hardships t i which its owner hadbeen exposed, he instinctively w.shed all wlioare suffering from the terrible rheurcatfctroubles now soc<.mmon might know *

yated, and frequent feverish dis-

.ppeared. Then loilowed extremei=s and pain in the tack, great las-

situde, gravelly deposits in water, whichwas dark, frothy aud odorous, ail indicat-ing livor and kidney disorders. These de-velopments alarmed him, especially sinctphysicians did him no good. About gi1

up in dtspair, tie followed the counseone of the Supreme Court Justices toDr. I avid Kennedy's Favorite Remedy (oiRondout N Y ) as an experiment It scatDr. I a i d Kennedys Favorite Remedy (oiRondout, N. Y.,) as an experiment. I t scat-tered h:s ba 1 feelings revived his appetite

, and to it ak-nt -.ddenly j his life."° - 1 - ' ""-"ins and v

a the credit of saving

md forebodings ol

Walnut t e a t Hair Restorer.It is eutitcly dittei-ent from all others. II

is as clear as water, and as its name indicates iis a perfect Vegetable Han-Restorer. ItwiU !

ccipt of price. ITvp

Plaster Company, Pi\-prietors, Dontop, ila.-:i.

c3y m a

. - . . . .*. . k...J.i.;«finT777T£r-.iTday latein seeing her, t u t I turned up a t her hotela t Rome to-d*y a t aooo, and in comranvwith JSrotVr Voafrr, of tlie Courier, hvla |#ivate aeance for my own benefit. Bhegives an entertainment a t Rome U>oight.

There w»s no deception in what! she did(or me, 1 watcbei her with my eagle eye.

Her father and mother and Mr. Ponder ;and myself were in the room at tlie timewith the young lady.

Mr. H u m lai I t n ordinary chair ui*.nThe floor on its back. " Lulu, you put yt.urhaml on it," said be. ' Senator \

The young ladv st -0|«yl down, put the ti.-« 'ti t a f Tof two of her flneors to the back of the (i l l tinJ tl.

r as "a slight, girlish, young-facedwomau, of great force uf character an.l bril-liant mental ondownifnts. Hht> Ls very popu-lar with the young lady students."

VALIRA.—Senor Don Juim de Valera, thenew Hnanish minister at Washington, i« fiftyyears r.t at;e, with gray hair and mustuehe.Huhas l«en in the dii.lon ati<- service sincehe was flitein years of «ige. Ho in tiLso dis-tinguislie-l as a i author.

Bot-DINOT.— (Lionel Boudinot, tho long-haire! Cherokee ihi-f,si eclator at th« NuLttr:iSenator Voorhees to I i ui^.WCHe'

gsted : Meth

chair and ima begart

ielvP ° *

ate ; if hl:d « mg by r

The I Mr.:ha r was then stood ni>and I w.r^ asked to hold

«!ojr. 1'ouder too'.f one bide und I took theother. We put our wholeJtoiie to work toW p it * till. Mi>s Hurs t filacie<l the pa'nv-,of her hands on the back of tbu chair, andit was soon Tying around tfce room, over-powering Lothuf u#)f:Cfe.ating a bi3 ' a'Ar an 1nearly knocking us'down,

iiiss Hurst then to 4c the chair aad p h w dbv)th bands under the perforated bottom withher palms uptiermost. She took no hold onit, but simply let it re , t on her hands as aservant might Lave carried a waiter of flow-e r s Thus the le^s of tbe chair were aboutthree feet from the floor and tho soat abouttwsr and a hilf. Ton ler and I at tempted toput it on the floor, using all our might andfctrength to do so, but the chair would not.down. It continued to r i e and fly around inthe air with the n e w a r p e r men swinging ona t «-ach side. Mr. Hur^t, a man weighingnt-ar two hundred poundi.tbon gut up hito ihochair and sat there as calrnlv as if h d w e r e aboy%ittin(f <n a gate |*»-,t. ' Thus Mifc HurstBupj.ortel the cou.b m-d weight of thte three.1 he tola ' weijjht wh.ch -he thus f-uopArtol ontho t alnii! of her hand-, was. neorly ffVe hun-dre I pounds, or n.uch n:ore than the wi-ightof two barrvis of ti, ,„-. j t w n i mdoed ^^t<ln-ihhing, espeeialy in view of thu fa«f tha t nota mu-sclrt twitche I and the slighest flush didnot mantle Ler chLt-kj.. "

A L L I S O N . - United S t a t e . Senator Allison,who);, called "l .u ky A hhon," ha-.l»ad R long

i heihiuL'', "then1' v.L' ek cu-d United StatesSt-nat.jr, and hits u.st bt-«n r<- electe.l a thirdMine fur a term expiring in iv.il. A t t h a t t i m ehe will have bivn iw-nty-^ix year , in Con-

.IAI 'AX'8 RULER.—Mutsohi to I., emperorof Japun, who ia now t i n n y three years ofULC, :s Ihe I'S'A MjVt-r.'ii;ii of tha f <•• uuti-y IH.- ha-s reigned hince thu d.-ath of his la therin is«.7. His is the only dynasty that has !r u u d in Japan, and b e ; a n in^) D. C. There '•is no other monarch in the w..rld who can [b< ast to unbroken a d e c e n t from so ancient Ia -tock-.

VK-TOKIA.—Queen Victoria wiii hpend ftconsiderable par t of thn huraix on the conti-nent, Hhe goo.1 a t fii-st to IJa len-Baden, andafterward to Darmstadt U> attend the wed- i P'**din^ of her granddaughter with I 'nnce ; .*I-ouis Uwt.tenbi.rjr. The I'rinct! and 1'rinotfc.s w u

of Wales are al*j expected to be there, after 1"?°'making a i<;n< -,tay in the Riviera, whither V "tl ey go shortly I t n e

I 'HELI-K. -Miss Elizabeth Ktuart Fhelps, ! alii•"'•" •-' : - -nd plea-ant manners are , ""

;o o i f l I.IKIO.„ ,.- HM ladies ii

nore, lliehops ^itnp-.<m aiul Andrew• ' - J iidvo. nc*,- of founding i

for tl)i-higher whicaU'iof tlio coiiforoiioi.; WIIH re oVcted V< the Tnit^>y lln> Iowa logihlature.

t.f an old man



thatby fli.Crest

.M" Hlt(akon fr<


e a aed o.-s if she hafl been

summer hat bv a string." Does it not tire you.' I a-.ked."N

•wirling a


Dat all, ' she

f l" Do you feel any peculiar sensatioi"Nun* whatnrer.1'" Do»n't it strain your" Ii;di<-.|, if tlm «ore a cane-oottom chair,

you would njt-seo the sdightest straiu on the

" V\ hat do you think about HT" I 'iont know a .ythn,K alx.ut it."I Ux.k a heavy hi Uo-y Wii)K)ti,'-?.tick, and

oauffht it m-ar <me<-uri. Mr. J. !?. Brown ofChattanooga, .-auRht lirsid- me ; Mr. J W.Ulnt,u, of Social Crcle, and Mr. B, M. O,ri el), ot Goaht-n, Ind , took the other aid -.E&'h coupie fac«>il th* c.tber. We held on withboth hands, the *V.c< firmly pressed a^r nst*ch man's cht-t Tv. my htt the en 1 of i he•tick projected a f. ot. MLSH Hurst itepixjdup to it, rai»«.i U r hands, un 1 UJUCUO I thetlu« of her flnjeii to the en i of the g'lc'r. Ina moment it moved to <?ne r-uif. Then to th<iether, th*n up, then down, acr » , around,•nd th»s n*xt lrwuint that young girl bysmply touching tbe end of the Btfck at.dkeei-in* her hands there, hal four menfloundering furiously urouud tlie room, andseveral tim^s I was ten inch«* off the floor.H'»wi«thaf

Vivn n.t-ii < ausjht a chair and held it to thefloor Htsu jait h r hands on it, and as tho

pteusly Rliatttro 1 In trying t/> «et away from :

them. Aooth- r HI><\ nt'.ut^r <-imir nhan-d Ahk« lau-. A hi-av\ \nvlniMtui was male torun aero* th»; r<^o;ii twice aiinply by the lay-in* on of hands.

I tat m a chair. Hhe touched it, anddumrn-d «i». i,n thf- floor six fr«t away.

All I tn-* trii'k» ware Ti'\in&U*\ several time4•-j-i fully O/IIVUK«-<1 in* that, hh« po««»©.iwrttH: rfe!»jirltab'e \>>Y.t'.r tluit I l«-ave for tb«w:itntt>T« to '-xpittin' if they ran.

I did not !.*-.« tiino U> ><r. h*r attempt t>,rnore a t**i by Ketting on it. and Mrnply• ororn*n'lirij{ it, a» tb'tt rwjuir«l an hoiir ortwo more time ihau I Juul at my dufxajtl.Nrtthcr did «kn-nttompt any Hpint rapiiiisc.There lkiiAfl<>ubL i,t oi.« tlnnK) a.ni I m-n-tion it briefly for the tjcnuflt of thotui whonmy ch****: to htudj* tr,e rn«tU;rt aivl that, i-,thin: Whatever inanimaUs object she touch**!appeared to w> rkarK«l with a force that irn-l«U«i it V, moVM, add that. V*,, u,o«>t vi^or-' wJy, and always from h«T. and with an ir-rf*i^tibl<- fore- Ifcr tow-h ha« no eff<-ct onaolmate object*.

Mr. Hur-*r ari l hi« wife hpvts jfr ^wn vr-ry.-ntsusiaxtic over their daughter'* j^wem,M.d|T. ("r« to take her on the road if hhe«a liaako a mw&*. Hh« lia« cortainly ere -at/,-1 a l.ix M-n-ntion in IHT w-ctton of Nf.rth

auvthinK lKj.,d« th»; wonderful IA>..iiniu»hit>» nif b-j^ririiriK in rloc,•. wi« am! v> wnt>- I), l,,.r lulh<;- atwj

:w rnore w

>t thirty-ne years. The w.-ll kin.wu writer basilarkown ha r, synif«itheti>- blu ) *}•<•«, a rather

Ter at rest. rh<« ih in delif ate health,ought about by h'-r lubi its among tho i>oor.


1 fIE rlorifift Mp 'M'fLi1* cj(pt> now '\ni'iUMt'3 to

Fi-ohii.*'animator l.iint.Th ,-m n «hen sue-

^ ' l W a s ^ r r s n t - ! *>ai h oj -evrnty six

\ the I


I for tWyi

;:at ' their loan ; doaliMK.1OL-RI fruit growby the recent cold nn.p

THE !a k about divi.l n j (tut -.ri.ia into two :

Ktau-« is a^a.n r-.v.v.-d in t i e Southern t o o ,

n the lurulx-r rrgit•on prulltii: in acci U to the

Tnt.RK w<r<; i, ',.,•: iK^kn publmh^l in GreatIirilaiu laht yeur Tlicolo^y headed the lintwith '((>» viliiinfH. . - |

THE iJoston Cu.ninrrcidl ItuHeAUx corn

t'f^.^^ViMTw/'Ko'.r*1'^'1''"'" r"; ard

Mi.N.NE-.riTA, where a Kunla . . 1 . ol wasnmeita t . l i - .he I U-irty h.;v.,n w i , r s , V o hasnow 1,14-1 hciioolx, with ',\;tn\\ f,:ii,,!ar,' and11,(J<JO tein'hi-n. ami olticcru.

T H E railway lon- i lwun: , in m ; coveredf.x^hU-Mi hii«.,, with a t - , t«! ,,f | . : ^ „„),,, ,,ftrack, *l>i,h:i'..i)' o capital *V>< k mi l a'.t.i. xi-liwtely *->,!/)•; t»»> l^,,,),, ,U),1 ,l ', |, t. '

Vi- iTB»numt«Tof f ^ th l ^ - , individual* inJoviaurfcout jium.iiiK I,,, a. tra^.-li.in .l.-nt.htwri-. pulled our Ihfir U*th in •-, «i,<l o . l l e . ^ dI ul! t h - i !•.<•.; ,,t II.rw w;t« whx Ii Ii- forgot k»bruiK around. *

MAiOltridAJI.LE Inn dmi-d tl..= new rait*

vr • BuS n t ' ft,:: vi"'7. w "f.,! v 1 1 ^ ^York winch ha- a ipli'^1 to itw-'f the piovi*.i-,i».s n>w\- by tl,.. S U t • rut 'j („• ,-xr» ; r i-,. , fJfth«Jflrrty.-ar-H.,i«.iutio!i w.n l « , ,u . l by th*

u'texl in ! near Berlin.

South and West.[•xiuehfi train leap© I from a trvj.r,ki,' feetlhifth near Beaveitown, < Jhio,

mi .ail nt Ijerkhart, Texas, a

found dead in bed at theiruis. Their tv.-a !s had boeu

tonil:e-damp,ad Butt


1,00) AfriiM m |>

amount .-1

n sla

n tlie lilwt of February will

net has been discovered a tSouth America.recommenced the slave t r ad<v,a,t of Madagascar, wher

B br*n landed,en killed and a grea t!**>n done to houses• Ktorm throughout

:i (.Utllioas were turnedi.ith nt » tiro which destroys! Ix>rd•y's Ktu.l stal.UM near Oxford, Kngland.iKHAi. GOIIDO.V has been ap].oint*il ROV-of tho Bouilan by the khediveof lij;ypt.

•: lx.dy of Ik r r Ijisker, thodistinguLshwlan sUtU-Miinn who died hiiddenlyln New, WILS iTei'ived by a largo uuinber ofmei.t tifirii.a uittzea.s up n \U arrival

ididot<K, in I'itthbuix, on May 'J!.lilement prevailed at Uadvil-e,

he hiwjHM lon of the K.rst:, of that c:ty. Tho iVpositj

U i i» a ' i ^ llocated K

Tur.Mar jui, of Hertford, ..Kn-lisli iK.i.le na.*i and a penerail:r.tish armv, died the other day from ia-.iir o. r.'.'o.vel bv b u n ; kicke 1 by a horsewlule huwting.

'!'• N ..riN has been b'ccka.lod by th- French(111-! .

WHILK thirUKiii children wore Bliding onthe i o at Kolir, 1'oinerania, tho ico broke

A coM.isioN in tho Britiuh chaum-l be-m'a an 1 tin City of Luck-

of tlw f.inkingof t enty-t

f r m rDf her

_.ich otjher. ixtfather killed Bron

•ii iiskiiiK t'nitt'd States Ken-u n :.i-n | a se 1 the VirK.ni«,

and Harry Uronw.nKioh.'lieu, Ky., und

* aKo"lfur.iir

n a Welsh colliory, and a r

.,ts in Vienna over-tit deteetivo,named

declared to be theanarchis ts , ' ' f tnd theuiation, has l>eeu ar-s have pub'l.shei nwhic-h a re <iho.^ ofand .iournalifiUi) ofcoudemned by tho

e 1 by an explo-

of threemine, a^o It

. A N O T H E R

lutions, whichf,XfireKing the sthe ne,wfi of thebeers, and authc;a oommittee toarrangements,nouncod as :ui»»ne, Birb-p, O'wmri, Calkins athen, as a markthe d


nuing agaiMIIH. Tow

Adeath while lyini ...I>a I^ngue , Cam da.

*? . W. L O W E L Iwas found wit!to death on the


«L-d.n th

Kentucky.IN a d-serted

were thinly cia<

CHAULES SHIa^dnairuwly ,atteniiitiinr to cr

Mahanoy MainCharl.sfiayior's skull •

at Mount V.-ruon, Ind.I robb-ry i>f Ja<i«»i Vina


A MiiltnrWashington,

Kniflin, iu u lc| cured of a paiiI Oil, writes tha

ical cure of pai$100 for a bot

ldcould not get

md wLofor thirty

: by he:

a n d

I). It. ' u writ ing i

'I lift't' t\,tt*) to Htart lifety-flve yr-ar-i old ar.d hai t\,<x*t to v.tart life, w i h , I ha I ra lhwri - l f ,,.y .•„,„.-. ».i. AUnnta

than any c.ty in the v.-.iKi The fo.ir b«itr u i - » i n tl.ix f -nu t yart-TuhrUj KnfimM <;ity,

i; THE AiMrinm (;,;„•>, (S,,,U tl.a' in \H-iii

' • ?i,«J 'iuS^ViJu-!"",^ °r ",tni,l!*rkHtlJS

I ; do:«n t in ' . 'Ih« e x n t ti^iirwi in.' :c*'"•

• ('•; t <.t th.' pi ,liV-' l i t ! si'-."' !(!.'rt'J


J. H. HIM1 miin,- p.tidity.s IIK'.. inhjul.|,(-'ii 1dog

,,t 1'il/

H t/> i'V

at. Hidinner, Io

of tt -

e'.n]Aov<A "i'n^her ' f ai.'tily"''^'rie wus brought \i\> as a wotiu

F II a-culliiity ha.s lnlen.-*ly »sominunity. Payu'i i na r r lt M»rtl..sbur«, W Vn.mil l'ajirr comjan'.-. <,f ('lev

RIVERS AND HARBORS.tost of liliu: <>.'••« H i . m tl>« P B I I

The Mif-retury ..f w*,' (ins B«III, to thf HOUBOn detailed s tatement of the expenditure* oftho tovcrnment for liiiproviiig rivers andl.arb'.rn from March », I i"V.i. t ) Juno !|0, IMtt.'I lie following 1» tlie recapitulation by1 Sta'e-t:

Iron mastslarge ships iwooden masts

Being entirol;care i» re ml ret"Pleasant Puryiwithout dibturbior occupation,tion, imj uro lilo

Arkrv! 315,(00 ! J

l!!wV|44'J ! 1ckH, l.ai

er, bloabi



i: plllj)

1 Waihincrton^ c o m m u t e . , j , mililHry all.-•lort favr.rably the bill for

Al iTHi i i ha-, j.ia-i^ itn

a M>nis of dinners amiW'hito Houw,, Th'-y ii

il'i'lT'iiiatiV " rorr«! * 'ml-K. ..-urt and !.. i li« <-itativcM.. Jlrs. Me, Iroy, Uip

•i-ll.r.o i


i Jt Housi.1 eld.-1! thef



of the Jl ' ,u,vcoinmittrwr.-c..inrii.-i,dt.l V, Hi- full

a-e oi ti,n ln,rhbeirnw 'll.l .M.ir-n.ll,,.-.,! Th,:\,i\\ !

n:i«H IQUIl iwin-

J-IIM. Tbe

(•[.art, ' dca/1 yet:

i No disease <-a

Heart Hegulatf

1 TIIK Ihreailol' tiy the eyo or 11:

! iH a bad thing,: lWriirfion" ,1-tain cure for t

j wi-akiiri^fs whi


will euro hear

, to prove it."--I

• LIOHT literati! If billons, or

blood, or wealsi (scrofulous dine.Herco's "(iuldeiwill cure yo

.NOT born to b

Delta and Klecthirty dayH to i

uously adopted,cere regr (t oc the House at

r.f it< mem•r to appoint

fe cjf th«Butsoriu

ing the

lit- speakcnmmittjcoa, Willjis,Hemp


Petti-vis of Mi-Tho Hoai-ememory of

, N. Y.,by n fii

if Lake View, 111.,hl f t f

toville,led ;for f

thft sid of the

toeleethours )f exposurving I^andOll, a railwexhaustjton.at Lexingt

and mtfiilocked in one

_. t a valuable horhtcaped with his own life in

Man JK nd«t Happy.1). C.-f-Ganeral G. (

ig his wife wit by St. Jacon o t i n g its muffl cihecrftilly paacc?bs Oil, "if h

ful ailirafter v

c of St.; chcajiei

vo l'ollece to tli

I, d -tanA


ings and

boys and a gi-an into a tifractu " tid t

ehz putfhc old-!

reructaiinn'mo.uli, bil

idney, lntoi'-ut stomach,

reland has the

dek results as

i(iej:-_, iivorltlNiii !

i ' i i '

oinjj out b

of the Alaskk,ould all o the^ ft! a > n G 1 | t e - ! I

JUVH/l . *^ " **-•bead from all dandruff, I &

• andpro^ L iTe r

i oft Ithealth,i^ate oi

J change%eauti-

— for it.LINE &

ual dbreath,By h

way anilFon DTH

,U and K

learty captain of the Alaskt, CO., Wholesale Agents. Philadelphia. Pa.,• ' ] ' rtad C. IsT. C'RiTTENTQy, New York.

ACaseNotDeyin lHeFp.•Dr. M. H. Hinsdale, Kenawee, DL, ad-

vises us of. a remarkable case of consump-tion. He says: " A neighbor's wife -was at-tacked with violent lung disease, and pro-nounced beyond help from quick consump-tipn. As a last resort the family waa per-suaded to t ry Dr. Win. Hall's Balsam for theDungs. To the astonishment of all, by thelima she ha 1 usai one half dozen bottles she\\\es about the house doing her own work."

THE ladder of success—The steps of the sajvings bank. i

Catarrh —For fifteen years I have befeiigreatly annoyed with this disgusting disease,which cauio: st^ere pain in my heaJ, cot.tin-

ipi ing int > my throat and unpleau-qni, k y Eonhe of smell was much impaired,

mgh u3e for six months ot Ely':_lm I h:ive entirely overcome fh^sfJ. B. CAKE, St. Denis Hotel, Bi

llthSt.,*N. Y. Not ilitiUiJom of spir-is forma,

F ra / e r Axle (.reuse.trreasing ios; s two wee Li; all others tw.•e days. Don

rer's,with label on.Siyou too. ItncpivednlalandFarisExj-o

iposed oiyourdea'.or forFra-:jur hoive labor anditdal ut theCent«n-L fcoldeverj'where.


l eCa



ef cattle,

t£'on..gs -LivtDre;-


goodto[rimel wiu to prime veals

sed, citySt., g ood to fanicy i

< ; i457

J 45



_ J>e*t color for butter, i—that that is Wei's, Kichardson & Co.'s Im-proved Butter Color, no candid investi^atoidoubts. I t is the best butter color in thiworld; fa free from sediment or impurityalways ready for instant use, and it impartito butter that, rich dandelion yellow, withouia t.u.-e of led, which is the acme of desirabiiity iu any butter co or.

Tb e l s e of Brackets.Thou little tricksy Puck!With antic toys so funnily bestuck;JUght as the singing bird that winra the air,(Catboline, Carboline restores the hair.). The life-siving properties of impure blood

are restored bv using Samaritan Nervine.From Magnolia, Ark., Mr. T. J. Gunnels

writes; Samaritan Nervine cored my 's flte


eian eBtabiisbcsOiacola N o w r ~

lor tUo Cm-oof, EPILEPTIC ri7iv' FrmaAmJounuilefth "'

un's flte

- -.„. _ to choice. A (i;Wheat-No, a, Red 10*

No. 2, WhiteHye-Ktat-I'arlev-Two-rowed State..C-.rn- Ungrad. West, mixed

Yellow H. nithera W' (I?Oats-White State ' " "*

Mixed WesternHay—Mai. topr. Timothy.(Straw—No. 1, RyeiArd—City Kteam..1!utter-State Crear

I-'airy\\es- *Factory

I hee.-e—State FactoryKkim^

l'.,lat es HlaU) bbl

(Steers- (ioort to Choi

Mieup- Wi'htonHog•>—(rood to < hoico Yorka 6 i«)Flour—C'y ground n. process 5 80Wheat—Mo. 1, Hard Duluth 1 143C o r n - N o . S>, Mixed New. . . ' ~Oa t s -No . -2, Mixed WesternUnrley—Two-rowed S t a t e . . .

HOSTON.lieer—Kx. i.latoiiiid family.. H 5^

Northern DresseriPork—Kx. Prime, per bbl . , .13 50Flour- Winter Wheat pat 's . 6 25Corn-High Mixed «9(lats - Extra White 47Kyc-tSfate 75

WATERTOWN (MASS.) CATTLE M[Soef-Extra rjuulity 0 75Hhecr>—Live weight

Hogs -Northern, d.' 'w.'.".'.".'.'I'HILADELPHI...

iiour—I'enn. ex family, good 4 80Wheat. -No . 'J, Hod 1 03Kye-StaU)Com - Hi uto YellowData-MixedButter Creamery Ext ra PaChea-o-N. Y . Full Crenm..

ili'lions have died with Bright's kidneydjisease and rheumatic disease?. Dr< Elmorei$ the first to discos er acure. He has treatedthousands with his Rheumatine-Gontalineand never lost a ca?R. I t always cures.

1 Fiso's Remedy for Catarrh is convenient touse and to carry when on a journey.


orders for oar eelebr.ted - ^

d Ban3 or Moss IU*ed D

IToiirt rtOKUlator.'I'hjrty M-arV us.

s.t 61 ijer bottla<*ianil tor's journn'.

frnipQ impurity o tfear consumption



iVlnl .hall, Mich., willSlcctro- Voltaic

i trial foi

y, lost vilalilyinteying spocdj

iKaUhandmaidc" B. -No risk fr



erce, 01IIOJI«O.

&KA1K ft FBOVISION BBOnent Produc


Though Salt Rheumly imiieriUi

Titient endiflll. TOIL

anoa at Ul

tchet. and tho ncalM IOITB unflonnatt) a rnJ rion^d nnr->c<>, th<.diM>»a Imunut dap^tud, anil IL.od'aMtaik. tn moderate dosas. iliould bs c|ontinuea.

Famous Case in Boston& powerful eruption ona uliave her he»d. Inipurilln. tlm wirtm boKapy™«Ficlo«riiBcv«tr. To.iiiN UAUKY. 104 D Btreotl

mM l '*i li^!1l*8' t(Vm'-' ' ' i ' , lrO\?il. t eurodhl l I l i"~MRT lOOllrnnt l fnl Pcrnp P l « « r e ? for 8> c e n t . !

TTr.y\#i ' /<< C ! n « 4 M / % w v M « « . l l ^ *— T— T . _. . . . . . c J . BOBfcOlHood's Sr.rsaparilla

' ! I T '-'1 ]"