1d touch: experiencing new models of streaming for indie creative contents

Ifla 2014 18 août 2014 1D touch : experiencing new models of streaming for indie crea=ve contents [email protected] @bigbroz13

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Presentation of 1D Touch at My French Library, IFLA 2014.


Page 1: 1D touch: experiencing new models of streaming for indie creative contents

Ifla 2014 18  août  2014  


1D  touch  :  experiencing  new  models  of  streaming  for  indie  crea=ve  

contents   [email protected]


Page 2: 1D touch: experiencing new models of streaming for indie creative contents

a multi indie cultural contents streaming platform based on a fair economical

model for creators

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•  Unfair  share  of  value  generated  through  new  models  of  streaming  •  New  digital  services  dealing  cultural  contents  for  free  •  Growing  merging  mecanisms  

Page 4: 1D touch: experiencing new models of streaming for indie creative contents

Rebuild fair ecosystems Pf nl'**^rí* + *L


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Page 5: 1D touch: experiencing new models of streaming for indie creative contents

Let’s  run  for  1’44  

Page 6: 1D touch: experiencing new models of streaming for indie creative contents

A growing connected world

Page 7: 1D touch: experiencing new models of streaming for indie creative contents

Streaming domination : myth or reality ?

 •  Marché  mondial  :  16  milliards  •  Ventes  physiques  :  65  %  •  Ventes  numériques  :  35  %  

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Page 9: 1D touch: experiencing new models of streaming for indie creative contents

General issues

•  Emergency  for  new  models  •  Need  to  regive  value  to  indie  crea9ve  contents  •  Reinven9ng  human  prescrip9on  and  cultural  media9on  

•  Support  cultural  diversity  and  new  contents  discovery  •  Set  up  new  interac9ons  beetween  physical  and  digital  worlds  

•  Mixing  crea9ve  contents  and  implemen9ng  new  «  flow  services  »  

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Page 11: 1D touch: experiencing new models of streaming for indie creative contents

Axis of the project

•  An  alterna9ve  economical  model  •  A  collec9ve  experimenta9on  •  A  social  entrepreneurship  frame  •  Transdisciplinary  approach  of  arts  and  crea9ve  fields  •  Human,  crea9ve  and  innova9ve  cura9on  

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1D touch economical model

•  Monthly  fee  paid  by  «  third  places  »  (libraries  venues)  from  15  €  to  399  €/month  

•  Interac=ve  devices  •  Pedagogical  and  educa=onal  toolbox    co-­‐created  within  the  community  

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New value generated by«third places» partnership

•  libraries  •  venues  •  Youth  centers  •  University,  high  school,  colleges  •  Public  membership  systems  

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Page 15: 1D touch: experiencing new models of streaming for indie creative contents

New value’s sharing models

•  R&D  dedicated  part  •  fair  collec=ve  fund  •  fix  part  for  catalog  contribu=on  

•  prorata  share  based  on  listenings  

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A collective experimentation

•  A  specific  frame  to  do  economics  for  common  goods  :  social  entrepreneurship  (coopera=ve  firm)  

•  New  local  experiences  to  set  up  (innova=ng  cura=on,  new  catalogs  of  cultural  contents)  

•  Connec=ons  with  academics  and  research  to  implement  users  experience  

•  Game  as  a  medium  for  educa=onal  programs  on  cultural  iden=ty  building  

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Keeping  in  touch  

www.1dtouch.com  [email protected]  Facebook,  twider,  tumblr  :  1dtouch