1923 gem of the mountains, volume 20 - university of idaho yearbook


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1923 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 20 - University of Idaho Yearbook


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    JUNIOR CLASSof the



    :=~ XX . :L



    S.oule, Wa.hing'on

    I',inled and Bound ,n Idaho byThe CAXTON PRINTERS, l.ul,

    Cald",.II, Idahouno

  • if xx ,

  • II"

    1'1'l)~idcl1t of Olll' ,\Imll :"atl'l', 1\ :Faithful Scr-ntnt of lheCllivcrsit.". 1I'11O~C CanH'$t clinds11>1\'c won {Ol' him hOIl('~t admimtion amoHS the"tudcnts a~ an cx('('uli\"(' alld as a ~Illccrc(l'icnd, we dedicate thi'l book.

    XX III


  • - lh:x ](1.\1"'IEI.- LouIs.-\. BOAS

    \VIl.LI")1 C. C,\ltl't;NT~:11~-\. ]\t::'XETIl ..-\XDEWI'OX

    VElIXOK \V,\I.Tt:IIS

    HOIlEIlT Cu ... u.1!X$HU:'llAItl) H..TOHNSON

    :'.1,\1\G,\nE,;T ]\"UT:-;gwSKY

    K~:X:O:TIl H. Huxn:11



    Gem of the Mountains Staff



    OHGANLZATTONSHUTI11,\"TTOX l'Il,\IlY BA1.I, n~:TIl~:1. C01.LlNS

    J'tlll.lI' BucK



    1': IllTOl\-I:-;~CIIIE FASSOCIA'I'E }:I)[TOIIBuslN],;!;:; ~L\X,\GI':I( - - - -ASSIS'I',\XT BISI~ESS j\['\]I;.\(:I;1\-ASSISTAXT HI'SIXESS l\IAXA(:EII

    ]'1l0TOC Il A I'IIS


    SOcn:TYAI.U ...IXl

  • xx -

  • 1)1':1\1\ J. G. f~LDItIJ)G~racMIIJ

  • DEA:\ O. P. COCKEltll.!.COI/~!I#I of LifW

  • DRA:" )1. F. AKGF.LLCol/~g~ of L~th" and Sd~nct6

  • DEt\~ K J. IDDINGSColltge 01 .lgr;e1Ilt.. r~

  • 1'",e Thirlv-one

    IJg,\N c. ~. LI'n'mColI~ge of Engineer;"!!

    r-x ..

  • DEAX J. 1': . .\IESSENGt:RCol/toe of educlI(;QII

  • /'"ye Thirly-thru

    DEA!' F. G. )IILI.EHCollege of Porutry

  • DEAN .>\. F. TJ-IOMSO:>.'CQlleg' of Min,.

    '10 XX ::

  • State Board of Educationand

    Board of Regents of the University of Idaho

    ~l.Rs. J. G. H. GKAn:I.I.;\', Prc8it!rllt .Term eJtl,ircs '\llrii. Ilr.H

    IX\"JX E. HOClnn:l.L. "jceJ>rr,idcnl .__ .Term expiffil April. HJ'Z5

    STAXLEY .-\. EASTOX. Srcrctilry .Term es.piffS April, 19'1fi

    J ..A. LII'I'!XC01'T .....Term expires April, 192"2

    Term e~pjres April, 1923

    . Boi,e

    _." Bellevue

    ... Kellogg

    Moho City

    .... Grfmgcl:illc

    HUNTIXGTQX'1'A\'I.OII'l'''rm expires April, 1923

    ............ Coeur (I'Alcllc

    ETHEL E. nJmFn~L". SupcrillfCluleflt of Public 1118tr/lctiOIl. . 11oi,et.'.e-Off.do

    Officers of Instruction and Administration


    TIll' fig"r~ (QI/OU'iN.1J /11, "/lIN" /lNd dtgrt, o( tl1th o6fclT iNdicn(u III, dol' o( hi,or h,r Jiut t'I'j!oi"lmtNt 10 Ill, 'In! o( Iht U..iv,uily.

    AU"IlEl> H. UI'II.\;\I, I)Il.D., Prl'8illl'lIt of the UniversityA.B., :\.M., Miami UIlIIersll.I; A.i\I .. Illlrl'"rtl Unj\"er~jty; Ph.D.. Columbia Uni-\ersil). 1920.

    i'o!ARTIX I;UL.l.ER AXG~;I.I., l'h.n.,Profc.fsor of PI'IJlJiclJ. (//1(1 Duw of the Co/fcgl'of L'cUers lI1U! Scil'Jlcc,

    u.s., .\I.A .. Ph.D., lJnl\"f:r!ilty or Wlsl:(>n,;n. 191:"1.

    FRED ECCEXE AllMSTIlOXG. :\1.5., .IIIocillte Profl'IIor of .Igricl/itlirll! Edflcn-tion antI Principal of the School of Practical Agricldt/lre

    U.S., CI~llI!lOn Agricultural And )Itthanical College; .\1.5., t:nh~r$it,. or :'olinne-sotA. 19'21-


  • HAROLD LucIUS ~\xn:l.l~ Ph.D.. Profeuor of Gre/k (l1II{ LatinA.Il., KlllallUIlWO Collee: A.H. A.:\I., Ph.D.. L'ni ...:rsitr or Chicll)to. 190"2.EK~'EST JOY B,\I.D\\"I:--, ~\I.S.. . I.ui#t(lllt Profe8lor of elll'm;llry ...

    n.s~ M.S. lJni"er~il~' of "a""..". 19UI.GRACE EUZAKt:TH DAI,I.. A.D .. _'.uiltrl1lt Profellor of F:C01l01ll;et

    A.8., Colorado Colkge. 1918.

    '1)\'"1:-- OKI.O DA:>:GS. B.A., Profenor of .1lu#;c. "nd f!nul of the D,'pt. of .1111';cn.A., low" Stale reao:::hers' College. 1919.

    JOSEPH \Vf:SI.t:Y BARTO:>:. B.S., A"oc;"tc I'rofellor of Philo,opl,y allg P'y-cllOlogy

    II,UOI.D W. JlATCIIEU>R. D.S.. _",;,ta"t JJactcrioiogid. E.l:/Krimcnt Statio"U.S.. K"IISIl~ SlIIle Agrieulturlll College. 19'.2"!.

    CHARI.ES EIlWAIlD llt:Ukt:. )J.F., .-18 ;6tant Profrllor of Lumber;ngPh.n~ )I.f.. Yale L'"nher:Df:R. :\1.5., .bllidilllt Profellor of JJlltllelllaf;et.\.n.. Ohio l:n;'ersit~; .\1.5. t:ni,e,"",it~ of W"shinp.on. 19'21.

    J-IA:>:S ".\DOI.I'H Ih::>:D1Xf::>:, :\f.S.(nlliry), _'Jllli,tlHlt Prof(,IIor of Dairy JJu,-blHl(lry and .Iu;stallt Dairy Ibl.lba"dlll(lll. Experimnll S'ation

    IJ.S.(Dllirr), )I.S.(Dairr). 10WII StiliI' College. 19'20.Zf:I.I_\ ETlIf:I.}JIGf:I.OW. B.S.(I-I.Ec.). _'SlQe;,,'e Profellor of 1-I01lle f;conotl/;CII

    O.S.(II.J::o:::.), )lichiglln Altrio:::ulturlll Colleg('. 1920.

    HOHEK'J' Kl.l:>:f: BOX:>:J::l'T, :\I.S.(Agr.), Profellor of A::ro1lom.1JB.S., K"nsftS Stftte J\grieultural Coll..ge; :'II.S.(Allr.). L'"t1i\'u~itr of WI~consill1918.

    Con:>:J::I.IUS J,ult:sllKos:>:A:>:, )I.A., AII;sffwt Profe8lor of .III/I'rico/l HistoryA.B., l:n;,'ersity of Michigan: )I.A., l-IlIr\ard Uni.-crsit .. 19:!1.

    SIl!JlllE l'lIY-1) BIlOwx. 1\I.A., Assoc;otc ProfclJlJor of Ecollolllic,A.B., Cohllnhi" l'ni\'ersil~'; M.A., l'nh'er811~' of (hicllgo. 1919.

    CUIlTIS \VOnTII ('IU~'S'O\\"t::T", :\I.A., A88tJlton! Proft'ssor of Ellglish1I.A., We~]eYlln Colle".., of \\'l'~1 Yirgilli,,: :'11.'\ . Ilnrl'url] Ullh'ersitr. 1919.

    EOW'\1l0 HOIlEW!' CIIR1S:'>IAx, Colonel, U. S. Arm)', l'rof&88ol" of .!lilittll"!} Sciellcetllld Tactics ollll COIIIII/rwdol/t of eru/ets

    GrlOdullte U. S. Military ACl\llemy. 1891.

    }o'Kt:l.lt::IUC COR88 CIIURCII. Ph.D., ProfrslJor of Europe{/n HistoryA.B., Ph.D., Cornell l:ni\'ersity. 19:!1.

    OIl\"lI.U: POK'n:R COCI"~Rll.L, LT.. A., Prof/'uor of LIIT.- (Hul/Jellll of llie Collegeof Lfm'

    A.B. LL.B., Ohio State Uni\"ersil~. 1919.


  • I-L\llKISOX CI.I ....OIW DAI.I;. A.)1.. Profe'.for of ECOllomic, (//Ill Poli/ical Scicllce/\.13., /\ ....1.. 111I1\"lIrd Cni\"...r~ity. l~'().

    \VII.I..IA11 rAX J)UXKIX. :'II.F.. Prof{'l/,or of .V{'cJulIlical Engin{'ering8.5., )I.E. . l:nh~rsit~ or Illinois. 1921.

    .J.\}' GI.on:1t Eunll1)(;Y. Ph.D. Profellor of Ger1lUUl, Heml of Dcpartment of.Itocla" Lflllgllagt'l. mul D,'all of tllc [""it'er,ity Ftu:lIl1y

    B.A., .\I.A., Ph.D. 'fill... l.'nh~rsit~. 1901.

    Al.\"IX E. 1-:\"\X8. Ph.D.. J.D.. Profellor of Lfm:/\.n.. Cotn~r lni...: ....il~; ,\ ....1.. Clli\~",il~ of ~Cbfllskll: Ph.D.. J.D.. l"ni"'er~ityof .\Iichigan. 1917.

    ]~EKlIEAI. JAXE Fxt;xclI. ':\1 .\ .. D,'ml of Womell.\I.A. l:nh~rsit~ of Idlloo; )I.A. GC'Orge Wllshington (Jni\~n;il~. 1908.

    FI-OYD \\'IIITXt;,' GAil Ph.D.. . '"OCiill{' Profcllor of Bot(myn .\ . )I.A . l'ni"~r~it~- of ~ebfaskll; Ph.D.. l'ni"~rsil~' or WllShington. 1913.

    \VII.I.LUI .\h:ltlllOTT GIHHS. Ph.D., Prolrllor of Bilctcrioiogy a"ll JJocteriolo~gi,t. E.rpcrimcnt Staliorl

    U.S.(/\gr.). l"nilersit~ of .\IiM;ouri: .\1.5., Ph.D. l.'nhersit~ of Wisconsin. 1919.

    JAllES Joux GII.I . LL.B. Pro/ellor of Lmc1.1..11.. Kent Colle~ of LII\\. 1913. .

    HAI.I'II EI,TOX GOXGW}:R, B.S.(.Agr.) A66ill(11I1 Prolellor ol.luillwl f1u,br/ll(/rl}B.S.(Agr.), Pllrdu... (Jni'... rsity. 19'10.

    Ho,' Bu H"rO:-: GitA \'. n.S.( Agr. E.) Profeuor of .., griclllt 1/ rof J':llgim:eri"gB.S.(E.t:.). U'S'('\jtf.E.). 10\\'/1 Slate College. 1920.

    CUTlIIH:WI' WltlGll ... J'JICK:'I.\~, B.S.(.\gr.). Prolellor 01 ./nimai I/u,bfll/(Iryflmi Allimal I-/I/!/bmuimou. E.xprrimrnt SlatiOIl

    n.s.(Agr.), (Jnh'ersil)" of -'lis~ollri. 191 ....j-L\ROLD \V,\TKIXS ]-JUl.llERT, :'II.S.( ..\gr.), Auocil/te Prolf'81or 01 Agronomy

    l/nd A6Iocil/tc Agrollolllist. E;t'ju:rimrllt SI(llio"B.S., l\Iiehignn Agrienltuful Cullege; .\1.5'('\l-'f.). low" Stili.' Cull('!Cc. 1911.

    CIl'\lILE8 '''n.L1,\')1 I-IUNl;t;IUOKD. 1II.S., Pll/nt Pathologist. E,rprrimcllf SlatiollB.S. Upper loll''' Ullil'crsity; .\1.5., Unhcrsit.I' of WiSconsin. 1919.

    -J:h'1I0X lluxT~:Il. ~I.S.(AA"r.).Spaialist in Farm JI!(IIUI!!Clllcntn.S.D.. Sintt, ~ufmlll Sehoul, ~lunmu"U" Of".: Il.S.(Ajtr.). "'I.S.('\l;f.). W,,~hIngton Stnte College. 1919.

    H.\I,I.II> Hnn:. n...\., A"ociate j'rofessor 011/01111' Economic,n./\., Unh'ersilr of Illinoi

  • .FR,~XCIS J~;X"IXS. ProctorI ....

    ]'ATIiEIlIXE JESSES, 31.5., Profellor ()f /-lame Economic, lIflll Dirl'ctor of theHome Ecollomiu CI/rricullull

    u.s . Xorth 1)1Ikolll Agricultural College; )I.S., Unh'ersity of 1II1110i$. 1919.J. HUGO JOIISSOS. E.E., Profe6l0r of Electrical Ellgilleerillg

    B.A. E.E.. I:nh'ersity of Wisconsin. 1918.

    '1'IIO)I,\S K~:L1.y.\. B.S., Profellor of Ph!f,icol Educatioll lIfl(l lJirutor of .ltll-letiu

    H.S. Unh'ersitr of ChICllf!o. 19"10.

    Tolls AXTOS KOSTAI.IlK. Ph.D.. Profcllor of Organic Clu:llli,tr!fB.A. t:nil'ersity of Wisconsin; Ph.D.. lJn;lersit~ of Illinois. 1911.

    STt.:I'IIES JACOII KROll. B.S., .I3Ii"(l1/t Pro[I'l6or of Chcllli8tr!fH.S. I:nin'l'llity of Idaho. 1916.

    j;'RASCIS B,\KEIl I~Ast:\. Ph.D., l'rofeuor of Geolog,1ju.s.. Drur~' College; :'11.1\., [;ni,ersit~ of Whconsin; l'h.D. Y"le l:nher-;It~. 19"10.

    ('liAR U:S ~ EWTOX LITTI,E. Ph.D., Proft'l6or of Cil'il Eligineeri,,/!. lUul Dean ofth~ Collegt' of Engineeri"g

    A.n.. A.:'II.. L"nh'er!lity of Xebrask,,; Ph.D., Y.le l"nhersit,. 1901.

    LEWIS EI.W,~RI) Losc;u:y, 3I.S.(.\gr.), .'"ociatc Profl'lllor of /-Iorticl/ltllre.tIIl(l .'ui,t(lIIt 1/orticultltri,t. Experiment Statioll

    A.IJ., Cue College; :'II.S.(t\gr.), Washinglon'Stllle Colle~. 1918.

    AXDK.EW J'. LUIHIERG. n.S.(C.E.), .I.uistllllt ['rofellor of Cit'il EI/gil/l'/Tiu{:IJ.S.(C.E.). Unl\"erslt~ of Wis

  • .J,Ull~8 FHA:SIiUN :'\h:sst:x(:t:II.. Vii.D., Prolcsaor of Educutioll 1I1Id f)CUII of tilt'School of Education.

    A.H. Unh'ersil~' of Kansas: .-\ ..'\1., IInn'lIni l'ni....r"it~: Ph.D. Columbill Uni\ersit~.1920.

    FRANCIS GAIIX!;K ~JIl_LEII., )LF., Prole$lor of Forc,try fIIlll D('(II/ of the Schoolof Fore51ry

    ph.n.. l:nj,'ersitr of 10"'11: U.S.I\ .. Iowa SllIt.. Collt"~: .'\1.1". Ynlt" l'nh'ersily )

  • l'nll.l!' J-1t;XllltICK So{,;I.t;X. :\L\.. l'rofr"or of School A(lmi"idNtfiollA.U., .\I.A . lIol)C Co\lc~. 1906.

    :\!AIIY BEI.U: SWF.l-;;T. B.L.S.. Libmri(!II. (II/(I II/,trtlctor i1l Librtlry ScinlccU.L.S., Uni"crsit)" of 11Iinoi~. 1905.

    EUGEXE '1'A)"LO)I. l'LA., Pro/ellor 0/ .lJuthrt/1utic,A.8., .\I.A., DeI'au",' t:"ni'

  • lsABEI. \\',\OSWOIlTII C'LAIlK, II/atructor ill .I/1"icGraduate. ~e.. EIIIl"Ilind
  • lIAKR\' rIKGII. 3L\TTllt:W. B.S.. SUl'eni,or of Pwclil;l' TNlclting ill rondiol/tll. 19r1cult II rr

    n.S.. Kansas Slate Ajl:ri

  • lr xx _

  • "Clarence"by BOOTH T.\nKI~GTO~

    CIl,\R ..\CTI':IIS:1Jrs. 11nrlJn _._ Bethel ColJill!>:llr. \\'heeler Culllcron King:lIn. Wheeler _ .I'curl StalkerDobby Joe 1JoorcCorn _ Flcct,l Brennnn11iss riolct Pinlley JOllli )lcCllllulll

    Cltlrcl1c~ _ 1IichtlCI Tho1l1clzDella 1Iarglll"ct .i\limsDinwiddie __ T,COIl "'oodrow1Jr. Hubert Stcm.. DoJ 1\lcKilLlc)'

    THE SCENES:,ACT l.-Thc time is Il1l)' day. now-11-clIlJ8. All office in NIlBS'lll Street, New

    York City.ACT H.-A 19H11919 renditiOIl of II dmwing room in the \Vheeler's horne.ACT I1L-Thc samc. 1\ "Horncy" cvcning.'\CT IV.-'1'hc samc. Thc ncxt lIloming altcr brcakfast.

    '1'1..U:' :\l.-\~AGE)JEN'l'DIKt:CTOtl _ :\IIt. CUSIl)IAXlluslxt:ss :\IA:"AGP.K .'l't:D '1'UKxt:KSTAGt: :MAXAGEK _ :\IR. BODY-LSO:"SCE:s"ERY ;\l15S ].t:A:". MRS. BEIIRt:PROI'ERTIES. ._ :\IARGARET ))1;801SPBO)J)'TER BETH!,;I, ('OI,U:SS

  • "Adam and Eva"..\ come(h- in three lIets


    Tilt: CIIAIIACTERS AS \,OJ; .-IKST St:t: TUEll

    .JlUllCS King, or the King Hubhcr P!1l1l1 :\Illxwcll SholesCorinthin, his parlor nlllid Iiden .lollllstonJulitl DeWitt, his mllnied dllllght

  • The Varsity PlayersI-IE rlll'sity PlaY(,l".~ for tile All-l\'odhwcl'it Summcr SCllson of HH!2 will

    present a thr('('-llcl clllllcdy lntitlCfI "Hcl'~loncy :'111\11:' This pIll)' hUllbccn prcpllr

  • .~..'\'. .:~':.."~'. '.

    '..:.. .' .. ..

    '.~ Z::'.. .'.

    . .'. .".", -0


    :: XX III l

  • John W. Dickinson!"io/;n TIlt:",!!

    ~:dwjn Orlo H''''F~. B. A.I)rof~or of .lIN.ie

    l'oiu, TIt"(Jr!J, ClIoral,Sod"in.lIultl of Jl ....,. J)"Jlllrlm",'Plort"nce It. Sharp. 11. )1.

    t/ui./ultt f'r"f,uor 0/ .If,,,,k/'imH)

    Music Department

    h"lJd W. (lurkPilltw

    I IIE :\lllSic l>Cplll'bncnl of the Ulli,crsil.r, since its iusllllllltiOIl, Jl/1"('OlllC to pili," II rcry illiportant pili'! in the afl'lIi,',q of the Student Body.It hilS gnJl\1t in popularity .lnil st.rength until it, now h.ls the intel'cstof 1110,,1 of the students. The gl'OWtll of the ncplu'ltllcnl is dlle to Ihl' delllllnd for music IIlllong the stlldcllt.~, lind 0('('11115(' of the cxcclknlwOl,k done by us.

    Pro(c"sor Edwin 01'10 Hungs, hend of the dCl'udl1lclll, is rcsponsiulc fOl'the rapid gl'fJlI'th of this Department, in the Illst (Olll' Y.'llrs. Thl'll his effortshe IHls produced the best men's GtC

  • University Concerts and Recitals

    :lJIXXt:APQI.IS SY.'I11'UOXY OX('III'JlTIt.\Emil OberhofJer, Conductor

    ]lIANO RECIT.\LSMi ..cha L11c,-innc Lropold Godowsk.,>

    SOXG llEC[T~\LSMay Peterson )lllTic Sundcliui' Arthur )Iiddletoll

    l;.-\CL'T.TY nECITALS


  • DanielsKlm",,,I. Krlltlrr.


    Uri!,'...n So\oistl-elthe.

    GLEE eU;H11""11:"- I)lffiiar

    Jolsr. Knudoon. I're;!,Cummin~ '"In",.G.,.\OUIl''' JoilluonSalisbllt}' Orllf

    )'ian;:>I Cllrlsthon~n


  • University of Idaho Men's Glee Club

    Program 1922

    1. !nAIlO 50:-:(;8; Oh. Lrt l." Sing of ItlallO," "11"1' .Ire Jolly Gt,!) Stullc"t.:'"'t/allo. lI'e Dellrl!} {,ort' Thee:' "Afml' .Iff/ler Ollr Idaho."

    . TUllE),; '1'1::-:011 Sows (~c1ectcd) .... . IJrig/wm,

    .... "TilE GII,\SSIlOI'l'EIl" (/\ tmgic canb.ta)-Jifllldolpll, fJrig/HlIII, }JoliQIl.Johll~()II. .YCIlIn"", Guerill .. If/umbaugh. 1I"illllll('l. 1'(,[III('f

    5. A LITTI.t: ('I..oSI':: 1-IAJl~IO:S" __ . IJa!iolt, reatell, CUII/II/ill8, Palmer

    6. "GOOIlIIl''';'' (nrr. bJ llollsford) . TOlti"STARS 01' 'rllt: SlDoI)lt~R ~IGIIT"; ",lh:J.I.IG.\:

  • ,Wallenc was to assist the Yell Lenders at football

    ,gnlllcs. Each 'ycaT it hus gone to Boise with the football tCllm for the11l1l1unl Annistice Day game, raising the mOlle)' ror the trip by a series


  • Pave nflvfour

    "The Wild Rose"PROGH1UI

    1. !\Iinuet (E-f1at Symp!lrlll,")Minuct (from Bernice)

    1'11(' UlIh'nJJi!.lj Orchcstr(l2, )foming 1\Iood (Peel' G)'llt Suite)

    )[urmul'illg ZephyrsTreble Clef Cluv

    S. Prelude (C-Slutrp )Iinol')The Uui't,'er3it!J Or('he,ttro

    4. Scarf DanceGrace Morgoll 01/(1 Or('hi'Stra

    5, Opel'cUll, "The "rjld Hose"Trcll/e Cll'! Clllv




    H flel/lUtlllina!!




    ACT I~A forlllnl. One month eillpses between the nets.

    CAST OF' CIIAHACTlmsHose )lcCloud, a popular young ~ocjet," helle E."tdna HobeltsMal'Y Forsythe, her se('retlll'.\' and friend Helll'iettn Peasley?Ill's. Fussy, he!' housekeeper Edith BartonLlldy Grey, lin eccenhic playwrig-ht Petlrl Stlllkcl')1 iss 'V l'i telllu p, l'eportcl' Gladys Beach]\[iss Jluttcllldo\\'ll, reporter Glad)'s Perl')'Dora, Debut.ante Polly ThoillasFlom, Debutante Hest.er i\lcKcnzieJ\lolly, Dehutante Fnulccs Nogglel'olly, DclJUtnnte i\Jolly Porter:\Iiss Talkulot, a sufl'l'I.tgclte Florence Selby:\hs, Doingood, tl elull'ity worker Unita Lipps.\lndamc Scwscams, a dl'essmakcl' l\lal'y :\lcCal1ulll:\lndame Fellthcrtop, a milliner Paulinc Pcncel\fadalllC Smellswcct, a perfulllel' Louise YealllanBobuy the Buttons Joan ).lc('aJllllll

    The :\Jnids ilnd Chorus: )!fll'jol'ie Alberts, Clam Joncs, ]~\'lt Wilson,:'Irary Gcttys, DClllorise Ebhley, ]

  • ,-L(LANO-

    =:t XXI I :r.

  • P"fI~ Filll/_,i",

    DebateEBA'l'E IIctivity in the C'ollcgintc year of 1921-22 has been limitedSOll1cwlH\t ill numl)CI' of dehates. The new policy of Ilsing hut one ques-tion tlu'oughout the year luts pro\'cd SIltidnctory. rt hils led to nIIIOl'e intensive study of the different ph/lseil of the question, Imd to amore intelligent and nccurate discussion in the debates. The questionllsed this ye/lr is; "11eso1\'ed, thnt Congl'ess should elHlet legishltion

    l)J"o,.iding for compulsory arbitmlion ill 0.11 labor disputes in public servicecorporlltiolls. "

    This year is the first in which Jdllho has debated lUI Ellstern institution.The debate with the University of Chicago markc

  • \\'ALSR S. GnEA1'UOnn: .lJmwgcrUtah D:'batcChicngo Dchatc

    ])1111.11' BUCK, Jl(f11/"ger Elect310nlnna DebateChicngb Debutc

    CARL Fl,DlIAX)[onttma Debate

    EnIl.OI. HII..L)IA:-'Clnh Debntc

  • Chicago DebateLlli\'cn,ity of Chicago 2 Vnl"crsit,}' of Idaho 1


    IHE Univcl'sily of Idaho met the lJnl\c,'sit.y of Chicl~go in debate I\t

    Boise 011 )lllrch 31, 1922. 1

  • Inter-Mountain League Debate


    J\ffirnlllti \CUni"crsily of Idahouni"crsil)' of t;tahUni\'crsity of )lonbUlll


    ~cgllli\'eUllin~r~ity of -'Ionblllt\Unit-entity of IdnhoUninr... ih- of L'b,h


    HE InlCfmounl"ill Triangular resulted in II \-ictory (or Idllho with foufjudges dt.'Ciding in flll'or of the Gem Stille rWlll\tors. The debate be..

    lw~n the Cni'crsit." of .\Iollbulll. ~cgllti\'c lind the L"nivcrsit." of IdtlhoJ\ffinllllti,'c WIIS held in the l'ni"crsily .\uditoriUlll. Curl FcldllUlIl IlndPhilip Buck were the IT'prc,cnlt\liw~sor the L'ninfllil." of Idltho. Thejudges were J>rofcssor Corneilson of \Vnshinglon Stille College, Prin-

    cipnl Guil of the i\lo"cow high school. Ilnd Homer Es!l".The issues of the debate were principully the cnfofcibilit.," of compulsory ar-

    bitmtiOIl lind lhe (eltsihility of some meuns o( \'olulltnry I\dion. The ~egl\ti"eudmitled thuln I,\w which is right in principle CUll he ell(ol'crtl, IUld the Idlthospellkcrs pro\'Cd thlll compulsory Ilrbitmtion is right in principle. becnuse itis jusl to Inbor lind cnpitul lind 11I'otech the puhlic (rom .. trikes. The nminpoint of contcntion WIl'" then the feasibility of ,'olunblry nclion. In rebutblthe Idnho debnters Ilttnckrtl \oluntllr." action succe;;;;fully lind won It lllllUlimou!Idecision.

    Errol l-lillulIlll Illld \VIlI"el' Grcathou~e were the lllCll1l:crs of the Negnti\ch~lll1l t1mt r1c!nltcd tllC Cni\'crsily of Utah lit Salt Lake City. Thc judges WCI'C:\lcssrs, Urllll1cl, \Volfc ulld (',\stO,

    Thc issucs ill thc dcbate wcre ... illlil,tr to tl1o."c in the homc ddJlllc, TheUtllll J-\fli1'll1llti"e strc.;;scd thc justice of compulsory llrhitmtion 1Ilui tIle nccess-ity fOI' ih CllltctlllCllL The Ncgative Jll'cscnted 11 definite plnn of volllutllr.raction. lInd dClllltllded tIm! tllC J-\ffil'lllllti\'c pl'esellt a Ilefinite plltll o( ('Olllpul.'lOI'y1Il'hitmtion IUHl Il melUlS of ellfol'celllCI1L After con ..idcl'Ilhle dclihcl'Iltion. thejudges dceid1 111'0 to ol1e for Utah.

    """1 XX r

  • I'''flr ,'"C Ims II competitive lr.v-ollt, >lnd f,'01l1this OIlC studenl is chosen to I'epl'esent his college, This YCIIl' ;'Ill', Hex Kimmelcll\sS of 'Q3 1I'llS chosen to I'cpn~senl Olll' Uni\'el'sitJ /It Scuttle wherc thc contestis t.o he held, Last yell!' :\1.'. Halph llre",hl."lIl's of the clll."s of 'Ql won the eon-test. (01' Idaho, :\11', Kcnncth Collin", of thc English nCplldlllcnt is coach,

  • , ,

    ",,I "I, ,

    I I/ I 'I

    \ ~)\ ' , .fl, '1 'I~ ''I, J





  • The Alumni Association

    OFFICEHSJJrcsid~1l1 __ George E. I-Iortoll, '06.First rict. J)rcsidcnt ..__ rirgil w. Sllffil1l'l. 'uSecond Yice-Prc"idcnL Pllul T. P

  • :\Ir. Dln'ill, nrlc .. gnuhliltioll frOlll the t.:ninr;;il~ in 1916, sCI"\,C(1 his statelOS
  • with n great st.,

  • F. Hro"'11A. Corllr

    First Sl'lIIl'lta


    Senior Class Officers


    FII,\X"-: UlIOWX .......Olll',\!, GAlIlilSOX

    Ix~:z SANG~;II .A1.II~:IIT GIIA~' ..

    . Preside/lt ~ _ :'IIIClt,\t:l. TtrO,\IETZrice-l)rClidt'/lt \V,\I.T~:II 5('11,\IID

    Secretory _ II~:I.EX COC\fll,\X1'rcOllirtT I)OX,\1,1I P,I\'X~:

  • Jt;STIX GOWt:X. ~J.S. plinillg)"f)..dd~

    CALI)WI'.U, II. S.

  • \c:=-:~:s ~LH; Ilft(l\\=-:. B..\.}IO~OW fl .....

    \lph" l>ell,,: T ...M.. Cler Cl"b. (I). I:). (.).Ill: '"' w. C..\. Cab.. (I): 1"nll..lI..nlc:em"",. on W"""'n'~ 1...." .." .. K"l... : ".\"'110""..... ,I). f:). fS), II).

    LY.!{ol W. TflO~IISO:-:. B.S.( .\gl'.)

    ~L\Il.SII1. In lIot"n). II): ".\" II""",.>!. II), (:).I'). II).

    "tt;=-:~; ,IOII=-:S'J'O=-:. B.A."I'i,,~ e"ll(l!S~: II. ~.

    !'hl (;'''''h'~ o;"t,,, 11..,,1. CIod..1 l"'lt~lIon. I.):C,pl. C"lt..1 1I"1I,,];,,n. (I); T ..." . JlI"lo.C......... : Trn~". (.). II).

    .\IO;CO\\' II. S.

    Sj~"", .\lplm ~:p,llo,,: .\".. Cl"h: Tt,,~k "''111:,,1 .

    x ~

  • ,HAIlOl.1) E. :\!UKKH, D.S.(Ag.)"S"H"S"~U'A II. S.

    I'lol Dotlt. Tl~.: All. Club: Stud..nl CotJndl.H): Slod: J"d~nll Te..rn. (I).

    RA1.I'1I H. nOWELI B.S.(Ag.)"Hn"..r'

    U:WISTOS 11. S."hi G,"nonll 0 ..11.; Alpha Zda: Enll'1i~h Club:

    All. I).)' Ilortle"ulh.nol Cont~. 1st '::. !nd'a: [)alIT Call", eonlel too 'U: ",A"11000".. II). (I). (I): "B" Ilonotll. (I).

    JA.)II"-S W. F.\kIlELL. B.S.(Forslry)"J;."

    DOISE II. S.

    l'hl Oan"",. Della; AlpM Zda; Sil'""'l' 1'1.: Sf:no,"IC!l CIlIll. (1). II). (I). (I):!,,,,,y. Ilum" II..::. Clnb. (I): Y. w. C. A."I' (1). (I). It): L W. C. A. Cabln"l. (I),(I: lI'Uk,,1 Ilan. (f). (I); WOO,,,,,'8 Alh1~llc A-""OClnllo", (

  • 1,.;.: \VOIlI-SCI/Ln:I .. B,S.",;.,."11,,,"

    ROSWELL II. s,

    \....,..;"1...1 .... rb.01.,' Jud" .... Tu","I ",...!I\r Inl"r""lk>nlil U," Stock Sho...."oril...d, Or.... (I). (I).

    )!ICII,\":I, .-\. TIl(un:...:,:. Jr" LL,B ...JUt....T\\'l~ FALLS ll. S.

    Phi Delta Thcln:Alpl", M" Ddln: l)cSII,,'l('Iub: '\AAl.d"le Justke Ilend, nnd nil., (I);Chier JlI.tlce, (.): .:"..11,10 Cluh; (:IOI;I

  • l)(AKY llRowx. B.A.I.E\nSTO"" fl. s.

    GEKAI,O "T. FHH:D:\IAX, B ..\.(Collllllerce)

    "Oick")IOSCQW H. S.

    "hi GamnUl 0..110; DeSmri Club; Spa,,~h Cl"b:Caplaln Cadri Ranalloll; W .....llln.: Tram.(').

    JAm:il D. hu, B.S.(C.E.)"Ji....("

    COEl..'K I)'ALESE II. S.EI.-etM: EnIrU.d1 Club; A-.d.t~ Enlri.-.",

    I..OIS EXOI::1I5, n.5.(Ed.)"1.0"

    Wa.thlnJton Slnle Coll~. (t). (t): ~;n.li~hClub. (I).

    lh~\. .J. .A:-:Oln:. :\1..-\."Pre"chu"

    n. A. I)~r''''' nt 'Itb"")' CoHere.

    GI,.AIH'S BEACH. n.S.(Ed.)"GMbu"

    IUJII.LEl' II. S.

    Kappa .'l.lphll Thela; "A" 11000..... (I). I')' /,),(4); see/" \'. W. C. A.; Olrre!lpond n.. S--relnr)' ,\ ortllr Iloard: Alph" SI,'M I':pol1o,,;English Club; Treble Cld Club: Y. W. C. ,\.Cl'blnct.


  • II. W. TIIO~II'SO:-:, U.S., ()1.E.)Ta......v

    HOISt: II. S.Capt"i" 11.. II. T. C., """"",,,ted I'.n ... ...,..r~.

    Ih:u;:-; J:. JOIlXSTOX, B.A."lJelu"

    .\IQSCOW II. S.Um",o:" I'hl Mph,,: .\lorl,.. Boarel; "A" 110110.....

    (Il. (f). (I); }', W. C. A. Cnblnet. (t).. (4): Englbh Club: ell. MembershipCOmmllll'e (I); Cast '1'11" .\",,,zo"~" ",\dama"d 1-:.-..:"

    LOXXIE JOJ:: DUIIIlA.'I, B.A."u,,,"

    1'/tKsc.vrr, .\11.11. II. S.. ~.. IIor"'..... (I).

    Lons C. CAD}". ll.S.(ChcllI.):,hell,,: lIc""h ,uNI B.u:

    (:I.... Club, (I). (f). U). (_): SenIor ClusTr~"~,,rer: Int"r.',.,.I"r"il)' Council.

  • WS 'e",

    Spwabh Club.

    LOUISE S~llTIi. B.A.

    Ep!llon: "B"U): I'r"",I

  • l'L,\YTO:s" B. 'Vv-S"l'on:1tB.S.(I',,-~I
  • \\'11,1.11')1 Ih'Rox )III,LER, D.S.(Forest)

    "8,,'5Tf:n:ssos u. S.'~al ....1 ~ur~lt ... ; ",," lIonun. (I). l~).


    T"....KICIII'IEl.D II. S.

    \"Ic.'t'I'~. A...naled BArlJOI; Alpha :lela" JUIl'lor "rom. CommIU.... ; TrtlU. AI". Club; (;em"r lhe M~. I'~~.

    ])OXAI,D EOGAKPAYXt:.n.S.(Chem. Eng.)

    "1,0"' no."0015E II. S.

    F:Illrll~" Club: ,\,-..od"I....1 R","Il~n: I'~ JUl>-lor Cl...... ; (~m or Ihe MU.: "."" 11""0....(l). (r). ('l. (4); RI ....""I Sodet)": \"Il'C'I're

  • Ll:cn: !:lEU:=-: D,WIS, n...\.L.~..,"

    BOISE H. S.Klipp" K"pp" C:"mm.; Sft,. De Smd Club, It):

    E~~,t1..~ COnlmittee Worna .. '.........'". (t):~. ,uwl Tr,"a~. " .... Hellenlc ): Chlllnn....(n.ltallon Cmn",iItee Senior Clll.W' .\luslc:Clnb. (tl, I') .

    .\. 1-lo,,"AIIO K:"lTJ)SO~, B.S.(~Iining)

    "K .. II/"'NOllnl CENTllAL II. S. SI'O""SI':.

    1\"111'" SIIt""I: \'1"" ]'re;jide"t .\lInei'll, (4): OleeClub. OJ, etl, (I), '41: l'rei'IlI",,1 Glee

    CI"t~ (I).

    OsCAIt H. Ib~KIX. B.S.( Ed.)(:IY~'OIIl) II. S. and LWISTOS SOK~fAL

    \. Yo. Y. Club: 1>-\. \". of W. W.

    H. ~W. h,'!x

  • WII,L1A-'1 .E. l:.LHlIl;I'OX, B.S. (.\~.)"H"","

    KAMI,HI II. S.

    "Ipl", 1.\!11I; "}j" 1I01l01'll. (I): "B" 1I01lOnJ.It); Gem or the Mount.l ... Stftll', (I);I>.Jr')' Cattle Judll'illl!' Team. (J): U'"e StockJ"dlflno: Team. (I).

    lh:u:x LrUmIE BI,OO;\!. Jl..\."Blouo."~O"TlI CHSTII.AL II. S. SI'OKASE

    Gamm" l'hi net,,: Mor."r 110".

  • Gt:OKCIE Ol"LEAK, B.A. (History)"Pdie"

    C.\LDWELL II. S.

    "'lIppa Alpha T1""III; A'r,loa Slim. Epsilon:Mortllt Ibnd; ",-1." 10noTll' (I). (t), (I);"'"ecutl~e Board Women'. Leape; P.tII'llabClub: Economlal Club: Panbellenlc L:oundl:

    I'~ldent Wom"n'. Leape: I'lIenl!" andSludent Council; Y. W. C. A. ",'omen',(io,'erlllnA" Council; Cost Enlrll.h Club Pia)':CorTellIl.,m1'...,.ld",,1 "I" Club. (I): ~{)I,tlml1. (~l, (I'.(4): ,\thlellc Board. (4).

    CI.AIl.~ G. BA.KX. B.A. (Latm)"C/ore"

    )IOSCOW II. S.~....nl~h Club: ",\" Honou. (I). (.f).

    WAI.TER.E. SCHMID, E.S. (.Ag.)"WoW'

    YIl.UITL.\XO II. S.

    Square ami Com..... : .-1.. E. P. Club: AnimalIl..,..... "drr Siodc Judlrin, TellM. (4): Vice"neld"", or Senior Cl...... ; ,'lee !'retlldent01 AI!'. Club; \"lee Pte.JIdent of A. K. ~'.Club,

    \V,\I."-O:-: ('llAU:-:CY GORI)()X, B.S,(Ed.)"1)00"

    11IIO,\OW.\Y H. S. S"ATTI.~;

    1:-:.:;0; BEL\''\ SAXGIOlI, B,A,"'Hie"

    I',HETIJI. II. S.

    I(IIlll)ll I(npl)Il Gl\mnta; :\Iotlor Boar.l; "0"Ilofl()~ (I). (-6): EnlrUsh Club: :\hule ClUb:Cut "Nnafore. (f): secreta", JuniorClaM: seenl"..,. Senior CIIl!lII: Vice l'tftldent :\Iotlor BOlIn!. (-6): ChaJm'an :\lelDO....lal Commlllee For nlnr CI.... : Women'~CounclJ. (6); Exeeutl.-e Committee Woman','-n....e. (t): Chllinnan SonJ CommIttee,(I); Ca!lt '"The Wild Roee:' (I)

  • GI..\IlU H,\STIE. n. .-\."C/
  • ("KmH:K C. ("n,I', LL.B.",""z"

    C:Jt:l'R O\I.t:SF: II. s.lld .. Tho'l" 1'1: Alptlll :'h, !),ell.: 8. ". DeKTft

    "I ~"rord. '11: C"._I ",\da", "ntl t:T";'",\" 1101""". (I).

    H.\LI'U S. J"COH"OX, B.S.(C.E.).. ....,,,b/;

    ~. C. II. S. Spo>~,,1M'

    K"pp'" Si.,,,,,,: .\"",,"alal t:nllillft".....

    1:0:""11:-;" HOKY.RTli. lJ.:\.~;...d ..S.\~II'" II. ~.

    Kllppa K"ppa Gamma: ~l,,~k CI"b: En..lI~hClub: s.,. 1::!.n>11OI"k>- Club: Slud",,1 ~'"eolt) Co"'K"iI; Wo'""',,... Gon."ln., eouncil:O""rellll "TI... Wild K"",,:" "K" 1I000r.l.I').

    ET.1.I0TT W. E,\\ES. JI., B.A.(Ec.)..Sit., .....

    LF.WISTOS 11. ~.

    I'hl n"lI" Theta: .. " .. Ih",(Jr~. II). (~). ('). H).

  • l

  • ~, .~ , ~l ..:~\1 ~f \ '-

    , '~/,

    't.,I r ,






    Junior Class OfficersFird 5'('II//'lIf('r 8n'01ld Sl'Illl'iltrr

    HOll~:ItT G,\Il\'f:1\E1.MEII \Vn.,\xl'J.r~:AX HOWI.AXIlS

    ........ UIIi.~ELl. PAllSOXS

    ['residl,,,t .['ice-Presidellt .

    SI'{'relar,lJ .'l'n:a!JUrt'r .

    \V,l.l.l .... ~l GAIIT.';: ....................('j\~n:lIox K1XG .?lIAILJOIIlI': Al.Il~:RT.~ .

    K~::-:X~:Tlt II. 11l':-;T~;1l

  • t:. W. 1',\K .. !'i. B.s.(lno,.\I....II.,'


    Grnnd,"i..,.., WIlSlo. It. S.

    lIet" Th"." 1'1; ~'"""l",ul"Fuotball &1"'''. 'I.; V"r.~Itr ."0011/.;111 SI.",..I. "to,

    1~:>OI....lic (;l"b: Juniorl'rom Commllt...,.

    EIlIlOL II. IlII.D1AX. Os.(Educ"tlon)


    Albion So"",,,

    5l..rna Alphtl F.~Jon; I Club;WrestUn.. 1'....m. (Il: IJoe..1~lt ... (I): .:".0:11,11 Cluh.

    JV....SNV, 1In"" II.A.Lssell s"",lnary.

    Auburud"I... MlUIlJ.

    E....lIoh Club; C .... Club:"0" lIonoN.

    Illt:SI'; COI.LlER. B."'.(I'..,.)R........

    Ol)'",pia fl. S. W""loi",rtollI)elt" (;,,,u,,,,.; t:"..Ush Cl"h;

    Y. W. C. ,I. Cllb.; ""'''Ihmor~. UJ.

  • 1'1111.11' 1I01lP:ltTSOS. \l.~.(~I.~;.)"Pili/"

    eo.,ndl II. S.Tbe EI.-d'u: ,\..-,.jated Enai.-",: W~tlln", TCllM.


    ~;I.L~:S IlEI~:IlS0S. liS.(Ed.......tlon)


    .\",tlcm). Spol.:"nc eol1~.

    L.\\\"IlE:"iCE ,\. W.\LL..\C~::'B.A I..L..B.


    C.1""ell II. S.""PI>" SI..mll: Inll'rnlltion"l


    R. II. Lclt...h. BS.t "Alue..llon)


    ~IO!'C'O.. II. S.

    Squar" and eompa

  • l

    1I,\U:L DltAI'EII.. u.s.(l'.d""lltlOll)

    "Hall~":\10l!0l.'0'W II. S.

    ELJ,!E1t WYL,\l~D. U.S.(tunw..

    The E I ... e t : AI!ltOd.I~1~:n";n~... : \'Iee Pr ....Cia.... (t). (I); C .. det11"",1: U. or I. Ju~ H:""I:I.le,,1. II. O. 1'. C.: MIL1l,,11 Com",., ('>: JuniorI'ro", eomnl . (I): ~'rollcCO".",,, (:)

    t;lUTIl llREIISER, 11.\.(111.1)""'

  • J''',~ .\';..~'!!

    fUKOI.I> .\. lI'\\'\Ul'mK.s. (,\.-.)"r",,"(;e"e~ II. S.

    S'jI"I"q Xu; A... CI"b; KI"T"" "h.m".

    1'0l.LY II. TII(I\I \S. U.S.(11.1'.... )


  • 0113 Gamma.

    DoIot II. S.


    Ri.-b) II. S.

    JI;L1.\ .\OU.;\I.\S R-S.(F.

  • IIP-KOEKT I GLISOP.~IM'.II. S. (A~.)"lleiNh'

    Coe". d',~ler>e II. S.5i.,,,,,, XII: AlphA lei,,:

    ~"""' ... "d CO,l1pa.... ; -8"lIonors. (a): I Club: Ac.Cl"b: A. E. F'. Club: FOOIball. (fl. (I). (f): I'rell-,Ieut I Club. (').

    EItSESTISI'. IIOSE. 1I.S.( ~:'l.)"NOlie"

    Sallnon II. S.Kuppa ,\Ipl... Tho:l"; Worn

    en'~ Athletic ,\,o"wx:latlon:Y. W. C\.: """ IlonoN,II): Sft,...,t"r)" ot JuniorC1A>oo. II): \'lce-I'n':I!'ld.,ntor WOlMn'~ Cuulldl.

    WIl.I.I ..UI G,\KTIS. 11..\."Bill"

    Caldwell II. S.

    Siamlll Su: F'lr,! l.Ieulelllu.1II. O. T. C.: V",."II,. Unsl.;e1

    1~~11. (I): F'r"hmllll HI"!ball.

    :'>1.-I.IW,\In:T II:SII'I';. lI.s.(Ed.)

    'K,,''';.,'F:mmetl II. S.

    G"",mll l'hl lid,,: ,', W. C.,\: Glee Club. (I): ".'"1-l000rll. (I). (I).

  • ETtIEL .\SDERSOS. 8. \(Cornme~)

    ....d ....


  • lIUS;.;~:r.L D. 1I0WgltS. 11.,\."Ool
  • ~I:\KJOKIE .\Ult:KTS. 11 .\."JI
  • JOIlS W. CL .... KK. 1-1..8."Jilek"

    ~f"lll(l II. S. t..e..'lslonSo"",,]

    Hench lind Rar; l'redd~ntS. P.. I. e. Club: I'~_denl .~-..d.lect 511"I"n1.oof UlKl1~ Hall.

    Jt:s5IE It. GRIGt:soS. B....."Jru~"

    BoIM! II. S.Ontna 1'111 ,\lpha: "0" lion

    or>!. (I): .....h stunt.

    \JITIIUIt .\1. SOWI)t:1tIl.S. (1.AC~"!l' Emrilleerl"jloU" (:"",m.. ; I'ublldlr

    .\Illna!!"".: Wom"n'~Lea""". (tl: I'lln Ilelle"I.,Ctl, IS): I'll" /lellenlc\";ee I'resldent. It):Treasll...,r Y. W. C. A..Ctl: Y. w. C. A. Call1,,,,I,II): GIrls Glef' Cl"b. (I l.et). (I): ...". 11000,.,.. II).

  • (lIlEE" Wt:U..5, 8.11.IKE.)"G~",,""

    lloiM II. S.S'..,1I11 Alpha F.p~ilon.

    !'q .. ar~ "lid Con,pa. :t:n..U,," Club: A. K .Club: ....... 1I0no Ill;\'Ice 1'~'~1I1 CI" It):Vice I'read~nl A. E. t'.Club. It): I>re:n

  • .\I.\NY TIIO.\II'SO\". lU;.'.:ooll.(I): Sec.TrE'IlS. I Club.(I) .

    I' X_~---------ii~"'-

  • 1'.\l"L II. IIEEl>. n.s.(1.....~I ... t1c)


    M.\l)Y.LEI:"E W.\U~ 11.\."II""","

    1;"""11 .....\ ....d"m'"

    ""!lP" .\11)11" Tt>eho: 1':,;.,.....10'e Ilo.ud or Women'~I " .."e: I'"" 11"11,,,,1.C dl: srel'lr,' Tre'l.""rer ..r 1-'" S",,,I CI"b.

    STA:"LY.Y S. SIY.OtTS. 1I.s,(~lInl".o:lSI..,,"

    .......,.\. SIolt I...."" all'. II. S.1'"lo'''Nlr or l'1"1l. t ......h

    t'oou",n. II): \ar.II,t-oot .... ll. It): Rll.ood",ll.It): 1.:";," 1, lit hI...hoY..".II tOOI lI: \l ....br~Club: _\'.lbllllli In (",",-,I-""",

  • ~H.:l) .... llOHSISG. Ik';;.I.-\II,.}


    Unroln II. S. 1'vl'tI .. ,..1

    I'lli G..m",.. Dell .. : ~;I" T..uSinn.. : I Club: .\. E. ~'.Club: ." ... Cluh: WI'....lII"..T"a",. (tl. fl): :;I"~kJ",lIri" .. 1'"a",. fl).

    \'IKColSI,\ M(; II.H:. n.,\.( LlI.)


    L",,,i. ",,,I el".1o: II. :;.51'010:""". \1"''''11.

    I("'!PI'" K."pp.~ G"""",,: C"b",,,t \. \\. C.\ . (Il:

    Rn"'i~h Club. (fl. II):1'",M. W....hi""""n Cl"b.II).

    ;\I.\RIE E. IIl)!\IRI . 11.\.(8",1I_)

    51. 1'"""",,,', A,",,

  • IIOWAIW :\ICOl:AIG. D.\,"Jf"c"

    Coe"r 11'.\1

  • n\"l.\:- KI~IIIKOnill, 1I.s."I',r"

    C"loh,',,1I 11. S. C, or 1.I'hoi l)ella TI",t,,; I)rn,,,,,lk'oo.

    M.\\ WIIOKI~ 11.\."Jlo,"

    ~l..\nlloon) II. S.Wllil",,," CoI~

    LOUIS II. KlJS.~~:LI.. II,S,(I':.I';. )

    "'."air"Fr";II",,d It. S.

    \~.oel,~I"d K"lri""c.... ::00

  • J,\:-.ms II. ".:.H .. 11.\."'Jim"'

    U'"" .'. HEKSEY. H$.(:'oli"l"..,"/{ttrr't"

    Le"-I,lo,, II. S.


    lXlIWTIU' C.\(;~:. n..\."/I>or'"

    lIoi..e It. S.

    h"ppa hllPp;o. G.",,,,a:Lllain""" of Con,mllt..., on\Ie"'.......hlp. E....IL.:h Cluh:...\ .. lIooof>'. (~). l'l).

    Hoi"" II. ,;.

    K"m)Jl 1'1"",,,: .'ootl~,I1. (t).I'): ~...".h ~ooll>llll. (I):Se

  • I',\L'L II. (;1'11.\111)II.S. U'or""Ir)')


    \I1""',,r. \\".hl"o:l""lIel" Th~l" 1'1: ,\Iphll Z~l,,:

    XI Slo:"", 1'1.

    EIIXK.... K. ~TI.LEII8.s. ''\11:.)"Er"le-

    '\rnll!'.O....o:o"I'hl ,\Iph" I'~I; W. S. C..

    (I). (t).

    fn:II~I.\S 11.\1~I\X. 11.5-It'orr>'lr)')


    ~111"-II"Ll'P. WI...Slll:mll .\lphll Ep.;IoII; Xi

    S; II: m II 1'1: I'"",. A-..,.~oret';ler~. I':I!:; '8'"1I0no,.,.. tI); ",\" II"no.....ttl

    J,\KI': ;\1,\rn:lI. n.s.l ,\ltr.)"J"A'r"Col~ or Id"no

    Collrft! or hlllho; L ". e IILilenor)' S

  • Lons .-\. BO.\S. u.s.10_. Ell".)

    Lo..i~"1k>I;;e. Iclabo

    I'hi .\tpha I'~: .-\.-,;o""ul.(I). I:). (I): .-\.-.cl"I~Ed II 0 r. "".-.:on"ul. (I),\....,;.Ie Editor. '"Gen, or

    lhe :'oloolll"i""," (I): JUI!'lor "rom Commillee, (I):Ellllli.1I Club. CII. nJ.II): ElhAnol Socletl'. II),\lllibllT Band, (I). n).

    CII.\XCEY .\. .sTE.\O:'oI.\X.0 ..\,

    CA.. lrr'I'a,ette. Idabo

    Sp'IRish Club; "0" 1I0,,,m'.n).

    ~I",n' 0\\'IX05. B.,\."l'~tit~..

    )10"', Id"ho

    0"111111" I'hi Ilet,,; "A"Ilo"....s. (I): "1\" 110'"" ..... (I).

    nl{OIlGiAXSE SUI'I'WEII,H.""."Jo"

    )1"*'0.... Id"hoI\app" Alpha Theta, L W.

    C. A.


  • "~:SSP.TII U. IlI:STEIl.U\.

    K"....W,dl" Walla II. S._\~atetl 11"",,,: 1!.... 1l~1o

    Club: Open ~'oruon: An'nU1I1 Slatl'. II): I'....m.Comm.: CI"iIlI T~u.,.,..

    l~l: "".\" 110110"'- C1), (~)."R"' 110110"'- l!).

    :>111':11.11.". U.s.

    \1'........ II. S.

    flt:S:> 1)001.1"I-n.1:: UP-II.X1I,\lm. U.S.


    n.-a. l'Mk. W".h .. IL ~.l:m\-lion. 'to: ,\""l~I",,1 I'. R-llel,t .. (~): "A" 11m..' ....


    11.\1.1'11 S, IIKI.':TOL, 1l.~.( .\ll:.1........."..

    T"-i,, ~all~. 11. S.

    I'hi (;""""11 I}elt,,; AIi".CI"b:CI...... \'Iee-I'.""ltl.."t. (I):Se.-olHl l'.ioe (;.al" Jud...i"li". (Il: Oai." CatlleJ",l"';"1i" Tel"". (I); ell .\Ii". ""l" Crnn", . (II.


  • i)~:WEY DIXIE ST.~~IJ.1511. B..s. l,~".l


    0"1""0. O.e",,", l/~".\..t ..",,,~' "omlio""l Cl"h:

    \1". Cluh: .\. E. t'. Club.

    \U',X,\Sl>EII J. FOS. n,,\."AI"

    )1.-....:0,," It. S.I'hi (i"",,,,,, [).en,,: Athletk

    Iloa.d. (~): I Club, (2).(I): l)e S"'et Cluh, (I).(!). (~); t:.coooml"" Club.(t). (I): Orche;tl .... (!).ll;) Il'~kelbal1, It). ll):t.......h n. n. Cnl'lnln: Cap.-1..1" t:lttt, D. n.. II)'

    1l",...I~~II. (:).

    li!.ES" ;\IEDKl!.". 11..\."GI..,,"

    l'lI", A"Ctlllu..l c ..n......

    )I,\IIY ,\STIIOIU 11\1.D.,\. ( w).. Jlw,?;, ..

    Col.mul0 Sprin"". 1I. S.Wo",..",, Athletic ,\ II n.:

    I:..nuna Phi Del.; , ........\\'omen'" Alhletk .\ n ..ll): '"n" Ilonono. 121:Orl".. "iL'\lion Stal". (:..n,or n .. .\lom,lal,"- II).

  • CL\IIP. D. LOWt'~ 11..\.IConl"',"~l


    C"uOOI. ItI",~ II. S.

    TI.,. I-: I ... '" IRs: Eco,lOml.,.Cluh: ~p""I~h CI"b; ,\. 1'..Y. CI"b; 1"",,,bli,,,.. T,.,"n.

    (~l. (3).

    ~IA81-:t. IXCII.I'. 1'.\1"1':11",\11..\.

    I'"r1'I~llllblk. W"sh., II. S.

    K"J>J.IA ,/\lllllll .The!a: ~: ...rlI_h Club: ,. \\. C. A.;WGr"ell's (O...ernl"ll" COl,".

  • EKTC C.."SIn:KSOS. R. s.(Eo E.)"Sld~"

    t'ruilland and Bol;oe II. s:~,\~al..l Enlli~~

    OOSJ\LD O. Oil S.\ULT.B. S. (CMtIl.)

    "no So"Idaho T""lnkal TnAlI"I...

    I'bl ."lpM I's;; SquaN andCompass; EIMOOI ::;0-d ..I,.; Auu"aul. (I).

    J. ,\. SWn"T. B. S.(I'n:-~I~li(:)

    "Spud"T"'i" t'alls II. S.

    lI"tll Thein l'i: m"" ClubOreh""I (I): tJnl"er~;II'I)rchesl (I), (f): Jnun"nd Show. (I); l're-.\II",lIc Cluh.

    KOBERT W. I'.LDl\llWF..II. S. (eh"",.)


    Moscow II. S.

    llela Theta I'i: \'. ~1. C.A.. (I). (f). (II: tor"m.(I). (f): "A" Ilm)(>r~.(I). (f). (I): Chalrm..nSophomore f'rolle eo",",ill"", !'ep Band. UI.(I): ~Imtarl' Band, {II.(f): AMlslant L~ad"r.(I), Orc~lra. (I). (fl.(I): t:n",nol Sodd,.

  • :"011.\1.\ L\:"I;KOI:,t'~ II.:'.(t'.... 'K'1Ilion)


    Kn""elt II. S.nell" (;am",,,: (On"llIlIlt- of

    \1"."" L' ", I.: \1"~I.. CI,,b

    .\1 \10' "- KI"r.. It\."QIIU_V'Sol"", II. S.

    (:a"""" I'hl !Jelll: ;weI)'tre~hm .. " CIUll. III:SoJIh Siunt Comm. f~l:Junior I'ro", Corn", . Ill:C...m or IIIf' .\1"",,11011.!'ObI". II).

    J. Ct:Cll. "OIUmy... r ......

    n"I.oe II. S.I'hl ..\ 11,1", I'~I: Inler-t'r,,

    lernllr (;"""dl: U"lvtr.U)"r (;"Iorndo, II). (t).

    (;t',UllfOV. SEWTU~'TL:CKlmT"d....

    Kh"dllS; ,Upl", Z..tll: nail)Came J"d.-Jn,o: Tellm. (t):

    Trea~.... \r:' CI"Il.


  • J. It. Bl:ItDIDGY., It. So1"~)ledk)"Jj"en"


  • I).\S C. )IC OOUG,\I.L. 8~;;.(1'~)lftlic)


    '"""1;:110 II. S.I'''i 0.,11" Th

  • KI:':(;S"I'.R W. IWI.I.BI'.RO.B. S.


    )!0l!INl"- II. S.".\" llol>()J"3, \1), (!): oe-

    bat", (I). (! : "lee I'r_ld.ml Optn ~orum. It):"nsldent Open Fon,...(I): I:!.ndi.ib Club: Pr,...\l"\\'nllll,,", II. S.

    llel.. Thet" 1'1: ,\ ........1I1e

  • J.\J.II"-ell" Thel,,: K nlll"hl~ nrthe 1l,~11 and Ch"I": \' ..11Kin/l", U).


  • tona~S"E II. IlU."lll.\L1.8. S. (A... )

    "Gf'lIe"""I!>on and Wllrlll~ II ....

    l'bi Gamma l:lella; Alph..leta: 1';111 Ta.. .~;." .. 1I0no.... (I), (fl.'1. l U; f.nlfll~h Club.

    1l011l'.llT I.. lIIlLllIlOOK.n...\. ("..~",,,,,,k... )

    "!JtJ""Star II. S.

    \.oeillledllarb!l:"WIlorlO...... 'II: ",\" 110110.....Ifl. III: Y.m.lI.h Club:(~n )on,.... If). Ill;".,litor.\'lfo"""I.II"!'.ditor lI~ndhook. (!):I'tllo..,.hlp Club. (fl:Cha;rm"n CommItte.: onSh"ltlil ...."t1r ,\dviolo,)''''mJclI. (I); 1',_ Clnb.

    nm.Dly. I'Y.LTOS. Il..\."Red"

    !......bton II. s.

    0 ..11.. r, ..",ma; ".\" 110'.........41): .\n:onllut Stllll'. (11:Junior M..",~r Slud.."I-....,,It) \,""1;001')' eo"n-.11: l)ra""dll". Ill. (I):1.,il",1 Chrl.tll", I'"der.lti.." C"mmltt.....

    I'K):S .\. YITl(:F.K \1.1),R. S. ICMm.'

    "Pih"r.nonn,;l~ II. S.. Idaho

    Tn:hnl..... l 1t",lltule

    !';th"IIO' Sot-tet)"; ]',."... Club:,\ .....","'t. (I).

    ====~ ~~.Li~X"'X"-'-''-'-=:r_

  • I'"ue O"e 1I,,,,,lred Si:rIU>l

    EL,\IXE \\'llK"LElt, II, ,\,(Fre"ch)If. J1:'

    X~:I.SOS "~:ltXllm LLQ\D.II. ,\."Sels"

    ltilJl'ilk W"shl"gIOtl. It. ",.

    x,,: K,,!!,lislo CI"t.>,Preslde"t I'.nl\"ll.h(3): "Il" II(mor.

    Sll\"lIln(0) .ci"i,.0).

    fajY O. l'EX\n;l.[.,LL D.

    "1'''''1'11''Mo$COw H. S.

    S'!!,"'" Mph" E psi 1(>" ,!.Ie"len""t Cndet 11,,1_I"li.. ,,: Tmck, (t), (3):lIe"d, ,,"d Bar.

    C"ldwell H. S.Delta Co,,,,,,,,,,: \\', A. ,\.:

    Sl'a"lsh Clnb: F.Kee"II,eBoard W"",e,,'s Le"l\"lle:Soploo,,,ore Slu,,! Cora",ll-I,..,: n"skelb"lI. (~), (3):"U" 110"0"", (3).

    ,\IIXQ1.D J. URESllE,\HS,LL. U."If"ck"

    Caldwell lE. S,

    l'hl Dell" TIoet,,: Fooll~llI.(t). (3): I Cln!>.

  • L _

    CeRTI,. E. Ht:KKISC;TO\".O. S. (AIf.)

    "evrl"~ 11.5.

    lIeot.. Thrla 1'1: Tau Si~":I.. E. F. Club: "f' Club:\',,"";11" T"nnls. I).

    CIUKI.ES .o\RTIIl:R S.\R.(;~:ST. O.s. l~linind

    "Iri"""Wlll1~ II. S.

    Tilt El...ew: ~udi:er.Club: Oar Sf,hoIulIhip:"8" Ilonon. (I), (fl.

    ttl'TIl KUTSEWSKY. B.:\."Kooti,;'

    Boise II. S.[lett" Oa"'''''': Y. W. C.

    A.: SecretaT/" Dollie Club.(1): "A" looon. ('):"II" Honors, (I).

    I'HlLlI' W. IlL"CK, 11 ...\.(~:.-nolnl('ll)

    "P1IoeM"Twin ~'1l1l" II. S.

    I'hl Gamma !>ella: Enlfll"hClub: En",lj~h Club lh'r~.(I): ,l.rl: (;em or th" ;\lo,m-t>t.m. SII.fl'. (I): "ep n"",l" ... ,,

  • l\",\S L. I',\CKI'.SII.\\'.O. s. lA.,.)


    1:Ioi,. II. ~.Heta Theta l'i : () '" I r l'

    J"dlflnl!' TflIm. It):Tn t Sq""d, It). Ill:.1 CI"b; S..\. T. C.

    CI.H'OS \T'II.L elll'.l'.l ..:>-US. LL. B.


    I'hi Dena Theta: !loe SmelClub: lM>rw:h "ntl 83.;\',,11 I)"t",. (2): Clul;.He......" and ""'. (fl.

    '".\t;IOlIS .\. l'IlIU:.Le... B.1'0'

  • 1.1I.L1.\S" COLLIS"S, ll. A.I.i_d,f

    1.e..-islJ:>n II. S.1,..lIa Gamma; seerrial}"

    I'reihmall CIaa; lIod:"r.IS); "11" 11011(1.... (S) .

    .\IITlll"ll. U.ICK","" U_".(.\If.l"An"

    .... rrlt., II. S.1>1,."", S"u: Ta" Slpa; ,\.:r.

    Cl"b: .\. K 1'. CI"b.

    ~:I..\S"OR .:I)OY. n. S.(110"''' &.)

    "$pHd"1."... i~tOll II. S.

    ""llP" \lpha Theta, VI~'eI'r",,'denl 1I0me l!A:'onn",I"" crIth.

    "ES"~"":T11 .o\SlmRTOSII. A,"K."o"'

    ~108C(l'" II. S.Si",,,,.. Xu; ,\"",I.t""1 T)'pe-

    "'rllilllf Dellartr"ent, /ll.(S): DlUin""" .\oI,,"a~r.".\d"'" anti F. .,,"; Sill"r;em of thO" .\oIo""laI1l8;l'.roll'....'l... Club, (f).

    , xx

  • IlF.XKIF.TI'.\ 1'F..\~Lt:'.11.,\.H~.ri~

    I!ot;le II. S.

    INlla Gammll; En,,11 hClub:Y. W. C. A.; "redd~IlI1:Ioi.... Club. If): Sf

  • JOY-I. I. I'K 1~:ST. Jr.. 1.1 II."JQ
  • \~;IIA .\[;\IUE LUSE. II. S.(~I.~lh.)"['er/,"

    Lewl" ,,,,,I Ch,rk H. S.SllO)ka""

    Ollle!" Phi ,\Iph,,; lI"sket1>;,1. (I). (~); (:"'"rn;,,gCo""cil (S); 1'''IlH''Il,,"ic.(S).

    W~l. C. c,\Itn:XTEII. U.s.( I'r".\[,,,II

  • ~===

  • Jx

  • ,

  • 1

  • Kellllriek.\1. A rlllhruster




  • Con""r G""'lIbt C" Bro,.-.. L. 01'0>1" On"ly M. ".mb.,,".t~.Chubbll~k 1'. "'"1 roster :loieRobetts C,,-oebolt Dooo..". Seelll.IlM.COlJlu On"lll~ld Sonle 118)".....".d "lbnrbt G.ee..anklet 1.....11 Cop. ~Io....n to",,,. Canine

    ~I::m; ,......., Salllfl" 1'o\O"ell I'et,"rooll Tblltd>erSIIIlU .. ~Ie~artln Dnrhllrn WIIl>.en..oll Rnm","" Scb",lbl'r

  • 1'_..11 ""n Ta_l B.~Jn (;n
  • Muneon l'rk"lIrti 1'. Remsberlf ~lor~ IIlhbl Rube ....~lohler W_l za..hrnan ""mllto" 0,..,," 5to"..Retllf ;\lorrl. " .. 11118 H.-d'.... ler Slorn,~ (:"hanShenebt:rwer ell...n Cutp Drake L " ..milton H""ktlnYanle A~h.,..an Milford Co. ~l"dl ,.-Croteau !'Irke S"mmers 51unll wtll!'ht Leland

  • /'llue OM Hundred Thir/Y_/leO

    tA..:' ~ 1 r. f. (~ ~I ,( " v~ y.. '\~

    " r: ,'.~\~~~ t",

    ~ ., 4- _'= 0, t(lF,.\ \f';' _~r f.' ~~

    ~1 l:; Iq " ~> ~~

    f~ .... ~...... ,it/) f..~ (f ., ~,/.

    n, "-ranI.\luIJl/l:anEo Gllma"!fo)"t

    ~l. DennettWarner

    JensenCh"rchC. ,\ndCl"5

  • xx

  • ,J-IurlanGlintlemllll



    Freshmen Class Officers

    I'resil!CIII'"icc-/' rrsi(!r/lf


    2ml Semcsfer



    Jo:.:t:sG l.ISIH;,\I,\X

  • ~" l(t'.~.~ .~~ ,~(~)~~'~ "~I >. /' ." \

    ~.@ ,,-; It ,~ "f~@1t , t

    ~\, ~ t ~ :,~ ,~

    . .

    .~. ~;; .1)~ iA e.

    1I000eMlOn ",,11"'-000" Kl!'lkr l-eChoJr "....-1 HiliIlo,"e Ikl~ MrMlllan l.elkh \k"'lnzle Wid.t".lor W 11or) Whlte !'lllH..n 11.....1"'... Wimant>~liI C_" llrotbers !'1,..."flUI t'..ldm.a" \'oo~"'""""

    \ ........ lIftt ........ Utlle II"'-n lAM')':\~TOn", Ke'..~ Sop-Ie While - Kle1f..er M. "'",In-.

  • )Ioll.onws: 11l"11co,, '~It ..,.. DIad' ~"'lMle"nhll'Cat n ,- Worm WllIhllM l'et..noon " ...~......-iJo 1'",1,..,. Spri~t Curnl~" 1'0....11 Rolli""""T.....brid"..

    ":;ro;" Skl

  • ..,


    .'t t t ... .. " \/~. ~ ~.!t,,. .~ 'f, , ,~~7 ,J ; ~ ) l/' 4 (1 ~\ , ,~;. ,.., .....

    .Ii ,1 ,.~

    .. ,~,? 'I.., I

    ~ .. ~ I'" t4~.~ .", .,j\' ~ ... '~ ,


    ,l .. .J ..' ~ r b1" \\ ~' ""'~I ( ~.\

    I'nry ,..... Sin"uon.' 50.>1"", ~"dtt.lll'll ""I"a", L_....,r

  • Stockdl\le"oye)'""llAnIIl1lmf:ref:Ml:lIrrltt

    IIM"k"'''''\\'"11",,,"SIlllthII. melo:M"ul"Specht

    Kinlf~Id)anllliAdrWorthinrtonT. Weinbotn:er



    Cn,zenIIelltlle1..0"-"0K"lInII"nm"rI,. )"nn."."


    ",llllmll"W"d"Pork:booKlbM:)'llartldtn, Pier""

  • " . '"

    } ~i ~~ ~~, tl:-,:f\ "~, ~~

    I, ~

    ~q:~' t' ()if' 1,,. ..",

    ~~ . ',rp.!1 ~ ,~",. , '11 ., "I ", rtf


    C. D. SmUllnll"d~",.n


  • \ ~J t, "\\j 1(/ ~.I. ,'"" !Ttl',

    .. , ~ ~ i . ." y"

    ~ .., . ~

    ... .;/ .,


    r 1 ~ t';). .~ lit\'..-". ..".~/ '" ;J"4 ....' "J " ,

    - ~ .. ,~ .. :\... ':! / . /. I...~".



    -,.. ," ~ ... .-' Y. ~.'\1 1 ," \.. ...


    "~.""~ ~. ~,1 ~ III~ \ ..1 i( .... l~l .,

    Iteruo" J!,"."s Ho"'m~" Tipton !.",,,hll.d I'ur)'11111 'o- J""""",, Vitldn!lOn )(er~lcl."nlk Tanli.,11.-h..", E"II"" :,

  • T.I'lor Seel)' ~"alell elol
  • ~ xx 1.'

  • ~THliwliIGS

  • F.11 GUI'Gral1llate Jlanagrr

    D.. I'1Il M ..cM",I... SlJas;.",tlJall COflrh


    Tltoll.., "'1:1,1.\"J)ir,ctor ..'Ihlrfirs'.'o()(unl/ CIHlrh

    n.U" 1I..1lSC1l1'rark Conch

    J, A'It:s U.owslI"rulli"!1 ecad


  • ATHLETICSTI-ILETICS at the Cninrsil.' of Idllho during the pn... t year, millie

    lrCIll(~lldOliS slridf'S in every brunch of sport. Ent." effort W8S hentlowllrd pillcing Idnho athletics in the position to which th('y Jx>lollJ!.\\'holl." ullcxpccl('(1 to alumni and undergrndulltc... WIIS the 1l(lmittllllcCof the L'ni"crsih' inte the Pacific Coast ('onfcrclI('(', which phu'c"Icluho in direct ~ol1lpclition 1I ilh the leading uni"crsitics of the lIlT

    west. A con...tructin~ prog-mm looking toward gi,"ing the Sih'cr unci Golduthldes the best fidds ill the norlhwc:>t ,,"as illlHlgumte

  • Football Review

    Olle of jdflho's lIIost brilliout otldd(:lI. rdlO p!a/jnl his (ourth (/1/1/ ftl8t Yj.;(I,r 1/1rill It/olIO III/iform. GrOl'C is All-Sorfhll'/'id /;'lId.



  • F...:< ~ n.o.. : l'l~-\\'

    11l.\HO n:. wnnll:'\'GIdullo he"l LUIck 1111 i'l\'I\"ion of \\'yolllinl{ ('o""boy" ~'o", 11 III Hois(> llnd

    1m ril'

  • Bt:\~\" SKIRTS rT,\I' lH:t"!!XSY. lOR Y \1111.\
  • IDAHO "05. WHl'1';\LAX

    The Whitl\llln College )Ji,.~iont\ries did the uTleXpeclCfI on TlllIllhgi"ingDll)' lUid defeated th(' Sih-('r and Gold team on Ankcll)' ficld, \Vlllla\Vnllll, 14-to 3. \\'hitllliln Wlii hell ten IIntil the final three minutes of pIny, wh('11 theyslippc

  • }'rrue One U",'dred Sixty

  • Basketball Review

    ('o\I'TAI:\, "]llell" Fox, FQrruJrd

    Who led the rmulal, lo a 'J':W-CoII[crelice Clwmpio"'hip ill IIi. tllird ami Ill,lyear of !Ja,ketb{/lf.

  • ,:J: xx r


  • ",\1." Yox.'If-C(X,~I Fora-'ll

    he c111Il11pions of the Vneilic and ~orlhwc:sl ConfO:TcI\cCS is II g01l1 few1('lllllS ('\'cr rench. Xo greater tribute ('lin he pllid to n conch nnd hilllllen thnn to he able to Ilcquire this corded position. Conch :\)llc)lil-lilli'S entire efforh were concentrated upon this one thing. He rCllchedlhllt. hacked bJ II tellm of fighters who cnrriC'd the "j"",l,.c" From there the)' journc)'Cf:! to thc homc of \\'il-Inmelle lind IlIlncxcd unother brace of \'ictoriei h.,' defellting theColumLill Hi\'el' men \I ith InrJtC scores in hoth gllllles,

    The floor \I'ork nnd wonderful plls,>ing of thc 11Inho quintetWIIS gi\'t:n its Hr"t reI, I try-out when they mel their W,S.c,l'inds the follnwing week. Hctul'Iling from her string of ,'ic

    '" ,"UICIl" Foxtones III !lIC NOI,thwest, Idtlho, pillylllg II brnnd 011/1(11;11, Forlt'flrllof Imskclhull which WIlS to make her fIIl1l01l,o;,trounced the Cougars in the first conference SlIllle 011 tile 11OI11cfloor, Ilistor." repeated its"lf the following night when the ran-daIs lI'ellt to the ('ougars' luir ItIld tlWI'C II(lmillilllCl'('d ll1101hcl'stinging dcfet\t, /llmosl compal'llble 10 thc first. n,\' changillglhcil' style of defense, the ,V, S, C, l11ell \I'('I'C lIb Ie to hold ther'll1dllls to II close score, but the cle\'er gunnling of Oz Thomp-son, Telford tmd Edwlll'(l~ e\ened up lIHdtel'il, fOl' they allowedlhe Pulhlll\1lites but fOlir 10lle uaskeLs.

    The Jdaho uggregntioll openC(1 its second ~ucce"'sflll tOlll' ofthe Norlhwcst when it joul"Ilc.,'c

  • (CI'('I1('(' ellllle when they pln.\'("(1 tlH~ ;\!onllUiIl Ul"uins 'II :\Iis-",uullt. Hllndicappcd by a ;;;lllntJ floor, the lightning-like p,tg,,-ing of the JdllilO tClllll WItS lIscless. :\Iontaull fought ll$ tlll:!l'IIUIlIC signifies they would, lllld 11I..ld the first g/llllC La II om-point vidor)' (or Jdllho. The second gllntc W,tS :'\Ionlltllllii.Again Id,tho was powerless to bring inlo lI~C the wonderful

    p1t.~,illg llbilil.r of her men, with the con",C'f:IUCnCC tllltl sll(~ iodthe gUlIle by 1\ lIarrow margin.

    The rclllti,,:, strength of the .\Iontllllll thc WIl, gi\'clI lightII wl'Ck Ilder when the learn journeyed into Idaho territory. lind\\lIS handed two stinging de(cnh which sl1Iothered all hopes of.\Iantanll winning Nortlmest honors. In these two gUllies. theSikcr llnd Gold rolled up!)S !)Oints to the Bruin.,' 3l.

    Then CAllle the long to be rcmember(,'(1 ~lllllCS with the \\'11.lnd Il'Cl'e dilllilllltcd Ii", the (,llllOllS Kll],Ull117.00 ('01-IChTC Quintet. Idaho los, hy II t'!o"e S('OI'e 1o the luck.,' .\Iiehig'lultl:lIlll, whieh ('outirlu:dly lIwde .~pedll('lIlllr !ihot" frulIl the ('cn-

    t~r of the HOOI',TllII". ended on(' of th" mo~t ~11('('e~"flll hn".kcthnll '-'('11."011."

    ill Idaho athletic hi~tol'Y' ~o gl'elder r(-'('onl 11lI~ h('\~11 ('1\n'NI"1)011 the tn.ditiOllll! pnO"

  • CO.\'FEH ESCE 5TX\' J)J .\'(.5

    P.\CnIC :.;OK ... II \\" ~;l>T11"01_ l,o~t I',r C,Il' Wiln 1,0,' I'.r C,IltIdliho 7 0 0.000

    "1 .911,O~p'on '\l!~~S 10 ,

    .833 12 , ,8.j7California , 3 .aoWashlnyton


    .... , 5 .6~2Stanford , 6 .100WashinJ!ton Stall' ... ,

    ".267 .111utilei'll Cl'llifomla_ 0 ,.000

    O"'/lOn 0"

    .000 , 10 .166:'Ilontana ,

    .166Whitman 7 ,"'"Wi1lall1t"tt~ ,


    CO:.; FEH E.\'CE SCOB ES


    IdlOho Totlll r",>1'l 0PP'()u'ts Totnl389

    Idllho 37 O",~OIl.Idaho 46 Ol't',lrofl.Idaho 3'1 Willllnlt'tt"Idaho ._28 WiIla'fM'tt~Idaho ..

  • Baseball Review


  • La :'Ilor.,

    The :.('Ill>un opclh.'tl with the Bulldogs, in Spokalle, April 20 lind 30. Both oftheSLt:rTY .M".,l

  • lntere... t increascd in thc gamc as lle,"Cl' before, amuIIA' the !ltudent ho
  • ITrack Review

    DAlIO'S 19~1 tr'lck "('1\"01\ ulthough not n shining success in ,-icloricswon, was u mClllofllblc one nc,"crt!lclcss. (or it witnessed the hut per-formance of two of the Sihcr :md Gold's grcl\Lcst stars, ';Pnt" l"crrinclUld "Gus" Ining. Hoth men hlln~ been responsihle for II grcnluum-ber of points in .111 meet.. entered dllring' their collcbl'f' cllrecr.The season nclt(:(1 one ,jctor.,'. two dl'fcllts .llld II tic for thi,'d pInel' in

    t.he 1\o."tl1l1'('st ConfcrCl1(,C IlL('Ct. Idaho's (i.'st IlppClll'IIrlCC WIIS III the ScuttleHdll)' Clll'Jli",d with It two-mile relll)' team composed of run Hucsell, Gill, 1\Il\cc)'and ::\.lnrsch, lmd Perrine llnd Injng in the I'cnlllllJloll. Perrine P],LCOO fourthin this and the rela.v L('ltm tool.. third plll(,,(, in their ("ClIl. On :'Iln,v 7th,\\'ashington Stale College won on'r Idaho h.\' II score o( 79 to 52. lind the (01-ifnring SlIturdll." :\lont:\l1I1 rcp(,llted with 11 "core of 64' ~ to 5,~1::. The winf,1"('(1"I" s ('lime bad: on ~Iay !l8th when they met \Vhitnlitll at \Vulla \VlIII,\ andc:trried off the honors with It score of 80 tn 51. At the ~orth\\'est ConferellceTl'Itck ~Icd held lit j'lIlllllllll, .Jlllle 4th, Id'lho tied with the Uni"ersily of Ore-gOIl {or thinl pillce with 11 score of ~w points.

    Although the Siln'r Ilnd Gold suft'('h 1\ 10";' this .\'('ur in the loss of 11"0 of)er otlhtliliding truck performers, we 11Itv(' something to look fonn\fd to injJurd.r Eltton, Hay Harsch, and ('ftptain "Jerry" Gill. Enton took hrst in the4 W in nil the dunl m

  • n.\\' II.\MsellJ. \\'. STOS"""", (:,.,. P"swt:l.I.

    lD.\1-I0-W.ASHINGTO:-..' STATE

    Event100 ~d. Dash.220 ~d. DaslL1'o1e Vault)lile HUll._.Disl;us120 High H .Shot Put ."40 ~d. Dash.High Jump2-)lile Hun880 yd. Dash.Broad Jump_220 Low HrdJa"eli"Relay

    Fir,t Secolld Third IlecordD,tI'is (W. S. C.) ...I-ler"'''n (W,S.C.) 'I"e (I) 10:1Davis (W. S. C.) Ealon (I) ..... I-Icrnlall (W.S.C.) Z!:IJenne (W.S.C.) !luker lIud DuBois (W.S.C.)__ 12 ft., 6 in.Howlee (W.S.C.) G. Penwell (I) Cole (W.S.C.).. ..~:39:,~Hamilton (W.S.C.) 1.o"e (W.S.C.) Ining (I) .. 121 ft., 9 in.I-Mlrnis (W.s.C.) Perrine (I) fox (W.S,C.) _16:3Perrine (I) Irving (I) Love (W.S,c.) _ u ft., 6 in.Eaton (I) .ClIlder (W.S.C.) Vall Hoesen (I) 5:.!,2Jenne (W.S.c.) llurke (I) Iloberls (W.S.C.) 5 ft., 10 in.Howlee (W.s,C.) Gill (I) .. Washburn (W.s,C.) 9:l7Harsdl (I) ~'Iidlel (W.S.C.) ......Villi I-loesen (I) 2:oofllltJenne (W.S.C.) Perrine (I) Ining (I) _ '20 H., lOy, in.Fox (W.s.C.) Loomis (W.s.C.) .. Perrine (I) ..26:~Irving (I) .._ )lcCartr (W.S.C.) __ Perrine (I) 166 H., 5% in.Won hy Idaho; Graf, Willl"llIs, I-Iursch, Eaton _ _ 3:3.5.2

    ""::t XX

  • ID.-\J-IO-:\IO:'\"T.\S.-\

    :\li...soula, )lar I+. 1921

    Rtcord10:00 flnt

    ~ ,nino 38 sre.~2 ft. ti in.

    ...51>3___.16:00 flat

    FinJ Suolld_Slrrlin~ Pi) ._..5u\li\lln Pi).I.A:,,is (:'II) ...._. __ j>~n,,rn (I) _

    __\IcGo"'lln ()I) .__ Ining (I) ._._. Ealon (I) ...._.. I-~gao Pi) ........Sl~rling Pi) _ J'rrrine (I) _ ..

    _.Ibker Pi) _._ Portrr ()I) lindPerrine (I) tiro __._10 ft. 9 In.

    2"!() rd. DllSh .. .-Sterling Pi) ._.__.-Eatoll (I) _, ,.._.22:1High Jump _. P~rrin~ and Burke (I) tiM .._' .. __.. ._ A ft. 6 ;n.HaU )1ile ._.._ .IlarsdJ (I) ... _. .__.. '1111 HOIl3OiscU!l Throw _ ..__.__'lcGowllo Pi) _ _._... Dorsey PI) _ .I3~ ft. 3 in.1..0" lIun:Ues _, __......sterling Pi) __..__Perrine (I) .._. ..26:00 flatTwo :'ollie ItUIl ._.. .Gill (I) ..._._ _ _._.. .1 ScobSOIl Pi) .., _...._10:2.5:3Ja\'rlin Throw Perrine (I) .In-ing (I) ... ,_149 ft. 7 in.Broad Jumll SIIO,"n (M) and Ir\'ing (I) tiM for first 21 ft. 2% in.)Iik nda~' ~Iontana ... ..... 3 mIn. 33 sec.

    Everol.100 )d. OlUih .. ,)lite ItunShot I'ul _.WI) )d. DIl~h ..._120 IIigh lIurdks ..

    Pol~ 'lIult _

    ID.-\HO-WI-flT)IA='" DC.AI. THACK )IEETWalla Wlllla.'Ia~ 28

    l':v, ..t- Fint S,CQn(/ Third UuurdlOO)d. DllSh. ..Pcrry (W) -'lohl1es (W) Grnff (I) ...10:1Mile HUll /1. Schmidt (W) ..G. Penwell (I) H. Schmidt (W). ":liI

    ,~W ~'d. Dash ~"ton (I) Perr.v (W) G rllff (I) .51 : IShot Put Inil1g (I) perrille (I) .5hepherd (W) .'l2 ft.PoleVuult. ...Neterer (W) _.Ito

  • NOR'l'!-lWEST CO~FEHENCE )JEETPulhrum, .Iune 1,1921

    }l.V}l.NT ~'IItST SECOND Til JIll) t'OUHTlI 1I~;COR[)100 rd. J)asll ... .llurlc) (W) ';;nook (OAC) __..Ilcmellwtlf (0) .Sterling- (M) _10 ,o0880 )"1. O".h . __Jl"rilCh (I) _lIcllll (W) ...._ _.Micl,el (WSC) ..... Iellier (0) I :57.1Shot I'ut _ .__.. I'ope (W) _. I'owell (OAC) _Slrnhnn (0) .. M"c(;owell (M) -11 fl. & Ill.

    t~O )'

  • =-:t xx I I :r _

  • Wrestling ReviewnESTLING this Jellr III the Lllin~rsit)' of Idaho WIlS introduced for thl'first time:los Il major sport. The tum-out, howe\'(~r, was wenk and the onlyones (rom the squad of the pn:,-iollsycnr were Rube Bro"'II, Frank I\in-lll~on and J'roo Horning. "[Jab,

  • Tennis ReviewI=:N:'\'15 III the l:lli\'cr~ily or Idaho is ~Iowly gaining in (In'or, but se\'-cml 'yell.rs must c1upsc hc(orc Tuquet wielders lit Iduho CUll expeel toenter lhe big tOIlTtHUlIcnls with any c1mllcc of dcJcnting their morcskillful opponent'>. The two main reflSOIlS why I
  • Women's AthleticsN line with the trend of otl""1" llllivcrsitics and colJ..:gcs thl'Oughout the

    United Stales conccl'Iling athletic events {OJ" women, the co-cds in theUni\'cr.~ily of Idaho III'C gcUing unfit,!" I\':ly IIll extensive pl"ogmlll fOJ"participation in athletics of vlllions kinds. I-Iorscbllck riding, basc-oldl, lJl\skdlmll, lClmis nnd hockey :11"C il few of the Ildi,"itics that arcbeing launched this sJlIing.

    This, perhaps the first well ol"galli;r.C(lldlclllpl in the unil'ct'sity to crcntc inter-est in und ,m opportunil." (01' nthlclic cOllles!s, is It cOIllmcndablc departurewhich hns tong b...'()l1 needed and is proving- ntluublc in other institlilion.~ of It

    ~imilllr Ilutul"e.Modern \\"Ol11un has hegun 10 cOllsider it her cspccinl sphere to Ilnlil herself

    of e\"t:I")' phuse of life that llIukcl> fot' heall.h and well heing'. She llll.~ entel'edpolitics through the womun suffrage ad nnd is rapidly llloving to the hont ine"ery field of endea\'or. Her endelll'ors in the field of athletics at collcge arc justIlllother indication of this a"'akening.

    .And lI"e lllU)' lI"ell ask why we should not cHtel' the.~c llcti\'ities. The,\' an'hClllth giring .lnd physiquc builders. Too IOllg has WOlllan elltertllilll'{l theidell thllt it \\"115 indelicate lind not pl'OpCI' to contest in health-gil'illg SpOI'ts.'l'oduy tllllt conception of \\"ollHln's sphcl'e hilS givcll plllce to the l"enlizlItion 1I11ltWOlHlln is just us llluch in Ilccd of pl'ysiclIl cultut'e acti"ities liS the llICH andthal it is esscntillllhnt she de\'elop her hody by p:uti

  • Freshmen Football

    IHE 19::.!5 ",Frosh" football team W/lS the hest .,'enrling lCI\1l1 Idllho Jllli

    turneThosc who werc 11"'llrded the 1925 jersC", Otnes~, l.;:Jinc (Cupt.), Hubhle, '''ulblllln,Sigftied, lIn.p, Thol'UlS lind VesseL

    ~==~_=J: XX

  • --,




  • rFreshmen Basketball

    I I-II:: Frc..lullllll nl~"kclbllll ICnll.1 th~s _~(,'lr de,"eloped from ,~n inililtl turn-out of about tlurty 1111"11. wluch. mSI(1e of t\ \10(>(>1;: WII~ t111111100 down bJl Conch :\lllc:\liIIIUl to tell men, around whieh he built up a tcalll thutshowed up rnirly weU. The SCllSOIl was a SlIC('('''S illll .. nmch as it unco"- {'rcd some likely varsity material in Kleffner. Keller. Il:clIllIcr. ThomAsand Kline.

    The sellson ended with SC"cn gltlH('S \\ ..m and six lost. The !('lUlI opened the:.Cltson by hiking /I, trip to ~ez jJercc cOllnt)" lind phl.\'f~d thrcc g'U!lC" Ih{'re.The Ilrst gamc ""US 10sll0 the Nez Perce high school, bul the (ollowing night themen stnged 1\ come-bltek and won b.y bn:nly point;;, The remaining gaul('

    prow~'(1 casy llgninsl the \\"inchcstcr fin:~, and the Frol'lh rclurned wilh theknowledge thlll they could pIll." basketball if they work~1 hard enough. I-lardluck WIlS encountered when they mel the \\'ushington Stllte College yeurlings.for they lost. three out of fOllr gf\llles to them. not, howen'r. without Illilkingthcir c'ppoacnls wOI'k hurd for their ,ictory. Of the rellHtinillg gnme8 Il dou:"l'hC:ltI.:r WIlS split wilh Cheney ~ornllll I\nd one glllllC lo"t to Spok/lnc l:ni\crsity. n-hile Coelli' C!' t\lcnc high school WIlS defc/\tccl oncc /111

  • Interscholastic Track Meet

    CHI.EY erhily curried off high honor.. in the alllluni spring Illtcr-"chollt.~tic 'l'mek )Il-,,,l at the Lllinrsity IIl~t "pring. which WitS hy fnrthe most slIccc

  • .-::t xx I ~

  • Interscholastic Basketball T oumamentXTEHSCIIOLASTIC basketball dope WllS agAin up;oct whcll the ,jc-Loriou/; high school teRms (rom all o\'cr the sblte mel in the l'lli,crsil."gynlllnsium .\Iltrch 10th lind 11th to Imille (or ti."st honors. 'Veslon,1\ 10\\'11 of three hund"cd people, sent her team frolll the "Cluh horderline. and WllS gmtified Lo sec her ho."s bring back the c1uunpiol1l'hiptitle. after defeating CuldcMlc ill the final gnlllc of the tOUTlHUncnt.

    The \Vcsloll high school team, after winning the Idl\lIo stale tOllrnnlllcnl, wcnlto Salt LlIkc, where theJ entered till' Intermountain bnskethnll tourney, llnd"'on there, gi\,jn~ them the dlll1llpionship of -'lonbHlIl, Colorado, Gtnh, \Vyom-ing and Idaho. ,

    Inlcn~,.l in the 'Ulllun! InlcrscholllSlic bll~kclbllil tournament incrcn,.cd cllc1l.H'!llr, nlld is pro"ing to be a grcat luherti ..illg fenture for the L"ni,ersity. Twoor the teams which were picked to take the journey to :\Ioscow for the tournR-ment, "'ere unable to come at the Illsl momcnl due to ,.ickllcs~. so thlll suhlltitute"were sent ill their place, reprc-sentat;"e of the districts.

    The All-Slllle Teams picked b.v t.he judges arc ns follows:FlilST T.;,\.\I S~:COXI) TI::A.\l

    :1Ii1t:s (C.lduac). _ _ _.. FOrYard .._ ;\Iaughn (lI'"uto.)~t:dros (J/o.couo) ..__._._.._._._ ,.oru:ard _Ne man (C.,du(Jc)Hoorman (C.lduoc) _.._ _ .._ .._. Ct.ter _.__Talbot (Cot., d'Alue.)Ga.uman (II"uto.) _ __.._ .._ a.ard .. ..Clark (lIo'ctr/ll)Gfftnf: (C"ldtIGc) _._.._ award _._1- Ol:>on (WU(o.)

  • ,~

  • The Agricultural ClubOFFTCEHS


    ,'Ie EPII ....;;;II>I::XT


    Tltt:.\S(;Kt:kII.\Itn::rr C~l:t:EX

    L. \\'. S.\ X" EKC\Y. E. SCIDIIll~.\O)II ('IIAI')I.\X

    G. ~. Tee!>!::K.\G:st;" \".;.:11


    The ....\g Club" was organized December 10. 1907. (or the Jlurpo~e of pro~moting the social \\c1fllre of the students in .\~ricultllrc. to enrich their knowl-edge from ouhide sources and to promote grctlter unity umung the ",ludent,enrolled in the Agricultural College.

    Third Annual "Ag Bawl"On Oclol)CI- 15, 1921. ItS the corn ami pUlIlpkin;;; wCl'e hdtl~ IIlH\"C"'t..'t1, the

    members of the .-\g College und (nelllt." fClIthcH.'f1 l\l the G~'lJl for the thirdannual " .\g nllwl:' DC'Conllions cOllsi''rs, where the stlldent~. fll('ull," luul stockmen I11cct ellchothcr Il.S nHm to nll"l.."fter n SUllJptUOI1S rt'pll"t. (01' which nil (lIrl1ler~ afelIot(d. prizes fOf the judging' of the Illy lUld the judgin,l:t' "I"~ lIrc llwarded.

  • G. Fitzpatrick !'red Horning Cecil nobert~ F~ Herry

    School of Practical AgricultureGraduates, Three Year Course

    GI!ORGt: Flow FITZf'ATJIICK'F'/:"

    5.P.A. BRiketbali (2); y.tlilor of J-1o,,et"(2); Class President (~); P~sident 5.1'.:\.Literary Societr (8); ClltSs Vlee-President(8): Lindley Hall (8).

    ''-nf! rra~ Ih~ Ijf~ of tll~ ~dwol.'

    FIl~;1J O. J-101IXIXG"Full"

    Vlolll High School: Stock Judging 'l'elllll

    12) Second Pilice Duiry Judging, Ag. DIl~'2) Secret..rr-T~lIsu~r Uter"r)' Sociely3) CI/lsS Secrt'tar~' lind Treasurer (3).

    "l1t (I#/,i." to /it (I doi'1moll."

    Cl':CII. ROBERTS"Ctee"

    Kendrick School, U. of I. Rifle Team (2):Parliarnenhlrian S. P. A. Lih:rar~' Soclet~(3); ClllSs P",~ident (3); Fir~l Place Dai-ry Cllttle. '\11:' I)II~' (3).

    "AfwI'.v' on Ijm~!'


    "Fred"~1I1l1'J11 School, :\I/lllllger of Avalon Crellm-err. KUlla. Idllho; Third PIRee Dalr)' Pro-ducts Contesl. Ag. Day.

    "lie (14I'i." to be Q (Ort(.mtry mQ.....

  • HE School o( l'mdical ..\,S{riculture is Illaintuined tor the purpose ottraining the 'young Illen ot the state in prndicld a~rieultlln~. It isopen to eighth gmde gnlduute~ who do not dei'ire or nrc unahle toallend high school. Jt is also nltendcd bX boys who haye l!lul ~omehigh school wOlk or ha"c gradul\tcd from high school. The courscis nrrnngcd tor thrcc )'curs o( fivc months each, High school gmrlu-

    totes arc able to finish thc work in h'o YCllrs. The hOJs allending the school\l"Ork on their tarms Ilt home during the summer. and attend school during thewinter months. The school term begins in the full utter the crop

  • s. P. A Class Roll


    };'itzplltrick. George F.Honc;;;;, Halph

    non~:,', Lco }'.Bllrklllnl1, Hu..",cll .\.

    BarrctL, E. IinroidBeck, HichnrdBolitho, Hu ..sell W.Bogar, E. YirgilElder, William W.Foote, Joe C.

    Christakos, Louis D.Fr)', ]-IlIrr)' n.Hand. Balph Eo

    'l'HIIlD YLlnJ loming, Vred O.Uobcrts, Cecil S.

    SECOND YE,IJ{I-Io"e, \VillinlllLickley. \'irgil J.:\lortenS

  • Uickm:ln nri~l\lllnSchmid )lcnrid~

    IllllnlltonF. F. llorning



  • .~

    ~olL1lLF~xx n:

  • i "-

    0, ,,- ~t

  • ~"""~-:X"-'X"-'-'-!.....J:r ==J


  • L~



  • ,

  • I'''U~ Ttco 1I",'d,.td Tv:O

  • -- -



    1'.\'1'110.'\5 ..-\XD P.-\THONESSES

    President flnd ~Irs. l"phnlll

    OCUlI French

    COflch lind :'-1 rs. J\"clley

    Coach lI11d -:\11'8, 1J'l(')lilhul1)rof. and )1 rs. X cidig .DClUI nlld )1Js. CockCl'il1

  • Odober 29, ] 921


    Prof. (llld )j 1"5. Donnett

    Pt'of. and ]\11',.. Kenneth Collins

    Dcnn French

    PA'l'HOXS A~D p..-\TnO~ESSES



  • .buwlry H,. 19Q2

    P.-\THO\'S ,,-\\,1) l'..-\'j'HO\'ESSESDr, and ::\Il's, .A. H" l'plmlJl

    Col. IUlIl "Irll. Ed""" H. (,hl'i"IIHiI1."1'. alld ::\ll's. ,Jcnkins

    DI". nlld ::\1 r_. Willillill (;ihh~

    .'11'" and ::\Jrs. ,lCJ"OIllC DHy

    DC'llll Frcnch

    )11', ,J. Stanton )lc1.nll,l.(hlill

  • MILITAKY 8A1i!'cbrUIH\' 25. 192"2

    PATno:-os ,\)\'D PATROSESSES!'....,iden! 11011 )1"". l!pluun Col. IIntl :'llu. :'II. S. f'"lls C/lilt. L1()~dCol. lind )lr~. Chri~lII'U1 Judtrtllnc!.\lrs. W'HrcnTruitt Lieu!. D. 1-1. Woodin

    C/lllt. lind )frs. Iionwr lllllidteson


  • .l'A1'HONS .AXil P.ATHO:,\,ESSESDr. llnd l\IrS. .-\. I-I. t.:plmtll.\!l.. !\lcLuugldiliU(!Ull French:\lr. und ~Ir$. Collins

  • I,\,I.," 1,1 \",,,---,hI I

    if.,;" ,.."lil,l..J..

    -'IllY 1g, 1!)2QPA'l'HOXS .-\:\1) P.-\THO:\ESSES

    Dr. !\lId -'Irs. t.:phlllll OClIII FrcnchDCIlIl lind -'Irs. Cockerill Prof. :\lcLnughlin

    _'Ir. nlld :\Ir~. Collin.~

  • Other College Dances

    Bury the Hatchet

    Ag. Ball

    ...\I;: ..oeilltcd EJlgin('('r~

    Tmck U('llCfit

    Lindlc,- lIall

    \\',,~hillgtOIl Cluh,A.~ ...oeintcd :\lincr,

    '"etcrlln", '-OClltiOllnl

    Dc Slllet Cluh

    Southclhtcrn Idllho Chlh

    Bell('h lUld Hili"I Cluh

    Cklubcr 1. 1921

    Odol)(-'r 15. 1921:\"o'"cllIhcr 5. 1921

    Xon:lllhcr ]9, 1921lJee

  • VR..GwvNI'I'

  • Ho....11 H. (""IIi",IlulIlltlt'l :\\(oCnllil'

    The Executive Board of the A. S. U. 1.OFl"ICEHS OF 1!)~H1922

    1'1l~;SlJ)t:~"I'r IC ~:-Pl( t:SIIl ~::':"I'::":C 1110:"1',\ II ,"'I'll .:,\SI"I: ~:II

    - 1',\1"1. How.:l.1.IIOIlTl)X .'ICC,\ 1.1.1.-

    Ih:"I'llt:I, COI.I.I:-:'-'

    :" \UIE J-1t)On:1.

    The A-.S. l', J. i~ eomposl't"l of alt ~tlld('nt~ cI11'ol1ed ill tlll' l"ni\"crsity. ..\Illcillhership f('(' of ('i~ht dolhll'~ aud tift." ccnts is ('ullcd(-d l'adl SC1l1c... lcr upon

    lcgi~tmtion. The A. S. C. I. mcmhNship eard rcc(il('(l upun ImYlllcllt of f~"dlllib tIl(' ... tudcnl to lI11aetivilic... tilliUlel't"l hy tll(- ".\. :-;. t. I. It cntitles him ton sllh~cription of tllC' .I'{J0l/u/lt. tlll""lli,cl' ... ity ... tUtlCllt plll:li(ation. lind 1I1lowshim thc pri\'ill'~

  • CockrrillGraf


    Board of Supervisors of the A. S. U. I.Dt:,\x O. 1'. COCt.:t:RII.1.Fll";O E. GR,H'l.l'XX 11";1l.s~;y\\',\1.8,\11 (illt'\'I'HOI'St;Ht:;x 1\1)1,\IEI.

    Ff/I'I/II.,! .llrlll/Hr ami ('IIt/;rll/tIIl(;r(l(IlItI!" .I/f11wg('1' of ./lhldic8lJlllf;II"S,~ .llflJ/f1gf'r ".II';:ulIlllIl"

    lJIIs;m'sfi Mflllfll.ff'l' DI'l)(tll'- III/Rim'ss .Iff/I/tlger (;11'1' ('//1/)

    ',I'he BOIII'd or Sllpl'ni"ol's lI'a~ e~tl\bli"lll'd under tile ncll' {'on,~litl1tiol1 or thcA. S. U. I. in H)~l, This HOllnl ('on~i~t~ or the 1111lllLgers or the Departmentsor the student Jldi"itics lind one fllcnlty memher who lIds /I,~ dmil'lllltl1. Thedut.r of the BOllnl cOll~i"t,. in the dirC'.d ~lIpeJ'\i"ion of /Ill l'xpC'ndihll'e~ ofmoncy from the .-\. S. \ . I. Itcu-sury.

    1: XX :I.

  • Ilastl~rl(>ar



  • Home Economics ClubOFFICEHS

    Pre';l/Cllf'";('e-/'re,ilicli tSecrdoryTre'/llIrer

    - - - - - Gt:~a:\"lt:\t: .Jo~t:s- - - - EU:AXQIl Eon,'

    - - - :\1,\11110 lIexT- :'\1,\In' )-IAnlOxll

    The Iioltlc ECOllOll1i(.~ ('luh i~ fast developing into one of th .... most UJI totlale n.ull efficient orgltllizldiolls on th(' cum pus. Its IllcllIhcrs comprise (tilWOlllen who lIre lcgislcnd in home cCell~n\Iildrtd W.t"rsI)"i.')" WllClllley

    J: XX

  • Cochran Litton Beach('"r"m .J",,..sBrown .J(Jhnston

    )11l!lsell Spellloer Bnrtldl

    xx ....

  • Y. w. C. AC.ABI~ ET

    1'1lt:l-llH;:-; r



    P"HllnT1' .\I"XA(.I;I:SOCIA! ('II)I)IITTI'I:PIlO(;IlAll ('OlllIlTTt:t:\\'0111.11 Ft:I,I.OWSllll'

    :\I'"l-IOX,\I:,-L'XI":K(;Il,\IU",\TI: Ih;p.

    _'I~IlIt:I. ('Ahu:-H'"T/I L'TTo:-;

    G,_\UY,. Ih:AL"1II It,:u::-; ('OClII... )\'

    EI.IZ,\lIt:TII n.~IlTI.t:TT.\Gxt:s .\lAt: Ihr.owx

    ('1.,1.1'-' .,o~o:sHnw ~1't:XCt:1lXou :\Lwst:x

    Ih:u:x JUIIS"OX

    The YOUI1K "'omell's CllI"i:

  • ('II.\PJ.AI:-;' J. ounl:" GOt.:L))Intrr-lknomfnntiollld t.:ni"~r... itr Pll,tor

    University Christian FederationIn CO-OIX'ration "'itll lilr " ..... tor... of ~1O!>Co..-, lind the I're~ident and lI..,,,,M,.,, of 1100: fac-

    u1tr of Ihe LTni,er... itr, the t.:nh~.~ll~ (hri,tilln t;ederaUon ,,'a~ o.p:..niud in 19".!1.This orll""ni7-11tion i~ cO"'I...,,,1I of students, "'cmb.rs or Ihe "Ilriou., chu.che~ rCl'rc~enh:dlo~' the ,,1Il'nd'Hltoe nl the 11l1i",rslt~. Lpon rj'lIislration lit thc Ilni\"c.~it~' th".,,, stud"nts ;'lltO"-

    l1latkllll~' l"'c",ne luc,,,ller~ or the U'I;\'e.sity Chd.,Ulln ~etle.lltion.The a;1I1 of Ihi, Orllillliution i~ to ""romote rsitr Hul: ..n.1 hll. '" ofu..... o!~n to 1111 who ""~ire frien.bhiJlllnd coun,d.

  • Square and Compass

    FOlllld('(1 ~\Il1\. l~, HHi, Itt \\',\~hillgton find LC(' l'ni\"cr",it.\

    Cllil'crlily of Jdoh" Squurr ;JI"llllrdFdJ.N. 19?2, b.1J Frll1lcil J.."killl

    COl OK;;:: Slll'!! }JI",' tOld Si/l'l'r Gru!/



    rU:t: I'K):,.IOt:STSI'.CKt:l,\KY



    ('01. El.lw.\IW H. CUltISM \SHOKt:ItT E, LI':ITCII

    .J. OKKIS Gun,lI"', 0,\\"[1) :\lc('I.,\IS

    }'X,\Xl'IS Jt:X"IXS\\'II,tK~:[l E, ~t:W.\I,\S

    FH~\THES I.\" F.H'PLT.\TI;


    .\itkrnhc"d. Willi"", Clmrllon1\lk,son. Flo....' \\' .. rniclcllro"'ne, SlluiN': F.Cam!ee, flr,wk Wl~lt"illB

    C11.i~""'n. t;d"'".d It,EM"., Hohert lI"l'lf"r

    Hr"'H'lIl'"I, J ,1IU."1I Elltertnrl~III"n, BO,,,,1 I''''CUII'Colh"r". I',"le M"r,'''sern""r. ,I "lin "',DuS""ll, O"""ld O"dl..",

    D.h~n. ,Iohn PhillillFinle~', I'. ""I.dfo.Rncisco, IlulI"hFon.t. Dll\'111 ...GlindemRl1, lI .. rh...t l.f:(l

    EI'!.id!l"e. JIlY ClI,,e.fo:'"II

  • Disabled American Veterans of the World War

    Moscow Chapter No.1



    (.u..""",,,I..,'t..M .. S 1\.".;>1""

    \' j,re...,u,..."" ..,f:o. ~. STO'U'~


  • The English Club

    OFFI('EHSI'r.',itll:lI/ - ~t;UW" 1.1.0\"11rir('-"rl:llillt'llt - EU:ASOH F,\IIISSl!rrdllr.Ij-'J'rerUllrfr :\1.\1(" BllOw:-.l1nIlIJl:rlll!ip ('om. ClwinlUl/l 'l)OKOTII\' (',\Gt:0,.;;[;1/(// ('OIlt/JOlJitioll Cllflirll/(III - I'ltll.ll' BU('K1',.0;:1"(/11/ (.'Ollllllillcl' Chl/irll/Ilil ~ 1111.1),\ 'l'IIO~I,\SJ)nllllflfi/, CO/llmit/r'e Chairll/all - 1'1-:,\111. ST,\LKI';1l

    Tile EI1g-li.~h CllIl, is pCI'lmp,. th~ lllOst dl'cetivc dCplH'IIIlCIlIllJ O]"gllllizlliioll ofit ... kind 1111 the Jdllhn CI~11lPll"" It i~ :1 ~trictly hOtlOrllry OIgIUii~.,diol1, Iw..'l1lh('1"ship bcillg' lilllil('(1 to tho~c who al'e cithN ex('cptio1l1d .~llldl'nt.~ or 111l\jOI"~ illthe English IJcp"rlmcnt or Im\c distinguishC't1 th{IlI ....{kcs ill dehllte, dr/lllUlties.uppro\'.cd work flll the Argollllul st/lfT, or the (;Cllt of 1Il(' :\Iollllillins shiff.

    The spccilll work of the English Club during thc last YClll' \I'/IS to Ilrrllllgcn brief \,illil hy John G. :\,cih.,\ldt l\lld \':.

  • Cowgill

    Women's League


    OFFI('F.nsPre,itft'llt -r ice-Prl'litlt'lIlSrcretf/r!J-Tref/'ll rrr

    (;~;OIl.C:::IA On.~;AIl.1\OK~IA COWGlI.l. HI'TIt Ll'rTOS

    Thc \\'Olllen's Lellgue is a COllllllll"ti,c1y llCW in,.titlliion, composc(l of "II thewomen registered in the Uni"ersity, ItIHl;; JlS its purpose n workillg orglmiz-IltiOIl of college WOllll'n llnd II sclf-gm'el'nnH'nl lIccording to rulcs which IlreIIppl'O\'ed by the Detlll of \Vom('n, Lltsl fllll the \Volllun's Lcague scnt IIrepresentnti,'c to thc Jntercollegilltl' ('ol\fCI'cncc held at Bcrkelcy, ('Ill. :\Ii;;.~Gladys Hastic IIbl)' rcprcsented Jcll\ho 'It the Conferellce and hrollght hllck!>(','crlll new ide/ls fOl' the ad"llllcCllwnt of tIll: Lf'aglle.

    .Mndeline WallP~nrl StIllker

    ;l1"n' BrowllElaiile \\"he;ol,'r

    Inu Sltn~cr;lhy Worr..l

    Geor~ia O~'I~arNorma CO"'gillG,,_"ie"r DartInc... San~r

    JuniQrI-'label I'lttrrka

    \'~ra LustS()flhQm()r~.

    "'"IIM'rinr -'hod""n

  • Wnll {iill

    DeSmet ClubOFFICEBS

    11t~:SIIlF.~'rr ICF.- PH ~;"lO"~T

    S~;CHF....., H,-'1'11 t:ASIJ HF.II

    (;"IIAI,1l Gil...D,\\"JI) XF.F.I.A~j\L'lJV.I,I~V. \\',1.1,1.

    !".\eUl.'!'Y :\IE~! IlEHS)1It, ,J. ,J. GlI,l. :\IISS :\1 \V.i\L\TIUl':I

    :.\IE:\! nEBSArlllhru~tor. 1lnN'Il".,Arrnlnll~ter. :'I,"ruArmshonjr, Jud.

    I\.~...ker. StllntonIlluckin,lwr, Mlirll"rdIllllll(ord, .Io,,'phBTlld\". JohnIlroll;!WlIl, "rnild-_Pon.r.etlll. Jnn",~ n.Quinn, l..aw...,nce

    Sch~iber. Josephi...:Shepllrd. GertrudeSmith, OtisSmith. Jllllles

    S(I"cIl1, Ed""lIrd .I.'\)('cht. -'llldredT IQm"S, JoeThornet>:, M!chlll1Tlerne,. M!child'l'lIdo':'l. Kellncth

    VII~~"r, "1I

  • Thonll'-.('n

    The Associated EngineersOFFI('EHS



    r 1C 1':- I'll .:SI fl.' XT

    S.:CK.:T,\ Ily-TJtt;.\"nl I II

    A. ~, TIIO~lI'SHX.\KTHI'1l S,\W1"1':1I

    FHt:1J ,\1. rt:,\'ITII

    The I'ltrl'0~e of Ihis org-litlizatioll i.. 10 eIH'Ullluj.{e a more wide",prclld IImlill !ell,.. in;o intel'esl in l'ng-iu(-'cl'illg" alld all il~ allied subjeds. To thi ... cnd the.\s~lJ('i>llllt Engilleel... Ila"l' nltllllp, ..,,1 10 \1("'fN'1 Ull Ol'gnllizllliOIl ,,-hicll will heof vallie hoth from II '''o('ild \il'll point "lid fnllli tlte ... lluulpoint of PI'llcticldi'lstrllllitlll. ~'otcil slll'ukl'r... 111'

  • The Pre-Medic ClubFm-:'\-IH:U AT 11).\110 191~'S


    )'\n. ELlI,,>('II,Ull,t:" PKY.I""'"


    ~ITlt:T.\1I.\'+Tlu~ 'I"'K~.

    .J. E. \\'OU,.t:IH t.v. ..t'.\CTI.TY lly''ltlY.K,.

    H..\. )lr"TTKUW"KI

    The Pr~':\I('(lic Cilib is lUI org-tllli1.lltiulI IIdi\... in I'ucourllging ..tlldcllt~in the prep/trillion for llIl'ilicinc. B.,' ,>ociltl Ildivity Ilncl 11I(1.,tiIlKs ~hcre ,.cicn-tinc IlIl1ltcrs Itrc tli"('\1,.'\11 the IIIt'lItUers arc unitl'll more do,c1," in their ....ork.::;mokcrs llrc held lit rc,.,~dllr illlcn:ds when 10(':11 01' \j"iting men uf nute ur.rcqubtcd to ~pcllk on nmlters of ~ncrlll int,'rc.. t tn the dull.


    t\lk~. Hlillfh)!.A",,,,.. S. II.

  • Slunt.r.

    The Associated Barbs


    PRI'..$lllt:XT" Ict:-I'IIt;SIO~:XTSt:CIl t:T.\ II \''l'ln:: \sr JI t:R

    A.TIII'1i I. S.\W\'t:1I

    'I'''O;\IA$ E, SI't:IWY1-:;\111. ,\. S1TXTZ

    The Associntcd Bllrhs WllS ol'gIUli/,cd in the fnll of 1916. Its memhershipincludes 'Ill 1l1en regulllrlJ elll'olled in the University not bdongillg to other>;ocial groups. The purpoe of the ol'A',mizlltioll is to promote II gre'lter fel-lowship 1\1ll0ng the men, to net on Illlllters peclilillrly concerning them, IIlHl to

    ~trive for a grclllel' lduho.)I~lings III'C I.d,l .'eg-ullllly alII I Ilmtters of intcrest arc discllssed. ellief

    IIlllong the OI'S'lllizlllion lIc1i\'itics IU'C II dnll('c the first semcstCl', nnd II pl('HlCthe second scmester,


  • The Washington ClubOFFICERS


    "\1' ~;.PII "SIIlI';,\TSY.

  • Associated Miners

    (.lffiliatNI./lIlIlor Soci/"(IJ 0.' the .lmrricIIII JI/ditutt' of JIi"i,,;! lI1ulJ/rt/lllllf{:il'lll Ellgillt'a~,

    lIy tile ".\Iueker"llll'('ollq~e "l1lokl'r.

    I.. 1111


    The .\Iud'lr~ ('11111" i,. one.- of the olcll'~1 and IlIU.. t ll(ti\(, orgltlli:r.>llion ...OIl thl , Cllmpu... It l1l('(:t .. ("\'cry other woX-k (or 1I11 .. lm........ pro(c..... iunnllllld "ocill.!)'lIrpo"{'''. l"lpcrs arc frl'flu('ntl.' prt' ..cntrtl h.,' 1lI('wlll'r.. uf till:' dub. Duringthe yellr !lUlIl)' intcrc.. ting" >lnd in"tnwtin' lidk... lIfe J..C1\"t'1l II.'" promincntengineers IUlfl mining men oi the llortl]\n~.. 1.

    The ")Iuekcr,," ltr(' .rcprt.:",cllted in theBIIII" lind the .\llIllwl .'fucker.: Sulllll:.,,,...Both IIfTllirs tlfO:- pOpUlllf lIilll the ,.lIlllclIl .. ,

    .\11 students (lncl ('lCUlty of tilt: ~dlO()l of -'I inc.. IU'(' c1i:.rihlc for lll('mhcrship.The School of ,'lim'" "fTcr,. COllr,,('" in :tll phll"c,; of 'mining lind geology. nl~(-au~l' of it" loclltioll it i" p".~ .. ihl" 10 wiln6" prlldi('1l1 IlpJlliclltion" of miningin the grellt ('oeur ,1.-\II-l1l' _'lining jlj .. trict. Beforc gnululllinn Illl extellsivetrip is Illllde to 1111 the Ilellrhy mine... If po..;;ihlc ,1Il ~tudellt .. Ilrc i1csin.'(1 towork IU'ound the mille" dlll'ing the .';lll'Ullel. The fll('lIlty 111111 the cluh arc in-"trlllHcnlnl ill se('III'illg po.. ition" for thc .. Iudo:'nt".

    .\IIl108t 11I1 thc 1l1Cmhl'r., of the .\!ncker,, Cluh" lll"(' ,'ullior .-\ssoeillte..; of the.\111criCIUl Institute of )Iininr; 'Ind .\1l'lallurgicIlI En,({inccrs. nile of the blrgest"lid .;llongest pro(c"... iollal ol'gl\nizatiol1s of thl' world. The c1uh itilelf is lin_\flililded ,Jul1ior Socict.\,.

    The "i'dllckl'rs' Club" hu~ alway.; muilltllincd llli ldtitlldo: of lllyldly to till'lJlli\'t~I'sily "f 1(l,dw aliI! the Sellon I of .\linc....

  • The Open Forum

    1'."_"',,>1:::-:1"r ICY.- I'll t:SIlH:~TS..:nCy.T\IIrTRI'_A'WRY.IC

    OFF(('EHSH':C;XY.K Kl"'II.JlI':I:C:

    BillA" B"xl)\"LolU:s \VII.';OXJOSY."II ("-RTI~

    "';-'-::'1:\15 or the Open ForullI arc: To prm';II(' :11I opportunil.\' for freeIUlIl unluullpercd c'(prh~ioll of opinion 'Illd to furni"h Ie ('('liter forthe ('ry"tlllizlltion IIf ide:'., for the hetterment lind upbuilding of the


  • Glind..mnn Hllrto

    "I" ClubOFFI('En~

    1-1 t1l.II fo:llT (i, I:'I:Ufo:.\I.\XI L\lWI.II B,\lITO

    .-\Il.XOI.IJ BII~;.~IIt:.\Il.~

    I'll. t:SIl! 1-::'1:'1"r It'(;ofl'Kt';lh Ilorn;nltUkh "'ox

    i; X

  • J. ~~.I 8"rto F.{;mf ..... 8 ...,,-,. Sri""" Il"r"l"",''''Inlt Glh,d...""." Stl"lner 0'11,1.."II. Il~"r.. ,"" r"",,,~,, Go...." ~1((;AlIleTelford Gartin 1.,"....11 Klnnl ..."

    I'.d,,.rd~ S. """,Ioea". Brl",luom 11".....,101'. Ilro..-" (),>tnllwler Gill A. ~O~

    A. }lre.h........ 1'-l\lon ~l"ri ...."" ~,..... 11m",,,,, Sto"..",,,n

    K. t'""

  • Inter-collegiate KnightsBall and Chain Chapter

    OFFI('EHS\"1':1.1. KI~G 1-;1..\"';11 \Vn~\XI)STn,T Dn.to: II '"01.11 II. COlDa~I.ISOXHOL\I. SnllMI': '"AX I't:TF.RSOX{II.\X(~:I.I.lJH O~ Tll~ E),CIlt:QI't:

    Ln,x 1l0Gt:IIS

    ~SrRVJtf:7'The Knights of the Ball and Chain were orgallil.t11 in ~ton'lllber, 1921:

    (unctiOll('(! dUl"ing the filII lind spring of 1921-22. lind Wl're gi\'cn II dUtrler inthe '1Illionnl orglwizlllion of Intcr-Cullc",iah' Knight .. un .\lay 20. 19:::t2. Thegrollp is COIllpo,.('(1 of 1110 ulll!crc]'I'"IIlCIl (1"0111 C/lell OI'gllllLZlltioll 01' group Oillhe Cllmpus, one Sopholllore "nd one Fn""!ml1ln. The Yell King: of the l'ni\"cr-~it.y IXIollle,.. 'tn hOllur,u'," mClllLcr b.,' n~II ..Orl of his allin"

    The purpose of Ihe or,!:{llnil.lllion i", 10 r(('('j\,c lind cillcl'lllin \'isiting !C,UIlS,lIssisl in ("'cry WllY possihle lit gam('" I\nd eonk"L~, promote I'l:p ntllies, dU:I'i,,!1nnd strengthl'n till: trntlitioll~ of the _\(ma .""1l'I', lIlld to pcrfol'lll slI('h nthl:l'dutil:'" liS slutll henefit IIllll build up the t:ni\'er"ity.

    SOI'I-IOi'd()H ES


    Ted TUI'IICI'II. II. ('ot'Ill'li"onI.Jllll HOg'l'rs\' llll Pet er~f)n

    Arllull' GoldenThone 1.. Hoo~Sih KI('fTner

    1;'l'llneis Shel,cherffcl'\\'ayllc Lcllllld

    ~llllef)111l ~1l\('KinrHJIl~lclh."de

    ];'HESII.\IE:\.ll1d ~1('~lilllln!.-"Illl KellyHerbert Kal'Jlmrg-Howard C. ~lIni~

    Dl'!hl,],t HoiccElllil .'\. Stuntz.'Il'rle I.. DrnkcGlen H, Wilkison

    Sprnguc ~I, StC\'Cll"BiniI' C. .f\rmstrung-)1i1'l:"'{'11 Shole"

    HOXOIUHY J\:,\IGIITSDr..A. H. l'phnm Elmer n-~'lllnd


  • K"Tlberl!'~I"rkt"""('"oOl,lelll.elslld



    1'"."". I'd Ie)'Sle,"en$Ond:e!'llInh

    "Iell'ller,oet.,noollWI I......"R_n

  • A. E. F. Club


    PIIESl!)t;;.;'!'y Ict:-l)]{ I:f;l JJ l':XTSI':Clt ~:T,\ 1\ "~TI{ EMW It t:\(

    DAn!) 1IcCI.,\I;';,V,lt:I'EI! E. SCIl.'1[1)

    J""I': ~L\T1'Ell

    The A. E. 1", Club, as the nallle indicates, is made lip of students of thel;nivcrsily who saw service overseas during the great wal', The purpose ofthe club is to foster the fecling of fellowship lind camaraderie that ,!{I'C\\' out

    !I of serving logethc,' for the sallle CllUSC and undel' the same conditions in Il for-eign land: to keep ali,'c the memory of those of our munbcr who willnc\'cr comeback: and to occIlsionall.v get together for social purposes And to talk over in-cidents and experiences COlllmon to all.

    Chief anlOllg the activities of the club for the yC/ll' II'CI'C the .-\rmisticc DIl."ceremonies, consisting of a flag-I'nising ceremony on the campus, thc rending ofl'resident Harding's .

  • Ethanol Society

    The Ethanol !='ocil.'ty is the pIOneer tmil-blazcr on the C/llllpU.... Since it~foundntion in 1492 the society hns accompli"hc"'hell not engaged in research ,""ork the Ethanols lake on the semblance ofhooded knights of the chi"alrous dn)"s of old. They nre oftell referred Lo inpoetry llnd prose as thl:' sole remnants of a long-lost gallantr.\' nnd knighthood-a most rClllnrknble and truthful tribute.

    The socict., Ims Illude countlc,.s contributions to ('i,i1izntion in this time ofgreatest 1Ie1. Hulletins WCTC issued 011 all problems of paramount imporlancelind the dnily publication was plllccd nlong,

  • Women's Athletic Association

    :\I.U\" I.hl.l..\1 UU;\IIt:T K'"TSBW"K\'

    EIlITII ('OOI'.;k

    PHt:"lllt:XT:-;.:("11 t:T.\ II \ - H ,,,-, OKI \ S"'1'111':,\,,"11.:11

    I HE \VOIII('I1"" .-\thh:lie .h"ucillli"ll nppclu'l'fl this year (UI' the fil',,! time011 the Idaho (ll1IlPH~.. It w"s felt thnl there wno; II nhd of orgHllizingw0111en'" nthtctit's, lIud llllH:h IICl'(l of II cll1wcdcd etTo]'! to gel ,!.rid.s Ollt(01' Iltlllcti('.~. With thi~ objcd in mimi, girls who took IJllrl ill ntldcties 111.,,1 yCllr, in cOlljulldioll with thl' 'VOIlll-n's Physical Education Dc-plll'IIllCIlI, (()"1Il~1 the \\ol1len' ... Athletie .\:

  • WheelerItich.. nl~CO\\'jrill




  • .

    Phi Alpha PsiFoulIded 1921

    LOI.OIl. ... : llinck (l1/(1 Gold.

    r'It.\THES 1:S FACVLT..\T~

    Joseph Weale)' nUTton

    FIf..\TItES 1:\ C:\IYEItSI'l'ATE

    J. Cecil :\ordb'Lou is :\. BoIlS'Chester C. Wrlll'ht

    ~r~)1. DunEarl w"rdrOIJPFrtderlck Crolc/lu

    Ort:n Gudmun..enCarl WorthingtonCI"r;s ConleyAlton Cl'(\we

    RichlHll H. JohnsonWiIIilllll Xixon"Eftrllc",t K. Fuller


    n." Wilkin

  • -,...'"

    ~ tf .,..\~ 1 ~,\i . o'JI ,,',!~ ~ I ~,~, ;.~ =.\1 , \ ~(," ,~~ ~ !II" I"1 ' , ~" I 1


    . "

    " ~~ /, -~., -"I, ,',~l 'q'~ ~ ~, " "









  • Gowen




    ,J ohnSOll .



    Iota Beta Epsilon

  • Alpha ZetaFOUI/l!ell October J::f. IS!}7. tit Colf('gc of .lgl'iclI/turc. Ohio State UlIirusity

    hit/llo CIllIpfcl" of .Ilpha Zeta IlIslal/ed .Va./}. 1920

    COl-OilS: .lll/llt'C (/lid 81"./f Bille. l'LOWt:lI: l'ink Canwlion

    FltATHES [~ l"ACL:LTi\TE

    ~an E. J. hldinlts~an F. G. :\lill..r

    n. H. Howl'llP T. Howell

    Prof. H. K. HonnettProf. C. W. Hickmall

    FHA !'lIES I:">' L':\"[YEHS1TATJ::

    SE:\ Ions

    L. W. S:lIlhcrj!W. E. 1-lu1tlilton

    ,J L':\ IonsG. X. 'l'lIckl'rEultene II. Hrltmhull

    Prof. H. K Neidig..\lr. II. P. :\lu!!'rmwn

    W. H. ;\lili

  • ,I'. T. l{o",.,1111" llton

    et nl


    11.. K. I{o""nSa".......





  • Phi Alpha DeltaProfel6iol1,,1 Lm.~ Frill""il!!_ FOlIllll('ll fit XortllK'e6trrll Cui.'ality. 1888

    Sl/mber of Clmp/en. Ji

    COl-OilS: Old Gold lf1ld Pllrpir. F'.O\n:&: /ird CUrlmtio1l

    FIL\TIO';S 1:\ F.\Cn:r.\Tf:

    J"rne' ,I. Gill

    FH:\TltES 1:'\" C:'\l\"t:ltSIT.\TP.


    Albert Grllr

    John Crlllllt'rGerltlll GillHelC Kimll1d

    A rfluld ColJk,'l.. D. ~looTl' .

    Lllthlllll .\loorrK J. "'lIuffm.."


    Huh....! I.eitchWillilllll :\b.on

    501'110.\1011 ES


  • G. GillCn",... rCobl.,r



    Gl1I08r1.,n\100 .,


  • Alpha Mu DeltaOFFICEHS

    HOIU;UT "r. G.\KnO:K1..~WKt:xn; E. Ill-n'

    ~IORRI;;; "-. Ku:o:.JOt:l. L. PIIU:ST. JR.


    S.:Cllt:T.\I\'Tit t:.\'r K .:1;

    Kt:F:I'EIl Ot' !tou ..

    \(phll )11I Ddtn is Il local hOllorlH.'" leg'ld fraternity_ orgl\nizcd for the pur-po..e of promoting ft more pmr('...~iol1al attitude nmOll!( the .. tudenls of theCollege of bHI". to fader a grcntcr regard for high ,c!loll",tic ..tlllldllrd ... ttllIphold the honor ..y .. lcm, nnd to promolt. ~"Cncrlllly the he.. t intere"tS"lmlor William E. HorllhCongrl'SS!rlllll lIurton I.. Ir

  • eO
  • Delta TauFOUll(li~(11922

    DCr Grenth01h~Hejtnor Kuhlber,:Errol 1-H11r".. "

    I.uu'renee HuffTheodore ShermanLawrence Wallnl.'eGkn Wilkison

  • Colburn Ilull IlriglHH" h:illlrnd

    Inter-Fraternity Council


    HEX KDDlt:1.

    BoYl) HH1GH,\,\1P,\UL J-luLI.Ln.~: ('OI.UlllX

    The Intt'r~Fl"lltel"llit.'"Council lI'a;; oq~alli7.\'(1 ill 19~~, The purpose of theorgllni7.lltlon is to pl'Omote {'o-opernti"n HlilOng the l'at'lolls frnlet'llitic'i on theClItllpUS,

    Si~m" Alpha I':psi~"n

    Phi (;'''1I1'''J Dell"

    ,",,,!,pn Sill"'''

    Phi Drlta Thda

    llcln TllI't" I'hi

    Phi :\Ipha