(1918 catalogue) bicycle & repair supplies


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1918 - Canada Cycle & Motor Company


Page 1: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies





"The Interests of the Dealers

Are Our Interests."


Page 2: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies
Page 3: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies




Since the above photograph wns taken a large addition has been made to thisWeston plant. Total floor space is 110,000 square feet.

Canada Cycle and Motor CompanyLIMITED


Page 4: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies



Canada^Cycle and.MotorCo., Limited, Vancouver, B.C./. rea, 9,000 square feet.


PLEASEwrite plainly, giving catalogue numbers and de-

scriptions. Always state how you wish us to ship, either

by freight, express or parcel post. Unless these instructions

are given we reserve the right to use our own judgment in

making shipment.

PRICESF.O.B. Factory or nearest Branch. All prices in this catalogue

are based on delivery as follows :

Provinces of Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince

Edward Island, F.O.B. Montreal.

Province of Ontario, as far West as Fort William, F.O.B.

Weston, Ont.

Points in Ontario West of Fort William, also Provinces of

Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, F.O.B. Winnipeg.

Province of British Columbia, F.O.B. Van-


Canada Cycle and MotorCo., Limited, Montreal

Total of 15,209

square feet occupied

by Montreal Branch.

TERMS"15 days from date of shipment. Strictly net.

Interest at 7', charged on all overdue ac-


Collection by Bank Draft unless otherwise


All prices are subject to change without


GUARANTEEWe endeavour to represent each article

catalogued exactly as it is.

All goods of our own manufacture, or which

bear our guarantee, are subject to replace-

ment should they prove defective. We will

pay transportation charges one way on de-

fective goods returned for replacement.

BACK ORDERSWe endeavour at all times to keep a stock

of every article listed in this catalogue, but

in these War times, with shortages of material

and labor and delays in transportation, it

may occasionally happen that we are tempor-

arily out of stock on certain items.

Any such items which we back order will

be sent forward with the next goods, or if

there is sufficient weight to make a separate

shipment they will be forwarded as soon as


Kindly note that we do not prepay trans-

portation charges on back orders.

PACKING CHARGESPacking cases are charged at cost, and we

will gladly credit any cases which are re-

turned to us, charges prepaid.

C. 6 a


Page 5: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies



We endeavour to pack carefully. Anyclaims for shortages should be made within

five days from receipt of goods.

If shipment is delivered in a damaged con-

dition by the Transportation Company, do not

sign for shipment and make a verbal claim,

as in this way you give the Transportation

Company a clear receipt. Before signing,write on the Transportation Company's re-

ceipt that the shipment is in a damaged con-

dition. Then place your claim with the

Transportation Company for the amount of

damage and we will be glad to render everyassistance possible in helping to collect yourclaim.


Bicycle tires are entitled to first class freightrate, but are frequently charged at 1% timesfirst class rate. This is because tires otherthan Bicycle take the higher rate in the classi-

fication. Bicycle tires, however, are entitled

to a rating of first class.

Please check over freight bills carefully andapply for refund in case of overcharge.

RETURN OF GOODSGoods properly shipped on bona fide orders

will not be accepted for credit, unless arrange-ment is first made with us for return of sameand will be subject to discount unless received

in as good condition as when shipped fromhere.

Goods made to order or ordered speciallywill not be accepted for credit.


When returning goods, please make surethat your name is plainly marked on the re-

turn tag. Also write us the day the goodsare returned, giving full particulars. Wefrequently have a number of shipments ofreturned goods on hand with nothing what-ever to indicate from whom they came.


We cannot accept collect telephone or tele-

graph charges. If through some error of oursa telegram or telephone conversation is neces-

sary we will issue credit for the cost of the

message in the regular way.

Canada Cycle and MotorCo., Limited

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Area, 10,000 square feet.

WAR CLAUSEAll orders and contracts are accepted only

contingent on strikes, accidents and delays of

carriers, and subject to change in price or

cancellation (with or without notice) de-

pending upon War conditions or causes be-

yond the control of the Canada Cycle and

Motor Company, Limited.

Your Interests are Ours

THEconstant aim of this Company

is to give the very best service


We are satisfied when everything is

right but not until then.

We value the orders of small deal-

ers, and give them the same careful

attention as large orders. A very large

proportion of our business is made upof such comparatively small orders.

"The dealer's interests are our in-


Page 6: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Announcing the 1918 Models of


the following pages we illustrate and describe the various

1918 models in the principal C.C.M. nameplate lines.

We introduce this year two new models, a sturdy Road Racer,

Model "T," and a Motorbike type, Model "W."

These are handsomely finished in rich dark green with GoldSunburst Head and gold stripe, or, as an option, in Road Cart

Red with Green Sunburst Head and green stripe.

Other models are finished in rich Glossy Black enamel with

the exception of the Red Bird, which is finished in Maroon.

The following additional colors and stripings may be had at

a reasonable additional cost:

Ifo. 1 Black with Green and Gold stripe.

No. 2 Black with a Red Head.No. 3 Maroon onlyNo. 4 Maroon and Goici stripe.

No. 5 French Grey with Green and Red stripe.

No. 6 French Grey with Blue Sunburst Head, Blue and Gold

stripe.No. 7 French Grey with Red Sunburst Head, Red with Gold

stripe.No. 8 Road Cart Red with Green stripe.

No. 9 Green with a Gold stripe.No. 10 Green with a Gold Sunburst Head and Gold stripe.

The only difference between Grade "A" and Grade "B" modelsis in the equipment. The frames and every other part of the

bicycle are exactly the same in both models.

When shipping one bicycle we recommend that it go forward

by Express, as on this weight the Express charge is usually little,

if any, higher than the Freight charge would be, and the Expressservice of course is much quicker.

Agencies: Each C.C.M. nameplate bicycle is sold only to one

Agent in each District. Write for dealers' prices if they are not

already represented in your locality.

Page 7: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies



Massey Bicycles.Massey Men's Roadster, model 356, 20",

I'l". 24" or 26" frame. Retail list, net . .

.Massey Ladies' Roadster, model 355. 20"or 22" frame. Retail list, net

Massey Men's Roadster, model 358 ("B"grade equipment), 20", 22". 24" or 26"frame. Retail list, net

Massey Ladies' Roadster, model 357 ("B"grade equipment), 20" or 22" frame.Retail list, net

Massey Juvenile, Boys' or Girls'. 1 7 U "

frame. Retail list, net

Massey Racer, model "T," 20", 22" or 24"frame. Retail list, net

Massey Motor Bike, model "W." 22" frame. Retail list, net .

The Kxpress charge on one bicycle is not usually in excess of theFreight charge. We recommend 'having one bicycle forwarded byKxpress in all cases.

X< >TE. These bicycles are sold only to one Agent in each District.Write for dealers' prices if they are not being sold in your Locality.

Columbia, (iendi-oii and Ivanhoe Bicycles are also supplied in asimilar range of models.

' The Dealers' Interests Are Our Interests."

Page 8: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Guaranteed Brantford

Red Bird BicyclesKed Bird Men's Roadster, model 556. W,

22", 24" or 26" frame. Retail list, net. .

Ked Bird ladles' Roadster, model 555, 20"or 22" frame. Retail list, net

Red Bird Men's Roadster, model 558 ("B"grade equipment), 20", 22", 24" or 26"frame. Retail list, net

Ked Bird 1/adies' Roadster, model 557 ("B"grade equipment), 20" or '22" frame.Retail list, net

Hod Bird Racer, model "T." 20", 22" or

24" frame. 'Retail list, net

Ked Bird Motor Bike, model "W," 22"frame. Retail list, net .

Kod Bird Juvenile Boys' or Girls', 17V4"frame. Retail list, net

The Kxpress charge on one bicycle is nut usually in excess of the

Freight charge. We rei-omnii'iid having one bicycle forwarded byKxpress in all cases.

NOTE. These bicycles arc sold only to om- Agent in each District.

Write for dealers' prices if they are not being sold in your Locality.

Columbia, Gemlron and Ivanluic l(ic>clcs are also sii]>plied in asimilar range of models.

I'riccs Subject to Change Without Notice.

Page 9: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies



"Perfect" BicyclesIVi-IVrl Men's Roadster. model <>5. 20".

82", -4" or 26" frame. Ketail list, net

crt'ecl Ladies' Itoudstcr. ni.nl. -I >55.

20" or 22" frame. Ketail list, net . . .

erfecl Men's KoutlsUT. model 658 ("B".^rade equipment). 20", 22". 24" or 26"

frame. Retail list, net ............

Perfect Ladies' Koadsler. model 057

("B" grade equipment), 20" ..r 22"

frame. Ut'tail list, net .............

Perfect Juvenile. Hoys' or <;irls'. 1 7 '/4


frame. Ketail list, net ............

IVriecl Motor Hike, model "\V." 22"frame. Retail list, net ............

IVrfeet Kaeer. model "T." 20", 22" or

24" frame. Retail list, net ..........

The Kxprcss cliar";<' on one bicycle is not usually in excess of the

Freight charge. We recommend having one bicycle forwarded byKxjiress in all cases.

X< >TK. These bicycles are s.ilil only to one Agent in each District.

Write for dealers' prices if they are not being sold in your Locality.

Columbia, (.riidi.ni .-mil Ivanlioe Bicycles are also supplied in asimilar ranue of models.

' The Dealers' Interests Are Our Interests."

Page 10: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies



Cleveland Bicycles( le\eland Men's Koadsler. model 4."j. 20",

22", 24" or 26" frame. Retail list, net . .

Cleveland ladies' Koadstcr. model I.".. i'ii"

or 22" frame. Retail list, net

Cleveland Men's Koadster. model J58 ("B"ide equipment), 20". 22" or 26" frame.

K.'tail list, net

Cleveland ladies' Koadsler. model 457

l"B'' grade equipment). 20" m- 22"

frame. Retail list, net

Cleveland Juvenile. Hoys' or Girls'. 17^4"frame. Retail list, net

Cleveland Kaeer. model "T." 20". 22" or

2 \" frame. Retail list, net

< le\eiand Motor Hike, model "\V." 22"

frame. Retail list, net

The Kxpress eharse on one bieyele is n

Kreitfht charge. V>'<- reenmmend having

Kxpress in all cases.

X< )T !:.- -These bicycles are snlil unly tn

Write for (leale)-s' prices if they arc not l.

Columbia. <iendron and IvunluM- Hicysimilar ranj;e ol' models.

it usuiilly in excess of theone bicycle forwarded by

one Anent in each I listrirt.

einy sold in your Locality.

les are also supplied in a

1'riees Subject lo Clinni- \Vilhoiit Xotit\

Page 11: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Repairs Price List

1918 Prices for Enamelling and Nickelling

When Bicycle Complete is Delivered to Us.

C.C.M. Othermake, makes.

To be enamelled black, including Guardsand Rims reflnished, all nickelledparts re-plated, supplying new spokesand grips $24.90 $29.80

Colors other than black, extra 1.40 1.70

Striping extra 1.40 1.70

To be enamelled black and all parts re-

plated, with the exception of hubs andspokes 15.80 19.20

To be enamelled black 9.10 1 1.05

To be enamelled in colors other thanblack 10.50 12.75

To be enamelled black with striping. . . 10.50 12.75

To be enamelled in color and striped.. 11.90 14.45

Note. Any parts which we find badly worn whenoverhauling bicycles will be replaced by us, unlessotherwise advised, and charged for at trade prices.

Handle Bars and Stem to be nickelledand new Grips supplied $2.30

Handle Bars and Stem to be nickelled,without new Grip supplied 1.80

franks nickelled 1.80

Hubs complete, nickelled and new spokesfitted 7.40






1.40Front Sprockets.Virkelling all parts, less hubs and spokes,when bicycle complete is delivered tous 12.60 15.30

Xickelling all parts when parts only aredelivered to us 8.40 10.20

Nickelling all parts (including hubs)and fitting new spokes, when bicyclecomplete is delivered to us 19.00 22.70

rt'lien Frame and Fork or Kims only arc Delivered to Us.

Frame and Fork to be enamelled $2.50 $2.50Frame and Fork to be enamelled in

color other than black 3.50 3.50

.Striping on black or colors, extra . . . 1.00 1.00

Fork enamelled 1.00 1.00

Kims scraped and enamelled 2.10 2.60

1918 Prices for Frame and Fork Repairing

Fur Frame to he cut down and Frameand Fork enamelled black $11.90 $1 I 50

For one Tube in diamond frame andenamelling Frame and Forks black. .. 9.70. 10.40

For two Tulies in diamond frame amire-enamelling Frame and Forks black 10.40 12.20

For three Tubes in diamond frame andre-enamelling Frame and Fork black 12.80 14.90

For one rear upper or lower Tube and re-enamelling Frame and Fork black. . . 9.20 11.00

For two rear upper or lower Tubes andre-enamelling Frame and Fork black 10.70 12.70

For three rear upper or lower Tubes andre-enamelling Frame and Fork black. 12.90 15.20

For four rear upper or lower Tulies amire-enamelling Frame and Forks black.

For Frame head and re-enamellingFrame and Fork black

Saddle Bracket and re-enamelling. Frame and Fork black

Frame truing From $1.40 to

For Frame Head upper or lower connec-tion and re-enamelling Frame andFork black

For curved bar in ladies' frame and re-cnamelling Frame and


Fork Mack..For Frame Head upper and lower con-

nection and re-enamelling Frame andFork black

For crank bracket and re-enamellingFrame and Fork black .

C.C.M. Othermake, makes.

SI I. In SHI. so

11.90 11.70

8.8O 10.70


8.15 10.15

9.00 10.90

II. (ill 12.10

12.50 15.00

Note. The above prices apply when Frame andFork only are delivered to us. If complete bicycleis sent in, an additional charge of $4.20 for C.C.M.bicycles, and $5.10 for other makes, will be made tocover the cost of tearing down and setting up same.

For new Fork Stem and re-enamellingFork black S4.1O S4.90

For new Fork Stem and re-enamellingMurk and nickelling Crown 4.80 5.80

For new Fork Stem and re-enamellingblack and niekelling Crown and tips. B.2O 7.40

For splicing Fork Stem 2.8O 3.10For one Fork side and re-enamelling

black '. 4.00 4.7(1

For .me Fork .side and re-enamellingblack and nickelling Crown 4.70 5 r>5

For one Fork side and re-enamellingblack and nickelling Crown and tips i.4o 7.60

For two Fork sides and re-enamellingblack 5.10 5.90

For two Fork sides and re-enamellingblack and nickelling Crown 5.30 6.30

For two Fork sides and re-enamellingblack and nickelling Crown and tips". 7.2(1 8.40

For one Fork tip and re-enamellingblack 2.30 2.80

For one Fork tip and re-enamellingblack and nickelling Crown 3.00 3.60

For one Fork up and re-enamellingblack and nickelling Crown and tips. ;>,.7() 4.50

For two Fork tips and re-enamellingblack 3.2H 380

For two Fork tips and re-enamellingblack and nickelling Crown 3.90 4.70

For two Fork tips and re-enamellingblack ami re-nickelling Crown a,nd tips 4,60 5.50

For one Fork Crown ami re-enamellingblack . 4.30 .-,.:!(!

For one Fork Crown ah'wire-enamellingblack and nickelling "Crown 5.20 6.10

For one Fork Crown and re-enamellingblack and nickelling Crown and tips.. G.20 7.40

Fork Truing From SI.40 to 3.40

SPECIAL NOTICE\Ve cannot i>ossibly tiaiullr repairs or returns with-

out a letter of instructions, as to take a <Jinn<-<- mightcause annoyance us well as c\|>ciise.

"The Dealers 1

Interests Are Our Interests."

Page 12: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Parts Price ListAlways Give Model Number of Bicycle When Ordering

Cleveland, Massey;Brantford Red Bird, Perfect,Gendron,Ivanhoe andColumbia

Bicycles using "C.C.M." Hangers, 1916, and Model "T" Hangers, 1917-18

Also Hanger Parts Previous to 1916.


Models X<>. 114, 11(6. 128, 124, 126. 127, 12S, 133,

134. 13f.. 136, 137. 143. 144, 145. 146, 147, 148, 402,

-.. 412. 414, 41.->, 416, 422, 433, 434,

and 436. filled with C.f.M. Hanger.

Models V ... 155, (56, 4T.7 and 45$. Jilted with "T"


Crank Bracket Axle with stationary cone, assem-

bled ......... ........................ Each $2.ttO

Crank Bracket Stationary Cone ........... Each 0.50

Crank I '.racket Adjusting Cone ............ Each 5<>

Crank Bracket Balk-ages (No. 322). less balls,

balls used ................... > Doz. 2.08

Crank Bracket Adjusting Cone Locknut ...Each 0.24

Crunk Bracket Adjusting Cone iLockwasher Each 0.04

Cranks, right ............................ Each 1.70

Cranks, left ............................. Each 1.70

Crank .Jamb Nut, right .................. Each .10

Crank Jamb Nut. left .................... Each .10

Sprocket (state what pitch and number of teeth).

.................................... Each 2.50

Sprocket Bolt (four used) ................ Doz. .48

Sprocket Bolt Nuts (four used) ............ Doz. .24

Steel Balls, -f'e used (.7 balls used in each cage).................................... Gross 2.40

Coupler and Ball Case (solid), used on Models 433.

434. 435. 436 ......................... Each 3.00

Ballcase Collar. used on Models 433, 434, 435, 436

.................................... Each .04

Ballcase Cup iprcss-in style), used on Models from114 to 422 ........................... Each

Right Cup (black linish). used l<il7-s -Model T.



Left Cup (nickel-plated finish), 1917-8 Model T.

Each .70

Crank Bracket Clamp Holt Each .20

Crank Bra. k.-t Clamp Bolt Nut Each .10

1'sed on all Mo, Ids except 455, 456, 457 and 458.


Models No. 66A. 66B, 77A. 77B. 68A, 68B, 69A. 69B,

70A, 70B, 71A, 51)4. 5iii), 514, 5 1 ii and 522, fitted with

old BranU'oi'd Crank Hangers.

Crank, right Each $3.00

Crank, left Each 2.50

Crank Bracket Axle Each 3.00

Crank Bracket Cup, right Each 1.00

Crank J'.i ... left Each 1.00

Crank Bracket Cup Coupler Each .90

Gross 2.40

Cra.nk Jam). Screw s, left Each .20

Crank J;< ^ht Each .20

Crank Sprucl. what pitch and number of

teeth) Each 2.50

Crank Si . Doz. .48

Itrantl'ord Crank liracket Pan* (Continued).

Crank Sprocket Bolt Nut (four used) Doz. .24

Crank Bracket Clamp Bolt Each .20

Crank Bracket Clamp Bolt Nut Each .10

Tsed on all models except 566, ."..".'i. 557 and 558.

NOTi:. Models No. 503, 505. 515, 533, 534, 635,

536 filled with C.C.M. Hanger. Models 555, 556. 551

and 55S lilted with "T" Hanger.I'rices on these are the same as listed under "Cleve-

land" on this page.


Models A, Al. 43. 44. Hi. 53. 56. H4. S3. 84, 85, 86, 87.

3(12. 303. 304. 305. 312. 314. 316. 322. titled with old Mas-

se\ Crank Hanger.

Crank, right Each $4.00

Crank, left Each 3.00

Crank Bracket Sleeve Each 2.80

Crank Bracket Cup, right Each 1.00

Crank Bracket Cup. left Each 1.00

Crank Bracket Cup Coupler Each .90

Crank Bracket Ballcage. less halls i No. 322), &balls used Doz. 2.08

Steel Balls, A" Gross 2.40

Crank Sprocket (state what pitch and number of

teeth )Each 2.50

Crank Sprocket Bolt (four used) Doz. .48

Crank Sprocket Bolt Nut (four used i Doz. .24

Crank Bracket Clamp Bolt Each .2(1

Crank Bracket Clamp Bolt Nut Each .10

Tsed on all models except 355. 356, 357 and 358.

XOTE. Models 305, 306, 315. 333, 334, 335, 336.

fitted with C.C.M. Hanger. Models 355, 356. 357 and

S68, lilted with "T" Hanger.


Models 60. 61, 62. 63. 641'. B5P, P. 671'. 604, 60C.

Single-piece Cranks Each $5.00

Crank Bracket Cup, right Each

Crank Bracket Cup, left Each

Crank Bracket Stationary Cone Each

Crank Bracket Adjusting Cone Each

Crank Bracket Adjusting Cone Lock Nut..Kach

("rank Bracket Adjusting Cone Lock Washer....











Priees Subject to Change Without


Crank Bracket Ball Retainer Washer Each

Steel Balls, ,V Gross

Crank Sprocket Bolt i lour u

Crank Sprocket Bolt Nut (four used) Doz.

Crank Si. rocket (state what pitch and number of

teeth )


NOTK. Models No. 633. 634, 635, 636, fitted with

C.C.M. Hanger.. Models No, 656, 656. 657. 658, fitted

with -T" Hanger.



Page 13: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Parts Price List (Continued)

FRAME PARTS.fushion Frame (stripped), less Rear, Lower and

I'pper Each $18.00Cushion Frame i stripped i . with Rear Forks as-

sembled Each 30.00Rigid Frame < stripped > Each 20.00Frame Head Each , 50Frame Head Connection Each .30K '-" nt wlt Each 5.00Front Fork Stem Each .60Front Fork Crown Each .80Front Fork Side Each .80Frame Front Lower Tube Each 1.00Frame Upright Tube Each 1-00Frame Top Tube Each I-00Frame Saddle Bracket Each .90Frame Rear Upper Tube Each .80Fra me Rear Lower Tube Each .80Frame Rear Tube Brace Each .20Frame Rear End Each .20Frame Rear Tube Plug Each .24Frame Crank Bracket, Malleable Each 1.80Chain Adjusting Screw Each .08Chain Adjusting Screw Clip (Yoke) Each .08Chain Adjusting Screw Nut Each .02Frame Head Upper Cup Each .36Frame Head Lower Cup Each .36Frame Head Upper Adjusting Cone Each .48Frame Head Stationary Cone Each .20Frame Head Adjusting Cone Lock Nut... Each .30Frame Head Adjusting Cone Lock Nut Washer.

Each .04Fiame Head Ball Cage (.less balls) Each .10Frame Head Ball Retainer Washer (used on old

models where no Ball Cage was fitted) . Each .04Frame Nameplate (for any O.C.iM. high grade

model) Each .60 !

l-'i ame Nameplate Backs Each .20'

Frame Nameplate Rivets per joo .40Frame Seat Post. See Accessories.Frame Seat Post Expander for Hygienic. . Each .90Frame Seat Post Expander Bushing, long .Each .16Frame Seat Post Expander Bushing, short. .Each .16Frame Seat Post Expander Sleeve Each .30Frame Seat Post Expander Nut Each .30Handlebar Post, complete. See page 34.

Handlebar Post Expanding Bolt. See page 35.

Handlebar Post Expander. Se* page 35.

ilebar Post (stripped), less Bolt and NutSee page 35.

Seat Post Bolt Each , 4Sea( Post N "t Each .16

HYGIENIC FRAME AND HANDLEBAR PARTS.I i ''a r Upper Fork, complete Each $850

Upper Fork, stripped Each 5 '.50Rear Upper Arch Crown and Tube . Each 200Rear Lower Fork

'. '. Each 6 00Dust Cap and Head Each , 00Dust Cap Head Screws Each 02Hunger Tube

\ \ \


Each '.50

''""Wife Each .40Brass Bushing Each 80Steel Washer Each Q4

II> picnic Frame and Handlebar Pans (Continued)Leather Washer Each $0 02Springs Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Each .50Rear Lower Crown. Hygienic Each .80Rear Lower Spring Bolt Each .10Rear Lower Spring Bolt Nut Each .04Rear Lower Flat Spring, short Each .20Rear Lower Flat Spring, long Each .20Rear Lower Flat Spring Rivet Per doz. .12Rear End Connecting Bolt Each .06Rear End Connecting Bolt Nut Each .02Rear End Bushing Eacn 06Saddle Bracket Binder Bolt Each .14Saddle Bracket Binder Bolt Nut Each .10

SILLS' HANDLE BAR PARTS.Handle Bar Post, stripped Each $2.50Handle Bar Post Clamp Each 1.00Handle liar Post Clamp Bolt Each .20Handle Bar Post Clamp Bolt Nut Each .12Handle Bar Post Hinge Bolt Each .10Handle Bar Post Hinge Bolt Nut Each .10Handle Bar Post Hollow Bolt Each 50Handle Bar Post Plunger Each .24

Handle Bar Post Spring Each .20Handle Bar Post Expander Each .l(i

No. 10 HUB PARTS.Front Hub (stripped) Shell Each $0.90Front Axle Each 30Front Axle Cone Each .30Front Hub Cup (screw-in cups), old style. Each .20Front Hub Ball Cage (less balls) Doz. 1.32Front Hub Axle Washer Each .02Front Hub Axle Nut Each .06Front Hub Cup Lock Ring (or Nut) (used on old

Massey and Brantford front hubs only) Each .20Front Hub Cup Lock Washer (old style) . .Each .04Front Hub Oiler Each .14Front Hub Dust Shield (old style) Each .04Rear Hub (stripped) Shell Each 1.50Rear Hub Axle Each 32Rear Hub Cone Each .44Rear Hub Nut Each 06Rear Hub Washer Each .04Rear Hub Cup (press-in style) Each .16Rear Hub Cup (screw-in style) Each .30Rear Hub Cup Lock Ring (old stylet ....Each .20Rear Hub Cup Lock Washer Each .04

Rear Hub Ball Cage (less balls) Each .14Rear Hub Dust Shield (old style) Each .12Rear Hub Oiler Each , 4Rear Hub Sprocket :, i Each SORear 'Hub .Sprocket Lock Nut Each 50Rear Hub Sprocket Lock Nut Wash.] ....Each .50

C.C.M. MOTORCYCLE PARTS.Owing; to war conditions we cannotnow obtain Motosacoche Engineparts (C.C.M. Motorcycle) fromSwitzerland. Therefore our stock Is

not complete. In ordering tlic-se

parts always send sample, and if wehave duplicates we will fill your or-der.

" The Dealers' . Interests Are Our Interests."

Page 14: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Advertising Caps and Pennants Axle Sets, Hub Complete

IXresponse to requests from a number of dealers

who prefer this form of advertising, we can now

supply the excellent lines listed below.

By purchasing these in large quantities and bearing

part of the cost ourselves, we can offer them at prices

which briny them within the reach of every dealer,

and at only a fraction of what they would cost in small


Advertising CapsWell made, from very

heavy weight of white cot-

ton, with oilcloth sweatbandand green-lined visor or

peak. Furnished only in

bundles of 50, each bundlecontaining an assortment of sizes suitable for boys,

youths and men. Very neatly lettered and designed for

Brantford Red Bird, Cleveland, Columbia, Gendron,

Ivanhoe, Massey or Perfect nameplates. When order-

ing state which naineplate wanted.No. 581 Cleveland No. 584 Perfect

No. 582 Massey Xo. 585 ColumbiaNo. 583 Red Bird No. 586 Gendron

No. 587 IvanhoePer bundle of 50 assorted siz.es. (We do not

break bundles.) Price . . ?JfJ% **jEach

Advertising Pennants

Neatly designed on richly colored cotton felts, withname and trade mark of Brantford Red Bird, Cleve-

land. Columbia, Gendron, Ivanhoe, iMassey or Perfect

nameplates. When ordering state which iiameplatewanted. Size 9" x 18" allows pennant to fit inside the

frame of all bo>s' juvenile bicycles, while extra lont;

tins accommodate them to the largest men's frames.

No. 1633 Cleveland Xo. 1636 Perfect

No. 1634 Massey Xo. 1637 ColumbiaXo. 1635 Red Bird Xo. 1638 Gendron

No. 1639 IvanhoePacked in bundles of 25 pennants. (We do notbreak bundles.) Price . . .(c . . ..Each

Adjusters, Chain

C.C.M.Banjo (Made in Our Own Factory}

N"o. 200 Banjo ( % gross in box) . .Per doz. pairXo. 221 C.C.M. (less clip) Per doz. pan-No. 222 Clip only Bach

Axles, Hub, Front and Rear

Xo. 201 Front. Size 5" x 5/16", 24 thread, i

in box) Per<Joz. ':'

Xo. 211 Front. Size r," x n/16", 26 thread. Fit

English front hubs. (25 in box.) . . . . Per doz.'

No. 202 Rear. Size 6',i" x %", 24 thread. (25 in

box ) Per doz.

No. 204

Complete with drive-lit sled washers on cone, whichmay be turned down to any size desired.

No. 204 Front Axles, 5" x 5 .'16" . I0.30A .EachNo.205 Rear Axles. 8%" \ V . . . 4,.J<S??.Ea<<hXo. 210 Front Axle Set. for ICnglish hulis. . Each J ft)

Xo. 206

i Mnilc in Our Otrn Fail

\o. 206 (10) Front Axle Set. :> 16" x -M thread.

(Small Cone diameter %") Each

Small cunt 1 plated, but nut buffed.

Xo. 207 (10 and 25) Front Axle Set. 5 16" x 24

thread. (L,arne cone diameter 1 3 '16" ). .Eachrsi-d mi C.C.M. Iticycles. (See note.)

Fscil on i!U7 Xn. KMT ciii) Front Hub.

Xo. 225 (25) ---Front Axle Set. ."> 1 6" x -4 thread,with new ei.ne Xn. 224 used un 1H1V No. 1047

(26) Front Hull Each

No. 2O (10) Kcar Axle Set. ; s"x L'II i hrea.t.Kacr

Note. The Small Cunes Were used un No. 10 Hubssupplied during 1912 and previously.

Xo. 2n7 Large Cone Axle Set tits our 1917 Xo. 25

Front Hub. but 4 washers are used ( 1' on either side)

instead uf two tl on either side), as on Xo. 10.

Our new No. 1047 (25) Front Hub lakes Xti. 225

Front Axle Set with impro\ed Cone.


ft i n I

Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.

Page 15: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Axle Set, No. 10

Extra Parts

(Made in Our Own Factory)


Xo. 212 Tones %" diameter, for No. 20(j set. Each

Xo. 213 Cones each ]/',," diameter, for No. 207

set EachXo. 223 Axles only for No. 2(Mi or 2i>7 set .. EachXo. 215 Axle Xuts for No. 200 or 207 set . EachXo. 21fi Axle Washers for No. 2 o or 207 set..



Xo. 217 Cones for No. 20S set EachXo. 218 Axle for No. 208 set EachXo. 219 Axle Xtits for Xo. 20.X set Each\o. 22O \.\le Washers for No. 20X set.... Each

Bags, Toolin Canada)

Standard Size 6%" x 3 1A" x l%". Made from

good urade of heavy leather, smooth finish.

Xo. 250 Each j~0 1

Tool Bags, Complete with ToolsStandard Tool Bag No: 2908 Monkey Wrench, Hand

Pump and No. 1375 Oiler.

Xo. 251 Complete as above Each



N 152

AVLt N 223

Axle Set, No. 25Extra Parts

Balls, Steel

i Ine HTOSS in box.

Sizes -fa" and &" are not usedin Bicycles, but In Phonographsand small mechanical devices.

Sizes %" to %", inclusive, arefor use in Bicycles and Motor-cycles.

Sizes J|" to 1", inclusive, are notused in I'.ieyeles, but in Motor-cycles. Motor Cars and large ma-chines.

Price perDiameter. Gross.

A inch

A inch

\lm\e are not use<1 in

Bicycles.Price per

I >i:l melei . GrOSS.'

/s inch , .

/. inch . ..i.O.'. .

A inch ...Lf.tS.' inch .../.;

'/, inch . . ./. 7A .k .

& inch ..:

A inch ..V..

JJ incli f7. .

% inch DAlM>\e arc used in

l!i<-M-les and Motorcycles.

AlM>\e are not used in

Bicyeles. but In large ma-eliines.

Balls Used in C.C.M,

Bicycles1916, 1917 and 1918 (All model- the same).

'M'ltlc in Our Oirn l-'in-tory)

No. 221 Cone-. !'' diameter, for No. 22:. Bet.Hanger

Each lals . K'-A*te for No. 22 ..Each/ Head Fittings .

W0.21& Axle Nuts for No. 22 ..Each Front HubXo. 2111 Axle Wa-hers for Xo 22 ..Each Hercules Brake

The Dealers' Interests \rc Our Interest-."

Page 16: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Ball RetainersBICYCLE

(Less Balls)

i irder by Number.

(H 13) For Hercules c.i:. .\dj. Cone. Per dozen V

(H 14) For Hercules ('.me and Drive Si 'ew.1

1 '': i i/en

(B 115) Per Morrow,. I Vr d izen

(U 106)- For Mormw. medium size . . . Per d ./en,. / I "i.

(B 109) For Morrow, small size Per d izt-n

(A 16) For New Departure, lar^e . . . Per d >zen

(A 2(1) For New Departure, small ... Per dozen

(F 56) Fauber Bracket Per d

Xo. 252 For Nos. 10, 2'5 and 30 Front Hubs, hwith large cone (diameter 1-flr") ....Perd

Xo. 253 (90) For No. 10 Front Hubs, f

with small cone (diameter, %") ....Perd

Xo. 321 For "Hercules" Single Piece (Mode


Crank Hanger Per dozen ^ / l)\t

Xo. 322 For C.C.M. 1916 and 1917 CeankHanger Per d <,zen / ,

NiiTE. No. 322 Ball Retainer used on 1916. 1917and 191S (Model T.) Crank Hangers.

Ball RetainersMOTORCYCLE

Ins. Nn. tio for Cor-bin M.C. Hub Do/. $2.52

IgJ ins. No. 97 for Cor-bin M.C. Brake. ...Doz. 2.52

I'' ins. No. 34 tor Corbln M.C. Brake ....Doz.

1 !;; ins. No. 67 for New Departure M.C. Kiake.


1JJ ins. No. 34 for New Departure M.C. Brake.


IrSr ins. No. 80 tor New Departure M.C. FrontHub DOZ.

s. No. 97 for Miami Cycle \- Mfn. Wo. M.C.

Brake Doz.

1 37/64 ins. No. 9'J for Miami Cycle & MtV. Co.

(."Tii nk Hanger Bracket Doz.

1 i'a ins. No. r,4 for Indian M.C. Counter Shaft.

f yi* Doz -

ins. No. To for Indian M.C. AdjustableCounter Shaft Doz.

2% ins. No. S7 for Eclipse Machine Co. M.C.Free Engine Pulley Doz.

2% ins. No. ion. used on the Henderson. .. .Doz.

1% ins. No. 69. used on Reading Standard.


1:\J ins. No. 34. used on Thor M.C. Brake.


zen 2 70\


Ol'Kline of Bells has been carefully selected. They are complete in -

.'ile, style and design. They are manufactured of selected metal,producing loud, penetrating and musical tones. The better grades

are all manufactured from special bell metal not steel. Kadi bell i-

packed in a neiit card hoard cai-ion.

For HORNS. M-C page 37

No. 250.

Kleolric Stroke Union Jack FlagTop, in colors. Flanged gong. Fullnickel finish. Screw clamp.

\<>. 25I> (184) 2" -

dozen i 1:' in box) ....-J.JIJ

Xo. 259.

Double Stroke ChimingU'rousht metal gong. Full nickel

tinish. Screw clamp.

Xo. 259 (104) Kcho, 2%"gong. Per dozen (12 in box)

Xo. 254.

i:i'ctric Stroke Wrought metal

flanged gong. Full nickel finish.


Xo 254 (810) 1%" gong.

:en (12 in box) . . .

No. 255 (710) 2" gong. Pi?r

- duncn (12 in box) ....... 2- "L-~7

N<. 257 (610) 2%" gong.

iliizen (12 in box) "...?//

l'ri-<--, Suhjcet to Change Witliout Notice.

Page 17: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


No. 258.No. :>.->8 (.->(>)

l!c:nleil PushButton. 214"beaded gong,c o n t i nuousringing. Flag"ii top in col-

ored enamel,balance of bell

nickel finished.

I '! do/en ( 12

in box)

No. 323. IlliislratiiiK hoth skies. No. 32:$.

Double Dome. Kleetrie Stroke This bell has a "Union Jack"

..n .me side and a "Boy Scout" on the other, in colors. Diameter

ing - inches. Screw clamp. A good patriotic line.

No. :::.':. ivr .Uwwv (12 in box) -y. c,$-fr-

No. 260

12 in

Iditioii Continu-



Full nickel

w < l:unp.

( tlO) 2"

Pi-r dozen

box I ....


Xo. 3:!l tirmiko.

Double Dome Chime. Tandem<.oii;;s -Rotary Movement. Fullnickel finish. Screw clamp.

Xo. 22 (8-0)~2 %" gong. >,

IVi- dozen (12 in IMX |.

Xo. 2<>1 Cathedral ChimeA high grade chime bell,

very clear and musical, madeof special selected bell metal,

heavily nickel plated and

highly finished. Revolving

domes 2V Screw clamr,

Xo. 261 (35C) Per(In/en (12 in box i

No. :?:!! Hrouko M;\>

particularly sharp, clear.

ictrating note. Full

nickel, 3" gong. Largelinger ringing lever, easily

operated. Double screw

clamp. Full 1" size.

i ( Mie in carte. n. i Perd.i/.t-n (12 in box) ......

Bell Assortment

A Very Convenient Assortment for


1) e s criptioii2 Vi

" ElectricStroke, cast metalgongs, nickeled or

oxidized, with de-

signs enameled in

various colors.

Packed in boxof 1 dozen, con-taining two eachof the designsillustrated.

Xi >TE. Ordersfor smaller quan-tities than onedozen of this

sortment will belied from broken

lots, regardless of

top design.

No. 265'

Per dozenil2 in

box) ....

Good Luck Bell

AssortmentMade up of three Flag Top. three

UIIN Scout design, two Four

er design, two Race HorseHid one Lucky pattern

design. Hells are

J%" Electric

Stroke, cast

metal gongs, flat

top type similar

to Xo. 256, andeacb bell is

nicely enameled.Each bell pack-ed in box, andthe 12 assortedin one carton.

No. 332 Perdozen (12 in

box) . .

" The Dealers' Interests Are Our Interests."

Page 18: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Bells, Tire


Monarch" This is an extra well-made Bell. When

cable is drawn tight, the band in the centre of the bell

comes in contact with the tire, producing a clear, pene-

trating tone. 3" diameter. Nickel plated.

No. 24 Price ( I In box > .Bach

No. MS. -

side Tin. lii-ll Since the Introduction of extension

front mu'i guards lemand has been ci-eated for

a side lire bell \\hieli can be Mxed to the front fork side

and ope; ,,. t with the tire. Theordinal *1] will not t,- -ie with a

f''0'i This r.ell is designed for this

ljllr ) md the entire bell

is " ; -i with chain complete.

Bolts and Nuts(Assembled)

Handle liar aiul Scat Post Clamp Bolts and Nuts

These bolts and nuts will give perfect satisfaction. Theyare accurately threaded and will not strip. Heads plated

anil buffed.

Uiameter. L,ength. Diameter. LengthNo. 294 fe Rd.... 1%" X,,. 298 % Rd. . . . 1%"No. 295 A Rd.... 1%" ooqK Rd 1%"X. 296 ft Rd.... 1%"No. 297 A Rd.... 2

" No. 300 % Rd.... 2

Price, dozen (1 gross in box) ............ Dozei

Bolts and Nuts,

Pedal, Sprocket and Toe Clip

(All ill packages of 1 Gross each).

IVdal. Sprocket. Fauber. Toe Clip.

No. :;:'.:: Om Each

I'rico Subject |<> Change AVillioul Notice.

IVdal These 1'edal Bolts and Nuts are nicely nickel-

ind turned from bar stock steel. The bolts are care-

fully ;mcl accurately threaded, and the nuts fit perfectly.

Sprocket Our line of Sprocket Bolts and Nuts is

manufactured from the highest grade machinery steel,

nicely finished and nickel plated. Supplied in A" and'


"with 24 threads.

l-'aiilxT We haye added a line of short and long

Fauber Bevel Head Sprocket Bolts and Nuts, perfect in

s'.ze ami shape, correct in form and finish, complete

with nuts.

Too Clips These are manufactured from No. 8 wire."

long. They are fitted with two washers, and

will hold TUP Clip rigid.

Xo. 325 .Rubber I'edal Bolt and Nut, C.C.M. Per


No. 302 i fa"), Sproek.-t Holts and Nuts. Per


No. S03--i'i"i. Sprocket Dolts and Nuts. Per


No. 304 Sprocket ! Jolts only. Fauber. short. Per


No. 305 Sprocket Holts and Xuts. Fauber, long.

Per dozen

No. 324 Sprockel Holts and Nuts, for all o.C.M.

I vr dozen

\o. son -TO, clip Knits and Nuts, rvr 100....

Page 19: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Brakes, Improved Hercules Coaster Brake

THISwell known and popular

brake has been still further

perfected from time to time, andis now giving greater satisfaction

than ever bel

The absence of side arm is appre-ciated by every dealer and repair

man, as it enables the brake to be

very easily and quickly removedfrom and replaced in the frame.

Its smooth powerful braking ac-

tion, and the absence of any slip-

ping when engaging the drive after

coasting, appeals strongly to the


Other strong features of the Her-cules Brake are its extreme light-

ness, its comparatively small size,

and the small number of parts em-ployed in its construction.

Altogether, it is a brake whichmay be specially recommended andsold with the assurance that it will

srive the maximum of service andsatisfaction and the minimum of


Guarantee W-e give an absoluteand unqualified guarantee on theHercules Brake as to efficiency,material and workmanship, and if


iMntlr in Our (tint factor/I )

it is not all we claim for it. we will

replace it at our own expense, if

returned to us within one yearfrom date of purchase.

X<. S08- 1'iice with Sprocket.Kach ............ 7

Xote Specify Sprocket requiredwhen ordering.

Brake Lubrication

For best results from this Brake.

use C.C.M. Hercules Brake Oil. a

h>.-ivy bodied oil, especially adapted

for this purpose. See page 46.


H2 H3 H4-




HI4 HIS H16*


70 D


No. 483.Shim ofHerculesBrake.

No. H- 1 Hub Shell. Eacht

No. II- '2 Adjusting ConeEach

No. II- 3 Driving WormEach ^ (i 8 /

No. II- 4 ^-Driving ClutchEach

\o. H- 5 Clutch Drag. . ^ .

'No. H- .,]..

E.-ich :j?yoNo. 11- 7 Brake v


'Assembled together.

(Made in Our Own Factorul

No. H- 7 ',{> Wedge Shim.Per dozen

Xo H- 8 Brake Sleeve.

EachXo. II- 9 Stationary Cone.

Each -

\i. 11-10 Axle .... EachXu. 11-11 Spnu-kt-t LockNut Each :>

Xr>. Il-f2 Sprocket 1"

pitch, fg" wide. 7 to 10tooth Each%" pitch. '*" or ,-'',." \viile.

14 to -20 tooth .

Xo. 11-13 Small Ball Re-tainers, less balls ...Each

Xo. Il-ll Large Ball Re-tainers, less balls . . . Each

Xo. H-15 Chain Line nine.Each

Xo. H-l -Axle Nut. EachXo H-17 Axle Nut Washer.

Each '.

Xo. ll-l Shield.Each

Xo. 11-20 I '.rake Oiler.

. Each

The Dealers' Inlcn-si- \n- Our Interests."

Page 20: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies




MorrowCannot guarantee to supply all parts shown. Prices on application.

BRAKE PARTS, EADIE.Prices supplied on applica-

tion. We cannot guaranteeprompt delivery owing to dif-

ficulty in securing from Ens-land.

32R Shell, with cups andserrated rin^.

33R Friction Plate.34R Brake Spring and

phosphor bronze ring35 R Brake Cone and


Brake Parts


A- 1 Hub Shell EachA- 2 Drive Screw .... BackA- 3 Clutch Sleeve . . Bach,\. 4 Axle EachA- 5 Sprocket Lock Nut. . .

EachA- 6 Clutch EachA- 7 Axle Cone EachA- 8 'Brake Box. Knglish..


(See note.)

36R Brake Spring Lever.

37R Clutch Nuts.

(A)37R New Positive DriveClutch Nut.

38R IM'iviiiK Screw.39R Chain Ring. (Stale

siae. )

40R R.H. Cups.(B)40R R. H. Cups, New

Stvle, with teeth to

take New Styleclutch.






A A A AA AA A A11 15 10 9 8 6 16 4 3

A- 8 American EachA- 9 Brake Cover . . . EachA-10 Brake Arm ....EachA-ll Brake Arm Clip. EachV-12 Transfer Spring.. EachA- 13 Axle Nut HachA-14 Axle Washers. .. EachA-15 Convex Washers.EachA-16 Ballcage (large) ....

Per doz.

A-17 Sprocket i

A A A A A A A A AA1 12 16 A^ 20 17 571-11*

A-20 Ballcage (small) ....Pe.r doz.

Note. State whether A-8 BrakeBox is required with short pin .

(American Brake), or long pini Knidish Brake).We cannot supply A-S English

during continuation of war. ButA.-S American may be used instead,

provided A-9 and A-10 Americanare also used.

Brake Tool

xo. :?:?4

ISraUr Tool Slr-

\cn.s' Clutch. Acompact CoasterBrake Clutch Tool,

for use in vise. Willremove the tightest


Supplied withthree special tools

that take Hercules.New Departure andAmerican MorrowDriving Screws.

Packed completein small wooden box.

. . Kach



Xo. 1157 Borax, powder-ed, per Ib

No. 1158 Boraolc Acid.

per Ib

No. 1156 Spelter. fl n e

ground, per Ib

No. 1159 Spelter Wire.

per Ib

No. 1247 Superior liraz-

inj; Compound (1 poundcans) Each

Blow PipesHot Blast, Gas Brazing

No. 312

.Made of '-" brass tubing, carefully Fitted. SlopCocks have pin handle instead of the knurledscrew shown in cut. Length 14".

,%;<>. :;i2 -Price Bach

I'l-ircs Subjrcl


No. 1447 [Srazirr. 10

sal. tank \vitl)

pump) EachThese braziers are fitted

with improved hydro carbon

era adjustable to anyanjile. The tank is made of

boiler steel, galvanized, test-

I.'.O pounds pressure,il.isoline is the fuel used.

(JaiiK'e. lire bricks and full

to operate ac-

company each brazier.

to Change Without Notice.

Bra/.icr. 10 tral. TatiU.

Page 21: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies



(Made in Canada)

KiiamelliiiK. These brushes- are of the very finest

quality of hair, cement set. and will apply the enamelto the frame very freely, leaving a perfectly smooth andeven surface.

Xo. 313 Fitoh Hair, >/" 1'er dozen (12 in box)Xo. 314 Fitch Hair. 1". Per dozen (12 in box).Xo. 315 Fitch Haii-. 1 1/4 ". Per dozen (12 in box).

(Made in Canada)

Bicycle Xo. 317 Single strand. 5" long. Length,

including handle, 14".

Per dozen ( % gross in carton)

(Made in Canada)

sieel Wire Xo. 318 Furnished in one size only.

6" x .1.4". Length, including handle, 15". Made from

the very best materials.

Per dozen (.12 in package)

BuffersNo. 319 Frame Buffers These are

uaed to prevent the handlebar frominjuring the enamel. Spring style greyrubber.

Per dozen ( 24 in box)

Belts, MotorcycleHalf-inch Round

Chrome tanned, rawhide, fitted with improved fast-

ener, suitable for C.C.M. Motorcycle. Length 7 feet.

Complete instructions with each Belt.

Xo. 26B Round. Price Each

Belts, Spartan MotorcycleSpartan Belts are made of leather, especially adapted for Motorcycle use.

Fastened together with cement, which is absolutely water and heat proof,and securely riveted. With a Free Engine Pulley, the "V" Belt is a mostsatisfactory and popular transmission. "V" Belt, 28 degree angle.

Xo. 269 %"Xo. 270 %"No. 271 1"

Xo. 272 IVXo. 273 IVNo. 281 IVXo. 282 IVXo. 283 IV

x 4 Ply for singlex 4 Ply for singlex 4 Ply for singlex 4 Ply for singlex 4 Ply for singlex !> Ply Giant forx 5 Ply Giant forx f> Ply Ciant for

cylinder machines Price,cylinder machines Price,cylinder machines Price,cylinder machines Price,

cylinder machines Price,twin cylinder machines. Price,twin cylinder machines . Price,twin cylinder machines. Price,

per foot

per foot

per fool

per foot

per foot

per foot

per fool

per t'on'

'V Shape

si/.cs. Flat Belt, 9 ft. or Shorter.

No 274 1V Price, eachXo. 275 1 % "

Price, eachXo. 276 1%" x 7' 11" (Xo. 276A 8' 2") (No. 276B 8' 7")

Price, eachXo. 277 1 % "

Price, eachXo. 278 2" x 8' 4" ( X... 278A s' 7 V) Price, eaclXo. 279 2V Price, eachXo. 280 2V Price, each

Jive length when ordering. Supplied Endless.Flat.

Bicycle Flags and Holder

Flags of The Allies

Seven silk flags, supplied with black enamelled holder f,.r attai-hiim to

lia ndlebars.

Xo. 759 (3) Size ,,t e;ich Hag 3" x 2" Per set

No. 760 (4) Size of each flag 4%" x 3" Per set

The Dealers1

Interests Are Our Interests."

Page 22: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies

20 Belt Dressing

Belt DressingMotorcycle


Belt Drill

for "V" Belts

Belt Fastenerfor Motorcycle "V"


A Ik-It Fowl pit-pared (or Motor-

cycle Belts. It will positively

lengthen the life of a belt, and

produce a uniform drive. Treat

your belt as you would your motor;

clean belt often and apply Belt


No. 2H4 Price,

Tubes .

per dozen

Xo. <>54.

Cuts a clean straight hole for

sizes %", %", 1". Thumb Screw


No. 54 One in box.. Each

We recommend this Fastener for

all sizes of Spartan "V" Belts.

Instructions. To attach, removerivet from belt by cutting off end

of rivet with a cold chisel. Use the

rivet holes for the screws. If belt

is too thick, shave "block" so that

the fasteners will fit snugly.To detach, simply open the

oblong washer on chain link,

which is split at one end.

No. 285 Price Each

Carriers, Parcel and Delivery


;.,'[ .n..-,. Iwi j f - r-^-^.Ti"

(Made in Canada)No. 400

Tlie Amlrock Bic.vele Basket.

.lust the thing for deliveringsmall packages. Size 15 H" x 8" x

7H".Fastens securely to the Bicycle

with strong leather straps.

No. 100 ...Each

No. 403 (Made in Canada) No. 404

Amlrock L/ug<r:w farrier.

Large enough to carry all one wants to. Size of platform, 9" x 12".

Length of carrier over all, 18". Supporting legs made of No. 12 steel,

%" wide. Finest black enamel finish. Size of basket. 18" x 13" x 6".

No. 403 farrier only (6 in package) Each

No. 404 Carrier and Basket . Each

T.C.M." Tradesmen's.

When fitted with basket makesan ideal parcel carrier. Made of

gauge sheet steel, directly

supported from front axle. Bal-ances load perfectly, so that bicyclesteers easily. Dimensions at top14" x 20"; at bottom, 12" x 18". 6"


Improved adjustable clamp, ad-

aptalilt- for 20, 22 ami 24" frames.

No. 529 Carrier without Bas-

ket Each

No. 523 Wicker Basket for

; above . . .Each

No. 407. Hear.

REAR.No. 407 Size 14%" X 5Vi"

Split Leather Straps. .Each

(12 in pack;i

Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.

Page 23: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Carriers (Continued)

.\<>. 409 Rear.

No. 409 (6B) An excep-

tionally strong, well-made,

nickel-plated Carrier, size 12"

x 5". Pressed steel top, two

leather straps.

Xo. 409 For RigidI'r.-i me Bicycles. Each

No. 522.

i.\linlr in Our Own Factory)

"C.C.M.'' Military.

As supplied to the CanadianArmy. Unusually strong. Black

enamel, with straps. Size 13" x

5%".No. 522 Each

Xo. 412. (Made in Canada)

Cements"Comfort"Wood Rimi Cement(Made in Canada)

This Cement is verythick and heavy, and leavesa deep body on the rim,which does not becomehard or brittle. Supplied asfollows, Imperial measure:No. 149 2 oz. bot-

tle, with swab (1doz. in box) . Doz.

X"o. 450 '/i pintcans . . . Per doz.

Xo. 451 1 pintcans . . . Per doz.

"Comfort"Wood Rim

"Shellac "Cement(Made in Ciniiiilii '/

For cementing tires

and grips. Made froma special formula, so

treated as to preventdrying too quickly. Knsyto handle, and keepsrims clean. Suppliedas follows. Imperialmeasure:No. 452 2 oz.

bottles withswab (1 dozenin box). Doz.

No. 4531 pintcans .... Kach

C.C.M. Combination Kear Carrier anil Stand.

The size of both Stand and Carrier is ex-

ceptionally generous. The Carrier is both

wider and longer than all others. The Standis about 2" wider. The bottom of the Stan. I

curves upward toward the ..-eiitri-. the side.-

forming feet, enabling St;in<! t., real steadily

on any surface. The finish is unusuallybrilliant and durable.

No. 412 C.C.M. Combination Uear Car-

rier and Stand. Width of feet of .stand. 11".

........................... Each

No. 571 Grey enamel ....... Each

No. 572 iMaroon enamel ...... Kach

(lessNo. 563 C.C.M. Rear Carrier

Stand). Size 7" x 14 '._.". . .

Cement, "TitewadThe Rubber Putty. Permanently re-

pairs rubber tires, tubes and other

rubber articles without vulcanizing.

In screw top tin box, containing two

small tins, one of putty and one of

cement, with full directions.

Xo. 566 Large size Each '

No. 567 Small size Each

No. r>7:t all Size for

Bicycles Per doz.'

Hard Tire

CementOld English Brand. Con-

tains an unusually high per-

centage of rubber and gutta.

Supplied in one-pound pack-


No. 456 . . Per Ib.

Tin- Dealers' Interests Are Our Interests.''

Page 24: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Cements (continued)

(Made in Canada)

Cement, C.C.M.-XX Patching and Fabric

(Imperial Measure.)

No. 431 %" x 4'-' collapsibletubes (2 dozen in box).

Per gross

NO. 132 1" x 4" collapsibletulips (1 dozen in box).

Per gross

No. 433 J4 pint cans. Doz.

No. 434 1/4 pint cans. Doz.

No. 435 1 pint cans. EachNo. 436 1 quart cans. Each

No. 437 Mi gal- cans. EachNo. 438 1 sal. cans. Each


M. & M. Patching

An unusually high grade patch-

ing cement.

No. 2335 %" x 4" collapsible

tubes (1 dozen in box).

............... Per gross

No. 2330 1" x 4" collapsible

tubes (1 dozen in box).

............... Per gross

No. 2330 <4 pint. Per doz

No. 2331 'A pint. Per doz

No. 2332 1 pint. Per doz

No. 2333 1 quart. Per doz.


(Made in Canada)

CementDunlop PatchingSupplied as follows. Imperial

measure :

No. 423 %" x 4" collapsible

tubes (2 dozen in box).Per gross

No. 121 1" x 4" collapsible

tubes ( 1- dozen in box).Per gross

No. 425 '-i pint cans. Doz.

No. 42 ' pint cans. Doz.

No. 127 1 pint cans. Doz.

No. 428 1 quart cans. Each

No. 429 * al. cans. Each

No. 430 I sal. cans. Each

Cement, Jifoid Plugging"Jifoid" repairs single tube tires in two minutes. By simply in-

jecting "Jifoid" in the puncture and allowing it to harden a perfect

and permanent plastic plug is formed.

Xo. 457 %" x 4" tubes, with needles (12 in box). Per doz


Cement Repair OutfitIncludes sandj> > French chalk, four round patches.

strip of best quality patching rubber, piece of proof cover can-vas to patch serious cuts through outer cover. Tube of high-srade rubber cement. 1'ut up in neat design of box, whichwill (it conveniently in tln>

No. 40 Price per dozen

Prices Subject to Change Without Notice

in I'niidilii

Page 25: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Carbide, C.C.M.(Made in Canada)

C.C.M. Carbide i- pill up in handsomely lithographed cans Blue and Orange mak-

ing a very striking article for window display.

No. 413 'i-lli. cans. (3 doz. in

I), ,x )Per dozen

No. 414 l-lli. cans. (2 doz. in

l,,i\ i Per dozen

\o. 415 L'-lii. cans. i- doz. in

box i Per dozen

\nto. The al)o\e <-ans are full weight.

NO. 111! 5-lb. cans. <1 doz. in

box ) Per dozen

No. 417 100-lb. drums EachAntn Carbide No. 2030 5-lb. cans.

Per dozen

Auto Carbide Xo. 2028 100-lb.

drums Each


Chains Diamond. (Packed in cartons.)

No. 588 Ms" pitch x H" wide, 112 links EachNo. 5891" pitch x 3/16" wide, 56 links EachNo. 590 H" pitch x 3/16" wide, 112 links EachNo. 591 1" pitch x Vt" wide, 56 links Each



"Diamond." For BlockChains only. Simple, effective quick method of adding alink or repairing break in chain.

2 links in package, 1 dozen packages in carton.

No. 480 For 3/16" block chain. Per carton of 1 dozenpackages

No. 480A For V block chains. Per carton of 1 dozenpackages



Repair Link

For Bicycle Roller Chains. Simple and quick: noriveting.

No. 592 (8-75) For <&" x Vs" roller chain .... Per dozenNo. 593 (6-71) For 1" x 3/16" roller chain ..Per dozenNo. 594 (9-75) For %" x 3/16" roller chain ..Per dozenNo. 595 (7-71) For 1" x Vt" roller chain Per dozen

Chains, Duckworth Motorcycle

L'.~> feet packed in cardboard carton. Sold by the foot.

\<>. 550 %" wide %" pitch Per t

No. 576 Vt" wide r-s

"pitch Per foot

Chain Bolts and Nuts(English.)

No 475 Bolt and Nut for '" Chain. Ate MapleI eaf Dozen

No 476 -I '.oil and Nut for '.', Hi" Chain. Atco or MapleI .-at' Dozen

No 477 Holt and Nut fur >

s" chain, Brampton ..Dozen

No 478 Molt and Nut for :! HI" Chain. Brampton. DozenNo 479 Holt and Nut for Vi" Chain, Brampton ..Dozen

Note. We do not now stock Atco. Brampton or MapleLeaf Chains complete.

Chain Parts, Roller


Ordinary Repair Link con-sists of two Rollers, twoBushings, two Inside Plates,one Outside Plate with rivets

assembled, one Outside Plate


No. 472 For %" x %"Chains for Atco or

Brampton . . . Per doz.

No. 473 For 3/16" x1" Chains for Atco orI Jrampton . . . Per doz.

Straight Connecting Link'(insists of two Bolts, twoNuts, two Outside Links:suitaible for Atco. MapleLeaf, or Brampton Chains.No. 471 For 3/16" x 1"Chains Per doz

No. 519 For Vt" x 1"Chains Per doz.

No. 470 For %" x Wchains Per doz.

No. 474 For Vt" x 1"Chains for Atco or

Brampton . . . Per doz.

We cannot guarantee to supply UNtiLISH CHAIN"PARTS under present conditions, although we have alimited stx k on hand, and have more on order whichwe may receive.




Bicycle Chain

Repair Parts

1'ut up in 8-i ompartment tin

box (not in car-ton as illus-

trated) contain-|

ing:!_ each No. 470- I

471 Straight I

Con n fet

Links.\2 each No. 472-473 Ordinary


Uepnir Links.L2 each V" and 3/16" Holts and Nuts.11' each ft" and 3/16" MushiiiKs.12 each V and 3/16" Rivets.12 each V and 3/16" Roll.

11' each '-" and 1" Inside Plat." and 1" Outside Plates.

No. 526 Per box KachNOTE. Above parts are for Atco and Appleby Chains, but

many of them are suitable for Brampton and other chains.

'The Healers' Interests Are Our Interests."

Page 26: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies



Repair Links


Chain PartsAtco Motorcycle

551 Connecting Link ....

r>52 Repair Link, S Each

.->.->;: -Impair Link, Doub;.- Each

.->:, Offset l.ink Each


Xo. 542. Xo. 5S4. No. 483. No. 482. No. 536. No. 535. 53?,.

\o. 5 J2 Blocks Each\<>. 534 Bolts and Xuts EachXo. 483 Clanked Link BachXo. 482 Connecting Link EachXo. 535 Springs Dozen

Xo. 533 Double Link EachXo. 536 Rivets Dozen

No. 537 Outside I Mates Dozen

No. 539 Rollers .Dozen

Xo. 540 Bushings DozenXo. 541 Inside Plates Dozen

Chain Grip DuckworthMakes the hard and dirty job of connecting chain very easy, with-

out the necessity of readjusting the wheel. Can be carried in Tool

Bag. Black enamelled. One in box.

Xo 5H4 1'rice, each

Chain Tools

Model A-22. 6 in. Ions.

Model \-:::{. n>., in. long.

Chain Tool, Peerless Motorcycle"The tool with the punch." Removes any rivet with

one srip of the handle. Correct lever action, almostinsta in i in 'iis ami very easily operated.Xo. 570 Each

Chain Tool, Bean MotorcycleThe handle support has a threaded, headless bolt

extended to each side, making it reversible, and givingit double the wear of any other make. (Packed one in

;i carton. I Complete instructions with each tsol.

\o. 543 (A-33) For shop use EachXo. 544 (A-22) Tool kit size Eai-h

Clips, Trouser

Xo. 4!t!. Corrugated. >"> 500. Perfection.

Manufactured from the best quality of spring steel and oil tempered

with an enamel finish.Xo. 500 Wide Perfection

X,,. |(j| ivr gross pairs Guards. Per gross pairs

,:; floa. p,-. in box) .... '3 doz. pr. in box) ....

The- KiiK'by flip We have no hesi-

tation in savins this is one of th.

made. Grips the trousers hard ami

stays on.

Furnished in either blue lacquered

or nickel finish.

No. 497 Xickelled. per gross

pairs (3 doz. pairs in box).. .

Xo. 498 lacquered, per gross

pairs ( :; do/-., pairs in box).. .

l'rlvs Subject to Change Without Notice.

Page 27: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Clip and Trouser

Guard, EclipsePantasote

guard, with pantclip inserted. Re-moved with slight

pull at top. Canbe comfortably

| concealed beneathtrouser leg whennot in actual use.

Xo. 530 Motor-cycle size. Perdozen pairs (6

pr. in carton).Dozen pairs

Xo. 527 Bicycle size. Perdozen pairs (6 pr. in car-ton) Doz. prs.

Clips, Toe

The "Star" Combination.

Made of sheet steel and crucible

steel wire, nickel plated andpolished.

Xo, 495 Per dozen pairs (1

doz. pr. in box) . .Doz. pr.

Cyclometers 2.~>

Cotter Pins, CrankAssorted

Furnished complete with nut,

well nickeled and polished. Fur-nished in following sizes: t%", J^",

%", ii"

Xo. 1415 Price (1 gross in

box) Per dozen

Cyclometers, Veeder Bicycle

Xo. 51 1

Veeder Bicycle Cyclometers come in

two styles. .The 10.000 Mile is dust

proof, water proof, absolutely correct,

small and light, every part being as

accurately made as the parts of awa ch.

The Trip style is practically two

000 mile. / /*. ^" J

cyclometers side by side. One records

the total mileage, the other records

the trip.

Kaoh in small carton (12 in largec-oiiuter display carton).

Xo. 514 '10,000 Mile ....BachXo. 515 Trip Each


Veeder BicycleXo. 516 Each

Xo. 515 Trip.


Veeder BicycleXo. 517 . . .Each

CyclometersVeeder Motorcycle

No. 511 Trip.

The Trip style is practically two cyclometers side by side. Oneregisters the total mileage, the other records the trip. Packed eachin a small carton, with complete instructions. (12 small cartons in

large carton.)

Xo. 511 For 26" wheel, including Bracket and Striker (12in box) Each

Xo. 520 Fur :!S" wheel, including Bracket and Striker (12in box) Each

Xo. 518 Special Harley-Davidson .Model for 1916, 1917 and1918 Motorcycle, complete with bracket and Striker (12 in

box) Each

X'OTK When ordering, scale serial miiiilx-r of Bracket required.Xo. 518.

Cyclometer Brackets, MotorcycleXo. 546 (H-7)For Indian. Po-peand Excelsior ma-chines Kach .

Xo. 513 (H-10)For all othermakes except Har-ley-Davidson. EachXote. Harlcy-Davidsoii


Moiorc>clcs require s|>ccialI brackets, which are alwaysIsold complete with H.-l>.

Cyclometers. Xo. 546.

Xo. 513 H-10 Bracket. H-7 Bracket.

Cyclometer Striker


NO. 512 .... Price, each

' The Dealers' Interests Are Our Interests."

Page 28: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies




Xo. .102 ,;". L'4 Thread ..

No. .(;: .". i'4 Thread .

. Each

. Each

Crank Repair TipsF'ir repairing cranks broken

at the pedal end. Drop forc-ings.

Threaded % x 20, in pairs,

right and left.

Xo. 509K Hi$:ht EachNo. 509li Left Each

Cushion for PassengerCarrying (Motorcycle)

This is a spring cushion, with soft, stuffed cover andhoard bottom. Finished in leatherette with folded cor-

ners and full hound base. Furnished in red and brown.Size 14" \ x V' x 4H". Fitted with four attachingbrackets

No. 411. .Each

Chains, TireWeed Motorcycle

Made for service. Are thoroughly practical and safe

Easily attached. Take up little room in tool bag. andcan be carried in pocket. Packed one in a canvas bag.No. 485 26 x 2 % EachNo. 486 28 x 2 % EachNo. 487 28 x 2 % EachNo. 488 29 x 2% EachNo. 489 28x3 Each

Cross Chains.No. 490 2 % " EachNo. 491 2 % " EachXo. 492 3" Each

Clamp, ChalfantA Clamp for attaching

to top bar of frame for

purpose of lowering saddle

by bringing it closer to theframe than the seat postwould allow. No seat postis necessary when this

clamp is used.No. 574 1" size

No. 575 1 %."size

Drivers, ScrewMade from smooth, flat steel, with rounded corners,

is hardened and point ground. N'icely nickeled.

Xo. 18043 Per dozen (50 in


Xo. 18013.


This driver is made from the best quality of

steel wire, carefully tempered.

No. <>.">."> -Per dozen (1 gross in box) .

Xo. 655.

N'o. 18235 Bridgeport, wood handle. >i" hexagon blade (12 in box)

Per dozer

Xo. 18235.

X<>. 18044 KiRlit. Iveft and Rigid.

Yunkif Uiitchct. 5 In. Blade..Material and workmanship are of superior

quality in every detail. Strong, durable, hand-somely finished; thoroughly tested. Nickel plated.Right, Left and Rigid.No. 18044 Price (6 in box) Each

Prices Subject to Change Without Notice. '

Page 29: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Drivers, Screw (Continued)Yankee Ratchet, 1 </ inch Blade.

Made for special use of gunsmiths, fitters, electricians and mechanics,requiring a strong, substantial screw driver with a short stub blade. It

is right or left hand, and rigid.

Xo. 18045 Each (6 in box) . 9 Xo. 18045.

Spiral Ratchet Screw Driver. Xo. 657.

No. 657. Right and Ix>ft Hand and Rigid.

Spoke X'ipple Screw Driver. Xo. 658.

It is beautifully finished, and is the very best tool for bicycle spoke

nipples. Centre of blade is hollow to allow for spoke. Handle is not

fluted, as shown in cut.

Xo. 658 Per dozen .

Right and left hand and rigid.

Can be set rigid at any part of

its length.

Xo. 657 -Price (each in

carton) Each

Xo. 659.

C.C.M.Supplied in the following

colors: Black. "Indian"

Motorcycle Red, Robin's EggBlue. Maroon. Tribune Blue,

Bullfrog Green. GoldenBrown. White. Excelsior Gray.Excelsior Service Green, Har-ley-Davidson Service Green,H a r 1 e y- Davidson Gray,French Gray.Xo. 703 >4 pint tins

measure).Per dozenpint tins

measure).Per dozenpint tins,

measure).Per dozenpint tins

measure),. .Each

Vlchek Motor Cycle Screw Driver

Square shanked for turning tight screws with aid of wrench.Length of blade 5". Length over all, 1'0%". (6 in box).Xo. 659 Price Per dozer.

Die SetS (See page:61)

Enamels, Air Drying

(wineBlack .

Xo. 704(w i n e

Coloi-s .

Xo. 714i w i n e

White\c.. 705 1

(w i n e

Black .

Bicycle Enamel



i Wade in Canada)


(Made in Canada)

A high grade, air-

drying enamel, which

dries with a beautiful

brilliant lustre.

Xo. 713 X pint

cans, Imperial

measure, black

only .... Dozen

"The Dealers' Interests Are

Club Black

Special Hard Drying

(Two Sizes.)

This enamel is very convenient

for repair shop use, as it dries hard

in fifteen or twenty minutes.

Xo. 701 Club Small size

(2 gross in box). Per dozer.

Xo. 702 Club Large size

( 1 gross in box) .Per dozen




Club Enamel.

Enamel, BakingXo. 710 Black (Imperial measure), 1 pintcans per dozen

Aluminum Paint

in Canada)Our Interests.'

will find this Paint anall-round seller for decorativepurposes. A beautiful and un-tarnishable finish for frames.forks, wood rims, guards andnickel work. Has the appear-ance of frosted silver. Suppliedas follows:Xo. 711 Aluminum

pint ...... Pep dozenXo. 712 Aluminum. \-,

pint ...... Per dozen

Page 30: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Frames and Forks, Model TOur Own Factor!/)


Repair Forks

T Frame, Forks and Fittings, as above (Black)

This frame used in all C.C.M. Bicycles. We manufacture one frame t

Extra for Colored EnamelF/xtra for Colored Sunburst HeadExtra for Striping

stems only "Hercules" Repair Fork s1C 1US UIIIJ snpc.iflcations:

i u ,;<;< in Or Own Factory)

Xo. 756 24 Thread for

Canadian Bicycles.

Price, each

No. 757 30 Thread for

Canadian Bicycles.

Price, each

Xo. 758 26 Thread for

English Bicycles.

. . Price, each

We supply these as per following specifications:

Fork sides and crown enamelled black; 10 stem.

Xo. 749 Double Plate Crown, 24 thread,

amelledXo. 755 Double Plate Crown. 2U

en- (Made in OurEach n ,,., l Factory)

thread, en-Each

NO.^80 Double' Ptate Crown,' 30 thread, enamelled .....

NO 761-nouble Plate Crown, not threaded, enamelled . . .

Xi.TK \bovc are now threaded for 26" frames, ami can he

00" '22" and 24" frames by euttins to the neeessarytength._

Fork Stem Set, DerbyDie and (iuirte 2%" diameter, Cutting

Thread 1" x 24". with 26" stock,

wooden box; Set Screw packed in end of 1

1 1,.1'ler.

No. 2115 Eachl.xira Dies, for Cutting Threads

24. 26. 28 or 30 stock Each

(Mm]*' in Canada)

Emery Cloth

\Vi- stork in sheets 9" x 11"

jB. & A. Twilled Black Emery

Cloth, as below:

No. J003 (Fine) (1

quire pkg.). Per <l<.z.

Xo. 700 (Medium) (1

quire pkg.). Per do-/..

No. 4001 1 1',, arse) (1

quire pkg. I. 1'er doz.


Drop .forged. Supplied in %" and 1".

No. 2120- V !'er llozen I'air

No. ^121- -\" 1>er dozen pair

DI ;ALDUS' NAMi:ri,\n:s.If you require a special nameplate, send us your

sketch with particulars, and we will submit a drav,

and definite quotation. Regular ty|K- iiameplates liins

ed in one color, a choice of nickel-plated, oxidized silver

or gold plated.25 Nameplates .. Extra for two-color-

50 Xameplates . . ed .plate. .Per 1

100 Nameplates .. Extra for enamell.

200 Xameplates .. name ...Per 1

siib.jcet to Change Without Notice.

Page 31: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Frame Parts for Hygienic Cushion Frames

No. A Kear L'pper HygienicFork Assembly, stripped.

EachXo. B. Dust Cap and Head.

EachXo. C. Plunger Tube. EachXo. D. Cartridge .... EachXo. K. Brass Bushing. EachXo. F. Spring EachXo. G. Steel Washer. EachXo. H.^-Leather Washer.


I There is a leather plug fitted

in the rear upper fork assemblywhich is used as a cushion for thecartridge, eliminating any rattlingnoise.)

.Vote. When ordering Spring(g'ive number), state whether for-I'" or 24" frame.

Xo. 1. for riders weighing 100 Ibs.

to 125 II.-.

Xo. 2. for riders weiuhing 125 Ibs.

to 150 Ibs.

o o

(Made in Our

Xo. :{. for riders weighing 150 Ibs.

to 175 Ibs.

Xo. 4. for riders weighing 175 Ibs.

to 2(10 Ibs.

Oicn Factory)

Xo. 5. for riders weighing 200 Ibs.

to 250 Ibs.

Mueh of the benefit from this

splendid feature is lost if the springis not titled to the rider's weight.

Fluids, Tire


Xo. 751 4 oz. tubes (12 in boxV

Per doz.

Grips, Handlebar

in Canada)

Xo. 823.

Si-wn L-ather Grips, Brown. For~*" liars.

Xo. 82S (1 il.,y.. prs. in box).Per pail' i_ L '

Xo. 822 1.

Xo 824 (75) Leather wound.7 ^" nickeled ferrules (1

doz. prs. in box). Doz. prs.

Xo. 822 (75) Leather wound,%" nickeled ferrules ( 1

do/., prs. in box). Doz. prs.

Xo. 825.

Xo. 825 (68) Leather wound,wood tips (1 doz. prs. in

box ) Doz. prs.

Xo. H^li.

Xo. 826 (17J) Celluloid Blm-iiK-l

< Knglish manufacture) (1 doz.

prs. in box i Dozen pairs

Xo. 828 Hull Dog.

prs. in box)

Xo. 828.

First c|iiality sewn leather grips, %" (1


" The Dealers' Interests Are Our Interests.' 1

Page 32: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Grips, Handlebar (Continued)

Liberty Corrugated RubberA rubber grip of neat design,

as illustrated, square ends, stand-

ard size.

No. 888 (157) (1 doz. prs. in carton) . . .Per pair

This is a moulded grip madeof rubber throughout, reinforced

with heavy fabric inside, andfitted with strong nickeled fer-

rule. Length over all 3%".

Xo. 874 (94) (1 doz. prs. in box)

No. 874.

. .Per pair

Boy Scout, Jr.

X<>. 829 lio.v Scout. Jr.. woven steel reinforced rub-

ber grips, %" (1 pr. in box) Paii

No. 829.

Enduro Black Rubber

A well designed and popular priced Rubber Grip.

No. 882 One dozen pairs in a carton Per pair


Motorcycle Woven Steel Reinforced

These grips are made with an inner lining of fabric and steel reinforcement. Made in two styles as shown

Regular Type No. 830 (200) -^Regular, 1" (one Indian Type No. 84 (100) For 1" bars. Cor-

rugated. -Special for Indian 'Motorcycle (onepair in box). Pair

No. 831 (200) Regular, 1%" (onepair in box). Pair pair in box) Per

Grips, Nipple



Made in three sizes.

No. 832 (1) Small, for gen-

eral use (1 doz. in box).


No. 833 (2) Large, for re-

pair work (1 doz. in box).


No. 834 (3) Auto, for heavy

work (1 doz. in box). Each


Nickel Plated.

No. 836 C 1 i ff o r d

. .Per doz



(Made in Canada)The harder you pull

tighter it holds.

Heavily nickel-plated, endbuffed.

Xo. 835 Per doz. .

GuardsThese guards

are all madefrom selected

maple and oak.

They are all

highly finished.

Kyeletted un-otherwise

ordered.(Made in Our Own Factor in

Guards, Wood Dress and Chain

Xo. H50 Dress only, plain maple .

\<>. 851 Dress only, plain oak

Xo! H~>2 Chain only, plain maple Ei

X,,' s.-, ; ; ily, plain ak Each

Made of cellu-

loid, light yet dur-:ilile. and a very

itlva article

for keeping mudoff your cloth

Bluemel Side Mud Guards

No. 867 Front and Rear .packed 3 pairs In

one l.x)

Xo. 868 Front only (2 in bOJ >,

No. 89 Ui-ar only iS in boi)

Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.

Page 33: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


GuardsSteel, Mud

C.C.M., with flaps.Black enamelledsteel guards, equip-ped with heavy lea-

ther oval flaps andsteel braces, as sup-plied on C.C.M.Grad A Bicycles.No. 840 Front and

Rear, with flaps,

for rigid frame. . .Per pair

No. 841 Front an3Rear, with flaps,

for hygienic frame. . .Per pair

No. 842 F r o n t

Guard only, withflap. . Each

No. 843 Rear Guard only, for rigid frame EachNo. 878 'Rear Guard only, for hygienic frame EachNo. 886 Oval flaps only Per dozenNo. 887 Bracea only Per dozenKxtra for gold striping on above Per pairExtra for maroon and gold striping on above Per pairKxtra for ocher colors with gold striping Per pair

NOTE. Only black and maroon guards carried in stock; otheicolors made to special order.



Comfort, Less Flaps

TTubular Rivets

For C.C.M. Mud Guard Flaps Per 100 $0.60

No. 885 Front and Rear, less flap, forframe ............................ Per pair


No. 884 Front Uuard only, less flap, forrigid frame ........................ Each

No. 843 Rear Guard only, less flap, forrigid frame ........................ Each

No. 887 Braces only ............ Per il<wnKxtni for gold stripping on above. Per pairKxtra for maro-m and gold striping on

;iix.ve ........................... Per pairKxtra for other colors with irold striping. .

.................................. Per pairNOTE. Only Black and Maroon Guards car-

ried in stock; other colors made to special order.

No. 893.

DOl !BI,K BRACK MI I) GUARDS, for Modeli M'.M. Motorbike.No. 893 Front and Rear, with flap, double brace

on rear guard. Black Per pairExtra for green and gold stripe, or red with green

stripe, the two standard colors of C.C.M. iMo-t >i liike Per pair


Guards, Steel, Dress and MudNo. 890- C.C.M. Front and Hear, with Hap. eye-

letted [Vr pairi No. N4L' Front Guard used, i

No. 891 Comfort Front and Hoar, less flap, eye-letted Per pair

c.No. S84 Front Guard used. I

No. 892 Rear Guard only, eyeletted EachNo. 842 C.C.M. Front Guard only, with Rap....

Kai-hNo. 884 Comfort Front Guard only, less Hup. . . .

EachNo. 886 Flaps only Per dozenNo. 887 Braces only Per dozen

Gold striping and colors extra as for ('.' . M. andComfort Men's Guards.

Guards, Chain, Metal

.gr-fr C -fr c#? P.

Metal Chain (.nurd, with Parts.No. ;58 Complete with tittiims ... ..Each

C.C.M. Chain Guard.

No. 83!.

Adjustable, to stretch of chain and to difference oflength between centres of axle>.No. 839 With attaching parts ]:

Chain Guards, C.C.M.AS equipped cm C.C.M. Ladies' Hicycles.

Metal Disc type, as illustrated, completely enclosingfeet, and with continuous maple, ream, c.yeletted

lacing.No. 889 Complete with linings, full Ida. -k enamel....

Eachi inly ISlack and Maroon Chain <: k; other

colors made to special order.

"The Dealers' Interests Are Our Intere-ts."

Page 34: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Guards, Chain and Dress Guard Parts

Xo. 857.

Top Connection, in-

eluding Bolts andXuts Doz.

Xo. 858.

Bottom Connection.

including Boltsand Xuts ... .Doz.

X,,. 860 F i- o n t Connection.

nickel plated Dozen

o. 861 Rear Connection.

nickel plated Dozen

859 Front Connection.

complete with round head

machine screw . . .Per doz.

Xo. 859.

Xo. 863.

Xo. 8B2 Dress (inard Brace.

round, nickel plated (25 in

package) Dozen

No. 863

Loops. nickel


Doz. pr. .

Guard Lacing, Silk Guard Lacing, Detachable

(Made in Canada)

Each net is firmly at-

tached to a nickel

plated bracket or clip,

which is designed to

be placed beneath the

nut on the rear axle.

Supplied in 18-yard hanks, in black or in Cleveland jj^ n ^wa^r-Black silk guard lacing is standard equipment on all proof.

1917 and 1918 C.C.M. Bicycles. Cleveland Brown was Xo. 1115 Per pair

standard equipment on 1916 bicycles. (1 doz. in box,

No. 1105 Black Per doz - assorted i

No. 1106 Cleveland brown Per doz.

Xo. 1115.

Gauge, Screw Pitch

For gauging the pitch of inside and outside threads. All

pitches from 4 to 40.

. . Each

Xo. 854.

Holder for Skate Grinding

^^^.^er^prwhich make it run very eanily.

No. 881

Hack SawBlades

Hack Saw Frames

in Canada)

l.oek Extension Made of best quality steel, hand-

somely finished and nackeled. Takes blades from 8 to

12 inches, inclusive. One blade suppl

No. 18020 < 2 in box) r. ( ! :V Each


Flexible Backs

The teeth only are hardened, the back remaining

soft i e ,not tempered. The blade will neither snap nor

break Supplied in 18 teeth to the inch for ordmar

work, and 32 teeth for cutting tubing. All blades

in package* of ~- each.

Xo. 18011 8"

Xo. 18012 9", Coarse Dl

No. 18013 10". Coarse DXo. 18014 11". Coarse

Xo. 18015--12". Coarse Dl

Xo. I800B 8", Fine

No. 18007 V". Fine

Xo. 18008 in". Fine

Xo. 18009 11", Fine

No. 1801012", Fine Dozen

Prices Subject to Without Notice.

Page 35: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


HandlebarsFor illustrations of H.B. Steins separately and I

for size specifications of H.B. Tops, see following i

pages. |

Xo. 955. i Made in Our Own Factoryj

Xo. 955 (5%) C.C.M. Regular H. Bar and Post L/

Complete, less Grips . .............. Price, each

Xo. 956 20" Top .................. Price, each

Xo. 957 C.r.M. Plain Stem. % x 5" long.

................................ Price, each

t) If

Xo. 962.

(Made in Our Own Factory)

1b~lXo. 962 Sills Hygienic H. Bar and Post, less

-7,-* Grips Price, eachNo. 956 20" Top Price, eachNo. 961 Sills Hygienic Stem, % x 5%" long.

Price, each ^ 2.

(Made tii Our Oicn Factory)Xo. 953.

Xo. 953 C.C..M. KcKiilar (24" Top) H. Bar andPost, less Grips Price, ea<

Xo. 960 24" H. Bar Top Price, each

Xo. 958 C.C.M. Plain Stem, % x 6V long.

Price, each .

Xo. 963.

Xo. 963 RussellIntension H.Bar and Post,

complete less

Grips. Price,

eachXo. 956 20" Top.

Price, each . . .

Xo. 977 RussellExtension Stem.%". Price, each


Xo. 965.

Xo. !5 Comfort H. Bar and Post, complete less'' rl] '"

Price, eachXo. 9li--r,,mf.,n Top, 20" Price, eachXo. 979 Comfort Plain Stem, % x 5%"

Price, each

Xo. 98.

Xo. <B8 Comfort Kx-icnsion H. Bar andPost, complete, less

Grips . . . .Price, each J,

Xo. 966 Comfort Top,20" Price, each


7 4

Xo. 970 Comfort Ex-tension, % x 4%" x

2%" extension

Price, each ^ 6

'i'ir Own Factory)


Xo. 994 C.C.M. Ka<-iii- II. Bar and Post, < "inplete, less

Grips Price, each

Xo. 97 t i i(S i1 1" H. Bar Top Price, each

Xo. 977 .Kussfll F.xt.-nsion I'. .si, %" Price, each , Q-I

Interests \re Our Iiiu-i-e-ts.'1

Page 36: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Handlebars (continued)

in Our Ou-n Factory)

No. 997.

No. 997 C.C.M. Motor-

hike H. Bar and Russell

Extension Stem, com-

plete, less Grips Price, each

Xo. 976 (27) 20" Top Price, each

No. 977 Russell Extension, %" ... .Price, each

Handlebar Posts(Marie in Our Own Factory)


Xo. 957 C.CJM.

plain. %x5". Russell.

Price, each . : ^7i'\)

No. 958 C.C.M.

plain. % x

6%". Price,

eachNo. 977 Rus-

sell Exten-sion %"Price each


No. 983 Gooseneck

Extension, stem

%". Price.. Each % " Each

So. 98B "Motorbike Junior" H. Bar .uui Ex-

tension Stem, less Grips Price, each

Xo. 987 '-(Motorbike Junior," Ttop only. Price, each

No. 088 Stem only, %". Length 4". Extension



forward. 1" rlown ward Price, each

The new Extension Stem,which promises to be

popular.No. !89 Extension,

No. 988 "Motorbike

Jr." Stem. % x 4

x 4 'A" forward, 1"

downward. Price,


No. 909 Kelly Kxtensioii H. Bar and Post. corn-

plete, less Grips ................B (Double row teeth) right side arm. . Price, each

B8a (Single row teeth) left side arm. . Price, each

Xo. 96 Kelly 2V2" Extension Stem .. .Price, each

Motorbike Jr.


Xo. 970 Ex-tension, % x

4V4 x 2%"ex t e n s i on.

Price, each.

ComfortNo. M84 Extension.

% x 9 x

extension 1'



No. 979 Plain. 7S x r>V'....Eai-l

No. 7 Plain,;:

, x 5%". ... Ea.-h

No. 978 I'l.i ',"... .Each

No. 1)71- Plain, l x :,'..,

". . . . Ea.

No. 972 'Plain, ^i x y" Each

No. 982 Plain, \l x 9" Each

KF.I/LY STEMS.No. !!) "Kelly" 2 1/-" Ex-

tension Stem. Price,

each"Kelly Stem Pan-.

112 - l-'orwanl ExtensionStem Nut Each

I',:; I'orward ExtensionStem Washer . . . .Each

B4 Forward ExtensionStem Expander Screw.

Each155 Forward ExtensionStem Expander Plug.

EachNo. 983 Plain. Each

Priees Subject to Change Without Xotlee.


Xo. 996. BS

Page 37: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


i Made in OurOwn Factory)

No. 964.

Handlebar PostNo. 964 Sills' Hygienic, %" x

5V Each

KXTRA PARTS Sills' Hygienic

Handlebar Post.

Post (stripped) EachHinge Clamp EachHinge Clamp Bolt EachHinge Clamp Bolt Xut. . . .EachHinge Bolt EachHinge Bolt Nut EachHollow Bolt EachExpander EachPlunger EachSpring Each

Handlebar TopsWidth. Forward Raise Price.

Bend, or Drop. Each.2" 4"2" 5"

No. 956 (C.C.M.) 20"No. 960 (24) 24"No, 974 (25) 17" 1%" 5%"Xo. 976 (27) 20" 0" 6"

N'OTE. All of the above tops are made in ourown Factory.Xo. 966 Comfort 20" 1 >/4


No. 987 "Motorbike Jr." 20%" 4"

i Handlebar Bolts < wlth ^pander

Bolts (Handlebar) with Kxpander Plug These Bolts

are manufactured from carefully selected steel, and are

nicely finished. They have fine hexagon nickelled heads,and can be supplied in the following- lengths:

No. 286 4"No. 287 5"

No. 288 6"

No. 289 7"

No. 290 8"No. 291 9"

Xo. 292 10"No. 293 12"

Dozen .

Dozen .

DozenNo. 307 Kxpander Plugs, per dozen.

HangersC.C.M. Crank Hanger(Model "T," 1917 and 1918.)

The Crank Hanger is the heart of a

bicycle, and it is therefore essential

that it be designed on correct prin-

ciples and carefully tooled and ma-chined.

C.C.M. Cranks are drop forgings.Crank Hanger Cups and Cones areturned from bar steel, and ball racesare ground perfectly true and polish-ed. The machining is carefully andcorrectly done, resulting in perfect ad-justment. The Cranks fit on the axle

on a slight tapered bearingon three flat sides. This

Hanger is regular equipmenton C.C.M. Bicycles.

Xo. 1051 Price, each A~ 2 it'

Extra Parts For C.C.M. Crank Hanger


in Our Oirn Factory)

1916, 1917 and 1918 Models. No 1221,. Left-hand Crank JambNo. 214 .Axle used 191'6/17/18. Xut, used 1916/17/18 ....Each

Each N"o. 4645 Sprocket, 50 tooth, %"No. 145 Stationary Cone used pitch, %" wide, used 11916/17/18

1916/17/18 Each ^ 3i'i~ EachNo. 60 Sprocket Bolt, used

1 :.] tf 17/18 Doz.Xo. 162 Sprocket Bolt Nut. used

J.J--V 19'16/17/1'8 Doz.

C.C.M. Crank


IM'nl< in Our

Own Factory)

(Stationary Cone assembled onaxle. See cut.)

X'o. 179 Adjusting Cone used1916/17/1*8 .............. Each

Xo. 174 Ball Cages (322) less

balls (A ball used), used1916/17/18 ................^Btt

Xo. 2774 L ock Nut, used1916/17/18 ............... Each

Xo. 151 Lock Nut Washer, usedl'16/17/l .............. Each

Steel Balls 5/16. used 1916/17/18.Per

Couple!' and Hall t'nses (ball bear-

ing sleeve), used 1916 only (notshown in plate) Each

Hall Case Collar (Ball Retainei

, r washer), used 1916 only (notshown in plate) Each

^^l 7^- Right-hand Crank, us., i x "' 4777^Right Cup (black finish),

used 1917 and 1918 only, modelT Each

m^fo. 4773 Left Cup (nickel platedXo. 121R. Right-hand Crank Jamb finish), used 1917 and 1918 only,

Xut, used 1916/17/18 Each model T Each

1916/17/18X'o. 120L. Left-hand Crank, used

1916/17/18 ...................-_.

"The Dealers' Interests Are Our Interests."

Page 38: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


HANGERS, Extra Parts for Hercules Crank HangerFor replacement on Model "F" Bicycles.

Cranks and Axle ( one-piece ) EachStationary Cone EachAdjusting Cone EachLock Nut EachLock Nut Washer EachBall Cups EachBall Case (Xo. 321). less balls Doz.

(Made in Our Own Factory)Balls, ?fc

" GrossDust Shield EachSprocket, 50 x % x H" EachVo. 1911 Special Stationary Cone Spanner for"Hercules" Hanger Each

Width of Hanger 2 31/64 inchesOutside diameter of Ball Cups 1 61/64 inches

HANGER, Stevens' RepairThe only Hanger which will fit

absolutely every size bracket. Onesize does it all.

This is a two-piece Hanger, with

shaft milled flat on one side long

enough to reach through any old

style hanger.

The crank shaft and left hand crankare threaded. After adjusting the

cones, screw left crank up against lock

nut, put in cotter pin and saw off

the shaft to desired length. All sizes

of cups and cones to fit same are car-

ried in stock.

In ordering, it is advisable to sendsample of bracket cup, or, where thatis not possible, the exact inside diam-eter of the crank brai-ket.









Cones^No. 551/2 supplied with Group No. 1,

Xo. 533/4 with Group No. 2, No. 555/6 with GroupNo. 3, No. 557/8 with Group No. 4, and No. 559/60with Group No. 5.

Price, complete with Cups (one in box).EachPrice, less Cups EachCups, Nos. 501-521 Per pairCones. Nos. 551-560 Peir pair111/16" x 24 liock Nuts EachHi/!*" "D" Washers Per I'OO

% "Cotter Pins Dozen

Sprockets. 3/16 x 24 and 26 tooth EachSprockets, * x 24 and 26" tooth EachRight Crank and Axle EachLeft Crank Each

Below we give a list of all the cups andcones and their sizes, and also state which cupseach pair of cones will fit. Every cup and conehas a number. Order by number.


(For all C.C.M. Ilinh (Jrade Bicycles.)4708 The following parts made up

complete Per set4709 Adjusting Cone Luck Xut....Each170:5--. \iljustini.' Cone Lock Washer.Each

1.117- -rpptr Adjusting Cone Each1.1 Hi- Bull ('age (5/32 balls used) upper

ur lower (less balls) Each1.148- t'pper or lower cup Each1.1 1 1 Stationary Cone Each

Page 39: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Holders, Bicycle Wall

Bedley Top.(Made in Canada)

Bedley This holder is

made from galvanized wire,

the top holder being leather

covered. It is furnished com-

plete with brace and screws.

Xo. 990 Per dozen .

Bed ley Bottom.< Mndc in Canada)

"Bedley Bot-tom" is a plainwire holder notcovered.Xo. 992 Perdozen .

The "(inn'' is

a plain holder

leather covered.

Screws supplied.

Xo. 991 Per

dozen .


i Made in Canadrij

Horns, Bicycle(We can supply parts for Honis listed.)

Bevins Long Distance

Hand operated Horn, substantially made, loud,

penetrating tone. Black enameled, with nickel-

plated bracket.

Xo. 1048 Without Projector, all Black. .


Xo. 1049 With Projector, all Black. Each

Xo. 1009 \VarnoIa Diameter of bell 3%",length over all, 10". Bends made of stiff tubing,not flexible as illustrated. Fine deep tone. Nickel-plated. No. 5 Bulb used Each

Xo. 1009R. Reeds for above EachXo. 1009B Bulbs for above Each

Xo. 999.

Xo. 999 (26) Bicycle Horn, diameter of bell 2V.length over all 8%", fixed clip, highly nickel-

plated Each

No. 1015 >Reeds for above Each

No. 1016 Bulbs for above Each



No. 1052.

.Medium priced effec-

tive Warning Signal,black enamel finish,

complete with attach-

ing bracket.Xo. 1052 (One in

a carton). Each

Xo. 1003 "Screech Owl." Avery superior "Siren," nickel-

plated. Fitted with ball bear-

ings. (2 in box) Each

Xo. 998 \\liiuiucl II.-

Bicycle Vibrator Horn.

Black enamel, withnickel-plated chain.(One in li.ix i 1'rice.

each .

Mi.- Dealer*' I lit. -rest-- \re Our Interest*."

Page 40: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Motorcycle Horns


Specially recommended for motorcycle use. Very

deep note. Finest nickel finish. Diameter of bell, 3%".

length over all, 12". (One in carton.)

No, 1007 (92) EachXo. 1007Rr-^Reeds EachXo. I007B (6) Bulbs Each


Fine nickel fin-

ish. Diameter of

bell 4%". Lengthover all, 10". (3

in box.)

No. 1020 (102). . . Each

No. 1007RReeds. . . Each

No. 1007B (6)B u 1 b_s

. Each


Diameter of bell, 3%". Length over all, 10". Fine,deep tone. Bends made of stiff tubing, not flexible asillustrated. Nickel-plated. Xo. 5 bulb used.No. 1009 (18B) EachNo. 1009R Reeds EachNo. 1009B (5) Bulbs Each

E. A.Size 4 x B%"; weight two

pounds. Supplied with twobrackets for attaching to

handlebar or top bar of

frame of Motorcycle. Tomeet the demand for a hornfor Motorcycles finished in

service green o-r khaki, this

model can now be suppliedin Khaki as well us Blackand Nickel.

No. 1022 Black andnickel Each

No. 1023 Khaki Each

Comfort Hubsi Made in Our Own Factor!/)

Comfort Front.

Hubs {.Made in Our Oti'ii Factory)

No. 25 Front Hubs -High

grade pressed Hub. Barrel madeof tubing, with ends pressed on.

Nicely plated. 32 and 36 hole.

No. 1047 Drilled 36. Each

Thi'se are high grade Hubs, turned

from best bar steel stock. Bearings are

accurately ground after being hardened.

Fitted with ball retainers and dust wash-ers. Absolutely dust proof. Workman-ship and finish are of highest quality.

Fitted with sprockets. 30 si>oke hole

front hubs will be supplied unless other-

wise ordered.These hubs are fitted with spring ball

type oiler.

Xo. 1036 (Comfort) Front, 36

hole EachNo. 1032 (Comfort) Front, 32

hole ; EachXo. 1030 Rear Each

in Our Own Factor)/}

Comfort Rear

Sulky Hubsi Made in Canada)

The Knockout Axle Hub Is

so much more satisfactory

that we have discontinued

the plain axle hub.

Xo. 1040 A superior hubwith special features and fin-

ish. Has knockout axle,

which makes it easy to keepclean. Drilled for 36 spokes.

Xo. 1040 EachNo. 1041 Axle .EachNo. 1042 Cone . EachNo. 1043 Cup ..EachNo. 1044 Axle Sleeves

. Each



MotorcycleFront Hubs1045 Drilled 36 ..Each

1046 Drilled 40 ..Each

Hub PartsSc-e page 13.

IVires Subject to Change Without Notice.

Page 41: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


LampsIt Pays to Push Lamps

A GOOD LAMP for the Bicycle is a necessityrather than a luxury. Many Towns are passing

By-laws compelling Bicycles as well as other

vehicles to carry a light. Even where there is no legal

compulsion, public opinion is strongly in favor of the

use of lamps as a "Safety First" measure.

This means that it will pay the Bicycle dealer well

to push strongly for lamp business.

In the "Old Sol" line we offer Dealers a wide rangeof well made, attractive lamps for both Bicycles and

Motorcycles. In" spite of the extremely high cost of

1>oth labor and materials the prices have heen consider-

ably reduced and "Old Sol" lamps are without doubt

the best value to be had at the present time.

Bicycle Oil LampsKingfisher A

well-made. reliable

English lamp of

good size and ap-pearance. Brassnickel-plated; fitted

with a wind-proofhead and convexlens; complete withbracket an<3 red side

jewels. Side jewelhinged. Burns C.C.M.

Burning Oil. not


Xo. 1122 (25)(One in box)

Kacli Kingfisher.

Equipped with SpringShock Absorbing Bracket.Made from brass, nickelfinish. Burns about 14hours on one filling. Redand green aide jewels.Polished reflector. Height6%", diameter of door3%", weight 1 Ib. 2 oz.

Complete with bracket.Burns kerosene (coal oil).No. 1119 (35) (One

in box >


BicycleCarbide Lamp

I'airther A goodEnglish lamp at alow price .Made ofall brass. nickel-

plated and highlypolished. B u r n s

with a steady light.

Complete withbracket. (One in

box. i

No. 1125 (20) uNTo

1153 Burner used)Each


Notice Owing Uj existing war conditions, it is tlitli-

cult to SIM 11 re Panther l.-imps. and we nmnot guaranteedelivery.

"Old Sol'

Bicycle Carbide Lamps




1,/arge, handsome Bicycle Lamp of motorcycle type.

Cannot blow out.

Height 7". Carbide capacity 6 oz. Diameter of door4". Burns 8 hours on one filling. Heavy brass, nickel-

plated, with black enamelled Bracket. Red and greenside jewels. Polished reflector.

No. 1141 (3) Price with Bracket (one in box)


No. 1140 (10)

Safe. attructi\e gas lamp, which requires very little

ire. The improved process generates gas at regular

intervals. Will not leak or corrode.

Height 6V4". Car-bide capacity 5 oz.

Diameter of door 3V4".Burns 6 to 7 hours onone filling;. Heavy brass,

nickel-plated, withblack enamelled brack-et. Red and green side

jewels. Polished refle"


No. 1140 (1O) Pricewith bracket (one in

box) ....Each Showing RM! Rear Signal.

No. 1142 (23)A powerful front white light and a red rear signal.

\Uiich is a protection to rider fi-om veliicles approach-

ini: from rear. For use on carriages and other veliicles.

Height 6 V". Diameteri if door 3%". Carbide

icity 5 oz. Burns 6 to7 hours. Heavy brass,

nickel-plated, with blackenamelled Bracket. Red

ii>wel. Polished re-:



No. 1142 (23)with Bracket (onein box) .... Each



No. 1142 (23).

'The Dealers' Interest* Are Our Interests.'

Page 42: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


S (Continued)

'Old Sol" Gas Lamps, Motorcycle "Old Sol" Electric Lamps, Bicycle

Bodies made from one-piece

heavy gauge brass, nickel-plated.

Door fitted with ball pin hinges.

Front diameter "%", height 7%",width 8V, depth 5%". Genuine 5"

Mangin mirror lens. Distance be-

tween props 6%". Fits all Old Sol

Standard Brackets. Regular % ft.

burner used. Without bezel shownin illustration.

No. 1184 (17) Black andNickel, with A. or C. Brack-ets. (1 in box). Price, each

No. 1165 (17) Nickel, with A. or C. Brackets.

, i in box) Price, each

Identical in size with No.

H164 (17). Fitted with rear

socket for spade bracket. Redand green side jewels. RegularV ft. burner used. Withoutbezel shown in illustration.

Takes 5" lens.

No. 1161 (16) Black andnickel (less bracket)

(o>ne in box) ....EachNo. 1162 (16) - Nickel

(less bracket) (one in

box) Each No. 1161 (16).

'Old Sol" Gas Lamps, Motorcycle

The leader of the "Old Sol"

line. Front diameter 8%",height 9", width 9Vi", depth

6%". Fitted with genuine 6"

Mangin mirror lens. Distance

between props T&". Fits all

"Old Sol" standard brackets.

Regular % ft. burner used.

\Viiliout bezel shown in illus-

tration.No. 1166 (8) Blackand nickel, with A.

or C. bracket (onein box) Each

No. 1167 (8) Nickel,

with A. or C. bracket

(one in box) . .Each

Popular for all classes of motor-

cycles. Front diameter 6V4". Genuine

4%" Mangin mirror lens. Height and

width "V- Depth 5Vt ". Equippedwith rear socket for spade bracket.

Without bezel, us shown. % ft. liurner

used.No. 116S (2) Nickel only (less

bracket) (one in box) ....

. . . Price, each

A splendid side-car lamp,having red rear signal andred and green side jewels.

4". Polished reflector,

1 >; ft. burner used. No bezel.

No. 1168 (13) Nickel,

complete with Brack-et. (One in box) . . .

Price, each


Will appeal to many boys who have been looking for

a real electric lamp at a reasonable price. Has largeattractive headlight with bracket for -handlebar.

Lamp all black enamelled. Uses two regular No. 6

batteries. Supplied with bulb 2.8 volts. 2 C.P. doublecontact, Ediswan base. Face of lamp 5" diameter.

Ijamp, Wiring and Bracket packed in one box. Dry("ell Container in another box.No. 1144 (4) (Less Battery) Price, each

High grade dependable electric lamp, which will

satisfy any rider wishing a Dry Cell outfit.

This lamp hasblack enamelledbody, with nickel-

plated door. Usestwo regular No. 6

batteries. Sup-plied with bulb2.8 volt. 2 candle-

power, single con-t a c t, Ediswanbase.

Diameter of door 4 '...


Lamp, Wiring and Bracket packed in one box. DryCell Container in another box.

No. 114."> (55) (Less Battery) ...... Price, each


Highly polished silver re-

"Old Sol" Electric Side Car LampWithout a headlight on the side car

you are in danger of being struck byan automobile or vehicle, as it is diffi-

cult for the driver to judge the spaceyou require. With a lamp on the side

car and one on the motorcycle you will

secure as much room as an auto-

mobile.Very neat bullet shaped lamp, 4" in

diameter.No. 1178 (40) Black and nick-

el. i> V.. 2 C.P., double con-

tact, Ediswan bulb used .....

................ Price, each

"Old Sol " Tail Lamp, Motorcycle


Substantial Gas Tail Lamp andLicense Holder, for rear guard of mo-

torcycle. Red glass 2%" diameter;

H foot burner used. Wire screen in

base of lamp for illuminating License

Bracket and for ventilation.

Off and on valve in gas tube for

regulation of gas. Bracket with side

arms for License Bracket, and holes

with bolts and nuts for attaching to

mudguard. Red or grey finish.

No. 1169 (15) Service Green,

for Harley-Duvidson and Ex-

celsior Moioivvcle (one in

box) ................. Price

No. I t7(l (15)-- K-d i "ne in

box) .................. Price

Prices Subject to Change Without Notiee.

Page 43: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


"Old Sol" Electric

Tail LampHas 3" rear red signal and license

plate bracket, with bolts and nuts.White celluloid in base of lamp toilluminate license plate. 6 V., 2 C.P.,single contact, Ediswan base bulbused. Black finish.

Vo. 1171 (64) (One in box)TIILLIMP.Price, each


Lamp Burners 4 1

Carbide GeneratorCapacity 12 oz. carbide, one pint of

water, will burn "Old Sol" No. S forabout 6 hours. Height 9". diameter4%". All nickel finish. Carbide cham-ber 4" high, 3" diameter.

No. 1186 (5) With E. or H.Bracket Price, each

\<>. 1198 K Bracket for FramePrice, each

No. 1199 H. Bracket for FrontFork Price, each

Lamp Brackets Lamp Brackets, Carriage

Made of heavy sheet

metal and spring steel

wire, heavily nickeled and

polished, light and strong,

adjustable, felt lined.

\o. 1150 (12 in

box) . .Per dozen

Xo. 1150.

'Old Sol" Motorcycle Lamp BracketsU. B. T. No. 5

Fork Side ClampsoLo SOL

Carries Prest - O - LiteTank and Lamp. Adapt-ed for Harley-Davidson,Henderson, Reading-Standard, Excelsior. En-amel and nickel finish.

Xo. 1197 (5) (Onepair in box). Price

Bracket "A"Can be fitted in front of fork head

or behind it, as shown in illustration.Will fit practically all motorcycles, in-

cluding Indian, Henderson, Reading-Standard, Sears, Excelsior. Iver John-son, Thor, Flanders, Pope, Yale,Pierce, Harley-Dawidson, etc.

Xo. 1194 (A) Price ..PerpaiiBracket "A-


Bracket CBracket "C"

Will fit Barley-Davidson, PopeVale. Emblem, Merkel, Excelsioretc.

Xo. 1 195 (C) Price, per pail

OLD-SOLU. B. T. No. 1

Truss ClampsCarries Prest - O - I.iu-

Tank and Lamp. Adapt-ed for Indian, Excelsior,1'ope, Thor, Merkel. Day-ton. Enamel finish.

Xo. 1196 (1) Price

Xo. 1 1 r> I .

(Made in Our Own Factory)

Made from heavy sheet steel, japanned. Thus bracket

is titled with an adjustable clamp, easily attached to

dash board.

Xo. 1151 Price Each

Lamp Burners, Acetylene GasXo. 1155 Solar Burn-ers for Solar GasLamps Price

Xo. 1152 Lava Tip*.Vt foot. Can be usedfor either Solar or20th Century Gas

Xo. 1152. Lamps. 1 gross in

box Per dozen

"Old Sol" Burners

Xo. 1155

Xo. 1206 (OS106) 1/6 foot, for "Old Sol"

Bicycle Carbide (Gas) I^amps Each

Xo. 1207 (OS200) >2 foot, for "Old Sol"

iMotorcycle Carbide (Gas) Lamps Nos.1161 (16), 1164 (17), and 1166 (8).Each

Xo. 1208 (OS39) ys foot, for "Old Sol" Mo-torcycle Carbide (Gas) Lamps Nos. 1163C.M and 1168 (13) Each

P. &H.This burner gives a flat flame from a

single gasway. It can be easily cleaned. Itis used on all Powell and Hanmer Bicycle?as lamps.

Xo. 1153 Price, doz. (1 gross in box,

Vo. 1153.

Bray's Deto

Xo. iir.i Price, do/.

' 1 uross in b

The Dealers' Interests Are Our Inter. -(>..

Page 44: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Lamp PartsSearchlight Lamp Parts

No. Description.I Top2 Top Cap3 Reflector, complete4 Screw and Waaher for Reflector5 Window and Wires6 Lens7 'Lens Wire8 Fount9 Filler Cap10 Hanging Tube Cap11A Burner with (Metal Collar and Lava Tip12 Presser Spring13 Carbide Cup14 Bracket15 Head Clamp16 Bracket Clamp1 7 Bracket Set Screw18 Bracket Adjusting Screw19 Head Clamp Screw and Whig Nut for Bracket20 Rubber Gasket22 Carblot Gas Strainers








XOTE. Always specify for Searchlight Gas Lampwhen ordering above i>arts.

Powell & Hanmer Lamp PartsPanther No. >1125Panther Self-Lighter. (Not Listed) No. 1126Panther Duplex. (Not Listed) No. 1128Revenge. ( Not Listed) No. 1129P. & H. ( Not Listed) No. 1130Demon No. 1120Referee. (Not Listed) No. 1121Kingfisher. (Not Listed) No. 1122P. 1 Glasses for Nos. 1125, 1126, 1128 ..Each $0.24P. 1A Glasses for No. 1129 Each .24P. 2 Glasses for No. 1130 Each .54P. 3 Glasses for No. 1120 (with rims). . . .Each .36

P. 4 Glasses for No. 1121 (with rims) . . . .Each .48P. 5 Glasses for Xo. 1122 Each .48P. Burner .Xo. 1153. (Screw-in) Doz. 1.60I'. 7 Water Caps Each .201. 8 Valves Each .36P. 9 Valve Screws Each .24I'. 10 Ziiu- Tubes Each .24P. 11 Filter Pads Each .24I*. 12 Large Rubber Washers Each .24P. 13 Small Rubber Washers Each .10P. 14 Adjustment Screws Each .24P. 15 Springs ami Plates Each .24P. 16 Pad Plates and Nuts Each .40P. 17 Back Springs Each .10P. 18- Bottom Screws Each .40P. 19 Carbide Chambers for No. 1125 ....Each .40P. 20 Carbide Chambers for No. 1130 . . . .Each .52P. 20A Carbide Chambers for Xo. 1129.. Each .52P. 21 Cross Gate Each .24P. 22 Smoke Cap Each .24P. 23 Cones for Xo. 1125 Each 1.40P. 24 Cones for Xo. 1129 Each 2.10P. 25 Cones for Xo. 1130 Each 2.80P. 26 Pad Plates Each .24P. 27 Backs Each .40P. 28 Windups for Nos. 1120, 1121, 1122 . .Each .24I'. 29 Founts comp.. for Nos. 1120, 1121, 1122..

Each .40I*. 30 Bin* Springs for No. 1120 Each .10P. 31 Wire for Glasses Eac"h .10

XOTE. When ordering any of above Lamp Parts,always ghe Hie immlicr of lamp for which part is re-


" Old Sol"Lamp Parts

Below we list the most important replacement partsfur "Old So!" Hjfycle and Motorcycle Lamps. Should yourequire other parts for these Lamps which are not listed,kindly send for special parts list and quotation on de-sired parts.

Always give number of Lamp when ordering parts.

Parts for Xo. 1119 (35) "Old Sol" Bicycle Oil Lamp.OS463 Front Door Glass $0.20OS1216 Reflector with hole in centre 50OS1224 Burner, less wick 20OS1226 Wick only 20OS1531 Retaining Band for Door Glass 20

"Old Sol" Lamp Parts (Continued)

Parts for "Old Sol" 1164 (17) and 1161 (16) MotorcycleGas lump. Prici

No. Description. Each.OS200 Burner % ft. Standard Pillar $0.60OS432 Door Glass 30(>S4:?:5 Glass Retaining Ring 30<>si:S(> Retaining Ring for Mirror Lens 30OS439 Burner Holder 30( >sr>25 iMangin iMirror Lews, 5" 3.00OS798 Bezel or Door Reflector 1.50

Parts for "Old Sol" 1166 (8) Motorcycle Gas Lamp.OS30 Burner Holder $0.30OS193 'Door Glass, 8"OS200 Burner % ft. Standard Pillar


.60OS201 Mangin Mirror 'Lens, 6" 3.50OS206 Retaining Wire for Door Glass 30OS641 Wire Retaining Ring for Mirror Lens . . .30OS799 Bezel or Door Reflector 2.OO

Parts for "Old Sol" 1163 (2) Motorcycle Gas Lamp.OS7 Retaining Ring for Door Glass $0.30OS9 Door Glass 30OS23 Burner Holder for Pillar 30OS39 Burner % ft. Standard Pillar 60OS41 'Reflector 4%". Includes frame 3.00OS797 Bezel or Door Reflector 1.50

Parts for "Old Sol" 1168 (13) Motorcycle Gas Lamp.OS103 Door Glass $0.30OS106 Burner 1/6 ft.. Standard Pillar 40OS536 'Reflector with Hole 50OS1399 Retainer for Door Glass 30

Parts for 1141 (3) "Old Sol" Bicycle Gas Lamp.OS73 Reflector. New Style $0.40OS74 Carbide Retaining Disc only 20OS76 Carbide Chamber only 2.00OS84 Water Filler Cap, with Leather Washer.OS107 Carbide BasketOS90 Valve Rod, completeOS94 Spring for Carbide PlateOS98 Rubber GasketOS100 Binding Screw for Head and Generator.OS103 Door GlassOS106 Burner 1/6 ft. Standard PillarOS398 Valve Seat, KnurledOS487 Spring Retainer for Filter PlateOS489 Felt FilterOS502 Filter Retaining Plate< >s28 Left Extension, MaleOS629 Right Extension, FemaleOS638 Bracket for New Style BoltOS1561 Valve Seat Cap, including Screen

















Parts for 1140 (10) "Old Sol" Bicycle Gas Lamp.OS74 Car-bide Retaining Disc only $0.20OS84 Water Filler Cap, with Leather Washer. .20OS98 Rubber Gasket 20OS100 Binding Screw for Head and Generator. . .20OS106 Burner 1/6 ft. Standard Pillar 40OS107 Carbide Basket 60()S;!!(8 Valve Seat, Knurled 20OS453 Retainer Ring for Door Glass 10OS407 Valve Rod, complete with Thumb and

Spring 80OS469 Carbide Chamber only 2.00OS475 New Style Reflector 40OS487 Spring Retainer for Filter Plate 10OS489 Felt Filter 10OS502 Filter Retaining Plate 20OS628 Left Extension, Male . 40OS629 Right Extension, Female 40OS638 Bracket for New Style Bolt 8(1

OS1561 Valve Seat Cap, including Screen 40

Parts for No. 1142 (23) "Old Sol" Bicycle Gas Lamp.O874 'Carbide Retaining Disc only $0.20OS84 Water Filler Cap, with Leather Washer.. .20

OS94 Spring for Carbide Plate 10OS98 Rubber Gasket 2HOS100 Binding Screw for Head and Generator. . .20

OS107 Carbide Basket 60OS398 Valve Seat, Knurled 20OS 153 Retaining Ring for I>oor Glass 10OS454 Red Glass 20OS463 Front Door, Glass White 20OS467 Valve Rod, complete with Thumb and

Spring 80OS469 Carbide Chamber only 2.00OS 187 Spring Retainer for Filter Plate 10OS489 Felt Filter 10OS502 Filter Retaining Plate 20OS1561 Valve Seat Cap. Includes Screen 40

Page 45: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


"Old Sol" I tamp Parts (Continued)Part* for 1145 (55) "Old Sol" Bicycle Electric Lamp.

PriceNo. Description. Each.'OS103 Door Glass $0.30OS170 G. 8 2.8 Volt, 2 C.P. Single Contact Edis-

wan Base II

OSW28 I*ft Extension. .Male 40(>S>;>9 Riu-ht Extension. Female 40OS1399 Retainer for Door Glass 30OS1449 Wiring for Electric Outfit. Includes 1582 1.40

OS1511 Reflector only 1.20

OS1538 Front Fibre Insulator 10OS1749 Inside Battery Connector 20OS1574 Battery Case, Xew Style for Screw .... 2.50OS1575 Battery Case Cover, Xew Style for .Screw 1.00

OS1582 Switch Plug 60OS1745 Paper Insulator 10OS1750 Paper Insulator 20

Parts for No. 1144 (4) "Old Sol" Bicycle Electric Lamp.OS628 Left Extension, Male $0.40OS629 Right Extension, Female 40OS1449 Wiring for Electric Bicycle Outfit. In-

cludes 1582 1.40

OS1469 2.8 Volt. 2 C.P. Double Contact EdiswanBase Bulb 44


OS1538 Front Fibre InsulatorOS1574 Battery Case, New Style for Screw ...

OS1580 Door GlassOS1582 Switch PlugOS1584 Retaining RingOS1745 Paper Insulator

Parts for No. 1173 (40) "Old Sol" Electric Side CarLamp.

OS103 Door Glass $0.30OS1119 Searchlight Socket, Double Wire, Per-

manent Plug 70OS1168 6 Volt, 2 C.P. Double Contact Ediswan

Base 44OS1247 Reflector 1.20

OS1399 Retainer for Door Glass 10

Parts for No. 1186 (5) Generator.OS4 Valve Rod $0.80OS84 Water Filler Cap, with Leather Washer.. .30

OS94 Spring for Carbide Plate 10OS96 Carbide Chamber, includes Screws only. . 3.00OS101 Water Chamber, complete 4.00OS112 Carbide Basket, with Perforated Tube . . .80

OS113 Disc Plate 50OS115 Rubber Gasket 20OS398 Valve Seat, Knurled 30OS487 Spring Retainer for Filter Plate 10OS488 Felt Filtering Pad 10OS501 Filter Plate 30OS1561 Valve Seat Cap, includes Screen 40

Parts for 1169 (15) "Old Sol" Motorcycle Tail Gas LampOS453 Retaining Ring for Door Glass $0.30OS454 Red Glass 30OS1 155 Burner 50

Parts for 1171 (64) "Old Sol" Electric MotorcycleTail Lamp.

OS1154 Retaining Ring for Door Glass $0.20OS1153 Red Glass in Frame 30OS1056 6 Volt, 2 C.P., Ediswan Base Single Con-

tact BulbOS1759 Plug and Bulb SocketOS1767 Cap for Switch Plug




Lamp TubingRubber Lamp Tubing.

for connecting up motor-cycle and bicycle lampswith generators.

So. 19251 &" x AT"wall . .Per 100 ft.

"Old Sol" BurnersNo. 1206 (OS106) 1 R foot, for "< "ilil Bol"Bicycle Carbide (Gas) Lamps Each

No. 1207 (OS200) ^ foot, for "Old Sol"

Motorcycle Carbide (Gas) Lamps, Nos.1161 (16), 1164 (17). and 1166 (8) . .Each

Xo. 1208 (OS39) -\ foot, for "Old W.d"

Motorcycle Carbide (Gas) Lamps, Nos.1163 (2) and 1168 (13) . ...Each




I'st-d on P. & H. Motorcycle Lamps. This atmos-pheric burner gives a flat flame from a single gas-way. Has no projecting arms to fracture, or jets offlame to get out of alignment; so there is no risk ofbroken lens or mirrors.

Fitted wiith check, as illustrated, which preventsflaring when subjected to an excess of pressure.No. 1204 125 or 127 P. & H. Lamp, f ft., 10

litres (one dozen in small carton) .. .Per dozer.No. 1205 For 120 P. & H. Lamp (not listed),% ft., 14 litres (one dozen in carton) .Per dozen

Motorcycle LampBurners

"Alco Hexo" Burner.Fits them all, and with hexagon base is

easiest to instal. Made in fjj and V4 ft.

gas consumptions.Xo. 1200 44 ft. (one dozen i-n box)

Per dozenXo. 12(11 V4 ft. (one dozen in box)

Per dozenXo. 1200-1.

Alco Cyco" Burner.

A cheaper and very popular stylefor Motorcycle Lamps. fjj and Hft. gas consumption. Round knurl-ed base.

Xo. 1202 y% ft. (one dozen an

box) Per dozer

No. 1203 H ft. (one dozen in

1 ii ix ) Per dozen No. 1202-:i

Leggings, MotorcycleKnee Length. Well made, from

good quality of waterproof canvas.Beaded edge. Fitted with forkfastener. Sizes 15 and 16.

No. 1210 (Size

15.) Per pair.

No. 1211 (Size

16.) Per pair.


Strongly con-structed of dur-able waterproofcanvas with bead-ed edges. Clasp

ners in placeof strap shown in


No. 1227 (Size15.) Per pair.


No. 1228 (Size

16.) Per pair.

Page 46: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Locks, Bicycle and Motorcycle

Hex Padlock. A very popular,

fast selling lock, nickel plated, sup-

plied with two keys. . Shipping

weight 2 Ibs. per dozen, packed one

dozen locks in box.

No. 1230 (103) ..Per dozen

Mars Padlock. Another fast selling

small, safe lock. Spring opening andself-locking, with two keys. Nickel

plated. Shipping weight 2 Ibs. per

dozen, packed one dozen locks in box.

No. 1230 (100) ....Per dozen

Star Padlock. A neat, well made,

spring opening, self-locking padlockwith two steel keys for each lock.

Size 2 x 2%", nickel plated. Weight3 Ibs. 13 ozs. per dozen. Packedone dozen in box.

No. 1232 (140) . .Per dozen

No. 1215 Bicycle Lock,

Brass Lock,hinged type


Size 3" over all,

Shackle opening

%" wide, 2-&"

deep. Self lock-

ing, two keys.

No. 1215 (T78)

(One dozen in

box) .. .Per doz.


This assortment consists of one

dozen assorted Bicycle Locks

and Chains, 4 brass finished and

8 japanned. On handsome litho-

graphed display card. Two keys

to each lock.

No. 1218 (Bl) Price percard (one dozen locks

land chains)1221 Chain only,

9%" long. White metal,

double ring (2 dozen in

box) Per dozen '.

Bicycle and Motorcycle Padlock Assort-

ment displays one dozen locks in assorted

finishes. Two each in brass plated, antique

coppered, black, blue, green and red enamel


Locks are 1%" across case, and shackle

opening is 4y4" x }|" inside measurement.

Display card is 16%" x 12 %", made of

extra heavy binder board, with wire easel

back and holes for hanging.

Two keys with each lock, keys being on

back of card.

No. 1221 (78A) Per dozen

No. 1222, Bicycle Lock

Shell Polished


Shackle Steel

Rod, Nickelled.

I n t e r 1 o r

Spring Levers.

Key Cylinder

Brass slotted.

Keys Corru-

l gated and nickel-

lled. 2 to each

I lock.

I No. 1222 (2092)

(6 in box) . .

. . Each

A/I"ANY a dealer has doubled his Lock sales by merelv

reniindinj>- customers that a bicycle is too valuableBlack japanned with double

ring white metal chain, two


xo. 1216 <4026)-(0ne doz. in and too easily stolen to be left standing without a lock.

carton) Per dozen

Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.

Page 47: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Locks (Continued)

Chain Lock

Xo. 1223 Bicycle and MotorcycleLock.

shackle Hardened steel rod,

nickelled, which springs to quarterturn when unlocked. 5" long.

Keys Two nickelled corrugatedsteel keys with each lock.

Packed, six locks in cartoon.

Xo. 1223 (5-089) Each

No. 1219.

Bronze metal case, polished;heavy malleable iron shackle, sher-ardized (rust-proof), secure brasstumblers, dog and dog detainer.Two heavy flat steel keys each.

Each lock with 18" strong steelwire chain, galvanized.

Xo. 1219 Price, per dozen.

Xo. 1220 Motorcycle LockShackle is reversible, adjustableand easily removable from the case.The size of shackle (6%" long x1%" wide inside measurement) al-lows the use of this lock on all

makes of machines. It is ratchetedto permit adjustment to length of

Brass case 2" across.Each in a carton with two cor-

rugated steel keys.(Six cartons packed in a box.)

Xo. 1220 (1094) Price, each

Our line of locks will stand any weather and climate, and will not rustor tarnish. Kverj lock is furnished with two keys.


It is made of the very best

material, and is supplied in %"x 2%" sticks, and 1" x 4" tin boxwith push bottom.

Xo. 1225 % "x 2 % "


(12 in box) . . . .Per doz.

No. 1225 % "x 2 % "


(12 in box).. Per gross

X. 1226 1" x 4" Tin Box

(12 in box) . . . .Per doz.

Xo. 1225. Xo. 1226


(Hexagon Forged) Nickelled.

Carefully cut and threaded. Hardened to the propertemperature. Well nickellert over copper.

Size. Thread.Vt 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 or blank. .Per dozen& 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 or blank Per dozenA 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 or blank .. Per dozen

iO, 22, 24. 26, 28, 30, 32 or blank .. Per dozen

Lubricant, ChainoleneThe correct

lubricant for

Roller TypeChains, its

d i s t i nctive

adhesivequalitieskeeping the

rolls revolv-

ing continu-

ally in a film

of oil, thus

m i n imizing

the friction.

Xot graphite.C'hainoleiie.

Ribbon shape opening in tube makes it easy to applyto chain. Economical, because it will not drip or"throw."

No. 568 Collapsible tubes, small size (1 dozen in

display box) Per dozenXo. 569 Collapsible tubes, large size (1 dozen in

display box ) Per dozen

Nuts, WingXo. 1300 . Blank, nickelled

Per 100

Xo. 1301 U Blank, niekelledPer 100

Xo. 1302 Fur Telescope Pumps.Per 100

' The Dealers' Interests Are Our Interests."

Page 48: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Oils, Lubricating




Original 3-in-l

Lubricates chain bearings and all

points of friction. Never gums. Cleans

:tll parts quickly and thoroughly. This

oil is vt-ry popular, and, as its name de-

notes, it is "three in one," being in gen-

eral use for lubricating, cleansing and


No. 1353 1 oz. bottles (24 in box)

'.-... Per doz.

\i>. 1354 3 oz. bottles (12 in box)

Per doz.

No. 1355 8 oz. bottles (Factory

size* (12 in box) . . . . Per doz.

"3 In 1" bottle.


No. 18217 (36in wood box)In 8 oz. Spout Can.

Per doz

In Canada)C.C.M. Imbricating

OH.In 2 oz. Bottles.

\o. 1358 ill'

in carton)..Per doz

OilC.C.M. Brake

A specially prepared heavy

body oil, for use in the Hercules

brake. Use of this oil will give

you much bolter service from

your brake.

No. 1383 '2

-z. bottles. .

Per doz.



OilC.C.M. BurningA highly refined smokeless oil,

for burning in bicycle lamps,motor lamps, carriage lamps,lanterns, etc. Supplied in 8 oz.


We have a quantity of 8 o/.

tins, which will be applied on all

orders until stock is exhausted.

No. 1359 (12 in box)..!'..] .lozen

Hercules Brake Oil. C.C.M. Burning Oil.

/ Made in Canada)

Oilers, Bicycle

No. 1375 Popular Oil-

er, lilted with cap

in to prevent

leaking. Xickelled (%n t>ox). Il-

lustration is actual

size.. Per doz.

No. 1376 All brass, heavily

nirki'l-plated. Fitted with heavy

cap over stem to prevent leaking.

Illustration is actual size. This is

the oiler supplied in tool K

C.C.M. Bicyrlps.

No. 1370 I ''i gross in box)

. . I'IT dozen PATFCB.IS.ISSj

No. 1375.

Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.

Page 49: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies




No. 1381.

< in oitr Uirn J-'nctori/ )

Hercules Pedal, Men'sHigh class rubber pedal, very handsome design.

Well made, finely finished and easy running.Right and left pedals stamped "11" and "L" re-

spectively.No. 1401 '/>," x 20 thread, width 4" (one

Pair in box i .


Per pair

An all brass oiler,

nickel-plated. Size' 2%eter, length over all 6%".No. 1381 (12 in box). . .

Per dozen

i/'i'/ iii <_iur Own Factory)

Rat Trap Pedal, No. 40Comparatively new design which is g.v-

ing splendid satisfaction and promises t<>

heavily be very popular. Accurately made and

diam- beautifully finished.

No. 1411 1 6"

x 20 thread, width4" (one pair in box) ... Per pairNo. 1412 %" x 20 Per pair

Pedal, Rubber Bicycle Parts for Rubber Pedal

No. 1406 Rubber Bicycle Pedal.% x 20 (one pair in box).

Per pairNo. 1408 Rubber Bicycle Pedal.

i!, x 20 (one pair in box).Per pair

"Get Home" MotorcyclePedal Axle

"No. 1462 (10) Rubbers..(Grey) Per set (4)

No. 1464 (1) Axle, Right.Each

No. 1405 (1)- Axle, Left.

EachNo. 146(1 (14) Dust Tap


No. 1467 (2) Cone. . . . EachNo. 1468 (4) Axle Nut

DozenNo. 14(i () Bulls for

Rubber EachNo. 1470 (7) Nutsforl469.

DozenNo. 1471 (5) Axli Washers

DozerNo. 1472 (3) ouls-lde Kail

Races EachNo. 1473 (3A) Inside Kail

No. 1474 (12)- Plates.. Doz.

No. 1471 (12) Plates. .Don.

No. 1478 (8) Rubber Wash-ers Dozen

/Mink: in Unr Own Factory)

Hercules Pedal, LadiesWell made, nicely finished ruboer

pedal, similar to the Men's Her-cules, but with shorter and rounderframe. Right and left pedalsstamped "R" and "L" respectively.No. 1100 %" x 20 thread,

width 3V&" (ono pair in

bnxl Per pair

Parts for HerculesPedals

(Ladies' and Men's).No. 1423 Rubbers, Men's.

Per Set of 4

No. 1424 Plates, Men's.Dozen

No. 1425 Rubbers, Ladies'Per set of 4

No. 1426 Plates, Ladies'.

DozenNo. 325 Bolts and Nuts.

DozenNo. 1431 Axle, Right...

EachNo. . (432 Axle, Left

EachNo. 1436 Dust Cap. EachNo. 1433 Cone .... EachNo. 1434 'Locknut. DozenNo. 1435 Washer. Dozen

Parts for C. C. M.Pedals

No. 1427 RubbersNo. 1428 Plates Dozen

Per set (4)No. 325 Bolts and Nuts.

DozenNo. 1431 Axle, Right. EachNo. 1432 Axle, Left. EachNo. 1436 Dust Cap. EachNo. 1433 Cone EachNo. 1134 Locknut ....DozenNo. 113.-) Washer ..Dozen

This Axle is threaded % x 20Right hand thread on one end, andleft on the other end. You can"Get Home'' with it if you breakyour regular pedal axle. Slottedends.No. I 117 ...


"Knock Out"

MotorcycleCan lie taken off without

removing pedal axle fromcrank. Pedals marked Rightand Left.

No. 1418 </2" x 20

thread (one pair in

box ) Per pairDrillers' Interests Ape Our Interests."

Page 50: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Pedal Wrench, ShopSpecially adapted for attaching and

detaching pedals. Opening %", in-

stead of %" illustrated. Semi-


No. 2907 (540)'

. . . . Dozen

Pennants, AdvertisingSee page 12.

Posts, Bicycle Seat

PliersCombination, 6-inch

Manufactured from liest tool steel, drop forged and

tempered. Black finish, with polished jaws.

No. !.-).-> I:; Per pair

PliersCone, Offset

No. 1454.

(Specially hardened in Our Own Factory.)

Drop forged, 8" over all. Has long thin jaws ( sVthick), offset to grasp large or small lock nuts, cones,

etc., where there is only a narrow space to get at them.

Has wire cutting attachment and screw driver handle.

No. 1454 Each

Kx pander Type.

No. 15103 X 5%",sizes %", -iil". %".if", 1" Each

\<>. 1511 3 x 5%"i all other diam-

eters) Each

No. 1512 4%" x

SV Sizes %".{?,". %", ti". 1".


No. 151:5 4 U" x

SV- (All other

diameters, includ-

ing 1 1/32", 1-fo".

C.C.M. Type.Made in Our Own Factory

No. 1514 % x 6"

C.C.M. Type. EachNo. 1515 %" x 9"

C.C.M. Type. EachNOTK. Tl-e No. 1514 is

the Post regularly suppliedon C.C.M. liigh srade hi-


Seat Post ClampsSee page 16.

Plugs, Sampson Brass




\rmcTioN\ DUCK


(Marie in Canada)

We carry these in three sizes, viz.,

small, medium and large, 1 gross in


No. 1475 Small - Per dozen

N. I47 -Medium ... Per dozen

No. 1477 LaifM- .... Per dozen

This "End Cutting" Nipper has narrow jaws espe-

cially adapted for cutting ends off spokes. In two sizes,

5" and 6".

No. 1452 6" (.6 in box I I 'ail-

No. 1453 6" (6 in box.i Pair

Extra jaws for end cutting nippers. i in orderingstate whether male or female. >

5" Each6" Kach


Plugs, String

For Chain Pliers or GripsSee page 24.

Rubber Plugs WithStrings, for repairing single

tube tires, in three sizes:

small, medium and large.

No. 1486 Small (100in box) . . . .Per 100

No. 1487 Medium (100in box) Per 100

No. 1488 l,.u^< (100in box > ... !'e-

Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.

Page 51: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Pumps, BicyclePumps, Hand Pumps, Foot

Pumps 49

Hand Pump. 5 %" barrel. Nickel-plated. Suppliedwith 3" rubber connection, fitting all standard va'ves.Xo. 1520 ... . Per Dozen

Pumps, Frame

Austin Bicycle Frame Pump.

Special feature: No tube connection, no leaky joints.F.nd of pump fits over valve as in old "Banner" pump.

Size of barrel. 9*6" x %". Length ove; all, 12%".Xo. 1523 (12 in box), complete with one clip...


Hercules, nickelled. Made from very best qualityln-ass tubing, nickel-plated. Fitted with high grade rub-ber connection, screw fitting, in end of plunger.

Size of barrel, 9%" x %"; length over all, 11"Xo. 1522 Less Clips (each in carton) .Per dozenXo. 1526 With No. 1542 Clips Per dozen

Bluemel Black Celluloid.

Very attractive in appearance. Well made and sub-stantial. Solid moulded ends. No parts can come loose

with use. Size of barrel. 14%" x 14". Length over all,

IS 1/!". Complete with rubber connection, with spring-in

lilting in end of plunger.X'o. 1525 Less clips (36 in box) Per dozenXo. 1527 With No. 1540 Clips (36 in box)....

Per dozenThe 1540 is the English style clip not listed.


Frame PumpThese will help to sell your

pumps. Aluminum finish,

12" at Last-, i; '.4

"at apex;

height 18%", with standingraok. Tak.-s .me dozen


X'o. 1550 Kach

Favorite. A medium priced Pump, which has givenuniversal satisfaction; 1%" x 12", seamless steel barrel,

polished. Cap screws off at top. Length over all,

17%"; weight, 18 oz.

X'o. 1560 (15) Favorite (100 in box) .Per dozen

"C.C.M/ 1

C.C.M. 1%" x 12". Length over all, 17%". Barrelis made from seamless brass tubing, nickel-plated. Capscrews off at top. Weight 19 oz. Cast base. Fitted with12" rubber pump connection.

Xo. 1563 (215) (100 in box) Per dozen

Noera. 1565 (84).

X'oera (84) A good single action Bicycle Tire

Pump. Seamless steel barrel, nickel-plated, 1%" x 13",

length over all 23", plated cast base, screw cap. Fittedwith 2 foot connection.

X'o. 1565 (84) (25 in box) Each

Comfort PumpTwo-cylinder double action

Pump; cylinder 16" long; height

over all, 19%"; width of handle,

Steel barrels, cast base. 20"

pump connection, with swivel

fitting. Exceptional value.

Xo. 15201 Less Gauge(50 in box) ...... Each


Xo. 1550

Pump Clips, FrameSuitable for %" pumps. One clip

all that is required for holding pump.Fitted with Wing Nut.

Xo. 1542 . . pPr dozer.

'The Dealers' Interest^ Are Our Interests/'

Page 52: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Foot Pump, Bridgeport


PUEQpS (Continued)

Pump Stems

Bridgeport (8) A large Pump, for store or shopuse. Extra heavy seamless brass cylinder, nickel-plated,

20" long- x 1 Vz" diameter, length over all 26". Heavycast base, screw cap. Fitted with 24" connection.

No. 1564 (8) (25 in box) Each

Pumps, Motorcycle

"Excel" Combination Frame and Foot Pump.Seamless brass barrel, nickel-plated. Size of barrel,

18 x 1"; length over all, 22%". Fitted with swivel

handle, which can be turned lengthwise on 'end of

plunger and fitted over barrel. Foot Bracket also folds

against the barrel.

Pump stem fits down inside of plunger with a spring

clip. Fits either English or American style valve.

No. 1531 Price, with two No. 1542 clips... EachNo. 1542 Clips for above Per dozen

No. 1610- -3", for Hand 1'umps. plain srey rubber

(25 in bundle) Per dozer

No. 1611 12", for Foot Pumps, plain grey rubber

(100 in bundle) Per dozenNo. 1614 For Xo. 1564 and 1565 BridgeportPumps, two feet long Each

No. 1615 Universal spring-in style, fits nickel

and celluloid English frame pumps. (See note.)

(One gross in carton) Per dozenNo. 1616 For No. 1522 American Nickel FramePumps Per dozenNOTE. We cannot obtain a further supply of

screw-in style stems for Hercules Nickel and Celluloid

Pumps of English manufacture, and have, therefore,

arranged for a universal spring-in style stem (No. 1615).

which will fit both these pumps.Our Nickel Pump No. 1522 is now American made,

and No. 1616 stem fits it.

Pump Connections

Austin Motorcycle Pump.

Special feature: No tube connection, no leaky joints.

End of pump fits over valve as in old "Banner" pump.Size of barrel, 15" x 1. Length over all, 18%". Nickel-


No. 1532 (Each in carton), complete with two

clips Each

K. Swivel.

Standard equipment on most Foot

Pumps, and many Hand Pumps.Handy and easily tilted to rubber hose.

No. 1591 For -ft" Tubing (25 in

box) Per doz

The -Keno" The threaded

part is steel. The stem that

goes in hose and the body are

one solid piece (25 in box).

No. 1592 Regular size,

fur A" tubing ...Each

No. 1593 'Large size, for

% "tubing Each

Frame Pumps, Motorcycle

No. 1533 Motorcycle Frame Pump, nickel-plated. Size of barrel, 18" x 1"; length

over all, 19". Pump connection, with screw fitting in end of plunger.

Complete with two clips Price, each No. 1594.


For renewing pump washers mi hand, foot and floor

pumps, 100 in box.

No. 22196 -VK" Per IOC

Ni>. 22189 %". (Fits pumps i:.. Per 100

No. 221H5 %". (Fits pump No. 15201). Per 100

No. 221<> 1"

Per 100

No. 22167 1%". I Fits pump X". L560).Per 1UO

No. 22168 1 '4 ". Fits pump Per 100

No. 22169 1 ""*". i Fits pump .V Per 100

N... 22170 IV Pea- 100

No. 22171 1%" - -


Bo.xed Assortment Fur the cim uf the bi-

,i;iir trade, we have prepared an assortment of

Pump Washers. comprising the following sizes:

6 %", 18 %", 12 1".

No. 1555 Per

The "Bull Dog" Well ! with a good grip.

No. 1594 (2 r, in carton) Each

Pump Connections



Acorn \imle. No. 1595.

An an.ule connection, especially

: short, stiff hose.

\o. 15(15 '," sine only (25 in car-


Page 53: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies




Acorn No. 1596.

ThumlockThumlock Pump Con-

nection. A new device

which grips securely on

the valve by pressing a

small lever with the

thumb. Nothing to get

out of order.

X'o. ir>97 . . Each

Our new stock will

be fitted with a metalcollar inside the cham-ber, which preventsforcing the connectionon the valve so far thatit cannot easily be re-


Xo. 1596 ft", I J5-Dregular size (60 >O

in package).. .


We cannot obtain %"size at present.



For Power Pumps only.

Xo. 2289 (25 in

carton) . . Each

Pump RubbersNo. 22103

Ac orn

(100 inbox). Perdoz.


Arorn. Banner.

Xo. 1538 Pits in Austin Pump Per doz


(Made in Canada)

\Vc furnish black pump hose in three following sizes:l''\ iV, %", 2-ply. The %" is for hand or foot pumps,A" for shop or floor pumps, and the V4

"for large auto-

mobile power pumps. We also supply a special grade ofred tubing, as specified below:

Black.No. ii>20 14'

\... 1621 A'Xo. 1622 %'


. . . Per foot

. . . Per foot

. . .Per foot

Keel.Xo. 1630%", 2-ply Per foolXo. 1631 fs ", 3-ply Per footXo. 1632 V, 3-pl> Per foot

No. 1499Metric.



MotorcycleMade in

Two Sizes.

Fully guaranteedComplete cleaninginstructions in eachbox.

Xo. 1499 Metric.

Price, each

No. 1500 A. I..A.M.

Price, eachSectional View.



For reaming out valve hole in rims and repair workon wood or metal. Will fit standard stock in brace orbreast drill. Tapers from V to V' Kach in carton.

No. 17102. .Each S1.90

Repair TagsHercules

(Made in Canada)

Indispensable to every

repair man. Each tag is

numbered consecutively,

and has detachable couponfor customers.

We cannot supply anyspecified numbers, but will

fill orders with consecutive

numbers for any quantity.

Xo. 1655 Per 1,000(1,000 in pkg.) . .


Alrs Oi

Rivets, Bifurcated

" The Dealers' Interests Are Our

One RivetHolder will befound in eachsmall box.

1'ut up in

small box.'-.

100 assorted.Twelve smallboxes in

N o. 1 (i 8

Large boxi 1- smallboxes)Each.

X . 1681Small b o x

i 100 assorted

Rivets) ....Each..

Page 54: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Rims, Bicycle WoodRim Striping Specifications from 1912 to 1918.

No. of No. of No. of No. of

All Dunlop Style Single Piece Rims. Stripe Stripe Stripe Stripe

used in used in used in used in

1912. 1913. 1914. 1915.

Cleveland Hygienic 16 22 16 16

Cleveland Rigid 16 16 16 16

Cleveland RigidCleveland Juvenile (Boys' and Girls' I 16 16 16 16

Cleveland Flyer *19

Urantford Hygienic 6 26

Brantford Rigid 20 20 40 40

Brantford Rig-idBrantford Juvenile (Boys' and Girls


) 20 20

Massey Hygienic 21

Massey Rigid 15 25 25 26

Massey RigidMassey Juvenile (Boys' and Girls') 15

Massey Grey Wolf'


Perfect Hygienic 6 6

Perfect Rigid .- 20 20 16 16

Perfect RigidPerfect Juvenile (Boys' and Girls') 20

Gendroii Hygienic 26

Gendron Rigid 20 25

Gendron RigidGendron Juvenile (Boys' and Girls')

Ivanhoe Hygienic 6 26

Ivanhoe Rigid 16 20 16

Ivanhoe RigidColumbia HygienicColumbia RigidColumbia RigidModel F A18

No. of

Stripeused in












A6 & 8

A6 & 8


Models 455-6457-8

Models 555-6


Models 355-6357-8

Models 655-6657-8

Models 855-6857-8

Models 755-6757-8

Models 955-6957-8

No. of

Stripeused in


**16A18A 5

40, 40

. A18A 5

25.25. A18A 5

Road Cart Red, with Green HeadMotorbike. Model "W," all nameplates.Green with Gold Head


llacer. Model "T," all nameplates. Crescent Laminated Racer style. Section C-6.

NOTE. In ordering striped rims for Cleveland Blue Flyer or Massey Grey Wolf, state whether

Crescent style required.NOTE. When high grade Bicycles, irrespective of nameplate. are ordered in any ol

following rims will be used:

Finish No. Bicycles Enamelled. No. "f Kim equipped.

3 Maroon4 Maroon and Gold Stripe

5 French Grey with Green and Red Stripe

6 French Grey with Blue Sunburst Head and lue and Gold Stripe

7 French Grey with Red Sunburst Head and Red and Gold Stripe

8 Road Cart Red with Green Stripe 36

9 Green with Gold Stripe 71

10 Green with Gold Sunburst Head and Gold Stripe 71

- Black with Red Sunburst Head A6

All "B" Grade Bicycles, men's and ladies', whether black nr color. >tl

48.48. A18A 5

25.25. A18A 5

48.48. A18

48.48. A18Plain

. 36



Dunlop or

colors, the

Juveniles, Green only 71

Juveniles, Black, Maroon or Grey A5

Price ListPlain, 24" (36 in crate) Per pair

Plain. 26" and 28" (36 in crate)No. 8 Stripe, 28" (36 in crate)- Hi " 26" and 28" (36 in crate)

18 " 28" (36 in crate)25 " 26" and 28" (36 in crate)

" 30 " 28" (36 in crate)" 36 " 28" " "

" 40 " 28" " "

48 " 28" " "

50 " 28" "

71 " 26" and 28" (36 in crate)72 " 28" (36 in crate)73 "

( 36 in crate)\.->

- 26" and 28" (36 in crate)

A6 " 26" and 28" (36 in crate)

Section C-6. Laminated Rim. Racer Model. (36 in crate)

The above Kim htripiiij-s. a> specified, uill IK? carried in stock during the coming season, drilled 32 and 36 hole.

Any Striping or Drilling different from tlie above will be special, and unless we happen to have some

will mean a delay of two weeks or longer before delivery ean be made.

All Drilled Kims are Fitted with Saw Tooth \\asliers.

Page 55: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies





Page 56: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies
Page 57: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Rims, Bicycle, Wood(Made in Our Own Factory)

Note. All drilled wood riius are fitted with saw- splitting at the spoke holes, and greatly increases thetooth washers. life o f the rim. Finished with highest grade of varnish.

These Rims are manufactured from finest selected an <3 highly polished.hard maple. They are all treated with a special formula


Fully guaranteed as to quality, material and work-waterproof oil, of great penetration, which prevents manship.

"Dunlop" Mingle Piece.

Single Piece Dunlop, for 24"

tires (36 in crate). .Per pa,ir

Single Piece, showing Interlocking Joint. "Crescent" Laminated.

Single Piece Dunlop. for 26"and 28" tires (36 in crate)

i'er pair

Crescent Laminated For 28"tires only (36 in crate) ....

Per pair

Note. All drilled wood rims are iitted with saw-tooth washers.

For Built-Up WheelsSee page 70.

Rims, Motorcycle, Steel

Rims, SecondsRims Seconds. These are Rims rejected by our in-

spectors because of imperfect coloring in the natural

wood, or a knot or some other slight imperfectionwhich does not impair the serviceable qualities of the

Rim in tlif leasl

These Rims are fitted with saw-tooth washers andcrated. They are marked "Star." All orders for these

are subject to previous sale.

Star Drilled 32 and 36 hole (36 in crate). Per pair

O'/t A fBB - Takes place of old 2 %" Rim, and accom-

modates 2%" and 2%" x 28" Tires.

Supplied hi rough coppered finish only. Drilled 3ttor 40 holes, or undrilled.


Rims, Steel

Cannot Supply

Owing to the shortage of Steel

Rims, we have been obliged to

discontinue listing this line for the


UC. Made for heavy machines. Will accommo-date 2%" and 3" x 28" Tires EachSupplied In rough coppered finish only. Drilled 3fi

or 40 holes, or undrilled.



Sulky or

TandemMade in Our Own Factory

We carry a stock of Sulky Rims in Dunloo style 26"and 28".

(18 pair in crate) per pait

" The Dealers' Interests Are Our Interests.'

Page 58: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies

:>4 Rubber Patches.

Rubber Patches, Circular


Assorted sizes, 100 in bos.

Assorted sizes 1%" to 1'"

ing punctures in inner tubes.

No. 1665 Per box of 100 . . .

(Made in Canada)

Very handy for repair-

Packed 100 in box.

Rubber Patches

M. &M.Sticktite


Sticklitc Gasoline Patches solve the problem where

an extra quick repair is desired in an emergency.

No. 15048 Quick Emergency Patch, in tin box, con-

taining 10 assorted patches, IV*" to 2" diameter, with

strip of sandpaper for cleaning tube, and complete in-


Per box

Rubber, Patching- in Canada

ScrewsRound head, nickelled. Used on

toe clips, bells, mud and chain

guard braces, etc. Nickel dipped,

cold-pressed hexagon nuts are sup-

plied to fit the screws, if desired.

They are supplied in three different

sizes, one gross in box, as follows:

Screws Only No. 6 Wire, y%", V, %" long, 32

thread Per gm

Screws Only No. 6 Wire. %", 1" long. 32

thread Per gross

Screws Only No. 8 Wire, %", H" long, 32

thread Per gross

Screws Only No. 8 Wire, %", %" long, 32

thread Per gross

Screws Only No. 8 Wire, 1", 1%" long, 32

thread Per gross

Screws Only No. 10 Wire, %", tt" long, 32

thread Per gross

Screws Only No. 10 Wire, %", %" long, 32

thread Per gross

Screws Only No. 10 Wire, 1", 1 % "long. 32

thread Per gross

Sci-ews Only No. 10 Wire, 1V long, 32 thread.

Per gross

Screw Nuts tor above .. Per gross

Screws anil Nuts, assorted (1 gross each In box)

. Per box

Shine-M-UpHub Cleaners

Put up on display cards hold-

ing 6 fronts and 6 rears. Six

cards in box.

No. 1900 Per card (1

doz. >

High Grade Rubber, good heavy weight, supplied in

2-oz. rolls, 2V wide, about 6 ft. long. Specially adapt-

ed for repairing tears or punctures in inner tubes. Eight

rolls to box.

No. 1660 Per roll .

Signs, Enamelled


Steel Wool

For rubbling down bicycle frames. Supplied in one

pound packages in following grades ftne. medium and


No. 1990 Fine, 1 Ib. in pud ..Per Ib

Blue Ix-tter* <>n While Background. Supplied let-

tered on both sidfs. to pn>jc<-t in front, of shop.

No. 1905 Each

No. 1991 Medium. 1 Ib. in package . ..Per Ib.

No. 1992 Coerse, lib. i..Per Ib.

Price* Subject to Change Without Notice.

Page 59: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


SaddlesMComfort" and "Hercules"

"Comfort'' and "Hercules'" Saddles are made fromfinest selected leather. The springs are manufacturedfrom the best cold-drawn steel wire, specially preparedfor that purpose. The binding clips are made true to

gauge, ensuring a firm grip on the seat post. These sad-dles are of first-class finish in every respect, and hand-some in appearance.

Comfort (17).

Standard Roadster. Size 10%" x 8" x 4". Thethree coil springs and the truss are black enamelled;the clamp nickel-plated. Optional equipment on C.C.M.Grade "B" Men's Bicycles.Xo. 1817 Each

Comfort. No. 42.

10 1/*" long x 7%" wide. Truss and spring black en-amelled. American style clamp, nickel-plated. Stand-ard equipment on C.C.M. Grade "B" Men's Bicycles.

Reinforced Seat prevents sagging.Xo. 1842 Each

Comfort, Ladles' ( 24 ) .

Size 8%" x 7%" x 4". Truss and coil springs blackenamelled. American style clamp, nickel-plated. Stand-ard equipment on C.C.M. Grade "B" Ladies' BicyclesXo. 1824 Each

Comfort, Ladies' (34).

( omfort. Indies' (34) Size 10" x 8%" x 4". nickel-plated springs and fitting.*. Embossed top. Standardequipment on C.C.iM. Ladies' Grade "A" BicyclesXo. 18S4 Each

Hercules (39).

Size 10%" x 8%" x 4". Heavy rear wire coil springs,double coil steel nose springs, steel girder base. Blackenamelled springs and girder, nickel-plated clamp.Very superior leather top, blocked to shape. Wellsuited for heavy riders. Standard equipment on C.C.M.Grade "A" Men's Bicycles.Xo. 1839 Each '

Hercules Special.

Hercules Spe<ial Saddle. Handsome, well finishedstandard road saddle. Length 9", width 7%". Fittedwith Universal spring and special hinge joints on front;double coil torsion spring.Xo. 1836 . . Each

Hercules (Xo. 41). Track Kaclng Saddle.

Size 11%" x 6%" x 2%". Weight 1 pound 9 oz.

Nickelled springs of cold drawn steel wire. A popularsaddle for track racers; extra long, with back narrowand well rounded. Standard equipment on C.C.M.Racer Bicycles.Xo. 1841 Each

Hercules Fnioritv.

Hard top saddle. 10-V lung x T%" wide. Truss andspring black enamelled. American style clamp, nickel-plated.No. 181(1 . .Each

' The

XOTIv When ordering |Miri> ahvays send samples.

Dealers' Interests Are Our Interests."

Page 60: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Saddles (Continued)

X'emo. Men's.

Xo. 180O Men's Nemo. Size 10V x 8" x 3".

Black enamelled truss, nickel-plated clamp

and nose fitting. Standard equipment on

c.C.M. Juveniles, Boys' models Each

Nemo. Ladies'.

No. 1801 Ladies' Nemo. Slightly shorter than

Men's Nemo; embossed top. Standard equip-

ment on C.C.M. Juveniles, Girls' models. Each

-Motorbike Jr.

Motorbike Jr. A motorcycle type saddle, with

padded top and patent compound springs, built to last

indefinitely. Size of top 11" x 9". Weight 4 Ibs. 10 oz.

Metal parts nicely black enamelled. Standard equip-

ment on C.C.M. Motorbike Bicycle.

XTo. 1844 .Each

Motorbike Padded.

D-2 Padded A light, durable, good looking, com-fortable saddle. Top consists of five-ply maple andbasswood veneer, light and strong, to which is cement-

ed several layers of high grade felt, the whole then

.covered with grain leather. Fitted with patent com-

pound springs. Size of top 9%" x 7 %". Weight 1 Ib.

7 oz.

Xo. 1845 Each

Xo. 1843. Zenith (3).

Size 10%" x 8%" x 4". A heavy, durable saddle,

with very serviceable truss and rear springs. Black

enamelled girder base.

No. 1843- Zenith (3) . . . Ka.-h

Motorcycle Saddles

La Grande (::<>.

Fits low on machine. Size 14" x 11%". Weight 4

Ibs. 9 oz. Hiighest grade oak tanned leather top, re-

inforced. Truss black enamelled.

Xo. 1830 .Each

Lycette Pan (12).

A comfortable saddle, made of the best material.

Width 13", length 12%". Base of saddle is of steel,

properly shaped to fit, nicely padded, covered with high

quality leather. Truss is heavy gauge metal, black en-

amel finish, with extended Torsion spring, very resilient,

under rear of saddle.

Xo. 1812 Each

XOTK. When ordering parts always send sample.

Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.

Page 61: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Saddle Parts* <& Saddle Springs

No. 4. Xo. 00 X'o. 1 1 HerculesSpecial.

Saddle TrussesXo. 2 Truss for American Sad-

dle, with two rear coil springs.


Xo. 4 Truss for American Sad-

dle, without coil springs....

5. Each

Xo. 00 Truss for American Saddles, without coil

springs, and bolted on saddle base Each

Xo. 11 Truss for Saddle, with three coil springs.


X'o. 5 Truss for American Saddles (comprising

two coil springs), bolted on saddle base.. Each

Hercules Special

Always Send Sampleof Part Required

Saddle ClampsAmerican This is the

standard Clamp for

American styles of sad-dle springs.

Xo. 1875 Clamp,complete. Each

Clamp Parts.

^Clip only . .EachClip Binder only.


Clip Binder, SetScrew only . .


Clamp, ChalfantA Clamp for attaching

to top bar of frame for

purpose of lowering saddleby bringing 1t closer to theframe than the seat postwould allow. No seat postis necessary when this

clamp Is used.

Xo. 574 1" sizeXo. 575 IV'size

No. 1880.

Troxel Combination Saddle Springs.

An easy saddle spring. Adjustable to any saddle.

Xo. 1880 Complete . . Each

Xo. 1890.

Perfection Springs.

All assembled and nickelled. A very easy spring.Xo. 1890 Each

ORDERINGSADDLE PARTSAlways send in a sample of the part required

when in need of parts for the saddles equipped onour bicycles, or sold by us in the Accessories De-partment.

This is absolutely essential for the correct fill-

ing of your order.

The reason for this is that during the last twoyears we have been obliged, on account of warconditions, to purchase our saddles from a num-ber of different sources. While we are retain-

ing our own saddle model numbers, naturally thesaddles supplied by different makers do not haveidentically the same parts.

For example, the No. 39 Saddle has been madeby three different manufacturers, and eachmaker's parts are slightly different from those ofthe others, hence we must have samples.

Dealers' Interests Are Our Interests.'

Page 62: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Spokes and Nipples, Bicycle, "Hercules"Tensile strength and extra quality

linish arc outstanding features of Her-

cules spokes. They are manufactured

from the very best grade of piano wire

in 15-17 gauge, and are tested to a

breaking strain of 800 pounds.

Hercules spokes are heavily nickel-

plated on burnished copper, and are

practically rust-proof. They will re-

tain their high polish and wear for

years. They are supplied in neat

cardboard boxes, packed ir>0 .spokes

and nipples per box, and are furnished

in all standard lengths.

Xotice the quality of

No. 1920 Swaged Spokes and Nipples, com-

plete (150 in box) Per 1.001'

Spokes only 1'er 1,000

Spoke Nipples only. . . .Per 1,000

Xotc. Swaged Spokes are not made shorter than


No. 1925 Unswaged Spokes and Nipples, com-

plete (150 in box) Per 1,000

Spokes only Per 1.000

Spoke Nipples only... Per 1,000

(Made in Our Own Factory)

the plating on Hercules Spokes.

Xote. Ix-iigths of spokes generally used in bicycle

wheels are as follows:

and 10%"

front wheels 9% and 10"

rear wheels 10"

front wheels 10%rear wheels 10%"

For 28" front wheels 11% and 11%'For 28" rear wheels 11%"

For 24"For 24"

For 26"For 26"

NoteWhen stringing 36 hole rims, use %" shorter spokes

than In 32 hole rims. Example: 28" front wheel, 32 hole

rim. use 11%" spokes; 28" front \\liei-l. : hole rim, use

11%" spokes.

Spokes and NipplesSulky

Xo. 1940 Bent Head Spokes

and Nipples, 12-14 gauge,

10%", 1-1%", 11%" Per 100

Spokes and Nipples, Motorcycle

'Diamond E.


Xo. 1950 Size 135-110 (10-12), all lengths Per 100 $7.80Following is a list of lengths used by various manufacturers,

practically all of whom adopted the Diamond E. Spokes in

135-110 size as standard equipment on their 1915, 1916 and 1917models:

11-rV" for 1912-13 Pope.11%" for 1912 Excelsior.

11&" for 1912 Pope.

Spokes, Bike WagonWe supply these in the following

gauges and lengths only.

11 gauge, bent head, 14", 15". 11

gauge, straight head, 15", 16". 9 gauge,

bent head, 14V, 16%", 16%".

Xo. 1930 11 gauge, straight

head Per IOC

Xo. 1931 11 gauge, bent head

Per 100

Xo. 1932 '' gauge, bent head

. .Per 100

10 A" f r





Skate Grinding HolderSee page 32.

10%" for 1915 Dayton Rear.

10%" for 1915 Dayton Front.

10&" for 1914-5 Pope.


1914-5 Pope.- 1915 HendersonI speed Rear.

1914 Harley-Davidson.I 1915 Emblem.'

1915 ExcelsiorI 1915 Yale.

1 1913 Harley-Davidson.. 1 U 1 5 Emblem Front.

1 1914-5 Indian Front,

i 1915 Henderson

/ 1913-5 Indian Roar i7

h.p. model).10%" for - 1912-3 Harley-David-


1915 Emblem Rear.

11%" for


f 1912-15 Indian.1912 Triumph.


1915 Harley-Davids.':(a few).

1913 Excelsior.



For 19 IB Models.

Maker. Spoke Length.

Kxcelsior ............. 10 ft"

HendeeModel F-G ......... 10%" front

................... 10%" rear

5% H.P............ 11%"Model K ........... 10 H"Side Car ........... 10%"

Harley-Davidson ...... 10ft

Henderson ............ 10 fe................... 10%"

Miami ................ 10%................... 11%

Reading Stun. lard ..... 10%



Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.

Page 63: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Stands, Bicycle

The nuts on axle

do not need to be

removed in using

this stand, as it the

case with all other

stands of its class.

C.C.M. Combination.

(Made in Canada)Xo. 412 C.C.M. Combination Rear Carrier and

Stand ( 6 in package)\<>. 571 Grey Enamel Each\o. 572 Maroon Enamel Each

For further description, see page 21.

"C.C.M." No. 1974.

(Made in Canada)Is attached to rear axle and can be used as a shop

display stand, or for bicycle delivery work. Made ofchannel steel, enamelled black. Weight 31 ounces.

No. 1974 Each

Perfection Floor Stand.

A valuable fixture in any store for properly display-

ing a bicycl.-. It is a silent salesman.

Xo. 1971 '.". Per pail

Myers' Floorsiand Excellent

to use in showingoff wheels. Ad-

justed to anywheel. Finished

in aluminum.Xo. 1970 (3 doz.

in box). EachMyers' Open. Closed.



I Myers'tU. This stand will

8 hold eight bicy-

jcles in position

"and serve for a

business sign at

the same time.

We furnish with

plain sign, finish-

ed ready for let-



Myers' Sln-el Stand. Bach

Truing Stand,



The screws have cupped

centres, and will take any

spindle. By far the best

finished and most conveni-

ent stand on the market.

The truing stage is so

arranged that the wheels

can be trued from back or

front of rim.

\o. 1987 Weight,

2<\ Ibs. . . ..Each

The Dealers' Interests An- <>ur Interests."

Page 64: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Truing StandMotorcycle,Millennium

This stand is

suitable fur bicy-

cle or motorcycle

wheels, and takes

all sizes of spin-


No. 1987

Price, each


I'ut up in regular long, slim container,with sprinkler top.

N'o. 18070 '1 Ib. sprinkling top (3

doz. in box) Each

Xo. 18152 1 Ib. packages, bulk..Per Ib.

Use Plenty of Soapstone

A LIBERAL application of Soap-

stone sprinkled on your inner S^I^tubes will noticeably lengthen the ^p-^

life of the tires and give you better ser- hl&gsfl

vice from them.

The Soapstone reduces the friction which would

otherwise take place between the tube and the

canvas lining of the covers. It also acts as an in-

sulator, protecting the inner tube from the heat

generated in the tires when moving quickly under


Another trouble which is overcome by the use of

plenty of soapstone is the tendency of the inner

tube to stick to the cover lining, which "kills" that

portion of the inner tube which comes in contact

with the outer cover.

When making repairs, Soapstone should, of

course, be sprinkled freely over any patches, as an,

extra precaution to prevent surplus cement from

sticking to the cover.

Soapstone costs very little, and should be used


Soaps,Hand Gleaners

Gre-Solvent Uko.

More effective than soapin removing grease and

grime. Much in demand bymechanics, laborers andmunition workers.

Put up in 10 oz. attrac-

tive lithographed cans.

No. 1993 Per doz.

Tubing, Steel

The following is a list of sizes on Tubing which

have been used in the manufacture of C.C.M. Bi-

cycles. Under ordinary circumstances we have a

stock of these sizes at all times and can supply any

quantity :

i'g"x 20 gauge Per foot

Yi" x 20 gauge Per foot

V x 12 gauge Per foot

%" x 20 gauge Per foot

%" x 22 gauge Per foot

% "x 18 gauge Per foot

H" x 18 gauge Per foot

%" x 18 gauge Per foot

%" x 20 gauge Per foot

1" x 16 gauge Per foot

1" x 20 gauge Pr foot

1&" x 20 gauge :Per foot

1 yH" x 20 gauge Per foot

\%" x 20 gauge Per foot

Other Sizes. In addition to the above, we have

a limited quantity of other sizes of tubing, ranging

from 1J" to 1%" in various gauges. These are not

now used in the construction of C.C..M. Bicycles, but

can be furnished at reasonable prices, subject to prior


TorchesHot Blast Torch Gasoline

With attachments for

holding soldering iron

(not shown in illustration).

Capacity 1 qt., height

over all 9%", diameter

4", weight 3 Ibs., consump-

tion % pt. per hour. Im-

proved automatic pump.

Xo. 19045 . . . Bach

Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.

Page 65: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Taps, Crank RepairTaper Taps, for tapping out cranks in stand-

ard size.

Xo. 504 Ms" x 20 thread (1 pr. in wood-en box) Per paii

Xo. 528 A" x 20 thread (1 pr. in wood-en box) Per pair Xo. 504.

Tap and Die Sets





(Made in Canada)

A most convenient assortment. A complete outfit for ordinary re-

pairs. The dies, being made in two parts, allow a large range of sizes

to be threaded with one die.

All dies dn this set are adjustable, and will cut

smaller than size marked on die.

"larger or

No. 2100 (99) Stock 12 inches; 14 dies, cutting V, 24, 30.

32; A", '16 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 32; %", 20, right hand; %", 20, left

hand. 23 Bicycle Taper Taps, cutting %", 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32;

&", 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30; ft", 16. 18. 20, 22. 24, 26. 28; %",20. right hand; %", 20. left hand; including one pair tap Wrench Dies.

Price ......................... ..Each

Tap (Crank)

and ReamerSet


Tap and ReamerFour In One.

Contains 1 pair % x 24 Taps, R. andL,. Hand.

Six %" x 20 R. II. Bushings.Six %" x 20 L,. IT. Bushings.By drilling out the crank, tapping with

"K x 2'4 tap, and screwing the specialbushings supplied on the pedal pins, ahighly satisfactory and permanent job is

made.No. 507 Per set (1 set in box)..Xo. 508R Extra Bushings, Right.

EachXo. 508Ij Extra Bushings. Left.

EachBushings packed 12 Rights and 12

Lefts in box.




in Canada)

Tap and Die Sets, MotorcycleThis set will thread all the bolts and nuts in the

Yale, Indian, Harley-Davidson, Thor, Excelsior, and

other makes of Motorcycles. The only combination put

up strictly for this purpose. Consists of one 9" Stock

with six 1" dies, cutting A", 24. 28; %", 24; %", 20, 24;

i"u". 24. One r>" Stcx-k \villi six -V dies, cutting %", 20,

24: No. . 32: X... 8, :^ : Xo. 10. 24, 32. Ten taper hand

taps, cutting 14", 20, 24. 26; A", 24, 28; %", 24; %",-M: ft", i't; ',". 20 R. & L. Four machine screw taps.

cutting Xo. 6. 32; No. 8. 32; No. 10, 24, 32, and one No.

tap wreiieh.

>>"< 2101 .. . i-er set

The Dealers' Interests Are Our Interests."

Page 66: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Useful Information Regarding TiresWe carry the guarantee \Ve agree with the purchaser of every guaranteed

Dunlop or C.C.M. Lucky Tread Tire purchased from us to make good by repair or re-

placement when delivered to us transportation charges prepaid, any imperfec-

tion or defect in material or workmanship of such tire not caused by misuse or neglect.

For your convenience we have prepared a Tire Adjustment Tag which we will

supply free on request.

This enables you to make your own adjustments on the spot, and we will make the

same adjustment with you when goods are returned with tag attached.

We reserve the right to discontinue this privilege if it is abused.

The guarantee does not cover punctures, tubes damaged by being improperly

fitted in their casings, or covers made unsatisfactory through being oil soaked.

Caution All inner tubes should be partially inflated before being fitted. Theyare then less liable to become pinched.

We recommend the use of good grade tires, and while we sell the low-priced kind,

too, we want to remind you that, especially in rubber goods, quality counts.

A'generous application rff Soapstono when fitting, will reduce inner tube troubles

fifty per cent.

Canadian Standard Sizes

Measure straight across wheel from centre of

underside. A wheel measuring :

17 inches needs a 20-inch tire.

19 inches needs a 22-inch tire.

20j 2 inches needs a 24-inch tire.

22 l

/2 inches needs a 26-inch tire.

24 l/2 inches needs a 28-inch tire.

26 l/2 inches needs a 30-inch tire.

In Canadian Standard Size the circumference of

the Dunlop rim is always the same whether for

\1A, 1#, 1J, or 1^ tire.'

Unless otherwise specially instructed, all tires

are supplied for Canadian Standard Size Rims.

Instructions for Ordering Tires for English BicyclesUnlike Canadian or American, on English bicycles, the circumference of the rim

charige*Mcording to the size of tire fitted the 1^ rim is greater in circumference

than l"/r4ind the \ l/2 than the 1^. The circumference of English size steel rims for

Dunlop wired-on tires is as follows :

1^-7815 inches; l^-SOs'a inches; l^-81s\> inches.

This measurement is taken by passing a tape measure around the extreme edge of

the rim or by marking the rim giving it one complete revolution on a board and

taking the exact distance between the starting and finishing points.

In some cases the markings on the old tire will give this information.

When ordering, please specify whether covers are required for "Wired-on"or "Clincher" beaded edge rims.

Where not mentioned, we will supply the "Wired-on" Dunlop type.

First Class Freight Rate on Bicycle Tires

Bicycle tires are entitled to first class freight rate, but are frequently

charged at H times first class rate. This is because tires other than Bicycle take

the higher rate in the classification. Bicycle tires, however, arc entitled to a rating

of first-class.

Please check over freight hills carefully and apply for refund in case of overcharge.

Prices Sulijci-t i<> Cliaimc Without Xoli<v.

Page 67: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


in Canada)

Dunlop TiresWe Carry the Guarantee note on page 62.

Dunlop Traction. Guaranteed 12 months. Optional

Dunlop"Special. Guaranteed 12 months. Standard equipment on C.'C.M. Grade "A" Bicycles. Standard

equipment on C.C.M. Grade "A" Bicycles. equipment on C.CjM. Motorbike Bicycle.

Complete, pair. Casings, each. Tubes, each. Complete, pair. Casings, each. Tubes, each.

Duiilop Imperial Studded. Guaranteed for one year. Dunlop Peerless Studded. Guaranteed 12 months.Standard equipment on C.C.M. Grade "B" Bicycles.

Complete, pair. Casings, each. Tubes, each.(. omplete. pair. Casings, each. Tubes, each.

Dunlop Challenge. Corrugated Tread, in is

Nui guaranteed.each.

Dunlop Banner Studded. Oval button-type tread.

Guaranteed for three months.

Complete, pair. Casings, each.'

frich. NoTK. We interpret Hie word -Tire" to ine.iii C'o\er

and TulH 1: i!' Cover only required. |>lea-c s|X'cif.v.

The Dealers- Interests Are Our Interests."

Page 68: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Dunlop Tire Price ListWe carry the Guarantee (See note on Page 62)

Wire Edge Type TiresComplete CasingsPair Tires Each


Duulop Peerless Studded, 28x1 %" only Guaranteed for 12 months

Dunlop Traction, 28 x 1 Vi" only

Dunlop Special, 28xl%"Dunlop Special, English sizes, 28 x 1%" onlyElectric sizes, 28xl%"Dunlop Hercules Extra Heavy, 28 x 1%" and Extra

Heavy Tube " " " "

Imperial Studded, 28 x 1%", 26 x 1%" Guaranteed for season

Imperial Studded, 20 and 24 x 1 %" Guaranteed for season

Banner Studded, Canadian size, 28 x 1%" only Guaranteed for 3 monthsBanner Studded, English size, 28 x 1%" only Guaranteed for 3 monthsChallenge, 28 x 1 %" only. (No Challenge Tube made).Xot guaranteed

Clincher Type TiresComplete CasingsPair Tires Each


Hercules Extra Heavy, 28 x 1%", with extra heavyDunlop Special Tube Guaranteed for 12 months

G. & J., 28 x 1%" and 1%"Dunlop Special, 28 x 1%" only

Imperial, 28xl%" Guaranteed for seasonBanner (Old Style Tread), 28 x 1 %" only Guaranteed for 3 months

Dunlop Inner Tube.Packed singly in cartons.

Tubes(Made in Canada)

All Dunlop Tubes made from same material, but in

different weights, which in 28" sizes are:

Dunlop Extra Heavy, 9 oz., guaranteed 12 months.

Dunlop Special, 8 oz., guaranteed 12 months.

Dunlop Imperial, 7 oz.. guaranteed 1 season.

Dunlop Banner, 6 oz.. guaranteed 3 months.

Duulop Special Continuous, 28" (Guaranteed) EachDunlop Extra Heavy Continuous, 28" x 1%" (Guaranteed) EachClincher G. and J. Continuous. 28" x 1%", 1%" (Guaranteed) . .Each

Dunlop Special Butt end, 28" (Guaranteed) EachImperial Continuous or Butt end, 28" x 1%", 26" x 1%" (Guaranteed)

EachImperial Continuous or Butt end. 20" and 24". (Guaranteed) . .EachIfcinner Continuous. US" x 1 %" only (Guaranteed) Each

NOTE. Dunlop Spe-cial Tubes suppliedwith Peerless Studded,Traction Tread, DunlopSpecial and Electric


I'so plenty of Soapstonc

Hints on Putting Tires on RimsIt is advisable to take the wheel out of the frame.First see that the spnkes do not project through the

nipples and that the rim is properly taped.Lay the wheel flat. I^ay casing on rim. Innate the

tube slightly. Pull back cover at valve hole, place thevalve in the hole and tuck tube inside the cover.

Draw valve out slightly, place cover in rim at valve

hole, at the same time pushing the valve as far as pos-sible through the rim.

Commence from the valve to place cover in rim.

working half way round the rim to the right, then half

way round the rim to the left, finishing at a point op-

posite the valve.

Innate tube slightly and spin wheel to see that tire

is on evenly all the way around before pumping the tire


Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.

Page 69: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


1 irCS (Continued)

"Lucky Tread"Tires and Tubes

Guaranteed for the season. 28" x 1 1/2"


Complete ..'.- Perpai.Casings .EachLucky Tread Tubes 28" x 1%" (guaranteed).Continuous Each

Tires, Single TubeEnduro Brigadier

Kndimi Single Tube, 28" x IV Per pair

"Record" StuddedGuaranteed 60 days.

Brigadier Single Tube, 28" x 1%" . ..Per pair

'Reliance" Studded(Not Guaranteed.)

Krrord Single Tube, 24" x !'/" Per pairKecord Single Tube. 26-28" x 1 V6" ... .Per pairRecord Single Tube, 30" x 1%" Per pair

\Ve do not stock Record Double Tube Tires.

Size 28" x 1%" . Per pair

Palmer(Not Guaranteed.)

Palmer Single Tube Tires are supplied in two styles-Road and Light Racing or Track.

Track Racing 26" x 1" x 1 % " x 1 % ". Per pail

28" x 1" x IV x l%".Per pairRacing 26" xl%"xl%"x 1^". Per pair

28" x 1%" x IK," x 1ft". Per pair


' The Dealers' Interests Are Our Interests."

Page 70: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies



Goodrich Single TubeThese tires have given

excellent satisfaction.

Supplied as follows:

Per "air.

20" x

24" x 1

26" x 1%

; Tires, Carriage, Dunlop Pneumatic( Miicher ami Wire Edge Type. (Xot Guaranteed.)



Complete Covers Tnlx-s

Each. Kach. KadiKiinaboiit 36" x 1%" ...

34" x 1%" ...

Stanbope 36" x 2"

34" x 2"

Butt Knd Carriage Tubes same price as Runaboutand Stanhope in their respective sizes, viz.: 1%", 2".

," Rim requires 32" Tire. 31%" Rim requires34" Tire. 33%" Rim requires 36" Tire.

When ordering, please specify whether Tire is re-

ed fur Wire Edge or Clincher Type Him.


Sulky Wired-on Guai or season

ThComplete Covers Tubes

Per I'air. Kach. Kach.

Prices Subject to


Dunlop MotorcycleTraction Tread

Dunlop Traction Tread.

Clincher T> |M>. to lit all standard American Kims.



'26 x 2>/4 for 1912 Rims.

*26 x 2% for 1912 Rims.

28 x 2% for 1912 Rims.

28 x 22 for 1912 and B. B. O. Rim.

2S x 2% for B. B. and C. C. M. Rim.

L's x 3 for C. C. M. Rim. Extra Heavy Service Type.

Also made to fit English size rims.

Dunlop Rubber Studded.

Clincher Ty]>e. for ISM 2 American Kim~ only.

In following sizes:

26 x 2V4. 26 x 2%, 28 x 2%.


Wire Kdjte Type. Rubber Studded Tread.


, Kims only. For hi.ylit Machines. Regu-

lar Equipment on C.C.M. Motorcycles. Size 28 x L%.

NOTE. When ordering 28" tires uhclhcr re-

quired lor I. B. or C. C. Kims. B. B. Rims are 1.50

incll ,between clinches, and C. C. Rims are

.i"> wide iH-tv.

Owiim I" the unsettled condition- of the rubber mar-

ket, and to the fact that our catalogue i- in your hands

for a year, we arc not nmnj! ,v<> l"'"1'^ " """" rl >'''''

tire- Ml price, are subject to chanao without noti.v

and we >.!! at all lin.es at the current Duulop <l,,ot i,tio,,s.

Change Without Notice.

Page 71: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Tire DeflatorSaves time and trouble, as yoi

will avoid getting dirt into valve.Xo. 2200 Each

Tape, White Rim


fMnde in Our Own Factory)Tom Thumb Will remove the tightest cover from

rim with ease. Will not damage rim or injure tire.

Nicely finished. For best results use two levers at once.Xo. 2101 Per doz. . . *. .

For taping in-side of rim, cov-ering spoke ends,i" protect tube.Put up in rolls of72 yards.

-V". 2133.. .


(Some of (lin-

stock is in 36-yd.rolls, two


ofwhich will besupplied in placeof one 72-ydroll.)

Tire Tape

C. C. M. in Canada)

Made in the best canvas backing with pure Para rub-ber. and warranted to retain its adhesive .malities for"ne year. Supplied in 1 oz., 2 oz.. and V2 Ib. rolls.

Xo. 2130 C. C. M., l-,,z. mils. 1 6 in 1-11, . carton..................................... Per Ib

No. 2131 -C. C. M., 2-oz. rolls. 8 in 1-lb. carton................................ Per Ib.

Xo. 2132 C. C. M., %-lb. rolls ............ Each

Dunlop Electric Reliance

\o. 2150 1-oz. roll, n; in 1-lb. carton ... I Yr ll>

Xo. 2l.->l - 2-oz. roll, s in i-ib. carton. ..Per Ib.

Xo. 2152- 14-lb. roll



Have two flaps,which fit over thewire edge and underthe rim, keepingthe band from creep-^-^ ing.

For repairing cuts, blow-outs, etc., on outer coverMakes a smooth and permanent repair. Width 2" inri4 . Two dozen in bundleXo. 16502" x 4" p ,

Xo. 1651-4" x 4" . Perdo^n

Tire Sleeve, Motorcycleh. flexible; wear like iron-

it ted with rawhide strap for at-taching-. A necessity for blow-outs, cul or weakened tire. Sup-plied in plain tread onlyXo. 21806" x 7", with

**'' l>* Eael.

Tire Band, Non-Skid MotorcycleSet of six, for placing at regular

intervals mi rear wheel; wiill pre-vent skidding or slipping in mud.snow, slush, etc.

IMi'cciions Strap the sleeve, ornon-skid tire band, in desired posi-

tion and as ti.nhtly as possible before tire is fully in-flated. Complete inflation and tire will be ready f..i

No. 2l!o Size 3%" x 7" each, with strapsPer set o

Tire Levers, MotorcycleOne spneial shaped lever

starts tin- away from rim,each of other two dig's under

of tire, pulls bead overrim and hooks on to spoke.

is 7" Ions, dull finish.

mel duckXo. 2K52 (710) P,

of three .

Xo. 710 s<a.

The Dealci-s' Interests Are Our Interests."

Page 72: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Tiring, Baby Carriage

North Pole

This brand of Baby Carriage Tiring is very popularwith repair men. because it can l>e easily fitted in muchless time than the regular kind, and requires no tire fit-

ting machine. There is positively 110 waste, and It will

not gape open at joint. Will not creep on rim, and hav-

ing no hollow centre, wears longer. In addition to its

unique mechanical features, it is made of high quality

rubber, which ensures long life.

Xo. 2235 %", with Joining Pins, 60 feet in roll.

Weight per roll 6% Ibs Price, per fooV

Xo. 2236 17S ", with Joining Pins, 60 feet in roll.

Weight per roll 7 Ibs. 10 oz Price, per foot

Xo. 2237 %", with Joining Pins, 60 feet in roll.

Weight per roll 9 Ibs. 3 oz Price, per foot

Xo. 2238 %", with Joining Pins, 60 feet in roll.

Weight per roll 15 Ibs Price, per foot

Xo. 2239 %", with Joining Pins, 60 feet in roll.

Weight per roll 22% Ibs Price, per foot

Gripping Pliers and Joining Pins

for North Pole Tiring

Gripping Fliers.

Xo. 2245 Gripping Pliers for use in fitting NorthPole Tiring Each

Instructions When Using Gripping Pliers on Xorth Pole

Baby Cab Tire.

"In order to obtain a secure grip, it is always ad-

visable to insert a piece of thick cloth (a piece of old

cycle cover answers admirably) between the rubber and

pliers, as this not only increases the surface to be grip-

ped and so gives a. securer hold, but also protects the

tiring from damage from the pliers."

Joining PinsXo. 2240 Extra Joining Pins for sizes %", -ft",V and %" Per 100

No. 2241 Extra Joining Pins for size %"

How to Fit

1. Place tire on bed of rim to get length. In case of

a 25" wheel, cut rubber, with a sharp knife, 3" short of

the actual circumference. Sever the steel centre with acold chisel, by placing the cut portion over a piece of


2. Place one of the steel joining pins supplied, 1%"long, in a vise, leaving half of it projecting. (Pins 1%"long are supplied for %", /". Js" and %" tire, whilst

%" and larger sections take extra thick pins, 2V4" long.)

3. Take one end of the tire already cut, and pushsame on to the projecting joining pin until the half

( %") is inserted.

4. Reverse, placing rubber firmly in vise so that the

remaining half of joining pin projects from vise, andthen repeat method described in paragraph No. 3 with

other end of tire.

5. The tire is now complete and may be sprung on to

the wheel, taking care to place the joint on the rim first,

and stretching evenly all round.

It is important that tires should not be rolled on to

rim and left in twisted (unnatural) condition. Strict

observance of this will result in greatly increased wear.

Tiring, Baby Carriage, Regular

Manufactured from superior quality rubber, very

resilient, making a smooth, easy running wheel. Will

stand a lot of hard service.

This Tire is exceptionally good value at a moderate

price, and ds very serviceable. Unguaranteed.

No. ft. to Perpound, foot.






Xo. 2220% x 7/64 hole. 60 ft. in roll..

No. 2221 A x 7/64 hole 60 ft. in roll..

Xo. 2222 % x 7/64 hole. 60 ft. in roll..

Xo. 2223 % x 7/64 hole. 60 ft. in roll..

No. 2224 % x 1/8 hole. fiO ft. in roll..

.Per 100

Prices Subject to Change Without Notice

All sizes Per Ib.

Tire Wire, Baby Carriage

No. 2280 No. 16 gauge, half-hard, galvanized

. Per Ib

Page 73: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Valves Valve Tool C.C.M.

I Mm lop Metal BaseThis valve is used on all

Dunlop Tires. It is posi-

tively air tight.

No. 2501. .Per 100

Valve Parts,


Valve Cap Rubbers.

Xo. 2520. . . .Per 100

Valve Caps.

Xo. 2521 (500 in

box) . . . .Per 100

No. 21101 HeavyValve Cap (Auto)

..Per 100

Valve, DunlopMotorcycle

The valve shown here is

the well-known Schrader

line, universally recog-

nized as standard. All

Dunlop inner tubes are

equipped with it.

Xo. 2500 . .Per IOC


Schrader Rubber Base

Complete with stem.

No. 2503 . . . Per doz

Oval Base.

This valve has a de-

tachable base, and makesa much better job than

the regular metal base, as

it has a larger surface on

the tire. Owing to its

shape, it cannot pull loose

or cut. even if the tire

creeps, and will hold firm-

ly in tires full of repair


Xo. 2505 (Small)

.Per 100

No 2506 (Large)

..Per 100

Valve Insides

Schrader Universal Valve


Used on all types of

pneumatic tire valves.

No. 2535 (5 in tin box,

and 20 tin boxes in a

carton) . . .Per 100

C.C.M. Valve Tool (4 in 1) A very useful article.

which will execute four repair operations on a valve.

Xo. 19104 (25 in box) Each

VarnishAir Drying- aiul Baking.


Supplied in one-pint

tins. Imperial measure.

Xo. 2553 Air Dry-

ing Each

Xo. 2541 -- Baking. Each

Pure; Jelly Petrolatum

is attractively put up in

bottles and 1-lb. cans.

Xo. 2550 5c. bot-tles (1 doz. in

box) . . .Per dozer.

5e. bottles..Per gross

Xo. 2551 1-lb. cansEach


Washers" and "D," Nickelled

"D" Washer. "Key" Washer.

These washers are used on the crank axle. They are

furnished in the following sizes:

54", -Ji", %", ii", %", i".

Cannot obtain :L

," "D" Xickelled Washers.

%", li", %" Per 100

}3", %", 1" . . .Per 100

" The Dealers' Interests Are Our Interests."

Page 74: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies




Wheels, Built-Up (Less Tires)

Round XTiekeIled Steel Washers.

Nickel-plated. They ran be furnished in

the following sizes:

14", ,'-.<".

1 no i'

Washers, Spoke NippleSteel Rim

Xo. 250 ll.OOO in lioxi . ..Per 1,000 $2.40

Washers, Wood RimSpoke Nipple


\<>. 251 Saw Tooth (1.000 in box) . . . Per 1,000

Xo. 2652 Plain (1.000 in box) Per 1,000

Washers, LockPut ii]i iii a strong tin

box of assorted sizes,

from Yt"

bolt size to

%" bolt size, advancing

by sixteenths of an


Xo. 22000 Price

per box

The following: sizes sold only in boxes of one hun-dred:

Sul. I onlj in iinxcs of fifty:

We an- offering to the trade, wheels complete, lesstires. Fitted with Hercules spokes, Dunlop or Crescentrims and hubs as below.

All built-up wheels supplied with 28" Canadian sizerims unless otherwise- speeilied.

We also parry sulky wheels complete, less tires, fitted

with knock-out axle hubs, Dunlop rims.Xo. 2700 Front fitted with Xo. 1047 (25) Hub.

Each\o. 2701 Front fitted with Xo. 1036 ComfortHub Each

Xo. 2750 Rear fitted with Xo. 1030 Comfort Hub(state sprocket required) Each

\<>. 2751 Rear fitted with Hercules CoasterBrake Xo. 308. (State sprocket required).Each

Xo. 2800 Wheel fitted with Sulky Knock-OutAxle Hub. Xo. 1040 EachRear Wheels packed 9 to crate.Front wheels packed 12 to crate.

Front and rear wheel when ordered with stripedrims, as listed on page 52, add difference between na-tural finish and striped rim.

NOTE. Wheels ordered with striped rims have tobe built up after order is received, which causes somedelay.

In ordering1

. s|M-eil',v whether required with Dunlo])or Crescent rims.

( (wing to extreme shortage of steel rims we havediscontinued cataloguing Hiiilt-up Wheels with Steel


Best Method of Building-up Bicycle Wheels

TOAVOID confusion it is

well to lace the nine inside

spokes on one side of the

hub first. Drop these spokes into

the outside countersunk holes of

nd of hub. Mold with spokeside of hub toward the operator.

Insert spoke into second nipple-

hole to right of valve hole. Leave

the next three holes to right. In

the fourth hole insert the next

spoke. Continue in the same wayuntil the nine spokes are laced.

Then turn the wheel with other

end of hub upwards and drop the

nine outside spokes into their holes.

Drop the nine inside spokes into

outside countersunk holes on this


<ide. Each spoke will go into the

nipple hole to the right of the op-

posite spoke already laced, com-

mencing opposite the first spokelaced and working to the right

until the nine are done.

This will leave the nine outside

spokes hanging loose on the side

on which we started. Lace these,

each one crossing three spokes to

the right and being inserted into

cond vacant nipple hole to

the right.

Into the nine holes left, drop the

nine outside spokes. Turn the

wheel over and lace these, eachone crossing over three spokes and

fitting into the nipple holes left

vacant for them.

It will be noted that the holes on

one end of hub are not drilled ex-

actly opposite to the holes on the

other end, but opposite a point mid-

way between them. This is to al-

low for the spoke reaching to the

rim nipple-hole to the right of the

hole taking the spoke from the op-

posite end of the hub and avoids

the necessity of using more than

one length of spoke. This appliesto both inside and outside spokes.

In tightening the spokes run

down each nipple until lower endleaves only last thread of the spoke

exposed. To complete tighteningbe careful to give each nipple the

same number of complete turns, in

order to keep the wheel true.

Subject to Change Without Xotiee.

Page 75: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies



Xo. 2905-2908.

No. 2905 A well-made wrench of neat design,solid jaws. Opens 1 >4 inches. Xickelled andpolished. (12 in box) Per dozer.

No. 2908 Same as Xo. 2005. but in unpolishednickel finish. (12 in box) Per dozen

'T ------ r

No. 2901 (103) A well made wrench with drop

forged solid jaws, nickel-plated. Length 5%",

j.iws %" x l/t ". opens 1V2 ". Weight 5% oz.

Per doz

A 2.

Length 5%". < 'pens l%", .Mottled finish.

Xo. 290B (A2) (12 in box) Per dozen

A3 Tire Lever Wrench.

Length 6". Opens 114". Nickel-j)lated.

Xo. 2902 (A3) < 12 in box) Per dozen

No. 22012 (105) A handsome, high grade wrench,

all steel construction, drop forged, mottled fin-

ish. Length 4%", jaws % x %", opens 1%".

Weight 6 % oz Per dozer

Wrench, Pedal, ShopSpecially adapted for attaching and detach-

ing pedals. Opening %".

No. 2907 Dozen

Wrench, B. & S. Shop

B. & S.

15. & S. Shop Wrench Total length S". Opens 1%".

Thickness of jaw %". Depth of jaw I 1/!". Weight

ley. oz.

For use on bicycles, motorcycles, automobiles, etc.

Drop forged from bar steel. Semi-finished.

No. 2912 .Each

Wrench, Sprocket

No. 2913.

Sprocket --To reniuvr n;ir spmcUfts fnun thi- hub.

Made from malleable iron ami liuoil with six inches of

bicycle chain.,


ci x Vi pitch (suitable fur '-" or 1"

pitch sprockets). Enamel finish.

No. 2!i::

" The Dealers' Interests Are Our Interests."

Page 76: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Wrenches (Continued)

Motorcycle Wrench


Patent Tclrx-ope \Vi-em-h.

Finest steel construction. Moltleil finish. Dimen-sions: When closed 6", open 8"; jaws ffe thick, 1-fs"

deep. Weight 10 % ounces.

Xo. 2!I14 (76) Each in carton (12 in box)....Per dozen

Socket Wrench Set

Consists of a ratchet handle and five sockets forhexagon nuts, J|, }, J8, jjj, ig. Semi-finished. Put upin a strong enamelled duck case.

Xo. 2915 . .per set

Engineer's Wrench Set

Set consists of four thin model wrenches, havingnine different openings, as follows: -ft, %, JJ, %, -$,,

%, ti, % and AJligator. Packed in canvas kit.

Xo. 2916 (715) ..Persev

Tool Kit

\V, have selected for this kit anissortment of tools that are light

but strong, and nicely finished.

The hammer is drop forged in one

piece, and the end of the handle is

shaped into a tire tool.

Xo. 2250.The Kit consists of the follow::^ tools in a leather-

ette c.-ise with straps.

1" l;l;ii-k Monkey Wrench.

5" Nicki-1-plated. Adjustable Combination Pliers.

%" Drift Punch. HalfPolished.V Cold Chisel, Half Pol-

L>" Square Shank Si-rew-driver.

6" Flat File, with handle.

4 oz. Hammer and TireTool.


1 Box Assorted CutlerPins.

< 2250

Bicycle Tool Set

Contains one wrench (No. 2908), unpolished, nickel


One oiler (No. 1376), nickel-plated.One wire screwdriver ( Xo. 655), carefully tempi-red

and nickel-plated.Wrapped in neat brown canvas tool-roll.

\u. 2W Per set



Xo. 2070 It ds

nicely nickel-

platt-d ( 1 dozen

in box)

Per doz.. $5.20

Prices Subject to Change Without Notice.

The EchoCall

No. 2671 Mof brass, highlyfinished a n il

nickel - plated!

(1 doz. in box >

Per doz

Page 77: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies



Columbia Multiple, Multiplex and Hot Shot BatteriesThere are a great many places where a unit bat- of even :i single set of cells in series will successfully ac-

tery is desirable, and often conditions are found which complish the work.preclude the use of a single series set of coils, or even a Such service is represented by boat lighting, electricsingle series set of coils loosely connected. In this case vibrator massage machines, refrigerator lights, autoa series multiple battery of dry cells, or a unit battery burns, etc.

(Made in Canada)



ype 350.

Columbia Multiple Battery.

Every cell is insulated from thecase and from the other cells in

such a way as to make a water-proof and practically damage-proofunit battery. Enclosed in a her-metically sealed, handsomely en-amelled metal case, with conveni-ent handles for carrying.

(Not carried in stock at WinnipegBranch.)

T.VIM? Voltage Length Widthin. in.

356 7% 13% 8%Height over all Weight Price


8% 50

The type number indicates the

number of cells in the battery and

the voltage; and if there is a fourth

figure, it indicates whether the

Type 356.

Columbia Multiplex Battery.The only difference between this

battery and Columbia Multiple is

that the Columbia Multiplex is fur-nished with a wooden case.

(Not carried in stock at WinnipegBranch.)

T.VIH; Voltage length Width

356 7V2Height over all









Explanation of Tablescells are arranged in one row ortwo.

A 1562 Battery is, therefore,made up of one cell in multiple,wiving a short circuit current of


Type 1562.

Columbia Hot Shot Battery.A unit battery in an attractive

red, moisture-proof case. Parti-

cularly useful for ignition, wherethe variety of sizes makes it adapt-able for motors of all sorts sta-

tionary, vehicle or motor boat. It

is very satisfactory for carriagelighting outfits.

about 25 amperes; 5 cells in series,

giving a voltage of 7%. The bat-

tery is made up of 6-inch cells, andis made in two rows.



Comiec-on Top.

Columbia 3-Volt Battery(Hade in Canada)

Can be used for any three volt lighting on cars and to fit any com-mercial hand lantern now on the market. We are prepared to furnisha three-volt battery in the same size as our regular No. 6 cell. Careshould be taken to use a three-volt bulb with this battery. When order-ing state whether required with or without connections on top.

(Not carried in stock at Winnipeg Branch.)No. 1015 Price, in lots of less than $5.00 worth at wholesale

Prices EachNo. 1015 Price, in lots of from $5.00 to $75.00 worth at whole-

sale prices Each\o. 1015 Price, in lts of over $75.00 worth at wholesale prices.



Without Connec-tions on Top.

Page 78: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Columbia & Columbia Ignitor Dry Cells

(Made in Canada)

Columbia ami Columbia Igiu'tor Dry Oils rurnisluvl in Square Cartons

or with Faheustock Connections if Desired.



Not Guaranteed

We cannot guaran-

tee prices for future

delivery on Columbia

or National Batteries;

but we will accept

Battery orders for fu-

ture delivery at pre-

vailing prices at time

of shipment.



I 'ut up specially

for automobiles and

motor boats. Thebest brand Calcium< 'arbide.

No. 2030 5 Ib. tins.

( 1 doz. in wooden

case.) Price, doz.

No. 2028 100 Ib.

drums. Price, each

CementM. &M.

A patch applied with or-

dinary cement to an inner

tube is not a permanent re-

pair, but a patch applied with

M. & M. Cement will effect :i

perfect union. Exceptional


X<>. Size

2330 % pint

2331 i/2 pint

2332 1 pint

2333 1


Per doz.

This special Him Chain Councilor is used

on both "C.C.M. Dreadnaught" and "Maxim

Imperial" ('hains. This connector is the only

type which allows the user to adjust chain pro-

perly with a minimum of effort. Positively pre-

vents loss of chains by becoming disconnected.

No. 2813 llisht. p-r Kin

Chain Lever Hooks

In Canada)

No. 281 I Left, per KHi

I'l-iees Subject to Change Without Notice.

Page 79: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Chains--" C.C.M. Dreadnaught" Tire ChainsAlthough loner in price than some

others on the market, they are made(o a quality standard that cannot be

excelled, regardless of price.

The Klectric Welded Cross Sections,

after being inspected and tested, are

[artfully bone-hardened, resulting in

links with a diamond-hard surface and

tough inner core, thus assuring amaximum of strength and wear.

Packed one pair in a strong canvas

The Uim chain is galvanized andCross Chains copper plated to preventrust.

A special 'Lever Kim Chain con-r.fctur, on which is stamped "Dread-naught," is used on these chains. (Seeillustration below.)

Dreaduaught Chains are guaranteedas to quality of material and work-manship, and to give at least samesen ice as the highest priced chain onthe market.


iii Canada)

" Maxim Imperial"Tire Chains

While better value is obtained by purchasing C.C.M.

Dreadnaught Chains, Maxim Imperial Chains are satis-

factory for light cars, and purchaser will obtain full


The special Lever Kim Chain Connector is supplied.

(See illustration below.)

The Rim Chain is 1 32" heavier than supplied onother chains of this grade, giving the chain greater dur-ability.

The Cross Sections are polished and not hardened.Xone of the low priced chains have hardened CrossSections.

i Mn da in Canada)

MaximImperial RepairCross Chains

(Mailc in Canada)

These < ross Chains are cop-

per plated to prevent rust.

Per 100

\<>. 2788 3V2"

Xo. 27894" . .

Nc>. 2790 4%"V... 27(11 - :,"


C.C.M. DreadnaughtRepair

Cross Chains(Made in Canada)

ICIrrtrically welded and carefully bone-hard-ened, resulting in links with a diamond-hardsurface and tough inner core, assuring maxi-mum strength and wear. Copper plated to

prevent rust.


per 100\<>. 2151 3"\o. 2 1 52 3 V.,


Xo. 2153 4"No. 2154 4%"No. 2155 5" .

ChainRepair Links

(Made -in Canada)

Fur repairing

broken CrossSections.

Xo. 11082 Per

100 .

The Dealers' Interest* Are Our Interests.'

Page 80: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Maxim Spark Plugs(Made in Fuse Depart-ment of Russell MotorCar Company's Plant.J




Accurate as a

Time Fuse

Xo. 1490 % inch

(Three - in - One

Terminal. Price,


No. 1491 A.L.A.M.

(Three - in - One

Terminal). Price,

each .

No. 1494 A.L.A.M.,

Long (Three-in-

One Terminal).

Price, each.

No. 1501 SpecialChevrolet A.L.A.

M., Long (specialChevrolet Termin-al). Price, each

(Each Spark Plug Packed in a Neat Carton)

GUIDEDby our previous ex-

perience and by a careful

study of the principal

Spark Plugs on the market, the

<U-M#fi has been improved in sev-

eral important respects. It is no

exaggeration to say that we nowconsider the Maxim by far the

best Spark Plug yet produced.The Three-in-One Terminal

does 50% more work than anyother, and 200% more than mostterminals. It takes the place

of a slip terminal, a

Buick and a screw con-

nection terminal. It

will therefore fit prac-

tically any make of

Motor Car sold in Can-ada. The advantage ofthis to both dealer andmotorist is apparent.A Special Chevro-

let Model is also sup-


The heavy Ball Point

which has always been a feature of

higher grade Maxim Spark Plugshas been retained. Experiencehas proven that the Ball Point

gathers a heavy pressure of cur-

rent and produces a strong, rich

spark, about 50% more power-ful than is obtainable by the use

of other styles of points.An interesting experiment to

prove this to your satisfaction is

to hold a number of thin sheets of

paper in the course of a spark.

The Maxim Spark will burn

through twelve sheets, as against

eight sheets penetrated by the

spark of any ordinary plug.

"Accurate as a Time Fuse"is literally true of the new Maxim

Spark Plug. It is made by me-

chanics who have been accustom-

ed to working to a variation of not

over .002, or 2-1000 of an inch, in

making the delicate mechanism of

a time fuse. Automatic machines

of equal accuracy are used, and

the designs, gauges and tools are

similarly exact. As a result, all

parts are interchangeable.

Allowance has been madein the design for the expansion of

the various parts, for variation in

the thickness of the porcelains,

etc., and, in short, nothing has

been neglected to insure the giving

of the very best service

under all conditions.

Seeing is believing,

however, and we sug-

gest that you try this

improved Spark Plugfor yourself. Ourtests have convinced us

that it is an article

which it will pay deal-

ers well to push, and

which they can safely


No. 1495.


Porcelains for Maxim Spark PlugOnly two models are now required.

No. 1495 Regular Porcelain, with Three-in-One Terminal Price, each

No. 1502 Special Porcelain, with Chevrolet Terminal Price, each No. 1502.Chevrolet.

Page 81: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies



Prices. Terms and General Information 2- 3

Bicycles and Prices 4. g

Repairs List :-


Parts List 10-11Bicycle and Motorcycle Accessory Section . 12-72Motor Accessory Section 73-76

Acid, Boracic 18

Adjusters, Chain 12

Advertising Caps 12

Advertising Pennants 12

Acetylene Burners, Bicycle and Motorcycle 41

Air Drying Enamels 27Air Drying Varnish 69Aluminum Paint 27Axles, Front and Rear 12-13Axle Sets, Hub 12-13Axle Set Parts 13

Axle, Pedal, Motorcycle 47

BBaby Carriage Tire

Baby Carriage Tire Wire . .

Back OrdersBags, ToolBaking TCnamelBaking VarnishBalls, Steel

Ball Retainers, BicycleBall Retainers, MotorcycleBand, Tire, Motorcycle . . . .

Bands, Repair Tire

Bars, HandleBaskets (for Carriers) . . . .


MultipleMultiplexHot ShotThree VoltColumbia Ignitor












Bells ........................................ 14-16Belts, MotorcycleBelt Dressing, MotorcycleBelt Drill, MotorcycleBelt Fastener, MotorcycleBelt Specifications




BicyclesBrantford Red Bird 6

Cleveland g

Massey 5* Perfect 7

Bifurcated Rivets 51Blades, Hack Saw 32Blow Pipes, Brazier igBlow Torches 60Bolts and Nuts

Chain, Bicycle 23Chain, Motorcycle 23Handlebar and Seat Post 16-35Pedal 16Sprocket lgToe Clip 16

Blades. Hack Saw 33Boracic Acid lgBorax lgBraces. Dressguard 31Braces. Mudguard 31Brackets, Cyclometer 25Brackets, Lamp, Bicycle 41Brackets, J^amp, Motorcycle 41Brake, Bicycle, Hercules, etc 17

Pageliiake (Hercules) Oil 46Brake, Parts, Bicycle 17-18Brake Tool, Bicycle i gBrass Plugs, Bicycle Tire 4gBraziers jgBrazier Blow Pipes jgBrazing Compound igBrazing Spelter


igBrushes, Enamelling and Cleaning 19Buffers, Bicycle 19Built-up Wheels

. 70Bulbs, Bicycle Horn 37-38Bulbs, Motorcycle Horn 37-38Burners, Lamp, Bicycle 41Burners, Lamp, Motorcycle 41Burring Oil 4gBushings, Crank Repair . 61

cCages, Ball, Bicycle 14Cages, Ball, .MotorcycleCans. Oil

] 4 gCaps, Advertising \\\ 12Caps, Valve ggCarbide, Auto size 74Carbide, Bicycle size 74Carbide Lamps 39Carriage Lamp Bracket 41Carriage Tires ggCarriers 20-21Cells, Dry .' . 74Cement. Rubber Patching 21-22Cement, Motorcycle Patching 21-22Cement, Jiffoid

Cement, Hard Tire 21Cement, Shellac 21Cement, "Titewad" 21Cement, Wood Rim 21Cement, "X.X." and Dunlop 22Cement, M. & M 22Chalfant Clamips 57Chalk. French (Soapstone) 60chain Adjusters, Bicycle 12Chains, Roller, Bicycle Sprocket 23Chain Repair Parts, Bicycle 23Chain Parts, Motorcycle 24Chain Tools, Bicycle and Motorcycle 24Chain Guards, Bicycle 32Chain Guard Parts, Bicycle 32Chain Lubricant 45Chain Grips, Bicycle and Motorcycle 24Chain Tools, Bicycle and Motorcycle 24Chains, Tire, Motorcycle, Weed 26Chains, Tire, Auto 75Chain Repair Links, Motorcycle 24Chain Bolts and Nuts 23

Chains, Repair Cross 25Chain, Lever Hooks 74Chainolene 45Chains 3

Clamps, Seatpost, Bolts and Nuts*


Clamp, Chain Vise 24

Clamps, Chalfaint 57

Clamps, Saddle 57Cleveland Bicycles 8

Page 82: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


Cleaners, Hub . . . .

Clips, Frame PumpClips, ToeClips, TrouserCloth, Emery


Colored Rim Plate Opposite 52

Cone Pliers 48

Cone WrencTies 36

Cones, Cups, for Head 36

Cones, Adjustable 26

Connections, Lam>p Rubber Tubing 43

Connections, Pump, Bicycle 50-51

Cotter Pins, Crank 25

Crank Bushings 61

Crank Cotter Pins, 25

Crank Hanger 35-36

Crank Bracket Parts 10

Crank Hanger Parts 35-36

Crank Reamer and Tap Set 61

Crank Repair Taps 61

Crank Tap and Reamer Set 61

Crank Repair TipsCushion, MotorcycleCushion Frame Bicycle Parts

Cyclometer, BicycleCyclometer, MotorcycleCyclometer, Bicycle and Motorcycle Brackets.... 25

Cyclometer, Bicycle and Motorcycle Striker 25

Delivery Carriers . . . . 20-21Dealers' Special Nameplates 28

Deflators, Tire 67

Dies, Fork Stem 28

Dies, Stocks and Taps, Bicycle 61

Dies, Stocks and Taps, Motorcycle 61

Dress Guards 32

Dress Guard Parts 32

Dress Guard, Detachable 32

Dressing, Belt, Motorcycle 20

Drills, Belt, Motorcycle 20

Drivers, Screw 26-27

Dry Cells 74

Dunlop Tires .' 62-63

EEadie Brake Parts IS

Electric Bicycle Lamps 40-41

Emery ClothEnamelsEnamelling, 1918 Prices

Enamelling Brushes . . . .

ErTamelled SignsEngineer's Wrench Set . .

Expander, H. Bar Stem .




Fastener, Belt, MotorcycleFittings, HeadFlag Holder, Bicycle

Flaps, MudguardFloor StandFluids, Tire




Foot Pumps. Bicycle 49-50ForksForks, RepairFork StemsFork Stem DieFork Repair TipsFork Repairing Prices

Frames, BicycleFrame Parts. CushionFrames, Hack SawFrame PartsFrame Pumps, BicycleFrame Pumps, MotorcycleFrame Pump ClipsFrame Pump StandsFrame Repairing Prices





Gr PageC4as Lamps, llicyele 39-40Gas Lamps, MotorcycleGasoline PatchesGauge, Screw Pitch

Generator, Gas, MotorcycleGongsGoods Returned. Directions

Graphite, ChainGrinding, Skate HolderGripping Pliers

Grips, Handlebar, BicycleGrips, Handlebar, MotorcycleGrips, Motorcycle ChainGrips, NippleGuaranteeGuards, ChainGuards, Dress, NettedGuard, LacingGuards, Mud ,

Guards, Side MudGuards, Detachable DressGuards Parts. ChainGuard Parts. DressGuards, Trouser











Hack Saw Blades 32

Hack Saw Frames 32Hand Pumps 50

Hand Soap 60

Handlebar Bolts and Nuts 16

Handlebars, Bicycle 33-34

Handlebar Bolts 35

Handlebar Grips, Bicycle 30

Handlebar Grips, Motorcycle 30

Handlebar Posts or Stems 34-35

Handlebar Parts 11

Handlebar Tops 33-34

Hangers, Crank 35-36

Hangers. Crank Parts 35-36

Head Fittings 36

Hercules Brake 16

Hercules Brake Parts - 17*

Hercules Brake Oil 45

Holders, Bicycle Flag . . 19

Holders, Bicycle Wall 37

Holders, Skate Grinding 32

Hooks, Chain Lever 74

Horns, Bicycle

Horns, MotorcycleHorn Bulbs, Bicycle and Motorcycle 37-3S

Horn Reeds, Bicycle and Motorcycle 37-3*

Hub Axles 12-13

Hub Axle Sets 12-13

Hull Parts 11-13

Hubs, Front and RearHubs, SulkyHub CleanersHubs. Motorcycle Front ::

Hygienic Frame Parts

ii nlc 1 1. I'.. I'ost 1'Mi-ts

Interim's, \

.lilT.iid (Vmentg I'in-;. f"i- North Pole B.C. Tiring

Juvenile Tires

2 -


KKit. Tire Krp:iir. Bli

Kits. Tnnl

Laci- 1

I,;unps. Elect! 40-41

Lamp cycle 39-4

las, Moton

Page 83: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies



Lamps. ( )il, Bicycle 39

Lamps, Tail 40-41

Lamp Brackets. Bicycle 41

Lamp Brackets, Motorcycle 41

Lamp Burners. Bicycle 41

Lamp Burners, Motorcycle 41

Lamp Tubing. Rubber 4S

Lamp Parts. Bicycle 43

Leggings, Motorcycle 43Levers, Tire, Motorcycle 67Link, Diamond Repair, Bicycle 23

Links, Chain Repair 24

Links, Chain Repair, Auto 75Lock Washers 70

Locks, Bicycle 44-45Locks, Motorcycle 44-45


Lubricant, Chain 45

Lubricating Oil 46

"Lucky Tread" Tires and Tubes 65

Luggage Carriers 20-21

MMassey BicyclesMorrow Brake Parts

Motorcycle (C.C.M.) PartsMud GuardsMud Guard FlapsMud Guard Rivets .

NXameplates. Dealers', BicycleXeverleakXew Departure Brake PartsXickel Plating 1918 Prices

Xippers. End CutXipple GripsXipples. SpokeXipple Washers, SpokeXon-Skid Chains, Auto"North Pole" Baby Carriage TiringNuts, Plain nnd Wing

Oil. Lubricating and Burning;Oil, Hercules BrakeOilers. BicycleOilers, MotorcycleOil Lamps


1 'ai-king ChargesParcel CarriersPaint, Aluminum, BicycleParts, Price List 10Parts, CrankParts, Chain 03I 'arts. Cushion Frame

W'arts, PedalParts. Saddle"F'atches, Rubber CircularI '.itches, Cementless. "Sticktite"

Patching RubberPedal Axle. Motorcycle

Is, BicycleBulls and Nuts

Pedals. MotorcycleI,.

I Wrench. Bicycb- 4S: tising

Perfect BIcycl .'..'....Petrolatum. .Telly Vaseline

Vorth Pole Tire Joining ....'

Pliers, Ni TirePlugs, Spark.















212 7













PagePlugs, Handlebar Stem Expander 35Plugging CementPosts, Handlebar 34-35Posts, Seat 43Porcelains, Spark Plug 75Prices, How BasedPumps, Bicycle 49-50Pumps, MotorcyclePump Washers, Leather. BicyclePump Stands, Frame. BicyclePump Clips, Frame, BicyclePump Connections, BicyclePump Rubbers, BicyclePump Stems, BicyclePump Tubing, Bicycle





RReamers 51Reamer and Tap Set. Crank glReeds, Bicycle Horn

' '

\\ 37Reeds, Motorcycle Horn 33Repairs Price List 9

Repair Forks 28Repair Hanger 35Repair Taps, Crank gjRepair Tips, Crank 26Repair Tips, Fork 28Repair Bands 57Repair Tags 5^Repair Kit, Dunlop Bicycle _

Repair Links, Chain. Auto 75Repair Cross Chains. Auto 75.

Retainers, Ball, Bicycle 14Retainers, Ball, Motorcycle 14Return of Goods 3Rim Striping, Color Plate Facing 52Rim Striping Specification List 52Rims. Sulky or Ta'ndem 53Rims, Steel, Bicycle 53Rims, Steel, .Motorcycle 53Rims, Wood, Bicycle 52-53Rims. Wood, Seconds 53Rim Tape g7Rivets, Bifurcated 51Rivets, Tubular Mud Guard 31Rubber Patching Cement 21-22Rubbers, Pump 51Rubber Patches 54Rubber. Patching


Rubber, Valve Caps 69

Saddles. Bicycle 55-5(Saddle Parts, BicycleSaddles, MotorcycleSaddle ClampsSaddle SpringsSaddle TrussesSaw Blades, HackSa \v Frames, HackSaw Tooth WashersScrewsScrew Plates with Taper Taps. BicycleScrew Plates with Tap.-r Taps. MotorcycleSi-rew Pitch Gauge







.. 61

32Scri-w DriviTS. Bicycle L'il-27

Screw Drivers, Motorc\ dc 27Seat Post 4-,

Seat Post Clamp Bolts and Nuts 1 1!

Shellac Cement ^ I

Shine-M-fp .-,4

Si.mis, Enamelled :, -I

Single Tube Tires 65Sk.-it.' Grinding Holders 32

-. Tire. Motorcycle 67Grc -Solvent Vko 60

'-tone 60Shop Pedal Wrench -p-

Set 72

Page 84: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


PageS|iark I'lu.ns. Auto 76Sp:i i k I 'lugs. Motorcycle 51

Spark Plug I'orcelaius 76

Spelter and Spelter Wire 18

Split Rivets 51

Spokes anil XippU-s. I'.icycle 58

Spukes and Nipples. Motorcycle 58

Spokes and Nipples. Hike Wagon 58

Spoke* and Nipples, Sulky 58

Spoke Specifications, Motorcycle 58

Spoke Nipple Screw Driver 27

Spoke Nipple Grips 30

Spoke Nippel Washers 70

Springs, Saddle 57

Sprocket, Bolts and Nuts 16

Sprocket Wrenches 71

Stands. Bicycle 59

Stands, Floor 59

Stands, Frame Pump 49Stands, Street 59

Stands, Wheel Truing 59-60

.Stand, Combination Carrier and 21-59Steel Balls 13Steel Rims. Bicycle .13

Steel Rims, Motorcycle 53Steel Tubing 60Steel Wool 54

Stems, Handlebar 34-35Stems, Pump, Bicycle 50

String Plug's 48

Strikers, Cyclometer 25

Striped Rims 52

Striped Rims, Color Plate Facing 52

Sulky Hubs 38

Sulky Rims 53

Sulky Tires 66

Sulky Spokes and Nipples 58

Sulky Wheels, Built Up 20

Tags, RepairTalc, SoapstoneTap and Reamer Set

Taps, Crank RepairTaps and Dies, Bicycle

Taps and Dies, MotorcycleTape, RimTelegra.pli and Phone Charges .

TermsThread GaugeTill*. Crank RepairTips, Fork RepairTire Cement (Hard i

Tire Bells. BicycleTire Hand, MotorcycleTire Chains, Motorcycle. \Vced

Tire Chains, AutoTire DeflatorTire Cement








Tire Levers, Motorcycle 67

Tire Lever WrenchTire Fluid, Bicycle (Neverleak)Tire Repair Outfit, BicycleTire Sleeve, MotorcycleTire TapeTire Repair Bands, Bicycle



PageTires, Baby Carriage 68Tires. Bicycle 62-66Tires. CarriageTires, Juvenile

Tires, Single TubeTires, SulkyTires, Motorcycle, DunlopTire ValvesTire Wire, Baby Carriage"Titewad" Cement"Titewad" Tire FillerToe ClipsToe Clip Bolts and NutsTool BagsTool Brake, BicycleTools. Chain, Bicycle and MotorcycleTool, ValveTools, Motorcycle ChainTool Kit .





Tops. Handlebar 33-34Torches 60Trouser Clips 24Trouser Guards >,'<

Truing Stand "'Millennium" Micycle 59

Truing Stand, Motorcycle 60Trusses, Saddle 57Tubes, Bicycle 64-6.1

Tubing, Pump, Bicycle 51Tubing, Steel, Bicycle 60Tubing, Rubber, Lamp 43

Valves, Bicycle Tire

Valves, Motorcycle TireValve CapsValve Cap Rubbers . . . .

Valve Interiors

Valve ToolVarnishVaselineVeeder Cyclometers




wWall Holders, Bicycle . . .

War ClauseWashers. Leather Pump, BicycleWashers, Itounrt Nickel Steel

Washers. KeyWashers. "D."

Washers, Spoke NippleWashers. LockWeed Tire Chaii.s. MotorcycleWheel Truing StandsWheels. P.uilt I'p, BicycleWhistles, Hicycle .'

Wing NutsWire, I'.aliy Carriage TireWood Rims 52-

Wood Rim CementWool, Steel

Wrenches, BicycleWrench, Shop Pedal 48-

Wrench, SprocketT ench Tire LeverW renohes. Motorcycle

Saturday Nieht Press, Toronto

Page 85: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies
Page 86: (1918 Catalogue) Bicycle & Repair Supplies


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