18 week benchmark us history. 1 what century did the constitutional convention of 1787 in...

18 Week Benchmark US History

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Page 1: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century

18 Week BenchmarkUS History

Page 2: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?

Eighteenth Century

Page 3: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


Common Sense, written by Thomas Paine, was most influential in persuading American colonists to support what?

Colonial independence

Page 4: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


What were the major weakness of government under the Articles of Confederation?

The national government could not enforce its laws.

Page 5: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


What did the Federalists agree to in order to address the concerns of many Antifederalists during the debate over ratification of the Constitution?

A bill of rights would also be added.

Page 6: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


Who achieved dominance of North America as a result of the French and Indian War (1754 – 1763)?

Great Britain

Page 7: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


Who led a rebellion in 1676 that forced Virginia’s leaders to recognize the growing discontent among small landowners. He burned Jamestown to the ground.

Nathaniel Bacon

Page 8: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


In this speech, what was George Washington warning America about?

Citizens should be wary of sectionalism in the US.

Page 9: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


How did the decision in Marbury vs. Madison (1803) expanded the power of the Supreme Court?

Established the power of judicial review.

Page 10: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


“….Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers form the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government….”

The excerpt expresses the basic concept of which document?

The Declaration of Independence

Page 11: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


What were three characteristics of the Jamestown settlement?

House of Burgesses, Bacon’s Rebellion, and Founded by the Virginia Company

Page 12: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


What American Colonies were created as an attempt to escape religious persecution?

Pennsylvania and Maryland

Page 13: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


What did King Philip’s war represent?

The last major Indian effort to halt New Englanders’ encroachment on their lands.

Page 14: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


List several important results of the Great Awakening?

Contributed to greater religious liberalism and toleration in the churches

Page 15: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


What was the British Proclamation of 1763?

Banned colonial movement West of the App Mountains Angered colonists who thought that it deprived them of land for settlements.

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List several advantages that the colonists held over the British during the American Revolution.

Fighting defensively on a large, agriculturally self sufficient continent.

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How did Shay’s Rebellion contribute to the movement for a new constitution?

Raising the fear of anarchy and disorder among politicians and wealthy conservatives.

Page 18: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


The Declaration of Sentiments, adopted during the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848, discussed whose rights?


Page 19: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


What was Jefferson’s greatest concern in purchasing Louisiana?

The Constitutionality of the purchase.

Page 20: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


What 3 things did the Missouri Compromise state?

Maine was free, Missouri was slave, and Slavery would not be permitted anywhere in the Louisiana Purchase territory north of the southern boundary of Missouri, except Missouri itself.

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Why did Jacksonians cry “corrupt bargain” when John Q. Adams won the presidency?

Clay was named Secretary of State after throwing his support to Adams

Page 22: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


What did President Andrew Jackson do to promote his policy of Indian removal?

Defied rulings of the US Supreme Court that favored the Cherokees.

Page 23: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


What did the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 serve to restrict?

Freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

Page 24: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


One major compromise at the Constitutional Convention settled the difference between large states and small states over what issue?

Representation in Congress

Page 25: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


Which was a belief held by John Brown (1800–1859)?

Slavery should be abolished by violent means, if necessary.

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Use the quotes below to answer the question.

“The Slaveholding states will no longer have the power of self-government, or self-protection, and the federal government will become their enemy. . . .”

South Carolina Legislature, Declaration of the causes of Secession, 1860


“The Union is older than any of these states, and, in fact, it created them as states.” -Abraham Lincoln, 1861


These quotes represent two sides in which important conflict in American history?

The conflict over the rights of states in the federal system of government.

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Where did the new Republican Party of the 1850’s draw much of its northern support from?

Antislavery Whigs

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What was the main factor in the nullification confrontation of 1832-1833 between President Andrew Jackson and South Carolina Senator John C. Calhoun?

Calhoun’s claim that a state has the power to ignore federal laws.

Page 29: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


What were Eli Whitney’s 2 most impactful inventions?

Interchangeable parts and the cotton gin

Page 30: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


What was the agricultural system used during Reconstruction that allowed white landowners to benefit from the labor of former slaves without paying wages?


Page 31: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


By 1863, why did most military planners say that the South could not continue to fight?

The Southern industrial base was too weak to support the expense of waging war.

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Read the excerpt from Abraham Lincoln’s 2nd inaugural address. (SSUSH9)


“With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds . . . to do all which many achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

-March 4, 1865

What did Lincoln want to restore?

National Unity

Page 33: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


What was the name of the Cherokee Indians forced removal from Georgia to Oklahoma?

The Trail of Tears

Page 34: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


The Seneca Falls Convention launched the modern women’s rights movement with its call for what?

Equal rights, including the right to vote

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What did reformer Dorothea Dix work for?

Better treatment of the mentally ill.

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What did the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, ending the Mexican War, provide?

American acquisition of about ½ of Mexico and payment of several million dollars in compensation.

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What was “Manifest Destiny”?

God had destined the US to expand across the whole North American continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

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What is important about Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin?

Greatly strengthened northern antislavery feelings

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What were the terms of the Compromise of 1850?

California was admitted to the Union as a free state, and slavery in Utah and New Mexico territories would be left up to popular sovereignty

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What did the Supreme Court rule in the Dred Scott decision?

Ruled that Congress could not prohibit slavery in the territories because slaves were private property

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Who did the Emancipation Proclamation free?

Slaves under the control of the rebellious Confederate states

Page 42: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


Why was Grant’s capture of Vicksburg especially important?

It cut the Confederate access to the Mississippi

Page 43: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


Why was Sherman’s march “from Atlanta to the sea” especially important?

Its brutal use of “total war” tactics of destruction and pillaging southern civilian populations

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What did the Freedman’s Bureau provide?

Food, clothes, and education for emancipated slaves

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What did the Black Codes, passed by many of the Southern State governments in 1865, aim to accomplish?

Ensure a stable and subservient labor force under white control

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What was the result of the radical Republicans’ impeachment of President Andrew Johnson?

A failure to convict and remove Johnson by only one vote in the Senate

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What battle is considered the ending of the American Revolution because it represented a crushing defeat to the British?


Page 48: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


What was the intent of the Homestead Act?

Encourage white families to develop the West

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Who was the Dawes Act designed to benefit?

White settlers

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What were the requirements of readmission of former Confederate states under the Reconstruction Act of 1867?

1. They would be divided into military districts headed by Union generals.

2. Voters would elect delegates to draft new constitutions.

3. They had to ratify the 14th Amendment to be readmitted to the Union.

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What outlawed slavery in the United States?

Thirteenth Amendment

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What was Lincoln's original plan for Reconstruction, which Johnson largely followed?

Be lenient

Page 53: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


Which area did the Monroe Doctrine aim to free from European influence?

The Western Hemisphere

Page 54: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


What was a result of passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Popular sovereignty for Kansas and Nebraska

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What was transported during the “middle passage”?

Africans from Africa to the West Indies and North America

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For which action is Nat Turner well known?

Leading a violent slave revolt

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Page 58: 18 Week Benchmark US History. 1  What century did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia occur?  Eighteenth Century


Why did many European nations seek new settlements in the New World during the 1600’s?

Obtain more wealth

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Why was the House of Burgesses significant?

It was the start of representative government in Virginia

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Describe the British colonial policy called mercantilism.

Exercising British control over economic activities in the colonies

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What is John Winthrop arguing in the following passage?

For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us, so that if we shall deal falsely with our God in their work we have undertaken, and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a byword through the world.”- John Winthrop (1630)

That the settlers were forming a morally righteous society that would serve as a model for a reformed England

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Of what importance were men such as the Marquis de Lafayette and Fredrick von Steuben to the American cause during the American Revolution?

The provided expertise

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Why did William Penn Found Pennsylvania?

Provide refuge for persecuted English Quakers

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Which American was a model for the Enlightenment?

Benjamin Franklin

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As part of the Compromise of 1877, what occurred?

Union troops withdrew and white southerners regained control of state governments

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What was the foremost reason for the War of 1812?

The British policy of search and seizure of American ships

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After the War of 1812, Henry Clay called for an “American System.” What did he mean by this?

Internal improvements that would make the nation self sufficient

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The Erie Canal allowed boats to travel from the Hudson River in the east to Lake Erie in the west. What effect did the opening of the Erie Canal have on American expansion?

It helped expand commerce to the country’s interior

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What was the main reason for the French settlement in Quebec?

To spread the Catholic faith

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Why did the House of Representatives vote to impeach President Andrew Johnson?

He was not supportive of Radical Republicans