1689 chapter 15, of repentance unto life and salvation

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  • 7/30/2019 1689 Chapter 15, Of Repentance unto Life and Salvation


    SavingFaith &


    To Life &


  • 7/30/2019 1689 Chapter 15, Of Repentance unto Life and Salvation


    14OutlineI. The source of saving faith

    A. The personal agent involvedB. The instrumental means involved

    II The acts of saving faithA. Embraces Bibles infallibility & excellency

    B. Responds appropriately to everything inBible

    C. Saving faith trusts in Christ alone forsalvation from sin

    III. The distinctiveness of saving faithA The fact of its distinctiveness

    1. The fact qualified2. The fact emphasized

    B. The fruit of its distinctiveness

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    14 - Faith DefinedQ90: What doth God require of

    us, that we may escape his wrathand curse due to us for sin?

    A: To escape the wrath and curse ofGod due to us for sin, God requireth

    of us faith in Jesus Christ, repentance

    unto life, with the diligent use of allthe outward means whereby Christ

    communicateth to us the benefits of


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    14 - Faith DefinedQ91: What is faith in Jesus


    A: Faith in Jesus Christ is a saving

    grace , whereby we receiveand rest upon him alone for

    salvation, as he is offered to us

    in the gospel.

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    14 - Faith DefinedQ95: How is the Word made

    effectual to salvation?

    A: The Spirit of God maketh the

    reading, but especially thepreaching of the Word, an

    effectual means of convincing

    and converting sinners, and ofbuilding them up in holiness and

    comfort, through faith, unto


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    Conversion:2 Divine-Human Activities

    Conversion defined:

    Our willing response to the

    gospel call, in which wesincerely repent of sins and

    place our trust in Christ for


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    Conversion:2 Divine-Human Activities

    Repentance defined:

    Turning from sin

    Faith defined:

    Turning to Jesus

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    What Must I Do To Be Saved?

    Repent?Acts 2:38; 3:19; 5:31; 11:18; 17:30

    Therefore repent and return, so that

    your sins may be wiped away


    8:12-13; 10:43; 11:17; 13:39; 16:31through His name everyone who

    believes in Him receives forgiveness

    of sins.

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    Why arent both always mentioned?There is only one solution to this difficultythat is logically consistent and in line withthe biblical data. Though faith andrepentance are distinct graces, they are

    so intimately connected that one neverexist without the other.

    Repentance and faith are distinct. Some

    might think, The solution is thatrepentance and faith are two differentnames for the same thing. They are

    synonyms. [cont.]

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    This would be a false conclusion forthe biblical data does not permit it.

    Repentance and faith depict differentrealities

    One [Greek word for repentance] means

    a change of mind about God and sin.The other means a turning from sin toGod. Faith is a conviction of the truth and

    a commitment to Christ, a closely relatedbut distinct thing. Repentance and faithare directed towards different objects

    (Acts 20:21). [cont.]

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    Repentance focuses onGod and his law.

    Faith focuses on Christand his grace.Repentance and faithpossess different roles insalvationFaith highlights the gracethat works salvation.

    Repentance highlightsthe change thatsalvation works.

    - p.193-194

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    Both Intimately Connected

    One cannot exist without the otherActs 20:21; 11:17-18; 17:30, 34

    solemnly testifying to both Jews

    and Greeks of repentancetoward God and faith in our LordJesus Christ.

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    You cannot repentunless you believe.

    You cannot believe

    unless you repent.

    All true faith isrepentant.

    All true repentance is


    Thus both are necessary

    to be saved

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    Which is prior, faith orrepentance? It is an

    unnecessary question andthe insistence that one isprior to the other isfutile. There is no priority.The faith that is untosalvation is a penitent faithand the repentance that is

    unto life is a believingrepentance. Repentance isadmirably defined in the

    Shorter Catechism.

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    Repentance DefinedQ92: What is repentance unto


    A: Repentance unto life is a

    saving grace, whereby a sinner,out of a true sense of his sin, and

    apprehension of the mercy of

    God in Christ, doth, with grief andhatred of his sin, turn from it unto

    God, with full purpose of, and

    endeavour after, new obedience.

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  • 7/30/2019 1689 Chapter 15, Of Repentance unto Life and Salvation


    Chapter 15 - Paragraph 1Some of the elect are converted

    after their early years, having

    lived in the naturala state for atime and served various evil

    desires and pleasures. God

    gives these repentance to life aspart of their effectual calling.1

    a:without the Spirit

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    15.1The Recipients [Riper]Titus 3:2-5 For we also once were

    foolish ourselves, disobedient, deceived,enslaved to various lusts and pleasures,spending our life in malice and envy,

    hateful, hating one another.


    But whenthe kindness of God our Savior and Hislove for mankind appeared, 5 He savedus, not on the basis of deeds which we

    have done in righteousness, butaccording to His mercy, by the washingof regeneration and renewing by the

    Holy Spirit,

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    Are only thoseconverted at riper years

    given repentance?

    The answer of the

    Confession to thequestion raised above is

    clearly No. Both

    paragraphs 2 and 4 makeclear that all believers

    repent and thus are given

    repentance. [cont.]

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    The Confession makes this out of adesire to distinguish repentance as a

    crisis experience from repentance as anordinary grace. All believers are markedby ordinary grace, but not all believers will

    know, or need to know, repentance as acrisis experience [i.e. Manasseh, Paul,Philippian jailer]I believe our Baptist forefathers had

    several practical concerns in making thisdistinction. Chiefly, they wanted to makesure that no one could accuse them of

    believing that all Christians [cont.]

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    must have a crisis conversion likethat of the Philippian jailor. They were

    saying, Though we insist emphatically onpersonal conversion, we understand thatthe experience of a child raised in a

    Christian home may be quite differentfrom that of one who is converted withoutthe benefit of Christian nurture as a child.Both converts will experience repentance,

    but both may not have a crisis conversionexperience. [cont]

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    Do not doubt your salvation merelybecause you lack a crisis experience

    like that of some respected brother or sisterin the Lord. Do not demand of others acertain type of conversion experience as a

    necessary mark of true grace. Anemotional earthquake, radical, externalchanges in ones life-style, knowing theexact time of ones rebirth, an extended

    work of conviction by the law, immediatesudden joyall of these may accompanyconversion, but none are necessary marks

    of true repentance.

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    Chapter 15 - Paragraph 2

    There is no one who does good anddoes not sin.2 Even the best may fallinto great sins and offenses, through

    the power and deceitfulness of thecorruption in them, along with thestrength of temptation. Therefore,

    God has mercifully provided in thecovenant of grace that believerswho sin and fall will be renewed

    through repentance to salvation.3

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    15.2The Recipients [All]

    There is no one who does good anddoes not sin

    Eccl. 7:20 Indeed, there is not a

    righteous man on earthwho continually does good and

    who never sins.

    Prov. 20:9 Who can say, I havecleansed my heart, I am purefrom my sin?

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    15.2The Recipients [All]

    Even the best may fall into greatsins and offenses, through the

    power and deceitfulness of the

    corruption in them, along with thestrength of temptation

    2 Sam. 11:1-27 [King David]

    Luke 22:54-62 [Peters Denial]

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    15.2The Recipients [All]

    Therefore, God has mercifullyprovided in the covenant of grace

    that believers who sin and fall will

    be renewed through repentance tosalvation.

    1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins,

    He is faithful and righteous toforgive us our sins and to cleanse

    us from all unrighteousness.

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    15.2The Recipients [All]

    Luke 22:31-32 Simon, Simon,behold, Satan has demanded

    permission to sift you like wheat;

    but I have prayed for you, thatyour faith may not fail; and you,

    when once you have turned

    again, strengthen your brothers.

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    15.2The Recipients [All]

    Jer. 32:40 I will makean everlasting covenant with

    them that I will not turn away from

    them, to do them good; and Iwill put the fear of Me in their

    hearts so that they will not turn

    away from Me.

    Ch t h 3

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    Chapter 15 - Paragraph 3This saving repentance is a

    gospel grace4 in which those whoare made aware by the Holy Spirit of

    the many evils of their sin, by faith in

    Christ humble themselves for it withgodly sorrow, hatred of it, and self-

    loathing.5 They pray for pardon and

    strength of grace and determine andendeavor by provisions from the Spirit

    to live before God in a well-pleasing

    way in everything.6

    5 3 It N t

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    5.3Its NatureThis saving repentance is a

    gospel grace2 Tim. 2:14-15 with gentleness

    correcting those who are in

    opposition, if perhaps God maygrant them repentance leading

    to the knowledge of the truth,

    5 3 It N t

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    5.3Its NatureActs 5:31 He is the one whom

    God exalted to His right hand asa Prince and a Savior, to grant

    repentance to Israel, and

    forgiveness of sins.Acts 11:18 When they heard this,

    they quieted down and glorified

    God, saying, Well then, God hasgranted to the Gentiles also the

    repentance that leadsto life.

    5 3 Wh t i b i f t d?

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    5.3What is being refuted?Lutherans are wont

    [accustomed or in the habit] tostress the fact that repentance is

    wrought by the law and

    faith by the gospel. Itshould be borne in mind,

    however, that the two

    cannot be separated;they are simply

    complementary parts of

    the same process.- p. 487

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    Rom. 2 3 But do you suppose this,O man, when you pass judgment

    on those who practice such thingsand do the same yourself, that you will

    escape the judgment of God? 4 Or do

    you think lightly of the riches of Hiskindness and tolerance and patience,not knowing that the kindness of God

    leads you to repentance?5

    Butbecause of your stubbornness andunrepentant heart you are storing up

    wrath for yourself in the day of wrath

    5 3 It N t

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    5.3Its Naturein which those who are made

    aware by the Holy Spirit of the manyevils of their sin, by faith in Christ

    humble themselves for it with godly

    sorrow, hatred of it, and self-loathingEzek. 36:31 Then you will remember

    your evil ways and your deeds that

    were not good, and you will loatheyourselves in your own sight for your

    iniquities and your abominations.


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    2 Cor. 7 10 For the sorrow that isaccording to the will ofGod

    produces a repentance without regret,leading to salvation, but the sorrow ofthe world produces death. 11 For behold

    what earnestness this very thing, thisgodly sorrow, has produced in you:what vindication of yourselves, what

    indignation, what fear, what longing,what zeal, what avenging of wrong! Ineverything you demonstrated

    yourselves to be innocent in the matter.

    5 3 G dl S

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    5.3Godly SorrowPs. 51 1 Be gracious to me, O

    God, according to Yourlovingkindness; According to the

    greatness of Your compassion blot

    out my transgressions. 2 Wash methoroughly from my iniquity

    And cleanse me from my sin.

    3 For I know my transgressions, Andmy sin is ever before me. 4 AgainstYou, You only, I have sinned And

    done what is evil in Yoursight

    5 3 G dl S

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    5.3Godly SorrowLuke 15 17 But when he came to

    his senses, he said, How many of myfathers hired men have more than

    enough bread, but I am dying here

    with hunger! 18 I will get up and go tomy father, and will say to him, Father,

    I have sinned against heaven, and in

    your sight;19 I am no longer worthy tobe called your son; make me as oneof your hired men.20 So he got up

    and came to his father

    5 3 W ldl S

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    5.3Worldly SorrowMatt. 27 3 Then when Judas,

    who had betrayed Him, saw thatHe had been condemned, he felt

    remorse and returned the thirty

    pieces of silver to the chief priestsand elders, 4 saying, I have sinned

    by betraying innocent blood. But

    they said, What is that to us?See to that yourself! 5 and he

    went away and hanged himself.

    5 3 It N t

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    5.3Its NatureThey pray for pardon and

    strength of grace and determineand endeavor by provisions from the

    Spirit to live before God in a well-

    pleasing way in everything.Ps. 119:128 Therefore I esteem right

    all Yourprecepts concerning

    everything, I hate every false way.

    5 3 It N t

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    5.3Its NatureProv. 28:13 He who conceals

    his transgressions will not prosper,But he who confesses and forsakes

    them will find compassion.

    Ps. 119:59 I considered my waysAnd turned my feet to Your


    Ps. 119:104 From Your preceptsI get understanding; Therefore I

    hate every false way.

    5 3 Its Nat re

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    5.3Its NatureLuke 3:8 Therefore bear fruits in

    keeping with repentance, and donot begin to say to yourselves, We

    have Abraham for our father, for I

    say to you that from these stonesGod is able to raise up children to


    5 3 Its Nature

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    5.3Its NatureActs 26:20 but kept declaring

    both to those of Damascus first,and also at Jerusalem and then

    throughout all the region of Judea,

    and even to the Gentiles, that theyshould repent and turn to God,

    performing deeds appropriate to


    5 3 Its Nature

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    5.3Its Nature1 Thes. 1:9 For they themselves

    report about us what kind of areception we had with you, and

    how you turned to God from idols

    to serve a living and true God,

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    Chapter 15 - Paragraph 4Repentance must continue

    throughout our lives, because ofthe body of death and its

    activities. So it is everyones duty

    to repent of each specific,known sin specifically.

    Matt. 5:4 Blessed are thosewho mourn, for they shall becomforted.

    5 4 Its Continuance

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    5.4Its ContinuanceLuke 19:8 Zaccheus stopped and

    said to the Lord, Behold, Lord, half ofmy possessions I will give to the poor,

    and if I have defrauded anyone of

    anything, I will give back four times asmuch.

    1 Tim. 1:13 even though I was formerly

    a blasphemer and a persecutor and aviolent aggressor. Yet I was shown

    mercy because I acted ignorantly in


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    Chapter 15 - Paragraph 5God has made full provision

    through Christ in the covenant ofgrace to preserve believers in their

    salvation. Thus, although there is no

    sin so small that it is undeserving ofdamnation,8 yet there is no sin so

    great that it will bring damnation on

    those who repent.9 This makes theconstant preaching of repentance


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    5.5 Its ProvisionGod has made full provision

    through Christ in the covenant ofgrace to preserve believers in theirsalvation. Thus, although there is no

    sin so small that it is undeserving ofdamnation

    Ps. 130:3 If You, LORD, should mark

    iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?

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    5.5 Its ProvisionPs. 143:2 And do not enter into

    judgment with Your servant,For in Your sight no man living isrighteous.

    Rom. 6:23 For the wages of sin is

    death, but the free gift of Godis eternal life in Christ Jesus our


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    Chapter 15 - Paragraph 5yet there is no sin so great that

    it will bring damnation on those whorepent.9 This makes the constantpreaching of repentance necessary.

    Is. 55:7 Let the wicked forsake his

    way And the unrighteous manhis thoughts; And let him return to

    the LORD, And He will have

    compassion on him, And to our

    God, For He will abundantly pardon.

    5 5 Its Provision

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    5.5 Its ProvisionIs. 1:16-18 Wash yourselves,

    make yourselves clean; Remove theevil of your deeds from My sight.

    Cease to do evil, Learn to do good;

    Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless,Defend the orphan, Plead for the

    widow. Come now, and let us reason

    together, Says the Lord, Though yoursins are as scarlet, They will be as

    white as snow; Though they are red

    like crimson, They will be like wool.

    REPENTANCE t b bitt ill

  • 7/30/2019 1689 Chapter 15, Of Repentance unto Life and Salvation


    REPENTANCE seems to be a bitter pillto take, but it is to purge out the bad

    humour of sin. By some Antinomian spirits itis cried down as a legal doctrine; but Christhimself preached it. From that time Jesusbegan to preach, and to say, Repent, &c.Matt iv IT In his last farewell, when he wasascending to heaven, he commanded thatRepentance should be preached in his

    name. Luke xxiv 47. Repentance is a puregospel grace. The covenant of works wouldnot admit of repentance; it cursed all that

    could not perform perfect and personal

    obedience Gal iii 10

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    obedience. Gal iii 10.

    Repentance comes in by the

    gospel; it is the fruit of Christspurchase that repentingsinners shall be saved. It iswrought by the ministry of thegospel, while it sets beforeour eyes Christ crucified. It isnot arbitrary, but necessary; there is no

    being saved without it. Except ye repent,ye shall all likewise perish. Luke xiii 3. Wemay be thankful to God that he has left us