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William Bradford 1590-1657

1620 – Part of the Separist group that Bradford joined in 1606 left on the Mayflower to the New World.

1630-1650 – Bradford worked on his history, Of Plymouth Plantation

1856 – Bradford’s unfinished history was published after being discovered in the bishop of London’s library. Our anthology tells us it was “presumably stolen by a British soldier during the British occupation of Boston.”

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Major ThemesMajor Themes


Private interest vs. Public good


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Important QuotationsImportant Quotations

“There was a proud and very profane young man, one of the seamen, of a lusty, able body, which made him the more haughty; he would always be contemning the poor people in their sickness and cursing them daily with grievous execrations…But it pleased God before they came half seas over, to smite this young man with a grievous disease, of which he died in a desperate manner, and so was himself the first that was thrown overboard.” Chapter IX (page 352)

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Important QuotationsImportant Quotations

“At length, after much debate of things, the Governor gave way that they should set corn every man for his own particular, and in that regard trust to themselves; in all other things to go on in the general way as before…This had very good success, for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been by any means the Governor or any other could use…” Chapter XIV (page 357)

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Important QuotationsImportant Quotations

“But one reason may be that the Devil may carry a greater spite against the churches of Christ and the gospel here…I would rather think thus, than that Satan hath more power in these heathen lands, as some have thought, than in more Christian nations, especially over God’s servants in them.” Chapter XXXII (page 365)