16. war julio


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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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In politics not everyone agrees

this is also the case when it comes to

international relations. When diplomacy

and talking fail, there are several other

ways to end a disagreement.

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Since the creation of the United

Nations in 1945, countries have agreed to

live together peacefully and to resolve

disputes through negotiations or

arbitration. The international court of

justice is always ready to hear disputes

and to suggest solutions, provided the

countries involved will let them.

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Some countries need help from

others to function. So an offending state

may have its aid (technology, education,

food, or money) restricted until it stops its

bad behavior.

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It was once thought that stockpiling

weapons was the best way to keep peace

and deter others from becoming

threatening but it just led to very tense,

near war scenarios.

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Wars have occurred throughout history,

many of which have been savage and

have resulted in widespread destruction.

Most of the conflicts have been local or

regional but we have also suffered two

world wars, as well as other international

conflicts that have killed millions of people.

This is why war should be the last resort of

any disagreement

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