16 hickson road, the rocks archaeological...

. ' •· ,. - I 16 HICKSON ROAD, THE ROCKS ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT by ROBERT V J P V ARMAN Ph D for CLARENDON APARTMENTS November 15, 2000. INTRODUCTION This report was commissioned by Clarendon Apartments .in order to satisfy ' condition 14 of the Development Consent associated with a residential development at 16 Hickson Road, The Rocks, Sydney. The Development . Consent required an initial one metre square test excavation to determine the nature of the sub-surface stratigraphy. · The test excavation took place under ideal conditions on November 7 with the help of a four ton excavator to remove a portion of the reinforced .. concrete surface and fill deposits. For the Statement of Significance and historic outline regarding 16 Hickson Road, see Heritage Assessment for 16 Hickson Road (66 George Street) , prepared by Architectural Projects Pty Ltd, dated February 2 7, 1998. METHODOLOGY Before the test excavation commenced all documentation regarding the site was studied in order to determine the nature of the use of the site over time and to assess the likelihood of the survival of archaeological remains. The site was examined on the day of the test excavation for the optimum location for the test excavation. The north east quarter of the site was chosen for the test excavation in order to avoid areas disturbed by trenches for services and also to avoid stored materials and to leave enough room for the excavator to move freely. The excavator was used to carefully remove a square slab of reinforced concrete and to remove fill deposits. Hand excavation was employed to clarify the base and profiles of the excavation. Cultural deposits, if found, were not to be removed. The test excavation was recorded by photography and scale drawings at a depth of 150mm and at the bedrock level. Samples were taken of the fill deposits. L------------··-·-

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Page 1: 16 HICKSON ROAD, THE ROCKS ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENTnswaol.library.usyd.edu.au/data/pdfs/16196_ID_Varman2000... · 2012-11-26 · I 16 HICKSON ROAD, THE ROCKS ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT

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This report was commissioned by Clarendon Apartments .in order to satisfy '

condition 14 of the Development Consent associated with a residential development at 16 Hickson Road, The Rocks, Sydney. The Development . Consent required an initial one metre square test excavation to determine the nature of the sub-surface stratigraphy. ·

The test excavation took place under ideal conditions on November 7 with the help of a four ton excavator to remove a portion of the reinforced

.. concrete surface and fill deposits.

For the Statement of Significance and historic outline regarding 16 Hickson Road, see Heritage Assessment for 16 Hickson Road (66 George Street) , prepared by Architectural Projects Pty Ltd, dated February 2 7, 1998.


Before the test excavation commenced all documentation regarding the site was studied in order to determine the nature of the use of the site over time and to assess the likelihood of the survival of archaeological remains. The site was examined on the day of the test excavation for the optimum location for the test excavation. The north east quarter of the site was chosen for the test excavation in order to avoid areas disturbed by trenches for services and also to avoid stored materials and to leave enough room for the excavator to move freely.

The excavator was used to carefully remove a square slab of reinforced concrete and to remove fill deposits. Hand excavation was employed to clarify the base and profiles of the excavation. Cultural deposits, if found, were not to be removed. The test excavation was recorded by photography and scale drawings at a depth of 150mm and at the bedrock level. Samples were taken of the fill deposits.


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Site Plan



Residential Development Hickson Road

The Rocks, Sydney·


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The concrete over the site was found to be between 135mm and lSOmm thick and reinforced with 200mm square steel mesh. The concrete was laid on a thin deposit of sand and fine gauge blue metal. Found embedded in the base of the concrete was a fragment of cast iron pipe which was probably part of an earlier sewage system nearby.

At about 150mm depth from the surface two deposits were noted: the north •

one-third was of washed builder's sand and the remainder was of · compacted sandstone rubble. The sand deposit was found to be fill over a

terracotta pipeline of recent date, possibly within the last 15 to 20 years: The new pipeline may have replaced an earlier one of cast iron and required the removal of the compacted stone rubble. The lower half of the terracotta pipeline was set in concrete. After the concrete set, the trench was backfilled with sand instead of stone rubble.

The test square had to be extended southward because of the discovered pipeline. After recording, the sandstone fill was removed. Below the sandstone fill another fill deposit was noted. The lower fill deposit was composed of sandstone and dark sand but was not of any significant depth. No cultural material was found in any of the fill deposits.

Bedrock was discovered at a depth of between 340mm and SSOmm under the second fill deposit. The bedrock appeared to have a natural sloping surface, as illustrated. Traces of yellow clay in depressions in the rock suggest that the rock was once not far under natural top soil. No cultural material (Aboriginal or European) was found. The drain appears to. have been cut partly into the bedrock.

No unusual features were noted. The remains of a footing, or pad, for a post relating to the present structure was noticed just under the concrete slab (see plan at the ~SOrum level). The remains were no more than a square of slightly discoloured sand but was in the same location as square on the surface of the concrete with the remains of four bolts. After recording, the excavation was backfilled.


J'he documentation suggests that the area may have been part of a garden ' relating to the Campbells Wharf area. In later times the ar,ea was probably

used as a yard before the present structure was built. The test excavation seems to indicate that bedrock is not far below the present surface.

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Deposits above the bedrock were found to be of fairly neutral fill, probably used to level the area. The sandstone fill may have originated from the removal of stone from the west end of the block.

' •


• Although it appears that the bedrock is not far under the present surface, the site should still be excavated to bedrock level under archaeological supervision. A Section 140 Application will be necessary.

The supervising archaeologist should watch for remnant cultural deposits and for features in the bedrock such as trenches for walls, early drains, wells, privy pits and Aboriginal remains. However, the discovery of unexpected significant remains is considered unlikely .


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for: CLARENDON APARTMENTS by: Dr Robert V J P Varman

29 November 2000

The above property is comprised of two small parcels of land (228 sq. m.): the George . Street side (west half) has been occupied by Electricity Substation 3933 since 1972; the Hickson Road side (east half) is essentially a concrete surfaced vacant block with a ca 1913 fagade still largely intact.

In summary, it is unlikely that significant cultural deposits or features will be found during excavation because the area remained as a scrub, garden, delivery yard or vacant lot during the historical period to about 1908. The- George street side was largely a steep rocky slope __ until it was _excavated to Hickson Road level between 1908 and 1912. . A test square excavated on the Hickson Road half of the site revealed bedrock at a maximum depth of


550mm without any evidence of cultural material.

This report should be read in conjunction with the Heritage Assessment prepared for Mayfair Development Aust Pty Ltd by Architectural Projects Pty Ltd, 1998.


The site, located at The Rocks, is bounded by (66) George Street to the west, (16) Hickson . .

Road to the south, the Mining Museum to the north and the New Metcalf Building to the south. The Hickson Road fagade overlooks the Campbell's Wharf buildings.


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The site derives its principal historical significance from having been part of Campbell's Wharf lease and grant. The significance is somewhat diminished in that the site formed a marginal part of the Campbell's wharf complex being in a scrub 'garden' area which was dominated by and was part of a steep rocky ridge along the George Street side of the study area.

· The site is significant in that it has potential to reveal details of the appearance of the west side of Sydney Cove and backdrop to Campbell's Wharf. This significance is somewhat diminished in that the rocky west half was excavated to Hickson Road level between 1908 and 1912 .

-The site_ has moderate early twentieth century historical significance as site of ·Argyle's Garage and in 1935 as the Government- Motor Garage. The remains from the 1908 - 1912 . period are of aesthetic value as part of the George Street and Hickson Road streetscapes.


Above ground remains of cultural and aesthetic significance are to be preserved in the proposed development of the site as outlined in the Architectural Projects Pty Ltd report of 27 _

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Feb 1998),.

Below ground remains must be subject to archaeological investigation and supervision in order to record surviving elements as outlined in the Methodology section of this report ..

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The 1998 Architectural Projects Pty Ltd report was used to cull out direct historical references to the study site. Tim McCormick's 'First Views of Australia 1788 ~ 1825', David Ell Press, 1987, was used for pictorial evidence regarding the early phasing of the site.

Pre~ 1788

Aboriginal occupation relating to the , Cadigal and Eora tribal groups by the beginning of European occupation. The general area would have been used for hunting, fishing and shelter.

1788 ~ 1802

• This period overlaps with the Aboriginal occupation and could be referred to as a period of 'Contact'. A Contact deposit may contain the remains of items traded with Europeans and traditional tools made from broken glass or ceramics instead of stone. An anonymous sketch dated to 179311794 shows the study area as part of scrub land with Aborigines in the foreground. Many of the surviving illustrations of Sydney up to the 1820s show Aborigines

· standing with spears in groups along the shores of Sydney Cove or fishing from their canoes. ·

This period saw some minor building (huts) and waterfront activities in the general area. The area was transformed when Robert Campbell began building his wharves and store between

• 1801 and 1803 on land first leased to Captain Waterhouse (See Grimes' Plan of Sydney, 1800) ..

1803- 1876

This period is dominated by Campbell's wharf, warehouses and maritime activities, starting with Campbell's first construction period between 1801 and 1803. An 1802 drawing of the Campbell's wharf area shows the first part of the storehouse (present north end) without a roof. Other illustrations show that the storehouse was expanded southwards by 1804 and again by 1808. A view published in 1821 but based on a sketch of around 1815 - 1817 shows the warehouses much as they are today apart from the upper storey. These illustrations provide glimpses of the study >site. The 1815.:1817 view shows rising scrub land above a series of skillion sheds.

The warehouses and facilities were extended as late as 1859-1861, testimony to continued, intensive waterfront activities. No evidence has emerged that the study area was ever built upon.

Campbell's Wharf facilities were sold in 1876 to the Australian Steam Navigation Company but the wharfage site remained intact until the years 1879 to 1884.

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Residential Development Hickson Road

The Rocks, Sydney·


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Ab0ve:Grime's Plan of Sydney, 1800~ Numbers 26 and 27 were taken over by Robert Campbell in~-1800. 27 had been leased by Captain Waterhouse and 26 by J. Baughan. The shape of these leases have left a legacy to this day. Below: Campbell's land grant, 1814 .. Campbell's lease was converted to a grant.

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Above: Sketch by C. A. Lesueur, 'Partie de Ia baie de Port Jockson', 1802. "In Tim McConnick's 'First Views of Australia 1788 - 1825', David Ell Press, 1987, plate 68. Showing Aboriginees in the foreground, the block shape on the

water edge is the first stage of Campbell's store before the roof was added. The higher area to the right is the approximate location of the study area. Left: Detail of, 'View of Part of Sydney, ca 1804. In McCormick, plate 81. Campbell's store has been added to and within four years would be added to again. The rise behind the store is the approximate location of the study site .



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~- ---------------------------~ Above: Anon. Watling Collection 17. , 'North View of Sydney Cove'. Plate 20, Tim McCormick's 'Rrst Views of Australia 1788 - 1825', David Ell Press, 1987. Dated 1793, 1794.. The hut in the foreground is close to the north end of Campbell's store. Left: Engraving pub­lished in 1821 after a sketch by Captain J. Wallis dated between 1815-1817. Plate 145 in McCormick.

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for: CLARENDON APARTMENTS by: Dr Robert V J P Varman

25 February 2001


This report should be read in conjunction with the report, Section 140 Application Report, 16 Hickson Road, The Rocks (66 George Street) of 29 November 2000 by R. V. J. P. Varman. The November report includes an illustrated site history and Statement of Significance.

An excavation permit was granted by the Heritage Council of New South Wales in regard to Application number 2000/S140/071 and notice of the permit was received on January 23, 2001.

The excavation took place on February 20, 2001 between 7am and 12.30pm. The soil, sand and fill were taken down to bedrock. Nothing of significance was uncovered.


The methodology for this excavation was outlined. in- the report, Section. 140 Application Report, 16 Hickson Road; The Rocks·(66 George Street) , 29 November 2000: The approach adopted was guided by the ·result of a test excavation that took place on 7 · November 2000 · (Report of November 15 in the appendix of the . .

November 29 report).

In summary, the concrete slab was to be carefully. removed, then the fill deposits were to be excavated (five ton excavator) one deposit at a time. The work was to be done . under the direction of. the. archaeologist. The only departure from the proposed · methodology was that · the site · was divided into two halves (east and west) so that exposed deposits· would not be compacted under the weight of the excavator. ----~--------------------------~-------------~-~-----------~-~--------------M-~-~---------

Dr Robert V J P Varman. Archaeologist & Heritage Consultant- ph: 43882169 - fax: 43898450 [email protected]

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The excavation took place on February 20, 2001 . between ?am and 12.30pm. Present on site were Stephen Forward of Clarendon Apartments Pty Ltd, the driver of the excavator, Floyd, and several people in connection with the removal of the spoils and the maintenance of the Electricity Substation. The excavator was described as a 'twelve tonner'. The driver was fully informed of his task and the significance of the site. The spoils were removed from the site as the excavation progressed.

The reinforced concrete slab had been carefully removed on the previous day, revealing the clean sand base underneath.

To minimize compaction of the exposed deposits, it was decided to excavate the ' '

east half first (Hickson Road side).


The clean (builders') sand base for the concrete slab was found to be deeper than the test trench revealed, on average 1 OOmm thick. The sand deposit was removed revealing the layer of clean sandstone rubble filL The sandstone rubble fill extended across most of the site except where there were trenches relating to the functions of the Electricity Substation. ·


An area between 1600mm and 2000mm wide all along the south boundary was found to have been disturbed and backfilled with clean builders sand. When the sand was removed a long slab of very roughly poured concrete came to light, situated between 850mm and 900mm from the south boundary wall (north wall of the Metcalfe Stores building). The concrete slab Was found to extend the full length of the site but in this area was around 700mm wide. The purpose of the slab was to provide a capping for the optical fibre cable between Hickson Road and the Substation. This feature appears to post-date the construction of the Substation but dates to the same time as the 'modern' drain and the reinforced concrete of the yard. After the removal of the sand fill, the space between the long concrete. slab and the wall was found to form a trench in which water soon gathered. The water originated from the footings of the Metcalfe Stores building and could be seen . flowing into the trench from between the bricks of the wall.

The post-1970s drain, discovered during the test trench excavation of November 7, was again located in the mid north half of the site. The drain was eventually traced between Hickson Road and the Substation ..

----~~----~--------------------~-~-w---------~--------------~----------------------------~ Dr Robert V J P Varman. Archaeologist & Heritage Consultant -ph: 43882169 - fax: 43898450

[email protected]

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A 2000mm deep pit was found in the bedrock along the north boundary at the east end of the site. The pit, approximately 140mm wide and 2800mm long, had very uneven edges and contours. No signs were seen of tooling or pick work. The pit appeared to relate to the construction period of the Geological & Mining Museum. It is possible that it was an unstable section of the bedrock that came away when the rock was quarried away for the Museum building. The pit did not extend under the footpath and road. The depression was filled with clean builders' sand instead of stone rubble, suggesting that it had been re-excavated around the time when the reinforced concrete slab was laid down. The sand was dark at the base of the pit but that appeared to be the result of the weather (rain) during a time when it was left open.

The sandstone rubble directly above bedrock was a little darker than the rubble above it. The darker rubble might be due to regular periods of partial water saturation rather than two phases of fill deposition. The rubble was removed to bedrock level.

The bedrock surface was uneven, between 250mm and 550mm (maximum) in depth under the level of the former reinforced concrete slab, as found during the test trench excavation. The bedrock surface was examined for signs of former European an Aboriginal activity ..

Not a single cultural object dating earlier than the 1970s was found in the fill deposits or over the bedrock.


The west half of the site was found to be similar to that of the east side. The clean builders' sand was removed followed by the removal of the rubble fill layer.


The post-1970s drain continued as noted at the east half of the site (2650mm from the north boundary). The drain continued in the direction of an inspection box adjacent to the entrance area of the Substation. The drain veered off to the north­west corner to an outlet from under the Substation.

The inspection box was composed of dry-press brick and Portland cement The construction appeared to pre-date the Substation, most likely dating the 1930s or 1940s .. The exterior dimensions were 1150mm by 1150mm, the interior dimensions were 590mm by 590mm. There were two drain inlets/outlets relating to the box: the south inlet appeared to serve a drain which once came from the direction of the

-----·------------~-------------------------~--~-------~------------------~--------------~-Dr Robert V J P Varman. Archaeologist & Heritage Consultant -ph: 43882169 - fax: 43898450

[email protected]

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south-west corner; the north Inlet/outlet may have be(\ln connected with the PO$l-1970s drain.

The long slab of very roughly poured concrete for the optic fibre cable along the south e.nd of the site was conside~ably wider than found along the east en~ of the site (1250mm wide compared to 700mm at the east end). The widening might be due to the branching of the cable .. The trench between the cable and the Metcalfe Stores building boundary was approximately the same as at the east end.

A -r~ctangular pit was located along tt,e wall of the -north boundary at the west end (Substation end). The pit was 5000mm long but between 600mm to 860mm wide, splaying out at the east end. ·The surface edges were neatly and deliberately cut. This pit seemed to relate to the construction of the Geological & Mining Museum.

Four square brick piers were uncovered, just under the surface of -th~ -reinforced con.crete, two against the north boundary and two against the south bo~ndary. The tWo piers on each side of the site corresponded in mirror image. The piers were constructed of dry-press· bricks and Port! and cement, each side measuring between 480mm and 500mm. The piers are probably no earlier than . the 1930s or 1940s. The function of the piers is not entirely clear. The ·two west ones had rounded depressions in the centre, pert,laps receptacles for posts of some sort .

The-exposed bedrock was found to slope toward Hickson Road, as did the slope of the concrete slaq above it. The slope from the two extreme- ends of the site was approximately 450mm. The -surface of the bedrock was similar to the surface as ·found at the east end ofthe site.

The footings of the north wall of the Metcalfe· Stores building was found to· rest directly on the bedrock. Water seeped out of the footings after the removal of the fill.

Not a single cultural object dating earlier than the 1970s was -fot.Jnd in ·the fill deposits or over the bedrock.


The bedrock appeared to have a natural surface, no signs of quarrying having been found except as relating to the construction of the G~ological & Mineral Museum and to several recent phases of trenching for drainage. The surface of the .b.edrock had probably been covered with clay and subsoil for thousands of years and may have remained that way until the early part of the 1900s when it was removed, accounting for the absence of cultural material. The sandstone rubble fill found over the bedrock may have been from the quarrying of the area adjacent to George Street.

• • ----~~--------------~-P-----~----~----~---------~·---------------------------~~--~~--------Dr Rob~~ V J P Varm~n. A,rc.haeqlogist ~ H~ritage ~ons~ltan~ -pll: 43882169 -~ 43898459

· [email protected] ' ,, -


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-- - ------------------------ ------ ---~--------------- -----------,----------:,:---· -· ~ ---------------

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Above: View of the east end of the site (Hickson Road end). The' surface of the site after the removal of the reinforced concrete slab showing the sand base beneath ' the slab.

' ' ' ; ·.- ,

Above: View of the stratigraphy at the west end of the site after the fill layers had been removed to bedrock. The fill was found to be clean and devoid of cultural material. The concrete,_ brick and terracotta pipe fragments are intrusive, a result of the mechanical excavation .

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1_-_, ' •

Vif'NI of the ;out:h-east quarter of

~-1sLJrfai:::e of the sand-~~ stone fill layer.

,Mid: View as above · showing the area

~~ after the removal of fill layers down to bedrock. The trench for the optic fibre cable can not be

~:f~r:?A seen because the concrete lower surfcD3

capping is than the

of the bedrock.

Base: View toward the east in the south-· east comer.. The trench . for the optic fibre cable (mid) was backfilled with clean builders' sand. The white areas repres­ent the bedrock


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~--- ~,. c ... ~- ..

View of the J:o.~""" north-east quarter of

site during the ~~1removal of the sand­

stone fill layer.

Viw as above closer into the

corner. A pit filled with clean builders' sand 'at ·· first suggested a feature dating after the construction of the present Substat­ion. However, the continuation of the brickwork of the . Museum to the base at a depth of 2 metres and its confinement to the east boundary

-...J suggested that it was .created when the Museum · building

'1-o.l was constructed.

Base: · Detail of the pit . above, showing the south (top) and east (left) elevations. The east side did not extend further than the ·boundary, hence not a natural feature. The con­tours of the pit were

.. ·rough and uneven .

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e. Top: View of the east

~half of the site after the removal of the concrete slab and the bulk of the sand base .

• . . .. ~


Mid: View toward the we:st in the south-west

~ of the site. The ~~ (left) runs along

Metcalfe Stores wall for the

of the site. It ~WciS created when the

~~~~~~· concrete capping for ~ the optic fibre cable

~~ installed. This shows the area the sandstone

~ .. -.fill WCiS removed to • · · · · · · bedrock level.

'I" ... _"

Base: View as above showing the capping of the optic fibre cable, at this location nigher than the adjac­ent bedrock surface.

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View of the quarter of

site showing the of a pit relating

to the construction of ~~~~~t:.h.:.e Museum building.

i.<~'t',~' outline of one of \tho brick piers may be . ~ .... ~.

seen (upper left).

Mid: View as above but a little to the east along the Museum wall after the remov­al of the fill layers. The second brick pier may be seen (upper -

mid of the view).

Base: View of the north-west corner of the drain inspection pit (upper left), the bend of the recent

_drain · (lower left to the drainpipe at the

upper left) .

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' ·.

•• JROJEJEiR'f V JJ JP VAJ~.l\1IAN JP'lffi D (Sytdl) ARCHAEOLOGIST & HERITAGE CONSULTANT PH 0 N E- (02) 43882169 FA X- (02) 43898450 E M A I L- vru:[email protected] A B N- 45 306 184 223 u R L- http://v,l'\vv.r.geocities.com/Paris/LeftEank/6559


. Natalie Vinton, Archaeologist Heritage Council of New South Wales Level 11 Signature Tower 2-10 Wentworth Street, Parramatta NSW 2124



·1 March 2001

File: H99/00164/1 Ref: 2000/Sl40/071


· Request of Variation to Existing Consent 2000/S140/071 16 Hickson Road, The Rocks, under Section 144 of the Heritage

Act of New South Wales (1977). ·

Dear Natalie,

This is a request of variation to the existing Consent in regard to 16 Hickson Road, The Rocks, to allow for an excavation of an electrical cable route from 16 Hickson Road into the adjoining property to the south, Metcalfe Stores building. The work is to be done under full archaeological supervision (see attached repori:). The proposed excavation is only a metre away from the 16

. . Hickson Road site and is unlikely to yield any significant remains, judging . by the excavation· results in regard to No 16 (clean fill and bedrock) and the documentation.· Clarendon· Apartments have obtained permission from Saatchi & Saatchi Australia· Pty Ltd (lessee) and the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority (owner) .

Included with this request are the following: •

~- . <

- Plans showing the extent and exact l~cation of the proposed excavation. -Report specific to the Metcalfe Stores building site including aStatement of Significance, historic outline and methodology. -Signed permission by the owners.

Dr Robert V J P Varman

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' .

Jor: CLARENDON APARTMENTS· by: Dr Robert V J P V annan

27 Febru!ll)' 2001


A Seqion 140 (Application number 2000/S140/071) was granted to undertake archaeological works at 16 Hickson Road. This work took place on February 25, 2001. (See . appendix 1). Since the Permit to' undertake archaeological works was issued it became necessary to run new high and

· low voltage cables from the Electrical Substation at 16 Hickson Road through to the carpark floor of the Metcalfe Stores building. ~

This report should be read in conjunction with the report, Section 140 Application Report; 16 Hickson Road, The Rocks (66 George Street), 29 November 2000 by Robert V J P Varman.

. .


The site, located at The Rocks, is bounded by 16 Hickson Road to the north, Hickson Road to the east and George Street to the west. The site i~ at the extreme north end of the Metcalfe Store building, 68 - ~6 George Street on the ground floor. The Hickson Road fa<;ade overlooks the CampbelFs Wharf buildings ..


DP 247644. The consent authority is the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority (approval, 13 Feb 2001). The owners, Saatchi & Saatchi Australia Pty Ltd, have given permission for the installation of the Electric Cable route in consultation with the Sydney·Harbour Foreshore Authority.

The site is included in The Rocks Conservation Area in the DEP 16 1992 as part of a larger area.

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The proposed extension is to involve a small break through the north wall of the Metcalfe· Stores building from 16 Hickson Road and then a trench and a square pit in the floor of the carpark of the Metcalfe Stores building (along the adjoining wall to 16 Hickson Road). · ·


The proposed trench is to be 15 metres long, 2000mm wide and lOOOmm deep. The proposed square pit, at the east end of the proposed trench, is to be 2300mm by 2300mm and 2000mm deep. . ·

Although the proposed extension to the existing permit is technically at another address, the proposed work is to be performed less than a metre away from 16 Hickson Road.


The documentation for both sites were much the same until 1912/1913 when the present Metcalfe Stores building, was constructed.

The· excavation of 16 Hickson Road showed that the footings of the north end of the Metcalfe Bond building rest on the surface of the bedrock, as seen from 16 Hickson Road. The area proposed to be excavated for the electrical cable route should be very similar as found at 16 Hickson Road except that most of the area would have been modified during the construction phase during 1912/1913.


The site derives its principal historical significance from having been part of CampbelFs Wharf lease and grant. The significance is somewhat diminished in that the site formed a marginal part of the CampbelFs wharf complex being in a scrub 'garden' area which yvas dominated by and was part of a steep rocky ridge along the George Street side of the' study area.

The . site is significant in that it has potential to reveal details of the appearance of the west side of Sydney Cove and backdrop to Campbell's Wharf. This significance is somewhat diminish~d in that the rocky west half was excavated to Hickson Road level between 1908 and 1912.

The Metcalfe Stores building js of high aesthetic significance in relation to . .

the Hickson. Road commercial streetscape.

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Above ground remains of cultural and aesthetic significance are not effected by this excavation.

Below ground remains are to be subject to archaeological investigation and supervision, as outlined in the Varman report of 29 November 2000. Recent excavations at No 16 Hickson Road suggest that it is unlikely that anything . of significance will be found during the proposed excavation.


The 1998 Architectural Projects Pty Ltd report was used to cull out· direct historical references to the study site. Tim McCormick's 'First Views of Australia 1788 - 1825', David Ell Press, 1987, was used for pictorial evidence regarding the early phasing of the site. ·


Aboriginal occupation relating to the Cadigal and Eora tribal groups by the beginning of European occupation. The general area would have been used for hunting, fishing and shelter.

1788-1802 •

. This period overlaps with the Aboriginal occupation and could be referred · to as a period of 'Contact'. A Contact deposit may contain the remains of

' items traded w~th Eur?peans and traditional tools made from broken glass or ceramics instead of stone. An anonymous sketch dated to 1793/1794 shows the study area· as part of scrub land with Aborigines in the foreground. Many of the surviving illustrations of Sydney up to the 1820s show Aborigines standing with spears in groups along the shores of Sydney Cove or fishing from their canoes. ·.

This period saw some minor building (huts) and waterfront activities in the . .

general area. The area. was transformed when Robert Campbell began building his wharves and store between 1801 and 1803 on land first leased to Captain Waterhouse (See Grimes' Plan of Sydney, 1800).



This period is dominated by CampbelFs wharf, warehouses and maritime activities, starting with CampbelFs first coustq1ction period between 1801

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and 1803. An 1802 drawing of the Campbell's wharf area shows the first part of the storehouse (present north end) without a roof. Other

· illustrations show that the storehouse was expanded southwards by 1804 and again by 1808. A view published in 1821 but based on a sketch of

· around 1815 - 1817 shows the warehouses much as they are today apart from the upper storey. These illustrations provide glimpses of the study site. The 1815-1817 view shows rising scrub land above a series of skillion sheds.

The warehouses and facilities were extended as late as 1859-1861, testimony to continued, intensive waterfront activities. No evidence has emerged that the study area was ever built upon.

Campbell's Wharf facilities were sold in 1876 to the ·Australian Steam Navigation Company but the wharfage site remained intact until the years 1879 to 1884 .

. 1877-1912 .

The study area remained a vacant lot, apart from a few scattered sheds. Between 1908 and 1912, 68 to 76 George Street was excavated down to the . level of the present Hickson Road. The original contour of the land was oblitera~ed at ·this time, destroying any archaeological potential on the George Street side of the study area. · ·

At the end of this phase, the north half of the Metcalfe Stores building was . .

begun (68-76 George Street).

1913-2001 •

The north half of the Metcalfe Stores building was completed in 1913~ The building has not changed much in appearance since its completion. The ground floor of the structure is now used as a parking area, so it is likely that the floor has been renewed at least once since 1913 .



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It is proposed to run a cable through the north wall of the Metcalfe Stores building from the 16 Hickson Road Substation. The laying of the new cable in the Metcalfe Stores building car park will involve constructing:

1. A trench 15 metres long, 2000mm wide and lOOOmm deep.

2. A square pit at the east end of the trench, 2300mm by 2300mm and 2000mm deep.


Based on the excavation of 16 Hickson Road, it is expected that below the present surface of the carpark floor there will be a layer of sandstone rubble or building rubble fill from the construction period. Below the fill, at a depth of between 250mm and 550mm under the floor surface, bedrock should be encountered.


The excavation should have negligible impact on the archaeological resource.


The · George Street half of the site was previously quarried away to the Hickson Road level, thus it is unlikely that any significant deposits or features survive there. Bedrock should be found between 250mm and 550mm below the present surface.




The same research design is proposed as outlined in the Varman report of. 29 November 2000.

The proposed trench and pit will be dealt with as follows under the strict guidance of the excavation director:

' '

· 1. The operator of the excavating machine is to be briefed on the significance of the site and the methods used to deal with it. The operator will be under the direct supervision ofthe excavation director.

2. Removal of the fill should be done using a five ton excavator with a small scoop without teeth, starting at the west end and progressing eastward.

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3. The fill should be removed in spits of about 150mm levels at a time. Cultural deposits and former structural remains should be found at this stage if they exist.

4. Uncovered features are to be recorded by photograph or measured drawing and samples taken. The excavation. director may require the excavator to stop until evaluation and/or recording can be completed.

5. All fill is to be scraped down to bedrock and the bedrock to be examined · for former surfaces.

6. Any feature of high significance, not already noted, should be referred to the Heritage Branch and all work on the archaeological site should cease.

' .

7. All relics and samples are to be processed and bagged according to area . and depth and · accounted for in a catalogue. All findings are to be

. presented in a report.

Any evidence of Aboriginal occupation should be reported immediately to -the National Parks and Wildlife Service. All work should stop until the site is cleared by the Service.


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NOTE~ When tho heritage Hem is situated on CroWn Lands, then thiS aiotion shoukf ~ complated by the lawfUl occupier. • • •

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Page 35: 16 HICKSON ROAD, THE ROCKS ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENTnswaol.library.usyd.edu.au/data/pdfs/16196_ID_Varman2000... · 2012-11-26 · I 16 HICKSON ROAD, THE ROCKS ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT

Metcalfe Stores Building Saatchi & Saatchi Carpark

Adjoining 16 Hickson Road The Rocks, Sydney

Carpark Excavation For Electrical Cable-Route • •

for: Clarendon Apartments Pty Ltd .. by: Dr Robert V J P V annan


9 May 2001 •

• •

Permission was obtained to run new high and low voltage electrical cables through the carpark floor of the Metcalfe Stores Building from the adjoining new substation at 16 Hickson Road from the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority and Saatchi & Saatchi Australia Pty Ltd. Clarendon Apartments Pty Ltd commissioned the excavation of the north end of the carpark for. the installation of the cables. An excavation permit was obtained on April12, 2001 under Section' 140 of the Heritage Act ofN.S.W., through a S140 Excavation Permit Variation (Application number 2000/S140/071) originally issued for 16 Hickson Road.

The excavation was located at the north end of the ground floor carpark in the Metcalfe Stores Building at the Hickson Road level. The concrete was carefully removed . on Monday,- April30, 2001. The excavation took place on Tuesday, May 1, 2001 between 7 am and 2.30 pm.


The last of the remaining concrete was removed by sawing with a circular masonry saw and the fragments carried off by hand. The machine used was a John Deere 250 employed with a 'one to four' scoop that allowed layers to be scraped off at 50mm at a time.

The concrete floor, without reinforcing, was found to be approximately 140mm thick, though in some places up to 240mm thick. Below the concrete was a matrix of clean builders' sand with inclusions of sandstone with some broken concrete. The sandstone appeared to be quarry spoils, being very clean and fragmented. The stones were mostly of small size but a number of large stones wee encountered. The concrete fragments

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appeared to relate to a previous floor in the area, a fragment of which remained in situ at the extreme west end of the trench.

After the surface had been scraped off by between 50mm and lOOmm, three test squares were excavated to determine the nature and depth of the deposit. It was found that the deposit was consistent to a depth of at least 800mm.

A layer of about 300mm was then removed beginning at the west end of the excavation . The deposit, as indicated by the test squares, did not vary in any way. Another spit of 300m.m was attempted but bedrock was reached in some places within a depth of 60mm to 150m.m. The deposit was then systematically removed to bedrock level. ·

The surface of the bedrock was not even, the general trend was around 430/440mm depth bit there was a dip in the middle of around 580mm and again at the east end of the trench

The only v~riation was found at the extreme west end of the trench where a fragment of the earlier concrete floor was found in an alcove that had been bricked off from the general area some time during the last three or four decades. The concrete floor, only 90mm thick, was 130mm higher than in the parking area. The concrete floor had a spoon drain around the perimeter to drain seepage from the bedrock walL Beneath the concrete were the remains of the earlier concrete floor which was approximately 200mm thick. Below the second floor was a deposit of yellowish builders' sand and fragments of sandstone. ·

No part of the bedrock surface contained any notable feature, the jagged surface suggested rough quarrying, possibly from the time when the site was being prepared for construction.

No cultural material was found in the sand and stone deposits.


During the course of the excavation I was asked to have a look at maintenance work being carried out on the south side, east end of the great chimney associated with the Geological & Mining Museum. This involved breaking a hole through the 230mm thick concrete floor, 720mm long, 575mm wide and 380mm deep. Below the slab was a mix of sand, clay and sandstone fragments. A standard branched terracotta pipe (with the branch

• plugged) was found to take up half of the area.

Dr Robert V J P V arman 9May2001

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