15.03.12 new zire

Here there is a section called “Features”. This has 8 headings that seem to be regular features of this music magazine. This gives consistency to the magazine and makes the reader familiar with the way the magazine is set up. This section is one of three: Features, Every Month and Review. Having these sections on the contents page makes it easier for the reader to navigate through the page and through the magazine. The masthead and the entirety of the contents page incorporates the colour scheme of the magazine and the front cover. This is also another feature that adds consistency to the magazine. The main image on this contents page is a close-up of a female artist, this photo is very basic and this ties in with the composition of the contents page which has very clean lines and is very clean cut. The contents page sees all the features with intriguing titles to make the reader want to know more such as ‘cash for questions’ There is a caption underneath the main image explaining the significance of the artist pictured within the magazine. This is useful for the reader as this artist is most probably on the front cover, and they can immediately see where the feature will be in the magazine. The additional image of two men suggests they are a group and the way the photo has been taken is typical for an image of an indie group. This suggests the genre of Next to this section we see the phrase ‘The world’s biggest and best music guide’ which can be seen as a puff to increase the

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Post on 15-Aug-2015



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Page 1: 15.03.12 new zire

Here there is a section called “Features”. This has 8 headings that seem to be regular features of this music magazine. This gives consistency to the magazine and makes the reader familiar with the way the magazine is set up. This section is one of three: Features, Every Month and Review. Having these sections on the contents page makes it easier for the reader to navigate through the page and through the magazine.

The masthead and the entirety of the contents page incorporates the colour scheme of the magazine and the front cover. This is also another feature that adds consistency to the magazine.

The main image on this contents page is a close-up of a female artist, this photo is very basic and this ties in with the composition of the contents page which has very clean lines and is very clean cut.

The contents page sees all the features with intriguing titles to make the reader want to know more such as ‘cash for questions’

There is a caption underneath the main image explaining the significance of the artist pictured within the magazine. This is useful for the reader as this artist is most probably on the front cover, and they can immediately see where the feature will be in the magazine.The additional image of two

men suggests they are a group and the way the photo has been taken is typical for an image of an indie group. This suggests the genre of the music magazine could be indie

Next to this section we see the phrase ‘The world’s biggest and best music guide’ which can be seen as a puff to increase the reputation of the magazine.

Page 2: 15.03.12 new zire

This contents page consists of a main image and other smaller images, this makes the large image stand out and makes it seem more important than the others as it grabs the readers attention

The text has sub-headings before each page, this is a really good layout as everything is in order and it is very clear which helps the reader.

The text fits in with the colour scheme of the pictures and have contrasting text colours to background text colours. This also has a small picture which uses the same colours that are used in the text which makes it fix into the page of the magazine.

The contents page attracts its audience by having a main image of two young boys dressed in a modern fashion way . This mainly gives away who the target audience is and who they are trying to attract to read this magazine.

Page 3: 15.03.12 new zire

the contents page is split into sections, departments, seen and style. This clearly separates the sections and makes it clear to the audience what the magazine will consist of and what page its on so that its easier for the reader to find what they are looking fore.

This contents page is very much the same as all of the other issues of the magazine. Its has the same font in all magazines where is says ‘contents’ and the word is broken down the same on every issue of the magazine which is clear to identify which magazine it belongs to.

The females are both dressed revealing body parts, they are both in heels and dresses and are wearing big jewellery which stereotypes them. Also shows the fact than an artist’s can dress like that and its appropriate to their music genre.

The text is very well used. As the font is clear and easy to read, also the fact the text is in black and the background is white/grey which makes the text stand out, also the text fit with the colour scheme of the contents page.

Page 4: 15.03.12 new zire

The main image in this double page spread is of the group ‘MCR’ who are seen to be performing on stage at a gig. Here we can see the lead singer with long black hair which has connotations of the rock or punk genre. All of the images on this page are in black and white which also has connotations of the rock/punk genre.

The masthead is a pull quote which immediately grabs the readers attention and makes them want to read on.

The font of the masthead is a text that looks cracked and seems quite rugged, which could suggest this is similar to the group or their music.

The typography on this double page spread shows a black red and white colour scheme which typically represent the rock or punk genre which is the genre of the magazine Kerrang! This double page spread is from.

The red and white text contrasts with its black background which makes the text stand out which catches the attention of the reader when they go to

the page.

here is a puff saying ‘world exclusive’ which makes the reader feel like the magazine has some prestige and that the group chose the magazine specifically because of its reputation.

The additional images show members of the group in the recording studio which suggests the band are all about their music and less about the fame which is a trait that fans might like in a band.

Page 5: 15.03.12 new zire

there are two main images in this double page spread which allows there to be more space for text.

The mast head is made up of

the main artists name jamelia which is bold

and has an outstanding effect to the

font so that it can stand out to

the audience although there is a main image


Red black and white have been used through the two pages in the magazine which work very well

together, there is also a background of a darker colour then to the colour of the text which work really well

because they contrast and it is

easier for the audience to read

the article.

There is a sub heading which

quotes out what the two pages will

be about, it quotes “the

queen of UK R&B” which tells the

audience she is an important artist and attracts the

audience to wanting to read

about her

There is again a darker shade behind the text which still fits in very nicely with the layout of the double page spread and matches the colour scheme as it

keeps the page together and not all over

The font and layout of the page reflects

to the artists personality which if very effective and

engages the audience more with the article about the artist

Page 6: 15.03.12 new zire

The main imagine takes up the whole side on one

page. This is a large image of

the artist which clearly indicates to the audience who this article

will be about and has an up to date picture of the artist to show off her new look and


You can see a clear divide with both of the two pages as the image stops right in the middle of the page and the text

is all on the right hand side of the page which clearly shows the two pages are linked together but are


There is a big red L on the page which separates the colour scheme and adds

colour onto the page. Also the L stand out for lady

gaga which is very obvious

There is a big S in capital to start off a new topic on the

same page and make it clear to the audience that its a

new paragraph

The image of lady gaga has been

edited into black and white, it

could be to show a mood or add an

effect to the picture or lady

gaga herself. The picture also

consists of her upper half of her

body only covering her breast which

shows her wild side to her audience

The mast head says lady gaga which tell

the audience

right away who the article is

about and gaga is in capital so that her

name can stand out more than to the rest

of the article