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最精彩的人生最精彩的人生 The Best Life Ever The Best Life Ever

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最精彩的人生最精彩的人生 The Best Life Ever The Best Life Ever



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最精彩的人生最精彩的人生 The Best Life EThe Best Life Ever ver

中国 新年农历 { 年过 } 和逾越 之节 间有 人的相似之 惊 处

Amazing similarities between Chinese New Year and Passover

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最精彩的人生最精彩的人生 The Best Life Ever The Best Life Ever

过年的习俗 与逾越节 过年的习俗 与逾越节 Chinese New Year tradition and “Passover”Chinese New Year tradition and “Passover”

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最精彩的人生最精彩的人生 The Best Life Ever The Best Life Ever

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最精彩的人生最精彩的人生 The Best Life Ever The Best Life Ever

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最精彩的人生最精彩的人生 The Best Life EThe Best Life Ever ver

属 家庭之夜灵Spiritual Family Evening

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属灵家庭之夜是一个非常特殊的时刻,集一边属灵、 情感和人际关系来更好地理解我们这一间教会,及如何在上帝为这个属灵家庭所要成就上的事有份。

Spiritual Family Evening is a very special moment set aside spiritually, emotionally and relationally to better understand who we are as a Church and how to be a part of ALL that God is doing in this Spiritual Family.

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目的是让每一位离开时都拥有 :The goal is so that everyone walks away and share :

1. 共同的文化 A Common Culture

2. 共同的委身 A Common Commitment

3. 共同的社群 A Common Community

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我们相信在神的计划,命令和安排中,是要每个信 徒都成为某个属灵家庭或教会的一份子。这是指不 单单只是做旁观者,而是建设者;不只是观众,而是参与者,不只是过客,而是神的家的共同主人。属灵家庭是我们通常用来反映神这个思想的影响和 全面意义的词汇。

We believe that God has designed, decreed and destined every believer to be a part of a spiritual family or church; that means not just mere by-standers, but builders; not just spectators, but participators; not just onlookers, but owners together for the House of God. Spiritual Family is a terminology that we commonly use to reflect the full meaning and impact of this God-thought.

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会员 Memberships 属灵家庭 Spiritual Family1) 有权力被服侍

Rights to be served1) 有权力去服侍 Rights to serve

2) 你投诉 You complain 2) 你关心 You concern

3) 你批评 You criticize 3) 你美化 You beautify

4) 你比较 You compare 4) 你赞赏 You compliment

5) 不注重关系 Relationship doesn’t matter

5) 注重关系 Relationship matters

6) 若不喜欢,你离开 If you dislike, move on

6) 若不喜欢 , 你设法解决 If you dislike, you work thru it

7) 你抗议 You protest 7) 你保护 You protect

8) 你谴责 You accuse 8) 你接纳 You accept

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圣经很清楚的说明The Bible clearly spells out :

• 以 4 : 16 - 全身靠着他,借着每一个关节的支持,照着每部分的功用,配合联系起来,使身体渐渐长大,在爱中建立自己。

• Eph 4:16 “From whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love!

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• 一位兵士 A SOLDIER – 提后 2:3 2 Timothy 2:3

• 没有兵士不是并排上阵的 No soldier go to war without a platoon

• 一位孩子 A CHILD – 约一 2:1 1 John 2:1, 没有孩子能不在家庭里却能健全的成张 No child grows up healthy without a family

• 一只绵羊 A SHEEP – 诗 78:52 Psalm 78:52, 太 9 : 36 Matthew 9:36, 没活在羊群里的绵羊是不安全的 No sheep is safe without a sheepfold or flock

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• 一个枝子 A BRANCH – 约 15:1~10 John 15:1~10, 一个枝子若不连接在树干上就无法成长 No branch stands by itself without a tree trunk

• 一块活石 A LIVING STONE – 彼前 2:5~9 1Peter 2:5~9, 一块活石若不成为建筑物的一部份就失去它的价值 No stone finds significant by itself, it’s part of a building

• 一个器官 An ORGAN – 歌前 2:5~9 1 Corinthian 2:5~9, 一个器官若不在身体内是无法存活的 No organ survives by itself without being part of the body

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我 盼望你加入 个属 大家庭 们 这 灵 We want you to be added.

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1. 从“这教会” 到 “我的教会” From “THIS CHURCH” to “MY CHURCH”

这是种健康的自豪感;我们是谁、我们属于那里。有更大的归属感。 there’s a sense of healthy pride of who we are and where we belong. There is a greater ownership.

2. 从“消费者” 到 “贡献者” From “CONSUMER” to “CONTRIBUTOR” 有个愿望成为“给于者”,而不仅仅是“受惠者”。你确定哪个方面可服侍,并成为它的一份子 there’s a desire to be more than merely a receiver or taker each week, but also a giver. You identify which area you can serve and be part of it.

当经历以下的改变,你知道你已加入了 You know you are added when something change

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3. 从“教会聚会”到“教会生活” From “CHURCH MEET” to “CHURCH LIFE”

你不仅仅来参加一个教会聚会,而是有生活的共享。在我们这个属灵大家庭,我们相信生命小组是最好的生活共享平台。 there’s a connection to the life-flow of this House, more than just coming for a meeting, it’s the sharing of lives. In our context, we feel small groups is the best platform to facilitate such.

4. 从“个人主义”到“全体欢聚“ From “INDIVIDUALISM” to “TOGETHERNESS”

它是放下个人的议程来拥抱一个群体的愿景和动向 there’s a dying to self, a laying down of personal agenda to the preference of embracing a corporate vision and flow.

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5. 从“漂流 "到 "归属感 " From “WANDERING” to “BELONGING” 停止在各教会中跳来跳去,停泊在一个你可以称之为 “ 家 ” 的 教 会 。 there’s a stop to Church hopping, to this place you can call “HOME”.

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牧师团队 Pastoral Team

Ps. Timothy Loh & Family

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牧师团队 Pastoral Team

Ps. Cathryn Loh & Kelvin Lim

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牧师团队 Pastoral Team

Ps. Steven Teoh & Family

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牧师团队 Pastoral Team

Mark Ng & Family

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牧师团队 Pastoral Team

Joseph Gan & Family

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Every Nation Church Damansara

Ps. Shawn Kong & Family

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Every Nation Church Penang

Ps. Jonathan Lim & Family

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我们是某个宗派吗 Are we part of a denomination?

我们是属于” Every Nation” 关系和宣教运动的一部分。我们都坚信教会植堂、 校园事工和世界宣教。” Every Nation” 是我们的属灵覆盖。

We are part of a relational and missional movement that believes strongly in Church Planting, Campus Ministry and World Mission. Every Nation is our spiritual covering

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耶 的大使命 :稣 建造 徒门Jesus’ FINAL COMMAND :


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轨道 Track :一对一 ONE2ONE得胜周末 Victory Weekend基础课程 The Purple Book



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轨道 Track :一对一 ONE2ONE得胜周末 Victory Weekend基础课程 The Purple Book里程碑 Milestones :•水洗礼 Water baptism•圣灵充满 Holy Spirit baptism•属灵纪律 Spiritual Discipline



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轨道 Track :一对一 ONE2ONE得胜周末 Victory Weekend基础课程 The Purple Book里程碑 Milestones :•水洗礼 Water baptism•圣灵充满 Holy Spirit baptism•属灵纪律 Spiritual Discipline



轨道 Track :•属灵家庭之夜 Spiritual Family Evening

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轨道 Track :一对一 ONE2ONE得胜周末 Victory Weekend基础课程 The Purple Book里程碑 Milestones :•水洗礼 Water baptism•圣灵充满 Holy Spirit baptism•属灵纪律 Spiritual Discipline



轨道 Track :•属灵家庭之夜 Spiritual Family Evening里程碑 Milestones :•生命小组 Life Group•服侍 Ministry

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轨道 Track :一对一 ONE2ONE得胜周末 Victory Weekend基础课程 The Purple Book里程碑 Milestones :•水洗礼 Water baptism•圣灵充满 Holy Spirit baptism•属灵纪律 Spiritual Discipline



轨道 Track :•属灵家庭之夜 Spiritual Family Evening里程碑 Milestones :•生命小组 Life Group•服侍 Ministry

轨道 Track :•“ 去。建造 ”课程•“Go. Make.” Class

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轨道 Track :一对一 ONE2ONE得胜周末 Victory Weekend基础课程 The Purple Book里程碑 Milestones :•水洗礼 Water baptism•圣灵充满 Holy Spirit baptism•属灵纪律 Spiritual Discipline



轨道 Track :•属灵家庭之夜 Spiritual Family Evening里程碑 Milestones :•生命小组 Life Group•服侍 Ministry

轨道 Track :•“ 去。建造 ”课程•“Go. Make.” Class里程碑 Milestones :•一对一 / 带领门徒 ONE 2 ONE / Discipleship•纳入,投入与加入 Include, Invest and Invite