15 things you probably

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  • 8/13/2019 15 Things You Probably


    15 Things You Probably

    Never Knew or Thought About

    1. At least 5 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.

    2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.

    3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.

    4. A smile from you can brin happiness to anyone! even if they don"t like you.

    5. #very niht! $%%'# thinks about you before they o to sleep.

    (. )ou mean the world to someone.

    *. +f not for you! someone may not be livin.

    ,. )ou are special and uni-ue.

    . $omeone that you don"t even know e/ists loves you.

    10. hen you make the biest mistake ever! somethin ood comes from it.

    11. hen you think the world has turned its back on you! take a look you most likely turned yourback on the world.

    12. hen you think you have no chance of ettin what you want! you probably won"t et it! but ifyou believe in yourself! probably! sooner or later! you will et it.

    13. Always remember the compliments you received. oret about the rude remarks.

    14. Always tell someone how you feel about them you will feel much better when they know.

    15. +f you have a reat friend! take the time to let them know that they are reat.

    A &inute

    They say it takes a minute to find a special person! an hour to appreciate them! a day to love them! but

    then an entire life to foret them.

    $end this phrase to the people you"ll never foret and remember to send it also to the person that sent it

    to you. +t"s a short messae to let them know that you"ll never foret them. +f you don"t send it toanyone! it means you"re in a hurry and that you"ve forot your friends.

    Take the time... to live and love.

    $end this letter to all the people you care about! includin the person who sent this to you.

    +f you do so! you will certainly brihten someone"s day and miht chane their perspective on life! for

    the better.

  • 8/13/2019 15 Things You Probably


    Some fellows dream of worthy accomplishments, while others stay

    awake and do them. Having a great aim in life is important. But you

    must know when to pull the trigger. This Friday, I want you to work

    hard and turn your dreams into reality. It is so good to dream so

    long. We can ump out of !ed and go to work when the alarm goes off

    in the morning. If we want our dreams to come through, we must not

    oversleep. "o dou!t things may !e rough sometimes we will encounter

    challenges. We may e#perience set!ack in !usiness, in career, in

    academics. $ven in marriage.

    %nd such situations seek to steal our dreams from us. But we should

    always remem!er that there is no easy route to the fulfillment of a

    dream. &et us confront those challenges while holding on to our

    dreams. It is when rivers seek for the path of least resistance that

    they !ecome crooked. 'on(t spend all the time daydreaming a!out the

    ideal situation you wish you had.

    'o something with your present )o!. *ive it your !est shot.

    Between tomorrow+s dream and yesterday(s regret is today(s

    opportunity. se your opportunity well. Work hard.

    -ractice your song write that !ook. Study for that e#am. $#ecute

    that contract to the !est of your a!ility. *od will open doors for


    Have a *reat weekend

    )esus loves you