15 lessons from the seeking wisdom podcast

15 Lessons From Seeking Wisdom A podcast for people who want to get better every day.

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Post on 12-Jan-2017




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15 Lessons From Seeking WisdomA podcast for people who want to get better every day.

Meet David and Dave.

One is a 5X startup founder, the other is a young marketer whose career is beginning to take off.

They have a podcast called Seeking Wisdom.

A bunch of people really like the show.

A few iTunes Reviews…

“I’m thrilled the David Cancel finally has his own podcast! This is already on a very short list of shows, along with Tim Ferriss and James Altuchur, that I will listen to every week!”

“Thanks for the great show guys. In this day of tactics and quick wins, it’s refreshing to hear conversations that are thoughtful, strategic, and long term focused.”

It’s a different kind of show.

Each week, David and Dave talk about life, startups, and everything in between.

Not a listener yet?

We made this deck for you.

Now, let’s get to it.

Here are the top 15 takeaways from the show…

1. Be A Consumer

If you want to improve, you have to take the time to invest in yourself.

Read books (good ones), listen to podcasts, and consciously choose your role models.

2. There Are No Silver Bullets.

Not a listener yet? That’s why we made this deck.

Success is driven by a million incremental

improvements to your business

model. There are no lifehacks.

Success takes hard work.

“Are you in it for the short-cut or the long-cut?” Seth Godin

3. Take Time To Unplug.

Have you noticed that you get your best ideas when you’re in the shower, or on a walk, or playing golf?

Good ideas never happen when you’re thinking about them.

You can’t consume all the time. You have to let your brain rest.

In order to generate your best ideas, you have to give your brain the time to disengage in order to create better ideas.

Intentionally set aside time to digest what you have learned.

“Unhook your rational thought process”David Ogilvy

4. Be Careful Who You Take Advice From.

Just because everyone has an opinion, doesn’t mean that you should listen.

It seems obvious, but it’s hard to accomplish. It takes practice to filter the wrong people out.

choose your role models wisely.

choose your role models wisely.

5. Hug Your Haters.

People are always going to disagree with what you’re doing and how you choose live your life.

Remember, you can’t fight intolerance with your own version of intolerance.

Don’t respond to the negative comments.

Don’t respond to the negative comments.

Just focus on evolving and growing yourself. Those other people aren’t worth your time.

6. Focus On The Details.

Sweat the small stuff and the bigger things will fall into place. The small goals eventually make up the bigger goals— remember that.

7. Role Models Are Different Than Mentors.

Mentors are the people who are years ahead of you. They have achieved the big things.

Role models are the people that you interact with daily.

Role models are the people that you interact with daily.

They are just ahead of you. They have been where you’re at.

Their successes seem achievable to you.

You can keep mentors for years, but you should change your role models regularly.

Changing your role models forces you to learn, grow, and evolve. It’s a good thing.

8. The Work Life Balance Is A Myth.

People don’t exist in boxes.

You can’t stop thinking about work when you’re home. You can’t stop thinking about home at work.

You bring yourself to both spaces— and that’s okay. Just focus on what needs to be focused on at the moment.

9. Just Ship It.

You can’t wait until you have perfected your project. You have to come to terms with the fact that it will never be perfect.

Customer feedback is key. Customer feedback is key.

Remember, you’re trying to solve customer problems. A product can’t evolve without their input.

That said, never confuse “just ship it” with “it’s good enough”.

Work to create the best product you can and then ask the customer how to make it better.

10. Forget Hacks.

No matter what you’ve read elsewhere—there is no hack for success.

Hard work is the hack. Learning from other people is the hack.

11. Surround Yourself With Rich Friends.

Those who are rich are extremely giving with their money, but protective of their time. In actuality, time is the only truly finite resource.

Those who are poor, spend their time carelessly, but are protective of their money. Those are the people who will drag you down.

They suffer from “crabs in the bucket syndrome”

They are going to try and drag you down. They seek to keep you away from what they do not yet understand. They do not know that they are harming you.

Protect your time. Use it wisely. Associate with the best.

12. Be Selfish.

It’s okay to focus on yourself. Intentionally setting aside time for yourself will make you better in the other areas of your life.

13. Carry Water.

For those who are new to the workforce— you need to take on the entry level jobs.

Help the team in unexpected ways. Be the one to take out the trash. Be the one to stay late — offer to do work that others don’t want to do.

Apply yourself. Work hard. Keep at it. There are no hacks to success.

14. Switch To A Growth Mindset.

You are never done learning, evolving and growing.

The minute you stop pushing your comfort zone— you put roadblocks in way of your goals.

The reason you can’t do something isn’t because of a missing piece of knowledge. It’s because of your habits and mindset.

15. Always Be Learning.

Read books. Change your role models. Push yourself to improve.

That’s the only way to get better.

Hey, I’m Katelyn. I work in Marketing at Drift 🚀

Thanks For Reading

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