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  • 8/12/2019 137096991 Benefit Matrix


    Main Menu


    Business-to-Business Procurement BBP Product Design PD

    Business Warehouse BW Project Management PS

    Customer Care and Service CCS Sales and Distribution SD

    Customer Relationship Management CRM Space Management (3rd Party) Space

    Enjoy GUI Enjoy Strategic Enterprise Management SEM

    Financials FI Supply Chain Management SCM

    Human Resources HR Work Management WM

    Information Technology IT Workplace Wrkplace

    Marketplace Mktplace

    Materials Management/Procurement MM

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    Main Menu

    Business-to-Business Procurement (including electronic catalogs) Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    1. Can transform a company's manual procurement processes into an automated self-directed & employee managed process X

    2. Time savings will be realized from the automated approval process X

    3. Provides an Internet window to SAP enabling non-SAP users to access information and initiate transactions via the Internet X

    4. Procurement Process Efficiencies X

    a. Enables rollout of the purchase requisitioning and approval process to end-users X

    ==> Leads to significant time management savings X

    ==> Procurement resources can shift from data entry tasks to management of the optimized procurement process, supplier X X

    management, & other value-added activities

    b. Requisi tion to PO process time reduced (shorten the acquisition cycle); purchasing time/cycle time reduction X c. Process transaction costs, for both the company and suppliers, will be significantly reduced through full cycle X

    e-commerce integration (PO creation, shipment notifications, invoices, payments) X

    d. More time spent on strategic sourcing and decision support X

    e. Requisition approval points reduced X

    f. Reduced reliance on external resources (contractors, consultants) X

    g. Reduced Overtime Costs - through reduced data entry time and increased accuracy (single point of entry), better system X

    usability, shorter learning curve for new processes, better/faster access to quality information, decreased approval time

    through use of automated workflows, etc.

    5. Reduced Cost of Materials (through use of preferred suppliers) X

    a. Leverage economies of scale by providing procurement organizations the ability to monitor goods & services that are X

    being procured. Helps in supplier contract negotiations by having tools that show dollar and volume amounts procured.

    b. Supplier rationalization X

    c. Consolidated view of vendor spending X

    d. Vendor discounts; help to maximize volume discounts by concentrating spending to key contracted suppliers X

    e. Discounts from supplier volume rebates X

    f. Facilitates the process of full-cycle e-commerce integration from order integration, flexible electronic supplier catalog X

    content management, electronic shipment notification, invoicing and payment.

    6. Savings from moving "maverick" purchases under Corporate Purchasing Agreements - (% paid over contract pr icing) X

    a. Enables end-users to select goods/services from an electronic catalog containing approved products & pricing X

    b. Procurement policies limit users from using other means to procure non-contracted goods/services at premium prices X

    7. Increased VMI (vendor managed inventory via preferred suppliers)

    a. Enables suppliers access to VMI stocks at company locations, thus establishing closer VMI relationships with suppliers X

    b. Increasing VMI materials will result in a reduction of new items at the warehouses X

    c. Reduced carrying cost on new inventory items X

    d. Inventory reduction due to increased use of VMI or via decreased cycle times associated with the order process X

    8. Reduce administration costs through utilization of BBP X

    a. Administration costs are reduced due to the real-time integration of the ERP backbone with BBP procurement X

    b. Replaces manual procurement processes with a streamlined requisitioning and approval process. Intuitive, electronic X

    web-based requisition tools replace manual forms. Telephone calls to purchasing or to management to determine

    where the requisition is in the approval process are replaced by on-line status displays.

    9. Reduced costs of negotiating supplier contracts X

    10. Sell Side Value Creation - The September 1999 study of SAP BBP customers conducted by Grainger Consulting Services X

    concluded that, on average, BBP e-commerce orders were 62% larger than traditional channel orders.

    Electronic Catalogs:

    11. Savings from Guided Procurement (use of preferred suppliers) a. Reducing the number of suppliers will create benefits through increased volume discounts and fewer supplier X

    relationships to manage

    b. Limiting purchases to catalogs with pre-defined products, suppliers, and prices will enable Purchasing to exert better X

    control on local purchases and provide visibili ty to all MRO purchases.

    c. Reducing the purchase of unapproved items from unapproved suppliers will result in considerable savings. X

    12. Savings from Strategic Sourcing (improvements via commodity management or supplier rationalization)

    a. Through better management of commodities and supplier rationalizat ion, considerable savings in annual purchases can X

    be realized. These benefits assume that purchase prices will be more favorable, not that inventories will be reduced.

    13. Savings from Data Integrity (improvements from master file cleanup/maintenance)

    a. Electronic catalog vendors provide an initial cleanup of material & vendor masters & continue to maintain the master data X

    b. T his will eliminate any material and vendor master proliferation and provide better visibility and control to Purchasing X

    14. Consolidation of Duplicate Parts/Items

    a. Savings from consolidation of duplicate parts/items X

    ==> Duplicates get identified based on comparison of manufacturer part numbers. Inventory control numbers can be X

    consolidated once cross-referencing and comparison is done.

    b. Reduction in carrying costs on duplicate parts/items X

    ==> As duplicates are identified & consolidated, customers will no longer carry the inventory for the consolidated part numbers X

    15. Material Search and Requisition Productivity Improvement a. Savings from improved plant maintenance productivity X

    ==> Less time is required to find desired items to fill work orders X

    ==> Less time required to find alternatives if required item is not in stock X

    ==> Integration to SAP eliminates filling out paperwork to order items X

    b. Savings from improved procurement productivity X

    ==> Not uncommon for buyers to spend 70% of time on administration (incl. data gathering, approvals, research, paperwork) X

    ==> Using Requisite's powerful finding engine with on-line supplier catalogs improves productivity (less research time) X

    ==> Automated processes reduces costs of lower cost requisitions (e.g., less than $1,000) X

    16. Training

    a. Reduced training costs for data maintenance tools X

    b. Requisite's e-Merge data maintenance tool requires 2 days training versus 2 weeks training with other solut ions X

    c. Reduced training costs for the finding engine X

    ==> The Requisite "Finding Engine" ensures quick, successful searches in graphic or tabular displays of the catalog content X

    ==> No training is needed for Requisite's BugsEye finding engine X

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    Main Menu

    Business Warehouse Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    SAP BW Benefits:

    1. Integration and access to SAP application data X X X

    2. Analytical ability within SAP's R/3 and New Dimension applications X

    3. Pre-packaged R/3 content and predefined extractors to deliver R/3 data to the InfoCubes X X

    4. BW provides maximum value as the operational data store for SAP and non-SAP data X

    5. For exist ing SAP customers, BW leverages pr ior organizat ional investments in SAP technology, training, resources, skillsets X X

    6. Dependence is lessening on the SAP-delivered report writers and the use of ABAP to generate specific reports.

    Over time, BW should simplify the technology landscape and its dependence on ABAP. (Cost perspective) X

    7. BW can define reporting structures and reports that were not initially created in early versions of R/3. From a time, cost, X and efficiency perspective, users found BW to be quicker and more cost-efficient than retrofitting R/3 to perform these

    additional tasks. (AMR Research, Inc., 12/99)

    8. BW is the engine to support

    a. Strategic Enterprise Management X

    b. Supply Chain Management X

    c. Customer Relationship Management X

    d. Business-to-Business Procurement X

    9. Reduced Content Costs via Predefined Content X

    a. Predefined content reduces costs; however, some costs are incurred for enhancing the predefined content to include X

    company- and business-specific content.)

    b. BW release 2.0 will provide 125 InfoCubes, more than 80 reports, more than 100 KPIs, many with industry-specific X

    content, 500 ready-to-go queries, and 70 roles out-of-the-box. Compare this delivered content with the effort

    required to build the content internally.

    c. Provide a single integrated source to report financial and operating data X X

    d. Maximized ROI by leveraging pre-configured cubes, and custom cubes sourced from R/3 and non-R/3 systems X

    10. Decision Support System (DSS) environment/landscape

    a. Assumes that multiple DSS environments are replaced by one environment X X

    b. Hardware savings

    ==> By reducing DSS environments to one X

    ==> Maintenance cost reductions X

    c. Software savings

    ==> Maintenance cost reductions X

    ==> Training cost reductions - training costs, especially related to upgrades will be reduced X

    d. DSS Labor/Support

    ==> Internal IT DSS staff reductions X

    ==> Consultant/contractor reductions X

    11. Query and reporting-related savings

    a. Reduction in end-user query costs X

    b. Reduction in custom report generation costs X

    c. Improved performance/reduced costs X

    d. Reduced costs to generate multiple views X

    e. Improved flexibility/reduced costs from corporate changes X

    f. Reduced costs from growth in information (volume and size) X

    g. Reduction in costs of data acquisition X

    h. Reduction in costs for data cleansing/normalization X I. Reduced costs for ensuring data integrity X

    j. Business Analysts can shift their emphasis and effort to analysis and away from collecting and massaging the data X

    12. Reduction in data extract & metadata model costs - these capabi lities/models are buil t into the SAP BW product X

    a. BW's delivered data extractors simplify the long, tedious, expensive process BW's delivered data extractors simplify X X

    the long, tedious, expensive process

    13. Reduction in training costs X

    a. Power users will require minimal training (5 days) because the delivered BW front-end is an Excel add-on with an internet X

    browser type interface

    b. Casual users will require a half-day session X

    14. Reduction in help desk costs X

    a. Ease of use will enable a part-time (50%) resource to support users. X

    Incremental Benefits for Existing SAP Customers:

    15. Standardized tools, representations and a single point of access to all enterprise information X X

    16. Leverages the use of business knowledge design from the SAP OLTP systems - increased transaction processing X

    response time (customer feedback)

    17. Leverages technical and administrative support skills already in place for the R/3 systems X

    18. Provides processing relief to the R/3 system for reporting - reporting performance 10 to 15 times faster than equivalent X X

    report from R/3 (customer example)19. Provides an easy-to-use end-user reporting tool, leveraging existing skills and desktop tools - e.g., use Excel, no need to X X

    learn another tool

    20. Standard delivered business content provides for quick implementation of standard reporting X

    21. Ability to combine data from multiple SAP modules into one query - ability to dril l-down, dice & slice, filtering of queries X X

    22. Provide information visibility to both SAP and non-SAP source systems X

    Costs of SAP BW versus Developing a Data Warehouse Internally:

    23. BW can be quickly implemented with minimal development costs (implemented in months, not years) X X

    a. Reduction in internal labor costs X

    b. Reduction in contractor labor costs X

    24. Reduction in initial data acquisition costs X

    a. Savings assume that a portion of the information will come from transactional systems instead of being purchased X

    25. Savings Associated With Add-on Tools X

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    Main Menu

    Customer Care and Service Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    General Items:

    1. Supports a Deregulated Market X

    a. Supplier tracking X

    b. EDI transactions X

    2. Customer Satisfaction X X

    a. Improved profile information X X

    b. Ability to modify due dates X

    c. Billing cycles X

    d. Invoice layout and presentation to meet customer demands X3. Single View of a Customer X X

    a. Reduces potential for fraud X

    b. Increases knowledge of the customer and their likes and dislikes X X

    4. Improved Collection of Overdue Accounts X

    a. Daily aging X

    b. Single view of the customer and all the business they are doing with the organization X X

    5. Real-time information update X

    6. Reduced report generation costs X

    7. Comprehensive marketing and sales support X

    8. Customer and business support through real time information access via Internet /Intranet X

    9. Facilitates remote and outsourced meter reading X

    Customer Focus:

    10. Reduce costs, improve service, and increase customer satisfaction X X

    11. Reduce costs of activities related to customer transactions - queries, billing questions, credit checks, etc. X

    12. Reduce costs related to customer complaints X

    13. Reduce the costs of processing service orders X

    14. Reduce the costs for calculating service order cost estimates X

    15. Raise overall productivity X

    16. Cost reductions for activities using customer self-service (via Internet) X

    a. Examples include Self-Enrollment, Changing Personal Data, Move-in/Move-out Notification, Entry of Meter Readings,

    Invoice Display, Methods of Payment, Display of Consumption, Account Information

    17. Costs to Create Meter Reading Orders, Enter Consumption & Demand

    a. Reduced costs of meter reading orders/documents X

    b. Reduced costs of entering meter reading results X

    c. Reduced costs of physically reading the meters (reduce number of physical reads by X months) X

    18. Reduce errors X

    19. Improve the motivation of employees X

    20. Integration of the customer information system with computer-telephone integration systems (CTI systems):

    a. Supports rapid switching of incoming calls X

    b. Immediately provides the customer service rep. in the call center with the information screen on the calling customer X X

    c. Supports outgoing mass calls X

    d. Enable customer to take care of basic business processes with touch-tone or intelligent voice response X X

    21. Forms of contact with customer include faxes, letters, Internet X


    22. Comprehensive customer information and bill ing system that monitors consumption sales for al l sectors of a ut il ity company X23. Facili tates consolidated bil ling for multiple services (e.g., bil ling of energy services and other non-energy bil ling) X

    24. Enables account processing and mass volume billing for residential and nonresidential customers X

    25. Savings with Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (related to bill distribution costs) X

    26. Revenue opportunities with electronic bill capabilities X

    a. On-line energy audits X

    b. Interactive customer service X

    27. Reduced costs of collecting billing data X

    a. Activities included in data collection include billing data collection, proration of data, price and tax change requirements

    during the billing period, conversion of readings to billable quantities, and valuation of quantities using appropriate rate


    Predefined Business Processes and Workflows:

    28. Processes (predefined processes that provide processing in a single step):

    a. Initial data creation for premises X X

    b. Move-in/Move-out X X

    c. Customer consolidation X X

    d. Disconnection or reconnection X X

    e. Rate maintenance X X

    29. Workflows (triggered by a specific event): a. Disconnecting and reconnecting a utility installation X X

    b. Installing a service connection X X

    c. Creating a new premise X X

    d. Collection procedure X X

    e. Changing a contract X X

    f. Entering a fault report X X

    g. Vacant status monitoring X X

    h. Billing complaints X X

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    Main Menu

    Customer Relationship Management Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    Core CRM:

    1. Internet Sales (B2C, B2B, B2R):

    a. Revenue line growth by supporting the Internet sales channel X X

    b. Improve customer satisfaction and retention through proactive sales and quality service X X

    c. Improve responsiveness, and fast delivery of products and services X X

    d. Benefit from low-cost sales through innovative channels (e-commerce, mobile, pervasive) X X

    e. Increase convenience for customers with 24x7 support X X

    f. An additional vehicle for extending customer and market reach X X

    g. Cost reduction through streamlined processes X2. Gain consistent customer interaction at every touch point linked to e-commerce functions X

    3. Enable profitability analysis by customer, product, service, etc. X

    4. Profiling-e.g., what % of customers show brand loyalty?; what products/services do specific customer classes purchase? X

    5. Internet Customer Self Service:

    a. Access customer service functions via the Internet X

    b. Advanced decision support for problem determination and resolution X

    c. Reduce customer service costs by offering an attractive, self-service Internet channel X

    Employee-Facing Portals:

    6. Service Interaction Center:

    a. Supports telephone, e-mail, fax, and postal letters X

    b. Reduce interaction processing time X

    c. Increase the productivity of call center agents X

    d. Faster resolution to customer questions and problems X

    e. Integration of key customer interaction channels in one cockpit view X

    f. A learning environment in which repetitive problems can be identified and eliminated X

    g. Improve customer satisfaction and retention through proactive sales and quality service X X

    h. Increase convenience for customers with 24x7 support X X

    7. Field Sales:

    a. Enables more efficient operation of field sales forces (higher productivity) X

    b. Enables a better informed sales force that is no longer disconnected from their organization X

    c. Available on a wide range of computing equipment (laptops; pervasive, handheld & portable devices) X

    d. Improve customer intimacy with integrated knowledge of all activities X

    e. Improve team-selling processes X

    f. Revenue growth potential through improved identification of selling opportunities X X

    8. Field Service:

    a. Automates al l f ield service act ivities (service planning & forecasting, scheduling, dispatching, on-site act ivities) X

    b. Increase effectiveness of field technicians and improved process efficiency (higher productivity) X

    c. Enhance customer service and grow revenue through the sale of service contracts/agreements X X

    d. Available on a wide range of computing equipment (laptops; pervasive, handheld & portable devices) X

    e. Holistic customer view that provides field service representatives with all required information X

    f. Reduction in customer support costs X

    g. Improve customer satisfaction and retention through proactive sales and quality service X X

    h. Faster and improved response to customer needs X

    Customer-Facing Portals:

    9. Business Partner Collaboration: a. Enables companies to make their collaboration processes more efficient/effective by linking them directly together X X

    (e.g., collaborative forecasting between a company and its suppliers)

    b. Improve demand planning through instantly available information from/to partners X

    c. Increase partner satisfaction through ease of interaction and increased availability to information X

    d. Cost reduction through streamlined processes X


    10. CRM with e-commerce (access, browse, configure, evaluate options & pricing, order) X X

    11. Across all customer touch points (access to all information for this customer and related orders) X

    12. Front-office and back-office: SAP "absorbs the pain" of interfacing/integrating front and back-office systems

    a. Real-time visibility to complete customer interaction history X

    b. Instant verification of pricing and availability of proposed orders X

    c. Tie together market intelligence, sales execution, product information, profile & buying patterns, order fulfillment, X

    installed-base management, order & engineering to order, all regardless of system (SAP and/or non-SAP)

    13. Unstructured and structured information and processes (an online news article about a competitor can directly link X

    into an analysis of a company's recent performance and trigger a new sales and/or marketing promotion

    14. Suppliers and customers X

    15. Access to internal & external systems/applications (e.g., use public competitor info. to compare to internal info.) X

    16. Capability to provide full transparency for consolidated enterprise-wide customer information XGeneral Benefits:

    17. Identifying and defining the markets requiring servicing X

    18. Look at more innovative ways to sell and to leverage business partnerships X

    19. Increase the level of customer satisfaction X

    20. Address the right issues and access the right information to solve customers' problems as quickly as possible X

    21. Understand the customer's needs and problems X

    22. Maintain customer/partner/reseller relationships X

    23. Break down the barriers between organizations by sharing common architecture, common data, common processes, X

    and enabling information flow to all team members

    24. Integration across multiple functions X

    25. Improve planning and decision-making using powerful reporting options X X

    26. Increase employee job satisfaction

    27. Scalable - supports many users X

    28. Web-enabled, easy to use X

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    Customer Relationship Management Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    29. Shorten the length of the sales cycle X

    30. Improve the close rate (better qualification of accounts) X

    Futures - End of 2Q 2000:

    31. Internet Marketing:

    a. Low-cost channel for executing marketing campaigns X

    b. Online customer profiling X

    c. Integration with campaign management and campaign execution X

    d. Opens cross-sell ing opportunities (grow revenues/sales through upselling (sell more items) or cross-sell ing) X

    32. Telesales:

    a. A Call Center can be upgraded into a new sales channel X

    b. Provides efficient sales processes in a call center, thereby reducing costs X c. Dynamic product proposals and cross-selling options further increase sales effectiveness X

    d. Customer profiling X

    33. Telemarketing:

    a. Equips existing call centers with outbound marketing functionality X

    b. Upgrades call centers into efficient and cost-effective marketing channels X

    c. Customer profiling can be leveraged for more effective campaign design X

    34. Product and Brand Management:

    a. Campaign development and execution X

    b. Performance analysis for portfolio planning and product life cycle management X

    c. Real-time tracking of results X

    35. Marketing Analysis:

    a. Leverage internal and external sources in order to increase the effectiveness of campaigns X

    b. Determine "customer li fetime value" based on real transaction data (profitabili ty analysis and activity based costing) X

    c. Detailed analysis tools to help investigate causes for profi tabi lity; apply findings to building effective mktg. campaigns X

    d. Generate and refine customer profiles; generate competitor analyses; determine market potential X

    36. Sales Management and Support:

    a. Enables companies to gain a consolidated view of the sales environment across all touch points X

    b. Provide a better overview of sales forecasts and keep optimum track of opportunities X

    c. Decision support capabilities (win/loss reports, territory, commission management) X

    37. Service Center:

    a. Set up local service centers to effectively execute customer service requests X

    b. Service Center processes are tightly integrated with all other service functions X

    Futures - End of 4Q 2000:

    38. Customer Development - Advanced cross- and upselling capabilities X

    39. Tiered Servicing - Actively differentiate customer service levels to match customer value; increase customer satisfaction X

    40. Retention Management - Provides closed-loop retention capabilities to proactively identify/target retention candidates X

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    Enjoy GUI Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    1. The user interface is intuitive; this interface is critical to be accepted and appreciated by endusers X X

    2. T he ongoing usability is crucial to allowing endusers to perform their assigned tasks quickly and efficiently X X

    3. Reduction in labor required to process high use transactions X

    4. Attractive design supporting immediate recognition of individual screen areas X

    5. Interaction concept speeding up dialog with the system X

    6. User configurable interface matching the endusers' individual needs X

    7. Empowering all users, even inexperienced users, to quickly find the required transactions X

    (menu browser - SAP Easy Access)

    8. C reation of personal favorite transactions (bookmarks), providing faster access to the required transaction X X9. Single screen transaction by grouping together several related screens X X

    10. User-friendly control elements X

    11. Navigation elements that enable processing to continue directly on the respective screen X X

    12. Reduced support costs (e.g., IT support) X

    13. Reduced training/retaining times X

    14. Improved user satisfaction (more fun/easier to use) X

    15. Enables web based transaction processing X

    Processes Evaluated by the University of Mannheim 4.0A Time 4.6A Time Improvement

    Process Descriptions Measures (Hrs:Min:Sec) (Hrs:Min:Sec) Percent

    16. Improvements related to the initial learning curve (intuitive user interface)

    a. Procurement 1:04:01 0:27:38 56.83%

    b. Creating a purchase Order 0:09:20 0:02:11 76.61%

    c. Supply (logistics) chain 1:04:38 0:28:40 55.65%

    d. Creating a sales order 0:06:55 0:03:38 47.47%

    e. Creating a production order 0:03:14 0:02:01 37.63%

    f. Creating a customer 0:16:21 0:09:27 42.20%

    g. Creating a material master 0:05:03 0:04:02 20.13%

    h. Creating a bill of material (BOM) 0:21:33 0:05:22 75.10%

    I. Recording a standard FI invoice 0:16:48 0:06:17 62.60%

    j. G/L account posting 0:07:15 0:03:24 53.10%

    k. Organizational management 0:18:58 0:25:27 -34.18%

    l. Recording trip costs 0:12:27 0:04:17 65.60%

    m. Time management - creating a sickness message 0:06:46 0:03:14 52.22%

    n. Plant maintenance 0:58:48 0:29:05 50.54%

    o. Quality check 0:58:08 0:18:08 68.81%

    p. Creating a transport (shipping) 0:17:28 0:10:41 38.84%

    q. Creating sales activity 0:13:50 0:05:11 62.53%

    r. Automatic payment run 0:18:34 0:06:29 65.08%

    s. Post incoming goods 0:06:14 0:02:38 57.75%

    17. Improvements related to the ongoing usability of the R/3 system

    a. Procurement 0:08:37 0:04:38 46.23%

    b. Creating a purchase Order 0:00:32 0:00:24 25.00%

    c. Supply (logistics) chain 0:08:15 0:02:39 67.88%

    d. Creating a sales order 0:00:23 0:00:20 13.04% e. Creating a production order 0:00:24 0:00:12 50.00%

    f. Creating a customer 0:01:52 0:01:41 9.82%

    g. Creating a material master 0:00:38 0:00:30 21.05%

    h. Creating a bill of material (BOM) 0:01:55 0:01:25 26.09%

    I. Recording a standard FI invoice 0:01:03 0:00:29 53.97%

    j. G/L account posting 0:00:43 0:00:26 39.53%

    k. Organizational management 0:03:32 0:03:15 8.02%

    l. Recording trip costs 0:01:17 0:00:48 37.66%

    m. Time management - creating a sickness message 0:00:38 0:00:22 42.11%

    n. Plant maintenance 0:07:37 0:03:16 57.11%

    o. Quality check 0:04:27 0:02:19 47.94%

    p. Creating a transport 0:01:57 0:01:23 29.06%

    q. Creating sales activity 0:00:36 0:00:28 22.22%

    r. Automatic payment run 0:02:04 0:00:44 64.52%

    s. Post incoming goods 0:00:34 0:00:18 47.06%

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    Main Menu

    Financials Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    1. Integration of financials to all other areas of the SAP solution suite X X

    2. Process Efficiencies:

    a. Savings result from the elimination or reduction of paperwork, reduction in the number of manual reports prepared, ease X

    of data entry and data integrity from single point of entry, reduction or elimination of reconciliations, etc.

    b. Reduced reliance on external resources (contractors, consultants) X

    c. Reduced costs of budgeting process/time to report budgets

    d. Reduced Overtime Costs - through reduced data entry time and increased accuracy (single point of entry), better system X

    usability, shorter learning curve for new processes, better/faster access to quality information, decreased approval time

    through use of automated workflows, etc. e. Increased financial analysis time X

    ==> Quicker decisions with accurate data X

    ==> Better decision support X

    f. Reduced costs or elimination or reconciliations X

    ==> No need for reconciliations with SAP in that all entries are required to reconcile at time of entry (document principle)

    g. Savings for collecting & calculating annual analytics/statistics ( e.g., data collection for annual reporting) X

    h. Improvement in time to close books (month-end, year-end, consolidation) X X

    3. Increased capture of discounts (term) for early payment X

    4. Improvement in time to process an invoice X

    5. Reduction in the number of invoices to process X

    a. Using SAP BBP, Accounts Payable will leverage significant operating efficiencies. Through the reduction in suppliers, X

    shift from check requests to requisitions, electronic receipt of invoices, and electronic payments, the number of

    manual invoices to process will be reduced.

    6. Improvement in invoice accuracy (reduced re-work) X

    7. Reduced General & Administrative Expenses X

    8. Reduced costs for annual maintenance on General Ledgers due to a reduction in the number of ledgers maintained X

    9. Reduced report generation costs X

    a. Financial statement

    b. Budgets

    c. Departmental activity

    d. Ad hoc and other reports

    10. Costs of maintaining multiple reporting systems reduced X

    11. Improved response time for internal reporting requests X

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    Human Resources Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    1. Employee Self-Service (ESS):

    a. Cost reduction through use of ESS; lower transaction volume through HR X

    Examples: employment verification, pay stub review, W-4 changes, personal information changes, etc.

    b. Minimal employee training X

    c. Reduce data entry X

    d. Automatically route documents for approval X X

    e. Enables employees to check their training requirements and benefits package X

    f. Cross application time entry X X

    2. Payroll: a. Reduced cost per payroll check transactions X

    b. Reduced payroll transaction cost per employee X

    c. Reduced cost/use of outside services X

    d. Reduced costs of payroll financial reviews and audits X

    e. Number of payroll mistakes decreased X X

    f. Annual pay raise administration cost reductions X

    g. Generate payroll in multiple currencies and languages without switching systems X X

    3. Benefits Administration:

    a. Economies of scale from consolidating benefits packages X X

    b. Reductions by automating transactions (reduce redundant data entry) X

    c. Reduced cost from improving payment accuracy X

    d. Reduced cost (and improved timing) of personal benefit statements; electronic access to personal benefits statements X

    e. Better tracking of benefits activities; less employee servicing time X X

    f. Better data for benefits negotiations with suppliers X

    g. Reducing incorrect claims payments X

    h. Speed up the benefits enrollment process X X

    I. Eliminate duplication and errors by sharing benefits data across functions (e.g., change in health plan(s) is automatically X

    reflected in AP (check to provider) and in the GL)

    4. Time and Expense Reporting:

    a. Reduced time/effort spent on time reporting/expenses X

    b. Reduced labor costs related to reduction in errors, decrease in time spent on reviews and audits, less paperwork as a X

    result of automated processes, shorter learning curve, data integrity via single point of entry, reduced manual data entry, etc.

    5. Recruitment/New Hire Activities:

    a. Improved applicant tracking; effectively manage and advertise open positions (internally, externally, or both) X X

    b. Eliminate duplicate data entry and errors (e.g., once hired, applicant data becomes new hire information which is

    automatically sent to personnel administration and placed in the employee master file)

    c. Reduced cost for new hires X

    ==> Reduced recruiting paperwork; easier data entry; increased data integrity X

    ==> Reduced wasted effort from non-productive ads, etc. X

    ==> Better tracking of recruiting activities and results X

    ==> More effective job analysis, training, etc. X

    d. Reduced employee turnover cost X

    ==> Less replacement costs X

    ==> Less training costs X

    ==> Less costs for non-productive time (related to learning curve & vacant jobs) X e. Reduced time to fill a position; reduce non-productive time X

    6. Reduced number of Human Resource Centers X

    7. Reduced cost for maintaining employee directories X

    8. Reduced cost of contract negotiations

    9. Reduced report generation costs X

    10. Administrative costs reductions for regulatory reporting (e.g., EEOC) X

    11. Improved employee satisfaction X

    12. Improved employee retention through better career development and targeted use of training dollars X

    13. Compensation alignment and reconciliation X

    14. Integration with Finance, Project Systems, Controlling, Asset Management, Materials Management, Plant Maintenance X X X

    15. Reduced reliance on external resources (contractors, consultants) X

    16. Reduced Overtime Costs - through reduced data entry time and increased accuracy (single point of entry), better system X

    usability, shorter learning curve for new processes, better/faster access to quality information, decreased approval time

    through use of automated workflows, etc.

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    Human Resources Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    Integration Points:

    17. Integration with Finance

    a. Employee benefits contributions and payments are posted to FI X X

    b. Payroll results are transferred to FI and then to CO X X

    c. Garnishments are sent to 3rd parties via Accounts Payable X X

    d. Invoices are generated for customers who attend training classes X X

    18. Integration with Project System

    a. Employees in Organization Management translate into resources for a project X

    b. Personnel Development allows assigning employees with the exact qualifications needed for the job to the project X

    c. Hours worked against projects are reported via attendance and/or work schedules X

    19. Integration with Controlling a. Cost Center data is used by HR to report distribution of wages and travel expenses X

    b. Travel Expenses are distributed by cost center, projects, internal orders, customer orders X

    c. Time Management assigns costs according to absences, attendance, substitutions, overtime X

    d. Training and Education Management allocates costs for rooms, instructors, materials, equipment X

    20. Integration with Asset Management

    a. PCs, credit cards, security badges, keys, tools, equipment on loan to employee can be tracked X

    b. Company Vehicles assigned to employees can be tracked X

    21. Integration with Materials Management

    a. External employees translate into resources for an external service contract X

    b. External employees can be assigned to the contract based on their qualifications X

    c. Hours worked are reported via attendance and/or are on work schedules X

    22. Integration with Plant Maintenance

    a. The time a person works on a plant maintenance order is relevant to Time Management and PM X

    b. Information for order and network confirmations can be entered once with the working hours in attendance and employee X

    remuneration information

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    Main Menu

    Information Technology Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    1. Global enterprise-wide business/technology infrastructure X

    2. Global enterprise-wide information integration X

    3. Real-time processing and timely access to information for decision support X

    4. Open IT architecture X

    5. Legacy system cost reductions (including maintenance) X

    6. Interface cost reductions X

    7. Use of rapid application development tools to increase flexibility X

    8. Improved maintainability due to system reliability X X

    9. Reductions in IT personnel - programmers/developers, administrators/maintenance, contractors/consultants X a. Reduction in the number of manual reports prepared X

    b. Use of automated rather than manual operations and analysis X X

    c. Reduction in end-user report and ad hoc inquiry handling X

    10. Reduced Overtime Costs - through reduced data entry time and increased accuracy (single point of entry), better system X

    usability, shorter learning curve for new processes, better/faster access to quality information, decreased approval time

    through use of automated workflows, etc.

    11. Savings from IT standardization X X

    12. Reduced report generation costs X

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    Main Menu

    Marketplace Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    General Benefits:

    1. Facilitates enhanced CRM by providing a broad network of communities for collaborative one-step business X

    2. Manage all the relationships between partners, suppliers, customers, employees, prospects by enabling real-time

    collaboration; this seamless collaboration has the potential to significantly reduce costs by optimizing the entire

    supply chain; one-step business:

    a. Refer to BBP and other areas to assess potential savings in supply chain-related costs; fully integrated, automated supply X

    chain management processes

    b. Provides integration hub for both SAP and non-SAP ERP systems X

    c. Get access to a broader scope of suppliers X d. Make decisions faster and easier X

    3. Integration site for enterprises and business professionals to:

    a. Collaborate across business processes; execute business processes in Internet speed in a secure infrastructure X

    b. Conduct commerce X

    c. Access personalized content X

    d. Interact in professional communities; distinctive trading communities X

    4. Integration - Web-based business systems must be fully integrated into your existing backoffice business systems X X

    5. Integrate your backbone system with the backbones of your business partners to manage your supply chain in the

    most cost effective and quickest way:

    a. Reduce transaction costs X

    b. Reduce the time required for evaluating products X

    c. Simplify the handling of agreements X

    d. Standardize procurement procedures X

    e. Use the Internet as first point of contact for every customer and prospect X

    6. Provides the dynamic pricing scenario; costs to be reduced for the following activities:

    a. Automate Transactions - improve cycle time and reduce errors X

    b. Streamline transaction - reduce work flow costs and improve productivity X

    c. Manage process from bid to final payment

    ==> Posting an item for auction or exchange X

    ==> Making an offer or bid into auction or exchange X

    ==> Reviewing & responding to messages on transactions without submitting an offer X

    ==> Closing the auction/exchange by accepting terms and/or price offer or submitting a counter-offer X

    ==> Administrative and support functions X

    ==> Personalization of the login X

    7. On-line business directory:

    a. Comprehensive list of potential business partners X

    b. Enables buyers and sellers to register their profiles and use the directory to locate other businesses and services X

    8. Business document exchange - web-enable both procurement and sales processes to create a complete, electronic, X

    end-to-end business cycle (R/3 and non-SAP users)

    9. Personalization:

    a. Select the information and services you want from a set of available contents and services X

    b. By customizing the content and layout of the Marketplace, you can maximize your information-to-time ratio; concentrate X

    on information that is relevant to you and gives you quick access to the services you use

    c. Content administration tools help organize contents and services X

    d. Increase traffic to the portal X e. Boost sales X

    f. Encourage return visits X

    10. Browser-based interface X

    11. Single sign-on: not required to login to multiple systems to access data from those systems X X

    12. Enables ad-hoc buying from all participants in the marketplace X

    13. Gain high quality knowledge about your business X

    14. The Marketplace deals with issues like technology, security, search tools, catalogues .etc. X

    15. Price transparency X

    16. Multi-vendor interaction X

    17. Messaging Engine:

    a. The medium that enables all the different services and applications connected to the portal to communicate X

    b. Content broker gathers and f il ters the content from various sources (SAPNet content, external content, 3rd-party services) X

    c. Enables reliable and transparent sharing of up-to-date information X

    d. Supports request/reply communicat ion which provides scalabili ty (dynamic load balancing) and fault tolerance capabil it ies X

    18. Reduce buying and selling administrative expenses by providing a central location for posting, distributing, and X

    matching RFPs and RFQs.

    19. Collaborative planning and forecasting helps you work with your trading partners to create better forecasts: X

    a. Reduced inventories and work-in-process X b. Improved cycle times X X

    c. Buy-in from all of your business partners X

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    Main Menu

    Materials Management/Procurement Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    1. Reduced Cost of Materials (through use of preferred suppliers) X

    a. Supplier rationalization X

    ==> The vendor evaluation feature supports the continuous tracking and review of existing supply relationships for both X X

    materials and services (potential to improve vendor relationships and pricing)

    ==> Rationalizes and simplifies the process of source selection (improved productivity)

    ==> Ensures more objective ratings using a scoring system

    ==> All vendors are evaluated based on common criteria and scores are calculated by the system

    b. Consolidated view of vendor spending X

    c. Vendor discounts X d. Discounts from supplier volume rebates X

    2. Procurement Process Efficiencies X

    a. Routine tasks, from the entry of requisitions to the generation of purchase orders, are handled automatically, X X

    without significant user intervention

    b. Inventory management and other departments have common access to existing data, therefore the work involved in X X

    creating and processing purchase orders is minimized

    c. Time/effort savings by simplifying the creation of goods receipts & invoice verifications by automatically referencing the PO X

    d. Requisition to PO process time reduced (shorten the acquisition cycle) X

    e. Purchasing time/cycle time reduction X

    f. More time spent on strategic sourcing and decision support X

    g. Requisition approval points reduced X

    h. Procurement Staff reductions X

    I. External resources reductions X

    j. Reduced Overtime Costs - through reduced data entry time and increased accuracy (single point of entry), better system X

    usability, shorter learning curve for new processes, better/faster access to quality information, decreased approval time

    through use of automated workflows, etc.

    3. Reduction in the number of warehouses X

    4. Accurate inventory levels enable better planning of inventory requirements X

    5. Reduction in inventory level X

    a. Inventory days on hand reduced X

    b. "Unofficial" inventory reduced X

    6. Reduced write-offs related to inventory X

    7. Reduction in maintenance inventory X

    8. Reduction in costs by increasing consignment inventory levels X

    9. Material Requirements Planning

    a. Monitor stocks and automatically generate order proposals for the purchasing department X X

    b. Access to various planning methods X

    ==> Reorder points (manual or automatic) X

    ==> Forecast-based X

    ==> Time-phased (e.g., specified day) X

    c. Flexible lot-sizing procedures X

    d. Material forecast capability to determine future values/requirements X

    10. Inventory Management (IM)

    a. All transactions which bring about a change in stock are entered in real-time X X

    ==> Physical stock shown is always accurate (requires less time and effort for physical inventories) X ==> Accurate inventory levels enable better planning of inventory requirements X

    ==> Current stock levels of any material can be obtained at any time X

    b. Manage material stocks by quantity and value X

    c. Plan, enter data, and document all goods movements X

    d. Track physical inventory on a continuous basis X X

    e. Simplification of data entry and monitoring of goods received (when goods receipt data is entered, MM proposes default data X

    from the purchase order)

    11. Invoice Verification

    a. Checks invoices for content, price, and calculation accuracy X

    b. Provides the link between MM and FI, CO, and AM X

    c. The system automatically proposes the tax rate, terms of cash discount, and the individual quantities and values by X

    referencing the purchase order (improves productivity); default values can be changed

    d. When an invoice is entered in a foreign currency, the invoice value is converted automatically into the local currency X

    (improves productivity)

    12. Material Valuation

    a. Materials are automatically valuated on an ongoing basis (manual adjustments can be done) X

    b. The material subledger enables management of stock 1) at periodic unit price and 2) in up to three currencies X

    13. Warehouse Management (WM) a. Flexible, automated support for organizing and managing warehouses and logistics requirements in a more timely and

    efficient manner by:

    ==> Managing highly complex warehouse structures and a multitude of warehousing facilities X

    ==> Defining and using a limitless variety of storage bins in the warehouse X

    ==> Processing all relevant warehousing activities X X

    ==> Monitor and display stock on hand and summary evaluations of all goods movements X

    ==> Process multiple goods movements simultaneously with orders and deliveries X X

    ==> Support the use of bar code scanners, RF technology, and others for all stock movements through an automated X

    warehouse control interface

    ==> Fully integrate WM for instantaneous interaction with IM, Production Planning (PP), Quality Management (QM), and X X

    Sales and Distribution (SD)

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    Materials Management/Procurement Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    Integration Points:

    14. Integration with Financial Accounting (FI)

    a. MM transactions (e.g., goods movement) are automatically posted to the G/L accounts in FI X X

    b. Differences between physical inventory counts and book inventory balances are posted in FI based on the link to MM X X

    c. Purchasing and goods receipt transactions in MM are linked to FI through the invoice verification component of MM X X

    15. Integration with Warehouse Management

    a. Fully integrating WM for instantaneous interaction with Investment Management (IM), Production Planning (PP), Quality

    Management (QM), and Sales and Distribution (SD) produces many benefits of which are few are outlined below:

    ==> When goods that are to be inspected are received in the warehouse, the QM interface to WM enables tracking and X

    processing of inspection lots stored anywhere in the warehousing complex

    ==> When processing a sales order in the SD shipping component, an open order to pick up the required materials appears X X in WM

    ==> When initiating a request for component items in PP, WM performs the tasks necessary to move the needed components X X

    to the production supply area

    ==> Once materials have been delivered and used in production, the material usage posting in PP balances the stock figures X X

    automatically in both WM and IM; at the same time, the system calculates all accounting figures and records them in the

    appropriate systems (e.g., FI,CO,AM)

    16. Integration with Asset Management (AM)

    a. Purchasing and goods receipt transactions in MM are linked to AM through the invoice verification component of MM X X

    17. Integration with Controlling (CO)

    a. Purchasing and goods receipt transactions in MM are linked to CO through the invoice verification component of MM X X

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    Main Menu

    Product Design Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    1. Materials Classification - reducing parts duplication thus resulting in reduced materials cost due to cost premiums paid X

    2. Reduced manufacturing down time thus reducing revenues lost X

    3. Preferred parts selection new product development

    a. Improved time to market for new designs (weeks) X

    b. Able to reuse some part of design for some products X

    4. Improved manufacturing set up time due to reduced number of new parts X

    5. Reduced materials costs X

    6. Reduced costs of rework and scrap due to increased supplier quality X

    7. Avoiding large last time buys due to obsolete products X8. Reduce redesign costs due to obsolete products X

    9. Savings from increased discounts and reduced supplier base (including contract management costs) X

    10. Savings from improved inventory utilization X

    11. Reduction in inventory scrap X

    12. Reduced time to update component pricing X

    13. Reduced number of engineering change orders (ECOs) and costs of engineering change management (ECM) X

    14. Reduced report generation costs X

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    Main Menu

    Project Management Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    1. Reduction in customer invoicing costs (costs to bill time and expense charged to a customer) X

    a. Integration to project accounting system X X

    b. Electronic preparation and approval X X

    2. Reducing the number of days sales outstanding (DSO) by freeing-up capital (I.e., reduced working capital; free cash flow) X

    a. Reduce the amount of borrowed funds required X

    b. Increase investment potential X X

    c. Reduction (of DSO) achieved through faster order-to-cash time X

    d. Accurate & timely information leads to reduced reconciliations and better management of the billing process leading to X

    quicker payment and a reduction in accounts receivable (DSO), number of disputes per order, cycle time to resolve disputes,and lower write-offs.

    3. Reduction in project reporting costs X

    a. Project Manager has better access to reports X X

    b. Real-time, automatic budget updating X X

    4. Reduction in costs for revenue calculation/analysis X

    a. Elimination of "custom calculation" X

    b. Improved distribution & approval process for revenue X X

    5. Reductions in project set-up costs X

    6. Reduction in costs to establish baselines X

    a. Multi-cost center and multi-company project roll-up capability X

    b. Multi-currency capability X

    7. Reduced labor requirements for project-related functions - for example: X

    a. Design b. Production c. Project Management d. Capital Management

    e. Procurement f. Assembly g. Controlling h. Research & Development

    I. Order intake and follow-up j. Information

    8. Reduced time spent managing and reconciling - for example: X

    a. Reconciling Projects with General Ledger X

    b. Reconciling Projects with Asset Management, AP, AR X

    c. Managing the capital approval process X

    d. Managing project budgets, and reports X

    9. Reduced costs of changes X

    a. Change orders per project X

    b. Changes due to changes in scope, cost or schedule X

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    Main Menu

    Sales and Distribution Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    1. Reduction in sales order processing costs X

    2. Reduced time to calculate selling price X

    3. Increased Cash Flow (one-time event)

    a. Savings result due to access to real-time transaction information by all authorized users (visibil ity), more accurate information, X

    data is entered only one time, use of automated processes (less manual intervention), less re-work, less reconciling, etc.

    b. Reduced request-to-quote time X

    c. Reduced order-to-delivery time X

    d. Reduced delivery-to-invoice time X

    4. Reducing the number of days sales outstanding (DSO) by freeing-up capital (I.e., reduced working capital; free cash flow) X a. Reduce the amount of borrowed funds required X

    b. Increase investment potential X X

    c. Reduction (of DSO) achieved through faster order-to-cash time X

    d. Accurate & timely information leads to reduced reconciliations and better management of the billing process leading to X

    quicker payment and a reduction in accounts receivable (DSO), number of disputes per order, cycle time to resolve disputes,

    and lower write-offs.

    5. Increased revenues due to less stock outages (reduction in lost sales) X

    a. Reduced loss of revenue due to items being out-of-stock X

    b. Fewer stock outages occur because there are more reliable materials buying processes/procedures in place X

    c. Increases customer satisfaction due to the higher availability of products. X

    6. Reduction in distribution costs X

    7. Reduction in freight costs X

    8. Improved on-time delivery X X

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    Main Menu

    Space Management (3rd Party) Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    1. Savings related to the Executive Information System - in support of quarterly management reports X

    a. Property Management personnel X

    b. Asset Management/Senior Management personnel X

    2. Savings in the IT Development area X

    3. Leasing support savings X

    a. Preparing CAD drawings for leasing proposals X

    b. Access to existing lease details for a new prospect X

    c. No competitor introduced due to efficient turn-around X X

    4. Marketing support savings X a. Convention preparation X

    b. Quarterly updates to exhibits in the leasing book X

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    Main Menu

    Strategic Enterprise Management Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    General Benefits:

    1. Helps executives to simulate, analyze, monitor, optimize and communicate the strategic aspects of the enterprise. X

    2. Endorses value-based management methodology to improve corporate value. X

    3. Incorporates the perspective of stakeholders who share in the long-term success of the company. X

    4. Translates strategy into action faster and enables knowledge sharing and learning throughout the entire organization X

    to continually improve strategy and optimize its execution.

    Business Planning and Simulation:

    5. Supports performance management that enables future-focused enterprise management and active management of X

    stakeholder expectations6. Enables comprehensive simulations and scenario analyses without investing excessive time and effort X

    7. Provides facilities for system dynamics simulations based on special tools, functions and business content for use in X

    strategic planning and specific operational analyses like Activity Based Management

    8. Model and simulate the complex, nonlinear relationships between markets, competitors, and your own enterprise X

    9. Define functional and organizational plan sections to model operations at the enterprise's resource level in a X

    multidimensional data basis which are in line and integrated with previously defined and approved strategy scenarios

    10. Integrates different planning levels enabling you to build an integrated planning model from the strategic level to the X X

    resource allocation level

    11. With the integration of Activity-Based Management (ABM), SEM-BPS provides a specific decision support tool for X

    operational and strategic resource optimizat ion and cost management issues

    12. Enables close planning integration with ERP systems in two direct ions, for top-down and for bottom-up planning scenar ios X

    13. Uses Business Consolidation (SEM-BCS) functions to consolidate planning scenarios at the push of a button. X

    14. The Corporate Performance Monitor (SEM-CPM), with Balanced Scorecard functions and the Management Cockpit, X

    supports the visualization, analysis and assessment of planning scenarios, and can serve as a starting point providing

    strategy related KPI targets to guide planning and resource allocation into the strategically desired directions

    Corporate Performance Monitor:

    15. Interpretation & visualization of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in performance mgmt, including non-financial measures X

    16. The applications SEM-CPM and SEM-BPS are closely linked. KPI targets from SEM-CPM can serve as a starting point for X

    planning in SEM-BPS, plan data from SEM-BPS can serve as thresholds for SEM-CPM analysis

    17. Balanced Scorecard:

    a. A management methodology for communicating the enterprise strategy and converting it into operational targets for all X

    levels of the enterprise

    b. Organizations are able to model, communicate and analyze strategy and cascade it through the enterprise X X

    18. Management Cockpit:

    a. Structuring & visualiz ing performance indicators using large, easy-to-understand displays on the walls of a meeting room X

    b. The aim is to support and accelerate communication in the management team through the use of ergonomically X

    optimized visualizations of decision-relevant information

    c. Software can be used as an employee's/manager's workplace or to operate a Mgmt. Cockpit Rm. to support Mgmt. mtgs. X

    Stakeholder Relationship Management:

    19. Good, stable relationships with the stakeholder groups represent "intangible assets" X

    20. Provides support for communicating enterprise strategy, current plan data, and strategic initiat ives to the different X

    stakeholder groups

    21. The Internet is the ideal means of SEM-SRM communication, but conventional methods such as mailings are also supported X

    22. SRM functionality can place investor relations queries in a workflow process and have them dealt with semi-automatically X

    23. More actively manage the expectations of analysts and the capital markets XBusiness Consolidation:

    24. Using automation, SEM-BCS can significantly accelerate the consolidation X

    25. Financial consolidation for statutory reporting by company/segment X

    26. Statutory and management consolidations can be based on the same data basis, thus harmonizing the financial X

    accounting and management accounting systems.

    27. Management consolidations based on user-defined organizational units and hierarchies X

    28. Reconciliation of balance differences:

    a. Automated posting of currency-related differences X

    b. Automatic creation of letters/e-mails/faxes etc. X

    29. Consolidat ion simulat ions for mergers & acquisitions, var ious currency translation methods, changed consolidat ion rules X X

    30. Automate economic prof it calculat ions for internal organizational unit level, legal ent it ies, any desired group level X

    31. SEM-BCS functionality is used by SEM-BPS for consolidation of plan data; by SEM-CPM during ad hoc reporting & analysis. X

    Business Information Collection:

    32. Automated collection of structured data:

    a. Key figures from the ERP system X

    b. Stock prices from commercial database providers via the Internet etc. X

    33. Supports the decentralized collection of financial figures from subsidiaries in a structured and systematic way X

    34. The web-based Editorial Workbench provides functionality for efficient collection of relevant information from the Internet X35. Automated (to a large extent) search process for documents on the Internet - e.g., Brokers' reports, press reports, X

    announcements on competitors' homepages etc.; information retrieved is processed by the Editorial Workbench,

    indexed and saved in the data basis; it is then forwarded automatically to the relevant information receivers.

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    Main Menu

    Supply Chain Management Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    1. Forecast accuracy is improved - inventory and carrying costs

    a. Higher forecast accuracy along with intelligent inventory planning, replenishment, and deployment will result in increased

    inventory turns and decreased inventory levels.

    ==> Increased inventory turns per year X X

    ==> Reduced carrying costs on inventory as a result of increased inventory turns X

    b. Enhanced forecasting models, incorporation of exogenous information and a combination of different models to determine the X

    best fit will result in higher forecast accuracy

    2. Forecast accuracy is improved - Field Technician productivity X

    a. More efficient inventory deployment and visibili ty to inventory will enable field technicians to have the right tools and materials X as they respond to service requests, thus saving valuable time and increasing field technician productivity

    b. Savings by reducing lost productive time X

    3. Reduction in carrying costs on outsourced inventory X

    a. Increased forecast accuracy in conjunction with "smart" information contained in BW will enable outsourcing of inventory to X

    subsidiaries. Some carrying costs will be reduced.

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    Main Menu

    Work Management Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    1. Process efficiencies/increased productivity:

    a. Elimination of manual hand-offs and batched interfaces X X

    b. Real-time check of resource availability (material, labor, equipment, tools) for maintenance X X

    c. Real-time update of planned and actual resource utilization X X

    d. Ensure assigned labor has appropriate skills/qualifications X X

    e. Workf low, transfer pr icing and cost al location X X

    f. Single time data entry (work order & payroll) X X

    g. Reduced costs of short-cycle work processes - for example: X

    ==> Outages X ==> Move In/Out, Turn On/Off X

    ==> New Service Request X

    ==> Service Relocation X

    ==> Remedial Maintenance X

    ==> Preventative Maintenance X

    h. Reduced costs of long-cycle work processes - for example: X

    ==> Sub-Division Development X

    ==> Major Development X

    ==> System Improvements X

    ==> System Reinforcements X

    ==> Equipment Refurbishment X

    ==> Equipment Replacement X

    i. Savings result from the elimination or reduction of paperwork, reduction in the number of manual reports prepared, ease X

    of data entry and data integrity from single point of entry, reduction or elimination of reconciliations, etc.

    j. Reduced reliance on external resources (contractors, consultants) X

    k. Reduced Overtime Costs - through reduced data entry time and increased accuracy (single point of entry), better system X

    usability, shorter learning curve for new processes, better/faster access to quality information, decreased approval time

    through use of automated workflows, etc.

    2. Reduced field service response time (e.g., hours) X

    3. Increased direct labor utilization rate (wrenchtime) by decreasing administrative task time X

    a. Reduced time spent:

    ==> Waiting on work X

    ==> Waiting on parts X

    ==> On false starts X

    ==> On travel X

    b. Ensure trades have the necessary skills/qualifications X X

    4. Reduced time/cost to generate work orders X

    5. Reduced cost to re-enter work order data into payroll X

    a. Elimination of re-keying with link from work order to payroll (CATS) X

    6. Increased percentage of problems fixed right the first time X

    a. Repeat trips result in costs of re-work, travel, idle time etc. X

    7. Reduced inventory levels for Work Management activities X

    a. Reduced overstocking X

    ==> Carrying costs (JIT based on order dates) X

    ==> Warehouse space requirements X X b. Identification of obsolete items X

    c. Identification of duplicate items X

    d. Reduced lost time due to stock-outs X

    e. Materials reservations, planning & scheduling X

    8. Reduced plant maintenance expense X

    9. Electronic approvals X X

    a. Eliminate hand-offs between systems X

    b. Ensure timely notification to required individuals (pager support) X

    c. Eliminate necessity for multiple approval systems (maintenance, procurement, finance, etc.) X

    d. Model comprehensive business processes X

    e. Reduced training costs X

    f. Reduced internal IT support costs X

    10. Reduction of Maintenance Induced Failures X X

    a. Identification of maintenance practices which cause equipment failure X

    ==> Automatic creation of quality inspections X

    b. Identification of required skills training X

    c. Reduction in unplanned failures X

    d. More efficient maintenance processes X e. Reduction in cost of maintenance X

    f. Reduction of overall repairs X

    11. Plant Maintenance is integrated with IS-U/CCS X X

    12. Enterprise integration ensures real-time information and eliminates potential data redundancy X X

    13. Certified interfaces to 3rd party systems, for example:

    a. AM/FM/GIS X

    b. SCADA X

    14. On-line funds control for:

    a. Work order budgets X

    b. Projects X

    c. Investment management X

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    Main Menu

    Workplace Quantitative Qualitative Strategic


    1. Role-Based Access

    a. See only what is relevant to you; Everything else is filtered out X

    b. Easy access to all the internal and external applications and information you need to do your job X

    2. Openness - the Workplace is an open environment X

    a. Uses Internet standards X

    b. Both SAP and non-SAP systems can be integrated into the Launch Pad and mini-applications X

    c. Role definitions are extensible - Workplace seamlessly integrates the multiple roles in a company; Easy to change role definitions X

    3. Access from anywhere; Access for all to all they need X a. Anytime, anywhere access to mySAP.com; Simplify and speed access to data X

    b. Workplace devices for the mobile user X

    c. Access to mini-applications and business scenarios (e.g. travel planning) X

    4. Convenience and Productivity

    a. Single point of access to all systems - No more logging in and out of multiple systems to get your job done X

    b. Single sign-on - Sign on only once for access to all applications and information X

    c. Alerts push important, time-sensitive information to your screen X X

    d. Navigation made easy - Launch Pad stays in place (no more backing out to the menu); Drag & Relate integration; Hot spots X

    5. Ease of use; Attractive interface; Personalizable Web portals

    a. Browser based - simple, intuitive user interface X

    b. No special training required X

    c. Colorful HTML format X

    d. Personalize the way you would like to see things X


    6. Low Cost of Ownership

    a. Zero installation on the desktop means lower cost of PC upgrades and maintenance

    ==> The Workplace requires only a standard Web browser, something which is pre-loaded on most PCs delivered today X

    ==> No need to install any other front-ends (e.g. traditional SAP GUI for Windows) X

    ==> Ease of maintenance no need to continually maintain the latest version of each application GUI X

    b. Lower training costs X

    ==> Most users can operate a Web browser already X

    ==> Can eliminate specific application training in many cases X

    7. Standardization

    a. The Workplace provides a standard interface for everyone, to everything they need X

    b. The user no longer needs to be concerned where the application resides locally, at an ASP, on a marketplace, etc. X

    c. Companies can optimize the TCO and business process efficiency by outsourcing & application sharing where appropriate X

    8. Productivity; Cycle Times

    a. Higher productivity results from the role-based environment X

    b. Only relevant information and applications are presented X

    c. Seamless integration of various systems, with single sign-on, eliminates the time-consuming need to log in and out X

    of multiple systems

    d. Navigational features such as the Launch Pad, Drag & Relate and Hot Spots further improve ease of use and speed of use X

    9. Business Process Effectiveness - Extend the reach of the enterprise, unleash intangible sources of value

    a. The Workplace can be set up and personalized to optimize business process flow X

    (this includes c-business scenarios involving cross-enterprise participation) b. The push nature of mini-applications ensure that users can be more responsive to time-sensitive information X X

    (especially to customers)

    c. Electronic workflow is enabled and supported X

    10. Better Knowledge Management/Decision Support

    a. Improve decision-making ability by more effectively managing information and knowledge X

    b. Accelerated learning and information gathering access to multiple sources of information is facilitated X

    c. Easy access to training materials, documentation and procedures X

    d. Mini-applications push important corporate news to the workforce, enabling the company to focus & marshall resources X

    e. One place for all vital information means effective management of knowledge assets X

    f. Improved knowledge management leads to more effective decision making X X

    11. Security - The Workplace is a secure environment; corporate assets are protected

    a. Single sign-on (either password-based or via x.509 certificate) X

    b. Role-based authorization concept X

    c. Data encryption X

    d. Secure business document exchange with digital signatures X

    e. Central administration X

    12. Employee Satisfaction

    a. The attractive, easy to use, role-based Web portal envi ronment lets everyone participate in business processes X13. Customer Satisfaction

    a. Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty; Improve opportunities to cross-sell and up-sell X X

    b. The Workplace enables increased responsiveness to customers and faster business process cycle times X X

    c. Workplace as a personalized customer portal with value-added services improves customer satisfaction X

    d. Improve communication to the customer, from the customer and potentially between customers X

    e. Self-service options mean the customer can f ind information, place orders & check status with l imited demands on X X

    company staff

    14. Partners/Suppliers - Unleash the Power of the Extended Enterprise:

    a. Using the Workplace to provide a partner and / or supplier portal helps to unleash intangible sources of value X

    b. Faster business process cycle times X

    c. Improved information sharing X

    d. Reduced partner support time / costs by providing partners with self-service access to information X

    e. Better relationships X

    f. Enable application sharing X

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    Workplace Quantitative Qualitative Strategic

    Other Benefits:

    15. Only one connection to marketplace hub needed to stay in business X

    16. Extend the life of existing systems (internal and external) by accessing information through the Workplace - with the X

    Workplace, all data can be accessed regardless of the source of the data

    17. Revenue opportunity - Compilation and resale of data (e.g., property manager accessing and compiling all data on multiple X

    properties and selling the compiled data back to each individual property)

    18. Telephony savings - (e.g. , access and send information through the workplace, replacing the need for dial-up costs, X

    national or international)

    Differentiating the Workplace from Release 4.6:

    19. mySAP.com Workplace - The mySAP.com Workplace can be used

    a. As a front-end to link in R/3 component systems which are not yet upgraded in order to realize many of the Enjoy benefits X X (aesthetics, role-based menu personalization, link to URLs & documents, single sign-on, navigational enhancements, etc.)

    b. As a way to link in non-SAP applications, including legacy systems and the corporate intranet X

    c. As a way to bring together the extended enterprise via customer, supplier and partner portals X X

    20. mySAP.com Workplace Benefits not in 4.6

    a. Zero client installation browser only X

    b. Reduced training time and cost X

    c. Mini-applications ability to push important information to user X

    d. Navigation is simplified - launch pad stays in place; drag and relate functionality is available X

    e. Single sign-on X

    f. Access to third party applications X

    g. Overall, better productivity and improved user enjoyment X