13163989 acca f3 financial accounting int solved past papers 0107(1)

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  • 8/2/2019 13163989 ACCA F3 Financial Accounting INT Solved Past Papers 0107(1)


    Fundamentals Pilot Paper Knowledge module

    Financial Accounting




    ALL FIFTY questions are compulsory and MUST beattempted.

    Do NOT open this paper until instructed by the

    supervisor.This question paper must not be removed from the

    examination hall.

    The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants

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  • 8/2/2019 13163989 ACCA F3 Financial Accounting INT Solved Past Papers 0107(1)


    ALL 50 questions are compulsory and MUST be

    attemptedPlease use the Candidate Registration Sheet provided to indicate your chosen answer to each multiple choicequestion.

    1 Shoulddetails of material adjusting or material non-adjusting events after the balancesheet date

    bedisclosed inthe notes to financial statements according to


    Events After the Balance Sheet



    A Adjusting events

    BNon-Adjusting events

    (1 mark)

    2At 30 June 2005 a companys allowance for receivables was $39,000. At 30 June 2006 trade receivables

    totalled$517,000. It was decided to write off debts totalling $37,000 and to adjust the allowance for receivablesto theequivalent of 5 per cent of the trade receivables based on pastevents.

    What figure should appear in the income statement for the year ended 30 June 2006 forthese items?A $61,000




    (2 marks)

    3 In times of rising prices, what effect does the use of the historical cost concept have on a companys

    asset valuesand

    profit?A Asset values and profit both

    understatedBAsset values and profit both

    overstatedCAsset values understated and profit

    overstatedDAsset values overstated and profit

    understated. (2 marks)

    4The IASBs Framework for the preparation and presentation of financialstatements

    gives qualitativecharacteristicsthat make financial information

    reliable.Which of the following are examples of those qualitativecharacteristics?A Faithful Representation, neutrality and

    prudenceB Neutrality, comparability and true and fair

    viewC Prudence, comparability and

    accrualsD Neutrality, accruals and going concern

    (2 marks)(

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    5The following bank reconciliation statement has been prepared by a trainee


    Overdraft per bank statement3,860less: Outstanding cheques9,1605,300

    add: Deposits credited after date16,690Cash at bank as calculated above21,990

    What should be the correct balanceper the cash

    book?A $21,990 balance at bank as

    statedB$3,670 balance atbank

    C$11,390 balance atbank

    D$3,670 overdrawn.

    (2 marks)

    6 Which of the following calculates a traders net profit for a

    period?A Closing net assets + drawings capital introduced opening net

    assetsBClosing net assets drawings + capital introduced opening net

    assetsCClosing net assets drawings capital introduced opening net

    assetsDClosing net assets + drawings + capital introduced opening net

    assets. (2 marks)

    7A sole trader took some goods costing $800from inventory for his own use. The normal selling price of the goodsis $1,600.

    Which of the following journal entries would correctly

    record this?Dr Cr

    $$ ADrawings account 800

    Inventory account800

    BDrawings account 800

    Purchases account800CSalesaccount 1,600

    Drawings account 1,600

    (1 mark)

    8The debit side of a companystrial balancetotals $800more than the creditside.

    Which one of the following errors would fully account for the

    difference?A$400 paid for plant maintenance has been correctly entered in the cash book and credited to theplant assetaccount.

    BDiscount received $400 has been debited to discount allowedaccount

    CA receipt of $800 for commission receivable has been omitted from therecords

    DThe petty cash balance of $800 has been omitted from the trialbalance. (2 marks)


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    9Acompanysincomestatement for the year ended 31December2005 showed anetprofit of $83,600. It was

    laterfoundthat $18,000 paid for the purchase of a motorvan had beendebited tothe motorexpenses account.Itis thecompanys policy to depreciate motor vans at 25 per cent per year on the straight line basis, with a full yearschargei n t he y ea r o f

    acquisition.What would the net profit be after adjusting for this

    error?A $106,100




    (2 marks)

    10 Should dividends paid appear on the face of a companys income

    statement?A Yes

    B No

    (1 mark)

    11 The following control account has been prepared by a traineeaccountant:

    Receivables ledger controlaccount

    $ $

    Opening balance 308,600 Cash received from credit customers147,200Credit sales 154,200 Discounts allowed to credit customers1,400Cash sales 88,100 Interest charged on overdue accounts2,400Contras against credit balances in payables ledger 4,600 Bad debts written off

    4,900 Allowance for receivables 2,800

    C lo si ng b al an ce396,800

    555,500 555,500

    What should the closing balance be when all the errors made in preparing the receivables ledgercontrol accounthave been

    corrected?A $395,200




    (2 marks)(

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    12 At 31 December 2004 Q, a limited liability company, owned a building that cost $800,000 on 1 January

    1995. Itwas being depreciated at two per cent peryear.

    On 1 January 2005 a revaluation to $1,000,000 was recognised. At this date the building had a remaining usefullife of 40 years.

    What is the depreciation charge for the year ended 31 December 2005 and the revaluation reservebalanceasat1 J an ua ry

    2005?Depreciation charge Revaluationreservefor year ended 31December2005 as at 1January 2005

    $$ A25,000 200,000

    B25,000 360,000

    C20,000 200,000

    D20,000 360,000

    (2 marks)

    13 P and Q are in partnership, sharing profitsequally.

    On 30 June 2005, R joined the partnership and it was agreed that from that date all three partnersshould shareequally in the

    profit.In the year ended 31 December 2005 the profit amounted to $300,000, accruing evenly over the year, aftercharginga bad debt of $30,000 which it was agreed should be borne equally by P and Q

    only.What should Ps total profit share be for the year ended 31

    December 2005?A $ 95,000




    (2 marks)

    14 A company has made a material change to an accounting policy in preparing its current financialstatements.

    Which of the following disclosures are required by


    Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates

    anderrorsi n t he f in an ci al

    statements?1 The reasons for thechange.2 The amount of the adjustment in the current period and in comparative infor mation for prior

    periods.3 An estimate of the effect of the change on the next five accounting

    periods.A1and2 only

    B1and3 only

    C2and3 only

    D1, 2and3

    (2 marks)(

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    15 According to IAS


    Inventories, which of the following costs should be included in valuing the

    inventories of amanufacturing

    company?(1) Carriage inwards

    (2) Carriage outwards

    (3) Depreciation of factory

    plant(4) General administrativeoverheads

    AA ll f ou r items

    B1, 2and4only

    C2and3 only

    D1and3 only

    (2 marks)

    16 Part of a companys cash flow statement is shownbelow:


    Ope ra ti ng p ro fi t8,640Depreciation charges (2,160)

    Increase in inventory(330)Increase in accounts payable440The following criticisms of the extract have beenmade:(1) Depreciation charges should have been added, notdeducted.(2) Increase in inventory should have been added, notdeducted.(3) Increase in accounts payable should have been deducted, notadded.Which of the criticisms arevalid?A 2and 3only

    B 1only

    C 1and 3only

    D 2only

    (2 marks)

    17 Which of the following explains the imprest system of operating petty

    cash?A Weekly expenditure cannot exceed a set

    amount.B The exact amount of expenditure is reimbursed at intervals to maintain a

    fixed float.C All expenditure out of the petty cash must be properly

    authorised.D Regular equal amounts of cash are transferred into petty cash at

    intervals. (2 marks)(

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    18 Which of the following are differences between sole traders and limited liability

    companies?(1) A sole traders financial statements are private; a companys financial statements are sent to shareholdersand maybe publicly

    filed(2) Only companies have capital invested into thebusiness(3) A sole trader is fully and personally liable for any losses that the business might make; a companys

    shareholdersare not personally liable for any losses that the company mightmake.

    A 1and2 only

    B 2and3 only

    C 1and3 only

    D 1, 2and3

    (2 marks)

    19 Which of the following documents should accompany a payment made to asupplier?A Supplier

    statementB Remittance

    adviceC Purchase invoice

    (1 mark)

    20 Goodwill should never be shown on the balance sheet of apartnership.

    Is this statement true orfalse?AFalse


    (1 mark)

    21 Which of the following journal entries are correct, according to their

    narratives? DrCR$$1 Suspense account 18,000

    Rentreceived account 18,000

    Correction of error in posting $24,000cash received for rent tothe rent received accountas $42,000

    2 Share premium account 400,000

    Share capital account 400,000

    1for 3 bonusissue on share capital of 1,200,000 50c shares

    3 Trade investment in X750,000Share capital account 250,000

    Share premium account 500,000

    500,000 50c shares issued at $1.50per share in exchange for shares in X





    (2 marks)(

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    22 The plant and machinery account (at cost) of a business for the year ended 31 December 2005 was as

    follows:Plant and machinery cost2005 2005

    $$1 Jan Balance 240,000 31 March Transfer disposal account60,00030 June Cash purchase of plant 160,000 31 Dec Balance340,000400,000 400,000

    The companys policy is to charge depreciation at 20% per year on the straight line basis, with proportionatedepreciationin the years of purchase and

    disposal.What should be the depreciation charge for the year ended 31

    December 2005?A $68,000




    (2 marks)

    23 Which of the following should appearin a companys statement of changes in

    equity?1 Profit for the financialyear2 Amortisation of capitalised developmentcosts3 Surplus on revaluation of non-current

    assetsAAll t hr ee

    itemsB2and3 only

    C1and3 only

    D1and2 only

    (2 marks)

    24 Which of the following statements are

    correct?(1) Ca pitalised development expenditure must beamortis ed over a period not exceeding fiveyears.

    (2) C apitalised development costs are shown in the balance sheet under the heading of Non-currentAssets(3) If certain criteria are met, research expenditure must be recognised as anintangibleasset.





    (2 marks)(

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    25 A fire on 30 September destroyed some of a companys inventory and its inventory

    records.The following information isavailable: $

    Inventory 1September 318,000

    Salesfor September 612,000

    Purchases for September 412,000

    Inventory ingood condition at 30September 214,000

    Standard gross profit percentage on sales is 25%

    Based on this information, what is the value of the

    inventory lost?A $96,000




    (2 marks)

    26 At 31 December 2004 a companys capital structure was asfollows:


    Ordinary sha re

    capital(500,000 shares of25c each) 125,000

    Share premium account 100,000

    In the year ended 31December 2005 the company made a rights issue of 1 share for every 2 held at $1 per

    shareand this was taken upin full. Later in the year the company made a bonusissue of 1 share for every 5 held,using theshare premium account for thepurpose.

    What was the companys capital structure at 31 December2005?Ordinary share capital Share premiumaccount$$ A450,000 125,000

    B225,000 250,000

    C225,000 325,000

    D212,500 262,500

    (2 marks)

    27 The inventory valuefor the financial statements of Q for the year ended 31 May2006 was based on an inventorycounton 4June 2006, which gave atotal inventory valueof $836,200.

    Between 31 May and 4 June 2006, the following transactions tookplace:


    Purchases ofgoods 8,600

    Salesof goods (profit margin 30% onsales) 14,000

    Goods returned by Q to supplier700What adjusted figure should be included in the financial statements for inventories at

    31May 2006?A $838,100

    B $853,900

    C $818,500

    D $834,300

    (2 marks)(

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    28 In preparing a companys bank reconciliation statement at March 2006, the following items are causing the

    differencebetween the cash book balance and the bank statementbalance:

    (1) Bank charges$380(2) Error by bank $1,000 (cheque incorrectly debited to theaccount)(3) Lodgements not credited

    $4,580(4) Outstanding cheques$1,475(5) Direct debit$350(6) Cheque paid in by the company and dishonoured$400.Which of these items will require anentry in the cash

    book?A 2,4 and 6

    B1, 5and6

    C3, 4and5

    D1, 2and3

    (2 marks)

    29 At 31 December 2005 the following require inclusion in a companys financialstatements:

    (1) On 1 January 2005 the company made a loan of $12,000 to an employee, repayable on 1 January2006,charging interest at 2per cent per year. On theduedate she repaid the loan and paid the whole of the

    interestdue on the loan to thatdate.

    (2) The companyhaspaid insurance$9,000in 2005, covering theyear ending 31August 2006.

    (3) In January 2006 the company received rent from a tenant $4,000 covering the six months to 31December2005.

    For these items, what total figures should be included in the companys balance sheet at 31

    December 2005?Current assets Currentliabilities$ $

    A10,000 12,240

    B22,240 nil

    C10,240 nil

    D16,240 6,000

    (2 marks)

    30 How should acontingent liability beincluded in a companys financial statements if the likelihood of

    atransferofeconomic benefits to settle it is

    remote?A Disclosed by note with no provision being

    madeBNo disclosure or provision is required

    (1 mark)


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    31 Which of the following material events after the balance sheet date and before the financial

    statements areapproved are adjusting

    events?(1) Avaluation of property providing evidence of impairment in valueat thebalancesheetdate.(2) Sale of inventory held at the balance sheet date for less thancost.(3) Discovery of fraud or error affecting the financial

    statements.(4) The insolvency of a customer with a debt owing at the balance sheet date which is stilloutstanding.A 1, 2 ,3and4

    B 1, 2and4only

    C 3 a nd 4

    onlyD 1, 2and3 only.

    (2 marks)

    32 Alpha received a statement of account from a supplier Beta, showing a balance to be paid of $8,950. Alphaspayablesledger account for Beta shows a balance due to Beta of

    $4,140.Investiga t ion revea ls thefollowing:(1) Cash paid to Beta $4,080 has not been allowed for byBeta(2) Alphas ledger account has not been adjusted for $40 of cash discount disallowed byBeta.What discrepancy remains between Alphas andBetas records after allowing for these

    items?A $690

    B $770

    C $9,850

    D $9,930

    (2 marks)

    33 The business entity concept requires that a business is treated as being separate from itsowners.Is this statement true or



    (1 mark)

    34 Theta prepares its financial statements for the year to 30 April each year. The company pays rent for itspremisesquarterly in advance on1 January, 1April, 1 July and 1 October each year. The annual rent was $84,000 per

    yearuntil 30 June 2005. It was increased from that date to $96,000 per

    year.What rent expense and end of year prepayment should be included in the financial statements for

    the year ended3 0 A pr il2006?

    Expense Prepayment

    A$93,000 $8,000

    B$93,000 $16,000

    C$94,000 $8,000

    D$94,000 $16,000

    (2 marks)


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    35 Which of the following items could appear in a companys cash flow

    statement?(1) Surplus on revaluation of non-currentassets(2) Proceeds of issueofshares

    (3) Proposeddividend(4) DividendsreceivedA 1and 2

    B 3 and4

    C 1and 3

    D 2and4

    (2 marks)

    36 What is the role of the International Financial Reporting Interpretations

    Committee?A To create a set of global accounting

    standardsBTo issue guidance on the application of International Financial Reporting

    Standards (1 mark)

    37 Qs trial balance failed to agree and a suspense account was opened for the difference. Q does not keepreceivablesand payables control accounts. The following errors were found in Qs accounting

    records:(1) In recording an issue of shares at par, cash received of $333,000 was credited to the ordinary sharecapitalaccountas$330,000

    (2) Cash $2,800 paid for plant repairs was correctlyaccounted for in the cash bookbutwas credited to the plant


    (3) The petty cash book balance $500 had been omitted from the trialbalance(4) A cheque for $78,400 paid for the purchase of a motor car was debited to the motor vehiclesaccount as$87,400.

    Which of the errors will require an entry to the suspense account to

    correct them?A 1, 2and4only

    B 1, 2,3 and 4

    C 1and4 only

    D 2and3 only

    (2 marks)

    38 Mountain sells goods on credit to Hill. Hill receives a 10% trade discount from Mountain and a further 5%settlementdiscount if goods are paid for within 14 days. Hill bought goods with a list price of $200, 000 from Mountain.

    Salesta x is at17.5%.

    What amount should be included in Mountains receivables ledger for this

    transaction?A $235,000




    (2 marks)


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    39 A computerised accounting system operates using the principle of double entry

    accounting.Is this statement true orfalse?A False


    (1 mark)

    40 A companyreceives rent from a large numberof properties. Thetotal received in the year ended 30 April 2006was$481,200.

    The following were the amounts of rent in advance and in arrears at 30 April 2005 and2006:30 April 2005 30 April 2006

    $$Rent received in advance 28,700 31,200

    Rent in arrears (all subsequently received) 21,200 18,400

    What amount of rental income should appear in the companys income statement for the year

    ended 30April2006?

    A $486,500




    (2 marks)

    41 Annie is a sole trader who does not keep full accounting records. The following details relate to hertransactions withcredit customers and suppliers for the year ended 30 June

    2006: $

    Trade receivables, 1July 2005 130,000

    Trade payables, 1 July2005 60,000

    Cash received from customers686,400Cash pa id to suppliers302,800Discounts allowed 1,400

    Discounts rece ived2,960Contra between payables and receivables ledgers

    2,000Trade receivables, 30 June2006 181,000

    Trade payables, 30June2006 84,000

    What figure should appear in Annies income statement for the year ended 30 June 2006 for

    purchases?A $331,760




    (2 marks)


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    42 The bookkeeper of Field made the following

    mistakes:Discounts allowed $3,840 was credited to the discounts receivedaccountDiscounts received $2,960 was debited to the discounts allowedaccountWhich journal entry will correct the

    errors?DRCRA Discounts a l lowed

    $7,680Discounts received $5,920

    S uspe nse a cc ou nt$1,760

    BDiscounts a l lowed$880Discounts rece ived

    $880S uspe nse a cc ou nt$1,760

    CDiscounts a l lowed$6,800Discounts rece ived

    $6,800DDiscounts a l lowed

    $3,840Disco un ts r ec ei ve d$2,960Suspense account$880 (2 marks)

    43 Which of the following statements are

    correct?(1) Materiality means that only items having a physical existence may be recognised asassets.(2) The substance over form convention means that the legal form of a transaction must always be shown in

    financialstatements even if this differs from the commercialeffect.

    (3) The money measurement concept is that only items capable of being measured in monetaryterms can berecognised in financial

    statements.A 2only

    B 1, 2and3

    C 1only

    D 3only

    (2 marks)

    44 The total ofthe list ofbalances in Valleyspayables ledger was $438,900at 30 June2006. Thisbalancedid notagreewith Valleys payables ledger control account balance. The following errors were

    discovered:1 A contra entry of $980 was recorded in the payables ledger control account, but not in the payables

    ledger.2 The total of the purchase returns daybook was undercast by$1,000.3 An invoice for $4,344 was posted to the suppliers account as$4,434.What amount should Valley report in its balance sheet as accounts payable at 30June2006?A $436,830




    (2 marks)


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    45 Which of the following statements are

    correct?(1) A cash flow statement prepared using the direct method produces a different figure for operating cashflow fromthat produced if the indirect method is

    used.(2) Rights issues of shares do not feature in cash flowstatements.(3) A surplus on revaluation of a non-current asset will not appear as an item in a cash flow

    statement(4) A profit on the sale of a non-current asset will appear as an item under Cash Flows from InvestingActivities in aca sh f low

    statement.A 1and4

    B 2and3

    C 3only

    D 2and4

    (2 marks)

    46 Gareth, a sales tax registered trader purchased a computer for use in his business. The invoice for the computershowedthe following costs related to thepurchase:


    Computer890Additional memory95Delivery 10

    Installation20Maintenance (1 year) 25


    Salestax (17.5%) 182

    Total 1,222

    Howmuch should Gareth capitalise asa non-current assetin relation tothe

    purchase?A $1,222




    (2 marks)

    47 Aand Bare in partnership sharing profits and losses in the ratio 3:2 respectively. Profit for the year was $86,500.Thepartners capital and current account balances at the beginning of the year were as

    follows:A B


    $Current accounts 5,750CR 1,200CR

    Capital accounts 10,000CR 8, 000CR

    As drawings during the year were $4,300, and Bs were $2,430.

    What should As current account balance be at the end of

    the year?A $57,650




    (2 marks)


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    48 What is the correct double entry to record the depreciation chargefor

    aperiod?A DR Depreciation

    expenseCR Accumulateddepreciation

    BDR AccumulateddepreciationCR Depreciation

    expense (1 mark)

    49 A company values its inventory using the first in, first out (FIFO) method. At 1 May 2005 the company had700engines in inventory, valued at $190

    each.During the year ended 30 April 2006 the following transactions tookplace:2005

    1 Ju ly P urc ha sed 500 engines a t $ 220 ea ch

    1November Sold 400engines for $160,000


    1 F eb ru ar y P ur ch ased 3 00 e ng in es a t $ 23 0 ea ch

    15 April Sold 250engines for $125,000

    What is thevalue of thecompanys closing inventory of engines at30 April

    2006?A $188,500




    (2 marks)

    50 A companys motor vehicles at cost account at 30 June 2006 is asfollows:

    Motor vehicles cost

    $$Balance b/f 35,800 Disposal12,000Additions 12,950 Balance c/f36,75048,750 48,750

    What opening balance should be included in the following periods trial balance for motor vehicles cost at1July2006?

    A $36,750DR




    (2 marks)


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    Pi lo t Paper F3



    Financia l Account ing



    2B 37,000+ ((517,000 37,000)*5%) 39,000)= 22,000



    5B -3,860 9,160+ 16,690 = 3,670




    9C 83,600 +18,000 (18,000*25%) = 97,100

    10 B

    11 D Receivables ledger controlaccount

    $ $

    Opening balance 308,600 Contras4,600Credit sales 154,200 Cash received147,200Interest charged 2,400 Discounts allowed1,400Bad debts 4,900

    C lo si ng b al an ce307,100465,200 465,200

    12 B 1,000,000/40years = 25,000; 1,000,000 (800,000 (800,000*2%*10years))= 360,000

    13 B ((300,000+ 30,000)/2 * )+ (300,000+ 30,000)/ 2 * 1/3) (30,000* )= 122,500

    14 A

    15 D

    16 B

    17 B

    18 C

    19 B

    20 A

    21 D

    22 D (240,000*20%) + (6/12*160,000*20%) (9/12*60,000*20%) =55,00023 C

    24 A

    25 D (318,000 + 412,000 214,000) (612,000*75%) = 57,000

    26 B 125,000 + (500,000*1/2*25c) + (750,000*1/5*25c) = 225,000; 100,000+ (500,000*1/2*75c) (750,000*1/5*25c) = 250,000

    27 A 836,200 8,600 + (14,000*70%)+ 700= 838,100

    28 B

    29 B 12,000 + (12,000*2%)+ (9,000*8/12) + 4,000= 22,240

    30 B

    31 A

    32 A (8,950 4,080) (4,140 + 40) = 69033 A

    34 D (84,000*2/12) + (96,000*10/12)= 94,000; 96,000*2/12 = 16,000

    35 D

    36 B

    37 B

    38 D ListPrice 200,000

    Trade discount (20,000)


    Sales tax(17.5%*95%*180,000) 29,925


    39 B

    40 D Rent receivable

    $ $

    O/Balance 21,200 O/Balance28,700Income statement 475,900 Disposal481,200C/Balance 31,200 C/Balance18,400528,300 528,300


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    41 A Payables ledger

    $ $

    Cash paid 302,800 O/balance 60,000

    Discounts received 2,960 Purchases331,760Contra 2,000

    C/balance84,000391,760 391,760

    42 B

    43 D

    44 D 438,900 980-90 = 437,830

    45 C

    46 D 890 + 95 + 10 + 20 =1,01547 D 5,750 + (86,500*3/5) 4,300 = 53,350

    48 A

    49 A (300@230) + (500@220) + (50@190)= 188,500

    50 A


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    lStatements(International Stream)

    PART 1



    Time allowed 3 hours

    This paper is divided into two sections

    Section A ALL 25 questions are compulsory and MUST be


    Section B ALL FIVE questions are compulsory and MUST be


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    Section A ALL TWENTY-FIVE questions are compulsory and MUST beattemptedPlease use the answer sheet provided to indicate your choice in

    eachquestionEach question within this section is worth 2


    1 The trial balance totals of Gamma at 30 September 2001are:Debit$992,640Credit $1,026,480

    Which TWO of the following possible errors could, when corrected, cause the trial balanceto agree?1. An item in the cash book $6,160 for payment of rent has not been entered in the rent payable

    account.2.The balanceonthe motor expenses account$27,680 has incorrectly beenlisted in the trial balance as acredit.3. $6,160 proceeds of sale of a motor vehicle has been posted to the debit of motor vehicles assetaccount.4. The balance of $21,520 on the rent receivable account has been omitted from the trialbalance.A 1 and

    2B 2 and

    3C 2 and

    4D 3 and


    2 The trial balance of Delta, a limited liability company, did not agree and a suspense account wasopened for thedifference. The following errors were subsequentlyfound:1. A cash refund due to customer A was correctly treated in the cash book and then credited to the accounts

    receivableledger account of customer

    B.2. The sale of goods to a director for $300 was recorded by debiting sales revenue account and crediting thedirector scurrent

    account.3. The total of the discount received columnin the cash book had been credited in error to the discountallowedaccount.

    4. Some of the cash received from customers had been used to pay sundry expenses before banking themoney.5. $5,800 paid for plant repairs was correctly treated in the cash book and then credited to plant andequipment assetaccount.

    Which of the above errors would require an entry to the suspense account as part of the process ofcorrecting them?A1,3 and5

    B 1, 2 and5C 1 and5D 3 and


    3 Beta purchased some plant and equipment on 1 July 2001 for $40,000. The estimated scrap value of theplant in tenyears time is estimated to be $4,000. Beta s policy is to charge depreciation on the straight line basis,with aproportionate charge in the period of


    What should the depreciation charge for the plant be in Beta s accounting period of

    twelve months to30 September2001?A$720


    $900D $675


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    4 Theta prepares its financial statements for the year to 30 April each year. The company pays rent for its

    premisesquarterly in advance on 1 January, 1April, 1 Julyand 1 October each year. Theannual rent was $84,000 per year

    until30 June 2000. It was increased from that date to $96,000 peryear.

    What rent expense and end of year prepayment should be included in the financial statements for the

    year ended30April 2001?

    Expense Prepayment

    A $ 93 ,0 00$8,000B $ 93 ,0 00$16,000C $ 94 ,0 00

    $8,000D $ 94 ,0 00


    5 At 30 September 2000, the following balances existed in the records ofLambda:


    Plant and equipment: Cost860,000 Accumulated depreciation

    397,000During the year ended 30 September 2001, plant with a written down value of $37,000 was sold for $49,000.Theplant had originally cost $80,000. Plant purchased during the year cost $180,000. It is the company s policy tochargea full year s depreciation inthe year of acquisition ofan asset and none in the year of sale, using a rate of10%on thestra ight l inebasis.

    Whatnet amount should appearin Lambdas balancesheet at30 September 2001 forplant and





    6 At 30 September 2000, Z Ltd had a provision for doubtful debts of $37,000. During the year ended 30September2001thecompanywrote off debts totalling $18,000, and at the end of the year it is decided that the provisionfordoubtful debts should be$20,000.

    What should be included in the income statement for bad and


    A $35 ,000debitB $ 1, 00 0

    debitC $38,000

    debitD $ 1, 00 0


    7 Which of the following best explains the imprest system of petty cash

    control?A Weekly expenditure cannot exceed a set

    amount.B The exact amount of expenditure is reimbursed atintervals to maintain a

    fixedfloat.C All expenditure out of the petty cash must be properly

    authorised.D Regular equal amounts of cash are transferred into petty cash atintervals.

    3 [P.T.O.

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    8 In reconciling a business cash book with the bank statement, which of the following itemscould require asubsequent entry in the cash

    book?1. Cheques presented after

    date.2. A cheque from a customer which wasdishonoured.3. An error by thebank.4. Bank charges.5. Deposits credited afterdate.6. Standing order entered in bankstatement.A 2, 3, 4 and

    6B 1, 2, 5 and

    6C 2, 4 and

    6D 1, 3 and


    9 The following bank reconciliation statement has been prepared for Omega by a juniorclerk:


    Overdraft per bank statement68,100Add: Deposits not credited 141,200


    Less outstanding cheques 41,800

    Overdraft per cash book 167,500

    Which of the following should be the correct balance per the

    cashbook?A $167,500 overdrawn as

    stated.B $31,300

    overdrawnC $31,300 cash at

    bankD $11 4, 900


    10 X and Y are inpartnership, sharing profits equallyand preparing their accounts to 31 December eachyear. On

    1July2000, Z joined the partnership, and from that date profits are shared X 40%, Y 40% and Z20%.In the year ended 31 December 2000, profitswere: $

    6months to31 June2000200,0006months to31December2000300,000

    Itwas agreed that X and Y only shouldbearequally the expense for abad debt of $40,000 written off inthe sixmonthsto 31December2000 in arriving atthe $300,000profit.

    Which of the following correctly states Xs profit share for the

    year?Profit share









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    11 S and T are in partnership and prepare their accounts to 31 December each year. On 1 July 2000, U

    joined thepartnership

    .Profit sharing arrangements are:

    6 months to 30 June 2000 6 months to 31December

    2000Salary S $15,000 $25,000

    Share of balance of profit S 60%40% T40% 40%

    U 20%

    The partnership profit for the year ended 31December2000was $350,000 accruingevenlyover the year.

    What are the partners total profit shares for the year ended 31

    December 2000?STU


    A 196 124

    30B 217 108

    25C 15513065

    D 17514535

    12 Which of the following four statements about accounting concepts or principles

    arecorrect?1. The money measurement concept is that items in accounts are initially measured at theirhistorical cost.2. In order to achieve comparability it may sometimes be necessary to override the prudenceconcept.3. To facilitate comparisons between different entities it is helpful if accounting policies and changes

    in them aredisclosed.

    4. To comply with the law, the legal form of a transaction must always be reflected in financialstatements.A 1 and

    3B 1 and

    4C 3

    onlyD 2 and


    13 The closing inventory of Epsilon amounted to $284,000 at 30 September 2001, the balance sheet date. Thistotalincludes two inventory lines about which the inventory taker is

    uncertain.1. 500items which had cost $15 each andwhich were includedat $7,500.These items were found tohavebeendefective at the balance sheet date. Remedial work after the balance sheet date cost $1,800 and they

    were thensold for $20 each. Selling expenses were

    $400.2. 100 items which had cost $10 each. After the balance sheet date they were sold for $8 each, withsellingexpenses of$150.

    What figure should appear in Epsilon s balance sheet for






    5 [P.T.O.

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    14Which of these statements aboutresearch anddevelopment expenditure arecorrect?

    1. If certain conditions are satisfied, research and development expenditure must becapitalised.2.One of theconditions tobesatisfied if developmentexpenditure is to be capitalised is that the technical

    feasibilityof the project is reasonablyassured.3. If capitalised, development expenditure mustbeamortised over a period notexceeding five

    years.4. The amount of capitalised development expenditure for each project should be reviewed eachyear. Ifcircumstances no longer justify the capitalisation, the balance should be written off over a period not

    exceeding fiveyears.

    5. Development expenditure may only be capitalised if it can be shown that adequate resources will beavailabletofinance the completion of the

    project.A 2 and

    5B 3, 4 and

    5C 2, 3 and

    5D 1, 2 and3

    15 On 30 September 2001 part of the inventory of a company wa s completely destroyed byfire.The following information isavailable:Inventory at 1 September2001 at cost$49,800

    Purchases for September2001$88,600

    Sales for September 2001$130,000

    Inventory at 30September2001 undamageditems $32,000

    Standard gross profit percentage on sales30%

    Based on this information, what is the cost of the inventory



    $47,400C $15,400



    16 At 1 July 2000 the share capital and share premium account of a company were asfollows:


    Share capital 300,000 ordinary shares of 25ceach 75,000

    Share premiumaccount


    During the year ended 30 June 2001 the following events took

    place:1. On 1 January 2001 the company made a rights issue of one share for every five held, at $120 pershare.2. On 1 April 2001 the company made a bonus (capitalisation) issue of one share for every three in issue at that

    time,using the share premium account to doso.

    Whatare the correct balanceson the companys share capital andshare premium accountsat 30

    June2001?Share capital Share premiumaccountA $ 46 0, 00 0

    $287,000B $ 48 0, 00 0

    $137,000C $1 20 ,0 00

    $137,000D $1 20 ,0 00



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    17 In relation to cash flow statements, which, if any, of the following arecorrect?

    1. The direct method of calculating net cash from operating activities leads to a different figure from thatproducedbythe indirect method, but this is balanced elsewhere in the cash flow

    statement.2. A company making high profits must necessarily have a net cash inflow from operatingactivities.3. Profits and losses on disposals of non-current assets appear as items under cash flows from investingactivities inthe cash flow statement or anote to

    it.AItem 1only

    B I te m 2

    onlyC I te m 3

    onlyD None of the


    18 Acash flow statement prepared in accordancewith IAS7 Cash Flow Statements opens with the calculation of cashflowsfrom operating activities from the net profit beforetaxation.

    Which of the following lists of items consists only of items that would be ADDED to net profit before

    taxation inthatcalculation

    ?A Decrease in inventories, depreciation, profit on sale of non-

    current assets.B Increase in trade payables, decrease in trade receivables, profit on sale of non-current assets.C Loss on sale of non-current assets, depreciation, increase in tradereceivables.D Decrease in trade receivables, increase in trade payables, loss on sale of non-

    current assets.

    19 IAS 10 Events after the Balance Sheet Date defines the extent to which events after the balance sheet dateshouldbereflected in financial statements. Five such events are listedbelow.1Merger with another company.

    2Insolvency of a customer.

    3 Destruction of a major non-currentasset.4 Sale of inventory heldat the balance sheet date for less thancost.5Discovery offraud.

    Which three of the listed items are, according to IAS 10, normally to be classified as

    adjusting?A 1, 2 and

    3B 2, 4 and5C 1, 2 and5D 1, 4 and5

    20 In preparing the financial statements of a company, the following items have to beconsidered:1. Thecompanyoffers a one year warranty topurchasers, undertaking toreplace anitem if a defect occurs.Past experience suggests that claims under the warranty will probably

    arise.2.The companyhas an action pending against it for damages for wrongful dismissal of a director. Thecompanys

    legaladvisor considers it improbable that the action will besuccessful.3. The company has guaranteed the overdraft of a subsidiary. The subsidiary is trading profitably and the

    probabilityof a liability arising isremote.

    How should these items be reflected in the financial statements,

    if atall?A All three should be disclosed by

    note.B A provision should be created for the best estimate of the liability in 1, and items 2 and 3

    should be disclosedbynote.C A provision should be created for the best estimate of the liability in 1, item 2 should be

    disclosed by note anditem 3 not disclosed at

    all.D A provision should be created for the best estimate of the liabilities in 1 and 2 and item 3

    should be disclosedby


    7 [P.T.O.

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    21 The analysis of a company s financial statements revealed that the number of days sales in inventory was 80

    days. Theaverage for companies in the same industry was 35


    Which one of the following isLEAST likely to accountfor the highlevel of 80

    days?A The company s trade is

    seasonalB Poor inventory

    controlC A large purchase was made just before the balance

    sheet dateD An increase in the companys sales in the three months before the balancesheet date.

    The following data relates to Questions 22 and23.Extracts from a company s financial statements for the year ended 30 September 2001 are givenbelow.Balance sheet Incomestatement


    Issued share capital 500 Operating profit300Reserves 200Finance cost100

    Accumulated profit 800 Profit before tax200Non-currentliabilities:10% loan notes 1,000

    22 What is the return on shareholders equity as a percentage, based on

    these figures?A40%



    133%D 12%

    23What is thereturn ontotal capital employed asa percentage, basedon these



    C133%D 20%

    24 Which of the following correctly states items which should be disclosed in the statement of

    changes inequityrequired by IAS 1 Presentation of Financial

    Statements?ANet profit for theperiod, surpluson revaluation of non-current assets, dividends paid, proceeds

    of issue ofshares.

    B Proceeds of issue of shares, loan notes issued or repaid, retained profit for the period, surplus onrevaluation ofnon-current

    assets.C Profit on ordinary activities, income tax expense, extraordinary

    items.D Accumulated profits, reserves, issued share



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    25 Which of the following statements about financial statements are in accordancewith IAS1?

    1. Extraordinary items must be disclosed on the face of the income statement as additions to or deductionsfrom profitbefore

    tax.2. The authorised share capital of the company must be disclosed by note or on the face of thebalancesheet.3. The total of staff costs for the period must be disclosed by note or on the face of the incomestatement.4. The accounting policies adopted by the company must be disclosed but only if they do not comply withaccountingstandards.

    5. Proposed ordinary dividends should not be recognised as liabilities unless they have been proposed ordeclaredbefore the balance sheet

    date.A 1, 2, 3 and

    4B 1, 2, 3 and

    5C 2, 3 and

    5D 1, 4 and


    (50 marks)

    9 [P.T.O.

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    Section B ALL FIVE questions are compulsory and MUST beattempted

    1 The following is anextract from the trial balance ofTafford, a limited liability company, at 30September2001:


    Warehousemachinery:Cost: 3,000

    Accumulateddepreciation at 1 October 20001,700

    Motor vehicles:

    Cost 1,180

    Accumulateddepreciation at 1 October 2000500

    Inventory at 1October 200013,000

    Sales revenue 41,600

    Purchases 22,600

    Distribution costs 6,000

    Administrative expenses 5,000

    Allowance for doubtful debts, 1 October 20001,300

    Bad debts written off60010% loan notes (issued 1999) 10,000

    Interest paid on loan notes500Suspenseaccount



    (1) Closing inventory at 30 September2001 was $15,600,000.

    (2) Bad debts written off and the movement on the allowance for doubtful debts are to be included inadministrativecosts. The allowance for doubtful debts is to be reduced to

    $500,000.(3) The balance ont he suspense account is the proceeds of sale of motor vehicles, entered to the suspenseaccountpending correct treatment in the

    records.The vehicles sold had cost $180,000 and had a written down value at 1 October 2000 of $60,000. It isthecompany s policy to provide for a full year s depreciation in the year of purchase of vehicles and none in theyear ofsale. The vehicles sold were all used in the distribution of the company s

    sales.(4) Depreciation is to be provided for on the straight line basis as

    follows:Warehouse machinery 10 percentMotor vehicles25 percent

    Depreciation of motor vehicles is to be divided equally between distribution costs and administrativeexpenses, anddepreciation of warehouse machinery charged wholly to distributioncosts.

    (5) Prepayments and accruals at 30 September 2001were:

    Prepayments Accruals


    Distribution costs 200100

    Administrative expenses 100 60

    (6) The estimated income tax expense for the year is$3,000,000.


    Prepare Tafford s income statement, complying as far as possible with the requirements of IAS 1

    Presentation ofFinancial


    (10 marks)


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    2 You are preparing an income statement and balance sheet for Lamorgan, a sole trader who does not keep

    adequateaccounting records.

    The following information is available to you to compute the figures for inclusion in the accounts for sales

    revenue,purchases and closing inventory for the year ended 30 June2001:

    (a) Sales revenue


    Cash received from credit customers218,500

    Cash sales receipts paid into bank114,700Expenses paid out of cash sales before banking9,600Trade receivables: 30 June200041,600

    30 June200144,200

    R efu nds tocustomers




    Bad debts writtenoff


    Amount due from credit customer deducted by Lamorgan inpayings up pl ie r saccount


    Required:Compute the sales revenue figure from thisinformation.

    (5 marks)

    (b) Purchases


    P ay me nt s t osuppliers


    Trade payables: 30June200022,900

    30 June 2001 24,800

    Cost of items taken from inventory by Lamorgan for personal use

    400Amount due from credit customer deducted by Lamorgan in

    settlings up pl ie r saccount



    :Compute the purchases figure from thisinformation.


    (c) Closing inventory


    Cost of inventory obtained from physical count on 30 June 200177,700This figure does NOT include any amounts for the two itemsbelow.(i) An inventory line which had cost $1,800 was found to be damaged. Remedial work costing $300 isneededto enable the itemsto be sold for $1,700. Selling expenses of $100 wouldalso beincurred in selling


    .(ii) Goods sent toa customer on approval inMay 2001were not included in the inventory. Thesale priceof

    the goods was $4,000 and the cost $3,000. The customer notified his acceptance of the goods in J uly2001.Note: No adjustment to the sales figure in (a) above is required for thisitem.


    :Compute the adjusted closing inventory figure from thisinformation.

    (2 marks)

    (10 marks)

    11 [P.T.O.

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    3 On 1 April 1998, Evon Limited acquired 75% ofthe ordinary share capital ofOrset Limited for $180,000. At that

    datethe balance sheet of Orset Limited was as


    Sundry net assets 160,000

    Sharecapital100,000 Ordinary shares of $1each 100,000




    At 31 March 2001, the balance sheets of the two companies were asfollows:

    EvonLtdOrset Ltd


    Sundrynet assets 560,000 230,000

    Investment in Orset 180,000

    740,000 230,000

    SharecapitalShares of $1each 500,000 100,000

    Accumulatedprofit 240,000130,000

    740,000 230,000

    Goodwill arising on consolidation is to be amortised over fiveyears.


    :Prepare the consolidated balance sheet of Evon Limited and its subsidiary as at 31


    (10 marks)

    4 The IASC s Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements, and IAS 1 Presentation ofFinancialStatements, together present concepts important in the preparation of financial statements, includingmateriality,prudence and comparability amongothers.



    (a) Explain the meaning of the following terms, giving one example of the application of eachof them:





    (b) Explain how international accounting standards and the Framework promotecomparability.

    (4marks)(10 marks)


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    5 The term overtrading is used to describe the condition of an enterprise which is increasing its sales

    revenue withinsufficient working capital to support the



    :(a)State FOUR movements in items infinancial statements or inaccounting ratios thatcould indicate


    (b) State THREE actions a company suffering from overtrading could take to rectify its position, andexplain thelikely effect of the actions you


    (10 marks)

    End of Question



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    Part 1 Examination Paper

    1.1(INT)Preparing Financial Statements (International





    1 C Effect oferrors: 2 increased debit 55,360

    4 increased credi t21,520


    2 C Items 2, 3 and 4donot affect balancing, items 1 and 5 do.

    3 C / x 10%x $36,000= $900312

    4 D C ha rg e / x $8 4, 00 0 + / x $ 9 6, 00 0 = $ 9 4, 00 02 1012 12

    Prepayment / x $96,000= $16,000212

    5 C Cost: $860,000 $80,000+ $180,000 = $960,000

    Depreciation:$397,000 $43,000+ 96,000= $450,000


    6 B $37,000= $18,000+ $20,000= $1,000debit

    7 B

    8 C Items 1, 3 and 5 would appear in the bank reconciliationstatement,items 2, 4and 6in thecash book.

    9 C $68,100+ $41,800 $141,200= $31,300cash atbank

    10 A X


    6 months to 30 June 20001006 months to 31 December 2000136


    Less : forbad debt 20


    11 A ST U


    6 months to 30 June2000:Salaries 15

    Profitshare60:40 96 64

    6 months to 31 December2000 Salaries 25

    Profitshare40:40:20 606030

    196124 30

    12 C

    13 A $

    284,000I tem 1 NochangeItem 2 (350) Reduce to net realisablevalue


    14 A

    15 C $

    Theoretical gross profit30% x $130,00039,000

    Actual gross profit

    $130,000 $49,800 $88,600+ $32,00023,600

    Shortfall missing inventor y 15,400


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    16 D Sharecapital $75,000+ $15,000+ $30,000= $120,000

    Sharepremium $200,000+ $57,000 $30,000= $227,000

    17 D 1 , 2 a n d 3 a r e a llincorrect.

    18 D

    19 B



    22 C 200/1 ,500 iscorrect

    23A 300/2 ,500 iscorrect




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    Tafford Limited

    Income statement for the year ended 30 September2001 $000

    Revenue 41,600

    Cost of sales (20,000)

    Gross profit 21,600



    Administrative expenses (4,885)

    Profit from operations 10,430



    Profit before tax 9,430

    Income tax expense 3,000

    Net profitfor theperiod 6,430


    Cost of sa les Dist r ibutionAdministrative costs expenses


    Opening inventor y 13,000

    Purchases 22,600



    Administrative expenses 5,000

    Bad debts 600

    Reduction in allowance for doubtfuldebts


    Depreciation: warehouse machinery300 motor vehicles 125

    125Profit on sale of vehicles (40)

    Prepayments (200) (100)



    Closing inventory (15,600)

    20,0006,285 4,885

    2 (a) Sales revenue

    Sales revenue to ta laccount

    $ $

    Opening receivables 41,600 Cash received from customers

    218,500Refunds to customers 800Discounts allowed 2,600Baddebts written off1,500

    Sales 225,100 Contra purchases700 Closing receivables 44,200

    267,500 267,500


    Credit sales as above 225,100

    Cash sales $114,700 + $9,600 124,300



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    (b) Purchases

    Purchases to ta laccount

    $ $

    Payments to suppliers 114,400 Opening payables 22,900

    Contra sales 700 Lamorgan goods taken400Closingpayables 24,800Purchases 116,600


    (c) Inventory


    Per inventorycount


    Damaged item: $1,700 $300 $1001,300

    Goods on approval 3,000



    C os t o f control

    $ $

    Shares in Orset 180,00075% sharecapital 75,000

    75% pre-acquisition profits45,000Accumulated

    profitGoodwill written off

    3/5 x $60,000 36,000

    Balance to CBS24,000


    Minority Interest

    $ $

    Balance to CBS 57,500 25% share capital25,000 25% accumulated profit

    32,50057,500 57,500


    $ $

    Minority interest 25% x 130,00032,500 Evon 240,000

    Cost of control: 75% x 60,000 45,000 Orset130,000Cost of control: Goodwill written off36,000Balance to CBS

    256,500 370,000370,000

    Evon LimitedGroup

    Balance sheet as at 31 March2001

    $ $

    Goodwill 60,000

    Less:Amortisation 36,00024,000

    Sundry net assets 790,000


    Sharecapital500,000 shares of $1 each 500,000




    Minority interest 57,500



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    4 (a)


    Information is material to the financialstatements if its misstatement oromission mightreasonably be expectedtoinfluence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of financialstatements.Example: the amount of an inventory write-down through obsolescence will only be disclosed in financialstatements ifmaterial.


    Prudence in accounting means that a degree of caution is necessary when making estimates required underconditions ofuncertainty, so that assets or income are not overstated and liabilities or expenses are notunderstated.Example: In deciding whether to makean allowance foradebt, an allowanceshould be madewhenever there is doubtasto the eventual receipt of thecash.

    (b) Comparability is promoted by two mainmeans:(i)The requirement to treat similar items in the same way within each accountingperiod and from one period to thenext, subject to the need to change treatments if,for example, anew accounting standard requires a change. There is also

    arequirement when there is a change to disclose full details of itseffect.

    (ii) The requirement to disclose accounting policies and changes in them. This makes comparisons with other entitieseasier.

    5 (a) Four from:

    (i) Longer payment period forsuppliers( ii ) I nc re as in goverdraft( ii i) I n cr ea si nginventories(iv) Deterioration in quick ratio (acidtest)(v) Rapidincrease in sales revenues andtrade receivables.

    (b) Three from:

    (i) Raise additional long-term capital (equity or loan) this would introduce more cash into the current assetswithoutincreasing the current liabilities, thus improving the working capital

    position.(ii) Negotiate an increased overdraftfacility.(iii)Attempt to clear inventories by sales atreduced prices this would generate more cash to pay suppliers and speed upthe working capital

    cycle.(iv) Offer cash discounts tocustomers to encourageprompt payment this too would generatemore cash to pay suppliersand speed up the working capital

    cycle.(v) Negotiate longer payment periods from suppliers this would ease the pressure on the enterpriseand allow itto

    pay suppliers from the proceeds of profitable sales in duecourse.

    (vi) Sell non-essential assets this would realise cash to increase workingcapital.Other items marked on their



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    Part 1 Examination Paper

    1.1(INT)Preparing Financial Statements (International





    AvailableMaximum1 Cost of sales 1



    Administrative expenses 3

    Interest 1

    Income tax expense 1

    Layout 2


    2 (a) mark peritem 9 x + layout5(b) mark peritem 5 x + layout3(c) (i) 2

    (ii) 2


    3 Goodwillcalculation


    amortisation 1 4 3

    M in or i ty i nt er es tcalculation

    3 2

    Accumulatedprofit:Initial profit figures 1

    Minority interest 1

    C os t o f control


    Goodwill written off 1 4 3

    Consolidated balance sheetformat

    2 2

    13 10

    4 (a) (i)Explanation 2

    Example 1


    (ii)Explanation 2

    Example 1

    3 66

    (b) Consistency of treatment of items2Disclosure of policies 2

    4 4


    5 (a) 1 mark per item 4 x1


    (b) 1 mark per item 3 x1


    1 markper explanation ofeffect 3 6



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    (International Stream)

    PART 1

    THURSDAY 13 JUNE 2002


    Time allowed 3 hours

    This paper is divided into two sections

    Section A ALL 25 questions are compulsory and MUST be


    Section B ALL FIVE questions are compulsor y and MUST be


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    Section B ALL FIVE questions are compulsory and MUST beattempted

    1 Thefollowing information is availableabout the transactions of Marmot, alimitedliability company, for theyearended31December2001.




    C ash p ai d f or expenses


    I ncr ea se ininventories


    C as h p ai d t oemployees


    D ec rea se inreceivables


    C ash p ai d t osuppliers


    D ec re as e i npayables


    Cashreceived from customers12,800

    Net profit beforetaxation*


    *Marmot has no interest payable or investmentincome.Required:Compute Marmots net cash flow from operating activities for the companys cash flow statement for

    the yearended 31 December 2001using:(a) the direct

    method;(b) the indirect

    method.(10 marks)

    2 Thefollowing balances appeared inthe balancesheet of Addax, alimited liability company, at 31 March2001.


    Plant and equipment cost840,000Accumulated depreciation370,000In the year ended 31 March 2002 the following transactions tookplace:(1) Plant which had cost$100,000 with awritten down valueof $40,000was soldfor $45,000on 10December.

    (2) New plantwas purchased for $180,000on 1October 2001.

    It is the policy of the company to charge depreciation at 10% per year on the straight line basis with a

    proportionatecharge in the year of acquisition and no charge in the year of sale. None of the plant was over ten yearsold at31March 2001.


    :(a) Prepare ledger accounts recording the above transactions. A cash account is


    (5 marks)

    (b) List the items which should appearin Addaxscashflow statement for the yearended 31 March

    2002basedon these transactions and using the indirect method, including the headings under which they

    should appear.Note. The headings from IAS 7 are to be


    (4marks)(9 marks)


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    3 The following information is available about the balances and transactions of Alpaca, a limited liability

    company.Balancesat 30April 2001$

    Non-current assets cost 1,000,000

    Non-current assets accumulateddepreciation 230,000

    Inventories 410,000

    Receivables 380,000

    C ash a tbank


    Payables 219,000

    Issued share capital ordinary shares of $1 each400,000

    Accumulatedprofits 818,000

    10% Loan notes 200,000

    Loannote interest owing 10,000

    Transactions during year ended 30 April 2002: $

    Salesrevenue 4,006,000

    Purchases 2,120,000

    Expenses 1,640,000

    Interest on loannotes paid during year 20,000

    Issueof 100,000 $1ordinary shares at a premium of 50c per share

    There were no purchases or sales of non-current assets during theyear.Adjustments at 30April 2002

    (1) Depreciation of $100,000 is tobeallowed for.

    (2) Receivables totalling $20,000 are to bewritten off.

    Balancesat 30April 2002


    (1) Inventory 450,000

    (2) Receivables (before writing off debts shown above) 690,000

    (3) Cash a tbank


    ( 4) Tr adepayables



    :Prepare the balance sheet of Alpaca as at 30 April 2002 using the format in IAS 1 Presentation

    of FinancialStatements as far as the information available

    allows.Note: No formal income statement is required, but your answer should include a workingshowing yourcomputation of the accumulated profit figure in the balancesheet. This working carries 4 of the11marksavailable inall.

    (11 marks)

    3 [P.T.O.

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    4 Financial statements must be prepared according to established accounting concepts, many of which may

    befoundinthe IASBs Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of FinancialStatements


    Define and explain the relevance of the following accounting

    concepts:( a) G oi ng





    (2 marks)

    (c) Substance overform


    (d) Historical

    cost(2 marks)

    (10 marks)

    5 The summarised financial statements of Weden, a limited liability company engaged in manufacturing,are shownbelow:

    Incomestatement Year

    ended31 March200131 March2002


    Sales revenue 3,200 4,000

    Cost of sales

    Opening inventory 800 300

    Purchases 1,800 3,200

    2,600 3,500

    less : Closing inventory 300500

    (2,300) (3,000)

    Gross profit 900 1,000

    Expenses (400) (450)


    (100) (200)

    Net profit 400 350

    Balancesheets31 March200131 March2002

    $000$000$000 $000

    Non-current assets 1,9704,000

    Current assetsInventory 300 500

    Receivables trade 600 800

    Prepayments 60 70




    Issued share capital 600600 Share premium account 200 200

    Accumulatedprofits 7501,100


    Non-currentliabilities10% loannotes 1,0002,000

    CurrentliabilitiesPayables trade 380 1,400

    Accruals50430 80 1,480



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    Required:(a) Compute the following five ratios for each of the two

    years:(i ) return on capital

    employed(ii) return on owners

    equity(iii) currentratio(iv) inventory turnover (use closing

    figures)(v) number of days purchases in trade


    (5 marks)

    (b) Comment briefly on the changes in the companys results and position between the two years,

    mentioningpossible causes for the


    (5 marks)

    (10 marks)

    End of Question



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    Part 1 Examination Paper

    1.1(INT)Preparing Financial Statements (International



    SectionB1 (a) Net cash flow from operating activities direct

    method $000$000

    Cash receipts f romcustomers


    Cashpaid tosuppliers 4,940

    Cashpaid toemployees 2,820

    Cashpaid forexpenses 2,270


    Net cash flow from operatingactivities


    (b) Net cash flow from operating activities indirectmethodNet profitbefore taxation 2,370

    Adjustment for:



    Operating profit before working capitalchanges


    I nc re as e i ninventories


    Decrease in receivables 280

    Decrease in payables (390)

    Net cash from operatingactivities



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    2 (a) Plantand equipment cost

    2001$ 2001 $

    1 April Balance 840,000 10 Dec Transfer disposal100,000 2002

    1 Oct Cash 180,000 31 Mar Balance920,000


    Plant and equipment depreciation

    2001$ 2001 $

    10 Dec Transfer disposal 60,000 1 April Balance370,00020022002

    31 Mar Balance 393,000 31 March Income statement83,000 (74,000 + 9,000)

    453,000 453,000

    Plant and equipment disposal

    2001$ 2001 $

    10DecTransfer cost100,00010DecTransfer

    depreciation 60,000

    2002Cash 45,000

    31 MarIncome statement 5,000

    105,000 105,000

    (b) Addax

    Cash flow statement for the year ended 31 March 2002(extracts) $

    Cash flow from operatingactivitiesNet profitbefore taxation

    Adjustments for:



    Profit on sale of plant (5,000)

    Cash flows from investingactivities

    Purchase of plant (180,000)

    Proceeds ofsaleofplant45,000

    3 Alpaca

    Balance Sheet as at 30 April2002 $$


    Non-current assets:cost 1,000,000accumulateddepreciation


    Current assets:

    Stocks 450,000

    Receivables 670,000

    Cash at bank 114,000




    Capitaland reserves

    Issued capital 500,000



    Accumulated prof i ts(working)



    Non-currentliabilities10% Loan notes 200,000

    CurrentliabilitiesPayables 180,000





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    Working for accumulated

    profits $$

    Balance at 30 April2001


    Sales revenue 4,006,000

    Purchases 2,120,000

    Expenses 1,640,000

    Opening inventories 410,000



    Interest payable 20,000



    Bad debts written off 20,000



    Balance at 30 April2002


    4 (a) GoingconcernThe going concern assumption means that financial statements are prepared on the basis that the business will continuefortheforeseeable future.

    The application of the concept is relevant to many items in the financialstatements.(i)Inventoryis valuedonthe basis thatitwillbedisposed ofin sales in thenormal course ofbusiness ratherthanina forced bulk sale.

    (ii) Non-current assets are valued at cost less depreciation rather than their immediate salevalue.(iii) Non-current liabilities are distinguished from current liabilities in assessing a companys liquidity


    (b) AccrualsThe accruals concept is that income and expenses are recognised in the period to which they relate and not in the

    periodinwhich they arepaid.The relevance of the concept is that profit or loss figures would be meaningless if the inclusion of items of income orexpensedepended on whether they had been received or


    (c) Substance overformSubstance over form means thatif the real nature and effect of a transaction differ from its legal form, the real natureandeffect should berecognised insteadof thelegal form, unless legislation prohibits this.

    The relevance of the concept is that its application improves the usefulness of the financial statements by preventingcertaincrea t ive account ing


    (d) HistoricalcostThehistorical costconvention is thatassets are recorded attheirinitial cost and arenot subsequently revalued upwards,

    andliabilities valued at the amount initially received in exchange for theobligation.The relevance of the convention is that figures remain objectively based on verifiable figures, but in times of highinflationhistorical cost can become a dubious convention tofollow.


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    5 (a)


    31 March 2001 31 March2002( i ) Return on capi tal

    employed 500/2,550 196%

    550/3,900 141%

    (ii) Return on ownersequity 400/1,550 258%

    350/1,900 184%

    (iii) Currentratio 1,010/430 235:1

    1,380/1,480 093:1

    ( iv) Inventoryturnover 2,300/300 767 times

    3,000/500 60 times

    (full credit given for correct answer indays)

    (v) Payablesdays

    1,380/1,800 x 365 77 days

    1,400/3,200 x 365 160 days

    (b) CommentAll ratios show a marked deterioration in 2002 compared with2001.Return on capital employed (ROCE) and return on owners equity (ROOE) are at reasonable levels in 2002, butareconsiderably below the levels in 2001. A possible cause is the decline in the gross profit percentage caused by reducing


    ROOE shows areturn in excess ofROCE in both years, andwell in excess ofthe interest payable on theloan, showing that

    the shareholders are continuing to benefit from the gearing effect of theloan.The current ratio is seriously reduced to a potentially dangerous level. The consequence is the slowness in payingsuppliers,which must beeroding suppliers goodwill, evidenced bythe increase in creditors days from 77 days to160.In effect, suppliers money is being used to finance the very heavy purchasing of non-currentassets.Theinventory turnover ratio has declined, indicating a possibleslowing ofactivity. The decline could be caused simply

    by alargepurchase of goods just before the balance sheet date.


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    Part 1 Examination Paper

    1.1(INT)Preparing Financial Statements (International




    Availableand Maximum

    1 (a) 1 m ar k p e r item


    (b) 1 m ar k p e r item


    Agreement of totals 1



    2 (a) / mark per entry 12x

    / 651 12 2

    (b) 1 mark per item 4 x1

    4 4

    10 9

    3 Accumulateddepreciation

    1 1

    Receivables 11

    Issued capital 11


    1 1


    1 1


    Layout and style 2 2


    Accumulated prof i tsworking/ m ar k p er

    item4 / 41 1 22

    11 / 1112

    4 1(a) Definition 2

    Relevance 1 3

    1(b) Definition 1

    Relevance 1 2

    1(c) Definition 2

    Relevance 1 3

    1 (d ) H is to ri ca lDefinition

    1Relevance 1 2


    5 (a) 1 mark per ratio 5 x1


    (b) 1 mark per comment 5 x1




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    (International Stream)

    PART 1



    Time allowed 3 hours

    This paper is divided into two sections

    Section A ALL 25 questions are compulsory and MUST be


    Section B ALL FIVE questions are compulsor y and MUST be


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    Section A ALL 25 questions are compulsory and MUST beattemptedPlease use the Candidate Registration Sheet provided to indicate your chosen answer to each multiple

    choice question.Each question within this section is worth 2


    1 Thedebit side ofa trial balancetotals $800morethan thecreditside.Which one of the following errors would fully account for the

    difference?A$400 paidfor plantmaintenance hasbeen correctly entered inthe cashbook andcredited to

    the plantassetaccoun

    t.B Discount received $400 has been debited to discount

    allowed account.CA receipt of $800 for commission receivable has been omitted from therecords.D The petty cashbalanceof $800 hasbeen omitted from the trial


    2 A company receives rent from a large number of properties. The total recei ved in the year ended 31 October2002was $481,200.

    The following were the amounts of rent in advance and in arrears at 31 October 2001 and2002:

    31 October 200131 October 2002


    Rent received in advance 28,700 31,200

    Rent in arrears (all subsequently received) 21, 200 18,400

    What amount of rental income should appearin the companys income statement for the year ended




    $460,900C $501,500



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    3 A company receives rent for subletting part of its office

    block.Rent, receivable quarterly in advance, is received asfollows:Date of receipt Period covered$1 October 2001 3 months to 31 December 2001 7,500 -

    30 December200131March 2002 7,500

    4April 2002 30 June20029,000

    1July 200230September 2002 9,000

    1October2002 31 December20029,000

    What figures, based on these receipts, should appear in the companys financial statements for the

    year ended30 November2002?

    Income statement Balance

    sheetA $34,000 Debit Prepayment (Dr)

    $3,000B $34,500 Credit Accrual (Cr)

    $6,000C $34,000 Credit Accrual (Cr)$3,000D $34,000 Credit Prepayment (Dr)


    4 A companys plant and machinery ledger account for the year ended 30 September 2002 was asfollows:

    Plant and machinery cost

    2001$ 2002 $

    1OctoberBalance 381,2001 JuneDisposal accountcost of asset sold36,000

    1 December Cash addition 18,000 30 September Balance

    363,200399,200 399,200

    The companys policy is to charge depreciation at 20% per year on the straight line basis, withproportionatedepreciation in years of purchase andsale.What is the depreciation charge for the year ended 30

    September 2002?A$74,440




    3 [P.T.O.

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    5 The following bank reconciliation statement has been prepared by a trainee

    accountant:Bank reconciliation 30 September2002 $

    Balance per bank statement (overdrawn)36,840add: Lodgements credited after date51,240


    less: Outstandingcheques


    Balance per cash book



    Assuming the amounts stated for items other thanthe cash book balance are correct, what shouldthe cashbookbalance

    be?A $44,460 credit as

    statedB $60 ,020creditC $29 ,220

    debitD $29 ,220


    6 Listed below are some possible causes of difference between the cash book balance and the bankstatement balancewhe n p re pa ri ng a b an k reconciliation:(1) Cheque paid in, subsequentlydishonoured.(2) Error bybank

    ( 3) Ba nk

    charges(4) Lodgements credited afterdate(5) Outstanding cheques not yetpresented.Which of these items require an entry in the cash

    book?A (1) and (3)

    onlyB (1), (2), (3), (4) and

    (5)C (2), (4), and (5)


    D (1), (2) and (3)only


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    7Which of the following items could appearon the


    side of a receivables ledger controlaccount?

    (1) Cash rece ived fromcustomers(2) Bad debts writtenoff(3) Increase in allowance for doubtfuldebts( 4) Disco un tsallowed(5) Sales

    (6) Credits for goods returned bycustomers(7) Cash refunds tocustomers

    A (1), (2), (4) and

    (6)B (1), (2), (4) and

    (7)C (3), (4), (5) and

    (6)D (5) and


    8 A business has compiled the following information for the year ended 31 October2002:


    Opening inventory 386,200

    Purchases 989,000

    Closing inventory 422,700

    The gross profit asa percentage of sales is always 40%

    Based on these figures, what is the sales revenue for the



    C $2,381,250

    D The sales revenue figure cannot be calculated from this


    5 [P.T.O.

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    9 Afire on 30 September 2002 destroyed someof acompanysinventory and its inventory records.

    The following information isavailable:


    Inventory 1September2002318,000

    Salesfor September2002612,000

    Purchases for September2002 412,000

    Inventory in good condition at 30September2002214,000

    Standard gross profit percentage on sales is 25%

    Based on this information, what is the value of the

    inventory lost?A$96,000



    10 Which of the following inventory valuation methods is likely to lead to the lowest figure for closing

    inventory atatime when prices are

    rising?AAverage cost

    BFirst in, first out

    (FIFO)C Last in, first out



    11Which of the following costs may be included when arriving at the cost of finished goods inventory

    forinclusionin the financial statements of a manufacturingcompany?(1) Carriage inwards

    (2) Carriage outwards

    (3) Depreciation of factory

    plant(4) Finished goods storage costs

    (5) Factory supervisors wages

    A (1) and (5)only

    B (2), (4) and (5)


    C (1), (3) and (5)


    D (1), (2), (3) and (4)



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    12 Listed below are some characteristics of financial

    information.(1) Neutrality

    (2) Prudence

    (3)Completeness(4)TimelinessWhich of these characteristics contribute to reliability, according to the IASCs Framework for the

    Preparation andPresentation of Financial

    Statements?A (1), (2) and (3)

    onlyB (1), (2) and (4)

    onlyC (1), (3) and (4)onlyD (2), (3) and (4)


    13Which of the following statements about accounting concepts are

    correct?(1) Themoneymeasurement concept is that onlyitems capableof being measured in monetary termscanberecognised in financial

    statements.(2) The prudence concept means that understating of assets and overstating of liabilities is desirable inpreparingfinancial

    statements.(3) The historical cost concept is that assets are initially recognised at their transactioncost.(4) The substance over form convention is that, whenever legally possible, the economic substance of atransactionshould be reflected in financial statements rather than simply its

    legal form.A(1), (2) and

    (3)B(1), (2) and

    (4)C(1), (3) and

    (4)D(2), (3) and


    14 P and Q are in partnership, sharing profits in the ratio 3:2 and compiling their accounts to 30 Juneeachyear.On 1 January 2002 R joined the partnership, and from that date the profit-sharing ratio becameP 50%, Q 25%andR25%, after providing for salaries for Q and Ras follows:

    Q$20,000per year

    R$12,000per year

    The partnership profit for the year ended 30June 2002was $480,000, accruing evenly over the year.

    What are the partners total profit shares for the year ended 30




    A 256,000 162,000

    62,000B 248,000 168,00064,000C 264,000 166,000

    66,000D 264,000 156,000


    7 [P.T.O.

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    15 The issued share capital of Alpha, a limited liability company, is as


    Ordinary shares of 10c each1,000,000

    8%Preference shares of50ceach500,000

    In the year ended 31 October 2002, the company has paid the prefer ence dividend for the year and an

    interimdividend of 2c per share on the ordinary shares. A final ordina