131013 chi i wish i knew series (part 2 - how to make better decisions) by ps. timothy loh


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活出没有遗憾的人生,活出有目标的人生 Living a life without REGRETS,

living a life with PURPOSE

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在这一系列,我们倡导 In this series, we advocate:

• 开始在想法里加入结束 / 结果。逆向工程 / 想法 Beginning with the end in mind. Reverse


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在这一系列,我们倡导 In this series, we advocate:

• 开始在想法里加入结束 / 结果。逆向工程 / 想法 Beginning with the end in mind. Reverse

engineering. • 开始往未来的动向设下目标并且开始把

我们生命朝这个方向走去 Painting a desired future and start aligning our lives towards it now

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在这一系列,我们倡导 In this series, we advocate:

• 在现在做更好的决定然后以后有较少的遗憾。 Making better decisions NOW and having fewer regrets LATER.

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在这一系列,我们倡导 In this series, we advocate:

• 在现在忍受所有的不舒服甚至于变化的痛苦然后在未来享受自由和奖励。 Enduring uncomfortable or even painful changes NOW and enjoying the freedom and the reward LATER.

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在这一系列,我们倡导 In this series, we advocate:

• 在现在忍受所有的不舒服甚至于变化的痛苦让后然后在未来享受自由和奖励。 Enduring uncomfortable or even painful changes NOW and enjoying the freedom and the reward LATER.

• 活出有意向的人生 Living life with intentionality

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In life, it’s not how we start but how we finish

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Habakkuk 哈巴谷书 2:2 (NKJV)


“Write the vision, And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.”

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我希望我知道 “ I Wish I Knew”:• 如何做出更好的决定

How to make better decisions

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我希望我知道 “ I Wish I Knew”:• 如何做出更好的决定

How to make better decisions

• 如何摆脱债务 -10 月 19/20 日 How to get out of debts – 19/20 Oct

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我希望我知道 “ I Wish I Knew”:• 如何做出更好的决定

How to make better decisions

• 如何摆脱债务 -10 月 19/20 日 How to get out of debts – 19/20 Oct

• 如何获得融裕 10 月 26/27 日 How to gain financial margin – 26/27 Oct

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我希望我知道 “ I Wish I Knew”:• 如何做出更好的决定

How to make better decisions

• 如何摆脱债务 -10 月 19/20 日 How to get out of debts – 19/20 Oct

• 如何获得融裕 10 月 26/27 日 How to gain financial margin – 26/27 Oct

• 如何有一个牢固的婚姻 11 月 9/10 日 How to have a strong marriage 9/10 Nov

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我希望我知道 “ I Wish I Knew”:• 如何建立一个健康 的约会生活 /育儿生

活 11 月 16 日 /17 日 How to build a

healthy dating life / parenting life 16/17 Nov

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我希望我知道 “ I Wish I Knew”:• 如何建立一个健康 的约会生活 /育儿生

活 11 月 16 日 /17 日 How to build a

healthy dating life / parenting life 16/17 Nov • 如何控制愤怒 11 月 23/24 日

How to keep anger at bay 23/24 Nov

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我希望我知道 “ I Wish I Knew”:• 如何建立一个健康 的约会生活 /育儿生

活 11 月 16 日 /17 日 How to build a

healthy dating life / parenting life 16/17 Nov • 如何控制愤怒 11 月 23/24 日

How to keep anger at bay 23/24 Nov

• 如何不要烦心 How to not worry 30 Nov / 1 Dec

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如何做出更好的决定How to Make Better Decisions


不是我们的欲望 Decisions, not Desires determine our


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在决策时候的 4个引导 4 guiding rules of decision making:

如何做出更好的决定 How to Make Better Decisions

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在决策时候的 4个引导 4 guiding rules of decision making:

•原则 Principles – 哪一个才是对的做法呢? what is the right thing to do?

如何做出更好的决定 How to Make Better Decisions

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在决策时候的 4个引导 4 guiding rules of decision making:

•原则 Principles – 哪一个才是对的做法呢? what is the right thing to do?

•祷告 Prayer – 神在这个事情向你说了什么? what is God saying in this?

如何做出更好的决定 How to Make Better Decisions

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在决策时候的 4个引导 4 guiding rules of decision making:

•神的眷顧 Providence – 神的眷顧 - 是否有神的干预呢? is there a divine intervention / angle to


如何做出更好的决定 How to Make Better Decisions

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在决策时候的 4个引导 4 guiding rules of decision making:

•神的眷顧 Providence – 神的眷顧 - 是否有神的干预呢? is there a divine intervention / angle to

this? •人们 People – 我可以向谁得到明智的忠告呢? who can I go for wise counsel?

如何做出更好的决定 How to Make Better Decisions

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如何做出更好的决定 How to Make Better Decisions

人们 People – 我可以向谁得到明智的忠告呢? who can I go for wise counsel?

•在你们当中有谁做了错的决定原因你听从来一个糟糕的建议呢? - 无知

How many of you have made bad decisions because you listened to bad advice? - Ignorance

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如何做出更好的决定 How to Make Better Decisions

人们 People – 我可以向谁得到明智的忠告呢? who can I go for wise counsel?

•你们当中有谁做了错的决定原因你没有寻求忠告? - 忽视

How many of you have made bad decisions because you sought no advice? – Negligence

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如何做出更好的决定 How to Make Better Decisions

人们 People – 我可以向谁得到明智的忠告呢? who can I go for wise counsel?

•你们当中有谁做了错的决定愿意你拒绝听从好的忠告呢 ? - 傲慢与叛逆

How many of you have made bad decisions because you rejected good advice? – Arrogance and Rebellion

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箴 言 Prov 11:14 无智谋,民就败落;谋士多,人便安居。

Where there is no counsel, the people fall;But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.

箴 言 Prov 12:15愚妄人所行的,在自己眼中看为正直;

惟智慧人肯听人的劝教。 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,

But he who heeds counsel is wise.

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列王记上 1 Kings 121 罗波安往示剑去,因为以色列人都到了示剑,要立他做王。 2 尼八的儿子耶罗波安先前躲避所罗门王,逃往埃及,住在那里,他听见这事。 3 以色列人打发人去请他来,他就和以色列会众都来见罗波安,对他说: 4“ 你父亲使我们负重轭做苦工,现在求你使我们做的苦工、负的重轭


1Rehoboam went to Shechem, for all Israel had gone there to make him king. 2When Jeroboam son of Nebat heard this (he was still in Egypt, where he had fled from King

Solomon), he returned from Egypt. 3So they sent for Jeroboam, and he and the whole assembly of Israel went to Rehoboam and said to him: 4“Your father put a heavy yoke on us,

but now lighten the harsh labor and the heavy yoke he put on us, and we will serve you.”

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列王记上 1 Kings 125 罗波安对他们说:“你们暂且去,第三日再来见我。”民就去了。 6 罗波安之父所罗门在世的日子,有侍立在他面前的老年人,罗波安王和他们商议,说:“你们给我

出个什么主意,我好回复这民。”7 老年人对他说:“现在王若服侍这民如仆人,用好话回


5 Rehoboam answered, “Go away for three days and then come back to me.” So the people went away. 6 Then King Rehoboam consulted the elders who had served his

father Solomon during his lifetime. “How would you advise me to answer these people?” he asked.7 They replied, “If today you will be a servant to these people and serve them

and give them a favorable answer, they will always be your servants.”

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列王记上 1 Kings 128 王却不用老年人给他出的主意,就和那些与他一同长大,在他面前侍立的少年人商议, 9 说:“这民对


8 But Rehoboam rejected the advice the elders gave him and consulted the young men who had grown up with him and were serving him. 9 He asked them, “What is your advice? How should we answer these people who say to me, ‘Lighten the yoke

your father put on us’?”

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列王记上 1 Kings 1210 那同他长大的少年人说:“这民对王说:‘你父亲使我们负重轭,求你使我们轻松些。’王要对他们如此说:‘我的小拇指头比我父亲的腰还粗! 11 我父亲使你们负重轭,我必使你们负更重的轭;我父亲


10 The young men who had grown up with him replied, “These people have said to you, ‘Your father put a heavy yoke on us, but make our yoke lighter.’ Now tell them,

‘My little finger is thicker than my father’s waist. 11 My father laid on you a heavy yoke; I will make it even heavier. My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge

you with scorpions.’”

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列王记上 1 Kings 1212 耶罗波安和众百姓遵着罗波安王所说“你们第三日再来见我”的那话,第三日他们果然来了。 13 王用严厉的话回答百姓,不用老年人给他所出的主意, 14照着少年人所出的主意对民说:“我父亲使你们负重轭,我必使你们负更重的轭;我父亲用鞭子责打你们,


12Three days later Jeroboam and all the people returned to Rehoboam, as the king had said, “Come back to me in three days.” 13The king answered the people harshly. Rejecting the advice given him by the elders, 14he followed the advice of the young

men and said, “My father made your yoke heavy; I will make it even heavier. My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions.”

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列王记上 1 Kings 1215 王不肯依从百姓,这事乃出于耶和华,为要应验他借示罗人亚希雅对尼八的儿子耶罗波安所说的话

15 So the king did not listen to the people, for this turn of events was from the Lord, to fulfill the word the Lord had spoken to Jeroboam

son of Nebat through Ahijah the Shilonite.

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列王记上 1 Kings 1216 以色列众民见王不依从他们,就对王说:“我们与大卫有什么份儿呢?与耶西的儿子并没有关涉!以色列人哪,各回各家去吧!大卫家啊,自己顾自己吧!”于是,以色列人都回自己家里去了。 17 唯独住犹大城邑的以色列人,罗波安仍做他们的王。

16When all Israel saw that the king refused to listen to them, they answered the king: “What share do we have in David, what part in Jesse’s son? To your tents,

Israel! Look after your own house, David!” So the Israelites went home. 17But as for the Israelites who were living in the towns of Judah, Rehoboam still ruled over


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列王记上 1 Kings 1218 罗波安王差遣掌管服苦之人的亚多兰往以色列人那里去,以色列人就用石头打死他。罗波安王急忙上车,逃回耶路撒冷去了。 19 这样,以色列人背


18King Rehoboam sent out Adoniram, who was in charge of forced labor, but all Israel stoned him to death. King Rehoboam, however, managed to get into his

chariot and escape to Jerusalem. 19So Israel has been in rebellion against the house of David to this day.

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列王记上 1 Kings 1220 以色列众人听见耶罗波安回来了,就打发人去请他到会众面前,立他做以色列众人的王。除了犹大


20 When all the Israelites heard that Jeroboam had returned, they sent and called him to the assembly and made him king over all Israel. Only the tribe of Judah

remained loyal to the house of David.

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罗波安 Rehoboam

•拒绝听从明智的忠告 Rejected wise counsel – the elders who served his father

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罗波安 Rehoboam

•拒绝听从明智的忠告 Rejected wise counsel – the elders who served his father •选择听从错误的忠告 - 选择听从和他同龄从小一起长大的。 Listened to wrong counsel – the peers who grew up with him (same mold).

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罗波安 Rehoboam

•拒绝听从明智的忠告 Rejected wise counsel – the elders who served his father •选择听从错误的忠告 - 选择听从和他同龄从小一起长大的。 Listened to wrong counsel – the peers who grew up with him (same mold).

•忽视忠告 / 回应–他子民的忠告 Ignore counsel / feedback – from his people

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如何处理忠告 Handles on Counsels:

•忠告可以为你做些什么 What Counsel will do for you

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如何处理忠告 Handles on Counsels:

•忠告可以为你做些什么 What Counsel will do for you

•忠告不能做到的事情 What Counsel won’t do for you

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如何处理忠告 Handles on Counsels:

•忠告可以为你做些什么 What Counsel will do for you

•忠告不能做到的事情 What Counsel won’t do for you

•我该在哪里得到忠告 Where do I get Counsel

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忠告可以为你做你些什么 What Counsel Will Do for you

•明确性 Clarity

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忠告可以为你做你些什么 What Counsel Will Do for you

•明确性 Clarity

•纠正 Correction

箴言 12:1 喜爱管教的就是喜爱知识,恨恶责备的却是畜类。 Proverbs 12:1 whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid.

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忠告可以为你做你些什么 What Counsel Will Do for you

•明确性 Clarity

•纠正 Correction

箴言 12:1 喜爱管教的就是喜爱知识,恨恶责备的却是畜类。 Proverbs 12:1 whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid.

•确认 Confirmation

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忠告可以为你做你些什么 What Counsel Will Do for you

•明确性 Clarity

•纠正 Correction

箴言 12:1 喜爱管教的就是喜爱知识,恨恶责备的却是畜类。 Proverbs 12:1 whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid.

•确认 Confirmation

•信念 Conviction

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忠告不能做到的事情 What Counsel CANNOT Do for you

1.代替你的决定 / 决策 Replace your decision making

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忠告不能做到的事情 What Counsel CANNOT Do for you

1.代替你的决定 / 决策 Replace your decision making

2.删除你事情的责任和后果 Remove your responsibility and its outcome

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忠告不能做到的事情 What Counsel CANNOT Do for you

1.代替你的决定 / 决策 Replace your decision making

2.删除你事情的责任和后果 Remove your responsibility and its outcome

3.重新创建新的圣经标准 Recreate new standards above the Bible

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我们该向谁获取忠告? Who should you go to?

•那些了解和爱我们的人们 People who knows and loves us

–朋友 , 父母 , 配偶 Friends, Parents, Spouse

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我们该向谁获取忠告? Who should you go to?

•那些了解和爱我们的人们 People who knows and loves us

–朋友 , 父母 , 配偶 Friends, Parents, Spouse

•那些知道更多这方便 / 更多知识 / 专家的人们 People who knows better / more experience / experts

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我们该向谁获取忠告? Who should you go to?

•那些了解和爱我们的人们 People who knows and loves us

–朋友 , 父母 , 配偶 Friends, Parents, Spouse

•那些知道更多这方便 / 更多知识 / 专家的人们 People who knows better / more experience / experts

•那些相信和深爱神的人们 People who know and loves God

–牧师 , 领袖(小组组长) Pastors, Leaders

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诗篇 Ps 1 1 不从恶人的计谋,不站罪人的道路,不坐亵慢人的座位, 2 唯喜爱耶和华的律法,昼夜思想,这人便为有福! 3 他要像一棵树,栽在溪水旁,按时候结果子,叶子也不枯干,凡他所做的,尽都顺利。 Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful; 2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night. 3 He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.

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实用 Practical: 1.你渴望在你人生 / 生活得到明智的忠告吗?为何不呢? Do you desire WISE COUNSEL in your life? Why not?

2.你可以向谁得到明智的忠告呢? Who can you go for wise counsel?

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