13 public administration programmes in...

Public Administration Programmes in Spain By Xavier Ballart Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona HISTORICAL FRAMEWORK It was not until 1972 that a course in Administrative Science was added to the curriculum at the Universidad Complutense’s Faculty of Political Science and Sociology (until the late 1980s Spain’s only school of political science). The addition of this course was an acknowledgement not only that the field of public administration was deserving of study but that there were specialists willing to undertake the task. The new course was taught by Baena del Alczar, a disciple of Garrido Falla, a prominent scholar in administrative law. Before that, Spanish academics and practitioners were introduced to Public Administration as a field through the Spanish journal Documentacin Administrativa and the seminars and activities organised by the Esscue1a Nacional de Administracin Pblica, founded in 1958 and forerunner of today’s Instituto Nacional de Administracion Pblica (INAP). The management-oriented modernisation favoured by Franco’s technocrats was politically problem-free and there was a considerable number of translations of works by authors of the American Scientific Public Administration stream. Spanish authors, however, focused on the study of legislation, on one hand, and the sociolo- gical study of the administrative elite and the structure of the civil service and the corps system, on the other hand. On the whole, the amount of work produced was quite modest before democracy and the main reforms in the university system. As it can be seen in the third section of this report, they were primarily sociological studies and examinations of civil servants’ working conditions and social status. There were also some interesting analysis of the political and administrative elite. Little was written about Spanish public administraton in general (Jimenz Nieto, 1975) and the publication of a work expressly intended to serve as a handbook on the subject did not take place until the mid-eighties (Baena del Alczar, 1985). In 1986, a new field of knowledge — Political and Administrative Sciences — was officially recognised. New schools of Political Science and Sociology were created, more courses in public administration were taught and the approach to the subject became more pluralistic in terms of both content and methodology. At the same time, projects and studies aimed at modernising the administration proliferated and civil service training programmes started including courses in what was now called Gestin Pblica, that is, public management. Indeed, as political scientists grew in number, their training and interests changed 13 13.1 337 Thanks to Joan Subirats for his paper on public administration research and to Josep M. Vallès for his paper on Political Science in Spain.

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Public Administration Programmes in


By Xavier Ballart

Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona


It was not until 1972 that a course in Administrative Science was added to the

curriculum at the Universidad Complutense's Faculty of Political Science and

Sociology (until the late 1980s Spain's only school of political science). The addition of

this course was an acknowledgement not only that the field of public administration

was deserving of study but that there were specialists willing to undertake the task.

The new course was taught by Baena del Alc�zar, a disciple of Garrido Falla, a

prominent scholar in administrative law.

Before that, Spanish academics and practitioners were introduced to Public

Administration as a field through the Spanish journal Documentaci�n Administrativa

and the seminars and activities organised by the Esscue1a Nacional de Administraci�n

P�blica, founded in 1958 and forerunner of today's Instituto Nacional de Administracion

P�blica (INAP).

The management-oriented modernisation favoured by Franco's technocrats was

politically Ôproblem-freeÕ and there was a considerable number of translations of

works by authors of the American Scientific Public Administration stream. Spanish

authors, however, focused on the study of legislation, on one hand, and the sociolo-

gical study of the administrative elite and the structure of the civil service and the

corps system, on the other hand.

On the whole, the amount of work produced was quite modest before democracy

and the main reforms in the university system. As it can be seen in the third section

of this report, they were primarily sociological studies and examinations of civil

servants' working conditions and social status. There were also some interesting

analysis of the political and administrative elite. Little was written about Spanish

public administraton in general (Jimen�z Nieto, 1975) and the publication of a work

expressly intended to serve as a handbook on the subject did not take place until the

mid-eighties (Baena del Alc�zar, 1985).

In 1986, a new field of knowledge Ð ÔPolitical and Administrative SciencesÕ Ð was

officially recognised. New schools of Political Science and Sociology were created,

more courses in public administration were taught and the approach to the subject

became more pluralistic in terms of both content and methodology. At the same time,

projects and studies aimed at modernising the administration proliferated and civil

service training programmes started including courses in what was now called

Gesti�n P�blica, that is, public management.

Indeed, as political scientists grew in number, their training and interests changed




Thanks to Joan Subirats


his paper on public

administration research

and to Josep M. Vallès

for his paper on Political

Science in Spain.

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radically. New, younger political scientist were interested in Anglo-Saxon approaches

to the study of public administration/public policy. Their basic training in law or

economics combined with postgraduate studies and post doctoral work in political

science resulted in a quite interesting mixture that borrows from law, economics,

sociology and political science. Still, there was a big influence of bureaucracy studies

and traditional administrative science, particularly in Madrid, but there were also

other influences from private management (business schools) and policy analysis

(trough training in American and British universities).

The first studies on public policy by public administration/political science

specialists were published in Spain in the late eighties and included not only well-

known works of US authors but also work by European specialists. Spanish authors

soon began exploring the subject (Beltr�n, 1987, Pallar�s, 1988; Subirats, 1988) and the

production of both theoretical and applied studies gradually increased.

In 1986 the new School of Political Science and Sociology at the Universidad

Aut�noma in Barcelona began teaching courses in public policy, current problems in

public management and local government in addition to the standard course in

administrative science. New schools in Granada and Santiago de Compostela and the

UNED distance-learning university all followed. The widespread curriculum reform

that took place at the beginning of the 1990s introduced still more courses specifically

focused on public administration and public policy: courses in public management,

public policies by sector and management assessment and control.

Shorter degrees called diplomaluras Ð three vs. four and five-year degrees Ð were

offered for the first time by the Universitat de Barcelona Ð different from Universitat

Aut�noma de Barcelona Ð the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and the Universidad Carlos

III in public administration. As it can be seen in the annex 13.2, many other

universities, many in smaller cities and provinces, have offered the diploma with the

possibility to finish a four-year programme in another university where the

licenciatura of four years in Political and Administrative Sciences is taught.

Postgraduate degrees in Gesti�n P�blica, under the rubric of Master in Gesti�n

P�blica Ð full-time in the case of the Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona, later in

conjunction with Universitat Pompeu Fabra and ESADE business school, and

Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset in conjunction with the INAP in Madrid Ð

were also started. Other universities, like Pais Vasco, Murcia, Granada, Las Palmas de

Gran Canaria, and several regional institutes of public administration Ð schools for

civil servants Ð, also established postgraduate programmes of specialisation in public


As it can be seen the field has grown quantitatively both in terms of number of

institutions providing degrees, and also in terms of variety of degrees. The main

fourÐyear undergraduate Spanish degree in Political and Administrative Sciences,

includes now a section, that is, a whole set of courses of public administration, while

a diploma of three years expands the offer to less ambitious students, and masters

programmes expand the offer to postgraduate students in public management.



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Before 1986, the only institution that was allowed to award a university degree in

ÔCiencias PoliticasÕ with a curriculum that included some courses of public

administration was the Universidad Complutense in Madrid. Other universities had

degrees in economics, sociology and law that trained their students in related subjects

such as sociology of organisations, public finance and public sector economics,

administrative law and constitutional law, to name a few examples.

After 1986, eight other universities have joined the Complutense of Madrid to

offer a degree of Licenciatura in Political and Administrative Sciences (table 13.1).

More than 12.000 students are enrolled in the licenciatura annually.

Public Unversities: ‘Licenciatura en Cicacias Políticas y

de la Administración’

In neither of them, the term Ôpublic administrationÕ appears in the official name of the

school granting the degree. Public administration is seen as a part, sometimes a

concentration, within political science, and political sciences is usually offered in

schools that also teach sociology and journalism. In two cases out of nine, political

science is placed within the school of law. All these 9 universities also offer a doctoral

programme in political and administrative sciences / social sciences. Doctoral

programmes enrol around 350 students annually.

The new dipIomatura in ÔGesti�n y Administraci�n P�blicaÕ has a slightly different

institutional setting as it can be seen in table 13.2.

The diploma is offered in four different kinds of institutions:

a Ôescuelas universitariasÕ Ð three years Ð first cycle Ð studies where entry require-

ments and staff qualifications are lower than in other higher education institutions);

b schools of law;





13 .1

University Location Institution Since Cycles Students

UNED Madrid Fac. de CC. Politicas y Sociolgía 87/88 1° u 2° cyclos 5.140

UBA Barcelona Fac. de Derecho 94/95 2° ciclo 160

UPF Barcelona Fac. de CCSS. y de la Communicación 95/96 1° y 2° ciclos 101

UAB Bellaterra Fac. de CC. Políticas y Sociologia 86/87 1° y 2° cilcos 844

UPV Lcioa Fac. de CC. Sociales y Communicación 89/90 1° y 2° ciclos 941


U A M Madrid Fac. de Derecho 93/94 2° ciclo 141

U C M Madrid Fad. de CC. Políticas y Sociolgia 72/73 1° y 2° ciclos 3.087

UST S. Compostela Fac. de CC. Políticas y Sociales 91/92

1° y 2° ciclos 1.038

UGR Granada Fac. de CC. Políticas y Sociologia 88/89 1° y 2° ciclos 1.002

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c schools of political.science and sociology; and,

d schools of economics and business.

Around 6.000 students are enrolled in the diplomatura de gesti�n y administraci�n

p�blica annually.

Public universities: DipIomatura en Gestión y

Administración Pública


The influence of administrative law on administrative


Baena del Alc�zar, the scholar who started the programme of Administrative Science

at the Universidad Complutense was a disciple of Ganrido Falla, a professor of

Administrative Law. The main studies on public administration and the teaching of

administrative sciences were undertaken by professors of Administrative Law.

The series of articles by Garc�a de Enterr�a, published in 1961 under the title La

Administraci�n Espa�ola, are a good example of the interest in administrative science

by Administrative Law specialists. The fact that these articles can be seen as a quite

unusual departure from the work generally produced by administrative law



Table 13.2



University Location Institution Since Students

UCLM Albacete Fac. de Derecho 94/95 425

UCA Algeciras EU de Est. Juridicos y Econ. de Gibraltar 95/96 110

UALM Almeria Fac. de CC. Econ. y Jurídicas 95/96 117

UBA Barcelona Fac. de Derecho 91/92 400

UPF Barcelona Fac. de Ciencias Sociales de la Communicación 91/92 548

UBU Burgos EU de Estudios Empresariales 92/93 260

UICS Castellón Fac. de Ciencias Jurídicas y Económicas 95/96 125

UCAR Getate Fac. de CC. Sociales Y Jurídicas 91/92 415

U O V Gijón EU de Estudios Empresariales 94/95 260

UZA Huesca EU de Estudios Empresariales 91/92 515

UJA Jaén Fac. de CC. Sociales y Jurídicos 95/96 110

ULE Léon Fac. de Derecho 92/93 514

U C M Madrid Fac. de CC. Políticas y Sociológia 92/93 295

U C M Madrid CE Sociales Super. y Jurídicos Ramon Carande 92/93 734

UPF Manresa Esc. Gestión y Administración Pública Manresa 94,95 140

U M U Murcia Fac. de Derecho 92/93 546

U O V Oviedo EU de Estudios Empresariales 94/95 274

USA Salamanca Fac. de Derecho 95/96 45

UCLM Toledo Fac de CC. Jurídicas y Sociales 94/95 270

TOTAL 19 6.103

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specialists is interesting in itself but should not lead to see administrative sciences as

radically different from administrative law.

Nieto's study on the working conditions of civil servants (Nieto, 1967) was a

milestone in research on Spanish administration and bureaucracy, gaining the author

numerous disciples and inspiring research on a variety of related subjects. After

Garc�a de Enterr�a, Nieto and Baena del Alcazar, a number of authors dealt with the

structure of the Spanish civil service, the corps system and more specific issues such

as the selection and remuneration of civil servants. Well-documented and

strategically placed within the administration itself, these authors mirror the

administration's penchant for soul-searching (Oliva-Gut�errez Re�on, 1964; Gut�errez

Re�on, 1966, 1987; Junquera, 1972, 1986; Alvarez, 1980; Gonz�lez Haba, 1978).

The influence of public administration sociology and

‘political law’

These early years also saw the publication of work on public administration by

scholars in fields other than law. During the 1970s Spanish sociologists such as Linz,

De Miguel and Beltr�n paid special attention to the subject of bureaucracy, analysing

such issues as the links between administrative reform and economic development,

high-ranking civil servants' opinions of political reform or attempting for the first

time ever to analyse Spanish bureaucracy from a sociological point of view. Beltr�n,

whose work on Spain's bureaucratic elite was in part a continuation of work

previously done by Linz and De Miguel. His analyses of civil servants' opinions about

the political and administrative reforms that took place at the end of the seventies and

the beginning of the eighties became obligatory references for Spanish scholars

(Beltr�n, 1977; 1985; 1990a; 1990b).

Other scholars such as Murillo and Cazorla, who specialised in what was then

known as Ôpolitical lawÕ (a confusing label, used in franchoist period, for a field that

embraced both constitutional law and political science), also worked on preliminary

analyses of political sociology. With the exception of Murillo and Cazorla, political

scientists did little work on administrative problems. Linz, professor at Yale

University, made occasional forays into the field and Garc�a Pelayo's broader studies

of the relations between the contemporary State and the role played by bureaucracy

and the administration (Garc�a Pelayo, 1974, 1977) are particularly deserving of

mention. Political scientists also made a few significant contributions to the study of

Spain's political and administrative elite (Alba, 1980, 1984).

The emergence of ‘Political and Administrative Sciences’

as a field of knowledge

After the mid 80s, with the creation of new schools of Political Science/Public

Administration and Sociology, the orientation of research and teaching changed.

Linking Political and Administrative Sciences in one Ôarea of studiesÕ or Ôfield of







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knowledgeÕ has proven to be a key factor. On the one hand, it underscores the fact that

administrative science is essentially political in nature. On the other hand, it provided

the new branch of learning with its own institutional structure. Thus, ÔPolitical and

Administrative SciencesÕ refers at present to a series of professors and researchers,

courses and publications that are grouped for administrative purposes. In 1984,

university faculty with the rank of flill professor or assistant professor were entitled

to apply for recognition as specialists in the field . Most of the applicants came form

the field of ÔPolitical lawÕ Ð after renamed ÔConstitutional LawÕ Ð with a smaller

number coming from the field of administrative law.

The area as a Ôfield of knowledgeÕ is relatively recent. The origins are still present

and there is a clear influence of the Ôold political lawÕ and of the old administrative

science that grew out of administrative law. However, the growth in the number of

professionals and the constitution of a Spanish Association of Political and

Administrative Science specialists has contributed to its enlargement and strength.

As it can be seen in section 6 of this report, teachers and researchers in a number

of different universities and institutions are currently engaged in three major, though

not necessarily self-contained, lines of study: one line of study centers on public

administrations, exploring their structure, make-up and social composition; their

links with the political elite; the way they are organised, and analysing their proce-

dures and human resources. A second line of study concentrates more on public

administration operations and decision-making processes, analysing the results of

their actions in terms of public policy. And lastly, there is public management, which

falls somewhere between the two but whose methodologies and focuses are different

enough to make it a separate area of study. Logically enough, these three areas are not

strictly isolated and should instead be seen as complementary and mutually



Admission to universities

Nearly all Spanish universities have a Ônumerous claususÕ system. A candidate has to

present an application with a personal order of preferences concerning type of studies

and university. Preferences of the applicant are considered on the basis of the

qualification obtained in the selectivity exam, that is equal for all students ad

independent of the universities.

Accreditation by the Spanish Ministry of Education

Academic degrees are awarded by universities. But university degrees need the

accreditation of the Ministry of Education. The ministry establishes a common core

curriculum of approximately 40 to 50% of all subject matters. The other 60 to 50% can

be established by the universities, including both mandatory and optional courses.








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Universities organise studies according to a basic distinction of four degrees:

Ð diplomatura, 3 years

Ð licenciatura, 4-5 years

Ð master, 1-2 years after licenciatura + defence of a masters dissertation

Ð doctorate, 2 years after licenciatura + defence of a PhD dissertation

1 The diplomatura en Gesti�n y Administraci�n P�blica

A first cycle, 3-years degree offered to students aiming at the position of middle level

managers and employees in the public sector.

2 The licenciatura en Ciencias Politicas y de la Adminisstraci�n

A 4 to 5 years degree, divided in two cycles. In some universities, the second cycle is

organised around three main subfields, one is public administration. The other two

being political science and international relations.

3 The masters programmes in public management

Universities can offer masters programmes with no formal recognition or

accreditation by central authorities. They can be part-time or full time and last

between 1 and 2 years. Some of them require a master's dissertation before

graduation. These is the level where there are more differences between universities.

Only Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset at Complutense in Madrid and the

Interuniversity Programme of Government and Public Management where three



The royal degree 1426/1990, October 26th, published in BOE November 20 of 1990 establishes:

– Each university will establish a plan of studies organised in two cycles, with a minimum duration

of 2 years per cycle.

– Minimum number of credits is 300 (one credit = 10 hours of class).

– Hours of class per week can range between 20 and 30 hours.

– There are basic core courses all the universities have to offer

– Subject matter that is compulsory by law:

First cycle Second cycle

– Political Science – Analysis of political and

– Administrative science administrative procedures and


– Public law – Public finances

– Contemporary political and social history – Spanish and international economic


– Introduction to Law

– International relations

The royal decree 1426/1990, October 26th, published in BOE November 20 of 1990 establishes:

– Each university will establish a plan of studies at first cycle, with a duration of 3 yrs.

– Minimum number of credits is 180 (one credit = 10 hours of class).

– Hours of a class per week can range between 20 and 30 hours.

– There are basic courses all the universities have to offer.

– Subject matter is compulsory by law:

Administrative science

Constitututional law

Statistics for public administration

Political and administrative structures

Administrative Management

Accounting and financial management

Administrative information and documentation

Economic and financiel systems

Social theory

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institutions participate Ð Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona (Political Science)

Ð Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Economics) and ESADE (Business School) from

Barcelona Ð have a full time 2-years programme in public management.

The programme of the Consortium UAB-UPF-ESADE in Barcelona is quite

exceptional in the Spanish and European context for various reasons:

Ð It was started by UAB (the group or Subirats and Vall�s with Ballart, Goma, Brugu�

and Rami� working on public administration/public policy) and then offered to a

group of economics from UDF led by L�pez Casasnovas, and to ESADE, a

prestigious business school of Barcelona that has a group working on public

management, led by Echebarr�a, Losada and Mendoza.

Ð It is now at its 10th edition (full time) and fifth edition (part time). It combines

academic work with a period of 9 months working in the administration for lull

time students.

Ð The courses and professors are excellent. Since the programme has a high level of

autonomy and professors are paid for their contribution, it has greater flexibility to

select the best experts in each field. There is also a good mixture of academics and

professionals with relevant experience in public management. Some international

professors such as Dente, Metcalfe, Ziller teach regularly in the programme. Other

international professors such as Lindblom, Melisner, Bardach, Moore have also

taught in the programme.

Ð Students are usually highly competitive and show a very good placement record

after completing the programme.

The programme of Madrid has achieved continuity but experienced some difficulties

lately. It is sponsored by the Ministry of Public Administrations and very much

oriented towards Latin American students.

4 The doctorate in Political and Administrative Sciences

PhD programmes in political and administrative sciences are offered in 6 universities

Two others include political science in their PhD programmes in social sciences (table


PhD programmes and number of students, Political and

Administrative Sciences

PhD programs have three components:

Ð courses and seminars that are offered in a 2-years cycle,

Ð a research memoir at the end of the doctoral courses,

Ð a doctoral dissertation that is defended in front of a committee of five members.

All PhD programs include courses on methodological issues. There is a great variety

in other kinds of courses and seminars. Sometimes they focus on the main compo-



Table 13.3


Students(aprox.) S O 20 50 50 40 40 70 15 15

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nents of the discipline. Other times, they are very specialised.

Both, institutional reasons Ð given the lack of incentives for professors overloaded

with courses Ð and conjectural reasons Ð due to the rapid expansion of the discipline

in the last ten years Ð explain the general low quality of PhD programs. Only, in the

last two years, some universities have started to take measures to improve the quality

of doctoral programs, taking into account the hours professors teach in those

seminars and dedicating more resources to their organisation.


There is not a course on comparative public administration in Europe in the core

curriculum of the licentiatura, nor in the diplomatura. Comparative administration

might be taught in a regular course of ÔAdministrative scienceÕ where public adminis-

tration structures and personnel are presented in a comparative perspective, and also

in a regular course of Ôcomparative politicsÕ. A first course of comparative politics is

centred in western European countries, the United States and Canada, and will

normally look into the administrative subsystem.

European institutions are the object of a single course. This is almost universal for

all Spanish universities. In most of the cases, those courses are taught by law profes-

sors and take a rather inistituional-legalistic approach. In some universities, like in the

Aut�noma de Barcelona, there is a course on ÔEuropean policiesÕ and still a third

course on ÔEuropean International PolicyÕ. Those courses are far less common. Other

courses with titles such as ÔPresent Problems of Public AdministrationÕ, ÔConflict

ResolutionÕ, ÔWorld EconomyÕ, ÔInternational TradeÕ or ÔInternational OrganisationsÕ,

following with the example of that specific university, discuss issues related to the EU

in the framework of a more general topic. Some of the courses are taught by

economists, other by political scientist specialised in European Union or in

international relations.

The key point with regard to comparative perspective and the level of ÔEuropeani-

sationÕ is that central government legislation does not enter in this domain and

therefore, there are important differences in the curriculum of Spanish universities

with regard to those contests.


In section 3 of this report, there is a brief account of research before the big university

reforms affecting political and administrative sciences. After 1986, it was made a basic

distinction among three lines of research and study: traditional administrative

science, public policy and public management.

Traditional Administrative Science






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Administrative science is the branch with the greatest tradition in Spain. It has a well

known handbook (Baena del Alc�zar, 1985) and boasts a good number of specialists

and researchers. It is included in the curricula of all the previously mentioned

university programmes and is in close connection with the administration through

training courses, discussions and joint research carried out by academics and


Though it was originally rooted in the study of law, it was considerably influenced by

French studies and gradually involved into a study of the public administration's

elite, processes, structures and personnel.

There are currently several groups working in the field of administrative science.

Although they share a common origin, they are now completely independent and

operate according to different criteria. One group, headquartered at the Universidad

Complutense, is led by Professor Baena del Alc�zar and includes such scholars as

Ol�as (1995), Arenilla (1992, 1995) and Canales (1987). One other group, headed by

Professors Ba�on and Paniagua has recently created a Centro Superior de Estudios de

Gesti�n, An�lisses y Evaluaci�n at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid.

A third group, with professors Carillo (1991) and Villoria (1996), also works out of the

Universidad Complutense, at the Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset in Madrid.

While the first group is largely French-influenced, the second and the third would be

more influenced by American public administration theory.

Other academics and researchers elsewhere in Spain are also involved in

analysing administrative processes and organisational structures and studying public

administration personnel. Among these authors, Ballart and Rami� (1993, 1996) lead

a section of the Equip dÕAn�lisi Pol�tica of the Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona

and Universitat Pompeu Fabra doing research on public administration structures

and personnel. Matas (1996), from the Universitat de Barcelona has published a book

on regional administrative elites.

There is no publication specifically dedicated to administrative science, although

several journals such as Pol�tica y Sociedad, Documentaci�n Administrativa, Revista de

Estudios Politicos, Revista Vasca de Administraci�n P�blica and Autonomias have special

issues on the subject.

Public policy

A group of academics at the Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona has been working in

the field of public policy ever since the faculty of Political Science and Sociology was

founded in 1986. With their analyses of public policy in general (Subirats, 1989, 1991),

evaluation of public organs and services (Ballart, 1992, 1995, 1998), intergovernmental

relations (Moreta, 1991; 1998) and studies of specific policies and cases (Gom�, 1991),

this group has gradually carved out its own niche within the field of administrative

science, concentrating more on the actual products of administrative action than on

its formal structures and sociological implications. Over time, the group has

expanded its field of interest to embrace a more global view of policy making and the

Spanish policy style (Subirats, 1992, Ballart 1997, Brugu�-Gom�, 1998; Gom�-Subirats,







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Academics and researchers in other universities are working along the same lines.

At Barcelona's Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Jordana has produced valuable material on

policy networks (Jordana, 1995) and a number of doctoral candidates at the Instituto

Juan March's Centro de Estudios Avanzados in Madrid have produced high-quality

dissertations on policy studies as well as a good collection of working papers (Mezo,

Guill�n, Aguilar, Valiente, Sampedro, Sanchez Ferrer), despite the fact that the Centro

is oriented more in the research of social siences in general. Ba�on and Carrillo have

also published work on public policy and intergovernmental relations, which proves

that there is considerable overlapping among different groups and fields of interest.

Fransisco Alvira, a sociologist at Madrid's Universidad Complutense, has departed

from the more traditional lines of analysis in this field, to produce a useful short

handbook on assessment of public programmes (Alvira, 1991). To conclude, mention

should be made of the four-volume work on policy analysis by Mexican author

Aguilar (1992), which has become a standard reference work in Spain.

Public Management

The field of public management now boasts a number of specialists and different

schools of thought. Particularly worthy of mention is the group working out of

ESADE (Escuela de Administraci�n y Direcci�n de Empresas), Barcelona. Since 1986,

management scientists such as Echebarr�a (1993 a en b), Mendoza (1990, 1993),

Losada (1993), Longo (1995), Prats (1984, 1992, 1993) and F�rez (1993) have been

exploring the feasibility of applying private management techniques to the public

sector. They have developed a highly original, very specific approach which has had

a notable impact on public management research, training and consulting.

Other noteworthy work in the field of public management includes Alba's work

about administrative changes in Spain, Beltr�n's comparative analysis of productivity

in the Spanish public administration (Beltr�n, 1991) and the work of Eduardo Zapico

on improving the budgetting and control of public spending (Zapico, 1989, 1991,

1993). Outstanding among case studies is Barzelay and O'Kean's IPIA case, a good

example of strategic public management (Barzelay, O'Kean, 1989) that intelligently

combines political science, management techniques and the case study format. The

work collected by Valero as coordinator of a special issue of Documentaci�n Adminis-

trativa (Valero, 1990) provides public managers with a section of tools designed to

improve day-to-day management activities. Other work on the possible uses of

management techniques in public administration has been done by Parames (1988)

and L�pez Gonz�lez (1988). There have also been a number of publications dealing

with the management of taxes and public spending (IEF, 1991; IEF, 1992). Moreover,

the above-mentioned public policy group working out of Barcelona's Universitat

Aut�noma (Brugu�, 1996; Subirats, 1993; Brugu�-Subirats, 1997) and the Ba��n group

have also contributed original and significant work on public management issues

(Ba�on et al. 1993).

The end of 1994 marked the appearance of Gesti�n y An�lisis de Politicas P�blicas




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(GAPP), a specialised journal that testifies to the solid implementation of Spain's new

approach to public administration. Like publications such as Public Administration

Review in the USA, Public Money and Management in the UK and Politiques et Manage-

ment Publique in France, GAPP aims to be a forum for thinking on public

administration issues and a bridge between different theoretical approaches, academ-

ics and practitioners. The journal is sponsored by official agencies such as INAP, the

Instituto de Estudios Fiscales and others and its editotorial board includes

representatives of the different working groups described in this paper. The journal

also aims to involve Spain in international discussions on public policy issues,

reporting on significant changes taking place both at home and abroad and

dedicating special attention to the work on public administration being done in Latin



The late development of political and administrative sciences in Spain explains the

difficulties the profession still has to be acknowledged. Public administrations have

traditionally been managed by lawyers and economists, with a significant

participation of engineers, doctors and other well established professions. With the

exception of the Complutense of Madrid, graduates from other universities appeared

in the market late, after the Ôgolden yearsÕ of public sector expansion. The

development of new administrations at the regional and local level has provided a

good employment opportunity for some years, but new forms of public management

are redirecting graduates towards other potential employers.

Membership in professional organisations by region



Table 13.4

Professional Associations Membership

Andalucia 59

Aragón 15

Asturias 11

Baleares 12

Canarias 9

Cantabria 4

Castilla-León 23

Castilla-La Mancha 23

Cataluñia 64

Comunidad Valenciana 32

Extremadura 0

Galicia 33

Madrid 948

Murcia 3

Navatta 4

País Vasco 18

Rioja 7

Total 1.273

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Source: Colegio Nacional de Doctores y Lecenciados en Ciencias Politicas Sociologia

There has not been a systematic approach to examine the employment record of

graduates. The general impression is that for some years, the low number of

graduates, their high motivation and the institutional connections with politics,

public administrations and private institutes and consultants worked well for their

placement. But, as it was mentioned before, this does not seem to be the case any


On the other hand, professional associations for graduates of political and

administrative sciences are very weak. Colegios Profesionales exist in each region (Table

13.4) but with a very low levels of participation with the exception of Madrid. The

Ôselective incentivesÕ from participating in those organisations are not clear and

membership becomes more an obligation towards the profession than a source of

individual benefits.

The recruitment of employees in the public sector is done through open and

competitive exams where political and administrative science graduates can perform

rather well given their training in the basic subjects those exams test: administrative

law, public administration, public economy, budgeting and finances. Lately, some

administrations have included new topics related to reforms in the public sector,

public policy processes and public management that are usually discussed in some of

the courses of Public policy and public management developed for schools of political


However, public administrations have not changed their recruitment systems. The

only innovation that is worth to mention comes from the fact that many students have

now the possibility to have an internship for some months and this may lead, in some

cases, to a temporary job in the public administration receiving the student.


INAP, the central institute for civil service recruitment and training depending on the

Ministry of Public Administrations, and the equivalent for each of the Communidades

Aut�nomas or regions, develop their programmes and courses, both for per-service

and on the job training.

The pre-service training at INAP or any other regional institute was never a key

component of the selection process of civil servants and often done as a socialisation

pre-entry requirement for new civil servants. On the job training did not follow a plan

either and it was seen as an offer of courses were civil servants had a considerable

degree of freedom to choose in the case they were granted permission by their


In the last ten years, there were serious attempts to improve the offer of public

sector training institutes. Some professors of public administration/public policy and

public management have had a significant input in the reforms and in the design of

new courses. This wave of reforms and change has been slowed down and there

seems to be a return to traditional training in public law.






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Ð Political Science and Public Administration/Public Policy can not be easily

separated in Spain. Since 1986, Political and Administrative Sciences form an

officially recognised field of knowledge. Studies of political science and public

administration went through a very rapid expansion in Spain after 1986. There has

been a dramatic increase in the number of universities, professors and students.

Although political science and public administration are still small when compared

with law or economics, the rate of growth during the last decade was double that

of other social sciences.

Ð The main universities for public administration/public policy are the nine univer-

sities where the licenciatura and the PhD in Political and Administrative Sciences are

offered. Among the nine, three institutions are more focussed on public

administration/public policy. They are Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona,

Complutense de Madrid and Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. Three other

higher education institutions are also important in the field; a business school in

Barcelona, ESADE, the Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset and the Centro

Superior de Gesti�n, An�lisis y Evaluaci�n, those two depending on the


Ð A new degree, the Diplomatura en Gesti�n y Administraci�n Publica has contributed to

the quantitative growth of the field. This degree is offered by some of the main

universities and by many other smaller or provincial universities. It is a first-cycle

degree for students aiming at mid-lower level positions in the public sector. On the

other hand, new programmes under the rubric of Master in Gesti�n P�blica Ð

particularly the one offered by the Consortium Universitat Aut�noma de

Barcelona-ESADE-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, have contributed to the qualitative

growth of the field in their effort to achieve academic excellence as well as a true

professional orientation.

Ð Public administration/public policy started as 'administrative science' in Madrid

under the guidance and protection of administrative law. The field can be associ-

ated to the names of Carc�a de Enterria, Nieto and Baena. There was also a big

influence of significant sociologists like Beltran and Linz, and to a lesser extent of

political scientists like Murillo and Cazoria.

Ð The influence of those scholars is at present less decisive given the work developed

in the last ten years by a new generation of professors with basic training in law or

economics combined with postgraduate studies and doctoral work in political

science/public administration. At present, specialists in public administration/

public policy may be engaged in three major lines of study:

a public administration structures, personnel, social composition, links with political



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b public policy processes formulation of policies, decision making processes, welfare

state, sectorial policies, public policy evaluation Ð and,

c public management structures, personnel, operations, strategic management, case


Ð The Spanish Ministry of Education establishes a minimum number of credit hours,

of hours of class per week end of core courses of the diplomatura, the licenciatura and

the PhD programmes. Universities may develop more than a sixty per cent of the

curriculum of those degrees. Therefore, there are important variations in the

content of public administration studies from one university to another. There is not

a course on comparative public administration in the core curriculum of any degree

but the subject is taught as part of other courses. European institutions are usually

the object of a basic course, while the development of other courses such as

European policies depends on each university.

Ð Graduates in political science and public administration may face difficulties of

employment in their field n the near future. Given the lack of data, it is difficult to

make an assessment. It is clear however, that the profession is still experiencing the

difficulties associated to its late development. It is not socially well established,

public sector downsizing policies reduce the possibilities to find employment in the

natural domain for graduates to look for jobs, and professional associations are

rather weak to represent the interests of the profession.

Ð Public sector training institutes, both at the central and regional levels, had a

positive role in promoting research, publications and new training courses. Some

university professors from the field have inspired the new programmes that seem

to have been slowed down since 1993 and after the change in the central

government after the last elections.


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Subirats, J., 1994, ÔLa modernizzazione amministrativa in Spagna. Flessibilit�, organizzativa ecambiamentie nelle procedure di attuazzionedella pubblica amministrazione: azioniintrapreseÔ, La riforma amministrativa in Europa, Vincent Wright and Sabino Cassesse (eds), IlMulino, Bolonia, pp.713-736.

Subirats, J., 1995 ÔLa modernizzazione dell'amministrazione pubblica spagnolaÕ in Dente, B.,(ed), Rifformare la Pubblica Amministrazione, Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli, Torino, pp.353-382.

Tortella, G, 1994, El desarrollo de la Espa�a contempor�nea, Alianza Editorial, Madrid.Valero, J., 1990, (Coord.), ÔT�cnicas Gerenciales en Administraci�n P�blicaÕ, Documentaci�n

Administrativa, n.223.Valero, J., 1991, ÔLa efficacia en la Administraci�n: estrategia y factores de cambioÕ in Jornadas

para la Modernizaci�n de las Administraciones P�blicas, INAP, Madrid , pp.96-124.Villoria, M, 1996, La modernizaci�n de la administraci�n como instrumento al servicio de la democracia,

Ph Thesis, UCM.Zapico, E., 1989, La modernizaci�n simb�lica del presupuesto p�blico, IVAP, O�ati.Zapico, E., 1991, ÔComportamiento de gasto y reforma presupuestaria: evaluaci�n de los

supuestos de reforma en Espa�aÔ in Documentaci�n Administrativa, n.224-225, pp.337-359.Zapico, E., 1993, ÔDel presupuesto por programas al management estrat�gico del gasto p�blico :

nuevo papel del ministerio de HaciendaÕ in Ekonomiaz, n26, pp.66-93.



ANNEX 13.1

Main universities

Diplomatura en

gestión pública, only:

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Ð Aut�noma de Barcelona, Facultad de Ciencias Pol�ticas y Sociologa.Ð Aut�noma de Madrid, Facultad de Derecho.Ð Barcelona, Facultad de ciencias Econ�micas y Empresaralias y Facultad de DerechoÐ Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Pol�ticas y Sociologia y Centro de Estudios

Superiores Sociales y Jur�dicos Ramon CarandeÐ Pa�s Vasco, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Comunicaci�nÐ Pompeu Fabra, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Comunicaci�n y Escuela Universitaria de

Gesti�n y Administraci�n P�blica de Manresa.Ð Santiago de Compostela, Facultad de Ciencias Pol�ticas y SocialesÐ Nacional de Educaci�n a Distancia, Facultad de Ciencias Pol�ticas y SociologiaÐ Granada, Facultad de Ciencias Pol�ticas y Sociologia.

Ð Almer�a, Facultad de DerechoÐ Burgos, Facultad de Ciencias Econ�micas y EmpresarialesÐ Cadiz Ð Algeciras, Escuela Universitaria de Estudios Jur�dicos y Econ�micos Fransisco

Tom�s y ValienteÐ Cadiz Ð Jerez de la Frontera, Escuela Universitaria de estudios EmpresarialesÐ Carlos III de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jur�dicasÐ Castilla la Mancha Ð Albacete, Facultad de DerechoÐ Castilla la Mancha Ð Toledo, Facultad de Ciencias Jur�dicas y SocialesÐ Ja�n, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jur�dicasÐ Jaume I de Castell�n, Facultad de Ciencias Jur�dicas y Ecom�micasÐ Le�n Facultad de DerechoÐ M�laga, Facultad de Ciencias Ecom�micas y EmpresarialesÐ Murcia, Facultad de DerechoÐ Oviedo Ð Gij�n, Escuela Universitaria de Estudios EmpresarialesÐ Oviedo Ð Oviedo, Escuela Universitaria de Estudios EmpresarialesÐ Salamanca, Facultad de DerechoÐ Zaragoza, Escuela Universitaria de Estudios Empresariales


Only the courses specified in section 4 are obligatory for all universities. The rest of the coursesvary from university to university. In order to give an idea of the full offer of one university, theannex reproduces the courses taught at Universitat Aut�noma de Barcelona for licenciatura andat the Interuniversity Program of Government and Public Management UAB-UPF-ESADE forthe master of Public Management.

Licenciatura en ciencias pol�ticasFirst YearFirst semester Second semester

Ð Political institutions Ð Political ScienceÐ Political Economy I Ð Political Economy IIÐ Contemporary History Ð Contemporary History IIÐ General Sociologie Ð Social Structure IÐ Introduction to research Ð Statistics

Ð Spanish Politics I

Second YearFirst semester Second semester

Ð Political theorie I Ð Research TechniquesÐ Social Structure II Ð Administrative ScienceÐ Introduction to Law Ð Comparative Politics I



ANNEX 13.2

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Ð International relations Ð Economic Policy IÐ Demography Ð EnglishÐ English

Third YearFirst semester Second semester

Ð Spanish Politics II Ð Administrative LawÐ Public Policy Analylis I Ð Public FinanceÐ Political behaviour Ð World EconomyÐ Constitutional Law

Ð Spanish Economy

– European International Policy

Fourth Year– 24 credit hours electives within one itinary

– 36 credits hours electives free option

Itinerary:Public Administration & Public Policy International Relations

Ð Public Policy Analysis II Ð Theory of International RelationsÐ Present Problems Public Administration Ð International OrganisationsÐ Organisation Theory Ð Exterior PoliciesÐ Intergovernmental Relations Ð Spanish Exterior PolicyÐ Local Government Ð European Union Institutions Ð Evaluation Ð European Union PoliciesÐ Public Law of Catalunya Ð Public International LawÐ Economic Policy II Ð International TradeÐ Public Finance Ð Conflict AnalysisÐ Public Management Ð Present Problems of International


*There is a third itinary in politics. European and comparative dimension



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First semester Second semester Third semester Fourth semester Totals

Core courses x 40h.

Total hours 120

Core courses x 40 h.

Total hours 120

Core courses x 40 h.

Total hours 40 280

– Public Policy I

– Public Management I:

– Quantitative Analysis

– Public Economy I

Ð Public Policy II

Ð Public Management II:

Ð Management Control & Evaluation

Ð Public Economy II

– Public Management III:

Governance & Public Decision


Specailised courses in PM x 20h

Total hours 40

Specialised courses in PM x 20h

Total hours 40

Specialised courses in PM x 20h

Total hours 100

Specialised courses in PM x 20h

Total hours 100 280

– Administrative activity Law

– Acounting for PM

– Law: Public organisation &


– Fiscal decentralisation in Spain

Ð Contracts and previsions

Ð Administrative procedure&conflicts

Ð Operations Management

Ð Marketing of public services

Ð Cost/benefit analysis

Ð Ethics & PM

Ð European Union:

administrations & policies

Ð Stragetic Mgmt. & change

Ð Cost/benefit analysis

Ð Quality & reengineering

Skills, abilities & others x 10 h

Total hours 30

Skills, abilities & others x 10 h

Total hours 20

Skills, abilities & others x 10 h

Total hours 20 70

Ð Maths/ introduction to Law

Ð Negotlation

Ð Negotlation

Ð managementskills& abilities I

Ð managementskills& abilities II

– Simulation

Total 180 180 140 120 630

Master Gestión Pública. UAB-UPF-ESADE from Barcelona

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The contact person is just one professor of each institution chosen for this report by the author.

Universidad Aut�noma de Barcelona (UAB) Xavier BallartFacultad de Ciencias Pol�ticas y Sociologia08193-Bellaterra (Barcelona)

Universidad Aut�noma de Madrid (UAM) F. VallespinFacultad de Derecho / Dep. Ciencia Pol�tica y de la Administraci�nCrta. de Colmenar Viejo, km. 15 (Campus de Cantoblanco)08049-Madrid

Universidad de Barcelona (UBA) Jordi CapoFacultat de Dret / Dep. Ci�ncia Pol�tica i Dret ConstitutionalAvda. de la Diagonal, 68408034-Barcelona

Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) Rafael Ba�onFacultad de Ciencias Pol�ticas y SociologiaCampus de Somosaguas28023 Madrid

Universidad de Granada (UGR) Juan MontavesFacultad de Ciencias Pol�ticas y SociologiaRector L�pez Arg�eta, s/n18071-Granada

Universidad Nacional de Educaci�n a Distancia (UNED) Lurdes L. NietoFacultad de Ciencias de Pol�ticas y Sociolog�aSenda del Rey, s/n28040-Madrid

Universidad del Pa�s Vasco (UPV) Francisco LieraFacultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Informaci�nDepartamento de Relaciones Internacionales y Ciencia Pol�ticaCiudad Universitaria de Leioa48940-Leioa

Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF) Carles Rami�Facultat de Ci�ncies Socials i Communicaci�Ramon Trias Fargas 2508005-Barcelona

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (UST) Ramon MaizFacultad de Ciencias Pol�ticas y SocialesCampus Universitario s/n15706-Santiago de Compostela

ESADE Alfred VernisEscuela Superior de Administraci�n y Direcci�n de EmpresasAvda. Pedralbes 6008034 Barcelona

ANNEX 13.3

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Centro Superior Esdudios Gesti�n An�lisis y Evaluaci�n Juan L. PaniaguaEdificio Mas Ferr�Capus de Somosaguas28223 Madrid

Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset Mariano BaenaFortuny 5328010 Madrid