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  • 7/30/2019 12th Grade English


    12TH GRADE ENGLISH Language Arts

    Oakland Schools Technical Campuses

    Great leaders gaze into life's crystal ball. They have a vision for thefuture that is founded on a sound set of personal goals and

    business principles. They know where they're headed in life.

    Dr. Sue MaxamOakland SchoolsCFE [email protected]


    Mrs. Caroline ThomasELA Academic InstructorOSTC Campus, [email protected]

  • 7/30/2019 12th Grade English


    **HQ - Highly Qualified Instructor

    12th grade English Language Arts Course Description - This one-year English Language Arts course focuses on leadership qualities andgreat leaders in each students own career pathway. All ELA highschool content expectations are woven into a rigorous, integratedcurriculum based on literary content relevant to career pathways.Requirements include reading and analyzing novels, short stories,

    current literature, and poetry, as well as writing documents, reports, andresearch papers relevant to each career pathway. The course curriculumincludes instruction and assessment that relates to theMichigan Merit Examination (MME).

  • 7/30/2019 12th Grade English


    The course disposition isLeadership Qualities

    Mission planning, decision-making, andimplementing


    creative, ethical, and critical thinking

    Development developing people, developingteam, and improving organization

    Social-self interpersonal skills to influence; self-awareness, self-management, andpersonal mastery

  • 7/30/2019 12th Grade English


    Linking Text by Cluster forStudents Career Choice

    Anchor Text for everyoneregardless of Career Choiceor Cluster

    http://www.oakland.k12.mi.us/curriculumGo to a career clusterThen to Academic CreditSelect ELA and choose ELA by Units andScope and Sequence

  • 7/30/2019 12th Grade English


    Required forall Students

    Based on StudentsCareer Choice

    Being Revised to New ELACommon Core Standards


    Go to a career cluster, then to Academic CreditSelect ELA and choose ELA by Units and Scope and Sequence

  • 7/30/2019 12th Grade English


    The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

    by Sean Covey - Anchor Text

  • 7/30/2019 12th Grade English


    EXPECTATIONS/MAJOR REQUIREMENTS(per the Michigan Merit Curriculum requirements)

    Read and demonstrate understanding of eight toten texts

    Write short papers on a weekly basis Write four formal essays per quarter Write a major research paper annually Speak or present three to five times per year Discuss or debate topics monthly

    Take and organize notes weekly Maintain a portfolio of personal reading andwriting

  • 7/30/2019 12th Grade English


    7 Habits of Highly Effective TeensPower Plays Shakespeares Lessons in LeadershipMichigan Manufacturers Guide to Environmental Health, and SafetyRegulations(partial)Dont Call Me Rosieand/or Stronger than Steel and SuccessStory-Backpacking Welder

    Leadership is an Art(partial)A Whole New Mind(partial)A Peacock in the Land of PenguinsAn Inconvenient Truth(partial)Tesla: Man Out of Time(partial)An Electric Dream and Famous Hot Rod Legend

    12th Grade English/BMMTUnit 1 and Unit 2

    .5 CreditAll work must be done in MLA formatRead and respond to these books and articles

  • 7/30/2019 12th Grade English


    12th Grade English/BMMTUnit 1 and Unit 2

    .5 Credit

    All work must be done in MLA format

    Compose papers that apply and synthesizeknowledge across the books, articles and movies

    7 Habits, Power Plays, Hershey, and Mother to Son7 Habits, Power Plays, and Is Walmart Good for America?7 Habits, Power Plays, and Franchising Pathway to Wealth CreationLeadership is an Art, A Whole New Mind, and A Peacock in the Land of PenguinsLeadership is an Art, A Whole New Mind, and 212 Degrees

    Leadership is an Art, A Whole New Mind, An Inconvenient Truth, and The LoraxLeadership is an Art, A Whole New Mind, Founders at Work: Stories of Startups EarlyDaysor The Apprentice and The Biography of Donald Trump

  • 7/30/2019 12th Grade English


    12th Grade English/BMMTUnit 1 and Unit 2

    .5 Credit

    All work must be done in MLA format

    View and respond to these movies

    China Syndromehttp://www.fandango.com/thechinasyndrome_v9338/summary

    Is Walmart Good for America?http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/walmart/

    212 Degreeshttp://www.212movie.com/

    An Inconvenient Truthhttp://www.climatecrisis.net/

    The Apprenticeand The Biography of DonaldTrump

  • 7/30/2019 12th Grade English


    http://www.perrythepeacock.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhKLSTBSgwI

  • 7/30/2019 12th Grade English


    Cosmetology12th Grade English, Unit 1

    MissionThe Ugly DucklingBy Hans Christian Anderson1. The Ugly Duckling is a fairy tale. Define

    fairy tale.2. What is the moral of The Ugly Duckling.3. How does this fairy tale relate to the field of


    4. Why is this fairy tale popular today, when itwas written in 1844? In your answer includesome of the issues we face today that relateto The Ugly Duckling.

    5. Explain how a Left directed thinker (AWhole New Mind) would have responded tothe ugly duckling when it was in its infantstage of development.

    6. Explain how a Right directed thinker (AWhole New Mind) would have responded tothe ugly duckling when it was in its infantstage of development.

    Beauty and the BeastBy Jeanne-Marie LePrince De Beaumont1. Beauty and the Beast was written in 1742

    and it is still popular. Explain why.2. In this story we discover that behind an

    unattractive face is a very attractive person.Think of a time in your life when you metsomeone who was unattractive to you and

    then after you got to know them theybecame attractive. What caused thechange in perception.

    3. Cosmetologists are in the business ofbeauty. How does this fairy tale relate tothe field of Cosmetology?

    4. In the fairy tale, the monster changed hisbehavior when he felt love. Think of anexample in your own life, when someone

    changed for the better after theyexperienced the kindness of others.

    5. Was beauty a Left or Right directed thinker(A Whole New Mind)? Explain youranswer, using at least two quotes from thefairy tale.

  • 7/30/2019 12th Grade English


    12th Grade EnglishUnit 1 and Unit 2, Writing AssignmentAll work must be done in MLA format

    Using the following Resources:Video: 212: The Extra Degree, www.212movie.comBook: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teensby Sean CoveyQuotes:

    Inches make the champion. Vince Lombardi, Hall of Fame Football

    CoachNever doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can

    change the world. Indeed, its the only thing that ever has.Margaret Mead, American Cultural Anthropologist

    It is one of the most beautiful compensations in lifeWe can neverhelp another without helping ourselves. Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Write a two-page typed paper, MLA style, on the importance of extraeffort. Refer to the video, one or more of the seven habits, and oneor more of the above quotes. Document your work.

  • 7/30/2019 12th Grade English


    12th Grade English, Unit 1, MissionAll work must be done in MLA format

    Write a character analysis integrating PowerPlayswith China Syndrome. Choose four

    characters from China Syndrome. Usingsupporting incidents from the movie; statewhich leadership qualities from PowerPlaysare demonstrated by each of thesecharacters.

  • 7/30/2019 12th Grade English


    12th Grade English, Unit 1, MissionAll work must be done in MLA format

    State, specifically, the problem presented in the movie,

    China Syndrome. How could this problem have beensolved? If you were the CEO of the nuclear plantproviding power to the general public, how would youhave handled the problem? What methods are stated inPower Playsto address such a problem? Where wouldyou look for information before making a decision onwhat to do? How would you inform the public? Whatwould you say? If you shut down, how would youprovide power to institutions such as hospitals, fire andpolice stations. Place this completed assignment in yourportfolio.

    Create a press release inform the general public of theproblem and of your decision about how to solve theproblem. Explain how your solution will impact them andwhat they can do to help. Place this assignment in your

    writing portfolio.

  • 7/30/2019 12th Grade English


    12th Grade EnglishUnit 2, Expository, Ethical Thinking

    The Lorax, and An Inconvenient Truth

    Given that the humanity vs. nature conflict isa hoax (in particular global warming), write

    an essay in which you explain three globalwarming myths. Discuss Seusss andGores intent to wrongly influence the

    opinions of their readers/viewers. Use AWhole New Mindby Daniel Pink andLeadership is An Artby Max De Pree tosupport your thesis.

  • 7/30/2019 12th Grade English


    12th Grade EnglishUnit 2, Expository, Ethical Thinking

    The Lorax, and An Inconvenient Truth

    Given the humanity vs. nature conflict, write anessay on how leaders of organizations can beresponsible world citizens. Use The Loraxby

    Dr. Seuss, An Inconvenient Truthby Al Gore,A Whole New Mindby Daniel Pink andLeadership is An Artby Max De Pree tosupport your thesis. Discuss the attitudes of big

    business, the abuse to the environment, andsolutions to the problem.

  • 7/30/2019 12th Grade English


    For More Information, Contact

    Oakland Schools Technical Campus Northeast- Ms. Caroline Thomas 248.451.2711

    [email protected] Oakland Schools Technical Campus Northwest-

    Mrs. Debbie Waters [email protected] Oakland Schools Technical Campus Southeast- Mrs. Marsha Voncina 248.288.4208

    [email protected]

    Oakland Schools Technical Campus Southwest- Mrs. Janet Temnyk 248.668.5685

    [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]