129th regiment ohio volunteer infantry. months · 2011. 5. 5. · 129th regiment ohio volunteer...

129th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. SIX MONTHS SERVICE. This Regiment was organized at Cleveland, 0., August 10, 1863, to serve six months, and on the same day started for Camp Nelson, Ky. On the 20th of August the Regiment left Camp Nelson for Cumberland Gap, at which place it assisted in the capture of the Rebel garrison and more than two thou sand Rebel prisoners, with a large amount of war materials of all kinds. The Regiment remained at and about the Gap, engaged in foraging, scouting, picket duty, etc., until the 1st of December, when it was ordered to move in the direction of Clinch River, which was reached the next d&y, at a point where the Knoxville road crosses that stream. At this point a sharp engage ment was in progress, in which the Regiment took an active part. From the 2d to the last of December, the Regiment had occasional skirmishes with the enemy. It was mustered out from March 4 to 10, 1804. (526)

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  • 129th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry.


    This Regiment was organized at Cleveland, 0., August 10, 1863, to serve

    six months, and on the same day started for Camp Nelson, Ky. On the 20thof August the Regiment left Camp Nelson for Cumberland Gap, at which

    place it assisted in the capture of the Rebel garrison and more than two thou

    sand Rebel prisoners, with a large amount of war materials of all kinds. The

    Regiment remained at and about the Gap, engaged in foraging, scouting,

    picket duty, etc., until the 1st of December, when it was ordered to move in

    the direction of Clinch River, which was reached the next d&y, at a pointwhere the Knoxville road crosses that stream. At this point a sharp engagement was in progress, in which the Regiment took an active part. From the

    2d to the last of December, the Regiment had occasional skirmishes with the

    enemy. It was mustered out from March 4 to 10, 1804.



    FIELD AND STAFF.Mustered in from July 28 to Aug. 10, 1863, at Camp Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry,

    U. S. A. Mustered out March 10, 18(54, at Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain18th Infantry, U. S. A.

    COMPANY A.Mustered in July 7, 1863, at Camp Marietta, O., by D. L. Wood, Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A. Mustered out

    March 8, 1864, at Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A.

    Frederick H. Stedman

    James E. Howe.

    Charles B. Lewis.

    James W. CombsWilliam H. Brown . . .Job B. SandersonJohn WooleyJoseph W. Bryson. . . .Charles M. HenryDallas BriggsJames SpringSamuel WrightEarl H. Woodworth..Frank CarpenterRobert M. ShafferBenjamin EllisDavid T. MooreAlbert NewtonApplin, John

    Ash ton, CharlesAulte. LinneyBigley, SylvesterBeam, Daniel MBlackwood, William .Boyle, John L


    1st Lieut.

    2d Lieut.

    1st Sergt.












    35 June 19. 1863 6 mos.


    June 19, 1863 ! 6 mos.

    23jJune 19, 1863 6 mos.

    June 19,June 30,June 30.June 29,June 21,June 22,June 24,June 21,June 23,


    June 21,June 22,June 23,June 22,June 22,June 22,June 24,



    June 21, 1863June 21, 1863June 30, 1863June 30, 1863June 25, 1863June 27, 1863

    6 mos.6 inos.I mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 inos.6 mos.6 mos.(i mos.6 mos.6 mos.

    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.

    Appointed July 1, 1863; mustered out withi company March 8, 1864.Appointed July 1, 1863; mustered out withcompany March 8, 1864.

    Appointed July 1, 1*63; mustered out withcompany March 8. 1664.

    Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.[Mastered out with company March S, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Clustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1861.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.[Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.(Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.iMustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March S, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.


    Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered as John Aplire. Died Jan. 27, 1864,in hospital at Cumberland Gap, Tenn.

    Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Detailed as Com. Sergeant Sept. 27, 1863 : mustered out with company March 8, 1864.



    Names. Rank.



    Brookins, Ithamer Private.Brown, CharlesBuck, Wesley B. ...Burrell, John O do.Burge, Lemuel do.Demsey, JosephBupler, ThomasEllis, FranklinEvans, Seldon doFields, Dudley do. . . .Fierce, Thomas H



    Falls, James W I doFrisby , Richard j doFrost! Elisha i doFrost. Zenas


    doP uller. Douglas t do. . . .Gaston. James W


    doGreen, Lucien \ doGreen, William


    . . . .do

    Hartley. Abram i doHallett. Jacob F do....Hatch, William doHawk, Charles ! do

    Date ofEntering the


    i Service.

    Liif^ii.n. MichaelHoisington, DudleyHook, DanielHolland, HarryHowe. James C



    Jeffers, George | do. . .Johnson, Jobn do...Johnson, Francis A ;.. ..do. ..

    Johnson, Charles i doKelley, John doLinscott, Calvary M doLumins. Cornelius do.. . .Love, Louis doMcLanihaii, Joseph ! doMansfield, William D... . I . . ..do... .Martin. John


    doMasters. Henry i doMathews, James


    do.. . .Ma thews, Daniel doMathews. George j doMaxwell. Benjamin A . . doMeeks, Jasper M I . . .doMcWhorton, George I doMyers, William doMace, Armstead I doNeswith, Oliver P i doNewton, Samuel S ! doNoland. Reuben


    doNorth, James doNoyse, Lafayette j doPorter, Hiram


    doReid, Dudley


    doRiley. Charles!) . . ..do.. . .Robbing, Jefferson | doKobbins, Andrew i do.. . .Sheets, JohnW doSimpson, Isaac do....Smith, Nathan doSnowdeii, Isaac i do... .Spurrier, George I doSquires, Jesse i doSteinm, Joseph ....doStubhs. Allen STownsend, CharlesTownsend, TaylorTrue, HiramTucker, Melchoir HVincent, Cyrus E

    Warren, Ansel MWatts, WilliamWhetstone, HenryWillmarth, William M..

    Wise, Willi.nn HWorrell , Onin













    JuneJ tineJuneJ uneJuneJuneJuneJuneJuneJune

    21, 1863

    24, 1863

    27, 1863

    25, 186320, 1863

    25, 1863

    21, 1863

    22, 18(i3

    26, 1803

    30, 1863

    25, 1863

    21, 186323, 1803

    24, 1863

    24, 1863

    25, 1861?

    7, 1863

    23, 1863

    23, 1863

    22, 1863

    28, 1863

    24, 1863

    29, 1863

    29, 186323, 1863

    25, 1863

    25, 180319, 1863

    23, 1863

    23, 1863

    25, 1803

    22, 1863

    23, 186323, 1863

    25, 1863

    24, 1863

    26; 1863

    23, 186323, 1863

    25, 1803

    23, 1863


    JuneJuneJuneJuneJ uneJuneJulyJuneJuneJuneJuneJuneJuneJuneJuneJuneJuneJune


    25, 186325, 1863

    26, 1803

    23, 186329 1803

    22, 1863

    16, 1803

    18, 1863

    21, 1863

    23, 1863

    21. 1863

    23, 1863

    26, 186330. 1863

    27, 1803

    22, 1803

    22, 1863

    21, 1863

    30, 1863

    26, 1863

    23, 1803

    25, 1863

    23, 1863

    26, 186325, 1863

    25, 1863

    7, 18632. 186323, 1863

    23, 1863

    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.mos.

    6 mos.mos.

    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.mos.mos.

    6 mos.6 mos.


    i6 mos.

    i 6 mos.6 mos.mos.inos.

    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.

    6 mos.mos.

    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.

    ! 6 mos.1

    6 mos.i 6 mos.!6 mos.

    i 6 mos.

    June 30, 1863June 25, 1863June 22, 1803June 23, 1863

    June 26, 1863June 21, 1803

    o mos.mos.in os.

    6 mos.6 mos.mos.

    6 mos.mos.mos.mos.mos.mos.



    6 mos.j

    6 mos.


    6 mos.! 6 mos.


    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.mos.mos.

    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.mos.mos.mos.

    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.

    6 mos.6 mos.

    Mustered out with company March 8, J864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.

    Mustered out with company March 8, 18ft4.IMustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8. 1864.

    jDischarged July 15, 1863, at Marietta, O., by

    civil authority.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1804.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8. 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out witli company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.jDied March 13, 1864. at Cleveland, O.IMustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8. 1804.|Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1804.Absent since Sept. 1, 1863: enlisted in Co. H,18th O. V. I., .

    Mustered out with company March 8, 18(34.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8. 186-1.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.


    Mustered out with company March 8, 1861.IMustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company Marcii 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company Marcii 8. 1864.

    Mustered out with company March 8. 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.


    Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 180-4.

    stered out with company March 8, 1864.stered out with company March 8, 1864.stered out with company March 8, 1864.stered out with company March 8, 1864.stered out with company March 8. 1864.

    Died Feb. 10. 1804, at Barboursville. Ky.Mustered out with company Marcii 8, 18P4.IMustered out with company March 8, 1S64.iMustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company Marcii 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 18(14.IMustered out with company March 8, 1864.;

    Died Jan. 18, 1864, in hospital at CumberlandGap, Tenn.

    iMustered out with company March 8, 1864.iMustered out with company March 8, 1864.i Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.iMustered out with company March 8, 1864.iMustered out with company March S, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8. 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1804.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered oiit with company March 8, 1804.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Died Oct. 30, 1863, in hospital at CumberlandGap, Tenn.

    Mustered out with company March 8, 1804.

    Mustered out with company March 8. 1864.Died Dec. 19, 1803, in hospital at CumberlandGap, Teiin.

    Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.Mustered out with company March 8, 1864.


    COMPANY B.Mustered in Aug. 10, 1863, at Camp Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A. Mustered

    out March 5, 1864, at Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A.



    COMPANY C.Mustered in Aug. 10, 1863, at Camp Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A. Mustered

    out March 4, 1864, at Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A.


    Names. Raiik.

    Moses S. Wilson Sergeant.

    Leonidas N. Crossland. i do

    Wilsou S. Steinmetz ; doI

    Andrew J. Clingan Corporal.

    Thomas J. Markwood. . . ....do....

    Date ofEntering the



    George W. Drake ....do.... 18I

    William R. Cory ....do....! 18

    Frank Crooker

    Edward J. Stewart

    Leven D. Wheeler

    David Martin

    George HillFrank F. FryeAlexander. William J. . .A ndre\vs, Hugh JBader, JohnHell. JamesBradford, lidwardBinekley, Rings-oldBrown, GeorgeBrower, James WBurnett, TheodoreCampbell, JohnCarlisle, Hugh TChristy, Julia

    Colwell, HenryCorbett. MarkGrassland, AllenDaily. OrsonDash, KdsonDavidson, OthoDavis, PrestonDe La Hooke, William HDicus, Benjamin FFaux. Jaeo bFerguson, ElijahFitzhyrris, MichaelHarrison, Milton JHays, Almon IIHay ward, GeorgeHart. J. Lymau K.Hushborg, Henry.

    Jrvin, William IIJ oh nson, LewisJones, Lyman RLankenan, John DLayborne. Lewis JLemon, Theophilns C. . . ! .Logan, William O !.McCartney, James TMcCormick, William H.McCreight, David BMcDougal, John WMciuty re, Oliver K

    Matson, Asaj

    doMay, William doMorehead, Joseph WNitolimau, John HO Brien, RichardPalmer, ThomasPence, Andrew



    Philips, Henry G i do

    July 2, 1863

    July 4, 186::;

    6 mos.

    6 mos.


    June 16, 1863 j 6 mos.




    2, 1863 6 mos.

    23, 1863 6 mos.I

    3, 1863 i 6 mos.

    5, 1863:

    6 mos.

    Poppert, FrankPorter, Jarnes N.Powell, Samuel.Pratt, HoraceRogle, Lewis


    doRobbins, Milton J I do

    Appointed Corporal July 24, 1863; SergeantAug. 10, 1863; mustered out with companyMarch 4, 1864.

    Appointed from private July 24. 1863; mustered out with company March 4, 1864.

    Appointed Corporal July 24, 1863; SergeantAug. 10, 1863; mustered out with companyMarch 4, 1864.

    Appointed July 24, 18(13; mustered out withcompany March 4, 1864.

    Appointed July 24, 1863; mustered out withcompany March 4, 1804.

    Appointed July 24, 1803; mustered out withcompany March 4, 1864.

    Mustered as William R. Cony : appointedJuly 24, 1863; mustered out with companyMarch 4, 1864.

    Appointed July 24, 1863; mustered out withcompany March 4. 1864.

    Appointed Aug. 10. 1863; mustered out withcompany March 1, 1864.

    Appointed Oct. 25, 1863; mustered out withcompany March 4, 1864.

    Appointed Oct. 25, 1863 ; mustered out withcompany March 4, 11S64.

    Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 186-1.Mustered out with company March 4. 1st; i.Mustered out with company March 4, 18C>4.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864,Mustered out with company March 4, 1,%|.Mustered out with company March 4. ]xr,.|.Mustered out with company March 4, 1804.Mustered out with company March 4, 1861.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1 364.Mustered out with company March 4, 1-oi.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March i, 1,V>1.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.[Mustered out with company March 4, isoi.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1804.Promoted to Hos. Steward Aug. 10, 1863.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.

    ! Mustered out with company March 4, IN.il.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.

    jMustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, l.st>4.Mustered out with company March 4, ;,-.6l.Appointed Corporal July 24, 1803 ; reducedOct. 25, 1803: mustered out with companyMarch 4, 1864.

    Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 18(54.Mustered out with company March 4, 1804,Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1854.Mustered out with company March 4, 1861.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Appointed Corporal Aug. 10, 1863: reducedSept. 10, 1863 ; mustered out with companyMarch 4, 1864.

    Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.^Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.i Mustered out with company March 4, 1804.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1804.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.

    Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.


    COMPANY D.Mustered in Aug. 10, 1863, at Camp Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry U. S. A. Mustered

    out March 4, 1864, at Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry U. S. A.


    Names. Rank.Date of

    Entering theService.


    Bokor. John Private..Brock. Abel doClifford, John doOochran, John \V doCowden. David


    doColumber. \\ illiain J . . ., doOrumlev, Daniel do


    Crumley. George N.. .Dast. \Villiaiii

    Davenport, Jame j CDawson, ChristopherDawsou, William



    Junelx July18


    1H June18 i Jane25 July23

    ! July19 .Iniie15


    Decker, DavidDecker, WilliamEbright, JosephElliott, Benjamin SEllis. John ilFinch, CalvinFisher. HenryFry, John S.."Galiher JohnGatten, JohnGatten. WilliamGrimes, Caseins C

    Hannon. WilliamHarding. NaihanielHi board, Edmund.Hiuton James W.llodgin, EliHntlniitn. Henry ....do.Jones. David I . . . .do.Jones, Levi W do.. . .

    .rlo....i 18

    .do....; 21

    .do....! 18

    .do.... I 27









    . ..do.. .

    Laney, Joseph CLehman. George E.Lewis, DanielLight. Charles II.





    . ..do....! 20


    27, 18(13

    16, 186827. 18G:i

    25. 1863

    26, 18634. 1X63

    11. 1863

    11, 1863

    22. 1863

    15, 1863

    23, 1863

    1(5, 1863

    16, 186316. ix63

    4, 18(53

    19, 18639, 18(53

    26, 186326. 1863

    1(5, 1X153

    29, 1S63

    16, 18(53

    4, 186318. 1863








    Lisle. Henryj

    do 18McEndrce, Samuel


    do. . . . 18

    McOowu, Thomasj

    . . ..do.. ..;


    Martin. Joseph I ... .do 21Mather. Lewis D

    \do 18

    Milk-r, William ....do.... 18

    June 24,June 23,July .-,June 23,June 20,June 23.July - ,June 27,July 17.June 28,June 18.June 29.JulyJune 18,June 2L ,



    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.

    i6 mos.

    i 6 mos.j6 mos.


    (5 mos.i 6 mos.i6 mos.


    6 mos.i 6 mos.

    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.

    6 mos.(i mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.(5 mos.6 mi is.

    June 28, 1X63 6 mos.July 8, 1863


    6 mos.July 2. 1863 6 mos.

    Michaels. John d<Norris, Lewis C . ...do.Pogne. Thomas CPorterfield. .lames R ....Powell. DavidPowell, ReubenReam, Daniel S


    Heam. Langdou M|


    Reeves, MiltonRoddy, SamuelRoot, Jacob .SRush, JohnScribner, John S















    18Till man, George E do ..Ward, Jobn I,. .


    do 17Watson, Jacob . . ..do.. . . 37Wheeler. William do.... l.sWheeler, William B ....do.... 18Widner, Jacob do i 22Widner, William J do....! 20Willison, Amos


    do.... 18

    Wright, John \V , ....do.... 20Young, John M j....do i 18

    Shimp, Anthony HShipman, James WSovel, Charles |....do.Springer, H iram


    . . . .do.

    Strahl, Mead P i do.Stidd, David ....do.Stidd, James L do.Thomas. George E... ...do.

    July 1,i June 18.June 25,


    June 19,iJune 29,July 4,July 1,July 1,July 7,

    : June 30,June 29,Jnne 23,

    1 June 18,!June 22.Jnne 27,

    ! Aug. 1,I June 25,i June 22.!July 4.

    1S631863186318631X631X63186318631863186: >




    i D mos.I6 mos.


    6 mos.


    6 mos.i (i mos.6 mos.

    I 6 rnos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 rnos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.

    July 4July ::

    July 18Jinje 27

    July 16July 3June 25July 1June 28June 27June 22Julv 28






    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.(5 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.

    Mustered out with company March 4. 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 18(54.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Clustered out with company March 4, 18(54.[Mustered out with company March 4, 186-1.Mustered out with company March 4. 1X64.Promoted to Q. M. Sergeant Aug. 10, 1863.

    [Mustered out with company March I, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.

    |Mustered out with company March 4. 1861.Mustered out with compan^ March 4. 1864.Died Oct. 14. 1863. in hospital at Camp Nelson,Kentucky.

    Mustered out with company March 4, 1x61.Mustered out with company March 4. 1*64.Mustered out with company March 4. 1864.

    ! Mustered out with company March 4. 1861.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Clustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4, 1x6 1.Mustered out with company March 4, 18(54.

    i Mustered out with company March 4. 1864.Mustered out with company March 4. 1861.Mustered out with company March 4, 18(54.Died Feb. 26, 1864, in hospital at Camp Cleve-


    land. O.;Mustered out with company March 4, 1864..Mustered out with company March 4. ixr.i.iMustered out with company March J. 1864.


    Mustered out with company March 1. 1864.Mustered out with company March 4. i86i.

    : Mustered out with company March 4, 18(54.

    Mustered out with company March I. !S ;i.Mustered out with company March 4, 1764.Mustered out with company March 4. l^iil.Mustered out with company March I, I-iii.Mustered out with company March 4, 186-1.Mustered out with company March 1, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4. 1x61.Mustered as Thomas Rown ; mustered out

    with company March 4, ISM.Mustered out with company March 4, ,S61.Mustered out with company March 4. 1861.Mus ered as Sergeant.; mustered out withcompany March 4, 1864.

    .Mustered out with company March 4. ixin.Mustered out with company March. 4, 1X61.Mustered out with company March 4. 1X64.Mustered out with company March 4 1X64.i Mustered out with company March 1, lxr,t.Mustered out with company March i, 1x114.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 1, 1x111.


    sivred out with company March 4. 1x61.stered out with company March 4, 1X6 i.stered out with company March 1, 1861.

    ,,-. stered out with company March 4, lx6i.Mi stered out with company March 4. lst ,1.Mi stered out with company March 4. 1X64.,Mi stered out with company March !. 1X61.|Mi stered out with company March 1. lx;;i

    stered out with company March 4, 1x64.stered out with company March 4, 1X6 ,.stered out with company Miuch 4, 1864.stered out with company Match 4. 1X64.stered otit with company March 4, 1x6 1.

    .,i, stered out with company March 4, 1861.Mustered out with company March 4, 1864.Mustered out with company March 4. 1S64.Mustered out with company March I,MusteredMusteredMusteredMusteredMustered

    , .

    >ut with company March I, 1X64.>ut with company March I, 1861.>:u with company March 1, 1x64.>nt with company March 4, 1X64.>i t with company Manvi 4. 1864..

    Mustered out with company March 4,


    COMPANY E.Mustered in Aug. 10, 1868, at Camp Cleveland. O., by H. Douglas, Otiptnin 18th Infantry. U. S. A.

    out March 10, 1861, at Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A.Mustered

    William M. Pearce

    William McMackin. . . .

    George W. Burnett

    Edwin Taylor

    Edward, F. Wilcox....

    Hammond Clapp

    John \V. Grier

    Chris X. Bell

    John W. McClenahan.

    Watson H. Barkdell...

    Francis \V. Fesmin....

    Daniel L. Thomas. ...

    Charles H. Tuttie

    George II. Wood

    Robert W. Hamilton . .

    James W. Campbell...

    John M. Dillon

    Captain. 34


    1st Lieut. 26

    J2d Lieut. 23I

    1st Sergt,|


    ....do.... 30

    do 25

    ....do...J 18

    ....do....| 21I

    Corporal. 20







    Akin*, Jam os LBailey, Edward M

    Musician 15

    Private.. IS...do.... -i-i.

    Bancroft. Oliver do..Barber, Orrin do..Biddle, (Charles ! do..Bier, Cecilian



    Boss, Wiliiard]

    do..Brown. Joseph i do..Brooker, William L . ..do..Burkey. George


    do..Calalu.n, Patrick .. ..do. .Clark, Charles B :....do..Clapp, William do..Coultrap, James W . ... j do. .Craig, JohnCurtis. Darwin SFerguson. JosephFirestone. Truman L.Forfyth, Andrew




    !; 35.

    : 20. 18. 18

    . 18

    ., 18



    Gibbons, Homer E do.Goss. Jarues do.Graham, Joseph P do.Henderson, Samuel do.High. Andrew do.Holbrook, Henry i do.Hopwood, Ralph



    Jeffrey. David it do.Johnson, Henry do.Johnson. William H do.Jones, Edward ]. . ..do.Karney, John : do.Mei ilieii, Thomas . . ..do.Mace. Benjamin K do.

    .i 18



    .1 18

    .| 1818



    19: is18

    I 19

    I 18i 18


    Marlow, John W.... do.Masters, Henry do.Miller, Robert do.Minor, Edward do.Monroe, Allen do.Nowland, William K do.

    June 18, 1863 6 mos. Appointed Aug. 1, 1863: mustered out withcompany March 10, 1864.

    June 26, 1863|

    6 mos. [Appointed Aug. 1, 1803: mustered out withcompany March 10, 186-1.

    July 22, 1863 ! 6 mos. [Appointed Aug. 1, 18(i3; mustered out withcompany March 10. 1864.

    June 18, 1863 6 mos.j

    Appointed Aug. 10, 1863; mustered out with! company March 10. 1864.

    June 18,1863|

    6 mos. Appointed Aug. 10, 1863 ; mustered out withcompany March 10, 1864.

    June 28, 18ii3 ! 6 mos. Appointed Aug. 10. 1863; mustered out withcompany March 10, 1864.

    June. 26, 1863 6 mos. Appointed Aug. 10, 1863: mustered out withcompany March 10, 1864.

    July 6, 1863 , 6 mos. j Appointed Aug. 10, 1863; mustered out withcompany March 10. 1864.

    June 26,1863j

    6 mos. Appointed Aug. 10, 1863 ; mustered out withcompany March 10, 186-i.

    July 15,1863 6 mos. Appointed Aug. 10, 1863; mustered out; withcompany March 10. 1804.

    July 18,1863 i 6 mos. Appointed Aug. 10. 1863: mustered out withcompimv March 10, 1804.

    June 26, 1863|

    6 mos. (Appointed Aug. 10, 1863: mustered out with! company March 10. 1864.

    June 18, 1863 ! 6 mos. Appointed Aug. 10. 1863: mustered out withcompany March 10. 1861.

    July 14, 1863 j 6 mos. [Appointed Aug. 10, 1863; mustered out withcompany March 10, 1864.

    July 14,1863 6 mos. ; Appointed Aug. 10. 186 ! : mustered out^.with| company Maich 10, 1864.

    June 26.1863;

    6 mos. Appointed Nov. 1,1863: mustered out withI company March 10. 1864.

    June 18, 1863 i 6 mos. Appointed : mustered out with company! March 10, 1864

    June 28, 1863 I 6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10. 1864.July 15, 1863 6 mos. [Mustered as Sergeant : reduced to ranks Nov.

    ! 1,1863; mustered out with company March; 10, iK>4.

    6 mos. [Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.6 mos. [Mustered out with eompai.y .March 10, 1864.

    i 6 mos. ii 6 mos. i Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.,

    6 mos. [Mustered out with company March 10. 1864.j

    6 mos. Mtisteied out with company March 10, 1864.6 mos. .Mustered out with company March 10. 1864.


    6 mos.;Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.


    6 mos. iMustered out with company March 10, 1864.j

    6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10. 1864.I6 mos. ?il listen d out with com) ,i:ny March 10, 1864.6 nios. [Mustered out with company March 10. 1864.6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 18I-.4.(imos. Mustered out with company Maich li>, 1864.6 mos. Clustered out with company March 10. 1861.6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.6 mos. IMustered as Corporal: reduced Jan. 1,1864;

    mustered out with company March 10, 1864.t) mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.6 mos. Mustered out with compan \ March Id, 1864.6 in os.

    :Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.

    6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.6 mos. [Died Dec. 23. 1863, at Tazewell. Teiin.6 mos. .Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1861.6 mos. I Mustered out with company March 10, 18^4.6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.6 mos. [Mustered out with company March 10. 1864.6 mos. Mustered out with company Match 10. 1864.6 mos. Clustered out with company March lo, 1864.6 mos. iMustered out with company March 10. 1864.6 mos. [Killed Sept. 16, 1863, near Mt. Vernon, Ky..

    i by accidental discharge of his gnu.6 mos. [Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.6 mos. iMustered out with company March 10, 1864.6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10. 1864.6 mos. iMustered out with company March 10, JS64.6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.


    JuneJulyJ uneJuneJulyJulyAug.JuneJuneJuneJuneJuneJuneJune

    13, 186328. 1863

    12, 18634. 1863

    18, 1863

    23, 1863

    5, 1863

    24, 1863

    17, 1863

    24, 186318. 1863

    26, 1863

    24, 186326, 1863

    25, 186325. 1863

    26, 1863

    17, 1863

    5, 1863

    17, 1863

    26, 1863

    5, 1863

    28, 1863

    8, 1863

    23, 1863

    18, 186323. 1863

    18, 1863

    18, 1863

    18, 186326, 1863

    July 12, 1863July 20. 1863July 10, 1863July 8, 1863June 18, 1863June 24. 1863


    COMPANY F.Mustered in Aug. 4, 1863, at Camp Marietta, O., by D. L. Wood, Captain 18th Infantry. U. S. A. Mustered

    out March 5. 1864. at Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A.


    Names. Rank.

    Henry Rollback. Corporal. 18

    Andrew J. Aleshire do 1 23

    Date ofEntering the


    William WestEdward Swansou . . .Allman, William

    ... Musician 24

    ...;... .do....j


    ... Private..! 18

    June 19, 1863 6 mos.

    June 28, 1863 6 mos.

    July 18. 1863 6 mos.July -20. 1863 6 mos.July 1. 18(53


    6 mos.


    Archer. Weeden ,. doBarkes, .lames T I doBritton, Charles R doBroking, Abraham doBush. Josephus doCaruthers. John W do....Oavey, John W I doCline, Andrew J I doCh risly . Wilfred


    . . . .do. . . .

    Davis, Kins B I. ...do....Davis, Martin V i doDavidson. William E.... do...,

    Duherty, John W do...,Doherty, Philip do...,Enochs, Henry


    doEnochs, Shepherd | doForney, George : do. . .



    Fisher. John R do....


    17, 1863

    (i, 1863

    8, 186314, 1863

    13, 1863

    19, 1863

    18, 186312. 1863

    29, 1863

    7, 1863

    15, 1863

    2, 1H63

    19, 1863

    7, 1863

    19, 1863

    19, 1863

    20, 1863

    Gibbons. Homer do..Gilmore, John T do..Gilliland. Samuel B



    Green, Albert S do.

    Hanna, Horatio C...Hurlord. William H.Hutchinson. William A.Ingraim, ThomasKearns, Augustus.











    Mallet, John do.... 18

    Kenuey, AlfredKessinger. Newton JKesMiiger. MarionLighter, EdwardLouder. James ..do. . .M din ire. Patrick i do.. .MeKitriek. David


    doMebane, Peter do

    Mathers, HenryMoore, FerdinandMontgomery, John IMontgomery. William .Morrison. DanielMoore. Thomas






    .do. . .

    Moore, Thomas W ...... . . . .do.Morris, William A ..... i do.Nallv. Sttmuel ........... I do.NerT. IsraelObleiK-ss, Abraham.Ogle, JacobOiler. JamesPainter, William....Patton. William.Phelps, Benjamin<iuiuby, Allen

    Quinby. CharlesRichards. Evan TiShaner, George L








    ....do... i






    Bhank, Josephj

    do.. .

    Smith, David ....do....! 18Steen, Joseph

    : doj


    JuneJulyJ ulyJulyAug.JulyJuly

    7. 1863

    19, 1863

    19, 1863

    19, 1863

    24. 1863

    10, 1863

    19, 1863

    12, 1863


    19, 1863

    27, 1863

    27, 1863

    13. 1863

    21, 1863

    18, 1863

    2, 1863

    1, 1863

    13, 1863

    13, 18632 . , 1863

    19, 1863

    1. 186:>

    21, 1863

    11), 1863

    19, 1X63

    19, 1863

    7, 1863

    27. 1863

    8, 1863

    19, 186326. 1863

    19, 1863

    19, 1863

    27, 1863

    15, 1863

    10, 1863

    3, 1863

    10, 1863

    4, 1863

    Stiffler, George C....Vanwey. Burris....Vandevort. Isaac.. .Walker, George A ..

    Waller, Thomas J. .Wells. LewisWest, MiltonWhartenbe, Joseph.

    do.. ,. do....do....

    June 19. 1863July 4. 1863

    July 8, 1863June 20. 1863July 1. 1863July 17, 1863

    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 rnos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.(i mos.6 mos.

    June 19, 1S63 i 6 mos.

    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.

    6 mos.|

    6 mos.


    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 nfos.6 me s.6 mi s.6 ni( s.

    6 UK s.6 mi s.6 mos.6 mos.

    6 mos.6 mos.

    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.

    ....do....i 19j

    June 19.1863 i 6 mos.do


    18 : Aug. 4,1863 i 6 mos.do 18 Aug. 4,1863 6 mos.

    ....do....! 18 July 4, 1863 . 6 mos.

    Appointed Nov. 1, 1863; mustered out withcom puny March .i, 1864.

    Appointed Nov. 1. 1863; mustered out. withcompany March r>. 1864.

    Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.Mustered out, with company March 5, 1864.Mustered as William Alleman ; mustered


    out with company March 5, 1864.i Mustered out with company March 5. 1864,Mustered out with company March 5 1864.Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.

    I Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.(Mustered out with company Match 5, 1864.Mustered out with company March ">. 1864.Mustered out with company March 5, 1865.[Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.IMustered out with company March 5, 1S64.i Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.Mustered out with company March 5. 1864.jMnstered out with company March 5, 1864.Mustered out with company March ?>, 1X64.I Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.I

    Mustered as George Farney ; mustered outwith company March 5, 1864.

    Mustered as Isaac Fisher; died Feb. 8, 1864,at Barboursville, Ky.

    ! Mustered out witn company March 5. 1864.jMustered out with company March 5. 1864.[Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.Mustered out with company March 5. Ih64.


    Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.iMustered out with company March 5, 1864.Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.Mustered out with company March 5. 1864.Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.iMustered out with company March 5. 1864.iMustered out with company March 5, 1864.IMustered oiu with company March 5, 1864.Mustered out with company March 5. 1864.Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.Mustered out with company March 5, 1x64.IMustered out with company March 5, 1864.[Wounded Feb. 8, 1*64. newr Barhouraville,

    Ky., in action with guerrillas: left in hos-

    piUl at Barboursville, Ky., Feb. 9. 1864. Nofurther record found.

    IMustered out with company March 5, 1X(54.Mustered out with company M>ireh ft, 1864.|Mustered nut with company March 5, 1864.Mustered out with company March 5, 1X64.Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.Mustered out with company March 5, 1*64.Mustered out with company March 5, 1M64.IMustered out with company March 5. 1864.IMustered out with company March ft, 1X64.iMustered out with company March 5. 18(51.(Mustered out with company March ft. 1XX4.Mustered out with company March 5, 1X64.Mustered out with company March fi, 1861.

    [Mustered out with company March 5. 1S64.[Mustered out with company March ">, 1S61.Mustered out with company March .=>, 1864.Mustered out with company March 5, 1X(i4..Mustered out with company March >, 1861.IMustered out with company March 5. 18(14.iMustered out with company March 5, 1x64.Mustered as Corporal; mustered out with

    company March 5, 1861.I Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.i

    Transferred to 88th Co.. 2d Battali n. Veteran


    Reserve Corps, Oct. 81,1863; discharged Feb.


    24. 1864, at West End Barracks, Cincinnati,\ Ohio.iMustered out with company March 5, 1S64.iMustered out with company March 5, 1864.iMustered out with company March 5. 1864.Reduced to ranks from Sergeant Nov. 1, 186S,

    I at his own request ; mustered out with com-! pany March 5. 1x64.Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.

    Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.Mustered out with company March 5, 1864.


    COMPANY G.Mustered iu Aug. 10, 1863. at Camp Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry. I". S. A. Mustered

    out March 8, 1864, at Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A.


    COMPANY H.Mustered in Aug. 10, 1863, at. Camp Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain (18th Infantry, U. S. A. Mustered

    out March 10, 1861, at Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry, V. ,S. A.

    Appointed Aug. 10. 1863; mustered out withcompany March 10, 1864.

    Appointed Aug. 10, 186:?; mustered out withcompany March 10, 18t>4.

    Appointed Aug. 10. 1863: mustered out withcompany March 10, 1864.

    |Appointed Aug. 10, 18(53; mustered out witlicompany March 10, 18(54.

    Appointed Aug. 10, 1863: mustered out withcompany March 10. 1864.

    Appointed Aug. 10, 1863; mustered out withcompany March 10, 1864.

    Appointed Aug. 10, 1863; died Dec. 29, 1863, inhospital at Camp Nelson. Ky.

    Appointed Aug. 10,1863: mustered out withcompany March 10, 186-1.

    Appointed Jan. 1, 1863; mustered out withcompany March 10, 1864.

    Mustered as William Malley. Appointed Corporal Aug. 10. 1863; mustered out with company March 10, 1864.

    Appointed Nov. 15, 1863; mustered out withcompany March 10, 1864.

    Appointed Aug. 10. 1863: mustered out withcompany March 10, 1864.

    Appointed Nov. 15. 1863: mustered out withcompany March 10, 1864.

    Appointed Aug. 10, 186;i; mustered out withcompany March 10, 18IJ4.

    Appointed Aug. 10, 1S(>:;; mustered out withcompany March 10. 1864.

    \ppointed Nov. 15, 1863; mustered out withcompany March 10, 1864.

    Appointed Jan. 1, 1864; mustered out withcompany March 10, 1864.

    Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.Mustered out with company Marcli 10, 18(54.


    Names. Rank.

    Aldridge. AndrewArmstrong. William WBarnes. Franklin EBendal, LewisBrown, PeterBurke, John

    Cooper, JustinDavis, CharlesDungan, Leonidus

    Detta, DanielDorsey, ISHHC EDouglass, William ....Everhart. NewtonUoodchild. John(ionce, William V.Heath, JamesHoebuck, James

    Howard. StaiUon

    Jackson, JamesJames. Thomas WJones, Francis MKarr, Andrew JKniseley. Alexander..Lanirdon, JamesMe Fee. JohnMarr. WilliamMai hews, James Mililhiser. LewisMiller, ThurmanMorris. MalonMurphy, JamesMurray, JamesNichols, JamesPaine, JosephPan coast, William

    Pearce, William Jl


    Private..i do






    ....do.... 18


    i rto




    Date ofEntering the






    .".ido!".!!! 19


    ... .do. ... 18 July 1, 1863 6 mos

    . ....do.......do...

    . ....do...

    . ....do...do...


    .!....do.... j IS ! July


    do ! 28j July

    .!....do.... 20 Julv

    18 I July18

    ] July22 i June18

    I July18


    June18 i July





    20 i June. do


    18 July...do.... 20 i Julv

    1, 1863

    20, 1863

    24, 1863

    1, 186^

    23, 1803

    20, 1863

    15, 1863

    7, 1863

    20, 1863

    1, 1863e 20, 1863 ! 6 mos

    6 mos.6 mos.mos.

    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.5 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.

    Pen well, ThomasPickard. HenryPriest. Francis AQueen, HiramQueen, John NKenshaw, JosephRislier, James MRoach, James PRoach, John TRoach, SalathielRoach, WesleyKocuhold. SamuelReed. Brvant

    Rutiierford, John

    Rutherford, ThnrSlack. William . . ..Smith, JabezSmith, David H..Smith, William. .Spears. < larkSteel, John WStuttle, JohnStaille, William..Stults, JohnVaiidii ord. WilliuVeil/, Augustus. .

    Wai ley, HamiltonWard. Henry KWilliamson, JamesWilliams, JosephWilliams, Thomas J...Wilson, LeslieWilson. Henry MWoods, tieorge

    July 1,1863 6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.July 1, 1863 6 mos. IAug. 2, 1863 6 mos. i Mustered out with company March 10. 1804.July 20, 1863 6 mos. {Mustered out with company March 10, 18(54.July 4, 1863 6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 18(54.July 12,18ft} 6 mos. transferred from Co. K Sept. 1, 1863: mus

    tered out with company March 10, 1864.July 1, 1863 6 mos: Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.July 4,1863 6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.July 1,18(53 6 mos. [Mustered as Leouidas Demgon ; mustered out

    1 with company March 10, 1861.July 20, 1863 6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 18(54.Aug. 1, 1863


    6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1861.July 1, 1863 I 6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.July 20, 1863


    6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.July 20, 1863


    6 mos. .Mustered out with company March 10, 18(54.July 2, 1863 I 6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1s(54.July 4, 1863 : 6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 18<5l.July 8, 1863 6 mos. Mustered as James Hockbuck ; mustered out

    with company March 10, 1864.Mustered as Corporal : reduced Nov. 15, 1863;

    t mustered out with company March 10, 1861.Mustered out with company March 10. 1864.Mustered out with company March 10, 1861.Mustered out with company March 10, 18(54.Mustered out -with company March 10, 1864.Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.Mustered out with company March 10. 1861.Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.Mustered out with company March 10, 18(54.Mustered out with company March 10, 1*6 1.

    18 I July 1, 186: , 6 mos. Mustered out with company March 1 ), 1S64.19 June 20, 1863 ! (i mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 18(4.

    24, 1863 6 mos. Clustered out with company March 10. 1864.1, 1863 6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.1, 1863


    6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1861..do 23

    I July 4, 1863 ; 6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 18(54..do



    July 4, 1863j

    6 mos. [Mustered out with company March 10, 1864..do 18

    ; July 25,1863;

    6 mos. Mustered as Corporal ; reduced Nov. 15, 186>;: mustered out with company March 10, 1864.Mustered as Corporal: reduced Nov. 15, 1863;

    , mustered out with company March 10, 1864.

    Mustered out with company March 30, 18f4.Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.[Mustered out with company March 10, 186 1.Mustered out with company March 10, 186-1.Mustered out with company March 10, 18(54.

    1, 1863 6 MOS. Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.4, 1863 6 nos. Mustered out with company March 10. 1861.4, 1863


    6 nos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.4, 18(53 i 6 nos. [Mustered out with company March 10. 18(54.4, 18(53 < 6 nos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1M54.4. 1863 ; 6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10 1864.20,1863 6 mos. Mustered as Bryant Rudd ; mustered out, with

    company March 10, 1864.Mustered "March 3, 18G4 mustered out withcompany Marcb 10, 1864.

    18| July 4, 1863 6 mos. IMuste ed but with company March 10, 1864.

    20 I July 4, 1863 6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 186-1.18 i July 12, 1863 6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.18 I Aug. 1,1863 ; 6 mos. .Mustered out with company March 10. 1864.18 i July 20, 1863 6 mos. Mustered o\K with company March 10, 1861.18 I July 20, 1863 6 mos. Mustered out. with company March 10, 1*64.18 July 15, 1863 6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1804.19 July 4, 1863 ; (i mos. Died Nov. 28, 180:>. at Camp Nelson, Ky.21 July 4, 1863 ; 6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.23 June 22, 1803 | 6 mos. Mns-tered out with company March 10, 1861.18 July 4, 1863 , 6 mos. Mustered out witli company March 10, 1M54.18 July 18, 1863 i 6 mos. Transferred from i o. K Sept. 1, 1863; mustered.

    out with company March 10, 1864.6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 18(54.6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10. 1864.6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 186-1.6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1861.6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, 1864.6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10, )864.6 rm>s.6 mos. Mustered out with company March 10. 1864.






    31 July 22,1863 , 6 mos.


    21 Julv19 i July19 I Julv18 Julv21 July44 Aug.




    6 mos.6 mos.


    18 July 4, 18ii3 6 mos.




















    ....do....;. ..do...

    June 28, 1863June 20, 18(53July 4, 1863July 4, 1863July 20, 186:!June 24, 1863Aug. 1, 1863July 1, 1863July 18. 1863


    COMPANY I.Mustered in Aug. 10, 1863, at Camp Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A. Mustered

    out March 7. 1864, at Cleveland, O., by FI. Douglas, Captain 18l.h Infantry, U. S. A.

    Names. Rank.

    Xenophon Wheeler

    Samuel W.Brooke

    Levi Knowlton

    George R. Hair


    1st Lieut.

    2d Lieut.

    1st Sergt.

    Joshua W. Griffith Sergeant.

    William G. Boss : . . . .do. . . .

    Renel Dodd do

    Albert S. Johnson do. . . .

    John W. Finuey ! Corporal.

    Edw.-ird Laughrey do

    John G. Griffith do

    Robert McGowun do

    John McDowl do

    John W. Francis do

    Joshua W. Preston do.. . .

    Thomas Taylor do

    William Campbell MusicianJames R. Smith doAnderson, Charles A.. .. , Private..Atchison. Edward


    doAvery, William doArven. Alexander ; doBaker. William II ...do....Barr, John doBed well. Samuel !.. ..do.. . .Black, Albert II ....do....Bowie, Fenton ; doBoyd, Abraham doCh idester, William H do

    Date ofEntering the


    28 ! July


    21)j July

    20 July


    19 July

    26| JulyI

    18| July








    20 July

    1, 1863 6 mos.

    1, 1863 I 6 mos.

    3, 1863j

    6 mos.

    1, 1863 6 mos.


    1, 1863 ! ti mos.i

    13, 1863 \ 6 mos.

    6 mos.


    3, 1863 i 6 mos.

    10. 1863 6 mos.

    i, 186s 6 mos.

    1, 1863j

    6 mos.

    IS), 1863 [ 6 mos.

    18 ! July|

    23 ; July

    34 ; JulvI

    13 - July17

    j July18 i July20

    ! JulyIK July22

    I July18

    | July1U July18

    I July21 I July18

    | July21

    j July2 i July

    Appointed Aug. 10, 1863 mustered out withcompany March 7, 1864.

    Appointed Aug. 10. 1863; mustered out withcompany March 7, 1864.

    Appointed Aug 10, 1863; mustered out withcompany March 7, 1864.

    Mustered as George B. Blair; appointed 1stSergeant Aug. 10.1863; mustered out withcompany March 7, 1864.

    Appointed Aug. 10, 1863; mustered out withcompany March 7, 1864.

    Appointed Aug. 10, 1863; mustered out withcompany March 7, 1*64.

    Appointed Aug. 10. 1863; mustered out with

    company Mr.reh 7, 1864.Appointed Aug. 10, 1863: mustered out withcompany March 7. 1864.

    Appointed ; mustered out with companyMarch 7. 1864.

    mustered out with company

    mustered out with company

    mustered out with company

    mustered out with company

    Appointed ;March 7. 1864.

    21, 1863 6 mos.

    1, 1863I

    6 mos.

    1, 1863

    30, 1863

    20, 18l ,3

    1. 1863

    20, 1*63

    4. 1863

    13. 18031. 1863

    23, 1863

    1, 186321. 1863

    13. 1863

    4, 1863

    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.(i mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.

    Deal, Roland do....Divan, John W i doDodd. Amzi

    |. . . .do. . . .

    Donovan. Dennis....Dorsey, CorneliusDorsey. Oliver . . ..do.Dow. Albert J ! do.Eddy, Raymond j do. 18 Aug. 3, 1863

    Evans, DavidFisher, Re/onGardner, George \VGuns, Jacob

    Graves, Jacob doGraves. Julius dHands James dollauawalt. Henry do...Harding, William H do

    Hopper, James do.Hewitt, Francis <lo.

    Higley. Darwin do. . .Inscho, Bernard V doInscho, Loami do..Jones. George W doJones. Joseph I ... .do...Kimble, George M doKimble, Jesse do

    ....do....] 18 Juiy

    ....do....l 20 July

    ....do....| 19 Julydo


    ! July

    Aug.JulyJulyJulyJ uly


    JulyJulyJulyJulyJulyJu yJuly

    21. 1863

    1, 1863

    4, 1863

    22, 1863

    4, 186320, 186310. 186313, 1863

    21, 1863

    13, 1863

    21, 1863

    13, 186320. 1863

    20, 186315. 186315. 1863

    20, 1863

    20, 1863

    6 mos.6 mos.(i mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.(. mos.

    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.ti mos.

    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.

    6 mos.6 mos.

    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.

    AppointedM irch 7. 186-1.

    AppointedM ;rch 7, 1864.

    AppointedMarch 7. 1864

    Appointed Pec. 2,r

    >. 1863; mustered out withcompan\ March 7, 1864.

    Appointed ; mustered out with companyMarch 7, If.-U.

    Appointed Dec. 2.">. 1863; mustered out withcompany March 7, 1864.

    Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered out \vith company M ir -h 7, 1864.Mustered out with company M-ir h 7. 1861.Mustered out with company Mar -h 7. 1864.Mustered out with company March 7. 1864.

    |Mustered out with company M;.r*h 7. 1864.Mustered out with company M%rch 7, 1S61.Mustered out with company Mr.reh 7. 1864.Mustered out with company March 7. 1864.Mustered out with company March 7. 1864.

    I Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered as William H. Chickester: mustered


    out with company March 7. 1861..Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.j

    Mustered out with company March 7. 1861.Mustered out with company March 7, 18i;-i.Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered as Raymond Eddy : discharged Aug.

    12, 1863, at Columbus, O.. by civil authority.Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered out \viih company March 7, 1864.Mustered out with company March 7. 1864.Mustered as Jacob duus; died Nov. 2, 1863, atCumberlmid Gap. Tenn.

    Died Nov. 10, 1863, nt Camp Nelson. Ky.Mustered out with company March 7, istM.Mustered out \\ith company March 7, 1864.Mustered out with company March 7. 1864.Mustered us Corporal: reduced Dec. i .

    r>. 1*63:

    mustered out with company March 7. 1854.Mustered out with company March 7. 1864.Discharged Aug. 12, 1863, by civil authority, at

    Camp Cleveland, O.Mustered out with company March 7, 18i >4.Mustered out with company March 7, 1861.Mustered out with company M-vch 7, 18!>4.Mustered out with company March 7, 18>4.Mustered out with company March 7, 1861.Mustered out with company March 7. 1864.Mustered out with company March 7. 1864.



    Kline. NicholasLeetch. John WListar. Davidlx)ckhart, GeorgeLuce, CharlesMcOardell, John PMcC-oy. MartinMcCrum. JamesMcNaughten, Samuel...Mitchell. John

    .do.Maurath, GeorgeNeniger, JohnProsper, John


    doPryor. William J i do.









    Date ofEntering the


    Richardson. Theodore.. .Robertson, John RRofl ey. WashingtonScott. John W8 huff, George WSeward, Fletcher

    Smith. WilliamSmith. \VilfordSouthard, Frank KSouthwiek. John







    ISStaurter, Frederick do i 18Stevens, Isaac R do. . . 18Vails, Silas ;....do.... 25Wheaton, Timothy do 17Whittaker, George do j 19Williams, Samuel do i 19Williams, Richard do


    \Viun, Powhattan ,Wilson. StewartKartiuan. Jacobtellers, John ,

    . ....do....do....


    ....do.. ..I 18




    1, 186:?

    1, 186:;

    1. 1863

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    2, 1863

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    13. 1863

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    6 mos.mos.

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    r> mos.6 mos.I! mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.(i mos.ti mos.6 mos.(i mos.

    6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.6 mos.

    Mustered out with company March 7, 1864."

    Mustered out with company March 7, 186-1.Mustered out with company March 7, 18(14.Mustered out, with company March 7. 1864.IMustered out with company Ma?ch 7, 18(14.Clustered out with company March 7, 186-1.Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered outMustered outMustered outMastered outMustered out

    vith company March 7. 1864.vith company March 7, 1864.vith company March 7, 1864.vith company March 7, 1864.vith company March 7, 1864.

    Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered out with company March 7. 1864.Mastered out with company March 7, 1861.Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered out with company March 7. 1864.Mastered as Fletcher .Stewart; mustered out


    with company March 7. 186-1.(Mustered out with cumpauy March 7, 1864.1Mustered out with company March 7. 1864.Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.

    ! Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.i Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered as Corporal; reduced Dec. 25, 186;!;mustered out with company March 7, 1864.

    Mustered out with company March 7. 1864.Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.Mustered out with company Mareli 7, 1864.Mustered out with company March 7, 1864.

    COMPANY K.Mustered in Aug. 10, 1863, at Camp Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas, Captain 18th Infantry, II. S. A. Mustered

    out March 10, 1864, at Cleveland, O., by H. Douglas. Captain 18th Infantry, U. S. A.