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FICHI DE DITOS DE SEGURIDID (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) 2015/830) 129I2D-ICIDO BORICO CQ INDO Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 15/12/2017 Página 1 de 9 Fecha de impresión: 15/12/2017 -Continúa en la página siguiente.- SECCIÓN 1: IDENTIFICICIÓN DE LI SUSTINCII Y DE LI SOCIEDID O LI EMPRESIO 1O1 Identificador del productoO Nombre del producto: ACIDO BORICO CQ IND. Código del producto: 129A2D Nombre químico: ácido bórico N. Indice: 005-007-00-2 N. CAS: 10043-35-3 N. CE: 233-139-2 N. registro: 01-2119486683-25-XXXX 1O2 Usos pertinentes identificados de la sustancia y usos desaconsejadosO Genérico industrial. Para más información ver los escenarios de exposición. Fertilizante Usos desaconsejados: Usos distintos a los aconsejados. 1O3 Datos del proveedor de la ficha de datos de seguridadO Empresa: Barcelonesa de Drogas y Productos Químicos, SOIO Dirección: Crom, 14 - P.I. FAMADES Población: 08940 - Cornellà del Llobregat Provincia: Barcelona Teléfono: 93 377 02 08 Fax: 93 377 42 49 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.grupbarcelonesa.com 1O4 Teléfono de emergencia: 704100087 (Disponible 24h) SECCIÓN 2: IDENTIFICICIÓN DE LOS PELIGROSO 2O1 Clasificación de la sustanciaO Según el Reglamento (EU) No 1272/2008: Repr. 1B : Puede perjudicar a la fertilidad. Puede dañar al feto. 2O2 Elementos de la etiquetaO Etiquetado conforme al Reglamento (EU) No 1272/2008: Pictogramas: Palabra de advertencia: Peligro Frases H: H360FD Puede perjudicar a la fertilidad. Puede dañar al feto. Frases P: P201 Solicitar instrucciones especiales antes del uso. P202 No manipular la sustancia antes de haber leído y comprendido todas las instrucciones de seguridad. P280 Llevar guantes/prendas/gafas/máscara de protección. P308+P313 EN CASO DE exposición manifiesta o presunta: Consultar a un médico. P405 Guardar bajo llave. P501 Eliminar el contenido/el recipiente en un tratador autorizado de residuos.

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SECCIÓN 1: IDENTIFICICIÓN DE LI SUSTINCII Y DE LI SOCIEDID O LI EMPRESIO 1O1 Identificador del productoO Nombre del producto: ACIDO BORICO CQ IND. Código del producto: 129A2D Nombre químico: ácido bórico N. Indice: 005-007-00-2 N. CAS: 10043-35-3 N. CE: 233-139-2 N. registro: 01-2119486683-25-XXXX 1O2 Usos pertinentes identificados de la sustancia y usos desaconsejadosO Genérico industrial. Para más información ver los escenarios de exposición. Fertilizante Usos desaconsejados: Usos distintos a los aconsejados. 1O3 Datos del proveedor de la ficha de datos de seguridadO Empresa: Barcelonesa de Drogas y Productos Químicos, SOIO Dirección: Crom, 14 - P.I. FAMADES Población: 08940 - Cornellà del Llobregat Provincia: Barcelona Teléfono: 93 377 02 08 Fax: 93 377 42 49 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.grupbarcelonesa.com 1O4 Teléfono de emergencia: 704100087 (Disponible 24h)

SECCIÓN 2: IDENTIFICICIÓN DE LOS PELIGROSO 2O1 Clasificación de la sustanciaO Según el Reglamento (EU) No 1272/2008:

Repr. 1B : Puede perjudicar a la fertilidad. Puede dañar al feto.

2O2 Elementos de la etiquetaO . . Etiquetado conforme al Reglamento (EU) No 1272/2008: Pictogramas:

Palabra de advertencia: Peligro

Frases H: H360FD Puede perjudicar a la fertilidad. Puede dañar al feto.

Frases P: P201 Solicitar instrucciones especiales antes del uso. P202 No manipular la sustancia antes de haber leído y comprendido todas las instrucciones de seguridad. P280 Llevar guantes/prendas/gafas/máscara de protección. P308+P313 EN CASO DE exposición manifiesta o presunta: Consultar a un médico. P405 Guardar bajo llave. P501 Eliminar el contenido/el recipiente en un tratador autorizado de residuos.

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Indicaciones de peligro suplementarias: Reservado exclusivamente a usuarios profesionales.

Contiene: ácido bórico

2O3 Otros peligrosO En condiciones de uso normal y en su forma original, el producto no tiene ningún otro efecto negativo para la salud y el medio ambiente.

SECCIÓN 3: COMPOSICIÓN/INFORMICIÓN SOBRE LOS COMPONENTESO 3O1 SustanciasO Nombre químico: [1] [4] ácido bórico N. Indice: 005-007-00-2 N. CAS: 10043-35-3 N. CE: 233-139-2 N. registro: 01-2119486683-25-XXXX [1] Sustancia a la que se aplica un límite comunitario de exposición en el lugar de trabajo (ver sección 8.1). [4] Sustancia incluida en la lista establecida con arreglo al artículo 59, apartado 1, REACH (Candidata o sujeta a Autorización). 3O2 MezclasO No Aplicable.

SECCIÓN 4: PRIMEROS IUXILIOSO 4O1 Descripción de los primeros auxiliosO Pueden producirse efectos retardados tras la exposición al producto. InhalaciónO Situar al accidentado al aire libre, mantenerle caliente y en reposo, si la respiración es irregular o se detiene, practicar respiración artificial. Contacto con los ojosO Retirar las lentes de contacto, si lleva y resulta fácil de hacer. Lavar abundantemente los ojos con agua limpia y fresca durante, por lo menos, 10 minutos, tirando hacia arriba de los párpados y buscar asistencia médica. Contacto con la pielO Quitar la ropa contaminada. Lavar la piel vigorosamente con agua y jabón o un limpiador de piel adecuado. NUNCA utilizar disolventes o diluyentes. IngestiónO Si accidentalmente se ha ingerido, buscar inmediatamente atención médica. Mantenerle en reposo. NUNCA provocar el vómito. 4O2 Principales síntomas y efectos, agudos y retardadosO A largo plazo con exposiciones crónicas puede producir lesiones en determinados órganos o tejidos. 4O3 Indicación de toda atención médica y de los tratamientos especiales que deban dispensarse inmediatamenteO En los casos de duda, o cuando persistan los síntomas de malestar, solicitar atención médica. No administrar nunca nada por vía oral a personas que se encuentren inconscientes. Mantenga a la persona cómoda. Gírela sobre su lado izquierdo y permanezca allí mientras espera la ayuda médica.

SECCIÓN 5: MEDIDIS DE LUCHI CONTRI INCENDIOSO El producto no presenta ningún riesgo particular en caso de incendio. 5O1 Medios de extinciónO Medios de extinción apropiados: Polvo extintor o CO2. En caso de incendios más graves también espuma resistente al alcohol y agua pulverizada.

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Medios de extinción no apropiados: No usar para la extinción chorro directo de agua. En presencia de tensión eléctrica no es aceptable utilizar agua o espuma como medio de extinción. 5O2 Peligros específicos derivados de la sustanciaO Riesgos especialesO El fuego puede producir un espeso humo negro. Como consecuencia de la descomposición térmica, pueden formarse productos peligrosos: monóxido de carbono, dióxido de carbono. La exposición a los productos de combustión o descomposición puede ser perjudicial para la salud. 5O3 Recomendaciones para el personal de lucha contra incendiosO Refrigerar con agua los tanques, cisternas o recipientes próximos a la fuente de calor o fuego. Tener en cuenta la dirección del viento. Evitar que los productos utilizados en la lucha contra incendio pasen a desagües, alcantarillas o cursos de agua. Equipo de protección contra incendiosO Según la magnitud del incendio, puede ser necesario el uso de trajes de protección contra el calor, equipo respiratorio autónomo, guantes, gafas protectoras o máscaras faciales y botas.

SECCIÓN 6: MEDIDIS EN CISO DE VERTIDO ICCIDENTILO 6O1 Precauciones personales, equipo de protección y procedimientos de emergenciaO Para control de exposición y medidas de protección individual, ver sección 8. 6O2 Precauciones relativas al medio ambienteO Evitar la contaminación de desagües, aguas superficiales o subterráneas, así como del suelo. 6O3 Métodos y material de contención y de limpiezaO La zona contaminada debe limpiarse inmediatamente con un descontaminante adecuado. Echar el descontaminante a los restos y dejarlo durante varios días hasta que no se produzca reacción, en un envase sin cerrar. 6O4 Referencia a otras seccionesO Para control de exposición y medidas de protección individual, ver sección 8. Para la eliminación de los residuos, seguir las recomendaciones de la sección 13.

SECCIÓN 7: MINIPULICIÓN Y ILMICENIMIENTOO 7O1 Precauciones para una manipulación seguraO Para la protección personal, ver sección 8. No emplear nunca presión para vaciar los envases, no son recipientes resistentes a la presión. En la zona de aplicación debe estar prohibido fumar, comer y beber. Cumplir con la legislación sobre seguridad e higiene en el trabajo. Conservar el producto en envases de un material idéntico al original. 7O2 Condiciones de almacenamiento seguro, incluidas posibles incompatibilidadesO Almacenar según la legislación local. Observar las indicaciones de la etiqueta. Almacenar los envases entre 5 y 35 °C, en un lugar seco y bien ventilado, lejos de fuentes de calor y de la luz solar directa. Mantener lejos de puntos de ignición. Mantener lejos de agentes oxidantes y de materiales fuertemente ácidos o alcalinos. No fumar. Evitar la entrada a personas no autorizadas. Una vez abiertos los envases, han de volverse a cerrar cuidadosamente y colocarlos verticalmente para evitar derrames. El producto no se encuentra afectado por la Directiva 2012/18/UE (SEVESO III). 7O3 Usos específicos finalesO No disponible.

SECCIÓN 8: CONTROLES DE EXPOSICIÓN/PROTECCIÓN INDIVIDUILO 8O1 Parámetros de controlO Límite de exposición durante el trabajo para: Nombre NO CIS País Valor límite ppm mg/m3

ácido bórico 10043-35-3 España [1] Ocho horas 2

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Corto plazo 6 [1] Según la lista de Valores Límite Ambientales de Exposición Profesional adoptados por el Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo (INSHT) para el año 2017. El producto NO contiene sustancias con Valores Límite Biológicos. Niveles de concentración DNEL/DMEL: Nombre DNEL/DMEL Tipo Valor ácido bórico N. CAS: 10043-35-3 N. CE: 233-139-2

DNEL (Trabajadores)

Inhalación, Crónico, Efectos sistémicos 8,3 (mg/m³)

DNEL: Derived No Effect Level, (nivel sin efecto obtenido) nivel de exposición a la sustancia por debajo del cual no se prevén efectos adversos. DMEL: Derived Minimal Effect Level, nivel de exposición que corresponde a un riesgo bajo, que debe considerarse un riesgo mínimo tolerable. 8O2 Controles de la exposiciónO Medidas de orden técnico: Proveer una ventilación adecuada, lo cual puede conseguirse mediante una buena extracción-ventilación local y un buen sistema general de extracción. Concentración: 100 %

Usos: Genérico industrialO Para más información ver los escenarios de exposiciónO Fertilizante

Protección respiratoria: EPI: Máscara filtrante para la protección contra gases y partículas

Características: Marcado «CE» Categoría III. La máscara debe tener amplio campo de visión y forma anatómica para ofrecer estanqueidad y hermeticidad.

Normas CEN: EN 136, EN 140, EN 405

Mantenimiento: No se debe almacenar en lugares expuestos a temperaturas elevadas y ambientes húmedos antes de su utilización. Se debe controlar especialmente el estado de las válvulas de inhalación y exhalación del adaptador facial.


Se deberán leer atentamente las instrucciones del fabricante al respecto del uso y mantenimiento del equipo. Se acoplarán al equipo los filtros necesarios en función de las características específicas del riesgo (Partículas y aerosoles: P1-P2-P3, Gases y vapores: A-B-E-K-AX) cambiándose según aconseje el fabricante.

Tipo de filtro necesario:


Protección de las manos: EPI: Guantes no desechables de protección contra productos químicos

Características: Marcado «CE» Categoría III. Se debe revisar la lista de productos químicos frente a los cuales se ha ensayado el guante.

Normas CEN: EN 374-1, En 374-2, EN 374-3, EN 420


Deberá establecerse un calendario para la sustitución periódica de los guantes a fin de garantizar que se cambien antes de ser permeados por los contaminantes. La utilización de guantes contaminados puede ser más peligrosa que la falta de utilización, debido a que el contaminante puede irse acumulando en el material componente del guante.

Observaciones: Se sustituirán siempre que se observen roturas, grietas o deformaciones y cuando la suciedad exterior pueda disminuir su resistencia.

Material: PVC (Cloruro de polivinilo)

Tiempo de penetración (min.): > 480

Espesor del material (mm): 0,35

Protección de los ojos: EPI: Gafas de protección con montura integral

Características: Marcado «CE» Categoría II. Protector de ojos de montura integral para la protección contra salpicaduras de líquidos, polvo, humos, nieblas y vapores.

Normas CEN: EN 165, EN 166, EN 167, EN 168

Mantenimiento: La visibilidad a través de los oculares debe ser óptima para lo cual estos elementos se deben limpiar a diario, los protectores deben desinfectarse periódicamente siguiendo las instrucciones del fabricante.

Observaciones: Indicadores de deterioro pueden ser: coloración amarilla de los oculares, arañazos superficiales en los oculares, rasgaduras, etc.

Protección de la piel: EPI: Ropa de protección contra productos químicos

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Marcado «CE» Categoría III. La ropa debe tener un buen ajuste. Se debe fijar el nivel de protección en función un parámetro de ensayo denominado ''Tiempo de paso'' (BT. Breakthrough Time) el cual indica el tiempo que el producto químico tarda en atravesar el material.

Normas CEN: EN 464,EN 340, EN 943-1, EN 943-2, EN ISO 6529, EN ISO 6530, EN 13034

Mantenimiento: Se deben seguir las instrucciones de lavado y conservación proporcionadas por el fabricante para garantiza una protección invariable.

Observaciones: El diseño de la ropa de protección debería facilitar su posicionamiento correcto y su permanencia sin desplazamiento, durante el período de uso previsto, teniendo el cuenta los factores ambientales, junto con los movimientos y posturas que el usuario pueda adoptar durante su actividad.

EPI: Calzado de seguridad frente a productos químicos y con propiedades antiestáticas

Características: Marcado «CE» Categoría III. Se debe revisar la lista de productos químicos frente a los cuales es resistente el calzado.

Normas CEN: EN ISO 13287, EN 13832-1, EN 13832-2, EN 13832-3, EN ISO 20344, EN ISO 20345

Mantenimiento: Para el correcto mantenimiento de este tipo de calzado de seguridad es imprescindible tener en cuenta las instrucciones especificadas por el fabricante. El calzado se debe reemplazar ante cualquier indicio de deterioro.

Observaciones: El calzado se debe limpiar regularmente y secarse cuando esté húmedo pero sin colocarse demasiado cerca de una fuente de calor para evitar el cambio brusco de temperatura.

SECCIÓN 9: PROPIEDIDES FÍSICIS Y QUÍMICISO 9O1 Información sobre propiedades físicas y químicas básicasO Aspecto:Sólido cristalino blanco Color: N.D./N.A. Olor:Inodoro Umbral olfativo:N.D./N.A. pH:3.69 (1%) Punto de Fusión:>1000 ºC Punto/intervalo de ebullición: N.D./N.A. Punto de inflamación: N.D./N.A. Tasa de evaporación: N.D./N.A. Inflamabilidad (sólido, gas): No Límite inferior de explosión: N.D./N.A. Límite superior de explosión: N.D./N.A. Presión de vapor: 9.9 x 10-5 Pa (25 ºC) Densidad de vapor:N.D./N.A. Densidad relativa:1,44 g/cm3 Solubilidad:N.D./N.A. Liposolubilidad: N.D./N.A. Hidrosolubilidad: 49,2 g/l (20ºC, pH:3,7) Coeficiente de reparto (n-octanol/agua): -1.09 Temperatura de autoinflamación: N.D./N.A. Temperatura de descomposición: N.D./N.A. Viscosidad: N.D./N.A. Propiedades explosivas: No Propiedades comburentes: N.D./N.A. N.D./N.A.= No Disponible/No Aplicable debido a la naturaleza del producto. 9O2 Otros datosO Punto de Gota: N.D./N.A. Centelleo: N.D./N.A. Viscosidad cinemática: N.D./N.A. N.D./N.A.= No Disponible/No Aplicable debido a la naturaleza del producto.

SECCIÓN 10: ESTIBILIDID Y REICTIVIDIDO 10O1 ReactividadO El producto no presenta peligros debido a su reactividad.

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10O2 Estabilidad químicaO Inestable en contacto con: - Ácidos. - Bases. - Agentes oxidantes. 10O3 Posibilidad de reacciones peligrosasO Puede producirse una neutralización en contacto con bases. En determinadas condiciones puede producirse una reacción de polimerización. 10O4 Condiciones que deben evitarseO Evitar las siguientes condiciones: - Calentamiento. - Alta temperatura. - Contacto con materiales incompatibles. - Evitar el contacto con bases. 10O5 Materiales incompatiblesO Evitar los siguientes materiales: - Ácidos. - Bases. - Agentes oxidantes. 10O6 Productos de descomposición peligrososO Dependiendo de las condiciones de uso, pueden generarse los siguientes productos: - COx (óxidos de carbono). - Compuestos orgánicos. - Vapores o gases corrosivos.

SECCIÓN 11: INFORMICIÓN TOXICOLÓGICIO 11O1 Información sobre los efectos toxicológicosO El contacto repetido o prolongado con el producto, puede causar la eliminación de la grasa de la piel, dando lugar a una dermatitis de contacto no alérgica y a que se absorba el producto a través de la piel. Las salpicaduras en los ojos pueden causar irritación y daños reversibles. Información ToxicológicaO

Nombre Toxicidad aguda

Tipo Ensayo Especie Valor

ácido bórico

Oral DL50 Rata 3500 - 4100 mg/kg

Cutánea LD50 Conejo >2000 mg/kg

Inhalación LC50 Rata >2 mg/l

N. CAS: 10043-35-3 N. CE: 233-139-2 a) toxicidad aguda; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. b) corrosión o irritación cutáneas; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. c) lesiones oculares graves o irritación ocular; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. d) sensibilización respiratoria o cutánea; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. e) mutagenicidad en células germinales; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. f) carcinogenicidad; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación.

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g) toxicidad para la reproducción; Producto clasificado: Tóxico para la reproducción, Categoría 1B: Puede perjudicar la fertilidad o dañar al feto. h) toxicidad específica en determinados órganos (STOT) - exposición única; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. i) toxicidad específica en determinados órganos (STOT) - exposición repetida; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación. j) peligro por aspiración; Datos no concluyentes para la clasificación.


Nombre Ecotoxicidad

Tipo Ensayo Especie Valor

ácido bórico

Peces LC50 Limanda limanda 74 mg/l (96h)

Invertebrados acuáticos

LC50 Dafnia magna 133 mg/l (48h)

Plantas acuáticas

EC10 Scenedesmus subspicatus 24 mg/l (96h)

N. CAS: 10043-35-3 N. CE: 233-139-2 12O2 Persistencia y degradabilidadO No se dispone de información relativa a la biodegradabilidad. No se dispone de información relativa a la degradabilidad. No existe información disponible sobre la persistencia y degradabilidad del producto. 12O3 Potencial de BioacumulaciónO No se dispone de información relativa a la Bioacumulación. 12O4 Movilidad en el sueloO No existe información disponible sobre la movilidad en el suelo. No se debe permitir que el producto pase a las alcantarillas o a cursos de agua. Evitar la penetración en el terreno. 12O5 Resultados de la valoración PBT y mPmBO No existe información disponible sobre la valoración PBT y mPmB del producto. 12O6 Otros efectos adversosO No existe información disponible sobre otros efectos adversos para el medio ambiente.

SECCIÓN 13: CONSIDERICIONES RELITIVIS I LI ELIMINICIÓNO 13O1 Métodos para el tratamiento de residuosO No se permite su vertido en alcantarillas o cursos de agua. Los residuos y envases vacíos deben manipularse y eliminarse de acuerdo con las legislaciones local/nacional vigentes. Seguir las disposiciones de la Directiva 2008/98/CE respecto a la gestión de residuos.

SECCIÓN 14: INFORMICIÓN RELITIVI IL TRINSPORTEO No es peligroso en el transporte. En caso de accidente y vertido del producto actuar según el punto 6. 14O1 Número ONUO

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FICHI DE DITOS DE SEGURIDID (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) 2015/830)

129I2D-ICIDO BORICO CQ INDO Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 15/12/2017

Página 8 de 9 Fecha de impresión: 15/12/2017

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No es peligroso en el transporte. 14O2 Designación oficial de transporte de las Naciones UnidasO Descripción: ADR: No es peligroso en el transporte. IMDG: No es peligroso en el transporte. ICAO/IATA: No es peligroso en el transporte. 14O3 Clase(s) de peligro para el transporteO No es peligroso en el transporte. 14O4 Grupo de embalajeO No es peligroso en el transporte. 14O5 Peligros para el medio ambienteO No es peligroso en el transporte. 14O6 Precauciones particulares para los usuariosO No es peligroso en el transporte. 14O7 Transporte a granel con arreglo al anexo II del Convenio MIRPOL y del Código IBCO No es peligroso en el transporte.

SECCIÓN 15: INFORMICIÓN REGLIMENTIRIIO 15O1 Reglamentación y legislación en materia de seguridad, salud y medio ambiente específicas para la sustanciaO El producto no está afectado por el Reglamento (CE) no 1005/2009 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 16 de septiembre de 2009, sobre las sustancias que agotan la capa de ozono. Compuesto orgánico volátil (COV) Contenido de COV (p/p): 0 % Contenido de COV: 0 g/l El producto no se encuentra afectado por la Directiva 2012/18/UE (SEVESO III). El producto no está afectado por el Reglamento (UE) No 528/2012 relativo a la comercialización y el uso de los biocidas. El producto no se encuentra afectado por el procedimiento establecido en el Reglamento (UE) No 649/2012, relativo a la exportación e importación de productos químicos peligrosos. Restricciones de fabricación, comercialización y uso de determinadas sustancias y mezclas peligrosas:

Denominación de la sustancia, de los grupos de sustancias o de las mezclas


30. Sustancias que figuran en el anexo VI, parte 3, del Reglamento (CE) no 1272/2008 clasificadas como tóxicas para la reproducción de categoría 1A o 1B (cuadro 3.1) o tóxicas para la reproducción de categoría 1 o 2 (cuadro 3.2), y citadas del modo siguiente: - Tóxico para la reproducción de categoría 1A con efectos adversos sobre la función sexual y la fertilidad o sobre el desarrollo (cuadro 3.1) o tóxico para la reproducción de categoría 1 con R60 (puede perjudicar la fertilidad) o R61 (Riesgo durante el embarazo de efectos adversos para el feto) (cuadro 3.2) incluido en el apéndice 5. - Tóxico para la reproducción de categoría 1B con efectos adversos sobre la función sexual y la fertilidad o sobre el desarrollo (cuadro 3.1) o tóxico para la reproducción de categoría 2 con R60 (puede perjudicar la fertilidad) o R61 (Riesgo durante el embarazo de efectos adversos para el feto) (cuadro 3.2) incluido en el apéndice 6.

1. No podrá comercializarse ni utilizarse: - como sustancias, - como componentes de otras sustancias, o - en mezclas, para su venta al público en general cuando la concentración individual en la sustancia o la mezcla sea superior o igual a: - bien al correspondiente límite específico de concentración establecido en el anexo VI, parte 3, del Reglamento (CE) no 1272/2008, o - la concentración pertinente fijada en la Directiva 1999/45/CE, cuando no se haya asignado un límite de concentración específico en el anexo VI, parte 3, del Reglamento (CE) no 1272/2008 Sin perjuicio de la aplicación de otras disposiciones comunitarias sobre clasificación, envasado y etiquetado de sustancias y mezclas, los proveedores deberán garantizar, antes de la comercialización, que el envase de tales sustancias o mezclas lleve de forma visible, legible e indeleble la mención siguiente: «Reservado exclusivamente a usuarios profesionales». 2. No obstante, el punto 1 no se aplicará a: a) los medicamentos de uso humano o veterinario, tal y como están definidos en la Directiva 2001/82/CE y en la Directiva 2001/83/CE; b) los productos cosméticos tal como los define la Directiva 76/768/CEE; c) los siguientes combustibles y productos derivados del petróleo: - los carburantes contemplados en la Directiva 98/70/CE, - los derivados de los hidrocarburos, previstos para uso como combustibles en

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FICHI DE DITOS DE SEGURIDID (de acuerdo con el Reglamento (UE) 2015/830)

129I2D-ICIDO BORICO CQ INDO Versión: 6 Fecha de revisión: 15/12/2017

Página 9 de 9 Fecha de impresión: 15/12/2017

-Fin de la ficha de datos de seguridad.-

instalaciones de combustión móviles o fijas, - los combustibles vendidos en sistema cerrado (por ejemplo, bombonas de gas licuado); d) las pinturas para artistas contempladas en la Directiva 1999/45/CE; e) las sustancias enumeradas en el apéndice 11, columna 1, para las aplicaciones o usos enumerados en el apéndice 11, columna 2. Si se especifica una fecha en la columna 2 del apéndice 11, la exención se aplicará hasta la fecha mencionada.

15O2 Evaluación de la seguridad químicaO No se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación de la seguridad química del producto. Se dispone de Escenario de Exposición del producto.

SECCIÓN 16: OTRI INFORMICIÓNO Códigos de clasificación: Repr. 1B : Tóxico para la reproducción, Categoría 1B Secciones modificadas respecto a la versión anterior: 1,2,3,7,8,14,16 Se aconseja realizar formación básica con respecto a seguridad e higiene laboral para realizar una correcta manipulación del producto. Se dispone de Escenario de Exposición del producto. Abreviaturas y acrónimos utilizados: CEN: Comité Europeo de Normalización. DMEL: Derived Minimal Effect Level, nivel de exposición que corresponde a un riesgo bajo, que debe considerarse un riesgo mínimo tolerable. DNEL: Derived No Effect Level, (nivel sin efecto obtenido) nivel de exposición a la sustancia por debajo del cual no se prevén efectos adversos. EC50: Concentración efectiva media. EPI: Equipo de protección personal. LC50: Concentración Letal, 50%. LD50: Dosis Letal, 50%. Principales referencias bibliográficas y fuentes de datos: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/homepage.html http://echa.europa.eu/ Reglamento (UE) 2015/830. Reglamento (CE) No 1907/2006. Reglamento (EU) No 1272/2008. La información facilitada en esta ficha de Datos de Seguridad ha sido redactada de acuerdo con el REGLAMENTO (UE) 2015/830 DE LA COMISIÓN de 28 de mayo de 2015 por el que se modifica el Reglamento (CE) no 1907/2006 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, relativo al registro, la evaluación, la autorización y la restricción de las sustancias y mezclas químicas (REACH), por el que se crea la Agencia Europea de Sustancias y Preparados Químicos, se modifica la Directiva 1999/45/CE y se derogan el Reglamento (CEE) nº 793/93 del Consejo y el Reglamento (CE) nº 1488/94 de la Comisión así como la Directiva 76/769/CEE del Consejo y las Directivas 91/155/CEE, 93/67/CEE, 93/105/CE y 2000/21/CE de la Comisión.

La información de esta Ficha de Datos de Seguridad del Producto está basada en los conocimientos actuales y en las leyes vigentes de la CE y nacionales, en cuanto que las condiciones de trabajo de los usuarios están fuera de nuestro conocimiento y control. El producto no debe utilizarse para fines distintos a aquellos que se especifican, sin tener primero una instrucción por escrito, de su manejo. Es siempre responsabilidad del usuario tomar las medidas oportunas con el fin de cumplir con las exigencias establecidas en las legislaciones.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.2. Manufacturing/refining, importing and repacking of borates

9.2.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.3. Exposure Scenario : Manufacturing/refining, importing and repacking of borates

Number of the ES

PROCs : 3, 4, 8a, 8b, 9, 14, 15

ERC : 1, 6a,

PC : 1, 7, 8, 9a, 9b, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27

SU: 3, 8, 9

AC : 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8

Name of contributing environmental scenario and corresponding ERC :

1 manufacturing and refining of borates ERC1 and ERC6a

2 raw material handling during import and repacking of borates

This exposure scenario covers the off-loading of borates from ships and subsequent processing, repackaging and loading of

road tankers for onward distribution.The plants tend to be operational 24 hours per day. There are three 8-hr shifts per day.

The borates are granular powders.

The borates arrive in Europe as loose bulk powder or in big bags in the holds of ships. The bulk of the material is off-loaded using cranes with grabs. The borates are discharged from the grabs into a hopper from where the material is moved by

conveyor to one of a number of storage silos.

At all ports, bulk material also arrives in big bags stored in containers. The containers are lifted off the ship and the bulk bags moved by forklift trucks into a warehouse.

In most plants, the borates are packaged into big bags or 25kg bags and distributed to downstream users. Borates are also

distributed in bulk in road tankers. The packaging plants have local exhaust ventilation (LEV), and have varying degrees of automation. The tanker-filling points have LEV.

At sites where processing occurs, the borates are dissolved in a liquor, crystallised, dried and then packaged as above. The processing plants are batch plants and largely closed with breaches for charging the borates, sampling and packaging.

There are quality control laboratories on manufacturing sites, where small samples are analysed to assure compliance with specification.

Cleaning on the plants is usually carried out by the plant operatives. A combination of vacuum cleaners and sweeping brushes is generally used. Minor maintenance tasks are carried out by plant operatives, while major tasks are carried out by

qualified maintenance personnel (electricians, mechanics).

The following contributing scenarios consider different parts of the process plant and the tasks carried out. Some of the tasks

may be carried out by operatives for a whole shift, while others are carried out for short periods of time, or infrequently.

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

1 Contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for manufacturing and refining of borates

2 Contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for import and repacking of borate compounds

3 Contributing scenario controlling w orker exposure for off-loading borates from ships

4 Contributing scenario controlling w orker exposure during refining and processing

5 Contributing scenario packaging in big bags

6 Contributing scenario packaging in 25kg bags

7 Contributing scenario 5 loading road tankers

8 Contributing Scenario working in the warehouse

9 Contributing scenario working in the laboratory

10 Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

9.2.1. Control of environmental exposure Contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for manufacturing and refining of borates

Environmental related free short title: Manufacture and refining of borates

Systematic title based on use descriptor (environment): ERC1 Manufacture of substances. ERC6a Use of intermediates

Environmental assessment method: Estimates based on monitoring local and regional concentrations are used for

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

calculation of PEC

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular or powder form.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant

PNECs when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 100 000

Selected for Exposure Scenario 2 6 100

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Production and emissions occur 220 days per year per site (from questionnaire)

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

Refining sites are located inland and receive their bulk borates by road tanker from local ports. Sites are located next to

rivers and canals.

A dilution factor of 37 is taken into account for freshwater discharges (based on site specific data)

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Delivery is to silos. Most of the following steps take place inside a building in (semi) enclosed systems: weighing, dissolving, filtration, crystallisation, centrifuging, drying and storage.

Water is used during the process and is also used for cooling water. This process/cooling water is recycled or discharged to the canal or river.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc . Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the

technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

techniques can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factor to the water and air compartment is calculated from site specific data. There are only a few sites which refine borates in Europe, most are outside Europe. Only one site in Europe has data for water but since there are not many sites in Europe this value will be used. One site reported no discharges of boron to wastewater.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 0 0.53

Selected for Exposure Scenario 2 554 0.53

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. If sites discharge to a municipal STP the concentration of boron should not exceed 1.75 mg/L in the municipal STP.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be

handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous landfill.

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for import and

repacking of borate compounds

Environmental related free short title: Importing and repacking of borate compounds

Systematic title based on use descriptor (environment): ERC1 Manufacture of substances

Environmental assessment method: Estimates based on monitoring local and regional concentrations are used for calculation of PEC

Product characteristics

Boric acid and borax compounds are used in granular or powder form.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant

PNECs when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 3

100 000

Substance Formula Conversion factor for

equivalent dose of B (multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Production occurs for approximately 250 days per year per site (from questionnaire)

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

Importers and repackers get their bulk borates by ships or by road tanker from local ports.

Dilution factors are irrelevant since there is no wastewater during the importing or repacking process

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Delivery is to silos. Most of the following steps take place

inside a building in (semi) enclosed systems: weighing, repacking and storage. No water is used during the process.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc . Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the

technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed removal efficiency is 0%).Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factor to the air compartment is the maximum value calculated from site specific data (3 sites) :

Sites reported that they do not discharge wastewater to the environment during the importing, repacking and storing process.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 3 0 0.53

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, no wastewater discharge in this scenario.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous landfill.

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing scenario controlling worker exposure for off-loading borates from ships

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They arrive in Europe as 100% borate in the holds of ships as loose powders or in containers

of big bags.

Amounts used

The amount of borate off-loaded at any one time will depend on the size of the ship and from where it has come. Ships

travelling from America tend to be large, and the shipments may be approximately 4,000 -10,000 tonnes, depending on the

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

number of products and holds. Shipments from other countries may be smaller due to the smaller size of ship used to transport the product.

Frequency and duration of use

Shipments arrive approximately monthly, but may be more or less frequent depending on production requirements. Off-loading is continuous once started, and usually takes between 24 and 48 hours to complete. Depending on the process of off-loading, between 3 and 5 operatives are involved in off-loading, including a crane driver, deck operative, stevedores, front

end loader driver. The material is lifted off the crane in a grabber. The material is then deposited in a hopper. From the hopper, the material is either transferred directly to silos via covered conveyors, or is transferred via trucks to a warehouse. Once deposited in the warehouse the material is piled up by a front end loader. When a hold is almost empty, a small front-end loader is lowered into the hold to pile the material into heaps that the crane grabber can lift. In addition, operatives

sweep the hold to clean it and to pile the material into heaps for the crane grabber. This activity lasts from about 40 minutes to one and a half hours.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Ship off-loading takes place outdoors. If unloading loose borates, there will be some spillage from the crane grab. Also the movement of the front end loader in the hold will create dust disturbance which will have an effect on the exposure of


The movement of the borates in the warehouse by the front end loader also causes airborne dust.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

At some sites where off-loading takes place, the hopper is enclosed and fitted with local exhaust ventilation. Where conveyors are used these are enclosed.

At some sites, the cabs of the small front end loader used in the hold are air-conditioned. Information received from M/Is suggest that air-conditioned cabs are used in warehouses where loose borate is stored

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls and gloves. When working in the hold of the ship, or cleaning, or carrying out other tasks that may

result in exposure to borates above the DNEL, operatives wear respirators with an assumed protection factor of at least 10 (APF10 P2).

Information on estimated exposure

There are 20 datapoints for inhalation exposure for crane drivers from four sites in Europe. The range is 0.004 to

0.73mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.2mgB/m3, which is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

Personal exposure data for those trimming ships ranged from 0.068 to 11mgB/m3, for a task that lasted for about 60 minutes. The 90th percentile is 5.4mgB/m3. When this activity is time-weighted for comparison against the inhalation DNEL,

the 90th percentile is estimated to be 0.68mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA which is below the DNEL. These data do not take into account the use of RPE.

lasts approximately 1.5 hours. The 90th percentile is estimated to be 7.2mgB/m3. When this result is time weighted for comparison against the inhalation DNEL, the 90th percentile is estimated to be 1.35mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA, which is below the

DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE.

Personal exposures for those carrying out work in the warehouses with bulk borates using front end loaders ranged from

0.02 to 0.47mgB/m3. This work may be carried out for a full shift, so these figures are considered representative of a full shift. The 90th percentile is estimated to be 0.44mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA, which is below the inhalation DNEL. Information received from M/Is suggest that air-conditioned cabs are used in warehouses where borate is stored loose, and this is what

Where cabs are not air-conditioned, inhalation exposure is likely to be similar to that where open-cab front end loaders are

used for unloading ships; 0.78 to 9.3mgB/m3. The 90th percentile is estimated to be 7.2mgB/m3. As this task could last for the shift, there is no time-weighting required as these results are representative of an 8-hr shift exposure. Use of a P2 RPE reduces the inhalation exposure to 0.72 mg B/m3, below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45 mg B/m3.

There is no data available for dermal exposure to borates. MEASE has been used to estimate exposure during these activities.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

The estimate for dermal exposure for crane drivers is 0.173mgB/day, which is below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800

mgB/day. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% boron, PROC 8a, industrial use, 60-240 minutes, wide dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, with no gloves worn.

The estimate for those trimming the hold is 5.76mgB/day. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% boron, PROC 8a, industrial use, 15-60 minutes, wide dispersive use, direct handling, extensive contact with gloves worn.This takes into account that their exposure is being affected by the work of the front end loader driver and the crane driver. This

exposure is below the dermal DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.

The estimate for the front end loader driver is 0.009mgB/day. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% boron, PROC 8, industrial use, 60-240 minutes, wide dispersive use, non-direct handling,incidental contact, separation of workers and wearing gloves. This assumes that the cab of the FEL is enclosed and air-conditioned. This exposure is below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.

The estimate for the FEL driver in the warehouse is 0.029mgB/day, taking into account the air-conditioned cab of the FEL.

The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% boron, PROC 8, industrial use, >240 minutes, wide dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, separation of workers and wearing gloves.

If the FEL does not have an air-conditioned cab, dermal dose is estimated to be 0.014mgB/day which is below the dermal DNEL.The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% boron, PROC 8, industrial use, >240 minutes, wide dispersive use, non-direct handling, extensive contact and wearing gloves. Contributing scenario controlling worker exposure during refining and processing

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are stored at the processing plants in silos or big bags.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used in any given batch will depend on production requirements, but will be in the order of about 1.5 tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

There are only a few sites in Europe where products are processed and refined. At the processing plants, the borate/boric acid is dissolved in a hot liquor, which is then cooled to crystallise the borate. The crystallate is then centrifuged, dried and sieved before packaging. The system is a closed batch system with breaches for adding borate and sampling. Depending on

the product and the plant, the production may be on a routine or campaign basis.

Liquid products are made by adding borate to a mixture, filtering the mixture and packaging the boron-containing liquor in suitable containers.

Some tabletting of borates occurs. The borate powder is added to the compactor from a hopper and compressed into a sheet which is then fragmented into pellets of the desired size. The product is screened and over and undersized product is returned via a conveyor for recompaction. There are a number of exposure points as the product and screenings are

transported by conveyors and there is some spillage, which is cleaned by the operatives.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The process is largely closed and carried out indoors. The temperature of the mother liquor varies, but is above ambient temperature. The process is enclosed so there is no release of vapour.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The process is closed.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation at the charging point, where big bags or 25kg bags are discharged into mixing vessel.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses, gloves, and, where exposure is above the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators are worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are only two exposure datapoints for processing borates exclusively. They are 0.41 and 0.39mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA. The

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

exposure model ART has been used to estimate exposure to boron during similar activities to support the small number of real data available. ART is a web based tool for the estimation of inhalation exposure in the workplace. This mechanisticmodel is built on a conceptual model with nine modifying factors, such as substance emission potential, localised controls,

surface contamination and personal behaviour, that determine the personal exposure level. The modifying factors are underpinned with scientific literature, measured exposure data and expert judgement. A similarity algorithm provides a proper weighting of the available data based on this contextual information. ART also facilitates the inclusion of specific exposuredata. The proposed approach follows a Bayesian statistical framework to integrate sources of information (Fransman et al.

2009). The parameters used were fine dust, falling powders, dry product, routine transfer, rate 10-100kg/minutes, handling that reduces contact between product and air, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, moveable capturing hood, good natural ventilation,The model gives an estimate of 90th percentile total inhalable dust of 1.5mg/m3,8-hr TWA,

which would equate to 0.17-0.32mgB/m3, depending on which borate or boric acid is being used. This range is similar to the two real data obtained. This data range is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

There are four data points for compacting borates into pellets. These range from 0.44 to 1.3mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for this dataset is 1.2mgB/m3. ART was used to supplement the real data obtained. The parameters used were fine dust, dry product, pure material, compressing of powders, granules or pelletised material, compressing rate 10-100 kg/minute, open

process, indoors, any workroom, enclosing hood, no localised controls, good natural ventilation,The estimated 90th percentile for operating the compactor plant was 7mg/m3, 8-hr TWA. When this result is adjusted to reflect exposure to boron, the 90th percentile range is 0.79 to 1.5mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA. The upper value of this range is just in excess of the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. These values do not take into account the use of RPE. When P2 RPE is worn the inhalation

exposure is 0.15 mg B/m3, well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45 mg B/m3.

There are no real data for dermal exposure, so MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure during these activities. MEASE is a tool developed for the estimation and assessment of substance exposure, which combines approaches from the EASE system, from the TRA tool and from the health risk assessment guidance for metals (HERAG). It aims to provide a 1st tier screening tool for the estimation of occupational inhalation and dermal exposure to metals and inorganic substances.

The point at which potential dermal exposure arises in the refining plant is when the borate powder is added to the mother

liquor. The estimated dermal exposure during this activity is 0.001mgB/day. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% boron, PROC 4, industrial use, <15 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. This value is below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.

The estimated dermal exposure during operation of the compactor plant is 0.014mgB/day. This is below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800mgB/day. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% boron, PROC 14, industrial use, >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, wearing gloves. Contributing scenario packaging in big bags

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are stored at the plants in silos or big bags.

Amounts used

Generally during packaging into big bags, the activity lasts for a shift and several hundred tonnes would be packaged.

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

The duration would normally be shift length, but the frequency with which packaging in big bags is carried out will vary from

plant to plant.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Packaging is carried out indoors at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The charging of the big bags is controlled automatically, in that the correct quantity is determined by load cells.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards worker

Bagging plants have local exhaust ventilation to control exposure to the worker. The neck of the bag is tied around the

charging chute, and local exhaust ventilation removes the contaminated displaced air during filling. In some instances the LEV is a canopy hood above the bag as it is filled. This is generally less effective than when the bag is tied to the charging chute and the displaced air is removed and filtered.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

The range of results for packaging borates into big bags is wide at 0.06 to 8.6mgB/m3. This is largely a function of the efficiency of the LEV. The 90th percentile for this dataset is 5.8mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA, which is above the inhalation DNEL of

1.45mgB/m3. Where the LEV is ineffective, P2/P3 respirators should be worn to reduce exposure below the DNEL until the engineering controls can be brought up to specification. If P2 respirators are worn, inhalation exposure would be 0.58 mg B/m3, well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

There are no real data for dermal exposure during this activity. MEASE was used to estimate exposure during this packaging activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% boron, PROC 8, industrial use, >240 minutes, non-dispersive

use, non-direct handling, intermittent contact and wearing gloves. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.014mgB/day, taking into account gloves. This is below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario packaging in 25kg bags

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are stored at the plants in silos or big bags.

Amounts used

Generally during packaging into 25kg bags, the activity would last for a shift and would package several hundred tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

The duration would normally be shift length, but the frequency with which packaging in 25kg bags is carried out will vary fromplant to plant.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions

Packaging is carried out indoors at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The charging of the 25kg bags is generally controlled automatically, in that the correct quantity is determined by load cells. Some bagging plants are completely automatic, with an operative overseeing the plant, keeping the plant supplied with bags,

and removing pallets of bagged product and transporting them to the warehouse.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards worker

Local exhaust ventilation to control exposure to the worker.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There were 11 datapoints available for packaging in 25kg bags. The range was 0.02 to 1.4mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA. The 90th percentile for this range was 1mgB/m3. The higher results reflect the poor performance of LEV at some bagging plants. The

90th percentile for this data is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There is no real dermal exposure data. MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% boron, PROC 9, industrial use, >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, intermittent contact and wearing gloves. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.014mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario loading road tankers

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are stored at the plants in silos or big bags.

Amounts used

Road tankers generally take about 25t of borate.

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

It takes about half an hour to load a tanker. The number of tankers filled per shift can vary widely depending on demand. The

operative is not exposed continuously during the tanker loading, but when opening and closing the lids on the top of the tanker to attach and detach the loading chute from the tanker. This takes a few minutes in total for each tanker.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Tanker loading is carried out outdoors at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Tanker loading is controlled automatically, in that the operative inputs information on the computer, and once the chute is connected, the operative presses the start button and the filling commences. The operati ve moves the loading chute to different charging points during the filling to ensure an even distribution of product in the road tanker.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards worker

The displaced air is released from a valve usually on the back of the tanker, away from the worker. This valve may be filtered to prevent release of the product.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are six datapoints available for loading road tankers. The range of results is 0.04 to 0.4mgB/m3. These are not 8 hour TWAs as the loading of tankers was not a shift-length task, but took place as and when tankers arrived for loading. The 90th

percentile for these data is 0.37mgB/m3, which is below the DNEL which is an 8hr TWA limit. As there are only six datapoints, ART has also been used to estimate exposure. The parameters used were 120 minutes duration, fine dust, falling powders, transferring 100-1000 kg/minute, routine transfer, open process, effective housekeeping, outdoors, LEV in use. The

90th percentile for this activity estimated using ART is 1.3mg/m3 8hr TWA assuming two hours were spent loading tankers. This figure is for exposure to inhalable dust. When this is adjusted for boron, the result is between 0.15 and 0.28mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA, depending on which borate is being loaded, which is below the inhalation DNEL. These figures also accord well with the real datapoints obtained for personal samples.

There are no real data for dermal exposure. MEASE has been used to estimate exposure during this activity. The

parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% boron, PROC 8, industrial use, 15-60 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves.The estimated dermal exposure is 0.003mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing Scenario working in the warehouse

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are stored in the warehouses in silos or big bags.

Amounts used

There are thousands of tonnes of material stored in the warehouses.

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

It takes about half an hour to an hour to load a container lorry with pallets of borates depending on the size of the orders. The warehouse operatives may also transport material from the plants into the warehouse. The number of lorries loaded per shift can vary widely depending on demand. There is minimal exposure during this activity as the operatives are moving closed

and wrapped (25kg bags) pallets.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Big bags are closed and 25kg bags are closed and wrapped in a plastic cover.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards worker


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes and safety glasses.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 15 datapoints for fork lift truck drivers working in warehouses. The range of results was 0.004 to 0.5mgB/m3. The

90th percentile for this dataset was 0.3mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA, which is below the DNEL of 1.45mg/m3.

There is little potential for dermal exposure during this activity as all the bags are wrapped and shrink-wrapped in plastic.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers Contributing scenario working in the laboratory

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

Samples of about 1kg are taken, but only a few grammes are used in quality control tests.

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

The technician spends a few minutes weighing borate samples each day, which is the only source of exposure, as the samples are normally collected by the plant operatives.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Very small quantities are used, and tests are often carried out in fume cupboards.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards worker

Tests are carried out in fume cupboards.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear laboratory coats, safety shoes and safety glasses.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 6 datapoints for laboratory technicians. The range of results was 0.002 to 0.2mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA. The 90th

percentile for this dataset was 0.1mgB/m3, which is well below the DNEL of 1.45 mgB/m3.

As the data set is small, ART was used to supplement the real data. The parameters used were fine dust, falling powders, transferring less than 10g/minute, careful transfer, open process, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, fume cupboard, good natural ventilation. The estimated 90th percentile value for this activity is 0.0005mg/m3 inhalable dust. The

equivalent 90th percentile for boron is less than 0.0001mgB/m3, 8hr TWA, assuming an hour is spent weighing samples per shift.

As there are no real data for dermal exposure during this activity, MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% boron, PROC 15, industrial use, 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact and no gloves. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.014mgB/day. This value is well below

the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins

on the plant. Maintenance activities take place on and around the plant.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 13 datapoints for maintenance activities in closed manufacturing plants. When maintenance activities are taking place on a particular piece of plant, the plant may be opened to allow access to work, so that the normal engineering controls will not be working.

The exposure data ranges from 0 to 2.66 mgB/m3. This is a wide range and reflects the variety of work carried out by

maintenance workers. The 90th percentile for these data is 1.33 mgB/m3, which is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/day. These estimates do not take into account the effect of RPE. Where engineering controls are not effective, RPE (P2/P3) must be worn to ensure inhalation exposure remains below the DNEL.

Dermal exposure may occur during maintenance activities. MEASE has been used to estimate this exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 8, industrial use, 60-240 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct

handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure to dust is 0.173mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.

9.2.2. Exposure estimation Manufacturing and refining borates: Exposure scenario 1, no water discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to air

0.53 g/T Specif ic release factor based on questionnaires

Tonnage > 100 000 T boron

Emission days 220 days

Compartment PNECadd Risk Characterization Ratio (RCR)

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.002 Manufacturing and refining borates: Exposure scenario 2, freshwater, dilution factor 37

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

554 g/T Specif ic release factor based on questionnaires

Environmental release

factor to air0.53 g/T Specif ic release factor based on questionnaires

Tonnage 6 010 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 220 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 37

261 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 37

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.001 Importing and repacking of borates: Exposure scenario 3, no water discharge to environment

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to air

0.53 g/T Specif ic release factor based on questionnaires

Tonnage > 100 000 T boron

Emission days 250 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.002

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.3. Formulation of borates into mixtures

9.3.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.3. Exposure Scenario : Formulation of borates into mix tures

Number of the ES

PROCs :1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8a, 8b, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,

ERC : 2

PC :

SU : 3, 6a, 6b, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC :

1 Exposure scenario for detergents based on the CEFIC spERCs

2 Exposure scenario for adhesives based on the CEFIC spERCs

3 Generic exposure scenario for formulation of mixtures

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

1 Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

2 Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

3 Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

4 Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

5 Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

6 Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate-containing powders

7 Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

8 Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch manufacturing processes

9 Contributing scenario mixing slurry for frits

10 Contributing scenario preparing and applying refractory mixes

11 Contributing scenario mixing powder adhesive - Industrial

12 Contributing scenario mixing powder adhesive - Professional

Exposure scenarios are valid for but not limited to following uses :

Formulation of borates in industrial fluids

Formulation of borates in fertilizers

Formulation of borates in adhesives

Formulation of borates in detergents

Formulation of borates in paints

Dissolving of borates

9.3.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for formulation

of borates in adhesives

Generic exposure scenario for adhesives based on the FEICA spERCs 2.1a.v1

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can

be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs

when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 1 000

Substance Formula Conversion factor for

equivalent dose of B (multiply by)

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Production occurs 240 days per year per site (median 50th %)

Information type Emission days to water per site (d/y) Emission days to air per site (d/y)

Median (50th percentile) 240 240

90th percentile 365 365

Min 5 5

Max 365 365

Data points 29 29

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 240 240

Environment factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Weighing takes place inside the building. Most of the followi ng steps take place inside a building in (semi) enclosed systems.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc . Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed

removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques

can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to both the water and air compartments are taken from the FEICA spERCs because only very few sites reported a reliable release factor or data to calculate one. Different release factors are available for different kind of adhesives. Since borate compounds are solids the FEICA 2.1a.v1 will be used. The release to water according to the spERC is 0; this is in agreement with

ewater to

an offsite location for special treatments. Therefore an exposure scenario without wastewater will be calculated.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 0 50

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, no wastewater discharge in this scenario.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as

an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous landfill.

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for formulation of borates into detergents

Generic exposure scenario for detergents based on the AISE spERCs 2.1

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can

be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs

when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 2 260

Selected for Exposure Scenario 3 13 000

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 2 870

Selected for Exposure Scenario 5 15 000

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Formulation occurs 255 days per year per site (Median calculated from data from questionnaires)

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

A default dilution factor of 10 is taken into account for freshwater.

A default dilution factor of 100 is taken into account for marine.

A specific dilution factor of 500 is taken into account for sites discharging into large rivers.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Weighing takes place inside the building. Most of the followi ng steps take place inside a building in (semi) enclosed systems.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc .

Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques

can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to both the water and air compartments are taken from the AISE spERCs because only very few sites reported a

reliable release factor or data to calculate one. Different release factors are available for different kind of detergents. To keep this as generic as possible worst case from all the release factors has been used. Some sites reported that they do not discharge was tewater

ir wastewater to an offsite location for special treatments. Therefore an exposure scenario without wastewater will also be calculated.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 2, 3 and 4 4 000 200

Selected for Exposure Scenario 5 0 200

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. Generic scenarios are considered without the use of a munici pal

STP. If sites discharge to a municipal STP the concentration of boron should not exceed 1.75 mg/L in the municipal STP.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as

an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous landfill.

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for formulation of borates into mixtures

Generic exposure scenario for all other sectors mixing borates into formulations

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the

product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 6 102

Selected for Exposure Scenario 7 5 050

Selected for Exposure Scenario 8 1 130

Selected for Exposure Scenario 9 15 000

Substance Formula Conversion factor for

equivalent dose of B (multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Data based on questionnaires from sectors that use mix borates into formulations

Information type Emission days to water per site (d/y) Emission days to air per site (d/y)

Median (50th percentile) 200 200

90th percentile 340 340

Min 1 1

Max 365 365

Data points 81 81

Selected for Generic Exposure Scenario 6,7,8 and 9 200 200

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

A default dilution factor of 10 is taken into account for freshwater.

A default dilution factor of 100 is taken into account for marine.

A specific dilution factor of 500 is taken into account for sites discharging into large rivers.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Weighing takes place inside the building. Most of the following steps take place inside a building in (semi) enclosed systems.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc .

Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed removal efficiency is 0%).

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques

can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

For the remaining sectors where no spERCs or measured data was available the worst case spERC from the formulation of

detergents was taken and an extra safety factor of 2 has been applied to them. The spERCs for detergents cover liquids and solids so they can be used for liquid and solid mixtures.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 6,7 and 8 8 000 400

Selected for Exposure Scenario 9 0 400

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. Generic scenarios are considered without the use of a munici pal STP. If sites discharge to a municipal STP the concentration of boron should not exceed 1.75 mg/L in the municipal STP.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous landfill.

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers

at dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate delivered at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured. Each road tanker normally contains about 25-40 tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, deliveries are made every day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. The duration of the off-loading activity lasts for one to two hours per road tanker.

Some sites take borates in pallets of 25kg bags, which may occur as infrequently as once or twice per year, while for others it is a

weekly process.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operati

The tasks are carried out outdoors so deliveries are made at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of borate is made pneumatically. A flexible hose is connected from the road tanker to the plant pipework. The borate is

then pumped to the plant silos using either the motor on the road tanker or using onsite pumps. The system is therefore closed and there is little opportunity for worker exposure. The connection and disconnection of the flexible pipework takes one or two minutes, and this is the only opportunity for potential exposure to the borate.

Borates arriving by pallet are taken from the truck into the warehouse using a forklift truck.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The receiving silos are fitted with filters to prevent the dispersion of borate with the displaced air from the top of the silos.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles.

Information on estimated exposure

There is only one data point available for this activity exclusively. This value is 0.016 mgB/m3.

The ART exposure model was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry dust, vacuum transfer of powders, transferring 100-1000kg/minute, open process, fully enclosed process, outdoors, LEV. The estimated 90th percentile exposure to dust was 0.13mg/m3. The boron equivalent would be in the range 0.01 0.03mgB/m3 depending on the boron-

containing material being off-loaded. This range accords well with the one real datapoint obtained. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3

MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure during this activity. The parameters used were >25% borate, PROC2, duration <15minutes, closed system without breaches, non-direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure is 0.002mg/day dust, which would be equivalent to less than 0.001mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

There is no inhalation or dermal exposure risk to workers off-loading pallets of borates as the bags are sealed onto the pallets with

polythene shrink wrap. Contributing scenario general closed production activi ties at ambient temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make mixtures such as pastes and coatings

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured, but could be up to a tonne per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed including the opening and addition of borates from 25kg


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to airborne contaminants.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASEfor this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use

of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60 minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated

dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that allthe dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins on the plant. Maintenance activities take place on and around the plant.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators

must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 13 datapoints for maintenance activities in closed manufacturing plants. When maintenance activities are taking place on a

particular piece of plant, the plant may be opened to allow access to work, so that the normal engineering controls will not be working.

The exposure data ranges from 0 to 2.66 mgB/m3. This is a wide range and reflects the variety of work carried out by maintenance workers. The 90th percentile for these data is 1.33 mgB/m3, which is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/day. These estimates do not take into account the effect of RPE. Where engineering controls are not effective, RPE (P2/P3) must be worn to ensure inhalation exposure remains below the DNEL.

Dermal exposure may occur during maintenance activities. MEASE has been used to estimate this exposure. It has been assumed

that exposure to borate dust during maintenance activities may occur for up to four hours. The estimated exposure to dust is 0.014mg/day, which is equivalent to up to 0.003mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly or even yearly process. The duration of the activity can last from a

few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the bag to the charging point on the vessel either manually or using a winch, and cuts the bag, pouring the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of bags of borate has been

added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addi tion

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

At some sites, where the borate is delivered in 25kg bags, the bags of borate are fed directly into the furnace without being opened.

At some sites, the addition of the borate from the bag is semi-automated and the empty bag is automatically disposed of into a plastic tube for disposal.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate

from the bags is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

None required.

At some sites semi-automation of the bag emptying process removes the source of exposure from the worker.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker. The

hood should enclose the charging point as far as possible and the LEV should pull airborne dust away from the operative.

The empty bag should be placed directly to waste.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where LEV does not reduce inhalation exposure to boron below the inhalation DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a

tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme includingtraining of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 41 datapoints for the discharge of 25 kg bags into mixing vessels or similar. They range from none detected to 1.45mg

B/m3, 8-hr TWA. Any short-term exposure values have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. The 90th percentile for this dataset is 0.78mgB/m3. This value is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60

minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimateddermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured,

but may be several tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the big bag to the charging point on the vessel using a winch or forklift truck, and cuts the base of the big bag, releasing the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of big bags of borate has been

added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addition to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate

is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Single-use bags can be opened by the use of sharp prongs at the discharge hopper. When the big bag is placed at the discharge

hopper and lowered, the prongs cut into the base of the bag releasing the borate into the hopper. This removes the operator from the immediate vicinity and contributes to a reduction in exposure.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not provide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a

good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratoryprotective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 31 personal exposure datapoints for the discharge of big bags. They range from 0.005 mgB/m3 to 6.9 mgB/m3. For most

downstream users the discharging of bags into receiving vessels is the main source of exposure to borates for those operatives, and is a short-term activity. Some short-term data was supplied converted to 8-hr TWAs. Any short-term exposure values provided have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. This is a very wide data range and largely reflects the effectiveness of the LEV at different plants. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90 th percentile for these data

is 2.0mgB/m3, which is above the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. If effective engineering controls/LEV are not in place, RPE (P2/P3) must be used to reduce worker exposure below the inhalation DNEL until effective engineering controls are put in place.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were

high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 4, 15-60 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, extensive contact, exterior LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.48mg/day which is equivalent to 0.05 to 0.1mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate-containing powders

Product characteristics

The borates and borate mixtures are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of substance tabletted will vary, but may be several tonnes per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of compaction/tabletting is variable, but is often a daily, shift-length activity.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The work is carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Parts of the plant may be enclosed e.g.transfer conveyors.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

LEV controls release of airborne dust.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, and when necessary, safety glasses and P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

There are four personal exposure datapoints for compacting pure borates into pellets and one for compacting fertiliser. These rangefrom 0 to 1.3mgB/m3. Due to the small number of real data, ART was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters

used were fine dry dust, compressing of powders, compressing 10-100kg/minute, open process, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, LEV and good natural ventilation. The estimated 90th percentile is 7mg/m3, 8-hr TWA inhalable dust. The equivalent 90th percentile exposure to boron would be between 0.79mgB/m3 and 1.5mgB/m3 depending on the borate being compacted. These figures are for pure borate so would be applicable to manufacturers/importers. Exposures for downstream users would be lower as

they would be compacting a mixture of powders rather than pure borate. The upper estimate for exposure is just above the inhalation DNEL for boron of 1.45mgB/m3. Where exposures are likely to exceed the DNEL, RPE must be worn until it can be demonstrated that engineering controls reduce exposure to 0.15 mg B/m3, well below the inhalation DNEL.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC14, more than 240 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent

contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.024mg/day which is equivalent to between 0.003 and 0.005mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. These values are for tabletting or compacting pure borates. The estimated dermal exposures will be lower for those compacting boron-containing mixtures. Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

Product characteristics

The products may be solid, liquid or paste.

Amounts used

The amount of borate in the finished substance/preparation will depend on what has been made. The range may vary from 1 to 40%,

so boron content may vary from 0.11 to 8.6% and the substance may be in solid, liquid or paste form. The amount of product packaged may be tens of tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made everyday, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. Packaging activities can last from 1 hour to 8 hours.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

Some packaging processes are largely automatic. For example, packaging of liquids may be automatic apart from loading the closed

containers onto a pallet. Some packaging of solid products into 25kg sacks may be completely automatic, or the operative may have to place the bag on the filling chute and then manually close the bag and place on a pallet.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Not required.

Where the packaging process is completely automatic, there is a reduction in exposure to the worker as the worker is removed from the process.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where solid powders are being bagged the minimum engineering control required is effective LEV in place to control inhalationexposure.

At liquid filling stations there is no requirement for LEV as there is minimal risk for exposure by inhalation unless aerosols are generated.

Where pastes are packaged there is no likelihood of inhalation exposure so LEV is not required.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are few real data for packaging boron-containing substances. There are some data for packaging borate powders in 25kg bags from the manufacturers and these can be used and adapted to take into account that the substances or preparations will contain between 1 and 40% borate. The range of personal exposure measurements is 0.02 to 1.4mg B/m3. The range for the preparations

would therefore be between 0.001 and 0.56 mg B/m3. The 90th percentile for this range is between 0.001 and 0.4mg B/m3 depending on the percentage borate in the preparation. This range for the 90th percentile is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg B/m3. These figures have assumed that the packaging operations will take place for 8 hours per day. In many cases packaging may only take place for 1 or 2 hours per day, in which case exposure to boron would be lower still. These figures take into account ri sk

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

management measures such as LEV, but do not take into account the effect of wearing RPE.

The ART exposure model for inhalation predicts a 90th percentile of 0.06mg/m3 borate for filling liquids. The parameters used were falling liquids, transfer flow 10-100l/minute, open process splash loading, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, LEV and good natural ventilation. The equivalent 90th percentile for exposure to boron would be 0.01mgB/m3. This estimate assumes

exposure over an 8-hr working day. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure during non-automated packaging of powders. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact, integrated LEV and use of gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.144mg/day which, gives an equivalent exposure range to boron of between 0.02 and 0.03mgB/day. This range is well below the dermal DNEL of


MEASE was also used to estimate dermal exposure during the packaging of liquids. The parameters used were aqueous liquid, 5-25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and wearing

gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.014mg/day, which is equivalent to a boron exposure range of 0.002 and 0.003mgB/day which is below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch manufacturing processes

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

Samples of about 1kg are taken, but only a few grams are used in quality control tests.

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

The technician spends a few minutes weighing borate samples each day, which is the only source of exposure, as the samples ar enormally collected by the plant operatives.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operatio

Very small quantities are used, and tests are often carried out in fume cupboards.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards worker

Some tests are carried out in fume cupboards.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear laboratory coats, safety shoes, safety glasses and gloves.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 18 datapoints for laboratory technicians. The range of results was 0 to 0.2mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA The 90th percentile for this dataset was 0.16 mgB/m3, which is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45 mgB/m3.

As there are no real data for dermal exposure during this activity, MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used for estimating dermal exposure during laboratory work were; a high dustiness solid, with 5-25% boron, PROC 15,

duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and no gloves. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.014mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario mixing slurry for frits

Product characteristics

The boron-containing frits contain between 0.1 and 60% borate depending on the application. This equates to between 0.01 and

12.9% boron depending on the type of boron-containing substance used (boric acid, anhydrous borate, disodium tetraborate pentahydrate, disodium tetraborate decahydrate). The frits are supplied as a powder.

Amounts used

The amount of frits used depends on the amount of enamel or glaze being made, but may be tens of tonnes per day, equating to

several tonnes of boron per day (24 hours).

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Frequency and duration of use

The frits are delivered in big bags or 25kg bags. The frits are added, either manually or automatically to a ball mill along with the other

ingredients and water. The enamelling slurry is mixed in a ball mill and then discharged to stirrer vessels via a sieve to remove oversize particles. The vessels are then connected to spraying or pouring facilities, for either manual or automatic spraying/ pouring. The products are coated and then dried and fired in ovens. The frequency with which these processes take place will depend on the size of the factory, but one factory reported up to 8000 large metal components being enamelled per day. Tens of thousands of

ceramic tiles may be glazed per day.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting

The work takes place indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Once the dry ingredients are added to the water in the ball mill the mill is closed and the mixing takes place in the closed mill.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

At the charging point LEV is used to control exposure to airborne dust.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives. Routine maintenance and testing of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls. The wearing of RPE varies. Where LEV is insufficient to control exposure P2/P3 respirators should be worn.

Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. The RPE above rely on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the

management of their correct use in the workplace. Therefore, they should define and document a suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers.

Information on estimated exposure

There is no exposure data relating directly to discharging bags into ball mills. However there are data available for emptying 25kg bags and for discharge of big bags of borates.

There are 41 datapoints for the discharge of 25 kg bags into mixing vessels or similar. They range from none detected to 1.45mg B/m3

with a 90th percentile value of 0.78mgB/m3. The percentage of boron in the frits varies from 0.01 to 12.9% which would give an exposure range of none detected to 0.19mgB/m3. The equivalent 90th percentile for discharging bags of frits would be between 0.0001 and 0.1mgB/m3 This is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are 31 datapoints for the discharge of big bags. They range from 0.002 mgB/m3 to 6.9 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 2.0 mgB/m3. The equivalent 90th percentile for discharging big bags of frits would be between 0.0002 and 0.26mgB/m3

depending on the product used. This is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no data available for dermal exposure. Dermal exposure has been modelled using MEASE. The parameters used were highdustiness solid, >25% borate, duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, extensive contact, integrated LEV, and

wearing gloves. Assuming the range of boron in the product is 0.01 to 12.9%, the estimated dermal exposure range is from 0.00001mgB/day up to 0.06mgB/day depending on the product used. This range is below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario preparing and applying refractory mixes

Product characteristics

There are a variety of refractory products containing borates. Products may be supplied in dry mixes or as moist products with liquid

binders present containing between 0.7 and 5% borate. The equivalent boron content is between 0.08 and 1.1%. The refractory mixes are supplied in bags and are mixed with aggregate and/or liquid binder, to produce a castable mixture.

Hot gunning refractory mixes are usually supplied in a moist state ready for use, or may be added to water and mixed using a paddle mixer.

Amounts used

The amount of refractory used will depend on the work being carried out. Some mixes are used to make repairs to furnace linings,

which may only require a few kgs of material. Some refractory mixes are used for hot-gunning, where the mixture is sprayed onto the refractory lining as a coating. This activity may take several days, depending on the size of the furnace or kiln. Some refractories are cast into shapes for use e.g. crucibles. Some tasks may require several hundred kgs of refractory material.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use of refractory materials will depend on whether workers are working intermittently on repairs and

relinings of furnaces or kilns in their own workplaces, or whether the workers are specialists who carry out this type of work on a daily basis.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The work takes place indoors. If carrying out hot gunning repairs, the temperature will be high. Workers may be working in a confined

spaces inside kilns and furnaces.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Refractory materials are sometimes supplied in a damp, ready to use form.

If spraying, the mixture is wet.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and routine maintenance and testing of equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves, safety glasses/goggles. If spraying inside a kiln/furnace, a full -face, powered respirator should be worn to give protection against airborne dust. If there is potential for oxygen deficiency, a suitable compressed airline should be used in conjunction with the full-face respirator to provide an independent supply of fresh air. Under these conditions confined space entry

precautions should be implemented. Where RPE is used, the worker should b e face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. The RPE above rely on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. Therefore, they should define and

document a suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers.

Information on estimated exposure

There is no exposure data available for using refractory materials. ART has been used to model exposure during mixing and spraying of refractory coatings. The parameters used were coarse dust, dry product, falling powders , transferring 10-100kg/minute, routine transfer, open process, general housekeeping practices in place, indoors, any size workroom, no controls and good natural ventilation.

The estimated inhalation exposure for these activities is 0.012mgB/m3. This estimation takes no account of respiratory protective equipment. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There is no data available for dermal exposure. Dermal exposure has been modelled using MEASE. The parameters used were high dustiness solids, 1-5% boron, PROC 19, industrial use, 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent use, wearing gloves.The estimated exposure for hand-mixing the refractory is 0.04mgB/day assuming that the boron content of the refractory mix is

between 1 and 5%. The estimated exposure during spraying is 0.002mgB/day. The total value for these activities is 0.042mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.

Refractory material may be applied by hand in or behind moulds. The refractory material will be wet, so the opportunity for inhalation exposure will be negligible, but there will be the potential for dermal exposure. MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure during this activity. The parameters used were <1% aqueous solution, PROC 19, industrial use, >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct

handling and extensive contact. And wearing gloves.The estimated dermal exposure during this activity was 0.24mgB/day, taking into account the use of suitable gloves. This value is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario mixing powder adhesive - Industrial

Product characteristics

The boron-containing adhesive powder contains between 0.002 and 1.5% boron depending on the product and the boron-containing

substance used.

Amounts used

The amount of adhesive used depends on the production process, but may be up to 1.5 tonnes per day, equating to up to 300kg of

boron per day (24 hours).

Frequency and duration of use

The adhesives are delivered in big bags or 25kg bags. The adhesive is added, either manually or automatically to a mixing vessel with water. The adhesive is mixed and then discharged to a holding tank or IBC or direct to the process for application. The operative may

have to discharge big bags or 25kg bags of adhesive to the mixing vessel.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The work takes place indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Once the dry ingredients are added to the water in the mixing vessel, it is closed and the mixing takes place in the closed vessel.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

At the charging point LEV is used to control exposure to airborne dust.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives. Routine maintenance and testing of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls. Where LEV is insufficient to control exposure P1/P2 (APF4/APF10) respirators should be worn. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. The RPE above rely on a tight face seal

and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. Therefore, they should define and document a suitable policy for a respiratory protective

equipment programme including training of the workers.

Information on estimated exposure

There is no exposure data relating directly to discharging bags of adhesives into mixers. However there are data available for

emptying 25kg bags and for discharge of big bags of borates.

There are 41 datapoints for the discharge of 25 kg bags into mixing vessels or similar. They range from none detected to 1.45mg B/m3

with a 90th percentile value of 0.78mgB/m3. The percentage of boron in the adhesives varies from 0.001 to 1.5% which would give an exposure range of none detected to 0.022mgB/m3. The equivalent 90th percentile for discharging bags of adhesives would be between 0.00002 and 0.012mgB/m3 This is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are 31 datapoints for the discharge of big bags. They range from 0.002 mgB/m3 to 6.9 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 2.0 mgB/m3. The equivalent 90th percentile for discharging big bags of adhesives would be between 0.00000004 and 0.104mgB/m3 depending on the adhesive used. This is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no data available for dermal exposure. Dermal exposure has been modelled using MEASE. The parameters used were highdustiness solid, 1-5% boron, duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, extensive contact, integrated LEV, and wearing gloves. Assuming the range of boron in the product is up to 1.5%, the estimated dermal dose is up to 0.096mgB/day depending on the product used. This range is below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario mixing powder adhesive - Professional

Product characteristics

The boron-containing adhesive powder contains between 0.002 and 1.5% boron depending on the product and the boron-containingsubstance used.

Amounts used

The amount of adhesive used depends on the process, but will be in small kg quantities.

Frequency and duration of use

The adhesives are delivered in 25kg bags or smaller bags or pails. The adhesive is added manually to water and mixed. The adhesive

is then ready for use. This activity may take a few minutes to complete and may be carried out once or several times per shift.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecti

The work takes place indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Once the dry adhesive is added to the water there is no further possibility of inhalation exposure.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker


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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls. Where exposure may exceed the DNEL, P1/P2 (APF4/APF10) respirators should be worn. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. The RPE above rely on a tight face seal

and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. Therefore, they should define and document a suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers.

Information on estimated exposure

There is no exposure data relating to the discharge of small amounts of adhesive into water, so the ART model has been used to

estimate inhalation exposure. The parameters used in the model were fine dust, dry product, 1-5% boron, transferring 0.1-1kg/minute, routine transfer, open process, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom with natural ventilation and no localised controls. The predicted 90th percentile inhalation exposure was 0.044mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA, assuming the mixing activity took no longer than one

hour per shift. This is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no data available for dermal exposure. Dermal exposure has been modelled using MEASE. The parameters used were highdustiness solid, 1-5% boron, duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact, no LEV and no gloves. Assuming the range of boron in the product is up to 1.5%, the estimated dermal dose is up to 0.096mgB/day depending on the product used. This range is below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

9.3.2. Exposure estimation Formulation of adhesives: Generic exposure scenario 1, no water discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to air

50 g/T FEICA 2.1a.v1

Tonnage > 1 000 T boron

Emission days 240 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.002 Formulation of detergents: Generic exposure scenario 2, freshwater, dilution factor 10

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

4 000 g/T AISE spERCs 2.1

Environmental release

factor to air200 g/T AISE spERCs 2.1

Tonnage 260 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 255 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

260 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 10

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.002 Formulation of detergents: Generic exposure scenario 3, freshwater, dilution factor 500

Operational conditions Value Unit

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Environmental release

factor to aquatic4 000 g/T AISE spERCs 2.1

Environmental release factor to air

200 g/T AISE spERCs 2.1

Tonnage 13 000 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 255 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (freshwater) with

dilution factor 500

260 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 500

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.24 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.045 Formulation of detergents: Generic exposure scenario 4, marine water, dilution factor 100

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to aquatic4 000 g/T AISE spERCs 2.1

Environmental release factor to air

200 g/T AISE spERCs 2.1

Tonnage 2 870 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 255 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (marine) with dilution factor 100

243 µg/L 1 350 0.18

PEClocal in sediment (marine) with dilution

factor 100

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.06 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.01 Formulation of detergents: Generic exposure scenario 5, no water discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to air

200 g/T AISE spERCs 2.1

Tonnage > 15 000 T boron

Emission days 255 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 0.28 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.05 Generic formulation of mixtures: Generic exposure scenario 6, freshwater, dilution factor 10

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to aquatic8 000 g/T AISE spERCs 2.1 w ith additional safety factor

Environmental release factor to air

400 g/T AISE spERCs 2.1 w ith additional safety factor

Tonnage 102 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 200 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (freshwater) with

260 µg/L 1 350 0.19

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

dilution factor 10

PEClocal in sediment (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.009 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.002 Generic formulation of mixtures: Generic exposure scenario 7, freshwater, dilution factor 500

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

8 000 g/T AISE spERCs 2.1 w ith additional safety factor

Environmental release

factor to air400 g/T AISE spERCs 2.1 w ith additional safety factor

Tonnage 5 050 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 200 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 500

258 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 500

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.19 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.04 Generic formulation of mixtures: Generic exposure scenario 8, marine water, dilution factor 100

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

8 000 g/T AISE spERCs 2.1 w ith additional safety factor

Environmental release

factor to air400 g/T AISE spERCs 2.1 w ith additional safety factor

Tonnage 1 130 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 200 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (marine) with dilution factor 100

244 µg/L 1 350 0.18

PEClocal in sediment

(marine) with dilution factor 100

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.05 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.009 Generic formulation of mixtures: Generic exposure scenario 9, no water discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to air400 g/T AISE spERCs 2.1 w ith additional safety factor

Tonnage > 15 000 T boron

Emission days 200 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 0.55 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.10

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.4. Industrial use of borates in the glass production sector

9.4.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out b y workers

9.4. Exposure Scenario : Industrial use of borates in the glass production sector

Number of the ES

PROCs : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8b, 9, 14, 22, 26

ERC : 2, 5, 6a

PC : AC4

SU :3, 10 NACE23.1

Name of contributing environmental scenario:

1 Exposure scenario specific for glass wool production

2 Exposure scenario for glass made by electric melting

3 Exposure scenario for glass with a high alkali to boron ratio made by gas melting

4 Exposure scenario for glass with a low alkali to boron ratio made by gas melting

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

5 Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

6 Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed processes at high temperatures

7 Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

8 Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

9 Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch manufacturing processes

10 Contributing scenario mixing slurry for frits

11 Contributing scenario spraying enamel/glaze slurry

12 Contributing scenario enamelling and glazing

13 Contributing scenario f iring frits in f lame

Emissions of borates from the glass production are dependent on different parameters.

The melting process : gas or electric melting

The R2O/B2O3 ratio (R = Na and / K)

Specific process parameters which might be sector related

4 different scenarios have been developed to cover an as broad as possible range. If a specific scenario exists for a sector (for

example for glass wool) this one should be picked first if applicable. If this is not the case a first distinction is made b etween electric and gas molten glass. If a process is using gas melting then a further refinement has to be made based on the alkali to boron ratio.

9.4.1. Control of environmental exposure Contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for industrial use of borates during production of glass wool

Glass wool production

The glass wool production sector (EURIMA) has provided boron emission data for the production of glass wool. Instead of using the default values from the guidance specific emission factors are used.

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular or powder form.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs

when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 15 000

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out b y workers

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Production occurs 365 days per year per site (median 50th %)

Specific data from the glass fibre sector

Information type Emission days to air per site (d/y)

Median (50th percentile) 365

90th percentile 365

Min 5

Max 365

Data points 13

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 365

Environment factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Weighing takes place inside the building. Most of the following steps take place inside a building in (semi) enclosed systems. No water is used in the process.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc . Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed

removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques

can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to the air and water compartments are calculated from sector specific data after treatment :

The emissions to air are calculated from sites which do have some kind control measures to limit the emissions to air.


water in a closed system or send their wastewater to an offsite location for special treatments. Therefore an exposure scenario without wastewater will be calculated.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out b y workers

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Median (50th %) 286

90th % 2171

Min 13Max 2827

Data points 12

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 0 2827

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. No water discharges from this scenario.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous


Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for industrial use of borates for glass made by electric melting

Generic exposure scenario for all production sites making glass using electric melting

Emissions of boron from electric melting are considerably lower then from melting using other techniques. Therefore a scenario for glass made by electric melting has been developed.

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used i n granular or powder form.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs

when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 2 15 000

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out b y workers

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Production occurs 365 days per year per site (median 50th %)

Data based on the complete glass sector.

Information type Emission days to air per site (d/y)

Median (50th percentile) 365

90th percentile 365

Min 20

Max 365

Data points 62

Selected for Ex posure Scenario 2 365

Environment factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Weighing takes place inside the building. Most of the followi ng steps

take place inside a building in (semi) enclosed systems.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc . Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed

removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniquescan achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to the air and water compartments are calculated from sector specific data after treatment :

The emissions to air are calculated from sites which do have some kind control measures to limit the emissions to air. Boron removal efficiency ranged from 64 to 99%.

Sites reported thawater in a closed system or send their wastewater to an offsite location for special treatments. Therefore an exposure scenario without wastewater will be calculated.

The release factor to air for electric molten glass is much lower then other melting techniques.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Median (50th %) 326

90th % -

Min 32

Max 392

Data points 3

Selected for Exposure Scenario 2 0 392

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out b y workers

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. No water discharges from this scenario.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous


Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for industrial use of borates for glass with a high alkali to boron ratio made by gas melting

Generic exposure scenario for all production sites not using electric melting and where the glass has a high alkali to boron ratio

Emissions of boron from glass production with high alkali to boron ratio is lower than the emissions of boron from glass with a low alkali to boron ration.

Glass with a high alkali to boron ratio is :

Glass where the mole ratio of R2O/B2O3 is > 0.24 by moles where,

R2O is the content of alkali oxide in the glass, by moles or mole% (R = Na and / K)

B2O3 is the content of boric oxide in the glass, by moles or mole%

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular or powder form.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs

when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 3 5 300

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Production occurs 365 days per year per site (median 50th %)

Data based on the complete glass sector.

Information type Emission days to air per site (d/y)

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out b y workers

Median (50th percentile) 365

90th percentile 365

Min 20

Max 365

Data points 62

Selected for Ex posure Scenario 3 365

Environment factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Weighing takes place inside the building. Most of the followi ng steps take place inside a building in (semi) enclosed systems.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc .

Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to the air and water compartments are calculated from sector specific data after treatment :

The release factor to air for is based on high alkali glass production. Due to these conditions abatement is easier and thus removal efficiency from the stack emissions is higher then for the low or alkali free glass productions.

The emissions to air are calculated from sites which do have some kind control measures to limit the emissions to air. Boron removal

efficiency ranged from 85 to 99%.

Sites reported that they do not discharge wastwater in a closed system or send their wastewater to an offsite location for special treatments. Therefore an exposure scenario

without wastewater will be calculated.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Median (50th %) 5271

90th % -

Min 326

Max 10896

Data points 3

Selected for Exposure Scenario 3 0 10896

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. No water discharges from this scenario.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous


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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out b y workers

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for industrial use of borates for glass with a low alkali to boron ratio made by gas melting

Generic exposure scenario for all production sites not using electric melting and where the glass has a low alkali to boron ratio

Emissions of boron from glass production with a low alkali to boron ratio and gas melting is the worst case scenario and thus applicable for all industries not fitting in one of the above scenarios.

Glass with a low alkali to boron ratio is :

Glass where the mole ratio of R2O/B2O3 is < 0.24 by moles where,

R2O is the content of alkali oxide in the glass, by moles or mole% (R = Na and / K)

B2O3 is the content of boric oxide in the glass, by moles or mole%

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular or powder form.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs

when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed i n the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 1 580

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Production occurs 365 days per year per site (median 50th %)

Data based on the complete glass sector.

Information type Emission days to air per site (d/y)

Median (50th percentile) 365

90th percentile 365

Min 20

Max 365

Data points 62

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out b y workers

Selected for Ex posure Scenario 4 365

Environment factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Weighing takes place inside the building. Most of the followi ng steps take place inside a building in (semi) enclosed systems.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc .

Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques

can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to the air and water compartments are calculated from sector specific data after treatment :

The release factor to air for is based on low and alkali free glass production. Due to these conditions abatement is difficult and thus removal efficiency from the stack emissions is lower then for the other glass productions.

The emissions to air are calculated from sites which do have some kind control measures to limit the emissions to air. Boron removal efficiency ranged from 36 to 52%.

Sites reported that they do not discharge wastewa

water in a closed system or send their wastewater to an offsite location for special treatments. Therefore an exposure scenario without wastewater will be calculated.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Median (50th %) 30906

90th % -

Min 18393

Max 36562

Data points 4

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 0 36562

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. No water discharges from this scenario.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous


Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out b y workers

Amounts used

The amount of borate delivered at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being

manufactured. Each road tanker normally contains about 25-40 tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, deliveries are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. The duration of the off-loading activity lasts for one to two hours per road tanker.

Some sites take borates in pallets of 25kg bags, which may occur as infrequently as once or twice per year, while for others it is a weekly process.

Human factors not influenced by risk management



The tasks are carried out outdoors so deliveries are made at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of borate is made pneumatically. A flexible hose is connected from the road tanker to the plant pipework. The borate is then pumped to the plant silos using either the motor on the road tanker or using onsite pumps. The system is therefore closed and

there is little opportunity for worker exposure. The connection and disconnection of the flexible pipework takes one or two minutes, and this is the only opportunity for potential exposure to the borate.

Borates arriving by pallet are taken from the truck into the warehouse using a forklift truck.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The receiving silos are fitted with filters to prevent the dispersion of borate with the displaced air from the top of the silos.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles.

Information on estimated exposure

There is only one data point available for this activity exclusively. This value is 0.016 mgB/m3.

The ART exposure model was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry dust, vacuum transfer of powders, transferring 100-1000kg/minute, open process, fully enclosed process, outdoors, LEV. The estimated 90th percentile exposure to dust was 0.13mg/m3. The boron equivalent would be in the range 0.01 0.03mgB/m3 depending on the boron-

containing material being off-loaded. This range accords well with the one real datapoint obtained. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3

MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure during this activity. The parameters used were >25% borate, PROC2, duration <15minutes, closed system without breaches, non-direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure is 0.002mg/day dust, which would be equivalent to less than 0.001mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

There is no inhalation or dermal exposure risk to workers off-loading pallets of borates as the bags are sealed onto the pallets with

polythene shrink wrap. Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed

processes at high temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured but is likely to be several tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For most closed manufacturing processes the activity is 24 hours, 365 days per year, if a furnace has to be kept in operation.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out b y workers

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operationa

The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are mainly very high, as these processes include glass making, ceramics, steel and alloy making.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins, which is where

operatives spend most of their time.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where there are breaches in the closed systems such as pouring and removal of slag in metal production, LEV is used to control


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls or heavy heat resistant clothing. In addition, gloves and safety glasses or goggles should be worn when carrying out cleaning or maintenance activities. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not provide sufficient

protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. In some cases, battery-powered, air-fed helmets are worn.These respirators, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient protection. Where tight-fitting RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. Tight-fitting RPE relies on a good face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed

have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well

below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASEfor this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use

of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential

exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60 minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimateddermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general closed production activi ties at ambient temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make mixtures such as pastes and coatings

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured,

but could be up to a tonne per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed including the opening and addition of borates from 25kg

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out b y workers


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to airborne contaminants.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASE

for this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has b een used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60 minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all

the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are c losed and automatically controlled from control cabins on the

plant. Maintenance activities take place on and around the plant.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 13 datapoints for maintenance activities in closed manufacturing plants. When maintenance activities are taking place on a particular piece of plant, the plant may be opened to allow access to work, so that the normal engineering controls will not be working.

The exposure data ranges from 0 to 2.66 mgB/m3. This is a wide range and reflects the variety of work carried out by maintenance

workers. The 90th percentile for these data is 1.33 mgB/m3, which is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. These estimates do

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out b y workers

not take into account the effect of RPE. Where engineering controls are not effective, RPE (P2/P3) must be worn to ensure inhalation exposure remains below the DNEL.

Dermal exposure may occur during maintenance activities. MEASE has been used to estimate this exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 8, industrial use, 60-240 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, incidental

contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure to dust is 0.173mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch manufacturing


Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

Samples of about 1kg are taken, but only a few grams are used in quality control tests.

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

The technician spends a few minutes weighing borate samples each day, which is the only source of exposure, as the samples ar e

normally collected by the plant operatives.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Very small quantities are used, and tests are often carried out in fume cupboards.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards worker

Some tests are carried out in fume cupboards.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear laboratory coats, safety shoes, safety glasses and gloves.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 18 datapoints for laboratory technicians. The range of results was 0 to 0.2mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA The 90th percentile for this

dataset was 0.16 mgB/m3, which is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45 mgB/m3.

As there are no real data for dermal exposure during this activity, MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The

parameters used for estimating dermal exposure during laboratory work were; a high dustiness solid, with 5-25% boron, PROC 15, duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and no gloves. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.014mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario mixing slurry for frits

Product characteristics

The boron-containing frits contain between 0.1 and 60% borate depending on the application. This equates to between 0.01 and 12.9% boron depending on the type of boron-containing substance used (boric acid, anhydrous borate, disodium tetraborate pentahydrate, disodium tetraborate decahydrate). The frits are supplied as a powder.

Amounts used

The amount of frits used depends on the amount of enamel or glaze being made, but may be tens of tonnes per day, equating to several tonnes of boron per day (24 hours).

Frequency and duration of use

The frits are delivered in big bags or 25kg bags. The frits are added, either manually or automatically to a ball mill along with the other ingredients and water. The enamelling slurry is mixed in a ball mill and then discharged to stirrer vessels via a sieve to remove oversize particles. The vessels are then connected to spraying or pouring facilities, for either manual or automatic spraying/ pouring.

The products are coated and then dried and fired in ovens. The frequency with which these processes take place will depend on the size of the factory, but one factory reported up to 8000 large metal components being enamelled per day. Tens of thousands ofceramic tiles may be glazed per day.

Human factors not influenced by risk management

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out b y workers


The work takes place indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Once the dry ingredients are added to the water in the ball mill the mill is closed and the mixing takes place in the closed mill.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

At the charging point LEV is used to control exposure to airborne dust.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives. Routine maintenance and testing of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls. The wearing of RPE varies. Where LEV is insufficient to control exposure P2/P3 respirators should be worn. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. The RPE above rely on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer

and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. Therefore, they should define and document a suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers.

Information on estimated exposure

There is no exposure data relating directly to discharging bags into ball mills. However there are data available for emptying 25kg bags and for discharge of big bags of borates.

There are 41 datapoints for the discharge of 25 kg bags into mixing vessels or similar. They range from none detected to 1.45mg B/m3

with a 90th percentile value of 0.78mgB/m3. The percentage of boron in the frits varies from 0.01 to 12.9% which would give an exposure range of none detected to 0.19mgB/m3. The equivalent 90th percentile for discharging bags of frits would be between 0.0001

and 0.1mgB/m3 This is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are 31 datapoints for the discharge of big bags. They range from 0.002 mgB/m3 to 6.9 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 2.0 mgB/m3. The equivalent 90th percentile for discharging big bags of frits would be between 0.0002 and 0.26mgB/m3

depending on the product used. This is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no data available for dermal exposure. Dermal exposure has been modelled using MEASE. The parameters used were high

dustiness solid, >25% borate, duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, extensive contact, integrated LEV, and wearing gloves. Assuming the range of boron in the product is 0.01 to 12.9%, the estimated dermal exposure range is from 0.00001mgB/day up to 0.06mgB/day depending on the product used. This range is below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario spraying enamel/glaze slurry

Product characteristics

The boron-containing enamel/glaze slurry may contain up to 5% boron.

Amounts used

The amount of slurry used depends on the number of products being enamelled, but may be tens of tonnes per day, equating to

several tonnes of boron per day (24 hours).

Frequency and duration of use

The slurry is discharged to stirrer vessels via a sieve to remove oversize particles. The vessels are then connected to spraying facilities, for either manual or automatic spraying. The products are sprayed and then dried and fired in ovens. The frequency with

which these processes take place will depend on the size of the factory, but one factory reported up to 8000 components beingenamelled per day. Tens of thousands of ceramic tiles may be glazed in one day.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The work takes place indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The enamel is sprayed as a slurry.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The spraying takes place in spray booths or on conveyor lines served by local exhaust ventilation.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out b y workers

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives. Routine maintenance and testing of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls and gloves. Glasses and P2/P3 RPE are worn when spraying is carried out manually. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. The RPE above rely on a tight face seal and will

not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. Therefore, they should define and document a suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment

programme including training of the workers.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no exposure data for this task. ART has been used to model inhalation exposure. The parameters used were 420 minutes

duration, powders dissolved in a liquid matrix, 1-5% boron, low viscosity, surface spraying of liquids, moderate application rate, spraying only horizontally or downwards, with no or low compressed air, open process with effective housekeeping, enclosing hoodLEV and no secondary controls. The estimated 90th percentile for spraying slurry in a spray booth is 0.16mgB/m3. This is well below

the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

Dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE. The parameters used were aqueous solution, 1-5% boron, PROC4, duration >240

minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact, exterior LEV, and wearing gloves. Exposure was estimated to be 0.048mgB/day. This is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario enamelling and glazing

Product characteristics

The boron-containing frits contain between 0.1 and 60% borate depending on the application. This equates to between 0.01 and 12.9% boron depending on the type of boron-containing substance used (boric acid, anhydrous borate, disodium tetraborate pentahydrate, disodium tetraborate decahydrate). The frits are supplied as a powder, or as a liquid glaze which may be applied by

spraying, brushing or dipping. The frits and glazes may contain inorganic colour pigments. Alternatively, art glass may be supplied as beads, which are ground by the user. Once the enamel or glaze has been applied it is fired, either in a kiln or in a flame.

Amounts used

The amount of frits/enamel/glaze used depends on the type of work being carried out, but is likely to be in gram quantities.

Frequency and duration of use

The frits are supplied in small quantities in plastic bags. Liquid enamels or glazes are supplied in small pots. Professional users may use these products throughout the day, but in relatively small quantities.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The work takes place indoors, often in small workshops.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

If spraying enamels a spray booth fitted with LEV is used.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Professional training. Routine maintenance and testing of spraybooth if spraying.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives may wear overalls. The wearing of RPE varies. Where LEV is insufficient to control exposure during spraying, P2

respirators should be worn. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. The RPE above rely on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory

protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. Therefore, they should define and document a suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no exposure data relating directly to professional use of frits and enamels. ART has been used to model inhalation exposure. The parameters used were coarse dry dust, falling powders, transferring less than 10g/minute, careful transfer, open process, general housekeeping in place, indoors, any size workroom, no LEV and good natural ventilation.The estimated 90th

percentile for inhalation exposure for the use of frits is 0.005mgB/m3. ART has also been used to estimate exposure during thespraying of liquid enamel. The parameters used were powder dissolved in a liquid, of low viscosity, surface spraying of liquids, low

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out b y workers

application rate, horizontal or downward spraying with no compressed air, general housekeeping in place, indoors, any size workroom, fume cupboard, and good natural ventilation.The estimated 90th percentile for inhalation exposure for spraying liquid enamel is 0.006mgB/m3. These values are well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no data available for dermal exposure. Dermal exposure has been modelled using MEASE. The parameters used were

medium dustiness solid, 5-25% boron, PROC 26, professional use, 60-240 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact with no gloves.The estimated exposure range is 0.36mg/day assuming that the boron content of the frit is between 5 and 25%. This is higher than expected but the model assumed the exposed skin area to be 1980cm2, which is very unlikely when handling such small quantities of material. This value is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.

MEASE was also used to estimate dermal exposure when spraying enamels. The parameters used were liquid, 1-5% boron, PROC

11, professional use, 60-240 minutes, non-dispersive sue, non-direct handling, incidental contact and no gloves.Dermal exposure was estimated to be 0.03mg/day which is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mg/day. Contributing scenario firing frits in flame

Product characteristics

The boron-containing frits contain up to 12.9% boron depending on the product.

Amounts used

The amount of frits fired in a hand-held flame is likely to be a few grams per day.

Frequency and duration of use

This task may be carried out daily several times per day for a few minutes each time.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The work takes place indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Professional training.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Glasses to protect eyes against intense light.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no exposure data for this task and this activity is outside the parameters for ART and MEASE. However, given the very low

quantities of frits likely to be used during this activity both the inhalation and dermal exposure are expected to be negligible.

9.4.2. Exposure estimation Industrial use of borates during production of glass wool: Generic exposure scenario 1, no water discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to air2 827 g/T Sector specif ic data based on questionnaires

Tonnage > 15 000 T boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 3.86 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.715 industrial use of borates for glass made by e lectric melting: Generic exposure scenario 2, no

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

water discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to air392 g/T Sector specif ic data

Tonnage > 15 000 T boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 0.54 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.100 Industrial use of borates for glass with a high alkali to boron ratio made by gas melting:

Generic exposure scenario 3, no water discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to air10 896 g/T Sector specif ic data

Tonnage 5 300 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 5.25 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.97 Industrial use of borates for glass with a low alkali to boron ratio made by gas melting:

Generic exposure scenario 4, no water discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to air36 562 g/T Sector specif ic data

Tonnage 1 580 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 5.26 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.97

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.5. Production of diboron trioxide-containing catalysts

9.5.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.5. Exposure Scenario : Production of diboron trioxide -containing catalysts

Number of the ES


SU3 Industrial use

SU 8 Manufacture of bulk, large scale chemicals (including petroleum products)

SU 9 Manufacture of fine chemicals

SU10 Formulation of preparations


Not relevant


ERC 1 Manufacture of substances

ERC 3 Formulation in materials

ERC 6A Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6B Industrial use of reactive processing aids


PROC 1 Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

PROC 2 Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure (e.g. sampling)

PROC 3 Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4 Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

PROC 5 Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or significant contact)

PROC 8a Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/ discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities

PROC 8b Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/ discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities

PROC 9 Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)

PROC 14 Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation

Production of diborontrioxide-containing catalysts including:

Raw material delivery and handling, catalyst manufacture: dissolving, precipitating, filtrating, drying, mixing, forming, impregnation, calcination, stripping, regeneration, stabilisation, coating and screening, fresh catalyst packaging: filling operations, cl eaning and

maintenance and storage of final product.

9.5.1. Control of environmental exposure Contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for production of diboron trioxide-containing catalysts

Further specification

Product characteristics

Powdered or shaped catalysts with boron concentration being ranging from ca. 1 to 4 wt%.

Amounts used

The calculations have been done based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back -calculations with the relevant PNECs when necessary.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)Equivalent tonnage

diboron trioxide

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 200 645

Frequency and duration of use

330 days per year

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

A default dilution factor of 10 is taken into account for freshwater.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure


Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Appropriate process control systems are implemented

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Waste water:

No emission; all process water is treated onsite and reused


Treatment applied to air emissions by fabric or bag filters, HEPA filters, ceramic filters or wet scrubbers.

Release factor after on-site treatment: 2.7 g/T (max)

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Regular operator training

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Diborontrioxide containing waste is filled into containers and disposed off at dedicated licensed waste treatment facility and


Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

Diborontrioxide containing waste suitable for recycling may be recycled either internally or at licensed recycling facility.

9.5.2. Exposure estimation Production of catalysts: Generic exposure scenario 1, no water discharge to envi ronment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to air

2.7 g/T Site specif ic data

Tonnage 200 T boron

Emission days 330 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.01

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.6. Industrial use of diboron trioxide-containing catalysts

9.6.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.6. Exposure Scenario : Industrial use of diboron trioxide -containing catalysts

Number of the ES


SU3 Industrial use

SU 8 Manufacture of bulk, large scale chemicals (including petroleum products)

SU 9 Manufacture of fine chemicals


Not relevant


ERC 1 Manufacture of substances

ERC 6A Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance (use of intermediates)

ERC 6B Industrial use of reactive processing aids


PROC 1 Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure

PROC 2 Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure (e.g. sampling)

PROC 3 Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)

PROC 4 Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises

PROC 8a Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/ discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities

PROC 8b Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/ discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities

For industrial use as catalyst:

Industrial use of shaped diboron trioxide-containing catalysts:

Loading of reactor (transfer from big bags/drums/containers), use in closed reactor, unloading of reactor (transfer into drums /containers), cleaning and maintenance. Contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for industrial use of diboron trioxide-containing catalysts

Further specification

Product characteristics

Saped catalysts with boron concentration of B approx 1%

Amounts used

Tonnage B in typical catalyst charge used in one reactor 2 3t

Frequency and duration of use

Frequency and duration of use - loading/unloading of reactor : 1-3 weeks once in a year or up to three years interval

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

A default dilution factor of 10 is taken into account for freshwater.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure


Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Appropriate process control systems are implemented to prevent release.

Transfer of catalyst between reactor and containers during loading and unloading are enclosed and may occur outdoors. Delivery of

catalyst frequently occurs in big bags, drums or flow bins; big bags are equipped with dumping spouts that can be connected to a loading tube. Transfer also refers to tank cars or railroad cars, i.e. big containers that can be tightly connected to the reactor.

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Transfer of catalyst to reactor: semi-automated: catalyst transferred into hoppers and connected to loading tubes, or enclosed transfer

from container to reactor.. Production equipment is not ventilated. The catalyst is installed in a reactor that is completely closed with no ventilation.

No involvement of water should take place except from in closed cycle.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

During the loading and unloading of the catalyst no releases to air or water are expected.

Also during the use of the catalyst no releases of boron to air or water are expected.

Therefore there is no need to make an exposure scenario.

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Regular operator training

Loading/Unloading operations usually performed by professional loading companies.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Diborontrioxide containing waste is filled into containers and disposed off at dedicated licensed waste treatment facility and


Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

To be performed by licensed waste recovery companies

9.6.2. Exposure estimationNo calculated exposure scenario is required, release of boron from catalysts during use is very unlikely.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.16. Use of articles containing borates

9.16.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.16. Exposure Scenario : Use of articles containing borates

Number of the ES

PROCs : 11, 21

ERC : 9a, 9b, 10a, 11a

PC : 0

SU : 19, 22

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC

1 Generic exposure scenario for use of articles containing borates without release to the environment

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

2 Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

3 Contributing scenario installation of cellulose insulation

6 Contributing scenario installation of plasterboard, board and other products

9.16.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for use of

articles containing borates without release to the environment

Product characteristics

Boric acid and borax compounds are integrated into articles without intended release.

Amounts used

Amounts used are not relevant for this scenario

Frequency and duration of use

Default of 365 day/year

Environment factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Borates are strongly bound into a material without any intended release.

In case of washing only a very small fraction at the surface of the article might be available for release but boron is not expected to migrate out of the article.

Borates are not volatile so once fixed in an article there will be no release to air.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

There are no RMM assumed when using articles containing boron. There is no intended release out of the article.

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site


Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant boron is not released from an article and discharged to a sewer.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

At the end of the lifecycle the article should be correctly disposed of. Waste from articles containing borates should be disposed of

correctly in accordance to local regulations.

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

None Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins on the plant. Maintenance activities take place on and around the plant.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 13 datapoints for maintenance activities in closed manufacturing plants. When maintenance activities are taking place on a

particular piece of plant, the plant may be opened to allow access to work, so that the normal engineering controls will not be working.

The exposure data ranges from 0 to 2.66 mgB/m3. This is a wide range and reflects the variety of work carried out by maintenance workers. The 90th percentile for these data is 1.33 mgB/m3, which is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/day. These estimates do not take into account the effect of RPE. Where engineering controls are not effective, RPE (P2/P3) must be worn to ensure inhalation

exposure remains below the DNEL.

Dermal exposure may occur during maintenance activities. MEASE has been used to estimate this exposure. It has been assumed that exposure to borate dust during maintenance activities may occur for up to four hours. The estimated exposure to dust is 0.014mg/day, which is equivalent to up to 0.003mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario installation of cellulose insulation

Product characteristics

The boron-containing insulation contains between 1.5 and 3.6% boron.

Amounts used

The amount of insulation used at any one time will depend on the area to be insulated, and whether the insulators are working on a building site, where they may insulate many buildings in one day or whether they are insulating individual buildings, where they will spend time travelling between jobs.

Frequency and duration of use

Professional insulation installers would carry out this work every day, up to eight hours per day. Tasks include operating the hopper, drilling holes in walls for installation of cellulose insulation through the holes using a hose, laying fibreglass batti ng over light fittings

and soffit areas of attics prior to spraying and spraying the insulation to the required depth in the attics. They do not carry out these tasks continuously throughout the shift.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The work takes place indoors, often in reasonably confined spaces such as attics. They also put insulation in walls, which is less


Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

In some cases, the cellulose insulation is wetted by a spray as it leaves the nozzle. This controls the amount of dust generated by the

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

activity and also improves the adhesion characteristics of the insulation.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls. The wearing of RPE varies. P1/P2 respirators may be worn during installation by some workers. Where

RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. The RPE above rely on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. Therefore, they should define and document a suitable policy for a respiratory protective

equipment programme including training of the workers.

Information on estimated exposure

There was no exposure data available directly from the installers. Inhalation exposure data was available from an NTP toxicity report and exposure assessment document compiled by NIOSH in 2006. There were 87 datapoints for 8-hr TWA personal exposures to inhalable dust during the installation of cellulose insulation. These 8-hr TWA exposures were calculated from short-term

measurements and knowledge of task and shift lengths by the authors of the report. They also gathered information on the boroncontent of the cellulose insulation used by each of the contractors. The 8-hr TWA exposures to boron have been calculated using this information. The range of results was 0 to 0.79mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for this dataset is 0.3mgB/m3. This figure is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg/m3.

There was no dermal exposure data available so MEASE was used to estimate exposure. The parameters used were medium

dustiness solid, 1-5% boron,PROC 11, professional use, >240 minutes, wide dispersive use, non-direct handling, extensive contact and no gloves. The estimated value for dermal exposure was 0.15mgB/day assuming gloves are not worn. This is below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario installation of plasterboard, board and other products

Product characteristics

The plasterboard or board contains less than 1% boron.

Amounts used

The amount of plasterboard or board used at any one time will depend on the area to be boarded. It is estimated that on average a construction worker/plasterer would not spend more than one hour in total cutting board, and not more than four hours handling board. The construction worker/plasterer may spend 5-10 minutes cleaning up at the end of his shift. The rest of the shift would be spent

carrying out preparation work such as installing wooden battens and plastering.

Frequency and duration of use

Professional plasterers and construction workers would carry out this work every day, up to eight hours per day, but as outli ned above

would not spend the entire shift handling plasterboard.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The work takes place indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear work clothes.

Information on estimated exposure

There was no exposure data available. ART cannot currently estimate exposure from cutting solid materials, so MEASE was used to

estimate inhalation exposure during this activity. The parameters used were massive object, <1% boron, PROC 21, professional use, >240 minutes,no RMMs, and no RPE. MEASE estimated inhalation exposure to be 0.005mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA. This is well below the

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure was also estimated using MEASE. The parameters used were massive object, <1% boron, PROC 21, professional use, >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact and no gloves. Dermal exposure was estimated to be 0.99mgB/day, assuming no gloves were worn. This value is below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Exposure estimation

No calculated exposure scenario is required; release of boron from articles is very unlikely.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.15. Industrial processing of articles with abrasive techniques (low


9.15.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.16. Exposure Scenario : Industrial processing of articles with abrasive techniques (low releases)

Number of the ES


ERC : 12a

PC :

SU :

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC :

1 Generic exposure scenario ERC12a

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

2 Contributing scenario installation of plasterboard, wood-based boards and other products

Exposure scenarios have been created based on the ERCs. ERC12a is valid for but not limited to following uses :

Manufacture of articles with parts containing borates


9.15.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for formulation of mixtures containing borate compounds

Generic exposure scenario for all sectors using ERC 12a

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are integrated into articles

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the

product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 3.2

Selected for Exposure Scenario 2 163

Selected for Exposure Scenario 3 36

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 2 300

Substance Formula Conversion factor for

equivalent dose of B (multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Industrial end use occurs 20 days per year per site (Default for end use T < 1 000). In case the tonnage is above 1000 this is still valid as a worst case assumption.

Environment factors not influenced by r isk management

A default dilution factor of 10 is taken into account for freshwater.

A default dilution factor of 100 is taken into account for marine.

A specific dilution factor of 500 is taken into account for sites discharging into large rivers.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure


Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc . Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed

removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to both the water and air compartments are taken from the REACH guidance and based on the ERCs because only very few sites reported a reliable release factor or data to calculate one. Some sites reported that they do not discharge wastewater

r to an

offsite location for special treatments. Therefore an exposure scenario without wastewater will also be calculated.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1, 2 and 3 25 000 25 000

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 0 25 000

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. Generic scenarios are considered without the use of a munici pal

STP. If sites discharge to a municipal STP the concentration of boron should not exceed 1.75 mg/L in the municipal STP.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as

an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous landfill.

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing scenario installation of plasterboard, wood-based boards and other products

Product characteristics

The plasterboard or board contains less than 1% boron.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Amounts used

The amount of plasterboard or board used at any one time will depend on the area to be boarded. It is estimated that on average a

construction worker/plasterer would not spend more than one hour in total cutting board, and not more than four hours handling board. The construction worker/plasterer may spend 5-10 minutes cleaning up at the end of his shift. The rest of the shift would be spent carrying out preparation work such as installing wooden battens and plastering.

Frequency and duration of use

Professional plasterers and construction workers would carry out this work every day, up to eight hours per day, but as outlined above would not spend the entire shift handling board.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The work takes place indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear work clothes.

Information on estimated exposure

There was no exposure data available. ART cannot currently estimate exposure from cutting solid materials, so MEASE was used to

estimate inhalation exposure during this activity. The parameters used were massive object, <1% boron, PROC 21, professional use, >240 minutes,no RMMs, and no RPE. MEASE estimated inhalation exposure to be 0.005mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA. This is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure was also estimated using MEASE. The parameters used were massive object, <1% boron, PROC 21, professional use, >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact and no gloves. Dermal exposure was estimated to be 0.99mgB/day, assuming no gloves were worn. This value is below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.

9.15.2. Exposure estimation ERC12a Industrial processing of articles containing borates with abrasive techniques (low

release): Generic exposure scenario 1, freshwater, dilution factor 10

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to aquatic25 000 g/T Default ERC 12a

Environmental release factor to air

25 000 g/T Default ERC 12a

Tonnage 3.2 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

256 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment (freshwater) with dilution

factor 10

1.72 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.96

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.002 ERC12a Industrial processing of articles containing borates with abrasive techniques (low

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

release): Generic exposure scenario 2, freshwater, dilution factor 500

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

25 000 g/T Default ERC 12a

Environmental release

factor to air25 000 g/T Default ERC 12a

Tonnage 163 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 500

260 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 500

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.38 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.07 ERC12a Industrial processing of articles containing borates with abrasive techniques (low release): Generic exposure scenario 3, marine water, dilution factor 100

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

25 000 g/T Default ERC 12a

Environmental release

factor to air25 000 g/T Default ERC 12a

Tonnage 36 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (marine) with dilution factor 100

243 µg/L 1 350 0.18

PEClocal in sediment

(marine) with dilution factor 100

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.09 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.016 ERC12a Industrial processing of articles containing borates with abrasive techniques (low release): Generic exposure scenario 4, no water discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to air25 000 g/T Default ERC 12a

Tonnage 2 300 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 5.23 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.97

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.14. Wide dispersive use of borates with 100 % release to wastewater

9.14.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.14. Exposure Scenario : Wide dispersive use of borates with 100% release to wastewater

Number of the ES

PROCs : 1,2 3,5,6,7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 23, 24

ERC : 8a

PC : 35

SU : 3, 8, 20, 21, 22

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC :

1 Generic exposure scenario ERC 8a

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

2 Contributing scenario use of fabric detergents in industrial/professional settings

3 Contributing scenario use of cleaners in industrial/professional settings

Exposure scenarios have been created based on the ERCs. ERC 8a is valid for but not limited to following uses :

Use of boric acid in liquid detergents for enzyme stabilization

9.14.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for wide

dispersive use of borates with 100% release to wastewater

Generic exposure scenario for wide dispersive use of borates with 100% release to wastewater

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can

be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Approximately 932 tonnes of boron were used as enzyme stabilizers in 2004. This equals 93.2 tonnes for a region and 0.047 tonnes

for a standard town.

Frequency and duration of use

Releases occur for 36

Environment factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure


Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

None, all releases are going directly into a municipal sewer.

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

None, 100% of the boron is released to the wastewater

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site


Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Discharges to a municipal STP should be regulated that the PNECstp of 1.75 mg/L is not exceeded.

For this scenario a default STP with a discharge rate of 2000m3/day has been chosen.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Not relevant

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

Not relevant Contributing scenario use of fabric detergents in industrial/professional settings

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Product characteristics

The detergents are liquids or gels and generally contain 1-2% borate, therefore less than 0.5% boron.

Amounts used

The amounts used will vary depending on the frequency of washes, but gram quantities are used per wash.

Frequency and duration of use

For industrial and professional cleaners, the use of fabric detergents will be up to 5 times daily. For automatic washing machines, the detergent may be handled for about 1 minute per load, so up to 5 minutes per day. Many automatic washing machines used in the industrial setting have automatic dispensers for detergents so that workers do not need to handle detergents apart from changing

containers of detergents when empty.

Where detergents are used for hand-washing, this may be for a couple of minutes up to 10 times per day.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

Work is carried out indoors

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Automatic washing machines are on a closed cycle.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The detergents are usually liquid or gels. Detergents may be automatically dispensed into washing machines.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives. Routine testing and maintenance of equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives use eye protection and gloves when changing containers of fabric detergent.

Information on estimated exposure

As the detergents are liquid, there is no opportunity for inhalation exposure as aerosols are not formed.

There are no dermal data available, so MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure during hand washing of textiles. The parameters used were liquid, <1% boron, PROC 19, professional use, 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent

exposure and wearing gloves.The estimated dermal exposure is 0.005mgB/day, taking into account the use of gloves. Contributing scenario use of cleaners in industrial/professional settings

Product characteristics

The detergents are liquids and generally contain 1-2% borate, therefore less than 0.5% boron. They may be used for surface cleaning

manually or for cleaning using sprays. Spray cleaning may be on an industrial scale cleaning large objects, or may be on a professional scale where workers are using manual sprays to clean work surfaces.

Amounts used

The amounts used will vary depending on what is being cleaned. A large aeroplane for example would need hundreds of litres of fluid, while a smaller object may only require a litre.

Frequency and duration of use

For industrial and professional cleaners, the use of cleaning agents will be daily. The length of time within a shift that the cleaning fluid is being used or handled will vary, but could be for most of an 8-hour shift.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

Cleaning generally takes place in well-ventilated areas.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Dispensers may be used to prevent skin contact or splashing of neat product.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation


Information on estimated exposure

If the detergent is being used with a mop and bucket there will be no aerosol generated and therefore no inhalation exposure. However, sprays may be used. For example low pressure sprays may be used for cleaning the exterior of aeroplanes. Hand sprays

may also be used for cleaning work surfaces.

There are no exposure data available for these activities, so ART has been used to estimate inhalation exposure for both large scale cleaning and manual spray cleaning of work surfaces. For large scale cleaning, the estimated 90th percentile inhalation expos ure is 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

For cleaning of work surfaces using a manual spray, the estimated 90th percentile inhalation exposure was 0.009mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Both of these estimates for inhalation exposure are well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were liquid, <1% boron, PROC 7, industrial use, >240 minutes, side dispersive use, intermittent contact and wearing gloves.Estimated dermal exposure during spraying of large objects was 0.002mgB/day, assuming gloves are worn. This value is well below the dermal

(external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.

The estimated dermal exposure during manual spraying during surface cleaning was 0.014mgB/day. The parameters used were liquid, <1% boron, PROC 11, professional use, 60-240 minutes, wide dispersive use, intermittent contact and no gloves. This value is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.

9.14.2. Exposure estimation ERC 8a Wide dispersive use of borates with 100% release to wastewater: Generic exposure

scenario 1, freshwater, dilution factor 10

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to aquatic1 000 000 g/T Default ERC 8a

Environmental release factor to air

0 g/T All releases are to water

Tonnage 0.047 T Boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PECstp 0.06 mg/L 1.75 0.04

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

63 µg/L 1 350 0.05

PEClocal in sediment (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

0.37 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.20

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.13. Industrial use of borates in closed systems

9.13.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.13. Exposure Scenario : Industrial use of borates in closed systems

Number of the ES

PROCs :4 8b, 13, 15

ERC : 7

PC :

SU :

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC

1 Generic exposure scenario ERC 7

2 Specific exposure scenario for nuclear power plants

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

2 Contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for use of borates in nuclear power plants without releases to water

3 Contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for use of borates in nuclear power plants with releases

to water

4 Contributing scenario working in the laboratory

5 Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

6 Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed processes at high temperatures

7 Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

8 Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

9 Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

10 Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

Exposure scenarios have been created based on the ERCs. ERC 7 is valid for but not limited to following uses :

Use of borates in nuclear power plants

Number of the ES

9.13.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for industrial use of borates in closed systems

Generic exposure scenario for all sectors using ERC 7

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the

product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 1.63

Selected for Exposure Scenario 2 81

Selected for Exposure Scenario 3 18

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 1 155

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Industrial end use occurs 20 days per year per site (Default for end use T < 1 000)

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

A default dilution factor of 10 is taken into account for freshwater.

A default dilution factor of 100 is taken into account for marine.

A specific dilution factor of 500 is taken into account for sites discharging into large rivers.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Borates are used in closed systems.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc . Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed

removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific WWTP. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP.

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to both the water and air compartments are taken from the REACH guidance and based on the ERCs because only very few sites reported a reliable release factor or data to calculate one. Some sites reported that they do not discharge wastewater

to the environment. They eitheoffsite location for special treatments. Therefore an exposure scenario without wastewater will also be calculated.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1,2 and 3 50 000 50 000

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 0 50 000

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. Generic scenarios are considered without the use of a municipal STP. If sites discharge to a municipal STP the concentration of boron should not exceed 1.75 mg/L in the municipal STP.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous


Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for use of borates in nuclear power plants without releases to water

Use in closed systems in nuclear power plants

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can

be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the

product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 5 15 000

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Number of days related to the use of borates is 75 for nuclear power plants (median, 50 th % based on questionnaires)

Environment factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Weighing takes place inside the building. The following steps take place inside a building in enclosed systems.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Closed system

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

No emissions to water.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques

can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to the air and water compartments are calculated from sector specific information :

Sites reported that they do not discharge wastewater to the environment. Wastewater is treated by specific companies. For ai remissions they estimate very small concentration, because the solid material goes straight into water through a funnel. The liquid discharge does not go into sewer, nor into living water. The release factor to water is 0 and the release factor for air should not be

higher then the value in the scenario for formulation of mixtures.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 5 0 400

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, no releases to water.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous landfill.

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for use of borates in nuclear power plants with releases to water

Use in closed systems in nuclear power plants with releases to water after on-site treatment

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

No maximum safe tonnage could be derived for this scenario but a maximal discharge tonnage is derived.

Information typeMaximal discharge tonnage (kg B/year)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 6 13 000

Selected for Exposure Scenario 7 13 000

Frequency and duration of use

The discharges to water are not continuous but are limited in time. The waste water is collected in storage tanks and releas ed at

appropriate times. The number of emission days per year has been set to 32 day/year based on a discussion with the industry.

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

Nuclear power plants are located along large rivers so a dilution factor of 1000 is appropriate. Diluting happens in 2 steps, a first dilution with the cooling water and a second dulution in the riverwater. They also monitor their wastewater emissions to be sure to

have complete dilution.

Nuclear power plants discharging to the ocean have a first mixing of their wastewater in the cooling water and then discharged to the ocean, since also here they monitor for complete mixing dilution a dilution factor of 1000 is appropriate.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Weighing takes place inside the building. The following steps take place inside a building in enclosed systems.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The boron is used in closed system until the storage tank.

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific WWTP.

Release factors to the air and water compartments are calculated from sector specific information :

The use of boric acid powder is done in closed system so there is no release to the air, but there are waste water discharges containing boron in the rivers or the sea. These discharges are strictly regulated and monitored by nuclear safety Authority. Managing

the source at the origin, treating these effluents (recycling, evaporation and demineralization) allows to limit the flows and concentrations of boric acid liquid discharges into the surrounding environment. One part of boric acid is discharged, the other part is concentrated in solid wastes.

Information type Releases to water (kg/year) Releases to air

Selected for Exposure Scenario 6 13 000 0

Selected for Exposure Scenario 7 13 000 0

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, wastewater is not passing a municipal STP

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous


Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing scenario working in the laboratory

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

Samples of about 1kg are taken, but only a few grammes are used in quality control tests.

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

The technician spends a few minutes weighing borate samples each day, which is the only source of exposure, as the samples are normally collected by the plant operatives.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Very small quantities are used, and tests are often carried out in fume cupboards.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards worker

Tests are carried out in fume cupboards.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear laboratory coats, safety shoes and safety glasses.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 18 datapoints for laboratory technicians. The range of results was 0 to 0.2mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA The 90th percentile for this

dataset was 0.16 mgB/m3, which is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45 mgB/m3.

As there are no real data for dermal exposure during this activity, MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used for estimating dermal exposure during laboratory work were; a high dustiness solid, with 5-25% boron, PROC 15,

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and no gloves. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.014mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate delivered at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being

manufactured. Each road tanker normally contains about 25-40 tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, deliveries are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. The duration of the off-loading activity lasts for one to two hours per road tanker.

Some sites take borates in pallets of 25kg bags, which may occur as infrequently as once or twice per year, while for others it is a weekly process.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out outdoors so deliveries are made at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of borate is made pneumatically. A flexible hose is connected from the road tanker to the plant pipework. The borate is

then pumped to the plant silos using either the motor on the road tanker or using onsite pumps. The system is therefore closed and there is little opportunity for worker exposure. The connection and disconnection of the flexible pipework takes one or two minutes,and this is the only opportunity for potential exposure to the borate.

Borates arriving by pallet are taken from the truck into the warehouse using a forklift truck.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The receiving silos are fitted with filters to prevent the dispersion of borate with the displaced air from the top of the silos.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles.

Information on estimated exposure

There is only one data point available for this activity exclusively. This value is 0.016 mgB/m3.

The ART exposure model was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry dust, vacuum transfer of powders, transferring 100-1000kg/minute, open process, fully enclosed process, outdoors, LEV. The estimated 90th

percentile exposure to dust was 0.13mg/m3. The boron equivalent would be in the range 0.01 0.03mgB/m3 depending on the boron-containing material being off-loaded. This range accords well with the one real datapoint obtained. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3

MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure during this activity. The parameters used were >25% borate, PROC2, duration <15minutes, closed system without breaches, non-direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure is

0.002mg/day dust, which would be equivalent to less than 0.001mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed processes at high temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured

but is likely to be several tonnes per day.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For most closed manufacturing

processes the activity is 24 hours, 365 days per year, if a furnace has to be kept in operation.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational condition

The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are mainly very high, as these processes include glass making,

ceramics, steel and alloy making.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins, which is where operatives spend most of their time.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where there are breaches in the closed systems such as pouring and removal of slag in metal production, LEV is used to controlfumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls or heavy heat resistant clothing. In addition, gloves and safety glasses or goggles should be worn when

carrying out cleaning or maintenance activities. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not provide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. In some cases, battery-powered, air-fed helmets are worn.These respirators, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient protection. Where tight-fitting RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. Tight-fitting RPE relies on a good face seal and will

not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in


Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The

90th percentile for these data is 0.06 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. Assuming cleaning activities would There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including

routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASE

for this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60 minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated

dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make mixtures such as pastes and coatings

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured, but could be up to a tonne per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed including the opening and addition of borates from 25kg


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to airborne contaminants.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators

must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The

90th percentile for these data is 0.06 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. Assuming cleaning activities would There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including

routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASE

for this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60 minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimateddermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all

the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins on the

plant. Maintenance activities take place on and around the plant.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators

must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 13 datapoints for maintenance activities in closed manufacturing plants. When maintenance activities are taking place on a

particular piece of plant, the plant may be opened to allow access to work, so that the normal engineering controls will not be working.

The exposure data ranges from 0 to 2.66 mgB/m3. This is a wide range and reflects the variety of work carried out by maintenance workers. The 90th percentile for these data is 1.33 mgB/m3, which is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/day. These estimates do not take into account the effect of RPE. Where engineering controls are not effective, RPE (P2/P3) must be worn to ensure inhalation exposure remains below the DNEL.

Dermal exposure may occur during maintenance activities. MEASE has been used to estimate this exposure. It has been assumed

that exposure to borate dust during maintenance activities may occur for up to four hours. The estimated exposure to dust is 0.014mg/day, which is equivalent to up to 0.003mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made everyday, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly or even yearly process. The duration of the activity can last from a

few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the bag to the charging point on the vessel either manually or using a winch, and cuts the bag, pouring the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of bags of borate has been added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addition

to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

At some sites, where the borate is delivered in 25kg bags, the bags of borate are fed directly into the furnace without being opened.

At some sites, the addition of the borate from the bag is semi-automated and the empty bag is automatically disposed of into a plastic tube for disposal.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate from the bags is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

None required.

At some sites semi-automation of the bag emptying process removes the source of exposure from the worker.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker. The

hood should enclose the charging point as far as possible and the LEV should pull airborne dust away from the operative.

The empty bag should be placed directly to waste.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where LEV does not reduce inhalation exposure to boron below the inhalation DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a

tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face proper ly and securely. The employer

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 41 datapoints for the discharge of 25 kg bags into mixing vessels or similar. They range from none detected to 1.45mg

B/m3, 8-hr TWA. Any short-term exposure values have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. The 90th percentile for this dataset is 0.78mgB/m3. This value is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60

minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that allthe dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured,

but may be several tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made everyday, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up

to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the big bag to the charging point on the vessel using a winch or forklift truck, and cuts the base of the big bag, releasing the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of big bags of borate has been

added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addi tion to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Single-use bags can be opened by the use of sharp prongs at the discharge hopper. When the big bag is placed at the discharge hopper and lowered, the prongs cut into the base of the bag releasing the borate into the hopper. This removes the operator from the

immediate vicinity and contributes to a reduction in exposure.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not

provide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours

of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 31 personal exposure datapoints for the discharge of big bags. They range from 0.005 mgB/m3 to 6.9 mgB/m3. For most downstream users the discharging of bags into receiving vessels is the main source of exposure to borates for those operatives, and

is a short-term activity. Some short-term data was supplied converted to 8-hr TWAs. Any short-term exposure values provided have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. This is a very wide data range and largely reflects the effectiveness of the LEV at different plants. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90 th percentile for these data is 2.0mgB/m3, which is above the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. If effective engineering controls/LEV are not in place, RPE (P2/P3)

must be used to reduce worker exposure below the inhalation DNEL until effective engineering controls are put in place.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 4, 15-60 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, extensive contact, exterior LEV and wearing

gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.48mg/day which is equivalent to 0.05 to 0.1mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

9.13.2. Exposure estimation ERC 7 Use of borates in closed systems: Generic exposure scenario 1, freshwater, dilution factor 10

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

50 000 g/T Default ERC 7

Environmental release

factor to air50 000 g/T Default ERC 7

Tonnage 1.63 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

260 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 10

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.002 ERC 7 Use of borates in closed systems: Generic exposure scenario 2, freshwater, dilution factor 500

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

50 000 g/T Default ERC 7

Environmental release

factor to air50 000 g/T Default ERC 7

Tonnage 81 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 500

259 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 500

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.37 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.07 ERC 7 Use of borates in closed systems: Generic exposure scenario 3, marine water, dilution factor 100

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

50 000 g/T Default ERC 7

Environmental release

factor to air50 000 g/T Default ERC 7

Tonnage 18 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (marine) with dilution factor 100

243 µg/L 1 350 0.18

PEClocal in sediment (marine) with dilution factor 100

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.09 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.02 ERC 7 Use of borates in closed systems: Generic exposure scenario 4, no water discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to air

50 000 g/T Default ERC 7

Tonnage 1 155 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 5.25 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.97 Use of borates in closed systems from nuclear power plants: Generic exposure scenario 5, no water discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to air

400 g/T

Assumption that the release will not be higher then

during a formulation phase since working in strictly closed controlled systems.

Tonnage > 15 000 T boron

Emission days 75 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 0.55 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.10 Use of borates in closed systems from nuclear power plants: Generic exposure scenario 6, freshwater, dilution factor 1000

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

13 000 kg/year

Environmental release

factor to airNo air emissions

Emission days 32 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 1000

260 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment (freshwater) with dilution factor 1000

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.001 Use of borates in closed systems from nuclear power plants: Generic exposure scenario 7, marine water, dilution factor 1000

Operational conditions Value Unit

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Environmental release

factor to aquatic13 000 kg/year

Environmental release factor to air

No air emissions

Emission days 32 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (marine) with dilution factor 1000

221 µg/L 1 350 0.16

PEClocal in sediment

(marine) with dilution factor 1000

1.59 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.88

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.001

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.12. Industrial use of reactive processing aids

9.12.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.12. Exposure Scenario : Industrial use of reactive processing aids

Number of the ES

PROCs : 4, 13, 19

ERC : 6b

PC : 30

SU : 22

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC

1 Generic exposure scenario ERC 6b

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:2 Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

3 Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed processes at high temperatures

4 Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

5 Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

6 Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

7 Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

8 Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate-containing powders

9 Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

10 Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch manufacturing processes

Exposure scenarios have been created based on the ERCs. ERC 6b is valid for but not limited to following uses :

Use of borates in chemical synthesis

9.12.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for industrial

use of borates as reactive processing aids

Generic exposure scenario for all sectors using ERC 6b

Further specification

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can

be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs

when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 29

Selected for Exposure Scenario 2 1 450

Selected for Exposure Scenario 3 325

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 15 000

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Data from questionnaires from the chemical synthesis industry.

Information type Emission days to water per site (d/y) Emission days to air per site (d/y)

Median (50th percentile) 358 358

90th percentile 365 365

Min 4 4

Max 365 365

Data points 8 8

Selected for Exposure Scenario 358 358

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

A default dilution factor of 10 is taken into account for freshwater.

A default dilution factor of 100 is taken into account for marine.

A specific dilution factor of 500 is taken into account for sites discharging into large rivers.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Weighing takes place inside the building. Most of the followi ng steps

take place inside a building in (semi) enclosed systems.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc . Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not

appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to both the water and air compartments are taken from the REACH guidance and based on the ERCs because only very few sites reported a reliable release factor or data to calculate one. Some sites reported that they do not discharge wastewater

he process, recycle the water in a closed system or send their wastewater to an

offsite location for special treatments. Therefore an exposure scenario without wastewater will also be calculated.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1, 2 and 3 50 000 1 000

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 0 1 000

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. Generic scenarios are considered without the use of a municipal

STP. If sites discharge to a municipal STP the concentration of boron should not exceed 1.75 mg/L in the municipal STP.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous


Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate delivered at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being

manufactured. Each road tanker normally contains about 25-40 tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, deliveries are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. The duration of the off-loading activity lasts for one to two hours per road tanker.

Some sites take borates in pallets of 25kg bags, which may occur as infrequently as once or twice per year, while for others it is aweekly process.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out outdoors so deliveries are made at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of borate is made pneumatically. A flexible hose is connected from the road tanker to the plant pipework. The borate is then pumped to the plant silos using either the motor on the road tanker or using onsite pumps. The system is therefore closed and

there is little opportunity for worker exposure. The connection and disconnection of the flexible pipework takes one or two minutes, and this is the only opportunity for potential exposure to the borate.

Borates arriving by pallet are taken from the truck into the warehouse using a forklift truck.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The receiving silos are fitted with filters to prevent the dispersion of borate with the displaced air from the top of the silos.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles.

Information on estimated exposure

There is only one data point available for this activity exclusively. This value is 0.016 mgB/m3.

The ART exposure model was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were f ine dry dust, vacuum transfer of powders, transferring 100-1000kg/minute, open process, fully enclosed process, outdoors, LEV. The estimated 90th percentile exposure to dust was 0.13mg/m3. The boron equivalent would be in the range 0.01 0.03mgB/m3 depending on the boron-

containing material being off -loaded. This range accords well w ith the one real datapoint obtained. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

MEASE w as used to estimate dermal exposure during this activity. The parameters used were >25% borate, PROC2, duration

<15minutes, closed system w ithout breaches, non-direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure is 0.002mg/day dust, which would be equivalent to less than 0.001mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed

processes at high temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured but is likely to be several tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For most closed manufacturing processes the activity is 24 hours, 365 days per year, if a furnace has to be kept in operation.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are mainly very high, as these processes include glass making, ceramics, steel and alloy making.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins, which is where

operatives spend most of their time.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where there are breaches in the closed systems such as pouring and removal of slag in metal production, LEV is used to control


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls or heavy heat resistant clothing. In addition, gloves and safety glasses or goggles should be worn whencarrying out cleaning or maintenance activities. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not provide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. In some cases, battery-powered, air-fed helmets are

worn.These respirators, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient protection. Where tight-fitting RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. Tight-fitting RPE relies on a good face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their cor rect use

in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.06 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well

below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. Assuming cleaning activities would There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASE for this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield

is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60

minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make mixtures such as pastes and coatings

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured, but could be up to a tonne per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed including the opening and addition of borates from 25kg bags.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to airborne contaminants.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.06 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well

below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. Assuming cleaning activities would There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASEfor this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield

is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness sol id, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60

minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimateddermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins on the plant. Maintenance activities take place on and around the plant.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 13 datapoints for maintenance activities in closed manufacturing plants. When maintenance activities are taking place on a particular piece of plant, the plant may be opened to allow access to work, so that the normal engineering controls will not be working.

The exposure data ranges from 0 to 2.66 mgB/m3. This is a wide range and reflects the variety of work carried out by maintenance workers. The 90th percentile for these data is 1.33 mgB/m3, which is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/day. These estimates do

not take into account the effect of RPE. Where engineering controls are not effective, RPE (P2/P3) must be worn to ensure inhalation exposure remains below the DNEL.

Dermal exposure may occur during maintenance activities. MEASE has been used to estimate this exposure. It has been assumed that exposure to borate dust during maintenance activities may occur for up to four hours. The estimated exposure to dust is 0.014mg/day, which is equivalent to up to 0.003mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.. Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly or even yearly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the bag to the charging point on the vessel either manually or using a winch,

and cuts the bag, pouring the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of bags of borate has been added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addi tion to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

At some sites, where the borate is delivered in 25kg bags, the bags of borate are fed directly into the furnace without being opened.

At some sites, the addition of the borate from the bag is semi-automated and the empty bag is automatically disposed of into a plastic tube for disposal.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate from the bags is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

None required.

At some sites semi-automation of the bag emptying process removes the source of exposure from the worker.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker. The

hood should enclose the charging point as far as possible and the LEV should pull airborne dust away from the operative.

The empty bag should be placed directly to waste.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where LEV does not reduce inhalation exposure to boron below the inhalation DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a

tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including

training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 41 datapoints for the discharge of 25 kg bags into mixing vessels or similar. They range from none detected to 1.45mg

B/m3, 8-hr TWA. Any short-term exposure values have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. The 90th percentile for this dataset is 0.78mgB/m3. This value is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60

minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that allthe dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured,

but may be several tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the big bag to the charging point on the vessel using a winch or forklift truck, and cuts the base of the big bag, releasing the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of big bags of borate has been

added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addition to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

Human factors not influenced by risk management



The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Single-use bags can be opened by the use of sharp prongs at the discharge hopper. When the big bag is placed at the discharge hopper and lowered, the prongs cut into the base of the bag releasing the borate into the hopper. This removes the operator from the

immediate vicinity and contributes to a reduction in exposure.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

provide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours

of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 31 personal exposure datapoints for the discharge of big bags. They range from 0.005 mgB/m3 to 6.9 mgB/m3. For most downstream users the discharging of bags into receiving vessels is the main source of exposure to borates for those operatives, and

is a short-term activity. Some short-term data was supplied converted to 8-hr TWAs. Any short-term exposure values provided have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. This is a very wide data range and largely reflects the effectiveness of the LEV at different plants. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile for these data is 2.0mgB/m3, which is above the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. If effective engineering controls/LEV are not in place, RPE (P2/P3)

must be used to reduce worker exposure below the inhalation DNEL until effective engineering controls are put in place.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were

high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 4, 15-60 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, extensive contact, exterior LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.48mg/day which is equivalent to 0.05 to 0.1mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate -containing powders

Product characteristics

The borates and borate mixtures are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of substance tabletted will vary, but may be several tonnes per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of compaction/tabletting is variable, but is often a daily, shift-length activity.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The work is carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Parts of the plant may be enclosed e.g.transfer conveyors.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

LEV controls release of airborne dust.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, and when necessary, safety glasses and P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are four personal exposure datapoints for compacting pure borates into pellets and one for compacting fertiliser. These range

from 0 to 1.3mgB/m3. Due to the small number of real data, ART was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry dust, compressing of powders, compressing 10-100kg/minute, open process, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, LEV and good natural ventilation. The estimated 90th percentile is 7mg/m3, 8-hr TWA inhalable dust. The equivalent

90th percentile exposure to boron would be between 0.79mgB/m3 and 1.5mgB/m3 depending on the borate being compacted. These figures are for pure borate so would be applicable to manufacturers/importers. Exposures for downstream users would be lower as they would be compacting a mixture of powders rather than pure borate. The upper estimate for exposure is just above the inhalation DNEL for boron of 1.45mgB/m3. Where exposures are likely to exceed the DNEL, RPE must be worn until it can be demonstrated that

engineering controls reduce exposure to 0.15 mg B/m3, well below the inhalation DNEL.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC14, more than 240 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.024mg/day which is equivalent to between 0.003 and 0.005mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. These

values are for tabletting or compacting pure borates. The estimated dermal exposures will be lower for those compacting boron-containing mixtures.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

Product characteristics

The products may be solid, liquid or paste.

Amounts used

The amount of borate in the finished substance/preparation will depend on what has been made. The range may vary from 1 to 40%,

so boron content may vary from 0.11 to 8.6% and the substance may be in solid, liquid or paste form. The amount of product packaged may be tens of tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. Packaging activities can last from 1 hour to 8 hours.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

Some packaging processes are largely automatic. For example, packaging of liquids may be automatic apart from loading the closed

containers onto a pallet. Some packaging of solid products into 25kg sacks may be completely automatic, or the operative may have to place the bag on the filling chute and then manually close the bag and place on a pallet.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Not required.

Where the packaging process is completely automatic, there is a reduction in exposure to the worker as the worker is removed from the process.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where solid powders are being bagged the minimum engineering control required is effec tive LEV in place to control inhalation exposure.

At liquid filling stations there is no requirement for LEV as there is minimal risk for exposure by inhalation unless aerosols are generated.

Where pastes are packaged there is no likelihood of inhalation exposure so LEV is not required.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are few real data for packaging boron-containing substances. There are some data for packaging borate powders in 25kg bags

from the manufacturers and these can be used and adapted to take into account that the substances or preparations will contai nbetween 1 and 40% borate. The range of personal exposure measurements is 0.02 to 1.4mg B/m3. The range for the preparations would therefore be between 0.001 and 0.56 mg B/m3. The 90th percentile for this range is between 0.001 and 0.4mg B/m3 dependi ng

on the percentage borate in the preparation. This range for the 90th percentile is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg B/m3. These figures have assumed that the packaging operations will take place for 8 hours per day. In many cases packaging may onl ytake place for 1 or 2 hours per day, in which case exposure to boron would be lower still. These figures take into account risk

management measures such as LEV, but do not take into account the effect of wearing RPE.

The ART exposure model for inhalation predicts a 90th percentile of 0.06mg/m3 borate for filling liquids. The parameters used were

falling liquids, transfer flow 10-100l/minute, open process splash loading, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, LEV and good natural ventilation. The equivalent 90th percentile for exposure to boron would be 0.01mgB/m3. This estimate assumesexposure over an 8-hr working day. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure during non-automated packaging of powders. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive

use, direct handling, intermittent contact, integrated LEV and use of gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.144mg/day which, gives an equivalent exposure range to boron of between 0.02 and 0.03mgB/day. This range is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

MEASE was also used to estimate dermal exposure during the packaging of liquids. The parameters used were aqueous liquid, 5-25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.014mg/day, which is equivalent to a boron exposure range of 0.002 and 0.003mgB/day

which is below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch

manufacturing processes

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

Samples of about 1kg are taken, but only a few grams are used in quality control tests.

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

The technician spends a few minutes weighing borate samples each day, which is the only source of exposure, as the samples ar enormally collected by the plant operatives.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Very small quantities are used, and tests are often carried out in fume cupboards.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards worker

Some tests are carried out in fume cupboards.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear laboratory coats, safety shoes, safety glasses and gloves.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 18 datapoints for laboratory technicians. The range of results was 0 to 0.2mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA The 90th percentile for this dataset was 0.16 mgB/m3, which is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45 mgB/m3.

As there are no real data for dermal exposure during this activity, MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used for estimating dermal exposure during laboratory work were; a high dustiness solid, with 5-25% boron, PROC 15, duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and no gloves. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.014mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

9.12.2. Exposure estimation ERC 6b Use of borates as reactive processing aids: Generic exposure scenario 1, freshwater, dilution factor 10

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

50 000 g/T Default ERC 6b

Environmental release

factor to air1 000 g/T Default ERC 6b

Tonnage 29 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 358 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

259 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 10

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.008 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.001

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010 ERC 6b Use of borates as reactive processing aids: Generic exposure scenario 2,

freshwater, dilution factor 500

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to aquatic50 000 g/T Default ERC 6b

Environmental release factor to air

1 000 g/T Default ERC 6b

Tonnage 1 450 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 358 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (freshwater) with

dilution factor 500

259 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 500

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.14 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.025 ERC 6b Use of borates as reactive processing aids: Generic exposure scenario 3, marine

water, dilution factor 100

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

50 000 g/T Default ERC 6b

Environmental release factor to air

1 000 g/T Default ERC 6b

Tonnage 325 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 358 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (marine) with dilution factor 100

245 µg/L 1 350 0.18

PEClocal in sediment

(marine) with dilution factor 100

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.03 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.006 ERC 6b Use of borates as reactive processing aids: Generic exposure scenario 4, no water

discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to air1 000 g/T Default ERC 6b

Tonnage > 15 000 T boron

Emission days 358 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 1.37 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.25

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.11. Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance

9.11.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.11. Exposure Scenario : Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance

Number of the ES


ERC : 6a

PC :

SU :

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC :

1 Generic exposure scenario ERC 6a

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

2 Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

3 Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed processes at high temperatures

4 Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

5 Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

6 Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

7 Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

8 Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate-containing powders

9 Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

10 Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch manufacturing processes

Exposure scenarios have been created based on the ERCs. ERC 6a is valid for but not limited to following uses :

Use as intermediate

9.11.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for industrial

use of borates resulting in manufacture of another substance

Generic exposure scenario for all sectors using ERC 6a

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECswhen necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage

cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 74

Selected for Exposure Scenario 2 1150

Selected for Exposure Scenario 3 825

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 1 580

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Production occurs 365 days per year per site (median 50th %)

Information type Emission days to water per site (d/y) Emission days to air per site (d/y)

Median (50th percentile) 365 365

90th percentile 365 365

Min 20 20

Max 365 365

Data points 62 62

Selected for Ex posure Scenario 365 365

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

A default dilution factor of 10 is taken into account for freshwater.

A default dilution factor of 100 is taken into account for marine.

A specific dilution factor of 500 is taken into account for sites discharging into large rivers.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Weighing takes place inside the building. Most of the followi ng steps

take place inside a building in (semi) enclosed systems.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc .

Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to both the water and air compartments are taken from the REACH guidance and based on the ERCs because only very few sites reported a reliable release factor or data to calculate one. Some sites reported that they do not discharge wastewater

in the process, recycle the water in a closed system or send their wastewater to an offsite location for special treatments. Therefore an exposure scenario without wastewater will also be calculated.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1, 2 and 3 20 000 50 000

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 0 50 000

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. Generic scenarios are considered without the use of a municipal

STP. If sites discharge to a municipal STP the concentration of boron should not exceed 1.75 mg/L in the municipal STP.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous


Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate delivered at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being

manufactured. Each road tanker normally contains about 25-40 tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, deliveries are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. The duration of the off-loading activity lasts for one to two hours per road tanker.

Some sites take borates in pallets of 25kg bags, which may occur as infrequently as once or twice per year, while for others it is a weekly process.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out outdoors so deliveries are made at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of borate is made pneumatically. A flexible hose is connected from the road tanker to the plant pipework. The borate is then pumped to the plant silos using either the motor on the road tanker or using onsite pumps. The system is therefore closed and

there is little opportunity for worker exposure. The connection and disconnection of the flexible pipework takes one or two minutes, and this is the only opportunity for potential exposure to the borate.

Borates arriving by pallet are taken from the truck into the warehouse using a forklift truck.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The receiving silos are fitted with filters to prevent the dispersion of borate with the displaced air from the top of the silos.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles.

Information on estimated exposure

There is only one data point available for this activity exclusively. This value is 0.016 mgB/m3.

The ART exposure model was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry dust, vacuum transfer of powders, transferring 100-1000kg/minute, open process, fully enclosed process, outdoors, LEV. The estimated 90th percentile exposure to dust was 0.13mg/m3. The boron equivalent would be in the range 0.01 0.03mgB/m3 depending on the boron-

containing material being off-loaded. This range accords well with the one real datapoint obtained. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure during this activity. The parameters used were >25% borate, PROC2, duration

<15minutes, closed system without breaches, non-direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure is 0.002mg/day dust, which would be equivalent to less than 0.001mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed

processes at high temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured but is likely to be several tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For most closed manufacturing processes the activity is 24 hours, 365 days per year, if a furnace has to be kept in operation.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are mainly very high, as these processes include glass making, ceramics, steel and alloy making.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins, which is where

operatives spend most of their time.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where there are breaches in the closed systems such as pouring and removal of slag in metal production, LEV is used to control


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls or heavy heat resistant clothing. In addition, gloves and safety glasses or goggles should be worn whencarrying out cleaning or maintenance activities. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not provide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. In some cases, battery-powered, air-fed helmets are

worn.These respirators, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient protection. Where tight-fitting RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. Tight-fitting RPE relies on a good face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their cor rect use

in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.06 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well

below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. Assuming cleaning activities would There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASE for this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield

is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60

minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make mixtures such as pastes and coatings

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured, but could be up to a tonne per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed including the opening and addition of borates from 25kg bags.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to airborne contaminants.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASEfor this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield

is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential

exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60 minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimateddermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins on the plant. Maintenance activities take place on and around the plant.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 13 datapoints for maintenance activities in closed manufacturing plants. When maintenance activities are taking place on a particular piece of plant, the plant may be opened to allow access to work, so that the normal engineering controls will not be working.

The exposure data ranges from 0 to 2.66 mgB/m3. This is a wide range and reflects the variety of work carried out by maintenance workers. The 90th percentile for these data is 1.33 mgB/m3, which is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. These estimates do

not take into account the effect of RPE. Where engineering controls are not effective, RPE (P2/P3) must be worn to ensure inhalation exposure remains below the DNEL.

Dermal exposure may occur during maintenance activities. MEASE has been used to estimate this exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 8, industrial use, 60-240 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure to dust is 0.173mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800

mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made everyday, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly or even yearly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the

warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the bag to the charging point on the vessel either manually or using a winch, and cuts the bag, pouring the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of bags of borate has been added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addition

to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

At some sites, where the borate is delivered in 25kg bags, the bags of borate are fed directly into the furnace without being opened.

At some sites, the addition of the borate from the bag is semi-automated and the empty bag is automatically disposed of into a plastic

tube for disposal.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate from the bags is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

None required.

At some sites semi-automation of the bag emptying process removes the source of exposure from the worker.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker. The hood should enclose the charging point as far as possible and the LEV should pull airborne dust away from the operative.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

The empty bag should be placed directly to waste.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where LEV does not reduce inhalation exposure to boron below the

inhalation DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer

and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme includingtraining of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 41 datapoints for the discharge of 25 kg bags into mixing vessels or similar. They range from none detected to 1.45mg

B/m3, 8-hr TWA. Any short-term exposure values have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. The 90th percentile for this dataset is 0.78mgB/m3. This value is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60 minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated

dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that allthe dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured, but may be several tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made everyday, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up

to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the big bag to the charging point on the vessel using a winch or forklift truck, and cuts the base of the big bag, releasing the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of big bags of borate has been added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addi tion

to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given op

The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Single-use bags can be opened by the use of sharp prongs at the discharge hopper. When the big bag is placed at the discharge hopper and lowered, the prongs cut into the base of the bag releasing the borate into the hopper. This removes the operator from the immediate vicinity and contributes to a reduction in exposure.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not

provide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 31 personal exposure datapoints for the discharge of big bags. They range from 0.005 mgB/m3 to 6.9 mgB/m3. For most downstream users the discharging of bags into receiving vessels is the main source of exposure to borates for those operatives, and

is a short-term activity. Some short-term data was supplied converted to 8-hr TWAs. Any short-term exposure values provided have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. This is a very wide data range and largely reflects the effectiveness of the LEV at different plants. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile for these data is 2.0mgB/m3, which is above the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. If effective engineering controls/LEV are not in place, RPE (P2/P3)

must be used to reduce worker exposure below the inhalation DNEL until effective engineering controls are put in place.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 4, 15-60 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, extensive contact, exterior LEV and wearing

gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.48mg/day which is equivalent to 0.05 to 0.1mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate -containing powders

Product characteristics

The borates and borate mixtures are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of substance tabletted will vary, but may be several tonnes per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of compaction/tabletting is variable, but is often a daily, shift-length activity.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The work is carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Parts of the plant may be enclosed e.g.transfer conveyors.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

LEV controls release of airborne dust.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, and when necessary, safety glasses and P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are four personal exposure datapoints for compacting pure borates into pellets and one for compacting fertiliser. These range

from 0 to 1.3mgB/m3. Due to the small number of real data, ART was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry dust, compressing of powders, compressing 10-100kg/minute, open process, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, LEV and good natural ventilation. The estimated 90th percentile is 7mg/m3, 8-hr TWA inhalable dust. The equivalent

90th percentile exposure to boron would be between 0.79mgB/m3 and 1.5mgB/m3 depending on the borate being compacted. These figures are for pure borate so would be applicable to manufacturers/importers. Exposures for downstream users would be lower as they would be compacting a mixture of powders rather than pure borate. The upper estimate for exposure is just above the inhalation DNEL for boron of 1.45mgB/m3. Where exposures are likely to exceed the DNEL, RPE must be worn until it can be demonstrated that

engineering controls reduce exposure to 0.15 mg B/m3, well below the inhalation DNEL.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC14, more than 240 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.024mg/day which is equivalent to between 0.003 and 0.005mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. These

values are for tabletting or compacting pure borates. The estimated dermal exposures will be lower for those compacting boron-containing mixtures. Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

Product characteristics

The products may be solid, liquid or paste.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Amounts used

The amount of borate in the finished substance/preparation will depend on what has been made. The range may vary from 1 to 40%,

so boron content may vary from 0.11 to 8.6% and the substance may be in solid, liquid or paste form. The amount of product packaged may be tens of tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. Packaging activities can last from 1 hour to 8 hours.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

Some packaging processes are largely automatic. For example, packaging of liquids may be automatic apart from loading the closed containers onto a pallet. Some packaging of solid products into 25kg sacks may be completely automatic, or the operative may have

to place the bag on the filling chute and then manually close the bag and place on a pallet.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Not required.

Where the packaging process is completely automatic, there is a reduction in exposure to the worker as the worker is removed from the process.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where solid powders are being bagged the minimum engineering control required is effective LEV in place to control inhalation exposure.

At liquid filling stations there is no requirement for LEV as there is minimal risk for exposure by inhalation unless aerosols are generated.

Where pastes are packaged there is no likelihood of inhalation exposure so LEV is not required.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are few real data for packaging boron-containing substances. There are some data for packaging borate powders in 25kg bags

from the manufacturers and these can be used and adapted to take into account that the substances or preparations will contai nbetween 1 and 40% borate. The range of personal exposure measurements is 0.02 to 1.4mg B/m3. The range for the preparations would therefore be between 0.001 and 0.56 mg B/m3. The 90th percentile for this range is between 0.001 and 0.4mg B/m3 dependi ng

on the percentage borate in the preparation. This range for the 90th percentile is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg B/m3. These figures have assumed that the packaging operations will take place for 8 hours per day. In many cases packaging may onl ytake place for 1 or 2 hours per day, in which case exposure to boron would be lower still. These figures take into account risk management measures such as LEV, but do not take into account the effect of wearing RPE.

The ART exposure model for inhalation predicts a 90th percentile of 0.06mg/m3 borate for filling li quids. The parameters used were

falling liquids, transfer flow 10-100l/minute, open process splash loading, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, LEV and good natural ventilation. The equivalent 90th percentile for exposure to boron would be 0.01mgB/m3. This estimate assumes exposure over an 8-hr working day. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure during non-automated packaging of powders. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive

use, direct handling, intermittent contact, integrated LEV and use of gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.144mg/day which, gives an equivalent exposure range to boron of between 0.02 and 0.03mgB/day. This range is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

MEASE was also used to estimate dermal exposure during the packaging of liquids. The parameters used were aqueous liquid, 5-25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.014mg/day, which is equivalent to a boron exposure range of 0.002 and 0.003mgB/day

which is below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch manufacturing processes

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

Samples of about 1kg are taken, but only a few grams are used in quality control tests.

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

The technician spends a few minutes weighing borate samples each day, which is the only source of exposure, as the samples ar enormally collected by the plant operatives.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Very small quantities are used, and tests are often carried out in fume cupboards.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards worker

Some tests are carried out in fume cupboards.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear laboratory coats, safety shoes, safety glasses and gloves.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 18 datapoints for laboratory technicians. The range of results was 0 to 0.2mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA The 90th percentile for this

dataset was 0.16 mgB/m3, which is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45 mgB/m3.

As there are no real data for dermal exposure during this activity, MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used for estimating dermal exposure during laboratory work were; a high dustiness solid, with 5-25% boron, PROC 15, duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and no gloves. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.014mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

9.11.2. Exposure estimation ERC6a Use of borates as intermediate resulting in manufacture of another substance :

Generic exposure scenario 1, freshwater, dilution factor 10

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

20 000 g/T Default ERC 6a

Environmental release

factor to air50 000 g/T Default ERC 6a

Tonnage 74 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

259 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 10

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.34 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.063 ERC6a Use of borates as intermediate resulting in manufacture of another substance :Generic exposure scenario 2, freshwater, dilution factor 500

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to aquatic20 000 g/T Default ERC 6a

Environmental release factor to air

50 000 g/T Default ERC 6a

Tonnage 1 150 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 500

120 µg/L 1 350 0.09

PEClocal in sediment (freshwater) with dilution

factor 500

0.76 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.42

PEClocal in soil 5.23 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.97 ERC6a Use of borates as intermediate resulting in manufacture of another substance :

Generic exposure scenario 3, marine water, dilution factor 100

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to aquatic20 000 g/T Default ERC 6a

Environmental release factor to air

50 000 g/T Default ERC 6a

Tonnage 825 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (marine) with dilution factor 100

244 µg/L 1 350 0.18

PEClocal in sediment (marine) with dilution

factor 100

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 3.75 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.70 ERC6a Use of borates as intermediate resulting in manufacture of another substance :

Generic exposure scenario 4, no water discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to air

50 000 g/T Default ERC 6a

Tonnage 1 580 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 5.26 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.97

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.10. Industrial use resulting of inclusion of borates into or onto a matrix

9.10.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.10. Exposure Scenario : Industrial use resulting of inclusion of borates into or onto a matrix

Number of the ES

PROCs : 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8a , 8b, 10, 13, 19, 22

ERC : 5

PC : 0 7, 9b, 14, 19, 20, 21, 24, 35

SU : 3, 14 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 22, NACE 23.1

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC :

1 Generic exposure scenario ERC 5

2 Use of adhesives containing borates

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

3 Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

4 Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed processes at high temperatures

5 Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

6 Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

7 Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

8 Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

9 Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate-containing powders

10 Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

11 Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch manufacturing processes

12 Contributing scenario spraying enamel/glaze slurry

13 Contributing scenario preparing and applying refractory mixes

14 Contributing scenario enamelling and glazing

15 Contributing scenario firing frits in flame

16 Contributing scenario application of adhesive - Industrial

17 Contributing scenario application of adhesive - Professional

Exposure scenarios have been created based on the ERCs. ERC 5 is valid for but not limited to following uses :

Use of adhesives containing borates

Use of paints containing borates

9.10.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for industrial use resulting in inclusion of borates into or onto a matrix

Generic exposure scenario for all sectors using ERC 5

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can

be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs

when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 0.16

Selected for Exposure Scenario 2 8.1

Selected for Exposure Scenario 3 1.8

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 115

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Industrial end use occurs 20 days per year per site (Default for end use T < 1 000)

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

A default dilution factor of 10 is taken into account for freshwater.

A default dilution factor of 100 is taken into account for marine.

A specific dilution factor of 500 is taken into account for sites discharging into large rivers.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Indoor and outdoor use possible.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc . Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not

appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to both the water and air compartments are taken from the REACH guidance and based on the ERCs because only very few sites reported a reliable release factor or data to calculate one. Some sites reported that they do not discharge wastewater

r to an

offsite location for special treatments. Therefore an exposure scenario without wastewater will also be calculated.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1,2 and 3 500 000 500 000

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 0 500 000

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. Generic scenarios are considered without the use of a munici pal

STP. If sites discharge to a municipal STP the concentration of boron should not exceed 1.75 mg/L in the municipal STP.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as

an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous landfill.

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for use of

adhesives containing borate compounds

Specific exposure scenario for use of adhesives based on the FEICA spERCs 5.1a.v1 : Industrial Use of Substances other than Solvents in Paper, Board and related Products / Woodworking and joinery / Footwear and Leather, Textile, Others Adhesives

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage

cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 5 2 000

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Industrial end use occurs 20 days per year per site (Default for end use T < 1 000). For tonnages above 1000 this is a worst case assumption.

Environment factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Indoor and outdoor use possible.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc . Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed

removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques

can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to both the water and air compartments are taken from the FEICA spERC 5.1a.v1 because only very few sites reported a reliable release factor or data to calculate one. The release to water from the spERC is 0 this is in agreement wi th what the

n a closed system or send their wastewater to an offsite location for special treatments. Therefore an exposure scenario without wastewater will be calculated.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 5 0 9 000

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, no water discharge in this scenario.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous landfill.

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large

vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate delivered at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured. Each road tanker normally contains about 25-40 tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, deliveries are made every day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. The duration of the off-loading activity lasts for one to

two hours per road tanker.

Some sites take borates in pallets of 25kg bags, which may occur as infrequently as once or twice per year, while for others it is a weekly process.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out outdoors so deliveries are made at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of borate is made pneumatically. A flexible hose is connected from the road tanker to the plant pipework. The borate is then pumped to the plant silos using either the motor on the road tanker or using onsite pumps. The system is therefore closed and there is little opportunity for worker exposure. The connection and disconnection of the flexible pipework takes one or two minutes,

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

and this is the only opportunity for potential exposure to the borate.

Borates arriving by pallet are taken from the truck into the warehouse using a forklift truck.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The receiving silos are fitted with filters to prevent the dispersion of borate with the displaced air from the top of the silos.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles.

Information on estimated exposure

There is only one data point available for this activity exclusively. This value is 0.016 mgB/m3.

The ART exposure model was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry dust, vacuum transfer of powders, transferring 100-1000kg/minute, open process, fully enclosed process, outdoors, LEV. The estimated 90th percentile exposure to dust was 0.13mg/m3. Theboron equivalent would be in the range 0.01 0.03mgB/m3 depending on the boron-

containing material being off-loaded. This range accords well with the one real datapoint obtained. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3

MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure during this activity. The parameters used were >25% borate, PROC2, duration <15minutes, closed system without breaches, non-direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure is 0.002mg/day dust, which would be equivalent to less than 0.001mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed

processes at high temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured but is likely to be several tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For most closed manufacturing processes the activity is 24 hours, 365 days per year, if a furnace has to be kept in operation.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are mainly very high, as these processes include glass making, ceramics, steel and alloy making.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins, which is where

operatives spend most of their time.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where there are breaches in the closed systems such as pouring and removal of slag in metal production, LEV is used to control fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls or heavy heat resistant clothing. In addition, gloves and safety glasses or goggles should be worn whencarrying out cleaning or maintenance activities. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not provide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. In some cases, battery-powered, air-fed helmets are

worn.These respirators, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient protection. Where tight-fitting RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. Tight-fitting RPE relies on a good face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their cor rect use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The

90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASE

for this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60 minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated

dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that allthe dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make mixtures such as pastes and coatings

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured, but could be up to a tonne per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed including the opening and addition of borates from 25kg bags.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to airborne contaminants.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASEfor this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield

is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60

minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimateddermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins on the

plant. Maintenance activities take place on and around the plant.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 13 datapoints for maintenance activities in closed manufacturing plants. When maintenance activities are taking place on a particular piece of plant, the plant may be opened to allow access to work, so that the normal engineering controls will not be working.

The exposure data ranges from 0 to 2.66 mgB/m3. This is a wide range and reflects the variety of work carried out by maintenance workers. The 90th percentile for these data is 1.33 mgB/m3, which is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. These estimates do

not take into account the effect of RPE. Where engineering controls are not effective, RPE (P2/P3) must be worn to ensure inhalation exposure remains below the DNEL.

Dermal exposure may occur during maintenance activities. MEASE has been used to estimate this exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 8, industrial use, 60-240 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure to dust is 0.173mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800

mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly or even yearly process. The duration of the activity can last from a

few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the bag to the charging point on the vessel either manually or using a winch, and cuts the bag, pouring the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of bags of borate has been added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addi tion

to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

At some sites, where the borate is delivered in 25kg bags, the bags of borate are fed directly into the furnace without being opened.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

At some sites, the addition of the borate from the bag is semi-automated and the empty bag is automatically disposed of into a plastic tube for disposal.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate

from the bags is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

None required.

At some sites semi-automation of the bag emptying process removes the source of exposure from the worker.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker. The

hood should enclose the charging point as far as possible and the LEV should pull airborne dust away from the operative.

The empty bag should be placed directly to waste.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where LEV does not reduce inhalation exposure to boron below the inhalation DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit will provide sufficient reduction in

exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including

training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 41 datapoints for the discharge of 25 kg bags into mixing vessels or similar. They range from none detected to 1.45mg B/m3, 8-hr TWA. Any short-term exposure values have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. The 90th percentile for this dataset is 0.78mgB/m3. This value is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60

minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that allthe dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured,

but may be several tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the big bag to the charging point on the vessel using a winch or forklift truck, and cuts the base of the big bag, releasing the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of big bags of borate has been

added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addition to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting

The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate

is carried out at ambient temperature.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Single-use bags can be opened by the use of sharp prongs at the discharge hopper. When the big bag is placed at the discharge

hopper and lowered, the prongs cut into the base of the bag releasing the borate into the hopper. This removes the operator from the immediate vicinity and contributes to a reduction in exposure.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do notprovide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a

good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory

protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 31 personal exposure datapoints for the discharge of big bags. They range from 0.005 mgB/m3 to 6.9 mgB/m3. For most

downstream users the discharging of bags into receiving vessels is the main source of exposure to borates for those operatives, and is a short-term activity. Some short-term data was supplied converted to 8-hr TWAs. Any short-term exposure values provided have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. This is a very wide data range and largely reflects

the effectiveness of the LEV at different plants. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile for these data is 2.0mgB/m3, which is above the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. If effective engineering controls/LEV are not in place, RPE (P2/P3) must be used to reduce worker exposure below the inhalation DNEL until effective engineering controls are put in place.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 4, 15-60 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, extensive contact, exterior LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.48mg/day which is equivalent to 0.05 to 0.1mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate -containing powders

Product characteristics

The borates and borate mixtures are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of substance tabletted will vary, but may be several tonnes per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of compaction/tabletting is variable, but is often a daily, shift-length activity.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The work is carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Parts of the plant may be enclosed e.g.transfer conveyors.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

LEV controls release of airborne dust.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, and when necessary, safety glasses and P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are four personal exposure datapoints for compacting pure borates into pellets and one for compacting fertiliser. These range from 0 to 1.3mgB/m3. Due to the small number of real data, ART was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry dust, compressing of powders, compressing 10-100kg/minute, open process, effective housekeeping, indoors, any

size workroom, LEV and good natural ventilation. The estimated 90th percentile is 7mg/m3, 8-hr TWA inhalable dust. The equivalent

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

90th percentile exposure to boron would be between 0.79mgB/m3 and 1.5mgB/m3 depending on the borate being compacted. These figures are for pure borate so would be applicable to manufacturers/importers. Exposures for downstream users would be lower as they would be compacting a mixture of powders rather than pure borate. The upper estimate for exposure is just above the inhalation

DNEL for boron of 1.45mgB/m3. Where exposures are likely to exceed the DNEL, RPE must be worn until it can be demonstrated that engineering controls reduce exposure to 0.15 mg B/m3, well below the inhalation DNEL.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC14, more than 240 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.024mg/day which is equivalent to between 0.003

and 0.005mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. These values are for tabletting or compacting pure borates. The estimated dermal exposures will be lower for those compacting boron-containing mixtures. Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

Product characteristics

The products may be solid, liquid or paste.

Amounts used

The amount of borate in the finished substance/preparation will depend on what has been made. The range may vary from 1 to 40%,

so boron content may vary from 0.11 to 8.6% and the substance may be in solid, liquid or paste form. The amount of product packaged may be tens of tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. Packaging activities can last from 1 hour to 8 hours.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

Some packaging processes are largely automatic. For example, packaging of liquids may be automatic apart from loading the closed containers onto a pallet. Some packaging of solid products into 25kg sacks may be completely automatic, or the operative may have

to place the bag on the filling chute and then manually close the bag and place on a pallet.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Not required.

Where the packaging process is completely automatic, there is a reduction in exposure to the worker as the worker is removed from the process.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where solid powders are being bagged the minimum engineering control required is effective LEV in place to control inhalation exposure.

At liquid filling stations there is no requirement for LEV as there is minimal risk for exposure by inhalation unless aerosols are generated.

Where pastes are packaged there is no likelihood of inhalation exposure so LEV is not required.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are few real data for packaging boron-containing substances. There are some data for packaging borate powders in 25kg bags

from the manufacturers and these can be used and adapted to take into account that the substances or preparations will contai nbetween 1 and 40% borate. The range of personal exposure measurements is 0.02 to 1.4mg B/m3. The range for the preparations would therefore be between 0.001 and 0.56 mg B/m3. The 90th percentile for this range is between 0.001 and 0.4mg B/m3 dependi ng

on the percentage borate in the preparation. This range for the 90th percentile is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg B/m3. These figures have assumed that the packaging operations will take place for 8 hours per day. In many cases packaging may onl ytake place for 1 or 2 hours per day, in which case exposure to boron would be lower still. These figures take into account risk management measures such as LEV, but do not take into account the effect of wearing RPE.

The ART exposure model for inhalation predicts a 90th percentile of 0.06mg/m3 borate for filling liquids. The parameters used were

falling liquids, transfer flow 10-100l/minute, open process splash loading, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, LEV

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

and good natural ventilation. The equivalent 90th percentile for exposure to boron would be 0.01mgB/m3. This estimate assumes exposure over an 8-hr working day. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure during non-automated packaging of powders. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive

use, direct handling, intermittent contact, integrated LEV and use of gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.144mg/day which, gives an equivalent exposure range to boron of between 0.02 and 0.03mgB/day. This range is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

MEASE was also used to estimate dermal exposure during the packaging of liquids. The parameters used were aqueous liquid, 5-25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.014mg/day, which is equivalent to a boron exposure range of 0.002 and 0.003mgB/day which is below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch

manufacturing processes

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

Samples of about 1kg are taken, but only a few grams are used in quality control tests.

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

The technician spends a few minutes weighing borate samples each day, which is the only source of exposure, as the samples ar e

normally collected by the plant operatives.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Very small quantities are used, and tests are often carried out in fume cupboards.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards worker

Some tests are carried out in fume cupboards.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear laboratory coats, safety shoes, safety glasses and gloves.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 18 datapoints for laboratory technicians. The range of results was 0 to 0.2mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA The 90th percentile for this

dataset was 0.16 mgB/m3, which is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45 mgB/m3.

As there are no real data for dermal exposure during this activity, MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used for estimating dermal exposure during laboratory work were; a high dustiness solid, with 5-25% boron, PROC 15, duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and no gloves. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.014mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario spraying enamel/glaze slurry

Product characteristics

The boron-containing enamel/glaze slurry may contain up to 5% boron.

Amounts used

The amount of slurry used depends on the number of products being enamelled, but may be tens of tonnes per day, equating to

several tonnes of boron per day (24 hours).

Frequency and duration of use

The slurry is discharged to stirrer vessels via a sieve to remove oversize particles. The vessels are then connected to spraying

facilities, for either manual or automatic spraying. The products are sprayed and then dried and fired in ovens. The frequency with which these processes take place will depend on the size of the factory, but one factory reported up to 8000 components beingenamelled per day. Tens of thousands of ceramic tiles may be glazed in one day.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The work takes place indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The enamel is sprayed as a slurry.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The spraying takes place in spray booths or on conveyor lines served by local exhaust ventilation.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives. Routine maintenance and testing of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls and gloves. Glasses and P2/P3 RPE are worn when spraying is carried out manually. Where RPE is used,

the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. The RPE above rely on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. Therefore, they should define and document a suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment

programme including training of the workers.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no exposure data for this task. ART has been used to model inhalation exposure. The parameters used were 420 minutes duration, powders dissolved in a liquid matrix, 1-5% boron, low viscosity, surface spraying of liquids, moderate application rate, spraying only horizontally or downwards, with no or low compressed air, open process with effective housekeeping, enclosing hood LEV and no secondary controls. The estimated 90th percentile for spraying slurry in a spray booth is 0.16mgB/m3. This is well below

the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

Dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE. The parameters used were aqueous solution, 1-5% boron, PROC4, duration >240

minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact, exterior LEV, and wearing gloves. Exposure was estimated to be 0.048mgB/day. This is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario preparing and applying refractory mixes

Product characteristics

There are a variety of refractory products containing borates. Products may be supplied in dry mixes or as moist products with liquid binders present containing between 0.7 and 5% borate. The equivalent boron content is between 0.08 and 1.1%. The refractory mixes are supplied in bags and are mixed with aggregate and/or liquid binder, to produce a castable mixture.

Hot gunning refractory mixes are usually supplied in a moist state ready for use, or may be added to water and mixed using a paddle


Amounts used

The amount of refractory used will depend on the work being carried out. Some mixes are used to make repairs to furnace linings, which may only require a few kgs of material. Some refractory mixes are used for hot-gunning, where the mixture is sprayed onto the refractory lining as a coating. This activity may take several days, depending on the size of the furnace or kiln. Some refractories are

cast into shapes for use e.g. crucibles. Some tasks may require several hundred kgs of refractory material.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use of refractory materials will depend on whether workers are working intermittently on repairs and relinings of furnaces or kilns in their own workplaces, or whether the workers are specialists who carry out this type of work on a daily basis.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting wo

The work takes place indoors. If carrying out hot gunning repairs, the temperature will be high. Workers may be working in a confined

spaces inside kilns and furnaces.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Refractory materials are sometimes supplied in a damp, ready to use form.

If spraying, the mixture is wet.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and routine maintenance and testing of equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves, safety glasses/goggles. If spraying inside a kiln/furnace, a full-face, powered respirator should be worn to give protection against airborne dust. If there is potential for oxygen deficiency, a suitable compressed airline should be used

in conjunction with the full-face respirator to provide an independent supply of fresh air. Under these conditions confined space entry precautions should be implemented. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. The RPE above rely on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face

properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. Therefore, they should define and document a suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers.

Information on estimated exposure

There is no exposure data available for using refractory materials. ART has been used to model exposure during mixing and spraying of refractory coatings. The estimated inhalation exposure for these activities is 0.012mgB/m3. This estimation takes no account of

respiratory protective equipment. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/day.

There is no data available for dermal exposure. Dermal exposure has been modelled using MEASE. The estimated exposure for hand-mixing the refractory is 0.04mgB/day assuming that the boron content of the refractory mix is between 1 and 5%. The estimated exposure during spraying is 0.002mgB/day. The total value for these activities is 0.042mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.

Refractory material may be applied by hand in or behind moulds. The refractory material will be wet, so the opportunity for inhalati on

exposure will be negligible, but there will be the potential for dermal exposure. MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure during this activity. The estimated dermal exposure during this activity was 0.24mgB/day, taking into account the use of suitable gloves. This value is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario enamelling and glazing

Product characteristics

The boron-containing frits contain between 0.1 and 60% borate depending on the application. This equates to between 0.01 and

12.9% boron depending on the type of boron-containing substance used (boric acid, anhydrous borate, disodium tetraborate pentahydrate, disodium tetraborate decahydrate). The frits are supplied as a powder, or as a liquid glaze which may be applied by spraying, brushing or dipping. The frits and glazes may contain inorganic colour pigments. Alternatively, art glass may be supplied as

beads, which are ground by the user. Once the enamel or glaze has been applied it is fired, either in a kiln or in a flame.

Amounts used

The amount of frits/enamel/glaze used depends on the type of work being carried out, but is likely to be in gram quantities.

Frequency and duration of use

The frits are supplied in small quantities in plastic bags. Liquid enamels or glazes are supplied in small pots. Professional users may use these products throughout the day, but in relatively small quantities.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The work takes place indoors, often in small workshops.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

If spraying enamels a spray booth fitted with LEV is used.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Professional training. Routine maintenance and testing of spraybooth if spraying.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives may wear overalls. The wearing of RPE varies. Where LEV is insufficient to control exposure during spraying, P2

respirators should be worn. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. The RPE above rely on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. Therefore, they should define and document a suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no exposure data relating directly to professional use of frits and enamels. ART has been used to model inhalation

exposure. The parameters used were coarse dry dust, falling powders, transferring less than 10g/minute, careful transfer, open process, general housekeeping in place, indoors, any size workroom, no LEV and good natural ventilation.The estimated 90th percentile for inhalation exposure for the use of frits is 0.005mgB/m3. ART has also been used to estimate exposure during the

spraying of liquid enamel. The parameters used were powder dissolved in a liquid, of low viscosity, surface spraying of liquids, low application rate, horizontal or downward spraying with no compressed air, general housekeeping in place, indoors, any size workroom, fume cupboard, and good natural ventilation.The estimated 90th percentile for inhalation exposure for spraying liquid enamel is 0.006mgB/m3. These values are well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no data available for dermal exposure. Dermal exposure has been modelled using MEASE. The parameters used were

medium dustiness solid, 5-25% boron, PROC 26, professional use, 60-240 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact with no gloves.The estimated exposure range is 0.36mg/day assuming that the boron content of the frit is between 5 and 25%. This is higher than expected but the model assumed the exposed skin area to be 1980cm2, which is very unlikely when handling such small quantities of material. This value is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.

MEASE was also used to estimate dermal exposure when spraying enamels. The parameters used were liquid, 1-5% boron, PROC

11, professional use, 60-240 minutes, non-dispersive sue, non-direct handling, incidental contact and no gloves.Dermal exposure was estimated to be 0.03mg/day which is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mg/day. Contributing scenario firing frits in flame

Product characteristics

The boron-containing frits contain up to 12.9% boron depending on the product.

Amounts used

The amount of frits fired in a hand-held flame is likely to be a few grams per day.

Frequency and duration of use

This task may be carried out daily several times per day for a few minutes each time.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operationa

The work takes place indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Professional training.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Glasses to protect eyes against intense light.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no exposure data for this task and this activity is outside the parameters for ART and MEASE. However, given the very low

quantities of frits likely to be used during this activity both the inhalation and dermal exposure are expected to be negligible. Contributing scenario application of adhesive - Industrial

Product characteristics

The boron-containing adhesive may contain up to 1.5% boron.

Amounts used

The amount of adhesive used depends on the process but may be equivalent to up to 300kg boron per day (24hrs).

Frequency and duration of use

The adhesive is discharged to holding tanks or direct to the production process. The adhesive may be applied automatically by

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

spraying, rolling, brushing, dipping or pouring. The processes tend to be continuous or semi-continuous.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The work takes place indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The adhesive is applied as a liquid.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The application takes place automatically so that the operative is not in the immediate vicinity.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives. Routine maintenance and testing of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls and safety glasses.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no exposure data for this task. ART has been used to model inhalation exposure. The inhalation exposure was modelled for

spraying of adhesive which is the worst-case scenario for potential inhalation exposure. The parameters used were 480 minutes duration, powders dissolved in a liquid matrix, 1-5% boron, low viscosity, surface spraying of liquids, moderate application rate, spraying only horizontally or downwards, with no or low compressed air, open process with effective housekeeping, enclosing hood

LEV and no secondary controls. The estimated 90th percentile for spraying adhesive with local exhaust ventilation is 0.11mgB/m3. This is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

Dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE. The parameters used were aqueous solution, 1-5% boron, PROC7, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, indirect handling, incidental contact, exterior LEV, and no gloves. Exposure was estimated to be 0.048mgB/day. This is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario application of adhesive - Professional

Product characteristics

The boron-containing adhesive may contain up to 1.5% boron.

Amounts used

The amount of adhesive used depends on the process but may be equivalent to several kg boron per day (8hrs).

Frequency and duration of use

The adhesive may be applied manually by spraying, rolling, brushing, dipping or pouring. The processes tends to be intermittent and

may take place several times per day for a few minutes. In total, it is estimated that the application of adhesive may take up to two hours per day.

Human factors not influenced by risk management



The work takes place indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The adhesive is applied as a liquid or a paste.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

None the adhesive is a liquid or paste.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls and if spraying, safety glasses.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no exposure data for this task. ART has been used to model inhalation exposure. The inhalation exposure was modelled for

spraying of adhesive which is the worst-case scenario for potential inhalation exposure. The parameters used were 120 minutes duration, powders dissolved in a liquid matrix, 1-5% boron, medium viscosity, surface spraying of liquids, low application rate, spraying

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

only horizontally or downwards, with no or low compressed air, open process with effective housekeeping, no LEV and no secondary controls. The estimated 90th percentile for spraying adhesive with no local exhaust ventilation is 0.041mgB/m3. This is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

Dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE. The parameters used were aqueous solution, 1-5% boron, PROC11, duration 60-240

minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, incidental contact, no LEV, and no gloves. Dermal dose was estimated to be up to 0.288mgB/day depending on the product used. This is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

9.10.2. Exposure estimation ERC5 Inclusion of borates into or onto a matrix : Generic exposure scenario 1, freshwater,

dilution factor 10

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

500 000 g/T Default ERC 5

Environmental release factor to air

500 000 g/T Default ERC 5

Tonnage 0.16 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

260 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 10

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.002 ERC5 Inclusion of borates into or onto a matrix: Generic exposure scenario 2, freshwater,

dilution factor 500

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

500 000 g/T Default ERC 5

Environmental release factor to air

500 000 g/T Default ERC 5

Tonnage 8.1 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 500

259 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 500

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.37 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.07 ERC5 Inclusion of borates into or onto a matrix : Generic exposure scenario 3, marine water,

dilution factor 100

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

500 000 g/T Default ERC 5

Environmental release

factor to air500 000 g/T Default ERC 5

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Tonnage 1.8 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (marine) with

dilution factor 100

243 µg/L 1 350 0.18

PEClocal in sediment

(marine) with dilution factor 100

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.09 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.016 ERC5 Inclusion of borates into or onto a matrix : Generic exposure scenario 4, no water

discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to air500 000 g/T Default ERC 5

Tonnage 115 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 5.23 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.97 ERC5 Use of adhesives containing borate compounds: Generic exposure scenario 5, no

water discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to air9 000 g/T FEICA spERCs 5.1a.v1

Tonnage 2 000 T boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 1.64 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.30

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.9. Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not

becoming part of articles

9.9.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.9. Exposure Scenario : Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Number of the ES

PROCs : 2, 6, 8a/b, 9, 10, 11 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26

ERC : 4

PC : 14, 25

SU : 3, 15, 17

List of all use descriptors related to the life cycle stage and all the uses under it; include market sector (by PC) if relevant

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC :

1 Generic exposure scenario for use of borates as processing aid disolved into a liquid

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

2 Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

3 Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed processes at high temperatures

4 Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

5 Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

6 Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

7 Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

8 Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate-containing powders

9 Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

10 Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch manufacturing processes

11 Contributing scenario diluting MWF concentrate with water

12 Contributing scenario use of MWFs in machining

13 Contributing scenario make up of treatment bath for galvanising, plating and other surface treatments

14 Contributing scenario galvanising, plating and other surface treatment of metal articles

15 Contributing scenario greasing at high energy conditions

16 . Contributing scenario make up of stock solution photographic applications

17 Contributing scenario use of developer and fixer solutions

Exposure scenarios have been created based on the ERCs. ERC 4 is valid for but not limited to following uses :

Use of borate in baths for metal wire drawing

Use of borate in baths for electroplating

9.9.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for industrial use of borates as processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles.

Generic exposure scenario for all sectors using borates as a processing aid dissolved into a liquid

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage

cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 1.48

Selected for Exposure Scenario 2 74

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Selected for Exposure Scenario 3 16.50

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 15 000

Substance Formula Conversion factor for

equivalent dose of B (multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate Na2B4O 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Production occurs 365 days per year per site (median 50th %)

Following data is based on wire drawing and electroplating sites (data from questionnaires)

Information type Emission days to water per site (d/y) Emission days to air per site (d/y)

Median (50th percentile) 365 365

90th percentile 365 365

Min 2 2

Max 365 365

Data points 35 35

Selected for Exposure Scenarios 365 365

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

A default dilution factor of 10 is taken into account for freshwater.

A default dilution factor of 100 is taken into account for marine.

A specific dilution factor of 500 is taken into account for sites discharging into large rivers.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Weighing takes place inside the building. Most of the following steps take place inside a building in (semi) enclosed systems.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc . Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed

removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factor to water is taken from the REACH guidance and based on the ERC because only very few sites reported a reliablerelease factor or data to calculate one. Some sites reported that they do not discharge wastewater to the environment. They either,

recycle the water in a closed system or send their wastewater to an offsite location for special treatments. Therefore an ex posure scenario without wastewater will also be calculated. The release factor to air for ERC 4 is 100%. But it is known that borates will mainly be lost in the effluent water and not into the air. Therefore it is proposed to use a release factor of 0.04 % (or 400 g/T) which is equivalent to the generic formulation of mixtures scenario.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1,2 and 3 1 000 000 400

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 0 400

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. Generic scenarios are considered without the use of a municipal

STP. If sites discharge to a municipal STP the concentration of boron should not exceed 1.75 mg/L in the municipal STP.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous


Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate delivered at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being

manufactured. Each road tanker normally contains about 25-40 tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, deliveries are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. The duration of the off-loading activity lasts for one to two hours per road tanker.

Some sites take borates in pallets of 25kg bags, which may occur as infrequently as once or twice per year, while for others it is a weekly process.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out outdoors so deliveries are made at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of borate is made pneumatically. A flexible hose is connected from the road tanker to the plant pipework. The borate is then pumped to the plant silos using either the motor on the road tanker or using onsite pumps. The system is therefore closed and

there is little opportunity for worker exposure. The connection and disconnection of the flexible pipework takes one or two minutes, and this is the only opportunity for potential exposure to the borate.

Borates arriving by pallet are taken from the truck into the warehouse using a forklift truck.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The receiving silos are fitted with filters to prevent the dispersion of borate with the displaced air from the top of the silos.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles.

Information on estimated exposure

There is only one data point available for this activity exclusively. This value is 0.016 mgB/m3.

The ART exposure model was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry dust, vacuum transfer of powders, transferring 100-1000kg/minute, open process, fully enclosed process, outdoors, LEV. The estimated 90th percentile exposure to dust was 0.13mg/m3. The boron equivalent would be in the range 0.01 0.03mgB/m3 depending on the boron-

containing material being off-loaded. This range accords well with the one real datapoint obtained. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3

MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure during this activity. The parameters used were >25% borate, PROC2, duration <15minutes, closed system without breaches, non-direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure is 0.002mg/day dust, which would be equivalent to less than 0.001mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed processes at high temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured but is likely to be several tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For most closed manufacturing processes the activity is 24 hours, 365 days per year, if a furnace has to be kept in operation.

Human factors not influenced by risk management



The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are mainly very high, as these processes include glass making, ceramics, steel and alloy making.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins, which is where operatives spend most of their time.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where there are breaches in the closed systems such as pouring and removal of slag in metal production, LEV is used to control fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls or heavy heat resistant clothing. In addition, gloves and safety glasses or goggles should be worn when

carrying out cleaning or maintenance activities. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not provide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. In some cases, battery-powered, air-fed helmets are worn.These respirators, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient protection. Where tight-fitting RPE is used, the

worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. Tight-fitting RPE relies on a good face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use

in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASEfor this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60

minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that allthe dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make mixtures such as pastes and coatings

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured, but could be up to a tonne per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed including the opening and addition of borates from 25kg


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to airborne contaminants.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASEfor this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshieldis worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60 minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated

dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins on the

plant. Maintenance activities take place on and around the plant.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators

must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 13 datapoints for maintenance activities in closed manufacturing plants. When maintenance activities are taking place on a

particular piece of plant, the plant may be opened to allow access to work, so that the normal engineering controls will not be working.

The exposure data ranges from 0 to 2.66 mgB/m3. This is a wide range and reflects the variety of work carried out by maintenance workers. The 90th percentile for these data is 1.33 mgB/m3, which is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. These estimates do not take into account the effect of RPE. Where engineering controls are not effective, RPE (P2/P3) must be worn to ensure inhalation exposure remains below the DNEL.

Dermal exposure may occur during maintenance activities. MEASE has been used to estimate this exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 8, industrial use, 60-240 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, incidental

contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure to dust is 0.173mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made everyday, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly or even yearly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the

warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the bag to the charging point on the vessel either manually or using a winch, and cuts the bag, pouring the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of bags of borate has been added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addition to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

At some sites, where the borate is delivered in 25kg bags, the bags of borate are fed directly into the furnace without being opened.

At some sites, the addition of the borate from the bag is semi-automated and the empty bag is automatically disposed of into a plastic

tube for disposal.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting

The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

from the bags is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

None required.

At some sites semi-automation of the bag emptying process removes the source of exposure from the worker.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker. The

hood should enclose the charging point as far as possible and the LEV should pull airborne dust away from the operative.

The empty bag should be placed directly to waste.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where LEV does not reduce inhalation exposure to boron below the inhalation DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit will provide sufficient reduction in

exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the

management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 41 datapoints for the discharge of 25 kg bags into mixing vessels or similar. They range from none detected to 1.45mg B/m3, 8-hr TWA. Any short-term exposure values have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. The 90th percentile for this dataset is 0.78mgB/m3. This value is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg/m3.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were

high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC4, duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling with extensive contact and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.48mg/day borate which is equivalent to 0.05 to 0.1mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured, but may be several tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made everyday, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant

by forklift truck. The operative lifts the big bag to the charging point on the vessel using a winch or forklift truck, and cuts the base of the big bag, releasing the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of big bags of borate has been added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addition to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate

is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Single-use bags can be opened by the use of sharp prongs at the discharge hopper. When the big bag is placed at the discharge

hopper and lowered, the prongs cut into the base of the bag releasing the borate into the hopper. This removes the operator from the immediate vicinity and contributes to a reduction in exposure.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do notprovide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with agood face-fit, will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a

good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 31 personal exposure datapoints for the discharge of big bags. They range from 0.005 mgB/m3 to 6.9 mgB/m3. For most

downstream users the discharging of bags into receiving vessels is the main source of exposure to borates for those operatives, and is a short-term activity. Some short-term data was supplied converted to 8-hr TWAs. Any short-term exposure values provided have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. This is a very wide data range and largely reflects the effectiveness of the LEV at different plants. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile for these data

is 2.0mgB/m3, which is above the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. If effective engineering controls/LEV are not in place, RPE (P2/P3) must be used to reduce worker exposure below the inhalation DNEL until effective engineering controls are put in place.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were

high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 4, 15-60 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, extensive contact, exterior LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.48mg/day which is equivalent to 0.05 to 0.1mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate-containing powders

Product characteristics

The borates and borate mixtures are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of substance tabletted will vary, but may be several tonnes per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of compaction/tabletting is variable, but is often a daily, shift-length activity.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The work is carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Parts of the plant may be enclosed e.g.transfer conveyors.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

LEV controls release of airborne dust.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, and when necessary, safety glasses and P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are four personal exposure datapoints for compacting pure borates into pellets and one for compacting fertiliser. These range from 0 to 1.3mgB/m3. Due to the small number of real data, ART was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters

used were fine dry dust, compressing of powders, compressing 10-100kg/minute, open process, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, LEV and good natural ventilation. The estimated 90th percentile is 7mg/m3, 8-hr TWA inhalable dust. The equivalent 90th percentile exposure to boron would be between 0.79mgB/m3 and 1.5mgB/m3 depending on the borate being compacted. These figures are for pure borate so would be applicable to manufacturers/importers. Exposures for downstream users would be lower as

they would be compacting a mixture of powders rather than pure borate. The upper estimate for exposure is just above the inhalation DNEL for boron of 1.45mgB/m3. Where exposures are likely to exceed the DNEL, RPE must be worn until it can be demonstrated that engineering controls reduce exposure to 0.15 mg B/m3, well below the inhalation DNEL.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC14, more than 240 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent

contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.024mg/day which is equivalent to between 0.003 and 0.005mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. These

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

values are for tabletting or compacting pure borates. The estimated dermal exposures will be lower for those compacting boron-containing mixtures. Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

Product characteristics

The products may be solid, liquid or paste.

Amounts used

The amount of borate in the finished substance/preparation will depend on what has been made. The range may vary from 1 to 40%, so boron content may vary from 0.11 to 8.6% and the substance may be in solid, liquid or paste form. The amount of product packaged may be tens of tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made everyday, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. Packaging activities can last from 1 hour to 8 hours.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

Some packaging processes are largely automatic. For example, packaging of liquids may be automatic apart from loading the closed

containers onto a pallet. Some packaging of solid products into 25kg sacks may be completely automatic, or the operative may have to place the bag on the filling chute and then manually close the bag and place on a pallet.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Not required.

Where the packaging process is completely automatic, there is a reduction in exposure to the worker as the worker is removed from

the process.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where solid powders are being bagged the minimum engineering control required is effective LEV in place to control inhalation exposure.

At liquid filling stations there is no requirement for LEV as there is minimal risk for exposure by inhalation unless aerosols are


Where pastes are packaged there is no likelihood of inhalation exposure so LEV is not required.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are few real data for packaging boron-containing substances. There are some data for packaging borate powders in 25kg bags from the manufacturers and these can be used and adapted to take into account that the substances or preparations will contai n

between 1 and 40% borate. The range of personal exposure measurements is 0.02 to 1.4mg B/m3. The range for the preparations would therefore be between 0.001 and 0.56 mg B/m3. The 90th percentile for this range is between 0.001 and 0.4mg B/m3 depending on the percentage borate in the preparation. This range for the 90th percentile is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg B/m3. These figures have assumed that the packaging operations will take place for 8 hours per day. In many cases packaging may only

take place for 1 or 2 hours per day, in which case exposure to boron would be lower still. These figures take into account ri sk management measures such as LEV, but do not take into account the effect of wearing RPE.

The ART exposure model for inhalation predicts a 90th percentile of 0.06mg/m3 borate for filling liquids. The parameters used were falling liquids, transfer flow 10-100l/minute, open process splash loading, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, LEV and good natural ventilation. The equivalent 90th percentile for exposure to boron would be 0.01mgB/m3. This estimate assumes

exposure over an 8-hr working day. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure during non-automated packaging of powders. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact, integrated LEV and use of gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.144mg/day which, gives an equivalent exposure range to boron of between 0.02 and 0.03mgB/day. This range is well below the dermal DNEL of


MEASE was also used to estimate dermal exposure during the packaging of liquids. The parameters used were aqueous liquid, 5-

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.014mg/day, which is equivalent to a boron exposure range of 0.002 and 0.003mgB/day which is below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch manufacturing processes

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

Samples of about 1kg are taken, but only a few grams are used in quality control tests.

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

The technician spends a few minutes weighing borate samples each day, which is the only source of exposure, as the samples ar enormally collected by the plant operatives.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Very small quantities are used, and tests are often carried out in fume cupboards.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards worker

Some tests are carried out in fume cupboards.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear laboratory coats, safety shoes, safety glasses and gloves.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 18 datapoints for laboratory technicians. The range of results was 0 to 0.2mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA The 90th percentile for this

dataset was 0.16 mgB/m3, which is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45 mgB/m3.

As there are no real data for dermal exposure during this activity, MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used for estimating dermal exposure during laboratory work were; a high dustiness solid, with 5-25% boron, PROC 15, duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and no gloves. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.014mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario diluting MWF concentrate with water

Product characteristics

The MWF concentrate is either an emulsion if it is an oil-water mix or a solution if it is a synthetic fluid. The percentage of boric

acid/borate in the concentrate does not usually exceed 5.5%. The makeup of the fluids varies, but often the boric acid is reacted with an alkanolamine and the boric acid is consumed in this reaction.

Amounts used

The amount of fluid used at any one time will vary widely, depending on the number of machines for which the fluid is used. MWF-

Concentrate may be supplied in pails, barrels or in bulk, but will be several litres or tens of litres.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency with which MWF fluids are topped up, or how often new solutions are made up will depend on the management of the

fluids from site to site. At some sites, the preparation of fluids or the top up of existing fluids will be manual, whereas for many sites the management of fluids is automatic or semi-automatic. Once diluted the concentration of boric acid/borate in the fluid is usually less than 1%, which is equivalent to 0.01 to 0.02% boron.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors.

The dilution is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

None required.

However, semi-automatic systems for managing the concentration of the MWF in the sump reduce the potential for dermal exposure, by removing the need to hand pour and manually measure the amount of concentrate required to go in the sump.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

None required

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no specific data for the making up and topping up of MWF fluid from concentrate. Inhalation exposure is unlikely as there is no aerosol generated during this activity.

The dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE. The parameters used to estimate dermal dose were liquid, less than 1% boron, PROC 8b, industrial use, 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, wearing suitable gloves. The

estimated exposure for this activity was 0.001mgB/day. Contributing scenario use of MWFs in machining

Product characteristics

The MWF is a dilute emulsion or solution, consisting primarily of water. The fluid contains between 3 and 10% of MWF concentrate which itself contains less than 5.5% boric acid/borate.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the workpiece being manufactured.

Frequency and duration of use

Generally, machine operators will work up to 8 hours a day on their machines. They may be responsible for several machines, and will spend some time on machine set up.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors in factories at ambient temperature. The temperature at the machine tool will be high. The purpose of the MWF is to cool and lubricate the workpiece and tool.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The machine should be enclosed as far as possible. A switch integrated with the machine should prevent the enclosure being opened while the machine is in use. There should also be a time delay so that the LEV has time to remove the aerosol before the encl osure is opened.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) should be installed on each machine to control exposure to the aerosol.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not provide sufficient protection against inhalation of MWF aerosol, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, wi th a good face-fit, will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good

face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the c ontours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratoryprotective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

The Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL), an agency of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the UK reported a large survey of 31

engineering sites using MWFs in 1999. 298 personal samples were taken to measure exposure to water mix mist (neat oils do not generally contain boric acid/borate). The range of results reported by HSE was 0 to 13.2mg/m3. The 90th percentile for personal exposure to water mix mist was 0.82 mg/m3. As there is less than 1% boric acid/borate in the dilute water mix fluids, the 90th

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

percentile for inhalation exposure to boron is therefore <0.01mgB/m3, well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45 mgB/m3. These results were representative of 8hr TWAs.

There is a method developed by HSL in the UK, which uses markers contained within the MWFs to measure exposure to MWFs. One of the markers recommended is boron. One set of results for measuring personal exposure to water mix fluids using boron as a

marker was made available. The range of results for exposure to boron was 0.002 to 0.07 mgB/m3, all of which are well below the inhalation DNEL for boron. These results were representative of 8hr TWAs.

The dermal exposure was estimated using the model MEASE. The parameters used to estimate exposure were liquid with less than 1% boron, PROC 17, industrial use, >240 minutes, wide-dispersive use, direct handling and intermittent contact with no gloves. The estimated exposure was 2.4mgB/day. This is below the dermal dose DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario make up of treatment bath for galvanising, plating and other surface treatments

Product characteristics

The borate/boric acid is a powder and is supplied in 25kg bags.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used in plating baths will vary depending on the size of the bath, but is in the region of 25-200kg.

Frequency and duration of use

The borate in the treatments baths may be topped up once or twice a week with 25-50kg of borate, or baths may only be made up once or twice a year with 200kg, with the addition of the borate taking approximately 30 minutes.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Canopy hoods over the baths capture and remove steam.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear chemical resistant overalls, chemical-resistant gloves and safety goggles or faceshield. When adding borate to the bath they may wear P1/P2 respirators. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. The RPE above rely on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the

face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. Therefore, they should define and document a suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no specific data for the addition of borates in treatment baths. However there are data available for emptying 25kg bags.

There are 41 datapoints for the discharge of 25 kg bags into mixing vessels or similar. They range from none detected to 1.45mg B/m3, 8-hr TWA. Any short-term exposure values have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the DNEL. The 90th percentile for this dataset is 0.78mgB/m3. This value is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg/m3.

The dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% boron, PROC 8b, industrial use, 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent exposure and use of gloves. The estimated exposure

for this activity was 0.029mgB/day. This is well below the dermal dose DNEL of 4800mg/day. Contributing scenario galvanising, plating and other surface treatment of metal articles

Product characteristics

The amount of borate in plating solutions is between 3.5 and 5% borate/boric acid. This is equivalent to approximately 1% boron.

Amounts used

The amount of borate in plating baths will vary depending on the size of the bath but is in the region of 25-200kg, giving a

concentration of approximately 1% boron in the plating solution.

Frequency and duration of use

The treatment baths can be used up to 24 hours per day. In some cases the articles are automatically dipped, but in other cases, the

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

components are taken out of the bath in a basket and turned manually. It is estimated that over a shift this task may take up to 1 hour.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors.

The baths are operated at about 60oC

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Canopy hoods over the baths capture and remove steam.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear chemical resistant overalls, chemical-resistant gloves and safety goggles or faceshield.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no specific data for the use of borates in treatment baths. Inhalation exposure is unlikely as there is no aerosol generated during this activity.

The dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE. The estimation took into account the potential for exposure when manually turning components. The parameters used were liquid, less than 1% boron, PROC 4, industrial use, 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct

handling, intermittent exposure and use of gloves. The estimated exposure for this activity was 0.005mgB/day. This is well below the dermal dose DNEL of 4800mg/day. Contributing scenario greasing at high energy conditions

Product characteristics

The amount of borate in greases is 0.5% boric acid. This is equivalent to approximately 0.01% boron.

Amounts used

The amount of grease used will vary depending on the process, but is unlikely to be more than a few kg per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The process can be operational up to 24 hours per day. In some cases the machinery is automatically greased, but in other cases, the

grease may be manually applied on a routine basis. It is estimated that over a shift the manual application of grease, or changing grease drums or buckets may take up to 1 hour, again depending on the number of machines to be greased. Operatives may spend their entire shift working at machinery where grease has been applied for lubrication and where aerosols or fumes may be generated as a result.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors.

The machinery may be operating at high temperatures resulting in emissions to air.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

LEV captures fume and aerosol from the process.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls and gloves and safety goggles or faceshield.

Information on estimated exposure

Where grease is applied automatically or manually there will be no inhalation exposure during the changeover of drums or buck ets, or

during addition from a cartridge, as the grease is a paste, so no airborne contamination will occur during this task. Inhalation exposure may occur during the operation of machinery, where high speed or high temperatures occur, due to the generation of fumes or aerosols. There is no exposure data available so ART was used to model exposure. The parameters used to predict exposure were

far field exposure, hot process, application of liquids in high speed processes, large scale, open process, effective housekeeping,

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

indoors with LEV, no secondary controls, no segregation, no personal enclosure and natural ventilati on. The predicted 90th percentile exposure was 0.0017mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA, assuming 0.01% boron in the lubricating grease. This is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

The dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE. The estimation took into account the potential for exposure when manually

greasing machinery. The parameters used were liquid, less than 1% boron, PROC 10, industrial use, 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent exposure and use of gloves. The estimated exposure for this activity was 0.005mgB/day. This is well below the dermal dose DNEL of 4800mg/day. Contributing scenario make up of stock solution photographic applications

Product characteristics

Borates are present in developers and fixers for photographic applications. Borates are present in most products at 0.5-4%, which is equivalent to less than 1% boron. In some powders, boron can be present at up to 5%.

The fixers and developers can be supplied as powders for dissolving in water to make up a stock solution, as a concentrated liquid

that is diluted in water to make up a stock solution, or as a readymade stock solution.

Amounts used

Professionals may typically make up 50 litres of stock solution.

Frequency and duration of use

Stock solutions -10 minutes

to make up a stock solution from powder and about 5 minutes from liquid concentrate.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Liquid concentrate may be used instead of powders to remove the risk of inhalation of dust during the addition of powders to water.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Professional training.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Good general hygiene.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no specific data for the makeup of stock solutions of developer and fixer solutions.

There is no risk of exposure by inhalation if using liquid concentrate to make up solutions. There is a minor inhalation risk if using

powdered developer and fixer. ART has been used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry powder, falling powders, 10-100 g/minute, routine transfer, open process, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, no localised controls and good natural ventilation. ART estimates an inhalation exposure of 0.0025mg/m3, 8-hr TWA borate. The equivalent value for boron exposure would be less than 0.001mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA. This is well below the inhalation DNEL of


Dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE. The parameters used for powders were high dustiness solid, 1-5% boron, PROC 19, professional use, <15 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, incidental contact and no gloves. The parameters used for liquid were aqueous solution, <1% boron, PROC 19, professional use, <15 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, incidental contact with no gloves. The estimated exposure for this activity was 0.198mgB/day borate if using powder, and 0.024mgB/day if using liquid

concentrate solutions. These values are well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario use of developer and fixer solutions

Product characteristics

Developer and fixer solutions contain less than 1% boron.

Amounts used

In commercial processing up to 50l of solution will be held in the processor at any one time.

Frequency and duration of use

With commercial processing the processor may be used for a whole shift, but is completely automated with no opportunity for

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers


Professionals carrying out development on a smaller scale may spend up to four hours manually processing film, with the potential for dermal exposure for up to about 12 minutes, as film and paper is moved from tray to tray.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

With commercial processing, the film is developed and the photographs printed automatically with little input from the technician.

For professional manual development there are no technical measures to prevent release.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Professional training.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

General good hygiene.

Information on estimated exposure

There is no opportunity for exposure to chemicals during commercial processing.

There is no opportunity for inhalation exposure as the solutions are not used in such a way as to produce an aerosol.

Dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE for professional activities. The parameters used were aqueous solution, <1% boron, PROC 19, professional use, <15 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, incidental contact with no gloves. The estimated

exposure for this activity was 0.024mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mg/day.

9.9.2. Exposure estimation ERC 4 Use of borates as processing aids: Generic exposure scenario 1, freshwater, dilution

factor 10

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to aquatic1 000 000 g/T Default ERC 4

Environmental release factor to air

400 g/T Release factor same as for formulation of mixtures

Tonnage 1.48 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

259 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment (freshwater) with dilution

factor 10

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.001 ERC 4 Use of borates as processing aids: Generic exposure scenario 2, freshwater, dilution

factor 500

Operational conditions Value Unit

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Environmental release

factor to aquatic1 000 000 g/T Default ERC 4

Environmental release factor to air

400 g/T Release factor same as for formulation of mixtures

Tonnage 74 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (freshwater) with

dilution factor 500

259 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 500

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.001 ERC 4 Use of borates as processing aids: Generic exposure scenario 3, marine water,

dilution factor 100

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to aquatic1 000 000 g/T Default ERC 4

Environmental release factor to air

400 g/T Release factor same as for formulation of mixtures

Tonnage 16.5 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (marine) with

dilution factor 100

244 µg/L 1 350 0.18

PEClocal in sediment

(marine) with dilution factor 100

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.001 ERC 4 Use of borates as processing aids: Generic exposure scenario 4, no water discharge

to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to air400 g/T Release factor same as for formulation of mixtures

Tonnage > 15 000 T boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 0.55 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.10

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.7. Use of fertilizers

9.7.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.7. Exposure Scenario : Use of fertilizers

Number of the ES

PROCs : 2, 3, 4, 5, 8a, 9, 13

ERC : 8a, 8c, 8d, 8f

PC : 12

SU : 1, 22

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC :

1 Generic exposure scenario ERC 8e, 8f

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

2 Contributing scenario transfer of boron-containing granular fertiliser

3 Contributing scenario spreading boron-containing granular fertiliser

4 Contributing scenario fertigation using liquid fertiliser

5 Contributing scenario transfer of liquid foliar fertiliser

6 Contributing scenario application of liquid foliar fertiliser

Exposure scenarios have been created for the use of fertilizers

9.7.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for use of


Generic exposure scenario for use of fertilizers

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can

be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

The quantity applied depends upon that necessary to raise the level in the soil to support the crop in question

Frequency and duration of use

Fertilizers containing boron are only used when there are insufficient boron levels in the soil to support crop growth. They tend not to

be used in large quantities nor for long periods of time. The use of a boronated fertiliser will depend upon the requirements of the crop being grown.

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

Used on soils which have low concentrations of boron.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure


Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

There are no direct releases to adjacent surface waters.

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Drift should be minimised.

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

In line with the requirements of good agricultural practice, agricultural soil should be assessed prior to application of boron and the application rate should be adjusted according to the results of the assessment and crop requirements.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Not relevant

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

Not relevant

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers Contributing scenario transfer of boron-containing granular fertiliser

Product characteristics

The boron-containing fertilisers are granular and contain between 0.5 and 20.9% borate/boric acid which is equivalent to a range of 0.06 and 4.5% boron.

Amounts used

The amount of fertiliser used at any one time will depend on the area to be fertilised, but is likely to be several tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The fertiliser is supplied in 1 tonne bulk bags. When being spread, the bags are discharged into a spreader, by suspending the bags

over the spreader hopper using a forklift truck or similar. The bags are untied and the fertiliser allowed to discharge into the hopper. The hopper is fitted with a grid. Loading the hopper of the spreader takes approximately 30 minutes to one hour depending on the number of bags used. This task is carried out by one operative. Fertiliser is applied to the land once or twice per year.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The work takes place outdoors or indoors in well-ventilated buildings at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls and gloves. The wearing of RPE varies. P2/P3 respirators may be worn during transfer of the fertilis er from the big bags to the spreader. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit will provide a 90 95 %% reduction in exposure. Where

RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. The RPE above rely on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective devices and the management of their correct use in the workplace. Therefore, they should define and document a suitable policy for a respiratory protective device

programme including training of the workers.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 31 datapoints available for discharging bags of borates into hoppers. They range from 0.002 to 6.9mg B/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 2.0 mg B/m3, 8-hr TWA. For granular fertilisers the percentage of boron is reported to be between 0.06 and 4.5%. The 90th percentile for discharging big bags of fertilisers is estimated to be between 0.001 and 0.09 mg B/m3, depending on the

percentage boron in the fertiliser. It is likely that exposure during this activity would be at the high end of the range as there is no LEV in use.

When this scenario is modelled using ART, it is estimated that exposure to borate (5-10%) would be 5.7mg/m3. The parameters used were fine dry dust, falling powders, transferring 100-1000kg/minute, routine transfer, drop height >0.5m, open process, general housekeeping, no localised controls and good natural ventilation.This would be equivalent to boron exposure of 0.6 to 1.22mgB/m3, 8-

hr TWA from the hour spent loading the spreader. This range is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg/m3.

None of the above exposure estimates take into account the use of RPE. With the effective use of RPE during discharge of big bags, inhalation exposure during this activity can be minimised.

Dermal exposure has been estimated using MEASE. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 1-5% boron, PROC 8, professional use, 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, extensive contact and no gloves. The estimated dermal exposure to boron during this activity is 0.019mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario spreading boron-containing granular fertiliser

Product characteristics

The boron-containing fertilisers are granular and contain between 0.5 and 20.9% borate/boric acid.

Amounts used

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

The amount of fertiliser used at any one time will depend on the area to be fertilised, but is likely to be several tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

Once the spreader is filled, it is driven to the fields where the application is to take place. Applications of fertiliser are made once or twice per year, taking one to two days to complete. The use of the spreader makes this a wide-dispersive use. Most tractors have air-conditioned cabs, so the operative is protected from exposure during the application. However, this may not always be the case. If the

tractor cabs are not air-conditioned or if windows/doors are not kept closed throughout the application, there is a higher risk of exposure via inhalation.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given opera

Where tractor cabs are air-conditioned exposure will be kept at a minimum during spreading.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

None required.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no measured data for inhalation or dermal exposure to boron during the spreading of fertiliser.

The ART model has been used to estimate inhalation exposure to boron during the spreading of fertiliser. The parameters used were fine dry dust, spray application of powders, spraying horizontal or downwards, no housekeeping, outdoors, worker distance >4m, no localised controls, personal enclosure. The ART model estimated a 90th percentile exposure, for a shift, of 0.0023mg/m3, assuming 5-

10% borate in fertiliser. This is equivalent to a boron exposure of between 0.0003 and 0.0004mgB/m3. The model included 430 minutes spent spreading the fertiliser from a fully enclosed and air-conditioned tractor cab.

Without air-conditioning, ART estimates the 90th percentile for inhalation exposure to borate to be 0.016mg/m3, 8hr TWA. The parameters were the same as above, except the final parameter which was partial enclosure without ventilation. This is equivalent to a boron exposure of between 0.002 and 0.003mgB/m3, 8hr TWA.

There is minimal opportunity for dermal exposure during spreading of fertiliser as the worker is segregated in the tractor cab. Contributing scenario fertigation using liquid fertiliser

Product characteristics

The boron-containing fertilisers are liquid and contain between 0.01 and 36% borate/boric acid which is equivalent to 0.001 to 7.7%

boron. The borate content is usually less than 1%.

Amounts used

The amount of fertiliser used at any one time will depend on the area to be fertilised, but could be several tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

IBCs or silos containing the liquid fertiliser are connected to a fertigation system which automatically irrigates and fertilises plants in fields or greenhouses. The system runs constantly, with IBCs being changed over once or twice per week.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker

The system is closed

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The system is closed so there is no release of the fertiliser except to the soil.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Training of operatives and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation


Information on estimated exposure

There are no measured data for inhalation or dermal exposure to boron during the use of fertigation systems.

There is no opportunity for inhalation exposure as the fertiliser is liquid and is fed via a closed system to the soil.

There may be the opportunity for dermal exposure during changeover of IBCs or during bulk deliveries of liquid fertilisers, whenpipework is connected and disconnected.

MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure during this task. The parameters used were aqueous solution, 1-5% boron, PROC 8, professional use, <15 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact with no gloves.Changeover of IBCs may take place once or twice a week and would take a few minutes to complete. The estimated dermal exposure is

0.005mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario transfer of liquid foliar fertiliser

Product characteristics

The boron-containing fertilisers are liquid and contain between 0.01 and 36% borate/boric acid which is equivalent to 0.001 to 7.7%

boron. The borate content is usually less than 1%.

Amounts used

The amount of fertiliser used at any one time will depend on the area to be fertilised, but could be tens or hundreds of litres.

Frequency and duration of use

The application of liquid foliar fertiliser could be carried out using a knapsack sprayer or a tractor-pulled spraybar. A worker could spend a shift spraying liquid fertiliser. If spraying using a backpack, the worker may need to refill his backpack several times during a shift, probably from a tank taken to the field. If spraying using a spraybar, the tank may need to be refilled several times during a shift.

This is likely to be pumped from a tank, or may be gravity filled.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The fertiliser is applied outdoors

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation


Information on estimated exposure

There are no measured data for inhalation or dermal exposure to boron during the use of liquid fertilisers.

It is unlikely that inhalation exposure will occur as no aerosol is generated during this activity.

MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure during these transfer tasks. The parameters used were aqueous solution, 1-5% boron, PROC 9, professional use, 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, intermittent exposure with no gloves.The estimated dermal exposure for transfer of liquid fertiliser is 0.01mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario application of liquid foliar fertiliser

Product characteristics

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

The boron-containing fertilisers are liquid and contain between 0.01 and 36% borate/boric acid which is equivalent to 0.001 to 7.7% boron. The borate content is usually less than 1%.

Amounts used

The amount of fertiliser used at any one time will depend on the area to be fertilised, but could be tens or hundreds of litres.

Frequency and duration of use

The application of liquid foliar fertiliser could be carried out using a knapsack sprayer or a tractor-pulled spraybar. A worker could

spend a shift spraying liquid fertiliser.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The fertiliser is applied outdoors

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

If using a tractor mounted spray bar, the tractor cab is likely to be closed and air-conditioned.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation


Information on estimated exposure

There are no measured data for inhalation or dermal exposure to boron during the use of liquid fertiliser spray systems.

ART has been used to estimate inhalation exposure during the spray application of liquid fertiliser. The parameters used were liquid, surface spraying of liquids, low application rate, horizontal or downward spraying with no or low compressed air, no housekeeping, outdoors and no localised controls. If backpack spraying, the 90th percentile value for inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.17mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA. This is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

ART has also been used to estimate inhalation exposure to workers spraying liquid fertiliser using a tractor and spray bar. The 90th percentile for inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.0014mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of


MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure during these tasks. The parameters used were aqueous solution, 1-5% boron, PROC 11, professional use, >240 minutes, wide dispersive use, non-direct handling, intermittent contact and no gloves.The estimated dermal exposure for backpack spraying is 0.048mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.

The estimated dermal exposure during tractor and spray bar spraying is also 0.048mgB/day.The parameters used were aqueous solution, 1-5% boron, PROC 11, professional use, >240 minutes, wide-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact and no

gloves. This value is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Exposure estimationNo calculated exposure scenario is required, boron should only be applied to soil in case of deficiency and drift

must be min imized.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.8. Formulation in materials

9.8.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.10. Exposure Scenario : Formulation in materials

Number of the ES


ERC : 3

PC :

SU :

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC :

1 Generic exposure scenario ERC 3

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

2 Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

3 Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed processes at high temperatures

3 Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

4 Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

5 Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

6 Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

7 Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate-containing powders

8 Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

9 Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch manufacturing processes

Exposure scenarios have been created based on the ERCs. ERC 3 is valid for but not limited to following uses :

9.8.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for formulation of borates into materials

Generic exposure scenario for all sectors using ERC 3

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can

be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs

when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 192

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Formulation occurs 100 days per year per site (Default for formulation 100 < T < 2 000)

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

A default dilution factor of 10 is taken into account for freshwater.

No more dilutions are taken into account since air emissions are the driver in this scenario.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Weighing takes place inside the building. Most of the followi ng steps

take place inside a building in (semi) enclosed systems.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc .

Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currentl y not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to both the water and air compartments are taken from the REACH guidance and based on the ERCs because only very few sites reported a reliable release factor or data to calculate one. Some sites reported that they do not discharge wastewater

r to an offsite location for special treatments. Since air emissions are the driver it is not required to do a separate assessment without release of wastewater.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 2 000 300 000

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. Generic scenarios are considered without the use of a municipal STP. If sites discharge to a municipal STP the concentration of boron should not exceed 1.75 mg/L in the municipal STP.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous


Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers

at dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate delivered at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured. Each road tanker normally contains about 25-40 tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, deliveries are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. The duration of the off-loading activity lasts for one to two hours per road tanker.

Some sites take borates in pallets of 25kg bags, which may occur as infrequently as once or twice per year, while for others it is a weekly process.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out outdoors so deliveries are made at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of borate is made pneumatically. A flexible hose is connected from the road tanker to the plant pipework. The borate is

then pumped to the plant silos using either the motor on the road tanker or using onsite pumps. The system is therefore closed and there is little opportunity for worker exposure. The connection and disconnection of the flexible pipework takes one or two minutes, and this is the only opportunity for potential exposure to the borate.

Borates arriving by pallet are taken from the truck into the warehouse using a forklift truck.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The receiving silos are fitted with filters to prevent the dispersion of borate with the displaced air from the top of the silos.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles.

Information on estimated exposure

There is only one data point available for this activity exclusively. This value is 0.016 mgB/m3.

The ART exposure model was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry dust, vacuum transfer of powders, transferring 100-1000kg/minute, open process, fully enclosed process, outdoors, LEV. The estimated 90th

percentile exposure to dust was 0.13mg/m3. The boron equivalent would be in the range 0.01 0.03mgB/m3 depending on the boron-containing material being off-loaded. This range accords well with the one real datapoint obtained. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3

MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure during this activity. The parameters used were >25% borate, PROC2, duration <15minutes, closed system without breaches, non-direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure is

0.002mg/day dust, which would be equivalent to less than 0.001mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

There is no inhalation or dermal exposure risk to workers off-loading pallets of borates as the bags are sealed onto the pallets with polythene shrink wrap. Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed

processes at high temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured

but is likely to be several tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For most closed manufacturing

processes the activity is 24 hours, 365 days per year, if a furnace has to be kept in operation.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are mainly very high, as these processes include glass making, ceramics, steel and alloy making.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins, which is where

operatives spend most of their time.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where there are breaches in the closed systems such as pouring and removal of slag in metal production, LEV is used to control


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls or heavy heat resistant clothing. In addition, gloves and safety glasses or goggles should be worn whencarrying out cleaning or maintenance activities. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not provide sufficient

protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. In some cases, battery-powered, air-fed helmets are worn.These respirators, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient protection. Where tight-fitting RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. Tight-fitting RPE relies on a good face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed

have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their cor rect use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well

below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASE for this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use

of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60 minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all

the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general closed production activi ties at ambient temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make mixtures such as pastes and coatings

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured, but could be up to a tonne per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed including the opening and addition of borates from 25kg bags.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to airborne contaminants.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators

must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The

90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASEfor this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield

is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60

minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimateddermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The

90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASE for this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use

of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was es timated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential

exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60 minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that allthe dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins on the plant. Maintenance activities take place on and around the plant.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators

must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 13 datapoints for maintenance activities in closed manufacturing plants. When maintenance activities are taking place on a

particular piece of plant, the plant may be opened to allow access to work, so that the normal engineering controls will not be working.

The exposure data ranges from 0 to 2.66 mgB/m3. This is a wide range and reflects the variety of work carried out by maintenance workers. The 90th percentile for these data is 1.33 mgB/m3, which is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. These estimates do not take into account the effect of RPE. Where engineering controls are not effective, RPE (P2/P3) must be worn to ensure inhalation exposure remains below the DNEL.

Dermal exposure may occur during maintenance activities. MEASE has been used to estimate this exposure. The parameters used

were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 8, industrial use, 60-240 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure to dust is 0.173mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly or even yearly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the bag to the charging point on the vessel either manually or using a winch, and cuts the bag, pouring the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of bags of borate has been

added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addition to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

At some sites, where the borate is delivered in 25kg bags, the bags of borate are fed directly into the furnace without being opened.

At some sites, the addition of the borate from the bag is semi-automated and the empty bag is automatically disposed of into a plastic tube for disposal.

Human factors not influenced by risk management



The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate

from the bags is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

None required.

At some sites semi-automation of the bag emptying process removes the source of exposure from the worker.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker. The

hood should enclose the charging point as far as possible and the LEV should pull airborne dust away from the operative.

The empty bag should be placed directly to waste.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where LEV does not reduce inhalation exposure to boron below the inhalation DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit will provide sufficient reduction in

exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including

training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 41 datapoints for the discharge of 25 kg bags into mixing vessels or similar. They range from none detected to 1.45mg B/m3, 8-hr TWA. Any short-term exposure values have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. The 90th percentile for this dataset is 0.78mgB/m3. This value is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential

exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60 minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimateddermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured,

but may be several tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the big bag to the charging point on the vessel using a winch or forklift truck, and cuts the base of

the big bag, releasing the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of big bags of borate has been added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addi tion to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate

is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Single-use bags can be opened by the use of sharp prongs at the discharge hopper. When the big bag is placed at the dis charge

hopper and lowered, the prongs cut into the base of the bag releasing the borate into the hopper. This removes the operator from the immediate vicinity and contributes to a reduction in exposure.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not provide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a

good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratoryprotective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 31 personal exposure datapoints for the discharge of big bags. They range from 0.005 mgB/m3 to 6.9 mgB/m3. For most

downstream users the discharging of bags into receiving vessels is the main source of exposure to borates for those operatives, and is a short-term activity. Some short-term data was supplied converted to 8-hr TWAs. Any short-term exposure values provided have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. This is a very wide data range and largely reflects the effectiveness of the LEV at different plants. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90 th percentile for these data

is 2.0mgB/m3, which is above the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. If effective engineering controls/LEV are not in place, RPE (P2/P3)

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

must be used to reduce worker exposure below the inhalation DNEL until effective engineering controls are put in place.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were

high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 4, 15-60 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, extensive contact, exterior LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.48mg/day which is equivalent to 0.05 to 0.1mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate -containing powders

Product characteristics

The borates and borate mixtures are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of substance tabletted will vary, but may be several tonnes per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of compaction/tabletting is variable, but is often a daily, shift-length activity.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The work is carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Parts of the plant may be enclosed e.g.transfer conveyors.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

LEV controls release of airborne dust.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, and when necessary, safety glasses and P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are four personal exposure datapoints for compacting pure borates into pellets and one for compacting fertiliser. These range

from 0 to 1.3mgB/m3. Due to the small number of real data, ART was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry dust, compressing of powders, compressing 10-100kg/minute, open process, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, LEV and good natural ventilation. The estimated 90th percentile is 7mg/m3, 8-hr TWA inhalable dust. The equivalent

90th percentile exposure to boron would be between 0.79mgB/m3 and 1.5mgB/m3 depending on the borate being compacted. These figures are for pure borate so would be applicable to manufacturers/importers. Exposures for downstream users would be lower as they would be compacting a mixture of powders rather than pure borate. The upper estimate for exposure is just above the inhalation

DNEL for boron of 1.45mgB/m3. Where exposures are likely to exceed the DNEL, RPE must be worn until it can be demonstrated that engineering controls reduce exposure to 0.15 mg B/m3, well below the inhalation DNEL.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC14, more than 240 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.024mg/day which is equivalent to between 0.003

and 0.005mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. These values are for tabletting or compacting pure borates. The estimated dermal exposures will be lower for those compac ting boron-containing mixtures. Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

Product characteristics

The products may be solid, liquid or paste.

Amounts used

The amount of borate in the finished substance/preparation will depend on what has been made. The range may vary from 1 to 40%,

so boron content may vary from 0.11 to 8.6% and the substance may be in solid, liquid or paste form. The amount of product packaged may be tens of tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. Packaging activities can last from 1 hour to 8 hours.

Human factors not influenced by risk management

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

Some packaging processes are largely automatic. For example, packaging of liquids may be automatic apart from loading the closed containers onto a pallet. Some packaging of solid products into 25kg sacks may be completely automatic, or the operative may have to place the bag on the filling chute and then manually close the bag and place on a pallet.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Not required.

Where the packaging process is completely automatic, there is a reduction in exposure to the worker as the worker is removed from

the process.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where solid powders are being bagged the minimum engineering control required is effective LEV in place to control inhalation


At liquid filling stations there is no requirement for LEV as there is minimal risk for exposure by inhalation unless aerosols are generated.

Where pastes are packaged there is no likelihood of inhalation exposure so LEV is not required.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are few real data for packaging boron-containing substances. There are some data for packaging borate powders in 25kg bags from the manufacturers and these can be used and adapted to take into account that the substances or preparations will contain

between 1 and 40% borate. The range of personal exposure measurements is 0.02 to 1.4mg B/m3. The range for the preparations would therefore be between 0.001 and 0.56 mg B/m3. The 90th percentile for this range is between 0.001 and 0.4mg B/m3 depending on the percentage borate in the preparation. This range for the 90th percentile is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg B/m3. These figures have assumed that the packaging operations will take place for 8 hours per day. In many cases packaging may only

take place for 1 or 2 hours per day, in which case exposure to boron would be lower still. These figures take into account ri sk management measures such as LEV, but do not take into account the effect of wearing RPE.

The ART exposure model for inhalation predicts a 90th percentile of 0.06mg/m3 borate for filling liquids. The parameters used were falling liquids, transfer flow 10-100l/minute, open process splash loading, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, LEV and good natural ventilation. The equivalent 90th percentile for exposure to boron would be 0.01mgB/m3. This estimate assumes

exposure over an 8-hr working day. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure during non-automated packaging of powders. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact, integrated LEV and use of gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.144mg/day which, gives an equivalent exposure range to boron of between 0.02 and 0.03mgB/day. This range is well below the dermal DNEL of


MEASE was also used to estimate dermal exposure during the packaging of liquids. The parameters used were aqueous liquid, 5-

25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.014mg/day, which is equivalent to a boron exposure range of 0.002 and 0.003mgB/day which is below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

MEASE was also used to estimate dermal exposure during the packaging of liquids. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.014mg/day, which is equivalent to a boron exposure range of 0.002 and 0.003mgB/day which is below the dermal (external) DNEL

of 4800 mg/day. This estimate takes into account the use of gloves. Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch manufacturing


Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

Samples of about 1kg are taken, but only a few grams are used in quality control tests.

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

The technician spends a few minutes weighing borate samples each day, which is the only source of exposure, as the samples are normally collected by the plant operatives.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions

Very small quantities are used, and tests are often carried out in fume cupboards.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards worker

Some tests are carried out in fume cupboards.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear laboratory coats, safety shoes, safety glasses and gloves.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 18 datapoints for laboratory technicians. The range of results was 0 to 0.2mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA The 90th percentile for this dataset was 0.16 mgB/m3, which is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45 mgB/m3.

As there are no real data for dermal exposure during this activity, MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used for estimating dermal exposure during laboratory work were; a high dustiness solid, with 5-25% boron, PROC 15,

duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and no gloves. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.014mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

9.8.2. Exposure estimation ERC 3 Formulation of borates in materials: Generic exposure scenario 1, freshwater, dilution factor 10

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

2 000 g/T Default ERC 3

Environmental release

factor to air300 000 g/T Default ERC 3

Tonnage 192 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 100 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

248 µg/L 1 350 0.18

PEClocal in sediment (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

1.67 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.93

PEClocal in soil 5.2 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.97

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.9. Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not

becoming part of articles

9.9.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.9. Exposure Scenario : Industrial use of processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles

Number of the ES

PROCs : 2, 6, 8a/b, 9, 10, 11 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26

ERC : 4

PC : 14, 25

SU : 3, 15, 17

List of all use descriptors related to the life cycle stage and all the uses under it; include market sector (by PC) if relevant

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC :

1 Generic exposure scenario for use of borates as processing aid disolved into a liquid

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

2 Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

3 Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed processes at high temperatures

4 Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

5 Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

6 Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

7 Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

8 Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate-containing powders

9 Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

10 Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch manufacturing processes

11 Contributing scenario diluting MWF concentrate with water

12 Contributing scenario use of MWFs in machining

13 Contributing scenario make up of treatment bath for galvanising, plating and other surface treatments

14 Contributing scenario galvanising, plating and other surface treatment of metal articles

15 Contributing scenario greasing at high energy conditions

16 . Contributing scenario make up of stock solution photographic applications

17 Contributing scenario use of developer and fixer solutions

Exposure scenarios have been created based on the ERCs. ERC 4 is valid for but not limited to following uses :

Use of borate in baths for metal wire drawing

Use of borate in baths for electroplating

9.9.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for industrial use of borates as processing aids in processes and products, not becoming part of articles.

Generic exposure scenario for all sectors using borates as a processing aid dissolved into a liquid

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage

cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 1.48

Selected for Exposure Scenario 2 74

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Selected for Exposure Scenario 3 16.50

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 15 000

Substance Formula Conversion factor for

equivalent dose of B (multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate Na2B4O 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Production occurs 365 days per year per site (median 50th %)

Following data is based on wire drawing and electroplating sites (data from questionnaires)

Information type Emission days to water per site (d/y) Emission days to air per site (d/y)

Median (50th percentile) 365 365

90th percentile 365 365

Min 2 2

Max 365 365

Data points 35 35

Selected for Exposure Scenarios 365 365

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

A default dilution factor of 10 is taken into account for freshwater.

A default dilution factor of 100 is taken into account for marine.

A specific dilution factor of 500 is taken into account for sites discharging into large rivers.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Weighing takes place inside the building. Most of the following steps take place inside a building in (semi) enclosed systems.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc . Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed

removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factor to water is taken from the REACH guidance and based on the ERC because only very few sites reported a reliablerelease factor or data to calculate one. Some sites reported that they do not discharge wastewater to the environment. They either,

recycle the water in a closed system or send their wastewater to an offsite location for special treatments. Therefore an ex posure scenario without wastewater will also be calculated. The release factor to air for ERC 4 is 100%. But it is known that borates will mainly be lost in the effluent water and not into the air. Therefore it is proposed to use a release factor of 0.04 % (or 400 g/T) which is equivalent to the generic formulation of mixtures scenario.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1,2 and 3 1 000 000 400

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 0 400

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. Generic scenarios are considered without the use of a municipal

STP. If sites discharge to a municipal STP the concentration of boron should not exceed 1.75 mg/L in the municipal STP.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous


Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate delivered at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being

manufactured. Each road tanker normally contains about 25-40 tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, deliveries are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. The duration of the off-loading activity lasts for one to two hours per road tanker.

Some sites take borates in pallets of 25kg bags, which may occur as infrequently as once or twice per year, while for others it is a weekly process.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out outdoors so deliveries are made at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of borate is made pneumatically. A flexible hose is connected from the road tanker to the plant pipework. The borate is then pumped to the plant silos using either the motor on the road tanker or using onsite pumps. The system is therefore closed and

there is little opportunity for worker exposure. The connection and disconnection of the flexible pipework takes one or two minutes, and this is the only opportunity for potential exposure to the borate.

Borates arriving by pallet are taken from the truck into the warehouse using a forklift truck.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The receiving silos are fitted with filters to prevent the dispersion of borate with the displaced air from the top of the silos.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles.

Information on estimated exposure

There is only one data point available for this activity exclusively. This value is 0.016 mgB/m3.

The ART exposure model was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry dust, vacuum transfer of powders, transferring 100-1000kg/minute, open process, fully enclosed process, outdoors, LEV. The estimated 90th percentile exposure to dust was 0.13mg/m3. The boron equivalent would be in the range 0.01 0.03mgB/m3 depending on the boron-

containing material being off-loaded. This range accords well with the one real datapoint obtained. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3

MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure during this activity. The parameters used were >25% borate, PROC2, duration <15minutes, closed system without breaches, non-direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure is 0.002mg/day dust, which would be equivalent to less than 0.001mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed processes at high temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured but is likely to be several tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For most closed manufacturing processes the activity is 24 hours, 365 days per year, if a furnace has to be kept in operation.

Human factors not influenced by risk management



The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are mainly very high, as these processes include glass making, ceramics, steel and alloy making.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins, which is where operatives spend most of their time.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where there are breaches in the closed systems such as pouring and removal of slag in metal production, LEV is used to control fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls or heavy heat resistant clothing. In addition, gloves and safety glasses or goggles should be worn when

carrying out cleaning or maintenance activities. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not provide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. In some cases, battery-powered, air-fed helmets are worn.These respirators, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient protection. Where tight-fitting RPE is used, the

worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. Tight-fitting RPE relies on a good face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use

in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASEfor this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60

minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that allthe dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make mixtures such as pastes and coatings

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured, but could be up to a tonne per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed including the opening and addition of borates from 25kg


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to airborne contaminants.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASEfor this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshieldis worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60 minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated

dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins on the

plant. Maintenance activities take place on and around the plant.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators

must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 13 datapoints for maintenance activities in closed manufacturing plants. When maintenance activities are taking place on a

particular piece of plant, the plant may be opened to allow access to work, so that the normal engineering controls will not be working.

The exposure data ranges from 0 to 2.66 mgB/m3. This is a wide range and reflects the variety of work carried out by maintenance workers. The 90th percentile for these data is 1.33 mgB/m3, which is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. These estimates do not take into account the effect of RPE. Where engineering controls are not effective, RPE (P2/P3) must be worn to ensure inhalation exposure remains below the DNEL.

Dermal exposure may occur during maintenance activities. MEASE has been used to estimate this exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 8, industrial use, 60-240 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, incidental

contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure to dust is 0.173mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made everyday, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly or even yearly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the

warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the bag to the charging point on the vessel either manually or using a winch, and cuts the bag, pouring the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of bags of borate has been added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addition to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

At some sites, where the borate is delivered in 25kg bags, the bags of borate are fed directly into the furnace without being opened.

At some sites, the addition of the borate from the bag is semi-automated and the empty bag is automatically disposed of into a plastic

tube for disposal.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting

The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

from the bags is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

None required.

At some sites semi-automation of the bag emptying process removes the source of exposure from the worker.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker. The

hood should enclose the charging point as far as possible and the LEV should pull airborne dust away from the operative.

The empty bag should be placed directly to waste.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where LEV does not reduce inhalation exposure to boron below the inhalation DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit will provide sufficient reduction in

exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the

management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 41 datapoints for the discharge of 25 kg bags into mixing vessels or similar. They range from none detected to 1.45mg B/m3, 8-hr TWA. Any short-term exposure values have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. The 90th percentile for this dataset is 0.78mgB/m3. This value is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg/m3.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were

high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC4, duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling with extensive contact and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.48mg/day borate which is equivalent to 0.05 to 0.1mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured, but may be several tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made everyday, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant

by forklift truck. The operative lifts the big bag to the charging point on the vessel using a winch or forklift truck, and cuts the base of the big bag, releasing the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of big bags of borate has been added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addition to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate

is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Single-use bags can be opened by the use of sharp prongs at the discharge hopper. When the big bag is placed at the discharge

hopper and lowered, the prongs cut into the base of the bag releasing the borate into the hopper. This removes the operator from the immediate vicinity and contributes to a reduction in exposure.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do notprovide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with agood face-fit, will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a

good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 31 personal exposure datapoints for the discharge of big bags. They range from 0.005 mgB/m3 to 6.9 mgB/m3. For most

downstream users the discharging of bags into receiving vessels is the main source of exposure to borates for those operatives, and is a short-term activity. Some short-term data was supplied converted to 8-hr TWAs. Any short-term exposure values provided have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. This is a very wide data range and largely reflects the effectiveness of the LEV at different plants. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile for these data

is 2.0mgB/m3, which is above the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. If effective engineering controls/LEV are not in place, RPE (P2/P3) must be used to reduce worker exposure below the inhalation DNEL until effective engineering controls are put in place.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were

high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 4, 15-60 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, extensive contact, exterior LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.48mg/day which is equivalent to 0.05 to 0.1mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate-containing powders

Product characteristics

The borates and borate mixtures are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of substance tabletted will vary, but may be several tonnes per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of compaction/tabletting is variable, but is often a daily, shift-length activity.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The work is carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Parts of the plant may be enclosed e.g.transfer conveyors.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

LEV controls release of airborne dust.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, and when necessary, safety glasses and P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are four personal exposure datapoints for compacting pure borates into pellets and one for compacting fertiliser. These range from 0 to 1.3mgB/m3. Due to the small number of real data, ART was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters

used were fine dry dust, compressing of powders, compressing 10-100kg/minute, open process, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, LEV and good natural ventilation. The estimated 90th percentile is 7mg/m3, 8-hr TWA inhalable dust. The equivalent 90th percentile exposure to boron would be between 0.79mgB/m3 and 1.5mgB/m3 depending on the borate being compacted. These figures are for pure borate so would be applicable to manufacturers/importers. Exposures for downstream users would be lower as

they would be compacting a mixture of powders rather than pure borate. The upper estimate for exposure is just above the inhalation DNEL for boron of 1.45mgB/m3. Where exposures are likely to exceed the DNEL, RPE must be worn until it can be demonstrated that engineering controls reduce exposure to 0.15 mg B/m3, well below the inhalation DNEL.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC14, more than 240 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent

contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.024mg/day which is equivalent to between 0.003 and 0.005mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. These

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

values are for tabletting or compacting pure borates. The estimated dermal exposures will be lower for those compacting boron-containing mixtures. Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

Product characteristics

The products may be solid, liquid or paste.

Amounts used

The amount of borate in the finished substance/preparation will depend on what has been made. The range may vary from 1 to 40%, so boron content may vary from 0.11 to 8.6% and the substance may be in solid, liquid or paste form. The amount of product packaged may be tens of tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made everyday, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. Packaging activities can last from 1 hour to 8 hours.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

Some packaging processes are largely automatic. For example, packaging of liquids may be automatic apart from loading the closed

containers onto a pallet. Some packaging of solid products into 25kg sacks may be completely automatic, or the operative may have to place the bag on the filling chute and then manually close the bag and place on a pallet.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Not required.

Where the packaging process is completely automatic, there is a reduction in exposure to the worker as the worker is removed from

the process.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where solid powders are being bagged the minimum engineering control required is effective LEV in place to control inhalation exposure.

At liquid filling stations there is no requirement for LEV as there is minimal risk for exposure by inhalation unless aerosols are


Where pastes are packaged there is no likelihood of inhalation exposure so LEV is not required.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are few real data for packaging boron-containing substances. There are some data for packaging borate powders in 25kg bags from the manufacturers and these can be used and adapted to take into account that the substances or preparations will contai n

between 1 and 40% borate. The range of personal exposure measurements is 0.02 to 1.4mg B/m3. The range for the preparations would therefore be between 0.001 and 0.56 mg B/m3. The 90th percentile for this range is between 0.001 and 0.4mg B/m3 depending on the percentage borate in the preparation. This range for the 90th percentile is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg B/m3. These figures have assumed that the packaging operations will take place for 8 hours per day. In many cases packaging may only

take place for 1 or 2 hours per day, in which case exposure to boron would be lower still. These figures take into account ri sk management measures such as LEV, but do not take into account the effect of wearing RPE.

The ART exposure model for inhalation predicts a 90th percentile of 0.06mg/m3 borate for filling liquids. The parameters used were falling liquids, transfer flow 10-100l/minute, open process splash loading, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, LEV and good natural ventilation. The equivalent 90th percentile for exposure to boron would be 0.01mgB/m3. This estimate assumes

exposure over an 8-hr working day. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure during non-automated packaging of powders. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact, integrated LEV and use of gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.144mg/day which, gives an equivalent exposure range to boron of between 0.02 and 0.03mgB/day. This range is well below the dermal DNEL of


MEASE was also used to estimate dermal exposure during the packaging of liquids. The parameters used were aqueous liquid, 5-

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.014mg/day, which is equivalent to a boron exposure range of 0.002 and 0.003mgB/day which is below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch manufacturing processes

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

Samples of about 1kg are taken, but only a few grams are used in quality control tests.

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

The technician spends a few minutes weighing borate samples each day, which is the only source of exposure, as the samples ar enormally collected by the plant operatives.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Very small quantities are used, and tests are often carried out in fume cupboards.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards worker

Some tests are carried out in fume cupboards.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear laboratory coats, safety shoes, safety glasses and gloves.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 18 datapoints for laboratory technicians. The range of results was 0 to 0.2mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA The 90th percentile for this

dataset was 0.16 mgB/m3, which is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45 mgB/m3.

As there are no real data for dermal exposure during this activity, MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used for estimating dermal exposure during laboratory work were; a high dustiness solid, with 5-25% boron, PROC 15, duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and no gloves. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.014mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario diluting MWF concentrate with water

Product characteristics

The MWF concentrate is either an emulsion if it is an oil-water mix or a solution if it is a synthetic fluid. The percentage of boric

acid/borate in the concentrate does not usually exceed 5.5%. The makeup of the fluids varies, but often the boric acid is reacted with an alkanolamine and the boric acid is consumed in this reaction.

Amounts used

The amount of fluid used at any one time will vary widely, depending on the number of machines for which the fluid is used. MWF-

Concentrate may be supplied in pails, barrels or in bulk, but will be several litres or tens of litres.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency with which MWF fluids are topped up, or how often new solutions are made up will depend on the management of the

fluids from site to site. At some sites, the preparation of fluids or the top up of existing fluids will be manual, whereas for many sites the management of fluids is automatic or semi-automatic. Once diluted the concentration of boric acid/borate in the fluid is usually less than 1%, which is equivalent to 0.01 to 0.02% boron.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors.

The dilution is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

None required.

However, semi-automatic systems for managing the concentration of the MWF in the sump reduce the potential for dermal exposure, by removing the need to hand pour and manually measure the amount of concentrate required to go in the sump.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

None required

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no specific data for the making up and topping up of MWF fluid from concentrate. Inhalation exposure is unlikely as there is no aerosol generated during this activity.

The dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE. The parameters used to estimate dermal dose were liquid, less than 1% boron, PROC 8b, industrial use, 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, wearing suitable gloves. The

estimated exposure for this activity was 0.001mgB/day. Contributing scenario use of MWFs in machining

Product characteristics

The MWF is a dilute emulsion or solution, consisting primarily of water. The fluid contains between 3 and 10% of MWF concentrate which itself contains less than 5.5% boric acid/borate.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the workpiece being manufactured.

Frequency and duration of use

Generally, machine operators will work up to 8 hours a day on their machines. They may be responsible for several machines, and will spend some time on machine set up.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors in factories at ambient temperature. The temperature at the machine tool will be high. The purpose of the MWF is to cool and lubricate the workpiece and tool.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The machine should be enclosed as far as possible. A switch integrated with the machine should prevent the enclosure being opened while the machine is in use. There should also be a time delay so that the LEV has time to remove the aerosol before the encl osure is opened.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) should be installed on each machine to control exposure to the aerosol.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not provide sufficient protection against inhalation of MWF aerosol, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, wi th a good face-fit, will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good

face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the c ontours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratoryprotective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

The Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL), an agency of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the UK reported a large survey of 31

engineering sites using MWFs in 1999. 298 personal samples were taken to measure exposure to water mix mist (neat oils do not generally contain boric acid/borate). The range of results reported by HSE was 0 to 13.2mg/m3. The 90th percentile for personal exposure to water mix mist was 0.82 mg/m3. As there is less than 1% boric acid/borate in the dilute water mix fluids, the 90th

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

percentile for inhalation exposure to boron is therefore <0.01mgB/m3, well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45 mgB/m3. These results were representative of 8hr TWAs.

There is a method developed by HSL in the UK, which uses markers contained within the MWFs to measure exposure to MWFs. One of the markers recommended is boron. One set of results for measuring personal exposure to water mix fluids using boron as a

marker was made available. The range of results for exposure to boron was 0.002 to 0.07 mgB/m3, all of which are well below the inhalation DNEL for boron. These results were representative of 8hr TWAs.

The dermal exposure was estimated using the model MEASE. The parameters used to estimate exposure were liquid with less than 1% boron, PROC 17, industrial use, >240 minutes, wide-dispersive use, direct handling and intermittent contact with no gloves. The estimated exposure was 2.4mgB/day. This is below the dermal dose DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario make up of treatment bath for galvanising, plating and other surface treatments

Product characteristics

The borate/boric acid is a powder and is supplied in 25kg bags.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used in plating baths will vary depending on the size of the bath, but is in the region of 25-200kg.

Frequency and duration of use

The borate in the treatments baths may be topped up once or twice a week with 25-50kg of borate, or baths may only be made up once or twice a year with 200kg, with the addition of the borate taking approximately 30 minutes.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Canopy hoods over the baths capture and remove steam.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear chemical resistant overalls, chemical-resistant gloves and safety goggles or faceshield. When adding borate to the bath they may wear P1/P2 respirators. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. The RPE above rely on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the

face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. Therefore, they should define and document a suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no specific data for the addition of borates in treatment baths. However there are data available for emptying 25kg bags.

There are 41 datapoints for the discharge of 25 kg bags into mixing vessels or similar. They range from none detected to 1.45mg B/m3, 8-hr TWA. Any short-term exposure values have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the DNEL. The 90th percentile for this dataset is 0.78mgB/m3. This value is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg/m3.

The dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% boron, PROC 8b, industrial use, 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent exposure and use of gloves. The estimated exposure

for this activity was 0.029mgB/day. This is well below the dermal dose DNEL of 4800mg/day. Contributing scenario galvanising, plating and other surface treatment of metal articles

Product characteristics

The amount of borate in plating solutions is between 3.5 and 5% borate/boric acid. This is equivalent to approximately 1% boron.

Amounts used

The amount of borate in plating baths will vary depending on the size of the bath but is in the region of 25-200kg, giving a

concentration of approximately 1% boron in the plating solution.

Frequency and duration of use

The treatment baths can be used up to 24 hours per day. In some cases the articles are automatically dipped, but in other cases, the

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

components are taken out of the bath in a basket and turned manually. It is estimated that over a shift this task may take up to 1 hour.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors.

The baths are operated at about 60oC

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Canopy hoods over the baths capture and remove steam.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear chemical resistant overalls, chemical-resistant gloves and safety goggles or faceshield.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no specific data for the use of borates in treatment baths. Inhalation exposure is unlikely as there is no aerosol generated during this activity.

The dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE. The estimation took into account the potential for exposure when manually turning components. The parameters used were liquid, less than 1% boron, PROC 4, industrial use, 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct

handling, intermittent exposure and use of gloves. The estimated exposure for this activity was 0.005mgB/day. This is well below the dermal dose DNEL of 4800mg/day. Contributing scenario greasing at high energy conditions

Product characteristics

The amount of borate in greases is 0.5% boric acid. This is equivalent to approximately 0.01% boron.

Amounts used

The amount of grease used will vary depending on the process, but is unlikely to be more than a few kg per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The process can be operational up to 24 hours per day. In some cases the machinery is automatically greased, but in other cases, the

grease may be manually applied on a routine basis. It is estimated that over a shift the manual application of grease, or changing grease drums or buckets may take up to 1 hour, again depending on the number of machines to be greased. Operatives may spend their entire shift working at machinery where grease has been applied for lubrication and where aerosols or fumes may be generated as a result.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors.

The machinery may be operating at high temperatures resulting in emissions to air.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

LEV captures fume and aerosol from the process.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls and gloves and safety goggles or faceshield.

Information on estimated exposure

Where grease is applied automatically or manually there will be no inhalation exposure during the changeover of drums or buck ets, or

during addition from a cartridge, as the grease is a paste, so no airborne contamination will occur during this task. Inhalation exposure may occur during the operation of machinery, where high speed or high temperatures occur, due to the generation of fumes or aerosols. There is no exposure data available so ART was used to model exposure. The parameters used to predict exposure were

far field exposure, hot process, application of liquids in high speed processes, large scale, open process, effective housekeeping,

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

indoors with LEV, no secondary controls, no segregation, no personal enclosure and natural ventilati on. The predicted 90th percentile exposure was 0.0017mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA, assuming 0.01% boron in the lubricating grease. This is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

The dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE. The estimation took into account the potential for exposure when manually

greasing machinery. The parameters used were liquid, less than 1% boron, PROC 10, industrial use, 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent exposure and use of gloves. The estimated exposure for this activity was 0.005mgB/day. This is well below the dermal dose DNEL of 4800mg/day. Contributing scenario make up of stock solution photographic applications

Product characteristics

Borates are present in developers and fixers for photographic applications. Borates are present in most products at 0.5-4%, which is equivalent to less than 1% boron. In some powders, boron can be present at up to 5%.

The fixers and developers can be supplied as powders for dissolving in water to make up a stock solution, as a concentrated liquid

that is diluted in water to make up a stock solution, or as a readymade stock solution.

Amounts used

Professionals may typically make up 50 litres of stock solution.

Frequency and duration of use

Stock solutions -10 minutes

to make up a stock solution from powder and about 5 minutes from liquid concentrate.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Liquid concentrate may be used instead of powders to remove the risk of inhalation of dust during the addition of powders to water.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Professional training.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Good general hygiene.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no specific data for the makeup of stock solutions of developer and fixer solutions.

There is no risk of exposure by inhalation if using liquid concentrate to make up solutions. There is a minor inhalation risk if using

powdered developer and fixer. ART has been used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry powder, falling powders, 10-100 g/minute, routine transfer, open process, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, no localised controls and good natural ventilation. ART estimates an inhalation exposure of 0.0025mg/m3, 8-hr TWA borate. The equivalent value for boron exposure would be less than 0.001mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA. This is well below the inhalation DNEL of


Dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE. The parameters used for powders were high dustiness solid, 1-5% boron, PROC 19, professional use, <15 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, incidental contact and no gloves. The parameters used for liquid were aqueous solution, <1% boron, PROC 19, professional use, <15 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, incidental contact with no gloves. The estimated exposure for this activity was 0.198mgB/day borate if using powder, and 0.024mgB/day if using liquid

concentrate solutions. These values are well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario use of developer and fixer solutions

Product characteristics

Developer and fixer solutions contain less than 1% boron.

Amounts used

In commercial processing up to 50l of solution will be held in the processor at any one time.

Frequency and duration of use

With commercial processing the processor may be used for a whole shift, but is completely automated with no opportunity for

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers


Professionals carrying out development on a smaller scale may spend up to four hours manually processing film, with the potential for dermal exposure for up to about 12 minutes, as film and paper is moved from tray to tray.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

With commercial processing, the film is developed and the photographs printed automatically with little input from the technician.

For professional manual development there are no technical measures to prevent release.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Professional training.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

General good hygiene.

Information on estimated exposure

There is no opportunity for exposure to chemicals during commercial processing.

There is no opportunity for inhalation exposure as the solutions are not used in such a way as to produce an aerosol.

Dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE for professional activities. The parameters used were aqueous solution, <1% boron, PROC 19, professional use, <15 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, incidental contact with no gloves. The estimated

exposure for this activity was 0.024mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mg/day.

9.9.2. Exposure estimation ERC 4 Use of borates as processing aids: Generic exposure scenario 1, freshwater, dilution

factor 10

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to aquatic1 000 000 g/T Default ERC 4

Environmental release factor to air

400 g/T Release factor same as for formulation of mixtures

Tonnage 1.48 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

259 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment (freshwater) with dilution

factor 10

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.001 ERC 4 Use of borates as processing aids: Generic exposure scenario 2, freshwater, dilution

factor 500

Operational conditions Value Unit

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Environmental release

factor to aquatic1 000 000 g/T Default ERC 4

Environmental release factor to air

400 g/T Release factor same as for formulation of mixtures

Tonnage 74 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (freshwater) with

dilution factor 500

259 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 500

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.001 ERC 4 Use of borates as processing aids: Generic exposure scenario 3, marine water,

dilution factor 100

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to aquatic1 000 000 g/T Default ERC 4

Environmental release factor to air

400 g/T Release factor same as for formulation of mixtures

Tonnage 16.5 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (marine) with

dilution factor 100

244 µg/L 1 350 0.18

PEClocal in sediment

(marine) with dilution factor 100

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.001 ERC 4 Use of borates as processing aids: Generic exposure scenario 4, no water discharge

to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to air400 g/T Release factor same as for formulation of mixtures

Tonnage > 15 000 T boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 0.55 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.10

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.10. Industrial use resulting of inclusion of borates into or onto a matrix

9.10.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.10. Exposure Scenario : Industrial use resulting of inclusion of borates into or onto a matrix

Number of the ES

PROCs : 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8a , 8b, 10, 13, 19, 22

ERC : 5

PC : 0 7, 9b, 14, 19, 20, 21, 24, 35

SU : 3, 14 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 22, NACE 23.1

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC :

1 Generic exposure scenario ERC 5

2 Use of adhesives containing borates

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

3 Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

4 Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed processes at high temperatures

5 Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

6 Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

7 Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

8 Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

9 Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate-containing powders

10 Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

11 Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch manufacturing processes

12 Contributing scenario spraying enamel/glaze slurry

13 Contributing scenario preparing and applying refractory mixes

14 Contributing scenario enamelling and glazing

15 Contributing scenario firing frits in flame

16 Contributing scenario application of adhesive - Industrial

17 Contributing scenario application of adhesive - Professional

Exposure scenarios have been created based on the ERCs. ERC 5 is valid for but not limited to following uses :

Use of adhesives containing borates

Use of paints containing borates

9.10.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for industrial use resulting in inclusion of borates into or onto a matrix

Generic exposure scenario for all sectors using ERC 5

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can

be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs

when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 0.16

Selected for Exposure Scenario 2 8.1

Selected for Exposure Scenario 3 1.8

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 115

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Industrial end use occurs 20 days per year per site (Default for end use T < 1 000)

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

A default dilution factor of 10 is taken into account for freshwater.

A default dilution factor of 100 is taken into account for marine.

A specific dilution factor of 500 is taken into account for sites discharging into large rivers.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Indoor and outdoor use possible.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc . Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not

appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to both the water and air compartments are taken from the REACH guidance and based on the ERCs because only very few sites reported a reliable release factor or data to calculate one. Some sites reported that they do not discharge wastewater

r to an

offsite location for special treatments. Therefore an exposure scenario without wastewater will also be calculated.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1,2 and 3 500 000 500 000

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 0 500 000

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. Generic scenarios are considered without the use of a munici pal

STP. If sites discharge to a municipal STP the concentration of boron should not exceed 1.75 mg/L in the municipal STP.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as

an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous landfill.

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for use of

adhesives containing borate compounds

Specific exposure scenario for use of adhesives based on the FEICA spERCs 5.1a.v1 : Industrial Use of Substances other than Solvents in Paper, Board and related Products / Woodworking and joinery / Footwear and Leather, Textile, Others Adhesives

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage

cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 5 2 000

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Industrial end use occurs 20 days per year per site (Default for end use T < 1 000). For tonnages above 1000 this is a worst case assumption.

Environment factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Indoor and outdoor use possible.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc . Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed

removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques

can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to both the water and air compartments are taken from the FEICA spERC 5.1a.v1 because only very few sites reported a reliable release factor or data to calculate one. The release to water from the spERC is 0 this is in agreement wi th what the

n a closed system or send their wastewater to an offsite location for special treatments. Therefore an exposure scenario without wastewater will be calculated.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 5 0 9 000

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, no water discharge in this scenario.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous landfill.

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large

vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate delivered at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured. Each road tanker normally contains about 25-40 tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, deliveries are made every day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. The duration of the off-loading activity lasts for one to

two hours per road tanker.

Some sites take borates in pallets of 25kg bags, which may occur as infrequently as once or twice per year, while for others it is a weekly process.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out outdoors so deliveries are made at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of borate is made pneumatically. A flexible hose is connected from the road tanker to the plant pipework. The borate is then pumped to the plant silos using either the motor on the road tanker or using onsite pumps. The system is therefore closed and there is little opportunity for worker exposure. The connection and disconnection of the flexible pipework takes one or two minutes,

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

and this is the only opportunity for potential exposure to the borate.

Borates arriving by pallet are taken from the truck into the warehouse using a forklift truck.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The receiving silos are fitted with filters to prevent the dispersion of borate with the displaced air from the top of the silos.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles.

Information on estimated exposure

There is only one data point available for this activity exclusively. This value is 0.016 mgB/m3.

The ART exposure model was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry dust, vacuum transfer of powders, transferring 100-1000kg/minute, open process, fully enclosed process, outdoors, LEV. The estimated 90th percentile exposure to dust was 0.13mg/m3. Theboron equivalent would be in the range 0.01 0.03mgB/m3 depending on the boron-

containing material being off-loaded. This range accords well with the one real datapoint obtained. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3

MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure during this activity. The parameters used were >25% borate, PROC2, duration <15minutes, closed system without breaches, non-direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure is 0.002mg/day dust, which would be equivalent to less than 0.001mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed

processes at high temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured but is likely to be several tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For most closed manufacturing processes the activity is 24 hours, 365 days per year, if a furnace has to be kept in operation.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are mainly very high, as these processes include glass making, ceramics, steel and alloy making.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins, which is where

operatives spend most of their time.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where there are breaches in the closed systems such as pouring and removal of slag in metal production, LEV is used to control fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls or heavy heat resistant clothing. In addition, gloves and safety glasses or goggles should be worn whencarrying out cleaning or maintenance activities. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not provide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. In some cases, battery-powered, air-fed helmets are

worn.These respirators, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient protection. Where tight-fitting RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. Tight-fitting RPE relies on a good face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their cor rect use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The

90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASE

for this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60 minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated

dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that allthe dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make mixtures such as pastes and coatings

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured, but could be up to a tonne per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed including the opening and addition of borates from 25kg bags.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to airborne contaminants.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASEfor this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield

is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60

minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimateddermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins on the

plant. Maintenance activities take place on and around the plant.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 13 datapoints for maintenance activities in closed manufacturing plants. When maintenance activities are taking place on a particular piece of plant, the plant may be opened to allow access to work, so that the normal engineering controls will not be working.

The exposure data ranges from 0 to 2.66 mgB/m3. This is a wide range and reflects the variety of work carried out by maintenance workers. The 90th percentile for these data is 1.33 mgB/m3, which is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. These estimates do

not take into account the effect of RPE. Where engineering controls are not effective, RPE (P2/P3) must be worn to ensure inhalation exposure remains below the DNEL.

Dermal exposure may occur during maintenance activities. MEASE has been used to estimate this exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 8, industrial use, 60-240 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure to dust is 0.173mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800

mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly or even yearly process. The duration of the activity can last from a

few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the bag to the charging point on the vessel either manually or using a winch, and cuts the bag, pouring the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of bags of borate has been added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addi tion

to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

At some sites, where the borate is delivered in 25kg bags, the bags of borate are fed directly into the furnace without being opened.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

At some sites, the addition of the borate from the bag is semi-automated and the empty bag is automatically disposed of into a plastic tube for disposal.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate

from the bags is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

None required.

At some sites semi-automation of the bag emptying process removes the source of exposure from the worker.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker. The

hood should enclose the charging point as far as possible and the LEV should pull airborne dust away from the operative.

The empty bag should be placed directly to waste.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where LEV does not reduce inhalation exposure to boron below the inhalation DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit will provide sufficient reduction in

exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including

training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 41 datapoints for the discharge of 25 kg bags into mixing vessels or similar. They range from none detected to 1.45mg B/m3, 8-hr TWA. Any short-term exposure values have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. The 90th percentile for this dataset is 0.78mgB/m3. This value is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60

minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that allthe dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured,

but may be several tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the big bag to the charging point on the vessel using a winch or forklift truck, and cuts the base of the big bag, releasing the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of big bags of borate has been

added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addition to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting

The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate

is carried out at ambient temperature.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Single-use bags can be opened by the use of sharp prongs at the discharge hopper. When the big bag is placed at the discharge

hopper and lowered, the prongs cut into the base of the bag releasing the borate into the hopper. This removes the operator from the immediate vicinity and contributes to a reduction in exposure.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do notprovide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a

good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory

protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 31 personal exposure datapoints for the discharge of big bags. They range from 0.005 mgB/m3 to 6.9 mgB/m3. For most

downstream users the discharging of bags into receiving vessels is the main source of exposure to borates for those operatives, and is a short-term activity. Some short-term data was supplied converted to 8-hr TWAs. Any short-term exposure values provided have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. This is a very wide data range and largely reflects

the effectiveness of the LEV at different plants. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile for these data is 2.0mgB/m3, which is above the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. If effective engineering controls/LEV are not in place, RPE (P2/P3) must be used to reduce worker exposure below the inhalation DNEL until effective engineering controls are put in place.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 4, 15-60 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, extensive contact, exterior LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.48mg/day which is equivalent to 0.05 to 0.1mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate -containing powders

Product characteristics

The borates and borate mixtures are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of substance tabletted will vary, but may be several tonnes per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of compaction/tabletting is variable, but is often a daily, shift-length activity.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The work is carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Parts of the plant may be enclosed e.g.transfer conveyors.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

LEV controls release of airborne dust.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, and when necessary, safety glasses and P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are four personal exposure datapoints for compacting pure borates into pellets and one for compacting fertiliser. These range from 0 to 1.3mgB/m3. Due to the small number of real data, ART was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry dust, compressing of powders, compressing 10-100kg/minute, open process, effective housekeeping, indoors, any

size workroom, LEV and good natural ventilation. The estimated 90th percentile is 7mg/m3, 8-hr TWA inhalable dust. The equivalent

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

90th percentile exposure to boron would be between 0.79mgB/m3 and 1.5mgB/m3 depending on the borate being compacted. These figures are for pure borate so would be applicable to manufacturers/importers. Exposures for downstream users would be lower as they would be compacting a mixture of powders rather than pure borate. The upper estimate for exposure is just above the inhalation

DNEL for boron of 1.45mgB/m3. Where exposures are likely to exceed the DNEL, RPE must be worn until it can be demonstrated that engineering controls reduce exposure to 0.15 mg B/m3, well below the inhalation DNEL.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC14, more than 240 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.024mg/day which is equivalent to between 0.003

and 0.005mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. These values are for tabletting or compacting pure borates. The estimated dermal exposures will be lower for those compacting boron-containing mixtures. Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

Product characteristics

The products may be solid, liquid or paste.

Amounts used

The amount of borate in the finished substance/preparation will depend on what has been made. The range may vary from 1 to 40%,

so boron content may vary from 0.11 to 8.6% and the substance may be in solid, liquid or paste form. The amount of product packaged may be tens of tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. Packaging activities can last from 1 hour to 8 hours.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

Some packaging processes are largely automatic. For example, packaging of liquids may be automatic apart from loading the closed containers onto a pallet. Some packaging of solid products into 25kg sacks may be completely automatic, or the operative may have

to place the bag on the filling chute and then manually close the bag and place on a pallet.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Not required.

Where the packaging process is completely automatic, there is a reduction in exposure to the worker as the worker is removed from the process.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where solid powders are being bagged the minimum engineering control required is effective LEV in place to control inhalation exposure.

At liquid filling stations there is no requirement for LEV as there is minimal risk for exposure by inhalation unless aerosols are generated.

Where pastes are packaged there is no likelihood of inhalation exposure so LEV is not required.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are few real data for packaging boron-containing substances. There are some data for packaging borate powders in 25kg bags

from the manufacturers and these can be used and adapted to take into account that the substances or preparations will contai nbetween 1 and 40% borate. The range of personal exposure measurements is 0.02 to 1.4mg B/m3. The range for the preparations would therefore be between 0.001 and 0.56 mg B/m3. The 90th percentile for this range is between 0.001 and 0.4mg B/m3 dependi ng

on the percentage borate in the preparation. This range for the 90th percentile is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg B/m3. These figures have assumed that the packaging operations will take place for 8 hours per day. In many cases packaging may onl ytake place for 1 or 2 hours per day, in which case exposure to boron would be lower still. These figures take into account risk management measures such as LEV, but do not take into account the effect of wearing RPE.

The ART exposure model for inhalation predicts a 90th percentile of 0.06mg/m3 borate for filling liquids. The parameters used were

falling liquids, transfer flow 10-100l/minute, open process splash loading, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, LEV

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

and good natural ventilation. The equivalent 90th percentile for exposure to boron would be 0.01mgB/m3. This estimate assumes exposure over an 8-hr working day. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure during non-automated packaging of powders. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive

use, direct handling, intermittent contact, integrated LEV and use of gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.144mg/day which, gives an equivalent exposure range to boron of between 0.02 and 0.03mgB/day. This range is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

MEASE was also used to estimate dermal exposure during the packaging of liquids. The parameters used were aqueous liquid, 5-25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.014mg/day, which is equivalent to a boron exposure range of 0.002 and 0.003mgB/day which is below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch

manufacturing processes

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

Samples of about 1kg are taken, but only a few grams are used in quality control tests.

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

The technician spends a few minutes weighing borate samples each day, which is the only source of exposure, as the samples ar e

normally collected by the plant operatives.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Very small quantities are used, and tests are often carried out in fume cupboards.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards worker

Some tests are carried out in fume cupboards.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear laboratory coats, safety shoes, safety glasses and gloves.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 18 datapoints for laboratory technicians. The range of results was 0 to 0.2mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA The 90th percentile for this

dataset was 0.16 mgB/m3, which is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45 mgB/m3.

As there are no real data for dermal exposure during this activity, MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used for estimating dermal exposure during laboratory work were; a high dustiness solid, with 5-25% boron, PROC 15, duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and no gloves. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.014mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario spraying enamel/glaze slurry

Product characteristics

The boron-containing enamel/glaze slurry may contain up to 5% boron.

Amounts used

The amount of slurry used depends on the number of products being enamelled, but may be tens of tonnes per day, equating to

several tonnes of boron per day (24 hours).

Frequency and duration of use

The slurry is discharged to stirrer vessels via a sieve to remove oversize particles. The vessels are then connected to spraying

facilities, for either manual or automatic spraying. The products are sprayed and then dried and fired in ovens. The frequency with which these processes take place will depend on the size of the factory, but one factory reported up to 8000 components beingenamelled per day. Tens of thousands of ceramic tiles may be glazed in one day.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The work takes place indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The enamel is sprayed as a slurry.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The spraying takes place in spray booths or on conveyor lines served by local exhaust ventilation.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives. Routine maintenance and testing of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls and gloves. Glasses and P2/P3 RPE are worn when spraying is carried out manually. Where RPE is used,

the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. The RPE above rely on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. Therefore, they should define and document a suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment

programme including training of the workers.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no exposure data for this task. ART has been used to model inhalation exposure. The parameters used were 420 minutes duration, powders dissolved in a liquid matrix, 1-5% boron, low viscosity, surface spraying of liquids, moderate application rate, spraying only horizontally or downwards, with no or low compressed air, open process with effective housekeeping, enclosing hood LEV and no secondary controls. The estimated 90th percentile for spraying slurry in a spray booth is 0.16mgB/m3. This is well below

the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

Dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE. The parameters used were aqueous solution, 1-5% boron, PROC4, duration >240

minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact, exterior LEV, and wearing gloves. Exposure was estimated to be 0.048mgB/day. This is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario preparing and applying refractory mixes

Product characteristics

There are a variety of refractory products containing borates. Products may be supplied in dry mixes or as moist products with liquid binders present containing between 0.7 and 5% borate. The equivalent boron content is between 0.08 and 1.1%. The refractory mixes are supplied in bags and are mixed with aggregate and/or liquid binder, to produce a castable mixture.

Hot gunning refractory mixes are usually supplied in a moist state ready for use, or may be added to water and mixed using a paddle


Amounts used

The amount of refractory used will depend on the work being carried out. Some mixes are used to make repairs to furnace linings, which may only require a few kgs of material. Some refractory mixes are used for hot-gunning, where the mixture is sprayed onto the refractory lining as a coating. This activity may take several days, depending on the size of the furnace or kiln. Some refractories are

cast into shapes for use e.g. crucibles. Some tasks may require several hundred kgs of refractory material.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use of refractory materials will depend on whether workers are working intermittently on repairs and relinings of furnaces or kilns in their own workplaces, or whether the workers are specialists who carry out this type of work on a daily basis.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting wo

The work takes place indoors. If carrying out hot gunning repairs, the temperature will be high. Workers may be working in a confined

spaces inside kilns and furnaces.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Refractory materials are sometimes supplied in a damp, ready to use form.

If spraying, the mixture is wet.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and routine maintenance and testing of equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves, safety glasses/goggles. If spraying inside a kiln/furnace, a full-face, powered respirator should be worn to give protection against airborne dust. If there is potential for oxygen deficiency, a suitable compressed airline should be used

in conjunction with the full-face respirator to provide an independent supply of fresh air. Under these conditions confined space entry precautions should be implemented. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. The RPE above rely on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face

properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. Therefore, they should define and document a suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers.

Information on estimated exposure

There is no exposure data available for using refractory materials. ART has been used to model exposure during mixing and spraying of refractory coatings. The estimated inhalation exposure for these activities is 0.012mgB/m3. This estimation takes no account of

respiratory protective equipment. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/day.

There is no data available for dermal exposure. Dermal exposure has been modelled using MEASE. The estimated exposure for hand-mixing the refractory is 0.04mgB/day assuming that the boron content of the refractory mix is between 1 and 5%. The estimated exposure during spraying is 0.002mgB/day. The total value for these activities is 0.042mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.

Refractory material may be applied by hand in or behind moulds. The refractory material will be wet, so the opportunity for inhalati on

exposure will be negligible, but there will be the potential for dermal exposure. MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure during this activity. The estimated dermal exposure during this activity was 0.24mgB/day, taking into account the use of suitable gloves. This value is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario enamelling and glazing

Product characteristics

The boron-containing frits contain between 0.1 and 60% borate depending on the application. This equates to between 0.01 and

12.9% boron depending on the type of boron-containing substance used (boric acid, anhydrous borate, disodium tetraborate pentahydrate, disodium tetraborate decahydrate). The frits are supplied as a powder, or as a liquid glaze which may be applied by spraying, brushing or dipping. The frits and glazes may contain inorganic colour pigments. Alternatively, art glass may be supplied as

beads, which are ground by the user. Once the enamel or glaze has been applied it is fired, either in a kiln or in a flame.

Amounts used

The amount of frits/enamel/glaze used depends on the type of work being carried out, but is likely to be in gram quantities.

Frequency and duration of use

The frits are supplied in small quantities in plastic bags. Liquid enamels or glazes are supplied in small pots. Professional users may use these products throughout the day, but in relatively small quantities.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The work takes place indoors, often in small workshops.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

If spraying enamels a spray booth fitted with LEV is used.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Professional training. Routine maintenance and testing of spraybooth if spraying.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives may wear overalls. The wearing of RPE varies. Where LEV is insufficient to control exposure during spraying, P2

respirators should be worn. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. The RPE above rely on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. Therefore, they should define and document a suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no exposure data relating directly to professional use of frits and enamels. ART has been used to model inhalation

exposure. The parameters used were coarse dry dust, falling powders, transferring less than 10g/minute, careful transfer, open process, general housekeeping in place, indoors, any size workroom, no LEV and good natural ventilation.The estimated 90th percentile for inhalation exposure for the use of frits is 0.005mgB/m3. ART has also been used to estimate exposure during the

spraying of liquid enamel. The parameters used were powder dissolved in a liquid, of low viscosity, surface spraying of liquids, low application rate, horizontal or downward spraying with no compressed air, general housekeeping in place, indoors, any size workroom, fume cupboard, and good natural ventilation.The estimated 90th percentile for inhalation exposure for spraying liquid enamel is 0.006mgB/m3. These values are well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no data available for dermal exposure. Dermal exposure has been modelled using MEASE. The parameters used were

medium dustiness solid, 5-25% boron, PROC 26, professional use, 60-240 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact with no gloves.The estimated exposure range is 0.36mg/day assuming that the boron content of the frit is between 5 and 25%. This is higher than expected but the model assumed the exposed skin area to be 1980cm2, which is very unlikely when handling such small quantities of material. This value is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.

MEASE was also used to estimate dermal exposure when spraying enamels. The parameters used were liquid, 1-5% boron, PROC

11, professional use, 60-240 minutes, non-dispersive sue, non-direct handling, incidental contact and no gloves.Dermal exposure was estimated to be 0.03mg/day which is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mg/day. Contributing scenario firing frits in flame

Product characteristics

The boron-containing frits contain up to 12.9% boron depending on the product.

Amounts used

The amount of frits fired in a hand-held flame is likely to be a few grams per day.

Frequency and duration of use

This task may be carried out daily several times per day for a few minutes each time.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operationa

The work takes place indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Professional training.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Glasses to protect eyes against intense light.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no exposure data for this task and this activity is outside the parameters for ART and MEASE. However, given the very low

quantities of frits likely to be used during this activity both the inhalation and dermal exposure are expected to be negligible. Contributing scenario application of adhesive - Industrial

Product characteristics

The boron-containing adhesive may contain up to 1.5% boron.

Amounts used

The amount of adhesive used depends on the process but may be equivalent to up to 300kg boron per day (24hrs).

Frequency and duration of use

The adhesive is discharged to holding tanks or direct to the production process. The adhesive may be applied automatically by

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

spraying, rolling, brushing, dipping or pouring. The processes tend to be continuous or semi-continuous.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The work takes place indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The adhesive is applied as a liquid.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The application takes place automatically so that the operative is not in the immediate vicinity.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives. Routine maintenance and testing of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls and safety glasses.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no exposure data for this task. ART has been used to model inhalation exposure. The inhalation exposure was modelled for

spraying of adhesive which is the worst-case scenario for potential inhalation exposure. The parameters used were 480 minutes duration, powders dissolved in a liquid matrix, 1-5% boron, low viscosity, surface spraying of liquids, moderate application rate, spraying only horizontally or downwards, with no or low compressed air, open process with effective housekeeping, enclosing hood

LEV and no secondary controls. The estimated 90th percentile for spraying adhesive with local exhaust ventilation is 0.11mgB/m3. This is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

Dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE. The parameters used were aqueous solution, 1-5% boron, PROC7, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, indirect handling, incidental contact, exterior LEV, and no gloves. Exposure was estimated to be 0.048mgB/day. This is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario application of adhesive - Professional

Product characteristics

The boron-containing adhesive may contain up to 1.5% boron.

Amounts used

The amount of adhesive used depends on the process but may be equivalent to several kg boron per day (8hrs).

Frequency and duration of use

The adhesive may be applied manually by spraying, rolling, brushing, dipping or pouring. The processes tends to be intermittent and

may take place several times per day for a few minutes. In total, it is estimated that the application of adhesive may take up to two hours per day.

Human factors not influenced by risk management



The work takes place indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The adhesive is applied as a liquid or a paste.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

None the adhesive is a liquid or paste.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls and if spraying, safety glasses.

Information on estimated exposure

There are no exposure data for this task. ART has been used to model inhalation exposure. The inhalation exposure was modelled for

spraying of adhesive which is the worst-case scenario for potential inhalation exposure. The parameters used were 120 minutes duration, powders dissolved in a liquid matrix, 1-5% boron, medium viscosity, surface spraying of liquids, low application rate, spraying

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

only horizontally or downwards, with no or low compressed air, open process with effective housekeeping, no LEV and no secondary controls. The estimated 90th percentile for spraying adhesive with no local exhaust ventilation is 0.041mgB/m3. This is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

Dermal exposure was estimated using MEASE. The parameters used were aqueous solution, 1-5% boron, PROC11, duration 60-240

minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, incidental contact, no LEV, and no gloves. Dermal dose was estimated to be up to 0.288mgB/day depending on the product used. This is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

9.10.2. Exposure estimation ERC5 Inclusion of borates into or onto a matrix : Generic exposure scenario 1, freshwater,

dilution factor 10

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

500 000 g/T Default ERC 5

Environmental release factor to air

500 000 g/T Default ERC 5

Tonnage 0.16 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

260 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 10

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.002 ERC5 Inclusion of borates into or onto a matrix: Generic exposure scenario 2, freshwater,

dilution factor 500

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

500 000 g/T Default ERC 5

Environmental release factor to air

500 000 g/T Default ERC 5

Tonnage 8.1 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 500

259 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 500

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.37 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.07 ERC5 Inclusion of borates into or onto a matrix : Generic exposure scenario 3, marine water,

dilution factor 100

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

500 000 g/T Default ERC 5

Environmental release

factor to air500 000 g/T Default ERC 5

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Tonnage 1.8 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (marine) with

dilution factor 100

243 µg/L 1 350 0.18

PEClocal in sediment

(marine) with dilution factor 100

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.09 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.016 ERC5 Inclusion of borates into or onto a matrix : Generic exposure scenario 4, no water

discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to air500 000 g/T Default ERC 5

Tonnage 115 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 5.23 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.97 ERC5 Use of adhesives containing borate compounds: Generic exposure scenario 5, no

water discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to air9 000 g/T FEICA spERCs 5.1a.v1

Tonnage 2 000 T boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 1.64 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.30

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.11. Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance

9.11.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.11. Exposure Scenario : Industrial use resulting in manufacture of another substance

Number of the ES


ERC : 6a

PC :

SU :

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC :

1 Generic exposure scenario ERC 6a

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

2 Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

3 Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed processes at high temperatures

4 Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

5 Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

6 Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

7 Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

8 Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate-containing powders

9 Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

10 Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch manufacturing processes

Exposure scenarios have been created based on the ERCs. ERC 6a is valid for but not limited to following uses :

Use as intermediate

9.11.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for industrial

use of borates resulting in manufacture of another substance

Generic exposure scenario for all sectors using ERC 6a

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECswhen necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage

cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 74

Selected for Exposure Scenario 2 1150

Selected for Exposure Scenario 3 825

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 1 580

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Production occurs 365 days per year per site (median 50th %)

Information type Emission days to water per site (d/y) Emission days to air per site (d/y)

Median (50th percentile) 365 365

90th percentile 365 365

Min 20 20

Max 365 365

Data points 62 62

Selected for Ex posure Scenario 365 365

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

A default dilution factor of 10 is taken into account for freshwater.

A default dilution factor of 100 is taken into account for marine.

A specific dilution factor of 500 is taken into account for sites discharging into large rivers.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Weighing takes place inside the building. Most of the followi ng steps

take place inside a building in (semi) enclosed systems.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc .

Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to both the water and air compartments are taken from the REACH guidance and based on the ERCs because only very few sites reported a reliable release factor or data to calculate one. Some sites reported that they do not discharge wastewater

in the process, recycle the water in a closed system or send their wastewater to an offsite location for special treatments. Therefore an exposure scenario without wastewater will also be calculated.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1, 2 and 3 20 000 50 000

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 0 50 000

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. Generic scenarios are considered without the use of a municipal

STP. If sites discharge to a municipal STP the concentration of boron should not exceed 1.75 mg/L in the municipal STP.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous


Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate delivered at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being

manufactured. Each road tanker normally contains about 25-40 tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, deliveries are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. The duration of the off-loading activity lasts for one to two hours per road tanker.

Some sites take borates in pallets of 25kg bags, which may occur as infrequently as once or twice per year, while for others it is a weekly process.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out outdoors so deliveries are made at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of borate is made pneumatically. A flexible hose is connected from the road tanker to the plant pipework. The borate is then pumped to the plant silos using either the motor on the road tanker or using onsite pumps. The system is therefore closed and

there is little opportunity for worker exposure. The connection and disconnection of the flexible pipework takes one or two minutes, and this is the only opportunity for potential exposure to the borate.

Borates arriving by pallet are taken from the truck into the warehouse using a forklift truck.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The receiving silos are fitted with filters to prevent the dispersion of borate with the displaced air from the top of the silos.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles.

Information on estimated exposure

There is only one data point available for this activity exclusively. This value is 0.016 mgB/m3.

The ART exposure model was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry dust, vacuum transfer of powders, transferring 100-1000kg/minute, open process, fully enclosed process, outdoors, LEV. The estimated 90th percentile exposure to dust was 0.13mg/m3. The boron equivalent would be in the range 0.01 0.03mgB/m3 depending on the boron-

containing material being off-loaded. This range accords well with the one real datapoint obtained. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure during this activity. The parameters used were >25% borate, PROC2, duration

<15minutes, closed system without breaches, non-direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure is 0.002mg/day dust, which would be equivalent to less than 0.001mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed

processes at high temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured but is likely to be several tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For most closed manufacturing processes the activity is 24 hours, 365 days per year, if a furnace has to be kept in operation.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are mainly very high, as these processes include glass making, ceramics, steel and alloy making.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins, which is where

operatives spend most of their time.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where there are breaches in the closed systems such as pouring and removal of slag in metal production, LEV is used to control


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls or heavy heat resistant clothing. In addition, gloves and safety glasses or goggles should be worn whencarrying out cleaning or maintenance activities. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not provide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. In some cases, battery-powered, air-fed helmets are

worn.These respirators, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient protection. Where tight-fitting RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. Tight-fitting RPE relies on a good face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their cor rect use

in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.06 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well

below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. Assuming cleaning activities would There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASE for this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield

is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60

minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make mixtures such as pastes and coatings

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured, but could be up to a tonne per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed including the opening and addition of borates from 25kg bags.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to airborne contaminants.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASEfor this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield

is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential

exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60 minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimateddermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins on the plant. Maintenance activities take place on and around the plant.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 13 datapoints for maintenance activities in closed manufacturing plants. When maintenance activities are taking place on a particular piece of plant, the plant may be opened to allow access to work, so that the normal engineering controls will not be working.

The exposure data ranges from 0 to 2.66 mgB/m3. This is a wide range and reflects the variety of work carried out by maintenance workers. The 90th percentile for these data is 1.33 mgB/m3, which is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. These estimates do

not take into account the effect of RPE. Where engineering controls are not effective, RPE (P2/P3) must be worn to ensure inhalation exposure remains below the DNEL.

Dermal exposure may occur during maintenance activities. MEASE has been used to estimate this exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 8, industrial use, 60-240 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure to dust is 0.173mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800

mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made everyday, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly or even yearly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the

warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the bag to the charging point on the vessel either manually or using a winch, and cuts the bag, pouring the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of bags of borate has been added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addition

to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

At some sites, where the borate is delivered in 25kg bags, the bags of borate are fed directly into the furnace without being opened.

At some sites, the addition of the borate from the bag is semi-automated and the empty bag is automatically disposed of into a plastic

tube for disposal.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate from the bags is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

None required.

At some sites semi-automation of the bag emptying process removes the source of exposure from the worker.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker. The hood should enclose the charging point as far as possible and the LEV should pull airborne dust away from the operative.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

The empty bag should be placed directly to waste.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where LEV does not reduce inhalation exposure to boron below the

inhalation DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer

and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme includingtraining of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 41 datapoints for the discharge of 25 kg bags into mixing vessels or similar. They range from none detected to 1.45mg

B/m3, 8-hr TWA. Any short-term exposure values have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. The 90th percentile for this dataset is 0.78mgB/m3. This value is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60 minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated

dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that allthe dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured, but may be several tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made everyday, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up

to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the big bag to the charging point on the vessel using a winch or forklift truck, and cuts the base of the big bag, releasing the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of big bags of borate has been added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addi tion

to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given op

The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Single-use bags can be opened by the use of sharp prongs at the discharge hopper. When the big bag is placed at the discharge hopper and lowered, the prongs cut into the base of the bag releasing the borate into the hopper. This removes the operator from the immediate vicinity and contributes to a reduction in exposure.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not

provide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 31 personal exposure datapoints for the discharge of big bags. They range from 0.005 mgB/m3 to 6.9 mgB/m3. For most downstream users the discharging of bags into receiving vessels is the main source of exposure to borates for those operatives, and

is a short-term activity. Some short-term data was supplied converted to 8-hr TWAs. Any short-term exposure values provided have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. This is a very wide data range and largely reflects the effectiveness of the LEV at different plants. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile for these data is 2.0mgB/m3, which is above the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. If effective engineering controls/LEV are not in place, RPE (P2/P3)

must be used to reduce worker exposure below the inhalation DNEL until effective engineering controls are put in place.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 4, 15-60 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, extensive contact, exterior LEV and wearing

gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.48mg/day which is equivalent to 0.05 to 0.1mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate -containing powders

Product characteristics

The borates and borate mixtures are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of substance tabletted will vary, but may be several tonnes per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of compaction/tabletting is variable, but is often a daily, shift-length activity.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The work is carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Parts of the plant may be enclosed e.g.transfer conveyors.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

LEV controls release of airborne dust.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, and when necessary, safety glasses and P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are four personal exposure datapoints for compacting pure borates into pellets and one for compacting fertiliser. These range

from 0 to 1.3mgB/m3. Due to the small number of real data, ART was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry dust, compressing of powders, compressing 10-100kg/minute, open process, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, LEV and good natural ventilation. The estimated 90th percentile is 7mg/m3, 8-hr TWA inhalable dust. The equivalent

90th percentile exposure to boron would be between 0.79mgB/m3 and 1.5mgB/m3 depending on the borate being compacted. These figures are for pure borate so would be applicable to manufacturers/importers. Exposures for downstream users would be lower as they would be compacting a mixture of powders rather than pure borate. The upper estimate for exposure is just above the inhalation DNEL for boron of 1.45mgB/m3. Where exposures are likely to exceed the DNEL, RPE must be worn until it can be demonstrated that

engineering controls reduce exposure to 0.15 mg B/m3, well below the inhalation DNEL.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC14, more than 240 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.024mg/day which is equivalent to between 0.003 and 0.005mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. These

values are for tabletting or compacting pure borates. The estimated dermal exposures will be lower for those compacting boron-containing mixtures. Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

Product characteristics

The products may be solid, liquid or paste.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Amounts used

The amount of borate in the finished substance/preparation will depend on what has been made. The range may vary from 1 to 40%,

so boron content may vary from 0.11 to 8.6% and the substance may be in solid, liquid or paste form. The amount of product packaged may be tens of tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. Packaging activities can last from 1 hour to 8 hours.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

Some packaging processes are largely automatic. For example, packaging of liquids may be automatic apart from loading the closed containers onto a pallet. Some packaging of solid products into 25kg sacks may be completely automatic, or the operative may have

to place the bag on the filling chute and then manually close the bag and place on a pallet.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Not required.

Where the packaging process is completely automatic, there is a reduction in exposure to the worker as the worker is removed from the process.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where solid powders are being bagged the minimum engineering control required is effective LEV in place to control inhalation exposure.

At liquid filling stations there is no requirement for LEV as there is minimal risk for exposure by inhalation unless aerosols are generated.

Where pastes are packaged there is no likelihood of inhalation exposure so LEV is not required.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are few real data for packaging boron-containing substances. There are some data for packaging borate powders in 25kg bags

from the manufacturers and these can be used and adapted to take into account that the substances or preparations will contai nbetween 1 and 40% borate. The range of personal exposure measurements is 0.02 to 1.4mg B/m3. The range for the preparations would therefore be between 0.001 and 0.56 mg B/m3. The 90th percentile for this range is between 0.001 and 0.4mg B/m3 dependi ng

on the percentage borate in the preparation. This range for the 90th percentile is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg B/m3. These figures have assumed that the packaging operations will take place for 8 hours per day. In many cases packaging may onl ytake place for 1 or 2 hours per day, in which case exposure to boron would be lower still. These figures take into account risk management measures such as LEV, but do not take into account the effect of wearing RPE.

The ART exposure model for inhalation predicts a 90th percentile of 0.06mg/m3 borate for filling li quids. The parameters used were

falling liquids, transfer flow 10-100l/minute, open process splash loading, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, LEV and good natural ventilation. The equivalent 90th percentile for exposure to boron would be 0.01mgB/m3. This estimate assumes exposure over an 8-hr working day. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure during non-automated packaging of powders. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive

use, direct handling, intermittent contact, integrated LEV and use of gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.144mg/day which, gives an equivalent exposure range to boron of between 0.02 and 0.03mgB/day. This range is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

MEASE was also used to estimate dermal exposure during the packaging of liquids. The parameters used were aqueous liquid, 5-25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.014mg/day, which is equivalent to a boron exposure range of 0.002 and 0.003mgB/day

which is below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch manufacturing processes

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

Samples of about 1kg are taken, but only a few grams are used in quality control tests.

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

The technician spends a few minutes weighing borate samples each day, which is the only source of exposure, as the samples ar enormally collected by the plant operatives.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Very small quantities are used, and tests are often carried out in fume cupboards.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards worker

Some tests are carried out in fume cupboards.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear laboratory coats, safety shoes, safety glasses and gloves.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 18 datapoints for laboratory technicians. The range of results was 0 to 0.2mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA The 90th percentile for this

dataset was 0.16 mgB/m3, which is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45 mgB/m3.

As there are no real data for dermal exposure during this activity, MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used for estimating dermal exposure during laboratory work were; a high dustiness solid, with 5-25% boron, PROC 15, duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and no gloves. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.014mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

9.11.2. Exposure estimation ERC6a Use of borates as intermediate resulting in manufacture of another substance :

Generic exposure scenario 1, freshwater, dilution factor 10

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

20 000 g/T Default ERC 6a

Environmental release

factor to air50 000 g/T Default ERC 6a

Tonnage 74 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

259 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 10

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.34 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.063 ERC6a Use of borates as intermediate resulting in manufacture of another substance :Generic exposure scenario 2, freshwater, dilution factor 500

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to aquatic20 000 g/T Default ERC 6a

Environmental release factor to air

50 000 g/T Default ERC 6a

Tonnage 1 150 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 500

120 µg/L 1 350 0.09

PEClocal in sediment (freshwater) with dilution

factor 500

0.76 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.42

PEClocal in soil 5.23 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.97 ERC6a Use of borates as intermediate resulting in manufacture of another substance :

Generic exposure scenario 3, marine water, dilution factor 100

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to aquatic20 000 g/T Default ERC 6a

Environmental release factor to air

50 000 g/T Default ERC 6a

Tonnage 825 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (marine) with dilution factor 100

244 µg/L 1 350 0.18

PEClocal in sediment (marine) with dilution

factor 100

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 3.75 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.70 ERC6a Use of borates as intermediate resulting in manufacture of another substance :

Generic exposure scenario 4, no water discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to air

50 000 g/T Default ERC 6a

Tonnage 1 580 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 5.26 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.97

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.12. Industrial use of reactive processing aids

9.12.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.12. Exposure Scenario : Industrial use of reactive processing aids

Number of the ES

PROCs : 4, 13, 19

ERC : 6b

PC : 30

SU : 22

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC

1 Generic exposure scenario ERC 6b

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:2 Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

3 Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed processes at high temperatures

4 Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

5 Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

6 Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

7 Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

8 Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate-containing powders

9 Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

10 Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch manufacturing processes

Exposure scenarios have been created based on the ERCs. ERC 6b is valid for but not limited to following uses :

Use of borates in chemical synthesis

9.12.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for industrial

use of borates as reactive processing aids

Generic exposure scenario for all sectors using ERC 6b

Further specification

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can

be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs

when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 29

Selected for Exposure Scenario 2 1 450

Selected for Exposure Scenario 3 325

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 15 000

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Data from questionnaires from the chemical synthesis industry.

Information type Emission days to water per site (d/y) Emission days to air per site (d/y)

Median (50th percentile) 358 358

90th percentile 365 365

Min 4 4

Max 365 365

Data points 8 8

Selected for Exposure Scenario 358 358

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

A default dilution factor of 10 is taken into account for freshwater.

A default dilution factor of 100 is taken into account for marine.

A specific dilution factor of 500 is taken into account for sites discharging into large rivers.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Weighing takes place inside the building. Most of the followi ng steps

take place inside a building in (semi) enclosed systems.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc . Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not

appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to both the water and air compartments are taken from the REACH guidance and based on the ERCs because only very few sites reported a reliable release factor or data to calculate one. Some sites reported that they do not discharge wastewater

he process, recycle the water in a closed system or send their wastewater to an

offsite location for special treatments. Therefore an exposure scenario without wastewater will also be calculated.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1, 2 and 3 50 000 1 000

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 0 1 000

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. Generic scenarios are considered without the use of a municipal

STP. If sites discharge to a municipal STP the concentration of boron should not exceed 1.75 mg/L in the municipal STP.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous


Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate delivered at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being

manufactured. Each road tanker normally contains about 25-40 tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, deliveries are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. The duration of the off-loading activity lasts for one to two hours per road tanker.

Some sites take borates in pallets of 25kg bags, which may occur as infrequently as once or twice per year, while for others it is aweekly process.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out outdoors so deliveries are made at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of borate is made pneumatically. A flexible hose is connected from the road tanker to the plant pipework. The borate is then pumped to the plant silos using either the motor on the road tanker or using onsite pumps. The system is therefore closed and

there is little opportunity for worker exposure. The connection and disconnection of the flexible pipework takes one or two minutes, and this is the only opportunity for potential exposure to the borate.

Borates arriving by pallet are taken from the truck into the warehouse using a forklift truck.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The receiving silos are fitted with filters to prevent the dispersion of borate with the displaced air from the top of the silos.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles.

Information on estimated exposure

There is only one data point available for this activity exclusively. This value is 0.016 mgB/m3.

The ART exposure model was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were f ine dry dust, vacuum transfer of powders, transferring 100-1000kg/minute, open process, fully enclosed process, outdoors, LEV. The estimated 90th percentile exposure to dust was 0.13mg/m3. The boron equivalent would be in the range 0.01 0.03mgB/m3 depending on the boron-

containing material being off -loaded. This range accords well w ith the one real datapoint obtained. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

MEASE w as used to estimate dermal exposure during this activity. The parameters used were >25% borate, PROC2, duration

<15minutes, closed system w ithout breaches, non-direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure is 0.002mg/day dust, which would be equivalent to less than 0.001mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed

processes at high temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured but is likely to be several tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For most closed manufacturing processes the activity is 24 hours, 365 days per year, if a furnace has to be kept in operation.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are mainly very high, as these processes include glass making, ceramics, steel and alloy making.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins, which is where

operatives spend most of their time.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where there are breaches in the closed systems such as pouring and removal of slag in metal production, LEV is used to control


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls or heavy heat resistant clothing. In addition, gloves and safety glasses or goggles should be worn whencarrying out cleaning or maintenance activities. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not provide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. In some cases, battery-powered, air-fed helmets are

worn.These respirators, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient protection. Where tight-fitting RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. Tight-fitting RPE relies on a good face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their cor rect use

in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.06 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well

below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. Assuming cleaning activities would There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASE for this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield

is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60

minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make mixtures such as pastes and coatings

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured, but could be up to a tonne per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed including the opening and addition of borates from 25kg bags.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to airborne contaminants.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.06 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well

below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. Assuming cleaning activities would There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASEfor this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield

is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness sol id, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60

minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimateddermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins on the plant. Maintenance activities take place on and around the plant.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 13 datapoints for maintenance activities in closed manufacturing plants. When maintenance activities are taking place on a particular piece of plant, the plant may be opened to allow access to work, so that the normal engineering controls will not be working.

The exposure data ranges from 0 to 2.66 mgB/m3. This is a wide range and reflects the variety of work carried out by maintenance workers. The 90th percentile for these data is 1.33 mgB/m3, which is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/day. These estimates do

not take into account the effect of RPE. Where engineering controls are not effective, RPE (P2/P3) must be worn to ensure inhalation exposure remains below the DNEL.

Dermal exposure may occur during maintenance activities. MEASE has been used to estimate this exposure. It has been assumed that exposure to borate dust during maintenance activities may occur for up to four hours. The estimated exposure to dust is 0.014mg/day, which is equivalent to up to 0.003mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.. Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly or even yearly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the bag to the charging point on the vessel either manually or using a winch,

and cuts the bag, pouring the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of bags of borate has been added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addi tion to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

At some sites, where the borate is delivered in 25kg bags, the bags of borate are fed directly into the furnace without being opened.

At some sites, the addition of the borate from the bag is semi-automated and the empty bag is automatically disposed of into a plastic tube for disposal.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate from the bags is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

None required.

At some sites semi-automation of the bag emptying process removes the source of exposure from the worker.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker. The

hood should enclose the charging point as far as possible and the LEV should pull airborne dust away from the operative.

The empty bag should be placed directly to waste.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where LEV does not reduce inhalation exposure to boron below the inhalation DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a

tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including

training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 41 datapoints for the discharge of 25 kg bags into mixing vessels or similar. They range from none detected to 1.45mg

B/m3, 8-hr TWA. Any short-term exposure values have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. The 90th percentile for this dataset is 0.78mgB/m3. This value is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60

minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that allthe dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured,

but may be several tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the big bag to the charging point on the vessel using a winch or forklift truck, and cuts the base of the big bag, releasing the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of big bags of borate has been

added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addition to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

Human factors not influenced by risk management



The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Single-use bags can be opened by the use of sharp prongs at the discharge hopper. When the big bag is placed at the discharge hopper and lowered, the prongs cut into the base of the bag releasing the borate into the hopper. This removes the operator from the

immediate vicinity and contributes to a reduction in exposure.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

provide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours

of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 31 personal exposure datapoints for the discharge of big bags. They range from 0.005 mgB/m3 to 6.9 mgB/m3. For most downstream users the discharging of bags into receiving vessels is the main source of exposure to borates for those operatives, and

is a short-term activity. Some short-term data was supplied converted to 8-hr TWAs. Any short-term exposure values provided have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. This is a very wide data range and largely reflects the effectiveness of the LEV at different plants. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile for these data is 2.0mgB/m3, which is above the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. If effective engineering controls/LEV are not in place, RPE (P2/P3)

must be used to reduce worker exposure below the inhalation DNEL until effective engineering controls are put in place.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were

high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 4, 15-60 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, extensive contact, exterior LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.48mg/day which is equivalent to 0.05 to 0.1mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario compaction and tabletting of borate -containing powders

Product characteristics

The borates and borate mixtures are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of substance tabletted will vary, but may be several tonnes per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of compaction/tabletting is variable, but is often a daily, shift-length activity.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The work is carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Parts of the plant may be enclosed e.g.transfer conveyors.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

LEV controls release of airborne dust.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, and when necessary, safety glasses and P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are four personal exposure datapoints for compacting pure borates into pellets and one for compacting fertiliser. These range

from 0 to 1.3mgB/m3. Due to the small number of real data, ART was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry dust, compressing of powders, compressing 10-100kg/minute, open process, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, LEV and good natural ventilation. The estimated 90th percentile is 7mg/m3, 8-hr TWA inhalable dust. The equivalent

90th percentile exposure to boron would be between 0.79mgB/m3 and 1.5mgB/m3 depending on the borate being compacted. These figures are for pure borate so would be applicable to manufacturers/importers. Exposures for downstream users would be lower as they would be compacting a mixture of powders rather than pure borate. The upper estimate for exposure is just above the inhalation DNEL for boron of 1.45mgB/m3. Where exposures are likely to exceed the DNEL, RPE must be worn until it can be demonstrated that

engineering controls reduce exposure to 0.15 mg B/m3, well below the inhalation DNEL.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC14, more than 240 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.024mg/day which is equivalent to between 0.003 and 0.005mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. These

values are for tabletting or compacting pure borates. The estimated dermal exposures will be lower for those compacting boron-containing mixtures.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers Contributing scenario transfer of substances into small containers

Product characteristics

The products may be solid, liquid or paste.

Amounts used

The amount of borate in the finished substance/preparation will depend on what has been made. The range may vary from 1 to 40%,

so boron content may vary from 0.11 to 8.6% and the substance may be in solid, liquid or paste form. The amount of product packaged may be tens of tonnes per day.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. Packaging activities can last from 1 hour to 8 hours.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

Some packaging processes are largely automatic. For example, packaging of liquids may be automatic apart from loading the closed

containers onto a pallet. Some packaging of solid products into 25kg sacks may be completely automatic, or the operative may have to place the bag on the filling chute and then manually close the bag and place on a pallet.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Not required.

Where the packaging process is completely automatic, there is a reduction in exposure to the worker as the worker is removed from the process.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where solid powders are being bagged the minimum engineering control required is effec tive LEV in place to control inhalation exposure.

At liquid filling stations there is no requirement for LEV as there is minimal risk for exposure by inhalation unless aerosols are generated.

Where pastes are packaged there is no likelihood of inhalation exposure so LEV is not required.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary P2/P3 respirators.

Information on estimated exposure

There are few real data for packaging boron-containing substances. There are some data for packaging borate powders in 25kg bags

from the manufacturers and these can be used and adapted to take into account that the substances or preparations will contai nbetween 1 and 40% borate. The range of personal exposure measurements is 0.02 to 1.4mg B/m3. The range for the preparations would therefore be between 0.001 and 0.56 mg B/m3. The 90th percentile for this range is between 0.001 and 0.4mg B/m3 dependi ng

on the percentage borate in the preparation. This range for the 90th percentile is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg B/m3. These figures have assumed that the packaging operations will take place for 8 hours per day. In many cases packaging may onl ytake place for 1 or 2 hours per day, in which case exposure to boron would be lower still. These figures take into account risk

management measures such as LEV, but do not take into account the effect of wearing RPE.

The ART exposure model for inhalation predicts a 90th percentile of 0.06mg/m3 borate for filling liquids. The parameters used were

falling liquids, transfer flow 10-100l/minute, open process splash loading, effective housekeeping, indoors, any size workroom, LEV and good natural ventilation. The equivalent 90th percentile for exposure to boron would be 0.01mgB/m3. This estimate assumesexposure over an 8-hr working day. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure during non-automated packaging of powders. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, 5-25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive

use, direct handling, intermittent contact, integrated LEV and use of gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.144mg/day which, gives an equivalent exposure range to boron of between 0.02 and 0.03mgB/day. This range is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

MEASE was also used to estimate dermal exposure during the packaging of liquids. The parameters used were aqueous liquid, 5-25% borate, PROC9, duration >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and wearing gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.014mg/day, which is equivalent to a boron exposure range of 0.002 and 0.003mgB/day

which is below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers Contributing scenario working in the laboratory - open or partly open batch

manufacturing processes

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

Samples of about 1kg are taken, but only a few grams are used in quality control tests.

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

The technician spends a few minutes weighing borate samples each day, which is the only source of exposure, as the samples ar enormally collected by the plant operatives.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Very small quantities are used, and tests are often carried out in fume cupboards.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards worker

Some tests are carried out in fume cupboards.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear laboratory coats, safety shoes, safety glasses and gloves.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 18 datapoints for laboratory technicians. The range of results was 0 to 0.2mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA The 90th percentile for this dataset was 0.16 mgB/m3, which is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45 mgB/m3.

As there are no real data for dermal exposure during this activity, MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used for estimating dermal exposure during laboratory work were; a high dustiness solid, with 5-25% boron, PROC 15, duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and no gloves. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.014mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

9.12.2. Exposure estimation ERC 6b Use of borates as reactive processing aids: Generic exposure scenario 1, freshwater, dilution factor 10

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

50 000 g/T Default ERC 6b

Environmental release

factor to air1 000 g/T Default ERC 6b

Tonnage 29 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 358 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

259 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 10

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.008 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.001

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010 ERC 6b Use of borates as reactive processing aids: Generic exposure scenario 2,

freshwater, dilution factor 500

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to aquatic50 000 g/T Default ERC 6b

Environmental release factor to air

1 000 g/T Default ERC 6b

Tonnage 1 450 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 358 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (freshwater) with

dilution factor 500

259 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 500

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.14 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.025 ERC 6b Use of borates as reactive processing aids: Generic exposure scenario 3, marine

water, dilution factor 100

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

50 000 g/T Default ERC 6b

Environmental release factor to air

1 000 g/T Default ERC 6b

Tonnage 325 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 358 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (marine) with dilution factor 100

245 µg/L 1 350 0.18

PEClocal in sediment

(marine) with dilution factor 100

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.03 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.006 ERC 6b Use of borates as reactive processing aids: Generic exposure scenario 4, no water

discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to air1 000 g/T Default ERC 6b

Tonnage > 15 000 T boron

Emission days 358 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 1.37 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.25

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.13. Industrial use of borates in closed systems

9.13.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.13. Exposure Scenario : Industrial use of borates in closed systems

Number of the ES

PROCs :4 8b, 13, 15

ERC : 7

PC :

SU :

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC

1 Generic exposure scenario ERC 7

2 Specific exposure scenario for nuclear power plants

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

2 Contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for use of borates in nuclear power plants without releases to water

3 Contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for use of borates in nuclear power plants with releases

to water

4 Contributing scenario working in the laboratory

5 Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

6 Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed processes at high temperatures

7 Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

8 Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

9 Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

10 Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

Exposure scenarios have been created based on the ERCs. ERC 7 is valid for but not limited to following uses :

Use of borates in nuclear power plants

Number of the ES

9.13.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for industrial use of borates in closed systems

Generic exposure scenario for all sectors using ERC 7

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the

product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 1.63

Selected for Exposure Scenario 2 81

Selected for Exposure Scenario 3 18

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 1 155

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Industrial end use occurs 20 days per year per site (Default for end use T < 1 000)

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

A default dilution factor of 10 is taken into account for freshwater.

A default dilution factor of 100 is taken into account for marine.

A specific dilution factor of 500 is taken into account for sites discharging into large rivers.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Borates are used in closed systems.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc . Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed

removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific WWTP. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP.

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to both the water and air compartments are taken from the REACH guidance and based on the ERCs because only very few sites reported a reliable release factor or data to calculate one. Some sites reported that they do not discharge wastewater

to the environment. They eitheoffsite location for special treatments. Therefore an exposure scenario without wastewater will also be calculated.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1,2 and 3 50 000 50 000

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 0 50 000

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. Generic scenarios are considered without the use of a municipal STP. If sites discharge to a municipal STP the concentration of boron should not exceed 1.75 mg/L in the municipal STP.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous


Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for use of borates in nuclear power plants without releases to water

Use in closed systems in nuclear power plants

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can

be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the

product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 5 15 000

Substance Formula Conversion factor for equivalent dose of B

(multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Number of days related to the use of borates is 75 for nuclear power plants (median, 50 th % based on questionnaires)

Environment factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Weighing takes place inside the building. The following steps take place inside a building in enclosed systems.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Closed system

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

No emissions to water.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques

can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to the air and water compartments are calculated from sector specific information :

Sites reported that they do not discharge wastewater to the environment. Wastewater is treated by specific companies. For ai remissions they estimate very small concentration, because the solid material goes straight into water through a funnel. The liquid discharge does not go into sewer, nor into living water. The release factor to water is 0 and the release factor for air should not be

higher then the value in the scenario for formulation of mixtures.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 5 0 400

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, no releases to water.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous landfill.

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for use of borates in nuclear power plants with releases to water

Use in closed systems in nuclear power plants with releases to water after on-site treatment

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

No maximum safe tonnage could be derived for this scenario but a maximal discharge tonnage is derived.

Information typeMaximal discharge tonnage (kg B/year)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 6 13 000

Selected for Exposure Scenario 7 13 000

Frequency and duration of use

The discharges to water are not continuous but are limited in time. The waste water is collected in storage tanks and releas ed at

appropriate times. The number of emission days per year has been set to 32 day/year based on a discussion with the industry.

Environment factors not influenced by risk management

Nuclear power plants are located along large rivers so a dilution factor of 1000 is appropriate. Diluting happens in 2 steps, a first dilution with the cooling water and a second dulution in the riverwater. They also monitor their wastewater emissions to be sure to

have complete dilution.

Nuclear power plants discharging to the ocean have a first mixing of their wastewater in the cooling water and then discharged to the ocean, since also here they monitor for complete mixing dilution a dilution factor of 1000 is appropriate.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Delivery and raw material handling mostly happen in open air. Weighing takes place inside the building. The following steps take place inside a building in enclosed systems.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The boron is used in closed system until the storage tank.

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific WWTP.

Release factors to the air and water compartments are calculated from sector specific information :

The use of boric acid powder is done in closed system so there is no release to the air, but there are waste water discharges containing boron in the rivers or the sea. These discharges are strictly regulated and monitored by nuclear safety Authority. Managing

the source at the origin, treating these effluents (recycling, evaporation and demineralization) allows to limit the flows and concentrations of boric acid liquid discharges into the surrounding environment. One part of boric acid is discharged, the other part is concentrated in solid wastes.

Information type Releases to water (kg/year) Releases to air

Selected for Exposure Scenario 6 13 000 0

Selected for Exposure Scenario 7 13 000 0

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, wastewater is not passing a municipal STP

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous


Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing scenario working in the laboratory

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

Samples of about 1kg are taken, but only a few grammes are used in quality control tests.

Frequency and duration of use/exposure

The technician spends a few minutes weighing borate samples each day, which is the only source of exposure, as the samples are normally collected by the plant operatives.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Very small quantities are used, and tests are often carried out in fume cupboards.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards worker

Tests are carried out in fume cupboards.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear laboratory coats, safety shoes and safety glasses.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 18 datapoints for laboratory technicians. The range of results was 0 to 0.2mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA The 90th percentile for this

dataset was 0.16 mgB/m3, which is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45 mgB/m3.

As there are no real data for dermal exposure during this activity, MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used for estimating dermal exposure during laboratory work were; a high dustiness solid, with 5-25% boron, PROC 15,

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

duration 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, non-direct handling, incidental contact, integrated LEV and no gloves. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.014mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario transfer of substance or preparation from/to large vessels/containers at dedicated facilities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate delivered at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being

manufactured. Each road tanker normally contains about 25-40 tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, deliveries are made every

day, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly or monthly process. The duration of the off-loading activity lasts for one to two hours per road tanker.

Some sites take borates in pallets of 25kg bags, which may occur as infrequently as once or twice per year, while for others it is a weekly process.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out outdoors so deliveries are made at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of borate is made pneumatically. A flexible hose is connected from the road tanker to the plant pipework. The borate is

then pumped to the plant silos using either the motor on the road tanker or using onsite pumps. The system is therefore closed and there is little opportunity for worker exposure. The connection and disconnection of the flexible pipework takes one or two minutes,and this is the only opportunity for potential exposure to the borate.

Borates arriving by pallet are taken from the truck into the warehouse using a forklift truck.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The receiving silos are fitted with filters to prevent the dispersion of borate with the displaced air from the top of the silos.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles.

Information on estimated exposure

There is only one data point available for this activity exclusively. This value is 0.016 mgB/m3.

The ART exposure model was used to estimate exposure during this activity. The parameters used were fine dry dust, vacuum transfer of powders, transferring 100-1000kg/minute, open process, fully enclosed process, outdoors, LEV. The estimated 90th

percentile exposure to dust was 0.13mg/m3. The boron equivalent would be in the range 0.01 0.03mgB/m3 depending on the boron-containing material being off-loaded. This range accords well with the one real datapoint obtained. This value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3

MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure during this activity. The parameters used were >25% borate, PROC2, duration <15minutes, closed system without breaches, non-direct handling, incidental contact and wearing gloves. The estimated exposure is

0.002mg/day dust, which would be equivalent to less than 0.001mgB/day. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general production activities closed processes and largely closed processes at high temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured

but is likely to be several tonnes per day.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For most closed manufacturing

processes the activity is 24 hours, 365 days per year, if a furnace has to be kept in operation.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational condition

The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are mainly very high, as these processes include glass making,

ceramics, steel and alloy making.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

The transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins, which is where operatives spend most of their time.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where there are breaches in the closed systems such as pouring and removal of slag in metal production, LEV is used to controlfumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls or heavy heat resistant clothing. In addition, gloves and safety glasses or goggles should be worn when

carrying out cleaning or maintenance activities. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not provide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. In some cases, battery-powered, air-fed helmets are worn.These respirators, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient protection. Where tight-fitting RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. Tight-fitting RPE relies on a good face seal and will

not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in


Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The

90th percentile for these data is 0.06 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. Assuming cleaning activities would There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including

routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASE

for this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60 minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated

dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general closed production activities at ambient temperatures

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make mixtures such as pastes and coatings

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured, but could be up to a tonne per shift.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed including the opening and addition of borates from 25kg


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to airborne contaminants.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators

must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The

90th percentile for these data is 0.06 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. Assuming cleaning activities would There are 45 datapoints for general production activities including

routine cleaning. They range from 0.0 mgB/m3 to 0.21 mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for these data is 0.08 mgB/m3. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90th percentile value is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3.

There are no specific data for inhalation exposure to borates during slag removal. Inhalation exposure was estimated using MEASE

for this activity. The parameters used were solid low dustiness, 1-5% boron, PROC23, duration <15 minutes, exterior LEV and use of RPE (APF 40). Inhalation exposure, taking into account the use of rpe (APF40) was estimated to be <0.001mgB/m3. If a faceshield is worn,which offers little if any respiratory protection, the inhalation exposure is estimated to be 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60 minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimateddermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that all

the dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins on the

plant. Maintenance activities take place on and around the plant.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators

must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 13 datapoints for maintenance activities in closed manufacturing plants. When maintenance activities are taking place on a

particular piece of plant, the plant may be opened to allow access to work, so that the normal engineering controls will not be working.

The exposure data ranges from 0 to 2.66 mgB/m3. This is a wide range and reflects the variety of work carried out by maintenance workers. The 90th percentile for these data is 1.33 mgB/m3, which is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/day. These estimates do not take into account the effect of RPE. Where engineering controls are not effective, RPE (P2/P3) must be worn to ensure inhalation exposure remains below the DNEL.

Dermal exposure may occur during maintenance activities. MEASE has been used to estimate this exposure. It has been assumed

that exposure to borate dust during maintenance activities may occur for up to four hours. The estimated exposure to dust is 0.014mg/day, which is equivalent to up to 0.003mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging bags (25-50kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufac tured.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made everyday, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly or even yearly process. The duration of the activity can last from a

few minutes up to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the bag to the charging point on the vessel either manually or using a winch, and cuts the bag, pouring the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of bags of borate has been added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addition

to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

At some sites, where the borate is delivered in 25kg bags, the bags of borate are fed directly into the furnace without being opened.

At some sites, the addition of the borate from the bag is semi-automated and the empty bag is automatically disposed of into a plastic tube for disposal.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate from the bags is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

None required.

At some sites semi-automation of the bag emptying process removes the source of exposure from the worker.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker. The

hood should enclose the charging point as far as possible and the LEV should pull airborne dust away from the operative.

The empty bag should be placed directly to waste.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where LEV does not reduce inhalation exposure to boron below the inhalation DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a

tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face proper ly and securely. The employer

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 41 datapoints for the discharge of 25 kg bags into mixing vessels or similar. They range from none detected to 1.45mg

B/m3, 8-hr TWA. Any short-term exposure values have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. The 90th percentile for this dataset is 0.78mgB/m3. This value is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg/m3.

Dermal exposure is unlikely to occur except when routine cleaning is taking place. MEASE has been used to estimate potential exposure during this activity. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC2, duration of exposure 15-60

minutes, closed system without breaches, direct handling, incidental contact, enclosed process and gloves worn. The estimated dermal exposure is 0.005mg/day to dust which would be equivalent to 0.001mgB/day. This exposure estimate also assumes that allthe dust is borate. This value is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day. Contributing scenario discharging big bags (750 1500kg) into mixing vessels

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders.

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured,

but may be several tonnes.

Frequency and duration of use

The frequency and duration of use will depend on the substance or preparation being produced. For some, batches are made everyday, or several times a day, while for others it is a weekly, monthly process. The duration of the activity can last from a few minutes up

to about an hour, depending on the size of the batch being produced. The bags of borate are brought from the warehouse to the plant by forklift truck. The operative lifts the big bag to the charging point on the vessel using a winch or forklift truck, and cuts the base of the big bag, releasing the borate into the vessel. This procedure is repeated until the required number of big bags of borate has been

added to the mixture. The task may be repeated more than once in a shift. In some cases, part bags may be weighed before addi tion to ensure the correct amount of borate is added.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The tasks are carried out indoors. The process temperatures are varied, depending on the sector of use, but the release of the borate is carried out at ambient temperature.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Single-use bags can be opened by the use of sharp prongs at the discharge hopper. When the big bag is placed at the discharge hopper and lowered, the prongs cut into the base of the bag releasing the borate into the hopper. This removes the operator from the

immediate vicinity and contributes to a reduction in exposure.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) at the bag discharge point is used to control the dispersion of airborne dust towards the worker.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, gloves and safety glasses or goggles. Where engineering controls (automation /enclosure/LEV) do not

provide sufficient protection against inhalation exposure to boron, P2/P3 respirators must be worn. These, if worn correctly, with a good face-fit, will provide sufficient reduction in exposure. Where RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. RPE relies on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours

of the face properly and securely. The employer and the self-employed have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. A suitable policy for a respiratory protective equipment programme including training of the workers should be in place.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 31 personal exposure datapoints for the discharge of big bags. They range from 0.005 mgB/m3 to 6.9 mgB/m3. For most downstream users the discharging of bags into receiving vessels is the main source of exposure to borates for those operatives, and

is a short-term activity. Some short-term data was supplied converted to 8-hr TWAs. Any short-term exposure values provided have been time-weighted to 8 hours to allow comparison against the inhalation DNEL. This is a very wide data range and largely reflects the effectiveness of the LEV at different plants. These data do not take into account the use of RPE. The 90 th percentile for these data is 2.0mgB/m3, which is above the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3. If effective engineering controls/LEV are not in place, RPE (P2/P3)

must be used to reduce worker exposure below the inhalation DNEL until effective engineering controls are put in place.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE has been used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were high dustiness solid, >25% borate, PROC 4, 15-60 minutes duration, non-dispersive use, extensive contact, exterior LEV and wearing

gloves. Dermal exposure is estimated to be 0.48mg/day which is equivalent to 0.05 to 0.1mgB/day depending on which borate is used. This range of values is well below the dermal DNEL of 4800mgB/day.

9.13.2. Exposure estimation ERC 7 Use of borates in closed systems: Generic exposure scenario 1, freshwater, dilution factor 10

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

50 000 g/T Default ERC 7

Environmental release

factor to air50 000 g/T Default ERC 7

Tonnage 1.63 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

260 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 10

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.002 ERC 7 Use of borates in closed systems: Generic exposure scenario 2, freshwater, dilution factor 500

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

50 000 g/T Default ERC 7

Environmental release

factor to air50 000 g/T Default ERC 7

Tonnage 81 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 500

259 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 500

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.37 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.07 ERC 7 Use of borates in closed systems: Generic exposure scenario 3, marine water, dilution factor 100

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

50 000 g/T Default ERC 7

Environmental release

factor to air50 000 g/T Default ERC 7

Tonnage 18 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (marine) with dilution factor 100

243 µg/L 1 350 0.18

PEClocal in sediment (marine) with dilution factor 100

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.09 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.02 ERC 7 Use of borates in closed systems: Generic exposure scenario 4, no water discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to air

50 000 g/T Default ERC 7

Tonnage 1 155 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 5.25 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.97 Use of borates in closed systems from nuclear power plants: Generic exposure scenario 5, no water discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to air

400 g/T

Assumption that the release will not be higher then

during a formulation phase since working in strictly closed controlled systems.

Tonnage > 15 000 T boron

Emission days 75 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 0.55 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.10 Use of borates in closed systems from nuclear power plants: Generic exposure scenario 6, freshwater, dilution factor 1000

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

13 000 kg/year

Environmental release

factor to airNo air emissions

Emission days 32 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 1000

260 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment (freshwater) with dilution factor 1000

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.001 Use of borates in closed systems from nuclear power plants: Generic exposure scenario 7, marine water, dilution factor 1000

Operational conditions Value Unit

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Environmental release

factor to aquatic13 000 kg/year

Environmental release factor to air

No air emissions

Emission days 32 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (marine) with dilution factor 1000

221 µg/L 1 350 0.16

PEClocal in sediment

(marine) with dilution factor 1000

1.59 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.88

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.001

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.14. Wide dispersive use of borates with 100 % release to wastewater

9.14.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.14. Exposure Scenario : Wide dispersive use of borates with 100% release to wastewater

Number of the ES

PROCs : 1,2 3,5,6,7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 23, 24

ERC : 8a

PC : 35

SU : 3, 8, 20, 21, 22

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC :

1 Generic exposure scenario ERC 8a

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

2 Contributing scenario use of fabric detergents in industrial/professional settings

3 Contributing scenario use of cleaners in industrial/professional settings

Exposure scenarios have been created based on the ERCs. ERC 8a is valid for but not limited to following uses :

Use of boric acid in liquid detergents for enzyme stabilization

9.14.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for wide

dispersive use of borates with 100% release to wastewater

Generic exposure scenario for wide dispersive use of borates with 100% release to wastewater

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are used in granular form, powder form or can

be dissolved in a liquid.

Amounts used

Approximately 932 tonnes of boron were used as enzyme stabilizers in 2004. This equals 93.2 tonnes for a region and 0.047 tonnes

for a standard town.

Frequency and duration of use

Releases occur for 36

Environment factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure


Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

None, all releases are going directly into a municipal sewer.

Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

None, 100% of the boron is released to the wastewater

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site


Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Discharges to a municipal STP should be regulated that the PNECstp of 1.75 mg/L is not exceeded.

For this scenario a default STP with a discharge rate of 2000m3/day has been chosen.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Not relevant

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

Not relevant Contributing scenario use of fabric detergents in industrial/professional settings

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Product characteristics

The detergents are liquids or gels and generally contain 1-2% borate, therefore less than 0.5% boron.

Amounts used

The amounts used will vary depending on the frequency of washes, but gram quantities are used per wash.

Frequency and duration of use

For industrial and professional cleaners, the use of fabric detergents will be up to 5 times daily. For automatic washing machines, the detergent may be handled for about 1 minute per load, so up to 5 minutes per day. Many automatic washing machines used in the industrial setting have automatic dispensers for detergents so that workers do not need to handle detergents apart from changing

containers of detergents when empty.

Where detergents are used for hand-washing, this may be for a couple of minutes up to 10 times per day.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

Work is carried out indoors

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Automatic washing machines are on a closed cycle.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

The detergents are usually liquid or gels. Detergents may be automatically dispensed into washing machines.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives. Routine testing and maintenance of equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives use eye protection and gloves when changing containers of fabric detergent.

Information on estimated exposure

As the detergents are liquid, there is no opportunity for inhalation exposure as aerosols are not formed.

There are no dermal data available, so MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure during hand washing of textiles. The parameters used were liquid, <1% boron, PROC 19, professional use, 15-60 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent

exposure and wearing gloves.The estimated dermal exposure is 0.005mgB/day, taking into account the use of gloves. Contributing scenario use of cleaners in industrial/professional settings

Product characteristics

The detergents are liquids and generally contain 1-2% borate, therefore less than 0.5% boron. They may be used for surface cleaning

manually or for cleaning using sprays. Spray cleaning may be on an industrial scale cleaning large objects, or may be on a professional scale where workers are using manual sprays to clean work surfaces.

Amounts used

The amounts used will vary depending on what is being cleaned. A large aeroplane for example would need hundreds of litres of fluid, while a smaller object may only require a litre.

Frequency and duration of use

For industrial and professional cleaners, the use of cleaning agents will be daily. The length of time within a shift that the cleaning fluid is being used or handled will vary, but could be for most of an 8-hour shift.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

Cleaning generally takes place in well-ventilated areas.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Dispensers may be used to prevent skin contact or splashing of neat product.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation


Information on estimated exposure

If the detergent is being used with a mop and bucket there will be no aerosol generated and therefore no inhalation exposure. However, sprays may be used. For example low pressure sprays may be used for cleaning the exterior of aeroplanes. Hand sprays

may also be used for cleaning work surfaces.

There are no exposure data available for these activities, so ART has been used to estimate inhalation exposure for both large scale cleaning and manual spray cleaning of work surfaces. For large scale cleaning, the estimated 90th percentile inhalation expos ure is 0.01mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

For cleaning of work surfaces using a manual spray, the estimated 90th percentile inhalation exposure was 0.009mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Both of these estimates for inhalation exposure are well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

There are no dermal exposure data available, so MEASE was used to estimate dermal exposure. The parameters used were liquid, <1% boron, PROC 7, industrial use, >240 minutes, side dispersive use, intermittent contact and wearing gloves.Estimated dermal exposure during spraying of large objects was 0.002mgB/day, assuming gloves are worn. This value is well below the dermal

(external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.

The estimated dermal exposure during manual spraying during surface cleaning was 0.014mgB/day. The parameters used were liquid, <1% boron, PROC 11, professional use, 60-240 minutes, wide dispersive use, intermittent contact and no gloves. This value is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.

9.14.2. Exposure estimation ERC 8a Wide dispersive use of borates with 100% release to wastewater: Generic exposure

scenario 1, freshwater, dilution factor 10

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to aquatic1 000 000 g/T Default ERC 8a

Environmental release factor to air

0 g/T All releases are to water

Tonnage 0.047 T Boron

Emission days 365 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PECstp 0.06 mg/L 1.75 0.04

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

63 µg/L 1 350 0.05

PEClocal in sediment (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

0.37 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.20

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.15. Industrial processing of articles with abrasive techniques (low


9.15.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.16. Exposure Scenario : Industrial processing of articles with abrasive techniques (low releases)

Number of the ES


ERC : 12a

PC :

SU :

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC :

1 Generic exposure scenario ERC12a

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

2 Contributing scenario installation of plasterboard, wood-based boards and other products

Exposure scenarios have been created based on the ERCs. ERC12a is valid for but not limited to following uses :

Manufacture of articles with parts containing borates


9.15.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for formulation of mixtures containing borate compounds

Generic exposure scenario for all sectors using ERC 12a

Product characteristics

Borates including boric acid, boric oxide, disodium octaborate and sodium tetraborates are integrated into articles

Amounts used

Tonnage calculations have been based on boron such that no RCR exceeds 0.97, using back-calculations with the relevant PNECs when necessary. The equivalent tonnage of product handled on site should be calculated from the conversion factors detailed in the

product table. For those operations that handle a combination of borate compounds, the boron equivalent of the combined tonnage cannot exceed the Site Tonnage (T Boron) value.

Information type Site tonnage (T Boron)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1 3.2

Selected for Exposure Scenario 2 163

Selected for Exposure Scenario 3 36

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 2 300

Substance Formula Conversion factor for

equivalent dose of B (multiply by)

Boric acid H3BO3 0.1748

Boric Oxide B2O 3 0.311

Disodium tetraborate anhydrous Na2B4O7 0.2149

Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate 0.1484

Disodium tetraborate decahydrate 0.1134

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate Na2B 8O13·4H2O 0.2096

Sodium metaborate (anhydrous) NaBO2 0.1643

Sodium metaborate (dihydrate) NaBO2·2H2O 0.1062

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Sodium metaborate (tetrahydrate) NaBO2·4H2O 0.0784

Sodium pentaborate (anhydrous) NaB5O8 0.2636

Sodium pentaborate (pentahydrate) NaB5O8 2O 0.1832

Frequency and duration of use

Industrial end use occurs 20 days per year per site (Default for end use T < 1 000). In case the tonnage is above 1000 this is still valid as a worst case assumption.

Environment factors not influenced by r isk management

A default dilution factor of 10 is taken into account for freshwater.

A default dilution factor of 100 is taken into account for marine.

A specific dilution factor of 500 is taken into account for sites discharging into large rivers.

Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure


Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

Emissions to water can only be reduced by very specific treatment technologies including ion exchange resins, reverse osmosis etc . Removal efficiency is dependent upon a number of factors and will vary from 40 to 90%. Much of the technology is currently not appropriate to high volume or mixed waste streams. Boron is not removed in considerable amounts in conventional WWTP (assumed

removal efficiency is 0%).

Emissions to air can be removed by one or more of the following measures :

- Electrostatic precipitators

- Cyclones, but as primary collector

- Fabric or bag filters: high efficiency in controlling fine particulate (melting): achieve emission values Membrane filtration techniques can achieve

- Ceramic and metal mesh filters. PM10 particles are removed

- Wet scrubbers

Release factors to both the water and air compartments are taken from the REACH guidance and based on the ERCs because only very few sites reported a reliable release factor or data to calculate one. Some sites reported that they do not discharge wastewater

r to an

offsite location for special treatments. Therefore an exposure scenario without wastewater will also be calculated.

Information type Release factor to water (g/T) Release factor to air (g/T)

Selected for Exposure Scenario 1, 2 and 3 25 000 25 000

Selected for Exposure Scenario 4 0 25 000

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site

Spillages of powder or granulated borates should be swept or vacuumed up immediately and placed in containers for disposal in order

to prevent unintentional release to the environment.

Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant, boron is not removed from water in municipal STP. Generic scenarios are considered without the use of a munici pal

STP. If sites discharge to a municipal STP the concentration of boron should not exceed 1.75 mg/L in the municipal STP.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

Where appropriate material should be recovered and recycled through the process. Waste containing borates should be handled as

an hazardous waste and removed by licensed operator to an off site location where it can be incinerated or disposed to a hazardous landfill.

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

No external recovery of waste, waste is sometimes internally recovered and reused in the process. Contributing scenario installation of plasterboard, wood-based boards and other products

Product characteristics

The plasterboard or board contains less than 1% boron.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Amounts used

The amount of plasterboard or board used at any one time will depend on the area to be boarded. It is estimated that on average a

construction worker/plasterer would not spend more than one hour in total cutting board, and not more than four hours handling board. The construction worker/plasterer may spend 5-10 minutes cleaning up at the end of his shift. The rest of the shift would be spent carrying out preparation work such as installing wooden battens and plastering.

Frequency and duration of use

Professional plasterers and construction workers would carry out this work every day, up to eight hours per day, but as outlined above would not spend the entire shift handling board.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The work takes place indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear work clothes.

Information on estimated exposure

There was no exposure data available. ART cannot currently estimate exposure from cutting solid materials, so MEASE was used to

estimate inhalation exposure during this activity. The parameters used were massive object, <1% boron, PROC 21, professional use, >240 minutes,no RMMs, and no RPE. MEASE estimated inhalation exposure to be 0.005mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA. This is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure was also estimated using MEASE. The parameters used were massive object, <1% boron, PROC 21, professional use, >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact and no gloves. Dermal exposure was estimated to be 0.99mgB/day, assuming no gloves were worn. This value is below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day.

9.15.2. Exposure estimation ERC12a Industrial processing of articles containing borates with abrasive techniques (low

release): Generic exposure scenario 1, freshwater, dilution factor 10

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to aquatic25 000 g/T Default ERC 12a

Environmental release factor to air

25 000 g/T Default ERC 12a

Tonnage 3.2 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 10

256 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment (freshwater) with dilution

factor 10

1.72 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.96

PEClocal in soil 0.01 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.002 ERC12a Industrial processing of articles containing borates with abrasive techniques (low

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

release): Generic exposure scenario 2, freshwater, dilution factor 500

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

25 000 g/T Default ERC 12a

Environmental release

factor to air25 000 g/T Default ERC 12a

Tonnage 163 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (freshwater) with dilution factor 500

260 µg/L 1 350 0.19

PEClocal in sediment

(freshwater) with dilution factor 500

1.75 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.38 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.07 ERC12a Industrial processing of articles containing borates with abrasive techniques (low release): Generic exposure scenario 3, marine water, dilution factor 100

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release factor to aquatic

25 000 g/T Default ERC 12a

Environmental release

factor to air25 000 g/T Default ERC 12a

Tonnage 36 T Boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in aquatic

pelagic (marine) with dilution factor 100

243 µg/L 1 350 0.18

PEClocal in sediment

(marine) with dilution factor 100

1.74 mg/kg dw 1.8 0.97

PEClocal in soil 0.09 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.016 ERC12a Industrial processing of articles containing borates with abrasive techniques (low release): Generic exposure scenario 4, no water discharge to environment

Operational conditions Value Unit

Environmental release

factor to air25 000 g/T Default ERC 12a

Tonnage 2 300 T boron Maximum processing tonnage of boron

Emission days 20 days

Compartment PNECadd RCR

PEClocal in soil 5.23 mg/kg dw 5.4 0.97

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

9.16. Use of articles containing borates

9.16.1. Exposure scenario

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

9.16. Exposure Scenario : Use of articles containing borates

Number of the ES

PROCs : 11, 21

ERC : 9a, 9b, 10a, 11a

PC : 0

SU : 19, 22

Name of contributing environmental scenario (1) and corresponding ERC

1 Generic exposure scenario for use of articles containing borates without release to the environment

List of names of contributing worker scenarios:

2 Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

3 Contributing scenario installation of cellulose insulation

6 Contributing scenario installation of plasterboard, board and other products

9.16.1. Control of environmental exposure Generic contributing exposure scenario controlling environmental exposure for use of

articles containing borates without release to the environment

Product characteristics

Boric acid and borax compounds are integrated into articles without intended release.

Amounts used

Amounts used are not relevant for this scenario

Frequency and duration of use

Default of 365 day/year

Environment factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting environmental exposure

Borates are strongly bound into a material without any intended release.

In case of washing only a very small fraction at the surface of the article might be available for release but boron is not expected to migrate out of the article.

Borates are not volatile so once fixed in an article there will be no release to air.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical onsite conditions and measures to reduce or limit discharges, air emissions and releases to soil

There are no RMM assumed when using articles containing boron. There is no intended release out of the article.

Organizational measures to prevent/limit release from site


Conditions and measures related to municipal sewage treatment plant

Not relevant boron is not released from an article and discharged to a sewer.

Conditions and measures related to external treatment of waste for disposal

At the end of the lifecycle the article should be correctly disposed of. Waste from articles containing borates should be disposed of

correctly in accordance to local regulations.

Conditions and measures related to external recovery of waste

None Contributing scenario general maintenance activities

Product characteristics

Borates are granular powders. They are used in these processes to make solid articles such as glass, frits and metals.

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

Amounts used

The amount of borate used at any one time will depend on the size of the plant and the substance or preparation being manufactured.

Frequency and duration of use

There are daily maintenance activities, planned maintenance and reactive maintenance on the plants.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


Other given operational conditions affecting worker exposure

The tasks are carried out indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

Most of the transfer of substances and the production processes are closed and automatically controlled from control cabins on the plant. Maintenance activities take place on and around the plant.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker

Where processes are partially open, LEV is used to control exposure to fumes.

Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives and regular testing and maintenance of plant and equipment.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses and when necessary to control exposure below the DNEL, P2/P3 respirators must also be worn.

Information on estimated exposure

There are 13 datapoints for maintenance activities in closed manufacturing plants. When maintenance activities are taking place on a

particular piece of plant, the plant may be opened to allow access to work, so that the normal engineering controls will not be working.

The exposure data ranges from 0 to 2.66 mgB/m3. This is a wide range and reflects the variety of work carried out by maintenance workers. The 90th percentile for these data is 1.33 mgB/m3, which is below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/day. These estimates do not take into account the effect of RPE. Where engineering controls are not effective, RPE (P2/P3) must be worn to ensure inhalation

exposure remains below the DNEL.

Dermal exposure may occur during maintenance activities. MEASE has been used to estimate this exposure. It has been assumed that exposure to borate dust during maintenance activities may occur for up to four hours. The estimated exposure to dust is 0.014mg/day, which is equivalent to up to 0.003mgB/day. This is well below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario installation of cellulose insulation

Product characteristics

The boron-containing insulation contains between 1.5 and 3.6% boron.

Amounts used

The amount of insulation used at any one time will depend on the area to be insulated, and whether the insulators are working on a building site, where they may insulate many buildings in one day or whether they are insulating individual buildings, where they will spend time travelling between jobs.

Frequency and duration of use

Professional insulation installers would carry out this work every day, up to eight hours per day. Tasks include operating the hopper, drilling holes in walls for installation of cellulose insulation through the holes using a hose, laying fibreglass batti ng over light fittings

and soffit areas of attics prior to spraying and spraying the insulation to the required depth in the attics. They do not carry out these tasks continuously throughout the shift.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The work takes place indoors, often in reasonably confined spaces such as attics. They also put insulation in walls, which is less


Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release

In some cases, the cellulose insulation is wetted by a spray as it leaves the nozzle. This controls the amount of dust generated by the

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

activity and also improves the adhesion characteristics of the insulation.

Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear overalls. The wearing of RPE varies. P1/P2 respirators may be worn during installation by some workers. Where

RPE is used, the worker should be face-fit tested to ensure that a good face seal can be obtained. The RPE above rely on a tight face seal and will not provide the required protection unless they fit the contours of the face properly and securely. The employer and self-employed persons have legal responsibilities for the maintenance and issue of respiratory protective equipment and the management of their correct use in the workplace. Therefore, they should define and document a suitable policy for a respiratory protective

equipment programme including training of the workers.

Information on estimated exposure

There was no exposure data available directly from the installers. Inhalation exposure data was available from an NTP toxicity report and exposure assessment document compiled by NIOSH in 2006. There were 87 datapoints for 8-hr TWA personal exposures to inhalable dust during the installation of cellulose insulation. These 8-hr TWA exposures were calculated from short-term

measurements and knowledge of task and shift lengths by the authors of the report. They also gathered information on the boroncontent of the cellulose insulation used by each of the contractors. The 8-hr TWA exposures to boron have been calculated using this information. The range of results was 0 to 0.79mgB/m3. The 90th percentile for this dataset is 0.3mgB/m3. This figure is well below the inhalation DNEL of 1.45mg/m3.

There was no dermal exposure data available so MEASE was used to estimate exposure. The parameters used were medium

dustiness solid, 1-5% boron,PROC 11, professional use, >240 minutes, wide dispersive use, non-direct handling, extensive contact and no gloves. The estimated value for dermal exposure was 0.15mgB/day assuming gloves are not worn. This is below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Contributing scenario installation of plasterboard, board and other products

Product characteristics

The plasterboard or board contains less than 1% boron.

Amounts used

The amount of plasterboard or board used at any one time will depend on the area to be boarded. It is estimated that on average a construction worker/plasterer would not spend more than one hour in total cutting board, and not more than four hours handling board. The construction worker/plasterer may spend 5-10 minutes cleaning up at the end of his shift. The rest of the shift would be spent

carrying out preparation work such as installing wooden battens and plastering.

Frequency and duration of use

Professional plasterers and construction workers would carry out this work every day, up to eight hours per day, but as outli ned above

would not spend the entire shift handling plasterboard.

Human factors not influenced by risk management


The work takes place indoors.

Technical conditions and measures at process level (source) to prevent release


Technical conditions and measures to control dispersion from source towards the worker


Organisational measures to prevent/limit releases, dispersion and exposure

Training of operatives.

Conditions and measures related to personal protection, hygiene and health evaluation

Operatives wear work clothes.

Information on estimated exposure

There was no exposure data available. ART cannot currently estimate exposure from cutting solid materials, so MEASE was used to

estimate inhalation exposure during this activity. The parameters used were massive object, <1% boron, PROC 21, professional use, >240 minutes,no RMMs, and no RPE. MEASE estimated inhalation exposure to be 0.005mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA. This is well below the

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REACH Borates consortium, ES September 2010

Exposure Scenario Format (1) addressing uses carried out by workers

inhalation DNEL of 1.45mgB/m3, 8-hr TWA.

Dermal exposure was also estimated using MEASE. The parameters used were massive object, <1% boron, PROC 21, professional use, >240 minutes, non-dispersive use, direct handling, intermittent contact and no gloves. Dermal exposure was estimated to be 0.99mgB/day, assuming no gloves were worn. This value is below the dermal (external) DNEL of 4800 mgB/day. Exposure estimation

No calculated exposure scenario is required; release of boron from articles is very unlikely.