
12/17/10 H.G. It seems like forever since we have talked. I have been so busy being a mommy and a wife. Jillian is so wonderful, and such a great baby. I just can’t wait for you to meet her. Everyone says she looks just like Billy, but I do see some of me in her. She just has his eyes, just like Faith has yours. I have been off work since September and go back in just 2 weeks. I’m starting to get sad to leave Jillian, but Mom and Candace plan to help me watch her for the 3 days that I work. I’m so thankful we all live so close together. Faith just loves her cousin, and just can’t wait until she is big enough to babysit. Billy has been steadily working his butt off to pay bills while I have been off work. And I am so thankful I have got to spend the past 3 months straight with Jillian, most Mom’s don’t get that. His mom bought a brick house in Foxmeadows, and she had Billy build a huge garage and pump house. So that was a big help for us, so Billy could stay busy making money. Now, just the other day his Grandma’s chimney caught their mobile home on fire, but it is repairable. So Billy just started that Job today. So God has worked in mysterious ways and allowed us to pay our bills and not have to stress. I pray and hope things are going well for you, and I know that spending the holidays away from us is not fun. But I hope that when you home next summer or whenever it is, that you are better and can stay off the drugs. Life is too short H.G. to always be in trouble and worried about other things

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Post on 10-Apr-2016




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It seems like forever since we have talked. I have been so busy being a mommy and a wife. Jillian is so wonderful, and such a great baby. I just can’t wait for you to meet her. Everyone says she looks just like Billy, but I do see some of me in her. She just has his eyes, just like Faith has yours. I have been off work since September and go back in just 2 weeks. I’m starting to get sad to leave Jillian, but Mom and Candace plan to help me watch her for the 3 days that I work. I’m so thankful we all live so close together. Faith just loves her cousin, and just can’t wait until she is big enough to babysit.

Billy has been steadily working his butt off to pay bills while I have been off work. And I am so thankful I have got to spend the past 3 months straight with Jillian, most Mom’s don’t get that. His mom bought a brick house in Foxmeadows, and she had Billy build a huge garage and pump house. So that was a big help for us, so Billy could stay busy making money. Now, just the other day his Grandma’s chimney caught their mobile home on fire, but it is repairable. So Billy just started that Job today. So God has worked in mysterious ways and allowed us to pay our bills and not have to stress.

I pray and hope things are going well for you, and I know that spending the holidays away from us is not fun. But I hope that when you home next summer or whenever it is, that you are better and can stay off the drugs. Life is too short H.G. to always be in trouble and worried about other things than the people you love. You have a beautiful daughter that loves you more than you’ll ever know. And you need to think about her, instead of what makes you happy for that moment. You are lucky to have Mom and Dad to provide for her, and I know she is going to have a great life no matter what. I just want you to be a part of it also. Merry Christmas, and I love you. And we all can’t wait until you make it home.

Love Always,
