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Climate Change - Originated by the sun, not by CO 2 - Let's try to understand! CO2 due to human activity does not cause Global Warming! Over 35'000 scientists including more than 70 Nobel Price Winners have signed corresponding petitions! 1 Introduction Controversy: Solar activity vs. CO2 A: 2 Global Warming Panic with 3 IPCC and Al Gore B: 4 Critic: "The Great Global Warming Swindle" The sun responsible for climate change! 5 Global Warming - from the Sun 6 Temperature responsible for CO2 rise (Temperatur first and than CO2 and not inversely) Sonnenflecken/Sunspots/Taches solaire Sonnenaktivität/Solar activity/Acivité solaire Sonne in Echtzeit / Sun in real time / Soleil en temps réel click on the images Reality There is no scientific prove, that CO2 causes the climate change. We cannot influence the climat. There is no need for hysteria. 7 No influence of CO2 and fossile energy 8 Physical aspects 9 Temperatures: The "Hockeystick" curve is erroneous

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Climate Change - Originated by the sun, not by CO2 -

Let's try to understand! CO2 due to human activity does not cause Global Warming!Over 35'000 scientists including more than 70 Nobel Price Winners have signed corresponding petitions! 1 Introduction Controversy: Solar activity vs. CO2A: 2 Global Warming Panic with 3 IPCC and Al GoreB: 4 Critic: "The Great Global Warming Swindle"

The sun responsible for climate change! 5 Global Warming - from the Sun6 Temperature responsible for CO2 rise(Temperatur first and than CO2 and not inversely)

→ Sonnenflecken/Sunspots/Taches solaire → Sonnenaktivität/Solar activity/Acivité solaire Sonne in Echtzeit / Sun in real time / Soleil en temps réel

click on the images

Reality There is no scientific prove, that CO2 causes the climate change. We cannot influence the climat. There is no need for hysteria. 7 No influence of CO2 and fossile energy8 Physical aspects9 Temperatures: The "Hockeystick" curve is erroneous

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click on the images

Image above: The "Hockey Stick" curve" of the temparatures on whick the Kyoto-protocol is based are wrong!(Wikipedia curve on the left and corrected curves on the right)

10 CO2-Concentration: The basis of the Kyoto-Protocol is demonstrably false

click on the images

Image above: The CO2-Concentrations of the Kyoto-Protocol (left) are wrong!(according to the image on the right, new researches show that the CO2-Concentrations were much higher in the past) 11 Criticism on climate policy

Bitte beachten / Please consider / Veuillez prendre note

de Internet-Terror : Manipulation von Wikipedia durch einen Administrator.

en At Wikipedia, one man engineers the debate on global warming.

f r A Wikipedia, un homme dirige le débat sur le réchauffement climatique et à sa manière.

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All prognostics of the panic makers are wrong 12 Climate impactsThe sea levels did rise during the last 150 years but have the tendancy now to fall again!

click on the images

Climate History 13 Climate in the past

It is the sun, not the CO2 who causes the climate change!

click on the images

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14 Temperature measurement and temperature records

It's getting colder (unfortunately) Not tomorrow, we are speaking of the climate and not or the weather, but in the next 10 to 50 years.15 Climate todayThe temperatures are falling althougt CO2 is still rising!

click on the images

16 Hypothesis for the futureAttention: I's getting cold again!

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Information 17 Videos18 News Links19 Websites20 Manifestos, Petitions and Coalitions21 Sceptical Institutes and Orgnizations22 Sceptical Politics and Governments23 Who is who -

1 Introduction

Walter CunninghamPhysicist, NASA Apollo 7 AstronautNASA's second civilian astronaut,Fighter pilot, Col. USMCR-Retiredphysicist, entrepreneur, venture capitalist, author of The All-American Boys, lecturer and host of Lift-off To Logic, a radio talk show.

In Science, Ignorance is not Bliss NASA has played a key role in one of the greatest periods of scientific

progress in history. It is uniquely positioned to collect the most comprehensive data on our biosphere. For example, recently generated NASA data enabled scientists to finally understand the Gulf Stream warming mechanism and its effect on European weather. Such data will allow us to improve our models, resulting in better seasonal forecasts. NASA's Aqua satellite is showing that water vapor, the dominant greenhouse gas, works to offset the effect of carbon dioxide (CO2).This information, contrary to the assumption used in all the warming models, is ignored by global warming alarmists. Climate understanding and critical decision making require comprehensive data about our planet's land, sea, and atmosphere. Without an adequate satellite system to provide such data, policy efforts and monitoring international environmental agreements are doomed to failure. Our satellite monitoring capability is being crippled by interagency wrangling and federal budget issues. As much as a third of our satellites need replacing in the next couple of years. NASA should be at the forefront in the collection of scientific evidence and debunking the current hysteria over human-caused, or Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW). Unfortunately, it is becoming just another agency caught up in the politics of global warming, or worse,

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politicized science. Advocacy is replacing objective evaluation of data, while scientific data is being ignored in favor of emotions and politics. There are excellent correlations between the regular fluctuations of the Sun and the Earth's temperature, while scientists cannot find a relationship between industrial activity, energy consumption, and global temperatures. But global warming is an issue no longer being decided in the scientific arena. Saying the Earth is warming is to state the obvious.Since the end of the ice age, the Earth's temperature has increased approximately 16 degrees Fahrenheit and sea levels have risen a total of 300 feet.That is certain and measurable evidence of warming, but it is not evidence of AGW-human-caused warming. We can track the temperature of the Earth back for millennia. Knowing the temperature of the Earth, past or present, is a matter of collecting data, analyzing it, and coming up with the best answer to account for the data. Collecting such data on a global basis is a NASA forte. I believe in global climate change, but there is no way that humans can influence the temperature of our planet to any measurable degree with the tools currently at their disposal. Any human contribution to global temperature change is lost in the noise of terrestrial and cosmic factors. Our beautiful home planet has been warming and cooling for the last 4.8 billion years. Most recently, it has been warming-be it ever so slightly-but there is nothing unusual about it! The changes and rates of change in the Earth's temperature, just since the Industrial Revolution, have occurred many times in our climatic history. While climate scientists generally agree that the Earth's temperature is always changing, not many of them would say that humans are responsible for those changes. None of this is to say there are not legitimate reasons to restrict emissions of any number of chemicals into the atmosphere. We should just not fool ourselves into thinking we will change the temperature of the Earth by doing so. In a December 2007 Senate report, 400 prominent scientists signed a letter pointing out that climate change was a well-known natural phenomenon, and that adapting to it is far more sensible than attempting to prevent it. Their ranks included experts in climatology, geology, oceanography, biology, glaciology, biogeography, meteorology, economics, chemistry, mathematics, environmental sciences, engineering, physics, and paleo-climatology. Their message: When changes are gradual, man has an almost infinite ability to adapt and evolve. The fearmongers of global warming base their case on the correlation between CO2 and global temperature, even though we cannot be sure which is cause and which is effect. Historically, temperature increases have preceded high CO2 levels, and there have been periods when atmospheric CO2 levels were as much as 16 times what they are now, periods characterized not by warming but by glaciation. You might have to go back half a million years to match our current level of atmospheric CO2, but you only have to go back to the Medieval Warming Period, from the 10th to the 14th Century, to find an intense global warming episode, followed immediately by the drastic cooling of the Little Ice Age. Neither of these events were caused by variations in CO2 levels.

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Even though CO2 is a relatively minor constituent of "greenhouse gases," alarmists have made it the whipping boy for global warming (probably because they know how fruitless it would be to propose controlling other principal constituents, H2O, CH4, and N2O). Since human activity does contribute a tiny portion of atmospheric CO2, they blame us for global warming. Other inconvenient facts ignored by the activists:Carbon dioxide is a nonpolluting gas, essential for plant photosynthesis. Higher concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere produce bigger harvests. In spite of warnings of severe consequences from rising seas, droughts, severe weather, species extinction, and other disasters, the U.S. has not been stampeded into going along with the recommendations of the UN Panel on Climate Change-so far. Even though evidence supports the American position, we have begun to show signs of caving in to the alarmists. With scientific evidence going out of style, emotional arguments and anecdotal data are ruling the day. The media subjects us to one frightening image of environmental nightmare after another, linking each to global warming. Journalists and activist scientists use hurricanes, wildfires, and starving polar bears to appeal to our emotions, not to our reason. They are far more concerned with anecdotal observations, such as the frozen sea ice inside the Arctic Circle, than they are with understanding why it is happening and how frequently it has occurred in the past. After warnings that 2007 would be the hottest year on record and a record year for hurricanes, what we experienced was the coolest year since 2001 and, by some measures, the most benign hurricane season in the Northern Hemisphere in three decades. Even though recent changes in our atmosphere are all within the bounds of the Earth's natural variability, a growing number of people are willing to throw away trillions of dollars on fruitless solutions. Why do we allow emotional appeals and anecdotal data to shape our conclusions and influence our expenditures with the science and technology we have available at our fingertips? The situation is complex, but the sad state of scientific literacy in America today is partially to blame for belief in AGW. When a 2006 National Science Foundation survey found 25 percent of Americans not knowing the Earth revolves around the Sun, you know that science education is at a new low and society is vulnerable to the emotional appeal of AGW. And don't underestimate the role of politics and political correctness. The public debate should focus on the real cause of global temperature change and whether we can do anything about it. Is global warming a natural inevitability, or is it AGW-human caused? The conflict over AGW has deteriorated into a religious war; a war between true believers in human-caused global warming and nonbelievers; between those who accept AGW on faith and those who consider themselves more sensible and better informed. "True believers" are beyond being interested in evidence; it is impossible to reason a person out of positions they have not been reasoned into. It doesn't help that NASA scientist James Hansen was one of the early alarmists claiming humans caused global warming. Hansen is a political activist who spreads fear even when NASA's own data contradict him.

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Warming in the upper atmosphere should occur before any surface warming effect, but NASA's own data show that has not been happening. Global temperature readings-accurate to 0.1 degree Celsius-are gathered by orbiting satellites. Interestingly, in the 18 years those satellites have been recording global temperatures, they have actually shown a slight decrease in average temperatures. Hansen is currently calling for a reduction of atmospheric CO2 by 10 percent and a moratorium on coal-fired power plants, while claiming the Bush administration is censoring him. Other so-called scientists are saying the world must bring carbon emissions to near zero to keep temperatures from rising. In today's politically correct environment, many are reluctant to dispute the popular wisdom; when they do, they are frequently ignored.When NASA Administrator Michael Griffin, Hansen's boss and a distinguished scientist in his own right, attempted to draw a distinction between Hansen's personal and political views and the science conducted by his agency, he was soon forced to back off. It is the true believers who, when they have no facts on their side, try to silence their critics.When former NASA mathematician Ferenc Miskolczi pointed out that "greenhouse warming" may be mathematically impossible, NASA would not allow him to publish his work. Miskolczi dared to question the simplifying assumption in the warming model that the atmosphere is infinitely thick. He pointed out that when you use the correct thickness-about 65 miles-the greenhouse effect disappears! Ergo: no AGW. Miskolczi resigned in disgust and published his proof in the peerreviewed Hungarian journal Weather. For nearly a decade now, there has been no global warming. Even though atmospheric CO2 has continued to accumulate-up about 4 percent in the last 10 years-the global mean temperature has remained flat. That should raise obvious questions about CO2 being the cause of climate change. Instead, AGW enthusiasts are embracing more regulation, greater government spending, and higher taxes in a futile attempt to control what is beyond our control-the Earth's temperature. One of their political objectives, unstated of course, is the transfer of wealth from rich nations to poor nations or, as the social engineers put it, from the North to the South, which may be their real agenda. At the Bali Conference on Climate Change in December 2007, the poor nations insisted that the costs of technology to limit emissions and other impacts of climate change on their countries be paid by the rich nations. Most anticipated a windfall of money flowing into their countries to develop technology or purchase carbon credits. In this scenario, selling allotments for CO2 emissions would provide a temporary boost to their own cash flow, while severely limiting the economic development of those countries purchasing the carbon credits. In the face of overwhelming evidence for natural temperature variation, proponents of AGW are resorting to a precautionary argument: "We must do something just in case we are responsible, because the consequences are too terrible if we are to blame and do nothing." They hope to stampede government entities into committing huge amounts of money before their fraud is completely exposed-before science and truth save the day.

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Politicians think they can reverse global warming by stabilizing CO2 emissions with a cockamamie scheme of "cap and trade." A government entity would sell CO2 allocations to those industries producing it. The trillions of dollars in new taxes and devastation to the economy would be justified by claiming it will lower the temperature of the Earth. This rationalization is dependent on two assumptions: (1) that CO2 is responsible for the cause of changes in the Earth's temperature, and (2) a warmer Earth would be bad for humanity. The reality is that atmospheric CO2 has a minimal impact on greenhouse gases and world temperature. Water vapor is responsible for 95 percent of the greenhouse effect. CO2 contributes just 3.6 percent, with human activity responsible for only 3.2 percent of that.That is why some studies claim CO2 levels are largely irrelevant to global warming. Without the greenhouse effect to keep our world warm, the planet would have an average temperature of minus 18 degrees Celsius. Because we do have it, the temperature is a comfortable plus 15 degrees Celsius. Based on the seasonal and geographic distribution of any projected warming, a good case can be made that a warmer average temperature would be even more beneficial for humans. For a tiny fraction of the trillions of dollars a cap-and-trade system would eventually cost the United States, we could pay for development of clean coal, oil-shale recovery systems, and nuclear power, and have enough left over to pay for exploration of our solar system. By law, NASA cannot involve itself in politics, but it can surely champion the role of science to inform politicians. With so many uninformed and misguided politicians ignoring the available science, NASA should fill the void. NASA is synonymous with science. Allowing our priorities to drift away from hard science is tantamount to embracing decadence. NASA will surely suffer; and politicizing science is killing it. I do see hopeful signs that some true believers are beginning to harbor doubts about AGW. Let's hope that NASA can focus the global warming discussion back on scientific evidence before we perpetrate an economic disaster on ourselves.

Launch Magazine Online2008-08-02 en In Science, Ignorance is not Bliss

Watts Up With That? (Antony Watts2008-08-01 en Award-winning Astronaut Slams Hansen - Urges NASA to 'Debunk the current hysteria' over Warming

Walter Cunningham en Homepage

William (Bill) GrayDr., hurricane expert, former President of the American Meteorological Association, Colorado State University

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en Interview 2006-05-28 Global warming is a hoax It is a planet where global warming isn't happening -- or, if it is happening,

isn't happening because of human beings. Or, if it is happening because of human beings, isn't going to be a big problem. And, even if it is a big problem, we can't realistically do anything about it other than adapt.

Now look at the ice in Antarctica: Getting thicker in places! Sea level rise? It's actually dropping around certain islands in the Pacific and

Indian oceans. The models can't even predict the weather in two weeks, much less 100

years, he says. Gray says the recent rash of strong hurricanes is just part of a cycle. This is

part of the broader skeptical message: Climate change is normal and natural. There was a Medieval Warm Period, for example, long before Exxon Mobil existed.

The skeptics have a final trump in the argument: Climate change is actually good. Growing seasons will be longer. Plants like carbon dioxide. Trees devour it. This demonized molecule, CO2, isn't some kind of toxin or contaminant or pollutant -- it's fertilizer.

Lewis says the snows of Kilimanjaro have been in retreat since the 1880s. The climate there is not getting warmer, it's getting drier. Just won't snow.

The most famous anomaly, long cited by skeptics, was the satellite data. It didn't show the warming of the lower atmosphere.

"Carbon dioxide: They call it pollution. We call it life." Or their kids come home from school and say, 'Daddy, why are you killing

the planet? In 20 years, he likes to say, the world will have cooled, and everyone will

know he was right all along. When that happens, he says, he hopes someone will put flowers on his grave.

He is often called the World's Most Famous Hurricane ExpertWashingoon Post 2006-05-28 en It shohuld be glorious to be Bill Gray

Pensée unique f r Bill Gray Dr. William Gray and Bill Clinton with Al Gore

In a September, 2005, article from Discovery Magazine, Dr. William Gray, now an emeritus professor of atmospheric science at Colorado State University and a former president of the American Meteorological

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Association, was asked if funding problems that he was experiencing and has been experiencing could be traced to his skepticism of man-made global warming. His response: "I had NOAA money for 30 years, and then when the Clinton administration came in and Gore started directing some of the environmental stuff, I was cut off. I couldn't get any money from NOAA. They turned down 13 straight proposals from me." This man is one of the most prominent hurricane experts in the world, cut off during the Clinton-Gore administration because he had been skeptical of global warming.

Dana Rohrabacher, representing California's 46th Congressional District2008-05-14 en Congressman Rohrabacher's Floor Speech on Global Warming

Whatts Up With That? (with comments)en Congressman Rohrabacher's Floor Speech on Global Warming

John R. ChristyHe is the Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.He was appointed Alabama's State Climatologist in 2000.For his development of a global temperature data set from satellites he was awarded NASA's Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievement, and the American Meteorological Society's "Special Award." In 2002.Christy was elected Fellow of the American Meteorological Society.Christy was a lead author for the 2001 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the US CCSP report Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere - Understanding and Reconciling Differences.He received his Ph.D. in Atmospheric sciences from the University of Illinois.He also has a master's degree in divinity from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary.

Wikipedia en: John R. Christy de Aussagen:

de Angesichts der derzeitigen heftigen Kontroverse über die Frage aus Satellitendaten abgeleiteter Troposphärentemperaturen geben wir an dieser Stelle im Interesse der Öffentlichkeit und mit Dr. Christys Erlaubnis die schriftliche Stellungnahme wieder, die er zu diesem Thema gegenüber dem Ressourcenausschuss des US-Repräsentantenhauses abgab. Die beobachteten Erwärmungsmuster, durch den Vergleich der Temperatur am Boden und in der Atmosphäre, zeigen nicht die typischen Merkmale eines Treibhauseffekts. Man kann nicht die Tatsache leugnen, der Einfluss des Menschen ist nicht entscheidend und die Zunahme des CO2 ist ein vernachlässigbarer Faktor bei der Klimaerwärmung. lycos.de de Stellungnahme von Dr. John Christy vom 13. Mai 2003 gegenüber dem Ressourcenausschuss des US-Repräsentantenhauses

en Statements: The observed pattern of warming, comparing surface and atmospheric

temperature trends, does not show the characteristic fingerprint associated

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with greenhouse warming. The inescapable conclusion is that the human contribution is not significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate warming.

The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) is increasing in the atmosphere due primarily to the combustion of fossil fuels. Fortunately (because we produce so much of it) CO2 is not a pollutant. As an aside, it is clear that other emissions may be called pollutants, e.g. sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and mercury. Controlling these is a completely separate issue from controlling emissions of CO2 and so will not be discussed here. The conclusion in IPCC 2001 that human induced global warming was clearly evident was partly based on a depiction of the Northern Hemisphere temperature since 1000 A.D. This depiction showed little change until about 1850, then contains a sharp upward rise, suggesting that recent warming was dramatic and linked to human effects. Since IPCC 2001, two important papers have shown something else.Using a wider range of information from new sources these studies now indicate large temperature swings have been common in the past 1000 years and that temperatures warmer than today's were common in 50-year periods about 1000 years ago. These studies suggest that the climate we see today is not unusual at all. John R. Christy : U.S. House Committee on Resources, 13 May 2003en Written Testimony

Ökologismus de Die Mär von der Klimaerwärmung OnlineZeitung 24 de Aussagen The Wall Street Journal

2007-11-01 en My Nobel Moment UAH Atmospheric Science Department/John R. Christy en Homepage BBC News en No consensus on IPCC's level of ignorance science.nasa.gov en Dr. John R. Christy Moonbattery.com/IPCC member John Christy

2007-11-01 en IPCC Scientist Rejects Nobel Prize, Global Warming Hoax Pensée unique f r John R. Christy

Mehr ... / More ... / Plus ... de en f r

Einführung Introduction IntroductionEinführung Introduction IntroductionPräsentationen (Videos) Presentations (Videos) Présentations (Vidéos)-

2 Global Warming Panic

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Al Gore: An Inconvenient Truth, YouTube Videode Eine unbequeme Wahrheiten An Inconvenient Truthf r Une vérité qui dérange

forumpolitics.com en An Inconvient Truth Transcript You Tube Video

2006-01-16 en Global Warming: Point of No Return? de Globale Verdunkelung en Global Dimming f r Assombrissement global

BBC-Video2007-03-20 en Global Dimming Einzelteile in Deutsch1/5 de Globale Verdunkelung = Global Dimming2/5 de Bei Verdunkelung: Mehr Wolken3/5 de Mehr Schmutzpartikel in der Luft: Verdunkelung nimmt zu4/5 de Gefahr bei kleinerer Luftverschmutzung: Temperatur nimmt zu5/5 de Horror Szenarien bei hohen Temperaturen

Dailymotion f r L'obscurcissement planétaire 1/3Dailymotion f r L'obscurcissement planétaire 2/3Dailymotion f r L'obscurcissement planétaire 3/3

de en f r

Klima-Panik Climate Change panic La panique à cause du réchauffement climatique

Horror-Voraussagen und Schuldzuweisung

Horror-predictions and accusations Prévisions horrifiantes et accusations


3 IPCC and Al Gore

Inaccuracies in Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth The New Party: Inaccuracies in Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth Video 05:08 en Al Gore and the Global Warming Errors Video en Al Gore Finds Truth Inconvenient (04:13)

Al Gore estimates flooding of 20 feet (6,1 m) Video en Scare Tactics in Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth (08:14) Video en Al Gore Debates Global Warming (08:53) Video en Al Gore Snowjob (05:00)

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Video en Inconvenient Truths for Al Gore - Hurricane Catarina (01:27) Video en Inconvenient Truths for Al Gore - Moulins (Gletschermühlen)

(02:25) Video en Global Warming Hoax (09:20)

Extract of the Al Gore Nobel Lecture on 10 December 2007 en: However, despite a growing number of honorable exceptions, too many

of the world's leaders are still best described in the words Winston Churchill applied to those who ignored Adolf Hitler's threat: "They go on in strange paradox, decided only to be undecided, resolved to be irresolute, adamant for drift, solid for fluidity, all powerful to be impotent."

de: "Politiker, die jetzt noch nicht begriffen haben, dass die Klimaerwärmung die größte Herausforderung der Menschheit ist, verhalten sich so, wie Politiker, die die Gefahr, die von Hitler ausging, nicht wahrhaben wollten."

Nobelprize.org: Nobel Lecture (Website)Nobelprize.org: Nobel Lecture (Video)Nobelprize.org: The Lecture in Text Format

de en f r

Klima-Panik Climate Change panic La panique à cause du réchauffement climatique

Der Klimarat IPCC und Al Gore

Intergovernmental Panel IPCC and Al Gore

Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental GIEC (IPCC) et Al Gore


4 "The Great Global Warming Swindle"

The Great Global Warming Swindle: Video UK-Channel 4, (74 Min.) 2007-03-08en/de Untertitel Der Klimaschwindel (Global Warming Swindle)enUntertertite The Global Warming Swindleen/fr sous-titré La grande escroquerie du réchauffement climatique

Climate Catastrophe Cancelled (second edition)1/3 (09:46) en Influence of the sun / Einfluss der Sonne 2/3 (09:57) en Wrong temperature curves / Falsche Temperaturkurven 3/3 (10:15) en IPCC fiasco / IPCC Fehlschlag

RTL Reportage 2007-06-11 de RTL berichtet über Klimaschwindel (2:09) Google Video de Der Klimaschwindel (40 Min.) Google Video

2008-01-21 de Rahmstorf, IPCC, Al Gore, Klimaschwindel MyVideo.de/SpiegelTV 2007-06-09

de Der Klimaschwindel Teil 1

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A Friends of Science Production Video (25 Min):2007-03-24 en/sous-titré Kyoto

2007-04-29 en Data from Climate Catastrophe Cancelled Global Warming - Doomsday Called Off (Video 44 Min):

(Tag des jüngsten Gerichtes abgesagt)2007-03-21 en CBC - Doomsday Called Off

YouTube (Video, 09:22) en Global Warming Hoax SR-3SAT-Sendung 2007-07-25/29 (07:49)

de Klimastreit mit 1. Heiligenrother Klimagespräch Report 2007 (07:31)

de IPCC zensiert Klimawissenschaftler Klimaschwindel Lord Christopher Monckton, Third Viscount of Brenchley

Video en Apocalypse? No! You Tube Video en Global Warming denier Roy Spencer v. Sen. Barbara


1975: "Global Cooling"

AOL Video: 1975 - Global Cooling: The Coming Ice Age

Videos concerning CO2

en YouTube: CO2 Propaganda en YouTube: Al Gore Debates Global Warming en YouTube: CO2 theory is nonsense

de en f rKritik an der Klimapolitik

Criticism on climate policy

Critique au débat sur le réchauffement climatique

"Der Klimaschwindel" "The Great Global Warming Swindle"

"La grande escroquerie du réchauffement climatique"


5 Global Warming - from the Sun

→ Sonnenflecken/Sunspots/Taches solaire → Sonnenaktivität/Solar activity/Acivité solaire Sonne in Echtzeit / Sun in real time / Soleil en temps réel

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en These new findings demonstrate that the sun alone can account for all the observed warming early in the century

john-daly.com en Global Warming - from the Sun

Sonnenaktivität, kosmische Strahlung und Wolkenbedeckung en Solar activity, cosmic rays and cloudsf r Activité solaire, rayonnement cosmique et nuages

o de Beobachtungen o en Observations o f r Observations o de Variation der direkten Sonnenstrahlung o de Changes in solar brightness o f r Variation du rayonnement solaire o de Kosmische Strahlung und Erdklima o en Cosmic rays and Earth's climate o f r Le rayonnement cosmique et le climat de la terre

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o de Das Wolken-Mysterium o en The cloud mystery o f r Le mystère des nuages -

Beobachtungenen Observationsf r Observations

Sonnenaktivität, kosmische Strahlung und Wolkenbedeckung

de Zusammenhang zwischen Sonnenaktivität, kosmischer Strahlung und Wolkenbedeckung

en Correlation between solar activity, cosmic ray and clouds f r Corrélation entre la durée des cycles solaires, rayonnement cosmique et

de la constitution des nuages. ISAC en Influence of Solar Activity Cycles on Earth's Climate

Kosmische Strahlung und Wolkenbedeckung

de Kosmischen Strahlung und Wolkenbedeckung Die dünne Kurve entspricht der Stärke der kosmischen Strahlung, während

die dicke Kurve die von Satelliten beobachtete Änderung der Wolkenbedeckung in Prozent abbildet.

Der Gleichlauf der Kurven weist auf einen physikalischen Zusammenhang zwischen Sonnenaktivität, kosmischer Strahlung und irdischem Klima hin.

Nach H. Svensmark und E. Friis-Christensen (1996) en Low Clouds Cover and Cosmic Ray

Link between Low Cloud Cover and Galactic Cosmic Rays? Marsh and Svensmark, PRL, 2000.

f r Couverture nuageuse à basse altitude et rayons cosmiques Les particules ionisantes venues de l'espace, plus ou moins déviées par les

éruptions solaires influencent grandement la couverture nuageuse de la terre et donc sa température! Avouez que le recouvrement de la courbe rouge (intensité des rayons cosmiques) et de la courbe bleue (taux de couverture nuageuse à basse altitude) est pour le moins confondante...

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H. Svensmark und E. Friis-Christensen (1996)geocities.com de Kosmische Strahlung, Sonnenwind und Wolkenausbreitung

ISAC en Influence of Solar Activity Cycles on Earth's Climate Pensée unique f r Programme CLOUD

Sonnenflecken und Temperatur

Die an der Erdoberfläche gemessene Lufttemperatur der nördlichen Atmosphäre für die Jahre 1865 bis 1985 (dicke Kurve) zeigt eine enge Korrelation mit der Variation der Intensität der Sonnenfleckentätigkeit im säkularen Gleissberg-Zyklus (dünne Kurve).

Nach Friis-Christensen und Lassen

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solidaritaet.com de Nigel Calder: Korrelation Sonnenflecken/Temperatur Pensée unique f r Corrélation entre la durée des cycles solaires et la

température du globe

Sonnenaktivität und globale Temperatur

Übereinstimmung zwischen dem Modell der Sonnenaktivität von D. V. Hoyt und K. H. Schatten [39] (dicke Kurve) und Zeitreihen der globalen Temperatur (gestrichelte Kurve), die für einen starken Einfluss der Sonnenaktivität auf das Klima spricht.

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D. V. Hoyt und K. H. Schattenschulphysik.de de Gleissberg-Zyklus der Sonnenaktivität und Klimaschwankungen

Corrélation entre la durée des cycles solaires et la température du globe

f r Des chercheurs astrophysiciens Danois qui travaillent depuis une dizaine d'années sur ce problème ont eu l'idée originale de tracer sur un même graphique la température moyenne du globe de 1750 à 2000 (courbe blanche ci-contre) et la durée des cycles solaires pendant la même période (en jaune sur le même graphique).

de Man muss blind sein, um diesen Zusammenhang nicht zu sehen! en One must be blind not to see the correlation! f r A moins d'être aveugle, on voit que cela a bien l'air d'être le cas! Pensée unique f r Le débat en cours sur le réchauffement climatique sous la

loupe ... -

Unterscheidung zwischen direkter und indirekter Wirkung der Sonneen Difference between the influence of Solar brihgtness and Solar activityf r Différence entre l'influence du rayonnement solaire et de l'activité solaire

Variation der Intensität der direkten Sonnenstrahlungen Variation of the solar brightnessf r Variation du rayonnement solaire

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de Es ist nicht die Variation der direkten Sonnenstrahlung, die das Klima auf der Erde verändert.

Die direkte Sonnenstrahlung schwankt über Jahrzehnte nur um etwa 0.1%, was an der Erdoberfläche Schwankungen von nur etwa 0.3 W/m² ausmacht.

Indirekte Wirkung der Sonnenaktivitäten Indirect influence of solar activityf r Influence indirecte de l'activité solaire

de Viel grösser sind indirekte Wirkungen als Folge von Schwankungen des Sonnenmagnetfeldes, in das die Erde eingebettet ist. Folgendes geschieht dabei:

Teilchen der Kosmischen Strahlung, die aus den Tiefen des Weltraums ständig in die Erdatmosphäre prasseln, erzeugen dort Ionen, die - genau wie schwebende Staubteilchen (Aerosole) - als Kondensationskerne für Wassertropfen dienen können.

Das wechselnde Magnetfeld und der Sonnenwind schirmen Kosmische Strahlung mehr oder minder stark ab.

Sie ändern damit die Tropfenbildung in der Atmosphäre und die Wolkenbedeckung der Erde.

Alvo v. Alvensleben de Kohlendioxid und Klima -

Kosmische Strahlung und Erdklimaen Cosmic rays and Earth's climatef r Le rayonnement cosmique et le climat de la terre

Die kosmische Strahlung

de Die Kosmische Strahlung (engl. Cosmic Rays), früher auch Höhenstrahlung genannt, ist eine hochenergetische Teilchenstrahlung aus dem Weltall. Sie besteht vorwiegend aus Protonen, daneben aus Elektronen und vollständig ionisierten Atomen. Auf die äußere Erdatmosphäre treffen ca. 1000 Teilchen pro Quadratmeter und Sekunde. Durch Wechselwirkung mit den Gasmolekülen entstehen Teilchenschauer mit einer hohen Anzahl von Sekundärteilchen, von denen aber nur ein geringer Teil die Erdoberfläche erreicht.

en Cosmic rays are energetic particles originating from space that impinge on Earth's atmosphere. Almost 90% of all the incoming cosmic ray particles are protons, about 9% are helium nuclei (alpha particles) and about 1% are electrons (beta minus particles). The term "ray" is a misnomer, as cosmic particles arrive individually, not in the form of a ray or beam of particles.

f r Le rayonnement cosmique désigne de manière générale le flux de particules de haute énergie (c'est-à-dire relativistes) présent dans tout l'Univers. Il s'agit pour sa partie chargée principalement de protons (entre 85 et 90 %) et de noyaux d'hélium (de 9 à 14 %), le reste étant constitué

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d'électrons, de différents nucléons (noyaux d'atomes) ainsi que de quantités infimes d'antimatière légère (antiprotons et positrons).

Wikipedia de Kosmische StrahlungWikipedia en Cosmic rayWikipedia f r Rayon cosmique

Hessisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie de Kosmische Strahlung

Cosmic rays and Earth's climate

Junk Science en Cosmic rays and Earth's climate -

Das Wolken-Mysteriumen The cloud mysteryf r Le mystère des nuages

Henrik Svensmark, Director of the Centre for Sun-Climate Research at the Danish Space Research Institute, a part of the Danish National Space Center,Egil Friis-Christensen, Director of the Danish National Space Center,Nigel March,Nir Shaviv, Astrophysics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem,Euène Parker, Prof. Emeritus University of Chicago,Script consultant: Nigel Calder. de Das Klima wird von der Sonne gesteuert

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Schauen Sie sich diese Videos an in dem dänische Forscher erklären, wie sie darauf gekommen sind, dass das Klima von der Sonne gesteuert wird.

Die Sonne lenkt zeitweise die kosmische Strahlung von der Erde ab, so dass weniger Wolken entstehen und es auf der Erde wärmer wird (oder bei abnehmender Sonnenaktivität auch kühler wird).

Ständig treffen kosmische Strahlen aus dem Weltraum auf die Erdatmosphäre. Sie lassen hier als Kondensationskeime Wolken entstehen. Nimmt die kosmische Strahlung zu, breitet sich die Wolkendecke aus, und es wird kälter. Nimmt die kosmische Strahlung ab, schrumpft auch die Wolkendecke, und es wird wärmer. Das weit in den interplanetarischen Raum reichende Magnetfeld der Sonne wirkt, zusammen mit den so genannten Sonnenwinden, als Schutzschild und Regler gegenüber der kosmischen Strahlung.

en The sun is at the origin of climate change Have a look at these videos to see how scientiscs from Denmark have found

how the sun is at the origin of climate change. The sun modifies the cosmic rays which are creating clouds and therefore

influence the heating of the earth. f r Le soleil est à l'origine du changement climatique

Regardez ces vidéos pour voir comment des scietifiques danois ont trouvé que le soleil est à l'origine du changement climatique.

Le mystère de la constitution des nuages qui modifient le climat de la terre, par les rayons ionisants venus de l'espace.

En d'autres mots: Le soleil à l'origine de la déviation des rayons ionisants venus de l'espace qui constituent des nuages et de cette effet sont responsable de la modification du climat de la terre.

The Cloud Mystery - Klimamysteriet (Videos, approx. 10 min. each) Part 1 en Clouds are an important matter of climate change (08:39)Part 2 en The origin of these cloudsPart 3 en The link between cosmic rays and cloudsPart 4 en Water condenses on particles in the air and form cloudsPart 5 en Comparison with geological researches - successPart 6 en Global warming - politically incorrect

Pensée unique f r Le mystère de la constitution des nuages qui modifient le climat de la terre, par les rayons ionisants venus de l'espace

Wolken unter kosmischem Einfluss

Seit Jahrzehnten vermuten Sonnenforscher wie die dänischen Meteorologen Henrik Svensmark und Eigil Friis Christensen, dass die kosmische Strahlung sich auf die Wolkenbildung auswirkt und somit die Temperaturen auf der Erde beeinflusst. Einen solchen Zusammenhang legten frappierende statistische Übereinstimmungen zwischen dem Sonnenfleckenzyklus und der Temperaturentwicklung auf der Erde nahe. Die offizielle Klimaforschung fasste das Thema jedoch stets mit sehr spitzen Fingern oder überhaupt nicht an, da der Nachweis eines physikalischen Mechanismus fehle. Das dürfte sich jetzt ändern. Einer Arbeitsgruppe um Frank Arnold vom Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik in Heidelberg hat in einem aufwendigen Versuch

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erstmals experimentelle Hinweise auf den physikalischen Prozess gefunden. Wie von den Sonnenforschern bislang vermutet, können Teilchen, die aus dem All mit hoher Geschwindigkeit in die Atmosphäre eindringen, tatsächlich Kondensationskerne für Wolken entstehen lassen. Pioniere der These wie Henrik Svensmark dürften die Max-Plank-Ergebnisse als späte Genugtuung empfinden und als Ausgleich für die jahrelangen Anfeindungen durch manche etablierten Klimaforscher. Quelle: MaxPlanckForschung (Wissensmagazin der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft) 1/2003.

maxeiner-miersch.de de Kosmische Wolke In den vergangenen Jahren haben die Meteorologen Henrik Svensmark, Eigil

Friis-Christensen, und Nigel Marsh einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Intensität der kosmischen Strahlung und dem Bewölkungsgrad gefunden. Insbesondere deuten die statistischen Analysen einen elfjährigen Zyklus der Bewölkung an, was auf einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Sonnenfleckenzyklus und daraus resultierenden Schwankungen der kosmischen Strahlung hinweist. Allerdings bemängeln Kritiker die beschränkte Datenbasis sowie das Fehlen eines experimentell fundierten physikalischen Prozesses. Letzteren scheinen Frank Arnold und seine Mitarbeiter nun gefunden zu haben.

Welt der Physik de Wolken unter kosmischem Einfluss

IPCC Position

en Climate Change 2001 IPCC Working Group I: The Scientific BasisSvensmark and Friis-Christensen (1997) demonstrated a high degree of correlation between total cloud cover, from the ISCCP C2 data set, and cosmic ray flux between 1984 and 1991. Changes in the heliosphere arising from fluctuations in the Sun's magnetic field mean that galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) are less able to reach the Earth when the Sun is more active so the cosmic ray flux is inversely related to solar activity. Svensmark and Friis-Christensen analysed monthly mean data of total cloud using only data over the oceans between 60°S and 60°N from geostationary satellites. They found an increase in cloudiness of 3 to 4% from solar maximum to minimum and speculated that (a) increased GCR flux causes an increase in total cloud and that (b) the increase in total cloud causes a cooling of climate. Svensmark and Friis-Christensen (1997) also extended this analysis to cover the years 1980 to 1996 using cloud data from the DMSP and Nimbus-7 satellites and showed that the high correlation with GCR flux is maintained ... We conclude ... At present there is insufficient evidence to confirm that cloud cover responds to solar variability.

en Chapter 6 Radiative Forcing of Climate Change6.11.2.2 Cosmic rays and cloudsRemarks:IPCC has not reconsidered its position yet. (2008)

de en f r

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Ursachen des Klimawandels Causes of Climate Change

Les causes du changement climatique

Der Einfluss der Sonne auf das Klima The influence of the sun L'influence du soleil


6 Temperature responsible for CO2 rise

Temperature-to-CO2 proved

en First the temperature rises, CO2 rises afterwards. Important: Therefore CO2 cannot be the cause for global warming!

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john-daly.com en Temperature-to-CO2 Proved de en f r

Ursachen des Klimawandels Causes of Climate Change

Les causes du changement climatique

Steigende Temperatur bewirkt CO2-Anstieg

Temperature responsible for CO2 rise

La température fait monter le CO2


7 No influence of CO2 and fossile energy

Zusammenhang zwischen Sonnenfleckenzyklus, Temperatur und Kohlendioxiden Sunspot cyle length, Temperature anomaly and CO2 concentrationf r Cycles des taches solaires, la température et la concentration du CO2

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Friends of Science en Graph after Friis-Christensen & Lassen - 1991 adapted by Dr. Tim Patterson

Der Weg.org de Zusammenhang zwischen der Temperaturveränderung und dem Anstieg an Kohlendioxid in der Atmosphäre

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Weltweiter Verbrauch von fossiler Energieen World Fuel Consumptionf r Consommation mondiale en énergie fossile

de Die Temperatur hängt von der Sonnenaktivität ab und nicht vom CO2.

en Atmospheric temperature is regulated by the sun, which fluctuates in activity as shown in Figure 3; by the greenhouse effect, largely caused by atmospheric water vapor (H2O); and by other phenomena that are more poorly understood. While major greenhouse gas H2O substantially warms the Earth, minor greenhouse gases such as CO2 have little effect, as shown in Figures 2 and 3. The 6-fold increase in hydrocarbon use since 1940 has had no noticeable effect on atmospheric temperature or on the trend in glacier length.

Petition Project en Figure 3: Arctic surface air temperature compared with total solar irradiance

f r La courbe en noir, épaisse, donne les variations de température du globe moyennées sur 13 ans. La courbe annuelle est représentée en tireté. L'échelle des températures est à droite en degré C. La courbe en grisé, constituée de petits carrés, représente la consommation mondiale en énergie fossile en fonction du temps. On observe que cette courbe commence à monter rapidement à partir des années 50. L'échelle, en millions de tonnes, est représentée sur la gauche.

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Pensée unique f r Préparons nous au refroidissement ! -

Das CO2 steigt und die Temperaturen fallenen CO2 is rising and the temperatures are fallingf r Le CO2 monte et les températures baissent

o Der IPCC-Irrtum: Es ist nicht das CO2! o Brief an Dr. Pachauri, IPCC (2008-04-14) o IPCC: Temperaturkurven -

Der IPCC-Irrtum: Es ist nicht das CO2!en The IPCC Error: It is not the CO2!f r L'erreur du GIEC: Ce n'est pas le CO2!

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World Temperatures Falling Whist CO2 Keeps Rising

EIKE Europäisches Komitee Für Klima und Energie Jena2009-03-17 de Was man uns nicht erzählt! Die Warnungen von Experten vor einer unmittelbar bevorstehenden Klimakatastrophe sind ausschließlich das Produkt von Computermodellen

Research Review / Hans Labohm2009-03 en What we are not being told

CO2 Science COM2008-10-28 en World Temperatures Falling Whist CO2 Keeps Rising

de Wenn das CO2 die Erwärmung erklärt, muss es auch die Abkühlung erklären ... oder es muss eine andere Erklärung gefunden werden, dass nebeneinander liegende kalte und warme Zonen - gleichzeitig - verschiedene Ursachen haben.

en If the CO2 explains the warming, it must also explain the cooling ... or another explanation must be found how neighbor cold and warm sectors may - simultaneously - obey to different causes.

f r Si le CO2 explique le réchauffement, il doit aussi expliquer le refroidissement ... ou bien une autre explication doit être trouvée, signifiant alors que des secteurs voisins, chauds et froids, peuvent - simultanément - obéir à des causes différentes. Marcel Leroux (fr-Text)

Temperature: HadCRUT3 (negative→positiv→negative), CO2: Mauna Loa (positive)

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Climat4you en Homeen Reflections on the correlation between global temperature and atmospheric CO2

Global warming quiz by Dr. Richard Keen, University of Colorado, BoulderSkyfal f r QCM sur le réchauffement climatique

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Skyfal en Global warming quiz (Flash player)Skyfal en Global warming quiz (Powerpoint presentation ppt, 4,2MB)


Brief an Dr. Pachauri, IPCC (2008-04-14)en Letter to Dr. Pachauri, IPCCf r Lettre adressée à Dr. Pachauri, GIEC

de Wissenschaftler fordern IPCC zu Kurswechsel auf

In einem offenen Brief fordern Wissenschaftler und ein Friedensnobelpreisträger den Vorsitzenden des IPCC auf, die aktuellen Meßergebnisse zu akzeptieren, die auf eine Abkühlung während der letzten 10 Jahre hindeuten, oder aber Belege vorzulegen für die immer noch vom IPCC und anderen Vertretern der Treibhaushypothese vertretene Ansicht, es gebe eine Erwärmung und diese stehe mit dem CO2-Anteil der Atmosphäre in ursächlichem Zusammenhang.Der Brief enthält auch Verweise auf öffentlich zugängliches Datenmaterial, das der CO2-Treibhaushypothese widerspricht.

en UN asked to admit climate change errors

A group of four scientists has sent a letter to the UN's IPCC.

Dear Dr. Pachauri and others associated with IPCC We are writing to you and others associated with the IPCC position - that

man's CO2 is a driver of global warming and climate change - to ask that you now in view of the evidence retract support from the current IPCC position and admit that there is no observational evidence in measured data going back 22,000 years or even millions of years that CO2 levels (whether from

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man or nature) have driven or are driving world temperatures or climate change.

... The Climate Scam

2008-04-14 de / en Wissenschaftler fordern IPCC zu Kurswechsel auf The Climate Scam

2008-04-14 en UN asked to admit climate change errors I love my carbondioxide

2008-04-14 en Dear Dr. Pachauri and others associated with IPCC -

IPCC: Temperaturkurvenen IPCC: Temperature curvesf r IPCC: Courbes de température

1. de Temperaturkurven - CRU 2007:Die Abkühlung nach 2000 wird auf den Kurven des IPCC nicht gezeigt! en Temperatures - CRU 2007:The Cooling after 2000 is not showed on the IPCC diagrams! f r Températures - CRU 20077:Le refroidissement après 2000 n'est pas montré sur les diagrammes du GIEC!

de Deutliche Abkühlung nach 2000.Diese Abkühlung kann mit dem CO2-Treibhauseffekt nicht erklärt werden. en Visible cooling after 2000.This cooling cannot be caused by the CO2 Greenhouse Effect. f r Refroidissement apparente après 2000.Ce refroidissement ne peut pas être expliqué avec l'effet de serre.

Quelle: / Source: CRU - Climate Research Unit

UEA - School of Environmental Sciences University of East Angliaen Homeen Temperatureen Global Temperature Record

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1.2. de IPCC Bericht 2007 zeigt keine Abkühlung nach 2000

en IPCC Report 2007 doesn't show the cooling after 2000 f r Rapport 2007 du GIEC ne montre pas le refroidissement après 2000

de Temperaturkurven - IPCC Rapport 2007:Abkühlung nach 2000 wird nicht gezeigt!Das IPCC kann diese Abkühlung nicht erklären.Das IPCC irrt sich mit seiner Politik. en Temperatures - IPCC Report 2007:Cooling after 2000 is not showed!IPCC cannot explain this cooling.IPCC has to change his policy. f r Températures - rapport GIEC 2007:Le refroidissement après 2000 n'est pas montré!Le GIEC n'a pas d'explication pour ce refroidissement.Le GIEC doit modifier sa politique.

Source: Climate Change 2007 Synthesis Report Fig. 2.5 (WG1 Fig. SPM 4)Source: IPCC/WG 1 Fig. SPM 4


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3. de IPCC Temperatur Prognosen en IPCC Temperature Prognnostics f r Prévisions des températures du GIEC

Source: IPCC/WG 1 Fig. 10.4 de Die Prognosen sind nicht realistisch

Falsche Prognosen - Falsche Politik en The prognostics are not realisticWrong prognostics - Wrong Politics f r Le prognostiques ne sont pas réalistesFausses prognostiques - fausses politiques

Source: Climate Change 2007 Synthesis Report Fig.3.2 (WG1 Fig. SPM 5)Source: IPCC/WG 1 Fig. SPM 5

Siehe auch... / See also ... / Voir aussi ... de en f r

Klimaverlauf History of climate Histoire du climat

Temperaturen in der Neuzeit Temperatures in modern times Températures dans le temps moderne

Klima heute The climate today Le climat aujourd'huiKlima in der Zukunft Climate in the future Climat dans le future

de en f r

Einflüsse auf das Klima Impacts of Climate Change Impacts climatiques

Kein Einfluss von CO2 und der fossilen Energien

No influence of CO2 and fossile energy

Pas d'influence du CO2 et des energies fossiles

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Full text en Sections 8 to 15 ↑

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16 Hypothesis for the future

Eine neue Kälteperiode hat begonnenen A new cold climate has begunf r Le temps se mettra au froid


Dokumente» News » Autor: Tomislav Rus — Druckvorschau

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In diesem Archiv sind interessante Dokumente im pdf-Format zu den Themen Klimawandel, Gentechnik, Tierrechte etc. aufgelistet. Das Archiv befindet sich noch im Aufbau, daher schaut öfters mal rein.Klimawandel

Hans Labohm: “Klimakatastrophenzweifel -eine Einführung“. In: Novo-Magazin 86, Januar/Februar 2007

Dipl. Biol. Ernst-Georg Beck: “180 Jahre CO2 Gasanalyse der Luft mit chemischen Methoden (Deutsche Zusammenfassung)“. In: ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT; VOLUME 18 No. 2 2007

Zbigniew Jaworowski, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.: “CO2: The Greatest Scientific Scandal of Our Time“. In: EIR 16. März 2007

Argus: “Nairobi-Report v4.0“, März 2007 Ross McKitrick, Ph.D. et al: “Independent Summary for Policymakers IPCC Fourth

Assessment Report“, The Fraser Institute, Februar 2007 Christopher Monckton: “Apocalypse Cancelled“. In: Sunday Telegraph, 5. November

2006 Dr. Edward J. Wegman: “Ad Hoc Committee Report On The ‘Hockey Stick’ Global

Climate Reconstruction (Wegman Report)“. U.S. House Committee on Energy & Commerce, August 2006

Scafetta, N., B. J. West: Estimated solar contribution to the global surface warming using the ACRIM TSI satellite composite, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, 2005

Ahilleas Maurellis, Jonathan Tennyson: The climatic effects of water vapour. In: Physics World, May 2003

Kenneth Green, Tim Ball, & Steven Schroeder: “The Science Isn’t Settled- The Limitations of Global Climate Models“. The Fraser Institute, A Fraser Institute Occasional Paper 80/June2004, Juni 2004

Ross McKitrick: What is the ‘Hockey Stick’ Debate About? University of Guelph, 4. April 2004

Marcel Crok: “Kyoto Protocol is based on flawed statistics” Marcel Crok: Risse im Klima-Konsens. In: Technology Review, 3. März 2005 Prof. Dr. Horst-Joachim Lüdecke: “Klimawandel und menschgemachtes CO2″. www.htw-

saarland.de/fb/wi/fachbereich/personen/co2_bericht.pdf, Januar 2005 Prof. Dr. G. Gerlich: “Die physikalischen Grundlagen des Treibhauseffektes und fiktiver

Treibhauseffekte“. Vortrag auf dem Herbstkongress der Europäischen Akademie für Umweltfragen, Präsident Dr. Dr. h. c. H. Metzner, Derendinger Str. 41-45, 72072 Tübingen: Die Treibhaus-Kontroverse, Leipzig, 9./10. Nov. 1995.

Peter Gynne: The Cooling World. In: Newsweek, 28. April 1975

Klimawandel Multimedia:“Climate Catastrophe Cancelled: What You’re Not Being Told About the Science of Climate Change”:Eine Video-Dokumentation, die Fragen aufwirft bzgl. der weit verbreiteten Meinung eines menschengemachten Klimawandels. Ich habe die Video-Dateien auf meinem Server zur Archivierung und schnellerem Daownload gespiegelt. Die Originalseite ist hier: FriendsOfScience.org

Teil 1 Teil 2 Teil 3 Teil 4 Teil 5

Global Warming Review, Dr. Art Robinson:

Science Seminar from OSIM

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Michael Miersch: „Eine Ratte ist ein Schwein ist ein Hund ist ein Junge.“ In: Novo Nr. 60, 9 / 10 2002

Diskussion geschlossen.

1. Beck, E.G., 50 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS MEASUREMENT OF CO2 ON MAUNA LOA, E&E Vol 19 No 7, 2008, the paper, German version, short version (German)

2. Beck, E.G., 180 Years of atmospheric CO2 Gas Analysis by Chemical MethodsENERGY & ENVIRONMENT VOLUME 18 No. 2, 2007

the paper, Erratum 5/2007 , discussion in E&E 18/5 2007, comments by H. Meijer, by R. Keeling, and authors replythe paper in Spanish , in German (uncorrected);

3. Beck, E.G., 180 Years accurate Gas Analysis, AIG News, Quarterly Newsletter, No. 86 November 2006

4. Beck, E.G. Die vergessene Geschichte des CO2, EW, Jg.106 (2007), Heft 20 (in German)

+++ Presentations +++

Evidence of variability of atmospheric CO2 concentration during 20th century; the causes of CO2 variability

Presentation: University of Bayreuth 17th july 2008; Geo-Ecological Seminar, see here: in English, Summary ; see Bayreuth university website+++ a 65 years climate cycle+++

180 Years of atmospheric CO2 Gas Analysis by Chemical MethodsPresentation: Meeting of the German Physical Society , 25th/26th october 2007 Bad Honnef, Germany

The manipulated history of CO2

Presentation:Heiligenroth 21th july 2007 see here: in German

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The history of CO2 gas analysis in air by chemical methods

Presentation:Leiden 26th june 2007 see here : English, Download

The manipulation of reality - The falsified history of CO2

Presentation:Berlin 30th may 2007 see here: English, German, Download , Berlin as Google Video: here


+++ papers that support my findings +++

Stomata reveal for the millennium and holocene: CO2 variations 20 - > 30 ppmv

PNAS 2008: A role for atmospheric CO2 in preindustrial climate forcing Thomas B. van Hoof et al. PNAS September 30, 2008, 105 (39)

Biogeosciences 2008 : CO 2 radiative forcing during the Holocene Thermal Maximum revealed by stomatal frequency of Iberian oak leaves ; García-Amorena et al.; Biogeosciences Discuss., 5, 3945-3964, 2008

Oceanic processes are responsible for high atmospheric CO2; warmer currents - more CO2

SCIENCE 2008: Atmospheric CO2 and Climate on Millennial Time Scales During the Last Glacial Period; Jinho Ahn, et al. Science 322, 83 (2008)

+ 90 ppm CO2 rise by redistribution of carbon from the deep ocean to the atmosphere during deglaciation

SCIENCE 2007: Marine Radiocarbon Evidence for the Mechanism of Deglacial Atmospheric CO2 Rise Marchitto et al. SCIENCE Published Online May 10, 2007; Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1138679

SCIENCE 2007 : Southern Hemisphere and Deep-Sea Warming Led Deglacial Atmospheric CO2 Rise and Tropical WarmingStott, et al. Science 318, 435 (2007);

Antarctic temperatures fit to the historical CO2 contour but not to Mauna Loa and ice core reconstructions

Geophysical Letters 2006 : Antarctic Temperatures over the past two Centuries from Ice cores; Schneider et al. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L16707, doi:10.1029/2006GL027057.

An approx. 65 years Climate Cycle (50-80 years) (selection of papers)

Shen, C. 2008 ; Variability of summer precipitation over eastern China during the last millennium Clim. Past Discuss., 4, 611–643, 2008 p. 623

Grosfeld et al 2007 ; The impact of Atlantic and Pacific Ocean sea surface temperature anomalies on the

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North Atlantic multidecadal variability; Tellus August 2007

Moss et al. 2006 Evidence of Multi-decadal Salinity Variability in the Eastern Tropical North Atlantic

P OLYAKOV , I. V . et al. Variability of the Intermediate Atlantic Water of the Arctic Ocean over the Last 100 Years, J O U R N A L O F C L I M A T E, V OL . 17, N O . 23, 2004

Klyashtorin L.B. et al. 2003 ; On the Coherence between Dynamics of the World Fuel Consumption and Global Temperature AnomalyE&E, VOLUME 14 No. 6 2003

Weisheimer, A. 2000 , Niederfrequente Variabilität großräumig atmosphärische Zirkulationsstrukturen in spektralen Modellen niederer Ordnung; Ber. Polarforsch. 356 (2000) ISSN 0176 - 5027 p. 18

Kovalev, A. V. 1998 ; The Black Sea Zooplankton: Composition, Spatial/Temporal Distribution and History of InvestigationsTr. J. of Zoology 23 (1999) 195-209 p. 201

Schlesinger, M.E. and Ramankutty , N. 1994 . An oscillation in the global climate system of period 65-70 years.Nature 367, 723-726



+++ Statements +++

Comments on “Arctic air temperatures climb to record levels"

The Revival of the Hockeystick Graph - a New Low in Climate Science

65 years CO2 Cycle

Summary of the Bayreuth Presentation 2008

Indications of CO2 trend 2008 4/2008


The IPCC publishes biased temperature data of history

Climate Change Knowledge in a Nutshell, PIK Potsdam (Germany) and its sevenfold contradiction

Comment on_Keppler et al. "Plants emit Methan"

7 essential points of my paper in pictures, English Summary; German summary

+++ Citations in: +++

Z. Jaworowski CO2: The Greatest Scientific Scandal of Our Time, EIR Science, March 2007, p. 42,43, 44, 45, 47, 51

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G. Gerlich et al.; Falsication Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics

Joel M. Kaufman , in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp.723-749, 2007 p. 738/739

Arthur Rorsch , CLIMATE SCIENCE AND THE PHLOGISTON THEORY p. 441 Energy & Environment, Volume 18, Numbers 3-4, July 2007 , pp. 441-447

PL. Padget et al., Department of Physics, University of Hull, “Some comments on the possible causes of climate change”

Charles Opalek , A Convenient Fabrication; Lulu.com, 2007,ISBN 1435703863, 9781435703865

NIPCC 3/2008 ; p. 19; Nature, Not Human Activity Rules the Climate; © 2008, Science and Environmental Policy Project / S. Fred Singer

Vincent Gray , UN IPCC Expert Reviewers Panel , SUPPORT FOR CALL FOR REVIEW OF UN IPCC 3/2008 andThe Global Warming Scam April 2008 p. 21

NRSP Chair Dr. Ball before the US House of Representatives subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, March 2007 ; hear the speech

Marcel Leroux ; Académie des Sciences, Paris. Séminaire de Travail : Evolution du Climat - 5 mars 2007

E. Gaertner , Chemische Rundschau Vol.9, 11, Sept. 2007, p. 94

US. Senate Committee on Environment, Minority I,+II+, May, Dec 2007

Junk Science July 25, 2008 , September 08, 2008 Icecap July 25, 2008, September 09, 2008

NZCPR 20 September 2008 Z. Jaworowski SUN WARMS AND COOLS THE EARTH p. 17, 21, 22

Important Graphs ( click on graphs to enlarge)

CO2 1812-1961, NH, 5 years timelag station temperature - CO2 (p. 275, E&E 2, 2007) rev1

CO2 chemical - temperature Antarctica icecore( see timelag too)

The 1942 CO2 peak (3 graphs) Data selection by G.S.: Callendar , ignoring other CO2 data as within 10% variation

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Keelings wrong preindustrial CO2-Concentration CO2 variation correlating to lunar cycle

The cause of the fluctuation of atmospheric CO2 (click to enlarge)

300 Years Temperature-CO2; New Ice Age - Projection (Landscheidt-Minimum)

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References Digitized data/Evaluation

Bibliographies historic measurements

Letts&Blake 19th century, table of known measurements Letts&Blake 19th century bibliography

19th century(252 papers)

Effenberger 1951 table of measurements

Stepanova (1952) 20th century (99 papers) Bibliography of Abstracts, 20th century (99 papers)


20th century - Historic papers 1900 -1961 (CO2 peak 1942), Data - Methods

Stanhill, G.: The Montsouris series of carbon dioxide concentration measurements, 1877-1910 .

In: Climate Change , 4 (1982), S. 221-237.

Brown&Escombe 1898-1901; Kew Garden UK 294 ppm Brown&Escombe


Otto Warburgs Gasanalyser, improved Pettenkofer 1909 I , II, III, IV

F.G. Benedict , The Composition of the Atmosphere (book too large, 115p) p74-115; 1912 Benedict 1909-12

A. Krogh 1919. The Composition of the Atmosphere 305 ppm

J.S. Haldane "Methods of Air Analysis", 1920; 137p; too large; content

H. Lundegardh CO2 -1920-1926 part I,part II ~310 ppm

Lundegardh 1920-26

Lundegardh evaluation


Wattenberg evaluation

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SUMMARY OF METEOROLOGICAL PORTION; Monthly Weather Review , Volume 57, Issue 2 (February 1929)

Wattenberg, H., Die Deutsche Atlantische Expedition auf dem Forschungs- und Vermessungsschiff "Meteor"... 1925-1927. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse Band VIII; Das

chemische Beobachtungsmaterial und seine Gewinnung, 1.Teil des chemischen Materials, Verlag von Walter de Gruyter&CO, Berlin 1933 p.240 - 307

methods, data: part1, part2

Wattenberg 1925-27, measuring stations and travel routeWattenberg 1925-27 CO2 over sea surface

Van Slyke (1933) - 1932 I, II, III

K. Buch 1933-1935 northern Atlantic Ocean ~ 334 ppm G. E. R. DEACON ; Carbon Dioxide in Arctic and Antarctic Seas ; nature 145 , 250-252 (17

February 1940)K. Buch , Kohlensäure in Atmosphäre und Meer an der Grenze zum Arktikum , Acta Acad.

Aboensis, Math, et Phys. , 11 , 12, Åbo, Finland ( 1939 ).

Buch 1932-35

Buch evaluation

Repetition of Buchs measurements 1935 using modern gasanalyser in 1967Kelley, J . Carbon Dioxide in the Surface Water of the Ice-covered Bering Sea,

Nature, Volume 229, Issue 5279, pp. 37-39 (1971).

Waugh, J.G . , Precise Determinition of Carbon Dioxide in Air; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Analytical Edition, 1936, Vol 9, No.2, p96

Kauko (1935) 0- 1500 m over Helsinki ~350 ppm Kauko evaluation

Haldane (1936) Scotland ~ 350 ppm Haldane


Duerst (1936-1939) 400 ppm (*.doc) Duerst 1936

Evaluation of the Giessen Data 1939 - 41

W. Kreutz : Gießen 1939-41>420ppm (German); English A. Bijkerk Kreutz 1939-41

Weather Station at Giessen , local sources , evaluated CO2 contour , CO2-height Kreutz 0-14m

Riedel C Kohlensäurebest.apparat (Schuftan) (*.doc), Gasanalyser Kreutz Kreutz evaluation

W. Kreutz 1939 Spezialinstrumente... (weather station Giessen) wsp

Official Map of Giessen 1939

Mining activities in Hessen -1940: total map, map east, map west


Bazett (1941) 400 ppm Philadelphia

MIsra (1941-1943) (*.doc) >400 ppm in India Misra 1, 2, Misra

diurnal , wsp

First textbook of oceanography including research of Buch and WattenbergSverdrup H. U . et al.; The Oceans Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology; Prentice-Hall,

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Inc., New York 1942

Lockhart (1941-1942) >600 ppm in Antarctica

Glückauf , E., Nature, No. 3890, May 20, 1944

Hock et al. (1947-1949) 400 ppm Point Barrow Scholander 1946

de Selm, H.R ., Carbon Dioxide Gradients in Beech Forest in Central Ohio, Ohio Journal of Science 52 (4) 187, Juli 1952

Chapman ,H.W., et al. The carbon dioxide content of the field air, Plant, physiology, no. 29, 1954, p. 500- 503

Fonselius (1955) Method, Fonselius 1955 -59 ( Scand. network) 323 ppm

Steinhauser 1957/58, Wien 325ppm Steinhauser 1957data evaluation ,


Steinberg, S . et al., The Collection and Measurement of Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor in the Upper Atmosphere, Journ. Of Appl. Met. Vol1, p.418, 1962



19th century Historic Papers CO2: 19th Century, Data - Methods


C.E. Brunner , Journ. de Pharm, 18, 1832; drying air with H2SO4

C.E. Brunner " Annales de chimie et de physique 1841 (3e série / Tome 3). P. 305, Gasanalyser end of journal; drying air by H2SO4 p312

H. Hlasiwetz (1856) " Über Kohlensaeurebestimmungen der atmosphaerischen Luft" H2SO4 absorbs CO2: p.193 ; discussion of erroneous methods

v. Gilm (1857) Innsbruck: Über die Kohlensaeurebestimmung der atm. Luft 383 ppm vGilm 1857

Schulze (1864) Rostock: On the amount of carbonic acid in air.. . 360 ppmSchulze (1868-71) Rostock: Daily Observations on the... 292 ppm

Schulze 1864Schulze 1871

Schulze evaluation

Smith , R. A. , Acid and Rain; 1872 , data Scotland 1865-1869

Regnault 1871 drying air by H2SO4

Annales de chimie et de physique, 1871 (4e série / Tome 24). p.257-258

Haesselbarth/Fittbogen 1874/75 Dahme (Prussia) 334 ppm Haesselbarth


Farsky (1874/75) Tabor, Cz 343 ppm Farsky 1874

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Stanhill, G. : The Montsouris series of carbon dioxide concentration measurements, 1877- 1910 . In: Climate Change , 4 (1982), S. 221-237.


Reiset (1879) "Recherches sur la proportion de l´acide carbonique dans l´ air" ~293 ppm Reiset 1872-1879

Armstrong (1879) summer/autumn Grasmere UK 313 ppm (day/night)

Reiset (1882) "Recherches sur la proportion de l´acide carbonique dans l´ air"

Hempel (1884) Winter, City of Dresden 375 ppm

Spring (1883) Liege (B) 335 ppm ; p45-91, critics drying air by H2SO4 p.65-69; data Spring 1883: I + IISpring evaluation

Uffelmann (1886) Rostock; city: 351 ppm, outside: 318 ppm Uffelmann 1887

Stanhill, G. : The Montsouris series of carbon dioxide concentration measurements, 1877- 1910 .

In: Climate Change , 4 (1982), S. 221-237.

Petermann (1889-91) Gembloux (Belgium) 294 ppm Petermann 1889

Letts&Blake (1897) Belfast Letts&Blake 1897

CO2 in troposphere and stratosphere 1897 -1973

1897 balloon, Cailletet, M.L., Comtes Rendus 124, 1897, p. 486  

1911-1913 balloon: Wigand , A., Die Änderung der Luftzusammensetzung in der Höhe, Physik. Z. 17,396-400, 1916


1928 -1934 balloon: Lapape, A., Colange, G, Comptes Rendus, T200, 1935, p. 2108, p. 1871,  

1935 aeroplane: Kauko, Y, Helsinki , Finland  

1935 Paneth Fritz Adolph; The composition of troposphere and stratosphere 1936; in Meteorol. Abstracts 1952,


1938 Nature, London, 141: 270-274 ;] Observations made in the highest stratosphere flight ; Accuracy 0,002%; Explorer II


1944 Glückauf, E. Nature No. 3890, may 20, 1944  




Evaluation of historic papers on CO2: Callendar - Keeling etc.

Callendar (1958) "On the amount of CO2 in the Atmosphere"

See Callendars rejection of inaccurate values concerning free air p. 244 a) and d):

CO2 values are inaccurate when: " period mean values 10% or more different from general


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average of time and region" or

"by measurements intended for special purpose such as biological, soil air, atmospheric pollution etc."

Callendar (1940) "Variations of the Amount of Carbon Dioxide in Different Air Currents" (*.doc)  

Keeling´s measurements1955-58 prior to Mauna Loa in western USA (299->500ppm)part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


Keeling ´s measurements 1955 large variations  

Keeling 1978 (Atmosph. CO2 in 19th century)  

Wigley 1983 The Preindustrial Carbon Dioxide Level  

WMO Meeting " CO2 concentrations from pre-industrial times to I.G.Y 1983  

EOS meeting 1984  

Keeling: 1986 Reassessment of late 19th Century atmospheric carbon dioxide variations..... (zip)

See Keelings discussion of low values of Reiset and Muentz p. 88

Keeling p 91: "Muentz & Aubin rivaled Reiset at professing to be among the most careful of the 19th century investigators of CO2" He had not investigated many others!

Keeling p. 103: "...Reiset...and his results show no abnormally low concentrations suggestive of incomplete absorption." Wrong: He used H2SO4 for drying the air before absorption, and H2SO4

absorbs a considerable fraction of CO2, so his values are systematicly too low. Keeling was chemist! ( See Reisets article of 1880: Compt. Rend. 90, 1880, p. 1145) above.


Keeling Speech 1993, Winner second blue Planet Prize  

Keelin g citation on historic gas measurement  

Historic Gasanalyzers - Methods Pettenkofer 1858: method determining carbonic acid in air  

Pettenkofer ´s respiration apparatus 1866  

Tissandier 1875  

46 Historic Respiration Apparatures 1876-1928  

Muentz&Aubin 1882  

H. Lundegardh ( 1922) New apparatus to analyse CO2 content in air  

A. Krogh 1920 ; Krogh 1929 (Methode Fonselius 1955-)  

Van Slyke gas analyser 1932  

Riedel C Kohlensaeurebest.apparat (Schuftan) (*.doc) 1933  

P.F. Scholander gas analyser 1947; gas analyser 1984  

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Thomas (1933) automatic gas anlyser (zip)  

Pettenkofer process and its variants  

Pettenkofer 1858: method determining carbonic acid in air (original, german)  

Schulze 1868-71 (german)  

Hesse "Determination of carbonic acid in air" (1877) (german)  

Armstrong summer/autumn Grasmere UK (1879) (english)  

Uffelmann 1886 (german)  

Petermann 1889 (french)  

Brown&Escombe 1900 (english)  

Technology of gas analysis (P. Schuftan 1931) (german)  

Kauko (1935) "Accurate determination of CO2 in air " (german)  

Kauko 1934 description of Pettenkofer variants (german)  

Description of Pettenkofer process in Abderhalden, Handbook of biochemical methods 1920  

Description of Pettenkofer process in Treadwell (Textbook of anal. chemistry 1949) in english  

Advantages of Butyl Rubber in Organic Analysis 1948  

Biographies of famous scientists involved in CO2 gas analysis Thénard, Louis J ., 1777-1857 French chemist , wrote first textbook of chemistry  

NICOLAS THÉODORE DE SAUSSURE : 1767 –1845 swiss chemist, founder of plant physiology  

Henri Victor Regnault 1810 –1878, French chemist and physicist, Thermodynamics  

Max v. Pettenkofer (1818-1901 ) German physician founder of hygiene  

J.A. Uffelmann ( ) german physician, hygiene  

Benedict, F. G. (1870-1957 ) pioneer in nutrition science  

August Krogh (Nobel Award 1923) 1874-1949  

J.S.Haldane 1860-1636 British physiologist, pionieer of O2 therapy  

Henrik Lundegardh (1912 - 1969 ) pioneer in plant physiology  

Paul Schuftan, (1896-1980) German chemist, pionieer of gaschromatography  

D.D. van Slyke ( ); 1883 –1971, US chemist , pioneer in blood gas measurement and more  

Per F. Scholander (1905-1980 ), Swedish physician and physiologist, pioneer in blood gas  

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Modern measurements

CO2 flux Scots pine forest..s. Germany , 30 m 2003 (408 ppm) diurnal: 380 - 460ppm  


CO 2 Cub Hill (USA) 2001  

Evaluation of CO2 flux , Forest at Dresden 1996-2001  

C13/C12 reconstruction from tree-rings 1979, past CO2 levels  

C13/C12 reconstruction from tree-rings 1982  

200 years Temperature, Antarctica Ice Core (Schneider et al. 2006)  

400 ppm CO2 in ice core data by Neftel et al. 1982, 1985  

477 ppm in EPICA Dome C ice core (Nature 2008)  

J.J. Drake; A Simple Method to Correct Carbon Dioxide Concentrations in Ice Core Data for Ice / Gas Age Difference Perturbations.



The Solar Dynamo and Its Phase Transitions during the Last MillenniumS. Duhau · C. de Jager; Solar Phys (2008) 250: 1–15



Compiled data of historic measurements - EXCEL-ASCII  


CO2 data EXCEL (>90 000 series, >143 averages during 150 years, >53 locations ) rev3 01-01-2009,

(annual averaged raw data, corrected/interpolated)CO2 data (ASCII, *.txt) 1812 -2007 (CO2 1958-2007 ©NOAA 2009)

Basic database (table, charts) with comments (PDF) ,



Saussure 1830, vGilm 1857, Schulze 1864, Schulze 1871, Farsky 1874, Haesselbarth 1875, Reiset 1872-1879, Muentz 1881 , Heine 1881, Spring 1883: I + II, Uffelmann 1887, Petermann

1889, Letts&Blake 1897, Brown&Escombe 1898-1901, Benedict 1909-12, Lundegardh 1920-26, Buch 1932-35,Duerst 1936, Kreutz 1939-41, Misra 1, 2, Misra diurnal , Scholander 1946,

Steinhauser 1957 ,


Background approximation: Kreutz(1939),Steinhauser (1957) , Diekirch_Lux (2005)  

CO2 -1857, CO2-1857-1880, CO2-1942-peak , 1800-2004 (5 years, rev1)  

oxygen deficiency 19th century (~1857)  

moon cycle: Mauna Loa 2004, Diekirch [Lux]2005,  

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Historic chemical data fit with modern ice core records (Antarctica)-Schneider et al. 2006 - Beck 2007-

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n Die Periode der Globalen Erwärmung ist beendet - eine neue Kälteperiode hat begonnen

en Global Warming has ended - The Next Climate Change to a pronounced Cold Era has begun It is time that the world community acknowledges that the Earth has begun its next climate change. The Space and Science Research Center (SSRC), today declares that the world's climate warming of the past decades has now come to an end. A new climate era has already started that is bringing predominantly colder global temperatures for many years into the future. In some years this new climate will create dangerously cold weather with significant ill-effects world wide. Global warming is over - a new cold climate has begun.

f r Le réchauffement climatique est terminé - Le temps se mettra au froid

Space and Science Research Center - Press Releases2008-07-01 en Global Warming Has Ended - The Next Climate Change to A Pronounced Cold Era Has Begun

Watts Up With That? (Antony Watts)2008-07-12 en Global Warming Out, Global Cooling In

CFP Canada Free Presss/Dr. Tim Ball2008-07-22 en Gore getting desperate proof public cooling on GW hoax

Ernst-Georg Beck de/en 180 Years of atmospheric CO2 Gas Analysis by Chemical Methods - SupportErnst-Georg Beck de/en Important Graphs

Öekologismus de Zieht Euch warrrm an! Pensée unique (Jean Martin) f r Préparons nous au refroidissement!

Neuste Voraussagenen Newest predictionsf r Nouvelles prévisions

Kälte bis mindestens 2040en Cold until at least 2040f r Froid jusqu'à au moins 2040

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What's Up With That?2008-12-29 en Don Easterbrook's AGU paper on potential global cooling

PDO = Pacific Decadal OscillationAGU = American Geophysical Union UPDATE! Professor Easterbrook adds in comments: "The projected warming from ~2040 to ~2070 is NOT driven by CO2, it's merely a continuation of warm/cool cycles over the past 500 years, long before man-made CO2 could have been a factor.

We've been warming up from the Little Ice Age at rate of about 1 degree or so per century and the 2040-70 projection is simply a continuation of non-AGW cycles.

An interesting question is the similarity between what we are seeing now with sun spots and global temperature and the drop into the Little Ice Age from the Medieval Warm Period. Could we be about to repeat that? - Only time will tell

We might see a more pronounced cool period like the 1880 to 1910 cool cycle (when many temp records were set) or a milder cooling like the 1945-1977 cool cycle.

In any case, the setting up of the cool phase of the PDO seems to suggest cooler times ahead, not the catastrophic warming predicted by IPCC and Al Gore."

What's Up With That?2008-04-29 en More on the PDO shift cited by NASA

de Klima- Katastrophenpause

Seit Erschaffung der Erde macht das Wetter was es will. Und was es vor hat, lässt sich nicht errechnen, nur vermuten. Als das IFM-Geomar mit einer Pressemitteilung vom 2. Mai 2008 zugeben musste, dass "die globale Erwärmung eine kurze Atempause" einlege, war das ein erstes Eingeständnis der unsinnigen Behauptung,

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"menschengemachtes" Kohlendioxid (CO2) würde die Erde in ein Treibhaus, in eine lebensfeindliche Gluthölle verwandeln. Angeblich hätten die Computer errechnet, dass eine Erwärmung der Erde in den nächsten zehn Jahren nicht stattfindet. Dahinter steht die Drohung: Wenn ihr Menschen uns nicht gehorcht und die Verbrennung fossiler Energieträger nicht einstellt, wird die Erdtemperatur nach zehn Jahren erneut in die Höhe schießen. Die alte Zigeunerin oder der geübte Kaffeesatzleser können mit Sicherheit bessere Prognosen erstellen als das IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) und seine Sprachrohre, die der echten Wissenschaft schon längst den Rücken gekehrt haben. Die Erde hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten eine erfreuliche Warmzeit erlebt, wie sie sich in der Geschichte unzählige Male wiederholte. Leider scheinen wir nun den Zenit überschritten zu haben, denn seit zehn Jahren wurde es nicht mehr wärmer. Der wachsende Eisschild über der Antarktis und die Abkühlung des antarktischen Meerwassers weisen unmissverständlich darauf hin, dass es mit der Temperatur auf der Erde abwärts geht. Die milden Winter in Europa der vergangenen Jahre waren ein Glücksfall und nicht etwa ein Zeichen dafür, dass die Erde verglüht. Angesichts sinkender Temperaturen fordern die Väter des "Manifest von Heiligenroth" die Politiker auf, die ideologische Zwangsjacke um die Energieversorgung zu beseitigen und zur Realität zurück zu kehren. Sonst droht Deutschland eine katastrophale Energiekrise. Ohne auch nur den Anschein von Verantwortungsbewusstsein haben die Politiker genau das Gegenteil dessen getan, was getan werden muß, nämlich die Menschen auf eine Kaltzeit vorzubereiten. Die "erneuerbaren" allein ideologisch motivierten, hochsubventionierten Energien sind nicht in der Lage, einen nennenswerten Anteil der Energieversorgung zu übernehmen. Wird es kälter, können nur Kernenergie und Kohle dafür sorgen, dass die Lichter in Deutschland nicht ausgehen.

EIKE Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie2008-04-21 de Klima- Katastrophenpause

en Global warming may 'stop'

en Researchers studying long-term changes in sea temperatures said they now expect a "lull" for up to a decade while natural ariations in climate cancel out the increases caused by man-made greenhouse gas emissions. The average temperature of the sea around Europe and North America is expected to cool slightly over the decade while the tropical Pacific remains unchanged. This would mean that the 0.3°C global average temperature rise which has been predicted for the next decade by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change may not happen, according to the paper published in the scientific journal Nature.

Comments: I do not believe in Global Warming. I have kept data for 15 years and the

mean temperature for 2007 was the lowest for 10 years. Scientists jumped on the band wagon only to receive grant money. Because 2007 was cooler they have now call global warming as climate change. I think the changes are a natural happening.

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It seems very coincidental that as soon as we have a year when global temperatures drop more than any other year on record global warming supporting scientists come up with a reason why it is "temporarily" getting cooler, but the theory of CO2 caused global warming still holds. These scientists would have had more credibility if they forecasted the actually cooling temperatures a few years ago, instead of saying a year ago, as many did, this year would be the hottest on record. It looks like the temperature data disconfirmed their hypothesis of CO2 induced warming and rather than question their theory they invented a way to try to convince people their theory still holds even though the data no longer support it. More on target are the scientists who subscribe to the theory that solar activity strongly affects climate change - they have been predicting an end to the warming phase and the onset of a cooling climate for some time now.

telegraph.co.uk2008-04-30 en Global warming may 'stop', scientists predict

f r Préparons nous au refroidissement!

Pensée unique f r Préparons nous au refroidissement!

Theodor Landscheidt10.3.1927 - 19.5.2004Dr, Schroeter Institute for Research in Cycles of Solar Activity, Nova Scotia, Canada

166-Jahreszyklus der Sonnenfleckenaktivitäten 166 Year Cyclef r Cycles 166 ans

Dr. Theodor Landscheidt (1927-2004) de Dr. Theodor Landscheidt, der sich intensiv mit solaren Zyklen beschäftigt

prognostiziert aufgrund des 83 jährigen Gleissbergzyklus, dessen Minima immer mit einer kleinen Eiszeit korrelieren ein solche Eiszeit bis zum Jahr 2030 (12). Beim Gleissberg Zyklus ändern sich die Rotationskräfte, die die Sonnenbewegung um das Massenzentrum des Sonnensystems steuert in einem 83-jährigen Zyklus. Maxima bedeuten relativ hohe Temperaturen, Minima kleine Eiszeiten. Dieser Zyklus ist die 2. harmonische Schwingung eines 166-jährigen Zyklus und moduliert den 11-jährigen Sonnenzyklus. Ein Vergleich mit den tatsächlich stattgefundenen Ereignissen ist augenfällig. 1120 fand ein aussergewöhnliches Maximum statt (Maximum der Mittelalterlichem Warmzeit), ca. 1670 ein Minimum (Kleine Eiszeit). Auch die

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1947, 1976, 1983 aufgetretenen Temperaurmaxima decken sich mit diesen Zyklen bzw. der solaren Aktivität.

en A closer look shows that nearly all Gleissberg minima back to 300 A.D., as for instance around 1670 (Maunder minimum), 1810 (Dalton minimum), and 1895, coincided with cool climate in the Northern Hemisphere, whereas Gleissberg maxima went along with warm climate as for instance around 1130 (Medieval climate optimum). The degree of temperature change was proportional to the respective amplitudes in the Gleissberg cycle. During the Maunder minimum solar activity was minimal and during the Medieval Climate Optimum very high, probably even higher than in the six decades of intense solar activity before 1996. Accordingly, Friis-Christensen and Lassen (1995) have shown that the connection between the Northern Hemisphere land air temperature and varying LSC extends back to the 16th century.

en Analysis of the sun's varying activity in the last two millennia indicates that contrary to the IPCC's speculation about man-made global warming as high as 5.8° C within the next hundred years, a long period of cool climate with its coldest phase around 2030 is to be expected. Irregular oscillation of the sun; Fig. 8: Irregular oscillation of the sun about the centre of mass of the solar system in a heliocentric perspective. The sun's limb is marked by a thick circle. The position of the centre of mass relative to the sun's centre (cross) in respective years is indicated by small circles. The strong variations in the physical quantities measuring the sun's orbital motion form cycles of different length, but similar function in solar-terrestrial relations.

f r Avant son décès survenu en 2004, Theodor Landscheidt avait laissé une sorte de testament pour les années à venir. Il prévoyait que la température allait progressivement décliner jusqu'en 2030.

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Wasserplanet de: Sonnenwind und kosmische Strahlung geocities.com de Sonnenaktivität als dominanter Faktor der Klimadynamik Wasserplanet de: Gleissbergzyklus und Prognosen von Dr. Landscheidt bourabai.narod.ru en Theodor Landscheidt 10.3.1927 - 19.5.2004 Landscheidt Cycles Research en Papers by Dr Theodor Landscheidt john-daly.com en Solar Activity Controls El Niño and La Niña john-daly.com en Solar activity: A dominant factor in climate dinamics Dr. Theodor Landscheidt

Schroeter Institute for Research in Cycles of Solar Activityen New Little Ice Age Instead of Global Warming?

Pensée unique f r Préparons nous au refroidissement ! de en f r

Klimaverlauf History of climate Histoire du climatKlima in der Zukunft Future Climate Climat dans le future-

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17 Videos

"Global Warming"

Al Gore: An Inconvenient Truth, YouTube Videode Eine unbequeme Wahrheiten An Inconvenient Truthf r Une vérité qui dérange

forumpolitics.com en An Inconvient Truth Transcript You Tube Video

2006-01-16 en Global Warming: Point of No Return? de Globale Verdunkelung en Global Dimming f r Assombrissement global

BBC-Video2007-03-20 en Global Dimming Einzelteile in Deutsch1/5 de Globale Verdunkelung = Global Dimming2/5 de Bei Verdunkelung: Mehr Wolken3/5 de Mehr Schmutzpartikel in der Luft: Verdunkelung nimmt zu4/5 de Gefahr bei kleinerer Luftverschmutzung: Temperatur nimmt zu5/5 de Horror Szenarien bei hohen Temperaturen

Dailymotion f r L'obscurcissement planétaire 1/3Dailymotion f r L'obscurcissement planétaire 2/3Dailymotion f r L'obscurcissement planétaire 3/3


The Great Global Warming Swindle: Video UK-Channel 4, (74 Min.) 2007-03-08en/de Untertitel Der Klimaschwindel (Global Warming Swindle)enUntertertite The Global Warming Swindleen/fr sous-titré La grande escroquerie du réchauffement climatique

Climate Catastrophe Cancelled (second edition)1/3 (09:46) en Influence of the sun / Einfluss der Sonne 2/3 (09:57) en Wrong temperature curves / Falsche Temperaturkurven 3/3 (10:15) en IPCC fiasco / IPCC Fehlschlag

RTL Reportage 2007-06-11 de RTL berichtet über Klimaschwindel (2:09) Google Video de Der Klimaschwindel (40 Min.) Google Video

2008-01-21 de Rahmstorf, IPCC, Al Gore, Klimaschwindel

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MyVideo.de/SpiegelTV 2007-06-09de Der Klimaschwindel Teil 1

A Friends of Science Production Video (25 Min):2007-03-24 en/sous-titré Kyoto

2007-04-29 en Data from Climate Catastrophe Cancelled Global Warming - Doomsday Called Off (Video 44 Min):

(Tag des jüngsten Gerichtes abgesagt)2007-03-21 en CBC - Doomsday Called Off

YouTube (Video, 09:22) en Global Warming Hoax SR-3SAT-Sendung 2007-07-25/29 (07:49)

de Klimastreit mit 1. Heiligenrother Klimagespräch Report 2007 (07:31)

de IPCC zensiert Klimawissenschaftler Klimaschwindel Lord Christopher Monckton, Third Viscount of Brenchley

Video en Apocalypse? No! You Tube Video en Global Warming denier Roy Spencer v. Sen. Barbara


1975: "Global Cooling"

AOL Video: 1975 - Global Cooling: The Coming Ice Age

Vidéos concernant CO2

en YouTube: CO2 Propaganda en YouTube: Al Gore Debates Global Warming en YouTube: CO2 theory is nonsense

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Inaccuracies in Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth The New Party: Inaccuracies in Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth Video 05:08 en Al Gore and the Global Warming Errors Video en Al Gore Finds Truth Inconvenient (04:13)

Al Gore estimates flooding of 20 feet (6,1 m) Video en Scare Tactics in Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth (08:14) Video en Al Gore Debates Global Warming (08:53) Video en Al Gore Snowjob (05:00) Video en Inconvenient Truths for Al Gore - Hurricane Catarina (01:27) Video en Inconvenient Truths for Al Gore - Moulins (Gletschermühlen) (02:25) Video en Global Warming Hoax (09:20)

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functioningen Homeen Michael Griffin: NASA chief silenceden Dr. Claude Allegre's second thoughts en Dr. Reid Bryson: Open mind sees climate clearlyen Prof. Anastasios Tsonis: From chaos, coherenceen Dr. William Gray: In the eye of the storm over global warmingen Prof. Bob Carter: What global warming, Australian skeptic asksen Prof. Tom V. Segalstad: Models trump measurements

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Dr Benny PeiserBenny Peiser is a social anthropologist with particular research interest in human and cultural evolution. His research focuses on the effects of environmental change and catastrophic events on contemporary thought and societal evolution.en Talks and articles

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en At Wikipedia, one man engineers the debate on global warming.

f r A Wikipedia, un homme dirige le débat sur le réchauffement climatique et à sa manière.

Liste der Auswirkungen der "Globalen Erwärmung"en List of consequences of "Global Warming"f r Liste des conséquences du "réchauffement climatique"

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A: Acne, Agricultural land increase, Afghan poppies destroyed, Africa devastated Africa in conflict, African aid threatened, African summer frost, Aggressive weeds, Air pressure changes, Alaska reshaped, Agulhas current moves, Alps melting, Amazon a desert, American dream end, Amphibians breeding earlier (or not), Anaphylactic reactions to bee stings, Ancient forests dramatically changed, Animals head for the hills, Antarctic grass flourishes, Antarctic ice grows, Antarctic ice shrinks, Antarctic sea life at risk, Aanxiety treatment, Algal blooms, Aarchaeological sites threatened, Arctic bogs melt, Arctic in bloom, Arctic ice free, Arctic ice melt faster, Arctic lakes disappear, Arctic tundra to burn, Arctic warming (not), Atlantic less salty, Atlantic more salty, Atmospheric circulation modified (pdf), Attack of the killer jellyfish, Avalanches reduced, Avalanches increased B: ... death:billions of deaths camel deaths, cancer deaths in England, death rate increase (US), hyperthermia deaths, illness and death, slow death, cremation to end, extinctions:human, civilisation,  logic, Inuit, smallest butterfly, cod, ladybirds,  pikas, polar bears,   walrus, toads, plants, salmon, trout, wild flowers, woodlice, a million species, half of all animal and plant species, mountain species, not polar bears, barrier reef, leaches, tropical insects flood:flood patterns change, floods, floods of beaches and cities, flood of migrants, flood preparation for crisis, Florida economic decline, Bahrain under water, Venice flooded health:American dream end, cancer deaths in England, computer models, danger to kid's health, Dengue hemorrhagic fever, depression, desert advance, health affected, health of children harmed, heart attacks and strokes (Australia), human health risk, lives saved, Melanoma, cataracts, human health improvement, Cholera, five million illnesses Malaria millions, billions, trillions:a million species, five million illnesses, homeless 50 million, billion dollar research projects, billion homeless, billions face risk, billions of deaths, wars threaten billions, damages equivalent to $200 billion, cost of trillions wine:wine - harm to Australian industry, wine industry damage (California), wine industry disaster (US), wine - more English, wine - England too hot, wine - German boon, wine - no more French wine passé (Napa), wine stronger

numberwatch.co.uk en A complete list of things caused by global warming

Global Warming - Your One-Stop Climate Panic Resource

Climate Skeptic2008-11-18 en Your One-Stop Climate Panic Resource

International websites

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United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) IPCC Zwischenstaatliche Sachverständigengruppe über den Klimawandel

(Weltklimarat)IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeGIEC Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climaten IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Wikipedia en Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change de en f r

Informationen zum Klimawandel

Information on Climate Change

Informations sur le changement climatique

Websites Websites Websites-

20 Manifestos, Petitions and Coalitions

Manifeste und Petitionenen Manifestos and Petitions f r Manifestations et pétitions

1990 SEPP Science & Environmental Policy Project (Founder: S. Fred Singer)

1992 Washington: Statement by Atmospheric Scientists on Greenhouse Warming

The Heidelberg Appeal (more than 4,000 signatories, incl. 72 Nobel Prize winners)

1997 Leipzig declaration

1998 ESEF European Science and Environment Forum

1999 Global Warming Petition Project (Oregon Petition, 31,072 sign. incl. 9,021 PhD's)

2006 Canada: Open letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper (60 scientists)

2007 The Heiligenroth Climate Manifesto

Bali (over 100 prominent scientists warn UN)

Cornwall Alliance (150 scientifiques, economistes et theologiens)

US Senate Report : Over 400 prominent scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming

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Brief von Dr. Hans Penner an die Evangelische Kirche Deutschland

Dr. Hans Penner an Frau Bundeskanzler Dr. Angela Merkel

Notes for the speech of the President of the Czech Republic at the UN Climate Change Conference

Offener Brief an den Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen

Mail an den Schweizerischen Bundesrat Moritz Leuenberger

2008 2008 International Conference on Climate ChangeManhattan Declaration on Climate Change

Brief an Dr. Pachauri, IPCC

Nobelpeisträgertreffen in Lindau

Offener Brief von Prof. Dr. Lüdecke an das Handelsblatt

Brief von Dipl.-Met. Klaus-Eckart Puls an Bischof Dr. Wolfgang Huber der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland

Report from 33d Intl. Geology Congress in Norway

POZNAN, Poland: More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent ...

2009 Update: US Senate Report : More than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims

Bürger gegen Klima-Katastrophen-Verdummung

The 2009 International Conference on Climate Change returns to New York on March 8-10th, 2009

  500 Scientists Whose Research Contradicts Man-Made Global Warming Scares

Koalitionenen Coalitionsf r Coalitions

NIPCC Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change

ICSC International Climate Science Coalition

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Siehe auch ... / See also ... / Voir aussi ...

de en f r

Institute und Organisationen Institutes and Orgnizations Instituts et organisations

Politiker und Regierungen Politics and Governments Politiques et gouvernements-

1990 SEPP Science & Environmental Policy Project

de Wissenschaftler gegen die offizielle KlimapolitikErklärung der Klimawissenschaftler zum Treibhaus-Effekt

en Scientists against the official climate policyStatement by Atmospheric Scientists on Greenhouse Warming

f r Scientifiques contre la politique officielleDéclaration de scientifiques contre l'effet de serre

de Wissenschaftler gegen die "Klimapolitik" und das Kyoto-Protokoll Science & Environmental Policy Project founded 1990 by Dr. S, Fred Singer:

en About SEPP archive.org en The Science & Environmental Policy Project


1992 Washington: Statement by Atmospheric Scientists on Greenhouse Warming

archive.org1992-02-27 en Statement by Atmospheric Scientists on Greenhouse Warming (1992)


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1992 Der Heidelberger Aufrufen The Heidelberg Appeal 1992f r La déclaration de Heidelberg 1992

More than 4,000 signatories, including 72 Nobel Prize winners from 106 countries. de Der Heidelberger Aufruf

Zum Heidelberger Aufruf:Im Juni 1992 unterzeichneten 264 Wissenschaftler aus aller Welt, darunter 52 Nobelpreisträger, einen Aufruf an die Mächtigen der Welt. Das Dokument, dessen Unterzeichnerliste ständig anwächst und inzwischen über 4.000 Namen, inkl. 72 Nobelpreisträgern, aus 106 Ländern zählt, wurde damals anlässlich des sogenannten Erdgipfels von Rio verfasst und ist heute, da der Handel mit Treibhausgasen und ähnliche Absurditäten mit wachsender Rasanz gegen die Interessen der Menschen durchgesetzt werden, von kaum zu unterbietender Aktualität. Dennoch wurde es von den Medien weitgehend ignoriert.

en The Heidelberg Appeal f r La déclaration de Heidelberg sepp.org en The Heidelberg Appeal (1992)


1997 Die Erklärung von Leipzig en Leipzig declarationf r Déclaration de Leipzig

This statement is based on the International Symposium on the Greenhouse Controversy, held in Leipzig, Germany on November 9-10, 1995, under the sponsorship of the Prime Minister of the State of Saxony. de Die Erklärung von Leipzig en Leipzig declaration

As independent scientists researching atmospheric and climate problems, we -- along with many of our fellow citizens - are apprehensive about the Climate Treaty conference scheduled for Kyoto, Japan, in December 1997. This gathering of politicians from some 160 signatory nations aims to impose - on citizens of the industrialized nations, but not on others - a system of global environmental regulations that include quotas and punitive taxes on energy fuels. ...

f r Déclaration de Leipzig Sovereignty.net en The Leipzig Declaration


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1998 ESEF The European Sciece and Environment Forum

ESEF de The European Sciece and Environment ForumQuelle: Solarkritik de Über den Effizienzschwindel mit thermischen Solaranlagen


Global Warming Petition Project (Oregon Petition)

31,072 American scientists have signed this petition, including 9,021 with PhDs

Früher: 1998 Die Petition von Oregonen Former: Oregon Petition Projectf r Ancien: Oregon Petition Project (pétition OISM)

de Das Global Warming Petition Project, unterzeichnet von 31'000 Fachleuten und Wissenschaftlern, wovon 9'000 mit dem Dr. Titel

en The Global Warming Petition Project, signed by 31'000 scientists including 9'000 with PhDs We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind. There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.

f r La déclaration concernant le réchauffement climatique, signée par 31'000 32'000 scientifiques y compris 9'000 PhD-docteurs ès sciences.

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Wikipedia en Oregon Petition Global Warming Petition Project en Home en ABSTRACT

A review of the research literature concerning the environmental consequences of increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide leads to the conclusion that increases during the 20th and early 21st centuries have produced no deleterious effects upon Earth's weather and climate. Increased carbon dioxide has, however, markedly increased plant growth. Predictions of harmful climatic effects due to future increases in hydrocarbon use and minor greenhouse gases like CO2 do not conform to current experimental knowledge. The environmental effects of rapid expansion of the nuclear and hydrocarbon energy industries are discussed.en SUMMARY

OISM Oregon Institute of Science & Medicine2008-05-19 en Dr. Arthur Robinson (OISM) to release names of over 30,000 scientists rejecting global warming hypothesis

NationalPost2008-05-16 en 32'000 deniers - That's the number of scientists who are outraged by the Kyoto Protocol's corruption of science

en Al Gore sued by over 30.000 Scientists for fraud / John Coleman (05:24) -

Kanada: Offener Brief an Minister Stephen Harperen Canada: Open letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harperf r Canada: Letter ouverte au premier Ministre Stephen Harper

en Dear Prime Minister:As accredited experts in climate and related scientific disciplines, we are writing to propose that balanced, comprehensive public-consultation sessions be held so as to examine the scientific foundation of the federal government's climate-change plans. This would be entirely consistent with your recent commitment to conduct a review of the Kyoto Protocol. Although many of us made the same suggestion to then-prime ministers Martin and Chretien, neither responded, and, to date, no formal, independent climate-science review has been conducted in Canada.

Much of the billions of dollars earmarked for implementation of the protocol in Canada will be squandered without a proper assessment of recent developments in climate science. Observational evidence does not support today's computer climate models, so there is little reason to trust model predictions of the future.

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Yet this is precisely what the United Nations did in creating and promoting Kyoto and still does in the alarmist forecasts on which Canada's climate policies are based. Even if the climate models were realistic, the environmental impact of Canada delaying implementation of Kyoto or other greenhouse-gas reduction schemes, pending completion of consultations, would be insignificant. Directing your government to convene balanced, open hearings as soon as possible would be a most prudent and responsible course of action.

Schmancken An open letter to Prime Minister Stephen HarperQuelle: Schmanck

National Post/Financial Post2006-04-06 en Open Kyoto to debate

en In an open letter to Canada 's new Conservative prime minister, Stephen Harper, more than 60 leading international climate change experts have asked him to review the global warming policies he inherited from his center-left predecessor. forums.digitalpoint2006-04-04 en Kyoto is pointless, say 60 leading scientists


2007 Das Klimamanifest von Heiligenrothen The Heiligenroth Climate Manifestof r Le Manifeste de Heiligenroth sur le climat

de Das Klimamanifest von Heiligenroth1. Das Klima ist durch von Menschen verursachte CO2-Emissionen nicht

nachweisbar zu beeinflussen. 2. Die aus Klimamodellen abgeleiteten Szenarien der zukünftigen Entwicklung

des Klimas sind spekulativ und stehen im Widerspruch zur Klimageschichte. 3. In der Erdgeschichte gab es immer Klimawandel mit wechselnden Warm-

und Kaltzeiten. 4. Das Spurengas CO2 verschmutzt nicht die Atmosphäre. CO2 ist

unentbehrlich für das Pflanzenwachstum und somit Voraussetzung für das Leben auf dieser Erde.

5. Wir setzen uns für einen wirkungsvollen Schutz unserer Umwelt ein und befürworten Maßnahmen, die unnötige Belastungen der Ökosysteme verhindern.

6. Wir warnen davor, unter dem Deckmantel einer heraufbeschworenen "Klimakatastrophe" Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, die unserer Umwelt nicht nützen und volkswirtschaftlichen Schaden anrichten.

en The Heiligenroth Climate Manifesto

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1. There is no proven influence on the climate by man-made emissions of CO2. 2. Scenarios for future climate change derived from computer models are

speculative and contradicted by climate history. 3. There has been climate change at all times of Earth history, with alternating

cold and warm phases. 4. The trace gas CO2 does not pollute the atmosphere. CO2 is an essential

resource for plant growth and therefore a precondition for life on Earth. 5. We commit ourselves to the effective preservation of our environment and

support arrangements to prevent unnecessary stress to ecosystems. 6. We strongly warn against taking action under the assumption of an

imminent climate catastrophe which will not be beneficial for our environment and will cause economic damage.

f r Le Manifeste de Heiligenroth sur le climat 1. Il n'y a aucune preuve que les émissions de CO2 d'origine humaine

influencent le climat. 2. Les scénarios de la future évolution du climat, basés sur les modèles

numériques, sont spéculatifs et contredisent ce que nous apprend l'hisoire du climat.

3. Dans l'histoire de la terre, il y a toujours eu alternance de périodes chaudes et froides.

4. Les traces de CO2 ne polluent pas l'atmosphère. Le CO2 est une matière indispensable pour la croissance des plantes et donc une condition de la vie sur terre.

5. Nous nous engageons pour une protection efficace de notre environnement et nous soutenons les mesures destinées à empêcher toute pression humaine inutile sur les écosystèmes.

6. Nous mettons en garde contre des mesures draconiennes, prises sous prétexte d'une "catastrophe climatique" imminente, qui causeraient des dégâts économiques sans profiter à notre environnement.

Ökologismus2007-08-25 de Das Klimamanifest von Heiligenroth


2007 Bali

Over 100 Prominent Scientists Warn UN Against 'Futile' Climate Control Efforts Manifeste

Über hundert kritische Wissenschaftler weltweit haben zum Abschluss der Bali-Konferenz einen offenen Brief an UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-Moon in Sachen Klima unterzeichnet.

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CFACT 2007-12-07 de Offener Brief an den Generalsekretär der Vereinten NationenÖkologismus2007-12-07 de Offener Brief an den UN-Generalsekretär

Offener Brief an den Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationenklimamanifest-von-heiligenroth.dede UNO Klimakonferenz führt die Welt in die grundsätzlich falsche Richtung

U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works2007-12-13 en Over 100 Prominent Scientists Warn UN Against 'Futile' Climate Control Efforts

Canada Free Press2007-12-13 en Over 100 Prominent Scientists Warn UN: Attempting To Control Climate Is 'Futile's

Changement Climatique2007-12-13 f r Lettre ouverte au Secrétaire Général des Nations-Unies Ban Ki Moon

Report PIK: Potsdam-Instituts für Klimafolgenforschung Hans Joachim Schellnhuber ist Leiter des Potsdam-Instituts für Klimafolgenforschung und Berater der Bundesregierung in Klimafragen.

Die Industriestaaten solllen bis 2020 ihre Emissionen um 25 bis 40 Prozent reduzieren, und die ganze Welt bis 2050 um deutlich mehr als 50 Prozent. Seit 1990 haben die USA ihren Ausstoß an Treibhausgasen um 26 Prozent gesteigert. Wenn sie nun bis 2020, also in zwölf Jahren, auf 25 Prozent unter 1990 kommen wollen, ist das eine gewaltige Anstrengung. Falschaussage:Die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse sind als Grundlage vollkommen anerkannt, das Mandat verweist am Anfang und am Schluss auf den jüngsten Bericht des Weltklimarates IPCC. Falschaussage:Es gab in Bali nirgendwo Skeptiker-Gemunkel, das die Realität des Klimawandels leugnet. Auch nicht in den Fluren.

Sueddeutsche.de de Das Ergebnis ist besser als es scheint -

2007 US Senate Report: Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming

U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works2007-12-20 en U.S. Senate Report: Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007 Senate Report Debunks "Consensus"

U.S. Senate Report/northgeorgiaweekly.com2007-12-21 en Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming

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⇒ Update -

2007 Cornwall Alliance "A Call to Truth, Prudence, and Protection of the Poor: An Evangelical Response to Global Warming"

150 Scientifiques, Economistes et Theologiens signent une lettre ouverte adressée aux signataires de 'Changement climatique : Un appel évangélique pour l'action' (ISA)

Cornwall Alliance en "A Call to Truth, Prudence, and Protection of the Poor: An Evangelical Response to Global Warming"


2007 Vatikan-Klimakonferenz

Experten und Kardinäle üben vernichtende Kritik am IPCC und an der Britischen Regierung2007-04-28 de Vatikan-Klimakonferenz


2007 Brief von Dr. Hans Penner an die Evangelische Kirche Deutschland

CFACT Deutschland2007-06-02 de Offener Brief von Dr. Hans Penner an Bischof Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Huber, Vorsitzender der EKD ⇒ Siehe Der Klimaschwindel: Antwort auf Panikaufruf


2007 Dr. Hans Penner an Frau Bundeskanzler Dr. Angela Merkel

de "Die wissenschaftlich unhaltbare Klimakatastrophen-Hypothese wird von der Regierung mit einem Progaganda-Aufwand verbreitet, der an das Dritte Reich erinnert und zu einer Klima-Massenneurose geführt hat."

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Seniorenknast2008-03-12 de Dr. Hans Penner an Frau Bundeskanzler Dr. Angela Merkel2008-03-12 de Dr. Hans Penner an Frau Bundeskanzler Dr. Angela Merkel

wallstreet-online.de2007-03-12 de Klima-Massenneurose: Brief an Frau Dr. Angela Merkel


2007-09-24 Notes for the speech of the President of the Czech Republic at the UN Climate Change Conference

en .. the politicians have to ensure that the costs of public policies organized by them will not be bigger than the benefits achieved. .. we are obliged to think twice before making decisions.I am afraid it is not the case now.

Let me raise several points to bring the issue into its proper context: 1. Contrary to the artificially and unjustifiably created world-wide

perception, the increase in global temperatures has been - in the last years, decades and centuries - very small in historical comparisons and practically negligible in its actual impact upon human beings and their activities.

2. The hypothetical threat connected with future global warming depends exclusively upon very speculative forecasts, not upon undeniable past experience and its eventual trends and tendencies.

These forecasts are based on relatively short time series of relevant variables and on forecasting models that have not been proved very reliable when attempting to explain past developments.

3. Contrary to many self-assured and self-serving proclamations, there is no scientific consensus about the causes of recent climate changes.

An impartial observer must accept the fact that both sides of the dispute - the believers in man's dominant role in recent climate changes, as well as the supporters of the hypothesis about their mostly natural origin - offer arguments strong enough to be listened to carefully by the non-scientific community. To prematurely proclaim the victory of one group over another would be a tragic mistake and I am afraid we are making it.

4. As a result of this scientific dispute, there are those who call for an imminent action and those who warn against it.

Rational behavior depends - as always - on the size and probability of the risk and on the magnitude of the costs of its avoidance.

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As a responsible politician, as an economist, as an author of a book about the economics of climate change, with all available data and arguments in mind, I have to conclude that the risk is too small, the costs of eliminating it too high and the application of a fundamentalistically interpreted "precautionary principle" a wrong strategy.

5. The politicians - and I am not among them - who believe in the existence of a significant global warming and especially those who believe in its anthropogenic origin remain divided: some of them are in favor of mitigation, which means of controlling global climate changes (and are ready to put enormous amounts of resources into it), while others rely on adaptation to it, on modernization and technical progress, and especially on favorable impact of the future increase in wealth and welfare (and prefer spending public money there).

The second option is less ambitious and promises much more than the first one.

6. The whole problem does not only have its time dimension, but a more than important spatial (or regional) aspect as well.

This is highly relevant especially here, in the UN. Different levels of development, income and wealth in different places of the world make world-wide, overall, universal solutions costly, unfair and to a great extent discriminatory. The already developed countries do not have the right to impose any additional burden on the less developed countries. Dictating ambitious and for them entirely inappropriate environmental standards is wrong and should be excluded from the menu of recommended policy measures.

My recommendations are as follows: 1. The UN should organize two parallel IPCCs and publish two

competing reports.

To get rid of the one-sided monopoly is a sine qua non for an efficient and rational debate. Providing the same or comparable financial backing to both groups of scientists is a necessary starting point.

2. The countries should listen to one another, learn from mistakes and successes of others, but any country should be left alone to prepare its own plan to tackle this problem and decide what priority to assign to it among its other competing goals.

We should trust in the rationality of man and in the outcome of spontaneous evolution of human society, not in the virtues of political activism.

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Therefore, let's vote for adaptation, not for the attempts to mastermind the global climate.

Václav Klaus, Climate Change Conference, United Nations, New York2007-09-24 en Notes for the speech of the President of the Czech Republic

Siehe ... / See ... / Voir ... de en f r

Who is who der Klimaskeptiker

Who is who of the climate sceptics

Qui est qui des sceptics sur le climat

Václav Klaus Tschechischer PräsidentPresident of the Czech RepublicLe président tchèque


2007-12-12 Offener Brief an den Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen

CFACT Deutschland2007-12-12 de Offener Brief an den Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen


2007-09-14 Mail an den Schweizerischen Bundesrat Moritz Leuenberger

de Blog-Kommentar: Rumpelstilz 2007-09-14 Wir leben im Zeitalter der Vergessenheit und nicht in Zeiten des Klimawandels.. Zur Verdeutlichung ein Auszug aus einem Artikel in der angesehenen amerikanischen Wochenzeitung "Newsweek" (vom 28.April 1975): "Es gibt bedrohliche Anzeichen, dass die Wetterverhältnisse der Erde begonnen haben, sich dramatisch zu verändern, und dass diese Änderungen hindeuten auf eine drastische Abnahme der Nahrungsmittelerzeugung – mit ernsten politischen Auswirkungen für praktisch jede Nation auf der Erde. ... Die Anhaltspunkte für diese Voraussagen haben sich nun so massiv angehäuft, dass Meteorologen Schwierigkeiten haben, damit Schritt zu halten. ... Letztes Jahr im April, beim verheerendsten Ausbruch von Tornados, der je zu verzeichnen war, haben 148 Wirbelstürme mehr als 300 Menschen getötet und Schaden in Höhe von 500 Millionen Dollar in 13 US-Staaten angerichtet. Wissenschaftler sehen in diesen ... Ereignissen die Vorboten eines dramatischen Wandels im Wettergeschehen der Welt. Meteorologen sind sich nicht einig über Ursache und Ausmaß des Trends wie auch über seine spezifischen Auswirkungen auf lokale Wetterbedingungen. ...

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"Ein größerer Klimawechsel würde wirtschaftliche und soziale Anpassungen in weltweitem Massstab erzwingen", warnt ein kürzlich erschienener Bericht der National Academy of Sciences (NAS) ..."Unsere Kenntnis der Mechanismen des Klimawechsels sind ebenso bruchstückhaft wie unsere Daten" räumt der Bericht der NAS ein."Nicht nur sind die grundlegenden wissenschaftlichen Fragen größten Teils unbeantwortet, sondern in vielen Fällen wissen wir nicht einmal genug, um die entscheidenden Fragen zu stellen". ... Und weiter: "Klimatologen sind pessimistisch dass die politischen Führer irgendwelche positiven Maßnahmen ergreifen werden, um die Folgen des Klimawandels auszugleichen oder seine Auswirkungen zu verringern. ... Je länger die Planer zögern, desto schwieriger werden sie es finden, mit den Folgen des klimatischen Wandels fertig zu werden, wenn die Ergebnisse erst bittere Wirklichkeit geworden sind." Soweit das Zitat aus "Newsweek". Das klingt alles ziemlich dramatisch und hochaktuell. – Wirklich? Der Bericht erschien vor 32 Jahren, am 28. April 1975. Und er warnte - vor den Folgen der in den letzten 3 Jahrzehnten beobachteten globalen Abkühlung! Inzwischen hat ein Richtungswechsel um volle 180 Grad stattgefunden. Mit ähnlich dramatischen Worten wird jetzt vor den Gefahren einer globalen Klima-Erwärmung gewarnt. Auch die Hinweise auf die vermehrt drohenden Unwetterkatastrophen sind ziemlich wörtlich die gleichen wie vor 32 Jahren - nur die Ursache soll jetzt die globale Klima-Erwärmung, nicht die Abkühlung sein. Was ist von all diesen Szenarien zu halten? Das IPCC Verantwortlich für die weltweit verbreitete Furcht vor einer globalen Klima-Erwärmung und ihren vielfältigen Folgen ist das IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), ein Gremium von (formell) rund 650 Wissenschaftlern, das vom United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) und von der World Meteorological Organization (WMO) getragen wird. Dieses Gremium, in dem in mehreren Arbeitsgruppen jeweils einige wenige Personen die Hauptarbeit leisten, hat im April 2001 einen Third Assessment Report herausgegeben, auf dessen Grundlage im Juli 2001 Vertreter zahlreicher Staaten in Bonn zusammenkamen, um über die Durchführung von Maßnahmen zu beraten, die in Kyoto 1997 empfohlen worden waren ("Kyoto-Protokoll"). Mit den „damaligen“ Klima-Modellen wurde eine Erwärmung der Erdatmosphäre zwischen 1.4 und 5.8 °C bis zum Jahre 2100 vorausberechnet. (wurde zwischenzeitlich deutlich nach unten korrigiert) Diese soll eintreten, wenn nichts gegen den weiteren Anstieg des CO2 in der Atmosphäre unternommen wird. Wenn man über das IPCC nichts Näheres weiss, hat man den Eindruck, in den Veröffentlichungen müssten sich die besten und sichersten Erkenntnisse der Klimatologie wiederfinden. Aber Zweifel sind angebracht:

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1. So war das IPCC nach politischen, nicht nach wissenschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten zusammengesetzt: Es sollten möglichst viele Länder (mehr als 100) vertreten sein; die Nationalität war wichtiger als die wissenschaftliche Qualifikation.. 2. die Schlussveröffentlichung des "Technical Summary, (TS) stellt kein von Gutachtern gebilligtes Dokument (wie in einer referierten Zeitschrift) dar, weil die Hauptautoren Einwände ohne Begründung übergehen durften - und dies auch taten, und es sei noch einmal erwähnt, dass die immer wieder angeführte „Hockey Stick Kurve“ welche mitunter auch als Grundlage und Ausgangsbasis der entsprechenden Studien etc. (immer noch!!) dient, von unabhängigen Wissenschaftlern längst als Artefakt und Fälschung entlarvt wurde! 3. Autoren, die - wie Professor Richard Lindzen vom MIT in Boston - daraufhin verlangten dass ihr Name aus der Liste der "Contributors" gestrichen wird, weil sie sich mit dem Inhalt der Veröffentlichung nicht identifizieren können, wurde dieser Wunsch abgelehnt. Nach aussen erscheinen sie nach wie vor als Mitarbeiter an den veröffentlichten Dokumenten… Ich weiss nicht wie es Ihnen allen geht, aber ich finde einfach keine Worte mehr.. ausser: Wann hört dieses Affentheater endlich auf?

Blog Moritz Leuenberger: Kommentar von Rumpelstilz2007-12-12 de Wir leben im Zeitalter der Vergessenheit und nicht in Zeiten des Klimawandels..


2008 Manhattan Declaration on Climate Change

2008 Internationale Konferenz zum Klimawandelen International Conference on Climate Changef r Conférence internationale sur le changement climatique

New York 2008-03-2/4 en New York Global Warming Conference Considers 'Manhattan Declaration'en "Global warming" is not a global crisis"

We, the scientists and researchers in climate and related fields, economists, policymakers, and business leaders, assembled at Times Square, New York City, participating in the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change, Resolving that scientific questions should be evaluated solely by the scientific method; Affirming that global climate has always changed and always will, independent of the actions of humans, and that carbon dioxide (CO2) is not a pollutant but rather a necessity for all life; Recognising that the causes and extent of recently-observed climatic change are the subject of intense debates in the climate science community and that oft-repeated assertions of a supposed 'consensus' among climate experts are false;

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Affirming that attempts by governments to legislate costly regulations on industry and individual citizens to encourage CO2 emission reduction will slow development while having no appreciable impact on the future trajectory of global climate change. Such policies will markedly diminish future prosperity and so reduce the ability of societies to adapt to inevitable climate change, thereby increasing, not decreasing human suffering; Noting that warmer weather is generally less harmful to life on Earth than colder: Hereby declare: That current plans to restrict anthropogenic CO2 emissions are a dangerous misallocation of intellectual capital and resources that should be dedicated to solving humanity's real and serious problems. That there is no convincing evidence that CO2 emissions from modern industrial activity has in the past, is now, or will in the future cause catastrophic climate change. That attempts by governments to inflict taxes and costly regulations on industry and individual citizens with the aim of reducing emissions of CO2 will pointlessly curtail the prosperity of the West and progress of developing nations without affecting climate. That adaptation as needed is massively more cost-effective than any attempted mitigation, and that a focus on such mitigation will divert the attention and resources of governments away from addressing the real problems of their peoples. That human-caused climate change is not a global crisis. Now, therefore, we recommend - That world leaders reject the views expressed by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as well as popular, but misguided works such as "An Inconvenient Truth". That all taxes, regulations, and other interventions intended to reduce emissions of CO2 be abandoned forthwith. Agreed at New York, 4 March 2008.

Heartland Institute en The Manhattan Declaration on Climate Change ICSC en The Manhattan Declaration on Climate Change CFACT

2008-03-15 de ICCC-Konferenz in New York2008-03-10 en The 2008 International Conference on Climate Change in New York City

The Climate Bet / The Global Warming Challengeen 2008 International Conference on Climate Change: Soon, Hayden, Loehle


Brief an Dr. Pachauri, IPCC (2008-04-14)en Letter to Dr. Pachauri, IPCCf r Lettre adressée à Dr. Pachauri, GIEC

de Wissenschaftler fordern IPCC zu Kurswechsel auf

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In einem offenen Brief fordern Wissenschaftler und ein Friedensnobelpreisträger den Vorsitzenden des IPCC auf, die aktuellen Meßergebnisse zu akzeptieren, die auf eine Abkühlung während der letzten 10 Jahre hindeuten, oder aber Belege vorzulegen für die immer noch vom IPCC und anderen Vertretern der Treibhaushypothese vertretene Ansicht, es gebe eine Erwärmung und diese stehe mit dem CO2-Anteil der Atmosphäre in ursächlichem Zusammenhang.Der Brief enthält auch Verweise auf öffentlich zugängliches Datenmaterial, das der CO2-Treibhaushypothese widerspricht.

en UN asked to admit climate change errors

A group of four scientists has sent a letter to the UN's IPCC.

Dear Dr. Pachauri and others associated with IPCC We are writing to you and others associated with the IPCC position - that

man's CO2 is a driver of global warming and climate change - to ask that you now in view of the evidence retract support from the current IPCC position and admit that there is no observational evidence in measured data going back 22,000 years or even millions of years that CO2 levels (whether from man or nature) have driven or are driving world temperatures or climate change.

... The Climate Scam

2008-04-14 de / en Wissenschaftler fordern IPCC zu Kurswechsel auf The Climate Scam

2008-04-14 en UN asked to admit climate change errors I love my carbondioxide

2008-04-14 en Dear Dr. Pachauri and others associated with IPCC -

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2008 Nobelpreisträgertreffen in Lindau

de Aussagen: Die globale Erwärmung ist zu einer neunen Religion geworden.

Alltäglich hören wir von der großen Anzahl von Wissenschaftlern, welche diese unterstützen. Aber nicht die Anzahl ist entscheidend, sondern diejenigen die Recht behalten. Sein Schlusswort richtete Giaever an den Nobelpreisträger Al Gore bzgl. der zweifelhaften Vergabe dieses Preises. Es folgte Applaus. (siehe Video)

klimakatastrophe.wordpress.com (Video)2008-08-8 de Kritische Stimmen von Nobelpreisträgern & Klimaforschern zum Menschen gemachten Klimawandel


2008-08-19 Offener Brief von Prof. Dr. Lüdecke an das Handelsblatt

Siehe ... / See ... / Voir ... de en f r

Rekapitulation Recapitulation RécapitulationOffener Brief von Prof. Dr. Lüdecke

Open letter from Prof. Dr. Lüdecke

Lettre ouverte de Prof. Dr. Lüdecke


2008-10-25 Brief von Dipl.-Met. Klaus-Eckart Puls an Bischof Dr. Wolfgang Huber der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland

⇒ Siehe Der Klimaschwindel: Antwort auf Panikaufruf

Siehe ... / See ... / Voir ... de en f r

Who is who der Klimaskeptiker

Who is who of the climate sceptics

Qui est qui des sceptics sur le climat

Klaus-Eckart Puls Dipl.-Meteorologe, FU Berlin-

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2008-05-24 Report from 33d Intl. Geology Congress in Norway

About two thirds of the presenters and question-askers were hostile to, even dismissive of, the IPCC (International panel on climate change) and the idea that the Earth's climate was responding to human influences.

This was rather shocking to me who knows of several other such scientists but had no idea there were so many.

Charlie Hall)2008-08-24 en Report from 33d Intl. Geology Congress in Norway


2008-12-11 POZNAN, Poland: More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims

de Bis jetzt unterschrieben damit 650 Experten -fast alles Wissenschaftler, die sich tagtäglich mit dem Klima selbst oder seinen Auswirkungen beschäftigen- die Liste, die bei Senator James Inhofe -frisch wiedergewählt in den US Senat- ausliegt.

Und damit sind es bereits 12 mal soviel, wie an dem letzten IPCC-Report für Entscheidungsträger mitgearbeitet haben (großzügig gezählt waren es dort um die 50 ).

Sie stehen den Thesen von IPCC und Al Gore ablehnend gegenüber. Der berüchtigte "Konsens" ist damit erneut als Lüge entlarvt. Viele dieser 650 Wissenschaftler sind gegenwärtig oder früher an der Arbeit des IPCC beteiligt gewesen. In dem 231 Seiten langen Bericht werden alle Gründe aufgezählt, warum das Klima sich unbeeinflußt vom Menschen entwickelt.

en The UN global warming conference currently underway in Poland is about to face a serious challenge from over 650 dissenting scientists from around the globe who are criticizing the climate claims made by the UN IPCC and former Vice President Al Gore.

Set for release this week, a newly updated U.S. Senate Minority Report features the dissenting voices of over 650 international scientists, many current and former UN IPCC scientists, who have now turned against the UN. The report has added about 250 scientists (and growing) in 2008 to the over 400 scientists who spoke out in 2007.

The over 650 dissenting scientists are more than 12 times the number of UN scientists (52) who authored the media hyped IPCC 2007 Summary for Policymakers.

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U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works - Senate Report2008-12-15 en More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims - Scientists Continue to Debunk "Consensus" in 2008

Canada Free Press2008-12-11 en More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims

EIKE Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie Jena2008-12-15 de 650 internationale Experten gegen Klimakatastrophismus


2009 Update: More than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims

U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works2009-01-14 en U. S. Senate Minority Report: More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims

U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee2008-12-11 en Minority Staff Report (Inhofe)

U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committeeen Minority Message


2009-01-01 Bürger gegen Klima-Katastrophen-Verdummung

Immer mehr Menschen wehren sich mit Eingaben an Politiker gegen die Pseudo-Wissenschaft "Klima-Schutz-Politik"! Beispielhaft hierzu ein offener Brief des Bürgers - im Hauptberuf Landwirt und Klimabeobachter- v. Petersdorff, an ausgewählte Repäsentanten unseres Staates.

An (u.a.):Bundespräsident Horst KöhlerBundeskanzlerin Angela MerkelBundeswirtschaftsminister Michael GlossBundesumweltminister Sigmar GabrielNieders. Umweltminister Heinrich Sander

EIKE Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie Jena2009-01-01 de Bürger gegen Klima-Katastrophen-Verdummung

Beilagen (resp. Links): Science and Environmental Policy Project / S. Fred Singer

2008-04 en Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate

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2008-04 f r C'est la Nature, Et non l'Activité Humaine Qui détermine le Climat

U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works2008-12-22 en Prominent Scientist Fired By Gore Says Warming Alarm 'Mistaken'11 More Scientists Join Senate Report of More Than 650 Dissenters'The current alarm over carbon dioxide is mistaken'Link to Full Printable PDF Report of More Than 650 Dissenting Scientists


The 2009 International Conference on Climate Change returns to New York City on March 8th, 2009

March 8-10th, 2009

New York conference expected to drawup to 1,000 scientists and experts

Global warming crisis "cancelled" by new scientific discoveries

The 2009 International Conference on Climate Changeen Welcomeen Speakers

EIKE Europäisches Institut für Klima und Endergie Jena2009-03-13 de Großer Klimakongress in New York- deutsche Medien bisher völlig desinteressiert!

Watts Up With That? (Antony Watts)2009-03-08 en Day 1 of the ICCC conference2009-03-09 en ICCC conference 2009 - Day 22009-03-10 en ICCC conference Day 3

Changement Climatique 2009-03-12 f r Allocution d'ouverture à la Conférence 2009 sur le changement climatique

Solidarité et progrès 2009-03-11 f r Conférence de New York: sale temps pour le mensonge du

réchauffement planétaireVoir aussi: f r Le réchauffement climatique: un mensonge qui arrange2007-03-20 f r Le réchauffement global d'Al Gore: instrument d'un nouvel

impérialisme environnemental2007-03-06 f r Réchauffement climatique: c'est l'astrophysique, andouille!2007-07-27 f r A propos de l'engouement français pour Al Gore: La vérité sur

Al "Carbone"2005-01-30 f r Guerre démographique et sous-développement: les Etats-Unis

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contre le tiers monde EIKE Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie Jena

2009-02-24 de 2. New York Klimakonferenz vom 8. bis 10. März 2009. Über 1000 Teilnehmer aus aller Welt erwartet!

Heartland Institute en Home Watts Up With That? (Antoy Watts)

2008-10-24 en The 2009 International Conference on Climate Change returns to New York City on March 8th, 2009

en Scare (02:07) Links zu einigen Teilnehmernen Links to some participantsf r Liens vers quelques participants

Siehe ... / See ... / Voir ... de en f r

Who is who der Klimaskeptiker

Who is who of the climate sceptics

Qui est qui des sceptics sur le climat

Syun-Ichi Akasofu Founding Director International Arctic Research CenterFairbanks, Alaska

Robert (Bob) M. Carter Adjunct Research Professor James Cook University, Townsville,Professor für Meeresgeologie an der James Cook University in Townsville

John Coleman Founder of The Weather Channel,Chief Meteorologist of KUSI-TV in San Diego

David Douglass University of RochesterWilliam (Bill) Gray Dr., hurricane expert, former President of the American

Meteorological Association, Colorado State University Craig Idso Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global ChangeRichard S. Lindzen US-Klimatologe, Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT),

membre de l'Académie des sciences américaine et ex-représentant auprès du GIEC

Craig Loehle Ph.D., Principal Scientist with the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI)

Stephen McIntyre University of TorontoChristopher Walter Monckton

Lord, Third Viscount Monckton of BrenchleyJournalist, Science advisor to Britain's Thatcher administration,British politician and business consultant, policy advisor, writer, and inventor.(Journaliste scientifique et ancien conseiller de Margaret Thatcher)

R. Timothy (Tim) Patterson PhD, Professor & Director, Ottawa-Carleton Geoscience CenterDepartment of Earth Sciences, Carleton University

Paul Reiter Professor of medical entomology at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France.He is a member of the World Health Organization Expert Advisory Committee on Vector Biology and Control.He was an employee of the Center for Disease Control (Dengue Branch) for 22 years. He is a Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society.He is a specialist in mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria and

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dengue fever.S. Frederic (Fred) Singer PhD, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Sciences, University of

Virginia;Former director Weather Satellite Service;Founder and President of the Science & Enviromental Policy Project;Distinguished Research Professor, George Mason University.

Roy W. Spencer Ph.D. is a principal research scientist for the University of Alabama in Huntsville and the U.S. Science Team Leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) on NASA's Aqua satellite.He has served as senior scientist for climate studies at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.He is principally known for his satellite-based temperature monitoring work, for which he was awarded the American. Meteorological Society's Special Award

Anthony Watts Watts Up With That? - About-

500 Scientists Whose Research Contradicts Man-Made Global Warming Scares

Global Warming Heartland.orgen 500 Scientists Whose Research Contradicts Man-Made Global Warming Scaresen Full text


NIPCC Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change

NIPCC Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change(Internationale Nichtregierungskommission zum Klimawandel)founded 2003

NIPCC Report on Global Warming Der NIPCC Klimabericht stellt eine unabhängige Überprüfung aller

verfügbaren wissenschaftlichen Klimadaten dar - ohne Voreingenommenheit und willkürliche Vorauswahl. Er ist die zivilgesellschaftliche Antwort auf den IPCC-Klimabericht der Regierungen. Der NIPCC-Bericht bezieht viele Forschungen ein, die von der IPCC übergangen worden sind, dazu weitere wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse, die erst nach dem Abgabetermin der IPCC im Mai 2006 zugänglich wurden.

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Dieser Bericht, der seit kurzem auch auf deutsch vorliegt, zeigt schlüssig, daß der menschliche Beitrag zur derzeitigen Erwärmung durch Treibhausgase unbedeutend ist. Seine Argumente stützen sich auf die allgemein anerkannte "Fingerabdruck"-Methode. Anhand der von der IPCC (!) veröffentlichten Daten wird gezeigt, daß die beobachteten Muster der Temperaturtrends den Berechnungen der Treibhaus-Computermodelle deutlich widersprechen.

Der NIPCC-Bericht widerlegt damit die Hauptschlußfolgerung der IPCC, nach der die (seit 1979) festgestellte Erwärmung höchstwahrscheinlich von der Emission von Treibhausgasen durch den Menschen herrührt. "Mit anderen Worten, der Anstieg des Kohlendioxids ist nicht für die derzeitige Erwärmung verantwortlich. Politische Maßnahmen, die im Namen des 'Kampfes gegen die globale Erwärmung' ergriffen und gefordert werden, sind unnötig."

ÖkologismusProf. Singer in Deutschland:2008-06-14 de Vorstellung des NIPCC-Berichts zum Klimawandel

SEPP - Science & Environmental Policy Project en Home Heartland Institute

2008-03-03 en Presentation of the Summary for Policymakers of the NIPCC Report on Global Warming2008-04 en Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate2008-04 en Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate2008-04 f r C'est la Nature, Et non l'Activité Humaine qui détermine le Climat


ICSC International Climate Science Coalition

ICSC is an international association of scientists, economists and energy and policy experts working to promote better public understanding of climate change science and policy worldwide.

ICSC is committed to providing a highly credible alternative to the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) thereby fostering a more rational, open discussion about climate issues.

ICSC en International Climate Science Coalition ICSC en Who We Are


IAVAG Arbeitskreise

Internationaler Arbeitskreis für Verantwortung in der Gesellschaft e.V.IAVAG.org: Verzeichnis Klimawandel

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IAVAG.org: Argumente gegen die Klimakatastrophen-HypotheseIAVAG.org: Klimakatastrophen-Hypothese


Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität

Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität (BüSo)Offener Brief an die Bundeskanzlerin und den deutschen Bundestag2007-04-19 de Petition wider die Klima-Hysterie


Liberalismus- Portal

Liberalismus- Portal de Klimawandel oder Klimaschwindel? -

Weitere Links

Pensée unique f r Liens des sites dans la même perspective que celui-ci -

21 Sceptical Institutes and Organizations

USA APS American Pyhsical SocietyHeartland InstituteOISM Oregon Institute of Science & Medicine

DE EIKE Europäisches Institut für Klima und Enegie, Jena

Siehe auch ... / See also ... / Voir aussi ...

de en f r

Manifeste, Petitionen, Koalitionen

Manifestos, Petitions, Coalitions

Manifestations, pétitions, coalitions

Politiker und Regierungen Politics and Governments Politiques et gouvernements-

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APS American Physical Society Organization representing nearly 50,000 physicists

APS American Physical Society en APS Home APS Climate Change Statementen National Policy - Climate change

FPS Forum on Physics & Society Division of the American Physical Society

The Forum on Physics and Society (FPS) is a division of the American Physical Society, organized in 1971 to address issues related to the interface of physics and society as a whole. The support of APS members is vital to the work of the Forum, both because Forum activities are coordinated by its active members and the financial support the Forum receives from the APS depends on its membership. All APS members may join two Forums free of charge. The objective of the Forum shall be the advancement and diffusion of knowledge regarding the inter-relation of physics, physicists, and society. The Forum shall provide for all members of the Society an opportunity for discussion and involvement with such matters. The views expressed in such studies shall be, however, the views of the participants of the study, and are not endorsed by either the Forum or the Society. Forum on Physics & Society en FPS Home

Debate on Climate change APS American Physical Society

Forum on Physics & Society With this issue of Physics & Society, we kick off a debate concerning one of the main conclusions of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the UN body which, together with Al Gore, recently won the Nobel Prize for its work concerning climate change research. There is a considerable presence within the scientific community of people who do not agree with the IPCC conclusion that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are very probably likely to be primarily responsible for the global warming that has occurred since the Industrial Revolution. Forum on Physics & Society en Editor's Comments

Anouncements 2008-07-16 2008-07-16: "The American Physical Society, an organization representing

nearly 50,000 physicists, has reversed its stance on climate change and is now proclaiming that many of its members disbelieve in human-induced global warming." "The APS is also sponsoring public debate on the validity of global warming science." The leadership of the society had previously called the evidence for global warming "incontrovertible." (de unbestreitbar, f r incontestable)

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Dailytech2008-07-16 en Myth of Consensus Explodes: APS Opens Global Warming Debate

Updates 2008-07-17 After publication of this story, the APS responded with a statement that its

Physics and Society Forum is merely one unit within the APS, and its views do not reflect those of the Society at large. "The following article has not undergone any scientific peer review. Its conclusions are in disagreement with the overwhelming opinion of the world scientific community. The Council of the American Physical Society disagrees with this article's conclusions." APS American Physical Society en Christopher Monckton of Brenchley: Climate Sensitivity Reconsidered

APS Position Remains Unchanged The American Physical Society reaffirms the following position on climate

change, adopted by its governing body, the APS Council, on November 18, 2007: "Emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities are changing the atmosphere in ways that affect the Earth's climate." An article at odds with this statement recently appeared in an online newsletter of the APS Forum on Physics and Society, one of 39 units of APS. The header of this newsletter carries the statement that "Opinions expressed are those of the authors alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the APS or of the Forum." This newsletter is not a journal of the APS and it is not peer reviewed.en National Policy - 07.1 CLIMATE CHANGE

Replies and comments Monckton writes:

"This seems discourteous. I had been invited to submit the paper; I had submitted it; an eminent Professor of Physics had then scientifically reviewed it in meticulous detail; I had revised it at all points requested, and in the manner requested; the editors had accepted and published the reviewed and revised draft (some 3000 words longer than the original) and I had expended considerable labor, without having been offered or having requested any honorarium." Watts Up With That? (Antony Watts)2008-07-17 en APS Editor Reverses Position on Global Warming- cites "Considerable presence" of skepticsr2008-07-19 en American Physical Society and Monckton at odds over paper

The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley has asked me to circulate the attached letter which he sent today to the President of the American Physical Society. Dr. Benny Peiser de Ein Brief an die American Physical Society

Lord Monckton's letter of protest to the President of the American Physical Society over the false statement that Monckton's paper critical of the UN's estimates for climate sensitivity for a doubling of atmospheric CO2 was not peer-reviewed. The letter to President Arthur Bienenstock includes all the reviewer comments and Monckton's responses. SPPI Science & Public Policy Instituteen Website

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en A Response to Gavin Schmidt's Critique of Monckton's "Climate Sensitivity Reconsidered" by Christopher Monckton (pdf)

American physicists warned not to debate global warming Bureaucrats at the American Physical Society (APS) have issued a

curious warning to their members about an article in one of their own publications.

Don't read this, they say - we don't agree with it.

But what is it about the piece that is so terrible, that like Medusa, it could make men go blind?

CFP Canada Free Press2008-07-21 en American physicists warned not to debate global warming

Weitere Websites Die American Physical Society (welche an die 50.000 Physiker in dern USA

repräsentiert) erklärt nun explizit, dass viele ihrer Mitglieder bezweifeln, dass die Menschheit die "Hauptschuld" am Klimawandel trägt. Dies wurde vom APS Forum Editor Jeffrey Marque auf der offiziellen Website der APS explizit erklärt. Wie angekündigt, sind in der Juli-Ausgabe des Journals Physics & Society kritische Artikel erschienen, welche in Widerspruch mit dem offiziellen STatement der APS steht. Ökologismus de Der Anfang vom Ende eines propagierten Konsenses

Siehe ... / See ... / Voir ... de en f r

Who is who der Klimaskeptiker Who is who of the sceptics Who is who des scepticts

Christopher Walter Monckton

Lord, Third Viscount Monckton of BrenchleyJournalist, Science advisor to Britain's Thatcher administration,British politician and business consultant, policy advisor, writer, and inventor.(Journaliste scientifique et ancien conseiller de Margaret Thatcher)


Heartland Institute

Mission For 24 years, our mission has been to discover, develop, and promote free-

market solutions to social and economic problems. Heartland Institute en Home

Heartland Institute en Global Warming Facts Wordpress Com / Blogs about:

en The Heartland InstituteMehr ... / More ... / Plus ...

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de en f rManifeste und

PetitionenManifestos and

petitions Manifestations et

pétitionsManhattan Declaration on Climate Change

500 Scientists Whose Research Contradicts Man-Made Global Warming Scares-

OISM Oregon Institute of Science & Medicine

OISM Oregon Institute of Science & Medicine en Home Mehr ... / More ... / Plus ...

de en f rManifeste und

PetitionenManifestos and

petitions Manifestations et

pétitionsGlobal Warming Petition Project


EIKE Europäisches Institut für Klima und Enegie, Jena

Zweck des Vereins 1. Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung 2. die Förderung der politischen Bildung und des staatsbürgerlichen

Verantwortungsbewußtseins 3. ie Förderung allgemeiner umwelt- und energiepolitischer Belange, 4. die Pflege der internationalen Studentenbeziehungen und der

Völkerverständigung, EIKE Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie, Jena

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de en f rPhysikalische Aspekte Physical aspects Aspects physiques

Falsche Voraussagen der Panik-Modelle Wrong model predictions Fausses prévisions des modèles


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22 Sceptical Politics and Governments

USA InhofeRohrabacherSpencer

CZ Klaus FR Allègre GB Wilson

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Manifeste, Petitionen, Koalitionen

Manifestos, Petitions, Coalitions

Manifestations, pétitions, coalitions

Institute und Organisationen Institutes and Orgnizations Instituts et organisations



USA Erklärt:2008-004-01 de Wer das Kyoto-Protokoll wirklich abgelehnt hat

US-Repräsentantenhaus lycos.de de Stellungnahme von Dr. John Christy vom 13. Mai 2003 gegenüber

dem Ressourcenausschuss des US-Repräsentantenhausesjohn-daly.com en U.S. House Committee on Resources, 13 May 2003, John R. Christy, Written Testimony


James (Jim) M. InhofeUS Senator - OklahomaMember of the Republican Party,among the most vocal global warming skeptics in Congress

Wikipediaen Jim Inhofeen Chairmen of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, 1977-present

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U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works2003-2007 en James Inhofe (R-OK), Chairman 2003-2007 / Majority Press2006-12-10 en INHOFE: New UN report proves fears of manmade catastrophic climate change are 'unsustainable'

U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works2007-present en Home2007-10-26 en Inhofe Debunks So-Called 'Consensus' On Global Warming


Dana RohrabacherRepresenting California's 46th Congressional District

Dr. William Gray and Bill Clinton with Al Gore as Vice President In a September, 2005, article from Discovery Magazine, Dr. William Gray,

now an emeritus professor of atmospheric science at Colorado State University and a former president of the American Meteorological Association, was asked if funding problems that he was experiencing and has been experiencing could be traced to his skepticism of man-made global warming. His response: "I had NOAA money for 30 years, and then when the Clinton administration came in and Gore started directing some of the environmental stuff, I was cut off. I couldn't get any money from NOAA. They turned down 13 straight proposals from me." This man is one of the most prominent hurricane experts in the world, cut off during the Clinton-Gore administration because he had been skeptical of global warming.

William Harper and Bill Clinton with Al Gore as Vice President In fact, Al Gore's first act as Vice President was to insist that William

Harper be fired as the Chief Scientist at the Department of Energy. Now, why was that? Well, that's because William Harper had uttered words indicating that he was open minded to the issue of global warming. So off with his head. They didn't want someone who was open minded. They wanted someone who was going to provide grants based on people who would verify this man-made global warming theory. Now, that was 1993 when Mr. Harper was relieved, the first year of the Clinton-Gore administration.

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So for over a decade, all we got was a drumbeat of one-sided research, setting the stage for the false claim that there is a scientific consensus about whether or not man-made global warming is real.

Labelling as Stalinist I remember Al Gore labeling me a Stalinist because when I chaired the

subcommittee on Research and Science Education, I insisted that both sides be presented. There was a study on research and the environment, a subcommittee of the Science Committee. And I insisted when I was chairman of the committee that expert witnesses on both sides be present at hearings and that they address each other's contentions. Well, to him, that is Stalinism. Well, I would suggest that the propaganda campaign of the manmade global warming alarmists has far more in common with Stalinism than does insisting that both sides of an argument be heard.

There is a big problem Unfortunately, for all those scientists who went along with the scheme, now,

over a decade later, there is a big problem. Contrary to what all those scientists living on their Federal research grants predicted, the world hasn't been getting warmer. In fact, for the last 7 years, there has been no warming at all, which has been verified even by, for example, Michel Jarraud of the World Meteorological Organization. He's their Secretary General. He reluctantly admitted that global temperatures have not risen since 1998, according to a BBC article. Global snowfall is at record levels and there are fewer, not more, hurricanes.

Conclusions What we need to do is make sure that we develop clean energy

sources, not because of global warming but because of the health of our children. And also, we need to be independent of foreign sources. The fact is that foreign sources of oil, because we are not developing our own oil resources as a result of the dynamics created by the global warming juggernaut that we have been experiencing, the fact is that we have not drilled for our own oil. We have not focused on real alternatives to energy like nuclear energy. The fact is that we need to make sure right now that we do our very best not to be captured by this, what I consider to be one of the greatest hoaxes that I have seen in my lifetime, but instead focus our efforts on accomplishing something that is real and positive for the people of the world and the people of the United States of America. We should be drilling for oil so that the terrorists overseas are denied the revenue when we are forced to buy oil from countries that are allied with these terrorists. We need to make sure that we develop better engines, and make sure that those engines are not putting pollutants into the air and forget about the CO2, go to the pollutants.

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Dana Rohrabacher, representing California's 46th Congressional District2008-05-14 en Congressman Rohrabacher's Floor Speech on Global Warming

Whatts Up With That? (with comments)en Congressman Rohrabacher's Floor Speech on Global Warming


Roy W. SpencerPh.D. is a principal research scientist for the University of Alabama in Huntsville and the U.S. Science Team Leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) on NASA's Aqua satellite.He has served as senior scientist for climate studies at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.He is principally known for his satellite-based temperature monitoring work, for which he was awarded the American. Meteorological Society's Special Award

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center en Roy Spencer U.S. AMSR-E Science Team Leader

Wordpress Com2009-02-02 en NASA Is Censoring Global Warming Skeptics

EIKE Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie Jena2009-02-02 de Klimaforscher Spencer nennt Al Gores Aussagen Propaganda

en A rain shower removing Earth's primary greenhouse gas - water vapour.

We live in an invisible atmospheric sea of water vapor, Earth's primary greenhouse gas. Our atmosphere could hold much more water vapor than it does, which would then lead to a much warmer Earth -- but it doesn't. So, why is the greenhouse effect limited to its current value? We don't know; scientists simply "assume" that it magically stays that way. Current computerized climate models that predict large amounts of global warming only do so after making very crude assumptions about why the Earth's natural greenhouse effect is limited to its present average value. In the following article I will explain why predictions of global warming ultimately depend upon our understanding of how precipitation systems interactively regulate water vapor and cloud amounts, the two biggest components of the Earth's natural greenhouse effect. Even though all climate models DO contain the "average effects" of precipitation systems -- this is NOT the same as knowing how precipitation systems will act to stabilize (or destabilize) the climate system in the presence of the warming influence of manmade greenhouse gas emissions.

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Al Gore likes to say that mankind puts 70 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every day. What he probably doesn't know is that mother nature puts 24,000 times that amount of our main greenhouse gas -- water vapor -- into the atmosphere every day, and removes about the same amount every day. While this does not 'prove' that global warming is not manmade, it shows that weather systems have by far the greatest control over the Earth's greenhouse effect, which is dominated by water vapor and clouds. Weatherquestions Com / Roy-Spencer2008-10-08 en Global Warming and Nature's Thermostat

Watts Up With That? (Antony Watts)2008-07-22 en Roy Spencer's testimony before congress backs up Monckton's assertions on climate sensitivity

You Tube Video en Global Warming denier Roy Spencer v. Sen. Barbara Boxer

Roy W. Spencer2008-03-15 en Hey, Nobel Prize Winners, Answer Me This2008-03-15 en Hey, Nobel Prize Winners, Answer Me This

Siehe auch ... / See also ... / Voir aussi ... de en f r

Who is who der Klimaskeptiker Who is who of the sceptics Who is who des sceptictsChristopher Walter Monckton


Tschechien/Czech Republic/République tchèque

Václav KlausTschechischer PräsidentPresident of the Czech RepublicLe président tchèque

klaus.cz de Václav Klaus Die grösste Bedrohung der Freiheit geht heute nicht mehr vom Sozialismus

aus, sondern vom "Environmentalismus".FAZ 2008-02-25 de Václav Klaus: Wider die Natur

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der Standard.at2007-10-12 de Für Vaclav Klaus tragen Gores Aktivitäten nicht zum Weltfrieden bei

Readers Edition2007-03-22 de Klaus wettert gegen "Klima-Religion"

Botschaft der Tschechischen Republik in Berlin 2007-11-10 de "Klima-Propaganda als offizielle Weltdoktrin"

CFACT2007-09-25 de Vaclav Klaus: Klima-Wahrheiten2007-09-14 en Vaclav Klaus' Speech at the U.N.: We Should Not Make Big Mistakes

SpaceDaily COM / DAVOS, Switzerland, Jan 31, 2009Czech President Vaclav Klaus took aim at climate change campaigner Al Gore on Saturday in Davos in a frontal attack on the science of global warming.en Czech president attacks Al Gore's climate campaign

Le Salon Beige f r La présidence tchèque et le réchauffement climatique caradisiac.com f r Le président tchèque Vaclav Klaus : sa croisade contre les

écolos Siehe auch ... / See also ... / Voir aussi ...

de en f rPolitische und wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen

Political and econimical impacts

Impacts politiques et économiques

Kein Besuch von Freunden No visite of friends Ce ne sont pas des amis en visite

Notes for the speech of the President of the Czech Republic at the UN Climate Change Conference


FDP/EIKE FDP Freie Demokratische ParteiEIKE Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie

Von allen mit großer Spannung erwartet, wurde dieser FDP-EIKE Abend ein voller Erfolg. Mit ungläubigem Staunen verfolgte ein Teil der Zuhörer, die ihnen an diesem Abend von excellenten Fachleuten geboten Fakten: Ob über den massiven, bislang völlig unterschätzten Solareinfluß auf die Globaltemperatur, ob über die künstlich geschürten Ängste bezüglich Klima, Kernenergie und dem (wieder mal) baldigen Ende der fossilen Energien, ob über die in eine Weltdiktatur führenden Bestrebungen vieler Politiker Kyoto II zu erreichen, oder über die massive Geldverbrennung durch die Einführung "erneuerbarer" Energien. Vieles von dem Gezeigten und Gehörten hatten die Zuhörer in den Medien noch nie gehört oder gesehen, von der Politik schon mal gar nicht. Der Zuspruch war enorm, die Diskussion fand erst nach kräftiger Intervention der FDP MdA Senftleben ein spätes Ende.

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EIKE Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie2008-04-17 de Der Klimawandel - Ist der Mensch wirklich schuld und was sollte getan werden? und Fotos



Diskussionen in Frankreich/French discussions/discussions en France larouchepac.com en Debate Over Global Warming Breaks Out in Prestigious

French Academy of Sciences -

Claude Allègre Dr. physicien français, ancien ministre de l'Education nationaleClaude Allegre received PhD physics 1962 University Paris. He became director geochemistry cosmochemistry program French National Scientific Research Centre 1967 1971, he appointed director University Paris's Department Earth Sciences. 1976, he became director Paris Institut de Physique du Globe. He an author more than 100 scientific articles, many them seminal studies on evolution Earth using isotopic evidence, 11 books. He member U.S. National Academy Sciences French Academy Science.

en Leading French scientist Claude Allegre found, much to his surprise, that many climate models and studies failed dismally in establishing a man-made cause of catastrophic global warming. National Post March 2/2007 The Urban Renaissance Instituteen Claude Allegre, one France's leading socialists among most celebrated scientists, among first sound alarm about dangers global warming.

agoravox.fr f r Claude Allègre, hérétique? evene.fr f r Homme politique et physicien français 20minutes.fr

2007-10-12 f r Allegre: "Al Gore se fout de la gueule du monde" -

Great Britain

Sammy WilsonMinister for the EnvironmentUmweltminister Nordirland

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de Der Umweltminister [Nordirland] Sammy Wilson hat die grünen Aktivisten durch die Beschreibung ihrer jeweiligen Sicht auf den Klimawandel als "hysterische Pseudo-Religion"verärgert. EIKE Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie JenaMichael Limburg2008-09-05 de Minister zweifelt öffentlich am menschengemachten Klimawandel

Ökologismus2008-09-07 de Klimawandel: Eine hysterische Pseudoreligion

Die Achse des Guten / Dr. Benny Peiser 2008-09-05 en Was ein Umweltminister!

en Minister for the Environment Sammy Wilson has dramatically spelt out his scepticism about whether humans are responsible for global warming. Writing exclusively in today's News Letter, the DUP MP controversially slams what he describes as the "hysterical pseudo-religion" of climate change, and calls for a reasoned debate on whether the activities of mankind have triggered current weather trends. News Letter2008-09-05 en Debate must replace scaremongering of green climate alarmists

BBC News2008-09-05 en Wilson row over green 'alarmists'

Watts UP With That? (Antony Watts) en Irish (UK) Environmental minister on AGW: 'hysterical psuedo-religion'


21 Who is who


Wikipedia en List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming

Envirotruth.org: Some of the Many Experts Who Contest Kyoto's Scientific Foundation


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Abdusamatov Akasofu Allegre Alvensleben Auer Ball Beck Bellamy Botkin Bryson Calder Carter Christy Coleman Compagnucci Cunningham Daly Dietze Dittrich Domingos Douglas Douglass Dyson Evans Friis-Christensen Gärtner Gerlich B. Gray V. Gray Griffin Hayden Herman Inhofe C.D and K.E. Idso Izrael Jaworowski Khandekar Klaus Labohm Landscheidt Landsea Leroux Linden Lindzen Loehle Lomborg Lüdecke Malberg McIntyre Martin Ferenc Miskolczi Mörner Monckton Patterson Pekarek Puls Reichert Reiter Rohrabacher Segalstad Seitz Singer Siitam Sorokhtin Spencer Svensmark Tennekes Thieme Thüne Tscheuschner Wilson Zichichi de Meist Kritiker und nicht nur Skeptiker der Thesen der "Klimamacher"en Mostly Critics and not only skeptics of the assumptions of the "Climate Makers"f r Plutôt critiques et pas seulement sceptiques sur les hypothèses des "faiseurs du climat"

Henrik SvensmarkProf. Dr.,Director of Sun-Climate Research at the Danish National Space CenterVon 1988 bis 1993 war Svensmark an der University of California, Berkeley, am Nordic Institute of Theoretical Physics und am Niels-Bohr-Institut tätig, anschließend arbeitete er am Dänischen Meteorologischen Institut.Zwischen 1998 und 2004 war er Leiter der Sun-climate group am Danish Space Research Institute (DSRI).Seit 2004 ist er Direktor des Centre for Sun-Climate Research des Danish National Space Center (DNSC).

Eigil Friis-ChristensenDirector of the Danish National Space Center,Cand. Mag. (Ph.D.) in Geophysics from University of Copenhagen,Geophysicist at the Danish Meteorological Institute,Expert in space physics.

Wikipedia de Henrik SvensmarkWikipedia en Henrik Svensmark

Wikipedia en Eigil Friis-Christensen zum.de de Erklärung für die Erderwärmung

en The sun is at the origin of climate change Have a look at these videos to see how scientiscs from Denmark have found

how the sun is at the origin of climate change. The sun modifies the cosmic rays which are creating clouds and therefore

influence the heating of the earth. A few recent papers can be found below that all are related to the possible

effect of cosmic rays on Earth's cloud cover.Cosmic rays and Earth's Cloud Cover ⇒ Video: Das Wolken-Mysterium/The cloud mystery/Le mystère des nuages

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John R. ChristyHe is the Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.He was appointed Alabama's State Climatologist in 2000.For his development of a global temperature data set from satellites he was awarded NASA's Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievement, and the American Meteorological Society's "Special Award." In 2002.Christy was elected Fellow of the American Meteorological Society.Christy was a lead author for the 2001 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the US CCSP report Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere - Understanding and Reconciling Differences.He received his Ph.D. in Atmospheric sciences from the University of Illinois.He also has a master's degree in divinity from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary.

Wikipedia en: John R. Christy de Aussagen:

de Angesichts der derzeitigen heftigen Kontroverse über die Frage aus Satellitendaten abgeleiteter Troposphärentemperaturen geben wir an dieser Stelle im Interesse der Öffentlichkeit und mit Dr. Christys Erlaubnis die schriftliche Stellungnahme wieder, die er zu diesem Thema gegenüber dem Ressourcenausschuss des US-Repräsentantenhauses abgab. Die beobachteten Erwärmungsmuster, durch den Vergleich der Temperatur am Boden und in der Atmosphäre, zeigen nicht die typischen Merkmale eines Treibhauseffekts. Man kann nicht die Tatsache leugnen, der Einfluss des Menschen ist nicht entscheidend und die Zunahme des CO2 ist ein vernachlässigbarer Faktor bei der Klimaerwärmung. lycos.de de Stellungnahme von Dr. John Christy vom 13. Mai 2003 gegenüber dem Ressourcenausschuss des US-Repräsentantenhauses

en Statements: The observed pattern of warming, comparing surface and atmospheric

temperature trends, does not show the characteristic fingerprint associated with greenhouse warming. The inescapable conclusion is that the human contribution is not significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate warming.

The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) is increasing in the atmosphere due primarily to the combustion of fossil fuels. Fortunately (because we produce so much of it) CO2 is not a pollutant. As an aside, it is clear that other emissions may be called pollutants, e.g. sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and mercury. Controlling these is a completely separate issue from controlling emissions of CO2 and so will not be discussed here.

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The conclusion in IPCC 2001 that human induced global warming was clearly evident was partly based on a depiction of the Northern Hemisphere temperature since 1000 A.D. This depiction showed little change until about 1850, then contains a sharp upward rise, suggesting that recent warming was dramatic and linked to human effects. Since IPCC 2001, two important papers have shown something else.Using a wider range of information from new sources these studies now indicate large temperature swings have been common in the past 1000 years and that temperatures warmer than today's were common in 50-year periods about 1000 years ago. These studies suggest that the climate we see today is not unusual at all. John R. Christy : U.S. House Committee on Resources, 13 May 2003en Written Testimony

Ökologismus de Die Mär von der Klimaerwärmung OnlineZeitung 24 de Aussagen The Wall Street Journal

2007-11-01 en My Nobel Moment UAH Atmospheric Science Department/John R. Christy en Homepage BBC News en No consensus on IPCC's level of ignorance science.nasa.gov en Dr. John R. Christy Moonbattery.com/IPCC member John Christy

2007-11-01 en IPCC Scientist Rejects Nobel Prize, Global Warming Hoax Pensée unique f r John R. Christy

S. Frederic (Fred) SingerPhD, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia;Former director Weather Satellite Service;Founder and President of the Science & Enviromental Policy Project;Distinguished Research Professor, George Mason University.

(Prof. Dr. S. Fred Singer stammt aus Wien und ist Atmosphären- und Raumfahrtphysiker und Gründer und Vorsitzender des Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP, Projekt Wissenschafts- und Umweltpolitik), einer gemeinnützigen Forschungs- und Bildungsorganisation mit Sitz in Arlington, Virginia (USA), und Professor emeritus im Fachbereich Umweltwissenschaften an der Universität Virginia.)

en Statement: The current warming trend is simply part of a natural cycle of climate

warming and cooling that has been seen in ice cores, deep-sea sediments, stalagmites, etc., and published in hundreds of papers in peer-reviewed journals. The mechanism for producing such cyclical climate changes is still

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under discussion; but they are most likely caused by variations in the solar wind and associated magnetic fields that affect the flux of cosmic rays incident on the earth´s atmosphere. In turn, such cosmic rays are believed to influence cloudiness and thereby control the amount of sunlight reaching the earth´s surface and thus the climate.

Our research demonstrates that the ongoing rise of atmospheric CO2 has only a minor influence on climate change. We must conclude, therefore, that attempts to control CO2 emissions are ineffective and pointless - but very costly.

de Aussagen: Der Trend zur Erwärmung ist einfach ein Teil des natürlichen Zyklus der

Klimaerwärmung und Wiederabkühlung, welche man in den Eisbohrkernen, in den Tiefseesedimenten und Stalagmiten sieht, und in Hunderten wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten veröffentlicht wurden. Über den Mechanismus, welcher die Klimaveränderung verursacht, wird noch diskutiert, hat aber höchstwahrscheinlich mit der Veränderung des Sonnenwindes zu tun, im Zusammenspiel mit dem Erdmagnetfeld, welches den Einfall der Kosmischenstrahlen auf die Erde beeinflusst. Diese Strahlen wiederum steuern die Wolkenbildung und beeinflussen die Menge an Sonnenlicht, welches auf die Erde fällt und somit auch das Klima verändert.

Unsere Forschungen zeigen, dass die Erhöhung des CO2-Anteils in der Atmosphäre nur einen minimalen Einfluss auf die Klimaveränderung hat. Wir müssen deshalb daraus schliessen, dass alle Versuche die CO2-Emmissionen zu kontrollieren uneffektiv und sinnlos sind... aber sehr teuer werden.

f r Déclaration: Le réchauffement actuel fait simplement partie du cycle naturel de

réchauffements et du refroidissements qui a été observé dans les carottages glaciaires, les sédiments océaniques profonds, les stalagmites etc... et dont les conclusions ont été publiées dans des centaines d'articles scientifiques soumis au contrôle par les pairs. Le mécanisme qui induit de tels changements climatiques est encore l'objet de discussions, mais il est probable qu'ils résultent majoritairement des variations du vent solaire et des champs magnétiques associés qui affectent le flux de rayons cosmiques incidents (NDLR : C'est la thèse des "solaristes", voir ici pour les détails) qui parviennent dans l'atmosphère. On pense que ces rayons cosmiques influent sur l'ennuagement et ainsi contrôlent l e flux lumineux issu du soleil qui parvient à la surface et donc, modifient le climat.

sepp.org: S. Fred Singer, Ph.D. de Singer wirkte als leitender Wissenschaftler im US-Verkehrsministerium (1987-89), als deputy assistant administrator for policy im US-Bundesumweltamt (1970-71) und als deputy assistant secretary für Wasserqualität und Forschung im US-Innenministerium (1967-70). Er war Gründungsdekan der School of Environmental and Planetary Sciences (Fakultät für die Wissenschaft der Umwelt und der Planeten) an der Universität von Miami (1964-67), erster Direktor des National Weather Satellite Service (der Nationale Wettersatellitendienst, 1962-64) und als

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Direktor des Center for Atmospheric and Space Physics (Zentrum für Physik der Atmosphäre und der Raumfahrt) an der Universität Maryland (1953-62). In den 1980er Jahren war Singer fünf Jahre lang Stellvertretender Vorsitzender des National Advisory Committee for Oceans and Atmosphere (der Nationale Beratungsausschuß für Ozeane und Atmosphäre, NACOA). Er leitet zur Zeit das gemeinnützige Science and Environmental Policy Project, das er 1990 gegründet hat. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der SEPP-Webpräsenz www.sepp.org.

Ökologismus2008-06-14 de Prof. Singer in Deutschland: Vorstellung des NIPCC-Berichts zum Klimawandel

Ökologismus2008-03-19 de Rahmstorf contra Singer: Gedanken zum Klima der Debatte

Wiener Zeitung2008-08-28 de Experte: "Die Natur, nicht der Mensch, macht Klimawandel"

konservativ de Zwölf Thesen: Wir brauchen ein zielgerichteteres Klimaforschungsprogramm - mehr Fakten und weniger Hypothesen

About F. Singer: (Page 29)

Heartland Institute en Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate Pensée unique f r S. Fred Singer Videos

de Klimaforschung - Anspruch und Wirklichkeit - Prof. Fred Singer

Timothy (Tim) F. BallDr., Chairman of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project (NRSP.com), is a Victoria-based environmental consultant and former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg

Wikipedia en Timothy F. Ball CFP Canada Free Press/Dr. Tim Ball

2007-12-04 en Manipulation of public perceptions CFP Canada Free Press/Dr. Tim Ball

2008-01-21 en Medieval Environmentalists' attack CO2 in their efforts to derail civilization

Canadian Free Press/The Times 2008-03-07 en Biofuel Madness: Environmentalism exploited for political purposes

CFP Canada Free Press/Dr. Tim Ball2008-07-07 en Alarmists use weather to promote global warming hoax

CFP Canada Free Presss/Dr. Tim Ball2008-07-22 en Gore getting desperate proof public cooling on GW hoax

Pensée unique f r Tim Ball

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John Lawrence Daly 1943 - 2004

john-daly.com en Still Waiting for Greenhousejohn-daly.com en Stop Press' Stories

R. Timothy (Tim) Patterson PhD, Professor, Dept. of Earth Sciences (paleoclimatology), Carleton University, Canada

Wikipedia en Tim Patterson Pensée unique f r Tim Patterson

Theodor Landscheidt 10.3.1927 - 19.5.2004Dr, Schroeter Institute for Research in Cycles of Solar Activity, Nova Scotia, Canada

geocities.com de Sonnenaktivität als dominanter Faktor der Klimadynamik Wasserplanet de: Gleissbergzyklus und Prognosen von Dr. Landscheidt bourabai.narod.ru en Theodor Landscheidt 10.3.1927 - 19.5.2004 Landscheidt Cycles Research en Papers by Dr Theodor Landscheidt Schroeter Institute for Research in Cycles of Solar Activity

en New Little Ice Age Instead of Global Warming? john-daly.com en Solar Activity Controls El Niño and La Niña john-daly.com en Solar activity: A dominant factor in climate dinamics

Richard S. Lindzen US-Klimatologe, Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT), membre de l'Académie des sciences américaine et ex-représentant auprès du GIEC

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Ökologismus de Ich glaube, Al Gore ist verrückt Eco World en The Fluid Envelope: A case against climate alarmism

Eco World en Climate Catastrophe? IS there a basis for Global Warming Alarm?

climat-sceptique.com f r Richard Lindzen: le climat se dégrade Pensée unique f r Richard S. Lindzen

Khabibullo Abdusamatov Head of the St. Petersburg's Pulkovskaya Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Wikipedia en Khabibullo Abdusamatov Pensée unique f r Khabibullo Abdusamatov ⇒ siehe Klimaverlauf: Klima in der Zukunft

Christopher (Chris) LandseaScience and Operations Officer at the National Hurricane Center.He is a member of the American Geophysical Union and the American Meteorological Society.Landsea earned his doctoral degree in Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University(Division de la Recherche "ouragans" de l'Administration Nationale Océanographique et Atmosphérique, NOAA)

en "After some prolonged deliberation, I have decided to withdraw from participating in the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). I am withdrawing because I have come to view the part of the IPCC to which my expertise is relevant as having become politicized. In addition, when I have raised my concerns to the IPCC leadership, their response was simply to dismiss my concerns. ...

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I personally cannot in good faith continue to contribute to a process that I view as both being motivated by pre-conceived agendas and being scientifically unsound. As the IPCC leadership has seen no wrong in Dr. Trenberth's actions and have retained him as a Lead Author for the AR4, I have decided to no longer participate in the IPCC AR4."

lavoisier.com.au2005-01-17 en An Open Letter to the Community from Chris Landsea

Open letter to the community from Chris Landsea (with comments)2005-01-17 en Chris Landsea Leaves IPCC

en Christopher Landsea Evidence of the politicized atmosphere of the IPCC comes from the resignation of Christopher Landsea. In January 2005 Christopher Landsea resigned from work on the IPCC AR4, saying that he viewed the process as both being motivated by pre-conceived agendas and being scientifically unsound. WEBCommentary/Bob Webster2007-03-07 en Inconvenient Truths about Global Warming

f r Christopher Landsea, de la Division de la Recherche "ouragans" de l'Administration Nationale Océanographique et Atmosphérique (NOAA) qui est le "leading expert", l'expert mondial, sur la question des ouragans, a démissionné avec fracas des instances du GIEC en 2005, parce que cet organisme avait affirmé, contrairement aux évidences scientifiques que l'intensité et le nombre des ouragans avaient augmenté. Christopher Landsea a rédigé une lettre de démission (voir plus haut) destinée aux dirigeants du GIEC qui explique tout cela en détail. Cette lettre restera dans les mémoires même si elle n'a pas fait bouger d'un iota les instances du GIEC, toujours fortes de leurs "certitudes"... même si elles contredisent carrément les résultats de la Science.. Pensée unique f r Christopher Landsea

En janvier 2005, Christoper Landsea a démissionné de son rôle du GIEC AR4, disant qu'il avait vu le processus comme étant aussi bien motivé par des agendas préconçus que scientifiquement défectueux à cause du contentieux public crée par Kevin Trenberth qui avait avancé la thèse que le réchauffement global contribuait à la récente activité des ouragans. Wikipedia f r La démission de Christopher Landsea

Bitte beachten / Please consider / Veuillez prendre note

de Internet-Terror : Manipulation von Wikipedia durch einen Administrator.

en At Wikipedia, one man engineers the debate on global warming.

f r A Wikipedia, un homme dirige le débat sur le réchauffement climatique et à sa manière.

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C. D. Idso Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change

K. E. Idso Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change

CO2 Science: en Carbon Dioxide and Global Warming - Where We Stand on the Issue

Paavo Siitam

archive.org: en HOAX: Implementation of Kyoto Accord/Protocol

Heinz Thieme Dipl.-Ing.

Heinz Thiemede Treibhauseffekt im Widerspruch zur Thermodynamik und zu Emissionseigenschaften von Gasenen Greenhouse Gas Hypothesis Violates Fundamentals of Physics

⇒ Siehe Klima-Aspekte: Atmosphäreneffekt anstatt Treibhauseffekt

Ernst-Georg Beck Dipl. Biologe, Bielsheim, Frankreich

de Neue Forschungen der CO2-Konzentrationen in der Vergangenheiten New research on CO2 concentrations in the pastf r Nouvelles recherches sur la concentration du CO2 dans le passé

de Die CO2-Angaben des IPCC sind falsch!Das Kyoto-Protokoll basiert auf falschen Angaben! Beck hat nachgewiesen, dass die CO2-Angaben des IPCC auf denen das Kyoto-Protokoll basiert, nicht richtig sind. Auch die von Al Gore viel gerühmten Eisbohrkerne werden in dieser Beziehung falsch interpretiert. Damit ist ein weiterer Beweis erbracht, dass das vom Menschen verursachte CO2 keinen Einfluss auf eine Klimaänderung hat (und es daher auch nichts nützt mehr CO2 zu erzeugen, wenn es kälter werden sollte). Wenn die CO2-Treibhausteorie mit der Gegenstrahlung weiterhin aufrechterhalten wird, muss nach der Meinung von Beck von Betrug gesprochen werden. Zur Qualität des Videos: Die Qualität dieses Videos ist am Anfang sehr schlecht. Nachdem ein Mikrofon installiert wurde, ist der Vortrag aber gut verständlich und interessant.

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en IPCC does not give correct datas!The protocol of Kyoto is based on wrong figures! f r Les indications du GIEC (IPCC) sont fausses!Le protocol de Kyoto se base sur des valeurs qui sont fausses! Ernst-Georg Beckde Klimaforschung - Anspruch und Wirklichkeit (1 Std. 37 Min.)

de Erläuterungen und Kurven: Gores Gasblasen verdunkeln wahre CO 2 -Daten de Ist der Mensch wirklich an der Klimaänderung schuld? (Word-doc)en Slides of this presentation: Berlin 30. 05.2007 EIKE Meetingen The Fraud of Global Warming: True C02 Record Buried Under Gorede 180 Jahre CO 2 Gasanalyse der Luft mit chemischen Methoden de/en 180 Years of atmospheric CO 2 Gas Analysis by Chemical Methods f r Des variations qui varient ...quand et comme il faut !

en Pre-industrial CO2 levels were about the same as today. How and why we are told otherwise?

Ernst-Georg Beck:

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Modern greenhouse hypothesis is based on the work of G.S. Callendar and C.D. Keeling, following S. Arrhenius, as latterly popularized by the IPCC. Review of available literature raise the question if these authors have systematically discarded a large number of valid technical papers and older atmospheric CO2 determinations because they did not fit their hypothesis? Obviously they use only a few carefully selected values from the older literature, invariably choosing results that are consistent with the hypothesis of an induced rise of CO2 in air caused by the burning of fossil fuel. "Since 1812, the CO2 concentration in northern hemispheric air has fluctuated exhibiting three high level maxima around 1825, 1857 and 1942 the latter showing more than 400 ppm."

Professor Zbigniew Jaworowski: The basis of most of the IPCC conclusions on anthropogenic causes and on projections of climatic change is the assumption of low level of CO2 in the pre-industrial atmosphere.

This assumption, based on glaciological studies, is false."

CFP Canada Free Press / Dr. Tim Ball2008-12-10 en Pre-industrial CO2 levels were about the same as today. How and why we are told otherwise?

Marcel Leroux Professeur de climatologiePhD, Professor Emeritus of Climatology, University Jean Moulin of Lyon, France; former director of Laboratory of Climatology, Risks and Environment, CNRS

Dr. Jean Martin (Pensée Unique):

Le 12 août 2008, le grand climatologue français, Marcel Leroux, nous a quitté après une longue et douloureuse maladie.Son intégrité, son message scientifique et son courage, sont des exemples pour nous tous. Tes nombreux amis ne t'oublieront pas.Au revoir et merci, Marcel.

Son intervention à l'Académie des Sciences (5 mars 2007) Une de ses derniers interview (28 sept. 2007)

Skyfall/Changement climatique f r Décès du climatologue Marcel LerouxLe blog de Francis Richard f r Mort du climatologue dissident Marcel Leroux

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Wikipedia en Marcel LerouxWikipedia f r Marcel Leroux

de Marcel Leroux, Meteorologe und Klimaforscher, wertet seit Jahrzehnten Satellitenbilder aus und hat dabei räumlich veränderte Luftströmungen zwischen dem Nordpol und dem Äquator festgestellt. Demzufolge könne seit den siebziger Jahren mehr Warmluft vor allem in die Packeisregion auf die europäische Seite der Arktis vordringen. Das sei aber keine Folge der globalen Erwärmung sondern einer sehr unterschiedlichen Temperaturentwicklung in der Arktis selbst. weltwoche.ch2007-04-29 de Leroux bezichtigt das IPCC der Geschichtsklitterung

Die Achse des Guten/Dirk Maxeiner2008-01-03 de: Marcel Leroux: Der Putz bröckelt

gaertner-online.de/Edgar Gärtner2007 de: Marcel Leroux: Es wird langsam kühler

novo-magazin.de/Edgar Gärtner2006-11 de Marcel Leroux: Es gibt keine globale Erwärmung!

Welt Debatte/Edgar Gärtner2007-09-09 de Es wird kalt, nicht heiss!

en M. Leroux, Global Warming - Myth or Reality?, 2005, p. 120 According to the models and the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC), it would seem that the greenhouse effect, especially in its anthropic aspect, is responsible for all climatic changes. This is obviously a simplification, a caricature, because other factors are involved, and very much more effectively. These different factors act upon what is generally called the 'climatic system', a practical label but one which does not always imply the totality of the phenomena which need to be taken into account in our understanding of the dynamics of climatic changes. "The possible causes, then, of climate change are: well-established orbital parameters on the palaeoclimatic scale, ... solar activity, ...; volcanism ...; and far at the rear, the greenhouse effect, and in particular that caused by water vapor, the extent of its influence being unknown. These factors are working together all the time, and it seems difficult to unravel the relative importance of their respective influences upon climatic evolution. Equally, it is tendentious to highlight the anthropic factor, which is, clearly, the least credible among all those previously mentioned." WEBCommentary/Bob Webster2007-03-07 en Inconvenient Truths about Global Warming

f r Le professeur de climatologie Marcel Leroux conteste l'idée qu'il existe un climat unifié dont la modification serait principalement due au gaz carbonique émis par les activités humaines. Dans cette vidéo, réalisée par resiliencetv.fr, Marcel Leroux expose, argumente, avec beaucoup de pédagogie et d'exemples amusants.Dailymotion Video (19:23)2007-09-28 f r Marcel Leroux, Climatologue

f r L'hyper-simplification du GIEC reliant température et CO2, évite de poser la question de savoir s'il existe d'autres causes. L'observation des faits réels n'est pas la préoccupation majeure des théoriciens et des modélisateurs, qui ne cherchent pas à connaître l'évolution climatique réelle, ni ses

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mécanismes, qui n'en tiennent aucun compte dans leurs prévisions, alors que l'évolution réelle n'est pas celle qu'ils prédisent. Cette focalisation, par défaut, sur l'effet de serre, est révélatrice de l'état de la discipline climatologique. En dépit de progrès considérables dans l'observation (par le satellite notamment) et dans le traitement (informatique), la discipline est dans une impasse conceptuelle depuis une cinquantaine d'années. Les modèles, en particulier, ne rendent pas compte des mécanismes véritables de la circulation générale, pourtant responsable de la transmission des changements climatiques. Marcel Leroux2007-03-05 f r Les échanges méridiens commandent les changements climatiques

brefonline.com2002-07 f r Marcel Leroux : Le réchauffement de la planète ? Une imposture!

Skyfal/Changement climatique2007-04-18 f r Débats à l'Académie des Sciences, exposé par Marcel Leroux

f r Extraits: Ce sont les AMP, ou Anticyclones Mobiles Polaires qui véhiculent de l'air froid en direction des Tropiques. Les périodes de canicule sont toujours associées à une forte hausse de la pression, dont on ne parle pas alors que c'est le facteur essentiel de la chaleur et de la sécheresse. La circulation générale est en effet entrée dans un mode rapide depuis les années 1970 (M. Leroux, 2005), mode de circulation qui est exactement l'inverse de l'évolution dite "de l'effet de serre" prédite par le GIEC. Même l'évolution de la pression de surface, paramètre pourtant hautement significatif de l'évolution climatique, est délibérément ignorée, parce que la hausse de pression est antinomique des scénarios du GIEC ! Une telle hausse (de plusieurs hPa à l'échelle des moyennes annuelles, ce qui est considérable) n'a évidemment rien à voir avec le prétendu "réchauffement climatique". agriculture-environnement.frf r C'est encore la faute du fameux "anticyclone des Açores"!

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