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RFID APPLICATION WONG Ho Yan 12209813 6/23/22

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RFID Application


  • 1. WONG Ho Yan12209813October 27, 2014

2. Introductionof RFIDApplications Survey resultsFuturedevelopmentandopportunitiesConclusions 3. RFID = Radio Frequency Identification Electronic labeling and wireless identificationof objects using radio frequency Tag carries with its information a serial number Model number Color or any other imaginable data When these tags pass through a field generatedby a compatible reader, they transmit thisinformation back to the reader, therebyidentifying the object 4. A basic RFID system consists of thesecomponents: A programmable RFID tag/inlay for storing itemdata; Consisting of an RFID chip for data storage an antenna to facilitate communication with the RFIDchip A reader/antenna system to interrogate theRFID inlay Application software and a host computersystem 5. The RFID tag consists of an integrated circuit(IC) embedded in a thin film medium. Information stored in the memory of the RFIDchip is transmitted by the antenna circuitembedded in the RFID inlay via radiofrequencies, to an RFID reader 3 types Passive Semi-passive Active 6. Active TagsUse a battery communicate overdistances of severalmetersSemi-passive TagsContain built-inbatteries to powerthe chips circuitry,resist interferenceand circumvent alack of power fromthe reader signaldue to long distance. They are differentfrom active tags inthat they onlytransmit data at thetime a response isreceivedPassive Tags Derive their powerfrom the fieldgenerated by thereader without having anactive transmitter totransfer theinformation stored 7. Frequency Appx. ReadRangeData Speed Cost ofTagsApplicationLow Frequency(125kHz)