12 june 2018 newsletter 16 - coatesville school...12 june 2018 newsletter 16 dear parents/caregivers...


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Page 1: 12 June 2018 Newsletter 16 - COATESVILLE SCHOOL...12 June 2018 Newsletter 16 Dear Parents/Caregivers T ē n ā koutou , t ē n ā koutou , t ē n ā koutou katoa New addition to Room

12 June 2018 Newsletter 16

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Tēnā koutou , tēnā koutou , tēnā koutou katoa

New addition to Room 7!

Room 7 has a magnificent new playhouse thanks to the mighty efforts of Leon, Natalie, Lucas and Coby Bathurst . The playhouse was delivered this morning by Leon and was a wonderful surprise to the students of Rm 7. Thank you so much to the Bathurst family for their wonderful gi�. It is fantas�cally decorated inside and out too - even having a ‘Post’ box and an ‘Aim Strive Achieve’ sign. Great job - thank you so much !

‘Centenary Garden’ Many thanks to Adam Evans of Urbis Landscapes Ltd who sent two workers free of charge to �dy up our ‘Centenary’ garden which wraps around our administra�on/staffroom building. Adam and his workers originally created the garden for our centenary event in 2016, transforming a very �red-looking area (especially on the road side of the building) into a very a�rac�ve feature of the school, including a nice quiet area for people to sit, rest and chat. The recent offer to come in again and give the garden a big ‘�dy up’ was a wonderful gesture and very much appreciated. Thank you so much Adam for your support of our school.

‘Kindness Award’ winners

We have had two ‘Kindness Award’ winners so far! Congratula�ons last Friday went to Kees for being an ‘Upstander’ and for ‘standing up’ and making sure someone else could join in and play. Great job and another worthy winner of the new ‘Kindness Award’ donated by one of our school’s long �me supporters Nicky White of Precision Real Estate . Thank you Nicky - and keep up the great work children!

Page 2: 12 June 2018 Newsletter 16 - COATESVILLE SCHOOL...12 June 2018 Newsletter 16 Dear Parents/Caregivers T ē n ā koutou , t ē n ā koutou , t ē n ā koutou katoa New addition to Room

NZEI meeting next Tuesday afternoon – children can go home early! Next Tuesday a�ernoon (19 June) over half of our teaching staff will be a�ending an NZEI mee�ng offsite. This is an officially sanc�oned mee�ng for teachers in the primary teachers’ union to a�end. Teachers will be hearing about the collec�ve agreement offer tabled from the government and vo�ng whether to accept it or not. School will officially remain open until 3pm but we are suggesting - if at all convenient - you pick your child up early. The lunch bell will go at 1pm and children can be picked up from their classroom at that time. If it isn’t possible for you to pick your child up early that is perfectly fine. There will be teaching staff available to supervise the remaining students during the lunch�me and for the rest of the a�ernoon. Buses will still run at the normal time . Why are teachers meeting? There are some very serious issues needing to be addressed within educa�on. These have been part of discussions between schools and the government for some �me but there seems to be li�le in the way of clear ac�on to address these issues. The collec�ve agreement for teachers is about to expire so it is an extremely important �me to examine their offer as it relates to a number of these issues. We will share the outcome of the mee�ngs held across the country as it will indicate whether there is acceptance of the offer or a need to go back to nego�a�ons. Student Progress Reporting Progress Reports will go home to students on Friday 29 June (Wk 9) . With the demise of Na�onal Standards all students are now on the same repor�ng cycle - progress repor�ng (June/July) and achievement repor�ng (December). Those students who have been at school all year, or who started during Term 1 or on Day 1 of Term 2, will receive a ‘Progress’ report. Parent-Teacher-Student conferences: Wednesday 4th July 2:15-7 pm and Thursday 5th July 2:15-5:30 pm (Wk 10) These 3-way conferences are an essen�al component of the annual repor�ng process as they support, clarify and enhance the informa�on contained in the student progress reports. Booking for conferences will be opened in Wk 9. Please note: School will finish at 2pm on both days. School Buses will leave at the normal �me. Bus and a�erschool care students will be looked a�er in the library un�l 3pm.

Classroom Relievers With the winter weather we invariably get staff sick on occasions. We always try and find the best possible reliever to cover classes for the day. We do have a very good (but small) pool of regular relievers who we are very grateful to have. Only when things get really difficult do we look outside that core group. With the Auckland-wide teacher shortage finding relievers can be a struggle but we do greatly appreciate their help - and your support of them.

Scholastic Book Orders The second Scholas�c Book Order pamphlet for this term went home with your child on Friday last week. If you wish to place an order, please complete the online order form by following the prompts at: mybookclub.scholas�c.co.nz. by 9 am Friday 22nd June. Orders are online only please do not send any money or forms to school - thank you.

Give a Kid a Blanket This Friday 15th June is PJ Day, to help support Give a Kid a Blanket, so come to school in your PJ's! The student leaders will be hos�ng a series of short, funny video clips to be shown in the library at lunch�me for all those students who bring in a blanket (new or pre-loved) or other items such as new hot water bo�les, PJs, new socks, beanies, and scarves. We appreciate your support of this worthy cause. Click More Informa�on or go to their Facebook page.

E- Award The E-Award results for Week 5 - 3 rd place – Room 1 2 nd place – Room 10 & 3 1 st place – Room 12 Week 6 - E-award 2 nd equal place – Rooms 3 and 13 1 st equal place – Rooms 4 and 6

Page 3: 12 June 2018 Newsletter 16 - COATESVILLE SCHOOL...12 June 2018 Newsletter 16 Dear Parents/Caregivers T ē n ā koutou , t ē n ā koutou , t ē n ā koutou katoa New addition to Room

Coatesville School Cross Country It was cold and windy, and a couple of shoes were lost to the mud, but our Cross Country was a great success. Well done to the children for the weeks of training and then compe�ng last Thursday. I know many felt a huge sense of achievement at comple�ng the course. Thank you very much to the children who helped set up and also to the parents who volunteered their �me to be marshals at cones, or the finish line. We couldn't run these school events without your help. Results: 5yr Girls 1 st Olivia Graham 2 nd Poppy Becker 3 rd Dusty Watson 5yr Boys 1 st Mackenzie Evans 2 nd Ash Dando 3 rd Beau Burne� 6yr Girls 1 st Natalia Calderon 2 nd Brooke Bates 3 rd Mila Bruce 6yr Boys 1 st Cooper Newman 2 nd Jackson Cook 3 rd Harry Fenton 7yr Girls 1 st Maia Osman 2 nd Emily Glasson 3 rd Jasmine Cli�on 7yr Boys 1 st Oliver Pudney 2 nd Monty Cruickshank 3 rd Kees Thorburn 8yr Girls 1 st Ariane Dawson 2 nd Trixie Fi�-Allen 3 rd Tasman Mcnamee 8yr Boys 1 st Ethan Bates 2 nd Max Gibson 3 rd Samuele Steele 9yr Girls 1 st Makayla Graham 2 nd Georgia Drew 3 rd Mia Cadwallader 9yr Boys 1 st Zach Pudney 2 nd Oliver Jarvis 3 rd Harry Mar�n 10 + yr Girls 1 st Elsa Aitkin 2 nd May Peng 3 rd Lucy Ellingham 10 + yr Boys 1 st Nathan Graham 2 nd Levi Dawson 3 rd Liam Bates

Our Interschool team will compete against four other schools this Thursday, 1pm at the Coatesville Reserve. Come along and cheer them on. For further informa�on go to the Cross Country page of our website. Mark van Dam.- Sports Co-ordinator

Our Special Weekly Awards Every week we recognise people who have made a meaningful contribu�on to our school. Winners of the awards from last week were: Cool Kiwi - for a positive contribution to the school environment : - Our amazing FOTS group for their brilliant organisa�on of the school disco - everyone had such a wonderful �me. Thank you all for helping! Tomato Dude – for a special class/group/individual of the week : - Nathan, Levi, Ruby, Parisa, Anastasia, Scarlet for helping to set up the cross country course so well! Thank you so much for your help! Crackerjacks award – for a sportsmanship - Our Rippa rugby players for showing outstanding sportsmanship and school pride at recent rugby tournament! Great work everyone you made us proud!

Chickens for Ag day If you would like to raise chickens for Ag day you can place an order through the Friends of the School. This year we have a few op�ons

- Brown Shavers $8 - which will be (1 - 3 days old) - delivery approximately 17th of August 2018 or a - Heritage Chick - $10 per chick and will be 1 week old - delivery approximately 17th of August 2018. There

are three Heritage breeds to choose from Orpington, Australorp and Bared Rock/ Australorp cross. For more informa�on on these chickens - Kaimua Farm

Please pay Online into the FOTS Account 12-3059-0341655-00 or make cheques payable to Friends of Coatesville School or cash to the school office. Cost: $8.00 Brown Shaver per Chick or the Heritage Breed - $10 . Orders Close - Friday 29 June 2018 - No orders will be accepted without payment. No late orders can be taken. When deciding on the number of chicks to purchase please consider that chickens do not cope well alone. Ordering a minimum of 2 chicks will maximize their chance of survival. Before the chicks arrive you will also need to have

● a means of keeping them warm (40W light bulb to suspend over a box) and food - ● Chick starter feed which is available from farm centres.

No late orders can be taken. Any enquiries contact Tracy Ellingham 021 399162 email [email protected]

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FROM FOTS: Morning Tea For Friends of the School - Friday, June 15 at 9:30 AM - 11 AM in the Staff Room: Come and meet other school parents over a hot cuppa and yummy delights. All are welcome, whether you are a newcomer to the school or not. We'll all meet in the staff room straight a�er assembly (approximately 9:30am). Please spread the word and we look forward to seeing you there! If you can help in any way with baking contribu�ons, they will be very much appreciated. Please contact us at [email protected] if you can help! Cupcake Day is on the Friday, 29th June: The Kiwi syndicate is running this - please can we have at least 6 volunteers to run the stall. We need all our amazing Kiwi families to please bake some yummy treats to sell for this day. Please bring your contribu�on to the Artec room on the Friday morning so that we have �me to plate, price etc A reminder about Casino night on the 1st September! This is such a fun evening to enjoy a laugh with school parents. If you are able to help us by sponsoring a table please contact Heather Seel on [email protected] or if you are able to donate an item or service to be auctioned on the night please contact Alanah on [email protected] Tickets will be on sale soon keep an eye out - $30 pre sold and $35 on the door. Our next FOTS catchup is on Wednesday 4th July - all welcome we would love to see you there.

Ka kite ano. Hei konā mai.

Richard Johnson Richard Johnson – Principal Community Notices The Maritime Museum - join us for our exciting July School Holiday activities! Get crea�ve with our friendly mari�me hosts and make your very own Matariki inspired print. Be entertained by our film screenings of Waka Warriors, or navigate the oceans with our Star Dome experience. Set new goals in our new year’s resolu�ons trail while exploring our museum galleries. Hoist the sails and experience a memorable sailing on the Waitematā harbour aboard our Ted Ashby heritage vessel to get a new perspec�ve on Tāmaki Makaurua. Call or email now to make a booking (09 373 0807) or simply reply to this email for more informa�on. Ted Ashby sailings and ac�vi�es have a limited spaces available and all bookings are made on a first in first serve basis. Good as New Winter Pre Loved Kids Market Saturday 23 June Orewa Community Center 9am - 12 50+ stalls selling quality pre loved kids; toys, clothes, games, books, buggies and nursery furniture. enquiries - [email protected]

Page 5: 12 June 2018 Newsletter 16 - COATESVILLE SCHOOL...12 June 2018 Newsletter 16 Dear Parents/Caregivers T ē n ā koutou , t ē n ā koutou , t ē n ā koutou katoa New addition to Room