11gr2 rac to rac dataguard with dataguard broker maa

This document explains the step by step process of building the 11g R2 ( 3-Node RAC primary to 2-Node RAC Physical Standby DataGuard on Oracle Enterprise Linux Technical Architecture of 11g R2 RAC primary to RAC standby DataGuard Configuration: PRIMARY STANDBY Clusterware 11g R2 Grid Infrastructure ( 11g R2 Grid Infrastructure ( Cluster Nodes node1, node2, node3 (3-node RAC) dr-node1, dr-node2 (2-node RAC) SCAN lab-scan.hingu.net dr-lab-scan.hingu.net SCAN listener Host/port SCAN VIPs (port 1525) SCAN VIPs (port 1525) VIPs node1-vip, node2-vip, node3-vip dr-node1-vip, dr-node2-vip DB_UNIQUE_NAME USA INDIA DB_NAME BHAVIN BHAVIN DB Instances bhavin1, bhavin2, bhavin3 bhavin1, bhavin2 DB LISTENER BHAVIN_LISTENER BHAVIN_LISTENER DB Listener Host/port node1-vip, node2-vip, node3-vip (port 1530) dr-node1-vip, dr-node2-vip (port 1530) DB STORAGE ASM ASM File Management OMF OMF ASM diskgroup for DB files DATA DATA ASM Diskgroup for Recovery Files FRA FRA ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/db11201 /u01/app/oracle/db11201 11g R2 RAC version OS Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5 (32 bit) Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5 (32 bit) Existing Setup (Before the Dataguard Setup): It is assumed that preliminary requirement to configure RAC to RAC 11g R2 Dataguard has been established. Here are the screenshots for the existing Setup of Primary as well as Standby site. PRIMARY Site: · 3-node 11g R2 Grid Infrastructure ( has been installed and configured. · 3-node RAC software ( has been installed and configured. · ASM diskgroup DATA and FRA has been created. · Database “BHAVIN” is created on ASM and configured to use OMFs. · DB listener BHAVIN_LISTENER has been created and running on port 1530. · Database Instances are configured with LOCAL_LISTENER and REMOTE_LISTENER parameters. DR Site: · 2-node 11g R2 Grid Infrastructure ( has been installed and configured. · 2-node RAC software ( has been installed and configured. · ASM diskgroup DATA and FRA has been created. · DB listener BHAVIN_LISTENER has been created and running on port 1530. Click here for the detail information on installing/configuring 11g R2 Grid Infrastructure, Installing 11g R2 RAC, creating LISTENERs and creating a RAC database on ASM. RAC to RAC Physical Dataguard: · Prepare Primary Site · Prepare Standby Site · Create RAC Physical Standby Database · Configure DataGuard Broker · Perform Switchover/Failover using DG Broker Prepare Primary RAC database for DR configuration: · Enable Force Logging. · Modify init Parameters. · Enable Archivelog Mode. · Create the SLRs (Standby Redo Logs). · Backup the Database for Standby · Create pfile for standby database. · Update the tnsnames.ora.

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  • 3/14/2015 11gR2 RAC to RAC Dataguard with Dataguard Broker MAA

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    This document explains the step by step process of building the 11g R2 ( 3-Node RAC primary to 2-Node RAC Physical Standby DataGuard on Oracle Enterprise Linux

    Technical Architecture of 11g R2 RAC primary to RAC standby DataGuardConfiguration:


    Clusterware 11g R2 Grid Infrastructure ( 11g R2 Grid Infrastructure (

    Cluster Nodes node1, node2, node3 (3-node RAC) dr-node1, dr-node2 (2-node RAC)

    SCAN lab-scan.hingu.net dr-lab-scan.hingu.net

    SCAN listener Host/port SCAN VIPs (port 1525) SCAN VIPs (port 1525)

    VIPs node1-vip, node2-vip, node3-vip dr-node1-vip, dr-node2-vip



    DB Instances bhavin1, bhavin2, bhavin3 bhavin1, bhavin2


    DB Listener Host/port node1-vip, node2-vip, node3-vip (port 1530) dr-node1-vip, dr-node2-vip (port 1530)


    File Management OMF OMF

    ASM diskgroup for DB files DATA DATA

    ASM Diskgroup for Recovery Files FRA FRA

    ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/db11201 /u01/app/oracle/db11201

    11g R2 RAC version

    OS Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5 (32 bit) Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.5 (32 bit)

    Existing Setup (Before the Dataguard Setup): It is assumed that preliminary requirement to configure RAC to RAC 11g R2 Dataguard has been established. Here are the screenshots for the existing Setup of Primary as well as Standby site.

    PRIMARY Site:

    3-node 11g R2 Grid Infrastructure ( has been installed and configured. 3-node RAC software ( has been installed and configured. ASM diskgroup DATA and FRA has been created. Database BHAVIN is created on ASM and configured to use OMFs. DB listener BHAVIN_LISTENER has been created and running on port 1530. Database Instances are configured with LOCAL_LISTENER and REMOTE_LISTENER parameters.

    DR Site:

    2-node 11g R2 Grid Infrastructure ( has been installed and configured. 2-node RAC software ( has been installed and configured. ASM diskgroup DATA and FRA has been created. DB listener BHAVIN_LISTENER has been created and running on port 1530.

    Click here for the detail information on installing/configuring 11g R2 Grid Infrastructure, Installing 11g R2 RAC, creating LISTENERs and creating a RAC database on ASM.

    RAC to RAC Physical Dataguard:

    Prepare Primary Site

    Prepare Standby Site

    Create RAC Physical Standby Database

    Configure DataGuard Broker

    Perform Switchover/Failover using DG Broker

    Prepare Primary RAC database for DR configuration:

    Enable Force Logging. Modify init Parameters. Enable Archivelog Mode. Create the SLRs (Standby Redo Logs). Backup the Database for Standby Create pfile for standby database. Update the tnsnames.ora.


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    Enable Force Logging:

    alter database force logging;

    Modify Dataguard related init Parameters:


    The db_unique_name parameter has already been set to the appropriate value during the initial creation of the RAC database.The log_archive_dest_state_n andremote_login_passwordfile have default values set to ENABLE and EXCLUSIVE respectively. So, only below mentioned parameter needed to be changedhere. alter system set LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG='DG_CONFIG=(USA,INDIA)' scope=both sid='*';



    alter system set log_archive_format='%t_%s_%r.arc' scope=spfile sid='*';

    alter system set log_archive_max_processes=8 scope=both sid='*';

    alter system set fal_server=INDIA scope=both sid='*';

    alter system set db_file_name_convert='INDIA','USA' scope=spfile sid='*';

    alter system set log_file_name_convert='INDIA','USA' scope=spfile sid='*';

    alter system set standby_file_management=AUTO scope=both sid='*';

    Verify that the values are set correctly for these parameters after bouncing the database.

    set linesize 500 pages 0

    col value for a90

    col name for a50

    select name, value

    from v$parameter

    where name in ('db_name','db_unique_name','log_archive_config', 'log_archive_dest_1','log_archive_dest_2',

    'log_archive_dest_state_1','log_archive_dest_state_2', 'remote_login_passwordfile',


    'log_file_name_convert', 'standby_file_management')

    Enable Archivelog Mode:

    srvctl stop database d usastartup mount (only one instance)alter database archivelogalter database opensrvctl start database d usa This will start the remaining Instances on the cluster.

    Create the Standby Redo Logs (SRLs) on Primary and Standby:

    There should be minimum of (threads)*(groups Per Threads + 1) SLRs created on the standby database. There are 3 threads with 2 groups per thread in this configuration on the primaryside so there should be total of 9 SLRs at minimum needs to be created. Lets get the total Groups and Max size of the logfile from v$log.

    SQL> select max (bytes), count (1) from v$log;


    ---------- ----------

    52428800 6

    Here, the total no. of online redo groups are 6 and the maximum size of these groups is 52M. So, 3 Standby Redo Log groups per thread with size of 52M each should be created on Primaryas well as standby database. ASMCMD> mkdir +fra/usa/STANDBYLOG (connected as griduser using asmcmd) alter system set standby_file_management=manual scope=both sid='*';

    alter database add standby logfile thread 1 group 7'+fra/usa/standbylog/standby_group_07.log' size 52M;

    alter database add standby logfile thread 1 group 8'+fra/usa/standbylog/standby_group_07.log' size 52M;

    alter database add standby logfile thread 1 group 9'+fra/usa/standbylog/standby_group_07.log' size 52M;

    alter database add standby logfile thread 2 group 10'+fra/usa/standbylog/standby_group_10.log' size 52M;

    alter database add standby logfile thread 2 group 11'+fra/usa/standbylog/standby_group_11.log' size 52M;

    alter database add standby logfile thread 2 group 12'+fra/usa/standbylog/standby_group_12.log' size 52M;

    alter database add standby logfile thread 3 group 13'+fra/usa/standbylog/standby_group_13.log' size 52M;

    alter database add standby logfile thread 3 group 14'+fra/usa/standbylog/standby_group_14.log' size 52M;

    alter database add standby logfile thread 3 group 15'+fra/usa/standbylog/standby_group_15.log' size 52M;

    alter system set standby_file_management=auto scope=both sid='*';

    Backup The Primary Database For Standby.

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    Take the backup of the primary database and the standby controlfile. Create the staging directory to hold the RMAN backup. mkdir /home/oracle/backup rman target / nocatalogrun{ sql "alter system switch logfile"; allocate channel ch1 type disk format '/home/oracle/backup/Primary_bkp_for_stndby_%U'; backup database; backup current controlfile for standby; sql "alter system archive log current";}

    Create pfile For Standby.

    create pfile='pfile_for_standby.txt' from spfile;

    Update TNSNAMES.ora

    Add the tns alias for each of the instances of the primary database.

    USA1 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = node1-vip.hingu.net)(PORT = 1530)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = usa.hingu.net) (SID = bhavin1) ) ) USA2 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = node2-vip.hingu.net)(PORT = 1530)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = usa.hingu.net) (SID = bhavin2) ) ) USA3 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = node3-vip.hingu.net)(PORT = 1530)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = usa.hingu.net) (SID = bhavin3) ) )

    Copy the tnsnames.ora on all the instances under$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin to keep the same tnsnames.ora on all the instances.

    Prepare Standby Site for Dataguard Configuration:

    Copy the RMAN backup and pfile_for_standby.txt. Copy the password file. Create required directories for Standby Instance. Modify the pfile. Copy the tnsnames.ora from Primary and add the TNS Alias for the standby database instances. Create the ASM directories under the DATA and FRA diskgroup.

    Copy the RMAN Backup files and init.ora from Primary to Standby:

    Copy the backups from primary node1 to dr-node1 under the same location as primary node1 (/home/oracle/backup). Also copy the pfile that was created for standby on primarynode1 to the dr-node1.

    scp $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/pfile_for_standby.txt dr-node1:$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/pfile_for_standby.txtscp r /home/oracle/backup dr-node1:/home/oracle

    Copy the Password File from Primary to all the nodes in Standby.

    Copy the file $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwbhavin1 from Primary node 1 to both the standby nodes under the directory $ORACLE_HOME/dbs with the nameoforapwbhavin1 and orapwbhavin2 for dr-node1 and dr-node2 respectively.

    scp $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwbhavin1 dr-node1:$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwbhavin1scp $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwbhavin1 dr-node2:$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwbhavin2

    Create required dump file directories for the Standby Instances On dr-node1: mkdir p /u01/app/oracle/admin/india/adumpmkdir p /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/india/bhavin1cd /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/india/bhavin1mkdir trace cdump

    On dr-node2: mkdir p /u01/app/oracle/admin/india/adumpmkdir p /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/india/bhavin2cd /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/india/bhavin2mkdir trace cdump

    Modify pfile_for_standby.txt file (under $ORACLE_HOME/dbs)

    The ones in RED color are modified for the standby database. The rest of the parameters remain same on both the primary and standby.

    *.audit_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/india/adump'*.audit_trail='db'*.cluster_database=true*.compatible=''*.control_files='+DATA/india/controlfile/control01.ctl','+FRA/india/controlfile/control02.ctl'*.db_block_size=8192*.db_create_file_dest='+DATA'*.db_create_online_log_dest_1='+DATA'*.db_create_online_log_dest_2='+FRA'*.db_domain='hingu.net'*.db_file_name_convert='USA','INDIA'*.db_name='bhavin'*.db_recovery_file_dest='+FRA'*.db_recovery_file_dest_size=4039114752*.db_unique_name='india'*.diagnostic_dest='/u01/app/oracle'*.dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=bhavinXDB)'*.fal_server='USA'bhavin1.instance_number=1

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    bhavin2.instance_number=2bhavin1.local_listener='LISTENER_BHAVIN1'bhavin2.local_listener='LISTENER_BHAVIN2'*.log_archive_config='DG_CONFIG=(USA,INDIA)'*.log_archive_dest_1='LOCATION=USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST VALID_FOR=(ALL_LOGFILES,ALL_ROLES) DB_UNIQUE_NAME=INDIA'*.log_archive_dest_2='SERVICE=USA ARCH VALID_FOR=(ONLINE_LOGFILES,PRIMARY_ROLE) DB_UNIQUE_NAME=USA'*.log_archive_format='%t_%s_%r.arc'*.log_archive_max_processes=8*.log_file_name_convert='USA','INDIA'*.memory_target=1484783616*.open_cursors=300*.processes=1024*.remote_listener='dr-lab-scan.hingu.net:1525'*.remote_login_passwordfile='exclusive'*.service_names='INDIA','india.hingu.net'*.sessions=1131*.standby_file_management='AUTO'bhavin2.thread=2bhavin1.thread=1bhavin1.undo_tablespace='UNDOTBS1'bhavin2.undo_tablespace='UNDOTBS2'

    Copy the tnsnames.ora file from primary (under$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin)

    From primary node1: scp $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora dr-node1:$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.orascp $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora dr-node2:$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora

    Now, Modify the LOCAL_LISTENER parameters in the tnsnames.ora to reflect the drspecific vip host names (On the Standby Nodes only). LISTENER_BHAVIN1=(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dr-node1-vip.hingu.net)(PORT = 1530)))LISTENER_BHAVIN2=(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dr-node2-vip.hingu.net)(PORT = 1530)))

    Create the ASM directories

    Connect to the asmcmd as a grid Operating System user and create the below directories. ASMCMD> mkdir data/INDIAASMCMD> cd data/indiaASMCMD> mkdir PARAMETERFILE DATAFILE CONTROLFILE TEMPFILE ONLINELOG ASMCMD> mkdir fra/INDIAASMCMD> cd fra/indiaASMCMD> mkdir ARCHIVELOG CONTROLFILE ONLINELOG STANDBYLOG

    Create the Physical Standby Database:

    Start the Instance in NOMOUNT using the pfile_for_standby.txt. Restore the Standby Database using RMAN DUPLICATE command. Create the Online Redo logs and Standby redo logs. Modify the TNSNAMES.ORA of Standby to add the Standby Databases TNS alias. Modify the TNSNAMES.ORA of Primary to add the Standby Databases TNS alias. Start the Managed Recovery Process Create the spfile and start the database on both the nodes using spfile. Register the New Standby database to the OCR. Start the Active Dataguard.

    Start the Instance in NOMOUNT state:

    Connect to the dr-node1 as oracle user and start the Instance bhavin1 using the$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/pfile_for_standby.txt parameter file. export ORACLE_SID=bhavin1export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracleexport ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/db11201export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:. sqlplus / as sysdbastartup nomountpfile=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/pfile_for_standby.txt

    Restore the RMAN backup using DUPLICATE DATABASE option:

    Connect to the Target database (USA) and auxiliary instance (INDIA) from dr-node1 host to start the DUPLICATE. rman target sys/oracle@usa1 auxiliary /DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE FOR STANDBY NOFILENAMECHECK;

    Modify tnsnames.ora on Standby:

    Existing tnsnames.ora does not contain the TNS alias of the standby database. It only contains TNS aliases for the Primary database because this tnsnames.ora was copied over fromprimary. Add the below TNS alias for standby database/instances into thetnsnames.ora file on both the standby hosts. INDIA =


    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dr-lab-scan.hingu.net)(PORT = 1525))



    (SERVICE_NAME = india.hingu.net)



    INDIA1 =


    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dr-node1-vip.hingu.net)(PORT = 1530))



    (SERVICE_NAME = india.hingu.net)

    (SID = bhavin1)



    INDIA2 =


    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dr-node2-vip.hingu.net)(PORT = 1530))



    (SERVICE_NAME = india.hingu.net)

    (SID = bhavin2)



    Modify tnsnames.ora on Primary:

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    Add the below TNS alias for standby database/instances into the tnsnames.ora file on all the primary hosts. INDIA =


    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dr-lab-scan.hingu.net)(PORT = 1525))



    (SERVICE_NAME = india.hingu.net)



    INDIA1 =


    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dr-node1-vip.hingu.net)(PORT = 1530))



    (SERVICE_NAME = india.hingu.net)

    (SID = bhavin1)



    INDIA2 =


    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dr-node2-vip.hingu.net)(PORT = 1530))



    (SERVICE_NAME = india.hingu.net)

    (SID = bhavin2)



    Start the Managed Recovery Process:

    Start the Managed recovery process on dr-node1 and verify that the log transport and log application is happening. Alert log is a quick and easy way to see if things log transport/Gapresolution and log application is working as expected. Start the tail f on alert logs on both the standby nodes before starting the MRP. ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE DISCONNECT FROM SESSION;

    Perform the log switch on the primary database so initiate the log Transport. alter system switch logfile

    Similar information can be verified by running below SQLs on standby database. select * from v$archive_gap;

    select process, client_process, sequence#, status fromv$managed_standby;

    select sequence#, first_time, next_time, applied fromv$archived_log;

    select archived_thread#, archived_seq#, applied_thread#,applied_seq# from v$archive_dest_status;

    select thread#, max (sequence#) from v$log_history group by thread#;

    select thread#, max (sequence#) from v$archived_log where APPLIED='YES' group by thread#;

    Create spfile from pfile:

    create spfile='+data/india/parameterfile/spfileINDIA.ora' frompfile='/u01/app/oracle/db11201/dbs/pfile_for_standby.txt';

    After creating the spfile, create the below init.ora files under $ORACLE_HOME/dbson both the dr nodes with the spfile entry so that the instance can start with the newly created spfile. On dr-node1: [oracle@dr-node1 dbs]$ cat initbhavin1.ora


    On dr-node2: [oracle@dr-node1 dbs]$ cat initbhavin2.ora


    Add Standby database and Instances to the OCR:

    Add the standby database and its instances to the OCR so that it is managed by CRS. srvctl add database -d india -n bhavin -o /u01/app/oracle/db11201 -m hingu.net -p +data/india/parameterfile/spfileindia.ora -rphysical_standby -a


    srvctl add instance -d india -i bhavin1 -n dr-node1

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    srvctl add instance -d india -i bhavin2 -n dr-node2

    srvctl start database -d india

    srvctl modify database -d india -s mount

    If the standby database should not start in open mode, then it can be changed by below command. The valid options are open (default), mount and nomount. srvctl modify database -d india -s mount

    Verify the configuration of standby database india. srvctl config database -d india

    Start the Active Dataguard:

    In Active Dataguard, the MRP can be running while the Physical Standby database is opened in READ ONLY mode. So, start the MRP after the database is opened in read only mode toactivate the Active Dataguard. srvctl start database d india o open

    alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;

    Create the Standby Redo Logs (SRLs) on Standby:

    DUPLICATE DATABASE command has replicated the same no. of Online Redo Logs and Standby Redologs from primary database to the Standby database. So, they were not needed tocreate here. Change the Protection Mode:

    New Protection Mode: Maximum Availability.

    On Primary:


    alter database set standby database to maximize availability;

    On Standby:


    alter database set standby database to maximize availability;

    Final Configuration Files: Here is the final look of parameter file, tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files at this stage of successful configuration of 3-node RAC primary to 2-node RAC PhysicalDataGuard.

    Configure Dataguard Broker:

    Stop the MRP Modify the Listener.ora files Modify the init Parameters Create Configuration Enable Configuration Verify the Configuration

    Stop the MRP on standby database:


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    alter database recover managed standby database cancel;

    Modify the listener.ora files: Update the listener.ora on all the nodes in Dataguard configuration to register a service with the local listener for each instance for the proper functioning of DGMGRL. Add the belowlines to the listener.ora file for each of the specified instances. Primary Node1


    Primary Node2


    Primary Node3


    Standby Node1


    Standby Node2


    After updating these listener.ora files, restart listeners on each of these nodes. Modify the init parameters: Modify these below DataGuard Broker related parameters on both the sides. Standby: mkdir +fra/india/DATAGUARDCONFIGmkdir +data/india/DATAGUARDCONFIG ALTER SYSTEM SET DG_BROKER_CONFIG_FILE1='+fra/india/DATAGUARDCONFIG/dgb_config02.ora' SCOPE=BOTH sid='*';ALTER SYSTEM SET DG_BROKER_CONFIG_FILE2='+data/india/DATAGUARDCONFIG/dgb_config01.ora' SCOPE=BOTH sid='*';alter system set dg_broker_start=true scope=both sid='*'; primary: mkdir +fra/usa/DATAGUARDCONFIGmkdir +data/usa/DATAGUARDCONFIG ALTER SYSTEM SET DG_BROKER_CONFIG_FILE1='+fra/usa/DATAGUARDCONFIG/dgb_config02.ora' SCOPE=BOTH sid='*';ALTER SYSTEM SET DG_BROKER_CONFIG_FILE2='+data/usa/DATAGUARDCONFIG/dgb_config01.ora' SCOPE=BOTH sid='*';alter system set dg_broker_start=true scope=both sid='*';

    Create Configuration: Connect to the DGMGRL and run the below statements to create and enable theDataGuard configuration. Verify that the DG Broker is configured correctly and it has all the databasesand instances registered as expected. CREATE CONFIGURATION 'DG_Config' AS PRIMARY DATABASE IS 'usa' CONNECT IDENTIFIER IS 'usa';ADD DATABASE 'india' AS CONNECT IDENTIFIER IS india;

    Enable Configuration: enable configuration;

    Verify Configuration: show configuration;show database verbose india;show database verbose usashow instance verbose bhavin1 on database usashow instance verbose bhavin2 on database usashow instance verbose bhavin3 on database usashow instance verbose bhavin1 on database indiashow instance verbose bhavin2 on database india

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    Performing Switchover/Failover with Dataguard Broker I received the below error while performing either switchover or failover operation using DataGuard Broker. This is due to the Oracle bug (9645789) occurring when DG Broker trying tostop any custom services in the database. The workaround is to remove all the custom services using srvctl command and add them back in the OCR at the end of the role transitionoperation.

    DGMGRL> switchover to indiaPerforming switchover NOW, please wait...Error: ORA-16535: Oracle Restart or OracleClusterware prevented completion of broker operation Failed.Unable to switchover, primary database is still "usa" srvctl stop service d usa s oltpsrvctl remove service d usa s oltpshow parameter service_names (SQLPLUS)


    Shutdown all the instance on Primary but one. Shutdown all the instance on Standby but one. Connect to dgmgrl on primary. Execute switchover to india on dgmgrl.

  • 3/14/2015 11gR2 RAC to RAC Dataguard with Dataguard Broker MAA

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    After the successful Switchover operation , start the remaining instances on both the databases. Modify the database configuration in OCR with their appropriate role and start option.Add any custom services to the new Primary (india) database that were removed earlier. srvctl modify database d usa r physical_standby s mount

    srvctl modify database d india r primary s open

    srvctl add service -d india -s oltp -r bhavin1,bhavin2 -r primary -e session -m basic -B SHORT (on the new Primary cluster)

    srvctl add service -d usa -s oltp -r bhavin1,bhavin2,bhavin3 -rphysical_standby -e session -m basic -B SHORT (on the new standby cluster)

    For the Failover, use DGMGRL command failover to usa