11 3j1ju 'uapp.dnp.go.th/opac/multimedia/ebook/59_131/59_131.pdflimfl-midl ting lio third n coo...

0.I 11 3J1JU 'U Thn'v5 nin ct ' nu (Macaca arctoides) n 'c11L6w1ntn ITh ij (Socio-ecotogical study on the multi-troop system of Macaco arctoides population in the Khao Krapuk Khao Taomo Non-hunting area, Petchaburi, Thailand) 1Lfl1J WWJ k,ct - 1'WW),J 1. w. iiiwi Professor Dr. Tamaki Maruhashi. i1u1 a a a I tui6iirnvin vjic1iwi

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Post on 01-Apr-2018




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11 3J1JU 'U

Thn'v5 nin ct' nu (Macaca arctoides) n

'c11L6w1ntn ITh ij

(Socio-ecotogical study on the multi-troop system of Macaco arctoides population in

the Khao Krapuk Khao Taomo Non-hunting area, Petchaburi, Thailand)

1Lfl1J WWJ k,ct - 1'WW),J

1. w. iiiwi Professor Dr. Tamaki Maruhashi. i1u1 a a a I

tui6iirnvin vjic1iwi

Thi1I1 IV

Department of National Park. Wildlife and Plant Conservation tibra


fl1 fl 1flW1L nrn u (Macoca arctoides) n iu 1J1


(Socio-ecologicat study on the multi-troop system of Macaca arctoides population in

the Khao Krapuk Khao Taomo Non-hunting area, Petchaburi, Thailand)

I ii

1141I%Ufl'1J vnci - Th'WlJ ctc

1. . J1clUU Professor Dr. Tamaki Maruhashi 1fl1q/1 ii

Id rnR1'U1 iwic


. 'titR in n1?nlJ (Ii) n n'tn iin vii (Macaca arctoides) fl

111Lnn I I11AJ .Ij'1 'AM MFJ

(nqi) Socio-ecological study on the multi-troop system of

Macaca arctoides population in the Khao Krapuk Khao

Taomo Non-hunting area, Petchaburi, Thailand

nti ',j A2

nn1un1UIL?i191 1n fl'tJ

flI1 OGflflO


4 v. U


email: suchinda.mchula.ac.th

Dr. Tamaki Maruhashi 4.

Department of Human Cultures, Musashi University, 1-26

Toyotama-kami, Nerima, Tokyo 176-8534, JAPAN

Irn (+81)-03-5984-3847

vria (+81)-03-5984-3880

E-mail: maruhasicc.musashi.ac.jp

ciwith ii niJn LInvtI rl

IJ1LT4J o AJ L fl4 J. 11

, o-1kob

QL ¶U 'fl 1fl1fll1'IU (L!u1)

QLG. nntn 'iif nniriiiinJ nim 1

Q1.. fl1fflfl1J -Department of Human Cultures, Musashi University, 1-26

Toyotama-kami, Nerima, Tokyo 176-8534, JAPAN


- Li I?J1fltfl LLiJ co I

. WIJi

i. 1UU3'li flfli UiifliitJUflifllU ILJJN?JU

znJ nri

_ I c. 111Ufl1 fl1

Jun--6 - wwrj (L11ni Gfl iau LL........

b. 91WIUM1LUUfl1

MJ1flfl I LYfl4J€1 o L.) m.n5mma-A J. 1flJ1

. flfliLLW1

ç t1u (stump-tafted macaque; Mocaca arctoides) nindni

9 nL'QFjlIqIjol Brahmaputra River LLiL fl1JLJ

LNJi zrv twin tn i n I4TI€J

nd bj (Fooden, 1990) I LitL

LL iiwtia i (Fooden, 1971; 1990; Boonratana,

1988; Treesucon, 1988) LL LU1 vhl'

LLMLVflU1. I'?J1 I fliVfl 1WJJi LI ILLI'1T, L1J1iJfl

IL 'c1VLJiflifl , ii1i

ILiI?JiLW1 I (Treesucon, 1988; Aggimarangsee, 1992; Malaivijitnond et al.,

2005) (Boonratana, 1988) 'hTJ M. nTh

iLLlfl I LflIflfl

(vulnerable) (in iiiniL IL)Pla€J, LIi IUCN

(threatened) 'h IUCN Red List TI viM. (IUCN, 2008)

ILI flflthJ1U o-bo 6h (Fooden, 1990) flL JY

.3f-& Lj

i J€ifliU (Fooden et at., 1985; Fooden, 1990)

Fooden et aL (1985) i1iLU fu Yunnan

iJciu ni ua€wniTI I 4 IWfl?J -


fln1fl% 1cfl fl113J - fl'1flfl1 L L1JOflJJ flL fltJ1fl

- flJ Malaivijitnond and Hamada (2005) uflL u

1?J11LI '5J'T?i linin ii niinn1.q LLZ1fl

I fl1fl1fl1.flU b Noi Smith et oL (1984) 'hL flT i nL°un

I Od-mbAgnij Malaivijitnond and Hamada (2005) nii unL'tii (sex

skin) fu lLL1 J'1'1J L fl J'

tJfl1U1L'?J sex skin 1L 1Lau (Napier and Napier, 1967; Lekagut. and

McNeely, 1988; Fooden, 1990) tju (Mat.aivijitnond et at.,

2007) iin€n sex skin (Fooden, 2000)

(estrous period) 11nnL 1L LSltL

ftn nMnJ

L1 Maca Ca LJ1 b irn (stump-

tailed macaque, M. arctoides) i i*i (long-tailed or crab-eating macaque, M.

fascicularis) ii (northernpig-tailed macaque, M. (eonina) t (southern pig-tailed

macaques; M. nemestrina) (assamese macaque, M. assamensis) uat Si mn (rhesus

I macaque, Macaca mulatto) Malaivijitnond 2005; Malaivijitnond et al., 2012)

I Fooden (1980) c5'flL1.fl JLIM (macaque monkeys) fl 4J c ¶U1 €011th.

species groups n u,4 a sftenus-sylvanus group, sinica group, fascicutaris

group Lilt arctoides group L 1 fl1LLfl0flU arctoides group

flfl51'JFi Fooden (1971, 1982, 1990) ncflULLJ1J sympatric

t 'uij'n, i'wa (M. leonino)

l,, ,.J fl1 c9'?fli fliJ

(pair-sit in copulation) L'VUVU un 1Vflf1 iiUIU 3J1Wfl1

(egalitarian society) 0 1fln1l1hifl


1fl5J i'L (Nicolas et at., 1968; Rhine, 1973,

MacKenzie et at., 1984) u Lfl flLI 'n 1'J€J c

nJ iutiun 14

uu1uj1n uvqn Lft4 J€ In J

LL n1uuuuL1 uu iu (inter-individual competition) uucvn

niuuuuurnjJ (inter-troop competition)


fl 1LRIO'

- ' uihj

(Ma(aivijitnond et al., 2005)

flflãElJ3flfl I 'flJ'?fl L'IJlJ JC1,J flrJ UL'lifl'LJ nfl1'

n'j (Malaivitnond and Hamda, 2005; Koyabu et al., 2008)

IL1JJ J'1J fl fl1Lflfl flWYJ Ith.flJ

o J (Aggimarangsee, 1992) flfl flJ

LL1 J'lY1€lrJ flfl I1h.l1J

JCtI1I fl flflTfl 11 I fil YlJfl1fl (unpublished data) Tin

4I€lnNl.l ml Ifl1fl I LWI'AJ€


. n niJ nuiin 'h.i'i.wi (multi-troop system of the population)

. n nni'n jni (semi-natural habitat) inJ (secondary forest)

. fl1 I1fl flfl


n@1UV1@__?1fU1TUS I'd Ti fl li'iu i mn

lln1.1 1lum 'iiui lllfl'J I fl1flLLflL J/lI'I

In1 i*i nmnu ii/l 9i'i






) I lThfl mnmqnnm UI iim'n

a aa .t1

c. Wfl1'J

11fl LWU IL LU 1J Ifl'ki

c.G). 1flfl

niiu n1 n LL1fl JflU WlJL1

fl1Ufl 11 fl UUflJflJ fl'1WuI1J flT

i'iin-ìu nn' J. nin ILi3J

tjn1n.' in fl33J1flI IThIUJU LI c


i1UWi'' *fli flfl1iJ

i in ini1J


flinfli iLflJU

inLNtuL " 1

L1L fl113J1iJ UULL1

UEflTfl • 41 4 11 2/


UI iflTflY1%4i ifliIfiUiI iAiLLiiWl Ini iin

IIUUnJc VJ1?1iZ1 4iflU lu


nfl-IJiLm'1iEI I U%4ininhILW








L 1flfl 11 Lfl1J1fl fl LflEfltJflT5

Lfl J1fl flfl1 flfl flLL1JJfl1fl

14n1J LLL1J/1

mnLLbJ 1u'ini ziiji'ti un u1€

V1fl11fl g J. L1 ai at lJNS16ha,jFj

UJfl1fll fl ui' 1ini L flWW1 1fl'r1fThfl

fl hL 1LL J4 diii

ntrLJ lfl Y4UJ 1fl' JiJ

flJn1 i in (TBG) fl 1LflJ TGB UU

nvu innI n nrwrn-5iJLL-ou TGB


n'J TGB LI' °L1LLflJ IL W1fl'1Z1-Wl IL iWU flfl1W

1p flLfl i

'. n1o11n1J

TiJ inIii - n' Iznn nini

iJLkJ alluv,41 t nrn bmm O'bMil"u-1,00 oo/oo -i

fl L1

rJi ii 4fkj (DNP) i.w5. iwn WIZIFTAMUUM, 1u

fli nW1 L U1fl5 1u (Macaca arcto!des) a

L111VflflJfl IJ11LdhJ J Th4?/1U

tjin' g 1WIJ l4c"

I 1Ui1,uflmhIUrn.j

'tu -w


GO. Nfl1flT1QJ

GO.G) fl11fl1YWIIU13J

fl1fl Jii11Il n 1L11F1J ii c14 01L 1Z1WWW ii

nn Iu (i' )

r1 UNfl c inii qJnrni'l

di Ting 1Yfl6J oc 1fl Gwnct

lu 01 Nadam 1ic 1I1 fl 'l di Third 10 flfl co 5u LI 1Jr1 Fourth ed

fl c1 'U inJ Fourth 1.f111J

t1T11 L'1fl ( IL 1I1J.1 Lfl1L1J) flIf1LLL LLZ111111J IN

II%W11J IU I 1flflLLYWJ3 lJ1J, L1/1I1lV11J

lbnu From To cz. of days Thtai Ting Nadam Third ['oijrth lbrm-01 2012.08.08. 2012.05.24. 17 02:1Z 25:11 20:20 2923 6:12

(11) (11) (9) (2) Term-02 2013.02.19. 2013.02.26. 7 43:04 12:52 10:1 10:21

1lm-03 2013.08.06. 29130519. 14 75:39 49: 15 16:06 13:18 (11) (8) (7) (

ThTm-04 2013.12.25. 2014.01i16 12 72:32 20:30 30:07 13:30 8:25 (7) (8) (4) (2)

lbrm-05 2014.02.20. 2014.02.2Z. 6 35-02 20:56 7:41 1:45 4:49

() (3) (1) (2) Thrm-06 2014.04.02. 2614.05.17. 44 2425 1:27 20:32 36:25 13:31

:' (24) (18) (13) Thrm-07 2014.06.19- 2014.06.29. 11 47:01 1:51 11:05 24:62 3:19

(3) (7) (8) () Term-08 2014.0712. 2914fl7.24 13 55:58 31:27 10:10 19:2 3:20

(7) (3) (7) (1) Thm-09 2014.09.23. 2914A0.13 15 7751 31:42 14:02 31:12 0:E5

(11) (10) (12) (1) 1brm-10 2014.12.25. 2915.02111. 40 MAL 111:22 51:52 30:37 35:51

(29) (25) (22) (20) Term- 11 2015.02.17. 2915.03.12. 24 121:50 40:23 21:37 40-57 21:53

(14) (11) (16) (8) Tha1 206 1108:52 501:56 241:35 26(k12 9&00

(135) (115) (110) (57)

flu J€)41 Fourth

limfl-midl Ting LIo Third n coo 1 LLiii Nadam 3flflflfl Clo 911

Fourth 11fl11J1flfl11 bo ic 'otnnI1il(M. arctoides)

1flfl1flL1J (rn ) c ' i cu n nhI1'91'J1

LflJfl-L'auI9fl1,I€) 91Y1 cncno

lnin iIu 13 Wi Third iii Fourth 3 Fourth

uInuininoiiThu d bfir12J V10 01 flfl1 Wl Fourth 1JUL?1U

Photo Id-photo of Fourth troop rrdc oti 1ar. 2011.

Lfl LL3L bJJn flfl 1'1ZJhi

WI71 1 I tL hfl1IlJ lcb

Ir(-.,oJ) Date ThtaI fl-nd fl-v 1'-ndf 1-acllb F-yad V .13 .12 .J! I

hug 131227-I 103 22 & 0 143 7 0 11 tO 14

ting 1312:11-1 05 20 5 Ii 3 0 11 13 16 8

iuuhun 131230-1 (Jf 11 5 II 5 :1 3 4 7

tiadain 131230-2 73 IC .1 7 12 2 ]uidam 1:31230-3 Cl 15 I . . C - 10

nadum 1.10102-1 71 10 2 6 II 2 1 5 0 5 II

third 14010-1 05 16 -1 10 0 7 3 I 6 11

third 110106-1 8S 14 I 25 4 :3 1 11 •

I fourth 131225-1 60 12 3 0 10 1 2 10

fourth 140105-I 5 7 5 12 4 2 1

NI-ad: acluli inak ;ver 0 varo: \1-v: vouin aduli ma1e 5 . vars : F-ad!: adult femalc (over 7 years F-adfh: adult femalrls,vit1i whiie baby: F-,-ml: young adult fenia1c 5-6 :ri: V: vitng sx-hjideiitifie&1 jI-C vL-nr yeaTs jive-rile; .12: 2 :u juvcitilc; .11: 1 nr jitveitile: 11: while baby.

H d'fl U fllJ'mfl1.thE)1J

il1 it1fl'fJ T-I1IJn A ic-li Fourth n€ul1i31J

tnb t3 3LfJfl no 3 coi fl

Adult and young males


Photo L1-phoo of I oiirth troop rrdc an 3a IIH 1.

Females with baby

I)to]d-)1:to of loiirth tTooprd cH

iay. 2U1 1.

Adult and young females without baby


G)O .Q unniuiji nj4nrnJ


OIT511M en 1J U101T Mla ill

'Liininn'i I nInt n1nL nrnh

IJ IiJ& fl tflJY1Jflflfl oo NJ' LIJU11

L a fl flJ'1flfl'fl Jo fl1€JJ I.4YWJ ii ti di Ting thin ob

ufl--dl Third coc Nadam 'Jc Fourth fli b



no 1flVJ

ti nww (h n n 'ti) fln flJ no

(oc/ci) iiJii't i nnJ*i 01 Ting Q.bo (l/n) di Nadam Jo (1cn/) di Third

.cno (cn/Ib) umdl Fourth .bo (Ix/4) JJ

n inin c Ti 'iYì n

Ting J o.(rVI) Nadam o.(f

(&/n) Third o.nc (n/cn) Uat Fourth o.bd (/i) 13J1J


/1I'1 J'JU


1Tfl- tn ei 11111 1Wi


ting 2UIZ-fug 1ZU hi- I m to - u Q ii

nadarn 2012-Aug 120815.1 63 14 6 10 5 5 1 8 5 3 6 third 2012-Aug 120810-3 87 8 6 23 3 6313079 fourth 2012-Aug 120820-1 5.8 9 4 11 7 3 2 6 4 3 9 Total 296 ting 2013-Feb 130222-1 99 21 2 5 16 2 9 11 9 S 16 nadain 2013-Feb 130223-I Ge 17 3 S 9 1 4 6 7 3 9 third 2013-Feb 130221-1 99 13 I) 13 14 3 5 13 8 9 15 fourth 2013-Feb Total 265 ting 2013-Aug 130815-1 100 16 10 11 11 4 1 7 11' 12 11 ndain 2013-Aug 130819-1 60 I) 4 8 9 2 2 5 8 7 9 third 2013-Aug 130814-2 02 17 7 22 3 -1610959 fourth 2013-Aug Total 252 ting 2013-Dec 131227-1 103 22 13 9 14 3 5 9 11 10 14 nadarn 2013-Dec 131230-2 73 16 4 7 12 2 3 4 7 612 third 2013-Dec 140101-1 95 113 4 19 9 7 3 13 7 6 11 fourth 20l3-Dec131225 -I 60 12 3 9 10 028:1210 Total 331 ting 2014-Apr 140513-1 106 20 5 15 10 3 3 14 14 12 10 nadan 2014-Apr 140517-1 73 14 5 5 11 3 3 8 8 4 12 third 2014-Apr 140405.1 106 17 8 13 18 2 7 8 9 6 18 fourth 2014-Apr 140405-i 67 13 1 3 16 1 3 8 5 1 113 Total 352 ting 2014-Jun 140629-1 103 19 4 15 S 3 9 16 12 8 9 nadam 2014-Jun 140626-1 76 113 4 12 9 0 4 S 0 4 10 third 2014-Jun 140619-1 101 11 7 25 6 3 10 10 8 10 11 fourth 2014-Jun 140625-1 65 13 4 13 7 1 6 7 4 3 7 Total 345 ting 2014-Jul 140724-1 106 20 8 17 9 28121479 rtadam 2011-Jul 140722-1 68 9 5 11 II 0 5 6 5 5 11 third 2014-Jul 140716-1 102 19 5 21 9 3 S 10 15 1 11 fourth 2014-Jul Total 276 Ling 2014-Sep 140929-1 111 21 9 20 7 0 9 16 10 9 10 nadaxn 2011-Sep 140626-1 76 16 4 12 9 0 4 8 9 4 10 third 2014-Sep 140716-1 102 19 5 21 9 3 8 10 15 1 11 fourth 2014-Sep 140628-1 65 13 4 13 7 I 6 7 4 3 7 Total 354 ting 2014-Dec 150125-1 106 17 6 13 12 2 7 11 11 14 13 nadaxn 2014-Dec 150123-1 78 15 4 17 4 2 9 3 7 6 11 third 2014-Dec 150101-1 108 16 to 15 13 6 8 10 8 9 13 fourth 2014-Dec 150108-2 68 12 3 14 7 3 '3 4 6 9 7 Total 360




fl tr'j LWW1J I I cnbo '1 LI 1lfl'W0J J tXtQ fl fl'1I11J1

1T11 fl


T1 c I c I JL11 c I nTi lx1 I J3N'1fl

L1f11nfl n TI

thj lI 1WlJ TI th 11JLiIU &)bo 1fl'WJ ti

8Ffl1IJ'l'1 flI iinTIivnnui'iu

JVi fl1L IL fVL11rJ' Ting W1'Yu1. Lq&&b ol Itc1e LLL 11J

II nn'1fl

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 2014-Dec 2014-Sep 2014-Jun 2014-Apr



2011-Dec 2011-Aug

2010-Dec 2010-Aug-

2009-Dec 2009-Aug

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110


niiuWmthnnludl Ting wm't1.

7 \c:-ar ni'uih ia:': r:-i::rd li•)i-'

2-I::- :-i 103 20W-Aug 06 2010-Dec 2011-Aug 2011-Dot: 122 2012-Auy, 122 2013-Feb 138 2013-Aug 100 -20'1 13- Doc 103 1-13 201-1-Apr I 06 117 20 1.1-Jun 103 1-13 201.1-Jul 106 2014.-Sep I 11 201-1-Dec 108 117

o.ct' fl1L I1fl1 J 1cb

in Third -ic

dl Nadam LI'1 'tri lxi fl Tvi'1J lxtct

hnwi nrii

flLLflJ an nlwuii L6D& UM lb flffflW

1fl1JWfl'1Tafl LL 1fla flLflr1aJ

Dcid baby an 2lth Ichrwiry 201. phoLo: 2013:02:2 HJ:21:i0.

C.trrvirw thc deitd bv on ilic ,aJnc thw 211i Ichruar. phoLa: 2O1:Q2:2I 10:3:l1.


13 V-1:

0,-.t the iijrd diLy, 26,,b hL•lr,• €Le ra:r.i hi!)(...: 2I12:.r2:6' 16:221:17.


Orl the e.miid die. 2.h FcIiniay_ a oune nvcnijte iL:proacrLed ai: encIh:d i. PheLo: )1:O2:2

nJLJ Nadam 'Lu'i n flTv '1. 1 ttctb L'1 °tJTi4fll lt 1J'lYl

lfl Jfl'V?Jfl 1'CU1VflJ 1flV1E1,fl

1flifY1 UT c 'tflt$uil b LAT/1 n

1LLfl '14ffl ao 1fl o IflV1 LIJ 1 6 6100,Y1

L1JU flN EiT

An cxtraordirui-y swdIing of genital arva of a female probably after birth. Photo: 2013:02:2 14: 1117.

A Sitl3adcin of IAic fca]c criitaJ arca 21 tom- 1ta.. Iatcr, from ih jrs. erv&tion. The wcILia ozc wio alirinkilig iii ai-zc. IThoto:

2OI2:(V4:21 1,11:27:05-

The mother rcnoad beT baby touching a wet navd !trrtg Photo: 2012:0-2:2 11 :IL

A bthv dingirig the rnioticr breaiL. Photo: 2tII2:Q:2l I :2i:L



Third €i'u ab L1111fJ1J ii iT1fldL0L1

flTh LI'l @di Lm muwir fl%flN1L?JTh LL JflL?i1W in Ar

LI n IL AnLc)E1 fl1flL1LL

An o

in IL IL 1flI fl1fl1 I1JY11J

1IflJJT lJtfl1 IL11J'1JII'1

ILniII A11 NLJi'n fl 1flA flfl11Y1JI-ã

'1 I flflI1 i1JA II LA

LL,, INJCj1A1flhVU ILJ'11



Fatal injury or IL baby found in i'hird troop 0:1 16th April. 2011. photo: 20N-01-1C, 11:1:22.

Iatal injury of a habi found in Third troop on 16th April, 201:1. photo: 201144-143 12:11:01.

inJu i flAflfl


fl fliLUTlV1 I um tb lu Wfl11

Iqp]rv of t irifani found in Jun, 201 photo: 2W.106-2 1 10:1 0:0_

Injury of a infant found in Jun. 201& photo: 201 10€-243 11 :2th0.


Ti Vflfl LL fl1Vd1J niuhin

1Wi,J fl LLLfl

Injiny O a inlanr_ found in Jub. 2014- nhoio: 2031-07-13 11:32:01.

Injury of c infant found in .hilv, 201 phioto: 2(11l-4)7-I3


n /1

1fl1 1fl flfl Nwan LcJ

1Ti ni Jiwuvi iLI "n

co jiJ L1 L'flflLflliF 1AI1fl



lflL LJnLl JrUi

iitj Ti

YUfl111fl1 )bc


nil lLJ,JLlflt flfl Lfl1WJfl 1Jfl1Jfl f1

dLLl fin LLtiflflhl U j n -i 5i-jL Lm m uvu Lai nuzlm &lJu GniJ

1UJ' Ting Mi uniiui bu Tare iingYLir.n l Tare hi

YWJ Tare Mum cn mqwmfl3j 1iYl 1 'lJ

n'11fl Tare

n pn'w.i vrn

LL1U J WflcflflTi , iui

fmPB ciu @ c Mimi n cn


• l fl ilUti 1 1W1J

I j (1U) 1LZ LV11UJJ (i°uui-n) 1L 1J 'fl LLLfl1


2014-04-09 Ting-1 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00

alpha (10)=kobi-f(i0) .

2014-04-21 Third-i 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 iiii iii Ii itil ii 111111 tilt iii alpha (21)=mabuta(21)

2014-04-24 Ting-1 13:00 14:00 tilt liii tilt ii

tare (8)=fmBB(8) chinu (4)=mk-white(4) 000 o

2014-05-04 Ting-2 10:00 11:00 Ill liii tilt iii

tare (23)=mk-white(23) alpha (2)=mk-white(2) chinu 1)=r-digit3(1) 0

2014-05-07 Ting-1 9:00 10:00 11:00 i I i i i iii i I i iii I I

tare (8\=mk-white(8) ij-r--- .----- alpha (3)=mk-white(3) * • •

2014-05-13 Third-i 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 alpha (7)=fmP13(4)mimi(x<dcj.cj.<

irnw i L U fYI W1hLflclfl Jflfl J1V1U 'LU

UI b,3fUJ1flUU in nn iin Tare vu'ii Chinu

Ting LY1 ° flU c U U'1'tL1 'U LLfl1'L1fliflflU LflLflThUV

LUUfl1LWfl 1W'LU fl a flfl U1fliJ1L1JU


L11fl Lfl1U 1 tJfl1W13iWU

WUU1L '13J


Department of National Park. Wildlife and Plain Conservation tinrai-

wrn-- do 1JT Ar

U€lfllfl fl fli fliLfti 1J1

flJ ' L1fl fl iiNflZJ1 fl1Lflh1LWJb.JflflfU1Vfll1J

11fl1 11J°flFJ'U ni mqW4n1J ti bMtd 31fl1

nc fl

1U1nIc?j1 1fl ant flfl11JU

L LLflYI1LfWlYl1JY1 U11fllJEl Tare 1111 '1h

nivn1iJ Tare

UJJfl 1fl fllJE tare

ct LL niii1wi ]1JYWJ 1L1ThInTIfl1

ULEA3J1U • hfl flfl1L111V1flLL wMinuv iJ

1L 1flTN fl1J1J1f1Zifl


flflJ nn 1J 1i1'

Tare Iui Chinu wYijcii'i iflIu' a

,nqFJI'Udl Ting 'i Chinu LN 1'fl e X1fl1 oi o Tare L1flhLfl

e tcn Ui n niit Chinu LLfl4IVY] t

cnni 'u LL1 Tare cM'ini Chinu


2Iu.40419095221M 1 2014041909522I (2)

(Il1I).l1909.021(1) .!III 1I).11N)2121 f II

The forced sexual intervention by tare(second ranking male) a ainst chinu (third ranking male) in Ting troop observed on 19th May 2011.

'1rflti UmL1Lnd1 co dvvi'ii o .n ( o rn) LLflWJE

LUfl lfl cn'-i or

twijumn-5--lomai tare La LY rnb t 1JT41

5 U tU LJZflt1fl

flJfl LL1 1LflflJ1J t

Date Troop Male

Inter-ejaculation time

n. of sample average (sec.) s.d.

04-09 Ting alpha 9 768.22 263.62

04-21 Third alpha 20 564.45 271.91

04-24 Ting tare 7 906.57 378.72

05-04 Ting tare 21 360.57 94.46

05-07 Ting tare 7 730.14 164.67

05-13 Third alpha 6 672.83 201.96

Total 70 589.56 286.33


ai Box-pint LI 11J

LOU fl i InJn i1 IJ1flJU b flU

01 i'4 04-09 Ting alpha, 04-21 Third alpha, 04-24 Ting Tare, 05-04

Ting Tare, 05-07 Ting Tare LLM 05-13 Third alpha

L1lUfl1UL1fl1tJi '1

flhL flLLflL'd L Jcj flTifl IL'1%i'IJ

LLh I1L fl1LYi1tJ Gw.b 11Th1 IL J1 JL'fl

MITMM 6 1U1Q1 nic RJ LL L1 flLW1IL1J1J

L1fl ' 'iI IIZ1 U I 'II1J1gi L'lflfl1Jfl I?J1IYfl4,4J J1flZJU N

Average time

Phase n. of sample average (sec.) s.d.

pair-sit 72 75.71 16.76

thrust 72 17.62 8.66

Total 72 93.33 17.84



af Box-plot IL nUc I I'YlUfl1 IL1J1Jfl1

U L1fl1fl LI1LJa LflflJ fl 1YW1J

nUwfflLLIlun1un1JlU Ting

91 LI fl1TJ1 N 1Ufl1I

Ting I ncfl moludl Ting ncfl

nn Ting -Inn-1'

LflWJ Ting fl1 LL i VithIiii

n1fl1 WJ bf i"'N.J c LLaZ Tare r J1ci'1J

T4'1J Chinu 1Jn'i flJTU o M51JU 6 5U 4'31i Tai 951 '1a

IiiIJ c 4' Tare IJ1'U •1 a a a 4 i at at

ILi'1 I flfl fl11Efl1 I L LLIfl1

1JSnrW nJW L Ifl

UI1'1fl1J lx



Ting STLfl1i 33 V1flT

Lfl 1fl'ThJ LLL1 LflflUW*

ivciI MIL118 L1LY-tYLJ

Male Female alpha tare chinu tai masu adrn mG Total rnk-white 5(2) 34(4) 17(5) 1(1) 57(12) kobu-f 10(1) 6(1) 1(1) 17(3) fIIIBB 4(1) 10(2) 14(3)

migime 1(1) 1(1) 4(3) 2(1) 8(6)

fS 1(1) 1(1)

fb-BB- 1(1) 1(1) fm?P 1(1) 1(1) r-digit3 1(1) 1(1) hip-black 1(1) 1(1) nose-old 1(1) 1(1) nose-black 1(1) 1(1) unknown 1(1) 1(1) 2(2)

25(8) 51(7) 20(7) 5(3) 1(1) 1(1) 2(1) 105(14)

UJ1 i LflUhAL Nadam

lulum,4 tc LLi l 11TWJ kxrb n n nainn JT1J

L$t'u Ln I1'i intnTh jninwnjn

'LK fl1J LflUfl1'JI, J$T1

Katakin 1044aviTuti c fll L4W1 flU L fl)flfl hJLc

fl %flJ LflflJW 1 ci IIZ1ULtJWfl1JJ

t LULU 'hi n'u Katakin LTh1Zi€3-

MU1IU 1 flULJUgifl LL1Ufl1JJ UU JJ3J


a1Un 1J

V 1JtI 1u cLLfl Kurokizu t Kuchizure

Li t I WiJiTh



LLU1,XL Kuchizure tEJ1,J

fl3 IL fl1J Kurokizu Kurokizu i 'i Kuchizure LflJW1

U€J1 (ii eno fl1j Nadam



ijt IL Ln1N €n1J IL

I Inin €;tJ ' a ncrinnn

In1' 'LaI'Ii b l'fl'1 °Lfl o alflYl LL IJ b 1fl'I4f11 to

06) L

Gfl J LL1 J Jn U,JY1cJ

Copulation of the alpha male of Nadarn with the new estrous femalc-2. Taken at 2013:12:29 16:19:10

Copulation of the alpha male of Nadam with the new estrous female-2. Taken at 2013:12:29 16:19:10


Mobbing behaviour to the alplia-nia1cs cop-illation. Taken at 2013:12:29 16:19:32

Mobbing behaviour to the alpha-niaIc' cop-ulation. Taken at 2013:12:29 16:19:36

Mobbing behaviour to the alpha-males cop-ulation. Taken at 2013:12:29 16:19:40

Mobbing beha-viour to the aipha-niale's cop-ulation. Taken at 2013:12:29 16:19:40

Mobbing behaviour to the alpha-mal&s cop-ulation. Taken at 2013: 12:29 16:26:42

Mobbing behaviour to the alpha-male's cop-ulation. Taken at 2013:12:29 16:19:40

Mobbing behaviour to the alplia-male'scop-ulation. Taken at 2013.12:29 16:19:44

Mobbing behaviour to the alpha-males cop-illation. Taken at 2013:12:29 16:20:59



1'IIfl b UAM bb 1fl tno bd tMTlFlaj

11Z1U Kuchizure 3J Kurokizu ni Kuchizure

v'ì'h Kurokizu fl 11J1L no '11fl1

Intervention by Kucluzure to hiirokiziia copulation. Taken at 2013:12:29 16:21:30

Intervention by Kuchizure to Kurokizu'., copulation. Taken at 2013:12:29 16:26:32

Intervention by Kuchizure to Kurokizu's copulation. Taken at 2013:12:29 16:26:32

Intervention by Kucluzure to 1urokizua copulation. Taken at 2013:12:29 16:26:39

Intervention by Kudilzure to Kurokizu's copulation. ThI.eu at 2013:12:29 16:26:39

Intervention by Kucluzure to Kurokizu's copulation. Taken at 2013:12:29 16:26:40

Intervention by Kuchizure to Kurokizu's copulation. Taken at 2013:12:29 16:26:42

Intervention by Kuchizure to Kurokizu's copulation. Taken at 2013:12:29 16:26:42



Kurokizu m1iJwi Kuchizure

Kurokizu t brn ntnc rnJn

nflti i Kuchizure LU1 Katakin

LL flfl1'T Kuchizure j1,dwi cdi Katakin Lfl i Kuchizure

Kurokizu itit Katakin

Mock-bite hand behaviour in Kurokizu and Kuchizure. Taken at 2013:12:29 16:26:43

MOCkhitc hand behaviour in Kurokizu and Kuchizure. Taken at 2013:112:29 16:26:1

1\-lock-bite hand behaviour in Kurokizu and Kuchizure. Taken at 2013:12:29 1:2G:46

Mock-1:itc hand ljehavioiir in Kurokizu and Kuchizure. Taken at 2013:12:29 1G:26:46

Mock-bite hand behaviour in Kurokizu and Kuchizure. Taken at 2013:12:29 16:26:51

Mock-bite hand behaviour in Katakin and Kiichizurc. Taken at 2013:12:29 16:34:55


)o.c nv5mqoinT@AvAFjq flTJ1iLflJ 01

Iirnin 11flT1

U1fl1U flfl flUJfl'U Nn1 tfl.J 1Jfl

flflLLfl 11

di'wdiun1,iJ ' 1n flt1fl€flJflJl NUUJ1ZJ



Canine of the third ranking male of Nadani troop who lost and broken all canines, photo: 2014-07-14 1526:1.

A young adult niale got injury and lost the front teeth of the lower jow. phot.c'. 2014-10-03 14:23:08.

fl1 1Lfl1 fl 1flJ 1LflLJ1J'

L iLJ1 wniJ 11JL11Ln JV5 1.fU

nndi n,ti d 'ctj rn

11 L1J'1J

fl1J L 1fl1 4llJ

Canine of an adult male of Third troop. photo: 2014-05-23 11:26:34.

Canine of the alpha male of Nadarn troop. photo: 2014-06-28 15:22:28.


c 1I/1 flU 11 bcn

ih' )Q uni

flULLu1Ufl UL t1JUch 1flfl'U'N fl1 1)flflU1 YJJflTh

LL LYw1i xc W fl LLflTh4flUJ1flflfl ) ii

normal broken loss normal broken loss

upper jaw right C 9 8 2 lower jaw right C 13 4 2

upper jaw 12 15 2 2 lower jaw 12 12 2 5

upper jaw Ii 14 3 2 lower jaw 11 12 1 6

upper -jaw Ii 15 1 3 lower jaw 11 16 1 2

upper jaw 12 15 4 lower jaw 12 13 1 5

upper jaw left C 10 6 3 lower jaw left C 13 5 1

01 1.Jfl11 1fl 1UWfl.

LL 1flUl YJ

iJ1fl 'I

c LL c ¶1

rank- class age 4-6 age 7-9 age l0-14 age l5-

alpha 1/ 4( 0)

high / 9( 2) 2/ 2( 0)

middle 0/ 1( 0) 2/ 5( 6) 2/ 2( 0)

lower 0/12(17) 4/16(10) 2/ 11( 5) 1/ 1( 0)




I n JJin unin

nEid1Lva nflUflW

I fllL11JW1WJfl flflJ1Jfl N LflIfll

in hn' hnivi

I Dog-like presentation and grasp of the scrotum. Mock bite of the scrotum.

-Mock bite on the upper lip. I\-lock bite on the upper lip.

flhJ1 ThJ1flhJU1LN$W

Lnd14g-1'd fl IUfll

1nU1J tlflflfl iflTiLLfl J LLflfl111J


nu ni iuthn nTn uiq

)O- ) L=.@FAu@wuai 1Wnn 11J

nUu1tn1 iinnin,i

30 it

Injury of the scrotum.

Injury of the upper lip.

Injury of the scrotum.

d ILJI fl LJ1Ai

eA 1JWfl1'N

I 1fll€J

10 1L nhL ThnJ°L4rIJ1n

rank class age 6 age7 9 age 10 14 age 15 alpha 1/ 4 IA-11 51 11 2/ 2 middle 0/ 1 2/11 2/ 2 lower 0/29 3/26 3/16 0/ 1


Bamboo flowers. Photo: 2013:02:22 10:15:41

G)Oh n1L J

fl lccc

tJniv i

Dccc @FJIUDIII (cininthvwi)

L1, J ' fl LLYflfl Ll,tJtJ

11 n J1flJ1LLflJ'1lLvili viiiu di Third LJLt1

flLl1LLfl flJ'D1J t'inI Fourth t LLJ1 J'

L1flJMFjU-jl@mahqnaliLnmdi Fourth

id u@wwinur '

niW tt ni u d1L?h anU

iJ nj1iJ

n1n, -Th1' IL L UtJ1fl11

3flfl1 co 15- UJ LL flEa jiid n u-u1LLLI'gu1lin

11t4' LLNfl N1flflLL1c11L i'tJil.J A LL B 1W1J 41-J PUIWIIZZln iIJi'

1flfllNUIt1L bJ

Bamboo fruits. Photo: 201'3:02:22 10:17:38

di Ting 1JJ11N A flW1 l

fl3Jni'u tb Third Itt Nadam L ihJYiJi1J B a€i I*3 LLZ Ix fl 1YWW Ixctb

flh1ILfl1 11.fltlfl cno qrm@,imr5@Fj 3J1 d ii inii1cJ B


L-1in 11vliw

mJn 111 L41 fl4

The bamboo food patch. Photo: 2013:02:20 The bamboo food patch. Photo: 2013:02:20 09:22:4 09:23:00.

B 1nn niin 1fUln'] Oil L11'11111 l

fl3jflhi'ij Third Li Nadam 'iiiI LL'1f'1.J l ul. cn I1J Wi41li LL flJvl1'Lv1

L3WLtflfil l

LN JhJ'1 flNVI3fl l NlflgiT1hJ L11 10

lu€ lil,J'1u

Fruits of legume. Photo: 2013:02:24 11:33:4G


New leaf of a legume species. Photo: 2013:02:24 12:38:21.

-;- '-r , -, 4 )

Fruits of legume. Photo: 2013:02:24 11:42:58.

A baby feed on a species of berry. Photo: 2013:0:20 10:28:14.

- 33


hrh' i j inwi wlflfl

JJ fYI fli 4fl L flWJ

ln (L LJWTThflJifl) Ln'1JJLfl


A@ awn J1J 6] IJEnn aimu

GO Jifl€J fl fl1flfl WW

nULLfl11rLl ciru

WLiJWt nnn

InUnLI1J Ting



Ground feeding on fruit of Sy2igium cunthi.

Feeding mango fruit.

Fruit. of S iqiun cuminL

flading the pinappic fari.

fl1fflfl u ThL,jn iiJ I flLfl1JJ11,N ctflTh

EJl LI 1J1fl1 UEflY1flhi 'iflIY1



rnJ1nh 1(1lflEfl L flflflA.J tocI

J ni i Jl Lfl'flflJ

1m) 1c)ThfJ 41flfl1AlflUU1J

LULtLflThd11J 1nTw1

ijiu 1JnTlrn 1rInfTt

LJ1J f1J Z1tflTh i,jiJ L1 tWJ] murn flL 11


The seeds of a kind of Palinac, photo 2014-06--23 12:49:51.

The feeding cluster which feed on the seeds of a kind of Palniac. photo: 2013-06-19 11:17:5S.

0h4 iiJi€nwr



1fl 1 flL1Wy1flflfl ' j fl flLL FflJ

A female feeds on the bamboo shoot, photo: 2014-09-30 14:07:50.

A young It)itlC feeds OU the I)alUbOO Shoot. photo: 2011-09-3() 14:00:14.



). LJflU11fl1flLI flI_1J Ufl1Jfl

Ira. oc ILI lob

11n1n,1J L n1 flL1 L €nIJU I1An Ting

co '1fl "U di Nadam 1 nn Third Ibo 4,Aui win o

LMOI Fourth 1J'1J

'Th 1LV1tJ

,inci'j Fourth

TflL Uu,d 'c i flitawi (i'LJ/ci" ') LLMOOYI

nri (n/tj)

in4 LIIn C'4dinlflh di Fourth 1J1 U-05911511MIMOOVIM U@Mallnu iiu-ici

Id5t-dlnTb@IdI Ting ihin * LWWJ ti b&&b tth ob lwhu51fllAaj J

fl1L IIrJ niU nJI

LJ oc

W1J trcgiJ @01 cnbo

WJfl fl'11fl flYfl1flhJffJ1JLLfl flJ JflT

I 1,t1N1fl


b. Jfll LIfl J IIn IIrnJ U11

flhIVLLJ1flflfl €JV1 e 1T1 o V

. n1 LII j J't n) L'iji (ccm rfl)

c. lIfl flfl L1fl'JIV

G'. Yfl flN1J*

' fl'fl' flLLflI1I Ufl'1Iflcl'1JU


36 Ii




ci Y fl '1Jfl1J flJ U1UJ1 uir Ting

D flAJ '1VflJ

'I 11 0 4 V 0

. lflL fl1LLL 1 11J


d- jin IJ''i fl L 14L1WJlThth i1J

LcW J1fl1U


. LI LY1 fl'L N lTh

innn w'iJ unI 1fl

G)Cfl. fl1I ILL JflT 11L




ck3. 1InTIU!fI?J

I 411 4 v p 4 p 111 L1JY1



43'I U1fl5-IJ iIL nn -ru



Progress Report in August 2012. (Progress Report No.7 in 2012/2015 study period after

2009/2012 Study Period)

Progress Report in December 2012. (Progress Report No.8 in 2012/2015 study period after

2009/2012 Study Period)

Progress Report in August 2013. (Progress Report No.9 in 2012/2015 study period after

2009/2012 Study Period)

Progress Report in December 2013 and January 2014. (Progress Report No.10 in 2012/2015

study period after 2009/2012 Study Period)

Progress Report in February 2014. (Progress Report No.11 in 2012/2015 study period after

2009/2012 Study Period)

Progress Report in April and May 2014. (Progress Report No.12 in 2012/2015 study period

after 2009/2012 Study Period)

Rabbit eating by stump-tailed macaques (Macaca arctoides) in Khao Krapuk Khao Taomo

Non-Hunting Area, Petchaburi, Thailand.

28th Annual Meeting of Primate Society of Japan, Sugiyama University, 6 July —8 July 2012.

Tamaki Maruhashi (Musashi University), S. Okazaki (Gifu University), H. Ogawa (CYukyo

University), W. Nilpaung (Khao Krapuk-Khao Tao Mo non-hunting area), Y. Hamada

(Kyoto University), S. Malaivijitnond (Chula longkorn University)

Soicio-ecologicat study of the multi-troops population of stump-tailed macaques (Macaca

arctoides) in Khao Krapuk Khao Taomo Non-Hunting Area, Petchaburi, Thailand.

Tamaki Maruhashi, Suchinda Malaivijitnond, and Warayut Nilpaung.

The 3rd International Symposium on Southeast Asian Primates Research (The 3rd SEA-

Primate): Diversity and Evolution of Asian Primates, the Siam City Hotel, Bangkok and

Khao Yai National Park, Thailand on 27 -- 30 August 2012.




Troop encounter and inter-troop social interactions of Macaca arctoides in Khao Krapuk

-. Khao Taomo Non-Hunting Area, Petchaburi, Thailand.

Tamaki Maruhashi (Musashi University), W. Nilpaung (Khao Krapuk-Khao Tao Mo non-

hunting area), Y. Hamada (Kyoto University), S. Malaivijitnond (Chulalongkorn University)

29th Annual Meeting of Primate Society of Japan, Okayama Science University,

7 September ---8 September 2013.

Sexual behaviours of Macaca arctoides in Khao Krapuk Khao Taomo Non-Hunting Area,

Petchaburi, Thailand.

Tamaki Maruhashi (Musashi University), W. Nilpaung (Khao Krapuk-Khao Tao Mo non-

hunting area), Y. Hamada (Kyoto University), S. Malaivijitnond (Chulalongkorn University)

30th Annual Meeting of Primate Society of Japan, Osaka University, July 2014.

.b Scars of stump-tailed macaques - chipped and/or broken canines -.

Tamaki Maruhashi (Musashi University), W. Nilpaung (Khao Krapuk-Khao Tao Mo non-

hunting area), S. Malaivijitnond (Chulalongkorn University)

31st. Annual Meeting of Primate Scociety of Japan. Kyoto University, 18 July --- 20 July


Mast copulation of Macaca arctoides male in Khao Krapuk Khao Taomo Non-Hunting Area,

Petchaburi, Thailand. (in preparation)

c Population change and group movement of Macaca arctoides in Khao Krapuk Khao Taomo

Non-Hunting Area, Petchaburi, Thailand. (in preparation)


'Jr 40 ) C

- 50"

r. Appendix figures

Gcn Map of study area

40" 50" 144'I 10" 20" 30" 40"

20" ____ " 20 40" 50" 144'I 10" 20" 30" 40" 50" — — — — —

500m l000m

Fig. Map of study area by latitude (12 degrees N.)and longitude (99 degrees E.). • : temple; L: mountain peaks; shaded areas: main pondsi solid lines: main and small road.





North West I'Ioanta


7 Grassl n


7 I



Point Oc 209m View

I brea ^ E / t Area

South 197m

W ad Par L


40" 50" RE 40"









Gxf.b Group movements from 2012 to 2015

40 50 Eio 20 30 10 50 50 50

10 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 40 50 {]io 20 30 40 50

- i 2012-2015 TING 500m 1000iu

40 50 a] 10 20 30 10 50 50 50















20 40 50 10 20 30 40 50

• • M I 2012-2015 NADAM 500m 1000m

40 50 EfJ10 20 30 40 50

- - - - . I 2012-2015 THIRD SOOm l000m









zu 20 40 50 F44-'] 10 20 30 40 50 []

- - • - M-1 2012-2015 FOURTH 50Gm 100Gm


40 50 [io 20 30 40 50 [] 50





Pil 50


30 an

Fig. Cuinmulative daily moving route of the troops for each research period. Ter-rain marks: : temple; : mountain peaks; shaded areas: main ponds; solid lines: main and small road.


o)(fxn Group movements from 2009 to 2015

so 40 50 []io 20 30 40 50 []

40 to





l0 to

so so 40





90 40 50 []io 20 30 40 50 []

... 20091-2011 TING 500m 1000m

Fig. Cuminulative daily moving route of the troops for each research period. Ter-rain marks: •: temple; L: mountain peaks; shaded areas: main ponds; solid lines: main and small road

40 50 IiJ10 20 30 40 50 50 ou















20 40 50 j]iO 20 30 40 50 []

-_- - - I 2009-2011 FOURTH 50Gm l000m



irJi 1h 14 ~ vigb

Department olNattonal Park. Wildlific and Plant Conservation Ilbri

G)ctc Bamboo site A and B in February 2013

40" 50" 144' I 10" 20" 30" 40" 501 F45'1 -fl,

30" 0




148'l /

A ç 2

50" O9m


1 Ba nboo- 3

40" L l9Tiu


Fig. The mark (0 Bamboo) shows the large bamboo fruiting patch where a troop fed on bamboo fruits on the ground for many hours. •: temple; A: mountain peaks; shaded areas: main ponds; solid lines: main and small road. (progm:











20" 20" __

40" 50" 144__

' I 10" 20" 30" 40" 50" 145']

—_— — — — I

SOOm l000m