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    Welcome to OCEANS’15 MTS/IEEE Genova 9

    Honorary Chairs 10

    Useful Information 11

    Conference Information 13

    Conference Venue Layout 17

    Plenary Session 19

    Tutorials 20

    Student Posters 21

    Technical Program 25

    Tuesday, 19 May 25

    Wednesday, 20 May 44

    Thursday, 21 May 84

    Exhibit Booth List 113

    Exhibition Layout 115

    Exhibitor Profi les 117

    OCEANS’15 MTS/IEEE GenovaOrganizing Committee 148

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    On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, we are proud to welcome you to the OCEANS’15 MTS/IEEE GENOVA Conference and Exhibit, the � rst ever of the OCEANS series to be held in Italy!Technological innovation is a key element to the sustainable use of ocean resources, provision of ecosystem services, as well as long term economic growth.Your contribution to the Conference and Exhibit will increase and promote awareness, understanding, advancements, applications and implications of marine technology. The gathering together of scientists, engineers, responsible ocean usersand decision makers, the exchange of knowledge and the opportunitiesof new fruitful collaborations are crucial to meet the Blue Growth Challenge:harness the huge potential of the world-wide oceans for jobs and growthin a sustainable, environmentally conscious, and responsible way. A more emblematic venue could not be found for this OCEANS: Genova, La Superba, situated in the middle of the Italian Riviera, capital of “Regione Liguria”, has a long history of marine and maritime activities, dating back from the medieval times, when, as one of the Maritime Republics, had commercial and military � eets dominatingthe whole Mediterranean Sea. Christopher Columbus, born in Genova, was the � rst great sailor of the age of discoveries, opening up the route to the New World.Today, while rich from its glorious past (Genova has the widest medieval historic center throughout Europe, and its Palaces are part of the UNESCO World Heritage), the town is the capital of the surrounding Liguria region, which hosts many of the most relevant high-tech activities in Italy, important commercial harbors like Imperia, Savona, Genova and La Spezia, civilian and military shipyards, joint industry-research technological Clusters (as the DLTM “Liguria Cluster on Marine Technologies”),the Italian Navy Hydrographic Institute and Centre for Naval Supportand Experimentation (CSSN), international research centers (CMRE),Universities and National Research labs (CNR, ENEA, INGV, IIT).Also look at the atmosphere around you. Find time to stroll around the ancient harbor, with its many recreational and cultural activities; walk along the narrow streets of the old town; enjoy the traditional street food, as well as the modern bars and restaurants; discover Columbus’ home and the many other legendsand jewels of the town. You’ll go back home enriched by this experience,as well as our community will be enriched by the knowledge, expertise and experience you are bringing to OCEANS’15 MTS/IEEE GENOVA.To the sponsor societies, MTS and IEEE OES, which have given their unrelenting support; to our colleagues who have joined us from all around the World;to all our old and new friends who have gathered here, goes our gratitude for making this Conference happen.

    Andrea Caiti Andrea TruccoISME/University of Pisa ISME/University of GenoaGeneral Chair General Co-Chair

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    Maurizio AielloPresident of the Liguria Cluster of Integrated Intelligent Systems and Technologies (SIIT)

    Claudio BurlandoPresident of the Liguria Region

    Roberto CameriniCommander of the Northern Maritime Command, Italian Navy

    Paolo ComanducciRector of the University of Genoa

    Marco DoriaMayor of the Genoa Municipality

    Maurizio ErtreoCommander of the Italian Naval Academy, Italian Navy

    Giovanni Lorenzo ForcieriPresident of the Liguria Cluster of Marine Technology (DLTM) and President of the La Spezia Port Authority

    Andrea LiaciDirector of the Italian Hydrographic Institute, Italian Navy

    Fausto Aristide MassardoDean of the Polytechnic School, University of Genoa

    Vincenzo MeloneMaritime Director of Liguria and Commander of the Port of Genoa

    Luigi MerloPresident of the Genoa Port Authority

    Gian Luigi MiazzaPresident of the Savona Port Authority

    Claudio MorellatoDirector of the Naval Experimentation and Support Centre (CSSN), Italian Navy







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    CONFERENCE VENUETHE OCEANS’15 MTS/IEEE GENOVA CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD IN: Magazzini del Cotone, Centro Congressi di GenovaCalata Molo Vecchio 15 - 16128 Genova - Italy

    TRANSPORTATIONCONFERENCE VENUEMost of the hotels in the town center are at walking distance (10 - 30 minutes max) to the Conference Centre and to most of the touristic attractions in Genova. The social events are also all within walking distance from the Conference Venue. The closest metro station is “San Giorgio”.Special coach transfers from the conference hotel to the Conference Centreand back are available for free to conference participants twice a day. Please check the conference website for more information.

    AIRPORTThe airport can be reached with the Volabus (http://www.amt.genova.it/rete_e_orari/volabus_new.asp) bus (6€ price, approx. 30 minutes travel time) or by taxi (+39 010 5966).

    CITY TRAVELLINGThe city can be visited using the public transportation which include more than100 buses, a metro line and a railway line which develops along the Genova 42 km width with more than ten train stations.Renting a car is a good option if you plan to travel around in Liguria. However, asthe whole historic center can’t be traveled by car and that � nding parking spaces can be di� cult, we do not recommend renting a car if you only plan to stay in Genova.

    Conference Inform


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    PARKING FACILITIESIn the Porto Antico area, near the Magazzini del Cotone, there are one covered and three non-covered parking garages. Payment machines and the cashiers accept major credit cards and cash.There is a 50% discount only for the parking areas “Autosilo” and “Calata Gadda” from May, 18 to 22.

    GENERAL AREA INFORMATIONInternational Calling Code for Italy: 0039Local Currency: EuroLanguage: ItalianWeather in May: Average temperature is 18°CAverage Precipitation: 72 mm.Time Zone: CET, GMT+2







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    INTERNET ACCESSA wireless connection is available in the Exhibit Area, in the Catering Area and in the Registration Desk Area.Network Name: Centro_CongressiPassword: GENOVA15

    ON-SITE REGISTRATIONOn-site registration is available at the conference foyer. A free registration is mandatory for accessing the exhibit halls.






    DATE TIMEMonday, May 18 8:00 - 18:00 Tuesday, May 19 7:30 - 18:00 Wednesday, May 20 7:30 - 18:00 Thursday, May 21 7:30 - 12:00

    DATE TIMEMonday, May 18 9:00 - 17:45

    DATE TIMETuesday, May 19 11:45 - 18:30 Wednesday, May 20 9:00 - 18:30Thursday, May 21 9:00 - 17:30

    DATE TIMETuesday, May 19 14:15 - 18:30Wednesday, May 20 8:30 - 18:30Thursday, May 21 8:30 - 17:15

    DATE TIMETuesday, May 19 11:45 - 18:30Wednesday, May 20 9:00 - 18:30Thursday, May 21 9:00 - 17:30

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    COFFEE BREAKSCo� ee breaks will be served at 11:45 and 15:30 on Tuesday, and at 11:00 and 15:30 on Wednesday and Thursday in the Exhibition halls.

    SPEAKERS’ BREAKFASTMorning breakfast is available for the presenting authors on the day of the presentation.

    SOCIAL EVENTSIce-Breaker ReceptionTime: May 18, Monday, 19.30 Venue: Genova AquariumExhibitors ReceptionTime: May 19, Tuesday, 18.45 - 19.45Venue: Magazzini del CotoneGala DinnerTime: May 20, Wednesday, 20.00 - 23.00Venue: Palazzo Ducale

    The Gala Dinner venue is within walking distance (approx. 1.2 km, 15mins)from the Conference Center venue. Since the venue is within the heart of the city, we encourage you to take a walk and enjoy the historical city center.Nevertheless, special coach transfers to the Gala Dinner venue are available. Please check the conference website for more information.

    UNAUTHORIZED AUDIO/VIDEO RECORDINGUnauthorized Audio/Video Recording of tutorials, plenary or technical sessionsis not permitted.

    DATE TIMETuesday, May 19 12:45 - 14:15 Wednesday, May 20 12:45 - 14:15Thursday, May 21 12:45 - 14:15

    DATE TIMETuesday, May 19 8:10 - 8:30 Catering AreaWednesday, May 20 8:10 - 8:30 Catering AreaThursday, May 21 8:10 - 8:30 Catering Area







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    Conference Inform



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    Professor of Oceanography, University of WashingtonPrincipal Investigator and Director, Regional Scale Nodes ProgramJerome M. Paros Endowed Chair in Sensor NetworksTime: 8.45 - 9.30Title: Understanding Our Planetary Life Support System: Next Generation Science in the Global Ocean


    Senior Policy Offi cer - Marine Resources UnitDG Research & InnovationEuropean CommissionTime: 9.30 - 10.15Title: Unlocking the Blue Growth potential of our oceans and seas through research and innovation


    Professor of Mechanical and Ocean Engineering, Mass. Inst. Tech.Director of the Laboratory for Autonomous Marine Sensing SystemsTime: 10.15 - 11.00Title: Nested Autonomy for Distributed, Adaptive and Collaborative Ocean Sensing


    Rear Admiral (Rtd.), NLD NNATO’s Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE), DirectorTime: 11.00 - 11.45Title: Partnering for innovation in Maritime Security

    Conference Inform


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    T2. Remote control of an ROV using a Force Feedback Joystick and 3D reconstruction chain for underwater environments INSTRUCTOR David Scaradozzi (ISME - Polytechnical University of Marche, Italy), Edin Omerdic (University of Limerick, Ireland) SESSION 9.00 - 13.30 (including co� ee break 11.00 - 11.15) LOCATION Room 6 - Levante

    T3. AUV Technology and Application Basics INSTRUCTOR Brett Hobson, Brian Kieft (MBARI - Monterey Bay Aquarium Res. Inst., USA) SESSION 9.00 - 13.30 (including co� ee break 11.00 - 11.15) LOCATION Room 7 - Ponente

    T4. The LSTS software tool chain for networked vehicle systems INSTRUCTOR José Braga, Pedro Calado, Paulo Dias, Ricardo Martins, Josè Pinto, João Borges de Sousa (University of Porto, Portugal) SESSION 13.30 - 17.45 (including co� ee break 15.30 - 15.45) LOCATION Room 6 - Levante T5. Underwater Gliders Operations INSTRUCTOR Daniele Cecchi, Bartolomeo Garau, Alberto Alvarez, Alessandra Tesei, Elena Camossi, Richard Stoner, Emanuel Coelho (NATO S&TO Centre for Maritime Research & Experimentation - CMRE, Italy) SESSION 13.30 - 17.45 (including co� ee break 15.30 - 15.45) LOCATION Room 7 - Ponente



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    Iterative Adaptive Approach to DOA Estimation With Acoustic Vector SensorsAshish Agarwal, Indian Institute of Technology, DelhiArun Kumar, Indian Institute of Technology, DelhiMonika Agrawal, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

    Improved Range Estimation and Underwater Image Enhancement Under Turbidity by Opti-Acoustic Stereo ImagingMohammadreza Babaee, Technische Universität MünchenShahriar Negahdaripour, University of Miami

    Creating 360° underwater virtual tours using an omnidirectional camera integrated in an AUVJosep Bosch, Universitat de GironaPere Ridao, Universitat de GironaDavid Ribas, Universitat de GironaNuno Gracias, Universitat de Girona

    Learning multiple strategies to perform a valve turning with underwater currents using an I-AUVArnau Carrera Viñas, Universitat de GironaNarcís Palomeras, Universitat de GironaNatàlia Hurtós, Universitat de GironaPetar Kormushev, Istituto Italiano di TecnologiaMarc Carreras, Universitat de Girona

    Benchmarking using UWSim, Simurv and ROS: an autonomous free � oating dredging intervention case studyJosé Fernández Fresneda, Jaume I University of CastellonJavier Pérez Soler, Jaume I University of CastellonAntonio Peñalver Monfort, Jaume I University of CastellonJorge Sales Gil, Jaume I University of CastellonDavid Fornas García, Jaume I University of CastellonPedro Sanz Valero, Jaume I University of Castellon

    Swath bathymetric data fusion- Application to autonomous underwater vehicleRidha Fezzani, ENSTA BretagneBenoit Zerr, ENSTA BretagneMichel Legris, ENSTA BretagneAli Mansour, ENSTA BretagneYann Dupas, SHOM

    Tutorials - Student Posters

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    Active Sonar Systems in the Presence of Strong Direct BlastChristopher Gianelli, University of FloridaLuzhou Xu, Integrated Adaptive Applications, Inc.Jian Li, University of Florida

    E� cient Sea� oor Classi� cation and Cable Route Design using an AUVSheng-Wei Huang, National Taiwan UniversityEdward Chen, National Taiwan UniversityEdward Chen, National Taiwan UniversityJenhwa Guo, National Taiwan University

    Simultaneous Mapping and Planning for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles in Unknown EnvironmentsJuan Hernandez Vega, Universitat de GironaEduard Vidal, Universitat de GironaGuillem Vallicrosa, Universitat de GironaEric Pairet, Universitat de GironaMarc Carreras, Universitat de Girona

    Bayesian source localization with uncertain Green’s functionYann Le Gall, ENSTA Bretagne, UMR CNRS 6285 Lab-STICCStan Dosso, School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of VictoriaFrançois-Xavier Socheleau, Institut Mines-Telecom/Telecom Bretagne, UMR CNRS 6285 Lab-STICCJulien Bonnel, ENSTA Bretagne, UMR CNRS 6285 Lab-STICC

    High-Accuracy Low-Cost RTK-GPS for an Unmanned Surface VehicleBruno Matias, INESC TEC / ISEPHelder Oliveira, INESC TEC / ISEPJosé Almeida, INESC TEC / ISEPAndré Dias, INESC TEC / ISEPHugo Ferreira, INESC TEC / ISEPAlfredo Martins, INESC TEC / ISEPEduardo Silva, INESC TEC / ISEP

    Low-Power Beamforming for Underwater Acoustic Sensing Using a 5-Element Circular Hydrophone ArrayGraham McIntyre, Dalhousie UniversityChris Loadman, Turbulent ResearchJean-Francois Bousquet, Dalhousie UniversityStephane Blouin, DRDC Atlantic



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    A new way for underwater acoustic signal analysis: The morphological � lteringUgo Moreaud, IM2NPPhilippe Courmontagne, IM2NP UMR CNRSFabien Chaillan, DCNSJean-Rémi Mesquida, DCNSSamir Ouelha, Qatar University, College of Engineering

    Modeling the Throughput of 1-persistent CSMA in Underwater NetworksAlain Olivier, Department of Information Engineering, University of PadovaMichele Zorzi, Department of Information Engineering, University of PadovaPaolo Casari, Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova

    Detection Improvement by Phase Study of the Analytical Cross-Correlation SignalBenjamin Ollivier, Institut Mines-TelecomFrédéric Maussang, Institut Mines-Télécom BretagneChristophe Sintes, Institut Mines-Télécom BretagneRené Garello, Institut Mines-TelecomLionel Uzan, ALSEAMAR

    Multibeam objec segmentation for underwater navigation correctionAlbert Palomer, Universitat de GironaPere Ridao, Universitat de GironaDavid Ribas, Universitat de GironaGuillem Vallicrosa, Universitat de Girona

    Multi-View Underwater 3D Reconstruction using a Stripe Laser Light and an Eye-in-Hand CameraAntonio Peñalver Monfort, Jaume I University of CastellonJose Fernandez, Jaume I University of CastellonJorge Sales Gil, Jaume I University of CastellonPedro Sanz Valero, Jaume I University of Castellon

    Potential of the intrinsic dimensionality for characterizing the seabed in the ATR contextLaurent Picard, Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285 ENSTA BretagneAlexandre Baussard, Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285 ENSTA BretagneGilles Le Chenadec, Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285 ENSTA BretagneIsabelle Quidu, Lab-STICC UMR CNRS 6285 ENSTA Bretagne

    Increasing Navigation Accuracy and Localization for Autonomous Gliders to Enable Persistent AutonomyAndrew Stuntz, Fort Lewis CollgeRyan Smith, Fort Lewis CollegeDavid Liebel, Fort Lewis College

    Tutorials - Student Posters

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    Robust Sparse Underwater Acoustic Channel Estimation Method Via Projected L1-L2 OptimizationYongwei Wang, Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityYixin Yang, Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityLingji Xu, Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityXiaohui Bai, Northwestern Polytechnical University

    Robust Heading Control and its Application to Ciscrea Underwater VehicleRui Yang, ENSTA Bretagne & Ocean University of ChinaBenoit Clement, ENSTA BretagneAli Mansour, ENSTA BretagneHuajun LI, Ocean University of ChinaMing LI, Ocean University of China

    Sea� oor Image Compression Based on Hybrid Wavelets and Directional Filter BanksYang Zhang, Ocean University of ChinaQingzhong Li, Ocean University of ChinaShahriar Negahdaripour, University of Miami



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    Vehicle Design-1Location: Room 1 - MaestraleTuesday, May 19 (14:15 - 15:30)Chair: Stefano Brizzolara, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    A Critical Survey On Marsupial Robotic Teams for Environmental Monitoring of Water BodiesFrancisco Marques, UninovaAndré Lourenço, UninovaRicardo Mendonca, UninovaEduardo Pinto, UninovaPaulo Rodríguez, UninovaPedro Santana, ISCTEJosé Barata, Uninova

    The second generation of autonomous surface vehicles: optimizing performance for AUVs assistance at seaStefano Brizzolara, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Project “V-FIDES”: free � ooded vehicle for deep sea explorationFrancesco Pacini, R&D Department, Whitehead Sistemi Subacquei S.p.A.Giacomo Paoli, R&D Department, Whitehead Sistemi Subacquei S.p.A.Andrea Di Fazio, COMPOLAB EngineeringGiuseppe Sgro’, COMPOLAB EngineeringMarco Perillo, EnginSOFT EngineeringFabio Rossetti, EnginSOFT EngineeringLuciano Nardini, Bercella Compositi S.r.l

    Water jetting arm optimal design consideration for a ROV trencherJi-Hong Li, Korea Institute of Robot and ConvergenceJung-Tae Kim, Korea Institute of Robot and ConvergenceMun-Jik Lee, Korea Institute of Robot and ConvergenceSung Chul Jee, Underwater Robot Research Center/Korea Institute of Robot and ConvergenceHyung-Ju Kang, Underwater Robot Research Center/Korea Institute of Robot and ConvergenceMin Kyu Kim, KIROHan-Won Kwak, KT SubmarineSang-Bae Kim, Ocean SpaceTae-Won Oh, Ocean Space

    Technical Program

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    Synthetic ApertureLocation: Room 2 - LibeccioTuesday, May 19 (14:15 - 15:30)Co-Chairs: Samantha Dugelay, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Benoit Oudompheng, GIPSA-Lab

    Active Contour for Synthetic Aperture Sonar Snippet registrationSamantha Dugelay, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO)Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Warren Fox, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)

    Evaluation of Detection based on Statistics and Template Matching Classi� cation on SAS AUV DataMattias Jonsson, Swedish Defence Research AgencyHadi Esteki, Swedish Defence Research Agency

    A uni� ed framework for multiple-input multiple-output and bistatic synthetic aperture sonar processingWen Xu, Zhejiang UniversityFeng Sun, Boundary Electronic Technologies Inc.Shuangshuang Fan, Zhejiang UniversityXiang Pan, Zhejiang University

    Passive synthetic aperture array to improve noise mapping of a moving shipBenoit Oudompheng, GIPSA-LabBarbara Nicolas, CREATIS (INSA Lyon)Lucille Lamotte, MicrodB

    Automatic Control-1Location: Room 3 - SciroccoTuesday, May 19 (14:15 - 15:30)Chair: Torsten Teubler, Luebeck Universityof Applied Sciences

    Control system for long-range survey hybrid-driven underwater gliderZhier Chen, Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of SciencesJiancheng Yu, Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of SciencesAiqun Zhang, Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of SciencesSanming Song, Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Integrating Expert System CLIPS into DUNE for AUV ControlTorsten Teubler, Luebeck University of Applied SciencesShuang Liang, Luebeck University of Applied SciencesHorst Hellbrück, Luebeck University of Applied Sciences



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    A modular and scalable control architecture for navigationof autonomous underwater vehiclesFrancisco Lastra, University of CantabriaJesus Trujillo, Iberdrola Engineering & ConstructionFrancisco Velasco, University of CantabriaElias Revestido Herrero, University of CantabriaLuis Vega, University of Cantabria

    Requirements and Design of Highly Accurate Position Control System for Underwater Visual InspectionHyun-Taek Choi, Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering (KRISO)Jinwoo CHOI, KRISOYeongjun Lee, KRISO

    Coastal Radar-1Location: Room 4 - TramontanaTuesday, May 19 (14:15 - 15:30)Co-Chairs: Malcolm Heron, James Cook UniversityMarta Bucciarelli, Sympas S.r.l.

    HF Radar Optimised for Tsunami MonitoringMalcolm Heron, James Cook UniversityAnna Dzvonkovskaya, Helzel Messtechnik GmbHThomas Helzel, Helzel Messtechnik GmbH

    The Impact of Sea State on HF Surface-Wave Radar Ship Detectionand Tracking PerformancePaolo Braca, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Salvatore Maresca, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Ra� aele Grasso, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Jochen Horstmann, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG)

    Multi-sensor ISAR technique for translational motion estimationMarta Bucciarelli, Sympas S.r.l.Debora Pastina, DIET Dept., University of Rome “La Sapienza”Borja Errasti-Alcalá, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Paolo Braca, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)

    Variable Structure Interacting Multiple Model Algorithm for Ship Tracking Using HF Surface Wave Radar DataGemine Vivone, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)

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    Paolo Braca, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Jochen Horstmann, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht

    Numerical Modeling and SimulationLocation: Room 5 - Zefi roTuesday, May 19 (14:15 - 15:30)Co-Chairs: Luca Oneto, University of GenoaLudovica Sartini, DICCA - University of Genoa

    A Low Fidelity Mathematical Model of a Biomimetic AUVfor Multi-Vehicle CoordinationJonathan McColgan, University of GlasgowEuan McGookin, University of GlasgowAhmad Naddi Ahmad Mazlan, University of Glasgow

    Ship E� ciency Forecast based on Sensors Data Collection:Improving Numerical Models through Data Analytics.Andrea Coraddu, University of GenoaLuca Oneto, University of GenoaFrancesco Baldi, Chalmers University of TechnologyDavide Anguita, University of Genoa

    Evaluating third generation wave spectral models performancesin coastal areas. An application to Eastern LiguriaLudovica Sartini, DICCA - University of GenoaLorenzo Mentaschi, DICCA - University of GenoaGiovanni Besio, DICCA - University of Genoa

    Three dimensional model, hydrodynamics analysis and motion simulation of an underwater gliderJunjun Cao, Institute of Oceanology, Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityJunliang Cao, Institute of Oceanology, Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityBaoheng Yao, Institute of Oceanology, Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityLian Lian, Institute of Oceanology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

    Realistic modeling of underwater ambient noise and its in� uence on spread-spectrum signalsJoaquín Aparicio Sosa, University of AlcaláAna Jiménez Martín, University of AlcaláFernando Álvarez Franco, University of ExtremaduraJesús Ureña Ureña, University of Alcalá



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    Remotely Operated VehiclesLocation: Room 6 - LevanteTuesday, May 19 (14:15 - 15:30)Co-Chairs: Sampriti Bhattacharyya, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyEirik Henriksen, Department of Petroleum Technology and Applied Geophysics, Norwegian Universityof Science and Technology

    Design Analysis of a Self Stabilizing Underwater Sub-Surface Inspection Robot Using Hydrodynamic Ground E� ectSampriti Bhattacharyya, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyH Asada, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMichael Triantafyllou, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Small-size ROV launched from Underwater TV system for observation in Scienti� c DrillingsTomoya Inoue, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and TechnologyHiroyoshi Suzuki, Osaka Prefecture UniversityJunya Ishiwata, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and TechnologyMitomu Obiki, Osaka Prefecture UniversityKazuhiro Takasu, Osaka Prefecture University

    Positioning of Subsea Modules Using Automated ROVEirik Henriksen, Department of Petroleum Technology and Applied Geophysics, Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyBrede Thorkildsen, FMC TechnologiesTor Berge Gjersvik, Department of Petroleum Technology and Applied Geophysics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

    A Potential Method for Underwater ChargingFrank Fan, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology

    Ocean Energy-1Location: Room 7 - PonenteTuesday, May 19 (14:15 - 15:30)Co-Chairs: Tim Verbrugghe, Ghent UniversityEric Cullen, SmartBay Ireland

    Numerical modelling of control strategies and accumulator e� ectof a hydraulic power take-o� systemTim Verbrugghe, Ghent UniversityAndreas Kortenhaus, Ghent UniversityJulien De Rouck, Ghent University

    Long-Term Performance of Segmented Benthic Microbial Fuel CellsY. Meriah Arias-Thode, SPAWAR Systems Center Paci� c, San Diego, CA, USALewis Hsu, SPAWAR Systems Center Paci� c, San Diego, CA, USA

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    Je� rey Kagan, SPAWAR Systems Center Paci� c, San Diego, CA, USAAndrew Higier, SPAWAR Systems Center Paci� c, San Diego, CA, USAD. Bart Chadwick, SPAWAR Systems Center Paci� c, San Diego, CA, USA

    Experimental performance evaluation and validation of dynamical contact models of the Ocean GrazerMarijn van Rooij, University of Groningen, FMNS, ENTEG-APEHarmen Meijer, University of Groningen, FMNS, ENTEG-APEWout Prins, University of Groningen, FMNS, ENTEG-APEAntonis Vakis, University of Groningen, FMNS, ENTEG-APE

    Performance characteristics of the Energy Cat 3EC42 hydrokinetic turbineMohammad Shahsavarifard, University of ManitobaAmir Hossein Birjandi, University of ManitobaEric Bibeau, University of Manitoba

    Numerical modelling study of the e� ects of suspended aquaculture farms on tidal stream energy generationFearghal O’Donncha, IBM Research - IrelandScott James, Baylor UniversityNoreen O’Brien, IBM Research - IrelandEmanuele Ragnoli, IBM Research - Ireland

    Air/Sea InteractionLocation: Room 8 - AliseoTuesday, May 19 (14:15 - 15:30)Chair: Mark Anderson, University of California San Diego

    Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Maritime Operations:Challenges addressed in the scope of the SEAGULL projectMario Monteiro Marques, Portuguese Navy Research Center,Portuguese Naval AcademyPedro Dias, Portuguese Naval Research Center, Portuguese Naval AcademyNuno Pessanha Santos, Portuguese Navy Research Center, Portuguese Naval AcademyVictor Lobo, Portuguese Navy Research Center, Portuguese Naval AcademyRicardo Batista, Critical SoftwareDiogo Salgueiro, Critical SoftwareAntónio Aguiar, University of PortoMaria Costa, University of PortoAntónio Ferreira, University of PortoJorge Silva, University of PortoJoão de Sousa, University of PortoMaria Nunes, Portuguese Airforce Research CenterRicardo Ribeiro, ISR - Instituto Superior TécnicoJorge Marques, University of LisbonJosé Morgado, Portuguese Airforce Research CenterElói Pereira, Portuguese Airforce Research Center



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    Miguel Griné, University of LisbonMatteo Taiana, University of LisbonJ. Estrela da Silva, University of PortoAlexandre Bernardino, University of Lisbon

    Autonomous landing aboard a naval platform using an UAV based vision approachFilipe Morais, TekeverMário Marques, Portuguese Navy Research Center, Portuguese Naval AcademyNuno Pessanha Santos, Portuguese Navy Research Center, Portuguese Naval AcademyPedro Sinogas, TekeverTiago Ramalho, TekeverVictor Lobo, Portuguese Navy Research Center, Portuguese Navy Academy

    Wingsail Projects for Aerospace Engineering Capstone DesignMark Anderson, University of California San DiegoEric Terrill, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

    Ocean data visualization, modeling, and information managementLocation: Poster RoomTuesday, May 19 (14:15 - 15:30)

    From Data to Decision: an overview of CMRE’s information supply chainAlessandro Berni, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Giampaolo Cimino, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Elena Camossi, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Simone Giannecchini, Geosolutions

    High-resolution, three-dimensional modeling of the circulationin the Gulf of La Spezia (Northwestern Mediterranean)Lina Porciello, ISMAR-CNRMarcello Magaldi, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of ItalyAnnalisa Gri� a, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of ItalyMassimiliano Barbolini, Flow-Ing s.r.l.Francesco Ferro, Flow-Ing s.r.l.Mireno Borghini, ISMAR-CNR

    A modeling study on residence time in the Youngsan River Estuary, KoreaChang-Woo Cho, GeoSystem Research CorporationYong-Sik Song, GeoSystem Research Corporation

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    O2A: A Generic Framework for Enabling the Flow of Sensor Observations to Archives and PublicationsRoland Koppe, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine ResearchPeter Gerchow, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine ResearchAna Macario, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine ResearchAntonie Haas, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine ResearchChristian Schäfer-Neth, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine ResearchHans Pfei� enberger, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

    Proposal of a Biological Database to Research for the Fish Epinephelus ItajaraSergio Pichorim, UTFPR - Federal University of Technology - ParanáDanielle Suzuki, UTFPR - Federal University of Technology - Paraná

    Modeling provenance in marine survey projectMingtao Liu, Ocean University of ChinaJianliang Xu, Ocean University of ChinaShijuan Yan, The First Institute of OceanographyXiaohong Wang, Ocean University of ChinaHongtao Liang, Ocean University of China

    Vehicle Design-2Location: Room 1 - MaestraleTuesday, May 19 (16:00 - 17:15)Chair: Luca Pugi, University of Florence

    Design and development of polypropylene frame for remotely operated vehicleS.B. Pranesh, National Institute of Ocean TechnologyD. Sathianarayanan, National Institute of Ocean TechnologyE. Chandrasekar, National Institute of Ocean TechnologyM. Murugesan, National Institute of Ocean TechnologyG.A. Ramadass, National Institute of Ocean TechnologyM.A. Atmanand, National Institute of Ocean Technology

    Design and automation of an ocean-going autonomously acting USVErik Rentzow, University of Rostock, Institute of AutomationDetlef Dewitz, University of Rostock, Institute of AutomationMartin Kurowski, University of Rostock, Institute of AutomationBernhard Lampe, University of Rostock, Institute of AutomationSebastian Ritz, Technische Universität Berlin, Department Design and Operation of Maritime SystemsRobert Kutz, Technische Universität Berlin, Department Design and Operation of Maritime Systems



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    Matthias Golz, Technische Universität Berlin, Department Design and Operation of Maritime SystemsFlorin Boeck, Technische Universität Berlin, Department Design and Operation of Maritime Systems

    Design of a Modular Propulsion System for MARTA AUVLuca Pugi, University of FlorenceBenedetto Allotta, University of FlorenceRiccardo Costanzi, Dept. Industrial Engineering Florence - University of FlorenceAlessandro Ridol� , University of Florence - Department of Industrial EngineeringJonathan Gelli, University of Florence

    Balance Parameters Calculation Method of Underwater Glider Based On BP Neural NetworkQian-Li Jiang, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ocean University of ChinaQian-Li Jiang, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ocean University of ChinaLei Han, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ocean University of ChinaXiang-Dong Wang, Ocean University of ChinaDa-Lei Song, College of Engineering, Ocean University of ChinaHua Yang, College of Information Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China

    Array Signal Processing-1Location: Room 2 - LibeccioTuesday, May 19 (16:00 - 17:15)Co-Chairs: Christophe Sintes, Institut Mines-Télécom BretagneGiancarlo Vettori, Consultant @ Co.L.Mar s.r.l.

    Relationships among Vernier-method and other direction-of-arrival estimatorsChristophe Sintes, Institut Mines-Télécom BretagneKenneth Foote, Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionGerard Llort-Pujol, Thalos SAS

    Localization of underwater tone noise sources by a small aperture circular arrayLingji Xu, Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityYixin Yang, School of Marine Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityYongwei Wang, Northwestern Polytechnical UniversityHu Yang, School of Marine Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University

    Properties of circular sparse arrays for underwater, broadband, high frequency source localizationGiancarlo Vettori, Consultant @ Co.L.Mar s.r.l.Paolo Ussi, CNR, Pisa

    Robust passive diver detection in shallow oceanHari Vishnu, National University of Singapore

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    Mandar Chitre, Acoustic Research Laboratory, National University of SingaporeYuen Too, National University of SingaporeVenugopalan Pallayil, National University of Singapore

    Automatic Control-2Location: Room 3 - SciroccoTuesday, May 19 (16:00 - 17:15)Co-Chairs: Giuseppe Conte, Università Politecnica delle MarcheEdoardo Sarda, Florida Atlantic University

    ROS Multi-agent Structure for Autonomous Surface VehiclesGiuseppe Conte, Università Politecnica delle MarcheDavid Scaradozzi, Università Politecnica delle MarcheLaura Sorbi, Università Politecnica delle MarcheLuca Panebianco, Università Politecnica delle MarcheDaniele Mannocchi, Università Politecnica delle Marche

    Development of a USV Station-Keeping ControllerEdoardo Sarda, Florida Atlantic UniversityIvan Bertaska, Florida Atlantic UniversityHuajin Qu, Florida Atlantic UniversityKarl von Ellenrieder, Florida Atlantic University

    Neural Dynamics and Sliding Mode Integration for the Guidance of Unmanned Surface VehiclesNicola Di Lecce, The BioRobotics Institute - Scuola Superiore Sant’AnnaCecilia Laschi, The BioRobotics Institute - Scuola Superiore Sant’AnnaMarco Bibuli, National Research Council, Institute of Studieson Intelligent Systems for Automation, CNR-ISSIAGabriele Bruzzone, National Research Council, Institute of Studieson Intelligent Systems for Automation, CNR-ISSIAEnrica Zereik, National Research Council, Institute of Studieson Intelligent Systems for Automation, CNR-ISSIA

    Coastal Radar-2Location: Room 4 - TramontanaTuesday, May 19 (16:00 - 17:15)Co-Chairs: Eric Gill, Memorial University of NewfoundlandGemine Vivone, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)

    Calibration of the E� ect of Sampling Jitter on Wind Direction Measurement from Platform-based HF RadarWei Wang, Memorial University of NewfoundlandEric Gill, Memorial University of Newfoundland



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    Extended Target Tracking Applied to X-band Marine Radar DataGemine Vivone, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Paolo Braca, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Borja Errasti-Alcala, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)

    Realistic Extended Target Model for Track Before Detect in Maritime SurveillanceBorja Errasti-Alcala, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Walter Fuscaldo, Sapienza University of RomePaolo Braca, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Gemine Vivone, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)

    Shadowing-Analysis-Based Wave Height Measurement from Ship-Borne X-Band Nautical Radar ImagesXinlong Liu, Memorial University of NewfoundlandWeimin Huang, Memorial University of NewfoundlandEric Gill, Memorial University of Newfoundland

    Information Management-1Location: Room 5 - Zefi roTuesday, May 19 (16:00 - 17:15)Chair: Georgios Papadimitriou, Heriot Watt University

    Enabling Fault Recovery and Adaptation in Mine-Countermeasures Missions Using OntologiesGeorgios Papadimitriou, Heriot Watt UniversityZeyn Saigol, Heriot Watt UniversityDavid Lane, Heriot Watt University

    Enabling Central Access to Marine Data: Data Portal German Marine ResearchRoland Koppe, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centrefor Polar and Marine ResearchAngela Schäfer, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

    Using SeaDataNet Management System to Preserve the XBT Data-set of the Mediterranean SeaLeda Pecci, ENEA - Centro Ricerche Ambiente MarinoTiziana Ciu� ardi, ENEA - Centro Ricerche Ambiente MarinoPaola Picco, Istituto Idrogra� co della MarinaFranco Reseghetti, ENEA - Centro Ricerche Ambiente MarinoMichele Fichaut, IFREMERDick Schaap, MARIS

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    Harbor Protection-1Location: Room 6 - LevanteTuesday, May 19 (16:00 - 17:15)Chair: Kevin Le Page, Centre for Maritime Research and ExperimentationAutonomous networked anti-submarine warfare research and development at CMREKevin Le Page, Centre for Maritime Research and ExperimentationJoao Alves, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Ryan Goldhahn, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Chris Strode, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Francesco Baralli, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Stefano Biagini, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Paolo Braca, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Gaetano Canepa, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Gabriele Ferri, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Thomas Furfaro, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Vittorio Grandi, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Gabriel Grenon, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Marco Mazzi, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Michele Micheli, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Andrea Munafó, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Juri Sildam, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Arjan Vermeij, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Giovanni Zappa, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)



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    MIMO sonar systems for harbour surveillanceYan Pailhas, Heriot Watt UniversityYvan Petillot, Ocean Systems Laboratory. Heriot Watt University

    Software-de� ned multiband array passive radar (SMARP) demonstrator: a Test and Evaluation perspectiveAmerigo Capria, CNIT/Lab. RaSSDario Petri, CNIT/Lab. RaSSChristian Moscardini, CNIT/Lab. RaSSMichele Conti, CNIT/Lab. RaSSAlessandro Cantelli Forti, CNIT/Lab. RaSSRiccardo Massini, CNIT/Lab. RaSSMatteo Cerretelli, CNIT/Lab. RaSSSimone Ledda, CNIT/Lab. RaSSVasco Tesi, CNIT/Lab. RaSSEnzo Dalle Mese, CNIT/Lab. RaSSGuido Bi� Gentili, CNIT/Lab. RaSSFabrizio Berizzi, CNIT/Lab. RaSSMarco Martorella, CNIT/Lab. RaSSRocco Soleti, Italian Navy/CSSN ITE “Istituto Valluri”Tristano Martini, Italian Navy/CSSN ITE “Istituto Valluri”Andrea Manco, Italian Navy/CSSN ITE “Istituto Valluri”

    Towards Fully Autonomous Underwater Vehicles in ASW Scenarios: an Adaptive, Data Driven AUV Mission Management LayerGabriele Ferri, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Andrea Munafo’, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Ryan Goldhahn, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Kevin LePage, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)

    Ocean Energy-2Location: Room 7 - PonenteTuesday, May 19 (16:00 - 17:15)Chair: Florin Onea, Dunarea de Jos University of Galati

    Short-term forecasting of zonal and meridional Wave Energy Flux in the Bay of Biscay using random forestsGabriel Ibarra-Berastegi, University of the Basque CountryJon Saénz, University of the Basque CountryGanix Esnaola, University of the Basque CountryAgustín Ezcurra, University of the Basque CountryAlain Ulazia, University of the Basque Country

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    Application and E� ectiveness of a Portable Hydrodynamic Test FlumeStephen Wood, Florida Institute of TechnologyDiego Cañedo, Florida Institute of TechnologyThibaud Le Merdy, Florida Insitute of Technology

    Yaw operation of a shrouded horizontal axis hydrokinetic turbineMohammad Shahsavarifard, University of ManitobaEric Bibeau, University of Manitoba

    Coastal impact of a hybrid marine farm operating close to the Sardinia IslandFlorin Onea, Dunarea de Jos University of GalatiLiliana Rusu, Galati University Dunarea de Jos

    Coastal Zone ManagementLocation: Room 8 - AliseoTuesday, May 19 (16:00 - 17:15)Chair: Sergey Kuznetsov, P.P.Shirshov Instituteof Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences

    Smart Port: exploiting renewable energy and storage potentialof moored boatsStefano Barberis, DIME University of GenoaLorenzo Di Fresco, DIME University of GenoaAlessandro Sorce, DIME University of GenoaThomas Lamberti, DIME University of Genoa

    Correlation between coastal tides and the speed of commercial vesselsKarina Hjelmervik, Buskerud and Vestfold University CollegeHalvor Schøyen, Buskerud and Vestfold University College

    Spectral structure of breaking waves and its possible in� uence on the transport of sediments in coastal zoneSergey Kuznetsov, P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of SciencesYana Saprykina, P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of SciencesMargarita Shtremel, P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of SciencesOlga Kuznetsova, P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences

    Marine environment, Oceanography, Optics, Imaging and E-M systemsLocation: Poster RoomTuesday, May 19 (16:00 - 17:15)

    Nonlinear Transformation of Waves Above Submerged Structures: Application to Coast ProtectionYana Saprykina, P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of SciencesSergey Kuznetsov, P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of SciencesDmitry Korzinin, P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences



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    GUARD-1: an Autonomous System for Gelatinous Zooplankton Image-based RecognitionSimone Marini, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of ItalyLorenzo Corgnati, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of ItalyLuca Mazzei, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of ItalyEnnio Ottaviani, On AIR srlBruno Isoppo, SVM srlStefano Aliani, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of ItalyAlessandra Conversi, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of ItalyAnnalisa Gri� a, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of Italy

    Underwater Wireless Optical Communication Using a Directly Modulated Semiconductor LaserJing Xu, Zhejiang UniversityAobo Lin, Zhejiang UniversityJianxing Leng, Zhejiang UniversityJun Han, Zhejiang UniversityHong Song, Zhejiang UniversityFengzhong Qu, Zhejiang UniversityDan Li, Zhejiang UniversityXinxing Gu, Zhejiang University

    Distributed Underwater Glider Network with Consensus Kalman Filter for Environmental Field EstimationRa� aele Grasso, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Paolo Braca, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Stefano Fortunati, DII - University of PisaFulvio Gini, DII - University of PisaMaria Greco, DII - University of Pisa

    Development of underwater acoustic backscatter and Doppler instruments from a small and versatile multi-frequency sonar board with software de� ned processing.Frederic Ja� re, Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionPeter Traykovski, Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionMelissa Moulton, Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionGareth Lawson, Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionThomas Austin, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

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    Vehicle Design-3Location: Room 1 - MaestraleTuesday, May 19 (17:15 - 18:30)Chair: Stephen Wood, Florida Institute of Technology

    Thrust depletion at high pulsation frequencies in underactuated,soft-bodied, pulsed-jet vehiclesFrancesco Giorgio-Serchi, Scuola Superiore Sant’AnnaFederico Renda, Scuola Superiore Sant’AnnaMarcello Calisti, The BioRobotics Institute - Scuola Superiore Sant’AnnaCecilia Laschi, The BioRobotics Institute - Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

    Underwater running on uneven terrainMarcello Calisti, Scuola Superiore Sant’AnnaCecilia Laschi, The BioRobotics Institute - Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

    Automated Buoyancy Control System for a Remotely Operated Underwater CrawlerStephen Wood, Florida Institute of TechnologyArne Hendricks, Florida Institute of TechnologyMichael Corbet, Florida Institute of Technology

    S3MAG - low magnetic noise AUV for multipurpose investigationsLuca Cocchi, Istituto Nazionale di Geo� sica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma2Cosmo Carmisciano, Istituto Nazionale di Geo� sica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma2Lavinio Gualdesi, Edglab S.r.lPaolo Palangio, Istituto Nazionale di Geo� sica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma2

    Array Signal Processing-2Location: Room 2 - LibeccioTuesday, May 19 (17:15 - 18:30)Chair: Ludwig Houegnigan, Laboratory of Applied Acoustics, UPC Barcelona Tech

    Neural Networks for the localization of biological and anthropogenic source at a neutrino deep sea telescopeLudwig Houegnigan, Laboratory of Applied Acoustics, UPC Barcelona TechMike van Der Schaar, Laboratory of Applied Acoustics, UPC Barcelona TechMichel André, Laboratory of Applied Acoustics, UPC Barcelona TechPablo Pla Caro, Laboratory of Applied Acoustics, UPC Barcelona TechAlba Solsona Berga, Laboratory of Applied Acoustics, UPC Barcelona TechMarta Sole Carbonell, Laboratory of Applied Acoustics, UPC Barcelona Tech

    Narrowband Detection of Underwater Acoustic Signal Under Noise UncertaintiesSanjeev Gurugopinath, CMR Institute of TechnologyGargeshwari Anand, PES University



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    Sparsity-Driven Passive Tracking of Underwater Acoustic SourcesPedro Forero, SPAWAR Systems Center Paci� c, San Diego, CA, USAPaul Baxley, SPAWAR Systems Center Paci� c, San Diego, CA, USALogan Straatemeier, SPAWAR Systems Center Paci� c, San Diego, CA, USA

    Automatic Control-3Location: Room 3 - SciroccoTuesday, May 19 (17:15 - 18:30)Chair: Vincenzo Calabro’, Kongsberg Maritime AS - Cybernetics R&D Group

    Reducing Power Demand and Spikes in Dynamic Positioning:a Model Predictive Control ApproachVincenzo Calabro’, Kongsberg Maritime AS - Cybernetics R&D GroupGeir Hasnes, Kongsberg Maritime AS - Dynamic Positioning R&D

    Dynamics and Adaptive Fuzzy Turning Control of an Underwater GliderJunliang Cao, Institute of Oceanology, Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityJunjun Cao, Institute of Oceanology, Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityBaoheng Yao, Institute of Oceanology, Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityLian Lian, Institute of Oceanology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

    Motion Control of Docking AUV in CurrentsShuangshuang Fan, Zhejiang UniversityYuanxin Xu, Zhejiang UniversityBo Li, Zhejiang UniversityChenzhan Liu, Zhejiang UniversityWen Xu, Zhejiang University

    Coastal Radar-3Location: Room 4 - TramontanaTuesday, May 19 (17:15 - 18:30)Chair: Lorenzo Corgnati, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of Italy

    Estimation of wave parameters from HF radar using di� erent methodologies and compared with wave buoy measurements at the Wave HubRoberto Gomez, Helzel Messtechnik GmbHLucy Wyatt, Seaview Sensing LtdNicolas Thomas, Actimar SASGuiomar Lopez, Plymouth UniversityThomas Helzel, Helzel Messtechnik GmbHSébastien Smet, Actimar SASDaniel Conley, Plymouth UniversityGuillaume Sicot, Actimar SAS

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    The ISMAR High Frequency Coastal Radar Network: monitoring surface currents for management of marine resourcesLorenzo Corgnati, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of ItalyCarlo Mantovani, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of ItalyAnnalisa Gri� a, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of ItalyLucio Bellomo, MIO - Université de ToulonDaniel Carlson, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of ItalyMarcello Magaldi, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of ItalyMaristella Berta, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of ItalyGianfranco Pazienza, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in Lesina, CNR - National Research Council of ItalyRa� aele D’Adamo, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in Lesina, CNR - National Research Council of Italy

    Improving SeaSonde Radial Velocity Accuracyand Variance using Radial MetricsTony de Paolo, Scripps Institution of OceanographyEric Terrill, Scripps Institution of OceanographyAnthony Kirincich, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

    Improving the quality control and accuracy of HF radar currentsLucy Wyatt, University of She� eld

    Information Management-2Location: Room 5 - Zefi roTuesday, May 19 (17:15 - 18:30)Chair: Federico Clazzer, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

    In-situ Performance Analysis of Satellite Communication in the High NorthØrnulf Rødseth, MARINTEKBeate Kvamstad-Lervold, MARINTEKTu Ho, MARINTEK

    An Advanced AIS Receiver using a Priori InformationAhmed Hassanin, German Aerospace Center (DLR)Francisco Lázaro, German Aerospace Center (DLR)Simon Plass, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

    Analysis of Capture and Multi-Packet Reception on the AIS Satellite SystemFederico Clazzer, German Aerospace Center (DLR)Andrea Munari, Institute for Networked Systems (iNETS) RWTH Aachen University



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    Harbor Protection-2Location: Room 6 - LevanteTuesday, May 19 (17:15 - 18:30)Chair: James Candy, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

    Dynamic coverage against asymmetric threats: a game theoretic approachSimone Nardi, Research Center, Centro Piaggio - University of PisaCosimo Della Santina, Research Center, Centro Piaggio - University of PisaDaniele Meucci, Research Center, Centro Piaggio - University of PisaLucia Pallottino, Research Center, Centro Piaggio - University of Pisa

    Underwater magnetometric detection of quasi-punctiform kinematic sources: from the metrology of the � eld to the metrology of the singularity.Stefano Nasta, Marina Militare - CSSN La SpeziaOsvaldo Faggioni, Istituto Nazionale di Geo� sica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma2Maurizio Soldani, Istituto Nazionale di Geo� sica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma2

    Sequential Detection of Fission Processes for Harbor DefenseJames Candy, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

    International IssueLocation: Room 7 - PonenteTuesday, May 19 (17:15 - 18:30)Co-Chairs: Jaime Silva, University of LisbonLeonida Giunta, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

    Foreign scienti� c research vessels in waters under Portuguese sovereignty or jurisdictionJaime Silva, University of Lisbon

    Power and Science in the context of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental ShelfTiago Martins, University of Lisbon

    “The Enigmatic Juridical Regime of Unmanned Maritime Systems”Leonida Giunta, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

    Undersea Commercial (Oil Gas) Speci� cations vs Undersea Milspec Speci� cations: Who Is Really Pushing Technology?David Jenkins, AMETEK SCPMonique Troiano, AMETEK SCPAlex White, AMETEK SCP

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    Vehicle Navigation-1Location: Room 1 - MaestraleWednesday, May 20 (08:30 - 09:45)Chair: Michael Blaich, University of Applied Sciences Konstanz

    A Nonlinear Complementary Filter for Underwater Navigation using Inertial MeasurementsFrancesco Di Corato, Research Center, Centro Piaggio - University of PisaAndrea Caiti, University of PisaDavide Fenucci, Research Center, Centro Piaggio - University of PisaSimone Grechi, Research Center, Centro Piaggio - University of PisaManuel Novi, Whitehead Sistemi Subacquei S.p.A.Francesco Pacini, R&D Department, Whitehead Sistemi Subacquei S.p.A.Giacomo Paoli, R&D Department, Whitehead Sistemi Subacquei S.p.A.

    Design of an Obstacle Detection System for Marine Autonomous VehiclesAndrea Sorbara, Italian National Research CouncilAngelo Odetti, CNR-ISSIAEnrica Zereik, National Research Council, Institute of Studies on Intelligent Systems for Automation, CNR-ISSIAMarco Bibuli, Italian National Research CouncilGabriele Bruzzone, Italian National Research Council

    Trajectory Generation for Vessels using a Reachability GraphMichael Blaich, University of Applied Sciences KonstanzStefan Wirtensohn, University of Applied Sciences KonstanzJohannes Reuter, University of Applied Sciences KonstanzAxel Hahn, University of Oldenburg

    Intelligent planning with performance assessment for Autonomous Surface VehiclesPaolo Izzo, University of She� eldSandor Veres, University of She� eld

    Ocean Noise-1Location: Room 2 - LibeccioWednesday, May 20 (08:30 - 09:45)Co-Chairs: Federico Traverso, University of GenoaCristiano Soares, MARSENSING LDA.

    Measurements and analysis of underwater acoustic noise of � shing vesselsJens Hovem, MarineAcoustics-HovemHåvard Sørheim, Ecoxy AS



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    Bjørn Haukebø, Ecoxy ASRonny Vaagsholm, Hav� sk ASA

    A Shipping Noise Prediction ToolCristiano Soares, MARSENSING LDA.Friedrich Zabel, MARSENSING LDA.Sérgio Jesus, CINTAL

    Spectral analysis of the underwater acoustic noise radiated by ships with controllable pitch propellersFederico Traverso, University of GenoaTomaso Gaggero, University of GenoaEnrico Rizzuto, University of GenoaAndrea Trucco, University of Genoa

    Education and Competitions Initiatives in Marine Robotics-1Location: Room 3 - SciroccoWednesday, May 20 (08:30 - 09:45)Chair: Fabrice Le Bars, ENSTA Bretagne (ex ENSIETA)

    The IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) and Promotion of Oceanic STEM Sport CompetitionsJames Collins, Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept., University of Victoria

    The World Robotic Sailing Championship, a competition to stimulate the development of autonomous sailboatsFabrice Le Bars, ENSTA Bretagne (ex ENSIETA)

    The Singapore Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Challenge (SAUVC) - An E� ort to Engage and Expose Young Engineers to Challenges of Underwater RoboticsVenugopalan Pallayil, National University of SingaporeMandar Chitre, Acoustic Research Laboratory, National University of SingaporeChin Swee Chia, DSO National LaboratoriesHoe Eng Ken Teo, DSO National LaboratoriesBharath Kalyan, National University of SingaporeShailabh Suman, National University of SingaporeCheah Siang Lim, DSO National LaboratoriesTeong beng Koay, National University of SingaporeTaw� q Taher, Singapore MIT Alliance for Research and Technology

    SeaPerch: How a start-up hands-on robotics activity grew into a national programSusan Nelson, SeaPerch/AUVSIFKelly Cooper, O� ce of Naval ResearchVladimir Djapic, SPAWAR Systems Center Paci� c

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    Passive Observing SensorsLocation: Room 4 - TramontanaWednesday, May 20 (08:30 - 09:45)Co-Chairs: Roald Otnes, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)Enrico Maccioni, Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Università di Pisa

    OS-IS® A new method for the sea waves monitoringLorenzo Iafolla, AGICosmo Carmisciano, Istituto Nazionale di Geo� sica e Vulcanologia, Sezione Roma2Emiliano Fiorenza, AGIValerio Iafolla, AGILorenzo Montani, Autorità Portuale della SpeziaMassimiliano Burlando, DICCA - University of GenoaPatrizia De Gaetano, DICCA - University of GenoaGiovanni Solari, DICCA - University of Genoa

    Optical � bre hydrophones for navigation systemsEnrico Maccioni, Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Università di PisaLuca Bancallari, MBDA Italia SpANicolo’ Beverini, Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Università di PisaMassimo Calamai, Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Università di PisaStefano Firpi, LAMBDATECH srlMauro Morganti, Accademia Navale di Livorno, and INFN, Sezione di Pisa

    Multiobjective Evolutionary Optimization of Quadratic Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Rules for Remote Bathymetry EstimationMarco Cococcioni, Dept of Information Engineering, University of PisaBeatrice Lazzerini, Dept. Industrial Engineering Florence - University of Florence

    Using GStreamer for acoustic signal processing in deployable sensor nodesRoald Otnes, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)Joachim Eastwood, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI)Mathieu Colin, TNO

    Marine GIS and Data FusionLocation: Room 5 - Zefi roWednesday, May 20 (08:30 - 09:45)Co-Chairs: Tommaso Fabbri, Dip. di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, University of PisaMarco Tampucci, Institute of Information Science and Technologies - National Research Council of Italy

    Validation of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Route Propagation Model in the Mediterranean SeaLeonardo Maria Mille� ori, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)



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    Giuliana Pallotta, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Paolo Braca, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Steven Horn, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Karna Bryan, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)

    Mining Maritime Vessel Tra� c: Promises, Challenges, TechniquesLuca Cazzanti, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Giuliana Pallotta, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)

    Proactive Marine Information System for Environmental MonitoringMarco Tampucci, Institute of Information Science and Technologies - National Research Council of ItalyDavide Moroni, Institute of Information Science and Technologies - National Research Council of ItalyGabriele Pieri, Institute of Information Science and Technologies - National Research Council of ItalyOvidio Salvetti, Institute of Information Science and Technologies - National Research Council of Italy

    Optimization of surveillance vessel network planning in maritime command and control systems by fusing METOC & AIS vessel tra� c informationTommaso Fabbri, Dip. di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, University of PisaRaul Vicen-Bueno, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Ra� aele Grasso, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Giuliana Pallotta, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Leonardo Maria Mille� ori, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Luca Cazzanti, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)

    Autonomous Intervention-1Location: Room 6 - LevanteWednesday, May 20 (08:30 - 09:45)Co-Chairs: Gianluca Antonelli, University of CassinoEnrico Simetti, ISME / University of Genoa

    A Novel Tactile Sensor for Underwater Applications: Limits and PerspectivesGiovanni Gerardo Muscolo, University of GenoaGiorgio Cannata, University of Genoa

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    Cooperation between Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Manipulations Systems with Minimal Information ExchangeEnrico Simetti, ISME / University of GenoaGiuseppe Casalino, ISME-University of GenovaNinad Manerikar, ISME-University of GenoaSandro Torelli, ISME-University of GenoaSperindé Alessandro, ISME-University of GenoaFrancesco Wanderlingh, ISME-University of Genoa

    DexROV: enabling e� ective dexterous ROV operations in presence of communication latenciesJeremi Gancet, Space Applications Services N.V.Gianluca Antonelli, University of CassinoPeter Weiss, COMEXAndreas Birk, Jacobs University Bremen gGmbHSylvain Calinon, Fondation de l’Institut de Recherche IDIAPAlessio Turetta, Graal Tech S.r.l.Cees Walen, EJR Quartz BVDiego Urbina, Space Applications Services N.V.Michel Ilzkovitz, Space Applications Services N.V.Pierre Letier, Space Applications Services N.V.Fred Gauch, COMEXBertrand Chemisky, COMEXGiuseppe Casalino, ISMEGiovanni Indiveri, Università del Salento - ISME nodeMax P� ngsthorn, Jacobs University Bremen gGmbHLisa Guilpain, EJR Quartz BV

    Virtual decomposition control for an underwater vehicle carrying a n-DoF manipulatorAntonelli Gianluca, University of Cassino and Southern LazioCataldi Elisabetta, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio

    Off-shore StructuresLocation: Room 7 - PonenteWednesday, May 20 (08:30 - 09:45)Chair: Stefano Barberis, University of Genoa (DIME)

    Remote pipeline integrity assessment and � ow assurance using wideband technologyYan Pailhas, Heriot Watt UniversityChris Capus, Hydrason Solutions LtdNicolas Valeyrie, Hydrason Solutions LtdKeith Brown, Heriot Watt University

    Machine Learning approach to corrosion assessment in subsea pipelinesGiulia De Masi, Saipem



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    Giovanna Gabetta, ENIManuela Gentile, SaipemRoberta Vichi, SaipemRoberto Bruschi, Saipem

    A Study for the restoration of a Platform Island Oil TerminalStefano Barberis, University of Genoa (DIME)Lorenzo Di Fresco, DIME University of GenoaAristide Massardo, University of Genoa (DIME)

    Oceanographic Instrumentation and Sensors-1Location: Room 8 - AliseoWednesday, May 20 (08:30 - 09:45)Chair: Laurent Delauney, IFREMER

    Automated micro Loop Flow Reactor technology to measure nutrients in coastal water: state of the art and � eld applicationSergio Bodini, Systea SpALuca San� lippo, Systea SpAEnrico Savino, Systea SpAPompeo Moscetta, Systea SpA

    A multi-Depth Sensorised micro Sampling SystemGiacomo Saviozzi, The BioRobotics Institute - Scuola Superiore Sant’AnnaElisa Buselli, The BioRobotics Institute - Scuola Superiore Sant’AnnaCesare Stefanini, The BioRobotics Institute - Scuola Superiore Sant’AnnaCecilia Laschi, The BioRobotics Institute - Scuola Superiore Sant’AnnaPaolo Dario, The BioRobotics Institute - Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

    Biofouling protection for optical sensor by electrolysis on conductive transparent coatingsLaurent Delauney, IFREMERKada Boukerma, IFREMERKarenn BUCAS, IFREMERJean-Yves Coail, IFREMERMathieu Debeaumont, IFREMERBertrand FOREST, IFREMERCelia Garello, IFREMERGerard Guyader, IFREMERYves Le Bras, IFREMERMichel Peleau, IFREMEREmmanuel Rinnert, IFREMER

    Autonomous, retrievable, deep sea microbial fuel cellKenneth Richter, SPAWAR Systems Center Paci� c, San Diego, CA, USARobert George, SPAWAR Systems Center Paci� c, San Diego, CA, USAKevin Hardy, Global Ocean Design

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    Vehicle Navigation-2Location: Room 1 - MaestraleWednesday, May 20 (09:45 - 11:00)Co-Chairs: Nak Yong Ko, Chosun UniversityRiccardo Costanzi, Dept. Industrial Engineering Florence - University of Florence

    Observability analysis for single range localizationDaniela De Palma, University of SalentoFilippo Arrichiello, Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio MeridionaleGiovanni Indiveri, Università del Salento - ISME nodeGianfranco Parlangeli, University of Salento

    A comparison between EKF-based and UKF-based navigation algorithms for AUVs localizationRiccardo Costanzi, Dept. Industrial Engineering Florence - University of FlorenceBenedetto Allotta, DIEF - University of FlorenceAndrea Caiti, Centro Piaggio - University of PisaLuigi Chisci, DINFO - University of FlorenceClaudio Fantacci, DINFO - University of FlorenceDavide Fenucci, Research Center, Centro Piaggio - University of PisaFrancesco Di Corato, Research Center, Centro Piaggio - University of PisaAlessandro Ridol� , University of Florence - Department of Industrial EngineeringFrancesco Fanelli, DIEF - University of FlorenceEnrico Meli, DIEF - University of Florence

    Fusing Depth Measurement for Improvement of AHRS Based Attitude Estimation of an Underwater VehicleNak Yong Ko, Chosun UniversityHyun Taek Choi, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and TechnologyYong Seon Moon, Sunchon National Univ.

    A practical path planning and navigation algorithm for an unmanned surface vehicle using the fast marching methodYuanchang Liu, University College LondonRui Song, University College LondonRichard Bucknall, University College London

    Ocean Noise-2Location: Room 2 - LibeccioWednesday, May 20 (09:45 - 11:00)Co-Chairs: Thomas Folegot, Quiet-OceansErica Firenze, CETENA S.p.A.

    Monitoring Long Term Ocean Noise in European WatersThomas Folegot, Quiet-OceansMike van der Schaar, Laboratory of Applied Acoustics, UPC Barcelona TechDominique Clorennec, Quiet-Oceans



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    Pierrick Brunet, Quiet-OceansLancelot Six, Quiet-OceansRobert Chavanne, Quiet-OceansMichel André, UPC

    Observations of Ambient Noises Induced by the Internal Solitary Waves on the Continental Slope of the Northern South China SeaYiing-Jang Yang, Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan UniversitySteven R. Ramp, Soliton Ocean Services, Inc.Ching-Sang Chiu, Department of Oceanography, Naval Postgraduate SchoolD. Benjamin Reeder, Department of Oceanography, Naval Postgraduate SchoolJe� Chih-Hao Wu, Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering, National Taiwan UniversityChi-Fang Chen, Department of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering,National Taiwan UniversityWen-Der Liang, Department of Marine Science, Naval Academy, Taiwan

    Modeling Colored Impulsive Noise by Markov Chains and Alpha-Stable ProcessesAhmed Mahmood, Acoustic Research Laboratory, National University of SingaporeMandar Chitre, Acoustic Research Laboratory, National University of Singapore

    Education and Competitions Initiatives in Marine Robotics-2Location: Room 3 - SciroccoWednesday, May 20 (09:45 - 11:00)Co-Chairs: Zoran Vukic, University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and ComputingGabriele Ferri, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)

    “Breaking the Surface” - international interdisciplinary � eld-training for experts, end-users and studentsZoran Vukic, University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and ComputingNikola Miskovic, University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineeringand ComputingAntonio Vasilijevic, University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing

    Metrics of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Student CompetitionsThomas Curtin, Applied Physics Laboratory/UW

    Evolution and Prospects of Underwater Robot Competition in JapanMasakazu Arima, Osaka Prefecture UniversityToshihiro Maki, The University of TokyoKazuo Ishii, Kyushu Institute of TechnologyHayato Kondo, Tokyo University of Marine Science and TechnologyTamaki Ura, Kyushu Institute of Technology

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    Boosting the Talent of New Generations of Marine Engineers Through Robotics Competitions in Realistic Environments: The SAUC-E and EuRathlon ExperienceGabriele Ferri, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Fausto Ferreira, NATO Science & Technology Organization (STO) - Centrefor Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE)Vladimir Djapic, SPAWAR Systems Center Paci� c, San Diego, CA, USA

    Holography and 3D ImagingLocation: Room 4 - TramontanaWednesday, May 20 (09:45 - 11:00)Chair: Miquel Massot-Campos, Systems, Robotics and Vision, University of the Balearic Islands

    Structured Light System for Underwater Inspection OperationsFlávio Lopes, INESC TECHugo Silva, INESC TECJosé Almeida, INESC TEC / ISEPAlfredo Martins, INESC TEC / ISEPEduardo Silva, INESC TEC / ISEP

    Low Cost Stereo System for Imaging and 3D Reconstruction of Underwater OrganismsLuca Mazzei, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of ItalyLorenzo Corgnati, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of ItalySimone Marini, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of ItalyBruno Isoppo, SVM srlEnnio Ottaviani, On AIR srl

    Towards an immersive and natural gesture controlled interface for intervention underwater robotsJuan García Sánchez, Universitat Jaume IBruno Patrão, Institute of Systems and Robotics, University of CoimbraJavier Pérez Soler, Jaume I University of CastellonJoão Seabra, Institute of Systems and Robotics, University of CoimbraPaulo Menezes, Institute of Systems and Robotics, University of CoimbraJorge Dias, Institute of Systems and Robotics, University of CoimbraPedro Sanz Valero, Jaume I University of Castellon

    Structured light and stereo vision for underwater 3D reconstructionMiquel Massot-Campos, Systems, Robotics and Vision, University of the Balearic IslandsGabriel Oliver-Codina, Systems, Robotics and Vision.



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    University of the Balearic IslandsHashim Kemal, Ocean Systems Laboratory. Heriot Watt UniversityYvan Petillot, Ocean Systems Laboratory. Heriot Watt UniversityFrancisco Bonin-Font, Departament de Matemàtiques i Informàtica,University of the Balearic Islands

    HydrodynamicsLocation: Room 5 - Zefi roWednesday, May 20 (09:45 - 11:00)Chair: Francesco Enrile, University of Genoa

    Wake measurement behind a loaded vertical axis hydrokinetic turbine (VAHT) in the � eldAmir Hossein Birjandi, University of ManitobaMohammad Shahsavarifard, University of ManitobaDerek Nuefeld, New Energy CorporationArmin Hamta, University of ManitobaEric Bibeau, University of Manitoba

    Hydrodynamics of Wave Forces on Coastal-Bridge Decks: Calculations by Euler’s Equations versus Nonlinear Shallow-water Wave EquationsR. Ertekin, Univ. of HawaiiM. Hayatdavoodi, Texas A&M University at Galveston

    Lagrangian Coherent Structures deduced from HF radar measurements.Francesco Enrile, University of GenoaGiovanni Besio, University of GenoaMarcello Magaldi, ISMAR - Marine Sciences Institute in La Spezia, CNR - National Research Council of ItalySimone Cosoli, ogsRiccardo Gerin, ogsPierre-Marie Poulain, ogs

    A simple method for estimating wave refraction along weakly curvilinear coastsAlejandro López-Ruiz, Andalusian Institute for Earth System Research, University of Granada, Granada, SpainMiguel Ortega-Sánchez, Andalusian Institute for Earth System Research, University of Granada, Granada, SpainMiguel Losada, Andalusian Institute for Earth System Research, University of Granada, Granada, Spain

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    Autonomous Intervention-2Location: Room 6 - LevanteWednesday, May 20 (09:45 - 11:00)Co-Chairs: Akihiro Kawamura, Kyushu UniversityMarco Bibuli, National Research Council, Institute of Studies on Intelligent Systems for Automation, CNR-ISSIA

    Motion Control of Underwater Robotic Arm using Calibration-Free Visual Servoing SystemAkihiro Kawamura, Kyushu UniversityManami Kubo, Ritsumeikan UniversityKenshiro Yokoi, Ritsumeikan UniversityNorimitsu Sakagami, Tokai UniversitySadao Kawamura, Ritsumeikan University

    An Underwater Stereo Vision System: from Design to Deployment and Dataset AcquisitionFabio Oleari, University of ParmaFabjan Kallasi, University of ParmaDario Lodi Rizzini, University of ParmaJacopo Aleotti, University of ParmaStefano Caselli, University of Parma

    On the Bandwidth of 6-axis Force/Torque Sensors for Underwater ApplicationsGianluca Palli, DEI - Università di BolognaClaudio Melchiorri, DEI - Università di BolognaLorenzo Moriello, DEI - Università di Bologna

    Underwater Radio Frequency based localization and image transmission system, including speci� c compression techniques, for autonomous manipulationDiego Centelles, Jaume I University of CastellonEduardo Rubino, Jaume I University of CastellonMichael Soler, Jaume I University of CastellonJose Marti, Jaume I University of CastellonJorge Sales Gil, Jaume I University of CastellonRaul Marin, Jaume I University of CastellonPedro Sanz Valero, Jaume I University of Castellon

    3D-Belief Space Planning for underwater mobile graspingEnrica Zereik, National Research Council, Institute of Studies on Intelligent Systemsfor Automation, CNR-ISSIAFrancesco Gagliardi, Italian National Research CouncilMarco Bibuli, Italian National Research CouncilGabriele Bruzzone, Italian National Research CouncilMassimo Caccia, Italian National Research CouncilFabio Bonsignorio, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna/Heron Robots s.r.l



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    Off-shore Wind Power-1Location: Room 7 - PonenteWednesday, May 20 (09:45 - 11:00)Chair: Volker Bertram, DNV GL

    Advanced CFD Analyses for O� shore Wind Power InstallationsVolker Bertram, DNV GL

    Actuation of Wind-Loading Torque on Vertical Axis Turbines at Model ScaleElena Koukina, Univ. of California at BerkeleySamuel Kanner, Univ. of California at BerkeleyRonald Yeung, Univ. of California at Berkeley

    Noise Mitigation with Balloon Arrays during Pile Driving Activities in the Underwater EnvironmentYu-Hang Wu, NTU/UALTien-Siang Ling, NTU/OTRCWei-Shien Hwang, NTU/ESOEChi-Fang Chen, Ocean Technology Research Center, National Taiwan University

    Oceanographic Instrumentation and Sensors-2Location: Room 8 - AliseoWednesday, May 20 (09:45 - 11:00)Chair: Antonio Novellino, ETT S.p.A.

    FP7-OCEAN-2013 - SCHeMA: integrated in Situ Chemical MApping ProbesMarylou Tercier-Waeber, University of GenevaErikk Bakker, Université de GenèveCorinne Nardin, University of GenevaEnora Prado, Université de GenèveSandrine Mongin, Université de GenèveBoris Mizaiko� , Ulm UniversityFlorian Luxenburger, Ulm UniversityIngo Klimant, Graz University of TechnologyGünter Mistlberger, Graz University of TechnologyBernhard Müller, Graz University of TechnologyPeter Van Der Wal, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFLMarianna Fighera, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFLJorge Fernández Sánchez, NanoMyP®Ángel Navarro, NanoMyP®Antonio Medina-Castillo, NanoMyP®Jörg Schäfer, Université de BordeauxMelina Abdou, Université de BordeauxAntonio Novellino, ETT S.p.A.Paolo D’Angelo, ETT S.p.A.Fabio Confalonieri, IDRONAUTMichela Castellano, DISTAV - Università degli Studi di Genova

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    Emanuele Magi, DCCI - University of GenoaFrancesco Massa, DISTAV - Università degli Studi di GenovaPaolo Povero, Università degli Studi di Genova, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell’Ambiente e della Vita

    On Measuring and Processing of Ocean Turbulence from a Moored InstrumentYuanyuan Wang, Ocean University of ChinaHua Yang, Ocean University of ChinaDalei Song, Ocean University of ChinaXiuyan Liu, Ocean University of ChinaXinmin Ren, Ocean University of China

    New cost-e� ective, interoperable sensors tested on existing ocean observing platforms in application of European directivesAlberto Ribotti, CNRMireno Borghini, CNRKatrin Schroeder, CNRJohn Barton, Tyndall National InstituteMargaret McCaul, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, NCSR, Dublin City UniversityDermot Diamond, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, NCSR, Dublin City UniversityPaolo Magni, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

    Wave energy converters, Remote sensingLocation: Poster RoomWednesday, May 20 (09:45 - 11:00)

    Design of Wave Energy Converter (WEC): A prototype installed in SicilyAlessia Viola, University of PalermoVincenzo Franzitta, University of PalermoDomenico Curto, University of PalermoMarco Trapanese, University of PalermoVincenzo Di Dio, University of PalermoGiovanni Cipriani, University of PalermoValeria Boscaino, University of PalermoMattia Corpora, University of PalermoFrancesco Maria Raimondi, University of Palermo

    Adjustable Wave Chamber for Better Ocean Wave Energy HarvestingMaura Sateriale, University of Hawaii, ManoaYalda Saadat, University of Hawaii, ManoaReza Ghorbani, University of Hawaii, ManoaOceana Francis, University of Hawaii, Manoa

    Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Wave Energy ConverterAlessia Viola, University of PalermoVincenzo Franzitta, University of PalermoDomenico Curto, University of Palermo



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    Vincenzo Di Dio, University of PalermoDaniele Milone, University of PalermoGiuseppe Rodonò, University of Palermo

    Towards the implementation of a fully operational HF coastal radar network operated by Puertos del EstadoPablo Lorente Jimenez, Puertos del EstadoSilvia Piedracoba Varela, Vigo UniversityEnrique Alvarez-Fanjul, Puertos del EstadoMaria Isabel Ruiz de la Serna, Puertos del EstadoJavier Soto-Navarro, Puertos del EstadoPedro Montero, INTECMAR

    Azimuth Ambiguity Spatial Correlation Composit (ASCC): A Novel Method for Ghost Enhancement in SAR ImagesLaura Gemme, Dept. of Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunications Engineeringand Naval Architecture (DITEN), University of GenoaSilvana Dellepiane, Dept. of Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunications Engineering and Naval Architecture (DITEN), University of GenoaGianni Vernazza, Dept. of Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunications Engineeringand Naval Architecture (DITEN), University of Genoa

    Vehicle Navigation-3Location: Room 1 - MaestraleWednesday, May 20 (11:30 - 12:45)Co-Chairs: Ravi Rathnam, Jacobs University Bremen gGmbHLaura Walther, Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services CML

    Multi-Robot Exploration with AUVs on Cli� s and other 3D Structures with a Predominant OrientationRavi Rathnam, Jacobs University Bremen gGmbHAndreas Birk, Jacobs University Bremen gGmbH

    Weather routing for a wind driven hybrid merchant vesselLaura Walther, Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services CMLCarlos Jahn, Fraunhofer Center for Maritime Logistics and Services CMLTerje Lade, Lade AS

    On the Development of a Framework for Underwater Localization Using All-Source DataAlberico Menozzi, Applied Research Associates, Inc.Jesse Hansen, Naval Undersea Warfare CenterGregory Peele, Applied Research Associates, Inc.Stephen Snarski, Applied Research Associates, Inc.Colin Merrick, Naval Undersea Warfare Center

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    A Two-layered Fast Marching Path Planning Algorithm for an Unmanned Surface Vechicle Operating in a Dynamic EnvironmentRui Song, University College LondonYuanchang Liu, University College LondonWenwen Liu, University College LondonRichard Bucknall, University College London

    Multi-target localization of Underwater Acoustic Sources based on Probabilistic Estimation of Direction AngleJinwoo Choi, Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering (KRISO)Hyun-Taek Choi, Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering (KRISO)

    Remote Sensing with Acoustic NetworksLocation: Room 2 - LibeccioWednesday, May 20 (11:30 - 12:45)Co-Chairs: Josko Catipovic, NUWC NewportJames McGee, Naval Undersea Warfare Center

    Undersea Remote Sensing With Acoustic Communications WaveformsMelissa Meyer, The MITRE CorporationNicholas Rotker, The MITRE Corporation

    Interference Suppression In Congested Undersea EnvironmentsJames McGee, Naval Undersea Warfare CenterJosko Catipovic, Naval Undersea Warfare CenterSteven Schoenecker, Naval Undersea Warfare CenterPeter Swaszek, University of Rhode Island

    Vessels Tra� c Estimation through Image Processing applied to Acquisitions by HydrophonesAndrea Petroni, University of Rome “La Sapienza”Mauro Biagi, University of Rome “La Sapienza”Stefania Colonnese, University of Rome “La Sapienza”Roberto Cusani, University of Rome “La Sapienza”Gaetano Scarano, University of Rome “La Sapienza”

    Information Fusion in Networked Underwater Target DetectionYangze Dong, Science and Technology on Underwater Acoustic Antagonizing LaboratoryGangqiang Zhang, Science and Technology on Underwater Acoustic Antagonizing LaboratoryXudong He, Science and Technology on Underwater Acoustic Antagonizing LaboratoryJiansheng Tang, Science and Technology on Underwater Acoustic Antagonizing Laboratory

    Adaptive Object Tracking in a Sensor NetworkAdrian Lopez Rodriguez, Northeastern UniversityMilica Stojanovic, Northeastern University



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    Education and Competitions Initiatives in Marine Robotics-3Location: Room 3 - SciroccoWednesday, May 20 (11:30 - 12:45)Co-Chairs: Edin Omerdic, University of LimerickVladimir Djapic, SPAWAR Systems Center Pacifi c, San Diego, CA, USA

    Remote Presence: Powerful Tool for Promotion, Education and Research in Marine RoboticsEdin Omerdic, University of LimerickDaniel Toal, University of LimerickGerard Dooly, University of Limerick

    Use of Ocean Related Challenges in Engineering EducationWilliam Kirkwood, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

    Team-based Workshop to Engage Young Students in Engineering and Science: Building and Driving a ROV (R2B2). Two especial editions in India.Xavier Cu� , University of GironaMiquel Villanueva, AltecniaAndres ElFakdi, University of GironaNatalia Hurtos, University of GironaEduard Muntaner, University of GironaJordi Freixenet, University of GironaNarcís Palomeras, Universitat de GironaJosep Quintana, University of GironaJoan Massich, Université de BourgogneAnna Renart, University of GironaAnna Bosch, Easyinnova

    Indian National Student AUV Competition - A success storyMalayath Aravindakshan Atmanand, National Institute of Ocean TechnologyR. Venkatesan, National Institute of Ocean TechnologyR. Sundar, National Institute of Ocean TechnologyKadiyam Jagadeesh, National Institute of Ocean Technology

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    Airborne and Satellite Radar and SARLocation: Room 4 - TramontanaWednesday, May 20 (11:30 - 12:45)Co-Chairs: Maria Daniela Graziano, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples “Federico II”Daniele Riccio, University of Napoli Federico II

    Adaptive Threshold and Sub-look processing in Ship detection by SARAlfredo Renga, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples “Federico II”Maria Daniela Graziano, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples “Federico II”Marco D’Errico, Department of Industrial and Information Engineering, Second University of NaplesAntonio Moccia, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Naples “Federico II”

    Ocean Monitoring with SAR: An OverviewDaniele Riccio, University of Napoli Federico IIGerardo Di Martino, University of Napoli Federico IIAntonio Iodice, University of Napoli Federico IIGiuseppe Ruello, University of Napoli Federico II
