100713 gose big society presentation to consortia coordinators july 2010

Thursday 15 th July 2010 Vicky Westhorp Thriving Communities Team Lead Big Society

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What is this Big Society stuff all about? Is it a smokescreen for Government cuts or a game-changing attempt to change the way our communities are run? Vicky Westhorp of GOSE provided an excellent summary of what it's all about at a Capacitybuilders meeting of the Coordinators of ChangeUp Consortia in the south east. In other words people who work in the voluntary and community sector at a local level. This presentation covers a lot of the background as well as the latest news and announcements. Please use the comments space below the presentation to ask questions or add your thoughts about what is being proposed. I've offered to help moderate a discussion via this page, and/or via the email forum for the Coordinators [contact me for details] Mark Walker ICT Champion for the third sector in south east England


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Thursday 15th July 2010

Vicky WesthorpThriving Communities Team Lead

Big Society

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Building the Big Society

• Our plans to reform public services, mend our broken society, and rebuild trust in politics are all part of our Big Society agenda: these plans involve redistributing power from the state to society; from the centre to local communities, giving people the opportunity to take more control over their lives.

• 18-6-10 http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/media/407789/building-big-society.pdf

• PM David Cameron, said:• “During the election campaign I extended an invitation to

everyone in this country to join the government of Britain. I said that the idea of the Big Society would be marching through the corridors of power – and it's happening right now. Today is the start of a deep and serious reform agenda to take power away from politicians and give it to people.”

• Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, said: • “We need radical change that puts power back in the hands of

people. Only by bringing down vested interests and giving people real control over their lives will we build a Britain that is fair.”

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Key Documents

‘Control Shift – Returning Power to Local Communities,’ Policy Green Paper - Conservative Party, 17th February 2009 http://www.conservatives.com/news/news_stories/2009/02/its_time_to_transfer_power_from_the_central_state_to_local_people.aspx

• ‘Building the Big Society,’ Coalition policy paper, 18th May 2010 http://www.number10.gov.uk/news/latest-news/2010/05/big-society-50248 

• ‘The Coalition: Our Programme for Government,’ HM Government, 20th May 2010 http://www.number10.gov.uk/news/latest-news/2010/05/the-coalition-our-programme-for-government-2-50350

• ‘Queens Speech,’ Coalition Government’s Plans, 25th May 2010 http://www.number10.gov.uk/news/speeches-and-transcripts/2010/05/queens-speech-2010-2-50580

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Key Documents

• Cabinet Office Structural Reform Plan • http://www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/media/414879/srp-cabinet-office.pdf

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The Shift

• “…this coalition has the potential for era-changing, convention-challenging, radical reform,” David Cameron and Nick Clegg May 2010

• Decentralisation, devolution & empowerment• Empowering state, rather than an overpowering state• Transferring power from the central state to local people and

institutions• When people know their actions can make a difference they are more

motivated to get involved• Decentralise to the lowest possible level

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Coalition policies

Freedom, Fairness, Responsibility

Communities and Local Government (Chapter 4)• …We will promote decentralisation and democratic engagement, and

we will end the era of top-down government by giving new powers to local councils, communities, neighbourhoods and individuals.

Social Action (Chapter 27)• …innovation and enthusiasm of civil society is essential in tackling the

social, economic and political challenges that the UK faces today. We will take action to support and encourage social responsibility, volunteering and philanthropy, and make it easier for people to come together to improve their communities and help one another.

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Coalition Policies

• The deficit reduction programme takes precedence over any of the other measures in this agreement, and the speed of implementation of any measures that have a cost to the public finances will depend on decisions to be made in the Comprehensive Spending Review.

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Big Society

Building the Big Society

Ambition: to put more power and opportunity into people’s hands

“…isn’t just the responsibility of just one or two departments. It is the responsibility of every department of Government, and the responsibility of every citizen too.”

1. Give Communities more power

2. Encourage people to take an active role in their communities

3. Transfer power from central to local government

4. Support co-ops, mutuals, charities & social enterprise

5. Publish government data

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Give communities more power

• Reform the planning system

• New powers to help communities save local facilities and services and give communities the right to bid to take over local state-run services

• Train a new generation of community organisers

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Big Society

Encourage people to take an active role in their communities

• encourage volunteering and involvement in social action

• encourage charitable giving and philanthropy

• National Citizens Service

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Big Society

Transfer power from central to local government

• devolution of power and greater financial autonomy

• general power of competence

• abolish Regional Spatial Strategies

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Support co-ops, mutuals, charities & social enterprise

• Support the creation and expansion of mutuals, co-operatives, charities and social enterprises

• Public sector workers a new right to form employee-owned co-operatives

• Establish a ‘Big Society Bank’

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Big Society

Publish Government Data

• right to data

• monthly local crime data

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Cabinet Office

• Frances Maude, Minister for the Cabinet Office, Paymaster General, MP Horsham in West Sussex

• Oliver Letwin, Minister of State, MP West Dorset (providing policy advice to the Prime Minister)

• Office for Civil Society, Nick Hurd, Minister for Civil Society, Ruislip, Northwood and Pinner in Middlesex MP

•   http://twitter.com/minforcivsoc

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Office for Civil Society

Speaking to Cabinet Office staff, Nick Hurd, alongside the Minister for the Cabinet Office Francis Maude, has announced that Government policy will focus on three fundamental issues:

• Making it easier to run a charity, social enterprise or voluntary organisation

• Getting more resources into the sector: strengthening its independence and resilience

• Making it easier for sector organisations to work with the State

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Big Society Champion

Appointed Government Advisor and Member

of House of Lords:• Lord Nat Wei, Executive Chair of The Big Society



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Communities and Local Government

• Eric Pickles, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, MP Brentwood and Ongar – Overall Strategic Direction of the department

• Greg Clark, Minister for Decentralisation, MP Tunbridge Wells

• http://twitter.com/CommunitiesUK

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Communities and Local Government

Our ministers take a strategic role across government on:

• better homes and neighbourhoods • strong and accountable local government and leadership • better local services and environment • regeneration and investment in our towns, cities and regions • safe, tolerant and inclusive communities

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Are Current “conditions” likely to support Big Society?

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Are Current “conditions” likely to support Big Society? –What is the voluntary sector saying?

• Civic activism will not thrive without support and stimulus • Threats to front line services • Intermediary/infrastructure organisations support front line

service delivery• Communities don’t naturally join up with others and grow• Voluntary sector cannot be created out of the public sector• Lost services are likely to be lost for good• Services likely to be under pressure with rising unemployment• Rationalisation resulting in larger contracts disadvantaging VCS

suppliers• Voluntary sector isn’t not free!

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Invitation to Consortia to consider

• What are the challenges and risks to a flourishing Big Society the South East?

What are the key conditions needed to support Big Society in the South East?

• We are not starting with a blank sheet- what can we build on?- Total Place; Take Part; Participatory budgeting; ChangeUp; voluntary sector engagement and commissioning……. Relationships with Local authorities: LSPs, existing grant/contract agreements; LAAs; LEPs; local no regional.

Risks or opportunities?• Focus on disadvantaged neighbourhoods• Working with LAs to manage resource reduction and service delivery redesign• Role of mutuals and cooperatives – Right to Bid• Effectiveness of infrastructure to support front line• Civil society and social exclusion focus on LEPs; elected members role?