10/01/2014 you are of your father the devil part 1

Official Transcript | www.TheKingofSalem.com 1 of 13 You Are Of Your Father The Devil - Part One ~ MELQUISEDEC’S INSTRUCTIONS~ October 1, 2014 Brother Hugo Guevara : Declaring you blessed in the name of my Father Melquisedec and in the name of my Mother, the Archangel Michael. Today, we have a topic that is divided into two parts. Today, we will be looking at the first part of this topic which is called: “You are of your Father the Devil Part 1” This is a topic that specifically references an analysis we will develop in five points, which will show us everything that has to do with a character which has come out in the public stage these days and has been seen by all of us from this camp, from the camp of the Archangel Michael. And I am referring to that character named Satan, the Desolator, the Ancient Snake, and obviously all of his helpers or his followers or characters who, in one way or another, have behaved in the same manner, who have had the same attitude which that person has shown and has expressed through all of his actions and attitudes. As I was saying, this is a topic that has been divided into five points and for that, let’s begin with the first point, which we have titled: I. Eden, the manifestation of the Devil and his character. For this, I’d like to invite you to the book of Genesis, in the second chapter, verse 15-17, so that we can take a look and go into detail to observe in a very detailed way, in a very specific way, everything that has to do with the way of being of this character and how the word describes this character, when we compare, when we revise this character which we know, which we can also call Satan of the XXI Century and how they match perfectly. It’s a sort of description, an excellent x-ray image in which today we can see those aspects of this character. And so in Genesis chapter 2, I give you the reference of verses 15-17, but I’d like to begin with verse 16, so that we’re brief and we can use this time wisely. We’re talking about a scene that is taking place in the Garden of Eden, that is what we see in chapter 2 of the book of Genesis. Verse 16 says: Genesis 2:16-17 And the Lord God commanded the man, Pay close attention to this word “the man,” because I will come back to this point, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” When we see what is being narrated there, we see that there is an instruction there that Dad and Mom are giving ‘the man’. But, let’s review Genesis chapter 1, verse 27, so that we know what man they are talking about.

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Melquisedec's Instructions "You Are of your Father the Devil" part 1 was broadcast to the nations on October 1, 2014 For more information visit www.thekingofsalem.com


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You Are Of Your Father The Devil - Part One ~ MELQUISEDEC’S INSTRUCTIONS~

October 1, 2014 Brother Hugo Guevara: Declaring you blessed in the name of my Father Melquisedec and in the name of my Mother, the Archangel Michael. Today, we have a topic that is divided into two parts. Today, we will be looking at the first part of this topic which is called: “You are of your Father the Devil Part 1” This is a topic that specifically references an analysis we will develop in five points, which will show us everything that has to do with a character which has come out in the public stage these days and has been seen by all of us from this camp, from the camp of the Archangel Michael. And I am referring to that character named Satan, the Desolator, the Ancient Snake, and obviously all of his helpers or his followers or characters who, in one way or another, have behaved in the same manner, who have had the same attitude which that person has shown and has expressed through all of his actions and attitudes. As I was saying, this is a topic that has been divided into five points and for that, let’s begin with the first point, which we have titled: I. Eden, the manifestation of the Devil and his character. For this, I’d like to invite you to the book of Genesis, in the second chapter, verse 15-17, so that we can take a look and go into detail to observe in a very detailed way, in a very specific way, everything that has to do with the way of being of this character and how the word describes this character, when we compare, when we revise this character which we know, which we can also call Satan of the XXI Century and how they match perfectly. It’s a sort of description, an excellent x-ray image in which today we can see those aspects of this character. And so in Genesis chapter 2, I give you the reference of verses 15-17, but I’d like to begin with verse 16, so that we’re brief and we can use this time wisely. We’re talking about a scene that is taking place in the Garden of Eden, that is what we see in chapter 2 of the book of Genesis. Verse 16 says: Genesis 2:16-17 And the Lord God commanded the man, Pay close attention to this word “the man,” because I will come back to this point, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” When we see what is being narrated there, we see that there is an instruction there that Dad and Mom are giving ‘the man’. But, let’s review Genesis chapter 1, verse 27, so that we know what man they are talking about.

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Genesis 1:27 So God created man, once again the word ‘man’, underline the word man, in His own image; in the image of God He created him; and look at the detail, male and female He created them. Meaning that, when it is talking about man in Genesis 2:16 and 17, let’s have one detail in mind, please, it is referring to the couple they created: Adam and Eve. So then, look at verse 27 of Genesis chapter 1. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. I would like to refer to a teaching we all know perfectly and in which we received direct instructions from the Edifier, in His days, when He spoke to us that the character who is referenced as Adam is exactly the same Snake or the Devil, or Satan himself. Please have that in mind. Because, when we talk about man, we are talking about a couple: male and female. And so, when we talk about male, who is the male, Adam, remember the Ancient Snake. Let’s develop this whole point a little more so that we can observe the details of what this topic brings us there, which is to learn the nature of the character, to learn the historical manifestations that this character has had and how all of this, which we are seeing there in the biblical text, when you compare it to what we see today with this character that has risen in the XXI century, we will see how it is the exact same person, in his nature and his behavior. Listen carefully, Genesis chapter 3 from verses 1 through 5, tells us: Genesis 3:1-5 Now the serpent, and so here we already understand, the clarification has been made: the serpent is Adam, the male. Now the serpent was more clever, please take note of this word and underline it because we will review it later, more clever than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, or you will die.’” Then Adam, or the serpent said to the woman, “You will not die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” I mentioned to you before to please keep the word “clever” in mind. Well, I took the time to find out what clever is and I will read to you what I found in the dictionary. Clever is: astuteness, subtlety, the ability to fool -listen to me carefully- the ability to fool and achieve an objective. And some of the synonyms are: scheme, trick, mischief, slick, skill, cunning. These are synonyms of the word. Now, how interesting, this character was clever. Wow, clever, very well. What does clever mean? That he had the ability to fool. To achieve what? To achieve this plan, or his plans, his goals, his scheme, whatever is convenient for him. Let’s begin making comparisons, we have seen the exact same thing from this character in this time. A clever person, just as clever as that Old Serpent who developed a big trick, a

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strategy, a big scheme, just like one of those synonyms. For what purpose? To achieve an objective. What was that objective? To take something that was not his. Now, look at this other detail, going back to Genesis chapter 3 verses 1-5, I bring back a comment that is made there and it comes from the lips of the Serpent, that character. He said: “Did God really say “You must not eat from any tree in the garden?” Look at this, how interesting, there are two things I would like you to quickly observe. It’s very simple. Look, first he says: “Did God really tell you?” When you use that phrase, “Did this really happen?” “Did God really say?” It’s like saying: “Hey, did God really say this? Or did he say that?” That is like doubting that he really said that. Like if he were saying: “don’t look too much into it, put your own spin on it, think of it from a wicked point.” That is an expression that you must keep in mind. Have it clear in your mind that that is wickedness, doubt, he’s adding doubt there. Well, that character has that exact characteristic. And now, look at how that phrase finishes off: “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” Of course, look at this, let’s return to Genesis chapter 2, verses 16 and 17. I’d like to review verse 16. Look at what it says: Genesis 2:16 And the Lord God commanded the man, meaning Adam and Eve, remember the instruction they received?, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; And what did the Serpent say in the previous verse? “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” Now what does that lead you to understand? To observe the details, because when you look closely at those little details you see the evil behavior, the wicked behavior of that character toward the things of God. And exactly that is what we have been seeing in the development of the manifestation of behavior, the actions, the personality of what this character has expressed, whom we can call the Satan of the XXI Century, blessed. And so, let’s keep all those details in mind because there are more details that are very interesting. Now, when you go to Genesis, let’s go to Genesis chapter 3, verses 2 and 3. Let us see another detail. Genesis 3:2-3 And the woman said to the serpent, oh, how interesting, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; look at the instruction that both of them had received and she understood very well. Now, verse 3. but of the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, or you will die.’” Now, you see that the woman was very clear on the instructions. And remember that both of them received those instructions - in other words, the man and the woman, the Serpent and Eve. They knew what they had to do. And then, when you begin seeing the way he plots, plans, and manages the trick, or the way he tricked her - because you have to remember that Paul says the man was not tricked, the woman was the one who was

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tricked. And so, who tricked her? She was tricked by the man. He knew what the instructions were. But do you see how he was playing around with the instructions, the situation in the way he was telling her? In the way he was handling everything? And so, keep that in mind because all of this cleverness that characterizes this person, understanding very well what cleverness really means. Now, let’s go over Genesis chapter 3, let’s look at verses 4 and 6. How interesting. Genesis 3:4-5 Then the serpent, regarding what the woman had told him, said to the woman, “You will not die. Verse 5. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Now, look, there are three points that I would like to point out from these two verses we just read, in what refers to the nature of that character. And when you go over what happened, the way this character handled things, how he masked himself for a time, and even with our Mother present, the Archangel Michael already performing her ministry, how that character, that Satan of the XXI century, how in a determined moment he apparently followed the crowd, as it is said commonly. Everything was going great, everything was perfect, but that was a lie. He was going around behind our Mom and Dad’s back, according to him. He thought he was going behind their backs, and so he was plotting, knitting that plan. He controlled it, he manipulated people who are being tricked nowadays. A few of them fell into that trap, like Eve - exactly the same. It is the same, it is exactly the same, the thing is that here they used the figure of a fruit. But, if you review what he did, with all these tricks, with confusing people, involving people in his mess, in his lies, the parallel is exactly the same. Why? Because he used the things that were said, the presence of the Archangel, the message of the Archangel, he used it so people saw that ”Oh, everything is OK, perfect...”- but he was there planting the seed of doubt, the seed of uncertainty, details like “God has told you”, little things like that which you are observing. That same thing accompanies the nature of this character, which today, in the XXI Century, has manifested as the Desolator, Satan, as the Ancient Snake. So then, observe this. The first thing we see is that he twists the truth. Why? When he says: “Did God really say: You must not eat from any tree in the garden?” He is saying something that God has not said. And so, he includes things that God has not said, and then he changes them, he puts them there. The second thing: “Then the serpent said to the woman: You will not die.” But, what did God say? You will die, meaning he is saying that God is lying. What an interesting thing to see, because in the same manner, this person has done the same thing, deny God. When he denies our Mother, he is denying God, because our Mother, the Archangel Michael is God. And, besides that, Melquisedec is also God, and so he is denying God. Definitely. Now, another characteristic this character has: “For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Notice: “For God knows”. Like saying, “God is telling you that, you are believing that, but what God is really meaning behind what he is saying is something else”. Like saying - God, is not only a liar, but that God is also like me -like the Snake- clever like me, what do I mean,

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that I present a situation, but you think that situation is what I am presenting, but behind that situation is what I really want. And so, it is the same. Like the saying goes, Evildoers always think the worst of others. And so, exactly that, when he stated that our Mother Lisbet, when the ministry of the Archangel Michael appears and our Mother Lisbet, she is obviously the person who is called to be the head of the ministry, she had to take command and say, “Well, Melquisedec left his veil, he is already in unapproachable light, now it’s my turn”, because it is obviously the dispensation that corresponds to Her. But, then what did this person do? He immediately said, “No, look, what you are seeing there is a person who is taking advantage of the situation”- meaning it is exactly the same, the same thing this person did, like saying- “So God has told you that you will die? No, no you won’t die, instead what is happening is that he is doing that, because he doesn’t want you to be like him”, well a whole series of things he says and starts to put the woman in doubt. And precisely that, blessed, chosen one, confused one who is listening to me, I simply invite you to all these topics. If you are a person who is a lover of truth, they help you to reflect, to think. Use your senses. Think. Analyze. Review the character. Better yet, you will know them by their fruits. Think, blessed, a person who lives such a disordered life, like Satan and his group, do you think that is the Christian life? Do you think the Lord called us for that? No, the Lord did not call us for that, to a life of disorder, a corrupt life, a life of fornication, of adultery, a life in which his own matrimony is not an example. It is an act, things like that. Do you think that God called us for that? Think, blessed. Most importantly, I repeat, this message is not for the foolish ones - meaning that the foolish ones, the ones who are lost, they love that. That is why it talks about Satan and his angels. But I am talking to those blessed, chosen ones, who have been tricked, they say, “Of course, I understand, it was just a moment.” Like they say, they were caught off guard, meaning they were not prepared and bam! They were caught off guard and they knocked them down. No, blessed! It is time to reflect, it’s time to analyze things and to think and observe! Observe, look at your surroundings, and you will realize that you are in the wrong place. Now, let’s move on to the second point. We said there were five points we were going to develop and today we will see the first three. The second point is titled: II. Cain and Abel, the expression of the seeds. Pay close attention, because here we find even more details of the nature of this character, the nature of these people who have that seed, that are devil gender. Look closely, Genesis chapter 4, verse 1 through 5. Let’s not waste any time, let’s go to verse 2. Genesis 4:2 Later she gave birth to his brother and named him Abel.

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When they grew up, Abel became a shepherd, while Cain -What?- cultivated the ground.

What are we seeing here? We are seeing the birth of Cain and Abel. We already know that that is from verse 1. But we begin with verse 2 which explains that Cain and Abel were born; then, it says that Abel was a shepherd of sheep and Cain cultivated the land. I want to warn you about something very important, very important, when you look at all these stories in the Bible, always think of one thing, I have been insisting on this lately because it is something that my Parents have taught me and have told me -Hugo, pay very close attention to this part, to these details and communicate it to the church. Look, the stories that you find in the Bible, I remember when you were young, and you saw the famous religion class at school, you called that the holy story. I remember they called it that. In many countries, we will surely agree on that term, the holy story - meaning, the story that the bible tells. Many stories of many characters: Samson and Delilah, the story of David and Goliath...well, that whole series of characters and stories, and now we find Cain and Abel. Okay. I would like to make a warning, which for me was a great education my Parents gave me and it’s: Never look at all these stories as if they were little stories to tell the kids as bedtime stories. No, sir. All these stories have a meaning, they have a symbology, they have an elemental teaching. Within them there is a whole revelation, and a...listen to me carefully...a teaching that was written, in those times, for us. So then, do not think that when you read the story of Cain and Abel - “Oh, that was then in the time of Cain”. No, no, no. As we will see now, this has a lot to do with us. Incredible, but it has a lot to do with us. And so, pay very close attention. And so, Abel was a shepherd; Cain was a farmer of the land. Very well, now, what does that have to do with us? Simple, blessed. There is an expression of the seeds, the seeds expressed themselves. How? Simple. Abel, shepherd of sheep. Well, sheep, start to think and start to add: sheep, shepherd...He is the great Shepherd...for Dad and for Mom I am their sheep - that is a figure that is handled. So then, pay very close attention to all these details. Now, Cain...oh, Cain was a farmer of the land - the land, Babylon, the land has to do with Babylon. So then, I begin to look at the nature of that character. Abel was a pleasant man before God, Cain was a madman who Dad didn’t like very much. So then, you start to relate what the word illustrates or wants to show us or wants to give to us through these symbolisms. It wants to show us something. It is giving us a message that today, with the knowledge that our Father and our Mother have given us, we are able to understand and we can connect it and adjust the interpretation in a correct way. And so, look, Abel was a shepherd. And, what does that mean? Well, that has to do with the Good Shepherd, that has to do with that we are his sheep and we heard his voice, etc. etc. And the farmer, I repeat, is a symbolism that has to do with Babylon, the land, the fruits of the land, meaning the fruits of the flesh and things like that. Now, let’s develop this even more. Let’s go to Genesis chapter 4 verse 3 through 5. What does it say? Genesis 4:3-5 In the course of time, listen carefully, this is a very important scene, Cain brought some of the

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fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord. Notice the detail, “Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord”. And Abel also brought an offering—the best portions, I repeat, the best portions of the firstborn lambs of his flock, listen carefully, the firstborn lambs of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering,..How did God look a Abel and his offering? It says: with favor. Pay close attention. but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, underline that, we’ll talk about it in a minute. So Cain was, What?, very angry, and his appearance fell. Okay, let’s look at one detail. Here we see that something happened, something happened here. It says that, “In the course of time” they presented an offering. Notice that presenting an offering to God is nothing new. Imagine! That is as old as Cain and Abel! Keep that detail in mind. Now, look at another point, it says that when Abel presented his offering, it says that God liked his offering and was pleased with Abel. And, what did Abel present? Well, it says that Abel brought the best portions of the firstborn lambs, meaning the Firstfruit. Listen carefully, I like that. It says: “of the firstborn lambs of his flock”. Wow, firstborn. So then, I repeat, my Parents have taught me this: Hugo, observe the words, observe the details, the words are not put there by accident or because the author did not have anything else to say and then said, “Let’s add that word ‘firstborn’ there because it sounds pretty.” No, sir! That has a reason for being. Firstborn, hmmm, firstborn, firstborn is Firstfruit, hmmm, Firstfruit. And, what am I? Oh, well I am a Firstfruit. Look, how interesting. And Dad looked at that with favor and it was a sheep. And so when I start to add and subtract, I start to realize why Dad was pleased with Abel and with his offering. Now, let’s put that aside for one moment, now let’s look at what happened to Cain. Now, listen carefully so that you are very clear on this, it never says, “and Cain came with rotten potatoes and another fruit he had filled with worms.” No, it does not say that there. It doesn’t say that, it clearly says, that he simply “brought some of the fruits of the soil”. What? “an offering to the Lord”. But, look at what it says: “but on Cain and his offering, he did not look with favor”. Oh, so we have to stop here for a second and analyze what happened there. Well, it’s simple. Just by making a comparison of the reaction from our parents regarding the offeror and his offering, there we can see what the issue is. Simple, we can deduce it by logic, by simple deduction: What Dad wanted were not fruits! Have you seen the section where the fruits are at in the grocery stores, and you see the apples - they put a wax on those apples to make them shine, very pretty. I imagine that Cain surely did too, since he was a farmer, he was a person who had experience with the land. Also, in that time, imagine...in that time, what bad fruit could there be when the land was so fresh? Freshly placed. Imagine, in the promised land. Yes, in the promised land and I am talking about many years after when Moses sends his twelve spies, they brought proof, and the fruits were enormous. Oh, and that land was marvelous, flowing with milk and honey. Imagine, and I am talking about many years later. So then, can you imagine how the fruits were in the time of Cain and Abel? They were marvelous.

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Well, I repeat, since these are figures, this is not a comic book story that you have to read like a little story for kids. No, no, this is a story that has a deep meaning and it is that the seed of Cain can only present from what is constituted of flesh, of the land, of Babylon. And so, that’s what he presented. That is why it clearly says that Dad did not like it. He doesn’t like that. What he likes is the sheep, what has to do with holiness, with cleansing, with everything we have learned from the typological figures, that we have been understanding through the bible. That is why Jesus of Nazareth, in his time, used the term: “I am the good shepherd.” Better yet, he says, “I have my sheep and if one of them gets lost, I get the 99 and I place them in the pen and I go and look for my lost sheep.” Well, things like that, sheep, sheep, sheep. So then, think about that. Better yet, the little sheep were the ones that were taken to be sacrificed there, in the holy place or the Most Holy Place, and all of that. That is what pleases Dad. Why? Because, for example, the sheep had a characteristic, some were chubby sheep, very well kept, healthy. What does that mean? Well, a well-fed sheep, a sheep that was fed with the fresh manna, with the hidden manna. Things like that. So then, look at this. Look at what this figure wants to tell us regarding these two seeds, regarding these two expressions we are seeing there, it is simply, that Dad does not like fruits from the land, meaning from Babylon, of what comes from the flesh. Understand that. I repeat, that is why, everything you see that comes from that character, which we are referencing, and his group, his people, his minions, his followers, I am not talking about the ones who are sheep and are still over there tricked, I am talking about those characters, that is why you find these characteristics, their fruits. That is why the word says, “you will know them by their fruits.” It is very clear that you understand this and look, observe with detail. And that is also why you, blessed, who are submitted under the Order of Melquisedec, who are submitted to the Archangel Michael, that is why you have seen that your life has changed, that you yourself are an expression of that holiness. Your way of thinking, your way of talking, your behavior, you saw it in the transition of dispensation we’ve lived, exactly because of that. So then, have those figures in mind. Now, I would like to take you to that word I told you to underline, do you remember? Let’s go to Genesis chapter 4, but this time, let’s look at verses 6 and 7. Genesis 4:6-7 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? What does it mean when it says ‘angry’? It means why are you so mad? Why are you furious? Then it says: Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why are you so mad? Why is your appearance fallen? If you do what is right, listen carefully, If you do what is right… What do you mean if you do what is right? What is ‘doing what is right’? Well, to do what the brother was doing, handle what the brother was handling, meaning to be submitted to what the brother was submitted to. Better yet, the fact that Dad was pleased with the offering that the brother brought is because that was the order. Dad had given that order. The order was: I want sheep, I want sheep as offerings, I do not want fruits or anything else, nor do I want you to bring me precious stones or gold or anything - no, no, what I want is sheep. And so, when He tells him: “If you do what is right”. Meaning, what did he do wrong? What he did wrong was that he did not do God’s will. Simple, that is all.

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And so, look at verse 7. If you do what is right, look at what happens to whoever does what is right, and this is for us, will you not be praised? What happens when you do Dad’s will? You are praised, you are accepted. It is noticed, you are awarded, you are rewarded, you see the fruits of your life. But if you do not do what is right, sin, oh, here is the little word, there we see the key word, sin lies at the door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” Listen carefully, “you must rule over it,” meaning you will practice that activity, you’ll live completely in that. Now, what is the whole problem with sin. Now, what does that have to do with us, nowadays? Well, I was telling you that all the stories, have to be brought to be compared, meaning that this is a parallel. Simple, “the sin of not believing in me,” the word says clearly. In what? Well, the Archangel appeared, spoke, brought Her message, in this time she is feeding us with the fresh manna. Some of us, well, we accepted that message, we submitted - meaning that we have been praised, we did what was right, and for that reason, our Parents are pleased with us and with what we do, meaning the fruits that we present them are accepted. Because, remember the True Vine, so we can bring a lot of fruit. What happens with the fruits? What are the fruits? Well, it’s the expression of what they have done in us, it is pleasing to them, meaning not only us, but our offering, meaning the manifestations of our behavior, of our lives, of our good order. That is very pleasant. And for what reason we are praised and we will continue to be praised. Now, what happens with people who act like this? Well, I want to tell you something. When you observe this detail here, and here I would like to be very, very detailed in what I am going to tell you: When you observe Cain’s reaction...this is a message for Satan and his groups of foolish ones, look, this is very important... There will come a time in which they themselves, for having followed the veil, for doing what is not right, what is wrong, listen carefully, for not presenting the correct offering to Dad, what God wants. What is it that God wants? What God wants, is simply for us to honor His Wife. That is what He wants. Meaning, He doesn’t want anything other than that. Now, how do we honor Her? Well, the word says it -if you follow my commandments, you are truly my disciples, because if you follow my commandments, you truly love me-. We find those expressions many times in the Word. Well, that is what Dad wants. Now, that gives us fruit, that gives us results, we have seen that that works. But, what happens to those who don’t do that? Look, for those who don’t do that, the exact opposite happens to them. Look at what’s going to happen, and this is a message for over there, for these characters who are there and this includes Satan and his group and the chosen, blessed ones, who are fooled. Look, there will come a time, or better yet, you are already in that moment in which you are not seeing results. And so, you will end up hating Jose Luis. I am telling you, you will end up hating him. Do you know why? Because you will see disease, poverty, problems, a whole series of events in your life, in your families, in your jobs. Of course, since there is no angelical coverage, there are no results, you don’t see the results. And so, there will come a time in which you will ask yourselves: -Well, but we are watching the tracings of Jose Luis, we do not talk about Melquisedec, much less about Michael, we want nothing to do with that, instead it is all Jose Luis this and Jose Luis that - but Jose Luis this and Jose Luis that and your life is going backwards and backwards and backwards, it gets worse and worse. Do you know what’s going to happen? You will end up hating Jose Luis. Do you know why? For a very simple reason, because you will say, “But I am stuck on Jose Luis and look how bad things are going for me. What is happening to me? Why this? Why is it that everywhere I go, things go

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bad for me? Why are things not working out? Better yet, why am I getting sick so much lately. Why is my home a mess? Why don’t my kids obey me anymore?” Well, a whole series of things. That’s what’s going to happen. Those who have children, I am telling you now, if you do not submit to your Dad, your children will not submit to you. If you are a Dad or Mom, I am telling you right now so that you know. And so, keep that so that when it happens, you remember what we are saying here. Keep that in mind. You will end up hating Jose Luis. Why? Simple, blessed. Because since he is not working out for you, he doesn’t work, and so there you will receive that. That is why Cain, Cain brought his offering and things were not working out for him and he said -but, what is happening, if I am bringing an offering, and things are not going good for me. Why? - Of course, because that is not what God wants! That is not what God wants. God does not want you to be behind the previous veil or in the previous dispensation. Simple, it’s that easy. Point number 3, and with this, we close. III. Moses and Joshua confronted the children of the Devil. Now, remember a detail, blessed. Here I want to make a very important emphasis. When you observe the figure of Moses and the Pharaoh, I repeat, these are not little children stories, this is not a little bedtime story. No, no, no. Nor to be distracted, no. Moses and Pharaoh are two figures. Pharaoh is the figure of Satan, he is the symbol of the Devil, he is the satanic symbol. So then, for that, let’s go to Exodus chapter 5, verses 1 through 7. Look at what it says in verse 1. Exodus 5:1-7 Afterward Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh, “Thus says the Lord God of Israel: ‘Let My people go, that they may hold a feast to Me in the desert.’” Again, this a message for Satan and his group, and all those kings who took sheep that are not theirs. I want to warn you about something. You got yourselves into a very big problem, for a very simple reason, because you took what was not yours. First, from the material point of view and second from the spiritual point of view. There are sheep there that don’t belong to you, there are angels there that are not yours, they are not devils like you. So then, what happens? It is exactly the same that Moses and Aaron were telling him, and that is: “Let my people go”. For what? Well, look at the verse. Let’s keep reading. Verse 1 is clear: …Let My people go, that they may hold a feast to Me in the desert. To who? To Dad. Now, do you remember in Revelation chapter 12, when our Mother showed us the dragon and the woman? Do you remember at the end when the Dragon tries to hurt the woman? Do you remember where the woman was taken when they gave her the two wings? To the desert, blessed. So then, look, here the same figure of the desert appears. So then, it is exactly the same: “Let my people go so they can hold a feast to me -Where?- in the desert”. Meaning, that those blessed are there, those that you have held up, tricked over there, those blessed do not belong to you. You have to let them go because those blessed are one of the reasons why the wrath of Dad and Mom is coming for you. You will soon realize that. Verse 2:

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And Pharaoh said, “Who is the Lord, that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I do not know Melquisedec… Of course, of course. The Desolator, the little man that used to dress up as a sheep, concentrated evilness, the little man that I am talking to you about, he never knew Jose Luis, he never knew God. If he had known Him, he would have perfectly identified when His Wife appeared in public as the Archangel Michael. Of course, he would’ve identified that and he would’ve perfectly identified the dispensation. Because the question is: And, why were there people like us who were able to identify that? Do you know why? Because we knew the Edifier, and more than know the Edifier, we identified God in the Edifier. That is the point, that is the result. This is a dispensation that confirms. And whoever is not under this Order, is evidently a clear example that they did not pass the previous dispensation, they got an F, they flunked that grade. They went to school and did not learn anything, they still don’t know how to read or write. Okay, then, look at what it continues saying. All of these references...what verse 2 precisely leads us to understand is that that’s how they acted, he never knew, he knew nothing of that. Why? Because it is what he saw… Look, I would like to tell you something. Nowadays, many people are over there in the camp of Satan, eating carob seeds together with Satan, they thought Jose Luis came to build a ministry, a church, a place to make money. No, no, no. Get off that cloud. He came to do a couple of things, various details, but one of those details, so that you know, he came to look for His Wife, to show us His Wife, His relationship with His Wife, to leave us that aspect as a base. When He, in His wisdom, because He is God, He is the one who decides the times, He knows until when. Simple, when all this plan He brought was fulfilled, He returned to unapproachable light and who did He leave? The Archangel Michael, His Wife. So then, understand that point so that you know what happened. One of the many things that took place in the previous dispensation. So that you wake up. Ok, look at what it says in verse 3: Then they said, “The God of the Hebrews has met with us. Now let us take a three-day journey into the desert, the word again, to offer sacrifices to the Lord our God, or he may strike us with plagues or with the sword.” How interesting. Look what awaits them. Look, so that you’re aware: plagues and sword. That’s what’s coming. Relax. Don’t worry because that is part of it. And so, that is what they were asking, that is what Moses was asking. What is it that our Mother has come to do? To show us Melquisedec. So that we reach Melquisedec, we praise Him, honor Him as our God, and obviously Her. But, what is the role that our Mother has played? Well, exactly that, to present us the King. So that we surrender our lives to Him - that is what has happened. Now, let’s see this detail. If you read verses 4-7, there is something very interesting there: Then the king of Egypt said to them, “Moses and Aaron, why do you take the people from their work? Look at the great question he asked. why do you take the people from their work? Get back to your labor.” And Pharaoh said, “Look, the people of the land are many now, and you make them rest from their labor!” Oh, look how interesting. So the same day Pharaoh commanded the taskmasters of the people and their officers, saying, “You shall no longer give the people straw to make brick as before. Let them go and gather straw for themselves.

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Hmmmmm! Very simple. Exactly the same. The Desolator is painted right there, the little man is there, exactly the same. What did that man care about? Well simple, the cash, the slavery. Imagine, free labor, manpower. Simple, that is what he cared about. In what way is that similar to what we are living nowadays? Well of course, it’s the same. The blessed who are listening to me from the other side, who are still there in the camp of Satan. Do you think he has you over there because he loves you, because he is a follower of Jose Luis? No, no, no, no. Blessed, you are only a number for him. Now, notice something, I will tell you the rest. Over there, they have to already be inventing things so that you give them more money. Because that is the equivalent of what he told the taskmaster, the people who manages the workers, the slaves, before Moses and Aaron appeared, they would put straw (or hay) close to the places where they had to step on the clay, the mud, and they would put the straw to then take that mud mixed in with the straw and from there they would make bricks. And so, what order did the Pharaoh give? He said: No, no, no. Do not put anymore straw close to them, let them get it themselves - meaning, that he gave them even more work. Well, exactly the same thing is happening to you there. Relax, they will start inventing new events, things where you have to pay, where you have to give more. Why? Because there are a lot of people that are over there right now, who, of course, they didn’t even sow when the Edifier was here, nor did they sow in the time our Mother appeared. And so, of course, when the Desolator, Satan, appears they went over there under the umbrella of stinginess, they have been let loose over there. And so, of course, finances has fallen, things have gone down there. And so what happens? They have to make things up. It is like Dad used to say, that he never had to sell things to be able to pay for the channel or any of those things. No, no, no. Now they do, now they will start to see how to make pastries there. There are many people who are even learning how to make pastries already, because they will have to start selling pastries. Because that is part of the package. They do not see that it is the same thing the Pharaoh does. And the Pharaoh is a figure of the little man who has been tricking you over there a long time ago. And so, keep that in mind. Well, ending the topic. I’d like to go back to Joshua. Remember what I told you about whom Moses and Joshua were in this comparison. Well, I’d like to take you to Joshua chapter 11, verse 20. Joshua 11:20 For it was the LORD himself who hardened their hearts to wage war against Israel, so that he might destroy them totally, exterminating them without mercy, as the LORD had commanded Moses. I’d like to tell you about this. This is the famous story where Joshua, when he was already in the promise land, he had to deal with more than 30 nations, with more than 30 kings that were there. But it’s interesting because, you see that there was only one kingdom, the Gibeonites whom Joshua didn’t have to fight, because they surrendered themselves to him. And this is interesting because it clearly says that our Father would harden the heart of the kings, he would harden their attitudes so that they would not turn back and instead would attack Israel. And of course, as consequence, Joshua would give them clear orders: “Let’s finish them all.

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Exterminate them.” The same thing happens today with these foolish virgins. And it’s because our Father has put this attitude in their hearts, there’s no turning back for them. Our Mother once told me, speaking to her she said: “No, the door was closed for them.” Exactly. Now, I’d like to end with this point: Revelation 17, verses 16-17. Look at how there is a parallel with what we’re saying that our Father hardens the hearts of those people so that they don’t understand anything at all and don’t regret their way. Look at this. Here, we see the famous kings. Do you remember the topic of “The Mystery of the Eight Kings”? They had horns, meaning leaders, the beast had leaders. Now let’s read verses 16 and 17 from chapter 17 of Revelation. Revelation 17:16-17 And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the prostitute, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, listen to this, God has put it into their hearts to fulfill his purpose to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled. Look, this is very simple. These ten horns which are a figure of the leaders that are with the beast at this moment, when they realize that their lives are a disaster, when they realize that doesn’t work, they will hate who? It doesn’t say they will hate the beast. No, it says they will hate the prostitute, in other words that idea of Babylon that the beast promoted. And so, what will they do with it? They will completely destroy her. In other words, they will say: “This doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.”, they will throw down their clay idol, they will destroy their golden calf, they will throw it to the ground. Why? Because it didn’t work for them. And who has created this? Who has made them be that way? Our Father. Now, it’s “until”. It says, “until”. That moment “until” is when you will see that some will continue following that man, that evil man and will be completely destroyed. Others will try to distance themselves from him and set up their own shop. And others, those that belong here, those that are sheep, well, they will end up here, they will return home. Blessed, it has been privilege, as always, to review this marvelous gift that our Parents have given us, and today I give them the Glory and Honor for everything that we receive. And I declare you blessed with all blessings in the name of my Father Melquisedec and my Mother, the Archangel Michael.