1'0.courts.mt.gov/portals/189/library/docs/1889rules.pdfs~urh dakota, who shali meet at the...


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1'0. 8. \ I o . 3 ; j EL-ict:--40 mc.&cl- sliaii speak n:oi-e t han t\-;icv on the same yui;ii.ci r.i.i;ilon? leaye of he um<;enti(m. nor I I - I < ; I ~ ~ th ;~n oi~c:e lmtii ex:t:y(-

mernbcr- choo.;ing to speak on the questrii~ Iwnding ::h;il! hxve sl~cl<e:3~

KO. I 0. N O L ~ O I ~ S i u P o ~ s c s s i o ; ~ oj'~ - the C o ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ z ~ i o ; ~ . . - - . - i ~ f - te r am- rmotion shall be stated bv t h e Prresiden: it si-,ail be in possession of the convention, but ma!- be nrithdrali-n ;it ;i:lv time before ;rmendment or decision but ail motion., . ~ r-csoiutions or amendments shall be entered up11 the jour- nal \illether !lie\: are rejected or adopted.

. ., So. i j. li:i:lrZenial. .*~csiions 1 incmentai q~zes~ions of order: arisirig after a motion is rna.de for the pevious question, c i ~ ~ r i n g the pending of such motion, or after the conrention shall hare determined that the main qirestion shall now Be put, shall be clccided, whether on appeal 0 r otherwise without debate.

No. r6. Petitioias-Petitio11.5~ memorials and other papers :iddresseci to the convention, shall be presented by the Presi- dent? or hv a member in bs place.

S o . 17. I'oiiq--Every mernber who shall be present before the vote is declared from the chair, arid no other, skiall vote for or against the same, unless the coni-ention .;hail escuse him: or unless be is i m n ~ e d i a t d v interested in the question, in which case he shaii not vote.

To. :S , Wiii Lhe L ~ ~ ~ ~ i i o i ~ is Beiii<< Put--di-hen the p. A L . ..;:A ~ e n t is putting the question, no member shidl walk out of or across the hail: nor when a member is speaking shall any - n-rson riL entertain anv - . private discourse, or pass between him and the chair.

T. - . 0 2 2 . R ' ~ S O ~ Z / ~ ~ U ; I S Liiiiitciil to i .12~ .Si!lyc"~i~ Ri.uti;ltw n:zi{

x,.p > - - 2 . '..' ,. ,~ . . f? _ e s t ~ . ~ L c !y .>UJl/C- '~-o]:os~tio~x s t n d ~ - e i ~ h t i i ; n s r-.ientioned in the l;isi foregoing rule shal l eniimrce but one subjec-c. Tilev siiail be read once cor lien introduced? and thcin referred \r-klioiit debate to an appropriate con~mitiec,

,. . ..: ,. . c;. a(;. c/ o ~ ~ ~ ~ j ] ; [ ; ~ 9 t - (,j' ;jlc~ \I ht,it.-~--Ik-l f t j r l ~ j i i l u 21 L - ~ j ; ~ l ; l - l ~ ~ - n . . tee of tili: \~:ho!~: : tlie ?irc_$lcitiit sh:tlI a~;)p(>i~lt ;i

, . . . r ~ l ~ r l i ~ e r 1.0 preside. ~~-oDi : , s i~ lo~~s or r ~ ~ o ~ ~ t ~ ~ q ~ I- ~ i a t i n z ~ n l ' to -,

tiici C'qnstii.;ticji~ sha!? hi_ submitted to a comri-:i;t.ie 0:' i1.1~ . * wilol.e coilx-cztion, and shdi h e read and com~mred i-. corn-

n:itwe of the wiioie, hi- sections. A11 rmendmcnts s h d !x ? . noted and I-eported "c the convention b- the cnamman,

After report the propo"ition or resolution shall again he subject to ;imen&renl &fore the Er;ai ro te hc titken.

so, 28. A motion that the committee rise shall aiwai'?, bc in order, and sllall he dcciiied without debate.

X . 3 C:~?ii'~?~ti/?~. Pwli(meniiz?y ~.(K~zcc-- The i-L&S of parliamentary practice, embraced in Jefferson's

/ * . . ~ -,.->$ j ,' , , - .- >;O, ;I, I.r3ii. .,.,. s o ~ ~ . L>:;spci~i .-liiii- o;. :I !rri.nil---~.< r, . 3 -

Ti l ie of the ~onvc-iy~ilo-i ,snail [?i i1ls~i.n6,i-:!. ;?iitr<d :;mend- . . ecis is;ltl-16ut tl-le ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I - ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ of r-.<~+*' I ' 3 - G , !< of she I';;-III~;:I-";

n+' r .L ..2\el?t; ~ '.

-s - p ~ ' ," -\o. 33,- fpcr" f " bc Ic/[ :-*i/h >~~;-c i i i r j . & jJci15&i,bs . . - -

A.i&n[-Ex:eiv i;le:nber &forc a\-;&lg hiinself of 2 1eal-e of ;~hr;~nce, s]laii c1epgjii ti l l: &'!lief cie1-k all papers be- - ! o ~ j t i i ~ l ~ r to t]le c ~ i l \ ~ e ~ i t j o l l ~ a- 3

- - 3 o. 3 5. h?ni-/riii t?irc.~it' ci,f- C~/jiiidtcc d'kr*ks-_t'u com-

1 4. mitteti sl~all be perlmtteil to employ a clerk at public ex- pense without at first o b t a i n i l ~ ~ ~ !enye of the cr?nvi?ntion for that purpose.

S o . 36. Order of Bz&i~si---

I, Roll call.

raver b,- the chaplain.

Reading 2nd approval of rhe journal 3'

4. Reading and presentation of petitions and memorials- under which head shall include remonstrances, comrni:nica- iins from individuals and public bodies.

6. Reports of Standing Committees, in the order in which the\- stand in the rules.

4, On the executive departments, to consist of ser-en members.

5. On judiciary and judicial departments: including par- doning pott-er, to consist of fifteen members.

6. On military affairs: to consist of tive menibers.

7 . C h the finances of the State, public debt, the endebt- edness of counties a i d municipalities, recenues, expendi- tures and tasatmn, and the restrictions to be placed on the poxers of the Legisiat~ure in respect thereto, to consist of eleven members.

8. Education, to consist of se\,en members.

g. State institutions and pnblic buildings, to consist of se.c en members.

ro, On city, county, and town organizationsl to consist of sex-en members.

I I . Apportionment and representation: to consist of eleven members.

r 2 . Corporation" other than municipal), to consist of set-en members,

21, Revision: !>I ~11 - Q P P ' ~ ~ ~ d - ~ l c , ~ ~ ' ? t r x - 'tna .- " ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ c L - ~ ~ a. S'IY ~ ~ ~ e n t ? t0 Wr>slst ~i ~<JL .,

iivr members.

2 2 . 0 1 1 ordinance, to cimsist of seven members.

2 -) ?. O n labor, io consist of seven members,

Sisi. +. That t!ie delegates to the ccinventicins elected as 171-oviderl for in this act shall meet at the seat of goi.t.rnrnent . . of each of said Terntor~es , except the delegates elected in S ~ u r h Dakota, who shali meet at the city of Sioux Falls, on the Fourth clar of Jnl\-, eig1h:een hundl-eci and ei:f;hty-nine, and, after organization, shall tieciare, on behalf ol tht. peo- p!e of said proposed States, that the$- adopt the Constitution of the 'United States: whereupon the said con\-entions shall be, and are hex-ehj-, authorized to form constitutions and State qxernrnents for said proposed States, respectiveiv. The Gnstitutions shall be republican in form, anti make no &tinction in civil or political rights on account of race or ccilor7 exceptas to Indians not taxed, and not be repugnant to the Constitution of the Cnited States and the principles of

~ * the ikciaratinn of Inciepcncience. And w r i conventions shali providet bc ordinances irre-iocab!e \=;ithoar the consent of the United &I the people of said States:

First, Tha t perfect toleration ~ j f religious sentiment shall be stcur-cd and that no mkabiiant of said States shdi ever he

- , . , pCriclij <)I- , pi \ . - 1 *.<.,- . - S L ? - . ," .

* i 4 \ n L ~ L L L CiT h i ? !Wi. ~ 1.'

n7t>A,~> *.*\ (,f ~L j-di<>&jLi.5 ~ L ~ , - & _ / l'j-firsj>l;-t. '~. . . . . . , sec<)12{]~ q'l:LLc i.il2 l % < ~ ~ i ~ l J > ~ - ; a ~ s ~ i j ~ f >rti(t l>r~<jp(>se{[ >ti:tes i- n A -

(lz3 ;lc~.wA a 8.~1~1 tje-&re t]1:3.[ ~ l ~ y - c ~ $ & ~ j ~ ~ ~ :ill rig$t, a.lld , .

;#i.i<, ~ ( j t1jt2 ~ ~ l ~ ~ . l ~ ~ > r ~ ~ > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i? l>ubl;c l~5~jn ' r -At ' \ 1 ' LllC . . i7. ~. .. .

j r : 1 - . 1 ; i sziatj i1mii.s * , . ? .' ..,

<j\.s:~~eci 0:- I:~K ~n. m>- i i~c l~ : tn tor In&m tribes: ih.3~ L I ~ - . ' ! j 3 6 ~ . t i t ie :]le~-&> ~ ~ l z t l ~ e : , ~ ~ l l ~ r ~ ~ ~ i s ~ e ~ j !-!*,- tlje

* ,~. r . ~ Lnirio P.;;~:~es, tile arl-je sil:li: bi: and , ic> tiri. . ~ j ; ; ( j - ' &ali . . remain under t!ic xi:sc!iitc; ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 3 " ~ i f ~ i ~ ~ ! iti:ii ~ ~ ~ ~ i l - ~ l of L i i C

~ ; ~ J l > < ~ ~ e ~ : bf il,ie lr1>itc4 states: ti-1zit t ]~#< izit1& & ~ c ~ l l g ~ l g 10 . . c- ,-, . .. ~. cltl:<t.;ns < s f ~ h c cnited >l:ites j-esi<t~lig -,\-I~[-~<JU.? tht: sajcJ bt>ltey ~ .. ~ ~ - l ~ i l l i7e t2t>:& >lt ]li<?-l--l- r;ltc t]l;tl> il le ]:tll& l:!e!c.j13ts- . - m

iXig '-0 :-c.rdcn:s i h t r c i f : t:l:it ;:c;c- s]i2dl i!;:pGscrd 1,)~ tile St>tte,s ofi Iart& 0:- prc~pt;::?:; thel-cin beb~ngirlg t~ ciy

il.hich nla\- i-ercaf:er be pui.c:ii&ec! h;- file - Scatcs i ;y

resr:-1-eii for iis iisc. But nothing herekt or ir; the ortli- . 7 ilarlces ]ler& piijr-ldra for, pre&u:';d tile :,-&id ,"a.ies

from t x r i n g ;is other lands ;ire t;tzcc! any iands orvncd or heid bv an\- Indian n-ho has severed 1-' 11s tribal relationsl and has obtained ir-om tile' i'niird States or from an?; person a . . t~ t ie thereto bj- patent or other grant, save and cscept such lands ;is ha\-e been or may be granted to anv Indian or Inti-

' . irms under- an\- act of Congress containinif a provision ex-

ii ernpting the lancls thus granted from tn:;tir:on: b ~ r t said or- dinances shaii -31-oric'ie that ail such lands s1:ali be pmnp: from i -;. t:,xation I.>>- said States so lrjng an6 to such estent as such act of Congress 1 1 ~ : ; prescribe,

Third. Tlmt the debts and liabilities of said Ter ritories '

shall he assumed and piiid by said States, respectively. F Timt pm\ision 'shall "o made for the e.&tblish-

ment and mainrcnance of systems of pubiic schools, \vhicli siidl be open to all the chiidrtz cif said States; anit Cree from sectarian coniro!.

r, SEC. j, 1 hat the con\-ention -ivhich shall assemble a t -,. ~jlsi~3rc$: for:-i: a fons"iiiution and S?:tle golei.nl:lent for a State to he known as So r th Dakota, and the convention

c. xt-iiich shiz!i assen?l>le ~ t t , - I O U ~ Falls shall form a coiistiiul?on s - :ma st:i?e government for a State t o be known as Sonth

Dakota : ?,cj~,iiL.;r", T h a t at the eiectinn for delegates to the

- . b #.><c. 6 ?>+.$ ~. it ;.;+I? ~ T 7 i'i117?;17[i0"., i; . . .;.. I : : 9 (LC> iss?:-llOji: 2- j . < ' -.< . - 3 r e - 1 trrrcol-;3

-" . . ~ 2 . ~ . ? ~ A .> $~,-l-ty q o p ;irl cd+&~e <j.i\,jsi(>:l (-)f 2t:j pi-(>j>e?p,- i:>ci(>;> (>.- c,,&.Lc <&& . , % ' i i . ~. d

, . . - I ~ - f < . - i-:;*;!>s1t1.;i- (-)f $1 3uhlic- c,

.r : + 1 4 and - u p j n amoun~ . ' .ir. < L L r > . . >~ . .-. . - . . ~ * , ~

l l ~ ( ) l - ' . . a * . -... ~*., .~.h~. ' ci_.j,>ts, L L r j ( . I i : i j , b~ i i~ i t~~ \f T2-. ,l i i l L i t - ~ -d i i be kill i:rli, p.,id b:- i:? . a i ~ ,. pl --,- upi.& States of Sor",i? . ,

i a j o t a :llld soutbL L;;ikciT; j jlLi:j! : ~ i i r ~ ; : i ~ e ? t ~-t.xt-jieci re - - , . . B

~*. ~, , - Gi:,? the !~c~rrlto:-;:~~ cLpbts ;j~ld ]j&iIitjes s]i;lj] be ~ l ~ c o l - ~ ~ c + . . r f t te ,~ LL :*..~ +I... L!!c l-esijec~i-,-e ?;qd of sLit:ll Sf.zttes . .~. .I ... 3.l: " . * , ~

,liilji ii:irx<r;itc. 1csr;it 10 piti its pr~i?a&ii :aiti ac:lli ;ilid :a - t" ]{2b;l++ies .. . the ~ , ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ if ;hexb- hzd .- c ~ r c ~ 2 g y c ~ b*$- silch -. stares respectir;.;r, . ~ -. s ~ ~ , ~ 7. If tile c(-)nst~tut~"~ls fc)rl~led f(;:]. ~]OL]-~ x c > r t ] ~ l>a.- kvia arid South i)&otir shd l be i'tjei'ic-:I bv thc . pe:-(iplt: at

. . ~. riect~ons for- tire ratiiicati~n 01- reltr+*' ~ ~ ~ u n c3f theil- 1-e- I L.<- . .~ ~? ~

,. -. iristitatio~~s ;is prii;:cieci fu r ln r!-& ; L ~ I : the 're;.& ' . . r tonal ,go'."-nmeiir cd f.hko'ca shall continue in eristenee the same as if this act had not lieen passeci. Bat if the consti- ' ",, I ]

-. J formed for either S o r t h t hko ta or >oiitii !)ako:a shali be rejected bv thc people: that p r t of the Terriciiri. so rejecting its pi-opoced constitution &a!! i-ontinue under the territcirial government of the present territory of Dakota, bur shall, after h e State adopting its constitution is a&-nitteii into tile Union, be called 5 v the nanrt: of the Tel-ri- xorv of Xorth Dakota or South D&ota, as the case r n a ~ ~ b e : ~ h z i d e i i ? Tha t if either of the proposed Stares provided for in this act shali reject the constitution which ma!; be submitted for ratification or rejection at the election pro- vided therefor, the Gor-ernor of the Territorv in which such yoposed constitution was rejected shall issue his proclarna- trc.13 reconvening the delegates elected to the convention ivhich formed such rejected constitution: f i x i n ~ - the time and -'-ce :it xvhich s a d delegates shall ~,~sfiilb!e; and ivhen so assembled they sliall proceed to form another constitution or to amend the rejected conrtitution, and shall submit such . ~

net. sonstrtufio:; or amended const i t~t i~rr to tiici peopie of +be . r, , I . oposed State for ratification or rejecPionl at such tir~le as said convention nay determine; and ail the provisions of

is act, so far as applicable, shall appl\- to such convention so reassemb!eci and to the constitution which may be

F <,;. tlse i>.-j,.r,;-ir.i -+ ' " ' ' s-c ~, A X . - , _I,. \,.: 11:~ 1 err~to~-i;t! le<ris!;ittl!-t:s, P >ill\- ifioney be:-&\- a.ir?l-iip.ia~:tci not nrcL.r-':-v for ;uc-.l urxr--~- ' - , x A

5.- "ri: &~ m x , - - 3 . v . qnaii be corerec~ 1";C.j the :l-e;:ur:. of the L!ni:e& si;,L; 'F' . " .- ' -.

igi-c:. 21. n8.t ep.-;c:l ot sa!d "tat..., ..-hen :tcll?lj:ied 2s . . ;,fores&; silaIi co~gi t i l t - (>!I; iur!iciai d~sri-lc;, 1Il1: tli~;-~;:,~

tilereof be the i!nlt 3 5 ilIe i~aii-pi . . r t h h . . < - L -..L k C*-a<-,.%,; . L < - L \ . > l ~ , ! ? ~ t ~ ~ ~ ; - . . < *~ . 1 - '- I~-~:!-: and the circuit Zina afitrlc"couriic therefor :.ila!l

. ~ " . . 3 ~ :tt t]-Le c:ip~?;~l CJI such 5t:ttt; for tht? ti111e ~ e ~ r l g . az~<] % . ~ ,* ~ - . '

t~a;).(.-]> of 5:lid c~~str~(. :s S]I;LL[~ f c ~ r juc t~c~ai purposes. ?L~x~til ~ > t ! ; c ~ ~ - - - . e c n.. L L . a . - . . - h - I to the eqht l -L . ~ ju&cr:.,i . . , .

. . ci-cuiL.' eyl.-.pt sL - ~4\-ai!liiiti~on ; L : I ~ > l ~ n i j ~ ~ ~ a . -st~]llcj-l h

s!~la!i i>c aa;..c?led the ;>*dia.;.-? clistl-it:t. 1- C ' ""i""

shall be appciinte;i for each o i said districts, omt: ~, . . r;ls:rlci juclgc, one L'tiiteii States atroi-ne-, and one :nit&

~ - - &St.~~ ,.uq C . .~ '

iit,, n:;ii.sii>ii, 1 he judi:i: 01 each of saia iiistrlcts i;ix:i! %?

receive \-earl\- saiar\- of tilree thousand, rive hrind~-eii 60:- !;us, payable in four q ~ m ! instaiiments, on the iirsi da)-s i:f J:;nuq-, Ap-il, Julv, and October of each ?-ear, a n d sh;ill re-

.-- sicie in the district. i hen: shall be appointed clerks of wid ciiurts in each district, i\-110 shdl keep their I c e at the capi;;ii of said State: the r e d a r terra of said courts "al! be h held in each dktrkt at tne place :iforesaid, riii the first Monda\. in Apri! and the i.irst Xlondar ir? Nommber of eacli year? ancl oniv one grand jurv and one petit jury sha!l h r ?i~ii!moned in both said circuit arid district courts. Tk-. IL clr- -:

cuit and district courts for each of saiddistricts, and tihe j u d ~ e tilereof, respecti\-eiyl shail possess the same powers and jurisdiction, and perform the same duties required to he performed bj- the other circuit and district courts and judges of the LTnited States, and shall be governed by the same ia51-s and regulations. The marshal, district attornet-, and clerk- ci .f -1 r IL .A circuit and c!istrict court of each of szid districts, a d nil other oflicers and persons performing duties in the ;iillrtinistration of justice therein, shaii severai i~ po.5- scss the pvwers : id perform the duties lawfully possessed . . and r-eqilirecl to he performeii b:- s:rm!;ir oficei-3 in other $: *i>iilr .+.-:q-. ii b i ,-.f ccili. cLlr,ilrii t a t e s : and s]ial:, fur the thev ma\- receive the fees and compensation :i!ic\:ed ?I\- . ~: law to other siiriiiar oiiicers ancl persons performing sim:izr duties in the state of Kehraska.

SJ:~, 2 2 , That aj! cases of apped (or writ of erl-or here-