10 things that'll happen after giving birth

10 Things That’ll Happen After Giving Birth

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Post on 17-Jan-2017




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Page 1: 10 Things That'll Happen After Giving Birth

10 Things That’ll Happen After Giving


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1.You’ll Have A Huge Period

The fact that you haven’t had a period in 9 months will be made up for after your baby is born.Not only will there be lots of bleeding, but large clots can come out also.

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2. You’ll Probably Lose Hair

Your may have been extra full during pregnancy - and this too ends afterwards as well.Don’t be alarmed if your hair starts thinning.

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3. You Might Get Mad At Your Partner

This doesn’t always happen, but some mothers start to resent the father after their baby is born.They feel like they aren’t contributing enough work or even that the baby crying excessively is their fault.

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4. Prepare For Pain

Considering what the woman’s vagina has just been through, a large amount of pain should be expected.For a few weeks after the birth, even doing simple tasks such as bathing can be very painful.

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5. You’ll Probably Cry A Lot

Emotions run rampant after childbirth, and many new moms experience something called the “baby blues.” There will likely be many tears shed for the first few weeks after the baby is born by everyone involved!

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6. You Won’t Want To Go #2

Urinating alone can be painful, so going #2 can be scary for new moms. It’s better not to put this off and instead just go when the need arises.

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7. Breastfeeding Isn’t As Simple As You Thought

Babies don’t always latch on as quickly as you feel they should, and even when they do, it can be quite a surprisingly uncomfortable experience.Fortunately, they tend to get the hang of it before too long.

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8. Gall Stones

If you feel a pain in your chest which is getting worse over time, you may have gall stones that need to be removed.These can lead to fatal conditions if not taken care of, so be sure to have this checked out!

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9. Hot Flashes

Everyone hates hot flashes, but they should be expected after childbirth. Fortunately, they go away before too long.

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10. The Fat Won’t Disappear Right Away

As much as you may want it to, you’re not going to return to your pre-pregnancy body right away. The amount of time it takes your body to recover varies drastically from person to person, so don’t feel bad. This is alright - embrace it!

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About Starlight Baby:Starlight Baby is the world’s #1 up-and-coming brand for baby and toddler products. It is our goal to provide products that are not only a great value, but are the highest quality and safest products available on the market. Because let’s face it – our children are worth it.On our website, you’ll find free articles that will make your job as a parent easier, providing answers to all of the questions you’ll face going through the wonderful joy of parenthood. We’d love to have you visit us over at http://Starlight-Baby.com

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